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Journal Institution of Locomotive Engineers
Volume 6
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Note disparity between Volume number and first Part number: Volumes 1 to 5 were "Transactions"
Journal No. 1
Cumberland, Elliott
The electrolytic process for preventing corrosion and scale. 5-14. Disc.:
Presented in London on 27 November 1915. When ferrous and non-ferrous
metals are used in the construction of a vessel which is in regular contact
with liquids, corrosion is prolific: this is particularly noticeable in
locomotive boilers, surface condensers, and steel ships fitted with bronze
propellers, It is always the electro-positive metal which is first attacked
and depleted to the benefit of the less soluble or electro-negative metal.
Locomotive boilers often become grooved and pitted internally. The conditions
which produce galvanic action account for these troubles; in all cases a
difference of electrical potential exists and when an electrolyte or conductor
is present in the form of water, there is a flow of electrical energy from
the high potential to the low, and the part of the metal from which the current
enters the liquid undergoes electro-chemical change in the form of
Journal No. 2
South, E.J.H. (Paper No. 38)
The cleansing of locomotive boilers. 53-73. Disc.: 74-84; 108-22.
Meeting held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, on Saturday, 18 December
1915, at 2.30 p.m.,. presided over by Mr. A.R. Bennett. (Vice-president).
Believed that hot water washing out was first developed in Italy. A modified
form of injector manufactured by Gresham & Craven was described. . The
Hornish boiler cleaner supplied by the Hulburd Engineering Company is described
and reference is made to Churchward's top feed apparatus and to Marsh's system.
Discussion: Dearberg (110-11) Strong advocate of hot water washing
out,:noted that temperature of the water ranges from 180 to 200F, but
no case of scalding had been recorded. Nevertheless, it was difficult to
see inside the boiler as a gas jet would not burn in the presence of so much
steam, although this might be overcome by using miniature electric lamps
on flexible leads. Hot water washing out made broken stays rare and leaky
tubes was greatly reduced. Maitland (112-13) noted the saving of time achieved
by hot water washing out, the reduced thermal shock to the boilcr, the reduced
time in again raising steam, and the reduced degree of expansion lengthened
boiler life . A.R Bennett (113-14) commented on the life of fireboxes:
one of the original copper fireboxes on the Metropolitan Railway lasted for
17 years: "It refused to wear out". Tomlinson, the then Locomotive
Superintendent, was eager to ascertain the cause and had specimens of the
copper analysed and contributed either a paper or article.
Journal No. 3
Some disappearing locomotive types. 104-7.
The 2-4-0, single drivers and especially the 4-2-2: there were nine
0-4-0 tender locomotives left in 1915 (2 on the Furness, 4 on the GSWR and
3 on the NBR); the 2-2-2 type was fast disappearing; the 4-2-2 were still
numerous on the MIdland (95), but the GWR was down to one and the GNR 13
and the NER 20. Both the 0-4-2 and 2-4-0 types were in numerical decline.
The terms "Pacific" and "Atlantic" were applied to tank engines..
A suggested improvement of wheel arrangement notation. 107-8.
One in which the driving wheels are shown in bold: single driver with
two leading radial axles: 2-2-2-2 compared with Greater Britain with
independent driving wheels: 2-2-2-2
Maunsell, R.E.L. Presidential Address. [Paper No. 39]. 125-33.
A design may be theoretically correct, but for some local reason does
not work out in practice, and the defect and its cause only become apparent
when the engine is put into service. An alteration in the position of an
oil-hole or the shape of an oil groove may sometimes make all the difference
between an engine which is a source of trouble to a foreman and one which
commands his confidence, and in like manner a slight alteration in the height
or shape of a blast pipe or the length or shape of a brick arch may convert
an engine, which a driver considers " shy for. steam," into a free steaming
engine. As I have said, it is practically impossible to guard against such
minor defects creeping into a completely new design, and in order to keep
them within the narrowest possible limits, I am strongly in favour, when
a new class of engine is called for, of only building one in the first instance
and waiting until it has been thoroughly tested for some months on the road
before proceeding with the construction of any more. An obvious objection
to this practice is, of course, that it is more costly to build one engine
than a batch of, say, six or eight. I freely. admit this, but I contend the
additional expenditure so incurred is not only warranted, but may sometimes
prove to be the means of saving considerable outlay in alterations to a larger
number of engines.
During the trial period above referred to, any defects which become
apparent can be noted and remedied, the engine can be indicated and the valve
setting adjusted, and the whole machine " tuned up" to become a model for
similar engines which are to follow. I also contend it is most important
to disperse as quickly as possible any pre judices against a new class of
engine which may arise among the running staff in consequence of the development
of minor defects before referred to,. and these defects can be more quickly
remedied in one engine than in a larger number. If the best work is to be
obtained from a machine the operating staff must have absolute confidence
in its reliability, as well as in its efficiency.
I now come to the objections that may be raised by the shed fitting
staff in consequence of the inaccessibility of parts, which, in the ordinary
period between shop repairs, must from time to time be removed for examination,
repairs, or renewal. Defects in design of this nature are much more likely
to occur in these days of big engines than they were in the days of comparatively
small engines when plenty of space was available for the arrangement of details
and present-day refinements with a view to economy were not a feature of
the design. Road gauges, platform gauges and tunnel gauges remain practically
as they were. Increased allowances in weights and wheel bases are grudgingly
granted, or perhaps I should say extracted, while all the time the call for
engines of greater hauling capacity is incessant and insatiable.
Not withstanding the difficulties nowadays occasioned by want of space,
I hold that defects of inaccessibility should not occur, and if they do,
they are a reproach on the supervision of the designer. Not only are such
defects extremely annoying to the shed fitting staff by causing expenditure
of 'unnecessary labour and loss of time, but their evil effects are still
more far-reaching, as there is always a tendency to postpone repairs to a
part which involves a vast amount of "stripping " before it can be removed,
and delay in attending to it may result in an engine failure, accompanied
perhaps by considerable damage.
It should therefore be laid down as an axiom of design that every
part of an engine motion; or other part likely to require removal for repairs
in the running shed, is so constructed that it can be taken down by itself
and with a minimum amount of trouble. The attachments of such parts, if bolts
or pins, should be so arranged that there is sufficient clearance to knock
them out, and the position of nuts should be such that they can be conveniently
manipulated with an ordinary spanner. Although it is not possible in all
cases, it will be found generally advantageous to keep nuts in view, that
is facing the operator. Nothing is more exasperating to the shed or shop
fitter than trying, 'probably with a lamp in one hand, to slacken or tighten
a nut which is hidden away in some dark corner, resulting very often in such
ii'uts not being properly secured. Again, we find nuts placed in such positions
that it is perfectly impossible to operate them by means of an ordinary spanner,
or indeed any form of spanner; the only means of lightening them being with
a hammer and chisel, which method is unreliable and destructive to the
Another small point worth attention is to reduce to a minimum the
number of the sizes of bolts and nuts, and very often the size selected for
these depends more on the passing fancy of a draughtsman than the actual
requirements of the part which they secure. The greater the variety in sizes
of nuts the more spanners the shed fitter has to carry to the job and the
less likely he is to have the one he actually requires.
Many illustrations could be given of inaccessible engine parts, but
the following few will suffice to make my meaning clear:
Piston rod cotters are sometimes so placed that driving them in or
out is a matter of considerable difficulty.
Piston rod and valve spindle cross heads are sometimes. designed
without any provision being made for "starting" them on their respective
rod ends.
Spring link pins or bolts are arranged with no clearance behind to
permit their being driven back when the spring requires removal.
Spring arrangements are so designed that it is necessary to completely
lift the engine to change a spring.
Small internal steam pipes are so arranged as to render their removal
impossible without half stripping the boiler..
I have known cases where it was impossible to take- down parts of
a cylinder cock gear without removing the. whole arrangement.
One most glaring case of ill-considered design came under my notice
not long ago, and although it more particularly affected the shop fitting
staff, I mention it to emphasise my point. In order to remove an engine brake
shaft, it was necessary to take down with it the supporting brackets which
were placed inside the frames. An arm on one end of the shaft which was shrunk
on had to be heated and removed before one of the brackets could be disengaged
from the shaft. When the shaft journals were turned ups. one bracket was
placed in position and the arm shrunk on again and the whole arrangement
had then to be lifted up bodily and the brackets bolted in
The remedy was, of course, to make the brackets with removable half
I feel I owe the members an apology for somewhat labouring this point,
but I plead its importance as justification. I only wish it was a recognised
part of the curriculum of every draughtsman engaged on locomotive design
to spend about six months as a running shed fitter. He would at least learn
by bitter experience how, some things should not be done.
The capability of a new engine to easily perform its appointed duty,
and with a good margin of power to spare, is probably looked upon by the
driver as the point of para— mount importance in a new engine,
but this is a question of fundamental design. and altogether outside the
scope of this paper. He will also proceed to criticise the engine from the
point of view of general convenience, both on the footplate and elsewhere,
and also as regards the accessibility of the parts in which he is specially
Now I may say at once that I do not believe it is possible to be certain
that any new arrangement of a foot-plate and boiler front will be satisfactory
if decided by means of a drawing only. No matter how much care is expended
in plotting the positions of various mountings, it will be found when the
engine is built that slight alterations here and there would have made a
much more convenient and practical foot-plate.
The shape of the regulator handle, the height and shape- of the cab
windows,, the positions of injector steam valve handles, the brake application
handle, the fire-hole door handle, etc., etc., are all points which considerably
affect the convenience of the driver and are therefore worth a good deal
of consideration.
In order to settle the best and most convenient position for these
details, I suggest the advisability when a design for a new class of engine
is being prepared, of constructing a full-size model of the cab and boiler
front which can be- very cheaply built up of wood and canvas. All the various
mountings, or if- these are not available, rough models of them can then
be placed in position and moved about untir each is most conveniently located.
When this method is- adopted, it is surprising to find how many slight
alterations. are desirable, and even necessary, no matter how carefully the
original drawing has been thought out. For instance, the movement backwards
or forwards a few inches of the- reversing wheel and bracket, or lever and
sector, as the case may mean all the difference between a driver having to
stand comfortably or uncomfortably at his post on the footplate. In the case
of a tank engine it is desirable to make a model of the boiler, side tanks
and coal bunker in addition to the cab, to insure that the tanks do not unduly
interfere with the outlook from the foot-plate. The model should, of course,
be erected at the working height above ground level when it will be found
not only useful for the- purposes above mentioned, but also for determining
the- best position and shape of foot-steps, hand-rails, tool boxes,
When such a model is completed, I make it a practice- to invite a
few of the leading drivers to inspect it and freely criticise the arrangement
of the details, and I have never yet failed to obtain from them some sound
practioal suggestions as regards minor alterations.
Bennett, A.R. Vice-Presidential Address. [Paper No.
40]. 131-8.
Better known as Rosling Bennett. Significant contribution to the history
of the locomotive on the South Eastern Railway, especially the contribution
made by Cudworth.
Burnett, Robert H. Vice-Presidential Address. [Paper
No. 41]. 133-52.
Coal combustion, including Cudworth and Beattie's contributions and
brakes: reproduced in full.
Howard, J.
The mechanic in India. 157-86. 21 illustrations
Meeting held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, on Saturday, 26 February,
1916, at 2.30 p.m., chaired by Mr. C.A. Suffield, (Vice-President).
Some of the text is reproduced in full as it certainly illustrates Colonial
attitudes. In introduction it may be explained that these notes are based
upon extended experience with native labour in India, largely in reference
to marine and general engineering. As, however, locomotive and railway
engineering includes many of the same conditions and problems, and in places
direct reference to railway working can be made, it is thought that these
notes will be of interest to locomotive engineers, many of whom have had,
or may have, to deal with native labour and to take into account many of
the same natural peculiarities and conditions.
It may further be explained that, while not altogether ignoring the higher
and wealthy classes who can afford to send their sons to local colleges,
or to Europe, and thus enable them to have engineering principles well instilled
into them, this paper is more particularly concerned with the ordinary artisan,
a stage higher, perhaps than the common labourer, but still not of the class
where training and privilege of environment justify a different level of
skill and intellect being realised. But even in regard to the former class,
which includes many young men who are engaged in important appointments in
locomotive and railway engineering shops, chiefly in the executive departments,
it may be pointed out that even with the good college education behind them,
it is often seen, that although they are excellent in emulation or imitation,
they lack greatly in initiative, and have little originality. It may be due
to the relaxing climate, but there always seems to be that lack of real serious
effort or thought required to overcome the many difficulties and problems
which so often unexpectedly and necessarily' arise in the engineering profession.
Consequently, there are still many lucrative positions available for European
engineers in India. However, from a business point of view, native trained
men are exceedingly keen, frequently clever, and occasionally venturesome
to a degree.
In this connection the writer has in mind one or two flourishing native firms;
but even in these the responsible positions with regard to engineering
requirements are largely entrusted to Europeans, who will take on hrge
engineering contracts, providing they see a chance of adequate return. Still,
with the reasonable and inevitable expansion of technical education, and
the ever-increasing contact with and adaptation of Western principles and
ideas, there is no doubt that India will produce, in due course, many excellent
engineers; for, generally speaking, they have an inborn partiality for the
profession, as an alternative to becoming lawyers or merchants, which in
many cases are certainly the more desirable and (to them) congenial occupations.
The Indian loves either to dispute with the law or his customer, as the case
may be; so that these two branches will always be in greater favour. Beyond
these, however, engineering offers many opportunities and possibilities,
and is being extensively followed up.
There are at present only five Universities in India, notwithstanding a
population of 315 million people, and of these, the one in Calcutta has to
serve 100 million in the Bengal and Orissa districts. There is a great necessity
for primary schools dealing with engineering subjects, the present number
not being nearly adequate for such a population. It will, therefore, be seen
that engineering education has still a great way to go before it can be
considered adequate.
Seeing, however, that even for men of the higher grades, unless they can
be sent to Europe, there are relatively limited facilities for education
and training, it cannot be expected that the artisan class shall realise
a very high standard, apart from that capability in certain directions which
is more or less innate with so many of them. The Indian mechanic is much
handicapped in his development on Western lines, but in subsequent remarks,
while it is necessary to refer to some of his deficiencies, it is also necessary
to consider, not so much his lack of aptitude as the lack of education and
He has an excellent memory, is a fairly good business man, and an excellent
imitator. On the other hand, he often suggests a degree of
simplicity, often more apparent than real, is not sufficiently energetic,
and lacks initiative. He is temperate in habits and regular in attendance
at business, but usually requires too long a vacation to recuperate. It is
a most difficult task to induce a workman to forego his Chuti,
which usually extends over three or four months per annum, and any attempt
to foil him is met with pre-arranged letters and telegrams, in the attempt
to convince his master .that it is absolutely necessary for him to go. Usury
is the source of many of his troubles, it being carried on to an enormaus
degree. "Pice is in. fact almost his God, and it would not be any
exaggeration to say that the first word a child of the artisan class would
utter is "pice. There is an enormous amaunt of money in India if the
native would only circulate it instead of hoarding. If this change of ideas
could be adopted the country would improve generally, and at a rapid rate,
while the cost of living would not be so high as it has become during late
Taking all these facts into account and considering the few facilities for
education offering, especially in the engineering line, native workmanship
particularly, and his comprehension generally of the business in which he
may be engaged, are both remarkable and creditable. In general engineering
there is more scope, and as showing how extensive are the opportunities afforded
by railways, it may be mentioned that there are at present about 40,000 miles
of line. There are many feeder or branch lines from outlying districts in
Bengal and round Sundabunds. Additions to these latter are in contemplation,
and will for the time be only of narrow gauge types. These are being run
inconjunction with steamer companies, with the object of opening out
the jute growing districts and connecting them with the main lines to Calcutta.
Journal No. 6
Dendy Marshall, C.F. (Paper No. 42)
The Dendy Marshall 4-cylinder system of locomotives. 190-218
Second Ordinary General Meeting held at Caxton Hall, Westminster,
on Saturday, 25 March 1916, at 2.30 p.m..
Some of the diagrams from this paper and some general comment is contained
in O.S. Nock's The LNWR Precursor family. (1966). pp.104-7.
Dearberg, Henry Woodgate (Paper No. 43)
The Garratt locomotive. 225-54. Disc. (Journal 8): 261-97.
Third Ordinary General Meeting held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, on
Saturday, 29 April 1916, at 2.30 p.m:in the unavoidable absence of the President,
Mr. W.A. Lelean, Vice-president, presided.
Includes Garratt articulated locomotive for Congo Railway.
According to Rutherford (Backtrack,
2007, 21, 437) this paper was originally requested from Garratt
by G.F. Burtt, The Institution's Secretary.
Ahrons, E.L. (Paper No. 44)
The classification of locomotive types. 302-6. J10?
Written communication on the classification of locomotive types pp.
333-6 J F Gairns
Heavy freight trains in the United States. 306-7.
Mr. James M. Mead, a member of the United States Government, in
introducing a Bill to limit the length of trains to 60 cars, in his evidence
said: "Ten men are killed and 308 injured every week in 'long-train'
"In the 100-car train there is often 100ft. of slack at the rear of the train.
No matter how carefully the engineer starts his train this slack will cause
a terrific shock at the rear, which frequently results in tearing out drawbars,
draw couplings and air hose.
"To handle long trains brakesmen must ride on top and use hand brakes. This
is dangerous. If the hand brake does not work in exact uniformity with the
air brakes the man's arms may be wrenched from their sockets.
Illus.: Baldwin triple articulated compound Locomotive, Erie Railroad hauling
long freight
Bennett, Alfred R
The Channel Island Service of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway.
For a brief period the LBSCR operated a Channel Island service out
of Littlehampton, but it, or its agents also sailed from Shoreham and Newhaven.
Originally, the LBSCR lacked authority to operate steam vessels and the service,
started in 1850 was operated by Maples & Morris. obtained power to own
steam vessels, and terminated the old agreement with Maples & Morris,
retaining, however, the services of Mr. Maples as manager of the Channel
Island boats, a position he continued to occupy until 1866 when the LBSCR
ceased to be interested in traffic to the Channel Islands..
Gairns, J.F. (Paper No. 45)
British Railways as a national asset. 318-22.
British railways represent about £1,300 millions of capital;
revenue, expenditure, tonnage, numbers of passengers and other annual statistics
require to be expressed in millions; several hundreds of thousands of men
are directly employed by railway companies; and railways provide the best
and, in a large measure, the only means of passenger conveyance and goods
transport within the limits of the United Kingdom. These afford sufficient
reasons for classing the railway system as one of the principal factors in
national economy; but the war has brought to the fore another and previously
little appreciated aspectthat, although constructed and operated almost entirely
by private enterprise, they have proved invaluable in meeting both the
anticipated and the unanticipated needs of the stressful time we are passing
Fullagar, L.A. (Paper No. 46)
Locomotive cab arrangements. 327-32. Disc.: 387-8
Highly critical of LNWR cabs, of the lack of two gauge glasses on
GWR; notes that only GER and NER fitted seats ror their drivers. Highly critical
of variation in driving position: left hand versus right hand. R.P.C. Sanderson
(387) correspondence noting Ragonnet power reverse used in America
Dearberg, Henry Woodgate (Paper No. 47)
Some observations on industrial locomotives. 337-46; Disc.: 384-6: 1917,
7, 80-2.
Experience gained from operating locomotive at a large gasworks (42
miles of track and 42 locomotives). Track was lightly laid and had severe
curve and steep gradients with heavy loads being hauled up 1 in 26 and there
were some stretches of 1 in 12. The conditions demanded short wheelbase
four-coupled inclined, outside-cylinder locomotives, limited to a weight
of 16 tons. Boilers required small diameter, brass tubes and direct crown
stays. Many experiments had been conducted on blast pipes, partly in an attempt
to reduce spark throwing. Spark preventers, including a device developed
by Drummond had been evaluated. The shape of steam pipes was important. Single
bar crossheads were advoacted. A single injector was adequate. The valve
gear need to be modified with increased lead to cope with the severe conditions.
Hot water washing out was pracyticed on a fortnightly basis.. J.W.H. Rea,
of the Western Railwuy of Buenos Ayres (7: 80) written communication
criticised the adoption of a standard height for the blast pipe
Journal No. 11
Barnes, Victor T.E. (Paper No. 48)
Locomotive smokeboxes and fittings. 351-61. Disc.: 361-83; 442
First Ordinary General Meeting held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, on
Saturday, 30 September 1916, at 2.30 p.m.:The President, Mr. R.E.L. Maunsell
was in the chair.
Barnes was a product of Eastleigh yet boldly stated "the circular smokebox
and saddle is, in the opinion of the Author, to be preferred [to the built-up
type], for the following reasons:- With the long, high-pitched boilers, which
are now in use, severe strains are set up in the smokebox by the tendency
of the boiler to break away from the frames as the locomotive sways from
side to side when running. Strains are also set up owing to the boiler getting
loose in thc expansion brackets and working radially between the frames at
the firebox end with the smokebox as a centre. A cast iron or steel saddle
into which is bolted for the greater part of its length and about a fourth
of its diameter a circular smokebox strengthened at the bottom by a liner
is not so likely to work loose under these strains, and it also forms a much
more rigid support for the boiler. It is found with smokeboxes fastened at
the sides to the main frames that the working of the plates caused by the
strains set up in them breaks away any scale formed on the inside of these
plates, and so they are constantly exposed to the corrosive action of the
smokebox gases and their life is comparatively short. Again, in a circular
smokebox there are very few joints and practically no corners, which makes
it by far the easiest type to keep air-tight and also facilitates cleaning
Discussion: J. Clayton (377-9) noted that he made one or two notes
as things went along. Flat smokebox doors were mentioned as being Midland
Railway practice. This was so at one time, but they were given up and the
old form of bulged door with dogs all the way round has now taken their place.
It was found that the flat door became distorted and buckled extremely badly,
so the old form of bulged door which was formerlv in use with the central
bar and screw was reverted to with the dogs round the outside.
Back pressure in the cylinders has been mentioned as very detrimental, but
I think, generally speaking, you will find that back pressure in locomotives
on average service does not show very much on the diagrams. In support of
this, too, some experiments were mentioned on the Austrian railways. The
experiment was tried with orifices of 25 sq. inches and 116 sq. inches areas.
These would represent diameters of 51/8in. and 127/8in. respectively. A blast
pipe diameter of 123/8in. is, of course, unknown, but the increase of expended
horse-power, due to the small over the large orifice was, we are told, as
much as 304. I ran that same proportion out, for curiosity, and brought it
down to British conditions for blast pipes, say 4½in . and 5½in.
dia. The difference in area is only about 8 sq. inches, and by the same
proportion would entail an increase of 27 in the horsepower expended, which
does not look anything like so imposing as the big increase quoted as due
to the difference in areas of the blast pipes which the Austrians used in
their experiments.
As far as variable bhst pipes are concerned, their name is legion. The Midland
Railway tried them very extensively, but as it was found that the drivers
generally used the smaller orifice they were eventually given up. When the
London, Tilbury and Southend was taken over by the Midland Railway all the
variable blast pipe gear and arrangements were taken out and the old simple
form used. Just in that connection, I might say that in the London, Tilbury
and Southend variable blast pipe a cone was used on the inside of the blast
orifice, which could be raised or lowered. The inside of this cone was filled
with common salt. I wonder whether the author happens to know the reason
or object of this. It is mentioned that the low blast pipe with the petticoat
gives the best results. Speaking from personal experience, I have known very
many cases where an all round improvement in the steaming of engines has
resulted from the removal of the petticoat leaving the blast pipe nozzle
low. I believe the extension of the chimney inside the smokebox may sometimes
help if you have a very low blast pipe. It all depends upon the position
of the blast pipe and the position of the top of the chimney, coupled with
the " fit " (if such a term can be used) of the column of exhaust steam in
the chimney. Carefully made experiments have shown that the column of the
exhaust steam issuing from the blast pipe orifice became 8in. dia. at 25in.
up the cone on the average working of the engine.
As regards the setting of the chimney, it follows, of course, that the exact
axial line should be followed though this is not always done as thoroughly
as it ought to be. Not only should the setting of the chimney with the blast
pipe be watched, but also the setting of the blast pipe with the chimney.
Not only the nozzle of the blast pipe, but the mean centre line passing through
the blast pipe should be central with the chimney, because, as the author
pointed out, the amount of straight in the blast pipe has a direct influence
in the way the cone issues and strikes the chimney. On one railway in this
country apparatus is sent out to the running sheds by which the chimneys
can be set exactly plumb not only with the blast pipe top but also with the
opening of the cylinders over which the blast pipe sits. This has been found
to remedy most of the troubles with the setting of chimneys over the line
of the blast pipes as it has regularised the method of all the staffs doing
this work.
On the question of the drumhead tube-plate, such as is shown in Mr. Hughes'
smokebox, one of the main lines, after many years of real trial of all kinds
of steel and iron for this type of plate, gave them up in despair and went
back to the old angle ring outside, from which no trouble resulted inside
the boiler. The trouble generally experienced with the angle ring type is
below the tube-plate and does not affect the boiler proper. With the drumhead
tube-plate the trouble is likely to be inside where you cannot see it.
With regard to smokebox door joints, one of the things which conduce more
than anything else to the tightness of the door is that the drivers should
look after them much better than they do. I was attached to a railway on
which all concerned were examined orally, and one of the questions was: "
Let me see you close that smokebox door." Gener;iIly it was thought that
closing the smokebox door consisted in screwing the handle up very tight,
whereas the first thing to do actually was to carefully wipe the joint clean
all round and close the door. If that were done there would not be anything
like so much trouble as is often experienced.
I can speak well of the asbestos door joint. It was introduced many years
ago on the North Eastern Railway. It is a good job and there is no trouble
in its maintenance. After an experience of something like two and a half
years with it, I can say that I have not known of any of these asbestos rings
having to be touched at all or replaced in any way.
Journal No. 12
Houldcroft, A.T. (Paper No. 49)
The design and construction of steel railway coaches. 391-421. Disc.: 421-41.
Fifth Ordinary Meeting held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, on Saturday,
28 October 1916, at 2.30 p.m.:In the unavoidable absence of the President,
Mr. A.J..Hill (Past President), took the chair.
Steel cars were in use in England on the LYR, NER, District and London Electric
Railways. It was stated that the GWR and other main lines had constructed
steel cars, but the former claim was corrected during the discussion. Since
1913 the Leeds Forge Co. had built, or had in hand, 22 different types of
steel carriage, including first-class, sleeping, and third-class; designs
had been prepared for 40 other types. The first steel cars for India were
built for the Kalka-Simla Line in 1908. The first all-steel train for India
was that built for the Great Indian Peninsular Railway for service between
Bombay and Delhi. The next Indian vehicles formed a train of five steel
cars for the North-Western Railway: these designs were prepared and supervised
by the Consulting Engineers, Messrs. Rendel, Palmer and Tritton. Massive
vehicles for the Egyptian State Railways were railed from Leeds over the
Midland and North Eastern Railways, to the ships side in Hull Dock
on their own wheels, after removing lamp tops and ventilators, and were carried
as a deck load to Alexandria. A table is reproduced from The Engineer
(10 August 1915) which shows the cost of carriage maintenance for each of
the British main line railways.
Discussion: A.J. Hill (421-4) noted first inflammability (flammability)
which had been highly important in the USA, and in India. Also noted the
greater strength and safety. F.W. Marillier (GWR, 424-5) corrected the claim
made for the Great Western Railway concerning its "all-steel carriages":
the railway had used iron frames in 1850, but although steel frames were
standard, coach bodies were constructed from steel and wood. He noted the
dangers of using timber for coaches operating over electrified lines.E.F.
Price (MR, 425-7) made a plea for a standard loading gauge, but considered
that damp climates might lead to corrosion; G.A. Anderson (427-8) considered
that steel coaches were ideal for India and "had come to stay". G.H. Sheffield
(428-31); Kelway-Bamber (431-3); Redpath (433-4); J. Clayton (434) asked
whther the oxy-acetyle processd was employed. E.R. Calthrop (Barsi Railway,
434) noted that steel wagons had been supplied by Leeds Forge for the Barsi
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