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Journal of the Institution of Locomotive
Volume 51 (1961)
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Journal No. 279
Cansdale, J.H. and Collins, G. (Paper No. 615)
Rheostatic braking for rapid transit multiple-unit trains. 8-75.
General Meeting of the Institution was held at the Institution of Mechanical
Englineers on Tuesday, 6 December, 1960, at 17.30 E.S. Cox (Past-President)
was in the Chair. Chairman then introduced Mr. G. Collins, A.M.I.E.E., and
asked him to present the Paper written jointly by himself and . J. H. Cansdale,
M.I.E.E. (Member of Council) entitled Rheostatic Braking for Rapid
Transit Multiple-Unit Trains, since the latter was unfortunately detained
Barrett. G.M. (Paper No. 616)
Spectrographic analysis of crank-case lubricating oils as a guide to preventive
maintenance of locomotive diesel engines. 76-98.
General Meeting of the Institution was held at the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, 1 Birdcage Walk, London, S.W.l, on 17th January 1961, at 5.30
p.m. Mr. D. C. Brown, C.B.E. (President) was in the Chair.
Bairstow, S. (Paper No. 617)
Control of quality of crankcase lubricating oils of locomotive diesel engines
in service. 98-140.
General Meeting of the Institution was held at the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, 1 Birdcage Walk, London, S.W.l, on 17th January 1961, at 5.30
p.m. Mr. D. C. Brown, C.B.E. (President) was in the Chair.
Ritchie, Joan and Byrne, B.R. (Paper No. 618)
The collection and assessment of technical information, including the language
problem. 141-77.
General Meeting of the Institution was held at the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, 1 Birdcage Waik, London, S.W.1, on Tuesday 21st February 1961,
at 5.30 p.m. Mr. A. W. Manser (Vice-President) was in the Chair in the absence
of the President.
Rudge, T.H. and Forbes, M.K. (Paper No. 619)
Cooling equipment for diesel locomotives. 202-32. Disc.: 232-55.
Ordinary General Meeting of the Institution was held at the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers, 1 Birdcage Walk, London, S.W. 1, on Tuesday, 21st March
1961, at 5.30 p.m. Mr. J. F. Harrison (Vice-President) was in the Chair
Thorley, W.G.F. and Clarke, G.O.B. (Paper
No. 620)
Work study and its application to motive power activities. 256-300. Disc.:
Ordinary General Meeting was held at the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, London, on lSth April, 1961, immediately following the termination
of the Annual General Meeting. Mr. D. C. Brown, C.B.E., President, was in
the Chair.
I. LeMay (309) said he was interested to note that the Authors brought in
the subject of Ergonomics. He said there was at Inchicore Works a very fine
diesel maintenance depot with three floor levels which appeared to be designed
for the locomotives which were being serviced there. A point which he did
not think the Authors had mentioned, was the design of depots actually to
suit the particular locomotives involved. This goes a little further and
suggests that the work study people should look at the designs of new locomotives
before they go into service. He asked was there likely to be any sort of
standardisation of such items as the height of battery boxes, height of access
doors, the provision of side access doors and, obviously, roof catches?
Journal No. 281
Harrison, J.F. (Presidential Address)
The gathering of the new crop. 336-56. + plate. 16 illus. 4 diagrs.
Includes an appreciation of the Gresley Pacifics: Harrison had been
born in Settle, and following a very brief appreciation of Midland Railway
locomotives he noted that A3 Pacifics had taken over working the major express
trains over the Settle & Carlisle Line with photographs of them at Ais
Gill, and on the Thames Clyde Express.
He noted that the Peppercorn A1 Pacifics "were intended to give a better
performance than any previous Pacific, to be cheaper to maintain, and to
run increased mileages per annum and between general repairs. These five
locomotives, Nos. 60153/60154/60155/60156/60157, have now been in service
for exactly twelve years, during which they have run 4.8 million miles, one
in fact having just completed 1,000,000 miles, or 228 miles for every calendar
day since leaving Doncaster as a new engine. The average miles between shopping
of these engines is 120,000, and these figures compare with figures given
by Mr. R.C. Bond in his Paper to this Institution in 1953 showing the best
London & North Eastern mileages in those days as 93,363 with average
annual mileages of 80,000.
The total miles run by the fifty engines, including the five roller bearing
engines, since new, is approximately 48,000,000, an average of 202 miles
per calendar day-figures which I know cannot be approached by any steam
locomotive class in this country. I will refer to this figure later in my
When one realises that these locomotives are better than the A4 Class, examples
of which took part in the interchange trials in 1948, and which attained
the best coal and water consumption figures per drawbar horsepowerihour,
one realises that these latter locomotives were, and in fact still are, perhaps
the finest steam locomotives in the world. For some 105 years the Great Northern
and London & North Eastern Railway had only four Locomotive Engineers,
all of whom have a position in history, but I suggest none more so than Gresley
who was honoured by a knighthood in 1936. Surely there is a lesson to be
learned from this continuance of a single policy for periods of up to twenty-five
years each. This has been noticeable also on the Great Western Railway. It
is, therefore, with great pleasure that I pay this modest and brief tribute
to the late Sir Herbert Nigel Gresiey, who cannot be by-passed as the greatest
Locomotive Engineer in this country in the 20th century if one judges these
matters on the performance of the designers products over such a lengthy
period of time. It is surprising, however, to see that the British Transport
Commission have only thought fit to preserve amongst their historic locomotives
two examples of this great Engineers work, and then neither of the
first two Pacifics he ever built."
Sharp. E. (Paper No. 621)
Diesel-electric locomotive testing with the British Railways L.M. Region
mobile test plant. 356-88. Disc.: 388-407.
Sixth Ordinary General Meeting of the Midlands Centre was held at
the Midland Hotel, Derby, on 21st February 1961, at 7.0 p.m., the Chair being
taken by Mr. G. C. Jackson, M.I.Loco.E.
G.T. Smithyman (M.), in congratulating the Author on his Paper, said it was
interesting to remember that when these M.T.U.s were built-they were,
of course, the brain child of Dr. Andrews he christened them originally
Faith, Hope and Charity; Charity if speeds continued at 50 m.p.h.;
they would Hope to do 90 m.p.h. and use the middle speed unit,
and would require a lot of Faith at speeds of 120 m.p.h. when
using the high speed unit. The speaker thought the original object of three
M.T.U.s was to reduce costs as compared with large static installations
for testing, also to simplify testing on undulating lines. He asked if other
Regions made use of these units. Had the Western Region, who were constructing
a new dynamometer car, taken any advice from the L.M. Region or would they
borrow the L.M. Regions M.T.U.s to work in conjunction with the
Western Regions dynamometer car? Most of the tests referred to, other
than one, were on diesel-electric locomotives; were any comparative figures
available for dieseI hydraulics? He referred to Fig. 8, showing rolling
resistance, and asked how the Western Region compared.
Passing reference was made in the Paper to braking of freight stock. He thought
this had probably not been done intentionally, but it had been dismissed
in a matter of seven lines. He thought the problem was too immense and too
complicated to be dismissed so lightly.
Would the dynamometer car continue to be used on freight train trials, or
were the drawbar snatches and the buffing shocks too great for the Amsler
Unit on the dynamometer car? It was partly irrelevant to this Paper, but
he thought people might misread it; it was so easy to dismiss A.W.S. and
the deadmans control and all the problems associated with braking of
freight trains. He thought it was now one of our greatest problems.
Mention was made of Type 4s and making a compromise for
passenger traffic and freight traffic. Did the Author think compromise was
the right answer, or did he consider there should be locomotives suitable
for heavy freight and others for express passenger? A figure had been quoted
in the Paper of 1100 tons being the maximum for a Type 4 on a
1 in 78 rising gradient.
Maskery, C. (Paper No. 622)
The use of instruments to record dynamic phenomena. 408-56.
Annual General Meeting and Eighth Ordinary General Meeting of the Midlands
Centre was held at the Midland Hotel, Derby, on the 12th April 1961, at 7
p.m., the Chair being taken by Mr. G. C. Jackson, M. I. Loco .E.
Journal No. 282
Schlaepfer, O. (Paper No. 623)
Control of diesel-electric locomotives. 466-95. Discussion: 495-519.
General Meeting of the Institution was held at the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers, 1 Birdcage Walk, London, S.W.l on 24th October 1961,
at 5.30 p.m. Mr. J. F. Harrison (Pyesidelzt) was in the Chair In the dioscusion
W.J.A. Sykes made a plea for simplicity in the control gear to ensure that
the driver could concentrate on observing signals. He also advocated simplicity
in cabling systems as on the plus-minus control system observed in
Singh, A. (Paper No. 624)
Couplers and draft gears for Indian Railways. 519-54.
Meeting of the Northern Branch of the Indian Centre of the Institution of
Locomotive Engineers was held in New Delhi on 18 ;March 1960.
Journal No. 283
Cox, E.S. (Paper No. 625)
Some problems in vehicle riding. 574-615. Disc.: 615-59.
General Meeting of the Institution was held at the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers, 1 Birdcage Walk, London S.W.1, on 23rd November 1961
at 5.30 p.m. The President, Mr. J. F. Harrison was in the Chair.
Railway vehicle riding is not a simple subject and its basic theory was not
completely understood after 150 years. The complete theory has baffled and
still baffled some of the best mathematical brains in Britain and other
countries. Full understanding of the theory does not, however, preclude
application of parts of the theory backed up by experiment, and was shown
could lead to the establishment and maintenance of a standard of riding
acceptable to the public.
What has now been established may seem simple enough to the uninitiated
why was it not done before? There are two things at any rate which have made
it more possible to do today what was not done yesterday. These are the
availability of better means of measurement, and the development of the hydraulic
damper in sizes and reIiability suitable for rail traction.
There is the necessity for a sense of proportion on this subject. Not every
passenger journey on British Railways represents a bad ride, and the area
of serious complaint, irksome as it is to those who suffer under it, is a
relatively small one. Put another way, of 40,000 passenger carrying vehicles,
in stock, modifications which are to be made to some 2,000 vehicles of one
or other of the four existing types described in the Paper, will deal with
almost the whole of what has been complained about in particular. The remainder,
far from perfect, but certainly not warranting modification expenditure at
this time of capital stringency, will gradually be replaced by new vehicles,
all of which are now being built in line with the principles just described.
Having improved the ride basically by improvements to the bogie suspension,
accuracy of construction and repair now becomes more important, and must
be assured in order to maintain the ride quality now built in.
It was considered at one time that development would pose a problem as to
where to direct available resources. It was thought that better riding would
cost more in capital and maintenance expenditure, either on the vehicle or
on the track, and that a choice had to be made in this respect. Although
this might be true in the long term, in the short term the contrary is proving
to be true. Better riding is now obtained in important cases from simpler
bogie designs, not expensive in first cost and cheaper in maintenance, while
their insensitivity to normal track irregularities is such that no special
standards of track design or maintenance are called for to meet this first
stage of improvement. The Civil Engineers are thus left only with the already
existing problem of dealing with the really bad places in the track, without
being faced by any immediate need for raising general standards. Some by-products
of the work described are interesting, although to enlarge upon them would
unduly lengthen this Paper. These are:-
Bogies of some former designs, especially in run-down condition, can develop
continuous hunting on long-welded rails, which is abated or becomes only
intermittent with the return to jointed rails. Modified bogies
on the other hand ride as well or even better on welded than on jointed
Self-propulsion is not of itself a factor influencing ride quality. Electric
multiple-units have been run at the same speeds over the same track, under
their own power and locomotive hauled, without any appreciable difference
in the riding- records obtained.
The nose-suspended electric motor makes no contribution one way or the other
to the ride values obtained. In other words a motor bogie will ride as well
or as badly as its own suspension characteristics and condition permit. Just
as good a ride can be obtained from a modified power car as from a trailer,
and this holds good for either electric or diesel propulsion. On ihe other
hand, the greater noise from the power car sometimes leads to the impression,
not sustained by the records, that the ride is not so good.
The work threw up other factors such as vehicle body stiffness, and springing
of upholstery as additional contributors to the final ride quality as felt
by the passenger. They merit, and will receive further investigation, but
they are of the second order of importance.
It could be claimed, possibly with justice, that British Railways have arrived
at this stage somewhat later than have certain other countries. On the other
hand, there is a long story of un-success as the result of merely importing
into this country Continental proprietary bogie designs which give good enough
riding in their territory. In general, such designs as they stand do not
include the longer swing links which are necessary here because our vehicles
are shorter and have a smaller moment of inertia.
It is emphasised that what is described is only a stage in progress
a satisfying condition if it will eliminate public complaint but a
stage nevertheless. As engineers we can never be satisfied until we understand
fully, so that research will go on, What greater degree of good riding, and/or
reduction in costs in relation to speed, will remain to be realised when
all of the theory is known, and the vehicle/track relationship is thoroughly
understood, is a point for debate. Above all, better understanding of the
theory is going to become essential should any considerable advance in maximum
running speeds become desirable commercially. It would seem important to
discover what the ceiling in these matters is liable to be, for no less than
the future of railways as we know them may possibly hang upon the answer.
Raman, K. (Paper No. 626)
A basic study of mid-section derailments of metre gauge four-wheeled goods
stock. 660-82.
Meeting of the Northern Branch of the Indian Centre of the Institution
of Locomotive Engineers was held in New Delhi on 20th May 1961, presided
over by Mr. I. Hydari.
Journal No. 284
Symposium on the Engineering Aspect of Catering on Trains:
Ordinary General Meeting of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers was held
at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Birdcage Walk, London, S.W.l,
on 21st December 1961 at 5.30 p.m. Mr. J. F. Harrison (President), was in
the Chair.
Simons, H. (Paper No. 627)
Engineering aspect of catering on trains: 1. The vehicle from the catering
manager's viewpoint. 692-704. 6 diagrs. (elevations and plans)
Author was Assistant Chief of Restaurant Cars, British Transport Hotels
and Catering Services
British Transport Commission had six types:
Kitchen Car
Kitchen Buffet
Restaurant Buffet
Restaurant Unclassed
Miniature Buffet
The Griddle Car
Wilcock, H. (Paper No. 628)
Engineering aspect of catering on trains: 2. British Railways experience.
Design Engineer, Standards, British Transport Commission
Bulman, W.E. (Paper No. 629)
Engineering aspect of catering on trains: 3. Overseas experience (East
African Railways and Harbours). 722-7. Disc.: 727-45. 5 illus. (numbered
in sequence with above papers)
A versatile buffet car was illustrated and described.
Discussion (all Papers) pp. 727-45.
Warder, S.B. (Paper No. 630)
Progress of 50 cycle traction on British Railways. 747-813.
Fifth Ordinary General Meeting of the Session 1961/62 of the Institution
of Locomotive Engineers was held on 23rd January 1962, at the Institution
of Mechanical Engineers, 1 Birdcage Walk, Westminster, S.W.l. The President
A very thorough paper which recorded British experience over the full period
from the beginning of the twentieth century to the then current programme.
Research in electric traction The outstanding developments of the
last ten years in electric traction have dictated the need for stronger and
closer association between short term development and long term research.
In addition there must be closer collaboration between the railways and industry.
This has been recognised equally in this country, as in others, and the electric
traction research section of British Railways has now been recruited to a
sufficient strength to enable it to make a considerable impact on those problems
which have presented themselves in the short period which has so far elapsed
in this field by comparison with that of other forms of motive power. An
advance in breadth as well as depth, and with a closer collaboration with
industry must produce results, and with the tech- nical resources that this
country can collectively deploy, the future should be bright with hope and
Conclusion This Paper was intended to record the progress of 50 cycle
a.c. traction on British Railways. It has perforce to record a little of
the past as well, and in fact there has been much of the present which has
had to be left out. It has not, for instance, been possible to discuss the
repair and maintenance facilities necessary to keep the equipment in good
working order. Neither has it been possible to deal in any detail way with
methods of control, either of fixed equipment or of rolling stock. Any
electrification scheme inevitably, being of a composite nature, provides
a wealth of material for description and analysis, and there is always the
overriding subject of all, namely, the economies of the case. The time has
yet to come when all these associated subjects are adequately dealt with,
but this report dealing with the first year of operation of some 64 locomotives
and over 400 multiple-unit motor coaches, each with two or three trailers,
widely dispersed throughout the country, working over 700 miles of electrified
track, is already overlong. So far nothing has occurred to suggest that the
decision to abandon 1,500 v. d.c. and change to high voltage a.c. at the
national frequency was wrong; in fact, as the troubles recede the evidence
accumulate! to justify the correctness of the decision. In matters of this
kind one has to rest on the fundamental truths of what a railway is for,
anc the skill of railway engineers in providing the best technical solution
To be deflected by political or economic expediency can only lead to disaster
(still relevant Graything).
The Modernisation Plan was magnificent in conception and is vital to the
salvation of the railways of Great Britain.
Based on a paper presented at three centres in India where railway
electrification has made far greater progress. disaster.
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