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Journal of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers
Volume 56 (1966)
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Journal No. 309
Roberts, H.P. (Paper No. 678)
The changeover from vacuum to air brakes on British Railways. 8-36. Disc.:
Ordinary General Meeting of the Institution held at the Institution
of Mechanical Engineers, London, SW1, on 14 February 1966 at 5.30 p.m.: Mr.
A.W. Manser, President, was in the Chair.
In opening the discussion E.S. Cox (36-8) noted that only 25 out of 720 of
the Institution's Papers had dealt with retardation of trains: he noted that
Dumas of the former GWR was mentioned in the paper, and one thought of Sutherland
and Sanford on the old LMS, Ell in more recent times at Swindon, Broadbent
of London Transport and various others.
Jowett, W.G. (Paper No. 679)
Some design and service aspects of commutators and brush gear in traction
service. 74-99. Disc.: 100-34.
Ordinary General Meeting was held at the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers on Monday 14 March 1966. The President, Mr. A.W . Manser was in
the Chair. Discussion: G.J. Corson (108) recalled that the first electric
locomotives used in the London Underground, City and South London, had grids
in the floor to enable the motorman to observe the sparking!
Barwell, F.T. (Paper No. 680)
Traction research. 158-88. Disc.: 189-96.
The use of analogue computing to study pantograph catenary interaction,
statistical methods applied to locomotive slipping. use of semi-conductors,
the Hawk locomorive, PTFE insulators and the linear motor. Bibliography.
Discussion: T. Henry Turner (194-5) said that
Professor Barwell referred to research as directing one's eyes to the future.
What was the competitor which the railway would have to meet in the future?
In that connection one might recall one of the Author's earlier papers dealing
with what happened on the motor-way. In order to obtain the maximum amount
of useful transport over the motor-way he had pointed out that it was necessary
to marshal the road vehicles and, in effect, make a train. If that rubber-tyred
train were to run on the road, it would need some guiding underneath: so
the railway's competitor might be a motor-wayed electronically guided train
of rubber-tyred vehicles. The Author had mentioned adhesion, but not that
there was unlikely to be aquaplaning at excessively high speeds with railway
steel tyres on steel rails. But there might be aquaplaning, with the weather
conditions current in this country, if one started running at excessively
high speeds rubber-tyred vehicles on motor-ways, and there might then be
dangerous lack of control on curves or when retarding. Mr. Warder had been
somewhat unkind to the old research. Research was not invented when British
Railways came into being.
Sir Nigel Gresley had the fastest steam locomotive in the world, and in his
team he had electrical engineers and metallurgists who were apprenticed in
electrical engineering work. Credit must be given to those people who planned
the Manchester-Sheffield and London-Shenfield electrifications before 1939
when the present knowledge of metal physics had not yet been won by the
metallurgists and physicists and so made electronics possible. It was not
the other way round.
Material science and art now preceded engineering hardware. If British Railways
wanted to be forward looking, they must deal with the first thing first,
and increase their knowledge of metallurgy and metal physics. Considering
the aircraft industry as a competitor of the railways, it should be noted
that they had forward-looking departments where work on fibre-reinforced
metals for special parts was being undertaken. The aero-engine makers were
paying for materials development for the needs of ten years ahead; but one
did not see that happening in Railway Metallurgical Research. The Author
would no doubt agree that what he had been advocating had become possible
because semi-conductors and thyristors were now available. There will be
other tricks for the railway research department to find out in the same
He suggested that in railway traction the biggest advance had been in
cleanliness, so far as the public were concerned: the washbasin at the end
of the carriage was no longer dirty. The carriage double-glazed windows were
not dirtied when the train went through a tunnel, and a passenger could breathe
freely when the diesel or electric train went through a tunnel. The diesel
locomotive made only one tenth of the sulphur dioxide of the old steam
locomotive. That should be publicised. It was a great improvement so far
as the country, the prevention of corrosion, and railway traction were concerned.
Finally, the greatly improved Manchester to Euston train speeds and comfort
would not have been possible without the metallurgical development of long-welded
H.I. Andrews (192) said he was recently in the
neighbourhood behind Euston station, and there amongst the parked cars in
what remains of Ampthill Square, he was confronted with the ghost of a row
of decrepit buildings in No. 39 of which the first organised Railway Engineering
Research in this country had its birth. It was a tall grubby house, with
steps up to the door, exactly like the others, and there were strange tales
of the welcome received by a gentleman who called at the wrong house by mistake.
It is easy to contemplate the difference between this building and the modern
laboratory at Derby, but he did also wonder what was the difference in mental
attitude between that time and now. The greatest difference, he thought,
is in the attention which is now paid to economies. This is of course necessary,
but he suggested that it has got somewhat out of balance because logically
the ultimate economy is to close the railway and sell the equipment for scrap.
In those days attention was concentrated on the increase in net revenue,
which is quite a different matter, and more truly to the benefit of both
the railway and the public.
Any paper published nowadays on electric or diesel-electric traction seems
to deal much more with the economies to be effected than with the corresponding
positive advantages, though with an adequate supply of cheap power on the
train these may be considerable. It has been estimated that all the improvements
that can possibly be made to the motors of a train are only equivalent to
the carriage of one extra dog, so logically we should concentrate on the
provision of electrically heated, ventilated and possibly, soundproof, dog
kennels on the train and revive the old' 'take your dog with you" publicity
Seriously, the most profitable application of readily available power in
goods traffic would probably be the special loads increasingly offered by
the food and chemical industries requiring the maintenance of particular
conditions in transport. These include loads requiring high temperature,
refrigeration, forced ventilation, controlled humidity, pressure, vacuum
or forced circulation or stirring, conditions to be maintained, all of which
would of course involve automatic control. There are also many cases where
it is economic to install power handling equipment on the vehicle rather
than on the loading dock.
For passengers the need is less obvious since speed, frequency and punctuality
are the most important factors, but such matters as air conditioning, reliable
heating and possibly cooling, controlled humidity and sewage incineration
would be of interest. Some of' the spare channels in Mr. Ogilvy's G line,
referred to by Professor Barwell, could very profitably be devoted to providing
public telephones on the train for the use of passengers, while it would
be technically possible for the Railway to provide certain of its patrons
with examples of the popular music they favour at the moment for twenty-four
miserable hours in each day!
D.R. Carling (193) referred to Professor Barwell's remarks about
adhesion, and said that the Office for Research and Experiments had authorised
the necessary expenditure for the conversion of a withdrawn B.R. locomotive
into a special adhesion measuring device. It would go some way to filling
the gap where the available power of the locomotive was not sufficient to
enable the wheels to be slipped at any but low speeds when adhesion was good.
That would be done by converting one of the A-1-A bogies of No. 18000
the former Brown Boveri gas turbine locomotive to l-A-l and fitting
it with a Monomoteur of an electric locomotive of the SNCF normally used
to drive two axles. At a short time rating the power available on one axle
would be about four times the normal continuous rating. Power would be supplied
from an accompanying electric or diesel electric locomotive. That conversion
should be completed towards the end of next year, and would enable a variety
of adhesion problems to be studied as it would be possible to change the
axle load between 15 and 25 tons, the wheel diameter between 3 feet 0¼
inches and 4 feet 7 inches, and flexibility of the drive from virtually zero
to about double the usual amount and the wheels were to be instrumented so
that the forces acting vertically, longitudinally and transversely couls
be measured simultaneously. The motor could also be supplied with rerctified
a.c., undulating current or with genuine dc.
Sharp, E.
Discussion on the Engineering aspects of high-speed trains: (1) motive power.
Thring, J.F.
Discussion on the Engineering aspects of high-speed trains: (2) passenger
rolling stock. 200-2.
Peacock, D.W.
Discussion on the Engineering aspects of high-speed trains: (3) braking and
signalling. 202-6.
Loach, J.C.
Discussion on the Engineering aspects of high-speed trains: (4) permanent
way. 206-09.
Meeting at Derby on 15 December 1965: Discussion: 209-18.
T. Henry Turner (209) noted that the LNER articulated
coaches peovided extremely smooth riding. E.D. Henley (212) compared
a range of plastics with aluminium, iron and lead in terms of cost (pence
per pound) and volume (pence per in3). J.C. Loach
(213) commented on cant deficiecies. A. Forester Fielding was critical of
the LNER and LMS high speed trains and advocated more reliable trains at
lower speeds. G.R. Mahy (213-14) advocated multiple units for very high speeds.
A.N. Emerson (217-18)summarised the discussion..
Suresh Chandra (Paper No. 681)
Maintenance of diesel electric locomotives on the Eastern Railway, India.
Journal No. 311
Crane, M.A. (Presidential Address)
The wheel turns. 270-98.
Being a former Swindon man there was some brief comment on Kings and
Castles, but the main thrust of the paper was operation over steep gradients
(in the Andes, other parts of South America and in Africa) and over long
Arthurton, R.I.M.
Electronics in railway traction. 298-314.
The Stanley Herbert Whitelegg memorial travel scholarship 1966
award: visit to Sweden and to Switzerland..
Journal No 312
Mckenna, David
Management of design. (Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton lecture). 318-29,
Speaker was Chairman and General Manager of the Southern Region. Showed
how the Southern Region, because of its extensive third rail DC electric
system, had quite different motive power requirements from the rest of British
Railways. Its main requirement was flexibility: it was essential to be capable
of coupling all types of multiple unit together and to drive them as one
unit. This concept had been extended to diesel, electro-diesel and electric
multiple units and had included the introduction of push-pull working with
these units.
Koffman, J.L. and Fairweather, D.M.S. (Paper No.
Rubber as an aid to suspension design. 331-71. Disc.: 371-423.
"rubber was surrounded by an aura of mystic" and "the use of rubber
has led to some expensive disappointments". This received extensive response
from Manser who described LTE's extensive use in rubber in suspension systems
and from Lindley who supplied his characteristic shape factor diagram.
Discussion: P.B. Lindley (390-6) presented in an ultra-concise form
(but with a full list of references) what amounted to his classic
Engineering design with natural rubber including its paradigm diagram
showing how compresssion modulus varies with shape factor.
A.R. Payne (NRPRA: 396-7) said that as
he was present as a guest he wished to apologise in advance for his comments,
which would be rather rude. This had to be said in fairness to the considerable
amount of work done in the past in trying to elevate the use of rubber as
an engineering material. In the Paper the word "Shore" was mentioned time
and time again. This term came over with the Norman Conquest, but in 1948
the British Standards, in, their wisdom, developed a new code of hardness
called the British Standard of International Rubber Hardness, and this was
accepted throughout the industry as the measure of this property. It is about
time people started using British Standard definitions, which do not agree
with Shore.
The references in the Paper were entirely to the Continental papers, the
majority of which were inaccessible and could not be easily obtained. There
must be some excellent linguists in British Railways but there appears to
be a complete inability to read the vast amount of work published in English
on the use of rubber as an engineering material. This was a great pity but
it reflected another attitude that he had encountered. Four weeks ago there
was a very large conference at the Mechanical Engineering Department of Imperial
College on Rubber in Engineering. It was a two-day conference and 19 papers
were given, solely devoted to how to use rubber in an engineering sense in
both road and rail vehicle suspensions, in mounting buildings, in mounting
bridges, and how to design with it.
Out of the 270 delegates, mostly engineers and technologists, there was not
one single representative of British Railways who bothered to attend. This
was in spite of the fact that he had made considerable personal effort, as
had his colleagues, to ensure that British Railways were invited to hear
something of the amount of work being done in England in regard to the use
of rubber as a proper engineering material. There is a rubber engineering
advisory service at Welwyn which helps anybody with rubber engineering
There exists an excellent piece of equipment designed to test rubber engineering
components in order to find their static/dynamic ratios. It is now gathering
dust in one of the Railways' establishments. It had never been used and there
seems to be no indication that it ever will.
It is fantastic that the civil engineering industry is quite prepared to
put large buildings on rubber, and that every bridge recently built on the
new roadways are now sitting on rubber. Nowadays many cars are running on
rubber suspensions (the Mini Minor, Morris 1100 and 1800 for instance) and
the London Underground as well as many Continental Railways have used rubber
suspensions very successfully for many years, but with British Railways there
is no chance. It is about time British Railways employed one or two people
with some knowledge of rubber engineering, so that the Railways might then
have a real opportunity of using an excellent material for suspending railway
equipment, carriages, etc.Dr. Payne apologised for being so critical, but
he thought that his remarks needed to be made.
L.D. Porta (397-) referred to the part that rubber
suspensions had played in railway carriage development in relation to the
parallelism of axles; namely the B.R. bogie depicted in Fig. 17 with rubber
suspension allowing for freedom from forced parallelism. He recalled the
use of diamond bogies with helical springs on a rather bad track which needed
some damping. The rubber from ,the walls of old motor car tyres was used
for the purpose of improving the damping properties. This had proved to be
much more successful than pure rubber, and it was a reasonably cheap solution,
with the advantage that broken springs keep their position. The idea had
come from the tramways at La Plata where a very high intensity of pitch and
movement had been causing concern and could be controlled that way.
Alwin Duskow (398-403) described the ill effects of badly designed pads
associated with magnetic track brakes fitted to four-wheel tramcars in Hanover.
Hans Tapert (403-5) described and illustrated the bogies useed on articulated
units on the Hamburg where Clouth rolling springs had replaced chevron units.
A. Kniffler (405-6) wrote to list the locomotives and rolling stock
using rubber suspension on the German railways. ..
Journal No 313
Lucas, H.W. and Wojtas, B. (Paper No. 683)
Automatic wheelslip control. 442-69. Disc.: 469-95.
Throughout the life of the steam locomotive, limitations on the
power-to-weight ratio and the relatively modest demands for drawbar tractive
effort, kept the problem within manageable proportions. A relatively skilful
driver was able to control the locomotive at the limit of adhesion without
serious consequences and without the aid of complicated control features.
The advent of the electric locomotive altered the situation because the increased
maximum tractive effort which was possible made slip more likely and the
characteristics of the d.c. series motor with rheostatic control made the
consequences more serious. Many locomotives were therefore fitted with simple
detection devices which gave the driver warning so that he could take appropriate
action. As locomotives have become progressively more powerful there has
arisen a pressing need for sophisticated slip detection devices and the driver
has become less and less reliable as a means of applying corrective action.
A stage has now been reached where it is useful to describe some recent
developments in the technology of slip detection and automatic correction
and to draw tentative conclusions from the evidence presented.
Wheelslip phenomena fall into two distinct categories, and the distinction
between them is only now becoming clear. The first category is concerned
with the behaviour of the wheels when the locomotive is at, or near, standstill.
This phenomenon has, until recently, always been considered most important
because it prevents the locomotive from starting the train and its effects
on train performance generally are usually immediately and forcibly brought
into prominence. The second category is concerned with the behaviour of the
wheels at high speeds. The phenomenon of wheelslip at high speed has only
recently been recognised as a problem, and this is no doubt due to the increasing
use of locomotives which regularly operate at high speeds and are required
to develop substantial power whilst doing so.
Mechanical engineers will probably agree that there is some scope for a more
complete theoretical explanation of the wheelslip phenomenon in all its aspects,
although some light has been thrown on the problem in recently published
papers. This Paper is therefore concerned with the problem as it affects
the control engineer.
Discussion: W.G. Jowett (469-71) mentioned the damage which had been
caused to the early Southern Railway electric locomotives by slipping; W.G.F.
Thorley (471-2) commented on the nuisance of wheelslip on steep gradients
and the risk of burnt rails.
Botham, G.J.M. (Paper No. 684)
Practical aspects of primary suspension design. 495-535. 3 illus., 22
The most common primary suspensions on carriage bogies may be put
into four categories:
Leaf spring and horn guide,
Coil spring. equaliser beam and horn guide,
Coil spring and cylindrical guides, and
Chevron rubber.
Hitherto, the first of these had been the most widely used, both on British
Railways and throughout the world. In this suspension, vertical elasticity
is provided by the leaf spring, vertical damping by the inherent friction
in the spring and horn guides, longitudinal forces transmitted via the horn
guides, and no lateral elasticity is deliberately provided although some
will in practice occur.
The second of these categories is perhaps best known for being the primary
suspension of the Commonwealth Bogie. In this case, vertical elasticity is
provided by the coil springs, damping in the horn guide friction only which
if necessary can be supplemented by hydraulic or friction dampers across
the springs, and longitudinal and lateral forces transmitted via the horn
guides. Generally in horn guide suspensions, a limited relative longitudinal
movement between axles and bogie frame is permitted by the clearances.
The coil springs again give vertical elasticity in suspensions of the third
category, (shown in the photograph of a British Railways B4 Bogie, Fig. 1).
The important difference in principle between this and the horn guide suspensions
is that, here, no lateral or longitudinal elasticity or freedom is permitted
by the guide except for the necessary minute clearances within it.
Finally, the chevron rubber suspension gives both vertical and lateral elasticity
by shearing the rubber and longitudinal by compressing it. Suspension systems
for both four-wheel and bogie wagons were also considered.
Discussion: F.E. Sheppard (530) said that he understood that
Schlieren suspension was a thoroughly proven and tested suspension and he
asked if any European Railway had had similar troubles with oil leakage.
If not, why not? What were the different conditions? Longitudinal freedom
of axles relative to each other had been mentioned; this freedom could also
take place laterally. Sheppard thought that this was partly due to the use
of a self-aligning axlebox: He was aware that the geometry apparently called
for this, but thought, that axles could be located more closely if rigid
axleboxes were used. One bearing would have to be loose in the box, but this
would prevent some of the torsional freedom which now existed between the
journal and the axlebox in the horizontal plane.
J. Henry Turner, (530) asked if one started
off with passenger or the load and worked downwards, or from the rail contact
and worked upwardsif it was the wheel which required "primary" suspension?
If we were going to have very high speeds, it seemed to Turner that we just
cannot have a "large mass waving about in the air." It was a fearsome sight
to see a big "Pacific" steam locomotive roll laterally, and if we were going
to double the speeds he did not think we could tolerate that, therefore,
the "primary" may have to reverting to be something between the axle centre
and the track. Followowing this line of thought, the term suspension, generally
speaking, was quite wrong. We have hardly got it in the Schlieren which has
been under discussion. It is a sprung support. Mr. Turner thought that
"suspension" was a term used because the old carriages had "C" springs, and
leather straps; like a suspension bridgethe carriages were actually
hungthey were suspended. In the Schlieren type there was no suspension,
unless it was that the spring was carried slightly below the centre of the
axle. It was a sprung support. The former Midland Railway had a sprung support
between the tyre and the centre of wheelit was wooden planksmuch
quieter than any of the solid steel wheels now used. Modern trams had
rubber-sprung wheel centres; so if we were going to have very high speeds,
should we not regard the "primary" suspension as that between the steel tyre
and the centre the axle?
S.R.D. Power (530) said that having spent many
years with C.I.E. before joining British Railways, he was pleased to hear
acknowledgement being made of the important development work being carried
out on that railway system. C.I.E. had introduced railcars in the early 'fifties
and, here again, the manufacturers had learnt many lessons which enabled
them to produce a better product for British Railwavs,
Journal No 314
Ell, S.O. (Paper No. 685)
Some design problems of diesel locomotives. 543-72. Disc.: 572-92.
Meeting at Institution of Mechanical Engineers on 12 December 1966.
Mainly vibration problems, especially torsional vibration on the Western
Region diesel hydraulic locomotives. Many of the problems concerned rubber
bearings used in the couplings. Spline wear on the cardan shafts of the D
7000 class was severe. Torsional vibration in the transmission of power to
the axles on the D.1000 class was also studied. .
Maxwell, W.W. and Ware, D.K. (Paper No.
Automatic train operation on London Transport Railways. 593-631.
Expertiments conducted on the Woodford to Hainault section in preparation
for ATO on the Victoria Line. Discussion: T.Henry Turner (pp. 623-4)
commented on the need for gated platforms (as used later on Jubilee Line)
and on the need fo minimize the distances passengers had to wlk between
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