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Kevin Jones' Steam Index

A. John Powell

Powell was the son of a railwaymen and was at Rugby when Powell opted to become an engineering apprentice. He was interviewed at Derby Works by E.S. Cox. Powell's career ended with his rise to being Traction & Train Crew Manager, BRB (Whitehose and Thomas LMS 150 p. 206). His early writings were written under the pseudonym of 45671 and this form was used  in Jones. . Phil Atkins met Powell in the Reading Room at the NRM and calls him a "lovely chap". Sadly, he does not know why Powell adopted the pseudonym of 45671. Perhaps Prince Rupert was one which burned its way into his memory, possibly via Rupert Bear, rather like Giggleswick became the paradigm Patriot for KPJ Phil suggests that Powell became an unofficial PA to Cox during the time that the standards were emerging. KPJ has always sensed an anti-LNER bias in his writings: a.g. on page 61 of Living with... :"the A3s were hopeless for slogging up the steep gradients of the Waverley route until they got their double chimneys"..

Living with London Midland locomotives. London: Ian Allan, 1977.156pp.
Originally published in Trains Illustrated under the pseudonym of 45671. The monograph version includes a short biographical introduction: he was an engineering apprentice at Derby (he was interviewed by E.S. Cox) and subsequently obtained an engineering degree. Chapter 1 Boyhood 9; Chapter 2 Derby apprentice (covered in greater detail in Derby apprentice Trains Illustrated Annual 1959. ; Chapter 3 The mechanical iInspectors: the CME's Link with motive power; Chapter 4 The Fowler Legacy; Chapter 5 The Stanier influence and beyond; Chapter 6 Class 5 — the engineman's friend; Chapter 7 Pony trucks to the fore; Chapter 8: The "Patriots" and "Jubilees". Trains ill., 1958, 11, 142-8. 4 illus., 2 tables. (Living with L.M.S. locomotives-3). Chapter 9 A trio of high-born ladies. Trains ill., 1958, 11, 231-9. 3 illus., 2 tables. (Living with L.M.S. locomotives— 4).(Pacific classes): Chapter 10 The strong pull. Trains ill., 1958, 11, 600-6. 2 illus., table. (Living with L.M.S. locomotives-6) (8F and other freight locomotives); Chapter 11/Good Both Ways; Chapter 12 The lively 'Royal Scots'; Chapter 13 BR Standard Locomotives: the aim and the reality; Chapter 14 CME Unrecognised (Powell's virtual reality)

Stanier locomotive classes. London: Ian Allan, 1991. 96pp.
A4 format: each locomotive class is considered individually.

Steam pioneers – ancient and modern in Whitehouse, P.B. and Thomas, David St John. A passion for steam. Newton Abbott: David & Charles, 1989.

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