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Locomotive Magazine Volume 8
Weekly publication commenced
Number 85 (3 January 1903)
To our readers. 1
Happy New Year and going weekly
Scotch express picking-up water at Bushey, L.&N.W.
Ry. 1
Photograph of double-headed express with much water spillage: Photograph
by Gore Sellon.
To our readers. 1
Weekly publication started
London & North Western Railway. 1-2
Retirement of F.W. Webb
New engines, Great Central Railway. 2-3. 2 illustrations.
4-6-0 Nos. 1067 express type built Neilson Reid and No. 1052 for
The locomotive history of the London, Chatham & Dover Ry. 3-4.
illustrations (photograph and drawing)
Martley 2-4-0 built Sharp Stewart WN 2331-4 and 0-4-4T built Neilson
WN 1741-6.
The Great Eastern ultimatum. 5. diagram (side elevation)
G.W.R. compounds. 5.
Progress on the Socite Alsacienne of Belfort locomotives.
Lancs & Yorks. Ry. 5
All eight coupled goods engines to be fitted with Hoy-designed pop
safety valves. Large 2-6-2T with 5ft 8in coupled wheels, 19 x 26in cylinders
and 1400 boilers and leading and trailing radial axles to be built.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 5
Four Wainwright 0-6-0 goods engines had been completed at Ashford
Works: Nos. 59, 150, 245 and 252. Stirling 0-4-4T to be rebuilt with domed
boilers and a higher centre line.
Obituary. 5
Died 12 December 1902 in Cirencester at his home. Late General Manager
Midland & South Western Junction Railway which he had joined from the
LSWR in 1899.
Some locomotive experiments. 6-7.
Figures 50-5: dynamometers
The Cork & Macroom Direct Ry. 8-9. 2
5ft 3in gauge 24½ mmiles long, opened 12 May 1866, The
locomotives were all 2-4-0T built by Dubs & Co. at the following dates:
Nos. 1 and 2, 1865 ; No. 3, 1867; Xo. 4, 1868. In their original form the
safety valves were placed on the dome, which was over the firebox, but three
of the engines had been rebuilt with new boilers, having the dome in the
usual position and separate Ramsbottom safety valves. No: 4 was so rebuilt
in 1897, No. 2 in 1898, and No. 3 in 1899. Principal dimensions: Cylinders
15 x 24-in ; coupled wheels 5ft 6in.; grate area 10½
ft2 total heating surface 760
ft2; steam pressure: No. 1 120 psi. Nos. 2, 3 and
4·130 psi The locomotives were painted light green lined out with black
and yellow. The line was comparatively level, and the steepest gradient was
1 in 98, near Crookstown. Road Station and between Kilurnney and Kilcrea.
There were two bridges spanning the rivers Lee and Tullale. The company's
chief offices, engine sheds and repairing shops,. where they built some of
their own wagons, were situated at their Cork terminus. Thanks due to Maurice
J. Reen, the loco. superintendent, for the particulars and dimensions of
the roIling stock
Royal Special.. 9
For the visit of the King and Oueen to Lord Howe at Gopsall Hall,
on 9 December 1902, the L. & N.W.R. ran their new Royal train drawn by
engine No. 1925 Warrior.
Railway notes. 9
London & South Western Ry. 9
Ten bogie tank engines (0-4-4T) were under construction at Nine Elms
to be numbered 123, 124, 130, 132, 133 and 374 to 378 inclusive. Another
ten bogie mixed traffic engines were also under construction. Nos.
713 and 114 bogie passenger engines now had bogie tenders attached to them
instead of the six-wheeled type which they originally had been built with
Great Western Ry. 9
Nos. 2674-2676 were additional engines of the 2621 class built at
Swindon. Nos 602, 673, 712, 713, 2302 and 2303 six-coupled goods engines
(0-6-0), had been rebuilt with Belpaire fireboxes.
[North British Ry]. 9
Ox the the German Emperor's visit to Lord Rosebery at Dalrneny, N.B.
Ry. bogie engines Nos. 732 and 770 drew the train.
Great Cextral Ry. 9
No. 41 had been rebuilt as a saddle tank, and Nos. 228, 230, 378 and
393 double framed goods, and No. 317, 6-ft. 3-in. passenger engine, had been
rebuilt with new boilers. The passenger engines Nos. 311- 320, which had
been years stationed at Trafford working Cheshire Lines trains, had been
transferred to Nottingham, and worked stopping trains to Sheffield and Leicester.
The twelve heavy ten-wheeled passenger tank engines being built by the Vulcan
Foundry Co., would have 5-ft. 7in. coupled wheels, 18-in. by 26-in. cylinders,
and be Nos. 1055-1066 inclusive.
Neilson, Reid & Co. 9
Sent out a large number of locomotives for the Cape Government and
Natal Railways and for the Bengal North Western Railway. Twenty-nine 6-coupled
bogie engines with 15-in. by 22-m. cylinders, and coupled wheels 5-ft. diameter
had been built for the 3-ft. 6-in. gauge. Twenty 6-coupled goods had also
been delivered to His Highness The Nizarri's State Railway with 14-in. by
20-in. cylinders and 5:ft. wheels, . They have also delivered the followmg
.new engmes to the Great Central Raihyay. Six-coupled standard goods Nos
1043-1051, WN. 6226-6234; six-coupled bogie engines, Nos. 1067-1072, WN.
6235-6240; eight-coupled goods engmes, Nos. 1052-1054, WN. 6251-6253.
Recent modifications on North Eastern engines. 10-11. 2
2-4-0 converted to 4-4-0: No. 328 shown and 6ft 8in 4-4-0 No. 115
removing Joy valve gear
Llanelly and Mynydd Mawr Railway tank locomotive. 11. illustration
Avonside 0-6-0T: leading axles fitted with Cortazzi Traverse axlebox.
4ft 8in coupled wheels, 17 x 24in cylinders, 941ft2 total heating
surface, 16.5ft2 grate area and 160 psi boiler pressure
Locomotives in 1902. 12
So far as locomotive construction and performance is concerned, the
past year, when compared with many that have preceded it, can scarcely be
regarded a an epoch. Nevertheless, a review of it presents many points of
interest, and these we propose to enumerate in as concise a form as possible.
It is evident that notwithstanding the serious difficulties which the limitations
of the loading gauge present to locomotive engineers in this country, finality
in locomotive design has not yet been reached. Recent years have increasingly
shown the pressing need for greater locomotive power as distinct from
facilities for its utilisation. This need, arising from the demand for higher
speeds, combined with vastly increased loads, has been of late fully recognised
by locomotive designers; but despite all that has been. done, it still remains
to some extent a problem of the future. When, therefore, to mention but a
few instances, Aspinall in his 1400 class went with a bound to 2,052 sq.
ft. of heating surface, P. Drummond in his Castle type to 2,064, W. Worsdell
in his 2001 class to 1,769, Du Bousquet in the Nord de Glehn compound to
2,275 and both at home and abroad enormously increased heating surface was
being given in freight engines, it was not for a moment to be imagined that
the last word had been spoken. And so it has proved. .
Early in March, 1902, Dean's six-coupled bogie express engine No. 100 with
a total heating surface of 2,400 sq. ft., in a 14-ft. 8-in. by 5-ft. boiler
and a 9-ft. Belpaire firebox, with 27¾ sq ft. of grate area, appeared
on the road. We gave a photograph and leading particulars of this engine
in our June issue. It was the third example in this country of a six-coupled
locomotive built for express service, its precursors being the North Eastern
2001 and Highland Castle classes above referred to. It would certainly seem
that the six-coupled express ha come to stay, tor McIntosh has already followed
with five engines of this type for the Callander and Oban service, and .
Robinson on the Great Central has moved in the same direction. All these
engines, except those of the Caledonian, have outside cylinders driving the
middle pair of coupled wheels.
The employment of outside cylindersso distasteful to many British
locomotive engineersin these six-coupled engines is also a distinct
sign of the time. Worsdell uses 20-in. by 26-ins. cylinders with 6-ft and
6-ft. 8-ins. coupled wheels; P. Drummond 19½ by 26-ins. with 5-ft. 9-in.
wheels; Dean 18 by 30-ins. with 6-ft. 8-in. wheels ; Robinson 19 by 26-in.
with 6-ft wheels. McIntosh has employed 5-ft. coupled wheels with 19 by 25-in.
inside cylinders placed well forward.
The results that will be derived from this varying practice cannot yet be
fully estimated. Some think that the Caledonian type, but with 5-ft. 6-in.or
5-ft. 9-in. wheels, may in time be found a satisfactory example for engines
of this class. Past experience, however, would appear to discourage hope
of standardisation, if indeed such was possible or desirable. At any rate,
if the experiment is successful on the Great Western, we imagine that some
variant of the type may be expected as in the case of the Atbara and Camel
classes, to suit the special requirements of different sections of the line.
The lengthening of piston stroke seen in thes engines, especially in the
case of the Great Western, is also to be noted. "Nothing is new under the
sun," and a 30-inch piston stroke has to a limited extent been used in this
country before, but for many years no such length of stroke has been used
on a British. locomotive. The combination of long piston stroke with small
diameter of driving wheels unquestionably tends toward vastly increased tractive
power; the full effect on speed is yet to be seen. In the Great Western engine
we have 121.5 lbs. of tractive force for eyery effective lb. of steam, .and
some 50 tons of adhesive weight to take up and utilise this force. The engine
and tender in working order together weigh 105 tons.
Another point of practice noticeable in this engine is the Belpaire firebox,
which has during the year been experimentally put in engines of various types
on several lines that have not hitherto used it. On the London & South
Western Railway D. Drummond has in recent years sought increased steam generating
capacity in his engines by inserting water tubes in the firebox. The results
obtained have induced him to experi- ment with a water tube locomotive boiler,
in which the ordinary tubes are almost entirely displaced by cross-water
tubes. The advantage to be gained by the use of these tubes has been much
traversed, but Drummond is evidently satisfied with the results attained.
Another water tube firebox which has received attention during the year is
that of Smith of the North Eastern. Much has been heard from America of Baldwin
built engines equipped with the Vanderbilt corrugated cylindrical firebox,
and in this country an eight-coupled goods engine has been turned out on
the L. & Y. Ry. with a firebox of this pattern; particulars will be found
in our issue for June last. For many years cylindrical fireboxes have been
used by Lenz in Germany, Strong in America, and by Webb at Crewe for shunting
engines. The application to large power is the only novelty. (To be
The brakes: Westinghouse triple valve. 13-14. diagram
Six-coupled tender engine, Minho-Duoro Ry., Portugal. 14.
Hanover Woorks at Linden 2-6-2 with otside cylinders, radial axles
and Belpaire firebox
Painting and finishing locomotives. 15-16. diagram
Railway carriage & wagon construction, XVII. 17-18
Band saws
New cars for the Underground Ry. 18. diagram
Seven car sets of very American-looking stock
Number 86 (10 January 1903)
London, Brighton and South Coast Ry. 19. illustration
Two more six-coupled radial tank engines of the new class [KPJ: E5
0-6-2T dessigned Robert Billinton], with 5-ft. 6-in. driving wheels, and
which are illustrated on this page, had been built at Brighton, and numbered
and named 569 Kensington, 570 Armington.
No. 300 Lyons, front coupled engine, had been fitted with a No. 401
class goods tender. On 21 December 1902 one of the latest bogie passenger
engines, No. 42 His Majesty, worked a theatrical special through from
Victoria Station to Lime St., Liverpool, over the L. & N. W. R., and
'remained at Liverpool for the return journey a few days. On the same date
a very fast run was made with the Pullman Limited from Victoria to Brighton,
the total distance of 51 miles being covered in 53½ minutes without
a check, the bogie engine No 70 Holyrood drawing the train. The following
engines were running, fired with oil fuel on Holden's system:No. 565
Littleton, six-coupled radial tank; No. 387 Steyning, four-coupled
bogie tank; No. 198 Sheffield, four-coupled passenger engine; No.
52 Siemens, and No. 206 Smeaton, four- coupled bogie passenger
North British Ry. 19
The new six-coupled bogie engines now being built at Cowlair's will
be provided with cabs similar to the N.E.R. 2011 class. [KPJ: this is long
before the Reid Atlantic & must relate to a 4-4-0 rather than a 4-6-0].
Several of the latest six-coupled side tanks, 796 class, had been fitted
with the Westinghouse brake, and employed on working empty carriages up the
Cowlairs incline without the assistance of the rope. It is intended to work
all trains by this means, and so dispense with the stationary engine. A large
engine shed is being built at Cowlairs to hold 200 engines under cover.
Caledonian, 19
Several more engines of the 600 class eight-coupled goods were being
built, and the new six-coupled bogie passenger engines for the Carlisle and
Glasgow traffic wouldl be out shortly. As the latest four-coupled passenger
engines went into the shops they were fitted with new pop safety valves and
Furness lubricators for the cylinders. On the Callander and Oban section
the six-coupled bogie passenger engines Nos. 55-59 were doing splendid work,
their load for goods trains being 40 wagons. Ten of Drummond's coupled bogie
engines had in all been rebuilt with Dunalastair boilers, Nos. 60, 61, 63-66,
70, 71, 73, 75. Nos. 61, 67 and 89 had been rebuilt with No. 13 class
The B.G. locomotives of the Great Western Ry. 20-1. 3 diagrams (side elevaations)
Miniature railway, I. of Man. 22. 2 illustrations
Groundle Glen Railway Isle of Man: 2-ft gauge with Bagnall tank engine
named Sea Lion
Locomotives in 1902. 23
Continued from page 12. Like many of its predecessors on the Great
Western, No. 100 has an extended smoke-box, which notwithstanding the adverse
judgment passed upon it in some parts of America, is being used on one or
two British lines. Dugald Drummond's spark preventer, with which he has fitted
over 300 London and South Western engines, has received the lion's share
of the attention given to the numerous "spark arresting and fuel economising"
devices which had been introduced during the past twelve months. It has been
experimented with by several other companies, but the results do not appear
likely to lead to anything approaching general adoption.
The accelerated summer service between London and the great Lancashire cities
once more drew attention to the compound engines which, for heavy passenger
and goods service alike, Webb has continued to turn out of the Crewe, shops.
Since deciding to cease building three-cylinder compounds, that gentleman
has placed on 'the road a number of four-coupled, four-cylinder compounds.
During the season excellent work was done by the Jubilee and Alfred the Great
types, which have on many occasions taken loads of from 320 to 370 tons behind
the tender, over the 158 miles between London and Crewe without a stop, at
an over all speed of 54 miles an hour. It should be mentioned that almost
invariably recourse was had to the services of a pilotusually a
four-coupled Precedent or one of the three-cylinder compounds. This was,
of course, the result of the order issued in October, 1901, that for the
future on the L. & N. W., the equivalent of 17 ordinary six-wheeled coaches
should be regarded as sufficient load for one engine. On the corresponding
run from St. Pancras, over a much heavier road, but with lighter loads, Johnson
had employed his 6-ft. 9-in., and 7-ft. four-coupled classes, and single-wheelers
of the Princess of Wales type, which last seem determined to show that, if
the single-drivers are indeed doomed, they will die hard. Our readers will,
perhaps, pardon a: digression suggested by the mention of the Precedent London
and North Western class in the preceding paragraph. Probably no engine of
this or any other class has ever earned for itself such a reputation as that
of No. 955 Charles Dickens. On 5 August h, 1902, this celebrated
locomotive, so well known on the London and "Manchester service, completed
its two-millionth mile of running. Such a feat, unsurpassed in -Iocornotive
history, was not to be lightly passed by, and Webb, with pardonable pride,
considered the occasion one on which the engine could justly "speak for
To return to compounds, the Midland Ry. put into service two four-coupled
three-cylinder engines, arranged on the Smith system, by means of which they
can be operated either as single expansion, semi-compound, or compound engines.
These engines have two outside low-pressure cylinders, 21 by 26-iri., and
a high pressure cylinder between the frames, 19 by 26-jn., thus reversing
Webb's practice of two outside high-pressure cylinders, and one low-pressure
between the frames. The opportunity has also being taken to try Serve tubes
in one of them. It may be mentioned in passing that Serve tubes are reported
to have proved a failure in American built engines in New Zealand, although
it may be questioned whether bad coal had not something to do with the result.
Trials of a three-cylinder compound, similar to the Midland, but fitted with
Smith's water-tubes in the firebox, were also proceeding on the North Eastern,
and on the Lancashire and Yorkshire a four-cylinder compound express engine
is the subject of experiment. With these slight exceptions, Webb still stands
alone amongst British locomotive engineers of the present day; with regard
to the employment of compounds.
Abroad, the performances of the de Glehn four-cylinder compounds on the Nord
of France were of interest. Indeed, one. of the features of the year has
been the way in which these fine locomotives have dealt with very heavy loads
on runs of 95 to 120 miles without stopping, over roads of more than average
difficulty, at over all speeds of from 58 to 61½ miles per hour. When
one is also, told that such journeys were performed on a coal consumption
of 38½ lbs. per mile, that a speed of 56 miles per hour is maintained
with ease on a stretch of 15 miles of 1 in 200 up grade, and that never is
the maximum legal speed of 120 kilometres per hour exceeded, the admiration
du Bousquet's engines excited, ceases to be matter for wonder. During the
year delivery had been completed of a further twenty of these engines (Nos.
2/641 to 2/660). Attention may here be called to a somewhat curious difference
in practice. Both Webb, and du Bousquet, place their high pressure cylinders
outside and their low pressure cylinders between the frames, but when seeking
enhanced power in new construction the former enlarges the high pressure
cylinder, and the latter the low pressure. The de Glehn engines are arranged
to admit of the using of high pressure steam in allfour cylinders, in
other words, as four-cylinder non-compound engines. Drummond, on the London
and South Western, and Manson, on the Glasgow and South Western, inaugurated
four-cylinder, high pressure engines In this country some few years ago,
and duringthe year. Ivatt has built a new engine on this principle for the
Old North British engines. 24-5
No. 1009 ot the North British Ry. represents a once numerous but now
practically extinct type of passenger engine, being to the best of our knowledge
the last 6-ft. single tender engine at work in Britain. Originally built
at St. Margaret's Works of the N.B.R. in 1863 for the express passenger traffic
between Edinburgh and Berwick, and Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee, she was numbered
55, and had the reputation in the 1860s and early 1870s of being the fastest
engine on the N.B.R. In course of time, becoming too light for main line
express work, No. 55 was sent to Perth and ran regularly between that city
and Ladybank Junction until the opening of the Forth Bridge in 1890, when
on the re-arrangement of the traffic she was sent to Stirling, and has for
the last twelve years worked on the Stirling and Dunfermline, and Forth and
Clyde Railways.
As originally designed, No. 55 was practically a Jenny Lind, and had neither
dome nor cab. A spring safety valve encased in an elaborate vase-shaped brass
casing was above the firebox, while a weather board without sides was the
sole protection for the men. The dimensions of the original boiler had been
lost, beyond that it was 10-ft. 4-in. in length, 4-ft. in diameter, and pressed
to 130 psi.
In 1894 No, 55 became 55A, but on being reboilered by Holmes in 1897 was
again renumbered 809, and again in 1900 No. 1009. The boiler provided by
Holmes was not a new one, but one taken from an engine rebuilt by Drummond
in 1877 and then broken up. This explains the misleading inscription on the
builders' plate "Cowlairs Works, 1877"- the date applying to the boiler only,
and having nothing to do with the construction or reconstruction of the engine.
This new boiler had a barrel 10-ft, long and 4ft. diam., and contained 154
tubes 1¾ diam.; pressure 140 psi. Heating surface: tubes 732
ft2., firebox 83 ft2, total 815 ft2.; grate
area 16 ft2. Cylinders 16-in. by 20-in. Driving wheels 6-ft. 1-in.,
leading wheels 4-ft. 6-in . trailing wheels 3-ft.9-in. The tender shown in
the illustration was not the original one.
Second illustration shows another of the numerous types of engines the North
British Railway possessed. It had four wheels having a diameter of 5-ft.
3-in., the inside cylinders being 15-in. diameter with a 24-in. stroke. The
boiler worked at a pressure of 120 psi, and had a heating surface of 831.5
ft2. The engine weighed in working order 22 tons 7 cwt. The various
features of the engine are illustrative of the changes it has undergone from
time to time as the engine required repairing during the various locomotive
superlntendents' regimes. This engine as shown, No. 811, worked the Elliott
Junction and Carmyllie branch of the Dundee and Arbroath Joint Ry. for many
years. The early standard four-wheeled tender was coupled to the engine.
This 0-4-0 type of tender engine is almost unique on our railways at the
present time, there being but few other instances of its use.
See also page 67 See also
page 428.
Glasgow and South Western. 25
Great improvements at their locomotive works, Kilmarnock: the provision
of new overhead cranes in the erecting shop being found necessary to deal
with the heavy six- coupled bogie engines now being built for the company.
Several of Smellie's six-coupled goods are being rebuilt with boilers having
domes, but the original chimney has been retained.
Great Western Ry. 25
The order for Mogul goods had been completed, the numbers being 2661-2680,
all of which, except the first, had telescopic taper boilers. The following
engines had been supplied with boilers having Belpaire fireboxes: Nos, 3330
Hotspur, 3392 Badminton, four-coupled express engines, No.
1117 7-ft. non-bogie single, and Nos. 371, 394, 707, 1098, 2357, 2448, 2505,
2514, six-coupled goods engines. Further engines of the Camel class were
being built at Swindon, the first one out being No. 3413 Edward VII.
No, 100 six-coupled bogie engine had been re-named William
Dean. Great Eastern Ry. 25
Nos. 1200-1204 new six-coupled goods engines were out, the tenders
being partially fitted with the water pick up apparatus. It is intended to
lay water troughs down at Whittlesford and Brandon, the former being chiefly
for the fast coal trains from March. South Eastern and Chatham Ry.
More Wainwright goods engines were being built, and Nos, 90 and 253
were now running in the engines previously bearing these numbers having been
placed on the duplicate list.
British locomotives. 25
Although the home railways were not placing many orders for engines,
foreign and colonial contracts should keep some of the leading British locomotive
builders employed for sometime. In November the Japanese Government accepted
the tender of a Glasgow firm for 30 locomotives, and last week a South African
order for 60 engines went to another Glasgow house. Twelve locomotives have
just been ordered in Leeds for the Cape. Besides this contract, the tenders
of firms in Leeds have been accepted for a number of single engines on home,
colonial, and foreign account.
London and North Western Ry. 25
Further ten four-cylinder eight-coupled goods engines had been built,
numbered 2566-2570, 1044, 1047, 1051, 1055 and 1061, the Crewe numbers being
4275-4284. Of a further order for ten, the first five were numbered, 1064,
1065, 1066, 1070, 1088, the Crewe numbers being 4295-4299 inclusive.
Early Stockton & Darlington locomotives. 28-9
Continued from Vol. 7 p. 185: Bury Huddersfield and 2-2-2
The history of the London & South Western locomotives. 29-30. illustration
The Manchester & Milford Ry. 30-2. 3
Line which became the railway which linked Aberystwyth with Carmarthen
serving the theologiical college at Lampeter en route. 0-6-0 General Wood,
2-4-2T Plynlimmon and 0-6-0 Aberystwyth illustrated. Full
list of locomotives and their origins
The carriage and wagon department 34
Construction of wooden carriage wheels. 34-6. 4 diagrams
Mansell wheels
Number 87 (17 January 1903)
Singular railway accident at Carlisle. 37-8. illustration
Shunting accident at Denton Holme goods yard on Glasgow & South
Western Railway on 24 December 1902 involving derailment on bridge of Stirling
0-6-0 No. 100A built in 1867.
Shunting locomotive for the Liverpool Overhead Ry. 38. illustration
Kitson light weight 0-4-0 with 8 by 12 inch cylinders, 3ft coupled
wheels, 6.4 ft2 grate area and 159.5
ft2 total heating surface: weight just in excess 10
Locomotives in 1902, 39-40. illustration
Great Eastern Ry. 40
Decapod ran trial trip from Stratford to Romford on 11 January. To
six-wheel tram locomotives under construction at Stratford. Ten more 4-4-0
passenger engines to be rebuilt with larger Belpaire boilers.
6-coupled narrow gauge locomotive for the North Mount Lyell
Copper Co., Tasmania. 41. illustration
Designed by David Jones, retired locomotive engineer of the Highland
Railway: very similar to his Highland design,, but reduced to run on 3ft
6in gauge. Had a bogie at the outer end of the tender to assist running in
reverse. Built by Avonside Engine Co. Fitted with W.R.S. Jones central buffing
and draw-gear,
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 41
Two class C 0--6-0 built at Ashford: Nos. 68 and 486.Stephenson &
Co. 729 class 4-4-0 shortly to be available.
New Welsh light railway. 41
Vale of Rheidol light railway opened from Aberystwyth to Devil's
Bridge on 1 January. Locomotives built by Davies & Metcalfe
Some locomotive experiments. 42-3
Figures 54-5: dynamometer recording apparatus to enable a paper record
to be obtained
North Eastern Railway. 43
Preliminary information on locomotive being built at Gateshead with
high and low pressure cylinders! and bogie tender
London & India Docks Ry. 43. illustration
Purchase of Liskeard & Caradon Rly 0-6-0ST Looe: R. Stephenson
& Co. WN 3050/1901. Given No. 11 in Docks fleet
New ten-wheeled compound express locomotives, Jura-Simplon
Rly., Switzerland. 44. illustration
Société Suisse four-cylinder Von Borries compound 4-6-0
with Joy valva gear actuating inside 22½-in diameter cylinders and
Walschaerts for outside high pressure 14-in diameter cylinders.
See also addenda p. 88
Cambrian Rys. 44
Stephenson & Co., Darlington were constructing "several" 0-6-0
locomotives for railway
Isle of Man Ry. 45
In the account of the locomotives given in December 1902 Issue the
working pressure of the earlier lcomotives should have been given as
125 psi.. The numbers, names and dates of the engines were as follows: 1
Sutherland, 1873; 2· Derby, 1873; 3 Pender, 1873;
4 Loch, 1874; 5 Mona, 1874; 6 Peveril, 1875; 7
Tynwald, 1880; 8 Fenella, 1894; 9 Douglas, 1896.
Loxdon & South Western Ry. 45
"New locomotive shops are being built at Eastleigh, and the whole
of the locomotive building, etc., will shortly be transferred from Nine Elms.
No. 705, one of Drummond's four-coupled bogie engines was running fitted
with experimental gear. A new engine shed had been built at Eastleigh, to
replace the one now situated at Northam, and at Andover Junction, where the
engine shed was burnt down some time ago a new one is contemplated.
A serious derailment occurred at Kew Bridge recently, when No. 459 six-coupled
goods engine left the rails, followed by several wagons. It happened on the
North London line, and much damage was caused to that company's station and
permanent way, besides that to the L. & S. W. Ry, rolling stock.
The I I. 10 . up, and 16.50 p.m. down Bournemouth Pullman trains until recently
worked by Adams' 7-ft. 1-in. coupled engines, are now drawn by Drummond's
"water tube" class in consequence of the increased load
A veteran locomotive driver. 45
Death annouced of a retired G.E.R. locomotive driver, John Thornton,
who had a remarkable career. All his life was spent in locomotive work, having
commenced as a lad of 15 years of age under Stephenson & Co. in
October, 1822. He was employed as an engine driver during the construction
of the London and Birmingham, Great Western and Bristol and Exeter Railways,
and on the opening of the Northern and Eastern Railway in 1840, he became
a passenger driver on that system, where he remained until its incorporation
with the Eastern Counties in January, 1844, leaving the latter line some
time after for an appointment on the Londonderry and Coleraine Ry. in Ireland.
In 1849, he returned to the London and Blackwall Railway, and was driver
of the locomotive hauling the first train into Fenchurch Street, on the
discontinuance of the original rope working. On the taking over of the Blackwall
Ry. stock by the G.E.R., and their working of the line, Thornton became a
driver in the latter company's account of the locomotives service, where
he remained until retiring on a given of this railway in our pension during
Worsdell's superintendency in 1883. He was at the time of his death in his
96th year.
Midland & South Western Junction Ry.
appointment. 45
John Davies, late general manager 'of the government railways of Western
Australia, had been appointed to a similar position on the Midland and South
Western Junction Ry., in succession to the late James Purkess. :
New Indian engines. 45
The first engines turned out from Robert Stephenson & Co.'s new
works at Darlington were six 4-coupled bogie express locomotives, with 6-ft.
6-in. driving wheels, for the Oudh and Rohilkund Railway of India, WN 3076-3081
Catalogs received 45
Martin & Co., 45
West Ham,: well known makers of models and castings for same, in their
latest issue place before the public some very useful and accurate scale
models of the various railway companies' engines, to be obtained at a very
moderate cost. This firm now deals with motor cars and tricycles. in addition
to their usual machines intended for model makers.
Drake & Co. 45
Electrical, model and mechanical engineers, Bradford, send the sixth
edition of their list of models and details, telephones, etc.
A modern Indian express train. 46. illustration.
Photograph of Dubs built 4-6-0 on a Bombay to Hyderebad via Wadi on
the Nizam's Guaranteed State Railway
Irish expresses in 1902. 47. illustration.
Table of fastest se rvices on Great Northern (48.8 mile/h); Great
Sothern & Western (48.5 mile/h); Belfast & Northern Counties (44.3
mile/h); Midland & Great Western (43.8 mile/h); Belfast & County
Down Railways (40.5 mile/h);.also longest non-stop runs and general high
speeds over some section, notably the Great Sothern & Western Railway.
Photograph of goods train near Derry on GNR (I).
New English built engines of American design for the Canadian
Pacific Ry. 48-9. 2 diagrams (inclluding side elevation)
Neilson & Co. 4-6-0 designed by E.A. Williams, Superintendent
of Motive Power and A.W. Horsey, Chief Draughtsman
Tank engine for Tralee & Dingle Light Ry.,
Ireland.. 49. illustration
Outside cylinder 0-4-2T with two cabs No. 4, bult by Hunslet Engine
The new compounds of the Baden State Rys. 50. diagram (side elevation)
Express passenger engine, S.E.&C. Ry. 50-1. illustration
Former Kirtley 4-4-0 No. 191 rebuilt as No. 650
"Atlantic" type engine, G.N.R. 51. diagram (side elevation)
Ivatt No. 251
Carriage and wagon departmrent. 53-
Steel self-discharging 40-ton hopper coal wagon
N.E.R. 53-4. illustration
Train: Armley to Newcastle
Number 88 (24 January 1903)
Rebuilt condensing tank locomotive G.N.R. 55. . illustration
Stirling 0-4-4T No. 766 rebuilt with domed boiler. Ten new 0-8-0
about to enter service (Nos. 412-421), also ten 990 class (4-4-2) under
Canadian Pacific Railway under consrution at Neilson, Reid & Co.
All fittings being sent from Canada, but boilers being built in
Locomotives in 1902. 56-7.
Higher boiler pressures (up to 200 psi); No. 271 the
four-cylinder simple Ivatt large Atlantic, the Holden Claud Hamiloton 4-4-0
for the Great Eastern and the Dean Atbara 4-4-0 for the Great Western. High
speed running was noted on the Midland between Appleby and Carlisle, the
North Eastern between Darlington and York, between Manchester and Liverpool
on the LYR and between Grantham and King's Cross.
Wheatley saddle tank locomotives. 57
Originally built in 1874: being rebuilt by NBR
The old Paris & Limours Ry. 57-8. 2 illustrations,
Broader gauge (1.75 m); flanged wheels ran loose on their axles and
extra guide wheels were set obliquely inside framing. Very sharp curves near
Sceaux. Subsequently, "normal 2-4-2T used. M.V. Forquenot was in charge of
The Scotch locomotive works. 59-61. 2 illustrations
Then pending amalgamation of Neilson, Reid & Co.with Sharp, Stewart
and Dubs: this part is concerned with the Hyde Park Works built up by James
Reid and his four sons.
Railway amalgamation. 61
Rumours of Mtropolitan and Metropoltan District due to
Early Stockton & Darlington locomotives. 61-2.
Further information about Shildon (large boiler, small grate, double
tender); No. 35 Commerce (16 x 24in cylinders; large boiler/small grate 80
psi working pressure); Priam (coupled wheels 5ft diameter; 95 psi boiler
pressure; 15 x 22in cylinders). Photograph of NER No. 1058 formerly
Woodlands. Further information on Woodlands on
page 254
Metallic packing for locomotives. 62-3. diagram
The Ballycastle Railway. 64-5. 2 illustrations
Opened 18 October 1880: 3ft gauge from Ballycastle to Ballymoney.
Steeply graded (1 in 50) and sharply curved. Passenger stock included three
bogie coaches. Two 0-6-0ST locomotives were built by Black, Hawthorn
& Co.: No. 1 Dalriada WN 554/1879 and No. 2 Countess of
Antrim WN 555/1880. The slightly smaller No. 3 Lady Boyd followed
WN 513/1879. In the summer season a train ran non-stop in 40 minutes to connect
off the 12.00 luncheon car express from Belfast. George T.M. Bradshaw was
the Locomotive Superintendent
The locomotive history of the London, Chatham & Dover Ry. 65-6
Railway notes. 67
Midland Ry. 67
Ten more Belpaire bogie express engines of the No. 2781 class were
on order at the Derby shops, and the remaining three compound express engines,
Nos. 2633-2635, would shortly be completed. Many of the double framed goods
engines of Kirtley's design are being supplied with new cylinders 18-in.
by 24-in. in place of the old 17-in. by 24-in. All .boilers for goods engines
would in future carry a working steam pressure of 160 lpsi.
A new station was being built at Nottingham, six additional pairs of rails
had been laid through, making ten in all, the three main platforms being
increased to six with a total length of over 1,000 feet. In general arrangement
the buildings will be similar to the Company's station at Leicester.
North Staffordshire Railway. 67
Seven eight-wheeled radial side tank goods engines, with six coupled
drivers (0-6-2T) were being constructed for the line by the Vulcan Foundry
Co. The coupled wheels were to be 5-ft. diameter, and the cylinders 18½-in.
by 26-in.
Piston valves on the Eastern of France Ry. 67
Pelletier, of the Chemin de fer de I'Est, provided results obtained
in connection with the use of cylindrical slide valves on four-cylinder compound
locomotives on that railway. The reasons which led to the employment of this
type of valve, the nature of the arrangements adopted and the actual results
obtained are stated. He claimed the indicator diagrams have considerably
improved with engines fitted in the manner described, that the mechanical
effect is in every way satisfactory, and that the saving of fuel has proved
to be fully 10 per cent. This saving is based upon figures furnished during
actual running, and quite apart from theoretical calculations. Cylindrical
valves are said to be advantageous chiefly because they make it possible
to greatly increase the number of revolutions per minute in compound locomotives,
thus facilitating the attainment of higher speeds, whilst reducing the diameter
of the driving wheels.
London and North Western Railway. 67
The King Edward VII. class wee having their H.P. cylinders reduced
in diameter to 15-in., and the boiler pressure is being lowered to I75 lbs.
per square inch. Five new eight coupled compound goods were running, numbered
1091; 1094,1190, 1222 and 1223, the Crewe numbers being 4300-4304, which
completed the order. So successful have these engines been that eighty more
were to be constructed. Ten four cylinder compound passenger engines were
in hand.
North British Railway. 67
Referring to the description of N. B. R. No. 811 given in our issue
for 10 January this engine has lately been rebuilt a third time, as has also
No. 810 of a similar type. Both have domes now and standard N.B.R. chimneys
and work between Alloa and Alloa Harbour. Their original numbers were 357
and 358, afterwards 357A and 358A, then 810 and 811, and now 1010 and
Bengal & North Western Ry. 67
Order of 30 locomotives for the Bengal & North Western Ry. had
been completed at Hyde Park Locomotive Works. They were special class engines
and had 6-coupled wheels 4-ft. diameter and a leading four-wheeled bogie
(4-6-0). These engines are similar to a previous order executed for the same
railway company, the only difference being that the engines are fitted with
the Walschaerts valve gear.
New Year's card from Italy. 67. illustration
Sent from Luigui Bonavia in Rome: shows 4-4-0 hauling an express
The history of the London & South Western
locomotives. 68-9. illustration
Expansion of the railway. Photograph of Bodmin & Wadebridge
Number 89 (31 January 1903)
Bogie passenger engines, North British Ry. 73-4.
2 illustrations
D. Drummond design: Nos. 476-9 supplied by Neilson, Reid &
1877 and Nos. 486-93 built at Cowlairs Works in 1878. Rebuilt with slightly
larger, higher presswure boilers.
North Eastern Railway. 74.
Announcement that Newcastle to Tynemouth line to be electrified with
electricity supplied from power station at Wallsend. British Thomas Houston
to supply equipment.
The vacuum brake and frost. 75.
The locomotives of the G.E.R. 75-6. 3 diagrams (side
Kitson & Co. supplied a long boiler 0-6-0 in 1846 to the Eastern
Counties Railway: not illustrated. This had 15 x 24in. cylinders and 4ft
9in diameter wheels. Robert Stephenson & Co. supplied WN 534/1846. It
received running number 68 and was joined by Nos, 69 and 70. No. 69 received
valve gear designed by John Hunter. Two of the locomotives were rebuilt by
Sinclair, but No. 70 onle received modifications
Comparisons on the lives of locomotives. 76.
Wilson Worsdell l;ecture in Newcastle-on-Tyne on the life of British
(25 years and about 700,000 miles) and American passenger locomotives (16
years and about 2 million miles).
The Scotch locomotive works. 77-9. 2 illustrations.
Neilson, Reid & Co. Hyde Park Works in Glasgow noted that the
erecting shop was well equipped with overhead cranes and was well lit. It
was particularly concerned with the machine tools installed there including
ones built by the locomotive manufacturer.
Locomotives in 1902. 79-81.
Noted long non-stop runs: by Atbara class locomotive hauling Royal
Train from Paddington to Kingswear and from Plymouth to Paddington; and by
the LNWR from Euston to Holyhead when transporting the Earl of Dudley, Viceroy
of Ireland.. Intermediate or mixed traffic locomotives were introduced by
the GER, GNR and LSWR. A new valve gear was introduced on the GNR for both
passenger and goods engins. (KPJ presumably balanced slide valves). The Webb
four-cylinder compound 0-8-0s were hauling large loads on Crewe to London
coalm trains: 920 tons up to Whitmore and 820 tons from Northampton to Willesden.
The Caledonian and North Eastern Railway eight-coupled types were capable
of handling 1000 ton loads. The Jones Goods 4-6-0 type on the Highland and
Robinson 4-4-2T designs were mentioned. Brief notice waas paid to the
du Bousquet compound tank engines used on Paris suburan services and the
Dunalastair type 4-4-0s used in Belgium.
A little-known Devonshire locomotive. 81-2.
Devon Great Consols Ltd. was a major producer of arsenic and had an
extensive railway system. Locomotives used on it were supplied by Thoams
Spittle Ltd. Ada was working on it at time of publlication, but
Hugo then working in South Wales is illustrated. They had 10 x 15in
cylinders and 2ft 8in wheels. They were painted green.
Four-coupled bogie passenger engines, Highland Rly. 84. illustration
Jones Strath class 4-4-0 No. 94 Strathtay illustrated. Notes
dark green livery.
Midland and Great Northern Joint Ry. 84
New express train leaving Yarmouth Beach at 09.15 and Norwich City
at 09.40. M&GNJR locomotive worked through to Leicester Midland and returned
on 14.50 return working.
Great Eastern Ry. 84
Latest 0-6-0 built at Stratford No, 1205
The safety of oil fuel on locomotives. 85
Accident on Transcaucasian Railway near Baku where tender split, but
there was no fire in spite of telescoping of rolling stock.
The Midland Ry. and electricity. 85
All matters electrical other than telegraphy plced under Mountford
Deeley who had been inspecting electrically worked railways in
Railway notes. 86
North Eastern Ry. 86
On 1 January the N.E. Ry. started a new service of trains between
Bradford (Midland) and Hull worked by their own engines and stock over the
Midland line between Bradford and Leeds. The service consisted of three fast
trains in each direction; N.E.R. engine 1753, an old passenger engine by
Hawthorn, 1865 (formerly one of 544-553 class), was stationed at the Midland
shed at Manningham for this service.
W. Worsdell's powerful mineral locomotives were continuing to do fine work.
These engines were regularly taking trains of 40 loaded coke wagons from
the Durham coalfield over the heavily-graded Pennine section for Barrow,
Ulverston, etc. The number of empties commonly hauled was 60. At Stainmore
summit an altitude is attained of 1378-ft. above sea level
Lancashire and Yorkshire. 86
No. 1103, a 7-ft. coupled engine, had been fitted with a very neat
extended smokebox. No. 632, the engine titted with the "thermal storage"
system, wss giving great satisfaction. The Horwich Works had no new engines
in hand at present, but 28 coupled goods with corrugated fireboxes similar
to No. 392 would shortly be commenced. A number of Yates' old goods engines
had been broken up. Nos. 95, 108, and 125 new eight-coupled goods engines
had been provided with eight-wheeled tenders.
Fast runs in America. 86
Amongst recent fine performances on American roads we have the
Pennsylvania Crestline to Fort Wayne 131 miles in 123 minutes: 63.9 mile/h
lLake Shore & Michigan Superior Toledo to Elkhart 134 miles in
127 minutes: 63.3 mile/h
Michigan Centrul. Bridgeburg to St. Thcmas 118¼ miles in 127 minutes:
55.8 mile/h
The Pennsylvania run included four stops, and part of the Lake Shore trip
was made in a dense fog. The Michigan Central train was a very heavy one,
consisting of 16 passenger cars weighing in all 605 tons, but the road was
an easy one. Slowing down for crossings, etc., was necessary at eight portions
on the run, but 5½ miles were done at 65¼ miles an hour, 2¼
miles at 67½, and 5 miles at 61. The engine used was a Schenectady Atlantic,
weighing with its tender 125½ tons. It carrie a weight of 42½ tons
on its 6-ft. 7-in. coupled driving wheels, and possesses 3,505 sq. ft. of
heating surface to supply steam to 21-in. by 26-in. cylinders.
Prussian State Railways. 86
Apparently the Schrnidt superheating arrangements are very successful
on the trial locomotives, for some 40 more passenger, express, and goods
engines are to be equipped. . The Krauss locomotive exhibited at Paris was
running on the Palatinate system. The weight on the auxiliary driving wheels
in the bogie had been found too little to be of any use, and consequently
the auxiliary engine has been removed. The engine now running as a two-cylinder
Lancashire Derbyshire and East Coast Railway. 86
From 1 February the passenger trains of this Company between Langwith
Junction and Chesterfield will be worked by the Great Northern Railway as
through trains from Nottingham via Hucknall and Shirebrook. The L.D. &
E.C. bogie tank engines Nos. 15 to 18 will work between Lincoln and Sheffield
(Midland) via the Sheffield District Railway.
Carron Ironworks Co. 86
Situate at Falkirk, owned I 11 locomotives and operated 25 miles of
private railway in and around the works. The Carron Co. had also a number
of locomotives working at their own collieries, which are situated in various
parts of Dumbartonshire, Stirlingshire and Fifeshire.
Japanese Rys. 86
Of the 1,200 locomotives in daily use in Japan, 500 were of American
build. One result of the Anglo-Japanese treaty should be that future orders
from the Mikado's dominions should find their way to Britain.
Neilson locomotives for the Canadian Pacific. 86
Scientific American commented on the order for twenty engines of American
design placed with the Springburn firm, and remarked that an opportunity
was presented of seeing whether the admitted superior economy of operation
and greater durability of English built locomotives were due to the design
or the workmanship. The contract was secured in competition with American
builders, and as it was now a somewhat rare occurrence for an order to be
placed in this country for engines of American design, the outcome will certainly
be watched with much interest.
East Indian Railway. 86
It had been stated that an order for twenty-five locomotives for the
East Indian Railway, received by the India Office last June, had not yet
been placed. No explanation ofthe delay had so far been offered.
The Castlederg and Victoria Bridge Tramway, Ireland.
87. illustration
Describes modification to condensing apparatus on 1891 Kitson locomotive
by Charles S. Bracegirdle who had moved to Donegal Railway
A new gauge glass protector and reflector. 88. illustration
Introduced by Edwin Cooper & Co., Ltd., Courtesy of the patentees
we are enabled to illustrate it. The appliance consisted of a steel mantle,
the inner surface of which was provided with a scale; this to the observer
had the appearance of a steep spiral below the water-line in the glass, thus
giving a very distinct level at a moment's observation. A specially hardened
glass plate ½-in. thick held in front of the tube by means of clamps,
so that should the gauge glass burst the most effective protection is assured
to the driver and fireman.
Jura Simplon Railways. 88
We regret omitting to acknowledge in our issue for 17 January that
Guiguer de Prangins of the Locomotive Department, Jura Simplon Railways,
supplied us with the illustration and description of that Company's fine
express engine given on page 44
Automatic signalling. 88
A deputation consisting of the traffic superintendents of the London
and North Western, Great Northern, Midland, Great Eastern, and London and
South Western Railways, with the secretary of the Railway Clearing House,
went over to France to inspect an installation of automatic signalling on
the Paris, Lyons and Mediterranean line. It will be remembered that automatic
signalling systems were being experimented with on the London and South Western,
North Eastern, and Great Central Railways,
L.T. Read
Since answering your query re District RY. locomotives in 17 January
issue, we find that Nos. I -24. built in 1871, originally had Bissel trucks
radiating from a centre pin placed 3-ft. j-in. in advance of the driving
centre, but were subsequently fitted with Adarns' bogies, The succeeding
30 were built with bogies.
W. H. B. 88
The Jubilee class of four cylinder compound passenger engines were
numbered 1901-1940, and the Alfred the Great class 1941-1960.
H.D. Hewitt. 88
The S.E. & C,R, bogie engines of Wainwright's design, built at
Ashford, (4-4-0) had practically the same dimensions as Nos. 726-735. They
had, however, balanced pistons and a few minor alterations.
G.W. 88
The reason why it is customary to make the rear pair of coupled wheels
the driving in locomotives of the Atlantic type is on account of the difficulty
in arranging the wheels to permit of a sufficiently long connecting rod it
the front pair are the drivers .
W. F. MacAndrew. 88
Query re L.B. & S,C.R. names, John Fowler and Siemens
were, engineers. Gerald Loder, G.P. Bidder, Charles C. Macrae,
and Goldsmid were, directors of the L.B. & S,C.R.
The carriage and wagon department. 89
Fourth class carriages, Prussian State Rys. 89. 22 illustrations
Four wheel and six wheel vehicles: latter designed for sixty occupants,
but had a lavatory and warming apparatus
Messrs. R.Y. Pickering & Co. Ltd. 89
First third composite bogie carriages order from Highland
New dining cars, G.N.R. 90. 2 illustrations
Six-wheel clerestory car for Leeds and Bradfoed services to London:
exterior and oppulent interior views
Number 90 (7 February 1903)
"Mogul" goods locomotives, Greast Western Ry. 91.
26XX No. 2674 ilustrated fitted with taper boiler and Belpaire firebox:
Nos. 2662-2680. illustration
The B.G. locomotives of the Great Western Ry. 92-4. illustration, diagram (side elevation)
"Precursor" class London & North Western Ry. 94-5. 2
2-4-0 with 5ft 6in coupled wheels and 17 x 24in cylinders built
exclusiveley for Crewe to Carlisle section, but later rebuilt as 2-4-2Ts.
Swansea to Craven Arms passenger trains were worked there and back within
the day by these rebuilds
Some locomotive experiments. 96-7. 3 diagrams
Mechanism whereby the recording paper for a dynamometer could be adjusted
to operate at a lower speed when on long runs thus limiting the paper
Locomotives for the Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry. designed
by Mr. B. Wright. 97-8. illustration
4-4-0 design: eight were ordered from Sharp, Stewart & Co. WN
2910-2917. These had four-wheel tenders (unlike all subsequent which 6-wheel
tenders). They had 17½ x 24iin cylinders snd 1054 ft2 total
heating surface. These were delivered in 1880 and were followed by WN 2992-2999
and 3001-3008 in 1881. Twenty from Neilson followed WN 2877-2896. These enjoyed
a green livery with black bands and white lining and the frames were brown.
Ten further products WN 2892-2906 were fitted with Joy's valve gear. Twenty
from Kitson were supplied in 1885: WN 2851-2871. Vulcan Founry supplied WN
1140-1159 in 1886, virtually identical to the previous lots and finally WN
1182-1197 which differed in having a longer wheelbase
New locomotiives for Japan. 98.
Order for 24 tank locomotives received by Beyer, Peacock & Co.
in spite of severe German competition
Bogie passenger engine, Great Northern Ry. 99. illustration
Following the two previous classes Nos. 400 and 1321
of bogie [4-4-0] passenger engines for the Great Northern Railway, Ivatt
built in 1898 ten numbered 1326-1335. They are similar to the previous five
engines numbered 1321-1325, the raised footplate and extended smokebox being
the chief external alterations. The engines had the following dimensions
Cylinders 17½ x 26in.
Coupled wheels--Diameter 6ft 7½ in.
Total Heating surface; 1249.8ft2
Grate area 20.8ft2
Working pressure 170 psi
Weight of engine in working order .. 47 tons 10 cwt.
No. 1331 was in 1902 fitted experimentally with Marshalls valve gear, which
had since been re moved and the ordinary link motion substituted. These engines
proved so successful that ten more were built in 1899, and a further 30 had
been built, the whole class being numbered 1326-1340 and 1361-1395. These
engines are employed chiefly on the main line, the tenders being fitted with
water scoops.
Lancashire and Yorkshire Ry. 99
Another eight-coupled goods had been built at Horwich, and numbered
987. This engine replaces the 6-ft. bogie engine that was damaged beyond
repair in the Todmorden accident on 5 November 1901.
The Crewe built express engines Nos. 460, 461 and 473, then used for official
purposes only, had been fitted with new boilers (dimensions: given)
Midland Ry. 99.
Ten powerful goods engines were being built at Derby. The thirty Belpaire
bogie engines were in regular working on the Manchester-London services and
Scotch expresses; they are stationed at London, Leicester, Manchester, Leeds
and Carlisle.
The Midland are about to experiment with an electrical signal frame in the
neighbourhood of St. Pancras terminus.
A German built locomotive for a Russian Railway. 100, illustration
0-6-0 built by Hannoversche for the Brest-Grajewo Railway and transported
from Hanover to the Russian frontier on temporary wheels and axles. Extraordinary
machine with huge chimney and Kremlin like dome.
New Canadian locomotive works. 100
Locomotive and Machine Works of Montreal. President H.J. Hanly.
Railway notes. 101
London and North Western Ry. 101
Five new eight-coupled goods engines had been finished at Crewe, and
numbered 1224 to 1228, the works numbers being 4305 to 4309 inclusive. The,
first of the new four-cylinder compound engines of Alfred the Great class
would shortly be running. An entirely new type of passenger engine was in
preparation at Crewe, having six-coupled wheels and a leading bogie. They
were to be four-cylinder compounds, the boilers and cylinders being similar
to those of the Alfred the Great class.
Great Northern Ry. 101
Experiments were being made with No. 271, running between Doncaster,
Lincoln and Boston.
London, Brighton, and South Coast Ry. 101
Two more 5-ft. 6-in. six-coupled radial tank engines had been built
at Brighton, numbered and named 571 Hickstead and 572
New locomotive superintendent. 101
Jas. Tyrrell had been appointed locomotive superintendent of the Midland
and South Western Junction Railway, with headquarters at Cirencester. Tyrrell
was formerly with the Great Western Railway. .
Scotch Locomotive Combine. 101
It was proposed to call the combination of Scotch locomotive builders
the British Locomotive Company.
New South American locos. 101
The Buenos Ayres Great Southern Ry. were having a number of powerful
compound Consolidation type locomotives (2-8-0) built at the works of Beyer,
Peacock & Co., Manchester; tol be compounded on the Worsdell and von
Borries two-cylinder system, and two of them to be fitted as an experiment
with piston valves. The engines had been designed by R. Gould, the locomotive
superintendent, and' would. be the first Consolidation locomotives built
for the 5-ft. 6-in. gauge. Belpaire fireboxes were to be provided; the tenders
run on two four-wheeled bogies.
Accident on the Central Railroad of New Jersey. 101. 2 illustrations
A lamentable catastrophe happened on the above railway on Tuesday,
27 January. It apparently befell the Philadelphia express leaving Jersey
City at 18.11. (New York by ferry 18.00). This train, one of the fastest
between the two cities, was timed to run over the Bound Brook route to the
Market Street terminus, Philadelphia, a distance of 89½ miles, in 109
minutes. A passenger tram stoppmg at different stations and bound for Easton
precedes the express over the main line as far as Bound Brook Junction, and
was on this occasion, by report. delayed at Plainfield by a hot axlebox.
Here it was overtaken by the express, with the disastrous results recorded
in the daily papers, The photograph reproduced above shows one of these trains
(P. & R. Rd.) leaving the terminus at Jersey City, and that below represents
the station at Plainfield, where the collision occurred. It will be remembered
that the famous Baldwin single wheeler brought to this country in 1881,
and illustrated in our first volume, page 54,
was originally constructed for running over the Bound Brook route. We are
indebted to Captain P. E. Vaughan for the above photo illustrations.
A French suburban engine. 102. illustration
0-6-0T designed by Clerault for Chemins de fer de l'Ouest and built
by Fives-Lille: designed for steep gradients on St. Lazare to St. Germain
via Pecq line.
The Atlas Locomotive Works, Bristol (Messrs. Peckett & Sons). 103-5. . 2 illustrations.
Reviews. 105.
Valves and valve gearing. 3rd edition. Charles
Hurst. London: Charles Griffin & Co.
Slide valves, Corliss valves and Zeuner's values
Correspondence. 105
(mainly very brief questions and answers)
Several NER locomotives fitted with Younghusband valve gear.
The carriage and wagon department. 106
Construction of carriage and wagon bogies. 106-8. 2 diagrams
Still being constructed of timber in America, most from wrought iron
and increasingly from pressed steel.
Covered good s wagon, Bulgarian State Railways. 108
Steel underframes and framing for bodies and sliding doors. Painted
dark red and lettered for 48 men or 8 horses for war.
N.E.R. 108
On Saturday 24 January a train of 25 ton wagons (as
illustrated on page 53) left Armley sidings for Newcastle hauled by a
single locomotive. The train had a carrying capacity of 1000 tons and represented
a 22% saving in tare weight
Number 91 (14 February 1903)
Great Central Railway. 109. illustration
Photograph of Neasden shed with two 4-6-0 and a 2-2-2. Expected an
increase of traffic when joint line with GWR opened. Automatic block signalling
near Woodhead tunnel on Miller electric system. On 6 February a special train
left Marylebone at 09.05 behind No. 105 and ran to Nottingham non-stop where
No. 1071 took over for the run to Woodhead for a demonstration of the
Electrification of the Mersey Railway. 110-12. 2 illustrations
0-6-4T No. 1 and 2-6-2T illustrated
Heavy tank locomotives, N.Y.C. & H.R.R. 112. illustration
New York Central & Hudson River Railroad 2-6-4T with wide
A Royal journey cancelled. 113. illustration
Due to the indisposition of the King a Royal journey from Windsor
to Rowsley had to be cancelled on 2 February.It had been planned to run from
Windsor to Bordesley Junction in 2 hours 11 minutes at an average speed of
50.8 mile/h. Atbara class 4-4-0 White had been the planned motive
power. At Bordesley the Midland would have taken over to run the train to
Rowsley at an average of 42.5 mile/h.
Cape Government Ry. 113
Neilson, Reid & Co. had delivered 18 4-8-0 mixed traffic
The railway strike in Holland. 113-14
Quickly settled. Photograph shows Hollandische Ijzeren Maatschappij
locomotive and dining car waiting to take over an express from the Hook of
Midland & Great Northern Joint Rly. 114
Improvements to Yarmouth Beach station
Selangor Rly. 114
Kitson & Co. constructing two 4-6-0T for this Railway.
The District Railway (London). 114-15. 2 illustrations
Earl's Court to High Street, Kensington electric train (illustrated)
with electricity supplied from Alperton. Other photograph shows 4-4-0T and
train on Wimbledon branch (boxes along top of carriages housed abandoned
station nindicator system.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 115
New fast summer service between West of England and Kent coast resorts;
also discontinuation of services to Great Northern Ry. via Snow Hill.
New locomotives for South America. 115-16
4-6-0 for Buenos Ayres & Pacific Ry. wth Drummond water tube firebox,
17 x 24in cylinders, 17ft2 grate area and total
heating surface of 1234ft2. Boiler pressure 160
Railway notes. 116-18
Midland Ry. 116
Shared same boiler as 2781
4-4-0 except not Belpaire type. 5ft 2½in. coupled wheels
London & North Western Ry. 116
Eight coupled goods with four cylinders: Crewe Nos. 4310-4314 (running
numbers: 1229-33) completed order for ten four cylinder type.
New Great Central Ry. tank engines. 116. diagram
(side elevation)
Robinson 4-4-2T Nos. 1055-1066.
Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry. 117
Eight wheel tenders built for 0-8-0 goods engines had four separate
rigid axles. The engines had cast iron safety valves
Great Western Railway. 117. illustration
Dispute with Post Office about amout paid for the carriage of mails.
Photograph shows a mail train making a catch into extended net from a trackside
Two further Camel class 4-4-0 turned out from Swindon: Nos. 3414 Albert
Brassey and 3415 Baldwin.
On 31 January Sousa's Band travelled on a special train leaving Windsor at
02.45 behind No. 3387 Roberts which arrived at Chester at 07.45. The
train was formed of thirteen LNWR bogie carriages.
Great Eastern Ry. 117
S.D. Holden appointed assistant locomotive superintendent.
Nos. 1206-1208 three further standard 0-6-0 goods engines.
Decapod 0-10-0T No. 20 "making experimental runs".
Glasgow & South Western Ry. 117
With exception of suburban and shunting locomotives, all locomotives
had been moved from St, Enoch engine shed to Corkerhill engine shed which
would be the base for over 100 engines.
Great Northern Railway. 117
New erecting shop at Doncaster Works with room for 100 engines. New
iron foundry. Machinery driven by electricity. Peterborough locomotive shops
Great Northern & City Ry. 117
Trial trips run between Drayton Park and Moorgate Street. Work started
on further station at Higbury Corner and at City end "tunnels to be extended
to admit of the future prolongation of the line to the Bank of England" [KPJ:
which did not happen]
Great Southern & Western Ry. 117
Neilson, Reid & Co. had on hand an order for six main line locomotives
similar to No. 301 Victoria.
Caledonian Ry. 117
Two 0-8-0 mineral engines, Nos. 602 and 603 were out of the
Wirral Ry. 117
Eric G. Barker, locomotive superintendent, had retired
New engines for Indian Rys. 118-19. 2 illustrations
R. Stephenson & Co 4-4-0 for Oudh & Rohilkund Ry with extended
smokebox and Crosby pop safety valves and Neilson & Co. 4-4-2T for Eastern
Bengal State Ry.
The history of the London & South Western locomotives,
120-2. 5 illustrations (line drawings)
Fig. 1 shows 2-2-0 Lark built by E. Bury & Co. in 1835
(WN 24) with 5ft 6in driving wheels and 12 x 18in inside cylinders.
[see Harry Jack letter
Backtrack, 2019,
33, 765 demolishing the veracity of this figure]. When withdrawn
it provided power for pumping at Micheldever staion. In 1838 three very similar
engines followed from Nasmyth & Co. WN 2-4 and were named Hawk,
Raven and Falcon. Hawk and Falcon broken up c1843.
Raven shunted trains for Richmond line until 1851: it had gab motion
and two vertical levers to change direction. G. & J. Rennie suppled
Garnet, London, Victoria and Reed. These were passenger engines
with 5ft 6in driving wheels and 13 by 18in cylinders. Fig. 2:
London. Early in 1838 Tayleur & Co. delivered six passenger engines:
Sussex, Thetis, Tartar, Tiger, Transit and Locke. Transit was
aferwards numbered 3 in the stock, and after being partially rebuilt it continued
at work until June, 1872. Fig. 3 is a diagram of the Sussex, which
with Tartar and Locke was also included in the numbered stock:
1, 2, and 4 respectively. All the names of this class except Thetis
were later given to more modern locomotives built for the line.
Nine engines were also delivered in 1838 of similar type to the above by
Sharp, Robert & Co. These possessed all the leading features of Sharp's
standard passenger engine of that period. They had single driving wheels
5-ft. 6-in. diameter, a pair of wheels 3-ft. 6-in. diameter leading and trailing,
and cylinders 13-in, diameter by 18-in. stroke placed inside the frames.
The boilers had an outside diameter of 3-ft 4-in., and contained 131 tubes
of 1¾-in. external diameter. These engines had four-wheeled tenders
with a tank capacity of 700 gallons of water. The names and numbers were
as under
Name | Makers' No. |
Running No. |
Minerva | 1 |
11 |
Venus | 2 |
7 |
Chaplin | 5 |
9 |
Vesta | 8 |
8 |
Aurora | 11 |
10 |
Mars | 16 |
15 |
Jupiter | 18 |
12 |
Mercury | 20 |
14 |
Orion | 21 |
13 |
Mercury and Minerva worked for some years
from Nine Elms station, being stabled there up to 1851. Venus was
broken up in December, 1871; Vesta in December, 1873 .Chaplin
about 1856, and Aurora about the same time. Mars had been disposed
of some years previously, and Jupiter and Orion were scrapped
prior to 1852. To Aurora was given the honour of working the first
train from Fareham to Cosham, on 1 September 1848. Fig. 1 illustrates
The next engines appearing on the Company's books are five by Rothwell.,
delivered late in 1838, and bearing makers' Nos. 41 to 45 inclusive. These
engines were named respectively Vivid, Comet,.Arab,
Vizier, and Wizard, and were afterwards numbered 35 to 39 in
the Co.:s books. They were also of the six- wheels single-driving' passenger
type, with four- wheeled tenders. The driving wheels were 5-ft. 6-in. diameter,
the leading pair 4-ft. diameter, and the trailing 3-ft. 6-in. The cylinders
were placed inside, and were 13-in. diameter by 18-in stroke. Vizier
worked until 1871I, when It was broken up; all the others disappeared some
years prior to that date, but no information can be obtained as to the precise
year in which they were disposed of. Fig. 5 gives a diagram of Vivid.
Early in 1839, Tayleur . delivered five more of their engines precisely similar
to those supplied in the preceding year. These were Nos. 78 to 82 in their
books, and respectively bore the names Pegasus, Sam Slick,
Renown, Cossack and Ganymede. In 1850 Cossack and
Ganymede were numbered 6 and 5 respectively; the former was scrapped
in 1852, and the latter in 1854. Pegasus was never numbered in the
stock, but was broken up in r846, while so far as can be gathered Sam
Slick and Renown had been scrapped even before that date. These
two names were not used again, but the others were utilised on two succeeding
In addition to the foregoing 33 locomotives, the Company possessed two others,
previously belonging to contractors engaged on the construction of the line.
One was the Fly, with 5-ft. 6-in, single driving wheels, and a small
pair leading and trailing, cylinders 13-in.idiameter by 18-in. stroke, and
a four-wheeled tender. It had an expansive blast worked by a wheel from the
footplate. There appears to be no record as to when or where this engine
was built, but we find it numbered 40 in the stock of the Company, although
what ultimately became of it is uncertain. The other engine was the
Southampton, built in I 840 by the Milllbrook Foundry Co., Southampton,
for a firm of contractors, and afterwards purchased by the Company. This
was also of the six-wheeled type, with single driving wheels 5-ft. 6-in,
diameter and 3-ft. 6-in. leading and trailing wheels. It had a Bury's high-topped
circular firebox, inside frames, inside cylinders, and a four-wheeled tender.
The connecting rods were of the fork-end type, and the ends of the eccentric
rods had gabs supported by links from a horizontal reversing shaft, which
could be moved by a lever so as to change from one set of pins to the other,
or to dispense with both; two other levers were provided by which the valves
could be worked to and fro by hand for reversing the engine. When the stock
was numbered in the early fifties. the Southampton became No. 16,
altered later to 176. It was last at work on the Poole branch in 1865-6,
and was afterwards brought to London and broken up. In the South Kensington
Mluseurn is a working model on almost exactly similar lines as the
Southarnpton, constructed by John Dawson,
who was at one time locomotive foreman in charge of the Northam depot
of the London and South Western Railway. See also
LM 38, 185.
New National code of engine headlights. 122-3. diagrams
From 1 February all the main lines of railway are adopting one uniform
code of engine head-lights to replace the various codes hitherto in use;
each Company having up to now had its own distinctive lights. A list and
diagram of these lights is appended .
Reviews. 123
Light railway constructlon; R.M. Parkinson.
London: Longmans, Green & Co.
To meet the requirements of engineers, pupils, etc., interested in
light railways, the author has certainly filled a want by the introduction
of this well written and clearlv illustrated volume, practically the first
reliable book published on the subject. The opening chapter deals with loading
gauges, curves and gradients. and the preparation of plans for depositing
with the Board of Trade. The construction of the earthworks, bridges, culverts,
permanent way, etc., is thoroughly discussed with the necessary calculations
for securing required strength of detail. The drawing up of specifications
another important feature, and the preparation of estimates will be
found useful. The book concludes with numerous appendices, including electrical
and other measurernents. We have no hesitation in recommending this excellent
volume to our readers.
On the engineering trades of South Africa. Ben H. Morgan.
London: P.S. King & Son.
This volume is the outcome of a visit the author made at the instigation
of the South Africa Trade Committee last year to inquire into all the departments
of the engineering industry One of the chapters of the book is especially
devoted to railways, sectional diagrams and other illustrations of locomotives
on the various South African railways being given. Other rolling
stockcarriages, wagons. etc.are illustrated and described,
demonstrating the up-to-date manner in which the South African railways are
equipped. It is interesting' to note that the author emphasizes the fact
that whilst the American locomotives employed are cheaper in initial cost
than the British built ones. the latter are far more efficient in general
working.· On the Cape Government Railways a useful type of eight-coupled
goods locomotive built by the Schenectady Locomotive Works has given
satisfaction, and a sectional drawing of this class of engine is shown. The
other chapters of the book are of interest, especially those dealing with
electrical and mining engineering. The general style of the book is good,
and the illustrations well reproduced ; a perusal of its pages will no doubt
repay those who desire British trade to be foremost in South Africa
Working models of engine valve gears, No. 2, W.H. Bedford, Wigan.
No. 2 of Bedford's instructive diagrams is devoted to the Meyer valve
gear. These diazrarns convey the lessons of steam expansion gear far °more
readily than the descriptions in an ordinary text book The ingenuity of this
arrangernent of steam distribution is well illustrated, and the movements
clearly shown.
The carriage and wagon department. 124-5
Railway carriage & wagon construction. (XIX). 124-5. 3 diagrams
A. Ransome & Co. planing and truing-up machine; Thomas Robinson
& Son of Rochdale hand feed planing and surfacinng machine; power feed
planing machine.
W. Kerry. 125
District carriage and wagon superintendent at Wellingborough for seventeen
years moved to similar position at Sheffield, Midland Railway following death
of Ellse, previous holder of position.
G.E.Ry. 125
Wide suburban train formed of four-wheel stock with electrtic
lighting with one dynamo serving two cars.
M.G.W. Ry. Ireland. 125
New Royal saloon was being built at Broadstone for visit of of King
to Ireland.
Cape Government Rys. 125
Several bogie refrigerator vans were being by W. Renshaw & Co.
of Burton-on-Trent
Great Northern Ry. 125
Bogie mail vans being built at Doncaster, uniform with vestibuled,
clerestory corridor stock.
Low-floored milk van, G.E.R. 126. illustration, 2 diagrams
Six-wheel vehicle with special draw gear and buffers, capable of holding
90 milk cans.
North British Ry. 126
"Hansomely furnished" first and third class bogie corridor coaches
with air and vacuum brakes.
Number 92 (21 February 1903)
Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry. notes. 127-8. 2 illustrations
0-8-0 No. 739 illustrated; Nos. 1125-1127 had been built recently
at Horwich. These were fitted with rigid eight-wheel tenders carrying 6 tons
of coal and 3500 gallons of water. 2-6-2T design with 19 x 26in cylinders,
5ft 9in coupled wheels and 3ft 9in wheels on both radial axles. No. 1098
had been fitted with a new tender fitted with coal rails. Aspinall
outside-cylinder 0-6-0T: 17 x 24in cylinders worked by Stephenson link motion
through rocking shafts, Belpaire firebox,
1167.4ft2 total heating surface, 17
ft2 grate area: No. 1357 illustrated.
The locomotive history of the London, Chatham & Dover Ry. 128-30.
2 illustrations
Sondes class (see Volume 6 p. 138).
Martley replaced these with outside-frame and outside bearing fiitted 2-4-0T
built at Longhedge Works: these had 5ft 6in coupled wheels; 15 x 20in cylinders,
895ft2 total heating surface, 16.39
ft2 grate area. Martley fitted larger tanks and
condensing gear for working over the Metropolitan system and retained their
original names. Kirtley rebuilt them with larger boilers and tanks and added
cabs, numbers and classified them F.
Great Northern Ry. 130
First announcement of 0-6-2T: six-coupled with a radial axle at the
trailing end
Metropolitan Ry., Paris. 130-1. illustration
Extension from Place d'Angers to Belleville via La Chapelle and to
Bagnolet via Place de la Nation. Many inclines and viaducts. Worked by electric
trains at 500 V dc.. Auytomatic signalling.
Passenger engines, North Eastern Railway. 131.
No. 40 illustrated: other three: Nos. 58, 1099 and 1101. Boiler and
cab showed Darlington influence. No.1099 fitted with Younghusband valve
London Tilbury and Southend Ry. 1Widening between Plaistow and Barking; remodelled Plaistow station nearing completion
Firing a large locomotive. 132-3. 2 diagrams
Actual way in which the fire should be constructed to achieve maximum
temperature and good combustion of the coal.
Great Eastern Railway. 133
No. 1209 completed order for ten standard goods engines. Ten more
bogie passenger engines were being built at Stratford and would be numbered
1860-1869. Two further 209 class shunting tanks were being built. The
Decapod 0-10-0T had a "very successful trial trip" from Stratford to Brentwood
and back..
New goods engine, Egyptian State Railways. 133-4. illustration
Trevithick design Dubs & Co. 2-8-0 with 21 x 26in outside cylinders,
2200.5ft2 total heating surface;
30ft2 grate area, 180 psi boiler pressure
Rebuilt goods engines, Great Central Railway. 134-5. 2 illustrations
Sacre 0-6-0 (No. 216 illustrated) rebuilt with new boiler and cab
by Robinson (No. 219 illustrated).
Midland Ry. 135.
The thirty Belpaire expess engines have been undergoing changes of
location: 2606-2610 hitherto at Leeds had moved to Manchester to run between
there and Leicester. Nos. 2781 and 2782 were stationed at Leicester. Nos.
2783-2790 were at Kentish Town these engines running through to Leeds. Nos
800-804, 810 and 811 were stationed at Carlisle, and Nos. 812-819 were at
Leeds. The compoud engines Nos 2631 and 2632 were at Leeds and Carlisle
On the occasion of the intended visit of the King and Queen to Chatsworth
Midland Railway engine No 165 was to have drawn the train from Blrmingham
to Rowsley, No. 162 acting as the advance pilot: both Johnson's four-coupled
Grerat Central Ry. 135
R Stephenson & Co,. had received an order for eight six-coupled
goods engines.
C.F. Dendy Marshall. The battle of the guages. 135-6.
Had acquired a copy of the Royal Commission report on the merits of
the broad and narrow gauges published in 1845 which had been prompted by
problems at the break of gauge at Gloucester, At that time there were 274
miles of broad gauge and 1900 miles of standard gauge. These articles record
witness statements. John Braithwaite, chief engineer of the 5ft gauge Eastern
Counties Railway had been guided by the space required for boiler room and
the fear of locomotives becoming top heavy. The idea of this witness was
not to increase the number of tubes, but to space them wider apart, in order
to allow of better circulation of the water between them. The line was, before
the date of the Commission, reduced to 4-ft. 8½-in. for the sake of
uniformity with others. He thought that "if the thing were to be made de
novo it might be made 5 feet, because it does give a little more room,"
but that the improvements which had come about in locomotives superseded
"those little notions" about the addition of 3½ inches, and "for all
purposes for which railways can be wanted, there is additional space to crowd
in as much power, and more than can ever be commercially beneficial."
In reply to a question as to whether the 4-ft. 8½-in. width gave sufficient
space for cleaning. oiling and repairing, he said that the space was ample,
and complications had been so much reduced, that" a boy may now with facility
clean an engine in an hour, which formerly would take a man"
He favored outside cylinders, and said : "We began with 6-ft. 6-in. wheels.
We found by drawing up our centre of gravity they were net so steady." He
spoke of the "present absurd velocity," and anticipated a check being put
to it before long. When asked if the outside cylinder had a more "yawning"
motion than inside, he replied in the negative.
He believed engines were too long, and preferred the use of two shorter ones,
mentioning that "the six-wheel coupled engine is now the fashion," and stated
positively that there was more oscillation on the G.W.R. than on the narrow
gauge Jines.
Mr. G.P. Bidder, engineer of the Norfolk and several other railways, introduced
six-wheeled wagons, but found them unwieldly, and reverted to the four-wheeled
He objected to carriages with four people abreast, as he had to disturb those
whom he had to pass, "when they have been making themselves very comfortable"
; "on the Birmingham and Grand Junction lines, the old- fashioned mail carriages,
two abreast, are most sought after and most generally filled."
He preferred multiplication of trains to increase of speed, flatly declined
to believe Mr. Gooch's evidence that the cost of locomotive power on narrow
railways was double that on the G.W.R. He said, "At present we can produce
a narrow engine evaporating the same amount of water as on the broad."
Great Western Ry. 136
More large goods locomotives, No, 2601 class were under construction
at Swindon. The following old goods engines had been rebuilt and fitted with
Belpaire fireboxes: Nos, 784, 930, 2357, 2422, 2429, 2493l· The names
of the latest three new engines of the Camel class were fixed to cut out
frames placed round the driving splashers, making the coupled wheels appear
of larger diameter. The Swindon Nos. of these engines were 1970-1972 inclusive,
A serious accident was averted on the branch line from Newton Abbot to Kingswear
last week. Round this part of the coast the railway skirts the seashore very
closely, and in fact on the main line from Dawlish to Teignmouth the line
is next the sea. On the day in question it was noticed that the sea had so
far encroached as to endanger the line, and consequently a look-out man was
posted to detect any likely trouble. The 10.25 night train from Kingswear
passed safely over the spot that shortly after completely disappeared leaving
a yawning abyss. A train was almost due from the opposite direction, but
after encountering a series of misfortunes the man was enabled to stop this
by means of fog signals, red lamp, etc. But for the conduct of this official
a terrible disaster would probably have occurred.
Canadian Railways. 136-7. 2 illustrations
The Grand Trunk Rly. attemp to secure a Trans-Continental route was
being keenly watched by the Canadian Pacific Railway. Already one partially
constructed line had been absorbedthe Great Northern of Canada
by the Canadian Northern Railway, and now it was rumoured the latter is to
be purchased by the Grand Trunk.
In addition to the new locomotives for the C.P. Ry. on order in Great Britain,
several were to be constructed by the Toronto Foundry Co, Other lines are
purchasing from the Canadian Locomotive Works at Ontario and firms in the
United States. Considerable increase in traffic was expected during the year.
The Grand Trunk Ry. had some compounds built by the Baldwin Works, operating
over the C.A. Ry., of which the locomotive superintendent, Mr. Ogilvie, had
sent the fol1owing particulars: cylinders h.p., 14-in. diameter by 26-in.
stroke; l.p., 24-in. diameter by 26-in. stroke; driving wheels 4-ft. 8-in.
diameter; boiler 5-ft. diameter; working pressure 180 psi; total heating
surface 2780 sq. ft.; weight of engine and tender in working order 115 tons.
The slide valves are of the piston type, this class of valve is gaining in
popularity in Canada and we understand the C. P. Ry. are converting all their
engines as they go into shops at Montreal.
The first reproduced photo shows No. 634 of the type mentioned in running
order, whilst the second photo shows the engine after a mishap caused by
running into a fall or rock on the track. It should be added that engines
of the type illustrated were used on the heavy grain traffic for the Canada
Atlantic Railway, which forms the shortest route from the great wheat fields
of the North- West to the Atlantic Ocean. The corn is brought from Duluth,
Fort WilIiam, Chicago, etc., by water to Parry Sound depot harbour, thence
by Canada Atlantic Raiway to navigable ports connectmg with the
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 137.
The first of Wainwright's bogie passenger engines from R. Stephenson
& Co., No. 741, had arrived. Those of the same class being built by Dubs
&; Co., of Glasgow, were well in hand.
South Indian Ry. 137
Neilson, Reid & Co. had completed four locomotives for the South
Indian Ry. They were four-coupled engines with a leading bogie, the cylinders
being 15-in. by 22-in, These engines numbered 210-213, the makers'
numbers being 6319-6322.
The Central South African Railways. 137.
Experimenting with a locomotive fitted with Drummond's water-tube
firebox. These trials being found satisfactory several more engines were
building for the company were to be similarly provided, and the fire-boxes
adapted for burning liquid fuel.
The Ethiopian Railway (Abyssinia). 137.
The postponement of the opening of the above railway had been ordered
on account of the inability of the Emperor Menelik to attend at present.
The line runs from Djiboutil on the coast of French Somaliland to Assar,
and thence is to continue about 300 kilometres to Magdala, the capital of
Abyssinia. It is constructed on the metre gauge by British capital. The
locomotives have been built by. the Swiss Locomotive Works at Winterthur
and are smart six-coupled engines of the Mogul type. They were fitted to
burn oil fuel on the Holden system, and some exacting tests were made with
the Lion, on the Appenzell Ry. in Switzerland, prior to its shipment
to Abyssinia; another locomotive of this railway the Antelope was
exhibited at the Paris Exhibition of 1900. The cylinders were 0.360 metres
diameter, by 0.550 metres stroke, and the diameter of the driving wheels
was 1.220 metres. The tender is very large and carried 10 m3 (2,200
galls.) of water, sufficient for long runs over desert country. The weights
in running order of the engine are 29 tonnes and of the tender 35.5
The first compound locomotives. 141; 140. diagram
(side & front elevations & plan
Eastern Counties Railway 2-4-0 showing patent continuous expansion
(i.e compound) locomotive with patents in 1850 and 1855 taken out by James
Samuel, engineer of the Eastern Counties Railway and John Nicholson and Stewart
(latter Proprietor of the Blackwall Ironworks. A single driver was also modified
in this way.
Gunpowder van, G.E.R. 142. illustration
Underframe and body built of steel, but interior lined with matchboards
using copper nails. Illustration shows No. 21978 with explosives and gunpowder
van in large characters.
Royal saloon, L. & S. W, Ry. 142-3. 3 illustrations
Ordinary saloon built in 1885 at Eastleigh refitted with stuffy furnishing
and rather obvious electric lights
Some early sleeping cars. 144. illustration
Three vehicles at Constantinople prior to being broken up: former
Cie Internationale des Wagons-Lits: four-wheel No. 51 built by Simmering
of Wien in 1875 painted dark green; No. 26 with siix wheels built in Berlin
in 1874 and intended for both first and second class passengers, painted
blue and fitted with Csarpenter air brake, and No. 43, similar to
Furness Railway. 144
Twenty five 15 ton six-whhel pllate wagons and twenty five 20 ton
ore wagosn built by company; the former to handle plates for Vickers, Sons
& Maxim's Shipbuilding Yard at Barrow
Caledonian Railway. 144
A number of horse boxes, fish trucks, covered carriage trucks and
cattle wagons had been fittred with steam pipes and connections to enable
them with through steam-heated passenger trains. 60 carriages had been
Midland Ry. 144
Several new trains designed by D. Bain, the carriage & wagon
superintendent were being built at Derby.
Number 93 (28 February 1903)
New G.N.R. express engine. 145. illustration.
Large Atlantic No. 251: increase in boiler size as compared with No.
990: 5ft 6in diameter as compared with 4ft 9in.
Old goods engine, North British Railway. 146.
Wheatley 0-6-0 built at Cowlairs in 1874 with 17 x 24 inch cylinders
and 5ft coupled wheels, originally Nos. 80-84. Fitted with four wheel tenders
off Beyer Peacock locomotives when reduced to shunters in duplicate list.
Only Nos. 1053 and 1057 remained. Photograph of No. 857 before final
An old L. & Y. Ry. locomotive. 146. illustration.
J. Wintour supplied photograph: 2-2-0ST Bury type
A new "lighting up" arrangement. 147. diagram
OIl fuel suggested for London urban area
Four-coupled passenger engine, North Eastern Ry.
148. illustration
William Bouch & John Kitching design of 2-4-0 for Central
Divison known as Game Cocks.
The new compound of the Baden State Railways. 149-50. illustration
Maffei built 4-4-2 with four cylinders
Four-coupled passenger engine, Barry Ry. 150.
Designed by J.H. Hosgood and built by Sharp, Stewart & Co.
inside-cylinder (18 x 26in) 2-4-2T
C.F. Dendy Marshall. The battle of the gauges. 151
Conlinutd from pagt 136. W. Fernihough, locomotive superintendent,
E.C.R., preferred outside cylinders "when judiciously constructed," but remarked
that "it is very easy to make a bad engine with outside cylinders." He thought
he could make an engine capable of going 70 miles an hour with a train, and
considered five feet the ideal gauge. Mr. J. Hawkshaw uttered a sphinx-like
remark in saying "the breadth of the gauge cannot in- crease the velocity;
as an abstract question there would be greater velocity with no gauge at
all:' He said repairs of outside cylinders were decidedly less than in the
case of' inside, and that "we have found now that we have got to the extreme
size and weight" in locomotives. According- to him, the cost of working on
the G.W.R. was about rod. per mile, and on his railways, the Manchester and
Bolton, etc., 6¾d.
Mr. Joseph Locke was the first to touch on the question of a mixed gauge.
In his opinion the system ot adding one rail would be very dangerous; it
would be necessary to have two, in order that the line of draft should be
in the centre of the road. He thought it would be less expensive for the
G.W.R. to change than "to mix," and pointed out dangers attendant on the
project of having loose car bodies transferable from broad to narrow frames,
and tnce versa. French dili- gencies, he said, were transferred from railway
to loose wheels, and in a collision one was thrown off.
He referred to the partiality of the public to corner seats and next the
window, and drew attention to the narrow gauge having advantages on curves.
He said that the reason the 10-ft. driving wheels were abandoned on the G.W.R.,
was that there was a great difficulty in starting locomotives with such drivers,
and then when they were started it was difficult to stop them.
Mr. J. E. M'Connell admitted the possibility of carrying narrow gauge wagons
on broad gauge trucks, and mentioned the Clearing House system allowing stock
to run through as if held in common. The' average weight of passenger engines
he put at about 12½ tons.
He then adduced a somewhat far-fetched argument, that the axles of the narrow
gauge engines were more likely to be sound than these of the broad gaugE',
because they were smaller; and spoke of engines with 18-in. cylinders in
course of construction.
Mr. Robert Stephenson was in favour of a 4-ft. 8½-in. gauge, and preferred
two additional rails to one when "mixing." He pointed out that a feature
of the change of gauge was that in transferring beasts, they must be allowed
to graze in between, to settle their temper.
He was strongly in favour of long engines, and related the following anecdote:
"On the Peterborough line, three or four miles of rail were laid down without
leaving spaces for expansion; on the day of the opening, it came out a bright
and . rather a hot day; the engineman saw the rails before him out of order;
there was an arch made 3 feet high and about 50 feet long, in conse- quence
ofthe expansion." He had no doubt that narrow gauge engines could be made
to run asfast as those of the broad.
Mr. N. Wood spoke of the unsuccessful attempt to use telescopic axles to
allow a differential . motion on curves. He thought that cc 60 miles an hour
is the utmost limit that we can speculate upon; above that rate is beyond
the limit of judicious travelling. If any desperate man should want to run
at 100 miles an hour, he is more likely to do it on the broad gauge, but
with an equal liability to break his neck." He considered that the advantage
of a wide engine was entirely swallowed up by the increase in dead weight.
Mr. Wyndham Harding threw a somewhat curious side-light on the ideas of
punctuality then in vogue by saying that he had known" two or three hours
occupied in getting a restive horse into a truck. Very often the owner is
.with the horse, and he is unwilling to let the train go unless the horse
is in it."
It was suggested to him that the inconvenience of the change of vehicle in
the case of private carriages, where a break of gauge occurred, might be
remedied by allowing narrow trucks to be carried on broad ones; he referred
the com- missioners to the strength of the lashings attach- ing a carriage
to the wagon. "If the train were suddenly brought up by anything like a
collision, there is no knowing where a private carriage would be found
afterwards, and that danger would be increased if the narrow gauge railway
truck and gentleman's carriage were perched on a broader railway truck."
He thought the three-rail system not applicable, except for a few miles -;
among the objections to a double line between the broad gauge rails, he pointed
out that where two lines leave two lines of the same gauge, there are six
crossings : if the double gauge system is introduced , there would be 28.
He had known a narrow engine move a load which a broad engine could not;
he once saw a broad engine fall over an embankment, and in so doing turn
a complete" somersault" in the air, afterwards falling into a house on its
On the broad gauge a truck weighing 4 tons 2 cwt. was employed for a gentleman's
carriage; on the narrow, one of 3 tons did the same work; on the broad gauge
seven fat beasts were carried in a truck weighing 4 tons 19 cwt.; on the
narrow they took six animals in one of 3 tons 10 cwt.
Railway notes. 152.
North Eastern Ry. 152
No, 2003, Class S six-coupled bogie engine (4-6-0) had been fitted
with Younghusband's patent valve gear. Of an order for ten new eight-coupled
goods engines, Nos. 1682, 1684, 1685, 1694 and 1696 were running; the last
mentioned was painted black with dark and light blue lines, and it presents
a striking contrast with engines of the usual color. It is understood that
should this experiment in painting prove satisfactory it will be adopted
generally on all N.E.R. goods engines.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 152.
Four standard goods engines of Wainwright's design had been built
at Longhedge, numbered 460, 461, 486 and 592. On the journey of the King
and Queen to Well Hall, en route for Woolwich, No. 456, one of Stirling's
later passenger engines, worked the train, which consisted of four bogie
Irish notes. 152.
The Dublin, Wicklow, and Wexford Railway had for many years been
attempting to frustrate the inroads of the sea on their line between Bray
Head and Newcastle, co. Wicklow. This section of the line skirted the seashore
very closely, and the railway has been washed away several times. The company
had decided to construct a new hne further inland, and a bill has been deposited
in Parliament. Other portions of the line are to be similarly diverted. Two
views show the close proximity of the sea;. photographs of Gtreystones station
and of train on Bray Head, by Ormsby, of Dublin. Another bogie passenger
locomotive similar to No. 129 Celtic had been built at the Broadstone
Works of the Midland Great Western Railway, numbered and named 128
Adriatic, No. 102 Giant, six-coupled side tank, had been rebuilt
with a new boiler, having a Belpaire firebox, and safety valves of the Ramsbottom
The purchase of the Belfast and Northern Counties Ry. by the Midland Ry.
Co. had been ratified.
Lancs. & Yorks. Ry. 152
Nos. 1428-1431 were new eight-coupled goods engines built at the Horwich
Works. Good progress was being made with the widening of the line between
Bolton and Blackburn; and on the main line between Manchester and Rochdale
another set of rails was being laid.
Express locomotive, Egyption State Railways.
153. illustration
Neilson, Reid & Co. 2-4-0: livery dark red brown with black
Baldwin Locomotive Works. 153
Order for 350 engines for Pennsylvania Railroad; employed 13,000 men
and output six locomotives per day.
Mr Stirling's engines on the South Eastern Railway. 153-4. illustration
The brakes. 155
The quick acting vacuum brake. 155. 2 diagrams
Vacuum Brake Co.
Connector for ejector steam valve. 155-6. diagram
Connected to one of the columns of the safety valve. Adopted on LSWR,
Assam Bengal and other Indian railways
Automaatic vacuum brake ball valve. 156. diagram
New York-Chicago fast 156
On 8 February the Pennsylvania Railroad Company withdrew the 20 hour
express train between New York and Chicago. The reason given for this is
that to run the train at the high speed required, necessitates serious detention
to freight trains, which during the present unparalled congestion of coal
and merchandise traffic entails serious loss to the Railroad.
Both the Pennsylvania and the New York Central officials say that these fast
trains pay well, but under the exceptional circumstances mentioned above
we must accept the statement made to account for the action of the Pennsylvania
Company. An illustrated article on the 20 hour expresses appeared in the
Locomotive Mag. for September.
History of the L. & S.W.R. locomotives. F.S.H. 156
I well remember, about the rear 1860, on the Brockenhurst and Lymington
branch, an engine named Southampton and in 1868 seeing the same engine
in the yard at Nine Elms, where it had been sent to be scrapped. It was,
however, much more like the Vivid (Fig. 5, page 121). with the exception
of having no dome and a regulator in the srnokebox worked by a pull-out lever,
very similar to those on the G.N.R. It had no maker's name upon it, and it
seems to me very probable that the name may have been changed from the engine
you describe as Southampton, and which you say had a high topped firebox
and inside frames.
I also remember John Dawson, of Northam, who among South Western men was
credited with being the first to apply balance weights to the driving wheels
of locomotives..
The carriage and wagon department. 157
Construction of carriage and wagon bogies. 157-8. 3 diagrams
Number 94 (7 March 1903)
New locomotives for the Bengal Nagpur Ry. 159. illustration
The locomotives of the G.E.R. 160-2.
Locomotives for the Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry. designed
by Mr. B. Wright. 164-5. 2 illustrations
0-6-0 goods engines were practically identical, but earlier locomotives
had smaller boilers and slightly shorter frames. Eighteen were built by Sharp,
Stewart & Co. in 1877 WN 2692-2697; 2702-2707; 2729-2734. The next
fourteen were built by Kitson. Forty were built at Miles Platting in
the company workshops. They had 17½ x 36in cylinders; 4ft 6in coupled
wheels; 1061 ft2 total heating surface; 19 ft2 grate
area and 140 psi working pressure. Later engines had slightly larger boilers:
1034.5ft2 total heating surface; 19.5ft2 grate area
and working pressure 160 psi. Beyer, peacock built 50 in 1881 WN 1976-2025
and thirty more in 1887: WN 2831-2860. Vulcan Foundry built 25: WN 871-895
in 1880; and 20 in 1881 WN 969-988, and 20 in 1887 WN 1198-1217.
There were two clases of 0-4-4T. The first was built by Dubs, Kitson
and Neilson in 1878 and 1879. Dubs WN 1150-1159/1878. The side tanks
were very short, but there was a tank in the bunker. The bogie was of the
Adams type, but without the rubber pad. They had 17½ x 36in cylinders;
5ft 8in coupled wheels; 1057 ft2 total heating surface; 17
ft2 grate area. Ten were built by Kitson: WN 1216-1225/1879
and a further ten from Neilson WN 2370-2379/1879.
The second class hardly differed: Sharp, Stewart suppled WN 3299-3338 in
Great Western Ry. 165
Camel class 4-4-0 Nos 3416 Bibby; 3417 C.G. Mott and
3418 Earl of Cork had been built at Swindon.
Refers to Nos. 2602-2605 as "six-coupled goods engines with leading pony
trucks" and No. 33 as the first of the Mogul type and Nos 2622 , 2642, 2544,
2650 and 2652 as being fitted with taper boilers
Several six-coupled side tanks were being fitted with condensing apparatus
for working to Smithfield: No. 633 being the first.
Railway notes. 166.
Gt. Central Ry. 166.
The G.C.R_ had in view of their greatly increasing traffic, placed
several large orders for new engines. Kitson & Co. had secured an order
for 33 heavy eight-coupled mineral engines of the 1052 class. Beyer, Peacock
& Co. were to build 12 six-coupled bogie engines of the 106- class, three
of which, we understand, were to have larger drivers for express traffic.
The same firm will build 25 six-coupled standard goods, 973 class, and a
further 15 ot this class have been ordered from the Vulcan Foundry Co Ltd.
No. 1055, the first of the new ten-wheeled tanks, was ready, bearing the
Vulcan Foundry Co. WN 1874. Five four-coupled bogie express passenger engines,
Nos. 1038 to 1042 were expected from Sharp, Stewart & Co. Nos. 91 and
499 double framed goods engines ha been rebuilt with new boilers.
Bogie express engines Nos. 700, 857, 859 and 869 had been fitted with the
Westinghouse brake for unning through trains onto the NER and GER.
Snowbound trains in Newfoundland. 166. illustration.
Severe snow storms blocked the railway between St. Johns and Millertown
in February 1903. The illustration shows a train in snowfree
London & North Western Railway reform. 167, 2 illustrations.
The result of the agitation and revolt among the shareholders of the
premier British railway has already had its influence with the future policy
of the Board of Directors, and a deputation of officials hastily left Liverpool
on Wednesday 25 April, for the United States, to look into details of railway
working as practised there, and it is to be hoped they will benefit by the
experience to be gained. In connection with one of the items of reform suggested,
the substitution of larger wagons and heavier trains in the goods and mineral
services for those now running, the annexed illustrations are of
considerable interest. One shows the type of train that presumably the L.
& N. W. R. directors at present consider desirable, whilst the second
gives a representation of prevailing American ideas on the same subject.
To analyse the pros. and cons. of the case would occupy considerable space,
but the tabulated statements below summarises some of the chief features.
The conveyance of 2000 tons of coal in England by the L. & N. W. Ry.
would require three trains, or 100 20-tons coal wagons, each train being
hauled by a four-cylinder compound eight coupled locomotive of the following
dimensions .Estimated cost of trains, including engines and tenders and brake
vans £21,500 For the conveyance of 2000 tons of coal in the United States
the B. & O. Ry. requires one train of 40 50-tons coal wagons, hauled
by one four-cylinder compound eight-coupled locomotive .Estimated cost of
train, including engine and tender and brake van £16,500
It is manifest that to make undertakings such as railways pay it is necessary
to work the equipment to its utmost capacity, and in this respect the manner
in which the L. & N.W.R. Co, throw their entire plant into unproductive
idleness on Sundays is in striking contrast to the methods of more progressive
managements, who study the convenience of the public as well as the profits
of their shareholders.
German locomotive works. 168-9. 2 illustrations
The Krauss company of Munich and the Hanover Locomotive Works
(Hannoversche Machinenbau AG). The latter initially manufactured stationary
engines, but built locomotives from 1846. hundredth locomotive left the Hanover
Works in 1857. In 1868, soon after the death of the founder Egestorff,
the well-known contractor, Dr. Strousberg, took over the management and
materially enlarged the works. so that in 1870 the five hundredth and
in 1873 the thousandth locomotive was turned out.
C.F. Dendy Marshall. The battle of the gauges. 169.
Concluded fmm page 151. Captain J.M. Laws on the question of the stability
of the narrow gauge,remarked that he had often seen first-class London &
Birmingham carriages with a ton of luggage on the top. Mr. George Bodmer
manufacturer of locomotive engines, believed in length for a boiler, and
had found long narrow grates work better than broad ones; he would have liked
6-in. or 8-in. more, but considered it not worth the expense; this width
he would have employed by making "cylindrical" instead of flat slide valves,
"which I am doing now with outside cylinders."
Mr. Edward Bury also would have liked 6-in. or 8-in. more. One of his reasons
was curious. "We are not obliged not to make any parts too weak. but we are
obhged to work very accurately to dimensions;" Trials were made in the United
States with wheels running loose on their axles, but they were abandoned.
Mr. John Gray, loco. supt. of the Brighton line, considered engines with
outside cylinders had a greater tendency to leave the rail at high velocities,
and did not care much about the centre of gravity; his ideal gauge would
have been one from 5½-ft. to 6-ft. He said engines slipped more on rails
with longitudinal than with cross sleepers.
Mr. Benj. Cubitt, loco. supt. to the" Croydon and South Eastern Ry,' preferred
5-ft. 3-in. for the gauge, and did not believe in very long vehicles.
Mr. William Cubitt's ideal was 6-ft., chiefly as .a means to lower the centre
of gravity. "If I could," he said, "I would bring the engine as near the
rails as possible, even if I passed the axles through it." He did not know
of any speed in a straight Iine that would be dangerous to the public safety
with a perfect railway. He went on to say that the driving wheels might be
any height, "but you must have six or eight wheels to the engines, or if
there were ten, it would not signify; it would perhaps be all the better.
Two fours and a pair of drivers would be a very safe carriage."
Later, he expanded. this somewhat condensed description, by recommending
the Bristol and Exeter type, namely, "what the Americans call a bogie carriage,
before and behind, with four wheels each, and large driving wheels without
flanges between." On being asked if the Great Western carriages were not
considered more commodious, he admitted "they will hold more people, and
you can stand upright in them, and so you can in some of the narrow gauge
carriages now."
Mr. Richard Robertsobjected to "loose wheels" on account of their "liability
to run off, and then to run wild when they are off."
Mr, Charles Vignoles would have liked 6-ft. wheels. and Mr. Isambard Kingdom
Brunel would have preferred the gauge to be above rather than under 7-ft.
He thought the spirit of emulation between the two systems would do more
good to the public than uniformity.
He mentioned the construction of three engines with 10-ft. wheels, which
totally failed in other respects, but not in consequence of the diameter.
In making the foregoing extracts, we have been guided chiefly by a desire
to select the most interesting passages, the majority of which are, more
or less, side issues to the main question. The great body of evidence was
directed against the break of gauge, but the inconveniences of this are so
obvious that we have extracted very little of the testimony bearing on this
point .
An old locomotive driver. 169.
Henry James Robinson, who had died in New South Wales, had a record
of over 50 years of railway service. He was born at Darlington, and at the
age of 17 commenced working with the North Eastern Railway Company, whence
he joined the Great Western Railway, subsequently leaving the old country
for the Colonies, where for many years he was a "first grarle " driver.
Great Northern Ry, 169
Ten more engines of the 990 class were being built at Doncaster, the
works numbers following No. 251, which was 991. Several of the old six-wheeled
tender frames were being used for 30 ton brake vans.
American type locomotives on the Highland Ry. 170.
Five 4-4-0T, known as Yankees, built Dubs & Co. in 1892 for Ferro
Carril Nordeste del Uruguay, but not delivered. The first two (HR Nos.
101 and 102) were fitted with ventilated cabs and the ends of the crank pins
were fitted with caps to exclude sand and dust. The remaining three
(HR Nos. 11, 14 and 15) lack these features, but all had slide valves above
the cylinders operated through rocking shafts. The coupled wheels were 5ft
6in diameter and the cylinders 16 x 22in. They were working the Hopeman,
Black Isle and Thurso branches and between Buckie and Keith
Caledonian Railway. 170
The rough weather on 24 February demolished an extensive section of
the railway between Crief and Comrie.
New locomotive company. 170
Rumour of American company being promoted to produce locomotives in
New compound express locomotive, Austrian State Railways. 171
Golsdorf 4-4-0
Some locomotive experiments. 171-3. 4 diagrams
Recording drawbar force
The carriage and wagon department. 174-6
Railway carriage & wagon construction. 174-6. 4 diagrams
Timber working machinery: squaring up, scraping and mortising &
boring machines
New bogie wagons. 176
The Caledonian Ry.Co. placed an extensive order for 300 bogie wagons
of 30 tons capacity with the following finns: The Leeds Forge Co., Ltd.;
R. . Pickering & Co., Wishaw; The Metropolitan Railway Carriage &
Wagon Co., Ltd.; The Birmingham Wagon Co., Ltd.; Hurst, Nelson & Co.,
Ltd. ; and . WV. R. Renshaw & Co., Ltd.
The Natal Government ordered several steel wagons of 32 tons capacity from
the Darlington Wagon and Engineering Co., Ltd., the length of the body being
36-ft., width 7-ft. 3j-in., and the height inside 4-ft. 9-in. The cars run
on bogies, and built for the 3-ft, 6-in. gauge.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 176
Decided to modify the style of painting of the passenger train stock
of the line, and an experimental carriage painted with umber lower panels
and cream colored upper portion has been approved of by the directors.
Post Office Vans. 176. 2 illustrations
One of the older four-wheeled mail vans of the Danish State Railways
(D.S.B.) is represented in our first photograph above. It has steel underframing
and metal panelling. The car is painted light brown, and the Royal arms of
Denmark were emblazoned on a shield on either side.
The second illustration shows a six-wheeled mail van of the Prussian State
Rys. (K.P.E.V.) built with a high clerestory roof and brakesman's box. These
cars were painted a very dark green with black edging and yellow lines.
Number 95 (14 March 1903)
The G.E. Ry. "Decapod". 177. illustration + folding plate
Horse-worked railways. 178-9. 2 illustrations
Weston-super-Mare; Swansea & Mumbles; Southwell; Hampton Court
(although some doubt in this case); St. Ives & Huntingdon and Port
Four-cylinder compounds, C. de F. Nord. 180
4-4-2 No. 2.659 with 0.330m diameter by 0.640m high pressure cylinders
activated by piston valves and 0.560m diameter by 0.640m low pressure cylinders
activated by slide valves; 2,040m coupled wheels and
2.760m2 grate area.
The history of the London & South Western
locomotives. 181-3. 4 illustrations (including 3 drawings)
In 1840, Fenton Murray & Jackson, of Leeds Foundry, delivered
four six-wheeled passenger tender engines, with single driving wheels 5-ft.
6-in.diameter and a small pair of leading and trailing. The cylinders were
placed inside, and were 13-in. diameter by 18-in. stroke. These engines were
named Leeds, Eclipse, Phnix, and Crescent, and were
afterwards numbered in the stock 31, 32, 33 and 34 respectively. There is
no record as to when they were broken up, but seeing that in the early 1850s
other engines were built bearing the same names they probably disappeared
about that time.
Two other engines were built for the Company in 1840, named Ajax and
.Atlas, the makers being Jones & Potts, of Newton, near Warrington.
These ran on six wheels, the leading and driving being 5-ft. in diameter
and coupled, while the trailing pair were under the footplate. Very few details
are obtainable respecting these two engines, but it is known they were
transferred to the Bodmin and Wadebridge line when it was taken over by the
Company. They were conveyed from London to Wadebridge by sea, as at that
period the Bodmin and Wadebridge line was not connected by rail to the main
system. They had previously been numbered 41 and 42 respectively.
The next locomotives appearing on the Company's books are four luggage engines
delivered by Sharp, Roberts & Co., two in 1841, and two in the following
year. These engines ran on four coupled wheels 4-ft. 6-in. diameter, and
had inside cylinders 14-in. diameter by 20-in. stroke. The boilers were very
short and had a diameter of 3-ft. 6-in.; they contained 120 tubes of an external
diameter of 2-in, When delivered, the engines were named MiIo,
Pluto, Titan, and Mlinos, and were numbered in the makers'
books 151, 152, 164 and 169 respectively; they were afterwards numbered in
the Company's books 43 to 46 inclusive. Apparently they did not remain long
in active service, and about 1853 they were either sold or broken up.
It is at this particular period of our history that the greatest difficulty
has been experienced in obtaining reliable information respecting the Company's
locomotives, and although every care has been taken to secure correct
particulars, we rnust ask the indulgence of our readers should any discrepancies
appear. During 1843 four passenger tender engines were constructed for the
Company by Fairbairn & Co. of Manchester. These engines had leading ancl
trailing wheels 3-ft. 4-in. diameter and single driving wheels 5-ft. 6-in.
diameter, with outside cylinders having a diameter of 13-in. and a stroke
of 18-in., supplied with steam of 75 lbs. pressure per sq. in. They were
named Giraffe, Antelope, Elk, and Reindeer, and
were afterwards numbered in the Company's books 22 to 25 respectively. The
Elk was the first engine fitted with expansive link motion, altered
from the gab-end form. In the summer of 1846, in charge of old David Markham,
it ran a special train of three carriages from Southampton to Nine Elms,
78 miles, in 93 minutes. The Giraffe, Antelope, and Elk
were scrapped in June, 1872, and the Reindeer in December, 1874.
These four engines had iron fireboxes, differing in this respect from most
locomotives of the period, which were supplied with fireboxes made of copper.
Fig. 6 is a drawing of Giraffe, from a photograph taken after the
engine had been partially rebuilt at the Millbrook Foundry. In this drawing
may be seen Beattie's patent feed water apparatus, which had been added in
the meantime.
The next engines appearing on the books were some very fine expresses, built
at Nine Elms by the locomotive superintendent, J.V. Gooch. The first of these,
the Eagle, left the shops in December, 1843, followed early in 1844
by the Hawk, Falcon, and Vulture. They had single driving wheels
6-ft. o-in. diameter, leading and trailing wheels 3-ft. diameter, and cylinders
Ld-in. diameter by zo-in. stroke. placed at an angle outside the frames.
The tenders were four-wheeled and carried about 800 gallons of water. These
engines were afterwards numbered 27 to 30 respectively. The Eagle,
Hawk, and Vulture were broken up in 1862. and the Falcon
in 1863. Following these came a group of four goods engines and tenders built
at .Nine Elms, the first, Bison, being turned out in August. 1844,
and followed in December by Buffalo, Elephant, and
Rhinoceros. These locomotives had six wheels coupled, 4-ft,
Locomotive cabs by a Locomotive Fireman. 183-4. 2 diagrams
Advocated left hand driving pposition: most platforms and signals
this side and good cab ventilation
New locomotive for the Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Company.
184-5. illustration
Hudswell, Clarke & Co. 0-6-0ST No. 10: 4-ft 1½-in coupled
wheels; 18 x 24-in cylinders, 160 psi boiler pressure, total heating surface
1055-ft2, grate area
Old goods engines, North Eastern Ry. 185.
In 1881 Manning Wardle 0-6-0 supplied WN 20-29 with 5-ft diameter
coupled wheels and originally 16 x 24-in cylinders (later increased to 17-in
diameter). Spent most of time on Southern Division and West Riding traffic.
Reboilered in Leeds in 1879-80 qnd fitted with Stirling type cabs. No. 436
retained original boilr and fluted dome until 1888 when a Worsdell
type of boiler was fitted at York. The remaining engines ere also rebuilt
at York with similar Worsdelll boilers in 1890-1. In 1892 the remaining
locomotives were placed on the duplicate list. Includes photograph
of No. 434 in original condition
Railway notes. 186
London and North Western Ry. 186
Ten more engines of the Alfred the Gireat class were under construction
at Crewe, and the first two were out, numbered and named 1961
Alberrnarle and 1962 Aurora. The new six-coupled bogie passenger
engine, was out of the shops, but had not yet run any trial trips. Nos. 1965,
1966, 1970, 1978-1981 and 1984 six-coupled tanks had been renumbered 3534-3541.
One of the old Allan four-coupled tank engines, No. 3097, has been sold to
the Fenton Colliery Company.
New terminal station at New York. 186
The New York Central Railway terminus is to be rebuilt, and the new
station will be fronted with a large hotel having from 16 to 20 floors. This
is being built as a set off against the huge station, which the Pennsylvania
Co. will shortly construct in the city, on the completion of their tunnel
under the river.
London and South Western Ry. 186. illustration
Engines of a large and powerful type for mixed traffic work were in
hand at Nine Elms. We reproduce a photo of an accident that happened to one
of Adams' 7-ft. coupled express engines, No. 684, when running with the up
Bournemouth express. The mishap was due to the coupling rod breaking, and
this made havoc of the splashers, cab side sheets, etc.
Midland Railway. 186
The danger of the practice of carrying luggage across the rails has
more than once exemplified the necessity of providing subways for its
transference from one platform to another. What might have proved as disastrous
an accident as that which happened at Wellingborough, in October, 1898, was
luckily averted last week at Sileby, when the down Manchester express ran
into a hamper containing meat. The engine carried it for some distance, but
fortunately, the line being free from points, etc., the obstruction was
eventually pushed aside.
A lady's photo from Norway. 186. illustration
The original of our illustration below was taken by a lady, and shows
a Baldwin Mogul goods engme working on one of the Norwegian railways. From
this it will be seen interest in locomotives is not confined to the male
Rock Island route. 186
This organisation secured control of the St. Louis & Pacific Ry.,
which practically makes it a Trans-continental system, with a mileage of
over 14,000. At East Moline, Illinois, it is proposed to build the largest
locomotive shops in the United States, some 900 acres of' land having been
purchased for the purpose.
Great Eastern Ry. . 186-
Two saddle tank shunting engines being built at Stratford wouldl be
numbered 230 and 231, the engines previously bearing those numbers having
had a cypher prefixed.
Central African Rys. 186
The Vulcan Foundry Company, of Newton-le-Willows, in competition with
foreign firms, have secured an order for twelve locomotives for this
Electric lifting crane. 187. illustration
Number 96 (21 March 1903)
New tank locomotives, North Eastern Ry. 191. illustration
Wilson Worsdell 0-6-2T intended for use in colliuery areas with heavy
gradients. Similar to P class 0-6-0. Painted standard green
The locomotive history of the London, Chatham & Dover
Ry. 192-3. 3 photographic illustrations, 3 line drawings (side
Single driving wheel passenger 2-2-2T engines Meteor
(illustrated) and Eclipse; 0-6-0ST goods engines Hercules and
Ajax (illustrated) and 4-4-0T (Bacchus illustrated) of
the Aeolus class and 2-4-0T of Ruby class (see
Volume 6 page 164-5 and
Volume 7 pages 3-4) had been converted to tank
engines under Martley. Meteor and Eclipse were numbered 57
and 58: they were broken up at Longhedge Works in 1875. Hercules and
Ajax were rebuilt with new boilers by Kirtley in 1877 and 1878 and
renumbered 143 and 144 and broken up at Longhedge Works in 1893. Fig. 28
shows No. 143 in final form.. The full boiler dimensions are listed when
the total heating surface was 862 ft2 and the grate area 15
ft2.. On a Sunday morning in 1870 the driver and fireman of
Ajax fearing a collision at Ludgate Hill reversed the engine annd
jumped off. The engine ran back through Snow Hill, King's Cross, Kentish
Town and eventually halted in Haverstock Hill tunnel. Both men were stated
to be drivers on the District Railway In 1873 Martley broke up the
four converted tank engines of the Aeolus class and replaced them with 2-4-0T
which incorporated some of the parts, including the names: Aeolus, Bacchus,
Vulcan and Comus. The last was used by Lucas & Aird on the
Maidstone to Ashford contract. Kirtley numbered them 71-4 and classed them
S. They were fitted with cabs, the Westinghouse brake and their dimensions
are tabulated..
Locomotive chimneys. 194-5. 3 diagrams.
Arrangement adopted on the Highland by David Jones tp prevent smoke
drifting and suggestions for conical device on smokebox or louvres at
top of smokex door to ibcease air flow near chimney
South Eastern Ry. passenger engines "259" class. 195-6 2
Cudworth was forced
to resign and Watkin junior was
eased into the post of Locomotive Superitendent. The 259 class was designed
by Ramsbottom and was built by Sharp Stewart and by the Avonside Engine Co.
The running numbers were 269-78 and the Works numbers 2610-19/1876 for the
former and 1147-56/1877 for the latter. They were known as Ironclads and
had 6ft 6in coupled wheels and 17 x 24in cylinders. They were not
Passenger locomotives, Waterford & Limerick Ry. 196-7
We have been favoured by a correspondent with the drawing herewith
reproduced of an early single passenger engine for the Waterford and Limerick
Railway, said to have been built for that line in 1846, by Stothert &
Slaughter. As, however, the first portion of this railway, from Limerick
to Tipperary, was not opened until 9 May 1848, it would appear that the engine
was of slightly later date. It was remarkable as being one of the few outside
cylinder engines built for the 5-ft. 3-in. Irish gauge. The cylinders were
15-in. diameter by 22-in. stroke, the diameter of the driving wheels being
5-ft. 9-in. and of the leading and trailing 3-ft. 6-in. The distance between
the leading and trailing wheel centres was 7-ft. 6-in., and between the driving
and trailing 8-ft., the total wheelbase being 15-ft. 6-in. It will be noticed
that the engine bears several marks of similarity notably the long trailing
wheelbase to the No. 51 class of the Eastern Counties Railway, built by the
same makers a year or two earlier and illustrated in
Locomotive Mag., 1902, 7.,
The Waterford and Limerick Railway was inaugurated by the line from Limerick
to Tipperary mentioned above. It was extended successively to Clonmel in
May, 1852, to Fiddown in April, 1853, to Dunkitt in August, 1853, and to
Waterford in September, 1854. At a later date, by reason of further extensions
in various directions, it had grown to a mileage of 350, and was known as
the Waterford, Limerick and Western Railway, but even in 1880 it possessed
only 34 locomotives. On 1 January 1901, it was amalgamated with the Great
Southern and Western system, and as a consequence the locomotive stock has
undergone many changes. Several of the more interesting of the older engines
have been scrapped, and many of those that remain have now a much altered
appearance. The old numbers, and in some cases the name plates as well, have
been removed. The red coat of paint has been replaced by one of the Great
Southern and Western standard black, whilst the handsome copper chimney cap
has given place to the standard black coping of the absorbing company. We
reproduce photographs showing two engines that were originally identical
in design both internally and externally, the first being W. L. & W.
No. 54 Killemnee, and the other No. 298, Bernard, formerly
No. 55 on the W. L. & W. Ry. The careful observer will notice several
minor changes that have been made in the latter from time to time. It may
be mentioned that Killemnee, Bernard, and Jubilee, the
last of which was originally No. 53, were the only representatives of this
particular type, which was designed by Robinson, nno of the Great Central
Ry. The chief dimensions were given in
Locomotive Mag., 1896, 1, 85, but we
may say that the driving wheels are 6-ft. and the bogie wheels 3-ft. 6-in.
in diameter ; the cylinders were 17-in. diameter by 24-in. stroke, and the
boiler carries a working pressure of 150 Ibs. per sq. in. This Irish amalgamation
has been a somewhat mixed blessing. A through afternoon express now runs
in the summer from Limerick to Dublin fin Nenagh, whilst several minor
improvements in the train services are noticeable. On the other hand, however,
since the date of the amalgamation, there has been a decline in the Great
Southern and Western dividend. It is to be hoped that the company will speedily
recover from the heavy strain which the absorption of the Waterford, Limerick
and Western system has thrown upon it.
Furxess Railavay. 197
The terrible gale that raged over the British Isles on 27 February
1903 was responsible for much dislocation of railway traffic, and the most
serious accident was that which happened on the Furness Railway, near Ulverston.
The morning train from Carnforth in connection with the 10 p.m. from Euston
was crossing the viaduct which crosses the mouth of the River Leven, when
owing to the telegraph wires blocking the line the train was brought to a
standstill. Almost immediately a heavy gust of wind struck the train broadside
and completely overturned the whole of the carriages, the engine remaining
on the rails. If the train had fallen the other side all would have been
precipitated into the sea. The engine drawing the train was No. 22, one of
Air. Mason's 6-ft. bogie passenger engines, built by Sharp, Stewart &
Co. It escaped uninjured. Although the traffic was blocked for some time,
the splendid arrangements made by W.F. Pettigrew, the locomotive superintendent,
for replacing the derailed coaches enabled the lines to be cleared by 15.50.
The gale was still raging whilst this work was proceeding, and the task of
the men engaged was therefore very difficult, as the viaduct is long and
very exposed.
British locomotives in Japan. 198-9. 3 illustrations
Railway notes. 200.
The Democratic United States. 200
The Palm limited express of the Southern Railway when bound
south the other day was "flagged" to stop at Pineland in South Carolina,
to pick up some members of the Vanderbilt family. Unfortunately, owing to
lack of proper instructions, the driver did not heed the hand signals to
stop and ran through to his next, booked stopping station, Hardeeville. There
an imperative telegraphic message awaited the express, with orders for it
to immediately return to Pineland, 22 miles, to pick up the stranded passengers;
not a bad order. It was executed, however, and the working of the entire
section disorganised, much to the disgust of the ordinary passengers.
Pennsylvania Railroad. 200. illustration
The Pennsylvania Limited with the cars painted in the colors
adopted since 1898, is shown running into Philadelphia, drawn by engine No.
296. a standard eight-wheeled passenger engine (4-4-0), with 18½-in.
by 26-in. cylinders and 6-ft. 8-in. drivers.
The total mileage of railways operated by or organised with the Pennsylvania
Railroad is at present stated to total 10,556 miles, and the canals furnish
i71 miles. This is distributed among different States as under :-East of
Pittsburg and Erie: Delaware. 244.4 miles; District of Columbia, 8. I ; Maryland,
506.3; New Jersey, 735.6; New York, 818.1 Pennsylvania, 3,461.6; Virginia,
13; West Virginia, 24.5; total, 5,811.6 miles, West of Pittsburg and Erie:
Illinois, 608.6 miles; Indiana, 1,433.8; Kentucky, 2.9; :Mlichigan, 443.6;
Ohio, 1,826.6; Pennsylvania, 371.5; West Virginia, 57.4; total, 4774.4 miles.
The actual length of track equals 19,720 miles, of which 5,915 miles act
as sidings.
Great Western Ry. 200
No. 3419 Evan Llewellyn and No, 3420 Ernest Palmer new
engines of the Camel class, built at Swindon. Old six-coupled double-framed
goods engines Nos, 39, 353. 782, 943, 1088 and 1101, had been rebuilt with
new boilers having Belpaire fireboxes, Another large six-coupled bogie passenger
engine with 6-ft. 8-in. wheels and a taper boiler had been built at Swindon
and numbered 98. The Company was laying down pipes to bring water from Kemble
to Swindon, a distance of 13¾ miles to obviate running water
trains which had been the practice for many years past.
The Maltese Railways. 201.
The railway system in the island of Malta is the property of the
Government It is 71 miles long and is built to the 3-ft. gauge Our illustration
showing one of the trains is from a photograph kindly sent us by the general
manager, Mr. Buhagiar.
North Eastern Ry. 201
Three additional eight-coupled goods engines, T class, had been built
at Gateshead, numbered 83, 410, and 1186, the first one replacing an old
six-coupled: double framed goods engine built at Gateshead in 1866. No. 1309,
six-coupled goods engine, previously a two-cylinder compound, had been converted
to an ordinary simple engine, and No. 684, a four-coupled express engine,
had been similarly treated. No. 1328, 7-ft. bogie single, was being rebuilt
with a new boiler and cylinders, and is having outside bearings provided
for the trailing wheels, similar to others of the class.
Midland Ry. 201
In anticipation of running trains through from St. Pancras to Leeds
without a stop during the coming summer, the Midland Co. propose laying down
water-troughs near Loughboro'.
The Salonica - Dedeaghatch Ry. 201. illustration
The troubles in Macedonia and attacks made by Bulgarian brigands on
the line of this railway near Dernirhissar calls attention to the railwav
system of this part of the Turkish Empire. The J.S.C., or Junction, Salonica
and Constantinople Railway, forms a connecting link between Salonica, the
terminus of the railway from Belgrade through Uskub, and Dedeaghatch, a small
port with a branch of the Oriental Railways to Adrianople. The total mileage
of the J. S. C. is 317, and the road is a heavy one with severe grades. The
small photograph illustrates one of the eight coupled engines, No. 8, built
by Sigl & Co., of Wiener-Neustadt, in 1894. It was fitted with the simple
vacuum brake apparatus, the ejectors being placed on the boiler behind the
dome. The engine was painted black with fine red lines, and represents a
modern type of Continental design. The carriages of the J. S. C. are painted
as follows: first class, dark blue; second class, dark green; third class,
chocolate brown. All the lettering is in yellow with vermilion shading.
Petroleum fuel notes. 202. illustration, 2 diagrams
Oil tank train: photograph of LTSR 0-6-2T
with train of oil tank wagons at Romford Great Eastern Railway where wagons
sorted for distribution to depots across Railway.
Eastern Ry. of France. Diagram of trough system used in 1870
Roumanian Rys. Oil was general source of fuel: 40,000 tons in 1902:
Holden system used
Southern Pacific Ry: Diagram of system with burnner placed at
the front of the firebox
Austrian State Rys. Holden system used in Lemberg district to burn
Galician blue oil to improve air quality in Arlberg tunnel
MIchael Reynolds. Engine failures. 203-4
Flowery journalism about intuition: mentions condors, lions and
Lancashire and Yorkshire Ry. 204
Nos. 822 and 827 new 0-8-0 goods engines. New type of bufer being
fitted to tenders to this class of engine due to incr4eased shocks from heavy
Reviews. 205
Working models of engine valve gears. W.H. Bedford.
Locomotives of the Great Northern Railway. G.F. Bird. Locomotive Publishing Co.,
Dining car trains M. & G.W. Ry. (Ireland). 208. 4 illustrations
Midland & Great Western Ry. Six-wheeled bogies on dining car;
remainder four-wheeled. Livery Royal blue lower panels; upper white. Train
fitted with electric light. Heating was King's self-contained system on each
Number 97 (28 March 1903)
London Brighton & South Coast Railway. 209.
No. 206 Smeaton illustrated: one of the four-coupled oil burning
express locomotives running on the L.B. & S.C. Ry. Several engines had
been fitted with the necessary apparatus, and some excellent running was
being done on the services the engines were engaged on. The names and numbers
of the locomotives already fitted, other than those given in our January
3rd issue, were No. 186 De la Warr, 202 Trevithick, 208
Abercorn, 573 Nutbourne and 574 Copthorne.
The widening of the line between Norwood Junction and Victoria was making
rapid progress towards completion in many sections. The works commenced for
widening the Grosvenor Road bridge, and some extensive operations were in
progress under the train shed of the Victoria terminus, for the foundations
of the large building to be erected there.
Great Southern and Western Ry. (Ireland). 209
Neilson, Reid & Co. had delivered to the G.S. & W.R. the
first of an order for six four-coupled bogie passenger engines [4-4-0] of
the same class as No. 301. These six engines numbered 309-314, the works'
numbers being 6313-6318 inclusive. They had driving wheels 6-ft. 6-in. diameter,
and cylinders 18½-in. diameter by 26-in. stroke.
Old express passenger engine, North Eastern Ry. 210. illustration
2-2-2 of Jenny Lind type built for York & North Midland Railway
in 1847 by E.B. Wilson. Finally No. 1709, formerly No. 326. Latterly fitted
with 6ft 3in driving wheels and 800ft2 total heating surface
New lubricator for locomotives. 214-15. illustration, diagram
Alex Friedmann of Vienna
The South Wales and Bristol Direct Railway. 215
Railway notes. 217
Mr W. Worsdell on American railroads. 217
Wilson Worsdell, Chief Mechanical Engineer of the North Eastern Railway
speaking at Newcastle-on-Tyne, on Saturday, the 14 March., attributed the
smooth running of American expresses to the mode of laying the track
in the USA. He rode on the footplate of the celebrated Black Diamond
express, and although travelling faster than 80 miles an hour, the engine
ran so smoothly that he could have held a cup of water in his hand without
spilling any. The American tracks were much preferable to the system adopted
in Great Britain of using chairs to keep the rails in position. With the
American roads there is less wear and tear on the locomotives, consequently
they would be longer out of the shops between repairs. Worsdell was not at
all impressed with the American sleeping cars, and announced that he had
recently forwarded plans and drawings of the East Coast sleeping cars to
America and he believed that before very long they would be adopted there.
Commenting upon the passenger locomotives and a visit paid to the chief
locomotive works at Altoona of the Pennsylvania Railroad, Worsdell remarked
that he had recently designed, at Gateshead Works, a class ot twenty locomotives
of the Atlantic type, the first of which he expected to be running in July.
He did not think British mechani:al engineers need be ashamed of their
locomotives as the Amencan engineers were allowed 10ft. 6-in. width for engines
and cars, the British limit being 9:ft American engineers could build 16-ft.
6-in, the from the rail level to the top of chimney, but in this country
they were restricted to 13-ft. The the North Eastern Railway, new engine
he was building at Gateshead would have practlcally no chimney at all the
only stack being in the smokebox.
South Eastern and Chatham Ry. 217. illustratiom
Messrs. R. Stephenson & Co., Darlington, had delivered another
bogie engine, No. 743, the maker's number being 3085. Of an order for ten
engines of the same design, Dubs & Co. had delivered the first two, numbered
75 and 92, the works numbers being 4335 and 4336 respectively. Our reproduction
above is taken from a photograph of a typical South Eastern goods train,
drawn by two Stirling standard 0-6-0s.
Lancashire and Yorkshire Ry. 217
At end of last half year (1902) the L. & Y. possessed 1,363 engines
and 693 tenders, excluding those in the duplicate list, which consisted of
64 engines and 27 tenders. No. 702, one of the ten-wheeled express engines,
has been fitted with a Davies & Metcalte's patent exhaust injector, and
No. 700 of the same Class has been provided with a capuchon on the chimney,
to drive the smoke and exhaust steam clear of the cab.
Obituary. [David Joy]. 218, portrait
Died 14 March 1903, aged of 78 years. His name is probably familiar
with the majority of our readers in connection with his patent valve gear,
adopted on many locomotives as well as marine engines. Joy's career had been
one entirely devoted to engineering in all its branches, and besides the
introduction of the valve gear he invented an automatic steam hammer and
a hydraulic organ blower. In 1843 he joined the drawing office staff of Messrs.
Sheppard & Todd, and worked out the drawings for the well-known "Gray"
locomotive, this being the first engine fitted with expansion gear and a
constant lead. It was while he held the position of secretary to the Barrow
Shipbuilding Co. that the new valve gear was invented. This was in 1879,
and about this date it was adopted on several L. & N.W.R'. engines by
Webb. During the latter part of his career Joy practised as a consulting
engineer in Westminster, and more recently in the City, and was up till the
time of his death engaged on a system of "assisting cylinders," for which
he obtained a patent in 1887. We might add that with the death of Mr. Joy
there has departed one of our most esteemed and valued friends.
London & North Western Ry. 218,
New six-coupled bogie engine now running experimental trips was numbered
1400. Engines of this class intended for fast goods and fish traffic.
L. & S.W. Ry. special train. 218, illustration
On the return of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain from South Africa, the special
train from Southhampton to Waterloo was drawn by one of Drumrnond's bogie
passenger engines, No. 773, which was gaily dressed for the occasion, as
shown in photograph. Train consisted of three saloons and two brake
Great Northern Ry. 218,
Nos. 1386-1395 new 6-ft. 6-in. four-coupled bogie passenger engines,
with 4-ft. 8-in. boilers, were running. A new type of tender was being introduced
on the G.N.R., one special feature being the means adopted for allowing the
coal to slide down to the footplate, thus minimising the work of the fireman.
No. 1520, a ten-wheeled side tank, had been fitted with Marshall's valve
[A small single tank locomotive]. 220-1
Page missing: appeared ton be a light minature railay of 2ft 3in gauge
of amusement park type
Construction of carriage and wagon bogie. 224-6. 2 diagrams
Number 98 (4 April 1903)
Rebuilt goods locomotives, Great Western Railway. 227
Dean Goods 0-6-0 rebuilt with Belpaire boiler: No. 2322
The locomotives of the G.E.R. 228-
Railway notes. 230
Midland Gt Western Ry, (Ireland). 230
The new bogie engine mentioned in our March 14 Issue was named
Majestic not Adriatic as stated. Two mote of this class were
to be built. No. 70 Ballinasloe a standard six-coupled goods engine,
had been rebuilt with a new boiler, having a Belpaire firebox. The working
pressure had been raised to 160 psi, the total heating surface being 1053
ft2. and the weight of engine in working order 40¼ tons.
A new style of cab had also been provided. Three of the earliest engines
built for this line had been withdrawn from service. They were single wheeled
saddle-tank engines bearing the names Bee, Elf and Fairy, and have inside
cylinders 11-in. by 15-in., boiler barrel 3-ft. diameter, working pressure
130 psi., total heating surface 395 ft2., driving wheels 5-ft.
1-in. diam., leading and trailing 5-ft. 7-in. diameter (KPJ clearly incorrect:
probably transposed]. These engines which had been built many years were
rebuilt in the present form in 1876. The Bee was"t being used
to operate one of the Rue washing-out injectors and boiler testers, as
described in the Locomotive Magazine,
page 172, Vo1. VI.
New Portuguese locomotives. 230
The Portuguese State Railways, the South and South-eastern, have just
placed an order with Mr. A. Borsig, of Berlin, for four six-coupled four-cylinder
compound locomotives with large double bogie tenders. These engines are to
be built to the standard gauge of 5-ft. 6-in., and will it is anticipated
be ready for work in the autumn.
New York "Elevated" locomotives. 230
In consequence of the conversion of the Manhattan elevated railway
of N ew York from steam to electric traction, a large number of the former
locomotives have been disposed of and the reproduction above shows one after
preparation for service on a Chinese railway.
Laboratory locomotive for the Cornell University, U.S.A. 230.
The authorities at the Sibley College had for many years instructed
their students in the railway section by means of an annual trip on the
locomotives of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. Various diagrams
had been taken, and all other tests for speed, smokebox temperature, etc.,
recorded, the engines being prepared by the students themselves. To further
the instruction in this direction the Baldwin Locomotive Works had offered
to present to the college a new locomotive of the Vauclain, de Glehn type:
a four-cylinder balanced compound with four-coupled wheels and a leading
bogie. The engine will be stationary and is to be ready by the time the new
testing machines are constructed. Such instruction, we venture to say, is
the right course tor young engineers, and the introduction of such practice
into this country would be a material benefit to all concerned.
Great Southern & Western Ry. 230
During the rough weather recently experienced in the west of Ireland,
a portion of the G.S. & W. Ry. branch line from Gortatlea to Castle Island
had been completely washed away, owing to the river Maine overflowing its
Widening of the London, Tilbury & Southend Railway. 232-3. 2
Bromley to Barking. Illustration shows reconstruction of East Ham
station. J.R. Robertson was the company engineer.
Locomotives for the Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry. designed
by Mr. B. Wright. 233-4. 2 illustrations
Sixty four 0-6-2T intended for freight amd passenger working, especially
on steeply graded lines, such as Manchester to Oldham. Forty were built by
Dubs WN 1631-1672 Twelve were supplied by Kitson WN 2322-2333 and 2369-2370.
In 1879 Kitson supplied a further 12 with slightly modified dimensions. The
final illustration is of an 0-6-0ST rebuilt from the 0-6-0 design
Great Southern & Western Ry. bogie tank engines. 234-5.
Coey 4-4-2T; one of which was shown at the Cork Exhibition: had 17
x 24in cylinders; 5ft 8¾in coupled wheels; 936 ft2 total
heating surface; 17.5 ft2 grate area and 150 psi boiler
New destination indicators. 234. diagram
Mr. Stirling's engines on the South Eastern Railway. 236-8. illustration, table
Some locomotive experiments. 238-40. 7 diagrams
Reviews. 242
The locomotive engine and its development. Sixth
Edition. revised and enlarged. Clement E. Stretton. London: Crosby Lockwood
& Son.
The appearance of a Sixth Edition of Stretton's Locomotive Engine
and its Development attests at once the demand on the part of the public
for a popular work upon the subject, and the success of the dealing
with it. In 1803 Trevithick, the "father of the locomotive," constructed
his first engine, and in February, 1804, the trial was made on the Penydarran
tram-road or plate wav, so that we are now rapidly approaching the centenary
of the railway locomotive. All who are interested in its evolution will find
much to attract and entertain in this volume, which cannot fail to be popular
in a wider circle. containing as it does. in a condensed and readable form,
a great deal of just the kind of information that so many people want. The
author is well known in the railway world, and probably no one has a better
knowledge of the history and development of the locomotive engine. He has
made the subject his hobby and life-long study, and one result of his labours
is seen in this extremely interesting book. Whilst the volume includes
illustrations of the latest locomotive practice on some of our lines, we
suggest that in future editions other important examples of recent construction
may be introduced. The frontispiece is a good reproduction of one of the
latest three-cylinder compound passenger engines on the Midland Railway,
No. 2632. The price of the volume is very low, considering the information
contained, 270 pages of matter and 128 illustrations.
Accident Bulletin No. 5, of the Interstate Commerce Commission
Contains summaries of mishaps to trains, etc, during the months of
July, August, and September, 1902. The total number of collisions was 1,434,
and derailments 1,014, of which 51 and 92 respectively affected passenger
trains. The particulars include one very serious accident to an excursion
train, wherein 21 passengers were killed and 26 injured, and the cause of
the mishap is reported as " undiscoverable," which to say the least, is
Holmes & Sons, 242
Railwaymen's tailors, of Buxton, have produced, in connection with
their advertising. a circular, with an illustrated table of the new national
code of engine headlights. Any of our readers can obtain a copy by addressing
a postcard to the firm mentioned.
Correspondence. 242
[Jenny Lind locomotives of the York and North Midland Railway]. John Kitching. 242
The order given to . E. B. Wilson & Co. was for ten engines. After
the amalgamation of the line with the North Eastern Railway the numbers became
319 to 32S inclusive. The first two were delivered at York to the railway
Company. without any name-plate. On the arrival of the next one (No. 321)
the name Jenny Lind was attached below the dome cover and level with
its base, on a brass plate with raised letters, on each side of the engine.
It was from this circumstance, as you state, that the type ever afterwards
was known as the Jenny Lind. It may also be of interest to mention that No.
211, of the York, Newcastle and Berwick Railway, was also a Jenny Lind.
Carriage and wagon department. 243
Horse box, L.B.&S.C.R. 243. illustration
Compartments foor groom, horse and harness
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 243
Bogie saloon delivered by the Lancasteer Carriage & Wagon Co.
to be used with two further saloons built at Ashford to form a Royal Train
for use by the King and Queen
Double hopper mineral wagon, N.E.R. 244.. illustration
Sheffield & Twinberrow patent bogie steel wagon built by Darlington
Wagon & Engineering Co.
Caledonian Ry. 244.
Order placed with Darlington Wagon & Engineering Co. for 300 wagons
with a capacity of 16 tons of coal or 12 tons of other goods: steel frames
and timber bodies
Number 99 (11 April 1903)
Six-coupled goods engines Highland Ry. 245. illustratiion
Peter Drummond 0-6-0: four delivered by Dubs & Co. Main dimensions
The history of the London & South Western locomotives. 246-8. 4 illustrations (drawings)
An Austrian light locomotive. 250. illustration
Gölsdorf design built by Krauss Locomotive Works at Linz. Two
cylinder compound 0-4-0 designed for oil firing on the Holden system and
fitted with a steel sheet firebox lines with firebrick to reatin heat when
the furl supply is cut off.
Railway notes. 251
Royal specials. 251
On the occasion of the joumey of the King to Portsmouth on 30 March,
the London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. Co. used their special train drawn
by the bogie engine Duchess of Fife.
The.South Eastern & Chatharn Ry. Co. ran their new royal train on the
same date for the use of the Queen, from London Victoria) to Dover, the engine
drawing the train being No. 736, one of Wainwright's bogie passenger
A Colonial decorated locomotive. 251. illustration
Illustration a four-coupled bogie tank locomotive shows how our Colonial
friends decorate their engines in celebration of a national event. This picture
was taken in New Zealand, and was forwarded by one of our many railway friends
there. [4-4-0T with outside cylinders]
North Eastern Ry. 251
A new coast line was being constructed between Hartlepool and Sunderland,
to reduce the distance by rail between the two ports by about five; miles.
In the works are included three important viaducts, one having a central
span of 127-ft. The line will form an alternative route between Newcastle-on-
Tyne and the South, over which through Liverpool and Manchester expresses
to the North may be diverted; it was expected to be completed in July.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 251
Two bogie passenger engines of Wainwright's design had been delivered
by Dubs & Co., numbered 493 and 494, the works numbers being 4341 and
4342 respectively.
Great Eastern Ry. 251
A saddle tank of the No. 209 class had been finished at Stratford,
and numbered 230. Beyond a few alterations in detail, these locomotives will
be similar to previous engines of the same class.
London and North Western Ry. 251
Ten passenger engines of the Alfred the Great class finished. The
first seven numbered and named. 1961 Albemarle, 1962 Aurora,
1963 Boadicea, 1964 Caesar, 1965 Charles H. Mason, 1966
Commonwealth, 1967 Cressy. A second order for ten of these engines,
which were tol have Belpaire fireboxes, had commenced. The new six-coupled
bogie engine No. 1400 had been working goods trains to Mold Junction, but
was to be sent to work in the London dIstrict; its Crewe number was 4365.
Forty-nine more engines of this class were to be constructed, and would doubtless
form a useful class for mixed traffic. Several of the London & North
Western Ry. locomotives, including one of the standard coal engines, No.
2174, had been fitted with a capuchon, or round shield in front of the chimney.
A "special" class six -coupled saddle tank engine, No. 3155 (originally No.
186) had been broken up.
Great Central Ry. 251.
Sharp, Stewart & Co., Ltd., delivered five express engines of
the 1013 class, Nos. 1038-1042; the works' numbers being 4964-4968. Nos.
53 and 88, six-coupled tender engines, had been rebuilt as saddle tanks similar
to No. 17· Twenty new engines were in hand at Gorton, and include eight
leading bogie tank locomotives.
New Swiss State locomotives. 251
Two exceptionally heavy passenger locomotives have recently been
constructed for the Swiss State Railways, and have been delivered at
Great Central Ry. express locomotives. 252. illustration
Sacre double frame 4-4-0s. As running then they had 17½ x 26-in
cylinders and 6ft 3in coupled wheels. On of the class No. 434 broke a crank
axle in 1884 at Penistone which caused the accident in which Massey Bromley
was killed. Liveries carried are noted and they were being repainted black
with red lining under Robinson
New locomotive, Caledonian Ry. 252
4-6-0 No. 49 had been running on test between Glasgow and Edinburgh.
It had a large boiler with 2400 ft2 heating surface with a an
unusual tube arrangement with the lower tubes being of larger diameter. The
coupled wheels were 6ft 6in iameter and the cylinders 21 x 26in
Shop notes. 253
Pressing locomotive reversing shafts. 253. diagram
Diagram shows lower half of die block
Locomotive metallic packing. 253. diagram
United States Metallic Packing Co. of Bradford wfor piston rings
Early Stockton & Darlington locomotives. 254-5.
2 illustrations
Continued from page 62. Text records the
steadiness and speed capability of No. 58 Woodlands: the 2-4-0 were
specially designed by Alfred Kitching. James I'Anson Cudworth viewed the
type and copied it for the South Eastern Railway and used them on the Hastings
services. Six coupled locomotives were essential for handling the mineral
traffic and in 1851 Bouch ordered two locoomotives from Gilkes, Wilson &
Co. of Middlesbrough: these were Nos. 56 Towlaw and 57 Shotley delivered
in early 1852. These were the first 17 inch cylinder locomotives owned by
the company.The coupled wheels were 4ft 2½ diameter, More followed from
the same firm. Later locomotives had the stroke increased to 24 inches and
the boiler pressure raised to 130 psi. Supplied by R.&W. Hawthorn, R.
Stephenson and from the Company's new works in Darlington. Notes state that
three types are illustrated but only two are shown: photographs of 0-6-9
No. 191 Autumn and No. 174 Contractor
Domeless locomotives: a driver's experience. 255-6
Considered that the domeless type could carry a higher level of water.
Further the claim for extra steam space within the dome was nullified by
the presencee of the regulator vale. Better view of signals on domeless boilers.
Prefered double-handled pull-out regulator.
Acceleration trails on the Great Eastern Ry. 259-61.
3 illustrations, diagram.
The first photograph shows the Decapod 0-10-0T working hard, the second
the site of the trails near Chadwell Heath, the third and the diagram
the recording apparatus. Priming caused problems, but the desired rate of
acceleration was virtually achieved.
The locomotive history of the London, Chatham & Dover
Ry. 262-4.
Continued p. 332
New ten wheeler passenger tank engine, Great Central Railway. 264-5.
Robinson 4-4-2T with 18 x 26-in cylinders
The "Katy Flyer", Missouri, Kansas and Texas Ry. 265-6. 2 illustrations.
Missouri, Kansas & Texas Ry
Old mineral locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. 266-7. 2
0-4-2 tender locomotives with outside cylinders
Our one hundredth number, 268
Eight-coupled goods locomotive for the Gothard Railway. 268-9. illustration, diagram (side elevation)
Railway notes. 270
Great Western Ry. 270
The new six-coupled bogie passenger engine No. 98 is running experimental
trips between Swindon and Weston-super-Mare. There are several differences
in this engine from No. 100, chief among them being the cylinders and boiler;
the former are outside with the ,valves on top and the latter is longer and
tapered. The tender is of the latest pattern and carries 4000 gallons of
Nos. Z624 and 2659 Mogul goods locomotives have: been rebuilt with taper
Standard six-coupled goods engines numbered 791,798, 2434 and 2436 hade been
rebuilt with new boilers having Belpaire fireboxes.
London & North Western Ry. 270
At the Board meeting-held on 2 April. G. Whale was appointed
chief mechanical engineer .in succession to F.W. Webb.
Midland Ry. 270
Five of the new goods engines had been built at Derby and numbered
240 to 244. Old Nos. 240 to 244, six-coupled goods ot Kirtley's design, had
been renumbered 376, 452, 496, 660, and 687 respectively; the engines previously
bearing these numbers having been broken up. No. 2029 a standard six-coupled
goods engine, had been fitted with a new pattern of chimney. Ten more engines
of the 2781 class were in hand at Derby. There were only two single engines
of Kirtley's design running Nos. 4A, and 16A.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 270
Dubs & Co. had delivered two more standard bogie engines to the
S.E. & C.R., numbered 501 and 502, WN 4343 and 4344; these completed
the order for ten. Five standard goods engines were being built at Ashford
and two were also under construction at the Longhedge shops, Battersea.
Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry. 270
No 1432 was another new eight-coupled goods engine built
at Horwich. No. 708, one of the 1400 class, was running fitted with cylinder
indicating gear.
Twenty new eight-coupled goods engines with corrugated fireboxes were under
construction at Horwich.
Oriental Railways. 270. 2 illustrations.
Advices to hand from Philipopolis, in Bulgaria, report. a supposed
attempt to wreck the Orient express on Monday, 30 March. A bridge
at a point a. short distance from Mustapha Pacha, which is the frontier station
37 km. on the Vienna side of Adrianople, was blown up. Fortunately the east
bound train had passed half-an-hour before the infernal machine exploded:
Another outrage is said to have taken place on the Salonica branch, an underline
bridge being again the object of attack. However, no damage was done to rolling
The Dutch Railway Strike. 270
The long threatened general strike of operatives on the Dutch Railways
had at last become a fact. The skirmish in January last, and the temporary
cessation of work of railway men in and around Amsterdam, appears to have
had but very little effect compared to the trouble being experienced at the
time of writing. The dislocation of traffic and the all but total stoppage
of the train service was nothing short of a national disaster to Holland.
Desparate attempts were it appears being made to keep up the international
services, but doubtless a large percentage of German traffic will be diverted
through Belgium for a time. No trains are run after darkness has set in,
as the signals are not operated.
Michael Reynolds. Engine failures. 271-2
The carriage and wagon department. 274
Vacuun cleaning apparatus for railway carriages. 274. illustration
Duplex roller window lift. 274-5. 3 illustrations, diagram
Great Western Railway dining cars. 276. illustration
Clerestory composite (first, second & third classes) for Paddington
to Cardiff services with gas cooking in kitchen & lighting
An old American railway carriage. 276. illustration
Boston & Providence Railroad: vehicle built in 1834
Number 101 (25 April 1903)
Ten-wheeled express locomotive, Caledonian Ry. 277. illustration
4-6-0: No. 49 illustrated. 6ft 6in coupled wheels. 200 psi boiler pressure.
The Woodford to Ilford Loop Line, G.E.R. 278-9. 4 illustrations
Illustrations: work on Chigwell cutting; entrance to Chigwell Tunnel,
bridge over River Roding; Barkingside station. Written just prior to opening
of line to both goods and passenger traffic. Line had nineteen bridges. The
engineers were E.A. Wilson, the resident engineer, E.A. Wilson, and C.J.
Wills, The Great Eastern's engineer,.
3-cylinder tank locomotive, Berlin Metropolitan Railway. 279-80.
2-6-2T built Berlin Locomotive Co.
Railway notes. 280
Glasgow & South Western Ry. 280
The new slx-coupled bogie engines for the Glasgow-Carlisle road it
was anticipated would be delivered next month. One of the standard four-coupled
bogie engmes, No. 3, had been fitted with a "deflector" to the chimney.
Great Western Ry. 280
"We understand that this company is contemplating the adoption of
electric traction on the branch line running between Whitland and Cardigan."
The dispute between the GWR and the Post Office, concerning the carriage
of the Royal Mails, had resulted in the company being awarded £146,606
per annum for the service compared with the previous yearly payment of
This company had under consideration the building of future tank engines
and four-coupled expresses with outside cylinders. A new engine of the Atbara
class, No. 3433, had been turned out at Swindon, WN 1993; fitted with a.
taper boiler.
Great Northern Ry. 280.
Some of the American built locomotives on the G.N.R. were being used
for working suburban trains between King's Cross, Enfield and Barnet, and
photograph shows No. 1190 standing on a train at Wood Green. These locomotives
drew loads 50% heavier than the tank engines usually working the traffic.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 280
On Monday, 6 April 1903 an exceptional run was made with the 08.45
up Pullmars train from Brighton to London Bridge. Leaving the terminus 2
minutes late, the train, which consisted of an equivalent of 34½
"four-wheelers," weighing with passengers some 397 tons, arrived at London
Bridge 2 minutes before time. The. engine hauling the train was No. 70 Holyrood,
one of Billinton s bogie- express engines. A maximum effort of over 1,200.
I.H.P. was recorded.
East Indian Railway locomotives. 281-2. 2 illustrations,
2 diagrams
Corrections page 328
The Brampton Railway. 283-5. 2 illustrations, 2
diagrams (side elevations)
Earl of Carlisle's railway started at Brampton in Cumberland and ran
south easterly towards Lambley to a junction with the Alston branch. Part
of the line was worked as an inclined plane. Details of the locomotive
Six-coupled passenger locomotive, Southern Ry., U.S.A. 285.
Baldwin Locomotive Works 4-6-0 with 21 x 28in cylinders, 6ft coupled
wheels; 44ft2 grate area and 2533.01ft2 total heating
Midland Great Western Ry. 285
No. 63 Lion, 0-6-0, had been rebuilt with a 4ft 5in diameter
boiler, Belpaire firebox, new cab and Ramsbottom safety valves. Fairy
(see LM 4 April) had been sent to Sligo to moperate a Rue washing out injector.
All engines going through shops had cabs with turned up roof replaced by
a new one. The vacuum brake pipe previously close to smokebox moved to buffer
The Bagdad Railway. 289-90. 2 illustrations, map
German capital for railway from Haidar Pacha towards Bagdad: the Anatolian
Locomotives of the Antwerp-Ghent Railway.
286-9. 2 illustrations, 5 diagrams (including 2 side elevations)
The railway was originally constructed to the narrow gauge of 3ft
7in and the locomotives were constructed by Postula at the Renard Works in
Brussels to the design of De Ridder. They were 2-2-2 saddle tanks with the
cylinders locaterd beside the unusuaql firebox of the Bury type. Later
locomotives were normal 2-4-0Ts by Société St. Leonard at
Liége and these were capable of being converted to standard
London & North Western Ry. 290.
In railway circles the appointment of George Whale as successor to
Webb in the capacity of chief mechanical engineer of the LNWR. He had a long
experience in the .various departments of locomotive work, commencing as
an apprentice under McConnell who was at that time the locomotive superintendent
of the southern division with headquarters at Wolverton. By various stages
he became superintendent of the northern division in 1877, and on the retirement
of Mumford from the superintendency of the southern division in 1899, Whale
was appointed head of the running department throughout the system. C.B.
Bowen-Cooke, formerly assistant to Whale, has been appointed superintendent
of the southern division and Tandy from Crewe took charge of the northern
New Welsh light railway. 290
Construction of the Tanat Valley light railway was nearing completion,
and a trial trip had been made, when passengers were gratuitously carried
in ballast wagons to Oswestry market. It is hardly credible that in the district
through which this railway runs there should be many people who had never
seen a locomotive. To accustom such a benighted people to railway travelling,
it was the intention to run free trips until the line is officially
American v. British rail-roading. 291.
Report by Lt.Col. H.A. Yorke on visit made to the USA in the Autumn
of 1903 on behalf of Board of Trade. Smooth running on better track in USA,
Inferior signalling safety in USA. Automatic couplers, continuous brakes
and larger capacity wagons for freight trains in USA
Correspondence. 291
E.G. Burgess.
Colours for locomotives: Great Western, S.E. & C.R. and Highland:
dark green; G.N.R. light green; Caledonian and G,E.R. dark blue; LNWR and
L&YR: black; Midland: crimson lake; North British:m dark brown, and
Metropolitan: red brown.
Number 102 (2 May 1903)
Goods engines of the old Edinboro' & Glasgow Ry. 295-6.
Beyer Peacock 0-6-0 type built in 1859 and 1861, and furtther of same
type as built at Cowlairs in 1864, See also p.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Ry. 296-8
Early examples of bogie engines. 303-4.
Mr Stirling's engines on the South Eastern Ry. 304-6. illustration
An old G. W. R. relic. 309. illustration
By the courtesy of its owner, we are able to show a photograph of
a relic of "the days of Gooch" and the broad gauge. The very handsome coal-
scuttle shown was made from the polished brass cover which surmounted the
haystack firebox of the veteran Great Western from the . date of its
building in 1846, to the period of its dismantling in 1870. Illustrations
of the old engine; and an historical account of its career, were given in
LM in the issues of August and
September, 1901 Volume 6). The relic is a
valued possession of Archibald Sturrock, who was locomotive superintendent
of the Great Northern Ry. from 1850 to 1866. Previous to that, he was for
ten years with Daniel Gooch at Swindon Works, and he was mainly responsible
for the building of the famous Great Western. On that account, when
the engine was finally condemned to the scrap heap in 1870, the copper-smith
at Swindon reserved some portion of the firebox lagging to work up into the
form illustrated, and presented the result of his decidedly artistic labours
to Sturrock, as an interesting memento of the days when that distinguished
engineer virtually had charge of the Swindon shops. See
also letter from Archibald Sturrock on page 345.
Caledonian Ry. 309
No.50, the second of the new passenger 4-6-0 locomotives, was running
trial trips between Glasgow and Perth; the first of the class, No. 49, was
being painted in the St. Rollox shops.
Correspondence. 309
C.S. Stocks [reply to]. 309
The Charon ;was recently working ballast trains in the West
of England.
G. Hollingsworth [reply to]. 309
The London and South Western Ry. Co. uses the system of bolster hanging described
on page 158 of Locomotive Magazine 28 February 1903.
C. WIlliams. [reply to]. 309.
The tank engines sold by the L. & N.W.R. Co. to the Dublin.
Wicklow and Wexford Ry. were stationed at Bray engine shed. and painted green,
and numbered and named:
59 Earl Fitzwilliam;
60 Earl of Courtown
61 Earl of Wicklow
62 Earl of Meath
63 Earl of Carysfort
64 Earl of Bessborough."
The first two were numbered on the L.N.W.R. 2070 and 2502. These have been
replaced by two 18-in. cylinder goods engines; the remaining four were numbered
2496, 847, 1017 and 2251 respectively, and were replaced by new four-cylinder
compound goods locomotives.
New cars for the Mersey Railway. 312.
Built by George F. Milnes & Co. of Castle Car Works, Hadley,
Wellington. Fitted with Van Dorn automatic couplers
G.E.R. 12-ton wagon. 312. illustration
Experimental steel underframe built at Temple Mills
G.W.R. 312
Latest corridor coaches finished in a darker shade of chocolate
Number 103 (9 May 1903)
Metropolitan District Railway electrification. 315-17.
Railway notes. 318.
Great Western Ry. 318.
Four more engines of the Atbara class with taper boilers were in service
named 3434 City of Birmingham, 3435 City of Bristol, 3436 City
of Chester, 3437 City of Gloucester, the works' numbers being
1994-1997. Illustration shows No. 3433 City of Bath.
All the goods engines as they went into the shops were rebuilt with Belpaire
fireboxes. and Nos. 43, 777, 504, 1108, 1186 and 1196 had been so equipped.
The contract had been let for the construction of the new line from Castle
Cary to Langport, which would, when completed, considerably shorten the route
to the West of England.
Great Northern Ry. 318
Nos. 884 and 897, two Stirling four-coupled passenger locomotives,
had been rebuilt with new boilers, etc., but the old cabs remained unaltered.
The first goods engines of Ivatt's design, Nos. 1091-1100, were having the
brass safety valve casings removed and standard iron ones fitted; No. 400,
four-coupled passenger engine had been similarly treated. The large boilered
engine, No. 251, was in regular service, working heavy trains between
Peterborough and Doncaster. On the occasion of the trial run of the train
that is to convey the King and Queen to Edinburgh on 11 May, No. 263 hauled
the train from London to Peterborough and No. 982 thence to York. The train
consisted of three of the GWR royal saloons and five East Coast Joint Stock
London Brighton and South Coast Ry. 318
Two new standard radial tank locomotives had been turned out from
Brighton Works; Nos. 575 Westergate and 576 Brenchley." Nos.
300 Lyons, 303 Milan, 612 Hartington," and 76
Hailsham had been withdrawn from service, No, 612 was one of Stroudley's
famous front-coupled express locomotives having 6ft. 6in. drivers. Nos. 300
and 303 were also Stroudley four-coupled in front mixed traffic engines with
5ft. 6in. wheels.
Furness Ry. 318
We regret to have to record the death, on the 29 March of Mr. Thomas
Lord, district locomotive superintendent of the Furness Railway at Carnforth.
Mr. Lord was 64 years of age, and had been in the employ of this railway
company at Barrow-in-Furness and Carnforth for a period of upwards of 30
Canadian Pacific Ry. 318
The locomotives being constructed for the C.P.R. by Neilson &
Co. will all be delivered well within the contract time. The first one out
was numbered 825.
London & North Western Ry. 318
Photograph shows one of the standard six coupled goods engines
(Cauliflower type) fitted with a "capuchon" or deflector to the chimney.
Photograph taken on the occasion of the working of a "football special" on
18 April to the Crystal Palace.
Early Stockton & Darlington locomotives. 321-2. illustration
Photograph of No. 93 Uranus
The Brecon & Merthyr Ry. 322-5.
3 illustrations
The original scheme, authorised by an Act of 1 August 1859, was not
of a promising nature, being merely for a line from the Brecon and Abergavenny
Canal, near Talybont, to Merthyr and Dowlais, communicating with the Taff
Vale Railway. Canals and railways, however, can never work satisfactorily
together, as what is traffic enough for the former, is not enough for the
latter, and in the next year power was obtained to extend the line to the
town of Brecon. To do this it was carried northwards from Talybont to Talyllyn,
and then westwards, passing through a tunnel and using portions of the old
Hay Railway, a horse tram-road made under an Act of 1811.
The contract being let to Savin & Ward, the work was pushed on so vigorously
that locomotives were able to pass over the difficult section between Dowlais
and Talybont by the summer of 1862. It was not until 1 May 1863, however,
that the first portion of the line, from Brecon to the Pant station, near
Dowlais, was opened for traffic. An omnibus ran twice each way daily between
Pant and Merthyr, affording a tolerably good communication with Cardiff,
by means of the Taff Vale Railway. On the opening day, the directors and
their friends started from a temporary station near the barracks at Brecon,
at 9 a.m., with engines and carriages gaily decorated in a manner, no doubt,
extremely impressive to the beholders. The route is remarkably picturesque,
even for Wales. Skirting the valley of the Usk, the beautiful lake of Llangorse,
backed by the Black Mountains, is in sight for fully a mile. Descending the
Scethrog ridge through a deep cutting, the line crosses the Usk valley at
Talybont, and continues through romantic scenery, with waterfalls, woodlands,
and glens at every turn. A heavy gradient of 1 in 40 leads up to Torpantau
tunnel, 700 yards long. This tunnel, which is in a curve, is through an outlying
portion of the mountain range, the highest points of which are the well-known
Brecon Beacons. They are nearly 3,000-ft. high, and distant some three miles
from Torpantau station. From here the line runs along the valley of the
Taff-vechan, or Little Taff, passing the beautiful artificial lake or reservoir
which supplies Merthyr and Dowlais with water. So circuitous is the line
that whilst the distance from Torpantau to Brecon, straight across the mountains,
is only seven miles; it is fourteen by the railway.
Meanwhile, the Company was obtaining further Acts for making extensions and
connections, especially with the important object of getting to Newport.
To do this, the line was carried on from Pant to the Rhymney Railway at Deri
Junction, the old Rumney tram-road of 1825 being also acquired and re-constructed
as a locomotive line. This ran to what had originally been the still older
Sirhowy tram-road of 1802, at Bassaleg, which had then become the Western
Valleys section of the Monmouthshire Railway. The northern part of the Rumney,
from Pengam to Rhymney, was opened for traffic by the B. & M R. on 16
April 1866, with three trains each way on week-days between Rhymney and Newport,
and two on Sundays; the line between Bassaleg and Pengam had been opened
on 14 June 1865, the trains running through from Newport (Dock Street). The
extensions from Pant to Dowlais Top, and from near Dolygaer to Cefn, were
opened on 1 August 1867, a coach running frorn i Merthyr to Cefn and an omnibus
from Dowlais Top to Rhymney, and by means of these, two desperately slow
journeys could be made each way daily between Newport and Brecon.
Another year was required to complete the Merthyr branch, funds being scarce,
but it was opened into the Vale of Neath Company's station on 1 August
1868, a junction with the "Taff" for goods and mineral traffic being made
near it. At present the B. & M.R. runs to Merthyr High Street, the L.
& N.W. being joint owners with them of this line between Morlais Junction
and Merthyr. By 1 September 1868, the section extending from Fochriw to Pengam
had been brought into use, completing the line through to Newport. Pontsticill
Junction Station was opened at the same time. A portion of the new link,
however, from Deri Junction to Bargoed South Junction, about 2½ miles,
belongs to the Rhymney Company. At Gilfach Junction the Pengam and Rhymney
branch, before alluded to, joins the Newport line, and at Maesycwmrner a
curve leads off eastwards to the G.W.R. The short branch from Pant to Dowlais
was opened on 23 June 1869. and the section from Ivor Junction is also used'
by the L. & N.W. There is also a branch from Machen to Caerphilly Junction,
3½ miles, opened about 1867. For years no passenger trains ran over
it, but the G.W.R. now use it as part of their Pontypridd, Caerphilly, and
Newport line, running four passenger trains each way daily. These, as well
as the B. & M. trains, now go to High Street Station, Newport, via Gaer
Junction, which is outside Newport tunnel. The B. & M. really ends a
little south of Bassaleg Station, from whence to Newport is 2¾ miles,
making the whole distance from the latter place to Brecon about 48 miles.
Including the L. & N. W.jointline, the B. & M. Ry. Co. owns 61½
miles of railway, and works over 6¾ miles of foreign lines, making 68¼
miles worked altogether by the locomotives. At the present time a connection
is under construction with the Barry Railway which is likely to be profitable
to both companies. The temporary terminus at Brecon lasted until 1 March
1871, when a new one nearer the town was opened; this has since been replaced
by the present new joint station in Free Street.
The engineer of the older part of the line was Henry Conybeare, but except
perhaps the Pontycapel Viaduct, near Cefn, there are no works ot particular
note. The heavy gradients necessitated by the mountainous nature of the
country,rendered continuous brakes indispensable, and at all early date the
B. & M.R. adopted Fay's system. This was worked by the guards, a jointed
rod between each coach being turned by a large wheel in the van; of course
it has long since been replaced by the automatic vacuum brake.
A tragic event in the history of the line was the failure of Savin &
Ward, who had contracted to make and work the system, finding rolling stock
and paying a fixed dividend of 5 per cent. At the end of 1865, however, this
was not forthcoming, and in 1868 the company had to get an Act of Parliament
whereby a suspension of legal proceedings against itself was ordered for
ten years; the mortgage debt was converted into A and B debenture stock,
and an agreement to amalgamate with the Hereford, Hay and Brecon Railway
(formerly the Hay tram road) was declared void. On two occasions the Court
of Chancery has sanctioned fresh arrangements for paying the various classes
of share- holders, but the general position now is that the A debentures
are paid and as much of the B's as possible. Behind these stand a grim regiment
of 5 per cent. preference stocks, and in their rear some ordinary stock.
In 1874 and 1875 the company were badly hit by the: great lock-out in South
Wales, working expenses for the first halt of the latter year being about
97½ per cent. of the receipts, but by 1888 they had so far pulled round
as to be able to pay the 1861 preference dividend and part of that of 1862.
This has been their highest point of prosperity so far. A good deal of the
capital now consists of arrears of interest added to the principal. Very
few bad accidents have occurred on the B. and M., but an extraordinary one
happened on 14 Novernber 1867. The 1.10 p.m. train from Cefn had just left
Dolygaer, when some runaway trucks from Torpantau met it. The first truck
contained rails, which by the sudden stoppage broke through the end of the
truck, smashed in the srnokebox door of the engine, and actually forced some
of the boiler tubes partly into the tender. The fireman jumped off, the driver
lay down on the foot-plate and escaped with some bad cuts and scalds, and
although there were about 30 people in the train, no one was killed.
The B. & M.R. workshops and chief locomotive depot are at Machen, under
the charge of G.C. Owen, to whom we are indebted for the brief particulars
of the engines illustrated.
Engine | type | Builders | date | coupled wheels | cylindens |
3 | 0-6-0ST | John Fowler & Co., Leeds | 1885 | 4·ft.2½·in | 17 x 24 in |
11 | 2-4-0T | Stephenson & Co., Newcastle | 1889 | 5 ft 0in | 16 x 24 in |
Hercules | 0-6-0ST | Sharp, Stewart & Co., Manchester | 1871 | 4·ft.7½·in | 17 x 24 in |
Cambrian Rys. 325
First of R. Stephenson & Co. 0-6-0 goods engines delivered numbered
89; WN 3089
Great Central Ry. 325
From 1 July through express service from Liverpool and Manchester
to Cromer, Yarmouth, etc in connection with Great Eastern Railway
Six-coupled radial tank engine, Bombay, Baroda & Central India Ry.
325. illustration
0-6-2T constructed by German firm in 1901 with steam reversing gear
of type formerly supplied by Vulcan Foundry
The history of the London & South Western locomotives.
326-8. 4 illustrations (2 photographs, 2 drawings)
Previous part began page 246. In about 1850 J.V.
Gooch resigned and died in 1900 aged 88 years and was succeeded by Joseph
Fig. 15 (photograph); Fig. 16 (drawing) 2-2-2 Tartar; Fig.
17 (drawing) and Fig. 18 (photograph): 2-4-0 Prince. The "Comet" was
sold in December 1872, to the Hoylake Railway Co. (now Wirral Railway).
Joseph Beattie's design and built at Nine Elms was 2-4-0 No. 48
Hercules with 5ft 6in coupled wheels and 15 x 22in. inside
cylinders.and bar frames. Three more were built in 1951: 46 Minos
(broken up in 1876); 43 Milo (broken up in 1880) and 47 Taurus
(broken up in 1882). In 1852 No. 31 Leeds was added (broken up in
1884) and No. 40 Windsor which was converted into a stationary edengine
for the wheelwrights shop at Nine Elms in 1884.
In 1852 Sharp, Roberts & Co. supplied six tank engines with single 6ft
0½in. driving wheels; 14¼ x 20in outside cylinders and a total
heating surface of 780.7 ft2. The leading and trailing
axles had inside and outside bearings, the driving axle inside only. Tanks
were placed under the footplate, and under the barrel of boiler, with a total
carrying capacity of .178 gallons. Below is a list of the num- bers, names,
and makers' numbers, and also the date when each engine was broken up :-
~o. Name. Maker~' ~o. Date broken up. 2. "Tartar" 689. June. 1873. 12. "Jupiter"
690. do. 187%. 13. " Orlon" 691. do. 1872. 17. "Queen" 692. do. 187+. 18.
hAlbert" 693. Dec. 1871. 33. "Phrenix" 69~· June.187J. The "Tartar"
is shown in Fig. 16. Mr. Beattie also constructed at Nine Elms several passenger
tank engines, the first three being No. I "Sussex," No. 14 "Mercury," and
No. 15 "Mars." These engines ran on six wheels, the single driving wheels
being 5-ft. 6-in. in diameter, and leading and trailing wheels 3-ft. in diameter;
the cylinders, which were placed out- side, were r a-in, diameter with a
stroke of ao-in. Very few further details are obtainable of these little
locomotives. The" Mars" was latterly en- gaged in running the Somerset and
Dorset Com- pany's trains between Wimborne and Poole, and was stationed at
Poole Station. It was sent to London in 1866, and scrapped in December, 1873.
"Sussex" was broken up in December, 1872, and "Mercury" in December, 1871.
Fig. 17 gives a line illustration of the" Sussex," drawn from a photograph.
Some other passenger tank engines, also with 5-ft. 6-in. driving wheels.
were built at Nine Elms during 1852. They ran on six wheels, the leading
and trailing being J-ft. 6-in. in diameter. These engines had outside cylinders,
with a dia- meter of r.i-in. and 2O-in. stroke, and had well tanks, containing
600 gallons of water. They were numbered and named as follows:- No. Name,
Date broken up. +. . Locke . Dec. 1873. o , Cossack"
June. 1'671. 1 Q. Briton" do. J 870. 20. Princess"
Dec. I '67 I. 36. ., Comet" [sold.]
Another tank engine was built in 1852 at Nine Elms to replace No. 34
Crescent, which was broken up, and was named Osprey. This
engine had driving and trailing wheels coupled of 5ft. .6in. diameter; outside
cylinders of 15-in. -diameter with a stroke of 21-in. It was afterwards converted
into a tender engine, and was 'fitted with Beattie's double firebox. It was
broken up in December 1877.
In 1853, Beattie turned out some more of the coupled passenger engines similar
to the Hercules previously described, the details then given standing also
for these engines, so that no further particulars need now be given. These
engines were named and numbered: 21 Prince. 32. Eclipse. 37.
Eclipse and Arab were broken up in June and December, 1880.
respectively, and Prince in June, 1883: photograph of Prince
Fig. 18.
ERRATA.-On page 247. The leading and trailing wheels of the six engines of
the Rocklia class should read 4·ft., not 3·ft. 6·in. The engines
of the Bison class were numbered 49 to 52, not 49 to 51, as misprinted
Referring to Messrs. Rothwell's engines, described on page 182, Python class,
we tind that only the first ten engines delivered .had 4·ft. leading
wheels, all the rest had both leading and trailing waeels 3·ft. 6·in.
The G.E.R. "Decapod". 328.
We have been officially informed that in a series of trials conducted
on Sunday 26 April the large decapod, or ten-wheeled suburban locomotive,
successfully attained the desired acceleration with the load it has been
built .to haul when in service, reaching a speed of 30 miles per hour within
the allotted period of 30 seconds. An illustrated description of the apparatus
employed in making these acceleration trials was given in our 100th number,
and in regard to this, Mr. Holden has written us the following :-
With reference to the article on the acceleration trials of the decapod engine
in your issue of the 18April, I am sorry to see that, no doubt through an
inadvertence on the part of some of your own people you grve me the credit
of designing the recording apparatus that we have used. Credit however, for
this very satisfactory apparatus belongs not to me, but to Hollins, the telegraph
Correspondence. 328
[East Indian Railway locomotives]. L.W.
With reference to the article on the East Indian Railway locomotives,
published in No. 101 of the Locomotive Magazine, I would point out
several errors that have occurred therein, as follows;- The dimensions given
of the tank engines are correct for engines Multum in Parvo,
Fawn, and Snake, except that they had 6-ft. 6-in. driving wheels.
The tank engines Express and Fairy Queen were of smaller
dimensions, as follows :-Cylinders, 12-in, by 20-in. stroke; diameter of
driving wheels, 6-ft. 0-in,
The above five tank engines were never converted into tender engines, and
the reproduced photo is one of the single mail engines of which the E.I.R.
Co. had fifty in all, built by the Vulcan Foundry, Neilson & Co., and
Beyer, Peacock & Co , in the years 1863 and 1864. The 'illustration shows
one of the Vulcan Foundry engines.
These engines had 15-in. cylinders by 22-in. stroke, with 6-ft. 6-in. driving
and 3-ft. 0-in, leading and trailing wheels.
Up to two years ago most of these engines had been condemned, but four of
them had been fitted with new boilers of a larger type, and were kept for
running the postal specials .in connection with the overland English mails,
once a week each way. These were light trains, and the engines in their altered
condition were well adapted for this service
The carriage and wagon department . 329
Steel bogie bolster wagon. 329. illustration
Sheffield & Twinberrow of Newcastle-on-Tyne: several built for
North Eastern Railway for carrying rails.
New Royal saloons, L. & N. W. R. 329-30. illustration
One for King and the other for the Queen with silver-plated beds with
green leather upholstery for King and blue fabrics for Queen. Electric lighting
and for heating beverages and additional warmth in addition to steam heating
The standard vestibule quesstion. 330.
Need for a more rapid decision.
Number 104 (16 May 1903)
Bogie tank locomotive, London & South Western
Ry. 331. illustration
Drummond 0-4-4T for fast suburban services with 18 x 26 inch cylinders
and 5ft 7in coupled wheels, steam reversing gear and steam heating appartus
and patent multiple steel steam pipes from regulator to cylinders; also sand
boxes in smokebox. See also letter from G. Macallan on
p. 397..
The locomotive history of the London, Chatham & Dover
Ry. 332-3. 2 illustrations
Continued from p. 264: between 1881
and 1888 Kirtley rebuilt with new boilers and cylinders and fitted air barkes
to the goods 0-6-0 Acis class. Before this the Cudworth patent fireboxes
were replaced by ordinary ones. The two 0-4-2 engines Corsair and
Brigand were rebuilt with new boilers and cylinders in 1884 and
Exhaust injectors. 333
New six-coupleed mixed traffic locomotive, L. & N.W. Ry. 334.
Webb four-cylinder compound 4-6-0
The Sligo, Leitrim and Northern Counties Railway.
335-7. 4 illustrations
Extended from Enniskillen, where a junction was formed with the
G.N.Ry.(I.), to Sligo, a distance of 48½ miles. At Carrignagat Junction,
about half a mile beyond Collooney Station ihe line joined the M.G.W.Ry.
from Dublin to Sligo, and ran for the remaining six miles over the latter,
using the same stations at Ballysodare and Sligo. The S. L. and N. C. Co.
also exercised running powers over the M.G.W. Co.'s branch to Sligo Quay.
The mileage owned by the ccmpany was 42¼ from Enniskillen to Carrignagat
Junction; all single line, though for the remainder of the journey, over
the .M.G.W. Ry., was double. There was also a Collooney with
the G.S. &·W. Ry. (late W. L. & W. Ry.) to Tuam and Limerick.
There were six intermediate stations between Enniskillen and Collooney, their
names and distances from Enniskillen being as follows: Florencecourt,
5½-m.; Belcoo, 12¼ m.; Glenfarne. 17¼-m.; Manorhamilton,
24¾-m.; Dromahair, 33¼-m.; Ballintogher, 36¼-m.; and Collooney,
41¾i-m. Besides the above there are two platforms at which the trains
only stopped on certain days. The line was worked on the train staff system,
staffs being interchanged at all the s.tations except Ballintogher; the only
stations, however, which are suitable for crossing purposes were Belcoo,
Manorhamilton, and Collooney. The first section of the line from Enniskillen
to Belcoo was opened for traffic in 1877; thence it was extended to Glenfarne
18 March 1879, to Manorhamilton 1 December 1880, to Collooney 1 September
1881, and completed through to Carrignagat Junction 7 November 1882. The
rolling stock consisted of ten locomotives, 26 passenger carriages and 154
goods vehicles.
The locomotive stock included five distinct classes, possessing more than
ordinary interest. Contrary to usual practice, the locomotives were known
by names only, and not by numbers; the first two, Pioneer and
Sligo (shown in Fig. 1) were 6-wheels coupled side tanks (0-6-2T),
with a pair of radial trailing wheels, built by the Avonside Engine Co. in
1877 (WN 1197 and 1198), and having the rare peculiarity of outside cylinders
for the 5-ft. 3-in. gauge. The connecting rods were unusually long and drove
the third pair of coupled wheels; The.dimensions of these engines were-
cylinders, diameter 16-in. with a stroke of 22-in., coupled wheels 3-ft.
10-in, and trailing wheels (radial) 3-ft.4-in. diameter. The arrangement
of the wheels is somewhat unusual, there being relatively a disproportionate
distance between the coupled and trailinq wheels. Wheelbase : leading coupled
wheels. to centre coupled wheels 4-ft. 4~-in., centre coupled wheels to driving
wheels 4-ft. 4½-in., driving wheels to radial wheels 6-ft. 11i-in.,
total wheelbase 15 -ft. 8-in.; number of tubes 150 (2-in diameter),
boiler pressure 130 psi.
Faughaballah (Clear the Way) was an outside cylinder Hunslet
0-4-0ST (WN 178/1878): cylinders 13 x 18-in; wheels 3-ft 4-in
In b1882 Beyer Peacock supplied the first two 0-6-4T which became the standard
motive power: they were Leitrim and Fermanagh. Lurganboy
followed in 1895 and Lissadell and Hazlewood in 1899. They
had 16½ x 20-in cylinders; 4-ft 9-in coupled wheels and 150 psi
boiler pressure..
In 1883 a 4-4-0T was obtained from Hudswell, Clarke & Co. WN 261: it
had 16 x 24-in outside cylinders, 5-ft coupled wheels, but due to a propensity
to derail was rebuilt with traiking wheels. It was named
London & South Western Ry. 337
Trial trip of No. 732 with eight bogie coaches: Exeter reached in
3¼ hours with a stop at Salisbury.
G.W.R. compound locomtives. 337-8. illustration
William Dean 2-4-0 Nos. 7 and 8 of 1886 for standard and broad gauges.
Boilers with 1256 ft2 total heating surface; 4-cylinder tandem
compounds with 23 inch stroke and 15 inch and 23 inch diameters for high
and low pressures.
A novel oil burner. 338. diagram
French design for long corrugated firebox boiler to burn oil
London & North Western Ry. 338.
Retirement of J.W. Emmett, Wagon Superintendent at Earlstown Works
and transfer of H.D. Earl in his place from Works Manager at Crewe which
enabled Trevithick to become Works Manager, Crewe.
Michael Reynolds. Engine failures. 338-40. 3 diagrams
Eight-coupled tank locomotive for Russia. 340. illustration
Berlin Locomotive Works for Russian Iron & Coal Co.
Railway notes. 341
Mishap in the U.S.A. 341
The recent railwav accident at Detroit draws attetion to the low platforms
adopted on American railroads, which generally stand only a few inches above
the level of the rails. The illustration given below shows an example of
this apology for a platform, which is practically universal in the United
States. The accident in question took place on 3 May 1903, when a party ot
excursionists, mostly foreigners, were returning to Toledo. Whilst waiting
for their train a large number of them walked on the track and at this moment
a Grand Trunk express ran into the station at considerable speed, and before
the line could be cleared seven people were killed and many injured.
Great Central Ry. 341
The first two ten-wheeled tank engines, 1055 class, of the eight being
constructed at Gorton were numbered 171 and 178, taking the place of two
old double-framed goods engines recently broken up. Nos. 553, 555, 557, 559
and 560, double-framed goods engines of Parker's first (1887-8) design, with
5-ft. 0-in. wheels and 17½-in. by 26-in. cylinders, had been rebuilt
at Gorton. Most of these engines were working coal trains at Staveley. Nos.
313, 318 and 319, double-framed passenger engines, had also been rebuilt.
Another of Sacre's single-framed goods engines, 281 class, No. 52, had been
rebuilt as a saddle-tank engine, like Nos. 17, 22, etc., and No. 370, one
of the old saddle tanks, had also received a new boiler, with new all-over
cab, chimney and number plates, etc. Nos. 705 and 876, bogie express engines,
had been fitted with the Westinghouse brake.
Great Northern Ry. 341,
Two new engines of the Atlantic type had been completed at Doncaster,
numbered 252 and 253. All the engines of this pattern were now fitted with
duplicate safety valves having four columns in place of those of the ordinary
Ramsbottom type. Nos. 1390-1394, four-coupled passenger engines of the 1326
class, were also running. No. 236, one of Stirling's 7-ft. 7-in. single passenger
engines, had been rebuilt with a new boiler, cab, etc. Two of the 6-ft. 6-in.
passenger engines of Stirling design had been fitted with cross water
tubes in the firebox and awee working between Leeds and Doncaster.
London & South Western Ry. 341
One of W.G. Beattie's six-coupled goods engines, No. 0373, built by
Beyer, Peacock &, Co. in 1878, had been removed from service.
Great Western Ry. 341,
No. 3438 City of Hereford, was latest new engine of Atbara
class built at Swindon, and was provided with a taper boiler. Nos. 3421-3427,
of the Camel class were ready for the road; only the two last, however,were
named: 3426 Walter Long and 3427 Sir Watkin Wynn.
A sample section of track with conducting rails had been put together at
Westboume Park to illustrate the requirements of the new working of the
Metropolitan Ry. and the joint lines.
The accompanying illustration shows one ot the series of well-known six-coupled
engines which for some time were at work on the South Wales section of the
line. They have recently been fitted with condensing arrangements and sent
to London to work the suburban goods traffic through the Underground. Another
series of the same class, on being converted to six- wheels coupled, were
provided with saddle tanks in place of the original side tanks.
"Sutherland" class engines, Highland Ry. 343-3. 2
Jones 4-4-0 with Allan-type additional outside frame adjacent outside
cylinders. Built by Dubs & Co. anmd at Lochgorm Works and by Clyde Locomotive
Co, in 1885. Lists names and main dimensions
Steam motor cars on railways. 344-5. 2
Combination of locomotive and carriage on Great Souther & Western
Railway in Ireland with 10 by 18 inch cylinders and 3ft 6in coupled wheels
(locomotive portion 0-6-0). Worked on Goratle and Castlee Island branch and
then Fermoy and Mitchelstown branches.
L&SWR steam railcar No. 1 illustrated on p. 345 with
vertical boiler Drummond design built' at the Nine Elms works of the
L. &. S. W. R. for service between Fratton and Southsea over the joint
line of the L. & S. W. and L. B. & S. C Rys. It measured 56-ft. over
the frames, and ran on two four-wheeled bogies, each having a wheelbase of
8-ft. and wheels z-ft.o-In. in diameter. As a locomotive, it is a single-driver,
the leading pair of wheels being driven direct by a pair of 7-in. by lo-in.
cylinders. As can be seen, the boiler is of vertical tvpe and it is fitted
with vertical and cross tubes. The car can be driven from either end. Seating
accommodation is provided for ten first class and 32 third class passengers,
and there is a luggage compartment capable of holding a ton of baggage. The
car was calculated to get up a speed of 30 miles per hour within 30 seconds
of starting, and seems to promise considerable possibilities in the future.
A supply of such cars might serve to solve the great problem of suburban
traffic by providing cheap rapid transit during those periods of the day
when the running of heavy engines and long trains is not warranted by the
number of passengers borne, these latter being reserved to meet the stress
ofthe morning and evening traffic. see also
as rebuilt with locomotivee type boiler in Volume 9 p. 326
Mersey Ry. 345
On Sunday, 3 May the steam worked trains were withdrawn, and the new
electric cars illustrated in Locomotive Magazine
of 2 May (p. 312) and brought into operation. The last train left Liverpool
(Central ) at 00.26, and the occasion was celebrated by placing detonators
along the line. At 03.00 the current was switched on, and the first trains
of the Sunday service were operated by the new power.
Correspondence. 345
[Coal scuttle]. Archd Sturrock 345
I am much obliged by the photograph of the coal scuttle. It is very
good. In the account of it you have somehow fallen into error, though it
is of no consequence. The scuttle was made from the clippings of the brass
plate which was used for the covering of the dome, at the time of the structure
of the Great Western engine, and not when it was broken up. It has
been in my possession since 1846.
The carriage and wagon department. 346
High-sided, bogie wagon, Natal Government Rys. 346. illiustration
Built by Darlington Wagon and Engineering Co. to design of Sheffield
& Twinberrow
25-tons mineral brake van, M. S. & L. R. (G. C. R.). 346-7. diagram
(side & end elevations) & plan
Six wheels for South Yorkshire coal traffic into Sheffield
A novel spring arrangement. 348. illiustration
Kursk Railway in Russia: combination of laminated springs with small
helical springs
New composite bogie carriage, M.G.W. Ry. (Ireland). 348. illiustration
56 ft long first & second class vestibuled corridor coach with
Fox's pressed steel underframe built at Broadstone Works.
North British Ry. 348
More corridor bogie coaches placed into serviice
L.B. & S.C.R. 348
Rolling stock of 08.45 Brighton to London and 17.00 return painted
in new style and electrically lit
Number 105 (23 May 1903)
New express locomotives G. S. & W. Ry.
349. illiustration
Robert Coey, the locomotive superintendent of the Great Southern and
Western Railway, had put into service new 4-4-0 four-coupled bogie passenger
engines similar to the 301 class, but larger, and illustration herewith of
No. 307 shows the proportions and neat design of these latest Irish-built
locomotives. The cylinders are 18-in. by 26-in. and have piston valves placed
between, operated by ordinary link motion : the reversing is effected by
a wheel and screw placed on the left hand side of the cab. The boiler was
larger than in the 301 class and, provided total heating surface of 1275
ft2.; the grate area is 21 ft2. The working steam pressure
175 psi The engine weighed 45 tons in working order and together with the
tender, which was of the latest standard pattern holding 5 tons of coal and
3350 gallons of water, weighed 78 tons 6 cwts. When running the Killarney
express the tender had applied to it an ingenious device (shown in the
photograph) for exchanging the staff without stopping on the section of the
line between Mallow and Killarney, which was single- track. Four ot these
engines had been built at the Inchicore shops and numbered 305-308. whilst
Neilson, Reid & Co. were building six similar ones, but with larger cylinders
and increased heating surface. The engines under notice were painted in the
new colors of the company, i.e. black with red lines, and fitted with combination
injectors and the automatic vacuum brake adopted by the Great Southern and
Western Railway.
Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway. 349
Nos. 1433 and 1434, new eight-coupled goods, 'engines, completed the
order for twenty, the works numbers being 821-840 inclusive. A new wheel
and axle shop had been added to the Horwich works.
Transport of Mails. 349
Negotiations were pending respecting the conveyance of the Far Eastern
mails from the UK via Russia and the Trans-Siberian Railway.
N.E.R. goods engine, No. 572 class. 350.
In 1866, the long-distance coal .and coke traffic of the N.E. Ry.
had grown to large proportions and as the various train-loads arrived at
Darlington from the northern and north-western colliery districts, they were
remarshalled into through trains for Normanton, Leeds and Doncaster, the
last conveying coke for the Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway
line to Hexthorpe, via Doncaster. Fletcher therefore decided upon building
an enlargement of his successful 502 class six-coupled engine (0-6-0), and
adhered to his original system of outside frames, which he justly considered
gave the engine more stability when starting heavy loads, particularly when
an incline was steep or the train required starting on a curve. R.&W.
Hawthorn, of Newcastle. received the order for twelve engines, one of which,
No. 579, is illustrated herewith. The numbers were 572 to 583 inclusive.
The cylinders were 17-in. diameter by 21-in. stroke, and the coupled wheels
5-ft. diameter. The steam pressure was 130 lbs. The engines were originally
fitted with pumps to supply water to the boilers. but these were afterwards
removed and injectors substituted. Several additional engines of the class
were built at Gateshead Works to fill up old numbers, such as 93, 424. etc.
These locomotives were not confined to the haulage of mineral traffic, but
were often used in the ordinary goods service. The engines were painted in
the standard N.E.R. style of the period, light green with black bands and
white lines See also Volume 9 page
Portable pneumatic plants for railways. 350-1. 2 illustrations
Greatest advantage of compressed air motors as compared with those
driven by steam or water is their extreme portability. Illustrations show
plant within a van on Great Southern & Western Raiilway in Ireland and
with a 0-6-0ST locomotive at a dock on the Alexandra Dock & Railway
presumably at Newort
The Earl of Carlisle's locomotives. 352
Line opened between Kirkhouse and Brampton on 13 July 1836, four days
before Newcastle & Carlisle Railway opened section between Carlisle and
Greenhead. On 13 July a train was drawn by Gilsland and Atlas
hauling coal and returning with passengers. N&CR coach Emerald was borrowed
for the event and James Thompson entertained. about 1000 people. Lord Carlisle's
locomotives were also present at the opening of the N&CR together with
Hawthorn's Samson and Stephenson's Hercules.
Steam motor cars for railways. 352
GWR to commence steam railcar sxervice from Gloucester to Chalfont,
Stroud and Stonehouse. SECR to use stesam railcars on Sheppey Light
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 352
Two Stirling 0-4-4T Nos. 180 and 319 rebuilt with domed boilers: No.
180 fitted with condeensing apparatus. 0-6-0 No. 106 rebuilt with domed
Locomotives of the Antwerp Ghent Railway. 353
New engines foe South Africa. 353-4. illustration
Ten coupled tank engine for Natal Government Railways designed by
G.W. Reid and built by Dubs & Co.
An Italian accident. 354. illustration
Rocca Secca bridge where a double-headed freight train derailed killing
alll the enginemen: cause broken tender axle
An early American locomotive. 355. illustration
Photograph of Boston & Providence 4-4-0 Danial Nason designed
by George S, Griggs.
L.C.C. electric trams. 355
Brochure to celebrate Prince of Wales opening tram route from Westminster
to Tooting on the South Matropolitan system
The railways and the R.A.S.E. 355
Royal Agricultural Society and its showground at Twyford Abbey between
Ealing and Acton. GWR station at Park Royal and LNWR arrangements on banks
of Grand Junction Canal
Railway notes. 356
Australian railway strike. 356
Following closely on the Dutch railway strike is one which has recently
seriously inconvenienced traffic over the system of the Victorian Railways
in the Australian Commonwealth. In July, 1902, differences arose, but a strike
was averted by the promises of the Ministry, and also by the tact that the
leaders were confident that-at some more convenient time, by acting in concert
with the Trades' Hall party, a trade organisation of the Civil Service, they
could secure the election to Parliament of representatives pledged to keep
up the high rates of pay that were then in operation, and which have become
a serious tax on the finances of the State. On the dissolution of the last
Assembly, the Railway Service party were badly beaten, and their defeat led
the men to decide to affiliate with the trades unionists of the Trades Hall.
The Victoria Engine Drivers' and Firemen's Society, which claim to be the
"aristocracy of labour," had previously no actual dealings with the Trades
Hall, and this the latter very much resented. The prospect of co-operation
was naturally objected to by the Government, as it is not likely to be conducive
to their intended economical policy. . The men thereupon decided to strike,
and as a consequence the traffic on the system has suffered considerable
disorganisation. The Government, however, succeeded in running several trains,
the line being guarded by military forces. They were determined to stand
firm, as any leniency shown towards the strikers would tend to weaken the
control by the State ot the national means of communication, and on the 15th
inst. the strikers unconditionally gave way, accepted the position and returned
to their duties.
London and North Western Ry. 356
Five new eight-coupled four-cylinder compound goods engines had been
put into service, numbered 1245,1247,1248,1249 and 1271, the Crewe numbers
being 4320-4324 inclusive. There were 100 of this type at work on the various
sections of the Iine, and another ten were under construction, the first
of which will be numbered 1272. A second engine of the 1400 class would shortly
be out.
Great Eastern Ry. 356
No. 1861, a four-coupled bogie passenger engine, had been turned
out at Stratford; one of a series with copper caps to the chimneys instead
of brass, as hitherto. No. 730, one of Holden's first design of passenger
engines, had been rebuilt with a large boiler having a Belpaire firebox similar
to that of No. 769. These engines as rebuilt are being provided with water
pick up tenders taken from engines withdrawn from service.
Great Western Ry. 356. illustration
No. 3425 Sir W. H. Wills was latest engine of the Camel class,
and No. 3439 City of London was an addition of the Atbara class, recently
built at Swindon. On the new Wootton Bassett and Patchway line there were
10 down and 7 up goods trains running. The difference in mileage with coal
trains from Aberdare to Swindon is 25 miles less by this new line than by
the former route, via Gloucester.
A neat numbering disc for shunting engines had been introduced on the G.W.Ry.,
and one is shown above in position. It is made of sheet iron, with a cast
iron figure rivetted on; the body is painted black, and the raised figure
white. These appear to be an improvement over the methods adopted of denoting
and numbering shunters on many railways.
North British Ry. 356
N o. 317 the first of the new express engines on this line, is giving
every satisfaction and is engaged running between Glasgow and Edinburgh,
also Glasgow local workmen's trains., Of the 12 new engines there will be
none stationed at Glasgow; but they will be divided between Aberdeen, Dundee
Edinburgh, Berwick and Carlisle. Several engines of the 729 class were undergoing
a thorough overhaul preparatory to the summer traffic.
Steam traversers. 357-8, 2 illustrations
Installed at Stratford carriage shops and originally worked by horse
power but a former steam tram which had been at North Greenwich was employed.
The other was employed at the Great Eastern Railway wagon works at Temple
Mills and was supplied by Cowans Sheldon & Co. of Carlisle
Crewe built passenger engines for the Lancashire & Yorkshire
Ry. 358. illustration
Between 1871 and 1874 Crewe built 101 locomotives for the L&YR
including ten 2-4-0 express passenger locomotives and 86 DX standard 0-6-0s.
Raamsbottom L&YR 2-4-0 No. 458 illustrated
A run on a French compound. 359-60. illustration
Sauvage Oeust 4-6-0 run from Dieppe to Paris
Number 106 (30 May 1903)
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 368-70.
5 illustrations (drawings)
In June 1867 Nos. 72 and 75 were rebuilt (Fig. 40 shows in rebuilt form)
The Sligo, Leitrim and Northern Counties Railway.
371. illustration
0-6-0T Waterford built by Hunslet Engine Co. WN 519/1893. Purchased
from the contractor who built the line. Used for shunting at Collooney Station.
It had 13 x 18-in cylinders, 3ft 4-in wheels and weighed 28 tons in working
order. Locomotives on the railway were fitted with the simple vacuum brake.
The company's office was in Enniskillen; the General Manager was S.B. Humphreys
and the repair shops were at Manorhamilton under the charge of Stephen
Early four-coupled bogie locomotives. 372-3. 3 diagrams
(including 2 side elevations)
Patent granted to Henry R. Campbell, chief engineer of the
Germantown Railroad on 5 February 1836. This provided for the combination
of a truck or bogie with two pairs of driving wheels coupled, one pair being
in front and the other pair behind the firebox. The engine shown in Fig.
1 was built in accordance with this patent, and was intended for freight
traffic, the inside cylinders being 14-in. in diameter with a stroke of 16-in.,
and the driving wheels being 4-ft. 6-in. in diameter. There was a total heating
surface of about 725 sq. ft., and the engine weighed 12 tons in working order,
of which 8 tons were available tor adhesion. It will be noticed that the
first pair of driving wheels had no flanges, and though the tour leading
wheels were in a separate frame, described as a bogie, there is no evidence
that this supplementary frame actually pivotted on a centre pin. though it
is possible that a certain pivotal movement was allowed for by giving side
and end play to the side support" of the bogie within the horn plates on
the main frame; However this may have been, after a trial on the Philadelphia
anti Germaritown Railroad on 8 May 1837, the engine was found to ride very
hard on the existing imperfect track, owing to the absence of means for
equalising the weights on the two pairs of driving wheels.
Profiting by the experience gained with Campbell's engine, Messrs. Garrett
& Eastwick, of Philadelphia, built in 1837, for freight service on the
Beaver Meadow, now part of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, a four-coupled engine,
which in its original condition was practically a double bogie engine, for,
in addition to the leading four- wheeled truck, the two pairs of driving
wheels were on a supplementary frame, which was attached to the main frame
on each side by means of springs, the axle boxes being, however, held in
horn blocks on the main frame. The idea of this arrangement was to provide
greater vertical flexibility, which was not attained, and after a short trial,
the Hercules was altered to the condition shown in Fig. 2, in accordance
with a patent taken out by Joseph Harrison, jun .of the firm of Eastwick
and Harrison, in 1838. This patent provided for the use of equalising levers,
the ends of which transferred the load to the axle boxes by means of vertical
rods, while the central pivots were linked to springs fastened to the engine
frames. In this way, each of the four-coupled wheels was free to adapt itself
to any inequality in the road, and Harrison's system undoubtedly was the
original of all systems of equalising since adopted. At the same time it
is interesting to note that in rebuilding the Royal George for the
Stockton and Darlington Ry. in 1827, from a previously existing four-cylinder
four-coupled locomotive, Timothy Hackworth supported part of the weight of
the engine on two springs, spanning the interval between the middle and trailing
axles, which was for all practical purposes a system of equalising levers.
Eastwick and Harrison's engine as altered to the condition shown in Fig.
2, proved successful, and was running on the Reading Railroad early in 1839.
It had cylinders 12- in. in diameter. with a stroke of 18-in., the coupled
wheels being 3-ft. 8-in. in diameter, and it weighed 12 tons 13 cwt. 1 qr.,
of which 8 tons 1 cwt. 2 qrs. were available for adhesion. With steam of
90 lbs. pressure per sq. in., it hauled a load of 265 tons, including the
tender, up a gradient varying from 27-ft. to 35-ft. per mile, the speed not
being recorded. As rebuilt, the Hercules was fitted with D.M. Eastwick's
reversing valve block,which was patented on 21 July 1835, and of which
illustrations are given in Fig. 3. It will be seen from these reproduced,
drawings that between the slide valve and the cylinder ports was a sliding
block, the position of which was controlled by means of a rod worked by a
lever on the footplate. The slide valve itself was worked by a single eccentric
on the trailing axle, the connection being clearly shown in Fig. 2. On the
slide block were cut ports to correspond with the steam and exhaust ports
on the cylinder, and these are shown in the upper diagram in Fig. 3, as adjusted
for forward gear. In addition, however, the block had supplementary steam
ports, which crossed one another in the slide block on each side of the forward
steam ports, and which, therefore, led the steam admitted at one end of the
upper surface of the block to the steam port at the other end of the cylinder
face, thereby at once reversing the ordinary action of the piston. This
arrangement is clearly shown in the lower sectional drawing, in which it
can be seen that steam admitted to the back port of the slide block is carried
through the passage in the block to the front port of the cylinder. We do
not know to what extent this device was adopted in American practice, but
Mr. Harrison, who was afterwards engaged on the construction and working
of the rolling stock for the St. Perersburg and Moscow Railway in Russia,
fitted nearly 200 of the locomotives of that line, built at Alexandrowsky,
with Eastwick's reversing valve rod, with which, in addition to a separate
expansion valve, these engines were running until nearly thirty years ago
[c1870]. A somewhat similar device was
patented in England in 1847 by W.B.
German locomotive works. 373-5
Concluded .from page 169. During the decade 1891-1900 many locomotives
for Austria, Roumania, Bulgaria and the Orient were turned out from the Hanover
Locomotive Works. Fig. 3 (page 374) shows one designed for the Roumanian
State Railways, No. 21 Dranceni. This was a powerful express engine,
the leading and trailing axles of which have some lateral play to enable
the locomotive to run easily round sharp curves. The valve gear was of the
Allan type. Double framing was provided at the trailing end, and as will
be seen from the illustration, the engine was fitted with a cow-catcher and
the old-fashioned American chimney.
Another type of engine largely produced at these works is that represented
in Fig. 4 (page .374), a two-cylinder compound passenger engine, No. 458,
built in 1887 for the Hanover division of the Prussian State Railways. The
valve gear was of the Heusinger type and is placed outside, the lifting shaft
passing over the boiler. Four firms, Hagans of Erfurt, Arnold of Kirchen,
the Maschinenbau Gesellschaft Heilbronn, and Orenstein and Koppel, of Drewitz
near Potsdarn, specialised in building narrow gauge locomotives. F. Woehlert,
Berlin, commenced locomotive building in 1878 and up to the time of its
dissolution in 1882 had turned out nearly 800 engines. Berliner Maschinenbau
Aktien Gesellschaft vorm L. Schwartzkopff; the Maschinenfabrik Eslingen,
Wirttemberg; the Sachsische Maschinenfabrik vorm R. Hartmann, Chemnitz; the
Stettiner Maschinenbau Aktien Gesellschaft, Bredow, near Stettin; the
Maschinenbau- Gesellschaft, of Carlsruhe , the "Hohenzollern " Aktien
Gesellschaft fuer Lokomotivbau, Diisseldorf-Grafenborg; F. Schichau, Elbing;
the Union-Giesserei, Koenigsberg; the Elsacssische Maschinenbau Gesellschaft,
Grafenstaden, (large numbers of whose engines were running on French lines);
the Maschinenbau "Humboldt," Kalk near. Cologne; and the Breslauer Aktien
Gesellschaft fuer Eisenbahnwagenbau. Some of these establishments date from
as long ago as 1[841 ; others were of quite recent date; the output
has in nearly every case been very large, in some cases exceeding 5,000
locomotives of all sizes and designs
The railway collection at the Leicester Museum.
IN a somewhat cramped and obscure corner of the Corporation Museum
in the New Walk, Leicester, the railway enthusiast could find the very complete
collection of railway relics which had been gathered together by the industry
and perseverance of C. E. Stretton, whose intimate knowledge of the railway
history of the Midland counties is well known to our readers . It is a great
pity that more room cannot at present be allotted to a collection affording
such interesting records, and it is to be hoped that a separate gallery will
be provided for the purpose eventually by the Museum authorities. As illustrating
probably the earliest form of railway, attention should be directed to the
model of Mr. Beaumont's "wooden way," which was first used at Newcastle-on-Tvne,
in 1630
Raiilway Notes. 376
Midland Great Wesern Ry. 376
Another of the standard goods engines had been rebuilt with a new
boiler having a Belpaire firebox, No. 63 Lion: The new boiler carried
a pressure of 160 lbs. per sq. in. and had a length of barrel 9-ft. 7-in.
by 4-ft. 5-in. in diameter. There are 206 tubes of 1¾-in. external diameter,
and the copper firebox measures 4-ft. 3½-in. long by 3-ft. 11-in. wide
by 6-ft. 2-in. high. The heating surface wa 1053 sq. ft., of which the firebox
contributes 115, and the tubes 938 sq. ft.; the fire grate area is 16 sq.
ft. All engines coming in for new boilers are being fitted with the new style
of cab having a straight roof, in place of the old pattern having the turned-up
North British Ry. 376
The twelve new engines in order at Cowlairs, of which No. 317 had
been running experimental trips, were distinctly larger than the 729 class.
They had cylinders 19-in. by 26-in., and had larger boilers carrying a pressure
200 lbs. per sq .. in. The bogie and coupled-wheels are respectively 3-ft.
6-in. and 6-ft. 6-in. in diameter, and the wheelbase is slightly increased.
A further modification on the existing type of N.B.R. express engine consists
in the employment of Smith's piston valves. There is a larger cab, and brake
blocks are fitted to both sides of all the coupled wheels. The tender is
six-wheeled and had a capacity for 3525 gallons of water. No. 317 had already
been running on express service, which is somewhat unusual during the trial
stages. W. P. Reid had been appointed to the position of Locomotive
Superintendent to succeed M. Holrnes who retired from service at the end
of June.
London and South Wehern Railway. 376
Following the Great Eastern Ry. example with regard to the better
training of apprentices, the directors of the L. & S. W. Ry. had introduced
a similar course, whereby their employees may devote more time to studying
mechanical engineering in its various branches.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 376
The last of the bogie passenger engines to be built by R. Stephenson
& Co. for the S.E. & C.R. had been delivered, No. 745, WN 3089.
Some locomotive experiments. 377-8. 2 diagrams
Measurement and recording of speed. French Boyer recorder
Mr. Stirling's engines on the South Eastern Railway.
378-80. illustration
Continued from page 306. 4-4-0 240
class wwith 7-ft coupled wheels. No. 240 exhibited at Paris in 1889. Introduced
in 1883 with 18 x 26-in cylinders, later replaced by 19 x 26-in cylindrers
which became standard. Total heating sorface of 1020 ft2 in domeless
Narrow gauge tank locomotive for Brazil. 380. illustration
2-6-2T for 2-ft gauge Cia Ramal Ferreo Campineiro built Baldwin Locomotive
A reminder of the broad gauge, G.W.R. 382. illustration
Westbourne Park locomotive depot (inadequate and to be replaced by
Old Oak Common depot
New South African rolling stock. 384. illustration
Bogie refrigerator cars (ice as refrigerant) for conveying frozen
meat between Cape Town and the Transvaal and Orange Free State over the Cape
Government Railways supplied by W.R. renshaw of Stoke-on-Trent.
Observation car, C.P. Ry.. 384. illustration
Canadian Pacific Railway for use on the section through Rockies with
raised viewing areas, large saloon windows and open platforms.
Number 107 (6 June 1903)
New locomotives for the Canadian Pacific Ry. 385. illustration
One of five built by the North British Locomotive Co., rmainder of
32 built in North America.
A heavy locomotive, T.G.R. 386-8. 3 illustrations,
diagram (side & front elevations & plan)
2-6-4-0T articulated locomotive built on Hagans patent by Erfert for
North East Dundas line of the Tasmanian Government Railways. W.R. Deeble
chief mechanical engineer.
Midland Great Western Raillway of Ireland. 388.
2 illustrations.
4-4-0 built at Broadstone in 1899/1900 for the Mullingar to Sligo
service named Wolf-dog, Juno, Jupiter, Cyclops, Empress of Austria and Britannia.
They had 16 x 22-in cylinders, 5-ft 8-in coupled wheels and worked at 130
psi. Also 0-6-0 with Belpaire firebox designed by J.G. Robinson for the W.L.
& W.R., but not absorbed into G.S.& W.R. stock. Buillt by Kitson
& Co. with 17 x 24-in cylinders, 5-ft 2-in coupled wheels, 981.2
ft2 Total heating surface, 17.82 ft2 grate area and
operated at 150 psi
The Railway Collection at the Leicester Museum. 388-9.
Specimens of rail, includinmg Barlow type and early bullhead; mainly
from Midland Railway and Great Central Railwazy.
An exploded locomotive boiler. 390. illustration.
Severe explosion at Alne on 28 March 1877: NER 0-6-0 No. 510: both
footplate crew survived.
Steam carriages. 391. 2 illustrations.
Belgian State Railways: three axle vehicle: one of 15 built by A.
Cabany of Malines with vertical boiler supplied from Boussu Works in 1877:
one exhibted at Paris Exhibition. McDonnell steam railcar for Great Southern
& Western Railway which incorporated an 0-4-0 with 5ft 8in coupled whdeels
and 16 x 20 in cylinders.
Railway notes. 392
Motors v. railway trains. 392
The recent motor race from Paris to Madrid, which unfortunately was
attended with serious loss of life, was demonstrative of some remarkable
speeds. On-the section from Paris (Versailles) to Bordeaux, where the contest
was prematurely finished by the intervention of the authorities, a speed
of nearly 100 m.p.h. is reported to have been attained by one of the competitive
cars. The distance is 342.7 miles, and the quickest time was 5 hours 13½
minutes, which represents an average speed of 65.7 miles per hour. The famous
Sud express, which starts from Paris and makes connection through to Lisbon,
a distance of 1179.4 miles, is booked to do the run from Paris to Bordeaux,
St. Jean Station, over the Paris and Orleans railway, a distance of 363.5
miles, in 7 hours, including four stops, or an average speed of slightly
under 52 miles per hour. This is fast running, only excelled by the "flyers"
between Paris and Calais, but of course cannot compare with the speed of
the motors.
Lancashire and Yorkshire [Ry]. 392
Two eight-coupled goods engines, fitted with corrugated flues, had
been built at Horwich, numbered 114 and 157. They replace respectively an
old 4-ft. 6-in. saddle tank locomotive, built in 1877, and an old Yates'
goods built in 1871.
Opening of new lines. 392
On the 1 June the Meon Valley line running from Alton, on the L. &
S. W. R. main line to Portsmouth, to Fareham was opened for traffic. Along
the route there were five stations, viz: Tisted, Privett, West Meon, Droxford
and Wickham, and the passenger train service on weekdays consists ot five
trains in each direction, connecting with the main line. No trains at present
run on Sundays. joint line ot the G. E., M. & G. N. Cos. between Yarmouth and
Lowestoft will shortly be opened for general traffic.
London and North Western Ry. 392
Consequent upon the illness of Mr. F. W. Webb, his successor, Mr.
Whale, takes up his duties at once, and not as originally intended, at the
end of next month.
Midland Great Western Ry., Ireland. 392.
Another of the standard six-coupled goods locomotives had been rebuilt
with a new boiler and new cab, and numbered and named 58 Lough Gill.
NeiIson, Reid & Co. were building six boilers with Belpaire fireboxes
for this class of goods engines.
Great North Of Scotland Ry. 392.
The locomotive department and superintendent's offices have been removed
from Aberdeen to new shops at Inverurie, on the main line between Aberdeen
and Elgin.
Caledonian Ry. 392.
Four more goods engines of the eight-coupled type (600 class) [0-8-0]
were being constructed at the St. Rollox Works. Several of the goods engines
of Connor's design. which had been running on the Caledonian for many years,
were to be again provided with new boilers. . The new valve gear mentioned
in a recent issue had been fitted to two four-coupled engines of Connor's
design with outside cylinders, Nos. 43 and 47. The former is stationed at
Edinburgh and the latter at Polmadie, Glasgow.
South Eastern and Chatham Ry. 392.
Three new standard goods engines have been built at Ashford, and are
numbered 576, 581 and 582, replacing engines on the Chatham section.
To the Arctic Circle by rail. 392.
A train-de-luxe would commence running on the 19 June between Stockholm
and Narwik, on the Ofoten Fiord, which is several degrees within the Arctic
Circle. This is probably the most northerly point in the world yet reached
by the steam locomotive, as it is many miles nearer the pole than any point
on the White Pass and Yukon Railway in Alaska; it will be possible to see
the midnight sun from the cars of this novel train.
The history of the London & South Western
locomotives. 393-4. 3 illustrations (drawings)
See also Volume 38 page 260
A York and North Midland Railway passenger engine. 396-7.
No. 271 illustrated: one of two (other No. 293) built by in 1856/7
at York. 2-4-0 with 6ft coupled wheels, 16 by diameter by. 22-in. stroke.
The illustration shows the engines as rebuilt about 1879 at York, with flush
boilers, the standard cab, and boiler fittings of the period. As originally
built, these engines had domes of the round topped pattern and slightly raised
fireboxes. For many years they worked between Hull, Scarborough and York,
and in the general traffic of the Southern division, and were finally broken
up early in the 1890s.
Telescopic gauge glass protector. 397. illustration
Due to the difference in the distance between centres of the steam
and water cocks of the water gauge glass of various classes of locomotives,
it has been found difficult to provide standard protectors to many. The device
here illustrated overcomes this difficulty completely, and furnishes a form
which can be applied to all and any water gauges in service. These protectors
are made with three rods and guides, and with tour. The figures' above show
one of the latter style with set screws on two of the tubular guides. The
patentees and makers of this useful fitting are Joseph Tomey & Sons,
Ltd., of Aston, Birmingham.
Correspondence. 397
G. Macallan, [Drummond M7 class 0-4-4T]
Re remarks on bogie tank locomotive of the L. & S. W. Ry. (p.
331) multiple steam pipes (five in place of one) were experimented with many
years ago on the G.E.Ry., and it was found that any advantage gained by
superheating was lost presumably through the additional friction; steel steam
pipes were also put on trial, and it was found that the gases in the smoke-box
and the high temperature set up disintegration of the metal and they were
quickly worn out. About 30 years ago sand-boxes were placed in the smoke-boxes
of some of the Sinclair single express engines, but the practice was not
continued, as sand drying furnaces were then being provided.
Shop notes. 398
Automatic metal saw. 398. illustration
E. G. Herbert, Ltd., of Cornbrook Park Works, Manchester.
A quick-acting cramp. 398. diagram
When temporarily cramping together flanges or various details of motion,
etc., to the frame, the loss of time occupied in closing in a cramp with
a long threaded screw well run back is proverbial.The device shown obviates
this awkward procedure by providing the central screw with grooves, and the
nut through which it travels with corresponding slots.
An improved tyre fastening. 399. diagram
Sctional sketch shows a method of securing the tyre to a wheel centre
wherein the flange of the former remains firmly attached
Recessed tube ends. 399. diagram
Pneumatic holder-up. 399.
Hints in drilling.. 399. 3 diagrams
Improved bench drilling machine. 400. diagram.
One advantage is that when the hole is drilled and the machine stopped
the weight of the balls causes them to drop to their normal position and
automatically lift the drill out of the work. This machine is operated entirely
by one hand, leaving the other free to hold the work. It is made in two sizes
and is being introduced by The Fairbanks Company, City Road, London,
Kaye's new serrated oil can. 400. 2 illustrations
Joseph Kaye & Sons Ltd of Lock Works, Leeds
Large frame slotting machine. 400
North British Locomotive Co. had brought into operation at the Hyde
Park Works a large locomotive frame slotting machine, the bed of which is
about 50-ft. long with four heads
The carriage and wagon department. 401
The new trtain signal. 401-2. 2 diagrams
The awkward, clumsy, and inefficient cord communication will soon
be a relic of the past, and when compared with the many ingenious pneumatic
and electrical signals that have been devised, it is surprising to think
that such a useless contrivance has been allowed to fill requirements so
long. Many will recall the numerous occasions on which the cord has been
pulled, and after several yards have been hauled into the compartment there
has been no response and resulting action ; of this the accounts in the daily
papers alone give sufficient proof. The Passenger Communication Co.'s apparatus,
probably the most popular, is very simple, and is now in extensive use. The
most interesting part of the mechanism is of course the valve through which,
when an alarm is raised, the air passes to or from the train pipe of the
brakes to apply them. A distinct improvement now being adopted consists of
a valve which has its casing rendered practically airtight, excepting by
one passage, and that forms a whistle. This valve has been definitely adopted
on the G.E. Ry., the apparatus being applied as fast as the carriages come
into the shops. The standard brake on this line being the air, the description
and drawing of the valve here given applies to this only, although it should
be mentioned that vehicles " dually" braked, i.e. fitted with both the
Westinghouse and Vacuum brakes for through service, have also "dual"
communication. Before describing the valve, the operation of the apparatus
may be considered. One or two chains as required, usually two, are threaded
through tubes and small brackets, fixed to the cant-rails on the inside of
the compartments, sufficient chain being exposed for pulling when required
to raise an alarm. The chains run from end to end of the carriage, and
consequently pass through the partitions, one end of each being fastened
to the cantrail, while the other is attached to a small lever sot-screwed
on a rod running across one end of the carriage outside. At each extremity
of this rod is a disc painted bright red, to enable the guard to see more
readily the vehicle from which the alarm has been given.
Rhodesian rolling stock. 492
The Electric Railway & Tramway Carriage Works, Ltd., of Preston,
has been successful in securing a contract for rolling stock from the Rhodesian
Railway Administration.
Number 108 (13 June 1903)
An early N.G. locomotive on the G.W. Ry. 413. illustration
The photograph here reproduced, which illustrates 2-4-0 No. 189 in
the original list of standard gauge locomotives of the Great Western Ry.,
is specially interesting as showing a four-wheels coupled passenger engine
of a type built in considerable numbers for various railways by E B. Wilson
& Co., of Leeds. As most of our readers are doubtless aware, up to within
about 40 years ago standard- Stephenson's engines of similar types, each
firm giving to its own production a sort of hall-mark which in some cases
lasted throughout the term of the engines' existence, and in others was barely
disguised in the process of rebuilding. The illustration here given shows
all the original features of the typical Wilson engine, from the chimney
and the fluted brass steam dome covering and safety valve casing down to
the lines and curves of the frame plates. No. 189 was not built for the Great
Western Ry., but for the West Midland Ry. Co., when standardisation was
practically an unknown quantity in engine construction,
New passenger tank locomotive, Baden State Rys.
414. illustration
2-6-2T with outside cylinders and valve gear, large cylinders and
outside valve gear intended for suburban work and use on steeply graded lines
(1 in 18) with water cooled compression braking with mufflers to reduce the
noise. See also Volume 9 page 88.
Schmidt steam superheater. 415. 2 diagrams
Prussian State Railways.
Railway notes. 416
American locomotive Works. 416
Extensive alterations and additions have been completed at the Juniata
locomotive shops of the Pennsylvania RR. at Altoona, where future annual
production of 300 locomotives was anticipated.
The Baltimore and Ohio RR. was adding to the shops at Mount Clare, Baltimore,
for the general purpose of building locomotives. It may be mentioned that
the Pennsylvania RR. had hitherto been the only railway company in the United
States which made a practice of building its own locomotives and therefore
independent of the great locomotive building firms.
Central South African Rys. 416
The first five of an order for ten eight-coupled locomotives with
leading bogie and Drummond water tube fireboxes have been despatched to the
Central South African Rys. by Neilson, Reid & Co.
Great Western Ry. 416
Nos. 3440 City of Truro, 3441 City of Winchester and
3442 City of Exeter complete ten new engines of the Atbara class.
Nos. 3428 River Plym, 3429 Penzance, 3430 River Tawe,
3431 River Fal were additions to the Camel class. No. 2637, a six-coupled
mineral engine, had been rebuilt with a taper boiler, and No. 634, six-coupled
side tank, has been fitted with condensing arrangements for working on the
underground. A large goods locomotive of a new type, having eight-coupled
wheels and outside cylinders, would shortly be ready for service at Swindon.
No. 2609, one of the large six-coupled bogie goods, 2601 class, was now running.
Nos. 2641, 2656, and 2657, Mogul mineral engines, were being rebuilt with
taper boilers. The latest goods engines rebuilt with new boilers and Belpaire
fireboxes were Nos. 401, 791, 1108 and 586. The last mentioned was originally
a 7-ft. single wheel engine.
Highland Ry.. 416
Four new tank engines for shunting being constructed at Lochgorm Works,
The rival routes to the West.. 416
Following the successful issue of the trial which, as announced in
the Locomotive Magazine for the 16 May., resulted in running from Waterloo
to Exeter, with a stop at Salisbury in 3¼ hours, the L. & S. W.
R. Co. has resolved to put on a regular train running at that speed, and
thus once more regain for itself the supremacy over the rival route of the
G.W.R. The latter is much the longest, from Paddington to Exeter being 194
miles, or by the avoiding loop at Bristol not quite 193¾, but the gradients
are far easier, and the journey was regularly accomplished in 4 hours 25
mins. as far back as 1848. When the L. & S.W.R. route was first opened
it was only regarded as a branch from Basingstoke, but by degrees the train
service was improved, until the journey of 171¾ miles from Waterloo
to Queen Street, Exeter, was accomplished in 3 hours 46 mins., the G.W.R.
in the meantime only reducing its time to 4 hours 5 mins. After the abolition
ofthe compulsory stop at Swindon, however, the latter company once more began
to cut the time, and after the equipment of water troughs in the track, ran
through from London to Exeter without stopping, the journey being performed
in 3 hours 37 mins. The L. & S. W. R. has since reduced the time of its
best train to Exeter to 3 hours 30 mins., whilst to Plymouth, counting in
each case the first station in the Three Towns at which the train by either
route calls, the best trips have been practically equal at 5 hours each.
No acceleration is at present contemplated between Exeter and Plymouth, but
the latest improvement naturally gives the younger line a lead of 15 mins.
to the latter place. Subsequent developments will be watched with interest,
as obviously the Great Western can still further improve on the present running,
the journey from Plymouth to London having already been performed without
a stop on the occasion of His Majesty's return on 10 March 1902, the time
then being only 4 hours 43 mins., whilst, although the distance by the G.W.R.
route to North Road is 245¾ miles as compared with 229¾ miles from
Waterloo to Devonport, the first station stopped at on the rival route, it
may be doubted whether there is much actual difference in the difficulties
of the respective roads, when due allowance is made for gradients, curves,
and other obstacles to fast running.
Midland Ry.. 416
Nos. 820-823 new four-coupled bogie passenger engines with Belpaire
fireboxes built at Derby. These locomotives had the new pattern chimneys.
The engines of Kirtley's design previously bearing these numbers had been
placed on the duplicate list.
Passenger stock for the Sierra Leone Rys. 419-20. 4 illustrations
Shelford was Consulting Engineer: Bristol Carriage & Wagon Co.
supplied 2ft 6in gauge vehicles including special saloon for Governor of
the Colony
Caledonian Ry. 420
Leeds Forge delivering 30 tone bogie wagons with quick acting air
brakes and Fox's bogies. Painted dark red.
Refrigerator meat van, G.W.R. 420. illustration
Number 109 (20 June 1903)
New bogie passenger engines, North British Railway. 421.
Holmes/Reid 4-4-0 (Reid cab, but text infers Holmes design) with 19
x 26in cylinders and 200 psi boiler pressure.
Locomotive workshops of the Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry. 422-4. 3 illustrations
Driving a "single". 427
Probably written by Michael Reynolds, but not signed. Notes caution
needed in starting, the judicious use of sanding whilst climbing, and the
ease of running downhill.
Railway notes. 427-8
G.N. & E. Coast expresses. 427.
Some important improvements in running of East Coast trains were expected
in the July time-table. The 10.00 a.m. down Scotch express to run from King's
Cross to Doncaster a distance of 156 miles, without a stop, and the N.E.R.
to work. forward from Doncaster to Newcastle, 112¾ miles, also without
a stop. The return service, which leaves Edinburgh at 10.00 a.m., will also
include a non-stopping run between Doncaster and Kings Cross. Other G.N.
trains will undergo improvements by the deduction of stops. The up express
leaving Leeds at 2.00 p.m. will run through from Wakefield to London, 175¾
miles in 3¾ hours. this being the longest non-stopping run ever booked
on the G.N.R. A preceeding train, the 10.00 a.m.up luncheon-car express ex
Leeds, will make no further stop after Doncaster. Reverting to the East Coast
service, the down Scotch express leaving Kings' Cross at 11.25 a.m. will
also make its first stop at Doncaster
London and South Western Ry. 427.
A new mixed traffic engine had been turned out from Nine Elms shops
numbered 154, the figures being painted on the cab side sheets instead of
usual separate brass plate.
Fast runs were made on the 6 and 8 June by the accelerated 11.00 a.m. exp;ess
from Waterloo, the run to Salisbury, 83¼ miles, being accomplished in
8S and 84 minutes respectively. Engine No. 719 worked the train on the first
day and No. 313 on the second, both four-coupled express engmes of Drummond
design. On the 12 June it is stated the distance was covered m 83 minutes.
The new steam car built for the Southsea branch commenced working on 1 June,
when the ordinary rolling stock was removed. Prior to this it was lent for
a short time to the G.W.R. for experimental running at Stroud.
N.E.R. "Atlantic" type locomotive. 427-8
"Very powerful machines" being constructed at Gateshead Works with
20 x 28 in cylinders, 6ft 10in driving wheels: a boiler commensurate in size
with the cylinder capacity, having a barrel over 16-ft. long and 5-ft. 6-in.
in diameter, and the firebox will have a length of 9-ft. To clear the driving
wheels, the boiler will be raised to practically the extreme limits permissible
by the loading gauge. The tender will run on two four-wheeled bogies [KPJ:
was a bogie tender fitted?], and engine and tender together wiIl weigh about
108 tons in working order.
District Ry. accident. 428. illustration
On 5 June a serious accident happened on the Underground Ry. at
Westminster Bridge Station, but without loss of life. A passenger train (one
of District and L.T. & S.R. joint stock) was standing at the platform
when, through some cause yet to be!explained, a Circle train ran in from
the rear, telescoping one or two coaches, and causing injuries to a few
passengers. The mishap caused a delay to the traffic for some considerable
time, during which St James's Park Station on the one side, and Charing Cross
on the other were worked as terminals. Our illustration herewith shows an
Inner Circle passenger train nearing Aldgate Station.
N.B.R. locomotives. 428
Correspondent draws attention to some errors which have crept into
descriptions of old locomotives on this railway. On page 24
of our issue of 10 January last, in referring to No. 55, afterwards
renumbered 1009, it would appear as though this engine were the original
No. 55. This evidently was not the case, since there was a No. 55, Crampton's
patent, at least ten years before the engine under notice was built, which
on one occasion at least was used to run a Royal train, conveying the late
Queen Victoria. This engine was at work for a number of years on the Hawick
and Newcastle service, prior to the appearance of the 1006 class on that
line. A further correction refers to the old goods engines
illustrated on page 295 of our issue of May and, last.
Some of these at least, Nos. 317 to 328, built by Beyer, Peacock & Co.,
had large brass domes on the firebox. They also had regulators of the pull
out type.
London, Tilbury & Southend Ry. 428
Company had received from the North British Locomotive Co. three
ten-wheeled bogie side tank locomotives of the 51 class [4-4-2T]. Their names
and numbers were: 63 Mansion House, 64 Charing Cross, 65
Victoria, the makers' numbers being 15744 to 15746. They are with
very slight modification the same as those previously built, but the mountings
over the firebox are altered. and the back plate has a polished brass coping.
A large size Westinghouse air pump having 8-in.and 8½-in. cylinders
is also fitted in place ot the usual 6-in. and 6½-in. sizes of steam
and air cylinders respectively.
Consequent upon the new practice of passenger steamships of the P. &
O. line embarking and disembarking passengers at Tilbury, special trains
are worked through from Tilbury into Liverpool Street over the G.E.R. by
the L.T. & S.R. locomotives, and the down trains from Liverpool Street
are worked through to Tilbury by G.E.R. locomotives.
Great Eastern Ry. 428.
Another bogie passenger engine had left the Stratford shops, numbered
1863. Three more of Holden's first passenger engines Nos. 702, 727 and 763
of the 710 class had been rebuilt with large boiler, Belpaire firebox, etc.,
similar to No. 769.
The first of an order for ten new eight-wheeled tank engines [2-4-2T] had
left the Stratford shops, numbered 140. These engines would be fitted with
radial axle boxes at the leading and trailing ends, and beyond a slight
alteration in the motion were the same as Nos. 791-800. A cipher had been
prefixed to tank engines Nos. 140- 149 built by R. & W. Hawthorn &
Co., in 1880, from the designs of the late Mr. Bromley.
Fast run on the N.Y.C. & H.R. 428
The Empire State express performed a very good run on 13 May
from Syracuse to the Grand Central Station, New York. Leaving the former
place 77 minutes late, the latter city was reached only 16 minutes behind
Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry. 428
New line from Kirkham to Blackpool, which considerably shortens the
distance from Liverpool to the latter place, had recently been opened .
Exiles in Russia. 429-30. 3 illustrations
Few English built locomotives were to be seen in Russia, although
the earliest importations were from this country, Germany used to contribute
quite a number and America has supplied several during late years when pressure
of transport requirements has compelled the Railway Administration to purchase
outside the country ; but the tendency now is to patronize the home industry
alone and large orders are given to works established in the empire in preference
to buying from foreigners. OOne photograph shows one of two small tank engines
numbered 281 and 282 of the Kursk Kharkoff & Sevastopol Railway. They
formed part of a consignment of ten built by Kitson &Co., of Leeds, in
1871-2, and sent to the Veronesh, Rostov Railway. The two under notice came
into the locomotive stock of the K. K. & S. Ry. in 1879, and were stationed
at Kharkoff, shunting in the car shops' yard; for this service they are equipped
with the automatic air brake, the reservoir being located above the water-tank.
Both engines had been rebuilt, the large cab shown in the photograph being
a recent Russian addition. These interesting little engines had cylinders
12-in. diameter by 18-in. stroke, and drivers 3-ft. 0½-in. in diameter
spaced 6-ft. apart. The boilers had barrels 9-ft. 8-in. long and 2-ft.
6¾-in. outside diameter with 75 tubes 1¾-in. diameter, yielding
341-25 ft2. of heating surface; total, 377.85
ft2. Grate area 6.3
ft2. The saddle tank accommodated 420 gallons.
The engines were painted bright green with black bordering to the panels
and fine vermilion lines. When originally sent to the V.R. Railway they had
large chimneys with spark arrestors for wood burning and a front weatherboard
The next photograph shows a Fairlie double tank engine built in 1871 by Sharp,
Stewart & Co. at Manchester and rebuilt in Russia. This locomotive, with
others of similar construction, were stationed at Baku on the Trans-Caucasian
Railway, and among other duties operate trains of oil tank cars from Black
Town up to the main yard as shown in last illustration. The load usually
consisted of 40 loaded tanks, and as the grade is considerable, the blast
of the engines can be heard for a long distance as they haul the trains from
the refineries to the depot.
The engines are naturally fired with oil fuel and the petroleum tanks placed
above the boilers whilst in the case of the one shown at the shed with a
diamond smoke stack the air reservoir for the brake was perched on the top
of the oil tank. These engines had cylinders 15-in. in diameter by 20-in.
stroke, coupled wheels 3-ft. 6-in. in diameter, arranged in two groups as
bogies. Total wheelbase 29-ft. 3-in., total heating surface 1,625
ft2, capacity of tanks 1800 gallons 1800 gallons,
weight in working order 48 tons. The engines were painted black with red
lines ; there are 45 engines of this type in service on the Trans-Caucasian
Ry., of which number 23 were built in England, 4 by the Yorkshire Engine
Co., 9 by the Avonside Engine Co. and 10 by Sharp, Stewart & Co. The
engines of this type were chiefly used on the inclines at Souram but were
being replaced by eight-coupled locomotives of normal build as these are
found to be more economical in working.
Great Northern Ry. 430
Three new engines of the 990 class were out, viz., Nos. 252, 253 and
256, the two former being stationed at King's Cross and the latter at
The Egyptian Government Railways and locomotives. 430-2. illustration, map
Proposed elevated railway for London. 432
A line on a monorail system to run between Victoria Docks and Westbourne
Park, with, loop lines to Broad Street, Stepney and Willesden, is
Natal Government Railways. 432
An order had been placed with the North British Locomotive Co. for
25 heavy eight-coupled tank locomotives with a leading bogie and a trailing
radial pair of wheels. (4-8-2T) These engines would be similar to those
previously built by Dubs & Co., but the boilers and cylinders will be
larger and the weight increased to 54 tons.
Four-cylinder compound locomotive, Oriental Railways, Turkey. 433.
Golsdorf style 4-6-0 with grate area of 1.85 m2; and a
heating surface of 8.3 m2 and 105 m2 from the tubes.
The toal weight was 52 tons.
Caledonian Ry. 433
The first of the new 6-ft. 6-in. six-coupled bogie passenger engines,
No. 49, was running painted in the standard colors. The tender, however,
had a Scotch thistle transferred on in place of the company's arms that appear
on other engines. No. 49 wa working regularly unassisted the 2.0 p.m. corridor
express from Glasgow to Carlisle, returning with the 8.16 p.m. ex Carlisle
to Glasgow (Central); both trains were heavy and timed fast. No. 50, the
second of the class, was running and painted similar to No. 49 and painted
on the centre coupled wheel splashers the name Sir James Thompson,
Chairman of the Company.
The brakes. 434. illustration, 2 diagrams
New air pump where compression was in two stages whereby air cylinders
kept cool and the compressed air reduced in temperature before passing to
the reservoir. Pump illustrated by sectional drawing had been much adopted
on the French railways, and was constructed by the Cie. de Fives-Lille. It
was composed of three cylinders, one for steam placed above two for air;
the piston being attached to a common piston rod. Longer trains
considerably increased demand for air and on the brake pumps,
Retaining valve. on heavy goods trains, when descending long grades
with the air brakes set, there is often necessity to recharge the train pipe
and reservoirs, and under ordinary circumstances this entails a partial release
of the brakes; to keep or retain the brakes on during such periods, the valve
shown in the sketch is placed on a 3/8-in. pipe leading from
the exhaust port of the triple valve. When thrown into action by turning
the cock, the air escaping from the brake cylinder through the triple valve
meets the resistance of the weighted valve, which is adjusted to secure a
pressure of 15 psi.
Novel arrangement of Vacuum Train Pipe at leading end.Since the adoption
of the vacuum brake on the Midland Great Western Railway (Ireland), it has
been the custom on that line to provide the train pipe and coupling at the
leading end of the engine in the manner shown in the photograph reproduced.
This arrangement was adopted to allow the smokebox door to be opened without
meeting with the obstruction of the ordinary standpipe. A joint was provided
immediately below the chimney base and the left hand half of the pipe swung
round for coupling to the train. This arrangement was becoming obsolete,
the standard equipment being fitted ,
Reviews. 435.
Tours on the Irish railways.
With the apapproach of the tourist season the Irish railways are showing
commendable enterprise in the issue of booklets giving details of the picturesque
attractions for which the Emerald Isle is so deservedly famous. Of late years
Ireland has become better known than formerly as the happy hunting-ground
par excellence of tourists, but even now a large proportion of Britons are
unfamiliar with the sister island, and need still to have its charms brought
before them ere embarking upon the passage across the St. George's channel.
That a study of these specimens of artistic railway literature will induce
many to make the venture during the coming season is heartily to be desired
and easily to be imagined.
The tourist and picnic programme of the Belfast and Northern Counties Railway
is contained in a neat little brochure of close on 100 pages, which is
illustrated with good reproductions of typical scenery brought within reach
by that company's system. The book is well supplied with maps since, in addition
to separate charts of Great Britain and Ireland and a special section dealing
solely with the B. & N.C. and its connections, there is a series of tour
maps plotting out ideal trips made from Belfast as a base. Needless to say,
the letterpress contains ample information respecting these tours and the
leading places of interest that lie within the range of the railway traveller,
the cyclist and the pedestrian.
From Mr. Moore, of the Great Northern Railway (Ireland) we have received
a splendidly printed handbook of some 160 pages, a mere glance at which is
wellnigh sufficient to make one start at once in search of the natural beauties
therein portrayed and described. Nineteen circular tours on this railway
are mapped out in full detail with fares and all other particulars, and the
pages of letterpress which constitute a guide to the places of interest on
these routes, form a most valuable and instructive adjunct.
The Belfast and County Down Railway furnish us with a selection of literature
directing attention to the many attractions brought within easy distance
by that line, which include the famous Mourne Mountains. What is with pardonable
pride described as the finest hotel in Ireland, the Slieve Donard at Newcastle,
co. Down, is the property of the railway company, and an examination of the
illustrated" tariff and guide book of this establishment goes far to establish
the claim. Newcastle is a convenient centre from which toradiate in search
of the picturesque, and to have such a hotel as headquarters would put the
coping stone on a holiday trip made among ideal surroundings.
Tours in Galloway. Fred W. Hutchinson,
Traffic manager of the Portpatrick and Wigtownshire Joint Railways,
has sent us a booklet bearing the title here given, which, while ostensibly
nothing but the official guide to the system in question, deserves to rank
high among guide books dealing with a too-little frequented corner of Scotland
Galloway, "the grey land of romance," is excellently described in its historical,
literary and physical aspects in a copiously illustrated article by " W.M.,
C." occupying 48 pages of the book, which also contains a complete little
gazetteer of the locality and full information as to how to get from place
to place. An additional attraction offered to the tourist in Galloway lies
in the convenience of the Royal Mail route via Stranraer and Lame, which
enables him, after exhausting the attractions of Wigtownshire and
Kirkcudbrightshire if that be possible to make a short sea passage across
to Ireland, there to find " fresh woods and pastures new." It may be believed,
however, that a holiday of ordinary compass would be all too brief to give
this advantage much weight.
The carriage and wagon department. 436-8
Construction of carriage and wagon bogies. 436-8.
illustration, diagram
Leeds Forge pressed steel bogies for passsenger carriages: both four
and six wheel: Fox's Patent
Natal Government Rys. 438
Birmingham Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. building 100 high
sided bogie wagons for NGR. When delivered would possess 800 32-ton capacity
bogie trucks.
Central South African Rys. 438
Train de Luxe involven in crash with runaway wagons near
Number 110 (27 June 1903)
Railway notes. 442
Metropolitan Rly. 442
Another serious accident following closely on that recorded last week,
happened on the Underground Railway at Kings' Cross on 17 June attended with
serious results. A GWR Middle train was standing in the station when it was
run into by a Metropolitan Inner circle train. The latter telescoping the
last coaches of the G.W.R. train, and causing serious injuries to several
Jura-Simplon Ry. 442. illustration
Since taking over of the Jura-Simplon Ry. system by the Swiss
Government on 1 May, there was only one private line left in Switzerland,
i.e., the Gothard, which has an unexpired charter of several years. The
Jura-Simplon line is the fourth that has been acquired by the Government.
It appears likely that the delay in constructing the southern portion of
the Simplon tunnel will cause an unexpected difficulty. The two borings
were intended to meet at a central point, from which the tunnel is planned
to incline downwards in either direction to an extent sufficient to ensure
adequate drainage. The northern excavation will reach this projected meeting
point in October, but the southern portion is still some months behind-hand.
The situation therefore raises a difficulty since if the work is pushed further
from the north boring, the supply of water for working the hydraulic plant
must be pumped over the summit at a heavy expense, while on the other hand
if the northern boring be stopped when the intended meeting point is reached,
there will necessarily be considerable delay in completing the work ..
Great Western Ry. 442
A new engine of the Camel class, completing the order, was out from
the Swindon Shops, No. 3432 River Yealm. No. 3331 Weymouth,
one of the 5-ft. 8-in. coupled passenger engines of. the Cotswold class,
has been rebuilt with a new Camel type boiler, a Belpaire firebox and modified
London, Tilbury & Southend Ry. 442
Three new engines of the 51 class had been delivered by the North
British Locomotive Company, i.e., 66 Earls Court, 67
Westminster, and 68 Mark Lane, the makers' numbers of which
were 15747-8-9 respectively.
The North British Locomotive Co. 442
Consequent upon the amalgamation of the firms forming the above, the
works' numbers of the locomotives henceforth to be built by the three shops
will start from the total given by the combined numbers of the three concerns.
Glasgow & South Western Ry. 442.
North British Locomotive Co. had delivered seven more of the six-coupled
bogie passenger engines which bore running Nos. 384-390. The railway
company were building at their Kilmamock Works, six four-wheeled coupled
bogie passenger engines of the standard type, but with larger boilers having
Belpaire fireboxes: The mixed traffic engines of Stirling's design, 227 class,
were all gradually being rebuilt with domed boilers and being employed all
over the G. & S. W. R. system.
Canadian Pacific Ry. 442.
Twelve more passenger engines were nearing completion for the C.P.R.,
at the Hyde Park Works of the North British Locomotive Co. These engines
are numbered 1501-1512 and had the new makers' plate, the works' numbers
being 15,868-15,879. The previous twelve engines of this type had the Hyde
Park Locomotive Works' separate numbers 6339-6350. A further order for twenty
compound Consolidation type engines had been placed with the same builders,
and these would also be built at the Hyde Park Works.
Great Eastern Ry. 442
Nos. 1862 and 1863 and Nos. 141 and 142, new engines of the 1860
and 791 classes respectively, had been built at the Stratford shops.
A novel locomotive design. 446-7.
Michael Reynolds Patent GB 7883/1894 for enclosed articulated locomotive
with 10 ft driving wheels with a friction coupling to drive a smaller wheel
on an additional axle. Three cylinders were envisaged.
Locomotives of the North London Railway. 448-50. 2 illustrations
One illustration is photograph of Bow locomotive yard in 1860s
with old tank engine in foreground and newer Adams 4-4-0T behind and Adams
standing next to signal post; the other photograph is 4-4-0T No. 51 in original
condition. In 1851 R. Stephenson & Co. built inside-cylinder (15 x 22in)
4-4-0T with 5ft 3in coupled wheels, but most had been withdrawn. The 43 class
(originally Nos. 43-50) only four remained: Nos. 105 to 108. They had 16½
x 24in cylinders and 5ft 3in coupled wheels. The boiler pressure was 160
psi; 895.5ft2 total heating surface and 13.375ft2 grate
area. They had been relegated to working the Bow to Plaistow shuttle
service and South Acton to Hammersmith service.
The larger class of inside cylinder 4-4-0T, the 51 class, originally had
17 x 24in cylinders, but had been rebuilt with 17½ x 24in cylinders
and larger boilers with 1141.72ft2 total heating surface and
16.625ft2 grate area. The standard outside cylinder 4-4-0T was
introduced by Adams and improved by his successors. At that time there were
74 engines with 17½ x 24in cylinders, 5ft 5in coupled wheels; 160 psi
boiler pressure; a total heating surface of 951ft2 and
16.62ft2 grate area. There were 26 0-6-0T with 17 x 24in cylinders;
4ft 4in coupled wheels; 956.85ft2 total heating surface and 16.33
ft2 grate area. There were no tender locomotives then, but there
had been a R. Stephenson & Co. four coupled engine with 4ft 8in coupled
wheels in 1851 and a Bury tank engine.
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