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Locomotive Magazine and Railway Carriage and Wagon Review
Volume 51 (1945)
Number No. 629 (15 January 1945)
The railways and Post-war planning. 1
Editorial considerefd that railway efficiency would be improved by
improved lighting and signalling in yards and sidings; that bulldozers and
earthmovers would be used to ease gradients; overall locomotive efficiency
would be achieved by getting rid of inefficient designs and their replacement
by more efficient ones; wheel diameters of rolling stock needed to be considered
as this affected performance and that of journal resistance. Speed restrictions
need to be eliminated and fairings and streamlining need to be employed
O.J. Morris. Standardising S.R. locomotives, Central Section. 2-4.
2 illustrations, diagram
Marsh 4-4-2T classes. Argues that I1 owed much to Stroudley and that
components from scrapped D class engines were incorporated. Relates how the
Royal Train to the Derby required the joint presence of Marsh and Lawson
Billinton on the footplate. The origins of the design were the Ivatt 4-4-2T
on the GNR and the Great Southern Railways Class 32.. W.E. Briggs notd that
enginemen complainted about hot cabs due to the tanks employing hot feed
via condensation. It was found that the oil and grease which got into the
boiler reduced scale formation. The air operated screw reverser found
H.F. Hilton. Stephenson Letters of 1844. 5-7.
James McEwan. Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. 7-10.
0=4-2 mineral engines built in 1870 and 1871
Early industrial locomotives. 11.
Metropolitan District engines. 12. illustration
Prior to electrification of the "District" as the M.D.R. was usually
called to distinguish it from the Metropolitan Railway, the services were
worked entirely by the well-known 4-4-0 tank engines built by Beyer, Peacock
& Co., Ltd., of Gorton Foundry. For a time the Metropolitan Company actuallv
worked the District trains as well as their own, but from 1871 onwards. the
District Company obtained engines of their own which were almost copies of
those supplied to the Metropolitan line. Between 1871 and 1886, fifty-four
such locomotives were put in service, and they successfully worked the traffic
until the last steam train was withdrawn in November, 1905. The first section
to be electrified was the branch or extension from Ealing to Park Royal and
South Harrow; which was opened in June1903, and as the steam .locornotives
became redundant they were withdrawn and stored at Mill Hill sidings. Unlike
those of the Metropolitan, which found new spheres of action on provincial
lines when no longer required in the metropolis, the District engines were
disposed of for scrap in 1906, with the exception of half a dozen which were
retained for service stock. The livery was changed from light green to dark
green with black and red lines in 1881, but during the last year or two the
lining was omitted in view of the forthcoming change-over to electric working.
Although sundry improvements and alterations were incorporated in successive
batches, the dimensions remained much the same: coupled wheels 5 ft. 9'in.,
cylinders 17 in. by 24 in., working pressure 130 psi. The Westinghouse
brake was adopted in 1875 (non-automatic at first) whereas the Metropolitan
used the automatic vacuum brake. The chief locomotive depot was at Lillie
Bridge, but there were small out-stations. The last survivor of the District
engines was No. 34, which lasted well into 1932. Illustration gives a good
idea of the general appearance of these engines at the time of their general
withdrawal in 1905.
Correspondence. 12
Victorian Railways. J.C.M. Rolland. 12-13. illustration (Standard
Number Plate, Victorian Railways).
In 1896, Australian railways were virtually unknown to the "wide world,"
and "The Locomotive" has had a worthwhile share in making much better known
the progress and performance of their rolling stock equipment, The writer
has had some share as a "correspondent," but was rather too young to pose
as an authority in the first year, at any rate, whatever his standing may
be even now.
At this much later date, however, he is moved to lodge a claim of some unique
features to be found in 1896 on the Victorian Railways. The points are of
no special technical importance, but seem to be of interest and to be noteworthy
as found on a system embracing some 500 engines and more. The first was the
custom, from the commencement in the early 'sixties, of numbering the passenger
engines with even and the goods engines with odd numbers. Though there were
a few "singles" to start with, the distinction was virtually between four-coupled
and six-coupled units. Early in the present century six-coupled passenger
-and eight- coupled goods came into the service, but the distinguishing numbering
remained for a further twenty years or so, when engines began to be numbered
Another peculiarity was that, from about the middle 'eighties, when class
letters were introduced, the locomotives were running' with no side numbers-a
most uncommon feature, as the study of innumerable pictures shows. The numbers
were displayed, together with the class-letter, on the buffer beams of the
engines and on the tender buffer beams or on the back of the tank itself.
As time went on number plates (without letters) were affixed to the sides
of tank engines, and in 1918 the first o£ the "C" class 2-8-0s appeared
from Newport with the plate C 1 on both cab sides. Since then all new engines
are so distinguished, but there still remain a large number of the tender
engines which cannot be identified from alongside unless they carry electric
headlights with the numbers on the side glasses. An illustration is given
of the now standard number plate on V.R. engines. This is cast in iron with
the numbers kept well whitened and the sunk background in black. (300 is
now, as a matter of fact, streamlined, and no such plate appears, but, instead.
large brass numerals are affixed to the tender sides.)
In the 'nineties [1890s], too, there had just come into full service the
"unique" standardisation equipment or stud of engines (referred to in "The
Locomotive" of August, I944) wherein, at one blow, designs and orders for
six types of engines embodying all the uniformity possible-heavy line passenger
and goods, lighter line passenger and goods, and four-coupled and six-coupled
tanks, had eventuated.
Another, at least, uncommon feature in a system of this size, belongs to
a somewhat later date, but it may be allowed mention here. When the A2 class
(4-6-0 with 6 ft. drivers) appeared in 1907/8, they took rank not only as
the Department's heaviest passenger and express engines, but as its most
powerful goods locomotives, which double title they retained till ten years
later, when the eight-coupled Cs, already referred to, appeared. In these
days when class distinction is being decried and often profitably dissipated
in human society, it seems as if a parallel is to be found in the locomotive
world. Many a fine engine in Victoria, and elsewhere too, works outward a
fast express and works back with a stopping "pick up" goods. And the practical
man asks, "Why not?"
A study of photographs' of motive power belonging to the Australian State
Railways would show one small difference from most of those appearing in
the pages of the Magazine that is that no attempt is made to display
the owner's name or initials, as is naturally done on most company-owned
locornotives as there is normally no interchange of engines (usually impossible
owing to gauge variations) there is, of course, little chance of their being
N.B. Atlantics and compounds.. W.B. 13.
In his indictment of the insularity of British railway engineers,
your correspondent has overlooked the French Compounds tried by the Great
Western. Is there any reason why a director should not know somethmg of the
engineering features or his railway? An incident in later years concerning
a six-coupled express would seem to show some basis for the objection. As
to Webb's objection to the Air Brake, how did we suffer. It did not prevent
a number of main line companies from adopting It. Years ago I was familiar
with it on the G,E.R., N.E,R., N.B.R., C.R.. L,B,S.C.R. and L.C.D R
The North British Atlantics. H. Holcroft. 13.
Referring to correspondence in your November Issue, I would like to
present my views on .some of the points raised. '
I think W.B. Thompson takes the statement about the refusal to permit six-coupled
locomotives on the Waverley route .too literall y, as boards of directors
do not customarily interfere in engineering matters. The usual procedure
when a new locomotive is proposed is that the mechanical engineer prepares
an outline diagram showing the wheelbase, overall dimensions, estimated axle
loads, etc., and this is submitted to the civil engineer, who will say on
what routes, if any, he can accept it for running. If the new design was
likely to increase permanent way maintenance or to necessitate the strengthening
of bridges, etc., the general manager would submit all the facts and estimates
of cost to the board, who, as business men, would then weigh up the pros
and cons and decide whether the expenditure was justified or not in view
of their policy. No doubt this is what really happened in the above case.
In bewailing the failure of the North British to foliow French practice in
their Atlantics, your correspondent seems to have quite overlooked the purchase
by the G.W.R. about 1902-3 of three French compounds of Atlantic type, one
to Nord design and two to Paris-Orleans design. These did give a very beneficial
stimulus to British locomotive design, but not in the way he would have
anticipated. The good points of these compounds were picked out and the direct
result was the creation of Churchwards four-cylinder simple engines, first
the 4-4-2 "North Star" and then the various batches of 4-6-0 superheated
engines and the 4-6-2 "Great Bear," followed by Collett.'s "Castles" and
"Kings," and eventually the carry-over by Stanier to the L.M.S. in his various
4-6-2s and streamlined Pacifies, This is the genealogical tree of the family
of which the de Glehn locomotive was an ancestor.
The reference to F.W. Webb is unfortunate. Whatever he may have said about
Yankees did not affect the brake position, Some two-thirds of the British
railways had adopted the automatic or non-automatic vacuum brake and about
one-third the Westinghouse air brake many years before the Clark and Webb
chain brake was given up by the L.N.W.R.
In 1885 Webb produced his. own design of compressed air brake, a model of
which was exhibited at the International Inventions Exhibition alongside
his compound engine, "Marchioness of Stafford," and an eight-wheel coach
with radial axle-boxes. .
The Unification of the Continuous Brake is a comparatively recent event.
The railway companies got together, reviewed all the advantages, disadvantages,
cost of operation and maintenance and other matters concerning the rival
brake systems, and deliberately decided in favour of the vacuum brake for
steam traction. Webb's "folly" had nothing to do with it.
The so-called insularity of British railway practice is a myth. As one who
has served over 45 years under several of the most progressive Chief Mechanical
Engineers, I can testify to their active interest in developments on foreign
railways. These are closely studied and if such innovations do not always
get adopted, it is not because of insularity, but merely that such developments
are unsuited to our conditions. In the years between the two wars the British
railways contributed their full share in the Sessions of the International
Railway Congress, through which they had full 'knowledge of all that was
transpiring on railways through- out the world.
Messrs. Bramah & Fox. Stirling Everard. 13.
In answer to the request of your correspondent, Mr. H. F. Hilton,
for iriformation regarding this firm, the business was founded by John Joseph
Bramah, and was at' first situated near St. Barnabas' Church, Pimlico, London.
The following quotation is taken from "Old and New London," Volume V, chapter
iv, page 44 (Edward Walford, published by Cassell & Co. in the
eighteen-eighties): "The younger Bramah inherited the business faculty of
his uncle, and his love of mechanism, if not his inventive skill. He it was
who here gathered together a huge business in railway plant, with the aid
and help of the two Stephensons, George and Robert, and subsequently transferred
it to Smethwick, near Birmingham, as the 'London Works.' joining with himself
'Charles Fox and John Henderson as his partners; and out of their works finally'
grew up the original Crystal Palace'." , It should be added that at the time
that the Crystal Palace was built the firm was trading under the name of
Fox, Henderson & Co., with which your correspondent may be, familiar.
British locomotive builders. Ian G.T. Duncan.
Re British Locomotive Builders appearing in your December issue, in
particular those appertaining to Messrs. Markham, of Chesterfield. I have
notes of some locos. of theirs still at work, and I append a list of a few
examples which may be of interest.
Clay Cross Co., Cricke Cliffe Quarry (3 ft. 3 in. gauge):
Dowie 0-4-0 o/c. ST, Markharn , 108/1893.
Tommy 0-4-0. o/c ST, Markham , ? /1889.
Parkgate Iron & Steel Co. (4 ft. 8½ in.):
11 0-4-0 o/c ST Markham, ? /1914.
10 0-4-0 o/c: ST Markham, -/-.
Cooke & Co., Sheffield:
2 0-4-0 o/c ST Markham, 111/I897, converted to use as stationary boiler.
It will be notice that four years elapse between the appearance of locos.
Nos. 108 and 111, which suggests that towards the end of the Nineteenth Century
the firm was not a large producer of engines. I have not come across examples
built later than 1914, and would be pleased to hear what others may have
to say upon this matter.
Locomotive steam brakes. C.A. Branston
Though Robert Stephenson appears to have been the first to design
a locomotive steam brake of the plain, orthodox "shoe to tyre" type, the
first conception of a steam-actuated brake would seem to have originated
eighteen months earlier with one R. Roberts. It was a band brake, the two
drums (one for the hand brake) being mounted symmetrically on the crank axle.
To the best of my knowledge the design was never executed. It may perhaps
be objected that a band brake is an "illegitimate" appliance from a railway
engineer's point of view; but though eliminated to-day (except on funicular
railways) they were now and then to be found in early railway practice, and
as late as 1866 Hartmann, of Chemnitz, equipped some locomotives for the
Saxony State lines with such a brake; in this case the bands were applied
to the upper third portion only of the perimeter of the four driving wheels.
Stephensons classical design is illustrated, e.g.,' in Reynolds' book. (1882)
and in most modern American handbooks and papers which treat of the development
of the air brake, as it served as a pattern for the type of driver brake
(from the 'seventies onward actuatecl by air) which remained in universal
use till the four-coupled (or American) type of locomotive was eliminated.
With reference to Stephenson's brake, Reynolds ·says it was intended
to be fitted to one side only of the engine; Stretton states that it was
originated with a view to operating the buffer brakes applied by George
Stephenson to some of the cars of the Liverpool & Manchester Railway.
The brake appears to have been tried on the Leicester & Swannington Railway,
and Warren mentions that such a brake was fitted to the "Patentee," a locomotive
supplied to the Liverpool & Manchester Railway in 1834.
Apart from the priority of date of Roberts' invention, some half-dozen British
locomotive steam brake patents preceded Allan's design; yet each of the
patentees' "invented" some particular and more or less fundamental detail
which distinguished his device from that of others, else he would not have
obtained a patent.
Irrespective of the various ways in which inventors and locomotive builders
have carried out their individual designs. there have also been a number
of types of steam-actuated locomotive brakes. In addition to the simple
steam-actuated "shoe to' tyre" type of brake, such as that of Stephenson
(1833), there was the turbine-driven strew brake of Petiet (1860), the plain
steam slipper brake (or sledge brake) as used in Saxony , Italy and elsewhere
on steep grades (1875), the steam wedge brake of Mc'Connell (1855) the steam
band brake of Hartmann (1867), the steam-actuated weight brake of Haswell
(1862), etc. These names are not necessarily those of the originators of
the corresponding designs, nor the dates those of priority, but all these
brakes were in actual use some time or other.
All these brakes (except, in Europe, the simple shoe to tyre type, originated
by Stephenson ) have now been superseded, but it is interesting to note that
the slipper or sledge brake, in the form of a magnetic track brake, has of
recent years reappeared in Germany on the light, high-speed Diesel trains
there. Yet it was in Germany that the defects and dangers of the simple sledge
brake were so well recognised that its use in yards and over crossings was
prohibited!' As to the history and development of the counter pressure brake
I am ignorant. In practice it has been associated chiefly with the name of
le Chatelier (1865), and his system has been in use in most countries where
long mountain grades have to be negotiated, its peculiar advantage being,
of course, that it does not cause overheating of. the tyres .. Improvements
in the air brake appear to have driven this form of retarder very much into
the background of late years, though an analogous system-that of Riggenbach-
continues in general use on rack railways.
In conclusion, may I plead for the counter pressure brake that its name ("water
brake" in America) is most misleading, and its description (your correspondent
speaks of "water injection") positively horrifying to an engineer? Any water
brought to the cylinders flashes at once into steam; if it did not. there
would be but little hope of salvation for the cylinder covers!
Reviews. 14
Great Eastern locomotives past and present, 1862-1944· C.L.
Aldrich. 80 pp..
This is an enlarged edition of a booklet by the same author published
some time back. Evidently a Great Eastern enthusiast, he has gathered together
a mass of facts relating to G.E.R. engines that will interest many. It is
non-technical and the excellent illustrations are an interesting reminder
of one-time familiar locomotives that are now gradually disappearing.
Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 14.
On 10 November 1944, D. W. Sandford read a paper entitled "The
Relationship between Smokebox and Boiler Proportions." On December 8 the
Annual Luncheon was held in London. Colonel Eric Gore-Browne, chairman of
the Southern Railway, proposed the toast of the Institution, and W.S. Graff
Baker, president, replied. Two hundred and eighty- five members and guests
were present. Theodore E. Thomas replied for the, guests.
Number No. 630 (15 February 1945)
Motive power for railways. 15-16..
Editorial: Due in a great measure to the rapid development that has
taken place during recent years of the oil-electric locomotive, we are now
becoming accustomed to hear the opinion expressed that the end of the steam
locomotive is looming in the distance, if not actually near at hand. Others
reach the same conclusion by pointing out the benefits to be derived by the
adoption of electric traction. The advocates of both these different motive
power units can without doubt point to successful applications of each type
of system, but in arriving at any conclusions on the subject it would certainly
appear that the general circumstances prevailing, or, shall we say, surrounding
the use of these methods of railway operation' warrant close consideration
before any definite pronouncement is made in favour of one as against the
other, and any comparison made as between these relatively new locomotive
types and the old steam locomotive.
In this country the steam locomotive is still very firmly established, and
is for all practical purposes unchallenged as the motive power for main line
working. That the large electrification schemes recently inaugurated by the
Southern Railway have been most successful does not detract in any way from
the truth of this statement. All that the Southern electrification proves
is the well recognised truth that the expense and complication occa- sioned
by the use of electricity as the means of motive power on 'railways is governed
by the density of the traffic,. in line occupation, in other words. In general,
we believe this is the main consideration, though in making such an assertion
we are well aware that there are' notable exceptions. As a case in point,
the electrification of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul between Harlowtown,
Montana, and Avery, Idaho, which constituted one of the world's first main
line electrifications, was largely dictated by the heavy grades encountered
over the Continental Divide, together with the availability of hydro-electric
power supply. On the other hand, the more recent use of electric traction
seen on the Pennsylvania System extending between New York and Washington,
D.e., and Harrisburg, Pa., has been brought about by the electric operation
of the line in the vicinity of New York consequent on the completion of the
terminal station in New York City in 1910, and the subsequent electrification
of the local lines round Philadelphia, Pa., together with the fact that the
line between New York and Philadelphia carries more traffic per mile of track
than any other line in the world. Considering further the present conditions
in this country and those that may arise in the future,. it seems safe to
say that the example set by London in the electrification of .suburban lines
may easily be followed by some of the larger. provincial cities; in fact,
in Manchester we have already seen a move in this direction, and further,
the use of electric locomotives between Manchester and' Sheffield will be
an accomplished fact in the near future, though the arguments advanced in
favour of this scheme are not known to us. In
his address to the Institution of Locomotive Engineers, Mr. Graff-Baker
suggests that the future may see a move away from steam locomotives,
and that their place may be taken by either electric or so-called Diesel-electric
Steam locomotives are considered as being uneconomical from the point of
view of coal consumption, and it is thought that much improvement in this
respect cannot be expected. This may or may not be true, but it is true'
that while coal consumption is important it is not everything .. The steam
locomotive has been vastly Improved of late years, admittedly at a cost,
but with all that it is. still easily the cheapest prime mover for railway
working, and the refinements that have been made have tended towards greater
thermal efficiency and have also largely improved its availability, and thus
increased its economic value. The observations made by Mr. Graff-Baker concerning
the difficulty of obtaining "mechanical balance" at varying speeds are not
very dear. It is, of course, true that impact between wheel and rail increases
with speed, but modern high-speed locomotives that can run at the highest
safe speeds are far less destructive 'to the track than were those of half
their size and power of only a few years ago. The case for the electrification
of any of our main line railways must rest on much surer foundations than
the argument put forward as to why the steam locomotive as such is unsuitable
as a means of traction, and with the Weir report still fresh in our minds,
we are far from convinced that electrification can do much better for railway
stock holders. Glancing now at the other alternative to the steam locomotive,
the oil-electric engine, this can be said to be a more formidable rival to
the steam engine. It has the great advantage that it, like the steam locomotive,
is a self-contained unit. Any large use of this type of power could, how
ever, only be justified if traffic conditions permitted of its being put
to maximum use. For equal power the cost of these locomotives is about three
times that of' a steam engine, Further, the fuel required is oil, and not
coal, which means that in place of employing a home-produced fuel, oil which
is imported would be used, and in large quantities. The alternative would
be the provision of some kind of coal distillation plants, which pre- sumably
would add to capital expenditure already considerable on account of the high
cost of the oil- electric engine. For main line working the steam locomotive
is hardly likely to be replaced by either electric or oil-engine driven units
for some time to come. There is no difficulty in building steam locomotives
of sufficient power to handle the traffic offered, either passenger or freight,
and from the standpoint of speed there can be little doubt that the steam
engine can readily run as fast as safety and traffic conditions permit, and
do so without any detrimental effect on the road. By reason of the fact that
electric or oil-electric locomotives require less servicing' than steam engines,
it is reasonable to suppose that the time needed for "turning round" will
be shorter and their availability for train working thereby increased, but
to 'set against this it is probably true to say that traffic working more
than engine availability is the chief factor which governs the possible mileage
that any motive power unit can make, and that in practice the steam locomotive
can meet maximum requirements.
E.C. Poultney. New 4-8-2 locomotives, South African Railways. 16-18.
3 illustrations
Locomotives constructed by Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd., for the
3 ft. 6 in. gauge lines of the South African Railways and Harbour Administration.
These large engines, 30 in number, have been suppled to meet increasing traffic
demands, while at the same time they form part of a replacement programme
whereby engines of modern construction will be substituted for older designs,
a policy which is highly commendable, as it may confidently be expected to
lead to operating economies not only due to the use of more powerful engines,
but also to a decreased fuel consumption in relation to the loads hauled
as well as to greater availability. These engines are of a standard design
known as Class 15 F, of which 65 were already in service, 21 built by Continental
makers in 1938 and 44 by the North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., during 1939.
This firm had in hand a contract for a further 60, so that when these are
cornpleted there will be a total of 155 Class 15 F locomotives in traffic,
forming a valuable addition of powerful locomotives of modern design to the
locomotive stock of the Railway Administration.
Obituary. 19.
Death of Herbert Thornton Buckle, who, prior to his retirement in
1927, was in charge of trials and the testing of engines at Brighton. Buckle
was a frequent contributor of drawings to the Locomotive Mag, and
was responsible for nearly all of the illustrations in the series of articles
"Locomotives of the L.B. & S.C.R." and "Locomotives of the G.E.R." Some
of his work appears in the North London Railway series. In addition to his
keen interest in locomotives he was a very enthusiastic student of heraldry.
Buckle started on the G.E.R. at Stratford and left there in 1891 to serve
in the L.B. & S.C.R. drawing office at Brighton until his retirement.
He died at the age of 80.
We also regret to record the death of Mr. C. G.
Hodgson, O.B.E., former Chief Mechanical Engineer of the Sudan Government
L.M.S.R. 19
T. F. Burge appointed district locomotive. superintendent,
Canadian National Rlys. 19
Satisfactory tests have been completed at Montreal Terminal of train
operation with radio. Two locomotives have been equipped, a Diesel and an
electric. Their respective drivers now receive instructions by radio, previously
they were given written train orders and signals.
L.N.E.R. 19
E.H. Baker, Assistant to the Locomotive Running Superintendent (Eastern
Section) Southern Area, appointed District Locomotive Superintendent,
Red Cross Exhibition Coach. 19
For touring the railways an exhibition coach has been loaned to the
Red Cross "Penny a Week Fund," and facilities are being provided to enable
it to visit sixty centres in England and Wales. The coach, a blitzed L.M.S.
dining car, has been repaired and equipped with display cases and pictures
of activities of Red Cross and St. John, including Prisoners of War services
and "Aid to Russia," and will travel 4,000 miles to stimulate interest in
the "Penny a Week Fund." Miss Greta Richards, the 15-year-old daughter of
a Southern Railway fireman elected Railway Queen for 1945, will be present
at the opening of the coach at many of the centres visited.
American-built locos in England. 19-20. diagram (side
The ordering in the U.S.A. of yet another type of steam
locomotivethe 2-8-0for temporary service on British railways
makes apposite a brief review of the principal American-built locomotives
which have operated on English railways in the course of the last 110 years.
With two early exceptions, such engines have been acquired only when British
locomotive builders were too busy or for one reason or another were prevented
from tendering and accepting the contracts. A characteristic of every batch
of locomotives which have come here from the other side of the Atlantic,
with the sole exception of the first, has been the lack of success under
railway operating conditions in these islands, and all have had a short life
The difficult working of the celebrated Lickey incline of the
Birmingham-Cheltenham route was the reason for the importation of the first
American-built motive power, viz., the Norris 4-2-0 engines for the Birmingham
& Gloucester Railway. Some of this type of engine operated subsequently
on the Grand Junction Railway; they weighed, only 9½ tons, of which
probably no more than half was carried bv the 4 ft. driving wheels. They
had two steeply-inclined outside cylinders l0½ in. by 18 in. The nominal
performance up the Lickey bank is said to have been the haulage of 33 tons
at 12/15 m.p.h.; but a maximum load of 53 tons is stated to have been pulled
at 8½ m.p.h. On the Grand Junction, according to the manager, Capt.
Moorsom, they hauled 100/120 tons at 14/22 m.p.h. up 1 in 330; and seven
journeys between Birmingham and Liverpool with gross loads averaging 100
tons showed a coke consumption of Norris Locomotive, Birminaham & Gloucester
Railway, 1840 50 lb. a mile and an evaporation of 4.27 lb. of water per lb.
of coke. It was a long time after this before further American-built engines
were seen here, for the next was the Lovett Eames, a single-driver brought
here more or less for exhibition and brake demonstration purposes towards
the end of the last century. Like its opposite number, the 4-2-2-0 James
Toleman, which went from England to Chicago, it was eventually scrapped
in the country where it was exhibited; but a relic of it is the bell, which
was for years at King's Cross shed, and is believed to have gone from there
to Hornsey depot.
When several English railways urgently needed new locomotive power at the
close of last century, . the British builders who could then construct main-
line locomotives had a full volume of work, mainly for export; and three
companies with main lines running out of London perforce had to go outside
of England and Scotland to buy the engines they needed; and in so doing had
to give up all idea of having their own designs perpetuated. The three lines
were the Midland,. the Great Northern, and the Great Central. The engines
of the last-named were ordered shortly after the opening of the Great Central's
London extension, which took place on 9 March 9 1899, a regular passenger
service beginning on 15 March. The G.C. American engines were delivered in
the summer of 1900. All three railways were offered, and accepted, Mogul
engines, a wheel arrangement of which only two classes hitherto had run on
English railways. All were built either by Baldwin or by the Schenectady
Locomotive Works (later' the American Locomotive Company) and all were of
generally similar proportions, though the Schenectady engines had a much
neater and cleaner exterior than the others. The 30 Midland locomotives from
Baldwin were the first to arrive, in 1899, and were followed closely by the
Schenectady batch of 10. Both had 18 in. by 24 in. cylinders outside the
frames,5 ft. wheels, and bar frames; but there the exact, as distinct from
the general, similarity stopped. The Baldwin engines had a parallel boiler
barrel and a working pressure of 180 lb. per sq. jn.; the Schenectady locomotives
had taper barrels and a pressure of 160 lb. The Baldwins had small bogie
tenders with a water capacity of 3,900 gal.; the Schenectadys had 'what was
almost a standard· Midland six-wheel tender carrying 3,250 gal. of water.
In working order the Baldwins weighed 44¾ to 46¼ tons plus 35½
tons for the tender; the Schenectady engines scaled 47¾ tons and their
tenders 40 tons.
The 20 engines for the Great Northern, delivered in 1899, were all Baldwin-built,
and were close copies of the Midland engines by the same maker, but had the
dome in the centre of the boiler barrel length instead of towards the rear;
and the sand- boxes were at frame level instead of on top of the boiler.
The working order weight was 45 tons, of which 38¼ tons were on the
coupled wheels. The 20 Great Central engines of 1900 had the same sizes of
cylinders and wheels, but the working pressure was 170 lb.; and though Baldwin
was the builder, the constructional lines were cleaner than those of the
Midland and Great orthern engines. And there were several Great Central standard
details, e.g., the Pollitt chimney, the dome, safety valves, vacuum brake,
and the Gresham & Craven injectors. None of these engines for the three
trunk railways lasted very long, and in the early summer of 1909 both the
Midland and Great Northern began to withdraw them.
Between the arrival in England of the last Great Northern engines and that
of the first Great Central Moguls, two further locomotive deliveries had
been made from the States, namely, five 0-6-2T engines for the Barry Railway
and two 0-8-2T locomotives for the Port Talbot Railway, all built by the
Cooke Locomotive Works. The Barry engines had bar frames in front of the
firebox and plate frames behind. They had parallel boilers, 18 in. by 24
in. outside cylinders, 4 ft. 3 in. wheels, 160 lb. boiler pressure, and a
weight of 56¼ tons, of which 44¾ tons was on the coupled wheels.
The Port Talbot engines had 4 ft. 4 in. wheels, of which the two centre pairs
were flangeless.: The boiler was of the taper type, with Ramsbottom safety
valves set to blow off. at 175 lb. per sq. in.; 61 of the 75 tons of total
weight was available for adhesion.
During the 1914-19 phase of the war several types of tank and tender engines
from Amenca made their appearance in England, some of them only in transit.
And from that time there was a gap of more than 20 years until the Consolidations
and 0-6-0T engines of the present phase of the war began to arrive. Even
then,' some of them seem to have been "in transit," for it is understood
that some of the Consolidations working on English lines have been withdrawn
and re-shipped abroad.
H. Fayle. The Dublin & South Eastern Railway and
its locomotives. 20-2. 3 illustrations
Continued from page 190, Vol.50) Nos. 8 and 9 (see page 190, Vol.
50) were 2-4-0 saddle tanks by the Vulcan Foundry (Nos. 394/5) in 1854, of
similar appearance to the preceding type having domeless boilers; as with
Nos. 6 and 7, the saddle tanks were replaced by well and trough tanks, but
plain brass domes and all-over cabs were fitted ; the cylinders were 15 in.
by 22 in.; wheels, 3 ft. 6 in. and 5 ft. 3 in.; and tanks, 800 gals. capacity;
as altered, the tank capacity was reduced to 600 gals. No. 8 was rebuilt
in 1880, and acted for many years as shunting engine at Westland Row, being
scrapped in 1903; No. 9 was replaced in 1890, but may have lasted a few years
longer; the rear coupled axle of this type was placed relatively far back,
almost under the footplate, giving it a somewhat unusual appearance.
Two further single saddle tanks, Nos.10 and 11, were supplied by the Vulcan
Foundry in 1856 (Nos. 407/8) 0If exactly similar type to Nos. 6 and 7; -in
this case, too, the saddle tanks were replaced by well and trough tanks.
No. 10 was rebuilt in 1876, and both engines were scrapped in 1902, having
been on the A list since 1896; in their later days one of them usually worked
on the Shillelagh branch, where the trains were hght.
In 1856 eleven engines were taken over with the Dublin & Kingstown Railway;
these were all 2-2-2 well tanks with outside cylinders: and frames, and bore
names only as follows: Vauxhall, Princess, Belleisle, Shamrock, Erin,
Albert , Burgoyne, Jupiter, Vulcan, Cyclops and Comet; with the
exception of Vauxhall, which was a rebuild of a Forrester tender engine,
all had been built at Grand Canal Street between 1841 and 1852. These engines
were regarded as separate stock, and were not allotted numbers in the D.W.
& W. Railway list, in fact, until 1859, the half-yearly returns give
"Wicklow" and "Kingstown" engines separately. It will not be necessary to
descnbe these engmes more fully, as a full account appeared. in THE LOCOMOTIYE
for 1935. Four of these engines were withdrawn in 1867 (Albert was
one) and two were rebuilt in 1869/70 and taken into the D.W. & W. Railway
stock; these will be referred to later. Four others were withdrawn in the
years 1871, 1873, 1874 and 18??, but one appears to have been again added
to stock in 1879: the last two that had not been renumbered in the D.W. &
W. Railway stock were finally withdrawn in 1883. After Nos. 1-5 had been
built, the naming of "Wicklow" engines was discontinued, and was not resumed
till 1897. The first locomotive superintendent was William Pemberton, who
afterwards held a similar post on the Irish North Western Railway, between
1859 and 1870. In 1856, when the Kingstown line was taken over, Samuel
Wil£red Haughton, the locomotive engineer of that line, was appointed
to the post on the Dublin & Wicklow Railway, and occupied it till 1864;
he died in 1898.
No further engines were obtained till 1860, when the extension of the line
south of Wicklow necessitated some tender engines for main line working,
up to this No. 3 being the only example. Orders had been given to two Manchester
firms, Sharp and Fairbairn, and apparently the two Sharp engines, which were
of the 0-4-2 type, were to have borne numbers 12 and 13, but these were altered
after delivery to 15 and 16. Nos. 12 to 14 were 2-4-0 outside framed tender
engines by Fairbairn, probably a standard design, and were delivered in 1860;
the cylinders were 15 in. by 20 in., wheels 3 ft. 6in. and 5 ft. 6 in., and
the four-wheeled tenders carried 1,000 gal- Ions; in their. original form
the engines had weatherboards only, with safety valves ou both the dome and
firebox. No. 12 met with an acci- dent on 9 August 1867,. being derailed
on a bridge at a place called the "Brandyhole" on Bray Head, falling on the
land side with a loss of two lives; it was known as "Old Brandyhole" afterwards.
All three engines were rebuilt in 1880/1 with cabs, and modernised in appearance;
Nos. 12 and 13 were scrapped in 1901 and 1904 respectively, and No. 14 became
14A in 1905. In 1907 this latter engine was given another 'rebuild, and the
cylinders enlarged to 15~ in. diameter; it was taken back into stock with
the number 31 and named Glen of the Downs; in 1913 it received a six-wheeled
tender off No. 48, and after having been used mainly on the Dublin local
services, was withdrawn in 1923, being then the last Fairbaim engine running
on the line.
Nos. 15 and 16 were 0-4-2 inside framed goods engines by Sharp, Stewart &
Co. in 1860, makers' Nos. 1210/1; the cylinders were 16 in. by 24 in., wheels
5 ft. 0 in. and 3 ft. 6 in., wheelbase 7 ft. 2 in. + 6 ft. 10 in. = 14 ft.
0 in., heating surface 1,082 sq. ft., copper firebox and brass tubes, weight
of engine in working order 26 tons 6 cwt., tender with four wheels 3 ft.
6 in. diameter, wheelbase 9 ft. 6 in., tanks 1,400 gals.; weight in working
order 14 tons 12 cwt.; total weight, engine and tender, 40 tons 14 cwt. No.
15 was rebuilt in 1883 and again in 1900, receiving the name Barrow on
the latter occasion; it was scrapped in 1925, having been withdrawn in 1922,
but remained behind Bray shed for some time before. No. 16 was rebuilt in
1882 and 1901, on the latter occasion as a 0-4-2 side tank with the name
Killiney ; it worked on the Dublin local services and latterly on
the Shillelagh branch before being scrapped in 1922.
As already mentioned, the company took over, in 1861, a mineral line known
as Hodgson's Tramway, extending from Avoca to Arklow; two locomotives and
100 wagons were taken over with the concern. These engines were considered
as separate stock, and were not renumbered in the ordinary progession; they
were of the 0-4-0 type, with separate four-wheeled tenders; outside cylinders
8 in. by 12 in., coupled wheels 1 ft. 6 in. diameter; the tender wheels were
3 ft. 6 in. diameter, the wrought' iron tank being carried on a wooden frame.
The cylinders were set above the boiler, driving by links to the axles, which
were entirely springless; the engines were described as of "agricultural
type," and were probably provided with flywheels. After they were taken over
by the D.W. & ,W.R., S. W. Haughton, the locomotive superintendent, removed
the links and substituted diagonal connecting rods. The returns for 1861
mention two "tramway engines," and a third is mentioned in 1863; this may
have been a new engine built at Grand Canal Street, but more likely it came
from the Wicklow Mining Co.
The method of working the tramway was as follows: the mineral wagons were
hauled by horses to Avoca station, whence the tramway ran alongside the railway
for five miles, diverging some distance before reaching Arklow, whence it
continued on its own right-of-way to the quay; this last portion was worked
by horses, as a bridge over the river was not strong enough to carry locomotives,
these only working over the intermediate section. In later years the practice
seems to have been to use a broad gauge engine on the railway to tow the
wagons on the tramway alongside; up to about 1900 an engine is said to have
been lying at Avoca station, in a derelict condition, that was finally brought
to Grand Canal Street and scrapped, but no particulars are available. Three
tramway engines appear in the returns up to 1875, one being scrapped in each
of the years 1876, 1878 and 1880, when the official returns make no further
mention of the tramway; 112 wagons were also scrapped in the last-mentioned
year, presumably, the entire narrow gauge rolling stock. The mineral traffic
was afterwards diverted from Arklow to Kingston Harbour, but the output of
the Spanish mines finally caused its complete cessation; it is worth noting
that a, scheme is now on foot to get the mines working again, owing to war
H.F. Hilton. Stephenson Letters of 1844. 22-4.
Stirling Everard. Cowlairs commentary. 24-5. diagram (drawing: side
Introduction of the large superheated 0-6-0 (S class: illustrated)
and genenral introduction of superheating to 4-4-0 and 4-4-2T classes and
to the Atlantics. The purchase of a petrol engine shunter to replace horses
at Kelso, the painting of large numbers on the tenders or tank sides to assist
the control system, and the change to vacuuum brakes. Illustrations: 0-6-0
No. 111
Engine-cleaning at Stratford about fifty years ago. 26-7. illustration.
New corridor coach, London & North Eastern Railway. 28-9. 2
illuustrations, diagram (side elevation and plan)
Sir Charles Newton suggested design for coach with doors at the centre
reached by transverse passages: advantages listed for first class corridor
[Ayrshire Ry.]. 30
Number No. 631 (15 March 1945)
The policy of modernisation. 31-2.
Locomotives for the Congo. 32
Two large 2-8-2 wood-burning metre-gauge locomotives had been supplied
for railways in the Congo by the H.K. Porter Co., of Pittsburg. They had
been designed with a view to easy change-over to the 3 ft. 6 in. gauge, so
that the same type can he built for neighbouring lines of that gauge. These
locomotives had two outside cylinders 19 in. by 22 in. driving 48 in. wheels.
The boiler was 5 ft. 2 in. diameter and has a round-topped, wide firebox
with a grate of 42 sq. ft. area. The working pressure is 200 lb. per sq.
in., and the tractive effort 28,125 lb., giving a factor of adhesion of only
3.7 against the adhesion weight of 47½ tons. Total engine weight is
64¼ tons, and the tender weight 38 tons. The tender held 3,750 imp.
gal. of water and had 600 cu. ft. of wood-fuel space. Length over coupler
knuckles is 57 ft. 3in., maxiri:mm height 11 ft. 10 in., and maximum width
9ft. 8 in.
Beyer, Peacock & Co. Ltd. 32
Mr. W. Cyril Williams, A.M,Inst.C.E., M.I,Mech.E., M.LLoco.E., and
Lieut.-Col. J. A. T. Barstow, D.S.O., had been elected directors. Mr. Williams
was on the South African Railways before acting as London representative
of Messrs. Beyer, Peacock & Co.
Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 32
At a general meeting held in London on 25 January, Mr. H. G. McClean
presented a paper entitled "The Mechanical
Design of the latest Class F High-speed Electric Locomotives of the Swedish
State Railways."{Paper 454]
G.W.R. appointment. 32
S. J. Smith, M,I.Mech,E., recently retired chief draughtsman to the
Chief Mechanical Enginee G..W. Railway, Swindon, is succeeded by F.C.
Locomotives for war service overseas.. 32
By the end of March 1945 the last 200 of well over 1,000 British and
American heavy freight locomotives will be withdrawn from service on British
railways and sent overseas. The withdrawal of engines from the railways commenced
early in the war, when a considerable number were shipped to France in support
of the first British Expeditionary Force. Many of these were lost after Dunkirk.
A further- 143 were later sent to the Near East, where they are operating
in Syria and Persia. Others have gone to Palestine and North Africa. The
first engine to enter El Alamein after its recapture was of L.M.S. design,
whilst G.W.R. locomotives have been seen hauling supplies along the North
African railways to Tunis. LNER. engines were working in Egypt and on the
Haifa-Beirut-Tripoli line. Military requirements in the Middle East in 1941/2
called for a number of diesel-electric locomotives, 16 of which were supplied
by the LMS. In all, 23 LMS. diesel engines had gone overseas. The latest
available figures show that 138 locomotives, including eight diesels, had
been lost overseas. In 1942 400 American 2-8-0 heavy freight engines were
loaned to the British railways to deal with the enormous quantities of additional
traffic consequent upon the US. Army being stationed in this country. These
engines, which were made ready at Eastleigh and Ebbw Vale works, have now
all been withdrawn and were in service on the Continent. Spare parts which
accompanied them ran into thousands. Towards the end of 1942 the War Office
agreed to lend the railways 450 specially designed 2-8-0 Austerity locomotives,
the first of which went into service in January, 1943. Others followed in
fairly rapid succession as they were completed by manufacturers, Progress.
of the Allied Armies in Europe made it imperative that these engines too
should be withdrawn from service in this country and, sent overseas, and
already 250 had been released by the railways and shipped to France and Belgium;
100 more were sent overseas during February and the remaining 100 are to
go during March. Arrangements were made for these to reach the ports for
shipment at the rate of over 20 a week. Prior to going abroad the whole of
the "Austerity" locomotives have undergone extensive overhaul in British
railway works, where they have been refitted and reconditioned to ensure
their running at least 25,000 miles trouble free. These final preparations
have been carried out in the railway workshops at Ashford , Cowlairs, Crewe,
Darlington, Derby, Doncaster, Eastleigh, Gorton and Stratford.
Obituary. 32
Death of Mr. A. C. Carr, V.D., M.I.Mech.E., M.LLoco,E., formerly Chief
Mechanical Engineer, Bengal Nagpur Railway. In 1921 Mr. Carr became a partner
in the firm of Sir John Wolfe Barry & Partners (nowWolfe Barry , Robert
White & Partners). He was President of the Institution of Locomotive
Engineers', 1935-1936.
We also regret to record the death of Mr. James Thornson, assistant to C.M,E.
St. Rollox until 1930. Earlier he was Works Manager at Kilmarnock, G. &
S.W. Ry.
Caprotti Valve Gears, Ltd, 32
The interests of this firm have been acquired by Associated Locomotive
Equipment, Ltd., of Worcester Engineering Works, Shrub Hill, Worcester, designers
and suppliers of precision valve gears and ancillary equipment,
Southern Railway. 32
At a ceremony held at Waterloo station on 20 February 1945, No. 21C11,
the first of a further ten streamlined 4-6-2 locpmotives. "Merchant Navy"
class, was named General Steam Navigation by Mr. R. Kelso, Chairman
of the General Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., accompanied by the Southern 'Railway
Chairman, Col. Eric Gore-Browne,' D.S.O., and General Manager, Sir Eustace
Missenden, O.B.E.
L.N.E.R. 32
T. Matthewson-Dick has been appointed acting district locomotive
superintendent, Sunderland, and Mr. A. G. Minty, formerly at Sunderland,
becomes district locomotive superintendent; Hull. Mr. J. R. Fletcher has
been appointed acting district superintendent, York.
Central Uruguay Railway 2-8-0 locos converted to 2-8-2 tanks. 33-8.
6 illuustrations, 5 diagrams (including 3 side elevations and front
Most of the conversions were oil burning locomotives, but a few were
wood-burners and these could be fitted with tenders: they were mainly used
on permennet way trains.
James McEwan. Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. 38-9.
O.J. Morris. Standardising S.R. locomotives, Central Section. 40-2.
illustration, diagram, table
I1X 4-4-2T fiited with B4 boilers from 1925. Table summaries the
development of the 4-4-2T
The blast pipe. 42-3.
Mainly precis of ILocoE Paper
451 plus a brief resume of the origins of the blast pipe
with Hackworth in his Royal George
H.F. Hilton. Stephenson Letters of 1844. 43-5
Number No. 632 (14 April 1945)
The all-welded boiler. 47.
Stirling Everard. Cowlairs commentary. 59-61. 2 diagrams (side
elevation drawings)
Illustrations: No. 179 as rebuilt page 60
L.N.E.R. electric lighting for locomotives. 61-2.
2 illustrations.
Four A2/1 fitted with Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Co. axle-driven
Number No. 633 (15 May 1945)
Locomotive steels of the future. 63.
Edward H. Livesay. Accross Canada in the cab. 64-8. 2 illustrations, map
James McEwan. Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. 74-5.
Number No. 634 (15 June 1945)
Steep grade working. 79-80.
Editorial comment developed from announcement that diesel railcars
were permitted to work on Rimutaka Incline in New Zealand which had a 1 in
15 gradient for 2.5 miles. Considers both special locomotives and the Fell
system used earlier on the temporary line over the Mont Cenis pass and then
on the Rimutaka Incline where a single train might require for locomotives.
The Fell system was developed by Vignoles and Ericcson, Pinkus and Seguier.
Special locomotive designs included the Engerth developed for the Semmering
incline. Other locomotives developed for steep gradients included the 2-8-2T
and 2-10-2T designs for the Halberstadt-Blankenburg Railway with 1 in 16
gradients and the large 2-10-2Ts of the Höllental route befoe
electrification. Electric traction could cope with 1 in 11 inclines on the
Chamonix line and in Guatemala.
Metre-gauge 2-8-2 locomotives for India: Bombay, Baroda and Central India
Railway. 80-1. illus., diagr(s. f./r. els.)
Two locomotives supplied by W. Bagnall Ltd. with 4ft coupled wheels;
19 x 24in cylinders; 1686ft2 total hreating surface and
32.33ft2 grate area.
L.M.S.R. 81.
Following new locomotives into traffic: Class 5 4-6-0 Nos. 4873, 4874
and 4875 (built at Crewe); Clas 8F 2-8-0 Nos. 8391, 8392 and 8394 (built
Horwich) and Nos. 8529, 8230, 8531, 8549, 8550 and 8551 (built by and operating
on other railways); Class 4 2-6-4T Nos. 2673, 2674 and 2675 (built at Derby).
Following locomotives withdrawn: Class 3P 4-4-0 (ex-LNWR) No. 25292; Class
3P 4-4-0 (ex-MR) No. 721. No. 25292 Medusa was one of four surviving
members of the Precursor class and was withdrawn from Chester where Nos.
25297 Sirocco and 25304 Greyhound remained. No. 25277
Oberon was at Llandudno Junction.
A.E Dore. Some Fratton reminiscences. 82-3. 2 illus.
Observations made whilst working at the joint LBSCR/LSWR shed from
1898. At that time services from Portsmouth to Waterloo were worked by Adams
A12 class 0-4-2 Jubilees and some of the older 4-4-0s including No. 135 built
by Beyer Peacock and No. 460 by Neilson & Co. No. 448 (built by Robert
Stephenson & Co.) jad 7ft 1in coupled wheels. No. 135 had a Drummond
conical smokebox door. These were supersseded by Adams' 4-4-0 557 Class and
later by the Drummond 290 class which were very similar to engines designed
by him for the Caledonian Railway.
Hilton, H.F. The first locomotive built at Glasgow: the Monkland & Kirkintilloch Railway. 83-6. diagr. (s. el.)
Steam turbine locomotive Pennsylvania Railroad, USA. 86-7.
L.N.E.R. 2-6-4 tank locomotive. 88. illus.
Thompson L1 class
Fayle, H. The Dublin & South Eastern Railway and its locomotives. 89-90. 3 illus.
Everard, Stirling. Cowlairs commentary. 90-2. 2 illus. (drawings)
L.N.E.R. new third-class corridor coach. 92. illus.
Seven compartment 61ft 6in long on welded steel underframe with teak
frame bodywork and steel outer panels.
Reviews. 93
Elements of workshop training. By Edgar J. Larkin, M.I.Loco.E. London:
Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons, Ltd. 255 pp., 275 illus.
We have read through this work with more than usual interest because
of the author's locomotive associations. Though little direct reference is
made to such practice, the information contained is pertinent throughout,
and there is a commendable lack of padding. This book is not a manual for
proficiency in the actual. use of tools, but describes the construction and
purpose of the different gauges and instruments normally used; testing; and
the various processes of pattern-making, moulding, forging, plating, riveting
and welding. Another chapter deals with machine tools. Science applied to
workshops is covered in eight chapters, which illclude electricity, mechanics,
chemistry, and simple mathematics, and an interesting section on metallurgy;
all of these refer strictly to applications in workshop practice and are
not allowed to wander off into vague generalities. We can find only two workshop
processes which are not covered flame-cutting and powder metallurgy
by spray guns. We hope they will be included in future revisions, for the
book is of the standard which is worth keeping constantly up to date.
The A.B.C. of locomotives of the minor British railways. Ian G.
T. Duncan. 32 pp.
The publishers have rounded off their series of locomotive numbers
by including the small light railways in a further booklet. Itis well produced
on toned art paper and includes some very interesting illustrations. Particulars
of locomotives now working are given, together with gauge, location, etc.,
but surely the only locomotive depot of the Shropshire & Montgomeryshire
Railway is at Kinnerley.
Traffic control on the L.M.S.R. (Reprinted from "The Railway
Gazette, ", February 22, 1929.)
A twenty-page booklet explaining the co-ordination of operating
arrangements as a result of grouping-Central, Divisional and District
Control-Outline of Unified Methods Adopted-Organisation and Working Control
Telephone Circuits-Daily Telephonic Conferences.
Narrow-gauge railways in North Wales. Charles E. Lee. London:
The Railway Publishing Co., Ltd. Price 8s. (Postage 5d.).
The narrow-gauge railways of North Wales, especially the Festiniog,
are of special interest to light railway enthusiasts everywhere, and Mr.
Lee has been successful in producing a very attractive little volume dealing
with all of them. The Padarn, Festiniog, Nantlle, Welsh Highlands, Penrhyn,
and other lines are fully described and admirably illustrated.
Modern locomotive classes. Brian Reed. London: The Locomotive
Publishing Co., Ltd. Price 6s. (Postage 6d.).
A booklet containing photographic reproductions, dimensioned diagrams
and descriptive notes of sixty modern types of British locomotives. There
are eighteen L.M.S.R.. eighteen. L.N.E.R., eleven G.W.R., ten Southern and
three Ministry of Supply examples.,
The Isle of Man Railway. Ian Macnab.
An attractively produced book dealing very fully with the history,
topography, services and locomotives of this interesting narrow-gauge railway.
It is well illustrated and includes everything there is to be said about
this unique little line. It is published at an opportune time, when many
are looking forward to re-visiting this holiday island as soon as war-time
restrictions permit.
Correspondence. 93-4
L.M.S. Locomotives. J.H. Higgins.
With reference to the paragraph on page 75 of the May number, on L.M.S.
locomotives, may I point out that the writer is in error m stating No. 20002
to be the "oldest tender engine at work in Great Britain"?
This honour'may fairly be claimed by ex Cambrian Railways' locomotive No.
45, G.W.R. No. 900, built m 1864 by Sharp, Stewart & Co. (WN 1530) and
therefore now in her 82nd year. This engine, the best of a series total of
20 supplied to the Cambrian, has seen continuous service throughout her long
career and, apart from a new boiler, cab and mountings, etc., is substantially
as built over 81 years ago.
In addition, mention may be made of two other ex Cambrian Railways locomotives
which have reached their 80th year. They are Nos. 58 and 59, G.W.R. Nos.
1196 and 1197, 2-4-0 tanks built in 1866 by Sharp. Stewart & Co. (WN
1682/3). All these six engines have had long and interestmg careers, and
in spite of their advanced years ate still performing useful work on branch
lines in the Oswestry district, a fine tribute to their sound design and
excellence of workmanship.
Lovett Eames. B.R.
In regard to your brief mention of the single-driver Lovett Eames
in the article on American-built locomotives in your February issue, a recent
notice in the U.S.A. says this engine was built by Baldwin in 1880 as an
outside cylinder (valves on top) 4-2-2 with a Wotton firebox entirely covered
by the cab. The note also says it "established a two-hour 'time-table' run
between Philadelphia and New York." A system of equalisers was provided to
eliminate excessive load on the drivers. Movable fulcrums controlled by a
steam cylinder permitted a greater weight to be applied to the drivers when
starting, and when running the excess weight was transferred to the trailing
wheels. Lovett Eames seems to have been Baldwin's works number 5000,
but also bore the original owner's number, 507. It was resold later to the
Eames Vacuum Brake Co., of Boston, and was sent to England to demonstrate
that system.
Fairbairn 2-2-2T Maua Railway, Brazil. R.N.
In an article in The Locomotive of March, 1930, describing
a Fairbairn 2-2-2T engine for the Maua Railway, Brazil, it is stated that
nothing is known of the other engines used for the opening of this line.
I suggest that it is possible that they may have been built by Thos. Grendon,
of the Drogheda Ironworks, who "have supplied engines . . . through the good
offices of the late William Dargan, Williarn M'Cormick and Robt. Stephenson,
Esquires, for a South American Railway."
I would think it rather more likely, however, that the Grendon engines went
to South America rather later, perhaps between 1855 and 1860. Possibly some
of your readers acquainted with South American locomotive history may be
able to identify them.
It also seems that Stephenson, on one occasion at least, sub-contracted an
order to Grendons as on June 22nd, 1855, "A powerful locomotive engine
manufactured by Thomas Grendon & Co., was shipped for Liverpool on board
the Leinster Lass. This engine was purchased by the eminent firm of
Robert Stephenson & Co., Engineers, Newcastle-on-Tyne."
It appears very probable that this may have been a long-boiler 0-6-0, as
a few months later Grendon's delivered two engines of this type, clearly
of Stephenson's design, to the Dundalk & Enniskillen Railway, and these
may well have been built from the same drawings as the engine shipped on
the Leinster Lass. Perhaps the subsequent history of this engine could
be traced in England, though there is also a possibility that this may have
been the engine which went to South America.
I wonder whether there is any record of the firm of Hurst Nelson having built
locomotives An outside cylinder 0-4-0ST, probably 4 ft. gauge, named
Otter, belonging to the Carnlough Lime Co., was said to be by them,
but what would seem more probable is that they may have built wagons for
this concern and supplied an engine with them which they obtained from some
other maker. I never heard of any other locomotive attributed to them, and
they do not appear in the list of makers published in The Locomotive
some years ago.
Rockets on the L.M.S. 94
One of the worst incidents occurred at Tilbury, Riverside Station.
The rocket demolished the carriage sidings on which it fell, damaged tlie
passenger station, sidings and rolling stock, including 13 wagons and 142
coaches. Four coaches of an ambulance train were badly smashed up. The Goods
Shed and offices were practically demolished and damage was caused to two
ferry boats, the L.M.S. Marine building and the Station Master's house. Four
railwaymen were injured.
Time-tables. 94
Train services during the summer months will be substantially the
same as at present. Passenger services operated last summer were restricted
by the heavy curtailment of passenger trains prior to D-day. These have since
been restored. The augmented services introduced at the beginning of the
year to the Eastern and Southern comities consequent upon their de-restriction
are also to be maintained. The railways are still working under great pressure,
and although they will do everything in their power to improve their passenger
services further, priority must be given to the movement of traffic required
for military operations, for the relief of the liberated peoples, and for
the maintenance of the life of the nation. The locomotive position remains
serious, and the situation for passenger vehicles is acute. Even should the
war in Europe come to an end in the next few weeks, the heavy movement of
priority freight traffic over the railways will continue for some considerable
time. In these circumstances substantial increases in passenger facilities
this summer must not be expected. The staggering of holidays is more essential
than ever, and, coupled with mid-week travel, will not only afford considerable
relief to the railways, but will also enable travellers to secure a greater
measure of comfort for themselves.
War-time works. 94.
To afford an alternative means of crossing the River Eden between
Carlisle and Scotland in the event of damage to the existing two-track viaduct,
a new viaduct was constructed. At the same time considerable extensions were
made to the through goods lines to Etterby Junction on the north side of
the river to give increased facilities for freight train working. Alterations
were also made to the locomotive depot at Kingmoor to speed up engine movements
to and from Carlisle.
Additional lines were provided for a distance of. six miles between Pilmoor
and Thirsk on the York-Newcastle main line. This work involved the demolition
and rebuilding of Pilmoor and Sessay stations and platforms, the demolition
of Thirsk station and the conversion of the existing platforms into island
platforms. To provide additional facilities for the working of war-time traffic,
six miles of line between Gloucester and Cheltenham were widened by the
construction of two additional tracks.
As an alternative means of crossing the Medway at Rochester, the old railway
bridge, which had been out of use for many years, was reconditioned to carry
both road and rail traffic over the river in the event of either of the other
two bridges being destroyed. This bridge is 700 ft. long and carries a double
track. Four hundred and fifty tons of new steel work and 12,000 cubic feet
of timber were used.
Number 635 (14 July 1945)
Feed water treatment. 95
E.C. Poultney. New York Central 4-8-2 type locomotive. 96-9. illustration,
2 diagrams
Includes diagrams and description of tender with water scoop to pick
up water from the troughs (track pans) at high speed
Hilton, H.F. The first locomotive built at Glasgow: the Monkland & Kirkintilloch Ry. 99-101. illustration, map.
Killingworth Colliery locomotive. 101.
New 2-6-4 tank locomotives, London, Midland & Scottish
Railway. 102-3. illustration., diagram. (side & front
Fairburn modifications to Fowler/Stanier design: No. 2673 illustrated
in workshop grey.
New L.M.S. coaches. 103-4. illustration
Vestibuled open third class carriages being built at Wolverton: 57ft
Personal. 104
Hadfields, Ltd., of Sheffield, announce that in connection with their
re-organisation for post-war conditions, Mr. B. Allen has been appointed
Technical Representative for all their Colliery equipment throughout the
country. He Will operate from the Company's East Hecla Works, Sheffield.
Mr. J. Hedley Jones has been appointed Representative In South Wales, and
will operate from Prospect Street, Newport. Mon. Mr. Jones was Chief Engmeer
at their Hecla Works during the war years and is thoroughly conversant with
Hadfields steel products and mInIng and quarryIng specialities.
L.N.E.R. 2-6-0T (See page 88). 104. diagram (side elevation
L1 class 2-6-4T
Corrosion on railways. 104-7. 3 illustrations
Precis of ILocoE Paper 452
by T. Henry Turner
R.B. Fellows. The Cambridge Railway Centenary. 107-8. 2 .
Railway to Cambridge opened 29 July 1845. Several earlier surveys
for a railway aas far back as 1822 William James issued his "Report on an
Engine Railroad from Bishop's Stortford to Clayhithe Sluice below Cambridge
with a branch to Waddon and an estimate thereof." The survey for that railway
was made as an alternative to a canal for which an Act had been obtained
to connect' the existing Stortford navigation with that at Cambridge. Surveys
for railways from London to Cambridge and beyond were also made by John and
George Rennie in 1825 for the Northern Railroad Company, by Nicholas Wilcox
Cundy in 1834 for the Grand Northern and Eastern Railway, and by Joseph Gibbs
in 1835 for a Company to be called the Great Northern Railway, but beyond
issuing notices, depositing plans and, for Gibbs' line, promoting a Bill
in Parliament, nothing came of the proposals. For the session of 1836, besides
the Bill for Gibbs' line, which the promoters withdrew, another Bill was
introduced fora line surveyed by James Walker for the Northern and Eastern
Railway from a terminus near the Angel at Islington to Cambridge, branching
thence eastward through Newmarket and Thetford to Norwich and Yarmouth. The
promoters had intended to include in the Bill a railway to Lincoln and York
from Cambridge, but the survey was not completed in time. Parliament, however,
cut out of the Bill even the eastward extension and only sanctioned the line
as far as Cambridge. Lack of capital played havoc with even this modified
scheme. The separate terminus at Islington was not made, but a cheaper line
from Tottenham to Stratford was substituted and arrangements were made with
the Eastern Counties Railway for running powers over their line - though
laid with a 5 ft. gauge - to the Shoreditch terminus. Lack of capItal. was
again the cause of the Cambridge line endmg at Bishop's Stortford, and in
1840 an Act was passed to free the Northern and Eastern Company from the
obligation to continue the railway beyond that town. However, things Improved,
and in ·1843 an Act was passed authorizing the extension of the line
from Bishop's Stortford to Newport, and m. 1844 a further Act enabled the
line to be continued from Newport by Cambridge to Ely and thence eastward
to Brandon and westward to Peterborough. At Brandon the line was to connect
at a head-on junction with a railway which was bemg made from Norwich and
Yarmouth. It was under this Act that railway communication between London
and Cambridge was actually established, Just previously a working arrangement
had been authorised between the Northern and Eastern and the Eastern Counties
Railways, and as from the 1 st January, 1844, the two companies were to work
as one concern. The line from Newport to Cambridge and Brandon was therefore
undertaken by the Eastern Counties Railway.
The Act of 1844 gave officers of the University powers of search at the Cambridge
station for undergraduates, and forbade the Company. from conveying any
undergraduate by train, If requested not to do so in any particular case
by an officer of the University, The "embargo" lasted for 24 hours. The company
could be fined for taking up or setting down an undergraduate known to be
such' 'except at the regular appointed stations on the line." Another section
forbade trains taking up or setting down any passengers at Cambridge or within
three miles of the same between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. on Sundays, unless the
train had been delayed by accident. It is interesting to note that in the
earlier Act of 1836, under which, as has been shown, the railway to Cambridge
might have been made, there were none of these curious restrictions, also
Obituary. 109
E.E. Lucy.
Mr. E. E. Lucy died in Sydney last year at the age of.83. He joined
the Great Western Railway at Swindon as a young man in 1879. and went to
Australia m 1907 as assistant chief mechanical engmeer of the. New South
WalesRailways. He was appointed chief mechanical engineer five years later
and retained that position until he retired in 1932. He was responsible for
many successful locomotives, including 2-8-0 freight, 4-6-4T suburban, the
C36 class of 4-6-0, and the immense three-cyhnder 4-8-2 freight type. During
his term as C.M.E. the Sydney suburban lines were electrified. Mr. Lucy's
son was at one time with Leyland Motors, Ltd., and was prominently connected
with the introduction of the diesel train on the L.M.S.R. before returning
to Australia.
C. F. Dendy Marshall.
It is with great regret that we have to record ·the death on
June 14, at his residence at Wonersh, of Chapman Frederick Dendy Marshall,
who as long as the history of railways endures will be remembered as an.
able, painstaking and outstanding research worker and historian. He will
also be remembered by those privileged to meet him as a indly gentleman ever
ready to discuss engin:eering history with those interested and to show them
his magnificent collection of railroadiana, which was particularly rich in
items relating to the Liverpool & Manchester Raihvay.
Born in 1873, he was educated at Hurstpierpoint and Trinity College, Cambridge,
of which he was an M.A. Although called to the Bar at the Inner Temple in
1898, he did not practice. During the first World War he was a technical
examiner at the Munitions Inventions Department and managed the Ministry
of Munitions "Journal."
Over a period of many years he had contributed to "The Locomotive" and other
technical papers, usually on matters of historical interest, but not invariably,
notable exceptions being his paper on "The Motion of Railway Vehicles on
a, Curved Line," which shared the George Stephenson research prize awarded
by the Council of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1930, and his
work on "The Resistance of Express Trains" the first extensive study
of aerodynamics as affecting railway trains.
But it is as an historian on the grand scale that Dendy Marshall will be
chiefly remembered. His "Centenary History of the Liverpool & Manchester
Railway" will probably remain for all time the outstanding history of an
early British Railway-in fact it is difficult to see that it could be improved
His "Two Essays in Locomotive History," dealing with the first hundred
locomotives and early British engines in North America, together with his
later book, "Early British Locomotives," were excellent examples of the work
resulting from his lengthy and careful search into all corners which might
yield new information.
Another classical work of its kind was the volume he wrote on "The History
of British Railways down to 1830," although this is not so widely known as
his "History of the Southern Railway."
On the practical side he evolved a method of compounding which was applied
to the L. & N.W.R. 4-6-0 locomotive No. 1361 "Prospero" -this was described
in "The Locomotive," Vol. XXI, page 219.
He was elected a member of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers in 1916,
assisted in the foundation of the Newcornen Society, of which he was president
1934-35, and was in addition a member of the Royal Aeronautical Society,
the Royal Philatelic Society and of the Athenaeum Club.
His contributions to literature were by no means limited to mechanical matters,
for he was also an authority on the 'history of the Bntish Post Office, relating
to which he possessed another unique collection. He was the author of "The
British Post Office from its beginning to the end of 1925," for which work
he was awarded the Crawford gold medal by the Royal Philatelic Society, and
also of "A
Studv of the Line Engraved Twopence Postage Stamps of Great Britain," which
was awarded several medals both at home and abroad.
Correspondence. 109
Post-war railway traction. T.W.L.B.
The fact will now have become clear that the Railway Companies will
have to plan vigorously to face the intensive competition of Road and Air
transport, both passenger and goods, in the post-war years.
While the sight of a steam locomotive at work is one which captivates the
imagination, it can be stated that in comparison with either an electric
or diesel electric locomotive the steam loco. loses on these points: (a)
Overall efficiency, (b) Cost of operation, (c) High standing costs, and (d)
Availability for operation over a given period of time. In addition the steam
loco. creates smoke and grime, with their attendant evils. What then is to
take its place in Railway traction? Let us examine the alternatives. Electric
traction has proved itself, on the S.R., L.M.S., L.N.E.R. and L.P.T.B. to
be highly suited for intensive suburban services, for short distance express
trains, and for heavy goods trains. It is extremely adaptable in meeting
peak loads and is clean and efficient in operation. It also has the added
advantage of utilising British produced fuel, viz., coal. One point may be
made, that one National voltage and conductor be adopted to avoid confusion.
Recent advances in Science have shown that the bogey of frost-coated conductor
rails can be overcome. Electric traction, however, has to be proved in this
country over such sections as Shap and Beattock, and the exposed grades of
the Highland Railway, but the experience of the Swedish, Norwegian and Swiss
railways show that snow and ice need not impede Electric traction. The adoption
of complete Electric traction would mean a vast expenditure, but conversely
would create a large amount of employment.
American experience in Diesel/electric traction has shown that for high-speed.
passenger, and heavy goods trains it is capable of earning the operating
companies excellent profits due principally to the high overall efficiency
and the long availability of D./e. units between major overhauls. The "Des
Moines Rocket" of the Rock Island R.R., for example, completed 1,565,053
miles in six years, only being substituted on five out of 4,390 trips, thus
giving an availability of 99.8 per cent. The use also of D./e. units for
shunting and yard purposes is finding increasing favour on both SIdes of
the Atlantic. This form of traction, as applied to this country, depends
on the use of imported fuel, but it may also be pointed out that British
coal can be utilised for the production of oil.
An ideal scheme would be for large towns to have electric suburban and short
distance branch services, the latter being very Important, WIth inter-town
and long-distance services Diesel electric operated. All goods traffic might
be Diesel electnc hauled. All passenger trains should be air conditioned,
stations modernised and a first-class liaison built up between the public
and the railway companies.
The railways of t his country, being of extreme strategic importance, must
be raised to the highest degree of efficiency m the post-war world.
French compounds. W.B. Thompson. 109-10.
Holcroft disagrees with my view that when the French compounds came
to Swindon the Atlantic type was "obsolescent." It is true that in 1905 I
saw Atlantics still working main line trains on the Pennsylvania; but by
then the Pacific and Prairie types were well established, and as far back
as 1890 I had seen 4-6-0 engines employed m passenger traffic. Lack of adhesion
was obviously a fatal defect in the Atlantic type and prevented its survival.
Holcroft says that superheating has made compoundmg unattractive except in
special cases. In February, 1931, a paper
was read before the Institution of Locomotive Engineers on the subject of
French compound engines on the P.L.M. railway. The conclusion to be drawn
from that paper appears to. be that, everything else being equal:
(1) a French compound is better than a comparable simple engine;
(2) a superheated simple engine is better than a non-superheated;
(3) a superheated simple engine is about equal to a non-superheated compound,
(4) a superheated compound is vastly superior to an engine of any other
Superheating and compounding are complementary, not mutually exclusive. The
paper dealt with the experience of one company only, but I do not see why
the results should not be of universal application. I refer of course only
to the French compound system; no other system need be considered
Re "performance of poppet valve (19C Class) engines on the South African
Railways"- 3 ft. 6 in. gauge. "Your South African Correspondent." 110
Commenting on my article in the May, 1944 issue of your journal, when,
as an unbiassed and disinterested observer, I described the performance of
the above locomotives fitted with the R.C. valve gear,. the Chief Mechanical
Engineer apparently takes exception to the claims I made for this class of
In support of his contention the Chief Mechanical Engineer advances the fact
that the 19D (Walschaerts gear) and the 19C (R.C. gear) were the subjects
of dynamometer car tests, when it was found that the I9D was more economical
than the R.C. valve gear engme by 10-11 per cent. in steam consumption. Further,
the superheat on the 19D was higher by 20-40 deg. Fahr., which he states
would account for 2-4½ per cent. in the above economy.
The statement immediately following these figures is not so convincing:
"Generally, therefore, the 19D was the superior engine, and this was evident
even without the dynamometer car test results."
Mv article was a resume of more than eight years observation of the work
of the 19C class, and in contrast to other types of locomotives I found the
poppet valve engines excel in: (a) Acceleration, (b) Hill-climbing, (c) Speed,
and (d) Drifting.
It is surely those four attnbutes which should decide the future motive power
in rail transport. To reach the destination more rapidly is the crythe
R.C. valve, m my experience facilitates this object. Heavier maintenance
may be the price of increased speed, but in view of the finding of the Chief
Mechanical Engineer of the Federated Malay States Railways, together with
the remarkable results obtained with the K-4 class of the Pennsylvania R.R.,
I do not feel disposed to concede this point.
In the face of its competitors it will be extremely difficult to keep the
steam locomotive on the tracka task by no means rendered simpler by
the present outlook of conservatism pervading. the domain of steam.
To prove the point for the 19D, the South Afncan Railways would have to run
an engine of this class over the section Wellington-Cape Town, 45¼
miles, in under 50½ minutes; attain 66 m.p.h. on the easier section
of the Paarl bank; top this five-mile rise, of which two miles are advese
at 1/80, at no less than 59½ m.p.h.; shut off steam ¼-mIle before
topping each bank en route; dnft at 55-60 m.p.h. on the favourable grades
and use no steam for 24 out .of the total of 45¼ miles. The 19C achieved
these speeds despite a slowing to 22 m.p.h. for a relaying restriction of
more than a mile at the foot of the 1/80 out of Klapmuts.
The gross time on the 19C test was 54 minutes 2 seconds (50½ minutes
net) for the 45¼ miles, which compares very favourably with electric
schedules not only on the 3 ft. 6 in. gauge here, but also with those in
England on the 4 ft. 8½ in. gauge, as under:
(i) Southern Ry. Victoria-Brighton, 51 miles in 60 mins.-51 m.p.h.
(ii) S.A.R. Pretoria-Germiston, 34 miles in 47 mins·-43½ m.p.h.
(iii) S.A.R. Wellington-Cape Town, 45 miles in 54 mins.-· 50 m.p.h.
(Steam test).
It will be argued, no doubt, that the poppet valve engine accomplished this
with only four bogies (147 short tons) but in this regard I would point out
that many pre-war high speed passenger services were operated successfully
with either short trains of standard stock or specially constructed lightweight
These facts, together with the details I described in your May, 1944, issue,
are remarkable enough, but when it is.remembered that these poppet valve
19C locomotives are but branch line engines with only 4 ft. 6 in. driving
wheels. and are daily working seven-bogie trains (220-230 short. tons) over
long stretches of 1/40 grades at 25-30 m.p.h., their regular performance
is best described as the acme of versatility.
L.N.E.R. appointments. 110
A. H. Peppercorn, at present Assistant Chief Mechanical Engineer and
Mechanical Engineer, Doncaster, will shortly relinquish the duties of the
latter post to devote his full time to that of Assistant. Chief Mechanical
Engineer. L. Reeves, Mechanical Engineer, Scotland, has been appointed Mechanical
Engineer, Doncaster, J.F. Harrison, Mechanical Engineer, Gorton, has been
appointed Mechanical Engineer, Scotland, and G.C. Gold, Locomotive Works
Manager, Darlington, has been appointed Mechanical Engineer, Gorton.
L.N.E.R. 110
Owing to its geographical position, the L.N.E.R. sustained great damage
to its rolling stock, track or other property from nearly one out of every
seven V 2s that fell in Southern England. Altogether 149 caused damage to
the Company's property. The first V 2 to fall on the-L.N.E.R. made a direct
hit on the track at Palmers Green, damaging the station, signalling and fencing,
but traffic was.resumed after an interruption of 24 hours. Other traffic
delays were caused when V 2s fell at Wood Green and Angel Road (where in
both cases the tracks. again received direct hits), Muswell Hill, Stratford
and Ilford, but in no case was the delay more than 13½ hours, owing
to the rapidity with which engineers repaired the damage. The Stratford area
suffered very badly, there being many instances of serious damage to rolling
stock, tracks, stations, marshalling yards, signal boxes, workshops and other
Some loss of life amongst staff was inevitable, and since the beginning of
the war 110 men and women of the L.N.E.R. have been killed whilst on duty
and a further 608 injured enemy air activity,
L.M.S.R. 110.
The following new locomotives have been put into traffic: Mixed traffic
tender, class 5, 4-6-0, Nos. 4876-4883 (built at Crewe); Freight tender,
class 8F, 2-8-0, Nos. 8394-99 (built at Horwich), Nos. 8470-76, 8532-35,
8552-55. (built by and working on other railways}: 2-6-4 tank, class. 4,
Nos. 2676-81 (built at Derby); 0-6-0 Diesel shunters, Nos. 7120-21 (built
at Derby). The following had been withdrawn: Class 4P, 4-6-0, No. 25798 (ex
L.N.W.R.); class. 2P, 2-4-2 tank, Nos. 10677, 10724, 10742, 10780 (ex L.
& Y.R.); class 3F, 4-6-0, No. 17905 (ex Caledonian); class 3F 0-6-0 No.
12117 (ex L. & Y.); class 2F, 0-6-0, No. 28552 (ex L.N.W.); class 2F,
0-6-2 tank, No. 7824 (ex L.N.W.); and class 7F, 0-8-4 tank, No. 7953 (ex
New colour-light SIgnals, mostly four-aspect, with continuous.track circuiting,
had been installed on the four main lines between Camden and Euston. The
gradient 1 in 70 leaving Euston had always been a severe handicap to traffic
working but the new signalling will enable trains to leave the terminal at
closer time intervals than hitherto.
Number 636 (15 August 1945)
James McEwan. Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. 117-19.
O.J. Morris. Standardising S.R. locomotives, Central Section. 120-4.
3 illustrations, diagram
D.E. Marsh's 'I3' superheater tanks were as good as the 'Brighton'
ever had, and more momentous to the future of the steam locomotive than most
loco. men could well foresee.
[New mineral wagons]. 124. illustration
[Correspondence]. 125
[Cowlairs commentary]. 125
[French compounds]. 125
[Ravenglass & Eskdale Ry.], 125 illustration
Number 637 (15 September 1945)
Obituary. 127.
G.H. Loftus Allen former Chief Publlicity Officer, LMS
New G.W.R. 4-6-0 "1000" class engine. 128-9. 3
illustrations., diagram. (side & front elevations)
Double blast pipe, welded tender, main dimensions. incorporrated
modifications introduced with 6959 series of Hall class
[The American diesel locomotive.]. 129
[Mill Forge]. 132
Modified class K3 2-6-0 L.N.E.R. locomotive. 134.
illustration., diagram. (side & front elevations)
No mention of either K5 classification or Thompson; but does state
that boiler modified to accept higher (225 psi) pressure; three cylinders
replaced by standard 20 x 26 inch type and Walschaerts valve gear.
James McEwan. Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. 135-6. 2 illustrations, 2 tables
[Netherlands Rys.]. 136
[North Staffordshire Railway]. 142
[Manchester Planning]. 142
[Central Railway of Brazil]. 143
Number 638 (15 October 1945)
Stirling Everard. Cowlairs centenary. 152-3. 2 drawings (side
J38 and N2 modified for Scotland illustrated.
[Dendy Marshall's Collection]. 158
Number 639 (15 November 1945)
Locomotive developments. 159.
Editorial comment on New York Central Railroad 4-8-4: high-powered
two-cylinder mixed traffic locomotives
Rebuilt "Pacific" No. 4470 "Great Northern", L.N.E.R.
160. illustration, diagram (side & front elevations)
Thompson rebuild of pioneer Gresley Pacific
Arthur L. Stead. Dutch railway rehabilitation. 161-5. illustration
The extent of the pillage of the Dutch railways by the Germans is
shown in the following table:
1939 | 1945 | |
steam locomotives | 865 |
334 |
streamlined electric trains | 430 |
80 |
diesel electric trains | 82 |
36 |
passenger carriages (steam worked) | 1908 |
233 |
freight wagons | 30453 |
1073 |
The workshops were stripped of tools and some stations were destroyed.
E.C. Poultney. New York Central 4-8-4 type locomotive. 163-6. 2 illustrations
L.N.E.R. No. 4496 "Dwight D. Eisenhower". 165.
Just the caption: no further information (but A4 in prewar garter
blue livery, but without valences)
J.M. Doherty. Compounding and present-day British locomotive
practice. 166-8. 2 diagrams
Proposed 4-8-0 with six cylinders with four low pressure outside arranged
in tandem. Narrow firebox and double chimney. High pressure cylinders
175/8 by 26in; low pressure: 19¾ by 26in. 250 psi boiler
pressure; 6ft coupled wheels; 2038ft2 total heating surface plus
700ft2 superheat; 38.5ft2 grate area. Earlier British
compound locomotives examined.
Restaurant cars for the G.W.R. 168-9.
Styling in preparation for restoration of services: included revolving
chairs in first class section.
J.T. Clarke. Further recollection of French locomotives. 169-70. 4 diagrams
Stirling Everard. Cowlairs centenary. 171-3. 2 diagrams (side
Noted and illustrated the two Gresley designs for service in Scotland:
the P2 2-8-2 Wolf of Badenoch and K4 2-6-0 Lord of the Isles.
Also recorded how much of the maintenance work had gone south to Doncaster,
but some work done on Great North of Scotland locomotives. New construction
An early industrial locomotive. 174. diagram (side
Fletcher, Jennings & Co. design with driving axle of four coupled
engine under the firebox leading to a compact arrangement
Trend of locomotive design. 177
Editorial comment
G.W.R. oil-burning locomotives. 178-9. 2 illustrations
No. 2872 illustrated
C. Hamilton Ellis. Famous locomotive engineers, XXII.
William Dean. 180-5. 5 illustrations (including
Illustrations: William Dean; 2-2-2 No. 160; 2-2-2 No. 3028; No.3302
Charles Mortimer on train
Argentina's need of locomotives. 185-7. table
Article by John Poole in The Revieew of the River Plate published
in Buenos Aires. Table shows age of steam locomotive stock and whetheer supplied
from Britain or elsewhere.
T.M. Hickey. "The Inter-City Express," New South Wales. 187-93. 3
illustrations, diagram
Newcastle to Sydney journey on footplate of C38 streamlined Pacific
locomotive No. 3802
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