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Journal of the Institution of Locomotive
Volume 11 (1921)
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Journal No. 47 (January 1921)
Thompson, F. (Paper No. 91)
Locomotive building practice. 3-22. Disc. : 22-30. .
Sequence to Paper 70. Based on North
Eastern (Darlington) practice: machine shop, fitting and erecting department,
on a basis comparative with general shop practice, selecting as many of the
most interesting and important operations as possible. The main machine shop
comprised six bays, and the machines within it were arranged in longitudinal
rows, and grouped on the principle of keeping all machines employed on a
certain specified class of work together and apart from those engaged on
other operations. Discussion: Alcock, E. (Hunslet) (pp. 22-3): wheel shrinkage
during shrinking on of tyres. Phillips (Manning Wardle) (pp. 23-5): marking
off and jointing inside cylinders.
Tonkin, H.J. (Paper No. 92)
Notes on workshop accounting practice of British railways. 38-63. Disc.:
64-76; 98-116.
Discussion: F.J. Hookham (pp. 65-6) comment on mechanical calculating
machines; J. Clayton (pp. 68-9): estimating & costing.E. Alcock (105-6)
notes on costing.
Moore, F.G. (Paper No. 93)
Appliances used and methods adopted for clearing the line after derailments
and accidents.77-91. Disc.: 91-8; (Paper 93A): 331-42.
Discussion: (94-5): competition between groups could lead to
crane tipping over. Elliot (LYR, Wakefield) p. 336 requested information
about re-railing dock shunters and steam railcars (the latter being especially
difficult), the author (340-1) considered that hydraulic jacks were the most
suitable means, but 20 ton hand cranes could be useful for the awkward railcars..
G.A. Musgrave (338-40) commented on the use of jacks..
Gairns, J.F. (Paper No. 94)
Traffic influences upon locomotive design and practice. 119-29; Disc.:
"It is remarkable how well some of the small-wheeled engines
can run". Cited LNWR 5 ft 6 in tank engines and 5 ft 3 in 0-6-0; GWR 43xx
("splendid runners as well as first class pullers"); GER 420 2-4-0 noted
for their speedy qualities; 47xx "often runs at considerably over 60 m.p.h.";
the lack of cabs was considered not to be a problem. Considered the then
current practice in regulators: Hughes on LYR capable of being operated from
either side of the footplate; the bell-crank type employed on the LNWR; and
the Gresley pull-out type employed on the GNR. Noted that cab design varied
from the enclosed type which found favour on the NER, GER and NBR to the
open nature of cabs on GWR 2-4-0Ts which ran bunker-first at speeds in excess
of 50 mile/h. Seats were only employed on the LYR at that time, notably on
the large locomotives with Belpaire fireboxes. Gairns did not opt for the
correct driving position (left-hand vs right hand of the cab).Some consideration
was given to the application of condensing apparatus..
Discussion: Hooker (pp 130-2) considered that tank engines would be standard in future and advocated outside Walschaerts gear. J. Maxwell Dunn (LNWR, Abergaveny) noted the problem of 0-8-2Ts on curves; the use of tank engines on the London to Rugby service; the accessibility of engines was "a rather sore point and I [i.e. he] think that many English engines are badly designed". Noted the problems associated with maintaining saddle tanks and the commodious cabs on the GER and NER.
In his book Reflections on a railway career J.M. Dunn noted:
On 19th January 1921 I attended a meeting of the Institution of Locomotive
Engineers at Westminster when Mr. J. F. Gairns read a paper on "Traffic
Influences on Locomotive Design": During the discussion Mr. Anderson of the
Pekin-Mukden Railway in China stated that certain British-built engines had
not been so satisfactory as those of the same type constructed in America,
but that this was due to them not being designed by locomotive engineers
but by "a firm of consulting engineers in Westminster". The
Chairman ( H. Kelway Bamber), and a few members of the Council who were sitting
with him did their best by means of nods, winks and frowns to convey to Anderson
that he was on dangerous ground but with no avail and he went on to the bitter
end. Sitting right behind him was W. A. Lelean, the head of the locomotive
department of Rendel, Palmer and Tritton who had designed the engines in
question and he at once got on his feet and choked, spluttered and got red
in the face while we all, I think, held our breaths wondering what was going
to happen. Anyhow, the Chairman very tactfully managed to pour oil on the
troubled waters and Mr.Anderson, for whom I felt sorry, made a very apologetic
speech which mollified Lelean and the incident closed
Mr. J. Maxwell Dunn (L. and N.W.R., Abergavenny 135-7):
I have considerable experience of working traffic with one class
of engine in South Wales. We work both goods and passenger trains with small
0-6-2 tank engines and find they do quite well. The engines are not of recent
design, and in cases where the loading exceeds their capacity we use bank
engines. The passenger traftic is not very heavy, usually six four-wheeled
coaches, but the goods trains are very heavy indeed, and we find the engines
do quite well. We have tried big 0-8-2 type engines, but the curves wont
stand the long wheelbase. The 4-6-2 type superheat tank engines fitted with
Walschaert gear have been tried on passenger trains, but on account of their
wheels being gft. 6in. in diameter, it is more than they can manage to get
up the banks.
In regard to the use of tank engines in preference to tender engines, a large
number of trains were worked from London to Rugby with tanks of the 4-4-2
type before the train service was reduced in 1917, and they used to do
wonderfully well. Later we had 4-6-2 superheat tanks fitted with water-pick-up
apparatus, and they did remarkable work, running further than from London
to Rugbysometimes as far as Crewe and Stafford.
The accessibility of engines is rather a sore point, and I think that many
English engines are badly arranged in this respect. Nuts are located in places
where it is difficult to get at them, so that it takes quite a long time
to get a repair done. I know of a case of a saddle tank engine where in order
to attend to a whistle standard joint it is necessary to undo the fixing
of the tank and take the cab offa whole days job. When ready
to be got at it took ten minutes or a quarter of an hour to attend to the
The arrangement of regulator handle on the North Eastern reaches from one
side of the cab to the other, and one can lean over the side and manipulate
the regulator while doing so without an effort. On certain other lines it
is a sort of gymnastic feat to attempt this, and one cannot do both jobs
properly. In regard to the lookout, I think that in practice one does not
often find so much difficulty of getting a clear observation of the road
ahead through the large boilers as one would imagine. Principally, one finds
that on square saddle-tank engines. I know of one class not allowed to run
smokebox first, but only bunker first.
On the question of the size of the cab, I think the divergence of opinion
between the different lines is rather remarkable. The Great Eastern and
North-Eastern have commodious cabs, while other lines like the Great Western
have the opposite. Still a larger cab is sometimes rather objectionable owing
to the heat, and I think the happy medium is that on the older
type of Great Central engines.
Durtnall: (137-8) I have been particularly interested
in some of the remarks that have been made during the course of the discussion,
and particularly was I interested to learn that the Stone electric lighting
apparatus really takes power. That is very misleading to one who works on
rather different principles of lighting trains on another system. In my opinion
there should be much more standardisation of locomotives, not only in our
own country, but all over the world. There are an enormous number of different
types and different shapes and sizes.
I think in reference to the statements about electrification and that no
improvements need be made in steam locomotives for that reason, that they
are rather misleading, because in England I do not think we can afford
electrification. Electrification presents some very interesting railway
characteristics from the purely public point of view, but it does not show
anything in the way of dividends on the capital, which is, if I may say so,
the most essential thing for railway operating engineers and managers to
consider. Personally, I think we should endeavour to improve the physical
operation of railways by improving the systems of locomotion, and to the
Institution of Locomotive Engineers the question of locomotives of whatsoever
kind should be ot the utmost interest. Of course, Gairns, in his excellent
Paper, has dealt particularly with the steam locomotive. I would very much
like him, if he will be good enough to do so, to give his views, based on
his extensive knowledge of railway characteristics and operation, on the
lines on which improvements might be made in the form of improveing the thermal
efficiency of locomotives. For a number of years now we have been engaged
on the design and construction of the internal combustion locomotive, and
we are building what I believe will be a very interesting locomotive at the
present time at Newcastle. It will be running in eight or nine months
time. We have improved the system in the direction of-and I think I am right
in calling it so-the mechanical engineers reply to electrification.
That is to say, we have in this locomotive-which I had the pleasure of describing
partly at this Institution in June, 1914, after a study of trans-continental)
railway traction in Russia . developments purposely introduced to
get over some of the dificulties which Mr. Gairns points out in connection
with the double-heading and pusher method of train operation,
by arranging a system of railway traction by which exchange of energy can
take place between the locomotives. For instance, in one case, we have recently
had to deal with working 20 miles of three per cent. mountain grade in South
America. To haul the train up the grade, requires about 2,400 h.p. at the
speed desired by the traffic managers. Now if we have individual locomotives
without the facility of interchange of energy, we have to put prime
moversinternal combustion engines-in that case with a capacity of 2,400 h.p.,
a very expensive, and to my mind, not a very efficient mechanical engineering
combination. But with this new system we can improve the traffic conditions
by the installation of prime movers of only 1,000 h.p. oil engines.
and when ascending the grade with this load we can draw energy, equal
to 1,400 h.p. from the overhead line, in the recuperation of which the descending
trains assist, that is, the kinetic energy of the falling train down the
grade; also it delivers the full power of its prime mover on the descending
locomotive, which makes up the total power required for the ascending train.
I perhaps may be allowed at some future meeting of our Institution to contribute
some further remarks concerning the tests of that system.
Journal No. 48 (February 1921)
Gee, F. (Paper No. 95)
Some notes on oil fuel and its application to locomotives. 157-61; Disc.:
Argentinian practice.
Kimberley, R.E. (Paper No. 96)
Locomotive freight rating and train resistance. 212-38. Disc.:
Argentinian experience
Journal No. 49 (March 1921)
Kempt, Irvine (Paper No. 97)
Some points in connection with lubrication and lubricators. 255-97. Disc.:
CR practice. Bailey's Thurston's Patent railway pattern oil tester
is described on page 263; grease composition on page 265; grease-type
axleboxes on page 268 et seq: within this part mention is made of the Iracier
axlebox, syphon oil boxes for locomotives, connecting rod lubrication, and
Menno grease cups. Furness type of lubricator is described
and illustrated on pp. 280-1; sight feed lubricators: the
Wakefield sight-feed displacement lubricator on pp. 281-3;
the Detroit type as supplied by the Vacuum Oil Co (p. 283), and the
Intensifore lubricator on pp. 287-90. Forced lubrication
for axleboxes is thdn considered. Discussion: F.J. Hookham (Anglo-American
Oil Co.) pp. 298-9 commented upon the Bang Lubricator for side and connecting
rods which was used on the LNWR and wires were placed in the hole to control
lubricant flow; J. McColl (NBR, Glasgow) 299-300 noted that his father had
put a cup on the big end of a locomotive on the West Highland Line about
"twenty years before": 2lb of grease (like rough vaseline) had lasted for
three months; also noted that wire-packed lubricators were used on the NBR;
Whitelegg (301-5) noted advances made in lubrication for the internal combustion
engines used in automobiles and aircraft and this had led to he testing machines
for oil developed by Thurston and Lanchester. Whitelegg was a great believer
in white metal for bearings and noted the enclosed oil cases for steam road
wagons. A.L. Mellanby (Royal Technical College, Glasgow) 305-7 noted the
Lanchester worn gear testing machine, the then lack of knowledge about friction
and the influence of Michell in his bearings for marine turbines and the
Michell Viscometer. J. Wilson (CR) spoke about cylinder lubrication and
introduced Peter Stobie (pp. 308-11) who discussed the Michell thrust bearing
at length with notes on the extension of the relevant patent and the low
rate of wear associated with it.
McKay, T.C. (Paper No. 98)
Electric arc welding. 317-30. No discussion
The disadvantages of the Bernados process are described before the
Slavianoff process is considered. The value of flux is emphasised. Plant,
both mobile and fixed is discussed. The strength and microscopy of
Hookham, F.J. (Paper No. 99)
Standardisation of locomotive parts on a National basis. 346-58. Disc.:
Included electrification. Noted the differences evident in practice
between railways: e.g. axleboxes could have brass or white metal bushings;
crossheads might be on single bars or on four bars. Noted 1913 paper on
standardization of passenger locomotives. Conclusions: (a) Standardisation,
if confined to components, could be made successful under correct organisation.
Attention to be given first to non-essential details and parts where a change
would be paid for by the value of displaced scrap. (b) The extension to complete
locomotives is neither requisite nor right. Complete freedom should be left
to each superintendent to bring about improvements, which of coursc applies
equally to components, provided the Committee are kept fully advised. (c)
It may be argued that in ten years the present steam locomotive will be to
some extent superseded. Even so, the advantages would be making themselves
felt both on the then older engines and on new stock, which would not be
fundamentally affected adversely but rather helped by the existence of a
guiding principle which would be valued and appreciated. (d) The value of
standardisation depends upon the ultimate state of the railways. Its great
value would appear under the Ministry of Transport grouping scheme. If a
complete reversion to pre-war position took place, its chief use would lie
in so far as manufacture of components could be cheapened, as with other
engineering productions. (e) Probably manufacturers supplying railways would
oppose the scheme. They would doubtless be justified, in so far as many small
railways now huy forgings and castings, etc., which they cannot make, some
of which might then be supplied by other railways. Locomotive builders would
not he so much affected, and it would be up to the manufacturers by up-to-date
organisation and plant to compete with the railn-a) s in the manufacture
of components. With this brief summary, the Author would ask those present
to set forth their views from the various aspects in which they regard the
prohlem, due to their own personal connection with it, as the result of which
it is hoped interesting and valuable information may be obtained.
Discussion: W.G.P. Maclure (GCR, Gorton) 358-9 stressed the importance
of boiler standardization: "we have been attempting in a kind of way for
many years to reduce our standard parts, inasmuch as we have been able to
adapt a large number of engines to take one standard boiler. I think for
a small railway like ours we had more classes than almost any other railway
company, and we have been able to fit to our old stock a standard boiler
which has been the means of economising to a very great extent". J. Clayton
(pp. 359-61) approved and recorded how the merging of two railways to form
the SECR had enforced standardization and stated how that he designed locomotives
suitable for all British companies during WW1.There are two points I would
like to eniphasise in connection with this matter. H.G. Hindell
(Ministry of Transport 364-5)The first is the insufficient attention
given to the amount of capital locked up in dead stock held for long periods.
The question of standards should be approached with more emphasis from the
storekeepers point of view. May I quote two illustrations? When the
Central Argentine Railway bought up four smaller railways-took them over
as running concerns, plans and rolling stock complete -we found when we came
to standardise simple things like brake blocks and other matters, the apparent
saving was more than lost in the stocks on hand, which were forgotten and
simply on record in ledgers. That was my first introduction to the fact that
standardisation may be too costly. My second illustration is this. It was
my privilege to be stores officer in France, and the railways sent us 500
locomotives of 25 different types and 37,000 different parts. We had to make
our own thread gauges for mud plugs and standardise our plugs, and we sent
the engines back with standard plugs. One has to remember this, that
standardisation is an ideal, but I venture to put it to you as practical
men that changes are taking place which are not standards. To illustrate
the, point, on the locomotives that came to France from different sheds we
found that vacuum brake fittings were not alike, washout plugs differed,
etc. Theoretically, the managers of the railways had said that these were
all alike, but we found when we came to actually do the work that they were
all different. That is one argument why we should adopt standardisation.
My second plea-and may I congratulate the Author of the Paper on this point-is
that the chief difficulty we have is propaganda, and it must begin not only
amongst the chief mechanical engineers-it must begin from the top and go
to the bottom, to the shed foreman and the man who holds the stock in the
stores. We should emphasise the fact that storekeepers should be brought
into this matter of standardisation. They must see that money locked up in
dead stock is not working, and that excessive stock is waste. The Americans,
as you are all aware, have gone for this matter, and are much more advanced
than we are. They go in for more statistics on the stores side, such as I
never have seen in this country-the actual stock on hand, its value and the
interest lost thereby, and they compare it with the revenue of the company.
In adopting the standardisation of certain parts and not the whole locomotive,
it is necessary to bring in the storekeeper and find out what it costs him
in money locked up in dead stock, and to go in for wholesale propaganda on
all the railways. .
Blacklock, M. (Paper No. 100)
Notes on locomotive efficiency. 379-404. Disc.: 404-11.
Compares steam turbine electric; diesel electric; diesel hydraulic
and direct-drive diesel. W. Pickersgill (pp. 407-8) pondered lack of torque
in non-steam propulsion and preferred electrification, also commented on
exhaust feed injectors and feed-water heaters. In further comment on page
410 he was not altogether pessimistic about the internal combustion engine
for the locomotive.
Archbutt, L. (Paper No. 101)
Lubrication and lubricants. 412-36. Disc.: 436-40.
Read at the Manchester centre on the 4 March 1921 at the College
of Technology. Mainly lubricants: essentially theoretical: cites A. Langmuir
papers in J. Am. Chem. Soc., and Fritz Haber and experiments on MR
using Deeley machine. Noted the value of free fatty acids in lubricants.
Co-author with R.M. Deeley of Lubrication and lubricants 1912.
The following precis appeared in
Mag., 1921, 27,
The lecturer stated that it had now been proved that fatty acids in vegetable
and animal oils in restricted amounts are an advantage and improve their
lubricating value. He had investigated the process invented by Messrs. Wells
and Southcombe, and made some friction tests in the laboratory of the Midland
Ry. on a Thurston testing machine, at very low speeds under a heavy load.
The speed at the surface of the journal was 7 ft. per minute, and the load
about 270 psi.
A few preliminary tests were made with Wells' mixture Tonicol, containing
about 25 per cent. of free fatty acid and these showed at once that 2.5%.
of Tonicol mixed with a mineral oil lowered the co-efficient of friction
to about the same extent as 10 per cent. of commercial rape oil. As he did
not wish to take anything for granted, Mr. Archbutt then decided to prepare
some fatty acids from rape oil and experiment with these. The mineral oil
used was a paraffin base oil of practically the same viscosity as rape oil
at 60° to 65° F., which was the temperature in the tests. The machine
was run with the straight mineral oil until the friction became steady; then
without stopping the machine the oil was changed to a mixture containing
the fatty acid, and finally a check test was made with the mineral oil used
at the commencement. The following striking results were obtained. Oil Mixture.
[Table not reproduced]
Some further. tests made at the National Physical Laboratory with the Lanchester
works gear by the Henry Wells Oil Co., were shown, comparing a straight mineral
oil with a mixture of the same oil with 0.5%. free fatty acid. In these the
speed of the worm was 1,100 revs. per minute, and the nominal mean distributed
pressure on the worm wheel teeth 1.5 tons per sq. inch, the load on the actual
area of contact being, of course, considerably greater. 34 horse power was
transmitted. The pure mineral oil gave a constant efficiency of 95·95
per cent. up to a temperature of 100° Fahr., at which the efficiency
suddenly fell off and continued to do so as the temperature rose, as is
characteristic of mineral oils. The mixed oil, containing only 0.5 of free
fatty acid, gave a higher efficiency, 96·2 per cent., and this was continued
up to 120° F., and no sudden breakdown then occurred, but the efficiency
gradually fell off. Mr. R. M. Deeley also carried out some tests with these
same two oils, with the following striking results [Table not
The figures in this table under "static friction" are the actual deflections
of the needle read off on the scales, from which the co-efficients of friction
can be calculated. An interesting fact to note is that with the straight
mineral oil the friction under the highest pressures increased in greater
proportion than the load increased, whilst with fatty acid present this was
not the case.
Tests with the Thurston machine, the Lanchester dynamometer and the Deeley
machine are therefore in agreement as to the value of free fatty acids. On
the Midland Ry. very successful experiments had been made on locomotives
and on carriage axles, and it is hoped to replace a large proportion of the
fatty oil used for lubrication with a very much smaller proportion of fatty
Mr. Archbutt mentioned that he was taking a purely scientific interest in
the Henry Wells Oil Co.'s invention, but believed it to be the most important
advance in our knowledge of lubricants which had been made in recent years,
and wished it to be thoroughly tested in practice. It seemed to him a great
pity that animal and vegetable fats and oils, so essential for food, for
the manufacture of soap and glycerine, and for other purposes for which their
chemical composition essentially fits them, should be wasted in lubricating
machinery, if the free fatty acids from a fraction of the quantity so used
will answer the purpose. Not only so, but it will be a great advantage to
get rid of lubricants which so readily thicken, gum and develop free acids
which corrode. Mineral oils will be used more extensively, and fatty oils
will be diverted into more useful channels.
He did not think free fatty acids will entirely replace glycerides for
lubrication. There is good evidence that neutral glycerides have their use
in certain circumstances, but he felt fairly confident that fatty acids will
eventually replace the greater part of the glycerides now used for lubrication.
A point on which he wished to be quite clear is that in liquid oil- film
lubrication free fatty acids, or glycerides for that matter, have no use
beyond that due to their viscosity. The special value of the free fatty acid
comes in when contact friction occurs, i.e., friction at low speeds and under
high pressures, where the complete oil film cannot form.
A few minerals-mica, talc, soap stone and graphite-act as natural lubricants.
Graphite is by far the most important of solid lubricants. Natural graphite
is found in the flake form and also amorphous, but the kind usually employed
as a lubricant is the flake graphite. Amorphous graphite is made in the electric
furnace, and by methods which have been described by Dr. Acheson, is obtained
by him in a colloidal form and sold, mixed with water, under the name of
Aquadag, or .mixed with oil as Oildag. The principal advantage
of colloidal graphite is that it will remain suspended in water or oil for
an indefinite period, provided the fluid medium remains neutral in reaction;
natural, and also artificial graphite, which ;s not in the colloidal state,
rapidly settles out and cannot therefore be used in a mixture with oil unless
the mixture is continually stirred.
In the lubrication of machinery, solid lubricants are used, either dry, mixed
with grease or mixed with oil. On parts of lace-making machinery dry graphite
is used as a lubricant to avoid staining the fabric with oil, also in
chocolate-making machinery to avoid getting oil into the chocolate. Of course,
the speeds of such machines are low and the pressures light. There are also
instances where machines have to work at very high temperatures (bottle-making),
in which only a non- combustible lubricant can be used. Another instance
occurs in the production of tungsten wire filaments for electric lamps by
hot drawing through diamond dies. Here Aquadag is used as a lubricant.
The wire is passed through the Aquadag paste and then through a gas
flame which heats the wire to the required temperature and bakes on it a
coating of the lubncant. In all these cases the solid lubricant is used to
avoid troubles arising from the use of oil. The point which the Lubrication
Committee wished to determine was whether, and if so, in what way, the addition
of graphite to a lubricating oil was beneficial, and how the natural and
colloidal forms compared with each other in efficiency. A number of tests
were made with the Lanchester worm gear testing machine, Oildag being
used in one series of tests and Foliac No. 100 natural graphite in
the other. The results showed that in both series of tests graphite had a
beneficial effect with some oils, but not with others. With some oils, flake
graphite gave the best results, and with others, colloidal graphite. The
most marked effect, an increased efficiency of 1·25 per cent., was obtained
by adding Foliac graphite to an animal (trotter) oil. Oildag
added to the same oil had scarcely any effect. Beyonne (Mineral) oil was
improved almost equally by Foliac graphite and by Oildag;
Mobiloil A., another mineral oil, was not much affected by either.
Castor oil was a little improved by Oildag and not improved by
Foliac. In the case of mineral oils, the graphite generally had the
effect of raising the temperature at which unsteady running and a falling
off of efficiency of the gear took place. The results on the whole showed
that it is worth while to add graphite to a gear oil and best to add it in
the colloidal form, because, although flake graphite may give a higher
efficiency, it does not remain suspended in the oil unless continually stirred,
and it causes greater wear of the lubricated surfaces.
One of the most interesting instances of the successful use of graphite in
steam cylinder and valve lubrication was given by Mr. E. W. Johnston in a
paper read before the Birmingham Association of Mechanical Engineers in 1916.
Oil carried forward in the exhaust steam from cylinders lubricated with oil
is frequently the cause of a great deal of trouble when such steam is required
for heating or drying, or for washing or cooking, and when the condensed
water is passed back into the boilers. Oil separators, such as the Princep's,
will remove the greater part of the oil from the steam if a pure mineral
oil is used for the lubrication, and chemical or electrolytic separators
are very efficient in removing oil from condensed water, but none of these
appliances effect complete removal of the oil; their ccst is considerable,
and their efficiency is dependent upon the care used in working them. If,
therefore, cylinders and valves can be efficiently lubricated without the
use of oil, all this trouble and expense is avoided. This Mr. Johnston claims
to have done on a plant including three 50 k.w, high speed vertical steam
dynamos, two deep bore hole pumping engines and other small pumps working
with saturated steam at 120 lb. pressure. Johnston first devised a special
form of lubricator having the sight-feed glass filled with petroleum, through
which the drops of Aquadag were arranged to fall and which worked
quite successfully. Having obtained satisfactory results for a period, Mr.
Johnston states that one of the high- speed engines, after accurate gauging
of the valves and cylinders, was put on a six months' running test. At the
end of this period, the greatest wear at any point was found not to exceed
1/1000 in. The walls of the cylinders and the surfaces of the piston rings
had a mirror-like appearance. A set of indicator cards taken on full load,
compared with those taken by the makers during the official test when the
engines were new, showed a difference of only 0.6% after two years working
on Aquadag lubrication. Micrographs taken from the surface of a piston
ring showed that the graphite had filled up the pores of the cast iron and
produced a smooth surface. There was no evidence that it had penetrated into
the iron, except in one small place. This example of the lubrication of steam
cylinders without oil is useful, but it is well known that vertical cylinders
are easy to lubricate and it has yet to be ascertained whether horizontal
cylinders can be successfully lubricated in this way. These remarks apply
to the cylinders lubricated with saturated steam. In the case of cylinders
using superheated steam the surfaces are drier and more difficult to lubricate,
owing to the higher temperatures. Graphite has been used for such purposes,
mixed with cylinder oil, and the results have been sometimes successful and
some- times not. The failures with natural graphite are attributed to its
being used in excess. Colloidal graphite is more likely to be successful,
and no failures have been reported where it has been used. The railways are
considerable users of super- heated steam for locomotives, but so far as
he was aware no careful trials of colloidal graphite have been made. Much
trouble is experienced from carbonaceous deposits in the cylinders, and it
seems quite worth while to try whether by the use of colloidal graphite in
the cylinder oil, the quantity of oil used could be reduced and the carbon
deposit lessened. Among the advantages derived from the use of graphite in
lubrication are greater ease in starting, owing to the reduction of the static
friction. He had no doubt that in most cases the graphite used for lubrication
should be in the colloidal con- dition. But, unfortunately, this is the condition
in which it is most sensitive to external influences, and great care is needed
in the selection of the oils with which it is used, to use such as are quite
neutral in reaction and most likely to remain so during use. When the conditions
are such that the graphite and oil are mechanically churned and prevented
from sepa- rating, natural flake graphite is likely to be quite as effective.
The purity of the graphite and freedom from grit are the essential points
then to be considered.
Discussion: J.H. Haigh (LYR, Horwich) pp. 436 raised the issues which led
to the response from the Author. J. Parry (GCR, Gorton) asked whether grooves
and oil holes broke the continuity of the lubricant films; G. Woolstencroft
(LYR, Horwich) wanted to know the endurance of lubricants. In the discussion
pp 438-9 there is response to the discussion by the Author of the relative
attributes of the Deeley and Thursford lubricant testing machines in use
at Derby Archbutt also distinguished between viscoity tests on the lubricants
measured in a viscometer with assessments of the effects of lubricants on
Journal No. 50 (April to June 1921)
Weatherburn, J. (Paper No. 102)
The North Eastern Railway dynamometer car. 443-71. Discussion: 471-7. folding
diagrams, illus.
Read at Leeds members at the Philosophical Hall on the 4 March 1921.
Very detailed account of the car and its instrumentation. Includes tests
performed on superheated T2 on 1 in 200 Simpasture branch where the
aim was establish maximum haulage capacity and average drawbar horse power
of 690 was achieved. The 3-cylinder T3 was tested between Hexham and Gillsland
where there was an average gradient of 1 in 312 against the train. Later
tests were performed between Bishop Auckland and Barnard Castle. There was
no slipping and a drawbar pull of 11.67 tons was achieved.
Discussion: C.N. Goodall (R. Stephenson & Co.
472) asked for Weatherburn's views on multi-cylinder designs: in his
reply (p. 474) stated that it was simpler to maintain the 3-cylinder designs
as against the 4-cylinder compounds. The six exhaust beats was a great advantage
for the three-cylinder type: a three-cylinder locomotive could be put into
full gear. Ahrons (p. 473) noted that the NER car had laminated springs whereas
the LYR car had Timmis springs (see Proc. Instn Civ Engrs 1901) and
the Swiss and American cars had hydraulic dynamometers: Weatherburn replied
that the LYR had been changed to plate springs. J.A.
Gilchrist (Hunslet 474) asked the effect of permanent way defects
and was informed that bridges increased the resistance; F.J. Hookham (Anglo
American Oil Co.) asked about the pressure of the measuring wheel and was
informed that this was negligble; furthermore it recorded the distance travelled
Gabb, C.R. (Paper No. 103)
Locomotive repair shop organisation. 479-88. Disc.: 489-512.
Argentinian practice. Discussion: A.C. Kelly (Chief
Electrical Engineer B.A.P. Rly. p. 492): It is many years since I was
on the Great Eastern Railway (England), but we used to keep a system of accounts
which, I think from what I have seen since, must have been a very good one,
for we had statements of expenditure ready every Tuesday morning. This was
good work as the men were only paid on Fridays.
In this country, I do not think at present we have any such system, but rely
on the figures kept for the inspection of the Government ofiicial, but which
arrive much too late to be of any practical use to the manager, and it is
not unusual to find accounts for January not available until March. I think
that there might be some scheme whereby the costs could be ascertained within
a reasonable time, say within a week or 10 days.
Perhaps the Western Railway has some better method, and it would be wry
interesting to have some details on this point.
A.J. Poole (Assistant Chief Draughtsman, B.A. Western Rly.
p. 493): The favourable results achieved at St. Etienne during WW1 were
due chiefly to the following:
1. Strict and efficient inspection.
2. Scheduling of every part through every shop.
3. Ten per cent. spare parts available, either new or repaired, and in
circulation (not looked upon as crown jewels and kept locked up in
general stores).
4. To utilise these spares to the full, insistence on the principle of bringing
back engines to drawing centres at each repair.
5. Keenness on the part of the staff-a state of affairs usually lacking in
civil life.
Reid, R.W. (Paper No. 104)
Some comparisons between British and American railway rolling stock. 522-45.
Disc.: 546-9. 14 illustrations, 3 diagrams
Read at General Meeting of the Glasgow centre held at the Royal Technical
College, George Street, on the 24 March 1921. Written as result of visit
to USA and Canada:in 1919. Noted the huge distances overed by North American
trains. The passenger rolling stock was much heavier and demanded a high
use of electricity for lighting and fans. Freight was conveyed in bogie wagons.
All stock had automtic couplers..
Discussion: Irvine Kempt (Caledonian Railway) page 547 had visited
Irvine Kempt (Caledonian Rly., Glasgow) : With
regard to the higher capacity wagons which they use in America, I think it
is generally accepted that for long distances higher capacity wagons are
the most suitable. Of course in America they have large transhipment stations
where the small loads are transhipped into wagons until fully loaded and
then travel up to, say, a couple of thousand miles. In this country, however,
the distances are not great enough to make it worth while having such
transhipping arrangements. and the smaller wagons can be run more cheaply
to the places they are loaded for. As regards the sleeping accommodation
on the American cars, Reid has pointed out that an open saloon has double
berth arrangement on each side, that is, one passenger above and one below.
That I do not think is pleasant. and I much prefer the British type of sleeping
car, either the Midland or the West Coast sleeping car. Besides want of privacy
this double berth arrangement on the American car is somewhat disagreeable
to the occupants of the lower berths when there are strange people climbing
up to the top berth.
The lavatory accommodation is not quite as good as one would like, and one
has to go along the ccntre of the car to reach it.
When in Chicago he visited the Pullman Company's works, but was very much
disappointed with them after what I had heard and read about American practice.
It struck my then that at St. Rollox we were very much ahead of the Pullman
people. The whole place seemed to he very untidy, while a plentiful supply
of shavings littered the floor. The smithy and the forge were nothing like
what we had here at that time. From what Reid has stated, however, considerable
progress appears to have been made in the Company's works, since then.
Walter Chalmers (547): Reid has told us quite
a lot of things about that and other matters affecting American railroad
practice. I have in use six experimental steel cars, not entirely of steel,
but having complete steel underframe and body externally; the only timber
being a small amount for decorative purposes, and, like you, I am rather
concerned to know what is the practice and experience of the Americans after
the side sheets have been in use for a number of years. There is the problem
of keeping down noise, vhich the Author refers to, and which appears to he
overcome ny careful building and the use of some felt or other material
interposed between the inner and outcr skins. But I am not quite sure whethrr
these things are successful, my experience only going back over a year or
two. Another point regarding which I vould be glad to hear Reid's opinion
is whether the rivets remain tight in thcsc very thin sheets. Another difficulty
which appears to me very likely, particularly in the case of the dining-car,
is in connection with the kitchen, which is prohably greater in rapacity
on the American than on our British railways. From this kitchen there comes
steam and hot air into the compartments, and it has been my espericnce that
in cold weathcr there is a lot of sweating on the inside of the coach. Perhaps
the Author could give some enlightenment on these points.
Thayer, Robert E. (Paper No. 105)
Standard locomotives in the U.S.A. 552-78. [Disc.: 566-72]. diagram
The announcement, coming in February, 1918, but a few weeks after
the United States Government had taken control of the railways, that standard
designs for locomotives were to be established for and to be used in conmion
on the controlled railways, came as a bursting bomb to the railwaymen throughout
that country. Acting on his own hitiathe and iii his own belief that
standardisation was one of the greatest reforms that could be accoinplished
in the railway business, the Director-General, W.G. McAdoo, a politician
and railway financier of the Hudson Tube fame, brought into being the standard
locornotil e without any reference to the railways a5 to its practicabilit),
its desirability, or, in time of war, its need. The United States Railroad
"Idministration was an autocratic and powerful department in the American
Gokernment and it used its power to the full. That is why you were undoubtedly
surprised some three years ago to hear that the American railways had adopted
the principle of standard loconiotiyes. These remarks prefacing this Paper
are made to clearly indicate to you that the idea of locomotive standardisation
in the United States did not originate with the railways in that country.
When America entered the war, the railways of the United States were in a
low physical condition, due primarily to the unprecedented amount of traffic
they had been called upon to handle, to the difficulty of obtaining labour
and materials and, to a ccrtain extent, the tightness of money. The locomoti\e
situation was particularly bad, and this necessarily was one of the first
problems for the newly-formed railroad administration to tackle. As indicated
above, the Director-General sought to rectify the situation by building standard
The railways passed under the control of the Government on January Ist, 1918.
About six weeks later, February 13th, 1918, General-Director McAdoo formed
a committee of practical experienced locomotive builders for the purpose
of selecting not more that twelve types of standard locomotives. This committee
was made up of the leading engineers of the three principal locomotive building
companies, namely, the American Locomotive Company, the Baldwin Locomotive
Works, and the Lima Locomotive Works, no representative of the railways being
included. The committee reported on 19 February, recommending moderation
in such a wholesale programme of standardisation stating that to develop
standards which would fit in properly with existing locomotives, of which
there were some 70,000, the railways should be consulted and an exhaustive
study be made, and that in the meantime those railways which needed power
the most should be permitted to place orders for the duplication of existing
designs, thus in no way delaying the building of new power which was so badly
needed. This recornmendation was over-ruled and the committee was told to
proceed with the design of the twelve locomotives outlined.
On 22 February the builders' committee met with a committee of railway mechanical
officers to carry out these instructions, and early in April tentative
specifications were sent out to the railuays covering twelve different designs
as indicated :-
Locomotive Types Adopted as U.S.R.A. Standards.
Light Mikado type (2-8-2) ... with 55,000 lb. axle load
Heavy Mikado type (2-8-2) ..with 60,000 lb. axle load
Light Santa Fe type (2-10-2) ..with 55,000 lb. axle load.
Heavy Santa Fe type (2-10-2) .with 60,000 lb. axle load..
Switching type (0-6-0) ...with 55,000 lb. axle load
Switching type (0-8-0) ...with 55,000 lb. axle load
Mallet type (2-6-6-2) ... with 60,000 lb. axle load
Mallet type (2-8-8-2) ... .with 60,000 lb. axle load
Light Pacific type (4-6-2) ... with 55,000 lb. axle load
Heavy Pacific type (4-6-2) ... with 65,000 lb. axle load
Light Mountain type (4-8-2) ..with 55,000 lb. axle load.
Heavy Mountain type (4-8-2). . with 60,000 lb. axle load.
This paper has been written, not with the idea of saying to any railway or
any country that locomotive standardisation is undeniably a mistake, for
those railways and those countries knowing best their on-n conditions are
better able to decide that question themselves. At attempt has, however,
been made to recount how standardisation of the locomotive was handled in
the United States, and how it applies to the conditions of the United States.
By treating the subject in this way it is hoped that sufficient information
has been given to assist others who have a similar problem to consider.
Discussion: J.S. Tritton: A considerable amount
of work has recently been done in connection with the re-grouping of standards
in India, and I think it would be interesting if one could get a little more
information on the question of axle loading. One of the biggest problems
in this question of standardisation of locomotives for India has been the
standardisation of an axle load. It involves, as you probably all know, questions
of more than the static loading of the axle. It involves the question of
balancing, which the Author does not touch on in this Paper, but on which
he could probably give us very valuable information as to whether the standard
axle load he mentions is R static load or whether it is a maximum load \vhich
is to rule given conditions at given speeds on an!. particular track. It
is possible that standardisation will gradunlly form itself along the line
that engineers are limited to maximum load on an axle. For instance,
take the Indian standard engine with 16-ton static axle load, the maximum
load will not be 16 tons but 18 tons under running conditions.
Gresley, H.N. (Paper No. 106)
Alloy steel for coupling and connecting rods. 579-80. Discussion: 580-3.
A.G. Stamer noted that the reduction of weight would be helpful in
the running shed. Kitson Clark supported Gresley's views..
Gresley, H.N. (Paper No. 107)
Valve gear for three-cylinder locomotives. 584-6. + folding diagram
Extremely concise.
Journal No. 51 (December 1921)
Visit to the Manchester & Bury Section of the L & Y Railway 9th September
1921. 595-601.
Including electricity generating station at Clifton Juntion.
Kyffin, Arthur Ellesmere (Paper No. 108).
Notes on axleboxes and axlebox guides. 603-24. Discussion 625-34: 1922;
12, 9-50.
This paper aroused a huge interest. Contributors to discussion included
F.W. Attock (L&YR) who commented on lateral beding of the frames;
E. Colclough (Cambrian Railways) pp. 626-7 who noted the
excellence of the axlebox slides fitted to Metropolitan Railway 4-4-0Ts (which
in the response to the discussion were observed to have been developed by
Beyer Peacock; At the end of the discussion Kyffin noted that Mr. Colclough
has mentioned the solid axlebox slide embodied in the design of the old
Metropolitan engines in this form of construction, it may be of interest
to the members to know, was associated with many early Beyer Peacock engines,
and as all who have had the handling of the old Metropolitan engines know,
it entirely eliminated the trouble of loose hornblocks. This practice was
quite feasible in the days of its adoption as engine frames were then made
up of several short plates welded together. With solid horncheeks it was
only necessary to draw down the billet on either side of the horn to the
thickness required for the plate portion, leaving the cheeks of the height
J.H. Haigh (LYR Horwich) pp. 628-9 commented
upon the beneficial effect of wedges; J. Parry (GCR,
Gorton) 629-30: Collars on axleboxes, hornblock bolts and reinstallation
of hornblock wedges on GCR; J.P. Hamer (629) on
lubrication and that brass boxes were not quite strong
enough; G.W. Phillips (GNR, Doncaster) 630-1 considered
hornblock wedges, side play in the flanges of the boxes in axleboxes and
horns Kyffin responded (p. 634): Regarding the question of collars, Mr. Phillips
has given us the benefit of his railway experience, but statements from other
running department officials would be most welcome. The firm the speaker
is associated with has built engines with collarless axles for different
railways, and this practice has been adopted as standard by many; on the
ot.her hand, some have gone back to collars, although as far as is known
no trouble has been experienced with the plain axle.; E.W.
Selby (L&YR) pp. 632-3: Finally on page 635 Kyffin noted: The
Chairman has stated that in his opinion regarding the question of horseshoe
as compared with two-piece blocks, the latter has, if anything, the advantage.
It is certainly cheaper to make, machine and fit than the horseshoe, and
providing a really ample section of frame is available, reports show there
is no more trouble from cracking in the corners of the horns of the frames;
in fact, some engineers say that fractures are less frequent.
1922, 12, 9-50. Corbett Fletcher (GNR,
Manchester, 9-11) noted experiments with mechanical luubricators
involving the reservoir for the Wakefield lubricator),
S. Jackson (Gorton Foundry, 11) noted that
collars on axles were useless; W. Rowland (GCR, Gorton,
11-14) commented on the application of Intensifore lubricators for
the drivinmg axles on the GCR, and also described earlier L&YR
practice.J.H. Smeddle on pp. 16-17 noted that
the NER had evaluated several types of axlebox, that collarless axles on
tenders had not been satisfactory, and that horseshoe horn blocks were not
sufficiently elastic; G.A. Musgrave (GNR, Doncaster,
17-19) commented on lubrication, wedge angles, that collars were
not successful and brass versus cast iron keeps noting that the brass was
resuable; J. Weatherburn (NER, Darlington, 19) commented on NER practice: axleboxes were made from wrought iron with renewable
brass plates, horn blocks and adjustable wedges had been abandoned on the
latsest engines, horn cheeks were riveted to the engine frame, and commented
on white metal composition. H.J. Stephenson (NER, Gateshead,
19-21) commented on lubrication, gun metal bearing brasses, collarless
journals had been evaluated on trials between York and Edinburgh on express
passenger trains for five weeks (running 11,340 miles) and no trouble had
been experienced. A Hird (Hunslet) pp. 21-2. E.L. Ahrons (25-7), Hookham
(30-1), J.M. Dunn (31-3) who noted the "great deal of trouble" with the Ministry
of Muntions 2-8-0 type
J. A. Hookham (N.S. Rly., 30-1):
observations based on North Staffordshire Railway practice. Collars
on journals discontinuing these, partly because they formed dirt
traps, and they take up room which could be better employed as bearing surface,
and tend to throw oil off by centrifugal force: Brass boxes
used for many years, but lately were introducing cast steel with pressed-in
bearings without flanges. The outside surfaces working in the horns are
white-metalled: Brass keeps. can be made at little expense from
old brass: Lubrication. So far as possible use bottom pad,
but supply oil at the top. One or two engines fitted entirely with bottom
feed lubrication, which were doing very well: Wedges in horns
not very satisfactory as they are apt to be tampered with, and any loose
parts that can be avoided should be avoided. If shed fitters could be relied
upon to look after things as they should, and if drivers could be trusted
to leave things alone, I think there would be a great deal to be said for
the wedge horn; but in ordinary practice it appears be a failure. None working
on NSR, but some engines built about 18 years ago by the Vulcan Foundry were
fitted with wedge horns and have since been altered.
J. Maxwell Dunn (LNWR, Tredegar 31-3):
The coupled axleboxes in use on most of the engines of the London
and North-Western Raihvav are of cast steel with a brass bearing put in under
pressure; but the bogie boxes and all boxes on a few of the older engines
are of brass throughout. Referring to Fig. 1, illustrating a case-hardened
steel box, he had some considerable experience with boxes of this type on
the Ministry of Munitions' 2-8-0 engines, and had a great deal of trouble
with them. The top part of the box does not appear to be sufficiently substantial
and we have had them closed in at the bottom as much as 3/16in., and have
had to spend hours cutting the keeps to get them to enter. The brasses also,
from the same cause, have had to be chipped and filed to get them in place,
and altogether our experience has been unfavourable with this class of box.
In our own boxes, the brasses are merely pressed in and secured by means
of two tapered brass pegs driven through the crown of the box one
at each side, and we have never had any trouble due to the brasses shifting.
The pegs, however, which in some cases are drilled through the centre and
fitted with worsted tail trimmings to lubricate the bearing, sometimes work
loose and cut the tails off the trimming by jamming them against the lid
of the oil well in the top of the box. We have had several cases of hot box
attributable to this cause, and in sheds not fitted with appliances for removing
wheels it is a great nuisance as it is almost impossible to tighten the pegs
when the boxes are in place under the engine. As stated in the Paper, white
metal is used for both the wheel boss and hornplate faces of the box with
good results. Brass bogie boxes are, after maximum wear has taken place in
the bearing, used repeatedly with a white-metal bearing. Brass keeps, forming
a continuation of the bearing, are used for the driving boxes on a number
of our eight-wheels-coupled coal engines with excellent results. These keeps
have a small recess in the centre which is filled with cotton waste in the
ordinary way.
I have only come across one instance in which any attempt has been made to make the keeps easily accessible, and that was in the case of the North London engines, which had a hole about 11/8ins. diameter in the side of the keep, tapped and fitted with a setscrew. Of course, it was a very slow process to poke a sufficient quantity of waste through this hole; but it could be done, and was better than having to lift the engine high enough off the boxes to enable one to remove the keep fastenings.
I am strongly in favour of collarless journals, as by dispensing with collars it is possible to increase the length of the bearing, especially in the case of crank axles. In regard to the lubrication of axle boxes, we have boxes running with one groove in the crown only and also with one on each side below the crown. Personally, I prefer the latter, as owing to the reversal of forces acting on the axle the journal is pressed first against one side and then the other of the box, thus giving the oil a better chance of getting away from the grooves and lubricating the face of the bearing.
Another question arises on the subject of lubrication, and that is whether it is better to use the top of the box as an oil well or to use an independent oil box connected to the bearing by means of a pipe. Speaking as a running shed man, I am decidedly in favour of the latter arrangement. When the reservoir is situated in the top of the box it is a matter of great difficulty to inspect or change the trimmings, especially the one next to the wheel boss. The oil wells also get made up with ashes, etc., in spite of the lids provided, and it is almost impossible to properly clean them out when the wheels are in place under the engine. With independent oil boxes the pipes should be short and as nearly vertical as possible.
On the question of plain or adjustable horn plates, all our own engines (LNWR) have the former, while the Ministry of Munitions and North London engines have the latter of the wedge variety. To my mind, wedges are quite unnecessary.
Hornplate bolts might, I think, with advantage be made of steel of a greater tensile strength, as my experience agrees with Mr. Kyffin's in that the trouble of loose hornplate bolts is due to the stretching of the bolt rather than the nut slacking back.
R.P.C. Sanderson (Baldwin Loco. Works 33-): Viewed from the standpoint of modern American locomotive practice, there is only one criticism to make, and that one is on the continued use of bronze for such heavy castings as driving axleboxes. The Author has enumerated some of the points for and against the use of this expensive metal which, taken at his own estimate, can be perfectly well (mechanically) displaced by cast steel at perhaps one-fifth the cost. He has, however, entirely omitted to mention the accrued interest on the investment in this more costly metal, which, day and night in service and out of service, on the line or in shop, must be always charged against the engine and which compounds itself into astonishingly large figures during the life of the engine, or at least of the driving boxes. If you will once figure up this sum at compound interest it will make a very deep impression. It must always be remembered that every twenty shillings added to the cost of an engine is placed to capital account, and must earn its interest regularly from the train service. This reduces the net earnings of the railway that would otherwise be available for dividends.
There are a few other points that I desire to direct attention to that are the result of experience in America with engines of greater power and weight, on track of greater curxature than is common in this country. With regard to rolling clearance in driving box flanges, it is noted in the Paper, and inquiries elsewhere confirm the understanding, that it is the general practice in this country to plane the recess between the flanges as shown in the drawings parallel and of the dimensions throughout to fit about the horn castings with the proper tolerance for free working.
We do not, and have not done this in America for a good many years, and as engines grow in size, and especially on Colonial, Dominion and other railways, it may later prove advantageous to follow our practice. To prevent the tops and bottoms of the flanges pinching and biting into the horn castings as the engine rolls, it is our general practice to leave the middle 3in. of length parallel to the correct width for sliding on the horn castings. Above and below this three inches the flanges are planed out on a taper of usually 1 in 7 so that there is a flare above and below the centre. This permits the box to roll slightly in the frames to follow the position of the axle when the springs. are more compressed on one side than the other as is often the case when running around sharp curves.
It has been found by long experience, interspersed with repeated trials of promising designs, that for heavy powers there is no kind of machine or hand-fitted brass such as are shown in Figs. 6, 7 and 8 that will stand without very soon causing a knock which will soon become destructive. When such bearing brasses become hot they are apt to close in on the journal as they cool and be quite loose in the box thereafter. Nothing but a carefully correctly machincd crescent-shaped brass forced into the cast-steel box under hydraulic pressure will stand heavy, hard service such as we have to provide against. These brasses are always securcd in place by (usually) two bronze rivets located at an angle through the crown of the box and not from the, sides as shown in Fig. 4.
Opinion in America is divided between the choice of one oil groove directly at the crown of thc box and two such grooves placed a little to either side of the centre. Both plans are good and give successful results under severe service. As practicallv all driving boxes in American locomotives of any size are lubricated by grease and not by oil there must not be any oil holes through the brass to the bearing surface or cavity. If such holes were there the grease would work out through these holes in the form of long worms and soon become exhausted. The use of this grease requires the keepers to be made to suit. Many times have venturesome mechanical officers in America tried out the idea of using axlebox guides solid without the adjustable wedge. Every time it has had to be abandoned for engines of large size. The adjustment provided by the wedge has been found very necessary to keep down the knocks, and keep down shop work.
It is common practice in America to use cast-iron wearing shoes and wedges, for the boxes to slide against, which can be quickly and cheaply renewed. It is also the practice on some railways to cast these shoes and wedges of cast iron with a brass face integral with the cast iron which gives excellent wearing between the steel of the box and the brass face of the shoe at a very small cost for brass and without any loose liners or riveted liners. The brass and iron are poured into the mould practically together in a molten condition but through separate gates. There is skill required in doing this, but when once learned the job is simple enough.
A.H. Whitaker (S.&D. Rly., Bath): 22
page 35: One point that struck me in the Paper was the question of
collars on the journals. I have experience of a couple of locomotives that
were originally built without collars, and it was seen fit to add them afterwards
in a rather unique way. A slight groove, about 1/32in. deep,
was turned in the axle just in the place where the collar usually is placed,
and a sectional collara collar in two halveswas holted tightly
on. After that, I think I can safely say the engines rode more
steadily. The wheels referred to were the bogie wheels of
a four-wheel-coupled bogie passenger engine, and collars were fitted to all
four bogie wheels, with good, results. With regard to solid
boxes and otherwise: his experience of steel boxes with a brass bearing in
themalthough, of course, they are now becoming very commonshows
that they are more liable to knock, because not only is there the ordinary
knock of .the axlebox between the horns and in the crown, but also a slight
movement between the brass and the steel box that is, the brass in time tends
to become loose in the stcel box and causes movement there and consequently
adds to the knock. .With regard to the adjustment of the hornhlocks by wedges,
that seems to be going out of fashion. On our own engines we have almost
entirely done away with them and fitted the ordinary hornblocks, either of
the horseshoe type or of the single type.
T.C. Britten (LSWR, Eastleigh 35): There is one thing 1 was very interested
in that I was not aware of, and that is the American practice of running
boxes without any white-metal bearings. I think the Author says that he considers
it an advantage that there is no white metal to run out in the event of the
box running hot; but is not there a great chance of the box and the journal
being very badly damaged by the absence of the white metal? With regard to
wedges, I agree with Mr. Whitaker that in modern practice they ought to be
done away with; on the London and South-Western Railway they have been given
up entirely on new construction. We have a very large brass box with the
two pads, one on either side of the crown. The oil, introduced from an external
box, is carried to transverse grooves in the crown of the box, and also to
the cheeks of the hornhlocks by pipes. These boxes are for outside-cylindered
engines with a very big journal, and weigh about 5.25 cwt. each. I may say
that they are giving no trouble with regard to running hot. I do not like
the idea of steel castings for axleboxes. It is difficult in a steel casting,
unless machined all over, to get a box of uniform section. It seems to me
that there is such a chance of blowholes occurring, and with the knocks and
wear an axlebox has to stand up against I would rather not see cast steel
there. With regard to wrought-iron boxes, on the South-Western Railway we
used them extensively at one time with the brass bearing fitted into a 4in.
spigot in the top of the box, but undoubtedly there was movement there; the
knock used to become troublesome in the horns very soon, and the side of
the box was very often compl.etely broken off. We have now stopped using
wrought-iron and brass bearings for this purpose.
Deakin, W.P. (Paper No. 109)
Behaviour of materials used in construction of locomotive fireboxes, etc.
on the Central Argentine Railway. 637-708. Disc.: 709-37.
Page 720 suggested that failure of steel fireboxes in Britain may
have been due to nature of British steel and suggested that imported American
steel should be used..
Stamer, A.C.
Inaugural address. 738-50. Disc.: 750-1.
The high wages paid for labour make it imperative to look round for
labour-saving devices ; and when I speak of high wages I do not mean to infer
that I think it either right or desirable that wages, especially in the lower
paid grades, should go down to the pre-war [WW1] level; but in order to pay
higher wages than those obtaining before the war we must endeavour to bring
down the cost of production. The introduction of new and up-to-date machinery
and the scrapping of old slow-moving machines of course can effect this,
but much as this may be desired, it involves in many cases a large expenditure
of money which it may not be found expedient to incur. We want to look about
us for improved methods of performing work without a large expenditure on
expensive tools.
A considerable cause of expense at running sheds is the handling of coal
from the wagon to the tender of an engine. The method most frequently employed
is for the loaded coal wagons to be pushed by a locomotive up an incline
on to a ,raised stage, capable of holding, say a dozen wagons; the coal is
then shovelled from the wagon into tubs and tipped from the tubs on to the
tender. A fair average of coal dealt with by one man per shift is about 25
tons, and at a shed where 250 tons per day is handled, this means the employment
of ten men. Coal-stage work is not a much sought after occupation, and to
tempt men to undertake it, we find that prices for the work keep increasing.
Mechanical appliances are now being used to a limited extent, and they appear
to be an economical method of coal handling. The appliance consists of a
structure carrying one or two large storage hoppers into which coal is conveyed
by a bucket conveyor which is fed from a hopper below the ground, into which
the coal has been tipped from the wagons. The coal is let out of the storage
hoppers on to the tender, and can be measured out in its passage from hopper
to tender. Four men covering the 24 hours will deal with the amount of coal
instead of the ten I have mentioned with the old style of coaling from a
stage. The capital outlay on such an appliance is of course a heavy one,
and greater than for the ordinary coal stage; and maintenance also is heavier,
but taking all working expenses and overhead charges into consideration,
there is a saving which I think can be placed at 33d. per ton of coal handled.
An appliance of this kind would only be really economical at sheds where
a considerable quantity of coal was handled, but for small quantities of
coal a conveyor taking coal shovelled direct from a wagon and delivering
straight on to the tender might be a 5ound proposition.
Another source of expense in time and labour at running shrds is the filling
of sandboxes with dry sand, and it is worth investigation as to whether this
work could not be more economically performed by incorporating with a mechanical
coal stage a somewhat similar arrangement whereby dry sand is lifted into
a hopper and transferred to the sand boxes on the locomotives through a short
and flexible hopper and thus save the time occupied in carrying numerous
buckets of sand between the sand-furnace and locomotive. This method has,
I believe, been adopted in America, but as far as I know has not been tried
in this country.
Hot-water washing-out plants. The advantage to be gained by such a
plant is not so much with the object of saving labour, though this is actually
realised, as to try and prolong the life of the boiler and prevent the undue
strains and stresses set up by the sudden introduction of cold water against
the heated plates, tubes and stays. But in addition there is a saving in
the time in which an engine is out of commission owing to the necessity of
washing-out the boiler, and incidentally there is a saving in the amount
of water used in this operation. With the ordinary method of washing-out
with cold water, an engine is brought into the shed and has to stand at least
four hour's to cool down; then the water has to be run out of the boiler,
and this water is run to waste. The temperature of the plates and tubes is
then ahout 180°F and the introduction of cold water among the plates
and tubes at this temperature must cause sudden contractions with very bad
results. The process of washing-out will occulpy one hour ; filling the hoiler
with water half an hour; lighting-up and getting solhs. of steam four hours;
or a total time from starting to prepare for washing2out to having sufficient
steam in the engine to move it out of the shed of about ten hours.
With the hot-water washing-out plant, an engine is brought into the shed
with 60lbs. or more of steam in the boiler, and by means of a flexible metallic
hose pipe a connection is made between the blow-off cock on the engine and
the blow-off line of piping to the tanks which contain the hot water for
washing-out and filling. The engine is then blown off and the water and steam
pass away to a separator on the top of the tank containing the washing-out
water. The water falls down through a coke filter bed (which arrests any
scale) into the tank, and the steam passes away through a ,pipe to a chamber
on the top of the tank which contains the filling water, where it meets pure
cold water from the main water supply. This water is heated up by the steam
and falls into the tank. When the engine has been fully blown off, which
occupies from ten to twenty minutes, according to the size of the boiler,
the blow-off hose is disconnected and an armoured hose wash-cut pipe is connected
to another line of piping through which the water from the wash-out tank
is pumped, and the engine is washed out in the usual manner. A duplex
pump capable of delivering 450 gallons a minute is used for pumping the wash-out
water, and this is automatically controlled so as to give a pressure of 6olbs.
per square inch. By means of a thermostatic valve, the temperature of the
wash-out water is maintained at 160°F .It is difficult to put an actual
value on the saving that results from hot-water washing. The initial co'st
of the plant is a heavy one; but I think the working costs and general charges
are covered by the saving effected in comst .of fresh water used for washing-out,
the coal used for steam-raising and in boilertvashers' wages. This being
so, the actual economy of hot-water washing is to be found in the improved
condition and freedom from trouble with stays, tubes and plates. Experience
shows this to be the -case, and as an instance of this I find that since
the introduction of these plants at certain sheds the number of broken firebox
stays shows a remarkable decrease. In addition, there remains the great advantage
that accrues from the better user of locomotixes, especially at busy times,
when a shed superintendent finds great dificulty in laying-off his engines
for washing-out.
The use of oil as fuel for locomotives came into some prominence during the
recent coal strike, and I do not think that its use for this purpose can
be dismissed without further investigation now that coal is again available,
or that it must be looked upon merely as a temporary expedient. Its use requires
consideration from various aspects. The first consideration is, from a
steam-raising point of view, we must be satisfied that it can be relied upon
to maintain steam under the varying conditions of loads and weather, to the
same extent that we expect to find-and do find-to be the case with coal.
It is all very well to be able to keep a full head of steam and maintain
time with a moderate load and in fine weather, but will oil fuel give a driver
that little bit extra that he wants when he has a heavier train than usual
and a strong side 'wind to contend with, and which he generally finds he
has in hand with his coal-burning engine ? The essential and important point,
therefore, is to be satisfied that from a steam-raking point of view we can
obtain results equal to that with coal. .
Kitson Clark, E.
Presidential Address: The translation of the locomotive. 759-76.
Comment on the battle of the gauges: cites
Colburn's "admirable book". Includes many
extracts from literature. Noted that D.K. Clark, to whom he was not related,
referred to the anatomy, physiology and resistance of the locomotive. : Dickens'
Dombey & Sons; Kemble; Edgar Allen Poe's The thousand and
second, J,R. Mozley; Birkbeck Hill; Oswald H. Dunn's Night
Ridge; William Cosmo Monkhouse and Robert Louis Stevenson's From a
Railway Carriage. Bret Harte, W.C., and Rudyard Kipling are also mentioned.
Whitelegg, R.H.
Inaugural Address for the Scottish Centre. 778-802.
Mentioned the Heilmann locomotive which he judged to be unsuccessful
as it did not run for long (called it a generating station on wheels) and
noted the improved form developed by North British Locomotive Co. (NBL) and
considered that might be more economical than railway electrification; the
diesel electric was considered to have possibilities and noted work by
Minneapolis & St Paul RR
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