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Locomotive Magazine
Volume 3 (1898)
Number 25 (January 1898)
To our readers. 1
In commencing our third volume we cordially thank all our readers
and correspondents for their help in making our Journal so successful, for
it now has the largest circulation of any magazine devoted to locomotives
published in the great British Empire. We intend keeping to our policy of
being right up-to-date, carefully watching the improvements in the locomotives
and rolling stock of our country, and' endeavouring by all available means
to help on any reforms we think desirable of adoption. Wild inventors of
impracticable schemes will find no encouragement in our pages, but we shall
continue to record the advent of all practical advancements with the fulness
they deserve. The Jubilee year of 1897 saw some great strides in the construction
of locomotives with larger boilers, &c., and of railway trains built
on the car principle with central automatic couplers and vestibules, we sincerely
hope that 1898 will see more. As will be surmised from the presentation of
a second colored plate with this issue, we shall continue to add to the
attractions of the" Loco- motive Magazine" as time goes on. Our friends may
rest assured that each of these pictures will be up to the sample, correctly
reproduced and finished in a style second to none, and ready for the most
exacting railway man's criticism.
The new Caledonian flyers. 1
One of these long expected engines has just made its debut and is
numbered 766. It has drivers 6-ft. 6-in. diam., and cylinders 19-in.
by 26-iri. The boiler is 12-in, longer than that of the Dunalastair class,
the tubes being lengthened 8-in. and the firebox 4-in. The sandboxes were
placed below the footplating instead of being in front of the driving splashers,
and a new number plate is employed having bright raised figures on a red
ground. The tender runs on two four-wheeled bogies having outside
Highland railway engines. 1
Another new bogie like No. 5 was out numbered 6. Old No. 6 has been
re-numbered 32 to take the place of the old single Cluny, now broken
G. W. R. locomotives. 1
The first of some new six-coupled saddle tanks had appeared numbered
2721. Instead of underhung plate springs, four spiral springs were provided
above each axle box. The coupling rods, were H section, provided with both
horizontal .and vertical joints. All new standard goods engmes were having
coupling rods of the above mentioned section, and all express engines are
being fitted with exhaust injectors. Goods and tank, as well as passenger
engines, were now painted the standard light green.
G. E. R. goods engines. 1
Ten more of the No. 999 class built at Stratford: numbered 602 to
608 and 946 to 948, and fitted with the steam brake.
Our picture plate. 1
Up West Coast Postal Express on the C.R. The train is drawn by Engine
No. 119, and is shown soon after passing Ferryhill Junction, nearly a mile
from Aberdeen.
The history and locomotives of the L.T.&S.R. 2-5. 2
The contractors Peto, Betts & Brassey built the line and operated
it withn motive power being provided by the Great Eastern Railway. The lease
was due to expire in July 1875 and the company set out to buy locomotives.
Twelve 4-4-2Ts were purchased from Sharp Stewart. These had 17 x 26in outside
cylinders, 6ft 1in coupled wheels, 1020ft2 total heating surface,
17.25ft2 grate area. Six more were acquired in 1881, and 12 in
1884 to cover new lines which had been opened.
The Southern Division engines of the L.&N.W.R. 5-6. 3 diagrams (side elevations)
The West Coast Postal. T.F. Budden. 8
Photograph of Caledonian Railway No. 119 with very short train
Four-coupled bogie express engine for the Dublin, Wicklow
& Wexford Railway. 9. illustration
4-4-0 supplied by Vulcan Foundry (No. 56 illustrated). 18 x 26in
cylinders, 6ft coupled wheels, 1020ft2 total heating surface,
17.25ft2 grate area.
Our coloured supplement. 9.
Missing plate: Johnson single No. 116
Across the U.S.A. by rail. 10-11. 2 illustrations
Final part from Sacrameno (bridge over Sacramento River) and Solano
ferryboat, 424ft long train ferry to Port Coast and so to Oakland
The locomotive of today. 11-13. diagram
Reversing gear
Number 26 (February 1898)
Across the U.S.A. by rail. 20. illustration
Journey from San Francisco to Los Angeles noting the contrast from
the Mojave Desert with the lushness of Los Angeles. Photograph of Coronado
Express which ran along the Pacific shore noted for its surf.
Our picture plate: "an Irish Royal Train". 21; 24
Belfast & County Down Railway for Duke and Duchess of York's visit
to Ireland in the summer of 1897 shown at Newcastle station behind Beyer
Peacock two-cylinder compound No. 24 driven by J. Hulse under the supervision
of the Miller, the locomotive superintendent
The Southern Division engines of the L.&N.W.R. 21-2. 4 diagrams (side elevations)
A rebuilt G.N.R. 7-ft. single. 25. illustration
P. Stirling built twelve with inside cylinders and drivers 7-ft. diameter.
Six of these were turned out in 1868, Nos. 4, 6, 14, 21, 41 and 222, four
more in 1869, Nos. 55, 61, 63 and 215, and the remaining two, Nos. 37 and
39, in 1870. No. 21 of 1868 had been rebuilt by H.A. Ivatt, who provided
a much larger boiler fitted with a dome
The locomotive shops & shed. 30
Securing horn blocks to the frames. 30
Troublesome question to locomotive builders, and to remove the difficulty
altogether some makers have at times formed the guides in one with the frames
by welding, With independent blocks secured by rivetting hot rivets rarely
fill the holes after cooling. and consequently the horns soon work loose,
and if cold rivets are used there is the difficulty of knocking them down
with the absolute certainty of a good job. It would seem that takmg everything
into consideration, turned bolts a driving fit in carefully drilled holes
are the best: the bolts should be rivetted over after the nuts are tightened
Western Railway of France. 30
All engines were having a model of the valve attached to the outer
end .of the valve spindle, and moving with it. This model valve slides over
an imitation face with ports on it, in exact replica of that of the engine
cyliriders, so that one can see at a glance the travel and distributing effect
of the actual valve itself.
Coal fuel of inferior quality. 30
It is necessary to keep a good draft on the fire consequently it is
not strange to find engines in America and the Colonies with cylinders 19-in.
by 28-in. discharging their exhaust through blast nozzles 5-in. diameter.
In starting and when running with a heavy pull the "chopping" action of the
blast "cuts" the fire away, throwing sparks and ashes and wasting fuel. To
equalize this excessive action the extended smokebox had been introduced.
It acts as a reservoir or moderator for the draught, as well as a collector
for sparks. Various devices for securing this softening of the blast have
been tried. Many years ago Arrnstrong, of the G.W.R., patented an arrangement
of reservoir for the exhaust steam to nullify the "biting" action, and an
engine of the G.E.R., No. 193, ran for a long time with slides fitted to
the smokebox to secure admission of air to accomplish the same object when
working hard, and a modification of this arrangement placed round the base
of the chimney is known in the States as "Lutgen's equalizer." The huge and
ugly square chimneys of the Belgian State engines are used for precisely
the same reason.
The carriage department. 30.
Great Eastern Ry. 30
New second class suburban carriages had been put in service on the
G.E.R. The underframes built of steel channels, and the bodies had vertical
panelling, similar to the firsts and thirds introduced some months back:
they were 27-ft. long and 8-ft. wide, and had very superior internal furnishings.
The seats are upholstered in dark red with the backs padded up to the facias,
and the roofs were lined with oil cloth with gilt beadings round the roof-sticks.
An experiment was to be tried with some carriages 9-ft. wide for suburban
traffic, seating six passengers per seat. The doors of these had round tops
like the Metropolitan trains, and the guard's van had a raised deck in place
of the customary wings.
L.C. & D.R. 30
New corridor car running in the boat train with three first compartments
and three second compartments,separated by lavatories at the centre.
Metropolitan Railway. 30
New train had appeared and caused some stir in journalistic circles
owing to its brilliant illuminating arrangements. The Pintsch's Patent Lighting
Company, who fitted the train, gave the following particulars. Double burner
16-candle lamps had been put in throughout the tram m lieu of 10-in smgle
burner lamps or in some cases 8-in. single burner lamps. Two have been placed
in each first class compartment, one m each and and one in each 3rd class
compartment. The. carrIages have also been painted white on the inside of
the roof and at the sides and in the 1st class two roof sticks had been removed
. In addition to all this an extra receiver for gas had been put under each
car so as to allow for the additional quantity consumed in the 18 hours these
trains were lighted. . .
S.E.R 30
Several six-wheeled main line second class carriages built for the
S.E.R. had a novel arrangement of roof. Externally it is of the high domed
pattern with rounded corners but inside the compartments had a lining with
a miniature raised clerestory centre portion which gave a very agreeable
appearance. These camages were pamted the standard S E.R. colour.
Locomotive machinery. 31
Title of a course of lectures given by Prof. W.E. Dalby at the City
and Guilds Technical Institute in Finsbury. In the first of the series delivered
on Thursday, 13 February., the relationship between the power developed by
a locomotive and its consumption of fuel was considered, as also was the
work required of an engine to draw certain loads at different speeds. Numerous
interesting diagrams plotted from the formulas given were shown on the screen,
and comparisons made between the theoretical figures and the recorded results
of actual experiments on the road. The enormous increase in the rate of working
as the speed was raised was noted, and a table showing this exhibited; when
the speed of a train is but 10 miles per hour, an engine and tender weighing
80 tons require the expenditure of 6 foot tons of work per second to maintain
the motion on the level, and the train weighing 100 tons 4 foot tons per
second. Increasing the speed to 60 miles per hour makes these figures swell
to 138 foot tons per second for the engine, and 66 foot tons per second for
the train. On 20 February in the second lecture, Prof. Dalby first
alluded to the power applied at the crank pin, and gave the method of
ascertaining it, and setting out curves to show its character. Then he went
into the question of tractive force, illustrating his deductions by allusion
to F.W. Webb's experiments at Crewe on an eight-coupled goods. In this case
the maximum calculated tractive force, according to the principles laid down,
was 10.5 tons. The actually observed maximum on a trial run between Stafford
and Crewe was 10.75 tons, a very close result. For further illustrating his
comparisons between theory and practice, the lecturer projected photographs
of several typical English locomotives on the screen, including those of
the L. & N. W., G. N., L. & S. W., Midland and G. E. Railways.
Referring to the results obtained from the experimental engine recently set
up at the Purdue University, U.S.A., Prof. Dalby gave some excellent diagrams
showing the effective work done at varying speeds of 15, 25, 35 and'45 miles
per hour with a cut-off of 25%,' and the regulator wide open. From these
experiments he also showed how nearly the results at Purdue agreed with what
had been practically found by English supenntendents to give the best conditions;
for instance, it having been shown that the best results are obtained from
a locomotive when its driving wheel is designed so that the piston speed
is about 800 feet per minute for the average rate the engine will be required
to run at, the L. & N.W. R. 6-ft. 6-in. four-coupled express reaches
this at 46.5 m.p.h., the same railway's 7-ft. at 50 m.p.h., and the G. N.
R. 8-ft. singles at 49.3 m p.h.
It is possible that the subject matter of these lectures will be published
at a later date In book form. Such a work will doubtless be of more than
ordinary value to students of the locomotive.
Reviews. 31
Birliographical Decdial Classification as ap plied to railway science.
L. Weissenbruch. Brussels: Bibliographical International Institute.
As the number of writings relating to railways increases, some systematic
classification is desirable to enable enquirers, on any particular detail,
to make reference to all known information. Mr. Weissenbruch describes in
this treatise a complete method of decimal classification, whereby it is
possible to make all avail- able reference on any particular subject at once
with facility and certainty. [KPJ: later UDC or Universal Decimal
The express messenger, and other tales of the rail. Cy Warman. London:
Chatto & Windus.
This volume contains a series of twenty-two tales, which, whilst they
are of absorbing interest to the most casual reader, will be found extremely
fascinating to the lover of the railroad. Some of them recount thrilling
and sensational adventures, and give incidentally an admirable notion of
the difficulties encountered in the early days of railroading in the Western
States. "A Thousand Mile Ride on the Engine of a Flyer," wherein the author
relates his experiences of a trip on the footplate of the "Empire State Express,"
will prove specially interesting to all locomotive enthusiasts, whilst British
railwayites in particular will read with curiosity the tale entitled "On
an Iron Steed," in which Mr. Warman describes a run on a L.C. & D.R.
engine from Victoria to Dover, and gives his opinions generally on the
shortcomings of British locomotives. Each story has an interest of its own.
and we can confidently recommend the book to our locomotive friends. [KPJ:
On an iron steed does not appear to be present in the (American) e-book
Railway notes. 33
Ten-wheeled tank exgixe for G.N.R. 33
The first of this new class of locomotives was out and numbered 1009,
its Doncaster number being 755. It is a side tank engine with four-coupled
drivers 5-ft. 7-in. in diameter, and had a four-wheeled leading bogie, a
pair of trailing wheels being under the bunker. The cylinders were inside
and 17½-in. diameter by 26-in. stroke. The engine was stationed at
New express exgine for the L.B.& S.C.R.
Large new four-coupled bogie engine had been built at Brighton, numbered
and named 213 Bessemer: generally of a similar type to the Duncannon
class, the wheels and cylinders being of the same dimensions, the boiler
is much larger, its centre line being 7-ft 11-in. above the rails; the firebox
was longer also. It was stationed at Brighton.
New Caledonian express engines. 33
Eight of these fine engines had been completed; the seventh, No. 772,
was painted lead colour, and having a series of indicator diagrams taken
from the cylinders.
Collision on the G, & S. W. R. 33
Serious accident at Barassie Junction on 4 February:, the 07.00 passenger
train from Kilmarnock to Ayr colliding at junction with a goods train from
Ayr to Glasgow. The passenger train was drawn by. No. 65,. a 6-ft. 9½-in.
four-coupled bogie engme (driver H. Aitken;, and the goods train by No. 49,
an old 5-ft. six-coupled engine (driver T. Campbell.. Both engines were very
badly damaged, the driver and fireman of No. 49, the fireman of No. 65 and
four passengers being killed, and many others injured.
New express engines for the N.B.R. 33
The first locomotive of a new class for this railway, No. 729, is
now running painted a light lead colour, with the lines and lettering in
black. It has four-coupled drivers 6-ft. 6-in. in diameter with a leading
bogie, and inside cylinders 18¼-in. by 26-in. The working pressure was
175 lbs. per sq. in., and the tender was of the large type, carrying 3,500
gallons of water and 5 tons of coal.
Communication between passengers and trainmen. 33
An interesting trial of several different systems of the above took
place on the G.E.R. on 21 February. One of the G E.R. 15 coach suburban trains
with engine No..33- was run from Liverpool Street to Broxbourne, a L.B.&
S.C.R. 13 coach local with engine No. 368 Newport, went as far as
Bishops Stortford and back, whilst a G. C. R. 7 coach main line train with
engine No. 684 came from Lincoln to Broxbourne and back. Each train was fitted
with a different system of communication which was experimented with during
the runs. The G.C.R. had the vacuum apparatus, the G.E.R. an electrical one
with the connections made through the brake hose pipes, and the L.B.&
S.C.R. the well-known system adopted on all their passenger trains.
The history and developmient of the Miidlaxd Railway. 33
An entertaining lecture with the above title was delivered by F.
Gelsthorpe at the Leighton Road Mission Hall, Kentish Town, on 18 Februaryt.
It was illustrated by a large number of lantern slides representing various
scenes on the Midland Ry., its officers, rolling stock, works, and some of
the earliest Bury and Stephenson types were shown, as well as the subject
of our coloured plate presented with the January number.
New four-coupled bogie express engines for the Caledonian Railway.
41. illustration
766 Class
The electric locomotives on the Western Railway of France. 42-3.
Hellmann steam electric locomotive
Number 28 (April 1898)
Obituary. 51
Sir Henry Bessemer, Theodore West and William Cowan.
Vestibuled cars. 51-2. illustration
Second class car illustrated: as used on London to Hastings service
provided by South Eastern Railway. Also notes provision of vestibuled rolling
stock on other railways
Ten-wheeled tank engine for the G.N.R. 52-3. illustration
Ivatt 4-4-2T: No. 1009 illustrated
The Southern Division engines of the L.&N.W.R.
53-4. 3 diagrams (side elevations)
See Editorial copmment on page 20
of Volume 16
Number 29 (May 1898)
Railway notes. 65
L. & N.W.R. compounds. 65
.Four more at 'John Hick" class, Nos. 1505 Richard
Arkwright, 1534 William Froude, 1535 Henry Maudslay, and
1536 Hugh Myddleton were out. Two of the older compounds, Nos. 66
Experiment (6ft. 6-in.) and 511Achilles had been fitted with
piston valves .. No. 1501 Jubilee was in the shops, and it is
understood that it will be converted to a compound like the Black
Prince, except that the cylinders will be 20½-in. diameter.
L. & Y. R. locomotives. 65
Ten more of the six-couplred side tanks
mentioned in our Novernber Issue had been
built at Horwich, and numbered 493, 494, 495, 496, 499, 501, 503, 505, 506
and 507. Twenty more of the standard goods had also been completed,
their numbers 508, 509, 510,523, 524, 602, 609, 619, 620, 622, 648, 650,
662, 677, 682, 683. 684, 685, 690 and 692. Some of the standard passenger
engines are being experimented with. No. 1093 fitted with steam jacketed
cylinders for the purposes of the Research Committee of the Mechanical Engineers,
and No. 1101 had been with jackets of an improved form, and also had a central
frame, extending from the motion plate to the frame stay in front of the
firebox with a centre bearing for the driving axle. Goods engine No. 11 had
also been fitted with a central frame. The old four coupled bogies built
by Neilson & Co. were having the link motion taken out and Joy's substituted.
The coat of arms was being put on the driving splasher in place of the maker's
plate, which is removed to the footplate angle iron.. The six coupled
enginles built by Kitson & Co. are being converted to saddle tanks.
The Scotcbman passing Hitchin G.N.R. 65
Photograph of down express at speed taken from platform with another
train approaching (thumbnail-sixed!)
N.E.R. compound express. 65
No. 1619, four coupled bogie express, built in 1'893 as a two cylinder
compound, was being rebuilt at Gateshead as a three cylinder engine with
one inside h.p. cylinder 20-in. by 26-iri., and two outside l.p. cylinders
19-in. by 24-in. A new boiler of .very large dimensions was also being provided,
the firebox being 8-ft. long and the working pressure 220 lbs. per sq.
L. B. & S. C. R. engines. 65
D class tank engine No. 259, formerly Telford, had been renamed
Barnharn. Three more mixed traffic tank engines, the first noted last
month, had now been turned out, their numbers and names being: 466 Honor
Oak, 467 Berwick, and 468 Midhurst.
G. E. R. locomotives. 65
Ten more goods engines of the 999 class had been built at Stratford.
They carried a working pressure of 160 psi, and were fitted with the steam
brake. One of the 7-ft. singles, No. 1007, had the length of the piston stroke
increased from 24-in. to 25-in.
G. N. R. locomotives. 65
Some more four coupled bogie engines of the standard type had come
out numbered 1311,1312,1313 and 1315. Another 7-ft. single, No. 41, had been
rebuilt with a dome, as also has No. 89, a four coupled. Larger letters and
figures had been adopted on the tank and bunker sides of engines Nos. 761and
G. C. R. locomotives. 65
No. 268, mentioned in our December issue, had been painted the standard
green, but had no crest on the splashers. Two more of the same class were
out, Nos. 269 and 852, but were painted lead colour. No. 851 (standard goods)
was the engine of the express goods which collided with another goods train
at Woodhouse on 14 April
The locomotive history of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway. 66-7
American cars on British railways. 67-8. 2 illustrations
Barnum & Bailey vehicles supplied via Renshaw of Stoke.
The colours of locomotives, carriages & wagons. 69
Highland Railway favours green for both engines and carriages. The
former are painted a bright yellowish green with a border of a darker·
shade divided by a black - band, the marginal lines being vermilion outside
and white inside, lately however, both lines have been made white. The framing
is dark lake with a black border, having an outermargin of yellow and an
inner one of red. The buffer beams 'are painted like the framing but have
a vermilion panel with a black border edged with yellow lines, recently the
letters H. R. and the number in gold shaded with black have been inserted
in this panel. The number plate is of brass with raised figures on a vermilion
ground, and passenger engines have a name painted on the driving splash er
in gold letters shaded with light green and black. The latest style of finish
includes the letters H. R. on the tender in the same colours as those of
the name but in larger letters, whilst on the back of the tender or bunker
appears the number in gold shaded with black. The carriage stock has been
for years painted in a medium sage green with yellow lines and lettering
in gold shaded with light green and black, the under panels being dark lake
with yellow lines. In 1897 a new style was introduced, the upper panels being
white and the lower ones a dark green, the lettering and lines being as before.
The number plates have raised yellow letters on a black ground. The wagons
are dark red with black ironwork and white lettering, andhavea monogram above
the number, the initials H. R. appearing, in red the former on a yellow ground
the latter on a white. Some of the brakes are dark lake with yellow lettering
shaded with red and have vermilion ends. others are painted like the passenger
stock but have no lettering.
L. B. & S. C. Ry. working. 69
This company give notice that on and after the 1st of this month the
platform barriers at London Bridge will be closed 30 secs. before the advertised
time or departure of the trains. This is about the most impudent piece of
cheek on the part of a railway company that we can imagine. Hitherto it has
been the custom to allow one minute on this railway for starting the train-that
booked at 5.0 p.m., for instance, in the public bills being timed at 5.1
p.m. in the service book. Now, presumably, the engines being unequal to the
task imposed upon them, the management propose. throwing the minute into
the running, and taking half the time from the public, Already the patrons
of the railways are looked to to assist in the detection of fraud by having
to put up with all sorts of ridiculous ticket restrictions, help the staff
by looking after their own baggage, and partially pay their wages by "tips"
; and now, forsooth, they are asked to facilitate the. punctuality of the
trains by being on the platform half a minute before train time.
Recent Belgian locomotives. 69-70. 3 diagrams (side elevations)
2-6-0, 2-4-2 and 0-6-0: Both the more recent 2-4-2 and 0-6-0 types
were fitted with Serve tubes and 175 psi boiler pressure. No. 1454 was fitted
with Durant & Lancauchez valve gear. The Type 16 2-6-0 were built for
the steep gradients of the Arlon line and had 5ft 7in coupled wheels, 73.8
ft2 grate area and
1572.2ft2 total heating surface.
Four-coupled bogie express engines, G. S. & W. R.
73. illustration
4-4-0 No. 96: standard type of express engine was a development of
that introduced by A, Macdonnel when locomotive superintendent of that railway,
and improved upon by his several successors, J.A.F. Aspinall, H.A. Ivatt,
and R. Coey respectively. The older engines had been modified in accordance
with the most recent practice as they have come into the shops, and now are
practically all of one class, an illustration of one of which, together with
the latest dimensions, is given herewith. The driving wheels were 6-ft.
7½-in. in diameter and the bogie wheels 3-ft., whilst the cylinders
were 18in. diameter by 24-in. stroke. The boiler was 4-ft. 4-in. in external
diameter and 9-ft. 9¼-in. long. It contained 204 tubes of
1¾-in. outside diameter, and 10-ft 11-in. long. The firebox shell
iwa 5-ft. 5-in. long and 4-ft. 6-in. wide, the. inside box being 4-ft.
97/8-in. long, 3-ft. 107/8-in. wide, and 5-ft.
9¼-in. high. The grate area was 18.9 sq. ft., and the heating
surface 1,050.4 sq. ft., made up of 938 sq. ft. in the tubes, and 112. sq.
ft. in the firebox. The pressure of steam carried is 150 lbs. per sq. in.
The tender had wheels 3-ft. 9-in. diameter, and carried 2,730 gallons of
water and 3½ tons of coal The motion was of the Stephenson link type,
and the bearing spririgs for all the axles were of the volute pattern;
three of these being placed side by side for the driving axles. These engines
were employed on the through express services between Dublin and Cork; and
made good runs with the American mail trains between Queenstown and Amiens
Street', Dublin. .
Our picture plate "On the fireman's wedding day. 73; 72
Novel scene is depicted in ~ our plate, which shews one of the Caledonian
Co.'s locomotives decorated in honour of the marriage of the fireman. The
engine was No. 731, one of the celebrated Dunalastair class, about to leave
Princes Street Station, Edinburgh, with the 14.00 corridor train for the
South. The decorations are sym- bolical of the occasion, the fireman's initials
being introduced on the front of the smokebox
G.W.R. bogie single. 73
Another of these engines had left the shops at Swindon, No. 3070 Earl
of Warwick.
Across the U.S.A. by rail. 74-5. 2 illustrations
The locomotive of today. 75-8. diagram
Reviews, 78
Four-coupled bogie express engine for the North British
Railway. 89. illustration.
Matthew Holmes 4-4-0 No. 729 with 6ft 6in coupled wheels, built at
Cowlairs Works.
Number 31 (July 1898)
Single Compound Express, N.E.R. 97. illustration.
Very small photograph of 4-2-2
Railway notes. 97
L. & S. W. R. locos. 97.
Ten more four-coupled bogie tank engines of the 242 class had been
built at Nine Elms, numbered 31 to 40. These engines were painted like the
rest of the class, but had the initials L. S. W. R. on the tank sides. These
initials are now being put on all tanks and tenders as they come into the
paint shop instead of S. W. R. as previously. The first of the new four-coupled
bogie express engines had also been completed, and numbered 290.
The Leyland Accident. 97
On night of 2 June 1898 an excursion train from Blackpool, drawn by
L. & Y. engine No. 1188, was run into at Leyland by a train from Morecambe
with engine No. 521, two passengers being killed. Both engines are of the
standard six coupled type, and No. 521 had the buffer beam and smokebox smashed
The G. E. R. 97
In addition to the long runs to and from Liverpool Street and North
Walsham as performed last summer, the G. E. R. would this month (July) run
a train through from Yarmouth to London, 121¾ miles, without a stop.
On another page will be found particulars of the engines built for these
services, and of which six had been completed, Nos. 10 to 15.
G. N. R. engines . 97
The last three of the four coupled bogie express engines had been
completed at Doncaster, numbered 1318, 1319 and 1320, and were stationed
at Colwick. Five more are to be built with 9-in. longer wheel base, and boilers
3-in. larger in diameter.
L. & N. W. R. locomotives. 97
Some of the new six coupled radial side tanks had been finished at
Crewe, their numbers being 1563, 1564 and 1596. They were fitted with Joy's
valve gear and piston valves, and the automatic vacuum brake. No. 1501
Jubilee was again in service, compounded. Some more of the scoop shields
noticed last month had been fitted to tenders, and No. 648 Swiftsure
had been provided with piston valves.
New Caledonian Flyers. 97
One of these already famous engines, No. 779, had the name
Breadalbane painted on the driving splashers . This was the leading
engine of the Queen's train from Aberdeen to Perth on the occasion of her
journey south on the 21 June, the train engine being No. 780. The driver
of the latter, David Fenwick, having mounted the tender to adjust the
communication cord, was unfortunately struck by a bridge near Cove and instantly
killed. From Perth to Carlisle the Royal special was drawn by Nos. 775 and
777. These locomotives were now stationed as follows: 766 and 767 Polmadie,
768 and 769 Edinburgh, 77o to 774 Carlisle, and 775 to 780 Perth. Nos. 766,
to 771, 773 and 774 are painted the usual dark blue, and the remainder the
light shade as adopted for Nos. 721, 723 and 724.
L. & Y. tank engines. 97
Twenty more of the standard four coupled radial tank engines had been
built for the L. & Y. R. at Horwich: numbers 1361, 1362, 1367 and 1370
to 1386.
G. C. R. locos. 97
Two more of the new four-coupled bogie express engines had been put
in service and numbered 853 and 854. No. 852 had been painted the standard
S. E. R. tank engines. 97
The standard bogie tank engines on this railway are now being painted
green, and lined out similar to the express engines.
The locomotive history of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway. 98-9. 2 diagrams
Twelve-wheeled double bogie tank engine, Midland &
South Western Junction Railway. 100. illusttration
Two remarkable tank engines built in 1897 for the Midland and South
Western Junction Railway by Sharp, Stewart & Co., of Glasgow, and numbered
17 and 18. The cylinders were inside, and 17-in. in diameter by 24-in. stroke.
Each end of the engine is carried on a four-wheeled bogie having wheels 3-ft.
in diameter, whilst the four centre wheels, the leading pair of which are
the driving, are coupled and have a diameter of 5-ft. 3-in. The total heating
surface was 1,050ft2
Locomotives for the Cape Government Railways. 100-1. illusttration
Four coupled passenger engine recently constructed by the Baldwin
Locomotive Works, of Philadelphia, U.S.A., for the Cape Government Railways.
The type is known as the Atlantic, and has ten wheels arranged precisely
similar to the handsome new G. N. R. No. 990, shown on page 105. The gauge
of the Cape Government Railways is 3-ft. 6-in.
The new G.E.R. single bogie express engines
101-2. illustration
A noticeable feature is the ample proportions of the boiler, which
has a telescopic barrel 11-ft. long and 4-ft. 3-in. in diameter outside the
smallest ring. It contains 227 tubes of 1¾-in. diameter, and the height
of its centre line is 7-ft. 9-in. The firebox was 7-ft. long by 4-ft. 0½in.
wide outside, and had a grate area of 21.3 ft2. It was fired with
oil fuel on Holden's patent system. The heating surface was
1,292.73ft2.; the working pressure was 160 psi.
The driving wheels were 7-ft.
The late Rt. Hon. W.E, Gladstone. 102. illustration
Conveyance of the remains of the deceased from Hawarden to Westminster
on the L. & N.W.R. on the night of 25 May was an event of such national
interest that we append a few particulars together with an illustration of
the engine appropriately selected for the occasion. The train consisted of
five vehicles, including the brake van and mortuary car, the latter being
a sorting tender, specially draped at Wolverton for the purpose. The run
from Broughton Hall where the coffin was entrained, to Willesden Junction,
a distance of 178½ miles, without a stop by engine No. 1521
Gladstone, one of the earliest of Ramsbottom's well-known 6-ft. 6-in.
four-coupled class, built at Crewe in November, 1866. It is worthy of remark
that the deceased statesman had so long ago achieved such a reputation as
to have a locomotive named after him. The Gladstone was rebuilt at
Crewe in September 1889. At Willesden Jn. the engine was changed, the remainder
of the journey to Westminster Bridge. M.D.R., being performed by the L.
&N.W.R. Co.'s eight wheel four-coupled condensing tank engine, No.
Number 32 (August 1898)
New Highland locos. 113.
The first of the new 4-4-0 engines designed for the H.R. by P. Drummond
had been delivered. They had fou~coupled dnvers, a leading bogie and inside
cylmders, and were very similar in appearance to the 60-79 class on the C.R.
Those in service included No. 1 Ben-y-Gloe, No. 2 Ben Alder
and No. 3 Ben Wyvis. They had been built by Dubs & Co., of Glasgow
WN 3685-7. '
New M.R. express engines. 113
Some new four coupled bogie express engines [4-4-0] of enlarged dimensions
were being completed at Derby. They had 7-ft. drivers, cylinders 19½t-in.
by 26-in, and 170 lbs. per sq. in. steam pressure. Their numbers were 60-66,
93, 138 and 139·
G.N.R. engines. 113
Five more four coupled bogie engines had been completed at Doncaster,
having larger boilers and fireboxes than the 1301 class. They are numbered
1321 to 1325, and are all stationed at Grantham. Engine No. 1320 mentioned
last month has the framing raised over the coupling rods similar to No. 990.
Engines Nos. 867, 240 and 763 have been rebuilt with domed boilers, the side
tanks of the latter engine having been spread out to take the larger boiler
L. & N. W. R. locos. 113
The Greater Britain had come out of the shops painted black
as at first, but with the brass bands retained, as in the Queen Empress.
It is stated that 18 more express engines of the Black Prince type will be
Accident on the G. W. R. 113
As the 16.15 train from Wmdsor to Paddington was running betweed Ealing
and Acton on 18 September. the connecting rod of the engine, No. 238, broke
and entered the boiler, whereby the driver, W. Peart, and the fireman, H.
Dean, were so severely scalded that they succumbed to their injuries. .
Opening of the new line to London. 113
The G.C.R. extension to London opened on the 25 July, when the following
engines were sent to Neasden sheds to be stationed there:- Nos. 845, 846,
847 and 848 six coupled goods engines with Belpaire fireboxes, and No. 765
six coupled radial tank. The first coal train arrived in London during the
following night. We understand the G.C. engines are still running to Grantham
on passenger trains, but the G.N.R. had been working goods trains through
to Manchester since 1 July.
L. B. & S. C. R. mixed traffic tanks. 113
Two more of these engines had been completed at Brighton, and are
numbered. and named as follows: 472 Fay Gate, and 473 Birch
The new Caledonian engines. 113
No. 766 had been painted the lighter shade of blue; and named
Dunalastair 2.
New L. C. & D. R. engine. 113
Another of the standard four coupled bogie express engines had been
built at Longhedge and numbered 7·
The new G.E.R. bogie singles. 113
Two more of these fine engines had come out from the Stratford
\¥orks, numbered 16 and 17.
G.W.R. locos. 113
The name of No. 3071 is Emlyn, and not as stated in error last
The locomotive history of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway.
114-16. 3 diagrams (side elevations), table
2-4-0 Nos. 201 Belgraviia and 202 Goodwood and Terrier
class (tabulated)
Locomotives of the Bristol and Exeter Railway. 116-17. map
Our picture plate. "Dining en route M.R.". 117-18; 120. 4
Plate (p. 120) shows 4-2-2 with four clerestory coaches. Three further
photographs show exterior of composite car with first class dining saloon,
and interiors of first class dining saloon and third class dining car: latter
looks vastly morre comfortable than Virgin East Coast second
New four-coupled express engines, S.E. Ry. 121. illustration
Across the U.S.A. by rail. 121-3. 2 illustrations
The locomotive of to-day. 124-5
New L. & S.W.R. express engines. 126. illustration
Drummond 4-4-0 No. 290
Reviews. 126
The L.& N.W.R.and its locomotives. Part 4. Birmingham:
The Holland Book Co. London: F. Moore.
This part finishes the authors' description of the compounds. Full
lists and dimensions of the Greater Britain and John Hicks classes are given,
as well as particulars of the compound tanks and goods. There are several
good illustrations, as usual.
Locomotive engineering. London: F. Moore.
An illustrated history of Austrian locomotives is, an interesting
feature of the July number, giving, as it does, twenty distinctive types
of engine. A compound for Russia and engines for Japan, Brazil, and Egypt
also figure in this issue. "Fads and Fancies," No. 7, shows the" Shaw " balanced
locomotive built in 1881
Our footplate heroes. 128
The gallant conduct of the driver and fireman of G.W.R. No. 238, who
so nobly stuck to their posts and forfeited their lives. to save the train
and its passengers deserves all praise. To the fund which has been opened
for the benefit of the widows and children of these two heroes, we sent one
of our oil paintings of the famous G.W.R. express engine Lord of the
Isles, with a request that it should be sold to the best advantage, and
have received the following acknowledgement: from C. Bates of Westbourne
Park engine shed:
I beg to thank you most heartily on behalf of the Great Western Enginemen
and Firemen, for the splendid picture of the G. W. engine Lord of the
Isles, which you have so kindly presented for disposal to the best advantage
to benefit the widows and children of the late engineman 'vV. Peart and fireman
H. Dean. 'Ve intend to have the picture drawn for on August tbe 25th, and
I shall be obliged if you will kindly publish the result in the October issue
of the" Locomotive Magazine.
Number 33 (September 1898)
The locomotives of the Great Northern Railway. 130-2. 6 diagrams (side elevations)
Locomotives of the Bristol and Exeter Railway. 133-4. 4 diagrams (side elevations)
Condensing tank locomotive for the Caledonian Railway. 135.
92 Class: painted black for working Glasgow underground railway.
The locomotive history of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway.
135-6. diagram (side elevation), table
Stroudley C class 0-6-0
St. Gothard six-coupled bogie express. 138. illustration
Four-cylinder compound 4-6-0 built at the Swiss Locomotive Works at
Winterthur in 1894.
Number 34 (October 1898)
Railway notes. 145
L. & Y. tank engines. 145
Twenty more of the standard four coupled radial tank engines had been
built at Horwich. Their numbers were: 1387 to 1391, 686, 693, 696, 699, 701,
703, 721, 723, 724, 725, 728, 730, 732, 733 and 734. They were fitted with
metallic packing for both piston rods and valve spindles, and had Richardson's
cast iron balanced valves and water pick-up.
N.E.R. compound. 145
No. 1619, rebuilt as detailed in our May issue, is now at work on
the main line, and on the. 8th ult. (September) left Newcastle 7 min. late
with the 10.00 ex King's Cross, and arrived at Waverley station, Edinburgh,
right time, the load being equal to 23. The extension front had been abolished,
and the cab had no elevated roof owing to the great height of the boiler.
The driving splashers still had the flat top, but the brass beading was carried
round each of the coupled wheels.
G.C.R. express locos. 145
Two more of the standard four coupled bogie expresses [4-4-0] were
at work, painted grey, and numbered 857 and 858. No. 856 is painted a lighter
grey than the others, and lined out with black and white the name "Great
Central" being on the tender sides in white letters.
L. & N. W. R. locos. 145
Two more 6-ft. 3-in. compounds had been fitted with piston valves:
508 Marchioness of Stafford and 515 Niagara. The special conveying
the Prince of Wales from Portsmouth to Ballater on 10 December 1897 was taken
over the L. &N.W.R. by No. 1501 Jubilee.
L. C. & D. R. express engine. 145
Another 6-ft. 6-in. four coupled bogie engine (4-4-0) had been turned
out of the Longhedge works, numbered 24.
Recent Welsh locomotives. 145
In 1897 the Brecon & Merthyr Ry. had received from R. Stephnson
&. Co. a four coupled sIde tank with single paIr of leading wheels (2-4-0T?
WN 2878). Sharp, Stewart & Co. delivered in 1897 to the Rhymney Ry. ten
six coupled radial double framed saddle tanks numbered 77 to 86 (WN 4257
to 4266 0-6-0T?); and "this year" have constructed for the Barry Ry. three
four coupled double end side tanks numbered 89 to 91 (WN 4367 to 4369
Recent Scottish locomotives. 145
The Highland Ry. had turned out from Lochgorm works another 5-ft.
four coupled outside cylinder bogie engines (No. 5 class) [4-4-0] numbered
33. The Caledonian Ry. had rebuilt one of Drummond's bogie engines, No. 7
I, originally built by Neilson & Co. in 1884 with a boiler of the Dunalastair
type. Ten of the large N.B.R. express engines, illustrated in our June number,
were at work, and numbered 729 to 738.
Recent Irish locomotives.-
Beyer, Peacock & Co. had in 1897 delivered to the G.N.R. more
6-ft. 6-in: four coupled bogie express engines [4-4-0], their numbers and
names being: 75 Jupiter, 76 Hercules, and 77 Achilles.
The GNR(I) had constructed at its Dundalk works two more standard double
end side tanks, but having round topped cabs. Their numbers, names and dates
were: 90 Aster (1897), and 95 Crocus (1898). The D. W. &
W. R. had constructed at their Dublin works a new 5-ft. 6-in. four coupled
double end side tank, No. 3 St. Patrick.
Locomotives of the Bristol and Exeter Railway. 146-7. 3 diagrams (side
Pearson 4-2-4T built by Rothwell for express services.
The locomotive history of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway.
147-8. 2 diagrams (side elevations), table
Stroudley D class 0-4-2T, including some rebuilt by Billinton
The locomotives of the Great Northern Railway. 150-1. 5 diagrams (side
Bury, Curtis & Kennedy 2-4-0 No. 100 WN 359/1849
A.J. Chisholm. A Cornish Railway and its engines.
152. illustration
Liskeard & Caradon Railway and its three locomotives:
Cheesewring, Kilmar and Caradon. Cheesewring is
illustrated outside the locomotive shed at Moorswater. It was an outside-cylinder
0-6-0ST with 13 x 24in cylinders, 4ft coupled wheels, a heating surface of
about 700ft2 and operated at 120 psi. It was built by Gilkes,
Wilson of Middlesbrough in 1865 and reboilered in 1890
Number 35 (November 1898)
[New L. & Y. locos.]
2-4-2T with extended bunkers: see also
Number 38 p. 17
Belgian locomotives built in Scotland. 161
The first of the five locomotives built by Neilson, Reid & Co.,
of Glasgow, for the Belgian State Railways from the designs of J.F. McIntosh,
locomotive superintendent of the Caledonian Ry., had been running trial trips
in the neighbourhood of Glasgow. It was numbered 2411, and was almost identical
with the Breadalbane class of the C.R., of which we gave a coloured plate
last June, and is painted the well-known Caledonian blue picked out with
black and white, but had the Belgian State Rys. special steam reversing gear.
It was also fitted with steam sanding and steam heating apparatus, and the
Westinghouse quick-acting brake.
New Metropolitan Rv. locomotives.
The third engine built at the Metropolitan Co.'s shops at Neasden had just
been completed. It is from the designs of Mr. T. F. Clark, and is of the
same type as No. 77, which we illustrated in December, 1896. It is numbered
I, and takes the place of the old No. I, broken up last year. G. N. R.
locomotives.-The new single bogie express is now out, and is numbered 266.
It has 7-ft. 6-in. drivers and inside cylinders 18-in. diam. The trailing
wheels have outside bearings, and the dome is placed near the chimney. No.
1326, another of the large four coupled bogie engines (132 I class) is also
out and differs from the preceding ones in ha~ing a longer smokebox and the
foot plating raised over the coupled wheels. The old 6-ft. o-in. four coupled
engine, No. 224, has been rebuilt with a standard boiler and new cab.
L. & N. W. R. taxk engines.
Ten more of the new six coupled radial tank engines, illus- trated on page
169, have now been turned out from the Crewe works; they are numbered 1597,
1598, 1599, 1601, 1608, 1615, 1622, 1626, 1627 and 1635.
G. E. R. engines.
The large new four- coupled bogie engines lately built for this com- pany
by Messr:;. Neilson, Reid & Co., and illustrated in our August issue,
are now all at work; their numbers run from 440 to 459 (makers' numbers 5325
to 5344). Two others of the same class have also been built at Ashford, Nos.
13 and 101. Four standard six-coupled side tanks, painted green; have also
been recently built at Ashford; their numbers are 69, 70, 107 and 155.S
Engines for the Dover Harbour Works.
Two six coupled saddle tank engines of the same type as No. 101, Met. Ry
.. illustrated in our number for July, r897, have just been delivered to
Messrs. S. Pearson & Sons at Dover for the new harbour construction works.
They have been built by Messrs. Peckett & Sons, of Bristol, are painted
a brick red picked out with black and yellow, and have copper chimney caps
and bright brass domes. They are named " Admiralty" and" Dover" respectively.
L. B. & S. C. R. mixed traffic tanks.
Two more of these engines have now been com- pleted at Brighton. Their numbers
and names are: 475 " Partridge Green," and -06 " Beeding."
The Southern Railways Amalgamation.
It is stated that on the forthcoming amalga- mation of the L. C. & D.
and S. E. Rys., the united undertaking is to be known as the" Great Southern."
The Oxford & Aylesbury Tramroad. 167-8.
Huddersfield at Quainton Road. 168.
Manning Wardle 0-6-0ST photograph.
Number 36 (December 1898)
Railway notes. 177
To our readers. 177
In closing this our third volume we take the opportunity of thanking
our numerous readers and correspondents for their assistance during 1898
in making our magazine so successful. As a finis to the volume we have published
a special issue or Christmas supplement with the title, " British Expresses,
1898," which is now on sale at all newsagents and bookstalls. It illustrates,
by numerous reproductions of instantaneous photographs, all the principal
fast trains of Great Britain. With the commencement of our new volume we
shall issue another of our famous colored plates representing the fine G.W.R.
express engine, " Lord of the Isles," and hope to follow this with others
equally attractive.
G.W.R. locomotives. 177
There have lately been completely at Swindon the following express
passenger engines : No. 3075 Princess Louise, 7-ft. 8-in. bogie single,
and Nos. 3302 Mortimer, 3303 Marlborough, 3304 Oxford,
and 3305 Samson, of the four coupled bogie (3292) class. A new class
has also been introduced, having the framing, motion and wheels identical
with the Pendennis Castle class, except that the bogie wheels have spokes.
The boiler, however, is much larger, and the firebox, which is of the Belpaire
type, projects over the barrel not only at the top but also at the sides,
the bottom being narrowed to pass between the frames. The cab extends to
the edge of the footplate, a door being provided in the front on the fireman's
side. The clack boxes are under the barrel just behind the smokebox, and
the nameplates are on the side of the firebox. The smokebox is slightly extended,
and the engine is fitted with steam reversing gear. The first of these engines,
which has just made its appearance, is No. 3312 Bulldog. No. 2571,
the first of a fresh series of standard goods engines, has just appeared,
having an extended smokebox.
L. & S.W.R. locomotives. 177
Most of the new four coupled bogie express engines illustrated in
our August issue were at work; their numbers ran from 290 to 299. Five six
coupled shunting tanks had also been finished at Nine Elms, their numbers
being 237 to 240 and 279. Fifteen of the new goods engines built by Messrs.
Dubs & Co., Nos. 702 to 716, were renumbered 306, 308, 309, 315, 317,
325, 326, 327, 339, 346, 350, 352, 355, 368 and 459.
Exchange of L. & Y.R. and G.N.R. engines. 177
The Great Northern Ry. had been experimenting with a L. & Y. engine,
No. 318, one of the standard 7-ft. 3-in. four coupled bogies which running
between Leeds and Peterborough. Owing to the small capacity of the L. &
Y. tenders (which have water pick-ups), No. 318 has been fitted with the
tender of G.N.R. goods engine No. 1044, painted black to match the engine,
with the initials G.N.R. in gold. No. 1310, G.N.R., had similarly been running
experimentally on the L. & Y. R.
New G.N.R. engines. 177
The second series of the large four coupled bogies (1321 class) consisting
of ten engines, Nos. 1326 to 1335, had left the shops; the first four had
been put into running, stationed at Doncaster. Four more of the ten wheeled
tanks (1009 class) were now out, Nos. 1015, 1016 and 1017 being stationed
at Bradford, and 1019 at Leeds.
New G.E.R. engines.. 177
Another ten of the 6-coupled goods engines (999 class) were out: numbered
562 to 571, and fitted with steam brakes. Some 4-coupled passenger tanks
with trailing bogies will be out shortly.
Locomotives of the Bristol and Exeter Railway. 178-9. 4 diagrams (side
Two 4-2-4T engines built under Pearson, but with 7ft 6in driving wheels:
numbered 2005 and 2006 by GWR. Two Pearson 0-6-0STs built at Bristol for
shunting Nos. 75 and 76 and thirteen Pearson 2-4-0 passenger engines which
became GWR Nos. 2015-27. Fourteen of GWR Europa class 0-6-0 transferred to
Bristol & Exeter due to gauge conversion.
Continued Volume 4 page
Wagon door controlling gear. 179 + plate
Diagrams/illustrations mentioned in text only evident on plate! Monarch
The locomotive history of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway.
180-3. 3 diagrams (side elevations), table
Stroudley E class of 0-6-0T
An International railway station. 186-7. 3 illustrations
Basle in Switzerland which adjoins Germany and France. Operation
was hindered by a level crossing at the German end.
The locomotive of today. 187-9
A handsome railway train. 190. 3 illustrations.
The Pioneer Limited ran between Chicago and Minneapolis on
the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ry. The train was built by Barney and
Smith of Dayton, Ohio. It ran overnight.
Dining car, G.N.R. Ireland. 190 .plan
Non-vestibuled car with kitchen and toilets in centre and first and
second class seating on either side and smoking compartments for the two
classes at each end
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