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Journal of the Institution of Locomotive
Volume 19 (1929)
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Journal No. 88
Byrne, B.R. (Paper No. 238)
Some notes of metallurgical importance in locomotive engineering. 10-38.
Disc.: 38-50; 120-6.
Opening Meeting of the 1928-29 Session was held at Denison House,
Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, on Thursday, 27 September 1928: J. Clayton,
(Vice-president), occupying the chair.
Notes extracted from the Authors private records. They are the fruit
of exchange of opinion with colleagues and with locomotive engineers,
metallurgists, steel-makers and founclrymen. Some of the ideas embodied in
this Paper are not original, but have been absorbed by the
Author and are so much a part of his mental equipment that their source is
forgotten. No excuse need he offered for this, as it applies to us all.
Nevertheless, the Authors own observations form the bulk of the subject
matter, and outside sources are quoted as little as possible. Further, no
ideas are put forward which are not backed by personal experiment. The treatment
is necessarily sketchy, but it strikes at essentials, the principal aim being
to focus attention on the metallurgical side of locomotive building. There
is a very real need for the frank and willing exchange of ideas between
designers, metallurgists and the technical staff. Anybody who tries to exercise
reasonably close control of raw material will find boundless scope for patient
observation, and in many cases fur serious research.
Choice of materials; semi-finished steels; influence of carbon content; heat
treatment, wrought iron; alloy steels, manganese brasses; alloys for firebox
water-space stays (copper fireboxes); control testing of steel; Brinell hardness
testing; chemical analysis; phosphorus and brittleness.
Discussion: A.C. Carr (38-40) noted that no reference was made to
spring steel nor its treatment. Spring steel is probably one of the most
troublesome components of locomotive and rolling stock maintenance. For instance,
taking laminated spring steel, the British Standard Specification provides
for 0.5 to 0.8 carbon, a very wide margin. Some of his steel friends had
told him that the carbon content for water-hardening steel should be 0.53
to 0.63 and for oil-hardening 0.75 to 0.85. It appears possible under the
British Standard Specification to obtain a steel which is not suitable for
water-hardening. As far as he knew, in Britain all the laminated springs
were water-hardened, while coil springs were generally oil-hardened.
Second Ordinary General Meeting of the Newcastle Centre (Session 1928-29)
held in the Lecture Hall of the L&NER. Institute, Darlington, on Tuesday,
6 November 1928, the chair being taken by R.A. Copperthwaite (pp. 120-6):
Mr. P.W. Bollen 123-4) noted the use of wrought iron by the home railways
seemed to be one of the things that die hard in the locomotive department,
and it is often specified as a matter of practice. On the other hand, British
private builders avoided its use as much as possible, and when doing work
for the railwxys were often able to obtain permission to substitute a mild
steel, such as BSI class A steel: this was particularly the case with solid
forged brake shafts and reversing shafts, and also for welded foundation
rings for boilers.
Armstrong, J.C. (Paper No. 239).
Pulverised fuel locomotives. 53-90. Disc. : 86-114; 492-9: 1930, 20,
146-55; 325-34 + 2 folding plates. 6 illus., 17 diagrs.
Second Ordinary General Meeting of the 1928-29 Session was held on
Thursday, 25 October 1928, at Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, Loncbn,
at 6 p.m.: R.E.L. Maunsell chaired meeting. Brief account of paper in
Locomotive Mag., 1928, 34,
Advantages obtained by using pulverised luel locoiuotiws claimed:
elimination of smoke, sparks and fire hamrds.
ability to take full advantage of the low price of inferior coals, lignite and peat
high boiler output over long period.
ability to maintain a steady boiler pressure
elimination of stand-by losses, as fire could be turned off when the engine was srationary
haulage capacity of engine increased, as full pressure could alnays be maintained.
pulverised fuel is very easily handled and the labour required could be minimized both before and after pulverising.
with locomotives fired in the ordinary way, quite a large quantity of coal is burnt and attendance is required by engines during the period between their arrival in the yard and their entry into shed,
steam could be raised from cold water in 30 minutes, sufficient to permit the engine to be moved, and full pressure has been attained in 43 minutes.
quantity of ash in the ashpan and smokebox was much less at the end of a trip than in ordinary locomotive
fireman relieved of hard manual labour.
great financial savings were claimed.
Attention was paid to fitting pulverisers to locomotive tenders.
Maunsell chaired the initial meeting and made a number of
Presidential comments (pp. 86-90) his conclusions being
coal in pulverised form can be burnt in a locomotive without any extensive
alteration being made to the boiler or firebox.
coal of a lower quality than possible to use for grate firing, can be used
in pulverised form.
economy can be effected by the purchase of small coal and slack, which is
really better adapted for pulverising purposes than the large coal that is
necessarily used for grate firing.
when pulverised fuel is used, boiler pressure can be better maintained, and
more finely adjusted to suit varying conditions of road and load than is
possible in a grate fired boiler.
Throughout the run at which he was present, the maximum variation in pressure
was 71bs., which occurred when the train entered a gradient of 1 in 130,
the weight of the train being 1,300 tons, and when the fuel feed was adjusted,
full pressure was quickly obtained. Throughout the remainder of the run the
finger of the pressure gauge practically remained steady on the point of
maximum boiler pressure.
there is no spark throwing, and very little smoke when pulverised fuel is
the quantity of ashpan and smokebox refuse is negligible.
Sir Henry Fowler (90-2) opened the discussion with
some rather penetrating comments:26 years ago, his then chief, Samuel Johnson,
sent him to look at a boiler in London whicli vas fired by pulverised fuel,
having in his mind the question of its adaptation for locomotive purposes.
There was trouble with this boiler, owing to the fact that thc basic slag,
which was formed badly, corroded the firebrick which lay in the
furnacethis is a trouble with all boilers using pulverised fuel, although
Armstrong has not mentioned it. In one of the boilers which he had seen in
Germany using pulverised fuel, very little firebrick was used, but hr believed
the difficulty had been met by arranging a very large number of burners vhich
gave a short flame. One of the greatest difficulties in introducing powdered
fuel in connection with electric light plants has been due to this particular
point, even when some of the combustion chambers were of very large size.
The difficulty experienced with a powdered fuel 1ocomotive used in America
was similar and overcome by the use of very short flames.
Other particpamts to the London discussion included: H. Chambers, Clayton,
Holcroft, Bulleid and Lelean. {KPJ needs expansion}
In the discussion the author (page 492) noted that The German Government
were interested in pulverised fuel as they wished to use the lignite in Central
Germany. The German Government said, If you will carry out some tests
and if these tests show you can burn this fuel, we will give you an order.
The A.E.G. demonstrated with a stationary boiler that their system for burning
pulverised fuel was satisfactory, and then received an order from the German
Government. This firm has spent an enormous amount Pp.86-90 (19) : Maunsell
adds some notes on the purchase of A.E.G. equipment for the S.R. : the paper
is basically about the German results from the system. A.C. Stamer (Chairman,
146-7); R.J. Robson (147-8) experience on Atcheson Topeka and Santa Fe; S.L.
Baister (148-9); P. Liddell (149-51) problems of pollution from pulverization
process. 20: A.E. Kyffin (326) queried costs and structure of furnace;
Carling (20, 327) suggested that a modified boiler was needed and
this could be fitted on a Beyer Garratt; Loach (327); E.F. Lang (327-9);
S.H. Whitelegg (329) noted problems with fuel preparation; Anderson (making
reference to Carling) suggested the Garratt type
Second Ordinary General Meeting of the Newcastle Centre (Session 1929-30)
held at the Central Station Hotel, Newcastle-on-Tyne, on Wednesday, the 6
November 1929, . A.C. Stamer occupying the chair.
Fifth Ordinary General Meeting of the North- Eastern Centre (Session 1928-29)
held at the Hotel Metropole, Leeds, on Friday, 25 January, 1929, the chair
being occupied by E. de H. Rowntree (492-9). L.W.R. Rowntree (494-6) wondered
to what extent the German Government had helped or subsidised the manufacture
of this experimental locomotive. There are ways in Germany of subsidising
private enterprise to investigate such prob]ems as these, because the cost
to a private firm is enormous, and it is obvious that the State Railways
had given the A.E.G. exceptional facilities for testing out this engine on
rail. With regard to the unburnt fuel which was collected, it would be
interesting to know the method by which this fuel was collected. It is stated
that the burners are cooled by water from the tender, and he would like to
know whether a great deal of heat from the burners goes back into the tender
so that the temperature of the feed water is heated to such an extent as
to impair the working of the injectors. It is stated that steam is raised
in 30 to 45 minutes, which seems a very short space of time. Has this been
found to have any detrimental effect on the boiler or tubes
Next volume: Second Ordinary General Rleeting of the Manchester Centre (Session
1929-30) was held in the Building of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical
Society, 36, George Street, Manchester, at 7 p.m., 6 December 1929: Mr. J.
N. Gresham taking the chair. .
Journal No. 89
Kelway Bamber, H. (Paper No. 240)
Modern steam rail cars in service. 143-63. Disc.: 163-70; 314-33. 2 illus.,
6 diagrs., 12 tables.
First Ordinary General Meeting of the Newcastle Centre (Session 1928-29)
held at the Central Hotel, Newcastle, on Tuesday, 9 October 1928: chair taken
by Mr. B. Irving, Vice-chairman of the Newcastle Centre, who read a letter
of apology from Mr. A.C. Stamer, the Chairman of the Centre, regretting his
inability to be present at the Opening Meeting of the Session, due to his
services being required in connection with the Royal Visit to Newcastle.
Fifth Ordinary General Meeting of the 1928-29 Session was held at Deniwn
House, Vauxhall Bridge Koad, London, on Thursday, the 31st day of January,
1929, at 6 p.m., Sir Henry Fowler, K.B.E. taking the chair. .
Includes economic as well as technical aspects. Maconachie (165-7) claimed
"a lot" of failures; problems with steaming, and the need for at least a
50% increase in boiler capacity. The spur garing was very unreliable and
with chain drives lubrication and cleaning were very important (KPJ: just
like a mountain bike) B.H. Harper (167-8) presented information on the
performance of the six-cylinder Sentinel car: its improved riding, its more
accessible engine (it was even possible to take down the big ends without
access to a pit) and the higher rate of acceleration. With the two-cylinder
cars it was found that unit coal and oil consumption fell as mileage increased:
the cars "must be kept continually in traffic". With a half-hourly Knaresborough
to Harrogate service coal consumption was 12lb per mile and oil consumption
two pints per hundred miles. Claimed that there were no boiler problems.
Stewart (168-9) considered that chains were most appropriate for heavy haulage;
at that time cardan shafts gave trouble. Bollen was critical of firegrate:
enginemen could not see where coal was going. The two-cylinder version suffered
from difficulties in starting...
Windle, E. (Paper No. 241)
The locomotive smokebox. 171-87. Disc.: 187-91.
Second Ordinary General Meeting of the North- Eastern Centre (Session
1928-29) held at the Hotel Metropole, Leeds, on Friday, 16 November 1928,
at 7.0 p.m.: chair taken by E. de H. Rowntree.
The Macallan blastpipe and Churchward's jumper blastpipe nozzle are mentioned
on p. 175. Blast pipe nozzle dimensions and gas area are considered. The
design of blowers and the location of the blower valve are evaluated: the
latter should enble fast operation. The effect of superheaters and steam
pipes are important issues. The GWR employed coned metal-to-metal joints
on its smokebox doors; elsewhere asbestos rings were used.
Anderson, D.S. (Paper No.242).
The future development of the locomotive. 193-212. Disc.: 212-21; 630-40:
1930, 20, 204-13. 3 diagrs.
Third Ordinary General Meeting of the 1928-29 Session held at Denison
House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, on Thursday, 29 November 1928, at 6
p.m., . W.A. Lelean occupying the Chair. The Chairman said the members would
regret that a message had been received from the President, R.E.L. Maunsell,
that it was impossible for him to be present that night, and also a letter
to similar effect from Sir Henry Fowler.
Having touched on so many points in the course of the Paper, a brief summary
of the many arguments might not be out of place. The characteristics of the
internal combustion engine were shown to be unsuitable for direct application
to locomotive work, and in the process of adaptation it becomes overloaded
with so many contrivances to minimise these unsuitabilities that the proposition
loses a good deal, if not all, of its attractiveness. Retaining steam as
the prime mover suggested the use of a turbine, and this had been tried with
some success. A case was made out, hovever, for a condensing reciprocator
with triple expansion. It was shown that, provided one worked with a moderate
vacuum, which is all that might be obtainable, the volume of thc steam at
exhaust conditinns could bc accommodated within reasonable cylinder ditnensions.
Recent developinents in boiler practice suggest the use of a high pressure
water-tube boiler with pulverised fuel firing. The engine should be fitted
with some form of valve gear other than a link motion, and the condenser
should be of the evaporative type. No doubt it will be argued that the
complication is too great to contemplate, but what is the alternative? Any
internal combustion engine will have at least six, if not eight, cylinders,
and much auxiliary gear. The economy of the turbine can be easily over-estimated
on such difficult work, and there is the problem of double reduction gearing.
A step which is the logical development from existing conditions and which
introduces the minimum of new problems is surely worth a trial.
Discussion: (Volume 20): M. Blacklock (204-6); J.B. Hobson (206-8)
considered the turbine; P. Liddell (208-9), P.W. Bollen (209-10 and MacArthur
(210-12) all considered diesel locomotives
Sixth Ordinary General Meeting of the Scottish Centre (1928-29 Session) held
jointly with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in the Societies' Room,
Royal Technical College, Glasgow, at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday, 28 March 1929.
The Chair was occupied by Mr. C.H. Robinson, Chairman of the Centre, who
was accompanied on the platform by Mr. E. Bruce Ball, (Chairman of the Glasgow
and West of Scotland Branch of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers).
Dr. D.S. Anderson, Ph.D., B.Sc., Principal of the Technical College.
Lawrence, L.
The Baker valve gear. 222-4.
Third Ordinary General Meeting of the 1928-29 Session was held at
Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, on Thursday, 29 November 1928,
at 6 p.m., Mr. W. A. Lelean occupying the Chair.
As applied to a model locomotive by "Curly" Lawrence (Model exhibited at
Millar, W.A. (Paper No. 243)
Locomotive cab arrangements. 225-39. Disc.: 239-47.
Second Ordinary General Meeting of the Scottish Centre (1928-29 Session)
held in the Societies Room, Royal Technical College, Glasgow, at 7.30
.p.m. on Thursday, 9 November 1928, C.H. Robinson occupying the chair.
There had always been a difference of opinion on this subject: before the
Grouping of 1923, the 16 chief railways of Great Britain were eqrially divided
eight favouring right-hand drive and eight left-hand drive. Analysing
these figures it will be found that of the six companies which formed the
LMS, two preferred right-hand and four left-hand drive, while the group standard
is the latter, as on all recently built passenger and freight engines. The
GWR has naturally maintained its previous preference for right-hand drive,
while the Southern favoured the left-hand side, as on engines of the King
Arthur and Lord Nelson classesone of the old companies preferred the
right-hand and two the left-hand side. On the LNER four used right-hand and
two left-hand drive, until recently the standard being the former (right-hand)
as found on the improved Director, Pacific and Shire classes.
Holcroft, H. (Paper No. 244)
Some points of common interest in rolling stock and permennent way. 249-84.
Disc.: 285-311; 823-30. 27 diagrams
Joint Meeting with Permanent Way Institution. Fourth Ordinary General
Meeting of the 1928-29 Session was held at Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge
Road, London, on Thursday, 13 December, 1928, . J. Clayton, Vice-president,
occupying the chair. Apologies for absence received from C.B. Collett.
Permanent way functions:
support the wheel loads and form a path;
guide the vehicles in a given path;
provide the reaction to the tractive effort, or, conversely, to the braking
Two-cylinder engine: Relatively large wheel blow due to primary weight. Large
axle blow due to two primary weights at right angles to one another having
a combined effect equal to about 13 times the wheel blow.
Four-cylinder enqine: very light wheel blow due to small secondary weight.
No axle blow, as weights are at 180° apart.
Three-cylinder enqine: Relatively large wheel blow due to secondary weight,
but this is about one half of that of the two-cylinder, owing to lighter
reciprocating parts and a lesser proportion of them balanced. No axle blow,
as weights are at 180° apart. The wheel hammer blow is of importance
in relation to the track, while the axle hammer blow applies more to
The investigations of the Bridge Stress Committee of the Board of Scientific
and Industrial Research have necessitated close study of the practice adopted
in locoomotive balancing, and attention has been focussed on several important
points. Firstly, there has been in the past great diversity of opinion and
practice as to the percentage of reciprocating masses to be balanced; secondly,
that the prescribed amount of balance is seldom obtained and varies in different
pairs of nheels off the same pattern, owing to the wheel itself being out
of balance, due to blowholes or sponginess in the balance weight crescent
or part of the wheel rim. Thirdly, that the multi-cylinder engines do not
stress the track and bridges to the same extent as the corresponding two-cylinder
engines do. Another point to be observed is that the ratio of the masses
of the reciprocating parts to the mass of the whole engine is much smaller
than formerly, especially where high-tensile steels and light sections are
used, so the disturbing forces have less effect upon the engine. As a result
of this investigation, excessive balancing is being reduced so that it does
not set up a hammer blow above an agreed maximum. New driving wheels are
adjusted for balance on a machine, to ensure that they are uniform and have
the prescribed amount. In new design of heavy engines reciprocating balance
is reduced to a minimum, especially in multi-cylinder engines with alloy
steel parts.
Discussion: most particpants were from the Permanent Way
A Devon (288) The Author speaks about the interlocking
of the "fibres" between the surface of the rail and the tread of the wheel,
and as the structure of steel is crystalline I do not understand what the
Author means by the word "fibres."
In dealing with the action of vehicles on curves the Author says that another
important consideration is that a force must be applied through the flanges
of the wheels to rotate the vehicle about its radius of gyration, and I take
it by that that he means a couple must be applied through the flanges of
the wheels to rotate the vehicle about a vertical axis through the centre
of mass. In Fig. 4 the Author speaks about the force M causing the angular
acceleration of a locomotive as it entered upon a curve as being equal to
the force ½°F due to centrifugal action. It seemed to me that unless
the transition curve is badly arranged the force M must be very far short
of the force F. With regard to having cylindrical tyres instead of coning
them, it would appear from the Author's remarks that it would be advantageous
to have the tyres cylindrical instead of coned, and 1 would like to know
whether cylindrical tyres have ever been tried. If what the Author has stated
is true-and it seems to me very sound-it would be very useful to try a pair
of bogie wheels to see if they would give the results anticipated.
The Author says that good results are being obtained from bolting flat bottom
rails on a concrete bed, although he has previously mentioned that rails
bolted to rock gave very unsatisfactory results, and this seems rather
contradictory. The heavy wear of the left leading tyre appears very surprising
to me. The Author thinks it is probably due to the ballast under the outside
rail of a double track not giving the same amount of support as the ballast
under the inside rail. If that is the cause, then on a single track such
undue wear of the left wheel will not take place. I have always been under
the impression that an electric locomotive with its uniform turning moment
and absence of hammer blow is an ideal machine for running on a railway,
but from the remarks of Mr. Willos it would seem that the permanent way
department is more concerned about the destructive action of electric locomotives
on the track than the behaviour of the steam locomotive with its hammer blows.
Opening Meeting of the Newcastle Centre (1929-30 Session) held at
the Central Station Hotel, Newcastle-on-Tyne, on Tuesday, 8 October 1929,
at 6.30 p.m. In the unavoidable absence of Mr. A.C. Stamer, the Chairman
of the Centre, Mr. M. Blacklock presided. . C.
Schlegel: Anything which goes towards maintaining an engine in traffic
is welcomed by running sheds, as it is a serious matter when an engine has
to be stopped for the wheels to be talmi eut for flanges to be ttirnecl up.
For this reason 1 was interested to note the American contour of tyre shown
in Fig. 12, which appears to me to be less liable to flange wear and somewhat
resembles the contour of tyre on our Pacific engines on the L.N.E.R. These
engines are: working daily between Edinburgh and York, and there are a good
many curves, especially on the North Section, but we are not troubled with
flange wear, and these engincs are completing over 100,000 miles between
shop repair. The Author has referred to the wear on the left leading flange
of the 0-6-0 type, and I can bear out what he has said, but consider this
is chiefly due to engines working in one direction over a section of the
line running round curves and getting wear mostly on that side. I should
!ike to ask the Author for his explanation o f what we call a roaring rail
and the hard abrasions one notices at equal spaces along the bull head of
the rail.
Summer Meeting in Germany, 1928. 336-453
The 1928 Summer :vleeting of the Institution was held in Germany,
about 100 members being present. By the courtesy of the principal officials
of the German State Rlys. of their London representative, Herr Otto Mann,
and of several locomotive and rolling stock manufacturers, the following
programme was arranged:-
Programme of events.
Saturday, 9 June. Departure from London for Hook of Holland.
Sunday, 10 June.
Arrival at Cologne.
Trip on River Rhine to Konigswinter.
Monday 11 June
Visits to Thyssen Steel Works at Mülheim, and Wagon Fabrik A.G. at
Uerdingen; or, alternatively,
Visit to State Railway Works at Schwerte.
Tuesday 12 June.
Departure from Cologne for Cassel. Visit to State Railway Works. Automobile
Excursion to Mündcn, by invitation of Messrs. Scbmidt'sche Heissdampf
Wednesday·13 June
Visit to Messrs. Henschel and Sohn's Works.
Automobile Excursion to Wilhelrnshohe and Lunch at Schloss Hotel, by invitation
of Messrs. Henschcl and Sohn.
Dinner at Hotel Schirmer, by invitation of Messrs. Schmidt'scbc Heissdarnpf
Departure by night train for Berlin.
Thursday 14 June
Visit to A.E.G. Works at Henningsdorf.
Visit to Klingenberg Power Station.
Institution Dinner at Rhinegold Restaurant, Berlin.
Friday 15 June
Visit to State Railway Testing Plant at Grünewald.
Visit to Charlottenberg Technical Academy or, alternatively,
Dynamometer car trip to Belzig with pulverised fuel fired locomotive
German State Railway Dinner to Members of Institution at Hotel Kaiserhof,
Saturday, 16 June. Departure from Berlin to London
Sunday, 17 June.
Arrival in London
Wednesday·13 June: Visit to the Works of Messrs. Henschel
and Sohn, Cassel. 383-405
Locomotive with turbine tender (388)
Devlin, S.R. (Paper No. 245).
The Clayton steam rail car. 456-75. Disc.: 475.91. 3 illus., 11 diagrs.
Second Ordinary General Meeting of the North Eastern Centre held in
the LNER Mechanics Institute, Doncaster, at 7 p.m. on Friday, 2 November,
1928, . G.A. Musgrave taking chair.
Clewer (page 476) asked if oil firing could be used and was told the boiler
was particularly suitable as a refractory lined combustion chamber is fitted
to the bottom of the boiler in place of the firegrate and ashpan, and the
burner is fitted in the bottom and in the centre of this cylindrica1 chamber.
Starting was performed by a small auxiliary burner and hand pump.
Robson, T. (Paper No. 246)
Experiments on buffer springstheir shock-absorbing capacity. 500-29.
Disc.: 530-2.
Third Ordinary General Meeting of the Newcastle Centre (Session 1928-29)
held at the LNER. Institute, Darlington, on Tuesday, 5 February 1929: chair
taken by Mr. A.C. Stainer. Seventh Ordinary General Meeting of the North-
Eastern Centre held at the Hotel Metropole, Leeds, on Friday, 22 March, 1929,
at 7 p.m., the chair being taken by Mr. E. de H. Rowntree.
Taylor, G.H. (Paper No. 247)
Reduction of weight in rolling stock. 533-60. Disc.: 560-8.
Sixth Ordinary General Meeting of the North-Eastern Centre (Session
1928-29) held in the Hotel Metropole, Leeds, on Friday, 22 February 1929:
chair occupied by E. de H. Rowntree. A large number of specimens of manufactured
aluminium, suitable for use in railway carriages and motor cars, were exhibited,
and these included castings, rolled and extruded sections, drop forgings,
rolled sheets, bolts, nuts and nails, which were all loaned by the Aluminium
Co. Ltd., of London.
Bulleid, O.V.S. (Paper No. 248).
Poppet valves on locomotives. 569-605. Disc. 605-23 + 9 folding plates. 9
illus., 29 diagrs., 3 tables.
Sixth Ordinary General Meeting of the 1928-29 Session held at Denison
House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, on Thursday, 28 February 1929: the
President-Elect, J.R. Bazin, occupying the Chair.
Paper dealt with poppet valves of the Lentz system, which is the type with
which the LNER had the greatest experience. There were two distinct types
of Lentz poppet valve gears:
Direct drive type and Intermediate type. The initial applications were to
an inside cylinder former GER 0-6-0 No. 8280 and to GER 1500 class 4-4-0s
(B12) and to the three-cylinder D49 Shire class. In the discussion
A. Caprotti (pp. 605-14) described his system with illustrations of its
application to an outsside cylinder 0-6-2T, and its actual valves, and disgrams
of indicated horse power. Signor Caprotti : The masiiiium temperature I have
observed has been about 35O°C.; that was on a locomotive in Sardinia
with valves of 110 mm. diameter. I have also noticed this temperature in
America when testing a locomotive of the Baltimore and Ohio R.R. There has
been no trouble in thc working of the valves, when made of chronic-nickel
steel. In one case a contractor manufactured the valves \vith unsuitable
steel, and in that instance there \wre failures due to the bad qiiality of
the steel. So troublc is experienced with the right steel, well worked
H. Chambers (618-19): wished to ask the Author whether,
with the application of very high pressures and the increased temperatures
that are likely to he consitlered in the future in the locomotive world,
the poppet gear will withstand distortion, this I think that is one of the
critical points that will have to be consitlered. Generdly speaking, the
poppet gear used by both Lentz arid Caprotti systems has stood up very well.
There have been cases of failure; one ran hardly cxpect a \.nl\.e to stand
up without any failures ; but generally speaking the results have been extremely
good. I have taken the opportunity of examining some of the valves exhibited
by Mr. Bulleid, which have been taken out after three years' service; one
of them shows distinct .signs that it has not been seating as it should have
done, but the others are quite good. Witli the high temperature steam which
may have to be considercd, what will the effect be? If Signor Caprotti can
Rile us my information on that matter, it will he most interesting.' Mr.
Bullcid mentioned the growth of carbonisation round the outside seat of the
valve, but I should have thought that the application of the air valves which
are fitted on Mr. Gresley's engines and also the very efficient by-pass
arrangement which the poppet valve affords would have reduced that carbonisation
to practically nothing. The fact that it is there is most disturbing; it
may be that it is due to over-supply of lubrication. In another case a valve
seat exhibited shows the results of a hammering action. It would he interesting
to know why that has taken place in view of the acrion of the valve being
under the control of the cam until just before the point of the valve seating,
as Bulleid described so minutely. Caprotti replied that the maximum temperature
observed had been 350°C in Sardinia with valves of 110 mm diameter and
in America on the Baltimore & Ohio RR.
A. Devon: (619) In order to obtain the maximum economy
in steam consumption it is necessary to compress the steam in the clearance
space up to a pressure equal to that of the admission steam. If the compression
is sufficient to do that for a late cut-off or low speed, then, because at
high speed the back pressure is generally much higher than it is at low speed,
one ought to have less cornpression at an early cut-off or high speed than
at a late cut-off or low speed; but I understand that on the L, N. E. R.
locomotive the cornpression is actually less at late cut-off than it is at
early cut-off. Signor Caprotti has also mentioned that in the United States
he has had to reduce the compression at late cut-off. Is that done merely
to get a larger tliagram without any consideration for economy in steam
consumption? If the compression is correct for early cut-offs, it should
he really made greater for late rut-offs in ctrdcr to ohinin the highest
economy in steam consumption. 'I'he value of compression lies solely in its
ability to eliniinatc the waste of stteam that would take place owing to
clearance if there were no compression. Compression is not requirctl for
any cushioning effect, for if a locomotive can run smoothly without cushioning
when drifting at high speed, it can do so also when the throttle is open.
With reference to the indicator diagrams that have been shoum it appears
to me that the lengths of the indicator diagrams at high speed are g r e
a t e r than the lengths of the indicator diagrams at low speed. That is
a fault which is due to the over-running of the indicator drum at high speed
owing to inertia; it is a fault very difficult to eliminate, but unless it
is eliminated the diagrams must necessarily be badly distorted.
Newcastle meeting chaired J.W. Hobson
J C. Stopani Stuart: (Communication: 621 et seq)
Steam distribution by means of poppet valves is a subject in which the railway
world is at present greatly interested. Bulleid is, therefore, to be
congratulated upon having produced bis Paper at such an opportune moment
and affording the members of the Institution an opportunity of discussing
this very specialised branch of the industry.
Poppet, or double beat, valves are in themselves not new, but their application
to locomotives in this Country is comparatively ncw, so that inforination
as to thcir behaviour under working conditions is practically nonexistent.
the \Vriter, with others, looks forward to another paper from Mr. Bulleid,
giving a comparison between the Lcntz valve gear and the Caprotti valve gear
now being built by Messrs. Wm. Beardmore & Co., of Dalrnuir.
In perusing the Paper, several points of interest to the Writer have emerged.
Reference is made to the original type of Lentz gear and to its well known
limitations. The It'riter would be pleased to learn what is the average gain
in efficiency of this type. It would then be possible to separate that gain
from the total gain of the rotary type gear and poppet valves, thus providing
useful data for consideration on conversion jobs. It is stated that the valves
seat themselves nhile still in contact with the rollers, as on Caprotti gear.
Can hlr. Bulleid say what clearance is normally allowed between the valve
stems and rollers, and what the limits arc to which they may be safely adjusted
without preventing the valve seating itself. Is it to be understood that
only on high-powered engines with large cylinders does this gear give
Having to lubricate the valve spindles on horizontal valves is one argument
in favour o f vertical valves, which do not require any lubricant other than
condensed steam. The cost of the oil may be slight, but it is, nevertheless,
there to be added to the other objections to horizontal va 1 ves .
Reference is made to the valves; the Lentz design is well known, wherein
the mild steel valves seat themselves on narrow, flat faces. These features
have interested the Writer for a number of reasons. Poppet valves have been
used for many years on stationary uniflow engines, wherein the majority are
of special design, having the top face flat and the bottom face of conical
shape, and are usually seated on some form of flexible sprrng seating. On
the Caprotti valve gear similar facings to those just described are used,
and the valves and cages are made of nickel-chrome steel and go through an
elaborate oilhardening process to prevent distortion in use. It would be
interesting to have hfr. Rulleid's comments on these points and to learn
if he has ever tested .for " truth " a Lentz valve after it has been subjected
to loog use under superheated steam ?
It would appear from the information given that the rotary cam profile is
" stepped," giving a certain definite number (only) of predetermined " cut-offs."
This feature tloes not compare fa\rourably with a Caprotti gear, which gives
an infinite range of " cut-offs " but has constant lead. According to a certain
school of thought, whose c-ontentions are in some instances borne out in
practice, constant lead should be maintained for all '' cut-offs." The Writer
does not agree with this himself, and thinks the Lentz variable lead a valuable
feature, it being analagous to advancing or retarding the spark in a petrol
engine. With regard to the reversing shaft which runs the width of the vehicle,
can Mr. Bulleid say if cylinder expansion, frame distortion, or vibration,
has affected this part in any way. Also will he give particulars of the steel
and its treatment, used for cams, rollers, etc. Reference is made to the
time taken to inspect a set of poppet valves--g hours. The Caprotti gear
can be inspected in about as many minutes, as the boxes are clamped and can
be easily slid out of position, while four nuts hold each valve in place.
The combined valve seating and cage is a good feature, since oiled-up valves
can be easily withdrawn and they do not cause the trouble that the Lentz
type does.
It is interesting to learn that the L. & N.E. Railway have had instances
of piston salves giving economies greater than poppet valves. This has happened
on other railways, and points to the need of closer observation on tests
and careful analysis of the conditions of running, for obviously poppet valves
ought to give improved results over piston valves. Can Mr. Bulleid account
for the large difference in the results obtained from the comparative engines
Journal No. 91
Southgate. F.D. (Paper No. 249)
Running and maintenance of Garratt locomotives. 681-92. Disc.: 692-703.
Third Ordinary General Meeting of South American Centre held on board
the ferry-boat Delfina Mitre between Campana and Ibicuy, on Saturday,
22 September, 1928, Mr. E.C. Noble occupying the chair.
Law, W. (Paper No. 250)
Locomotive boiler defects and their repairs. 710-24.
Third Ordinary General Meeting of the Scottish Centre (1928-29 Session)
held in the Royal Technical College, Glasgow, on Thursday, 13 December 1928,
at 7.30 p.m. Mr. C.H. Robinson, Chairman of the Scottish Centre, presided,
Corrosion internal and external, but more especially internal, is the malady
from which most locomotive boilers suffer. Internal corrosion presents itself
in various forms, each having a character of its own, but only sometimes
strongly marked. These are usually designated as :
(1) Uniform corrosion, or wasting away ;
(2) Pitting, or honeycombing; and
(3) Grooving.
It has been said that the first is caused by the chemical action of the
feed-water or substances introduced into the boiler; the second by the chemical
agents assisted by galvanic action, and the third by chemical and mechanical
action combined. By uniform corrosion is meant the wasting away of the plates
where the water corrodes them in a more or less even manner in patches of
considerable extent. The presence of this, as well as other kinds of corrosion,
although covered with a considerable thickness of scale, is very often revealed
on emptying the boiler by the bleeding, or red streaks where
the scale is cracked. Uniform corrosion may in some cases be found where
the plates are entirely free from scale, and in consequence of the even surface
of the plate and the absence of any well defined limit as to its extent,
it may easily escape detection.
Roosen, R. (Paper No. 251)
Pulverised fuel burning in locomotives. 725-52. Disc.: 752-63.
Fifth Ordinary General hleeting of the Scottish Centre (Session 1928-29)
held in the Societies Room, Royal Technical College, Glasgow, at 7.30
p.m., on Thursday, 14 March 1929, the Chairman of the Scottish Centre, Mr.
C.H. Robinson, presiding.
Investigations and results of trials by Henschel of Cassel, on pulverised
fuel. Describes research on creating suitable pulverised fuel burning equipment
for locomotives
Journal No. 92.
Crook, G.H. (Paper No. 252)
Route and speed signalling. 770-805. Disc.: 805-22.
Seventh Ordinnry Genera1 Mceting held at Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge
Road, London, on Thursday, 25 April 1929, after the Annual General Meeting.
The chair was taken by the President, . R.E.L. Maunsell. Author was of the
GWR Signalling Department, Reading.
Speed-signalling conveys its message to the engineman directly in terms of
speed. Route information is generally considered to be unnecessary, but can
be given as auxiliary information by means of route indicators. It aims at
standardising the indications conveyed to the driver so that the same indication
means thc same thing wherever it is displayed. 'I'hc basic aspects are simple
and should be capable of being learned by a person of average intelligence
in one hour, and if the underlying principles are thoroughly grasped should
be permanently remembered after a little practice or reflection. At complicated
junctions less signals are necessary and these can be kept more intimately
in sight of the driver, an important advantage in foggy weather. One mast
only per track signalled is required, and its unmistakable application to
that particular track can be better securcd than in the case of the route
system. Transitional speed indications, as well as definite speed indications,
come within its code, that is change from one speed to another, and these
transitions should be of almost equal usefulness to the indications of definite
speeds, and in addition they should form a valuahle contribution to the solution
of the problem of the operation of distant signals in short sections. The
ideal block system is one allowing following movements at equally timed short
intervalscompared with the stream of petrol-driven traffic on a public
roadwayand the speed-signalling system promises a much closer approximation
to this ideal than does the route system.
Finally, automatic train control systems are from various causes (disastrous
and otherwise) gradually establishing their claim to development and inclusion
as components of our visual signalling systems, and the fact should be
appreciated that, unlike the driver, the automatic train control systems
can only "think" in terms of speed. The application of automatic train control
(speed control) tends to bring to light many peculiarities in our existing
route signalling systems and, with a clearer conception of speed and braking
characteristics, there are possibly some things we might do better in the
two-aspect route system.
It is certain that the introduction of some such system of speed-signalling
aspects would clarify the interpretative work of the drivcr, simplify
manipulation by signalmen and increase train capacity of existing
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