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The Locomotive Magazine and Railway Carriage and Wagon Review
Volume 46 (1940)
No. 569 (15 January 1940)
Looking forward. 1.
Editorial comment on the effect of WW2 on railway progress and on
the journal
L.N.E.R. 1
Progress on Manchester-Sheffield electrification.
L.M.S.R. 1
Noted speeding up of services. Two new 7P 4-6-2 locomotives built
at Crewe Nos. 6238 City of Carlisle and 6239 City of Chester.
New Class 4F 0-6-0 built at Derby: Nos. 5486-4596, plus two diesel shunters
Nos. 7085 and 7086. 8F 2-8-0s to be constructed at Crewe.
Coronation Scot to remain in USA.
New passenger tank locomotive, East Indian Strate Railway. 2-3. illustration,
diagram (side elevation)
2-6-2T built by Vulcan Foundry
Railway centenaries. 3
Northern Railway of Spain. 3
Restoration of links to French railways at Hendaye and Irun.
H. Fayle. Martin Atock and his locomotives. 4-6. 3 illustrations (including portrait)
E.W. Twining. Experimental loccomotives, Great Western Railway. 7-10.
illustration (photograph). 3 diagrams (side elevations)
William Dean's 4-4-0T No. 1 0f 1880;; and as rebuilt as a 2-4-0T;
including ass photographed in 1920; and the 4-2-4T No. 9 drawn with the
assistance of C.B. Colllett.
New ambulance car, Victorian Railways. 10-11. illustration
C.W. Brett. Repair of rolling stock by fusive methods. 11-13.
Welding. Repair of cracks in the outside cylinder of a colliery
L.I. Sanders. Carriage and wagon design and construction.
III. The bogie. 13-16. 2 illustrations, 3 diagrams.
Continued from 311 in previous volume. Includes description and
illustration of Alexander Spencer bogie.
L.M.S.R. 16
Walter Paterson had retired: he had been Superintendent of Operation
at Crewe (presumably retired end of 1939). Joined Horwich Works as an apprentice
in 1892. During WW1 he was District Locomotive Superintendent at Blackpool
where refugee Belgian fitters were employed and later in WW1 when DLS at
Low Moor he was in charge of 90 female workers. He was associated with
Enginemen's Mutual Improvement Classes.
Diesel railcars in Luxemburg. 17-18. 2 illustrations
Metre gauge lines: notes reconditioned diesel electric railcars used
with great economy on the Diekirch-Vianden route and the conversion of passenger
coaches to diesel mechanical units with rubber diaphragm transmissions (Mylius
system) for the Luxemburg-Echtenach route where 1 in 33 gradients were
High-speed lightweight trains. 18-21.
Based on ASME paper by C.T. Ripley (freely available as pdf in
Transactions ASME 1940, 62, 347-66 and in part as
Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs.,
1939, 142, 97). Refers to Coverdale and Colpitts Report (Coverdale
& Colpitts were New York based consulting engineers and reported on high
speed trains).
"Baltic" type locomotive, Barsi Light Railway. 22-3. illustration, diagram (side elevation)
Ministry of Supply. 23
Sanctioned expenditure of £8 miilion on 240 2-8-0 tender locomotives
and 10,000 twenty-ton covered freigh wagons. Locomotives tio be built by
Beyer Peacock, North British Locomotive and Vulcan Foundry
Electric locomotives for Brazil. 23
General Electric Co. of USA had delivered four 2-Co+Co-2 4470 hp
locomotives to the Paulista Railway.
Some apspects of railway progress as they affect the locomotive
department. 23-4
Four aspect colour light signalling, notably on main line from Wateroo
to handle dense suburban traffic; the requirements of high speed streamlined
trains where older automatic signalling gave inadequate braking distances,
and the Hudd system of automatic train control being insatalled between Edinburgh
and Glasgow.
Obituary. 24
Herdner: chief mecanical engineer of the Midi Railway between 1907
and 1920. Responsible for two and four cylinder compound locomotives. Aged
87 at death.
Reviews. 25
Early British locomotives. C.F. Dendy Marshall,.
London: Locomotive Publishing Co. Ltd.
Another of the interesting works on British locomotives by Dendy Marshall
had appeared, and was a supplement to the volume on
Two essays in early locomotive
history published by him in 1928. In the original work the author
attempted to compile a catalogue of the first hundred locomotives, but the
evidence as to some of these was scanty and incomplete, whilst the existence
of others, not hitherto suspected, had now come to light. In the present
volume the writer amends the previous list in accordance with the information
now available: but there still seems to be a possibility of further discoveries,
and he suggests to those interested that research might be undertaken with
regard to eight possible examples which he enumerates. A good deal of additional
information is given about many of the locomotives previously described,
there is confirmation that Wm. Chapman introduced the bogie in 1813, whilst
of the further engines discovered particularly interesting ones are those
of Daglish at Orrel and Taylor Swainson at Whitehaven. Many wIll read wIth
interest the chapter on the original Stephenson engmes, particulars of the
first forty being given from an old ledger recently discovered, this clearing
up many uncertain points with regard to the early productions of this firm.
The story of the various steps in the early development of the locomotive
is a very fascinating one and much credit is due to Dendy Marshall for the
very painstaking manner m which he has tackled it and the care with which
he has sifted the modicum of wheat from the vast amount. of chaff in which
it was engulfed. A number of illustrations, many of them hitherto unknown
add to the interest of the work. .
The railway handbook, 1939-1940. London: The Railway Publishing
Co. Ltd.,96 pp. Paper covers. 25
Designed to provide the railway student with a concise collection
of useful statistics and other information. The sixth edition was somewhat
later than usual on account of WW2. The same sequence had been continued,
but all matter has been revised and brought up-to-date with the latest available
statlstics. The chronology of railway history has been extended to eleven
pages so as to include Items of outstanding importance and recent occurrence;
this may be gauged from the fact that the Railway Executive Commlttee, appointed
.by the Minister of Transport to be hIs agents. for controlling the railways,
is included. This year.the Mimstry of Transport is not issuing the usual
census of railway employees, but, by courtesy of the Minister, The Railway
Handbook has been able to publish the figures for the week ended 11 March
The vacuum brake, its theory, history and practice
as used on the Great. Western Railway. C.H. Mathers. Shrewsbury:
Wilding & Son Ltd.
This handbook of 78 pages is intended for use in Improvement Classes
and includes diagrams arid illustrations mainly relating to G.W.Ry. equipments.
At the end fifty Questions and Answers are given which should prove useful
to Improvement Class Instructors.
Correspondence. 25
Early Pullman Cars. Reginald B. Fellows. 25
Re writer's recent article has produced in your correspondence columns
additional information as to the all-Pullman train of 1881. The scantiest
references (if any) to this pioneer train are found in railway histories.
The names which Stephenson Knight gives, in his
letter in LM December issue, to the four cars of which the train was
made up agrees with one exception with a contemporary newspaper account of
the inaugural tnp. The car which Knight refers to as Albert Edward
was called Maud in the contemporary account, the four cars being described
as follows: Parlour-Restaurant car Victoria; Smoking room car
Maud; Drawing room car Beatrice: Parlour car Louise.
I suggest that the Albert Edward was one of the single cars which
had been running on a Brighton express pnor to 1881.
The contemporary account also states that the idea of lighting the train
by electricity was due to J.P. Knight, the General Manager of the L.B. &
S.C. Ry., "an Idea the feasability of which was rendered evident to him on
his hearing of Sir W. Thompson's experiments with the Faure accumulator and
on his witnessing at Paris the success of the vanous systems of electric
lighting by incandescent lamps." This was, I believe, the first complete
train to be lighted by Electricity in England.
South Australian locomotive. A.V.
On page 177, Vol. 35 of the Locomotive,
you illustrate engme No. 14 of the South Australian Railways,
and compare it with an illustration of the first locomotive in New
Zealand, page 204, Vol. 26, and you suggest
possibly both viIews are the same engine. I do not think so. I have a list
of South Australian Railway locos. in front of me which gives No. 14 being
supplied by the Avonside Engineering Co. direct, while the following engines
were obtained direct from the Canterbury Railway, New Zealand:-
S.A.R. No. 38 (48), Class I, Type 0-4-0T. In service (S.A.) 1879. Makers,
Neilson and Co. .
S.A.R. No. 43, Class M, Type 0-4-2T. In service (S.A.) 1881. Makers, Slaughter
Classes Nos. 44, 45, 46, 47, Class M, Type 0-4-2T. In service (S.A.) 1880-81.
Makers, Avonside Engine Co.
S.A.R: Nos. 49. 50, 51, 56, Class E, Type 2-4-0T. In service (S.A.) 1880-82.
Makers, Avonside Engine Co.
So far I am unable to get the makers' numbers of the above, but since Slaughter
Gruning and Co. became Avonsld.e Engineering Co. in 1866, engine 43 must
have been built before 1867.
The Canterbury Railway, New Zealand, converted their gauge. from 5 ft. 3.
in. to 3 ft. 6 in. The only Australian Colonies then having the 5 ft. 3 in.
gauge were South Australia and Victoria, but I have no record of Victoria
ever takmg over New Zealand locomotives. See also letter
from Leslie G. Poole page 142.
Southern Ry. 25
No. 2527 Vulcan 0-6-0 goods has been reboilered and classed as
L.M.S.R. 25
Orders placed with Cowans, Sheldon Ltd. for three 70 ft. vacuum
Institution of Locomotive Engineers General Meeting.
Luncheon at Waldorf Hotel on 14 December 1939, President5ial Address
by O.V.S. Bulleid and business meeting.
No. 570 (15 February 1940)
Reducing the volume of breakdown work. 27.
Work represented by derailments and other breakdowns costs the railway
companies a not inconsiderable sum of money each year. The breakdown gangs
are recruited from the workshops staff at the depots, and in order to minimise
the interruption to output of repair work, it is frequently necessary to
call men on day duty for night calls, and vice versa. This means, however,
that much time worked on breakdowns is payable at overtime rates, in addition
to the agreed paid breakdown allowance and the provision of rations. Other
direct charges arise from making good any resultant damage to engines, rolling
stock and permanent way, and the provision and maintenance of costly cranes
and other equipment (the maintenance of crane boilers which, apart from
washing-out examinations and repairs, are constantly in steam, may be heavy
in bad water districts) and overtime paid to delayed train crews; other costs
may be incurred by claims in respect of personal in juries and of perishable
and other important traffics delayed in transit as the result of breakdowns.
Whilst a marked and constant reduction in the number of breakdowns would
not lead to the total abolition of steam breakdown cranes, which must in
any case be available for work in connection with bridges and permanent way,
it would permit the present number of breakdown units to be sensibly reduced
by increasing the individual areas covered. In this connection, also, it
must not be overlooked that the private lives and outside activities of a
large body of men, in both the supervisory and the wages grades, are strictly
circumscribed by being practically always on call; the continuance or extension
of this condition may have detrimental effects on their mental outlook. Any
endeavour to improve the existing state of affairs must include a classification
of the causes of breakdowns, and in the last analysis it will be found that
the majority is due to failures, in one way or another, of the human element.
Enginemen may relax the vigilance of their look-out momentarily, but at a
crucial moment, or not satisfy themselves when shunting that facing points
are fully closed; the examination of a partly worn tyre may be superficial,
or the standard of maintenance of a length of permanent way or of points,
more particularly on secondary running roads or in sidings, lower than is
Considering the matter in general terms, the basic remedies consist firstly
in recruiting staff for the engineers' and all operating departments from
personnel having a high standard of intelligence and vigilance, and who are
found by test not to be accident prone. Secondly, the existing high standards
of maintenance, with reference to engines, rolling stock and permanent way
alike, must all be raised. Lastly, engines, rolling stock and all equipment
concerned with the working of trains must be critically examined with a view
to making them more reliable and more foolproof. This is admittedly a wide
and ambitious programme, already partly in process for this and other reasons,
but the end justifies the means. The recognition of the expression "safety
first" may be one of degree, but the principle is inherently sound.
L.N.E.R. 27.
A further 4 engines of the "V2" 2-6-2 class have been completed at
Darlington, Nos. 4863, 4864, 4865 and 4866; also rebuilt No. 846, "B 16/2"
class (Walschaert gear). No. 3717, class "J3" has been withdrawn. This engine
was built by the Vulcan Foundry in 1882 and since the withdrawal of the old
saddle tank No. 3685 built at Doncaster in 1882 (Works No. 348) has held
the distinction of being the oldest Great Northern engine still in service
on the L.N.E.R. This distinction now falls to No. 3908 a saddle tank at King's
Cross. This engine was built by R. Stephenson & Co. in 1891 (No. 2758).
Only one other G.N. engine built in 1891 is still in service; this is No.
4990, built by Neilson & Co. and now used as a shunting engine at Doncaster
Works. It was formerly No. 3920.
Class "E4" (2-4-0) No. 7408 and other engines of the class now frequently
assist mineral and goods trains from Darlington to Stainmore Summit.
L.M.S.R. 27.
Three further heavy oil [diesel] engines (0-6-0) had been completed
at Derby, Nos. 7088, 7089 and 7090. Express engines recently withdrawn from
service were: Class 3 4-6-0 No. 14620 (Caledonian), Class 3 4-4-0 No. 25272
Brindley and No. 25282 Champion (L.N.W.Ry.), Class 2 4-4-0
No. 368 (Midland), Class 2 4-4-0 No. 14402 Ben Armin (Highland), and
Class 1 2-4-0 No. 20157 (Midland).
G.W.Ry. 27.
Seven more 4-6-0 express engines had been completed at Swindon, No.
5989 Cransley Hall, No. 5990 Dorford Hall, No. 5991 Gresham
Hall, No. 5992 Harton Hall, No. 5993 Kirby Hall, No. 5994
Royden Hall, and No. 5995 Wick Hall.
Mixed traffic locomotives, New Zealand Railway. 28-9. illustration, diagram
(side elevation)
Class J: semi-streamlined 4-8-2 designed P.R. Angus, Locomotive
Superintendent. Forty supplied by North British Locomotive Company. Fitted
with Vanderbilt tenders, equipped with Baker valve gear, steel fireboxes
using Colville's steel and Skefco roller bearings. 18 x 26in cylinders, 4ft
6in coupled wheels, 1752ft2 total heating area (including
superheater), 39ft2 grate area and 200 psi boiler pressure.
W.G. Bagnall Ltd staff dinner. 29
W.S. Edwards, Managing Director and F.B. Harris, chief draughtsman
H. Fayle. Martin Atock and his locomotives. 30-7. 7 illustrations
2-4-0 tank loco., Netherland Indies. 33 illustration
Hanover Locomotive Works for 0.75 m gauge line in Sumatra with 2ft
11in coupled wheeels, 10 x 14in cylinders, 135 psi boiler, 5ft2
grate area and 238ft2 total heating surface.
L.M.S.R. new stock: Liverpool and Southport electrified lines. 34-6.
illustration, diagram (side elevation & plan)
24 three-car units built at Derby with English Electric electrical
equipment. Lightweight rolling stock with Westinghouse electro-pneumatic
F.C. Hambleton. Webb compounds: "John Hick" class L.N.W.R. 36-7.
Three-cylinder compounds with 6ft 3in driving wheels for Northern
section. Full list of Crewe Works numbers, running numbers and introduction
and withdrawal dates.
E.R.S. Watkin. Locomotives of the Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co. Ltd.
Part 2. Appleby locomotives till 1934. 37-9. illustration
0-6-0T No. 50 illustrated: built Hudswell Clarke & Co. with 15
x 22in outside cylinders, 180 psi boiler pressure, 665ft2 total
heating surface; 14ft2 grate area and 3ft 4in coupled wheels.
Locomotives at the South Linc olnshire mines near Colsterworth. Locomotives
of the North Lincolnshire Ironworks at Scunthorpde including Manning Wardle
locomotives. From 1934 ther3e was a new standard with 18 x 22in cylinders;
982ft2 total heating surface; 18ft2 grate area
and 3ft 8in coupled wheels.
An early Canadian engine. 39. illustration
Originally supplied as a 4-4-0 for Canadian broad gauge (5ft 6in)
by the Globe Locomotive Works in Boston, USA in 1853/4 but converted to 0-4-4T
for use on standard gauge Great Western Railway of Canada George Smith
photographed at Hamilton, Ontario..
Train ferry services icebound. 40
Danish services between Copenhagen and Malmo and Sassnitz and
Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn. 40
Supplied 0-4-0ST named Derwent to ICI
Blizzard near Beattock. 40
Six passenger, two freight and one newspaper train were trapped by
snow: 200 soldiers and 100 railwaymen worked to clear the line
Phillipson, E.A. The steam locomotive in traffic. V. Water supplies
and their treatment, boiler washing. 40-2. diagram
Diagram of Cowans Sheldon water crane. Notes dangers of using canal
water as could contain acidic mining residues
P.C. D[ewhurst]. L.M.S.R. locomotives: a history of the
Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway. 43-4. 2 illustrations
Continued from Volume 45 page 341.
Some apspects of railway progress as they affect the locomotive department. 45-8. illustration
Lowe, A.C.W. The Neath and Brecon Railway. 48-52. illustration, map,
2 diagrams
RCTS Locomotives of the Great
Western Railway Part 10.
The locomotives of the Cannock and Rugeley Colliery Co. Ltd. 52-5. 8 illustrations.
Reviews. 55.
Mechanical World Year Book. Manchester: Emmott & Co.
Electrical Year Book. Manchester: Emmott & Co.
Principles of electric arc welding. T.H. Child. Epsom: Draughtsman Publishing Co.
Correspondence. 55-6.
Some aspects of braking. C.W. Clarke. 55
Famous locomotive engineers. P.C. Dewhurst. 56
The article on S.W. Johnson of the Midland Railway under "Famous
Locomotive Engineers" is a particularly interesting one in a series which
is itself of great interest; there are, however, one or two points which
in the interests of the history of locomotive design may usefully be commented
on, The Johnson 2-4-0s on the Midland Railway were much more direct descendants
of Kirtleys 2-4-0s than of Johnson's previous designs of that type on the
E. & G. Rly and G.E. Rly.; the wheelbase, inside and outside frames,.
as also the general arrangement excepting the. reversing- rods and
handwheelbut including the cab, mentioned laterderiving from
Kirtleys engines. In the case of Johnson following Kirtley we have the, rather
unusual, example of a successor finding two of his "outside-appearance" features,
viz. the cab and the placing of the spring-balance safety-valves on the dome,
already 111 use, the Kirtley cab having appeared on his M. Rly. "890" class
of 1871and also on some of his double-framed goods enginesand
these cabs were indistinguishable from the Johnson cabs to the last except
to those "in-the-know." None of the foregoing can be considered a lessening
of Johnson's prestige, it being rather. the hall-mark of a good designer
to incorporate good practice and. tradltlonaly existant "on the job" no matter
how distinctive his own views may be, an example of this being evident on
the G.E. Rly. itself where the outside frames of the later 2-4-0s -by
Holden-carry on the style of Johnson's early 2-4-0s on that line. An appreciative
reference to "finish" also appears in the article; to which may be added
that extremely good "mechanical judgment" entered into the ~etalls of )ohn-
son's designs, this having a preponderant influence the remarkable freedom
from engine-failures characteristic of the latter half of Johnson's regime
on the M.Rly.; and the trans-plantation of many of the features to other
parts of the world has shown their value not to depend upon locality.
Famous locomotive engineers. C.F. Dendy Marshall. 56
The portrait on page 6 of "Timothy Hackworth and the Locomotive,"
to which Mr. A.V. Green drew attention in your issue for December, is undoubtedly
one of Boulton, and not Murdock.
A railway near the Arctic Circle. E.E. Smith. 56
Isolated from other railways there is a British owned line, eighteen
miles long, in Northern Norway which connects the Dunderland Iron Ore Mines
at Starfosshei wIth. the coast near Mo-I-Rana. Both terminal points of the
railway are on the road from Trondhjem to Bodo which crosses the Arctic Circle
about 35 miles north of Starfosshei. A regular bus service runs between Crong,
the railhead of the Norwegian State Railways and Bodo but this is destined
to be supplanted if the extension of the Nordland Railway from Mo to Bodo
is ever realised. The preliminary earthworks are already in existence as
far as Mo-I-Rana and any extensions northwards would use the Dunderland line
as far as Starfosshei. If this comes about a little known mineral line will
form an important link in a great tourist route to the Far North. The engines
shown in the accompanying photograph taken at Moi-I-Rana sheds are No. 3
0-6-0T built by Robert Stephenson & Co. in 1902 (No. 3005) and No. 5
4-6-0T built by Andrew Barclay in 1905 ( No. 1032).
Trade notes and publications. 56
Bassett-Lowke Ltd. 56
The vacancy on the board of Bassett-Lowke Ltd. caused by the death
of Captain A.B. Lockhart, D.S.C., RN., in December, has now been filled by
Mr. R Bindon Blood. Mr. Bindon Blood is at the present time managing director
of Winteringham Ltd. of Northampton, the company producing the bulk of the
locomotives and rolling stock sold by Bassett-Lowke Ltd.
Messrs. Ruston & Hornsby Ltd., Lincoln. 56
Had acquired the whole of the share capital of Messrs. Davey Paxman
& Co. (Colchester) Ltd., the well-known oil engine builder; and boiler
manufacturers. The business will be continued as heretofore under the Managing
Directorship of Mr. E. P. Paxman.
Mr. C. W. Brett. 56
Author of "Repair of Rolling Stock by Fusive Methods" in our January
issue, is Managing Director of Barimar Ltd.
No. 571 (15 March 1940)
Six months of War. 57-8
Metre gauge 4-6-2 locomotives, Leopoldina Railway, Brazil. 58-9. illustration
Institution of Locomotive Engineers Annual Dinner. 59
Some apspects of railway progress as they affect the locomotive department. 59-63. 3 illustrations
Freight hanndling and shunting methods
C. Hamilton Ellis. Famous locomotive engineers. XV. Thomas Russell Crampton. 67-70. 3 illustrations (including portrait and 2 drawings: side & front elevations)
L.I. Sanders. Carriage and wagon design and construction.
III. The bogie. 71-4. 2 illustrations, 5 diagrams.
Bogies featured: GWR double bolster suspension; Sheffield-Twinbarrow
bogies both for broad (5ft 6in) and narrow (metre) guages; GWR Dean bogie;
London Passenger Transport Board motor bogie; LMS six-wheel bogie for sleeping
cars and pressed steel freight bogie
Obituary. 74
A.S. Bailey began railway career on Metropolitan District Railway
at Lillie Bridge Works under the Hon. S.A. Cecil, and then moved to LSWR
at Nine Elms. In 1895 he became chief inspector of locomotive building in
Glasgow for Sir Alex Rendel & Sons, Consulting Engineers. In 1897 appointed
Works Manager at Jamalpur, East Indian Railway. From 1904 until 1912 he was
chief mechanical engineer of the Bengal Nagpur Railway. In 1912 he joined
Cammell, Laird & Co. as London Manager and in 1915 was appointed general
manager of the National Projectile Factory Nottingham equipped by Cammell,
Laird for the government. In 1921 he became a director of Cammell, Laird.
He retired in 1933.
L. Derens. The Dutch State Railway Company. 74-6.
illustration, diagram
Includes details and diagram of experimental use of pulverized fuel
instigated by P. Labrijn, Chief Engineer, to burn Limburg coal.
A new charcoal gas railcar. Italian State Railways. 76-8. 2
built by Ansaldo company
Light railcars, Cie du Chemin de Fer du Bas-Congo au Katanga. 78-9.
2 illustrations
Two Wickham & Co. 3ft 6in gauge petrol railcars with mechanical
transmission (Mylius type preselecctor gearbox) and two Ford V8 engines with
first class seating and an area for luggage and natives
Some modern locomotive steels. 79-83. 3 diagrams
Thos. Firth & John Brown Ltd of Sheffield: Firth Brown products:
Firthag (medium carbon steel), Nitralloy special steels (treated with ammonia
gas). Diagrams show the range of compositions and properties.
Outsize train loads. 84.
L.N.E.R.: interesting rebuild. 84. illustration
When the former Hull & Barnsley Q10/2 class was withdrawn the
relatively new boilers were transferred to some of the W. Worsdell 0-8-0s
of NER Classes T and T1 (LNER Q5). The photograph shows No. 654 in original
condition and No. 939 as reboilered..
No. 572 (15 April 1940)
The problem of nationalisation. 85-6.
2-8-8-4 articulated locomotives, Southern Pacific Lines. 86-7. 2
Designed for haulage on climb to 6274 ft summit between El Paso and
Tucumcari, a climb of 3000 ft at high speed (75 mile/h specified). 24 x 32in
cylinders, 5ft 3½ driving wheels, 250 psi boiler pressure, 139.3
ft2 grate area and 9749 ft2 total heating surface including
2281 ft2 of superheater.
Gooch's first locomotive for the G.W.R. 88-9. illustration
Firefly 2-2-2 with 15 x 18 inch cylinders and
7 foot driving wheels.
Obituary [Samuel Lucas]. 89
Samuel Lucas died on 18 March 1940, aged 79. He was former Chief
Draughtsman of Kitson & Co.
New "Atlantic" type locomotives, Belgian National Railways Company. 89-90.
diagram (side elevation)
Streamlined for hauling light expresses between Ostend and
Mobile workshops for B.E.F. 91-2. diagram (side elevation &
Consisted of three four-wheel vans (including one long wheelbase)
which included an electricity generator, the workshop car (with lathes, etc)
and an accommodation vehicle. Fitted with Westinghouse brake. Painted in
khaki green. Engineered under the direction of R.A. Riddles. Director of
Transport Equipment. Exhibited at Waterloo station and inspected by Major-General
G.S. Szlumper.
Balloon gas specials. 92
Gas for barrage balloons for defence of London supplied by train from
RAF depots.
New locomotives for Spain, Madrid, Saragossa and Alicante Railway. 92-3. illustration, 2 diagrams (including sectioned side elevation)
Locomotive returns. 93
Statistics for locomotive stocks removed from annual reports of the
Four Main Line Companies.
L.N.E.R. 93
Darlington had placed V2 class Nos. 4672-5 8into service; rebuilt
4-6-0 No. 926 with Walschaerts valve gear and fitted 4-4-0 No. 365 with an
experimental form of rotary cam valve gear. Southbound coal traffic was being
hauled by all types of locomotive including Pacifics.
Morris, O.J. Standardising Southern Railway locomotives.,
Central Section. 93-4.
Continued from previous Volume see p.
344 Continued on page 181.
Instiution of Locomotive Engineers. Electric motor coach
trains. 95-7
H.H. Andrews: long precis of Paper
412 See also letter from W.T.
Thompson. .
Some apspects of railway progress as they affect the locomotive department. 106-10. 2 illustrations
Battery locomotives for London Transport. 112. 2 illustrations
Metropolitan Vickers Ltd motors for powerful mixed mode: third rail
at 600 V and battery at 300 V capable of operating over temporary track
in association with works ttaking place to straighten Central Line
Major Samuel A. Forbes. 113
Obituary..Death of Major Samuel A. Forbes who died at his home in
Perth on 14 March 14. He will long be remembered by a wide circle of friends.
Major Forbes was a former leader of the Volunteer movement in Perth and became
Major of the Cyclist Battalion, and later served with that unit in the Great
War. Scottish Railway activities were for many years recorded by Major Forbes,
and his wide knowledge about the locomotives of the Highland, G.N. of S.,
Caledonian and North British Railways was considered most authentic. There
is a reproduction of a photograph by Major Forbes in the first number of
The Locomotive (Moore' s Monthly llagazine) published January
1896, and many other contributions by him have appeared at intervals ever
since. He had photographed practically every type of locomotive on the old
Highland Railway and had recently been engaged in the study of the old railways
around Newtyle.
A 3,500 [h.p.?] steam-diesel freight
locomotive. 113
Built by the Kuibyshev Engineering Works, Kolomna,Russia; designed
by L.M. Maizel, and could be operated by internal combustion and steam
simultaneously, or by either. The steam engine of the locomotive worked on
coal dust which, after conversion in a gas generator, also served as fuel
for the Diesel engine. It was claimed the new engine operates on two-thirds
the amount of fuel required by the ordinary steam locomotive of similar power.
The driver's cab is in front and the controls are easily operated from the
driver's seat. The fireman's cab is situated behind the boiler. The tender
is mounted on two six-wheeled bogies and carries a coal pulveriser, a gas
generator and a condenser.
C.L. Fry, Assistant Running Superintendent, Great Southern
Railways, Transport Section. 113,
His interesting model railway and tramway system at Dundrum. Co. Dublin.
Fry has designed and constructed the layout to a scale 7 mm. to 1 ft. in
a room 25 ft. by 15 ft. The railway system is double line throughout and
the walls of the room have scenery painted on them depicting villages, towns,
seaside resorts, etc. Automatic block signalling is installed. The rolling
stock includes locomotives of the latest types on the Great Southern Rys.,
L.M.S., L.N.E.R. and Southern, the latest Drumm Battery train, the Diesel
car train on the Great Northern of Ireland and several passenger and goods
vehicles. The tramway system is worked automatically from overhead wires.
Included in the rolling stock are scale models of the Dublin-Blessington
steam trams.
Reviews. 113·
The History of Bradshaw. G. Royde Smith.
London and Manchester: Henry Blacklock & Co. Ltd.
The spate of literature in connection with the centenary of Bradshaw
is a sure indication of the interest it has aroused, and but for the troublous
times through which we are now passing, it is likely there would have been
a public celebra- tion of the event. In our March issue we reviewed a book
on the subject by Charles E. Lee and now we have a much larger treatise by
G. Royde Smith. As it is issued by the publishers of Bradshaw it must be
regarded as official and is certainly a valuable and interesting record and
very well got up. In the main it confirms the story as given by Mr. Lee,
and includes among other illustrations a portrait of George Bradshaw and
a coloured picture of the "House of Bradshaw " in Albert Square, Manchester.
There are also many reproductions of title pages and time tables, both coach
and train, of various periods, and it would appear that there can be little
more now to be written or said on this very interesting subject. As the first
issue of the ' Railway Guide" in its well known form with yellow wrappers
took place in December 1841 it is to be hoped that some further celebration
may be possible when the centenary of the event arrives.
A History of the Great North of Scotland Railway.
Sir Malcolm Barclay-Harvey. London: The Locomotive Publishing
Co. Ltd.
Of all the principal railways of the pre-grouping era it is probable
that less has been written about the Great North of Scotland than any other.
This is no doubt due to it having been regarded as a purely local line serving
a comparatively small and well defined area in the north-east of Scotland.
Nevertheless it took an important part in the establishment of railway
communication with the far North, was the first to adopt several innovations
afterwards copied by its larger contemporaries, and was extensively patronised
by the reigning monarchs and other royal personages both of this and other
countries. The writing of its history is therefore very welcome and
Barclay-Harvey has been at great pains to present it in a thorough and impar-
tial manner. For this he is particularly well qualified as he has had access
to many official documents and has an extensive personal knowledge of the
system. In its early days it must be confessed that it was not a good railway.
Its trains were slow and unpunctual, its charges high and its appreciation
of public convenience hardly seemed to exist. Squabbles with its Highland
neighbour were apparently perpetual, and it was not for many years that peace
was established. In its later days, however, the Great North made ample atonement
for its past delinquencies and no railway served its district better. Its
quarrels with its old rival the Highland were made up and the trains between
Aberdeen and Inverness were worked by both companies with their own engines
throughout.The collection and setting forth of the many details of this
interesting story have evidently been a labour of love to the writer and
will be much ap- preciated. There is a special chapter devoted to the rolling
stock and every locomotive that worked on the line is de scribed. It is profusely
illustrated, mainly with full page photogravures, seventeen of which represent
locomotives. The only grumble that can be made against these is that the
illustration of Mr. Heywoods latest type was taken before the nameplates
were affixed. The book is well got up and forms a noteworthy addition to
railway bibliography. See also letter from WGT
John Brunton's book, 1812-1899memories reproduced
by J. H. Clapham. London: Cambridge University Press. 114
Probably John Brunton's name will not be very familiar to our readers,
who have heard more of the elder Brunton, William, in connection with his
Mechanical Traveller. John, however, had a career both diversified
and interesting, as he was connected with most of the principal engineering
activities of his time from the building of railways to hospitals. His early
training was at the famous Hayle Foundry in Cornwall where he had the privilege
of meeting Richard Trevithick and also worked with the latter's son Francis,
later locomotive superintendent of the London and North Western Railway.
One of his earliest railway undertakings was a tramroad in the Swansea Valley
and later he was engaged on the London and Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds,
and Maryport and Carlisle Railways. His most important work was, however,
in India where he laid out the Scinde Railway during the course of which
he was involved in many amusing and sometimes hazardous experiences. The
story of his life was written by himself for the benefit of his grandchildren,
but is now given to the public. It un- fortunately ceases in the early 1870s
though John Brunton lived until 1899, but the period it covers is full of
interesting episodes and the story of such a varied career is well worth
putting on record.
Brazing: principles, materials & methods.-Manchester: Emmott
& Co. Ltd. 114
This is another of the Mechanical World Monograph series and is a
concise summary of the processes for the joining of metals other than by
soldering or welding.
Holiday haunts 1940. London: Great Western Railway. 114
The G.W.R. have apparently decided that war or no war the public must
have holidays and are taking steps to cater for them. Consequently "Holiday
Haunts" has been published as usual and contains all its well known features.
A fresh selection of photographs has been made for the illus- trations and
the information has been as far as possible brought up to date. Such enterprise
is worthy of encourage- ment and will we hope meet with the success it deserves.
Centenary of Dundee and Arbroath Railway. 114
April 1 marked the Centenary of the Dundee and Arbroath Railway, jointly
owned by the L.N.E.R. and L.M.S., which generally speaking follows the North
Coast of the Firth of Tay, for 17 miles on the level. Originally the gauge
of the railway was 5 ft. 6 in. and the permanent way was laid on stone blocks.
It was actually opened for traffic before the completion of its entire length
on Saturday 6 October, 1838, and a temporary station was opened at Craigie
about 1½ miles from the terminal at Dundee East. The engine hauling
the train that day was named "Wallace" and was built hy Kinmond, Hutton &
Steele. It had six wheels, the driving wheels being 5 ft. 6 in. diameter.
The extension of the line to Roodyards, elose to Dundee East, was opened
on 3 June 1839 and the completed railway between Dundee East and Arbroath
was opened on 1 April 1840. On behalf of the joint owners, the L.N.E.R. and
the L.M.S., the management of the Dundee and Joint Railway is to-dav conducted
by the former company. -
Pamphlets and catalogues received, 114
All-welded overbridge constructed by London Transport at Hainault.
Murex Ltd. Hertford Road, Waltham Cross, Herts.
Hadfields Ltd. of East Heela and Heela \Vorks, Sheffield,
Brochures No, 438 and 440. The former deals with their "Era" non-
corroding steels and contains useful information concerning the general
properties and working characteristics of these special steels. Railway
Track of Hadfields Patent "Era" Manganese Steel is the subject of brochure
No. 440. The "Era" manganese steel possesses an unusually high work hardening
capacity. In the manufactured state, its hardness is in tbe region of 220
Brinell, but immediately on the application of work it hardens considerably,
until a figure as high as 580 Brinell is reached. Hundreds of Era manganese"
steel crossings on the London Underground Railways are giving years of service
where formerly ordinary steel rails would only last a few months.
Two 2.3-cwt. blooms raised by a 36-in. Witton-Kramer electric lifting magnet at one of the associated works of the English Steel Corporation Limited, Sheffield. (photograph). 114
No. 573 (15 May 1940)
Publicity. 115-16.
4-8-2+2-8-4 Beyer-Garrett locomotive, Bengal-Nagpur Railway. 116-17.
Supplied by Beyer-Peacock under the supervision of Sir John Wolfe
Barry & Partners, Consulting Engineers. Intended for the 54 mile
Annuppur-Chirmin section. The Belpaire firebox was manufacturedc from steel
and cotained Nicholson Thermic syphons. 5ft 6in gauge. 20½ x 26in
(4) cylinders with 6½in piston valves, 4ft 8in coupled wheels,
3453ft2 total evapourative heating surface plus 661ft2
superheater. 70ft2 grate area, 210 psi working pressure.
L.M.S.R. 117
New Princess Coronation Pacifics ex-Crewe Works No. 6240 City of
Coventry and 6241 City of Edinburgh. Two new diesel shunters Nos.
7091/2 and 4F 0-6-0 Nos. 4597/8 ex Derby Works: tenders fitted came
from Jubilee class which acquired Stanier tenders. In anticipation of 100
new 8F 2-8-0 Coal Engine 0-6-0s renumbered into 20000 Series: 28152 and 28187.
Withdrawn Highland Railway 4-4-0 No. 14381 Loch Ericht and Precursor
4-4-0 No. 25188 Marquis and 0-6-0 Special Tanks Nos. 27351 and
Edward H. Livesay. On the Turbomotive's footplate. 118-21. 3
Livesay's article formed part of a series which observed British
locomotives at work through North American eyes. Introduces article by
considering briefly the Ljungström 2-8-0 run by the Swedish Sta5te Railways
where the turbine was placed in front of the smokebox. At the time of the
return trip from Euston to Liverpool the Turbomotive had received a new boiler
with a total heating surface of 2168ft2 total heating surface
including 832ft2 superheater. 45ft2 grate area, 250
psi working pressure. The outward journey was notable for starting
without slipping and without sand from Euston up to Camden and away from
Rugby and Crewe. "The engine played with its train". The turbine produced
a musical singing sound and was known as "Gracie Fields" by the footplate
crews. The return journey on a later day was fraught with a fire in poor
condition. The boiler pressure was only 210 psi and a late start was made.
By Sutton Weaver pressure was down to 160 psi. Nevertheless, it eventually
recovered and from Crewe fast running was aachieved with a maximum of 83
mile/h being achieved, The ride was very good at speed and a deep subdued
hum came from the turbine. Running in reverse backing onto the trains is
also describes. .
L.M.S.R. 121
Platforms extended at Glasgow Central: No. 1 to 1030 yards and No.
11 to 1170 yards.
P.C. D[ewhurst]. L.M.S.R. locomotives: a history of
the Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway. 122-3.
4-4-0 Nos. 15-18 built at Derby in 1891 to Johnson design. In 1896
Nos. 67/8, and in 1897 Nos. 7; 14, and 43 followed (using numbers from withdrawn
locomotives). They included a modified version of the Adams bogie (the rubber
was omitted). They had 5ft 9in coupled wheels, 18 x 24in cylinders,
1202ft2 total heating surface, 162ft2 grate area, 150
psi boiler pressure. Nos. 15-18 rebuilt with Deeley round top boilers with
1176ft2 total heating surface, and 160 psi Continued
page 177.
New York Central system. 123
Fifty 4-8-2 locomotives on order with 5ft 9in coupled wheels and
25½ x 30in cylinders
A century of Austrian locomotive practice. 129-31.
. 2 illustrations
Continued from previous Volume see p.
307: 4-6-4T No. 729.08 and 2-2-2T Series 12
Locomotive tyre failures. 135-6.
Extensive precis of paper presented by
Newberry to the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers
Some apspects of railway progress as they affect the locomotive department. 136-8. 2 illustrations
Institution of Locomotive Engineers: recent developments
in steam locomotive design in France. 139-41.
This interesting paper on Recent Developments Steam Locomotive Design
was read before the Institution on 17 April 1940 at the the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers, by M. Leguille and the author Monsieur Chan, Chef de
la Division des Etudes de Locomotives a Vapeur, Societe Nationale des Chemins
de Fer Francais. Mr O. V. S. Bulleid, President, took the chair.
The following are brief extracts [KPJ reproduced in full as not found in
Journal subsequently acquired as a preprint from IMechE Library]:-
author commenced by referring to the progress made in steam locomotive design
during the ten years in France since M. Chapelon converted the Paris Orleans
Pacifics into 4-8-0 locomotives thereby almost doubling their power.
Similar conversions were made by the other railways and subsequently by the
French National Railway Co. which took them over in 1938. Recently a number
of new engines have been ordered of the Santa Fe (2-10-2) type and Decapod
(2-10-0) type for goods traffic and of Baltic (4-6-4) type for passenger
In addition, some very special types have been built for experimen tal purposes,
One locomotive with a Velox boiler;
One 4-6-4 locomotive with individual axle drive and high pressure boiler
(850 lb. per sq. in.) ;
One 4-6-4 turbo-locomotive with separate turbines to each driving axle;
One 2-12-0 freight locomotive with six cylinders in all, two high pressure
and four low pressure.
Before dealing with these various engines, the Author mentioned two factors
which have always governed the development of the steam locomotive in France.
They have had to build economical engines with a low fuel consumption, as
coal has to a large extent to be imported. SecondIy, they must have
powerful engines because of the weight of the trains. Since 1922 they have
put into service steel coaches, very few of which of weigh less than 50 tons,
and out of a total of 8988 bogie coaches, 3,155 are of all-steel construction,
The weight of the passenger trains is usualIy about 640 tons and sometimes
reaches 740 tons.
The Paris-Orleans Railway 4-8-0 locomotive designed by Monsieur Chapelon
embodies most of the modern improvements in locomotive practice. The French
railways are at present building 25 new engines of this type, which will
be delivered this year and are intended for the haulage of heavy express
passenger trains on the main line between Paris and Lyons, where long gradients
of in 125 are encountered. These engines will be fitted with a mechanical
Their principal dimensions are as follows:- Wheel diameter, 1,850 mm. (6.
ft. 1 in.'). High pressure cylinders: diam. 440 mm. (17.5 iri.}: stroke,
650 mm. (25.5 in.). Low pressure cylinders: diam. 640 mm. (25.5 in.);
stroke, 650 mm. (25.5 in.). Working pressure, 20 kg. per sq. cm. (285 lb.
per sq. in.). Grate area, 3.76 m2. (40.45 sq. ft.). Exhaust, Kylchap
double chimney. Superheater, Houlet type giving 400-425° Cent.
(750-800° Fahr.). Speed, 75 m.p.h. (can be raised to 87 m.p.h.). Tractive
effort, 3,000 h.p, on the drawbar at 62 m.p.h. Coal consumption, 2.20 lb.
per hour per h.p. on the drawbar at 62 m.p.h.
The weight is 107 tons plus 79 tons for the tender which has a capacity of
about 10,000 galls. This locomotive is particularly remarkable for its small.
grate area (40.45 sq. ft.) and reduced weight in spite of the very high
horse-power available in the cylinders, about 4,000 h.p. This engine seems
to have retained the record for the lowest weight per h.p., 60.6 lb. per
h.p. Owing to the separate passages specially designed for steam and smoke,
the Kylchap exhaust secures a given vacuum with a considerably reduced back
pressure; the back pressure, as compared with that of the older "trèfle"
exhaust, is reduced to one half for the low consumption rates and to one
third for the higher ones. As much as 250 h.p. is gained at full power.
There are other types of exhausts to be found on French locomotives with
the necessary widths of steam ports, which give approximately the same good
The P.L.M. type with crossed-bars and double nozzle petticoat is of the variable
type to meet variations in the quality of the coal and the usages of
The Lemaitre type with six nozzles, five of which are fixed round a central
one which is variable, a movable part in the shape of a pear making it possible
to shut, partly or entirely, the steam exhaust by the central nozzle.
These improved types of exhausts have allowed of an increase in the rates
of combustion in the boilers to an extent which could hardly be obtained
before. It has been possible to burn more than 2,200 lb. per 10.76 sq. ft.
on the grate of 40.45 sq. ft. area fitted to the above mentioned engmes,
and about 1,980 lb. per 10.76 sq. ft. on the 46.26 sq. ft. grates of the
"Pacific" engines and to obtain easily from existing boilers a steam output
of 44,000 lb. per hour.
The evaporation rate attained has reached 220 lb. per 10.76 sq. ft. of
superheating surface. In practice at maximum output it is 165 lb. per 10.76
sq. ft. This figure, although high, presents no disadvantage with the welded
steel fireboxes with welded flues which are now the rule on the French
In the firebox of the 2-10-2 class P locomotives, there is installed a Nicholson
syphon, which value must be well known. Its use in steel fireboxes, whether
of the wide or narrow type, does not give rise to any difficulty. As regards
copper fireboxes, they have only had experience with a few Pacific engines
of the Eastern and South-Eastern Regions, and found some leakage or cracks
at the connection with the tube plate. They succeeded in repairing these
by welding and in maintaining them in service for 240,000 miles without further
The next improvement to be referred to is that realised in superheating.
The engine in question is fitted with a Houlet type superheater, which gives
the 750° Fahr. considered necessary. Another pattern taken from amongst
the latest designs and adapted from the French railways is the "5.P.4" type
of the Superheater Company. It embodies four outer tubes for the first branch
of the loop and a fifth in the centre for the second branch. These superheaters
have the advantage of securing a high temperature together with a low pressure
loss, and a saving of about%. in comparison with previous superheaters which
only gave a temperature of 570° Fahr. This is one of the most important
successes achieved by French locomotive designers.
Reverting to the description of the 4-8-0 locomotive, attention must be drawn
to the great improvement effected in the steam ports. Their section was
previously 1/10 of the cylinder section. lt is now twice as large and equivalent
to 1/5th of that of the cylinder. The capacity of the steam chests has been
increased to that of the cylinders in order to avoid oscillations in pressure.
In addition, large diameter poppet valves were used.
As a result, it was possible to raise the pressure in the intermediate receiver
from about 30 lb. to 85 lb. per sq. in., while the low pressure cylinders
produced approximately the same output as the high pressure cylinders. The
usual objection made to the compound engine of having unproductive and therefore
useless low pressure cylinders was thus removed.
The use of poppet valve is one of the improvements of which particular advantage
has been taken in France, either for equipping all the cylinders of an engine,
or only the low pressure cylinders where the use of large steam ports entails
difficulty. For that reason there is now in France a total of 335 locomotives
equipped with poppet valves. But poppet valves do not represent the only
progress made in order to improve the steam ports. Piston valves with double
inlet and outlet are also used, the maintenance of which does not entail
the employment of such skilled fitters as poppet valves.
The piston valve adopted by the Eastern Region is adaptable to existing
cylinders. It has made possible on the "Mikado" locomotives (2-8-2) an increase
in the tractive effort from 1,400 to 2,000 h.p., and it has just been decided
by the French railways to fit this type of piston valve on the 680 2-8-2
engines of the "C" class of the South-Eastern Region (formerly the
Another type is the Willoteaux piston valve for use with new cylinders, which
has been fitted on many "Pacific" engines of the Western and South-Western
Regions. It has been adopted for the new 2-8-2 engines of the "P" class,
of which 50 are now under construction.
It would, perhaps, be as well at this point to summarise the results of all
these different improvements. When applied, for instance, to the "Pacific"
locomotives, of which there are altogether 1,500, the practical results are
as follows: Whereas an engine designed before 1930 developed at 75 m.p.h.
a tractive effort at the drawbar of barely 1,300 h.p. with a coal consumption
of 3.3 lb. per horse-power hour, the improved Pacifics now develop, under
the same conditions, a tractive effort of 2,400 h.p., that is to say, an
increase of over 80 per cent. in power with, moreover, a coal consumption
reduced to 2.42 lb. per horse-power hour, or an economy of nearly10 per
The most recent and powerful goods engine is the 2-10-2 of the Eastern Region
which was designed to haul goods trains of 1,600 tons up 1 in 100 gradients.
It is fitted with a Caprotti poppet valve gear. Its weight is 134 tons and
is capable of developing a tractive effort of 67,200 lb. on the drawbar by
the use of a booster on the pony truck.
The 4-6-4 engines "R" and "S" class for the Northern Region are, with one
exception in 1912, the first engines of the Hudson or Baltic type to be built
in France for fast passenger trains.
There will be four of the single expansion "R" class and four of the compound
"S" class. These very powerful engines were ordered for a special purpose;
they were to have wide fireboxes and large grate areas, according to American
practice, and a comparison was to be made between the single expansion and
the compound types from the point of view of maintenance costs and coal
consumption. Economy in maintenance costs is, in fact, a very acute problem
in France to-day. As you can see, the French Railways, while preferring compound
engines owing to the resultant saving in coal consumption, are making further
tests in order to examine the other aspects of the problem.
Standard types under construction or design are principally goods
The 2-10-0 Northern Region engines of the "P" class with 4 ft. 11 in. driving
wheels, of which fifty-one are being built, will be capable of hauling coal
trains of 2,000 tons between Lens and Paris (maximum gradients 1 in 60).
These engines have a very high adhesion weight, but a relatively small h.p.
with a maximum of 2,000 on the drawbar at 50 m.p.h.
A new class of engine of the 2-8-2 type will be the first designed by the
French Railways since the formation of the S.N.C.F., and is intended to solve
the problem of the general utility engine. The problem of the general utility
engine is rather more difficult than it appears, because the engine must
be suitable to run over all lines and therefore have a restricted weight
per axle, and a total length in accordance with that of the turntables available
on the lines concerned. The steam ports must be carefully designed owing
to the high turning velocity of the wheels, the diameter of which is relatively
In France the general utility engine must have at least four coupled axles
in order to be able to haul a 650 ton train at 62 m.p.h. and also 1,000 tons
at 50 m.p.h. It must also be able to run up to 68 m.p.h. Owing to the limitation
of total length referred to above, it is necessary to use a pony truck as
leading axle and not a bogie.
The particulars of the engine are as follows:- wheel diameter, 1,650 mm.;
weight per driving axle, 18,500 kg. ; grate area, 4.25 m2; working
pressure, 20 kgs. per sq. cm.; cylinders: high pressure, diam. 410 mm.; stroke,
700 mm.; low pressure, diam. 640 mm.; stroke, 700 mm.; tractive effort at
85% of working pressure, 24,000 kg.
Both the 2-10-0 "P" class and the 2-8-2 "P" class have the low pressure cylinders
located between the frames. It is the standard location for compound engines
and without doubt the best, having regard to the blast pipe, but it is rather
difficult of realisation when the low pressure cylinders have a large diameter
and are in line with the high pressure cylinders.
Of all the special experimental engines ordered by the French Railways in
the last few years, only the engine with a Velox boiler could be tested before
the outbreak of war.
The French Railways wanted to try steam engines without coupling rods, as
on electric locomotives. They ordered two engmes very different in design.
These are now completed, but not yet tested. They are turbo-locomotive 4-6-4
class "Q", built by Schneider, with 5 ft. wheels, and the 4-6-4 class "P"
with separate engines to each driving axle and 850 lb. per sq. in boiler
Monsieur Chapelon has .designed a new goods engine of the 2-12-0 type
which was completed at the beginning of this year. It was designed with the
object of reducing coal consumption still further. It is, of course, a compound
engine, but with two h.p. and four l.p. cylinders. There are two superheaters,
one in front of the h.p. cylinders and another one between the h.p. and the
l.p. cylinders. In addition to this, the cylinders have an "envelope." The
steam passes through the " envelope" and preheats the cylinders before entering
The locomotive which was fitted with a Velox boiler by the Compagnie
Electro-Mecanique at its Le Bourget works, is an old 4-6-0 passenger engine,
the ordinary boiler of which was removed and replaced by the Velox boiler.
The latter is very efficient, very quick in action, and capable of continuous
service. The working pressure was fixed at 285 lb. per sq. in. owing to the
fact that the existing cylinders of the former locomotive were-retained.
The efficiencv of the boiler is excellent, and remains at 85 per cent. The
working of the boiler is actually automatic. If the main throttle is suddenly
closed, for instance, when the boiler is working at its maximum output, the
working pressure increases but never exceeds 350 psi With this boiler
there is no blast-pipe, and therefore there is no need for back-pressure.
The cylinders of this engine can release the exhaust steam, at about 2 psi
instead of 30psi as with an ordinary locomotive. At 75 m.p.h. this results
in a gain of about 170 h.p. over and above that obtained by the higher efficiency
of the boiler. It was calculated that, whereas an ordinary locomotive burns
2.205 lb. of coal or 2.36 lb. of heavy fuel oil, the locomotive 4-6-0 of
the "E" class with Velox boiler burns only 1.256 lb. of 0.91 density, fuel
Up to the outbreak of war, the Velox locomotive: had run 12,000 miles without
failure. An interesting discussion was opened by Mr Stanier and the following
speakers took part: Mr R. A. Riddles, Mr. Julian Tritton, Mr. Cyril Williams,
Mr. T. H. Turner, Mr. W. A. Willox, Mr. J. Pelham-Maitland, and Mr. H.
Note.-Class " Q" 4-6-4, Class "P" 4-6-4, see "The· Locomotive" for August
1937. Velox Boiler, see" The Locomotive" for April 1940.
Review. 141
Scale railway modelling today Edward Beal. London: A. and C. Black, Ltd.
Correspondence. 142
Locomotive design. W.B.
Electrification enthusiasts should remember that only a bad case needs
to be supported by inaccurate figures. In the paper of which you print an
abstract on page 95 of the April Issue we read "Prior to electrification
the Southern Railway fast train from Waterloo to Portsmouth took 118 minutes.
This has been replaced by a "multiple unit train, the main portion of which
stops "only at Guildford and proceeds to Portsmouth, taking " a total time
of 90 minutes." In fact, the electric service to Portsmouth began in July
1937. In 1935 steam-hauled trains were running between Waterloo and Portsmouth
in 90 minutes, and electrification has not given any acceleration on this
A history of the G.N. of S.R. W.G.T. 142
Re Sir M. Barclay-Harveys story of the G.N. of S. Railway and notice
that he makes no mention of the curious practice of that railway in allowing
passengers to travel in the brake vans of goods trains. The Company's rules
permitted passengers so to travel on payment of the first class fare and
the signing of an acknowledgment that the Company was not responsible for
any loss or injury while so doing. A nasty accident with fatal results occurred
on the Alford branch on 11 September 1888, which writer believed led to the
withdrawal of these facilities. The Kittybrewster to Alford goods train was
shunting some wagons at Ratch Hill Siding when twelve loaded wagons and the
brake van which had been left standing on the line for about ten minutes
suddenly started to move. The track is here on a fairly sharp gradient and
the whole thirteen vehicles, weighing 127 tons, ran some miles at a constantly
increasing speed until wrecked in a siding at Kintore, two passengers who
were travelling in the brake van being instantly killed. At the official
enquiry into the accident no explanation was offered as to why the wagons,
after remaining stationary for some time, should suddenly start to move.
That they stood stationary for a time seemed to prove that the brake must
have been on and the suggestion was made that one of the two passengers who
were travelling in the brake van must have tampered with the brake.
South Australian locomotive. Leslie G.
Poole. 142
I desire to support A.V. Green, whose letter appeared in LM January
issue, in stating that South Australian Railways Locomotive No. I4 was not
obtained from New Zealand. This engine was built by Slaughter, Grunning in
I864, maker's No. 587, and was shipped direct to South Australia and went
into service, September 1865, being rebuilt in 1886 and condemned in August
The enclosed list of locomotives obtained by the South Australian Railways
from the Canterbury Railway, New Zealand, in 1877 may be of interest. From
this it will be seen that nine engines and a frame were purchased. The frame
was of Canterbury Railway No. 1 a 2-4-0T, Slaughter Grunning, No. 488 of
1863, which had been scrapped in New Zealand about 1875. This frame and parts
from S.A.R. first No. 2, a Fairbairn 2-4-0 built in 1855 and scrapped in
1874, were rebuilt at the Adelaide Loco. Works in 1882 to form S.A.R. No.
56, class EZ " as a 2-4-0 tender engine.
List of Locomotives, South Australian Railways, purchased from the Canterbury
Railway, New Zealand.
S.A.R. number | Class | Type | Builder | WN | Date | into SAR service | Rebuilt | Condemned | CR No. |
43 | M | 0-4-2T | Avonside | 964 |
1873 | 2-1881 |
5-1888 |
1926 |
8 |
44 | M | 0-4-2T | Avonside | 740 |
1867 | 12-1880 |
5-1888 |
1926 |
5 |
45 | M | 0-4-2T | Avonside | 855 |
1871 | 3-1881 |
8-1888 |
1926 |
7 |
46 | M | 0-4-2T | Avonside | 741 |
1867 | 4-1881 |
10-1887 |
1926 |
6 |
47 | M | 0-4-2T | Avonside | 1020 |
1874 | 11-1881 |
12-1887 |
1926 |
10 |
48 | L | 0-4-0T | Neilson | 1798 |
1877 | 1-1879 |
8-1909 |
9 |
49 | E | 2-4-0T | Avonside | 742 |
1867 | 4-1880 |
11-1885 |
4-1929 |
4 |
50 | E | 2-4-0T | Slaughter Grunning | 699 |
1866 | 6-1882 |
10-1900 |
3 |
51 | E | 2-4-0T | Slaughter Grunning | 532 |
1864 | 12-1881 |
8-1884 |
4-1929 |
2 |
The reason for the period between 1877, when the engines were purchased and the dates of going into service, is that the ship, Hyderabad, upon which the engines were loaded at Lyttleton, New Zealand, and leaving there on the 22 June, 1878, was wrecked off the South Australian coast, and it was with much difficulty that the engines were salvaged.
6 March, 19-10. The 50th Annual Dinner of the Past and Present Crewe Pupils and Premium Apprentices will be held at Oddeniuos Hotel, Regent Street, London, on Friday, May 24, and the chairman will be Sir Nigel Gresley, C.B.E. Mr. Reginald Terrell, Honorary Secretary of this function, would like to hear from past Crewe men wishing to attend. His address is 3 Victoria Street, London, S. W. 1.
INSTITUTION OF Locomotive ENGINEERs.-The following Candidates have been elected:-Members: C. E. Broxup, Inspecting Engineer for Egyptian @ Sudan Govts. in Mid- lands, 39 Corporation St., Birmingham; A. G. Corrie, Director of Messrs. J. B. Corrie @ Co., Ltd., and FeJco Hoists Ltd.; . Tate, :\Iechanical Engineer, Rio Tinto Co. Ltd.; A. F. Walters, Asst. Director, Transportation Equip- ment, Ministry of Supply. Associate Member: P. T. Ming, Engineer of Szechuen-Yunnan Rly. Graduates; D. K. Subarwal , Pupil at Darlington, L.N.E. Rly.; A. W. Turner, Engineering Research, L.i\I.S. Rly. Transfers from Asso- ciate Member to Member: Brian Fawcett, Acting Asst. C.M.E., Central Ry , of Peru. From Graduate to Associate Member: A. H. Emerson, Technical Assistant, C.M.E. Dept., L.N.E.R. (Electrical Section); G. H. K. Lund, Inspector, Gateshead High Shed, L.N.E. Rly.; G. L. Nicholson, Loco. Foreman, Southern Rly., Norwood June. -
No. 574 (15 June 1940)
Discipline. 143
Rolling stock for the B.E.F. 144-5. illustration, diagram (side
LMS 8F 2-8-0 modified for French conditions mainly fitting of Westinghouse
brake; also Frernch style rolling stock.
0-6-0 & 0-4-0 tank locomotives, the Butterley Company. 145. 2
Bagnall & Co.
L.M.S.R. 145
Streamlined Pacific No. 4642 City of Glasgow had Been built
at Crewe Works. Derby Works had built diesel shunter No. 7095. Former Caledonian
Railway 4-4-0 No. 14328 had been withdrawn. Coronation Scot train
had gone into store in USA.
G.W.R. 145
New locomotives ex-Swindon Works: 2-8-0 Nos. 3820-2; 0-6-0PT Nos.
Personal. 145
A.J. Deacon succeeded R.J. Chalmers (who had retired) as CME Queensland
Government Railways: Deacon had formerly been Locomotive Workshops
4-6-0 type passenger locomotive, Jaipur State Railways, India. 146.
Metre gauge 4-6-0 built by Hunslet Engine Co. under supervision of
Robert White & Partners, Consulting Engineers
Air conditioned steel coaches, South African Railways and Harbours (3ft 6 in gauge). 147-8. 2 illustrations
New lightweight cars. Delaware and Hudson R.R. 148-9. 4
American Car and Foundry Co. built six passenger cars each 84ft 9in
long for services like the Laurentian between New York and Montreal.
Photographs show weled body prior to addition of trim as well as interior
and exterior of completed carraiges.
McEwan, James. Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. 150-3. map.
Introduction. Reprinted True Line, 1995 (48) 7-9
C. Hamilton Ellis. Famous locomotive engineers. XIV.
David Joy. 153-7. 3 illustrations (including portrait), diagram
One in series not included
in Twenty locomotive men. Notes on page 156 that Joy valve gear
last fitted to Beames 0-8-4T
L.I. Sanders. Carriage and wagon design and construction. III. The bogie. 158-60. 2 illustrations, 3 diagrams
[F.C. Anker retirement from LMS]. 160.
Retired at end of June 1940 after 47 years service. Joined Derby
Locomotive Works in 1893 as a pupil. After experience in Derby Running Shed
appoited Assistant District Locomotive Superintendent at Bristol in 1902.
Subsequently held similar position at Leicester. Became District Locomotive
Superintendent at Buxton in 1909, at Skipton in 1919, at Wellingborough in
1921 and Nottingham in 1928 (from where he retired).
Weston, Clevedon and Portishead Railway. 160
Closed 18 May 1940.
An old "Crampton" locomotive. 160-1. illusstration (drawing: side
2-2-0T built by Robert Stephenson & Co. (WN 1644) and supplied
to the Egyptian Government
No. 575 (15 July 1940)
Clear thinking. 171-2
0-8-0 diesel locomotive, Trinidad Government Railways. 172. 2
Built by the Hunslet Engine Co.under the supervision of the Crown
Agents using a Paxman-Ricardo 6RZ engine started by a Ford V8 petrol engine.
Designed to operate at high tropical temperatures. Fitted with Westinghouse
Some apspects of railway progress as they affect the locomotive
department. 173-6. 3 illustrations
Civil engineering. Noted the River class "incident" on the Highland
Railway. The four main line companies employed 50,000 permanent way men,
purchased 257,000 tons of rail. 3 million sleepers and 1.3 million tons of
ballast. Rail length was mainly 60 ft. The GWR had purchased steel sleepers
to alleviate the deprerssion in the steel industry. The Southern Railway
had laid welded rail in Quarry Tunnel . The LMS was experimenting with 120ft
length flat bottomed rail. Higher speeds led to the use of the Hallade track
recorder being used tom monitor the track and some ralignment, notably at
Stafford, had been implemented.
P.C. D[ewhurst]. L.M.S.R. locomotives: a history of
the Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway. 177-9. 4 illustrations
Continued from 122. Between 1907
and 1911 4-4-0s were rebuilt with the H1 boiler modified for the shorter
frames: No. 67 in 1907; Nos. 68 and 17 in 1908, No. 45 in 1909, Nos. 14/15
an 16 in 1910 and No. 18 in 1911. In 1926 No. 45 was rebuilt with a G7 Belpaire
boiler and No. 17 was given new frames and a G7 boiler in 1927 (illustrated
in this form). Nos. 67/8 were scrapped in 1920/1 and Nos. 15 and 16 in 1928.
The two 0-4-0STs with outside cylinders, Nos. 26A and 45A, had been built
at Highbridge in 1895. Part ends with a classification system for the locomotives
in stock.
Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 179
A.H.C. Page, LMS Metallurgist had been awarded the Trevithick Prize
for his paper on the heat treatment of steels.
Institution of Locomotive Engineers (Indian and Eastern
Centre). Diesel electric shunting locomotives. 179-81
Precis of a paper by P.R. Agarwal where advantages claimed were:
Successful in operation and performance.
Controls are easy and shunting movements are performed expeditiously.
Very good torque compared to its weight.
Can remain in service for a week at a time.
Avoids the trouble of refuelling and water.
Due to its quick operation in shunting movements. a less number of Diesel
electric shunters would be required compared to steam locos.
Although the first cost is slightly high. it can be brought down if more
engines are obtained.
Comparatively cheap in operation as savings work out to about 10% of the
cost after allowing for interest and depreciation compared to steam
In India there were on the whole about 5,200 broad gauge and 2,200 narrow
gauge locomotives. Of these about 1,500 were employed mainly for shunting
operations. Never appears to have been published in Journal Institution of
Locomotive Engineers
Morris, O.J. Standardising Southern Railway locomotives.,
Central Section. 181-3:
Continued from page 93 Marsh Goods Class C3
Centenary of the excursion train. 183.
On 14 June 1840 an excursion was run from Newcastle to Carlisle and
back. Thomas Cook and Rowland Hill came in slightly later: the latter when
chairman of the London & Brighton Railway in 1844.
Sanding equipment for railcars. 183-5. 3 diagrams.
As applied by the Buenos Aires Western Railway, Madras & Southern
Mahratta Railway and the Western Australian Government Railways.
Southern Railway. 185
Old Bodmin & Wadebridge Railway carriage which had been exhibited
on the circulating area at Waterloo station had been removed.
L.M.S.R. 185
New streamlined Princess Coronation Pacifics ex-Crewe Works:
Nos. 6243 City of Leicester and 6244 City of Leeds. These completed
an order for ten in the 1939 programme. One 4F 0-6-0 No. 4596 was completed
at Derby: aa former Jubilee class tender was fitted. Diesel shunters Nos.
7096 and 7097 were turned out from Derby Works. Webb Coal engines Nos. 8128
and 8133 were renumbered 28128 and 28133. Class 6 0-8-0s Nos. 8896, 8942,
9009, 9036, 9046, 9077. 9318, 9348 and 9377 had been reclassified as Class
7 and Class 7 0-8-0s Nos. 9089 and 9372 had been reduced to Class 6.
C.F. Dendy Marshall. British locomotives in North America.
Supplements Author's Two
essays in early locomotive history. (Locomotive Publishing Co., 1928).
Concerned with invention of locomotive bogie: contenders include W. Chapman,
John B. Jervis, Ross Winans, Horatio Allen. Mainly United States, although
single reference to Mexico, and some to Canada. Cites Railway and Locomotive
Historical Society Bulletins. See letter from William T.
J.G.B. Sams. Mixed traffic engines: a suggestion..189
Proposed a two or three speed geared steam locomotive using quill
or quill and jackshaft drive.
Phillipson, E.A. The steam locomotive in traffic. V. Water supplies
and their treatment, boiler washing. 190-5. 3 diagrams
Economical Boiler Wasing Co. plant exploiting White patent: hot water
A powerful miniature locomotive. 195. illustration
0-8-0 tender locomotive added to V. Burgoyne's Crowthorne Farm Railway
in Berkshire. Built to a scale of 2.7 in. = 1 ft. to 3 ft. 6 in. (9.5 inch
gauge) The driving wheels were 9 in. diameter, the third pair being flangeless.
The two cylinders were slightly under scale bemg 2.5 in. with a stroke of
4 in. The valve gear was Walschaerts type. The boiler was made of
1/16in. plate and had a working pressure of 160 psi was 14
inches in diameter, and fitted with 32 i-in. tubes. The grate area is 180
sq. in. The plate frames are t in. thick. The total length over tender is
11 ft. 6 in. and the width over foot- plates is 24 in. The height to the
top of chimney is 32 in. and the centre line of the boiler is 21 ~ inches
above rail level. - The engine has been tested with a load of six tons behind
the tender, which it hauls with ease- on the level, and two tons up a 1 in
50 incline. A normal load over the line is four bogie ballast hopper wagons
about 12 ft. long, tareing 2t cwt. with a gross weight of about t ton each.
She has hauled these together with a steel colonial type bogie van and two
2.7 in. scale S.A.R. main line passenger coaches with ten children in each
mak- ing a total load of about 3 tons, over 1/65 grades. with 160/170 lb.
of steam in full gear and wide open regulator. Steam brakes are fitted to
all wheels. The engine was built under Burgoyne's supervision in his own
Irish Notes. 195
L.M.S. Northern Counties Committee.
No. 102, 2-6-0 passenger engine was in service.
Great Southern Rys.-
No. 802 Tailte completed and had been out on trial. No additional
trains were being put on for the summer season, but existing service would
be duplicated when necessary.
Great Northern Ry.
An additional express train from Dublin to Belfast, carrying through
coaches for Portrush. and Bangor, would leave Dublin on Saturdays during
July and August, at 10.0 a.m. The return train leaving Belfast. at 2.45 p.m.,
the existing train leaving at this hour being altered to 2.55 p.m. on Saturdays.
The up train had a fast timing between Drogheda and Dundalk, 22½ miles
in 23 minutes. There is also a new train from Belfast to. Warrenpoint on
Saturdays at 2.30, making the run of 50¾ miles without any intermediate
stop, in 1 hour l0 min. The tramway between Dublin and Lucan was closed down.
on April 13.
The Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway (Burtonport Extension)..
Closed on 18 May 1940; the line to Buncrana. would still function
for goods and occasional summer passenger trains.
Obituary. 195
Death of D.A. Hendrie, former Chief Mechanical' Engineer of the South
African Railways. Hendrie was responsible for many important developments
connected with the. 3 ft. 6 in. gauge.
Southern Rly.195
The special' weed killing train, illustrated and described in our
Sept. issue, 1937, had been converted into a mobile fire fighting unit to
be used to deal with fires in places to which outside fire fighting units,
cannot easily gain access.
No. 576 (15 August 1940)
The amenities of rail travel. 197-8
C. Hamilton Ellis. Famous locomotive engineers. XVI. John Chester Craven. 199-203. 5 illustrations (including portrait).
American streamliners for Portugal. 203.
Budd export of lightweight cars from Philadelphia to Portugal for
service between Lisbon, Oporto and Irun.
McEwan, James. Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. 204-7. 3 illustrations (drawings: side elevations), table
G.W.R. railcars. 207-9. illustration, 2 tables.
Associated Equipment Co. (AEC) gets a great deal of attention including
the six-cylinder diesel engines as used on London Transport buses: no mention
of Swiudon, nor chief mechanical engineer. Notes full streamlining
discontinued and multiple unit or trailer operation. Test running of railcar
No. 19 between Southall and Westbury.
Oil fired 2-10-4 locomotive with booster. Canadian Pacific
Railway. 210-11. illustration, diagra (side elevation)
Designed H.B. Bowen, Chief of Motive Power and built at Montreal
Locomotive Works.
L,T. Sanders. Carriage and wagon design and construction. III. The
bogie. 212-14. 5 illustrations, diagram
Coil elliptic double truss freight car trucks, with cast frames and
bolsters. Simplex Snubbers
2-4-0 locomotive. Rhymney Ironworks, Tredegar.
Designed by Moyle in about 1866 for 3ft gauge tramway using L-shape
plates. The locomotive had inclined inside cylinders (8 x 16in) and 2ft 8in
coupled wheels. The suspensin on the traing axle was unusual, ass was a steam
brake. It was described in Engineering Volume 4 on pp. 173 and
Southern Railway. 215.
Nos. 2221, 2226 and 2356 (0-4-2 T) and No. 185 (0-4-4 tank) scrapped,
as well as No. 2034, the last of the 14 class of 4-4-2 tanks. No. 2526 is
another 0-6-0 to be rebuilt into C2X class. The remainder of the E4 class
(0·6-2 tanks) had been given new circular smokeboxes resting on
L.M.S. locomotive is named "Home Guard". 215
The first engine-naming ceremony since the outbreak of war took place
at Euston Station, London, on 30 July 1940 when L.M.S. Patriot Class (5 XP)
4-6-0 No. 5543, which stationed at Carlisle, was christened Home Guard
in honour of the Local Defence Volunteer Corps. The ceremony was performed
by Lt.-General Sir Henry Pownall, K.B.E., C.B., M.C., Inspector-General of
the Home Guard. A guard of honour more than forty strong was mounted by the
Euston L.M.S. Section of the Home Guard, whilst both the enginemen in charge
of No. 5543 for the occasionDriver L.Y. Pile of Camden, and Fireman
W.J. Osbourne of Willesdenwere members of the Home Guard.
Presiding at the ceremony, Lord Stamp disclosed an "immediate and inspiring"
response to the call for railwaymen to enrol in the Home Guard for the defence
of vulnerable points on the railway, and mentioned that no fewer than 46,000
men of the L.M.S. had volunteered for Home Guard service. Stressing the value
of the esprit de corps of the railway service as a war-time asset,
Lord Stamp said that of the companies now formed in the L.M.S., 75,000 men
joined the Forces in WW1; 65,000 of them returned of whom more than 40,000
are still in the service, and about half of these have so far joined the
Home Guard. More than 15,000 L.M.S. employees were serving with the Armed
Forces or in whole-time Civil Defence.
Drawing attention to the large number of L.M.S. express locomotives already
named after famous regiments and corps, and after famous ships of the Royal
Navy, Lord Stamp said that the Company was proud that No. 5543 Home
Guard was joining this number.
G.W.Ry. 215.
Nos. 5996 Mytton Hall, 5997 Sparkford Hall, 5998 Trevor
Hall, 5999 Wollaton Hall, 6900 Abney Hall, 690I Arley
Hall, 6902 Butler's Hall and 6903 Belmont Hall, fnrther
4-6-0 express engines completed at Swindon. Another 2-8-0 No. 3823 and ten
more 0-6-0 goods engines, Nos. 2211, 2212, 2213, 22I4, 2215, 2216, 2217,
2218, 2219 and 2220 in service. Five more 0-6-0 tank engines, Nos. 3675,
3676, 3677, 3678, and 3679 at work.
Rhodesia Railways. 215.
Four Beyer-Garratt 4-6-4+4-6-4 type locomotives delivered, intended
for passenger services between Mafeking and Bulawayo, a distance of 484 miles.
Mastering momentum. 219-22.
Based on a publication by
L.K. Sillcox, Vice President of the New York Air Brake Co. Notes
manifestations such as flaming brake cast iron shoes, carbon inserts, composition
materials containing asbstos based on those used by the automotive industry;m
the Decelakron, friction, retardation. See also 236 et
Firegrates. 222-3.
Design, general design to cope with a variety of coal types, afford
good air flow and combustion, avoiding clinker formation. Mention is made
to rocking grates.
Southern Railway. 223.
A 60ft bogie coach had been adapted as a cinema coach seating 56 with
a diesel generator to provide power.
G.E.C. heavy duty slipping motors. 223-4. illustration, diagram
Lubrication of locomotives and rolling stock in the U.S.A. 224
Grease was used to used to lubricate journals. Contractors were employed
to lubricate rolling stock.
Centenary of Derby Works, L.M.S.R. 224
Robert Stephenson was appointed to manage the motive power in February
1839 and this agreement ended in August 1842. W.P.Marshall was Superintendent
of the Locomotive Department from the opening of the line until 1843 and
was succeeded by Thomas Kirtley until May 1844.
Tripple-deck sleeping cars. 224.
Pullman cars for service in USA. Air conditioned and accommodated
45 passengers.
No. 577 (14 September 1940)
Into the second year. 224
Sombre editorial reflecting the evacuation of the British Expeditionary
Force from France, the loss of Narvik and the spread of war to the Middle
2-6-4 tank locomotive, Mysore State Railway. 230. illustration
W.G. Bagnall
P.C. D[ewhurst]. L.M.S.R. locomotives: a history of the Somerset and
Dorset Joint Railway. 231-2. 2 illustrations
Nos. 62-6 Johnson standard MR 0-6-0 (No. 66 illustrated) with vacuum
brake on engine. 4-4-0 introduced 1903 with 6ft coupled wheels and H type
boiler and Ramsbottom safety valves: Nos. 69-71 (No. 71 illustrated)
J.L. Koffman. Railcar operation. 233-5. 5 diagrans (including elevations and plans)
G.W.R. 235
No. 6904 Charfield Hall and 6905 Claughton Hall and
0-6-0PT No. 3680 were new ex-Swindon Works. Ex Weston Clevedon & Portishead
Railway Terriers taken into GWR stock. Nos. 2 and 4 became GWR Nos. 5 and
6 and were originally No. 43 Gipsyhill and 53
Personal. 235
G.R.T. Taylor resigned from the Boards of Vickers Ltd and English
Sreel Corporation, but retained his directorship of Taylor Brothers &
Co. Ltd. a subsidiary of the English Sreel Corporation.
Mastering momentum. 236-8
Began page 219: cracking of wheel
treads and shelling leading to failure.
Locomotive handling. 238.
L.M.S.R. 238
No. 25348 Coronation withdrawn: originally LNWR No. 5000 and
5000th locomotive built at Crewe: latterly worked between Crewe and
P. Ransome-Wallis. Federated Malay States Railways. 239-42. 10 illustrations.
D.S. Purdom. Locomotive development on the N.B.R. from
1910 to the Grouping. 242-5.
In 1910 fourteen Atlantics were in service and they handled the main services
on the Aberdeen and Waverley routes aided by the Holmes 317 class. Six Scott
class had been put into service on the Perth services Edinburgh to Glasgow
services were in charge of Holmrs 18¼ x 26in 729 class 4-4-0s. In 1911
these services were taken over by new Scott class locomotives. One of these,
No. 359 was fitted with a Weir feedwater pump. In 1911 a move was made to
modernize the motive power. Six Atlantics were supplied by Robert Stephenson
& Co. of Darlington: Nos. 901-906. These had wider cabs and the earlier
series were brought into line when superheated. A modified version of the
883 class Intermediate 4-4-0 was introduced with a higher pitched boiler,
similar to the Scott class.
R.B. Fellows. 100 years of railway inspection. 245-6.
Some aspects of railway progress as they affect the locomotive department. 247-9. 3 illustrations
Reviews. 250 .
The outdoor machinery department . J. Dalziel.
London: The Railway Gazette. 250
The outdoor machinery of a railway is probably the least known by
the public of its many different services. It is nevertheless an essential
part of railway organisation, and the brief account compiled by Dalziel will
throw light on a subject which has hitherto been almost ignored. In his position
as Assistant Electrical Engineer to the L.M. & S.R. Railway the writer
had many opportunities of studying the subject at first hand, and his
conclusions, although merely expressing his personal views, carry considerable
weight. The work is divided into six chapters and may be taken as illustrating
quite up-to-date methods as practised on one of our largest systems.
Centenary of railway inspection. Reprinted from
the Railway Gazette. London: The Railway Gazette. 250.
Now that a hundred years of Government supervision of our railways
have passed, this little booklet describing the growth and extent of their
official supervision is opportune. Although it is generally known that this
supervision exists the various details of its operation are by no means common
property, and the particulars of its working will be welcomed accordingly.
The list of Inspecting Officers, first of the Board of Trade and latterly
of the Ministry of Transport, is of much interest and has not been hitherto
Trade notes. 250
Yalford Transport, Ltd., Calcutta. 250
Supplied four diesel locomotives to. Martin's Light Railways (2 ft.
6 m. gauge). Each unit powered by a Perkins P6 six-cylinder high-speed diesel
engine developing 85 h.p., enabling a fast time-table service to be maintained
over a 35-mile run , The same firm had received orders to build a Diesel
locomotive for the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway.
Correspondence. 250
British locomotives in North America. William
T. Hoecker
Once again we are indebted to Dendy MIarshall for a useful contribution
to early locomotive history. Possessors of his
Two Essays will find
much of interest in the article on page. 186 of your July number. His complaint
regarding the difficulty of unravelling the tangled history of early American
engines will no doubt meet with general sympathy_Locomotive names were altered
frequently, with or without change of ownership, and not many official records
have survived from those days. On page 188, a number of "English-built" engines
belonging to the Lexington and Ohio R.R. are referred to. In his history
of the locomotives of the Louisville and Nashville R.R., on page 45 of
Baldwin Locomotives for October, 1929, . Paul T. Warner also mentions
several of these engines. The following excerpt is quoted verbatim from Warner's
"It should be noted, however, that Baldwin locomotives were in service on
the two oldest of these roadsthe Lexington and Ohio and the Ponchartrain.
The former had in service three single-driver locomotives of the 4-2-0 type,
that were built in 1842 and 1843, and were named Daniel Boone; Joe
Davis, and Logan, respectively. Particulars as to their dimensions
are very meagre; but they were small locomotives, even for their type, and
it is probable that in no case did the weight exceed ten tons. They were
of standard gauge.
No. 1 Pilgrim, Canterbury Railway, New Zealand. (photograph). 250
Gauge 5 ft. 3 in. Built by Slaughter Grunning in 1863. See . Leslie G. Poole's
letter, p. 142, May, 1940.) (By courtesy of Mr. W. W. Stewart.)
No. 578 (15 October 1940)
Railways in war. 251-2
L.M.S. Railway rebuilt 4-4-0 Northern Counties Committee. 252.
No. 87 Queen Alexandra
Locomotives for public miniature railways. 253-5.
3 illustrations, 2 diagrams
Order placed with Twining Models of Northampton for 10¼in gauge
4-6-0 based upon GWR Star class, but with outside valve gear: boiler supplied
by Goodhand of Gillingham in Kent. Locomotive expected to cope with 1 in
48 gradienets, had 125 psi boiler pressure. Also described a 15in gauge
James McEwan. Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. 256-8. 3 illustrations (drawings: side elevations), diagram
C.H. Koyl. Water softening for locomotives (the Clark-Porter Process).
258-9. diagram
Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RR.
Protection of water tanks. 259
Red lead
Taff Vale Railway Centenary. D.S.B. 265-7. 2
Trails Ottley 7409 published Oakwood Press: but article states "Locomotive
Publishing Co.". See leter from W.G.S. Wike on p. 298 on reason TVR used
tender locomotives and queried whether Cambrian and M. & S.W.J. were
not "bigger"
Railcar conversion. 268-70. 6 diagrams (including plans)
Conversiion of existing carriages into railcars with internal combustion
Phillipson, E.A. The steam locomotive in traffic. VI. Storekeeping,
distribution and consumption of fuels and lubricants. 271-3. 3 diagrams.
Storekeeping continued from page XXX. Figures 71-4 forms.
Great Western Railway. 273. illustration.
Includes photograph of Castle class No. 5071 Spitfire and list
of other military aircraft names to be applied to Class: 5072
Hurricane, 5073 Blenheim, 5074 Hampden, 5075
Wellington, 5076 Gladiator, 5077 Fairey Battle, 5078
Beaufort, 5079 Lysander, 5080 Defiant, 5081
Lockheed and 5082 Swordfish
No. 579 (15 November 1940)
Seeing it through. 275-6.
"Lord Nelson" class, S.R.: improved blast pipe. 276. illustration
No. 851 Sir Francis Drake illustrated with large diameter chimney
and Lemaitre exhaust system (although Lemaitre not mentioned in actual
The Texas Zephyr, Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R.R. 277.
Two 2000 hp diesel electrics used to power Denver-Fort Worth-Dallas
New third class coaches, Eastern Bengal Railway. 277-8. 3
Fourteen coaches built at Kanchrapara Workshops; designed to accommodate
100 passengers
L.M.S.R. 277
4F 0-6-0 Nos. 4579 to 4606 abd diesel electric shunters No. 7090-9
nearing completion at Derby. Prince of Wales class Nos. 25787, 25802 and
25805 and LNWR 0-6-2T Nos. 7751, 77873 and 27555 reconditioned for further
P.C. D[ewhurst]. L.M.S.R. locomotives: a history of the Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway. 282-4.
Institution of Locomotive Engineers: the making of comparative efficiency test with locomotives on the road. 284-9.
C.R.H. Simpson. Some unusual locomotives.291-2. 5 illustrations.
Camden & Amboy locomotive of 1834 with four 18 x 30in cylinders,
indirect drive and eight axles. The two front axles were driven separately
from the two front axles. Baldwin locomotive of 1841: 4-2-0 with main drive
at rear, but augmented by drive to bogie; Shaw anti-hammer blow locomotive
of 1881 built by Hinkley Locomotive Works of Boston; Strong "Duplex" locomotive
of 1886: marine type firebox and complex valve gear; Holman locomotive of
1897 (see also Locomotive Mag., 1936, 42, 61)
Appointments. 292.
Mervyn W. Shorter to be Assistant Sales Manager, Westinghouse Brake
& Cylinder Co.
Coronation Scot. 292
Moved to Baltimore for storage
McEwan, James. Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. 293-4.
Nos. 116 and 117 were Fairburn 0-4-0s with 4ft 9in wheels; 15 x 22in
cylinders and 580ft2 total heating surface: (illustrated Fig.
8). No. 117 was rebuilt as a 0-4-2 with link motion substituted for gab gear.
Both were withdrawn in 1863..
The Van Railway. 294.
To be closed. Railway opened in 1871 for freight and on 1 December
1873 for passengers, but closed in 1893 and reopened in 1896. Two Manning
Wardle 0-6-0Ts were the original motive power.
Sierra Leone Government Railways. 294
W.S. Venner appointed CME
Waterloo and City Tube. 294.
12 new coaches brought into service.
Resilient wheels. 295-6. 2 diagrams.
The Haerter and Buchli systems.
The "John Wilkes," Lehigh Valley Railroad. 296. illustration.
Streamlined 4-6-2 painted in black and red with narrow white bands
and used to haul nine cars between New York and Wilkes Barre in
Correspondence. 297
Crowthorne Light Railway. V. Burgoyne
Locomotives for public miniature railways. J.N. Maskelyne
Taff Vale Railway centenary. W.G.S. Wike. 298
Response from author page 322.
No. 580 (15 December 1940)
Timetables. 299.
Disruptive effect of fliers; and attempt to arrange tham in groups,
like the 18.00 deparures from Euston to Liverpool and Manchester
The Centenary of the Birningham and Gloucester Railway. 300-1.
Cofton Hill to Camp Hill opened on 17 December 1840. Incorporated
in 1836 for 50¼ miles from Gloucester to Birmingham plus a further
2¼ miles for a branch to Tewkesbury. Bromsgrove to Cheltenham
had opened on 24 June 1840. On 17 August 1841 the line was extended from
Camp Hill 1½ miiles to Curzon Street to form a junction with the
London & Birmingham Railway. How the Great Western failed to acquire
the line is outlined as its absorption by the Midland Railway on 1 July 1845.
The Norris locomotives acquired to work the Lickey Incline were described
in Locomotive Mag., 1908, 14, p. 70 [citation not traced: possibly
due to incomplete Volume inspected].
Obituary. 301
E.F. Lang of Beyer Peacock
British-built broad gauge locomotives in Canada.
301-2. illustration
The Great Western Railway of Canada adopted the 5ft 6in gauge in an
attempt to hinder invasion nfrom the USA. It was converted to standard gauge
between 1867 and 1873 and there was brief use of mixed gauge. Article based
on Bulletin of the Railway & Locomotive Historical Society No.
51. Twenty 0-6-0 inside cylinder (16 x 24in) with 5ft coupled wheels were
built between 1854 and 1856 by Stothert & Slaughter of Bristol. Ten were
converted to standard gauge and the remainder werre either sold or scrapped.
Twelve passenger 2-4-0 engines were suppllied by W. Fairbairn of Manchester:
these had 6ft coupled wheels. Names included Spitfire, Fireking
and Firefly. Richard Eaton was tthe Locomotive Superintendent. These
were rebuilt as 4-4-0 in 1859-60. Spitfire was scrapped in 1871. Peto,
Brassey & Jackson of the Canada Works in Birkenhead supplied six 4-4-0s
with 16 x 24in cylinders and 5ft 6in coupled wheels. Robert Stephenson supplied
locomotives to the Grand Trunk Railway, but not to the Great Western Railay
according to W.M. Spriggs, an authority on Robert Stephenson & Co.
Great Western Railway of Canada operated 800 miles of 5ft 6in gauge railway
which reflected Canada's fear of invasion from the USA.This was converted
to standard gauge between 1867 and 1873. The main source of information was
Railway & Locomotive Historical Society Bulletin No. 51
A photograph of No. 55 is of particular interest as showing the engine (rebuilt
by the Great Western in 1870) with the "Crewe" type of front end made famous
by Alexander Allan; in appearance this engine looks not unlike an early Highland
4-4-0, save for the raised splashers to the coupled wheels and the distinctive
Canadian boiler fittings, cab and cowcatcher. There is some mystery as to
the engines stated to have been supplied by Robert Stephenson & Co. to
the Great Western of Canada; the firm's records show no engines as having
been built for that line, but three for the Grand Trunk Railway which the
authority, W.M. Spriggs, cannot trace in Grand Trunk records. The three G.W.
engines credited to Robert Stephenson & Co. are 2-4-0s Nos. 83-85 (later
50-52) built in October and December, 1856, having the usual 16 in. x 24
in. cylinders, and 6 ft. coupled wheels.
Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 302
The opening general meeting of the current-session was held at the
Royal Empire Society, Northumberland Avenue, on 10 December. The President,
O.V.S. Bulleid , was in the chair. The following members were elected: Members:
G. E. Cockburn, Consulting Mechanical Engineer; A.F. Collins, Technical Officer
(Rys.), L.P.T.B.; J. Douglas, Asst. Director of Transportation Equipment,
Ministry of Supply, F.H.B. Harris, Chief Draughtsman, Messrs W.G.. Bagnall,
Ltd.; F. Munns, Loco. Works Manager, Southern Ry., Eastleigh; J. Shaw, Loco.,
Carriage & Wagon Supt.; Darjeeling-Himlayan Ry. Associate Members: G.E.
Berry, Drawing Office, Hunslet Engine Co. Ltd.; W. R. Craig, District Loco.
Supt., B.B. & C.I. Ry. India; J. D. Hodgkiss, Messrs. Livesey &
Henderson, South Place, E.C.2.; T. E. Green, The English Electric Co. Ltd.;
J. K. Mehra, B.B. & C.I. Ry., India; W. Vaughan-Jenkins, Loco. Dept.,
L.M.S. Ry., Bristol; A. L. Wallace, Loco. Works, Eastleigh.
C. Hamilton Ellis. Famous locomotive engineers. XVII. Sir Daniel Gooch, Bt.. 303-8. 3 illustrations (including portrait).
J.F. Spear: General Manager GM Fischer Bearings Co. Ltd. Had beem
apprenticed at Metropolitan Railway Neasden Works.
J.F. Vickery. Famous Kings Cross engines. 308-9.
240A illustrated: Sturrock 2-2-2 with 7ft driving wheels and 17 x
22in inside cylinders
New shunting locomotives, Roumanian State Railways. 309-10. 2 diagrams (including
side & front elevations)
80 hp diesel-mechanical with Ganz-Jendrassk six-cylinder engine and
mylius CV2 transmission with final jackshaft drive.
P.C. D[ewhurst]. L.M.S.R. locomotives: a history of
the Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway. 311-14.
4-4-0 Nos.69-71 were described in
Locomotive Mag., 1908, 14 p. 45
[44]. G7 boilers were fitted to No. 78 in 1921 (illustrated) and No.
77 in 1926.
The 2-8-0 type was described in Locomotive Mag., 1914, 20 p.
117. Design criticised for its long wheelbase.
Phillipson, E.A. The steam locomotive in traffic. 314-15.
Toolboxes and their contents.
Individual axle drive for steam locomotives. 316-19.
9 diagrams (including plans & sectional elevations))
Vertical engines driving individual axles, notably as in Buchli-Brown
Boveri designs with rapid response steam genertors, such as those by La Mont,
Velox and Rasmin [Razmin].
L.N.E.R. 319.
Brockley Whins viaduct on Pontoop & South Shields Railway had
been demolished
Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 319
The Institution had received a bequest from T.A. Common of a silver
loving cup presented to Robert Stephenson by Robert Allcard. The cup had
been owned by Alfred Common, the donor's father
New cabooses, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific R.R. 320. 2
Welded construction: both interior and exterior illustrated
Salvage on the G.W.R. 320. illustration
Van No. 47305 with special paintwork: intended to collect salvaged
paper, metal, cloth, etc for the War Effort
Fourteen wheel tender. 321. 2 diagrams (including elevation)
Constructed by ALCO for Union Pacific Railroad: wheels arranged 4-10-0
fashion and designed to carry 25 tons of coal and 25,000 gallons (US) of
U.S.A. bogie milk car. 321. illustration
Bordon Company of New York: designed to convey fresh milk into city
from the company's farms: conveyed 35 short tons or 6000 US gallons
Reviews. 321-2
Locomotive valves & valve gears. C.S. Lake
and A. Reidinger. Percival Marshall
Eleven short chapters; 128 illustrations; "very clear studies"
New railway network principles. F. Pownall.
Birmingham: Cotterell & Co
After perusing this booklet, which is apparently only a resume of
a larger work the author has in hand, one is tempted to regret that Mr. Pownall
was not here armed with the necessary authority, before the railway network
of this country developed, then we should no doubt have had a much more
scientific and satisfactory system than actually exists. Unfortunately the
railways of this country, like those of most of the older countries were
developed piecemeal, and for better or worse' must be operated as they are.
Mr. Pownall's system of hour sections to be covered by fast trains at hourly
intervals and served by slow trains feeding into and collecting from these,
sounds a very ideal proposition. Unfortunately Mr. Pownall estimates it would
require the construction of about 1,300 miles of additional line and the
expenditure of about £300,000,000 so that there does not seem to be
the remotest probability of it being carried through within any period of
time that can be visualised. Nevertheless some of our readers, who have in
their leisure hours evolved schemes for the re-organisation of our railway
system may like to have these notes on Mr. Pownall's for comparison with
their own [Ottley 3771].
Correspondence. 322
Miniature public railways. John W. Smith
I fear that the Technical Editor of the Model Engineer has
been rather severe in his strictures on the 0-4-2 type miniature passenger
carrymg locomotive. There are a considerable number of small lines whose
motive power could be held up to question. The railway at Scarborough, the
Dudley Zoo Line and the pleasure park railway at the 1938 Glasgow Exhibition.
The latter for example had two L.N.E.R. "Pacific" type at work, one in L.M.S.
red and both "Diesel" powered; what could be more unreal-fire risks apart?
. I have' seen the drawings of one of these 0-4-2 locomotives, and although
in 1 in. scale, there cannot be much material change for 15 in. gauge. The
design is very well thought out, and credit is due to Mr. E. W. Twining,
for a well balanced arrangement. I see no reason why engines of this design
should not prove a good draw, be easy and economical in maintenance, and
return something on their investment, coupled with moderate first cost.
New South Wales Government Railways. A.V.
There is a matter of interest I wish to investigate Original Nos.
8 and 9 locos. N.S.W.G. Rys. had makers Nos. 634 and 635, E.B. Wilson &
Co.; they were the only engmes by Wilson's for N.S.W. In Kitsons of
Leeds by E. Kitson Clark, page 34, ~t states that the last engine built
by WIlson's was numbered 625. Should this not be 635? But further than this,
it is alleged by some record (very obscure) in the Chief Mechanical Engineer's
Office, N.S.W. Rys., that No. 10, a 2-4-0 engine built in 1870, Redfern Shops,
Sydney, was built up on the framing of an E.B. Wilson loco numbered 636.
This is interesting; I had concluded that the first No. 9 N.S.W.G. Rys.,
was the last engine built by Wilsons. I take the opportunity of enclosing
a photograph of the Sydney-Melbourne express, N.S.W. portion, taken at Albury
during the summer of 1892-93. The engine No. 255 was built by Beyer, Peacock
& Co., in 1882. Makers No. 2150. Cylinders 17 in. x 26 in.; coupled wheels
6 ft. 0 in.; boiler pressure 140 psi.: coal 4 tons; water 2,000 gallons.
Six of these engines, Nos. 255 to 260 were received from Beyer, Peacock specially
to inaugurate the running of the Sydney-Melbourne express. The train is made
up of a Cleminson Postal van, 2nd. class carriage, 1st class carriage with
coupe ends, a Pullman sleeper and a bogie brake-van. If any of your readers
recognise this picture and can tell me who took the photograph I shall be
glad to know.
Taff Vale Railway centenary. D.S.
In letter published 'vV.G.S. Wike suggests, apropos of my recent article
on the Taff Vale Railway, that both the Cambrian and M. & S.W.J. Railways
had a greater route mileage. Certainly the Cambrian Railways had a much greater
mileage (295 m. 24 ch.) than the Taff Vale (124 m. 42 ch., including where
applicable in each case joint, leased, and worked lines), but on the basis
of traffic handled, capital involved, and the general volume of its railway
activity the Taff Vale easily justified my description of it as "the largest
of the constituent" (not "subsidiary") "Companies, other than the Great Western
itself, merged into the Great Western group." The M. & S.W.J. Railway
had little more than half the route mileage of the Taff Vale.
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