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Locomotive Magazine and Railway Carriage
and Review
Volume 24 (1918)
Number 305 (15 January 1918)
4-cylinder 6-coupled loomotive, Great Central Railway. 1. illustration
Electric battery locomotive, North Staffordshire Ry. 2-3. illustration
See also paragraph on page 38
2-4-0 tank engine, Hoylake Ry. 3. illustrations
Yorkshire Engine Company WN 356/1877 and 357/1877 supplied whilst
Jamieson was Locomotive Superintendent
Method and system in the locomotive drawing office.
J. Clayton ILocoE paper No. 57 Clayton, chief draughtsman of the S.E. & C. Ry. Locomotive Dept. took
the view that the best leadmg draughtsmen are made from men who have
had expenence m the drawing office of a contractor's shops.. Here they obtain
a variety of work under quite different conditions from those obtaining in
the average railway drawing office. In the contract shop office, work has
to be undertaken and finished competitively within a specified time, and
consequently the pace is faster. This limits the time in which designs are
prepared and finished, and while the best is always aimed at, it must be
said fhat the result is apt to suffer from this fact of time being regarded
as of first importance. Apart from the fundamental features of the design
to be worked out, the arrangement of many locomotive parts offers much scope
for the display of ingenuity and resource on the part of the draughtsman.
In such an office, therefore, a draughtsn:an gets a useful. and varied experience
in a short time and learns quickly the tricks of the trade.
'In the contractor's office, so soon as what appears to be a good straightforward
scheme is revealed, it is adopted, and the work goes ahead without much further
In the railway office, however, the idea pervades that the responsibility
will not cease when the engine is built, and turned out, but will continue
every day afterwards throughout its life. In addition to this, the design
is treated much more from the running department point of view. For these
reasons the author is of opinion that greater care is likely to be displayed
in the getting out of the various arrangements of parts, so that the draughtsman
is not satisfied with the first feasible idea that strikes him, but tries
scheme after scheme to obtain the same object in various ways. Each way will
have some special feature, and gradually by the process of "correlation"
and " elimination" the best will emerge good from first cost, from upkeep,
from handling and from maintenance points of view. This all takes more time
and is no doubt the reason for the commonly accepted idea that railway drawing
offices are less efficient and slower in output than contractor's drawing
offices. The author therefore recommends that the younger men of the railway
drawing office should obtain two or more years of contract office experience
before settling down to railway work.
The Egyptian State Rys. 4.
Ordered seventy six-coupled bogie express locomotives [4-6-0] from
the Baldwin Locomotive Works.
London & North-Western Ry. 4
A new series :of 0-8-0 superheater goods engines would shortly be
turned out at Crewe, Nos. 94, 112, 360, 851, 2088, 2256, 2274, 2290, 2296
and 2423. These engines fitted with the vacuum brake throughout, and also
with the pump for maintaining the vacuum when running. It is understood that
the order for twenty similar engines placed some time back with Beyer, Peacock
& Co. had been cancelled, the work to be carried out at Crewe.
A further two four-cylinder compound passenger engines, Nos. 1960 Francis
Stevenson, and 1965 Charles H. Mason, had been converted to
two-cylinder simples, Renown class. Nos. 1884 and 1885, four-cylinder compound
goods engines, had also been converted to two-cylinder simples, but in this
case provided with superheaters. Before conversion these engines were of
the 2-8-0 type, but were now 0-8-0 type.
There are now two North London engines stationed at Chester, Nos. 21 and
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 4
0-6-0 tender goods engine No. 685 had been rebuilt as a saddle
Cambrian Rys. 4
CR engines were working over the L. & N.W.Ry. to both Crewe and
Stafford. No. 47 4-4-0 passenger engine was at Stafford sheds on several
Central Railway Station, Brest-Litovsk. 4
In view of the recent Peace negotiations between the Russian and Central
Empire delegates at the town of Brest-Litovsk, the accompanying illustration
of the Central Railway station and yard will be of interest. The fine station
buildings can be seen on the left of the picture. Brest-Litovsk is an important
junction on the Polish border on the Warsaw-Moscow main line, being 132½
miles east of the Praga Station, Warsaw, and 635¼ miles west of Moscow.
Indebted to A.M.H. Solomon, of the Napier Motors, Ltd., for the loan of our
picture. The locomotive seen in the foreground is an outside cylinder six-coupled
yard shunter.
New "Decapod" freight locomotive: Pennsylvania Railroad. 5-6.
E.L. Ahrons. Locomotives of the Egyptian State Railways.
6-8. 3 illustrations, diagram (side & front elevations)
2-6-0 designed R.G. Peckett were built in Germany and by Franco-Belge
and 4-4-0 design with large boiler and cabs and narrow gauge 0-8-0T shunting
locomotive for Luxor-Assouan (Asswan) line. Continued page
The lubrication of locomotives. 8-9. 3 diagrams
T.C. Thomsen of Vacuum Oil Co. Ltd patented atomizer and Wakefield's
Locomotive boiler cladding. 12. illustration
Turner Bros. Asbestos asbestos blocks of white and blue asbestos
The relative value of railway signals. 12-13.
Distant signals and calling-on signals
Highland Ry. 13.
0-6-0T No. 49 and 4-4-0 No. 84 had been placed on A list. LNWR 0-6-0
No. 3166 was working on Highland Railway,.
Great North of Scotland Ry. 13
Some of the 6ft 6in tender engines had been fitted with Robinson
Ambulance train for overseas service. Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry.
14-16. 4 illustrations
Sixteen coach train with steam heating, electric lighting and electric
fans. Exhibition tour to major stations in Lancashire and Yorkshire.
Baldwin locomotives for the Norwegian Government Rys. 16-18. 3
0-10-0T; 0-6-0T and 2-6-0 (the last for 3ft 6in gauge lines with sharp
Reviews. 17.
Charing Cross to Bagdad. London: United
Daily Chronicle publication promoting (1) Channel
Tunnel and (2) Trans-Continental railway to Persian Gulf and thence to India.
Contributions from P.C. Tempest, engineer of the Channel Tunnel Co., Sir
Francis Fox, consulting engineer and Albert Sartiaux of the Nord Railwsay.
Also propose removal of Charing Cross station to south of the Thames.
Ernest E. Joynt. The modern locomotives of the Great
Southern and Western Railway. 18-19. 2 diagrams (side elevations)
101 class 0-6-0 originated in 1866: Alexander McDonnell design.
Hot boxes. W.J.T.
Re W.G. Landon letter in LM November Issue:, suggests that engines
which fail with left axle-boxes are those in which the left crank leads,
and that when right-hand boxes run hot the engine vould be one in which the
right -crank leads. ' His diagrams appear at first sight to confiirm that
view. But they are not quite convincing. He 'has put certain arrows against
those of his cranks that are on the dead centre. At a given moment in the
revolution of the shaft those arrows represent the true direction of the
thrust on those patrticular cranks. But only an instant before those arrows
on the dead-centre cranks would have had to be pointed in the reverse direction.
It is quite possible to show, bv a diazrarn drawn on similar lines, as, for
instance, in the liftle diagram below, that the maximum thrust is exerted
on the right-hand box instead of on the left, even when the left crank leads
Allowing for acceleration of pads, no eerious error will result if
the thrust on the piston be taken as uniform through-out each stroke, and
if the stresses upon the axle be worked out for a complete revolution of
both the cranks, it will be found that the following statement is justified.
It is of no importance, but only a matter of .. fashion" whether the right
crank leads or whether the left leads. Each crank as it goes .. over the
top" exerts in forward running a thrust on the frame through the leading
face of both boxes; the nearer box gets the greater share of the thrust,
of course, the right box as the right crank goes over, the left box as the
left crank goes over. Taking the bottom semi-circle :-As each crank goes
under, the frame drives the box (vide Vaughan Pendred's delightful
book The Locomotive), and the rear face of both boxes takes the thrust,
alwavs a lesser thrust than that on the front faces, but always shared by
the right and left boxes (in backward running the rear face becomes the leading
face and gets the most thrust). If the boxes are worn there will always be
a great slam when the box shifts over froru fhe back horn-plate to the front
horn- plate, and vice versa. When is it that the box thus shifts? If the
engine had only one crank, the box would slam over just as the crank passed
each dead-centre (leaving out of account the effect of compression which
would cause the change to be a little earlier). So, as the engine has two
cranks, one end shifts over with the corresponding crank, the other eud coming
over a little later.
When two thrusts act on the two cranks in opposite senses, so that one thrust
draws the crank-shaft towards the cylinder, and the other pushes it away
from them, there is, as Mr. Landon shows, a tendency for one end of the
crank-shaft to move forward and for the other end to move backward. The pistons
are steam-borne, all the time, even for any crank that happens to be on the
centre; so that the shaft slues in the horizontal plane, and the point about
which it slues is nearest to the crank that at the moment pulls hardest on
the shaft, and nearest also to the driving box adjoining that particular
crank. The point of slue will therefore be nearest the left-hand box when
that crank is uppermost, so that the left-hand box will then get the most
of the pounding. But it will be nearest the right-hand crank when that is
upper-most. When either crank is down, the point of slue will be nearest
the companion that is not down.
But though in forward running with left crank leading the left box receives
a great thrust as the left crank comes up, the right box gets just the same
thrust when the right crank comes up. This happens to each box in every
revolution, so if the maximum bumps in ten revolutions with the right crank
leading are:
they will be
LR LR LR LR LR LR LR LR LR LR with the left crank leading.
So it all amounts to the same in the long run, whichever crank leads.
If the theory were correct that with the left crank leading, the left box
gets the most battering, then on railways in which the engines are thus built
the boxes which run hot ought consistently to be those on the left-hand side.
Many of your correspondents can tell us whether the records support this
notion or not.
Of course, it is very difficult to diagnose the true cause of a hot
driving-axle-box; mal-adjustment of the wedges, inequality of lubrication,
or grit on one side and not on the other, are disturbing factors which would
mask the effect, if any, of the choice made as to which crank leads. It would
be interesting to know whether drivers still main- tain, as they used to
do, that starting .from rest the engine gets away more smartly when both
big-ends are" down," than when they are both up, i.e., above the horizontal
centre- line of the cylinders? Can some of your running-shed correspondents
tell us ?-
Just one other query I sometimes hear the famous copper-nobs spoken
of as though the domed top of the outer firebox had been covered with copper
sheet. I had rather assumed that the whole thickness of the outer box was
of copper. Can some of your older readers tell us from personal knowledge
the true facts of this case?-
Railway Club. 20
On 12 February. H. L. Hopwood tol read a paper on Early London Railways
at the Club, 92, Victoria Street. S.W.l.
Number 306 (15 February 1918)
4-6-2 superheater tank locomotives, Caledonian Ry.
21-2.. illustration
Class 944. No. 950 illustrated. Pickersgill design with outside 19½n
x 26in cylinders; 5ft 9in coupled wheels and 1516 ft2 total
evaporative heating surface plos 200 ft2
superheat. The firegrate area was 21.5
ft2 and the boiler worked at 170 psi. Full
leading dimensions given. They were intended for Glasgow to Clyde Coast traffic,
but had been working heavy munitions traffic. Twelve had been built at the
Hyde Park Works of the North British Locomotive
New shunting engine, Glasgow and South Western Ry. 22. illustration
0-6-0T No. 5 illustrated: one of three outside-cylinder and valve
gear locomotives designed for working on lines with sharp curves as in collieries
and docks. Designed by Peter Drummond and built at the Hyde Park Works
of the North British Locomotive Co..
North Eastern Ry. 22
Darlington Works had turned out 0-8-0 mineral engines Nos. 2213 and
Fireless locomotives. 23-5. 3 illustrations
Theodore Scheffer design for Crescent City Railroad in New Orleans,
Fowler's Ghost (illustrated by a 2-2-2) and reference to Alfred Rosling Bennett;
and a 2-6-2 produced by Léon Francq and Mesnard.
Indian railways. 25
Owing to the desire to restrict the importation into India of white
lead,and other ingredients for paint, the Great Indian Peninsula Ry. was
experimenting with paints for the rolling stock made entirely from oxides
and materials found in India. One of the through mail trains running between
Bombay and Calcutta had been turned out of the Matunga shops, painted a dark
drab colour, along the lower panels, with khaki on the upper. The lettering,
numbers, etc., are all in different shades of the same colours. The train
attracted much attention on its first run across India. The East Indian Railway
has likewise gone in for a "home-made" paint for their goods wagonsa
dark greyish compound made from Indian products, which are expected to prove
very serviceable. Trains of new military cars have recently been put into
service by the Bombay, Baroda & Central India Ry., as well as the
North-Western State Ry. The arrangements of these carriages are very similar
to those originally built by the Great Indian Peninsula Ry., and which have
been illustrated and described in these pages. Vestibuled sleeping cars for
the officers had been provided by the last-named railway.
4-8-0 superheater engine for the Kadugannawa Incline, Ceylon Government
Rys. 26-7. illustration, diagram (side elevation)
12 miles at 1 in 45 from Colombo to Kandy and Nuwara: 21 x 24in cylinders;
160 p-si boiler pressure; 2012 ft2 total heating surface and 42.5
ft2 grate area.
Superheater goods locomotive, Great Northern Ry.
27-9. 3 illustrations, 2 diagrams.
Gresley J22 class 0-6-0 with patented feedwater heater in elongated
dome and superheater
The lubrication of locomotives. 29-30.
Oil consumption statistics: cites
Gresley in discussion on Fowler's ICE paper (PICE 196-139). C.C. Wakefield stated that
if the cylinder oil is of high grade then the quantity used by a superheater
locomotive should not exceed 1 pint per 100 miles, and a non-superheater
engine 1 pint per 100 miles. For goods engines the amounts may be increased
to 1 and 11 pints respectively.The quality of the cylinder oil for superheater
engines is, however, more expensive. On the Great Northern, Gresley (discussion
on Fowler's paper) stated that the increased consumption of oil was 5 per
cent. more for the superheater engines, but that the cost of the oil totalled
to 29 per cent. more than that required for engines working on saturated
For goods and mineral engines the quantities are naturally more uneven, owing
to the amount of shunting and standing in sidings.
In the paper read by Hughes before
the Inst. Mech. Engineers- in 1910, the total oil consumption of various
types of goods engines over considerable periods was given, and from them
the following particulars have been worked out:-
Six wheels coupled (0-6-0) non-superheater.
Engine oil ... 5.04 pints per 100 train miles.
Cylinder oil.... 4.41 pints per 100 train miles.
Engine oil... 3.02 pints per 100 engine miles.
Cylinder oil .. , 2.64 pints per 100 engine miles.
Total oil per 100 ton miles, ,0261 pint.
Six wheels coupled (0-6-0) superheater engines.
Engine oil ... 5.11 pints per 100 train miles.
Cylinder oil 3.55 pints per 100 train miles.
Engine oil ... 3 .12 pints per 100 engine miles
Cylinder oil ... 2.17 pints per 100 engine miles
Total oil per 100 ton miles, .0236 pint.
Eight wheels coupled (0-8-0), two cylinder non-superheater engines.
Engine oil... 6.94 pints per 100 train miles.
Cylinder oil 5.91 pints per 100 train miles.
Engine oil... 4.42 pints per 100 engine miles.
Cylinder oil 3.76 pints per 100 engine miles.
Total oil per 100 ton miles, .0277 pint
Eight wheels coupled four cylinder compound (non-superheater) engines. .
Engine oil ... 7 .16 pints per 100 train miles.
Cylinder oil 6.52 pints per 100 train miles.
Engine oil... 4.89 pints per 100 engine miles.
Cylinder oil 4.45 pints per 100 engine miles.
Total oil per 100 ton miles, ·0292 pint.
The above results, which include twenty -four months working for the eight
coupled engines and about 6½ months for the six coupled engines, show
somewhat unexpected figures, e.g., the cylinder oil used by the superheater
goods engines was considerably less than that required by the non-superheater
engines. Again in the case of the eight-coupled four-cylinder compound engines,
for the first twelve months these used the same amount of cylinder oil per
100 train miles as the two cylinder non-compounds, though based upon engine
mileage they used more-as would naturally be expected. For the twenty-four
months' working the compounds, as shown by the figures, used more oil. It
goes without saying that no basis of comparison lies with regard to similar
engines on other railways. The work done by such engines is of too varied
a character; moreover the Lancashire and Yorkshire gradients are excessively
heavy, and the trains hauled by the eight wheels coupled engines in particular
were of great weight.
The following oil consumptions of, French engines derived from Ed. Sauvage
are also of interest, and refer to the Western (State) Railway in 1901. The
figures give the total oil consumption
4-4-0 express engines (2 cyl.)., 17.6 lb. per 100 miles.
4-4-0 express engines (4-cyl. compound) 15.2 lb. per 100 miles.
4-6-0 goods engines (4-cyl. compound 17.9 lb. per 100 miles.
0-4-0 goods engines (2-cyl.) 9,9 lb. per 100 miles.
The above show consumptions for express engines considerably greater than
those usual in this country, and the four-cylinder compound express engines
used less oil than the two cylinder simple engines. No explanation is given
of this, and the writer can only conclude that the human element may have
had something to do with it. On the other hand, in the compound engines the
work is divided over two driving axles instead of one. A great deal of course
depends upon the quality of oil used.
The Highland Railway and its locomotives. 30-2.
Continued from Volume 23 page 198,
. To fill the vacancy caused by the retirement of David
lones; the directors selected Peter Drummond for the important position of
locomotive, carriage and wagon superintendent. Drummond served. his
apprenticeship with Forrest & Moor,. engineers, of Glasgow, and on its
completion in 1870 obtained employment with the L.B. & S.C.R. under the
Wm. Stroudley, but in 1875 he migrated with his elder brother, Dugald, to
the Cowlairsj Works of the North British Ry. Here he remained for seven years,
when, Dugald Drummond having transferred his services to the Caledonian Ry.,
the younger brother followed and eventually became works manager of the latter
Company's St. Rollox Works, Glasgow, the position he was holding at the time
of his appointment to the Highland Ry. in November, 1896. At this time the
fifteen engines of the Loch class had only just been delivered, so that the
Highland Ry. were well stocked with locomotives, whilst for the replacement
of old engines four of the Skye bogies, class L, had been put in hand at
Lochgorm Works, where they were regarded more or less as stock jobs and turned
out at intervals by Drummond as already related.
In these circumstances the new chief was not called upon for some time to
make any further provision in the matter of locomotive power, was
consequently nearly two years after his accession to the superintendency
that the first engines built to his design were put into service. These were
the Ben class 4-4-0 constructed by Dubs & Co., at Lochgorm and by the
North British Locomotive Co. These are tabulated together with Works Numbers,
dates and names. No. 1 Ben-y-Gloe is illustrated with a photograph
taken by S.A. Forbes
Locomotive boiler cladding. 32-3. 3 diagrams
Notes the risk of corrosion to the boiler, especially the firebox,
from salts in the blue or white asbestos supplied ny Cape Asbestos Co. and
J.W. Roberts. This had been investigated by Arthur G. Marshall for the Indian
The railway signal colour problem. 33-4
From the foregoing, it will, therefore, be readily. seen that the
problem of true colour distinction is one that must be scientifically treated
from all standpoints, owing to the advent of the three-position signal, and
the question of the third light-orange glass being usually adopted for this.
Yellow being a middle colour in the spectrum it is theoretically a distinctive
colour to use, and does give fairly good results in some instances, but there
is one fact to be borne in mind, and that is that orange is a secondary colour,
being produced by the mixture of yellow and red; therefore, there is the
great possibility of the orange light being indistinguishable from red-of
which it is largely composed-so therefore the question of an absolutely
distinguishable third colour is far from having been satisfactorily solved
up to the present. However, as practically the whole of British signalling
is of the two-position type, the problem of the third colour, does not enter,
and perhaps when one takes into consideration the possibilities of prospective
colour blindness that might at any time overtake engine-drivers, signalling
engineers and the railway authorities in general should hesitate before adopting
any means whereby more differentiation in colour has to be studied by the
drivers; especially when the additional colour proposed to. be adopted is
one that is nearer in the. spectrum to those already in use, viz., red and
green. The above remarks apply equally to the suggestion often put forward
for an orange light for distant signals. .. However, the subject is a very
fascinating one, and is a problem that gives good scope for optical
E E. Joynt. The modern locomotives of the Great Southern
and Western. Ry. 34-6
Continued from page 19 In 1888 one of the standard goods engines
of the 101 class, No. 165, was altered to a compound locomotive with cylinders
18 and 26 in. diameter respectively, the stroke of the piston remaining 24
in. This compound was more successful than the passenger engine No. 93. The
engine proved economical in coal and water. The same tractive power, however,
was not obtained as from the simple engines .. Finally, owing to the development
of a crack in the cylinders, the latter were removed in 1896 and replaced
by a pair of simple cylinders of the standard type. The appearance of No.
165 as a compound is shown by Fig. 20. The only external changes were in
the smokebox, which was widened at the bottom to provide space for the extra
steam pipes, also~in the frame plates, which had special stiffening pieces
attached to support the additional weight imposed by the heavier cylinder
The maximum load which class 101 is permitted to haul is forty-five loaded
wagons. On a dry rail and with fairly normal conditions the engines described
were able to deal satisfactorily with trthis size. The adhesion weight was;
however, decidedly on the low side for the diameter of the cylinders and
the tractive force. The same remark applied to the boiler, which, from its
dimensions, did not provide any reserve power. On damp nights owing to slipping
and defective steaming much time was lost. Coey accordingly determined to
increase the size of the boiler, and in 1902 four engines, Nos. 240 to 243,
were built with boilers 4 ft. 4 in. internal diameter with grate area and
heating surface increased in proportion. This gained about 3 tons for the
adhesion weight and added very considerably to the general efficiency as
compared with engines fitted with the original boilers. Several more boilers
of this type were at once put in hand. Some of these were ordered from the
Vulcan Foundry and they were substituted for the former "4-feet" boilers
during repairs and renewals. About 60 per cent. of the total number of engines
of class 101 are now so altered. Fig. 22 of No. 160 shows the appearance
of an earlier engine as rebuilt. Fig. 21 of No. 240 illustrates the latest
built new "standard" goods engines. It will be seen that the wheelbase remained
unaltered, but there were subsidiary changes in addition to the altered boiler.
Single slidebars were fitted on all goods engines of this class built during
Coey's. regime. Cast-steel wheels with balance weights replaced the earlier
cast or wrought-iron centres. The sandboxes were enlarged in capacity. The
appearance of the cab was altered and the reversing rod was led directly
from the screw bracket on the footplate to the arm of the reversing shaft.
The tenders placed behind these engines were usually either of 2730 or 3300
gallons capacity. The last new engines of this type were completed in 1903.
During 1916, No. 240 and other engines of the class were fitted with a special
smokebox air valve. the invention of Mr. Landry, a fireman on the southern
district of the railway. This valve may be seen on Fig. 22 of engine No.
160 immediately beneath the blower on the right side of the smokebox. The
arrangement consists of a circular facing containing three radial, slots
or ports, over which a circular disc valve with corresponding slots is rotated
tby means of a short arm operated by a push-and-pull rod from the cab. Through
the openings thus produced air is led direct from the atmosphere to the .top
part of the smokebox, where a suitable pipe directs it up the chimney. It
will be seen at once that by this means the amount of air passing upwards
through the fire bars may be checked by admitting air through the valve at
the smokebox end. The advantages resulting from the use of this:simple appliance
and which have led to its adoption are economy of fuel and spark arresting.
The principal parts of the products of combustion. in the ordinary course,
pass through the upper rows of tubes. The admission of air to the smokebox
at the top damps down or retards the excessive draught through the upper
tubes and the hot gases are induced to pass more through those at the bottom.
This causes a more equable distribution of the heat throughout the portion
of the heating surface represented by the tubes. At the same time the combustion
in the firebox is improved owing to the action of the exhaust being more
evenly felt over the grate, the usual tendency being for the fire to burn
more intensely in front. The diminution of the excessive draught through
the top tubes reduces the tendency to sparking caused by incandescent particles
of.fueI rushing direct into the blast. The saving of coal, which on trial
has resulted from the use of this air valve, has reached 4 lb. per mile.
Engine No. 160 has one of the old 1800 gallon tenders attached. An additional
plate has been placed along the top coping and across the back. This arrangement
is being added to these tenders during repairs, as it provides much more
coal space and leaves a clear place for the water trough at the rear.
Altogether 111 standard goods engines of the 101 class were built as under
1866. Nos. 112, 113 and 115 at Inchicore.
1867. 148, 150, by Beyer, Peacock & Co.,
1868. 151 to 154. by Beyer, Peacock & Co.
1871. 155. 156 and 159 to 162, at Inchicore.
1872. 157, 158 at Inchicore, and 163 to 166. by Sharp. Stewart & Co.
1873. 102. 104, 167 and 168 at Inchicore, 175 and 176 by Sharp, Stewgrt &
Co., and 177 and 178 by Beyer, Peacock &. Co.
1874. 106,117,169 to 174 at Inchicore.
1875. 108, 142, 179, 180 at Inchicore.
1877. 109.119.120. 121 and 143 at Inchicore.
1878. 144. 145. 146 at Inchicore.
1879. 181. 182 at Inchicore, 185 and 186 by Sharp. Stewart & Co.
1880. 183. 184 at Inchicore.
1881. 107. 139. 140. 141 at Inchicore, 189 and 190 by Beyer, Peacock &
Co. -
1882. 101. 122 to 128. 130. 131. 187. 188 at Inchicore.
1885. 133. 134. 135. 191 at lnchicore.
1888. 132. 136. 137. 138 at lnchicore
1889. 103. 114. 129. 149 at lnchicore
1890. 110. 111. at lnchicore
1891. 118. 147. at lnchicore
1896. 105. 116. at lnchicore
1898. 192. 193. 194. 195 at lnchicore
1902. 240, 241. 242. 243 at lnchicore.
1903. 200. 223. 229, 232. 253 to 256 at Inchicore.
![]() Cylinder, low pressure, diameter 26 in. Cylinder, lhigh pressure, diameter 18 in. Stroke of piston 24 in. Tractive force per lb. pressure 125.9 lb. Tractive force total 5 tons. Wheels, diameter 5 ft. 1¾ in. Wheelbase 15 ft. 6 in. Working pressure 150 lb. per sq. in. Boiler, length of barrel 9 ft. 10 in. Boiler, ldiameter inside 4 ft. Firebox casing, length 5 ft. 1 in. Heating surface, firebox 96 sq. ft. Heating surface, tubes 764 sq. ft. Grate area 17.5 sq. ft. Total 860 sq. ft. Tubes, outside diameter 1¾ in. Tubes, number 165 Weights-Leading 13 tons 2 cwt Driving 12 tons 2 cwt Trailing 9 tons 6 cwt Total 34 tons 10 cwt |
![]() Cylinders, 18 in x 24in. Wheels, diameter 5 ft. 1¾ in. . Tractive force per lb. pressure 125.9 lb. Tractive force total at 110 lb average pressure 6.1 tons. Working pressure 160 lb. per sq. in. Wheelbase 15 ft. 6 in. Boiler, length of barrel 9 ft. 10 in. Boiler, diameter inside 4 ft 3in.. Heating surface, firebox 116 sq. ft. Heating surface, tubes 925 sq. ft. Total 1041 sq. ft. Grate area 19.3 sq. ft. Tubes, outside diameter 1¾ in. Tubes, number 200 Weights-Leading 13 tons 0 cwt Driving 12 tons 8 cwt Trailing 10 tons 8 cwt Total 35 tons 16 cwt |
![]() |
Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting in locomotive works. 36-7. 4
Mentions frame cutting machine at Andrew Barclay & Co. of
Kilmarnock where several frame plates could be cut simultaneously
Furness Railway. 37
Work had begun on renwing Foxfield Viaduct and all traffic was being
being worked over the down line.
Stratford and Moreton Tramway, Great Western Ry. 38
G.W.R. was taking up the metals of the old tramway from
Stratford-on-Avon to Langston Road, on the Shipston-on-Stour branch, in
consequence of the Government requirements for material that can be used
in the production of munitions of war. The permanent way comprises the original
rails and chairs laid down about 1826, as part of William James' scheme for
a railway and canal from the Midlands to London. The fish-bellied cast- iron
rails were mostly on stone block sleepers. The ,tramway was always used for
horse traction. As William James was a native of Henley-in-Arden, the Lord
of the Manor (Mr. W. J. Fieldhouse, C.B.E., the well-known designer of hospital
trains for the British Red Cross Society) offered a site on the Guild House
premises there, and now we hear that the G.W.R. are presenting the town with
two lengths of rail, chairs and stone sleepers, to be preserved as a memento
of the old tramroad.
Midland Ry. 38
Serious accident on Saturday 19 January 1918 on Settle & Carlisle
Section cutting about 1 mile north of Little Salkeld Station, and about 18
miles south of Carlisle, at about 16.00. The train consisted of 4-4-0 Compound
engine No. 1010 and eleven coaches, and was running down the long grade from
Langwathby with steam shut off, when it struck the landslip. The engine and
tender were derailed, the leading van and next coach telescoped, and the
next seven vehicles were derailed and but little damaged. Six passengers
were killed and two seriously injured. It was not until late on the Monday
evening that the engine was re-railed ; meanwhile all Midland through traffic
was diverted over the L. and N.W. main line between Carlisle and Low Gill,
and joining the Midland ine again at Clapham Junction via their Ingleton
Review. 38
Questions and answers on the locomotive and Locomotive failures.
Since the last edition of these books became exhausted we have had
so many applications for copies, particularly from men in the Railway Operating
Department of the Army, that we have had a new edition printed, which is
now ready. In spite of the increased cost of production, both books are still
published at 4d. each, postage Id. .
Correspondence. 38
Railway signal lighting. J. H.
Re article on the above problem, published in the December issue of
your journal, the writer lays great stress on the necessity of placing the
signals in such a position as to make them easily visible to the drivers.
In many of the engines the driver is placed on the right side of the cab.
This means the driver has the boiler of the engine between him and the signals.
To give the drivers the greatest ease in seeing the signals it would therefore
appear to be necessary to place all down signals on the side of the up track,
and vice versa. I have also noticed on the London & South-Western svstem
many signals do not drop more than ten or fifteen degrees from the horizontal;
and that at night the light shows. half red and half reen. This must be a
common occurrence in warm weather when the wires get slack. The remedy seems
to me to lie in the adoption of the somersault" pattern of arm
and there can be no mistaking whether the signal is at danger or not.
[Electric battery locomotives]. 38
Re article on the North Staffordshire Ry. electric battery locomotive
in the January issue, a reader reminds us ofthe description of a battery
locomotive of similar type belonging to the Midland Railway Co., which we
published in our issue of January 15th, 1915, and points out that this has
now been working for four years at their coal depot at the West India Dock,
Poplar, for shunting coal wagons. It has given very satisfactory
Railway Club. 38
At the meeting fixed for Tuesday, 12 March at 19.30 J. B. Sherlock
will read a paper on The Highland Railway, and on 9 April Major N. B. Foster
on Methods of Handling Exceptional Traffic. Both meetings will be held at
the Club, 92, Victoria Street, Westminster.
Number 307 (15 March 1918)
American locomotives in Japan. 39-41. 6 illustrations
American Locomotive Co. and Baldwin Locomotive Co. products: 4-4-0
No. 1315; 4-6-2 No. 8934; 0-4-4-0 Mallet compound No. 4600; 0-6-6-0
Mallet compound No. 9800 all for the Imperial Railways of Japan and
2-cylinder compound 4-4-0 No, 104 for the Kansei Railway and a 2-6-2T for
the Kiyushiu Railway.
Great Northern Ry. (Ireland). 41
Special train took Lord Pirrie [KPJ: Chairman of Harland & Wolff
and the White Star Line] from Belfast to Dublin in 107 minutes and returned
in 109 minutes for the 112½ miles. It was not clear if the runs were
Great Western Railway. 41
New 43XX 2-6-0 Nos. 5332-41.
Rebuilt express locomotive No. 1300 Great Northern Railway.
42-3. 2 illustrations
Vulcan compound rebuilt to two-cylinder simple: inside cylinders removed
and outside valve gear replaced with that used on K2 class 2-6-0
4-cylinder 6-coupled locomotive, Great Central Railway. 43-4.
diagram (side elevation)
Robinson design
Ernest E. Joynt. The modern locomotives of the Great
Southern and Western Railway. 44-7. 5 diagrams (side elevations)
0-6-0: 351 class No. 351; 0-6-0 355 class No. 356. 4-6-0 362 class
Nos. 367 and 363 (the latter with extended smokebox; 2-6-0 as altered 356
class No. 361
Hardening cobaltcrom high speed steel. 47
The lubrication of locomotives. 47-50. diagram
Knowles & Wollaston graphite lubricator
Locomotive boiler cladding. 50-1. 2 diagrams
Keasbey & Mattison Co. system of magnesia blocks manufactured
by Newall's Insulation
Fireless locomotives. 51-4. 2 illustrations, 3 diagrams
Andrew Barclay Co. products: diagrams show haulage capaity and charging
Oxy-acetylene welding and cutting for locomotive works. 54-5.
Carbic acetylene generator
London & South-Western Ry. 55
Eastleigh superheaters have been fitted to 4-4-0 engines Nos. 421
and 463 to 472, and 4-6-0 engines 443 to 447, 458 to 462 and 491.
10-ton covered goods wagon for the Caledonian Railway. 55.
Supplied by Clayton & Shuttleworth Ltd of Lincoln for transport
of explosives
Obituary, 56.
J.F. McIntosh died 6 February 1918: very brief. Also death of Stephen
Dewar Holden on 7 February
Changeable signs for railway work. 2 illustrations
Ubiquitous changeable sign had not been adopted by railway companies,
for without question it serves a very useful purpose, saving labour and what
is so important now paper. In addition, the announcements do not deteriorate,
while bills for printing are markedly decreased. Another advantage is that
various methods can be adopted in accordance with the length of the purse.
Once installed, they do not incur further expense, while alterations,
announcements and regulations can be displayed at once instead of waiting
for the printer. There are two methods which have special advantages for
railways, and they are detailed to show the simplicity of working, while
the illustrations will amply present their appearance to the reader if the
letterpress fails. Both syystems used individual letters hald in place by
metal rails or slots into wood.
Number 308 (15 April 1918)
Superheater express locomotive, Midland Gt. Western Ry. of Ireland.
57, illustration.
W.H. Morton C Class 4-4-0 built at Broadstone. No. 6 Kylemore
Converted goods locomotive, S. E. & C. Ry. 58. illustration, diagram
(side elevation)
0-6-0ST No. 685 converted under R.E.L. Maunsell from Wainwright C
class 0-6-0
The Whittingham Asylum Railway. 59-60. 4
Locomotives No. 1 (0-4-0) and No. 2 (0-4-2) illustrated. Both supplied
by A. Barclay, Sons & Co.: WN 304/1888 and WN 1026/1904
H.C. Webster. The arrangement of tubes in locomotive boilers. 60-2.
4 diagrams
Signalling notes. 63-4. 5 illustrations
One wire three-indication block instruments, permissive block instruments,
single line electric tablet instruments and metal tablet carriers with
E.L. Ahrons. The locomotives of the Egyptian State Railways.
65-6. table
Began on page 6. Table sources of
standard gauge locomotives decade by decade from 1852 (Britain majority,
France, Germany and USA), 1861 (Britain majority, France and Belgium),
followed by decline from Britain and Germany, Austria and USA taking over.
Jingoistic in tone!
Oil and gas furnaces in railway workshops. 67-8
Continued from page 11. Portable rivet forge made by Taite and Carlton
is shown in Fig. 17 and consisted of a furnace with upper and lower chambers,
similar to those in Fig. 16, but arranged one above the other to economize
space. The oil fuel tank was at one end and the burner below it is of the
Holden type, which atomized the oil with compressed air. Oil-burning furnaces
for all classes of work were made by Burden's, Ltd., Caldervale Works, Bellshill,
near Glasgow. They were equipped with an oil gas burner. The arrangements
for gasifying the oil were much more complete than in the simple one shown
in Fig. 17. Each furnace consists of a combined generator and heating chamber.
The oil is led to the atomizer by gravity from the tank and thence to the
hot carburettor, into which air is led for a complete combustion. The mixture
of gas and oil is then passed on to the heating chamber, where it is ignited,
and heats the material placed therein. The waste gases from this chamber
pass up through flues to the upper chamber and thus provide heat for the
proper gasification of the oil in the carburettor. The temperature of the
heating chamber could be regulated at will by the proper manipulation of
the oil and air supply. A non-luminous Bunsen flame is secured with complete
combustion and entire absence of smoke, and by proper regulation of the relative
proportions of air and oil fuel the flame may be reducing, oxidizing or neutral
as may be required. A paper on Fuel Oil and its Applications" was presented
at a meeting of the Gloucester Engineering Society by A.F. Baillie, who gave
data and statistics relative to the use of liquid fuel for steam-raising
Great Northern Ry. 68
The single line of track between Langley Junction, near Stevenage,
and Cufney via Hertford, affording an alternative route to London as between
Langley Junction and Wood Green was brought into regular use on 4 March for
up goods and mineral traffic only, to provide relief to the main line. The
distance is 14¾ miles, and as the speed limit over the new line at present
was 25 miles per hour, the time allowed for the run was 56 minutes. Four
trains per night are worked by this route, Tyer's tablet system of absolute
and permissive block for single line working being in operation, the first
instance of its adoption in Britain. A preliminary trial trip by this
line was made on the afternoon of 28 February with a train of fifty-seven
loaded coal wagons, headed by 0-8-0 engine No. 424 from New England to Ferme
Park, and since then an experimental trip has been run with an eighty wagon
train. There are two tunnels on the new line, the Ponsbourne, which is 2684
yards in length, about a mile north of Cuffley station, and the Molewood,
347 yards in length, north of Hertford. Ponsbourne is now the longest tunnel
on the Great Northern system, the Queensbury tunnel on the Keighley branch
having been the longest hitherto.
One of the 0-6-2 radial tanks, No. 1598, used in the suburban service, has
been equipped with the Gresley superheater, and is also fitted with the Wakefield
mechanical lubricator and anti-carbonizer, by which the oil is delivered
into the centre of the strum pipe immediately above the steam chest and there
Fireless locomotives. 68-9. 4 illustrations
Andrew Barclay Caledonia four and six-wheel products for standard
gauge; also one four-wheel type in service at Imperial Paper Mills, Gravesend.
The lubrication of locomotives. 70.diagram
Dry graphite lubricator as used on Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
A new vertical band sawing machine. 71. illustration
Advantages of thin blade of the band saw, as compared with circular
saw, have led to its adoption for almost every kind of timber sawing, and
is one of the main reasons why the band saw is so much in favour to-day and
growing in popularity. Illustration shows a new type of vertical band mill
which Thomas Robinson & Son, Ltd., woodworking engineers, of Railway
Works, Rochdale, have designed to meet the requirements of the railway wagon
and carriage building shops
Midland Ry. 71
One of the 2-8-0 goods locomotives of the Somerset & Dorset Ry.,
No. 85, was stationed at Wellingborough, M.R., and had been working mineral
trains to London.
Bagdad Railway. 71. illustration
Photograph of trophy of war which had been placed in the main hall
of the Victoria Terminus of the Great Indian Peninsula Ry. at Bombay. This
is the number and nameplates of the first locomotive of the German Bagdad
Railway, captured from the Turks on 11 March 1917, on taking of Bagdad.
London & North Western Ry. 71
New series of 0-8-0 superheater goods engines was being turned out
from Crewe, as follows : Nos. 83, 720, 750, 943, 1121, 1313, 2082, 2167,
2172 and 2412. Another series of the same type was in hand, of which the
first two would bear Nos. 1129 and 1614.
No. 1949 King Arthur was latest four-cylinder Alfred the Great compound
to be converted to Renown class. No. 1066, four-cylinder compound mineral
engine, had been converted to simple with superheater. Several others are
also being converted in the same way. Nos. 16 and 235, 5-ft. 0-in. 0-6-2
tanks, had been fitted with slide valves. Two of the three L. & N.W.
locomotives lent to the Highland Ry. had been returned to Crewe, viz., Nos.
1173 The Auditor (2-4-0), and 3082 (DX goods), both of which were
stationed at Elgin. No. 3166 (DX goods) has been working on the H.R. since
October 1915, and was still there. The three Cambrian locos, which were working
on the L. & N.W. had been returned to Oswestry. These were 4-4-0 engines
Nos. 47 and 85 and 0-6-0 No. 73.
Great Western Ry. 72.
We understand some L. & Y. 0-6-0 goods engines were working at
Pontypool Road, including Nos. 698 and 715. Several L.B. & S.C. Ry. 0-6-2
tanks were stationed at Swindon. New engines of the 4301 class (43XX 2-6-0)
completed at Swindon shops were Nos. 5343 to 5349.
Ambulance train built by the Great Central Ry. for the United States Armies
in France. 72-4. 2 illustrations
Illustrations: interiors of sitting sick officer's car and
kitchen/dispensar y at end of ward car
The only one-man railroad in America. 74. illustration
Photograph sent by C.W.Young, of Jerome, Idaho, U.S.A. When the railway
between Gooding and Jerome, a distance of 24 miles, was closed down through
traffic dropping off, Young obtained a lease of the line. Purchasing a road
automobile, which he fitted with flanged wheels, he ran the railway entirely
by himself, until the lease was terminated by the railway company selling
the rails. A four-wheeled trailer was used for carrying goods. Young helped
to build the Idaho Southern R.R. and was a conductor on the line for eight
years after.
Laxcashire & Yorkshire Ry. 74
During 1917 twenty 0-8-0 coal engines were built at Horwich, fitted
with Hughes' arrangement of superheater top and bottom headers, and twenty-eight
elements. Previous engines had only twenty elements. The numbers of this
last class are 216, 235, 241, 265, 312, 493, 503, 507, 601, 603, 626, 631,
640, 660, 673, 694, 697, 698, 789 and 915. The engines were fitted with two-feed
Detroit lubricators and two Ross pop safety valves. A further series of twenty
0-8-0 engines were building. These were not superheaters and had 20-in. diameter
cylinders by 26-in. stroke, with a similar size of boiler and firebox as
the superheated engines. The following five engines are already in traffic
: Nos. 927and 1357 at Wigan and 1351, 1354 and 1356 at Newton Heath.
Francis J. Blight. 74. illustration (portrait)
Election as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, was linked
to the brilliant and genial architect of the Great Northern Railway, E.M.
Whitaker as Blight was one of his pupils and responsible assistant in his
extensive private practice, which included the ironwork schemes for many
notable London buildings, i.e., the Holborn Viaduct Hotel, the Holborn Town
Hall, etc. He had previous experience of iron and steel works in the north
of England and was prizeman in drawing (all subjects). Science and Art, South
Kensington. This technical training and a strong bent for literature gave
him the high position in the publishing world which he has occupied for some
years as chairman and managing director of Charles Griffin & Co., Ltd.,
whose standard works in pure and applied science are held in such high
Number 309 (15 May 1918)
Eight-coupled superheater goods engine, Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry. 75. illustration
Ernest E. Joynt. Modern locomotives of the Great Southern
and Western Railway. 77
Figures 27-30
The West Lancashire Line and its locomotives. 79-82. map.
No locomotives in this introductory part
Fireless locomotives. 82-4. 4 illus., diagr.
Includes photograph of Royal Train hauled by Barclay fireless locomotive
at a munitions factory (photograph had been subjected to Soviet style
retouching). Mainly about narrow gauge locomotives for exploives
Old locomotives, Caledonian Ry.87
0-4-2 mineral engine with four-wheel tender: illustrated as No, 367A:
Benjamin Connor design built by Neilson in 1872 with 16 x 20in cylnders.
0-4-2BT No. 540 illustrated (but there was also No. 541) acquired from Neilson
(locomotives built in 1872) as built for |Northampton & Banbury Railway
which had become insolvent.
Number 310 (15 June 1918)
Paper shortage. 93.
Caused by WW1.
New three-cylinder 2-8-0 for mineral traffic, Great Northern Railway. 93-4. illustration, diagram. (side elevation)
Redruth and Chasewater Ry. 94.
Sale of equipment including the locomotives Miner,
Smelter and Spitfire. See Volume
7 p. 141 for detailed description
The West Lancashire Line and its locomotives. 95-7. 7 illus., 2 diagrs.
Number 311 (15 July 1918)
The West Lancashire Railway and locomotives. 115-17. 6
illus. (including 1 drawing)
See also addenda p. 135
Redington's patent locomotive valve gear. 118-19. 4 diagrams.
Benzo-electric rail motor car: Henri Pieper system.
119. diagram (side, front, rear elevations and plan)
Reproduced above: first used om Belgian Société Nationale
des Chemins de fer Vincinaux in 1908 and subsequently in France on Compagnie
des Chemins de fer Banlieue between Poissy and St Germain-en-Laye. The vehicles
used a dynamotor to store electricity when descending and used this to assist
this in climbing.
United States ambulance train constructed at Swindon Works. 122. illus.
Ward car reminiscent of Maunsell designs.
Number 312 (15 August 1918)
New superheater tank engine No. 686, New Zealand Govt. Rys. 125. illustration.
New consolidation locomotive for goods and mineral traffic, Great Central
Ry. 126-7. 3 illustrations, diagram (side elevation)
No. 412 with large boiler
Electric accumulator shunting locomotive, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. 130. illustration.
Ernest E. Joynt. Modern locomotives of the Great Southern
and Western Railway. 130-3. 6 diagrams (side elevations)
Figures Nos. 36-9: Includes 4-4-2Ts Nos. 32, 2 and 317; and 0-6-4Ts
Nos. 201, Negro and 204.
West Lancashire Ry. 135
Addenda: 0-6-2T with Belpaire firebox; total heating surface
1278ft2; grate area 18.6ft2; boiler pressure 170 psi.
The safe working of railway switches. 139-40. 2 diagrams
Including connecting the locking bar to the point lever for facing
London & North-Western Ry. 140
A further series of 0-8-0 mineral engines (Schmidt superheaters) was
in hand at Crewe-Nos. 230, 264, 880, 1071, 1657, 1693, 2066, 2199, 2235 and
2253. They replace engines of the special tank class, now transferred to
the duplicate list. Of another series of similar engines the first five will
bear Nos. 757, 829, 894, 1107 and 1435. The following Precursor class locomotives
had been turned out with superheating apparatus and flat valves, but without
extended smokeboxes: Nos. 469 Marmion, 683 Hecate, 802
Gaelic, 1363 Brindley, 1439 Tiger and 2064 Jason.
Nos. 1043 and 1883 four-cylinder compound goods engines had been converted
to simple and provided with superheaters. The name of 1093 Guy Calthrop
(Claughton class) had been changed to Sir Guy Calthrop. Five of the
L. & N.W. engines O.A.S. in France were sent to Crewe for repairs: of
these Nos. 881, 1098, 1634 and 3334 had been returned, and No. 3408
North British Ry. 140
The latest five of the Glen class of superheater 4-4-0 superheater
passenger engines were Nos. 100 Glen Dochart, 153 Glen Fruin,
241 Glen Ogle, 291 Glen Quoich and 298 Glen Shiel. These
were built at Cowlairs in 1917. A series of 0-6-0 superheater goods engines,
similar to No. 8 was in course of construction at the Atlas Works of the
North British Locomotive Co. Of these the following were out-Nos. 88, 89,
123, 139, 151, 157, 161 and 167. Engines scrapped included No. 1241, Wheatley
4-4-0, and 1148, 2-4-0 with 6 ft. wheels.
Caledonian Ry. 140
Some new 0-6-0 goods engines had been completed at St. Rollox Works:
Nos. 300 to 311,. not superheated, but had piston valves above the cylinders,
and were fitted with Wakefield mechanical lubricators.
Highland Ry. 140.
Four goods engines of the 4-6-0 type had been supplied by Hawthorn,
Leslie & Co. and were dated 1917; bearing Nos. 75 to 78 inclusive. They
had superheaters, outside cylinders, with Walschaert valve gear, and mechanical
lubricators to the cylinders, valve chests and axle-boxes. Nearly all the
locomotives lent to this line by other railway companies had now been returned,
but among those still at work lncluded N.B.R. No. 614, 0-6-0, and C.R. No.
56, 4-6-0.
Obituary. 140
Death took place at Inverness on 12 July of J. F. Robinson, M.I.C.E.,
M.I.M.E., a director of the North British Locomotive Co. Mr. Robinson was
for many years managing director of Sharp, Stewart & Co., Ltd., prior
to the amalgamation.
British Government approved appointment by the Persian Government of J.A. Hill, to be Consul at Sheffield. The new Consul had wide commercial experience in England and foreign countries, and had valuable knowledge of mining and railway work, which will be of service to him in handling Persian commercial interests and undertakings. Mr. Hill is head of the well-known firm, J. & P. Hill, Ordnance Works, Sheffield, who have rendered great service in producing war material for the British Government and our Allies during WW1.
Cammell, Laird & Co., Ltd., of Sheffield. 140.
Returned to them as a matter of special interest a railway wagon bearing
spring as a sample of a number made by the Company as far back as 1894, and
although these springs had been in constant use, they were still as effective
as when new, and still retained in commission. On testing this sample spring
at their Grimesthorpe Works it was found to be standing at precisely the
original camber and had not taken the slightest permanent set 'in the twenty-four
years' service. It was scragged home several times and again came back to
the same camber as when first supplied.
Trade publications. 140
Edgar Allen & Co., Ltd., of Sheffield,
Two nicely printed folders descriptive of varieties of special tool-steel
of their manufacture. That known as Alleri's Red Label is a tungsten alloy
crucible steel in which the tungsten and carbon contents are so proportioned
that qualities of great hardness and toughness areimparted to tools, etc.,
made from this material. It is specially recommended for twist-drills, taps,
milling cutters, reamers, etc.
Where extreme accuracy is demanded, as for instance, in dies, gauges, punches,
and master-tools, the maker's "K9 Oil-hardening steel" is recommended. This
steel is remark- able for uniformity both as to chemical and physical constitu-
tion, and for great fineness of grain. These qualities practically eliminate
all contraction and expansion ordinarily set up by the hardening process,
and tools of the highest accuracy may therefore be hardened and tempered
to any extent without danger of variation in size or contour.
Simple directions are given for heat treatment, the proper temperatures being
stated in both the Centigrade and Fahrenheit scales. There are also good
photographs of typical fractures which well illustrate the remarkable homogeneity
of grain throughout the specimen.
Number 313 (14 Septeber 1918)
New 4-6-0 superheater goods locomotives, Highland Railway. 141.
No. 75 illustrated: sometimes, incorrectly, called Clan goods
Obituary. 141.
Henry James Pryce
Light locomotives for service in France. 143-4. illustration
60cm gauge 0-6-0T with 6.75 x 10.75 cylinders and 1ft 10in coupled
wheels manufactured by Barclay under supervision of Palmer, Rendel &
The "Ruston" oil locomotive. 144-5. 3 illustrations
Includes one in a powder factory
Sparks. 149-51 6 diagrs.
Saprks and means to arrest them: no invntors mentioned
The Freshwater, Yarmouth and Newport Railway. 152-3. 5 illustrations
From 20 July 1889 when the railway opened it was worked by the Isle
of Wight Central Railway, but in 1913 the agreement was terminated and new
motive power and rolling stock had to be obtained. No. 1 was a Manning Wardle
0-6-0ST (WN 1555/1902) and No. 2 was an ex-Brighton Terrier No, 46 Newington
which had been sold to the LSWR and given a Drummond boiler. Four wheeled
carriages were obtained from the Manchester South Junction & Altringham
Railway: these were brought to St. Helen's Harbour by brage (Photograph depicts
this event). There was also a Drewry rail motor car.
Presentation at Barrow to Mr. W.F. Pettigrew.
A large gathering of Furness Ry. officials and employees assembled
in the Board Room at the General Offices, Barrow, on Tuesday, 13 August 13,
for a presentation to W F. Pettigrew, M.LCE., M.LM.E., the late locomotive,
carriage and wagon superintendent, who retired on 31 March 2018 after twenty-one
years' service with the Company. F.J. Ramsden, J.P. (chairman of the Board
of Directors) presided. The presentation consisted of an antique sideboard
and furniture, the plate bearing the recipient's monogram, the date of his
service -1897-1918, and the following inscription: "Presented to Mr. William
Frank Pettigrew, M.LC.E., M.LM.E., as a token of esteem by the directors,
officers and staff on his retirement from railway service, March; 1918."
The Chairman, in making the presentation, stated "We are met here to-day
on a very interesting occasion, although perhaps rather a sorrowful one.
In speaking of the locomotive department one's mind naturally goes back to
the first loco. superintendent, the late Mr. Richard Mason, and also to the
late Mr. T. Sutton, carriage and wagon superintendent, the two departments
at that time being separate, When Mr. Pettigrew was appointed it was decided
to combine the two departments. Mr. Pettigrew found all sorts of interesting
old engines working on the line when he came to Barrow, and it was not very
long before one of the first locomotives they had found its place near Barrow
Central Station. To meet the increasing demands of traffic, it was necessary
to design larger and more powerful locomotives and great progress had been
made in this direction under Mr. Pettigrew's supervision. Similar improvements
had also been accomplished in the coaching stock, the old six-wheeled, and
in many cases four-wheeled, vehicles had been replaced by bogie stock with
all refinements. In addition Mr. Pettigrew was subsequently put in charge
of the mechanical department of the harbour department, taking the place
of the late Admiral Barnett, and under his superintendence steamers were
built for the Barrow and Fleetwood service which were always satisfactory
and a source of pleasure to a large number of the travelling public during
the summer months.
The speaker also referred to the excellent work Mr. Pettigrew had done outside
the railway on the Higher Education Committee of the Town Council, he being
the F.R. representative on that committee. Quite recently he (Mr. Pettigrew)
was placed on a sub-committee of the Technical School and his advice had
been most valuable. Mr. Pettigrew had also done and is doing very excellent
work in connection with the North Lonsdale Hospital, with which institution
he had been connected for a considerable period, having been for many years
chairman of the House Committee.
Although Mr. Pettigrew is leaving Barrow shortly for Somersetshire, they
all hoped he would never forget the many happy years he had spent in this
district, as they in Barrow would not forget, and all wished him the best
of health and every happiness during his well-earned retirement and that
the same good wishes be extended to the whole of his family. Mr. Pettigrew,
who was cordially received, thanked the Chairman and those present for the
kind remarks and the manner in which they had been received. He found great
difficulty in finding words to express his gratitude and felt that he would
just have liked to have said thank you and sat down. He also thanked the
directors, officers and staff for their valuable testimonial, which would
ever remind him of the many happy times he had spent amongst them.
Looking back to the time he joined the service of the Furness Railway he
was reminded that although the Company had been in existence for fifty years
there had only been one locomotive superintendent, and now, with an existence
of over seventy years, there have only been two locomotive superinten- dents,
and he thought no other railway company could boast of such a record. Referring
to the many improvements which had been carried out during his tenure of
office, Mr. Pettigrew spoke of the increase in the number of locomotives
and the increased haulage capacity of the various types, which in most cases
had practically doubled.
Again, in the way of coaching stock they had kept up with the times; in fact,
they were one of the first railway companies to adopt the use of electric
light in their carriages. The wagon stock had also been very much modernized
and brought up to date, thus increasing the carrying capacity to deal with
the much heavier traffic now dealt with. In conclusion, he again thanked
the directors, officers and staff who had very kindly subscribed to the
testimonial. The proceedings terminated with a hearty vote of thanks to the
Chairman, proposed by Mr. T. Jackson, goods manager and dock superintendent,
to which Mr. Ramsden replied.
Messrs. John I. Thornycroft & Co., Ltd., 156
Notified that in consequence of the Government having commandeered
their offices at Caxton House, Westminster, they are removing to new offices
at 10, Grosvenor Place, London, S.W.1. The action of certain Government
Departments in this, and in other similar instances, creating delay and
inconvenience to firms engaged in urgent work of national importance on behalf
of other Departments, casts an interesting sidelight on the administrative
methods characteristic of our Government.
Spring making. 156. diagram
A correspondent writes :-" Referring to vour interesting article in
the May issue, I would point out that the best way of making the 'eye' of
the top plates is thus: The end of the plate brought round should not be
allowed to touch the top plate at the point A, but be left quite clear with
a space of at least 1/16-in. . It is found, when the plates
do touch, there is a tendency lto fracture along the line of contact."
Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 156
On 3 September 1918 members visited the works of the Leeds Forge Co.,
Ltd. On the 24 September H. Kelway Bamber, M.V.O., sceduled to read his paper,
" Coal and mineral traffic on the railways of the United Kingdom," before
the members of the Leeds Centre at the Philosophical Hall, Park Lane,
Number 314 (15 October 1918)
Consolidation locomotives for the French Midi & State railways.
157-8. 2 illustrations, 2 diagrams (including side elevation).
American Locomotice Co. 2-8-0
Great Central Ry. 158.
4-4-0 No. 429 Sir Alexander Henderson renamed Sir Douglas
Haig. Sacré 2-4-0 No. 213B at Anneesley working on shunting and
on colliers' trains.
The Highland Railway and its locomotives. 159-60. illustration
Drummond Castle class
Preparing an engine for the road. 160-1
Dutiers performed by driver and fireman tgo ensure that locomotive
is fit to haul its train, including oiling, fire, water, fuel and locomotive
are correct.
Indian Rys. standard wagons. 161.
Indian Railway Board recommended that all future broad and metre gauge
open and covered wagons should conform to designs aprroved by the Indian
Railway Conference Association.
Through service. 161
Penang to Bangkok started 1 July 1918.
Cast iron piston road packing. 161. illustration
Martell Packing Co. of Elyria, Ohio
Radial drilling machines for locomotive boiler shops. 162-4. 4
Asquith Ltd of Halifax
Military workshop trains for use overseas. 164-7. 4 illustrations,
Gloucester Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. 60 cm gauge train for
Ministry of Munitions. Included a generator car.
Ernest E. Joynt. Modern locomotives of the Great Southern
and Western Railway. 166; 168-9. 5 diagrams (side elevations).
0-6-0T and 0-6-2T : Ivatt 207 class introduced in 1887 (used
at Cork mainly for shunting); Ivatt Nos. 201 and 202, similar to previous
but introduced in 1895 and caopable of working passennger trains at North
Wall and Amiens Street; and Coey version of design iontroduced in 1902. Also
0-6-2T built by North British Locomotive Co. Nos. 211-214. Nos. 211
and 212 were converted to 0-6-0 tender locomotives. Mausell rebuilt a class
203 0-6-4T No. 204 to an 0-6-0T in 1814.
Valve gear for three-cylinder mineral engine No. 461, G.N.R. 169-71.
2 diagrams.
Reproduction from patent for Gresley derived valve gear and includes
comments made by Dalby in Engineer, 26 July 1918.
Breakdown van and crane, Jamaican Governmeent Rys. 172. illustration
Built by Industrial Works of Bay City, Michigan
Wagons for live stock and chilled meat traffic for the
South African Rys. 172
W.S. Sim, advisory engineer for the Union of South Africa, sends us
a copy of a letter received from D.H. Hendrie, chief mechanical engineer
of the South African Rys., explaining the reason for the somewhat unusual
cross section of the cattle wagons described and illustrated in our May issue.
He points out that from certain parts of the Union and Rhodesia, cattle of
unusual size are being despatched and it has been found impossible to load
these beasts crosswise in the older type of cattle wagon, which had a maximum
width of 7 ft. 9½ in. inside. Owing to the restrictions imposed by the
standard adopted for fixed structures; such as goods platforms, it was found
impossible to increase the width. over solebars and headstocks, and consequently
it was only possible by adopting the sloping sides to give the additional
width inside. By the new arrangement, shown in LM May 15th, the vehicles
will accommodate the largest beasts offering, giving as it does an inside
width of 8 ft. 3 in. at 3 ft. 6 in. above floor level.
Great Western Ry. 172
Nos. 2856-2865 were new 2-8-0 mineral locomotives. A new shed code
was recently adopted consisting of letters representing the shed, which painted
inside the cab on the driver's side of the footplate. Amongst the sheds so
far noted were the following: PDN, Paddington; SHL, Soutball; RDG, Reading;
DID, Didcot; PLY, Plymouth; NA, Newton Abbot; BL, Bristol; OXF, Oxford; NPT,
Newport; PPL, Pontypool Road; EXE, Exeter; ADR, Aberdare; CHR, Chester, and
WOS, Worcester. No. 3434 of the Bulldog class (formerly 3724) has been named
Joseph Shaw: this engine had the Westinghouse brake.
North Staffordshire Ry. 172
There were twelve 0-6-4 tank engines in service. Of these four are
of the new F classnumbered 114-117the remainder were class C,
bearing Nos. 4, 5, 30, 31, 53, 70, 173 and 174. During the summer the North
Stafford resumed through running over the L. & N.Ry. to North Wales,
and on the Saturday before August Bank Holiday three large 4-4-0sNos.
38, 87 and 170 were seen at Llandudno Junction.
North-Eastern Railway. 172
The following 4-4-0 engines of the 38 class had been scrapped: Nos.
38, 112, 186, 231, 234, 385, 426, 1492, 1494, 1495, 1498 and 1503. There
were still some sixteen or seventeen of them in service.
Number 315 (15 November 1918)
Mallet locomotives for the South African Railways. 173-4.
2-6-6-0 Mallet compounds supplied by several companies. No. 1673
(illustrated) and seven others supplied by American Locomotive Company's
Montreal works.
Contractors' locomotive for the Yorkshire Iron & Coal Co. 174.
Several locomotives are owned by the Yorkshire Iron & Coal Co.
for use at their collieries at Ardsley, near Leeds, and we illustrate herewith
their most recent acquisition. This is a large four-wheeled saddle tank engine
of the latest standard design of Messrs. Peckett & Sons, Ltd., of Bristol,
the well-known builders of tank locomotives adapted for contractors' work
and industrial purposes and for small and private railways. The engine
illustrated indicates most of the standard features of Peckett engines, with
copper firebox and brass tubes. War-time conditions have, however, necessitated
the adoption of a cast-iron chimney top instead of copper, and other improved
details are the pop safety valves on the dome cover. 0-4-0ST
Great Northern Rly. 174
All the famous Ivatt Singles had been removed from service and broken
up, and thus another line has ceased to use Single wheeled engines. It is
interesting to note that four old 0-4-2 tanks are still at workNos.
116a, 117a, 502 and 632.
Midland Rly. 174
New 0-6-0 superheated goods were running, Nos. 3867-3871, and stationed
at Toton. Nos. 88 and 91, Johnson 2-4-0, had been broken up. It is reported
that a new series of 2-8-0 mineral locomotives are on hand at Derby. No.
754 (Johnson 4-4-0) has been rebuilt with superheater and extended smokebox.
Nos. 561-2 (superheater 4-4-0's) had been transferred front London to Nottingham
and 401 (4-4-0) was stabled at York.
Midland & Great Northern Rly. 174
No. 46 (large 4-4-0) was working on the Midland Rly., being stationed
at Leicester.
South-Eastern & Chatham Rly. 174
Several old Kirtley 4-4-0s had been removed from service.
London & South-Western Ry. 174
No. 0161an old Adams 0-6-0 goodswas recently observed
in Mesopotamia by a correspondent painted in quite a gay medley of colours.
Number 316 (14 December 1918)
Rebuilt mineral locomotive, Great Nortrhern Railway. 189.
Gresley modified Ivatt 0-8-0 (No. 420 illustrated) with larger boiler
of type fitted to 2-6-0
New goods locomotive for the Caledonian Railway. 190-1. illustration,
Pickersgill Class 300 0-6-0: photograph of No. 303; diagram of piston
Four-cylinder express locomotive, Dutch State Railways. 191-2.
Werkspoor series of 4-6-0
Small tank locomotives, Great Northern Ry. of
Ireland. 192. 2 illustrations
Two small locomotives were both used in the construction of the branch
line from Armagh to Keady, and on completion of the contract were purchased
by the Great Northern Ry. of Ireland from the contractors and put to work
at Belfast. The nameplates Kells and Mullingar were removed,
and both engines painted the standard colours, black with vermilion lining,
and numbered respectively 203 and 204. The four-wheeled engine was used with
a train of ten or twelve tip wagons at the cuttings and clay-banks, while
No. 204 was usually on ballasting and permanent way work for the engineer's
department. Both engines were built by the Hunslet Engine Co., of Leedsthe
Kells in 1904 and Mullingar about 1889. The apparatus to the rear
of the nameplate on Kells was a water supply leading to the wheels
for cleansing the wheel flanges and rails.
London & North-Western Ry. 192.
Twenty new 0-8-0 superheater goods engines completed at Crewe: Nos.
230, 264, 880, 1071, 1657, 1693, 2066, 2199, 2235, 2253, 757, 829, 894, 1107,
1435, 1495, 1785, 2054, 2160 and 2236, and a further ten were in hand, the
numbers of the first five of which were given in our last issue. No. 1261,
18-in. goods, had been scrapped, this being the first of the class to go.
Its number has been allotted to a new 0-8-0 superheater goods. Several
four-cylinder compound (0-8-0) goods engines were being .converted to simple,
including Nos. 437, 1094 and 1883, all of which would be, provided with
superheaters. No. 1937 Superb had been converted to simple, i.e.,
to Renown class.
London & South-Western Ry. 192.
The description of the new 4-6-0 express locomotive No. 736, in our
last issue, the cylinder dimensions by a misprint were given as 22 in. by
26 in. stroke. The figures for the stroke should have been 28 in. A reader
also draws our attention to the fact that these engines are about 2 tons
less in weight than the 482-491 class, but this is due no doubt to the smaller
boiler fitted-5 ft. and 5 ft. 43/8 in., instead of a uniform
5 ft. 6 in. diameter.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry.192.
Work has been suspended on the further series of five Baltic type
tank engines for some time now, and we understand ten 2-6-0 tender engines
will be finished at Brighton works before any other new engines are
R.W.A. Salter. The Central Argentine Railway. 193-5. 5 illustrations
Rosario Express was the premier train in terms
of speed and comfort. Large dining car took advantage of broad gauge. Also
picture and brief description of suburban electric trains to Retiro from
Wood burning locomotive, Philippine Railway. 196. illustration
The cost of coal imported from China, Japan or Australia had escalated
because of WW1 and the railway turned to local timber and found that it was
less injurious to boilers.
Superheated steam troubles. 196-8.
Leakage from the superheater elements, lower steam pressures claimed
as advantage, piston valves, but problems with rings, essential
A machine for testring spring buckles. 198-9. diagram
Spark arrester, Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway. 199. diagram.
Designed A. Whitaker: patent-type diagrams.
Shunting locomotives. 199
Indian experiences: use of old locomotives; increasing use of hump
yards, screw couplings.
Improved suspension gear for train lighting dynamos. 200. diagram.
Locomotives of three gauges in one shop. 200. illustration.
2ft 6in, metre gauge and 5ft 6in in India
Boiler of Bagdad Ry locomotive captured from the Germans after dismantling. 201. illustration.
Sent to Parel shops of Great Indian Peninsular Railway for repair
following damage by dynamite.
North-Eastern Ry. — Waskerley. 201
On Stanhope and Tyne line between Burnhill Junction and Parkhead Junction.
At 1474ft above sea-level was highest point on NER
Train disaster in Holland on 13 September 1918. 201
Following heavy rain the morning express from Benthein to Amsterdam
was derailed as the embankment beneath the train collapsed and the train
ran into the bridge crossing the Merwede Canal near Weesp. Fifty paasengers
were killed and more than seventy injured. The footplate crew escaped alive,
but injured.
Pulverized coal fuel. 201
Great Indian Peninsular Railway experimenting in use of pulverized
coal as oil difficult to obtain in India.
North London Ry. 201.
4-4-0T No. 127 shunting at Chester General station. Nos. 82 and 90
were working at Crewe.
[Repair of Belgian locomotives]. 201
Belgian State Railways 0-6-0 locomotives being repaired at Stratford,
Crewe and Swindon.
[Elswick Works]. 201
Elswick Works of Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. to build
locomotives and rolling stock.
Steam road vehicles: the underlying elements of theory and practice in the use of the steam wagon. L.M. Meyrick-Jones. Iliffe & Sons.
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