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Locomotive Magazine and Railway Carriage
and Wagon
Volume 20 (1914)
Number 257 (15 January 1914)
Our supplement. 1
With this month's number was issued a specially prepared calendar
for 1914. The information in regard to the mileage and rolling stock of our
railways, as well as particulars of the fastest and longest non-stop runs,
has been brought up to date. Illustrations in colour are also given of a
Pacific type express engine of the Canadian Pacific Ry., and a four-coupled
passenger engine of the Midland Ry.
Consolidation engine for mineral traffic, Great Northern
Ry. 1-2. illustration, diagram (side elevation)
Gresley patented modified form of Walschaerts valve gear. No. 456
illustrated. The top and bottom bolsters are carried by swing links, thus
equalising the weight on the leading wheels when passing round curves. The
cylinders were 21-in. dia. with a stroke of 28-in. These engines have
superheaters of 24 elements, giving 5707- ft2 of
heating surface, while the tube heating surface 1,9227-
ft2 and the firebox is 1627-
ft2 thus making a total surface of 26547-
ft2. The grate area is 27-
ft2. Weir pumps and feed water fitted.
Six-coupled superheater tank engine, Furness Railway. 2.
Pettigrew 0-6-2T Nos. 94 and 95 (former illustrated) for working Cleator
& Workington Railway and built by Kitson & Co.
Great Western Ry. 3. illustration, diagram (side
Works photograph of No. 4331 and side elevation: notes that heating
surface had been rearranged as compared with the
original see 17 p. 169. By then 43
of type were in service. First of new 4-4-2T class No. 4600 in service at
Tyseley. No. 111 The Great Bear fitted with a Swindon superheater.
Nos. 4221-32 (2-8-0T) in service.
Goods locomotive, Pingsiang-Siangtau Railway. 4. illustration
2-6-0 built Hohenzollern Locomotive Works and similar to those supplied
to Prussian State Railways.
Three-cylinder goods locomotive Grangesberg-Oxelosund Ry. of
Sweden. 5-6. illustration
The first eight-coupled locomotives built by Nydquist & Holm,
of Trollhattan, for the mineral traffic to Oxelosund in 1912, have now numerous
followers on the Swedish Government and many of the private railways.
Last year two more powerful locomotives were required for the mineral trains,
and the question arose as to whether the higher tractive force should be
divided between three cylinders and so enable the crank axle to be lightened,
as this has necessarily to be of large dimensions for such power.
Experience shows that large crank axles are the weak points with inside
cylinders, evidently due to the fact that it is difficult to work the metal.
It is also troublesome to get thoroughly sufficient and suitable bearings.
Further advantages of three-cylinder locomotives are: easier starting, better
acceleration of the train, and more uniform turning force on the driving
wheels. With an ordinary two-cylinder locomotive the driving force on each
revolution of the driving wheels varies from 28% above, to 35% below the
mean driving force. For three-cylinder locomotives these figures are respectively
24% and 17%. It is remarkable, however, that with a three-cylinder compound
locomotive this drivin g force is more uneven than with the two-cylinder
engines, the variation being no less than 52% and 60% respectively. These
figures refer to engines with the cranks set at an angle of 120°, which
is nowadays generally used. To relieve the strain on the crank-axle it was
decided to have separate axles tor the inside and outside cylinders, as if
one driving axle only was used, the strain on this would be even greater
than with the two-cylinder engines. Another advantage of adopting separate
driving axles is that the ratio between the periphery force and the adhesion
on the driving wheel, which of course will be more unfavourable the larger
the number of coupled wheels, is more advantageous when divided between two
driving axles. It is probable also that flat spots on the wheels, caused
by slipping due to pressure changes in the bearings of the axles and coupling
rods when worn, will be much reduced with this arrangement. The inside cylinder
drives on to the second coupled axle, and the two outside on the third one.
All three cylinders exhaust direct to the chimney. The leading coupled axle
has a certain amount of side play in the horn blocks. Walschaerts valve gear
is used for the three cylinders, coupled up to one reversing shaft.
4-4-2 superheater express locomotive, Egyptian State Rys.
6-7. illustration, diagram (side elevation)
Berlin Locomotive Works to specification of R.G. Peckitt, chief mechanical
engineer. See also letter from builder on page
H.T. Wright. The adjustment of valve gears and cylinders in locomotive workshops. 8-11. 4 illustrations, 5 diagrams
Caledonian Ry. 11
Announced that John Farquharson Mclntosh, M.V.O., after 52 years service
with the Caledonian Ry., will retire from active service in May next. Mclntosh
joined the Scottish North Eastern Ry. at Arbroath in 1862. He was made locomotive
inspector of the northern section of the C. Ry. in 1876, and six years later
district locomotive foreman at Aberdeen, from which he was promoted to Carstairs
Junction, and eventually given charge of the Polmadie sheds. He was appointed
chief inspector of the running department in 1891, and took up his present
duties as locomotive, carriage and wagon supt. in February, 1895. In October,
1911, His Majesty King George honoured Mr. Mclntosh by creating him a Member
of the Royal Victorian Order, and when returning from Scotland last autumn,
Mr. Mclntosh, in obedience to a command, attended at the Royal saloon at
Carlisle, where His Majesty wished him good-bye. W. Pickersgill, locomotive
superintendent of the Great North of Scotland Ry., succeeds Mr. Mclntosh
at St. Rollox.
The locomotive history of the Cambrian Rys. 12-13. 2 illustrations, diagram (side elevation)
E.L. Ahrons. The early Great Western standard gauge engines.
13-16. 6 diagrams (side elevations)
Acknowledgements include to Churchward, F.G. Wright, J.A. Robinson,
John Armstrong, Robert Jones (retired superintendent of the Chester District),
J. Phillips (retired superintendent of the Hereford District). Consideers
locomotives acquired by Shrewsbury & Chester Railway. No. 1 was
a long boiler 0-6-0 purchased from Longridge with aa Gothic firebox: it was
rebuilt as an 0-6-0ST No, 117 at Wolverhampton. Nos. 2-6 were long boiler
passenger 2-4-0s or in the case of No. 3 a 2-2-2: all were rebuilt atv
Wolverhampton. Nos. 7 and 8 were long boiler 2-4-0s supplied by Jones &
Potts and possibly formed part of an order from the Eastern Counties
Railway rolling stock in Canada. 17-31. 37 illustrations
E.L. Ahrons. The utilization of waste heat in locomotives—Trevithick's system. 32-3. 2 illustrations, 2 diagrams.
Railways of the Channel Islands. 33-5. 2 illustrations,
2 diagrams (side elevations)
Jersey Railways and Tramways was orinally a standard guage line which
ran between St. Helier and St. Aubyn which opened in October 1870. When the
line to Corbiere was opened in 1884 metre gauge was adopted and the original
was cenverted. The original locomotives were supplied by Sharp Stewart &
Co. WN 2047-8 and were 2-4-0Ts named Haro-Haro and Duke of
Normandy. A further Sharp Stewart WN 2241/1872 was acquired. When the
line was converted to metre gauge Black, Hawthorn 0-4-2STs were
Piston valves for lcomotives. 35-6. 3 diagrams
North Eastern Railway. Special wagons. 37-9. 3 illustrations, 4 diagrams
(includin 3 side levations), 2 plans
Bogie trolley wagons of 40 tons and 50 tons capacity for carrying
Admiralty components for warships, notably proellers.
Correspondence. 42
Charles Dickens and the railway. H.L. Hopwood. 42
Charles Dickens in his youth lived at two addresses in Chatham, firstly
at 11, Ordnance Terrace (1817-1821), and afterwards at 18, The Brook (1821-1823).
He went to school at Giles' Academy in Clover Lane, and it was near to this
school that the "playing fields" were situated.
It is a pity that "the difficulty about the playground does not appear to
have struck Mr. H.F. Dickens" (to quote from Mr. Bennett's letter) for, to
me, the playground gives the all important clue to the spot. The following
extract from Langton's Childhood and Youth of Dickens, also confirms
my opinion :-" .... On leaving the Cnathan: Station, which is here purposely
confounded with the terminus of'the S.E.R. at Strood, the first discovery
is 'that the station had swallowed up the playing field' (which) was immediately
in front of Ordnance Terrace, and the writer .... can speak to the perfect
accuracy of this description, for it was at one time his playing field too."
(The italics are mine.) Whilst I do not wish to dispute the statement of
such all authority as H.F. Dickens, I claim that Charles Dickens took a scene
he witnessed at Strood Station and transposed it in the tale to Chatham Station,
as stated in the September issue.
I said that" Dullborough " referred to both Rochester and Chatham because
I believed (and still believe) the playground itself was in Chatham, but
the other incidents in the story certainly deal with Rochester.
Roman stone or military roads. Clement E. Stretton.
My statement, p. 219, is perfectly correct.
Harrison Whitlock, p. 268,
will find details of the Roman Stone or Military Roads
in Wood on Rail-roads, 1838, p. 3. [KPJ: Nicholas Wood] From the 9 April
to the 17 September, 1838, the London and Birmingham Railway Company ran
coaches over the road from Denbigh Hall to the Rugby Road Station, a distance
of 37 miles. It is quite correct that in 1837 the Turnpike Commissioners
improved some of the gradients and put the old stone road in good repair
and this was done at the request of'the railway company, by whom the old
stone track was used for five months.
It is hardly possible to believe that the Road Commissioners would purchase
new stones for the track when there were old ones ready to their hands,
especially as they knew that as soon as the railway was finished the London
& Birmingham Railway coaches would cease to run upon their road.
Fragmentary notes on North Eastern
Ry. engines. John Kitching, Jr.
In your issue of last month on p. 282 you state that 16 goods engines
with 4-ft. wheels were built at Middleshro' -on-Tees for the Stockton &
Darlington Ry., the numbers of which were 83 to 85. 90 to 97 and 102 to 107.
I shall be glad if you will allow me to draw attention to the fact that there
were only 14 such engines, seeing that Nos. 93 and 94 were- six-wheel single
passenger engines with outside-cylinders. They were purchased from another
railway company at a time when' the Middlesbro' & Guisbro" line was nearly
ready to be opened for passenger traffic. The Nunthorpe incline of 1 in 45
soon made it clear that "single" engines were quite unsuitable for this.
service; and No. 55 Wolsingham, a very smart four-coupled passenger
engine, which was designed and built by Alfred Kitching at the Hope Town
Works. Darlington, was sent to take their place. This engine. driven by Ralph
Coulson, of Guisbro', continued to perform the passenger service till 1869,
when Elm Field, another Hope Town built engine, also driven by Coulson,
took its place. I would also mention that the wheels of the 14 goods engines
referred to above- were 4-ft. 2½-in. in diameter.
Locomotive Carlisle, Bishop's Castle Ry, G.F. Tyas.
In reply to H. Summers and others, the Carlisle was built by
Kitson & Co., about 1869 or 1870, and supplied to the late Thomas Nelson.
of Carlisle, a well-known railway contractor employed chiefly on extensions
of the North Eastern Ry. As originally built the engine very much resembled
the early Cambrian locomotives by Sharp, Stewart & Co. It was a six-coupled
tender engine with cy1inders 16-in. diameter, 24-in. stroke, with wheels
about 4-ft. 6-m. diameter. The original boiler had a raised firebox with
spring balance safety valves covered by a brass funnel. There was a good
deal of brass work about the splashers, the name, Carlisle being ,horne
on those covering the driving wheels. The chimney was of the bell-mouthed
type similar to Kirtley's Midland engines, as was also the weather board.
The tender, which was four-wheeled, was also fitted with a weather board.
The engine was got up in first class style painted green. and lined similarly
to those of the North Eastern Ry. She was, I believe, afterwards working
at the extension of New Street Station, Birmingham, somewhere in the 1880s
and it would be interestinz to trace her subsequent history down to the time
when she went to the Bishop's Castle Ry. I recollect a good photograph of
this engine in a photographer's window in Leeds. I also remember the engme
coming to Kitson's works for heavy repairs, repainting, etc. I may also state
that there is a good illustration of the Carlisle as' she appears
on the- Bishop's Castle Ry. in the Railway Magazine .for February,
1909, p. 127. This shows the engme with a cab over the footplate and a chimney
of Great Western type, but otherwise she appears very little altered from
her original state.
H. Carlton and H.E. Heath also send particulars of the Carlisle, from which we gather that the engine was built in 1869 (Kitson's, No. 1421), and was used first on the construction of the York and Doncaster line of the NER. It was, used later on the widening works of the L. & N.W. from Curzon Street to Aston Junction, Birmingham.
Reviews. 43
The history of the London & North Western Ry.
Wilfred L. Steel. London: The Railway and Travel Monthly.
This history is intended for the non-technical reader, and from cover
to cover he will find its pages interesting. The fact that the North Western
has been built up by amalgamations, extensions and purchases has made the
author's task a difficult one, but he details the particulars piecemeal and
shows how the company possessed 420 miles of lines in 1846, when the L. &
N. W. was formed, while to-day it has nearly 2,000 miles.
In many respects the history of the North Western is more interesting than
other railways, for included in it are the Liverpool and Manchester, the
first passenger line in the world, and the London and Birmingham, the first
trunk line, as well as the Grand Junction, Chester and Holvhead and other
lines. Details are given of the more notable locomotives, and a resume of
the improvements in the train services, whilst the financial history of the
company is also briefly dealt with. A number of the 100 illustrations have
been provided by the L. & N. W. R., but some, we notice, are taken from
the Locomotive Magazine, while the excellent views of modern trains
are the work of H.G. Tidey, the well known photographer.
The theory of heat engines. W. Inchley. London: Longmans, Green
& Co.
This work is a lucid exposition of the theory of heat engines for
engineering- students. It should also prove useful to engineers desiring
a thorough theoretical knowledge of the subject. The matter has been carefully
collated and well arranged. After dealing with the general principles of
thermodynamics, the author discourses on hot-air engines. Then there is a
chapter on the properties of steam, and two devoted to the theory of the
steam engine. Compound expansion and mechanical refrigeration are next noticed.
Now that compressed air as a transmitter of power has increased so enormously,
the chapter on the theory of air com- pressors is sure to be of interest.
Other chapters are devoted to the steam turbine, gas engine, oil engine,
internal combustion engine, valve diagrams and valve gears, governors, balancing,
etc. Many numerical examples are worked out, and examples given for the student
to work.
The microscopical analysis of metals. F. Osmond. Edited J.E. Stead.
Revised and corrected by L. P. Sidney. London: C. Griffin & Co.,
This invaluable laboratory guide to metallography is now in its second
edition. It is probably one of the most useful on the subject published in
this language. Part I is devoted to the study of the structure of metals
and alloys as a method of assay. Part 2 deals with the scientific methods
of polishing specimens for examination under the microscope, while part 3
describes the apparatus for photo-micrography and practical applications
for the micro-analysis of carbon steels. The conclusions to be obtained from
microscopical investiga- tions are clearly explained with the aid of a large
number of photo micrographs, diagrams, etc.
Boilers; marine and land; their construction and strength. Thos.
W. Traill, Fourth edition reprinted. London: C. Griffin & Co., Ltd.
This handbook will be a help to those who have to settle the scantlings
for all classes of boilers, and to determine safe working pressures. It is
full of labour- saving tables of dimensions of various parts for different
pressures and sizes, and these have been specially computed, and each calculation
checked over by re-working to ensure accuracy. There are about 75,000 results
given in the tables, but also there are simple formulae for those who have
the time and inclination to get the results independently.
First number of the Hanomag Journal,
Issued by the Hannoversche Maschinenbau Actien-Gesellschaft of Hanover,
is to hand. This issue is chiefly devoted to a history of the firm. The works
were founded by George Egestorff as far back as 1835. In 1900 an extensive
programme for the rebuilding of the whole of the works was taken in hand.
These extensions and alterations will be completed during 1914. The new equipment
will afford facilities for an output of 400 to 500 locomotives per annum.
The firm have also taken up the manufacture of other specialities, such as
the Stirling water tube boilers, wheels, etc. The next number will contain
particulars of the firm's specialities.
Rail Anchors. 44.
The Railway Track Supply Co. (of Great Britain), had placed on the
market a patent rail anchor for use with bull-headed rails, which is known
as the " R.T.S." Rail Anchor. Tests, that have already been made with this
device, prove that it will eliminate rail creep on bull-headed track. Prices
and particulars can be obtained from the Railway Track Supply Co., who will
also be pleased to .supply a few samples free of charge for trial
Number 258 (14 February 1914)
The heaviest and most powerful tank locomotive in Europe: "Mallet" articulated
0-8-8-0 tank engine for the Bavarian State Rys. 45-6. illustration.
Built by Maffei of Munich as bankers for the inclines between Laufach
and Heigenbrücken and between Probstzella and Rothernkirchen
4-6-0 superheated goods engine, Caledonian Railway. 46.
McIntosh superheater bogie engines for working express goods
trains. No. 179 illustrated.
Great Central Rrilway. 46
Ihe new 429 class 4-4-0 express engines received names of directors
of the railway: 429 Sir Alexander Henderson, 430 Purdon Viccars,
431 Edwin A. Beazley, 432 Sir Edward Fraser, 433 WaIter
Burgh Gair, 434 Earl of Kerry, 435 Sir Clement Royds, 436
Sir Berkeley-Sheffield, 437 Charles Stuart Wortley, and 438
Worsley Taylor.
4-6-0 mixed traffic engine, London and South Western Ry. 47. illustration.
Urie simplified design as compared with Drummond designs. Schmidt
and Robinson superheaters being evaluated. Two of ten to be left saturated.
H15 class (but not mentioned intext)
London & North Western Ry. 47
The following additional Prince of Wales 4-6-0 passenger engines
had been completed at Crewe: Nos. 307 R.B. Sheridan, 637 Thomas
Gray, 979 W.M.· Thackeray, and 1400 Felicia Hemans.
A new series of the same type is in course of construction, the first of
which would bear the name Mark Twain." Another engine of the Queen
Mary class (4-4-0 non-superheater) is now running equipped with the Schmidt
superheater, No. 896 George Whale.
It is reported that the ten new Claughtons which are on order will have slightly
larger boilers than those now running. These engines, however, will not be
put in hand just yet, nor is it anticipated they will be ready for the coming
summer traffic. The latest order for new engines includes a new series of
superheater goods, which will probably follow the series of Prince of Wales
engines above referred to. The vacuum brake was being fitted to most of the
larger passenger engines as they went through shops. It was not intended
at present to so fit any of the Jubilee and Alfred the Great classes. The
most recent engines to be turned out with the above-mentioned brake were
Nos. 1452 Bonaventure and 1721 Defiance, both being of the
Prince of Wales class (4-6-0 superheater)
Recent withdrawals included three more of Webb's four-cylinder 4-6-0 mixed
traffic engines, viz, Nos. 307, 637 and 1400, the latter being the first
of the type built.
Great Eastern Ry. 48. illustration
Rebuilding Holden's earlier four-coupled express engines, the 700
class, and fitting superheaters to increase their efficiency. By the courtesy
of A.J. Hill, locomotive superintendent, able to reproduce a photograph of
engine No. 775, which is one of the first completed of the fifteen engines
of this class which are to be altered. The addition of the Schmidt superheater
has necessitated a longer smokebox, and it will be noticed that the framing
of the leading end has been altered, and is now shaped like the 1900
North Eastern Ry. 48
There were twelve of the new three-cylinder 4-4-4 tank engines running,
Nos. 2143 to 2154, and eight more are under construction, numbered. up to
2162. These engines were illustrated and described in our December issue.
Ten more three-cylinder Atlantic express engines are on order at the Darlington
shops. They will be numbered 2163 to 2172. Other work on hand includes ten
electric locomotives for freight service. The electric equipment for these
locomotives will be supplied by Siemens Bros., Dynamo Works, Ltd. The engines
will be used on the Simpasture line when the electrification scheme is completed.
This mineral line leads from the marshalling yard at Shildon (one of the
largest in Great Britain} to the new Erimus hump yard at Newport, near
Middlesborough, a distance of about 18 miles, It carries the whole of the
heavy traffic passing from the south and south-west Durham coalfield to Teeside
and the Cleveland district. The electric locomotives are to be able to start
a 1,400 ton train load and to haul it on the level at a minimum speed of
25 miles an hour.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 48
An order had been placed with A. Borsig of Berlin, through their London
agent, E. C. Amos, for 10 locomotives for the S.E. & C.R. Excepting some
tram engines and a few contractors' locomotives used on the L. & S.W.R.
(Amesbury branch), and the widening of the Barnstaple line, we believe these
engines. will be the first German steam locomotives used in this country.
We understand that 15 Great Northern locomotives are being loaned to this
line. At the time of writing the following seven engines have been transferred
Nos. 206, 699, 756, 759, 992, 1067 (not 1066· as stated in our December
issue) and 1069; These are 2-4-0 tender engines with 6-ft. 7-in. driving
wheels and 17½-in. by 26-in. cylinders, of Stirling's and Ivatt's
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 49
The 0-6-0 side tanks of the E2 class, Nos. 103 and 104, were working
motor trains of six bogie coaches (three at each end of the engine) between
London Bridge and the Crystal Palace, via New Cross. The control was by a
compressed air system,
Personal. 49
C.G. Howsin
has been appointed locomotive superintendent of the Brazil
North Eastern Ry. Mr. Howsin served in the locomotive shops and drawing office
at Crewe, and went to China in 1897 as assistant locomotive superintendent
of the Imperial Rys. of North China .. He was afterwards assistant locomotive
superintendent of the Rajputana Malwa metre gauge line of the B.B. &
C.I. Ry., and was then transferred to Bombay as works manager at Parel and
divisional loco. supt.
Wm. Pickersgill, who will succeed J. F. McIntosh as locomotive
superintendent of the Caledonian Ry. in May, served his time on the Great
Eastern Ry. at Stratford. Heentered the service of the G. E: R. in 1876.
and was appointed locomotive inspector in 1883. lie was given the post of
district locomotive super- intendent at Norwich in 1891, and resigned in
July, 1894, to succeed the late Mr. J. Johnson as locomotive, carriage and
wagon superintendent of the Great North of Scotland Ry.
W. Griggs has been appointed locomotive superintendent
of the Jamaica Government Rys. in succession to Thornton. Griggs was formerly
on the North London Ry., at Bow ..
G. H. Pearson, or the G.W.R. Carriage Department,
Swindon, has been appointed assistant loco. supt. of the S. E. & C.
The Late Mr. James Gresham. 49
We regret to have to record the death of James Gresham, of the firm
of Gresham & Craven, of Salford, which occurred on the 13 January. at
Woodheys Park, Ashton-upon-Mersey. Mr. Gresham was a member of the Institution
of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, past President
of the Manchester Asso- ciation of Engineers, and a Justice of the Peace.
A native of Newark, he was educated at the Grammar School of that town. He
served as a draughtsman in the Manchester Works of Messrs. Sharp, Stewart
& Co., and in 1865 started works in Manchester for the manufacture of
sewing machines and injectors. New works were started in Salford a few years
later for the injector business, which had increased enormously. Mr. Gresham
took out many patents in connection with the vacuum brake. and had a large
share in the success of this brake for railway work. He was also patentee
of the steam sanding apparatus for locomotives so largely adopted on railways,
and inventor of passenger communication apparatus. .
Controlled relief valves for locomotive service. 49-50.. 2
In connection with the new design of locomotive piston valves, illustrated
and described on pages 35 and 36 of our last issue, the Knorr Brake Co. recommend
the employment of their relief valves, either controlled mechanically, as
in Fig. I, or by compressed air, as Fig. 2. It is claimed that piston valves
have a disadvantage in not lifting in case of water entering the cylinder,
and that, therefore, fracture of the steam cylinder is made possible. This
short- coming, however, is entirely counterbalanced by the many advantages
gained in using piston valves. In order to get rid of any water, safety valves.
are placed on the cylinder covers as low as possible.
E.L. Ahrons. The early Great Western standard gauge
engines. 50-1. 4 illustrations (line drawings side elevations).
Sharp singles
No. |
WN | Date | driving wheels |
9 |
400 | Feb., 1847 | 5-ft 0-in |
10 |
405 | Marr. 1847 | 5-ft 6-in |
13 |
441 | Sept 1847 | 5-ft 6-in |
14 |
July, 1848 | 5-ft 0-in | |
22 |
555 | Nov. 1848 | 5-ft 6-in |
22 |
July, 1849 | 5-ft 6-in |
All the above when built had the Sharp dome of ornamental shape close to the chimney, and the following dimensions: cylinders 15-in. by 20-in., running wheels 3-ft. 6-in., wheelbase 5-ft. 9-in. boiler containing 174 tubes (except No. 14 which had 170); heating surface 878 ft2. Next part see page 75
Conference of Loco. and C. and W. Superintendents of Indian Rys. 51
At the meeting at Simla several very important decisions were arrived
at concerning standardisation of rolling stock details; further, the retention
of side lever hand brakes for all goods wagons (four-wheeled and bogie) was
unanimously agreed to. The chairman of the present year is Mr. Biernacki
(re-elected). Before adjourning the delegates visited the huge shops of the
North Western State Ry. at Lahore.
Somerset & Dorset Ry. 51
The 2-8-0 Consolidation superheater goods locomotives under construction
at Derby will have outside cylinders 21-in. diameter .and 28-in. stroke,
with piston valves operated by Walschaerts valve gear, coupled wheels 4-ft.
7½-in. diameter, and leading truck wheels 3-ft. 3½-in. diameter.
The total wheelbase (engine and tender) is 50-ft. 1-in.. The working pressure
is to be 190 psi; heating surface 1681 ft2., grate area 28.4
ft2. Estimated weight on coupled wheels 62 tons, weight of engine
in working order 70t tons, weight of tender loaded 45 tons 18 cwt. Mechanical
lubricators for the cylinders and piston valves will be provided. The Schmidt
superheater will be fitted to these engines.
Great Northern Ry. 51
Nos. 457-8-9, of the new O1 class 2-8-0 superheaters, were in service.
Together with No. 456, they were all stationed at New England, Peterboro',
working mineral trains between Peterboro' and London (Ferrne Park). Engine
No. 420, 0-8-0 mineral, is being fitted with one of the O1 class boilers.
but not quite so long. The firebox is sloping at the throat plate, something
like the 251 class. Nos. 1633 and 1634, Mogul goods, had been transferred
to Colwick, and Nos. 539. and 540, 0-6-0 superheaters, had taken their place
at King's Cross.
Railway rolling stock in Canada. 52-6. 9 illustrations.
Photographs of Canadian Northern Ry.: Winnipeg Station the Rotunda;
Hopettown station; freight train; Saskatoon marshalling yards; sleeping car;
interior of second class car; 2-8-0 freight locomotivve No. 2407; caboose;
Bridge over Pickard River, Ontario; .
Train ferry and ice-breaking steamer for the Transcontinental Ry. of Canada.
56-7. illustration
Built by Cammell, Laird & Co. of Birkenhead and launched on 17
January: intended for use on St. Lawrence River between Quebec and
Why a locomotive will not steam. 57-8
Apart from mechanical reasons, there is another and very important
one the management of the engine and the method of firing. A judicious use
of the expansion gear by a good driver over a road he knows well, and in
similar manner systematic control of the feed, will make all the difference
between a good and bad steaming locomotive. Some engines require a "light"
fire, others a medium, and still others do best on a "thick" fire; but fuel,
too, will influence this. There is a wide difference between firing with
Welsh and Yorkshire coals. Whatever be the "thickness" of fire found best
for either coal or engine, however, it may be taken for granted that the
firebars should be kept evenly covered, and the fire kept as clean as possible.
If a tendency is shown by the coal used to clinker, then the fire should
be kept thin and on the move as much as possible. Coal should be thrown along
the side and back of the firebox more than towards the centre, and the jolting
of the engine may be relied on to shake it down towards the centre. Every
effort, however, should be made to prevent holes in the fire developing and
the engine drawing cold air through. The spacing of the bars naturally affects
the question very much, and to secure good results the class and quality
of the coal being used must be studied, but it is recommended by many experienced
men to pack the bars closer at the sides, which can be done by grinding or
chipping down the side lugs of a few standard bars. On some railways special
"side" bars are provided. Warning should be given against the practice often
adopted of cramming on more coal when an engine gets sluggish in steam; this
only results in bad combustion, the manufacture of volumes of smoke, which
coats the interior of the tubes with soot (a non-conductor of heat), and
consequently a gradual dropping back from bad to worse so far as the making
of steam is concerned. The far better procedure would be to maintain as thin,
clean and bright a fire as possible and "nursing" the engine generally with
the feed and expansion gear.
The locomotive history of the Cambrian Rys. 58-9. illustration
Sharp, Stewart 4-4-0 (designed by firm and four of same type supplied
to Furness Railway)
No. | Name | WN | Date |
16 | Beaconsfield | 2789 | 1878 |
17 | Hartington | 2790 | 1878 |
20 | 3356 | 1886 | |
21 | 3357 | 1886 | |
50 | 3696 | 1891 | |
60 | 3697 | 1891 |
In 1879 the LNWR supplied a Sharp Stewart 0-6-0 (WN 2510) with 4ft 6in coupled wheels which had been supplied to the Denbigh, Ruthin & Corwen Ry: it was given No. 18 Orleton
The railways of the Channel Islands. Jersey Rys & Tramways Ltd,.
59-61. 3 illustrations
The motive power consisted of five 2-4-0Ts: Nos. 1 St. Heliers
and 2 St. Aubins (Manning Wardle 916 and 917 of 1884); Nos. 3
Corbiere and 4 St. Brelades (Bagnall WN 1418/1893 and 1466/1895);
and No. 5 La Moye (Barclay WN 1105/1907). The last was larger and
was fitted with Walschaers valve gear instead of Stephenson link motion.
The locomotive livery was olive green.
The Valor syphon lubricator. 61. illustration, diagram
North Eastern Railway. Special wagons. 62-4. 4 illustrations, 4 diagrams
(side elevations), plan
No. 6768 bogie well wagon capable of carrying 54 tons; well wagon
with capcity of 20 tons; another for agricultural machinery and a four wheel
well wagon
Wagons for conveying heavy guns, Caledonisan Ry. 64-5. illustration
McIntosh arrangement to carry 100 ton guns on twt 35-ton bogie ingot
wagons fitted with cradles and a 35 ton bogie trolley wagon
Northern Ry. of France new shed, 65. diagram, plan
La Chapelle in Paris: diagram of smoke extractor and plan showing
electric traverser
All steel carriages. 65
Great Western Railway sets for Paddington to Windsor services: asbestos
floors; electric lighting and first class compartments with four passengers
per side. Also noted L&YR fireproof train for Manchester to Southport
service with gas lighting and extra means of escape.
Ball bearing eccentric sheave and strap. 66. diagram
Correspondence. 66
F.F. Hoyland.
With further reference to our reply on page 269 of the last
volume, F.S. Hennell informs us that the L. & N.W. Bloomer engines
were painted vermilion only during the last few years of Mr. McConnell's
superintendence. Previous to that they were painted bright green with red
and yellow lines, and were without exception the handsomest engines then
Reviews. 67
The elements of railway operating economics, C. Travis, D.R. Lamb,
and J.A. Jenkinson. London: The Boswell Printing and Publishing Co.,
The authors, in their introduction to this work, state that though
Great Britain was the pioneer of the world's railways, English literature
is deficient in matters per- taining to transportation as compared with that
of other countries, few attempts having been made to discuss the principles
of railway operation from the economic standpoint. They have therefore
endeavoured to fill the void by writing a short series of elementary papers
on railway operating economics, and appear to have covered the ground pretty
thoroughly. Passenger traffic is discussed at some length, then follow chapters
on goods and mineral traffic and terminal operation. Chapter 7 deals with
the con- struction and maintenance of the road, and chapters 8 and 9 with
locomotive design and practice and locomotive operation respectively. Under
the heading of " Statistics" the" ton mile" is fully discussed, and the authors'
conclusions regarding this very debateable point are that though, superficially,
ton mile statistics appear useful, their application to British railway
conditions appears very questionable, the ton mile limit having been tested
and found wanting.
An introductory manual and catechism on the automatic vacuum brake.
Chas. H. Gilbanks. Ajmer : Scottish Mission Industries Co., Ltd.
This little work of 138 pages has been written to help those who wish
to make themselves familiar with the working of the automatic vacuum brake.
It appears to go rather fully into the rudimentary principles of the apparatus,
although there is much of interest and value. The illustrations are not at
all clear, and we are afraid they cannot be taken seriously. The absence
of section lines will make it very difficult for a beginner to follow the
descriptions, particularly as the handbook is likely to circulate among native
railway employees in the East.
The inventors' adviser and manufacturers' handbook to patents, designs
and trade marks. Reginald Haddan. London: Harrison and Sons.
This book provides the inventor with the fullest information regarding
the commercial development of an invention, its protection by patent at home
and abroad, and the valuation and disposal of patent rights. The chapters
on foreign patents are particularly valuable, and the forms used in various
countries are fully set out, The book will be invaluable to all who are engaged
in industries affected by the patent laws. It has a good index.
The Jubilee of the Railway News. London: The
Railway News.
The Railway News, in order to celebrate its 50th year of
publicaticn, has issued a sumptuous volume of some 700 pages and 750
illustrations dealing with the growth and progress of the railway system
during the period 1864-1914. The Railway News was founded jointly in 1864
by Dr. Smiles and Mr. E. McDermott, two well- known literary men, the former
being at that time the secretary of the South Eastern Ry., and well known
as the author of the Lives of the Engineers and other books. In the
volume under review, practically all departments of railway administration
are dealt with in nearly 100 articles, many of which are by prominent officials
in the railway service. "Fifty years of Railway Engineering," "Fifty yearsof
Locomotive Engineering," and" Railway Rolling Stock," will doubtless appeal
to most of our readers. There are some 25 pages devoted to illustrations
of early railway scenes, though it may be mentioned that many of these depict
railways at a period prior to the year 1864.
In addition to the articles on British railways, there are others dealing
with the railways of India, Canada, the United States, Africa. Australia,
etc. In connection with the article on the "Railways of Cuba," we note with
interest that the first Cuban railwaythat from Havana to Guineswas
opened so long ago as 1837. An interesting illustration of the earliest
locomotive, a single driver with leading bogie, apparently built by Norris,
of Philadelphia, is given. Our contemporary is to be congratulated on its
50 years' record and its remarkable commemorative issue.
See also commentary
Number 259 (14 March 1914)
Four-cylinder compound locomotive for the Upsala-Gafle Ry.,
Sweden. 69-70. illustration
Built by Nydquist & Holm at Trollhattan
Great Western Ry. 70
Niw 43XX class 2-6-0 Nos. 4347-53 completed at Swindon.
Six-coupled bogie tank loaomotive, North Staffordshire Ry. 70. diagram
(side elevation)
Adams 0-6-4T
Pullman cars on the Caledoniain Ry. 70
For services between Edinburgh and Glasgow, and Glasgow and
New superheater express locomotives, South Eastern &
Chatham Ry. 71. diagram (side elevation)
4-4-0 supplied by Borsig. Statement by
H. Cosmo Bonsor that company
would be strengthening its permanent way to take heavier locomotives in time
for summer timetable. Notes that design was prepared by H. Wainwright and
that supply of locomotives would be supervised by a "leading firm of consulting
engineers" and by the new locomotive engineer, R,E,L. Maunsell.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 71
An additional eight 2-4-0 tender locomotives borrowed from Great Northern
Burry Port & Gwendraeth Valley Ry. 71.
Original railway beyond Ponytberem to Cwm Mawr had gradients of 1
in 14 and 1 in 16: this had been converted to a gradient of 1 in 40 by creating
embankments. The work was performed under J. Eager, engineer of the line
with H.F. Stephens, consulting engineer. Another tank engine had been purchased
from Hudswell, Clarke & Co. and given No. 12.
Dingwall to Cromarty Light Ry. 71.
First sod cut by Lady Bignold of Loch Rosque in early February. 18
mile long line had substantial Treasury support.
2-10-0 goods engine, Gothard Section, Swiss Federal Rys.
72. illustration
Powerful engine built by the Swiss Locomotive Works, of Winterthur,
for working goods trains over the heavy grades leading to the St. Gothard
Tunnel. Five engines of this series, C 5/6, have been constructed, Nos. 2901
and 2902 being four-cylinder non-compounds, and three, Nos. 2951/2/3,
four-cylinder compounds.
West Coast Joint Service. 72
Two new sleeping saloons (Nos. 450 and 451) running:: 68ft long; 9ft
wide; six-wheel bogies; weight 45 tons
London & North Western Ry. 72
The first five of a new series of 4-6-0 Prince of Wales passenger
engines (Schmidt superheater) completed at Crewe, Nos. 86 Mark Twain,
146 Lewis Carroll, 964 Bret Harte, 985 Sir W.S. Gilbert,
and 1321 William Cowper.
No. 1559 Drake, is another of the Queen Mary class recently altered
to a George the Fifth, by the addition of a Schmidt superheater. Altogether
some five of the Queen Marys' have so far been converted into superheaters,
leaving five still to be altered. All engines of the George the Fifth class,
as they go through the shops, are now being fitted with the new type of sandboxes
placed in front of the driving splashers. An engine of the same class, No.
1532 Bloodhound, was running provided with Lambert's patent water
sanding gear. One of the 5-ft. 0-6-2 passenger tanks, No. 2028, had been
altered for motor service in the same way as the 4-ft. 6-in. tanks.
Personal. 72
Thomas E. Heywood appointed locomotive superintendent of the G.N.
of Scotland Ry., in succession to W. Pickersgill, who is succeeding . McIntosh
as locomotive superintendent of the Caledonian Ry. Heywood had been assistant
locomotive superintendent of the Taff Vale Ry. and formerly held a similar
position on the Burma Rys.
Locomotive boiler tubes. 73-4. 8 diagrams
Fixing by expanding at firebox end with expanders nor bell-mouthing
with a drift. Ferrules. Beading in the USA. Technique used in Russia
E.L. Ahrons. The early Great Western standard gauge
engines. 75; 77. 5 diagrams (line drawings side elevations).
Shrewsbury & Chester Railway Bury, Curtis & Kennedy rebuilds:
No. 15 rebuilt at Wolverhampton as 0-4-0ST in 1866 and again in 1887 and
lasted until 1904. No. 16 was a four-coupled shunter: Sharp Bros WN 580/1849.
Beyer designed screw brake. Nos. 17 and 18 were Bury 0-4-2 bgoods engines
built in 1848 and broken up in 1864. No. 21 was a Sharp 2-2-2 of 1848
and named Victoria & Albert. Figure 15 see also
page 102.
Railway rolling stock in Canada. 76; 77-82. 14 illustrations, 2 diagrams
(side & cross sectional elevations, plan)
36ft long box cars for transporting grain. Corrugated steel hiopper
box cars; palace horse csar; trucks for cattle, ballast (with ploughs), pitch
and firefighting. R.W. Burnett general master car builder and Lewis Ord,
chief car inspector, Canadian Pacific Railway.
The railways of the Channel Islands. (2) The Jersey Eastern
Ry. Ltd. 83-5. 4 illustrations
Opened St. Helier to Grouville on 7 August 1873 and extended to Gorey
Pier on 25 May 1891. Standard gauge line. The 0-4-2T locomotives were supplied
by Kitson: Caeserea WN 1832/1871; Calvados WN 1833/1872; Mont
Orgueil WN 2972/1886; Carteret WN 3800/1898 : the last did not
feature outside frames. Naylor safety valves were fitted to some locomotives.
H. Wakley was in charge of the locomotives for at least thirty years, and
had come from the Great Western at Bristol. The railway formed part of the
route to France from St. Helier
[St. Helier Harbour Works], 85
Started in 1872, but abandoned in 1877. The Fletcher, Jennings 3ft
gauge locomotives were allowed to moulder until acquired by the Torrington
& Marland Ry in August 1908: see 19 pp.
The locomotive history of the Cambrian Rys. 85-6.
2 diagrams (line drawings side elevations).
The Mid Wales Railway had its works at Builth with G.F. Ellis in charge.
Kitson supplied six 0-4-2 for passenger work (WN 1235-40/1864) and 0-6-0
for freight (WN 1247-52/1864-5). WN 1236, 1240 and 1250 were sold to the
M.S. & L. in 1868 becoming RN 269, 268 and 270. WN 1251 was sold to the
Denbigh, Ruthin & Corwen Ry and became LNWR No. 2348 in 1878. In 1873
two Sharp locomitive WN 2339 and 2347 were purchhased as partial
North-Eastern Railway. Special wagons. 86-8.4 illustrations,
4 diagrams (side and end elevations, plans)
No. 9006 was a long bogie well wagon capable of carrying 35 ton traction
engines which could be chocked. No. 12291 was designed to convey large Lancashire
boilers; special runner for breakdown cranes
Electric drive in railway worshops. 89-91. 3
Wood working machinery like band saws
The action of the Westinghouse ordinary brake. 91
Correspondence. 92
Charles Dickens and the railway. A.R.
Re Hopwoocl's last letter and the quotation he gives from Langton
that I was right in ascribing the scene depicted by Dickens to Strood. I
reasoned on railway grounds only, assuming the playing field to be there
as described. That it was not, entitles Hopwood to claim a hit also. Probably
Dickens arrived from London at Strood, noted the scene and engine there,
but wishing to bring in the playground, transferred that piece of land to
Strood for the occasion. This explanation does less violence to the facts
than shifting the S.E.R. station to Chatham. Then he may have desired to
retain the South Eastern in the description owing to the conciseness and
aptness of S.E.R. The name L.C. & D.R. was not adopted until 1859, the
year before Uncommercial Traveller was published, and would not only
have been clumsier for the text but not so readily understood by the average
reader. Neither did the previous name, East Kent Railwav, lend itself very
well to the required purpose.
Charles Dickens and the railway. Clement
May I venture to suggest that there is just a shadow of doubt whether
Alfred R. Bennett is entirely justified in his criticism of Dickens' account
of "the boofer lady's" railway journey? My memory goes back almost
to the date of the publication of Our Mutual Friend; and this was
the condition at Settle (now Giggleswick) Station, on the Midland Railway,
at that time: the two semaphore arms were mounted upon one post, and were
painted red on the obverse and black on the reverse sides. The lamps
were revolved by means of a wheel or handle at the feet of the upright rods
which supported them. The block system of course was not known. The normal
position of the signals was at "all right"; they were set at "danger" only
when a stopping-train was due, and for a certain number of minutes after
a train (whether stopping or express) had passed. At night, therefore, they
would actually shut their white eyes (green was unknown as an "all-right"
signal on the Midland until 1890 or thereabouts) and open their red ones
whenever a train was about to stop at the station. It is possible, therefore,
that, with the substitution of green for white, this is exactly what Dickens
saw. See also response from Rosling Bennett
Reviews. 92
Lectures on the working of locomotive engines.
D. Drummond, M.LC.E. London: The Locomotive Publishing Co., Ltd.
This book, which is now in its sixth edition, consists of a series
of 13 lectures delivered by the author to the enginemen of the L. & S.W.R.
with the intention of assisting them to get the best results into the performance
of their duties on the footplate. The opening lecture naturally deals with
the most important part of the Iocomotive:, the Boiler, whilst lectures 2
and 3 deal with "Combustion of Fuel" and "Steam the Working Agent" respectively.
These are followed by chapters on "Distribution of Steam"-in which "lap and
lead" are fully explained by full page diagrams- and "How the Slide Valves
are controlled." The Vacuum and Westinghouse brakes and their working are
described at some length, and finally the author speaks of "Ailments and
Failures of Engines." The late D. Drummond was recognised as one of the leading
authorities on the subject of the locomotive engine, and the volume under
review will be read with avidity not only by enginemen, but also by students
of the locomotive. The book contains 202 pages of matter with 75 diagrams,
and an excellent portrait of the late Drummond forms the frontispiece.
Silent Electric Clock Co., Ltd., of Goswell Road, London. 92
Received an' order from the Central Argentine Ry. Co. for supplying
electric clocks-some seventy dials controlled by one master clock-for the
Retiro Station, -Buenos Ayres.
The Railway Track Supply Co. (of Great Britain). 93
Order from the Midland Ry. for one of their Buckwalter industrial
trucks for use at the Derby Works .
T. E. Goodeve. 93
Assistant manager of Crewe Works, L. & N.W.R., since 1910, appointed
works manager at Inchicore and assistant locomotive superintendent of the
Great Southern & Western Ry. of Ireland.
Number 260 (15 April 1914)
Superheater goods engine, Great Southern & Western Ry.
of Ireland. 95-6. illustration, diagram (side elevation)
0-6-0 designed by R.E.L. Maunsell: Nos. 257-260
London & North Western Ry. 96
The following additional 4-6-0 passenger engines (Prince of Wales
class) complete the series referred to in the March issue. Nos. 2152 Charles
Lamb, 2293 Percy Bysshe Shelley, 2377 Edward Gibbon, 2443
Charles James Lever and 2520 G.P. Neele. A new series of 0-8-0
goods engines (Schmidt superheater) was in hand at Crewe, of which the first,
No. 20, was complete. A further five Precursors were being fitted with the
Schmidt superheater. These engines will be provided with the ordinary flat
valves, thus avoiding any alteration being made in respect of the smokebox
, etc.: No. 513 Precursor was turned out in this way, superheated,
in 1913. Of the five Precursors being superheated, No. 157 Dunrobin
would be shortly running. No. 1186, ?--2 tank, had been altered to a superheater,
while No. 2607 4-6-0 goods, was running without the Phoenix superheater,
with which it was experimentally fitted in 1912. No. 1231, a four-cylinder
compound mineral engine, had been converted to simple with 20½-in. cylinders
and larger boiler. Another 4-ft. 6-in. 2-4-2 tank had been adapted for motor
work, No. 791.
W. Pascall, L. & N.W.R. driver. 96.
After 48 years' service on the L. & N. W. R., W.
Pascall, of Crewe. had retired. He had been an engine driver for 42 years.
Pascall was driver of the pilot which preceded the Royal train during King
Edward's reign. He drove the Royal train during the first visit ot King George
to Ireland and also on the occasion of the Investiture of the Prince of Wales
at Carnarvon. On the return of the Royal party from Wales, driver Pascall,
with the engine Coronation, had charge of the special, which came
off the Cambrian system, from Whitchurch to Carlisle.
Royal Visit to Birkenhead. 96. illustration
On 25 March their Majesties the King and Queen paid a visit to the
Shipbuilding Works of Cammell, Laird & Co., Ltd., at Birkenhead. On entering
the works their Majesties were received by W.L. Hichens, chairman, Col. W.
Sidebottom, deputy chairman, and G.J. Carter, managing director. A handsome
souvenir of the occasion, a gold tray showing in relief H.M. battleship
Audacious, was presented to the Queen by Mrs. G. Carter. The Royal
party accompanied by Hichens and Carter afterwards made a tour of the extensive
shipyard, the route being lined by the workmen and members of the staff.
Their Majesties also visited the extensive soap works of Lever Bros. at Port
Sunlight, the serviceable little tank locomotive illustrated on this page
being used to haul the special train made up for the use of the Royal
Canada's shortest railway. 102. illustrtation
Possibly Canada's shortest railway is located in the Algonquin National
Park District of Ontario. It is owned by the Huntsville Navigation Co. and
operated by them in connection with their steamer service from Huntsville
to Dwight. The line is one mile in length and crosses the portage between
Fairy Lake and the Lake of Bavs. It is the only practicable way to connect
the two, as there is a rise in the land which makes a canal impossible. There
are two locomotives on the line, both four-wheeled saddle tanks built by
the Porter Locomotive Works, of Pittsburg. They are not very powerful machines,
and have some difficulty with a full train on the rising grades. There are
about ten passenger cars in service, several being ancient tram cars formerly
used in Toronto and Ottawa, and a luggage van which has been built by the
staff of the railway. The permanent way is rough.
Electriciiy v gas for train lighting. 102
The superiority claimed for electric train lighting over its competitor
gas, on the score of safety, has not been very satisfactorily demonstrated
in India. Only recently a first-class carriage on the Oude & Rohilkund
Ry., lighted by electricity was burnt out, due it is supposed to a short
circuit, whilst on the South Indian Ry. some cars similarly lighted were
destroyed at the Egmore terminus, Madras.
E.L. Ahrons. The early Great Western standard gauge
engines. 102-
Continued from page 77. Two single engines, Nos. 27 and 29, were supplied
to the S. & C. Ry by Messrs. Sharp Bros. & Co., No. 27 (December,
1853), and No. 29 (October, 1853), and which were WN. 744 '- and 743 of Sharp's
build. They are illustrated in Fig. 15 (page 77). The cylinders
were 15-in. dia. by 20-in. stroke; driving wheels, 5-ft. 6-in. dia. ; L.
& T. wheels, 3-ft. 6-in. dia. The boilers were 3-ft. 10-in. dia., and
contained 161 2-in. tubes. The total heating surface was 916
ft2., and weight, 21 tons 13 cwt., of which 10
tons 8 cwt. were on the drivers. Comparing these with the earlier engines
of the No. 10 class, it will be seen that they were somewhat larger.
Four very interesting four wheels coupled goods engines [0-4-2] were constructed
for the S. & C. Ry. by the Vulcan Foundry in 1853, as under, and are
illustrated in Fig. 16 :-
No. 30, July WN342
No. 31, Aug.WN 343
No. 24, Sept.WN 344
No. 26, Sept.WN 345
For the period when they were built they were very modern engines. The outside
frame was solid from end to end, as was also the inside frame, and the latter
extended to the back buffer beam. The steam chests were inclined upwards,
being placed below the centre line of the cylinders. They had copper-topped
chimneys and brass safety valve covers. The wheels had balance weights when
new, and the cast iron horn blocks were outside the frames with the spring
pillars placed in front of the splashers. The latter were of cast-iron and
of a heavy and clumsy looking pattern. The valve spindles were horizontal
and placed on a level with the leading axle, to clear which, they had square
frames which embraced the axles. The cylinders were 16-in. by 24-in. ; coupled
wheels, 5-ft. dia., and trailing wheels, 3-ft. 6-in. dia. The boiller was
4-ft. dia., and contained 185 21/16 -in. tubes. Heating surface
of tubes, 1125 ft2., of firebox 85
ft2.; total, 1211
ft2. ; total weight, 25 tons 14 cwt.
No. 30 exploded at Saltney in 1859, and was such a total wreck that the engine
was scrapped. None of the others were rebuilt. Nos. 24 and 31 disappeared
about 1872, and were the last to go, 26 having been broken up some years
A very interesting express engine was built by Jones & Potts in November,
1852, and was numbered 32 on the S. & C. Ry. In Jones & Potts's records
there is no mention of an engine for the S. & C. Ry., but they give one
as ordered by the Shrewsbury and Birmingham Ry., so that it appears probable
that No. 32 was originally intended for, If not actually delivered to the
latter line. That this was actually the case appears to be borne out by the
fact that the engine began work before the end of 1852, some months before
the S. & C. Ry. possessed engines 24 to 31. But it appears that she did
hardly any work on the S. & B. Ry. before coming into the possession
of the Shrewsbury and Chester Ry.
Fig. 17 shows this engine, and has been prepared from detailed descriptions
supplied by several of the old superintendents and drivers who remembered
her (including one who fired on the engine in 1854-55). to whom the drawing
was submitted for criticism. No. 32 was stationed at Shrewsbury and was usually
known by the sobriquet of "The Flying Flogger." It had inside cylinder~.
15½-in. by 20-in., but the steam chests and the valve gear were outside.
The framing was inside the wheels, and the crank axle was extended outwards
to form bosses to carry the eccentric sheaves. The eccentrics were covered
with plates of polished brass. The driving wheels were 6-ft. 6-in. dia.,
and the splashers were adorned with the coat of arms of the Shrewsbury &
Chester Ry. A peculiarly shaped dome was placed upon the raised firebox,
and there was a polished brass safety val~e on the centre of the boiler barre],
of the Trevithick old Crewe pattern, similar to the one on engine No. 8.
"The Flying Flogger" had but a short career, the chief incident in which
appears to have been a collision with an itinerant horse, as a result of
which, No. 32 sustained damage to the extent of one broken split pin on the
outside valve gear. Structural alterations subsequently required by the horse
were not stated.
During its short life No. 32 appPars to have taken a fair share in the working
of the expresses from Shrewsbury to Chester and to Wolverhampton, but is
stated to have been "shy of steam.'' Whether there was some other radical
defect the writer does not know, but at the end of 1859, after only seven
years' service, the "Flying Flogger'' went into Wolverhampton Works, and
a new 32, which will be mentioned later, emerged in March, 186o, of totally
different dimensions. In the old official lists it was made to appear as
if this was the old 32 rebuilt, and it is possible that some unimportant
parts of the old engine were incorporated into the new one.
The last engines to be described tor the Shrewsbury & Chester Ry., Nos.
34 and 35, are illustrated in Fig. 18, and present several remarkable features.
They were built by the Vulcan Foundry (Nos. 316 and 317),the records of which
firm give the date of construction as 1848, but those of the S. & C.
Ry. give March, 1853, as the date on which they began work. As the mileage
of No. 34 up to 31 December 1854, was only 34,819, and that of No. 35, 25,726
miles; the 1853 date is probably correct.
They were probably amongst the earliest examples of Crampton's dummy crank
shaft pattern. The cylinders were 16-in. dia. by 24-in. stroke, and the four
coupled wheels 5-ft. 3-in. dia., spread over a base of 11-ft. 5-in. The boiler
barrel was 13-ft. 4-in. long, and of oval section, the vertical axis being
4-ft. 21/8-in., and the horizontal one 3-ft.
61/8-in. Total heating surface, 1,293 sq. ft., of which the
tubes supplied 1220 sq. ft. The bearing springs consisted of four pairs of
small elliptical springs over each inside and outside bearing, and were enclosed
so as not to be visible. Like all the old Vulcan engines the dome was painted,
but the safety valve cover was of polished brass. These two engines ran until
the end of 1865, when they were broken up. The boiler of No. 35, modified
to have a circular section, was, however, utilised for a new or reconstructed
"short-coupled" long boiler mineral engine, built at Wolverhampton early
in 1866.
Generally speaking, the S. & C. locomotives continued throughout their
career, after they became G.W. Ry. property, on their old line, but of course
frequently worked as far south as Birmingham, for the S. & C. and the
S. & B. Rys. were merged by the G.W. Ry. into one main line. They
occasionally went south of Birmingham, though it was unusual. It is, however,
interesting to note, that old No. 2, before being rebuilt as a tank engine,
was for a time stationed at Reading in 1864, and is said to have been the
first standard gauge engine to have been quartered there. No. 117, six-coupled
saddle tank (formerly No. 1), was also stationed at Reading as shunting engine
at a somewhat later date. No. 16, as mentioned previously, must also have
drifted into the southern division, as she was overhauled at Swindon in
Note.-The drawing for Fig. 17 may not be absolutely correct in every detail,
but can be taken to be as near as it is possible to make it.
The locomotive history of the Cambrian Rys. 104-5.
Conttinued from page 86. William Aston 4-4-0 introduced in 1893. Noa.
61 to 68 were built by Sharp Stewart & Co. in 1893 (WN 3901-8); 69-72
(WN 3976-9) by same firm in 1894 and Nos. 81-4 (WN 4070-3) in 1895. In 1897
R. Stephenson & Co. supplied WN 2871-5 and these became RN 32,
47, 11, 85 and 86. No. 19 was built at Oswestry Works in 1901.
Alfred R. Bennett. The railways of the Channel Islands.
3 — The Guernsey Ry. 105-6. illustration, diagram (side elevation)
Standard gauge tramway from St. Peter-Port to St. Samson's: opened
on 9 June 1879 originally worked by Merryweather tram locomotives and later
one from Brown & Co. of Winterthur. Line electrified in 1891 with elctric
tramcars and trailers.
Personal. 106.
Arthur A. Shepherd had been appointed chief assistant to S. Warner,
carriage & wagon superintendent of the LSWR at Eastleigh. Shepherd succeeded
A.H. Panter as chief carriage draughtsman at Eastleigh in 1898. He was a
student at Manchester Technical School, obtaining first class honours in
carriage & wagon building in 1891 and had his early training on the
A new locomotive fuel economiser. 107. diagram
Boyce device.which blew steam into the firebox when locomotive
2-8-2 goods locomotives for the North Western State Ry. of India, Trans-Indus
section, Kalabagh-Bannu line. 108-111. 5 diagrams
2ft 6in gauge locomotive supplied by North British Locomotive Co.
to supervision of Rendel, Palmer & Tritton
Great Eastern Ry. 109
Ten further 4-6-0 express engines, numbers 1520-1529, to be ready
for summer traffic. Three new 0-6-0Ts, Nos. 28, 29 and 30 in service
Locomotive boiler tubes. 111-12. 7 diagrams
Serve tubes and systems adopted for replacement of tubes and brazing
on ends, including that of the Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway.
Industrial uses of coal gas. 113-14. 3 illustrations.
Lecture given by H.M. Thornton, Director of Richmond Gas Stove and
Meter Co. Ltd on gas furnaces.
Electric drive indrive in railway workshops. 115-6.
3 illustrations
Continued from page 91 Next part.
Number 261 (15 May 1914)
Mineral engines for the Somerset and Dorset Joint Ry.
117. illustration
2-8-0: No. 80 illustrated with original tender cab. Leading
Alpine rsailway tunnels. 117
Table showing length in miles and altitude
Superheater shunting locomotive, Great Northern
Ry. 118. illustration, diagram (side & front elevations)
Gresley J23 0-6-0T No. 167 fitted with Robinson superheater
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 118
New Pullman cars for Eastbourne and Newhaven services with namers
Orpheus, Glencoe, Scotia and Hibernia. 4-6-4T No. 327 named
Charles C. Macrae: painted grey with black bands and white
North British Locomotive Co. recent locomotives. 119; 120. 2
Works photograph of 2ft gauge Darjeeling Himalayan Railway 0-4-0ST
posed in front of 3ft 6in gauge 2-6-6-0 Mallet type for South African Railways.
The locomotive is shown with about 180 NBL employees posed on the Mallet
in what is termed a "scramble" photograph.
London & North Western Ry. 119
New series of 0-8-0 fitted with Schmidt superheaters and vacuum brakes
to work piped goods trains: Nos. 20, 1321, 329, 795, 1181, 1214, 1486, 1500,
2033 and 2200. Precursor No. 365 Alchymist fitted with superheater.
No. 1181, 4ft 6in passenger tank sold to Cambrian Railways. 6ft 6in Jumbo
No. 1745 John Bright running withou a name as name probably allocated to
a Claughton class. Withdrawals included 1400 class 4-cylinder compounds:
Nos. 1500 and 2033; and 6ft 6in Jumbos Nos. 1213 Prince Albert and
1486 Dalton. No. 1905 Black Diamond, damaged in collision at
Rugby to be converted to single expansion.
New South Eastern & Chatham Ry. locomotives. 119.
New 4-4-0 type being built by Borsig to be equipped with Schmidt
superheaters; those being supplied by Beyer Peacock to be fitted with Robinson
4-4-2 tank locomotive, Great Western Railway. 120.
No. 4600 allocated to Tyseley: 5ft 8in coupled wheels; 17 x 24in
cylinders; total heating area 1271.86ft2; grate area
16.6ft2; 200 psi working pressure. New 4301 class Nos. 4354-4360.
No. 824, Armstrong 2-4-0, had been rebuilt with Belpaire firebox and top
feed. 15 4-cylinder 4-6-0 under construction described as King and Queen
Six-coupled bogie express locomotive, Dutch Central Ry. 121-2. 2 illustrations, 2 diagrams
Four-wheeled locomotive for the Islip Iron Co.
123. illustration
W.G. Bagnall, Ltd., of Stafford, supplied the Islip Iron Co., of Islip,
near Thrapston. The limitations of the loading gauge and the maximum weight
per axle it is a remarkably powerful engine. The total height is only 7-ft.
9-in. Total width, 5-ft. 9-in., and length over buffers, 18-ft. 6-in. The
weight in working order 14 tons 7 cwt, distributed 7 tons 8 cwt. on drivers
and 6 tons 19 cwt. on leaders. The side tanks are carried well forward to
ensure equal distribution of weight, and the engine rides very steadily for
a four-wheeled locomotive. The following are the other leading dimensions
: cylinders 9-in. diameter by 14-in. stroke, driving wheels 2-ft. 7-in. diameter;
gauge 3-ft. A spark arrester is fitted in the smokebox. Further dimensions
given in article
Midland Ry. 123
The principal trains are worked by the 4-4-0 compounds, although it
is stated that owing to the success which has attended the introduction of
the simple superheater engines, no more compounds will be built. The first
made its appearance in 1901, constructed to the designs of S.W. Johnson.
It bore the number 2631, and four more were subsequently built, Nos.
In 1905 Deeley introduced a somewhat improved type of compound. Ten were
built in that year, and were given the numbers 1000 to 1009. The following
year saw another 20 put on the road, Nos. 1010 to 1029. When the general
and drastic re-numbering took place, Nos. 2631-5 became 1000-4, and Nos.
1000-29 were altered to 1005-34. The last series were built in 1908-9, and
were numbered 1035-44. To-day they have a large share of the fast main line
service and perform some highly meritorious work. They are distributed over
the system as follows: 1000-9 at Leeds, 1010-20 Manchester (Cornbrook), 1021-9
Nottingham, and 1030-44 London (Kentish Town). No. 1040 has been fitted with
a Schmidt superheater.
The Midland now possesses more single-wheeled engines than any other line
in the country, for 95 are still in active service. They are still seen on
the fast trains and are often used as pilots.
New engines for the Northern Counties Committee, Ireland.123-4.
The Midland Ry. had under construction at Derby Works two 4-4-0 type
passenger superheated engines for their Northern Counties line, Ireland.
The engines will be very similar to those at present in service there, but
are non-compound, and have the addition of the Schmidt superheater and its
special fittings. The superheater will have the patent header or collector
and bypass valves invented by Fowler. On account of water difficulties brass
tubes are found most satisfactory on this line, and these will be used in
this instance; steel tubes will, however, be used for the superheater. The
engines will have Laycock's system of carriage warming apparatus, Gresham
& Craven's injectors and ejectors, and the Ross patent safety valves,
thus following the usual practice on the line. The principal dimensions are
as follows:Boiler pressure 170 psi; cylinders, diameter 19-in.,
stroke 24-in.; wheels, driving 6-ft., bogie 3-ft. 8-in.; heating surface
986 ft2., superheater surface 275
ft2, grate area 18
ft2.; wheelbase 40-ft. 11-in.; tender, water capacity
2,090 gallons, coal capacity 5 tons. According to the present rate of progress
the engines should be delivered about the middle of the summer.
Indo-Ceylon railway connection. 124-6. 2 illustrations, map
On 24 February the new route between India and Ceylon was jointly
inaugurated by Lord Pentland, Governor of Madras, and Sir Robert Chalmers,
Governor of Ceylon. The Governor of Pondicherry (French), the Rajahs of
Puddakotta and Ramnad, and other notabilities, European and Indian, also
attended the celebration on the sacred island of Rameswaram, when the new
Indo-Ceylon connection was declared open, although through communication
for public travel did not commence until 1 March. Hitherto the mainland terminus
of the South Indian Ry. had been at Mandapam. The extension opened follows
the Tonitoral promontory about 1%#190; miles to Point Raman, where it crosses
the Pamban passage, first by a steel and cement viaduct, 1½ miles long,
built on a partly submerged reef, and then by a Scherzer rolling lift bridge
across the actual navigable channel to the Island of Rameswaram. The steel
girder bridge is made up of 145 4O-ft. spans, while the rolling lift bridge
consists of two cantilevers, each of 112½-ft., worked by high-geared
hand-winches. The railway on Rameswaram Island to Dhanushkodi was built several
years ago, for the pilgrim traffic to the great temple there. From Dhanushkodi
a new line bifurcates to two new jettiesnorth and southeach 710-ft.
long. The south pier is used in the north-east monsoon and the north pier
in the south-west monsoon. On the Ceylon side piers have been constructed
at Taliemanar on Manar Island to correspond with those at Dhanushkcdi.
At present the new route incurs changes from metre gauge railway cars to
a steamer, and transfer thence to broad gauge rolling stock; the South Indian
Ry. Line to the Indian terminal at Dhanushkodi is on the metre gauge, whilst
the 66 mile branch which the Ceylon Government Rys. have built from the northern
main line at Madawachi Junction to Talaimanaar is on the broad gauge (5-ft.
6-in.). The distance from Talaimanar to Colombo by rail is 208 miles. If
the newly-established arrangement develops sufficient traffic to warrant
the change, then it is understood a through physical connection of the broad
gauge railways will be undertaken.
Already the South Indian Ry. is proposing to re-convert the section between
Erode and Trichinopoly (see Locomotive Magazine, vol. 17, page 134), where
large shops are to be built to accommodate both broad and metre gauge
The next project is to link up Trichinopoly with Ranmad with a broad gauge
railway, forming a chord line between the two places named. The map shows
these lines. Conversion of the remaining- section recently opened will not
offer serious difficulties. For the present, between the S.I. terminus at
Dhanushkodi, and that of the C.G.R. at Talaimanaar, a distance of 23 miles,
three geared turbine steamers named Elgin, Curzon, and
Hardinge, in honour of the Viceroys in whose regime the scheme developed,
will maintain the service, occupying about an hour.
Alfred R. Bennett. The railways of the Channel Islands.
4.—The Alderney Ry. 126-8. 3 illustrations
Concluded from page 106. The Alderney breakwater was inaugurated in
1847. The railway extended the whole length of the breakwater to its base
at Fort Grosnez; then turned sharply south, skirted the harbour and continued
south-east and then east as far as the Admiralty quarry at Mannez, at the
east corner of the island, the total length of the line being rather over
two miles. During the building of the breakwater a short western branch was
laid from Fort Grosnez to Craby Bay to bring up shingle for the concrete
blocks, intended for the service of the breakwater only. The existence of
the railway fostered an export trade in granite.
The railway with its locomotives and rolling stock, is owned, worked and
maintained by the Admiralty, although it runs chiefly on land belonging to,
and leased from, the War Office. This was one of the few instances ol State-owned
railways in this country. The Woods and Forests Department, which acquired
the manorial rights in Alderney in 1825, charge harbour dues on shipping,
and royalty on stone quarried by private individuals on Crown land. About
one -sixth, at the eastern end, is of sandstone, the cleavage following an
almost straight line extending roughly S.S.W. across the island from Corblets
Bay. The Admiralty quarry at Mannez is consequently a sandstone one, and
its output is used principilly for " foreshoring," that is, for protecting
the foundations of the breakwater by depositing stone to seaward in order
to compensate for the destructive scourage due to the prevailing tremendous
currents. On the granite section of the island the railway served two quarries,
the products of which were conveyed to several crushing mills at the harbour,
where, after being reduced to road metal of different grades, and load ed
onto small steamers and sailing barges for carriage to England. No official
records of the original locomotives survived, but an old engine-driver still
living on the Island says they were six-coupled engines with four-wheeled
tenders, and named Veteran and Fairfield. Later, a small
four-wheels coupled tank, named Waverley was added. They were succeeded
at an unrecorded date by two six-coupled tank engines called
Bee and Spider, which in turn gave place to the present
About 1893 a four-wheeled geared engine, named Gillingham, built by
Aveling & Porter of Rochester (Figure 14), having cylinder and motion
mounted on the top of the boiler was received and put to work, but for some
reason not now remembered was returned to England after a time. Figurre 15
shows No. 1, an 0-6-0ST built by the Hunslet Engine Co., Leeds, in 1880 (Works
No. 231), with inside cylinders 13-in. by 18-in., and wheels 3-ft. 1-in.
in diameter. No. 2 (Figure 16), was built in 1898 by Peckett &
Co., Bristol (No. 686) is a four-wheels coupled saddle tank, 0-4-0ST-with
outside cylinders 12-in. by 18-in. and coupled wheels 2-ft. 9-in. in diameter.
The engine came to Alderney in 1904 from Portland. On 28 November 1911, it
was conveying a foreshoreing train along the breakwater in stormy weather
when the driver found that he could not prevent the locomotive
f alling into the raging sea beneath with the whole of the train, the
men jumping clear at the last moment. It lay submerged for several weeks
and was at last fished out by a salvage company for a fee of £200. The
chimney, dome cover, cab, side sheets and all exposed piping and fittings
were lost, while the smokebox and tank were indented and perforated ; but
all damage was made good in the Alderney railway workshops and she is now
running as shown in our illustration, which is from a photograph taken in
October, 1913. As a rule the two engines spent alternately a week in steam
and a week in the shed.
The locomotive history of the Cambrian Rys. 128-9.
2 illustraions
Aston 0-6-0 class of 1894
Numbers. | Makers | Works numbers | Date |
73 to 77 | Neilson & Co. | 4691-5 | 1894 |
78 to 80 | Vulcan Foundry | 1445-7 | 1895 |
81 & 82 | Neilson & Co. | 5401-2 | 1898 |
The cylinders, inclined 1 in 10 were 18 by 26-in., and the diameter
of the six coupled wheels was 5-ft 1½-in. The total wheelbase was 15-ft
3-in. The boiler barrel was 10-ft. 3-in. long, and contained 204 tubes of
1¾-in. external diameter, the heating surface being: tubes 986-2
ft2., firebox 98-3
ft2., total 1,084.5
ft2, grate area is 16½-
ft2., and the working pressure 160 psi. The engines
weighed 46 tons and the tenders 30 tons, the latter being similar to those
of the passenger engines. Nos. 75 and 77 of this class were concerned in
the fatal accident at Welshampton on 11 June 1897. In this case a return
excursion train from Barmouth to Royton (L & YR.),
in 1895 seven 0-4-4 bogie side tank engines, were delivered from the works
of Nasmyth, Wilson & Co. for working the newly-opened Ellesmere and Wrexham
line, and three more from the same firm in 1899. They all took the place
of old engines,
Number. | Makers' No. | Date |
3 | 460 | 1895 |
5 | 461 | 1895 |
7 | 462 | 1895 |
8 | 558 | 1899 |
9 | 559 | 1899 |
23 | 560 | 1899 |
They had 17 x 24-in cylinders inclined at 1 in 9; 5-ft 3-in coupled wheels; 3-ft 1½-in bogie wheels; 1010ft2. total heating surface, 13.3 ft2. grte area and 150 psi boiler pressure.
The last of the Dandies in England. 129-32.
3 illustrations
North British Railway horse-drawn Dandy cars on Port Carlisle branch.
See also letter from W.T. Thompson on page 184,
E.L. Ahrons. The early Great Western standard gauge
engines. Section II — The Shrewsbury and Birmingham Railway. 131-2. 2 illustrations (line drawings side elevations).
States that Marlow was appointed locomotive superintendent of the
Shrewsbury & Birmingham Railway at the Stafford Road works in Wolverhampton.
Robert Stephenson & Co. received an order for five four coupled outside
cyylinder locomotives and these were WN 711-12 and 747-9 (but only four were
delivered), but these were rebuilt at Wolverhampton as inside cylinder 0-4-2
freight engines. One, by then No. 33, was further rebuilt. Figs. 19 and 20
show the Wolverhampton modified engines.
Swedish hospital car. 132-3. illustration, diagram (side elevation
& plan)
Stockholm-Vesteras-Bergslagenes Ry. to reduce cost body formed from
two old four-wheeled vehicles. Acetylene gas was used for lighting and water
Personal. 133
Donald Fraser, who for the last 5 years has held the position of
locomotive superintendent of the Taokou-Chinghua lines of the Chinese Government
Railways, has been selected by the Director General of Railways for the position
of locomotive, carriage and wagon superintendent of the new Canton-Hankow
line of the Chinese Government Railways. Fraser was a pupil of F.W. Webb,
and went out to China ten years ago superintending the erection of
the first locomotives built in China.
Lapage, district locomotive superintendent of the L. & N. W. R., at
Longsight, Manchester, had been appointed works manager at Atbara, on the
Soudan Government Rlvs., and was succeeded bv Lawrence.
Dingley, district locomotive supt., Willesden, had been appointed road motor
supt., and was succeeded by A. McLellan, of Shrewsbury. Firbank, of Nuneaton,
took charge at Shrewsbury, and Alcock, from Rugby, went to Nuneaton.
Reviews. 134-5
Engineering workshop exercises. Ernest Pull. London : Whitaker
& Co.
This small handbook provides a series of workshop exercises, using
the tools and appliances found in the ordinary engineering shop. The author,
as workshop instructor at the L.C.C. School of Engineering, is fully alive
to the needs of students in this particular field, and his lessons are well
adapted to their requirements. The plan followed is to select a simple example
of general fitting or machine work and describe how it is to be worked up,
with the aid of illustrations, so that an intelligent beginner can easily
grasp the correct method of using tools. Attention is given to screw cutting
both by machine and by hand. At the end of the book are various useful notes
on materials, tables of weights of metals and alloys, physical properties
of metals, etc. underlying the design of details. The book is illustrated
with about 200 illustrations and four sheets of working drawings of the latest
Midland 4-4-0 superheater express engine as well as North Eastern 4-4-4 three
cylinder passenger tank locomotive.
The Newcastle and Gateshead Incorporated Chamber of Commerce Year Book
and Commercial Review; edited by Herbert Shaw,. London: Sells, Ltd.
The new edition of this useful year book has just been issued. Within
its 230 pages there is contained a mass of miscellaneous information likely
to be of use to commercial people, concerning the extensive industries carried
on in this district. Data regarding the resources of the locality, statistics,
etc., and articles on the business carried on in coal mining, shipping, iron
and steel manufacturing, shipbuilding and engineering, are given in the different
sections, being accompanied by useful maps of Newcastle, Wallsend, and the
Tyne from Newburn to the sea.
The development of British locomotive design.
E.L. Ahrons, Locomotive Publishing Co., Ltd. 222pp. diagram
The scope of this book is described by its title. In 1908-9 the author
contributed a series of articles to this Magazine dealing with the development
of locomotive details from an historical standpoint. These have been completely
revised and a large portion re-written for publication in book form, while
the modern details have received special attention, thus forming a most useful
epitome of so many points of locomotive practice and design, which are omitted
in English books of this kind. We feel sure this work will be welcomed by
locomotive men in this country and elsewhere as a means of explaining the
principles. The book is very well got up. Diagram of NER 4-4-4T from book
Railroad surveying. G.W. Pickels and C.C.
Wiley. London: Chapman & Hall, Ltd.
This little handbook gives the essentials of railroad surveying as
practised in America, in a lucid and concise form. It was written primarily
for the students at the University of Ilinois, but it should also appeal
to the professional surveyor. Among the features included are the following
:Preliminary location and construction and maintenance surveys, maps,
curvature and grades, curves, earthwork, location of track, crossings, etc.
A number of useful tables are included. The book is printed on thin, strong
paper and is well and neatly bound in leather
Modern railway working," vol. 7. London:
Gresham Publishing Co. 135
The seventh volume of this work contains the conclusion of the railway
mechanical and electrical engineering section, with chapters on signalling
and train control. The fourth and final section deals with railway economics.
The importance of this subject has now become recognised, and the twenty-two
chapters given in this volume are a valuable introduction to it. The working
of the goods department is described by H.W. Ede, the principles of goods
rates by H. L. Lister, and the economics of passenger traffic by F.J.C. Pole
(G.W.R.) and J. Holme. A description of the nature and growth of passenger
traffic, and the train services to cope with it, is followed by a chapter
on train operation, while the preparation of time tables, working arrangements
and statistics are thoroughly dealt with. The commercial aspect of railway
works considers the subjects of fares, cheap tickets, workmen's trains, etj.,
while the concluding section gives attention to advertising, canvassing and
other forms of inducing traffic. Reproductions of railway posters in colour
form the presentation plates. The volume, like its predecessors, is profusely
Mexican fuel oil. London: Anglo-Mexican Petroleum Products Co.,
Ltd. 135
Increasing demand for fuel oil as a steam raiser for railway and marine
purposes, as well as for industrial furnaces, gives this book present-day
importance. It goes far beyond the ordinary limitations of an advertising
publication. In the first chapter is given an account of the marvellous growth
of the Mexican oil industry, with an analysis of the oil fuel. The next is
devoted to its general advantages as fuel, with particulars of its calorific
value, storage, etc., with a concise description of the many burners now
on the market. Other chapters deal with the use of fuel oil in the Navy and
the mercantile marine, liquid fuel on the railways, and for stationary boilers,
with details of various oil furnaces. The appendix contains a number of useful
tables, heating value of oils, etc. The book is profusely illustrated.
Westinghouse Brake Co., Ltd., Kings Cross. 135
Latest catalogue of silent, rocker-joint, chain drives (Morse Patents).
This chain is of the inverted tooth type and runs on the wheels in the same
manner as a belt, viz., over the face of the wheel. The special feature is
the rockerjoint, made up of two pieces, the "seat-pin" and the " rocker-pin."
As the chain passes on and off the wheels the rocker-pin rocks or rolls on
the plane surface of the seat-pin, reducing wear to the minimum. It has a
wide range of service, the drives ranging from £ h.p. to 1,000 h.p.
It is now manufactured in ten different pitches, and in all widths up to
24-in. for individual chains. Illustrations of a large number of applications
are given.
Electric drive indrive in railway workshops. 135-7.
2 illustrations
Continued from page 116. It has
been found that for machines requiring 20 b.h.p. and upwards a motor for
each machine is most economical. The factors contributing to the consumption
of power in woodworking machines are the quantity of timber and its nature,
the depth of the cut or operation, the speed of the feed required, and the
condition of the saw tooth, planing irons, or other tools. In regard to the
latter, it will be found where methodical and correct records are kept, of
the power consumed by each machine, that not only will the figures serve
as a record of the powers, but comparisons may be made which will indicate
the speed on different timbers and operations, whether the machine is being
worked at its greatest efficiency, and, incidentally, whether the cutting
edges of the tools are in good condition. The importance of an early indication
of the tools being in bad condition cannot be over estimated. The power required
with a dull tool will rapidly increase, and frequently reaches 200 and 300
per cent, of the original power required by the machine when started with
the tool in good condition. A ready method of ascertaining the electrical
horse power consumption of any machine under load is to take the readings
of the voltage and amperes from the ammeter and voltmeter and multiply the
one by the other, subsequently dividing by the "constant" 746. To convert
this into b.h.p. a proper allowance must be made for the losses in the motor.
Generally, if a motor efficiency of about 85 per cent, is assumed, the result
may be regarded as on the safe side. The subject of controlling gear is an
extremely important one, though frequently ignored. It is not generally known
that the success or failure of electric driving depends almost entirely upon
the installation of suitable control gear. This lack of knowledge is partly
accounted for by the highly technical character of the subject, which has
prevented its essential details being much understood outside the shops where
such gear is manufactured. Illustration: John Pickles & Son, Hebden
Bridge log cutting macine; Robinson's Type MMM, specially built for cross
cutting heavy timbers in railway carriage and wagon shops.
Correspondence. 138
Charles Dickens and the railway. A.R.
I am inclined to agree with Clement Brewin that the described practice
at Giggleswick. (Dickens would have liked that name!), if at all common,
might account for the " boofer lady " incident. But the journey was in the
neighbourhood of London where I cannot, with a memory going back to the 1850s,
recollect a single instance of such a thing. Nor was it, I suspect, otherwise
than exceptional in the North. Bella's train apparently passed many signals,
so to justify the description it would be necessary to have a line on which
not only all the station signals but all intermediate ones as well were allowed
to be passed at danger ; and that, I feel pretty sure, never existed. Signals
in the South were by no means elementary in Dickens'time. On the L.B:
&S.C.R. they showed red, green and whitedanger, caution and
clearthe corresponding arms being horizontal, sloping and vertical,
the last being used when the previous train was belled as past the box in
advance. Even with permissive stops, when a train was signalled to pick up
passengers, a green light was, according to my observation, waved to bring
the driver past the red.
Atlantic type locos.— Egyptian State Rys. Vormals l. Schwartzkopff. (Berliner Mmaschinenbau-Actien-Gesellschaft)
In the article which appeared in the January issue on the Atlantic
type superheated steam express locomotives supplied by our firm to the Egyptian
State Railways we have said in the second paragraph that " these engines
have been constructed by our firm from its own designs but to the specification
of R.G. Peckitt, chief mechanical engineer of ihe Egyptian State Railways."
A third person now draws our attention to the fact that in England it is
not customary to speak of a manufacture from one's own drawings if in the
original enquiry the builder uas supplied by the mechanical department of
the railway with a blue print showing the design of the locomotive in question,
if he was also told the type of engine, type, dimensions and position of
cylinders, gear required, sizes of wheels, total weight of-engine and weight
of coupled wheels and size of tender, and if he was supplied, too, with a
design of the boiler to be fitted with a Schmidt superheater. This point
of view is something new to us, for in Germany the usual practice is to speak
of a manufacture from one's own designs if the builder must prepare the working
drawings himself and if he is not supplied with these by the railway
To avoid any misunderstanding and to hurt on no account, unintentionally,
the mechanical department of the Egyptian State Railways, in particular its
chief, Peckitt, vve hereby beg to ask you kindly to publish this letter in
the next issue of The Locomotive Magazine.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 138
Great Northern locomotives transferred to the South Eastern &
Chatham Ry. had the initials of this line painted on the tenders, and where
the numbers clash the letter " B" had been added.
A miniature locomotive. 139. illustration
The latest miniature locomotivefor we can no longer call them
modelsproduced by the well-known firm, Bassett-Lowke, Ltd., of Northampton,
is a splendid example of sound railway engineering -work. This little locomotive
has been designed to deal with the heaviest loads on a 15-in. gauge railway,
and performs its duties in an admirable manner, maintaining ample head of
steam under full load at highest speeds. At present this engine is the most
powerful is-in. gauge scale model locomotive in existence, and a few details
and leading dimensions will no doubt interest our readers. The cylinders
are best grain iron castings, 43/8-in. bore by 6¾-in.
stroke. The motion work is of steel throughout with hardened parts. The wheels
are steel castings with tyres shrunk on, the coupled wheels are 20-in. diameter,
bogie wheels 9½-in., tender wheels 10¼-in. The boilerconstructed
throughout in Bassett-Lowke's shops at Northampton was best mild steel plate;
the barrel had a mean diameter of 19½-in., with 41 fire tubes,
a grid superheater of ample capacity being situated in the smokebox. The
tender is of the double bogie type, with capacity for 65 gallons of water
and ample coal space. Hand brakes are fitted to the tender wheels, while
vacuum brakes are provided on the engine, the ejector being specially arranged
for braking throughout the train, and the tender is piped for the connections
to the passenger vehicles. Boiler fittings are ample and of generous dimensions
and include a "push and pull" steam regulator, water gauge, try cocks, steam
gauge, vacuum gauge, blower, two injectors with check valves and regulators,
while an automatic system of lubrication for the cylinders has been adopted.
The engine works at a pressure of 150 psi, measures 18-ft. 2-in. in
length, and weighs in running order approximately 3 tons. In service this
engine will deal with loads of 120 adult passengers with ease, and being
able to negotiate curves of 130-ft. radius can operate under restrictions
of space with conspicuous success. The illustration shows the owner, J.E.P.
Howey, and his locomotive John Anthony at his residence, Staughton
Manor, near St. Neots.
London & North Western electrification. 139
Electric trains commenced running regularly between Earl's Court and
Willesden (High Level) on 1 May. Pending completion of the L. & N.W.
stock, the cars had been borrowed from the District Ry., but the drivers
and conductors were L. &N.W. men. Current is taken from the District
and G.W. Rys., as the L. & N.W. generating station at Stonebridge Park
was not yet ready. Four trains per hour were run in each direction.
Catalogues received and trade notices. 139
The European agents of the Titanium Alloy Manufacturing Co., Messrs.
T. Rowlands & Co., Ltd., Sheffield, have sent us a series of sulphur
prints of railway sections showing the elimination of excessive segregation
in Titanium treated open hearth rails as compared with Standard open hearth
rails. This excessive segregation dangerously weakens the rails, as breakage
records of many railways corroborate. The increased wear of Titanium treated
rails has been demonstrated by many practical service tests in America.
Number 262 (15 June 1914)
Six-cylinder Mallet locomotive, Erie Railroad. 141.
2-8-8-8-2 compound with high pressure cylinders set in middle
New 2-6-0 mixed traffic engines, Great Northern Ry. 142. illustration, diagram (side & front elevations)
H3 class with larger boiler
New side tank engine, Great Northern Ry. (Ireland).
145-6. illustration, diagram (side elevation)
Five 4-4-2Ts with inside cylinders supplied by Beyer Peacock to Glover
Consolidation locomotive, Great Indian Peninsula Ry. 146.
2-8-0 supplied by Vulcan Foundry
Early tank engines of the Western of France Railway.
148. illustration, diagram (side elevation)
2-4-0T No. 329
Midland Ry. 141
In issue of February, 1913;
was illustrated Midland engine No. 483, rebuilt with
superheater. The following engines of this class had since been turned out
with superheaters, and the particulars which were the given are practically
the same for the whole of these engines: Nos. 483, 485 to 522, 525 to 530,
532 to 537, 539, 541 to 543, 546, 548, 549, 551 to 558, 560 to 562. These
engines were giving such satisfactory results that we understand the Midland
Ry. are contemplating fitting more engines of this same class with superheaters,
the Nos. of which will be 428 to 482. When the whole of the engines of this
class down for superheating are fitted, the numbers will run consecutivel
the from 403 to 562. In addition to these engines the Midland have fitted
compound engine No.. 1040 with superheater; and have at present order for
fitting compounds No. 1000 to 1004. Belpaire engines Nos. 700-709 also to
be equipped (four already done). Only freright lccomotives Nos. 3835 and
3836 fitted with superheaters.
Some fragmentary notes on N.E. Ry. engines, old and new. No.
IV. 149. 2 illustrations
Fletcher 2-4-0 Nos. 548 and 0-6-0 No. 119
2-6-4 tank locomotive, Berne-Neuchatel Railway. 150. illustration
Swiss Locomotive Works, Winterthur
Wallace Bentley. Locomotive boiler shop machine tools. 150-6. 8 illustrations
Cheshire Lines Committee. 156
Nine five coach trains built to Robinson design for express services
between Manchester and Liverpool: 50ft long coaches
The 7,000th locomotive, Hanover Locomotive Works. 157-8. 2 diagrams
(side elevations)
Decapod 0-10-0 for Prussian State Railways: one diagram shows 0-10-0
alongside 2-2-2 Ernst August (the first locomotive built at the
E.L. Ahrons. Feed water purifier, Hungarian State Railway locomotives. 158. diagram
Great Central Ry. 158
Fitting one of 4-6-2T with top feed apparatus to remove impurities
from feedwater
E.L. Ahrons. The early Great Western standard gauge engines. Section
II—The Shrewsbury and Birmingham Ry. 159-61. 7 diagrams (side
Stephenson WN 754/1849: 2-2-2 No, 3, later GWR No. 37 (Fig. 21). Fig.
22 shows Longridge & Co. 0-4-2 S&B No. 6 as running as 0-4-2ST No.
40 and as later renewed at Wolverhampton in 1862. Fig. 24 shows Longridge
0-4-2 (formerly S&B Nos. 7-10) as GWR No.41 with Gothic firebox. Fig.
25 shows one of the Longridge 0-6-0s of 1850 as GWR No. 46. Figs. 26 and
27 show Longridge locomotive No. 47 as rebuilt as 0-6-0ST at Wolverhampton
in 1868 and again in 1875..
P.C. Dewhurst. Locomotive practice on the Chilian
Transandine Ry. 161-9. 13 illustrations, map, table
Shows the railway when working with rack & adhesion locomotives
and rotary snowplughs. Interesting that a significant point on the former
line is Portillo (now a ski resort).. The Summit Tunnel was opened in 1910.
Table lists leading dimensions of locomotive stock.
Electric traction notes. 169-70.
The work and organization of the locomotive, carriage and wagon departments
of a small railway. 170-3.
Includes a management chart and notes on organization of forms
Earlier holidays on the East Coast. 173-4. illustration
Enhancements to Great Eastern Railway services to Yarmouth and Hunstanton
with dining car trains, including a late supper train to Clacton on Saturday
The Casey-Cavin air or steam reversing gear. 174-5.
Canadian Locomotive Company
Correspondence. 184
Last of the Dandies. W.B.
In your account of the" Last of the Dandies," on p. 129 of the "Locomotive
Magazine" for May, you say the Port Carlisle line was constructed on the
bed of an old canal which was opened as far back as 23 March 1793. On 6 April
1819, an Act of Parliament (;9 Geo. IlL, c. 13) was passed authorising the
"making and maintaining of a navigable canal from the City of Carlisle to
the Solway Frith"; and the later Act of 1853 (16 and 17 Vic. c. 119), by
which "for the benefit of the mortgagees and of the public" leave was given
to convert the canal to a railway, and expressly refers to the canal as having
been made under the powers granted in 1819. Possibly there was some earlier
and smaller canal made as early as 1793; if so, I should be much obliged
for any information with regard to it, as I have not been able to trace
Reviews. 184
Modern railway working. VoL 8. Edited by John
Macaulay, A.LC.E., assisted by Cyril Hall. London: The Gresham Publishing
Co. In 8 vols.
This volume completes the series. The section dealing with Railway
Economics is concluded by the Editor's article on the" Economics of Dock
Administration." Mr.A. D. Lomas, assistant land and rating surveyor of the
L. & Y. R. writes on " Railway Rating and Valuation." Then follows a
treatise on foreign, Indian, and colonial railways, based on researches made
by the Assistant Editor. This includes a quantity of statistical information
gathered from official sources .. An appendix at the end of the book on "The
Care of the Locomotive" includes a table of the time limits for the examination
of various parts of engines and tenders, as well as mileage limits.
The articles in the foreign section include Germany, France, Belgium, and
Switzerland. Separate chapters are also devoted to the railways of the United
States, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and India. There are numerous
illustrations of rolling stock and bridges as well as diagrams. A complete
index is also included. No less than 27 practical contributors have written
the various sections of this comprehensive work which is issued in eight
Railways of the world. Ernest Prothero. London: George Routledge &
Co. .
The versatile author of this book has collected a large amount of
interesting information regarding the locomotives and railways of the world
and has compiled his notes in a comprehensive style suitable for the general
reader. Sixteen coloured plates and 419 other illustrations accompanying
the 734 pages of matter, leaving very few phases of railway work without
It is impossible to give more than a general outline of the contents. The
opening chapters deal with the evolution of the locomotive. rolling stock
past and present, construction of the line, passenger and goods. traffic,
and the staff generally. Separate chapters are devoted to the leading home
railways and to the Scottish and Irish lines, as well as a section on railway
ships and docks. The remainder of the book comprises six chapters on the
railways of Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, Australia and
New Zealand, with a concluding review on electric railways. There is also
a very complete index. The book is very well got up and would make a fascinating
and instructive present for the rising generation.
Pigs is pigs. E.P. Butler. London: Hodder & Stoughton.
This little work is a humorous satire on the red-tape methods of some
American Express Companies. The story is well written, and concerns a dispute
regarding the charges for carriage on guinea pigs, between the official
representative of the Inter-urban Express Co., Mike Flannery, and the consignee,
Mr. Morehouse .. The question arose as to their correct classification, either
as "domestic pets" or "animals." Mr. Morehouse left the pigs in charge of
the Express Co. pending the lengthy investigations, with the result that
they multiplied to such an extent that they had to be dealt with in "wagon
loads," when the decision was arrived at.
The Great Western Railway Company. 184
Further order for six Edison-Buckwillter electric trucks with the
Railway Track Supply Co. (of Great Britain), This is the fourth order placed
by this railway for these economical machines. We understand that the G.
W. R. intend employing the trucks just ordered for railway platform service;
they have four in use at the Swindon works.
Number 264 (15 July 1914)
Superheater express locomotive, South Eastern &
Chatham Ry. 185. illustration
Nos. 772-781 built by Borsig of Berlin: No. 779 illustrated
The King's journey to Nottingham, June 24th 1914. 185
Engine used was Midland Railway No. 502: a 7ft superheated 4-4-0, but with
the number removed and replaced by the Royal cypher and "to be known as the
King's engine". The Midland Royal train aand pilot engines were distinguished
by a broad white band painted above the vermillion buffer plank.
Midland Ry. 185
Name Princess of Wales restored to No. 685, the Johnson 4-2-2 shown
at the Paris Exhibition of 1900.
Port of London Authority. 185
Six tank locomotives were under construction at the Hohenzollern Works
in Dusseldorf.
Midland & Great Northern Joint Ry. 185.
No. 24, an outside-cylinder 4-4-0 supplied by Beyer Peacock had been
rebuilt at Melton Constable Woarks with a larger boiler and new cab.
London & North Western Ry. 186
A new series of 0-8-0 superheater goods would shortly be turned out
from the Crewe Works, Nos. 108, 175, 351, 965, 1142, 1485, 2058, 2237, 2336
and 2337. Like the previous ten engines of the same type, these were fitted
with the automatic vacuum brake and piston valves.
Nos. 310 Achilles, 1469 Tantalus (Precursor class), had been
altered to superheaters and provided with piston valves. No. 2151
Newcomen (Queen Mary class) had also been altered to a superheater.
Among recent engines to be altered for motor train working was No. 597, a
4-ft. 3-in. 0-6-2 coal side tank engine.
The 6-ft. 6-in. Jumbo, No. 1745 (previously named John Bright) new
name Glowworm.
The 4-ft. 6-in. passenger tank, No. 1181, was sold to the Cardiff Ry., not
the Cambrian, as stated in the May issue of the Locomotive. One of
the 6-ft. Jumbos, No. 2156 Sphinx, was to take the place of the old
6-ft. passenger engine Engineer, Manchester, which had been broken
Great Western Ry. 186
New 4-6-0 four-cylinder express engines completed at Swindon shops
were Nos. 4053 Princess Alexandra, 4054 Princess Charlotte,
4055 Princess Sophia,4056 Princess Margaret, 4057
Princess Elizabeth, 4058 Princess Augusta. No. 3412 (formerly
3702) 4-4-0 tender engine had been named John G, Griffiths, and No.
3413 (formerly 3703) had been named James Mason. Both names were formerly
on the 7-ft. 8-in. singles. The engines concerned in the recent accident
at Reading, when driver Young was killed, were 3816 County of Leicester
on the Worcester express, and 3387 Reading (formerly 3449) on
the race special. On 16 June five specials (four passenger and one
mail) were run from Fishguard Harbour to Paddington off the new Cunard Liner
Great Northern Ry. of Ireland. 186
Five new side tank engines were numbered 185-189: Beyer, Peacock WN
5737-5741 of 1913.
Canadian Pacific Ry. 186
LocomotiveNo: 1. In front of the C.P.R. station at Winnipeg
was placed the first locomotive that came to that city. This interesting
engine was built by the Baldwin Locomotive Works, and brought by barge up
the Red River from the Northern Pacific Ry. and landed on the east bank of
the river at Winnipeg. It was used in the construction of the Canadian Pacific
line in the late 1870s, and was then used on light trains by the railway
for several years. It was sold later to the Mackenzie & Mann Co., and
then used in the lumbering business in British Columbia. The Winnipeg
Municipality bought the engine in 1909, and placed it in its present position
in William Whyte Park, opposite the C.P.R. depot.
Great Eastern Ry. 186
The following 4-4-0 engines (T19 class) rebuilt with superheaters:
707, 718, 719, 728, 735, 748, 751, 775, 777, 1016 and 1023.
Taff Vale Ry. 186
Contracted with the Hanover Locomotive Works, Linden, Hanover, for
six tank locomotives .
Railway Club Visit, Blakesley Hall. 186
By the invitation of C.W. Bartholomew, Vice-President, on Saturday,
20 June, a party of about 40 members and friends were enabled to inspect
the interesting 15-in. gauge railway in the grounds of Blakesley Hall, near
Towcester. The locomotive used was the fine 4-4-4 petrol driven side tank
Blacolvesley, built by Bassett-Lowke, Ltd. There were also a small
4-4-0 American steam loco. and another petrol loco.
Compound passenger tank locomotive, Chemin de Fer de P.L.M. 187. diagram
(side elevation)
Indian notes. 188. illustration
Great Indian Peninsular Railway had provided a ten vehicle ambulance
train for a military exercise involving 20,000 British and Indian troops
at Kirkee (Poona).
Baltic Exhibition, Malmo. 188.
Catalogue, in German, of railway exhibits, both full size and
Metropolitan District Ry. 188
The 08.50 Ealing to Mansion House had been extended to ten cars to
accommodate season ticket holders
New engines for the Uganda Railway. 189-90. 3 illustrations, 2 diagrams
(side & front elevations)
Supplied by North British Locomotive Co. for metre gauge: 0-6-6-0
Mallet compound with 3ft 3in coupled wheels; and by Nasmyth, Willson &
Co.: three 2-6-2Ts anf five 2-6-4Ts
E.L. Ahrons. The early Great Western standard gauge engines. Section
II — The Shrewsbury and Birmingham Ry. 190-2. 5 diagrams (side elevation
Stephenson & Co. WN 716-20 0-6-0 were built in 1849: one was sold
to the Shrewsbury & Chester and eventually became GWR No. 28. The others
became GWR Nos. 50 to 53. Three express engines Passed from the S&BR
to the GWR: an E.B. Wilson Jenny Lind type 2-2-2 originally named
Salopian. It became No. 54 and had 6ft 6in driving wheels. Fairbairn
double-frame 2-2-2 had smaller (5ft 6in or 8im) driving wheels and was an
enlarged Sharp type named Vulcan and became No. 55. No. 56 Wrekin was amongst
the final output from Bury, Curtis & Kennedy in July 1850. It had bar
frrames and a complex arrangement of feed pipes from the pumps. The last
locomotive described was an 0-4-0T supplied by Sharp Stewart WN 756/1853
and was identical to one built for th Monkland Railway: it appears to have
been ordered by the Shrewsbury Carriage Co...
The work and organization of the locomotive, carriage and wagon departments
of a small railway. 192-4.
Drawing office; stock books, ledgers of drawings, duties of chief
The locomotive history of the Cambrian Rys. 194-5.. 2 illustrations
H. Jones designs: 0-6-0 with Belpaire fireboxes built by R. Stephenson
& Co. in 1903 (WN 3089-93) and given running numbers 89-93. In 1908 a
further five were supplied by Beyer Peacock (WN 5029-33): their initial running
numbers were quickly changed to 99-102 and 38 (but not in sequence with their
Works numbers. This series had minor modifications compared with the original:
No. 31 (subsequently No. 100) is shown in Fig. 25.. Five expressac 4-4-0
with 6ft coupled wheels were supplied by R. Stephenson & Co. in 1904
(WN 3131-5. In 1911 the moribund Mawddwy Railway was taken over. Two Manning
Wardle 0-6-0STs were taken over: Mawddwy (WN 140/1864) and Disraeli (WN
268/1868): the former received CR No. 30; the latter was broken up. The livery
was black lined with gambodge bands edged with vermillion. The wheels were
picked out with vermillion lines. Passenger engines and a few goods engines
had the Company's arms on the driving splahers.
The West Somerset Mineral Railway. 196-8. 2 illustrations, 3
diagrams (including 2 side elevations)
During construction on 22 August 1857 there was a very serious fatal
accident involving a head-on collision on the single track between Washford
and Watchet. There was a 1 in 4 incline at Brendon to take the line up tto
the iron ore mines at Gupworthy. The line was owned by the Ebbw Vale Co.
Locomotives included Sharp Stewart 0-6-0ST WN 995-6/1857: these were fitted
with steam driers. Two further Sharp Stewart 0-6-0ST were obtained to a different
design and were named Atlas and Pontypool. The line closed
in 1898
E.L. Ahrons. An early German "top feed" for boilers. 198-9.
Designed by Wagner in 1863 on locomotives of the Berdisch-Markischer
Rly and illustrated on 2-4-0 Havel
First railway in Iceland. 199
Proposal for narrow gauge railway to run from Reykjavik to Rangavalle
through fertile Thingvalla districct
Great North of Scotland Ry. 199
Two tank locomotives to handle fish traffic at Aberdeen Harbour ordered
from Manning Wardle & Co.
Wallace Bentley. Locomotive boiler shop machine tools. 199-203. 6
Massive four roll plate bending machines manaufactured by Scriven
& Co. of Leeds and Craig & Donald Ltd. of Johnstone; vertical bending
rolls from Thomas. Shanks & Co. of Johnstone; radial drilling and tapping
machines from William. Asquith of Halifax and boiler shell drilling machine
from Campbells & Hunter Ltd. of Leeds
Grinding. 203-4. illustration
Kendal & Gent Ltd. Manchester
North Eastern Railway. Quintuple bolster wagon. 205. illustration,
diagram, plan
Bogie wagon designed to transport rail from the rolling mills in the
Middlesbrough district
Electric drive in railway workshops. 206-7. illustration
Presentation to Mr. W.J. Galloway. 207.
In respect of conducting concert at Royal Albert Hall for Railway
Benevolent Fund
Correspondence. 207
[Pacific type express engines]. Eugene Teleki
Letter writer was a Hungarian Count. In the
November 1913 issue of the Locomotive Magazine, the Count read with
interest an article about the new Pacific type express engine of the Roumanian
State Railways, built by Maffei, Munich. It is stated that the boiler
of this locomotive has the largest heating surface of any European Pacific
engines. May I draw your attention to the fact that this is not so, for the
Pacific type engines of the Royal Hungarian State Railways have a total heating
surface of 333.54- sq. metres (3,590 sq. ft.), thus surpassing the heating
surface of the Roumanian locomotives by 217 sq. ft.
Here I must correct two errors I detected in the publication about these
Hungarian Pacific locomotives on p. 33, vol. 19 of the" Locomotive Magazine."
Where the total heating surface of the boiler is said to be 2,819 sq. ft.,
this is right, but it means only the surface of firebox and tubes, without
superheater. The heating surface of the superheater is an extra 7 I .64 sq.
metres (771 sq. ft.}, which makes the total of 3,590 sq. ft. . The grate
area of these locomotives is not 4.7 sq. metres as stated in the description,
but 4.84 sq. metres (52.15 sq. ft.). It is interesting to note that this
superheater has 32 smoke tubes of 5-in. dia., as far as I know, the largest
number yet in use on any European locomotive. A short time ago a new type
of 2-6-6-0 heavy Mallet locomotives left the workshops of the Royal Hungarian
State Railways at Kobanya, which are the heaviest and most powerful locomotives
in Europe. Some of the leading particulars are: Weight, empty, 96.39 tonnes;
weight in working order, 106.54 tonnes; total wheel-base, 45 ft.; diameter
of low pressure cylinders, 31½-in. The boiler is fitted with a water
tube firebox of Brotan type, a most effective feed-water cleaner and heater
combined, the invention of Cornelius Petz, mechanical engineer of the Royal
Hungarian Satate Railways, and a Schmidt superheater with 36 smoke tubes.
These locomotives were destined to haul heavy passenger and goods trains
over the steep gradients between Fiume-Skad on the Fiume-Zagrab-Budapest
line of the R.H.St. Rys.
Reviews. 207
Practical calculations for engineers. C.E. Larard, and H. A.
Golding. London: Charles Griffin & Co., Ltd.
This simply written and practical manual is intended primarily for
engineering students, but of course its usefulness is by no means confined
to such.
Number 264 (15 August 1914)
New engines for the Furness Ry. 209-10. 3 illustrations.
North British Locomotive Co. 0-6-0 Nos. 27-8 working between Barrow
and Workington; Kitson 0-6-2T Nos. 92-3 working on the Cleator & Workington
Junction Railway; NBL 4-4-0 Nos. 132-3 working from Carnforth to Whitehaven.
0-4-0 tender locomotives built by Sharp Stewart renumbered 27A and 28A; Nos.
92-3 (16in goods engines renumbered 75 and 77. The new locomotives listed
shared the same boilers and cylinders.
Rebuilt passenger enginges for the Somerset and Dorset Joint Ry. 210
London & North Western Ry. 210
The latest 0-8-0 mineral engines (Schmidt superheater) built at Crewe
are Nos. 48, 62, 72, 99 and 2156. A new series of 4-6-0 four-cylinder passenger
engines (Claughton class) were in hand, the first of which was No. 250 J.A.
Bright. The latest engines to be altered to superheaters were No. 301
Leviathan (Precursor class), and 2507 " Miles Mac Innes " (" Queen
Mary" class). Only three of the Queen Mary class remained, viz., Nos. 238,
1195, and 2512. A further series of George the Fifths would be put in hand
at Crewe.
The new engines constructed at the Crewe Works during the half-year ended
30 June comprised 14 Prince of Wales passenger engines, and 21 0-8-0 superheater
goods. The total out-put for the year would be 70 new engines. No. 1131 was
latest 4-6-0 four-cylinder goods engine to be withdrawn from service.
Highland Ry. 210
Nos. 60 Ben Bhreac Mohr and 64 Ben Mholach,
Drummond's large 4-4-0 engines, had been fitted with Smith's arrangement
of feed water heater.
Railway exhibits at the Anglo-American Exposition, White City, Shepherd's Bush. 211
Reviews. 211
Train lighting bv electricity. London: The Locomotive Publishing Co., Ltd.
2-8-2 tank locomotives for the Dutch State Railways. 213.
Supplied by Hohenzollern Locomotive Works of Dusseldorf to design
of S.E. Haagsma, Locomotive Superintendent, Dutch State Railways.
E.L. Ahrons. The early Great Western standard gauge
engines. Section III. 1855-1859. 213-15. 5 diagrams (side elevation
The 56 engines taken over from the Shrewsbury & Chester and the
Shrewsbury & Birmingham railways were found to be insufficient in number
to work the traffic satisfactorily, so that an increase in the narrow gauge
locomotive stock was found to be almost immediately necessary. It was decided
that as the G.W.R. had their own locomotive building establishment at Swindon,
a portion at least of the new engines should be built there. When ready for
delivery they were loaded on to special broad gauge trucks and despatched
to Wolverhampton. A narrow gauge engine in those days was anathema to the
Swindon people, so that, having loaded up and sent off their engine, they
did not wish to see it again, and as there were no standard gauge rails into
Swindon until 1870, it was many years before they did so. The first to be
built there were goods engines Nos. 57 to 68 (Fig. 33), of which 57 to 66
were turned out between May and December, 1865, and 67 and 68 in January,
The general dimensions were as follows: Cylinders 15½-in. by 22-in.;
coupled wheels 5-ft. dia. ; wheelbase L to D 8-ft, D to T 7-ft. 6-in.; boiler
11-ft. long by 4-ft. dia., with 193 2-in. tubes. Total heating surface
1111.8 ft2., of which the tubes supplied 1002
ft2. Total weight 29 tons 12 cwt.
From Fig. 33 it will be seen that these engines nad all the features of Gooch's
design, such as the well-known slotted sandwich frames, Gooch's stationary
link motion, and the domeless boiler with the Gooch pattern of brass safety
valve cover on the firebox. These latter were popularly known in the early
Swindon days as "squashed bonnet boxes."
Strictly speaking only one of these engines was "rebuilt," viz., No. 57 at
Wolverhampton in November, 1870, when the cylinders were enlarged to
16-in. by 24-in. The boiler was 4-ft. dia., and contained 164 2-in.
and 14 1¾-in. tubes.
The other engines were renewed, i.e., although possessing the principal outward
features of the old engines, the frames, motion, etc., were new, and in their
later condition they are illustrated as No. 58 in Fig. 34. No. 63 came out
in 1873, Nos. 59 and 68 in 1874, and Nos. 58, 61, 62, 64, 65 and 66 in 1875.
The cylinders were 17-in. by 24-in. The wheelbase was increased from 15-ft.
6-in. to 15-ft. 8-in., necessitating new frames which were of a slightly
different shape. The motion was entirely new, and Stephenson's link was
substituted for Gooch's motion. The boiler was of the standard Wolverhampton
pattern with flush firebox, and contained 248 15/8-in. tubes,
giving a heating surface of 1188 ft2, to which
99 ft2. of firebox surface has to be added, making
a total of 1287 ft2 The weight was 32½ tons.
Engines Nos. 60 (1876) and 67 (1877) were renewed as saddle tank engines,
and not as tender engines. Their appearance was very similar to that of the
119 class to be illustrated later, except that Nos. 60 and 67 had 5-ft. wheels.
Moreover these two engines were supplied with cylinders 18-in. dia. by 24-in.
stroke, and larger boilers 4-ft. 5-in. dia., which, however, had only
24015/8-in. tubes. The total heating surface was 1212
ft2., of which the tubes gave 1100
No. 67 was altered to a tender engine in November, 1886, and No. 60 was similarly
treated in January, 1887. Of the other 1873-75 renewals, six were rebuilt
at Wolverhampton with boilers almost exactly similar to their previous ones,
viz., Nos. 63 (1884), 58 (1886), 59 and 61 (1888), 62 (1890), and 64 (1891),
and No. 57 was also renewed in January, 1890, the same as the rest of the
The rebuilds of later date present a diversity of boilers. No. 66, rebuilt
in 1892, had a Swindon built boiler with flush firebox and a very large dome.
Nos. 65 and 68 (1893), 60 and 62 (1894), had the later pattern of Wolverhampton
boilers, with the raised fireboxes introduced at that time, as also had No.
67 (rebuilt 1896). No. 57 was afterwards rebuilt as in Fig. 35, with a large
boiler and Belpaire firebox. The wheels of this (and also of the others)
were increased to 5-ft. 2-in. dia. by the substitution of thicker tyres,
and the frames were at the same time strengthened by the use of deep tie
bars in place of the old circular tie rods connecting the horn plates. The
Belpaire boiler was pitched with its centre 7-ft. from the rails, and had
249 1¾-in. tubes, the heating surface of which was 1285.6
ft2., and the firebox added 107.7
ft2, total 1393.3
ft2. The grate area was increased from 16.5
ft2 to 17.33 ft2, and
the weight became 39 tons 3 cwt. Pressure 150 psi. Of the Nos. 57 to 68 class
only three remained at work in the spring of 1913, Nos. 58, 60 and 65. The
others were broken up as follows : No. 61 in 1908, Nos. 62, 64, 67 and 68
in 1911,. and Nos. 57, 59, 63 and 66 in 1912.
Whilst the above engines were under construction at Swindon eight express
passenger engines (Fig. 36) were at the same time constructed by Beyer, Peacock
& Co.. of Manchester. These were as follows :
No. 69 WN 1/1855: July
No. 70 WN 2/1855: August
No, 71 WN 3/1855: August
No. 72 WN 4/1855 September
No. 73 WN 15/1856 March
Nos. 74-6 WN 16-18/April 1856
Nos. 69 to 72 are noteworthy as being the first engines constructed by Beyer,
Peacock & Co., and they were also the first standard gauge passenger
engines built to the G.W.R. Company's own designs, The cylinders were
15½-in. by 22-in., driving wheels 6-ft. 6-in., leading and trailing
wheels 4-ft.; wheelbase, leading to driving 8-ft., driving to trailing 7-ft.
6-in., total 15-ft. 6-in. ; the boiler, 4-ft. dia., contained 193 2-in. tubes,
and had a total heating surface of 1112 ft2. They
had Gooch's link motion, and broad brass bands round the driving splashers-
For a time these engines ran between Wolverhampton and Chester, and No. 72
was the train engine, which with No. 5 as leading engine, ran off the road
in 1865, near Rednal. When the third or narrow gauge rail was laid into London,
Nos. 69 to 76 were put to work on the fast trains between Wolverhampton and
Paddington. The first standard gauge train was worked out ot Paddington to
Oxford on 1 October ist, 1861, by No. 75, and the train was taken on
thence to Birmingham by No. 76.
These engines remained at work as originally built until 1872 to 1875, when
they were completely renewed at Wolverhampton, as shown in Fig. 37. Nothing
of the original engines remained. The cylinders were enlarged, the wheelbase
lengthened considerably, which increase in length involved new frames. The
Gooch link motion disappeared and Stephenson's shifting link motion was
substituted for it. Even the wheel centres, which the writer thought had
been used again, he finds were entirely new, and had a different number of
spokes. Hence the No. 69 to 76 class must be taken as built at Wolverhampton
in 1872 to 1875, though owiner to some early clerical misunderstanding the
official lists gave the renewed engines as if they had been the Beyer, Peacock
engines of 1855-56. The dates of the new engines were as follows :
No. of Engine | Date of Construction | Date of Rebuild |
75 | April 1872 | September 1893 |
70 | August 1872 (203)* | January 1889 |
74 | September 1872 (204)* | July 1888 |
71 | November 1873 | March 1889 |
69 | January 1874 | December 1885 |
72 | April 1874 | December 1887 |
76 | July 1874 | August 1893 |
73 | January 1875 | July, 1891 |
* Nos. 70 and 74 bore Wolverhampton Works Nos. 203 and 204.
As renewed they had the following dimensions : Cylinders 17-in. by 24-in.,
driving wheels 6-ft. 6-in., leading and trailing wheels 4-ft.; wheelbase,
leading to driving 9-ft., driving to trailing 8-ft., total 17-ft. The boiler
was of very generous proportions, and this accounts to some extent for their
great success, as they were always favourites with the drivers There were
252 15/8-in. tubes giving a heating surface of 1,206
ft2, the total heating surface being 1304
ft2 Weight in working order on leading wheels 9
tons 14 cwt, on driving wheels 14 tons, on trailing wheels 8 tons total 31
tons 14 cwt.
Highland Railway. 215
Traffic over the Carr Bridge direct line was resumed on July i3th.
This line was closed on June i8th owing to the total destruction of the arch
bridge over the Baddengorm Burn, near Carr Bridge, by a cloud burst. The
foundations and abutments for the new bridge were at once put in hand, and
work proceeded continuously day and night. The steel work for the new bridge,
26-ft. 6-in. span, was constructed and loaded up at Motherwell in one week,
the girders placed in position on 6 July, and everything completed a few
days after.
4-8-0 two-cylinder simple tank locomotive, Chemin de Fer du Midi. 216-17. illustration, diagram (side elevation)
Electric traction notes. 217-18
Tests conducted by Murray on the New York, New Haven & Hartford
Railroad had shown that electric traction was better for shunting than steam
due to the high proportion of standing (37%)
Electrification of the Gothard Ry. 218
A start was being made with the 68 mile section from Erstfeld to
Bellinzona which includes 1 in 40 gradients. The work included the construction
of hydraulic power stations with Pelton wheels
The locomotive history of the Cambrian Rys. 221-2.
3 illustrations
The narrow gauge lines: Welshpool and Llanfair (No. 1 The Earl
illustrated) and the Vale of Rheidol: latter with Davies & Metcalfe
2-6-2Ts (Edward VII illustrated) and Bagnall 2-4-0T WN 1497 Rheidol
(illustrated on train at Aberystwyth
Great Central Ry. 222
Superheated 2-8-0 Nos. 385-99 werer being built at Gorton; work on
a powerful 2-6-4T was in hand. Three Glenalmond class Nos. 439, 440 and 441.
Six coupled tank enine No, 2177
Recent colliery locomotives. 222-3. 3 illustrations
Manning Wardle six-coupled: 0-6-0ST for Frodingham Iron & Steel
Co. at Scunthorpe; WN 1813 side tank for J. Lancaster & Son of Cardiff
for Blaina Collieries fitted with vacuum brake for hauling colliers' trains;
and WN 1814 saddle tank for Walter Scott's Leeds Steel Works
Great North of Scotland Ry. 223
Two standard 4-4-0 locomotives nearing completion at Inverurie Works:
No. 32 nearly ready. Sliight modification to livery: wheels black without
lining and leading footsteps also black. Shunting at Keith still performed
by outside-cylinder four wheeled well-tank No. 13A built to D.K. Clark 1855
design. Claimed oldest locomotive still at work, but see
Wallace Bentley. Locomotive boiler shop machine tools. 224-6. 3 illustrations
The work and organization of the locomotive, carriage and wagon departments of a small railway. 227-8
Steel carriages. 228-32. 3 illustrations, 3 diagrams
Illustrations: alll built by the Leeds Forge Co., Ltd: all-steel motor
car for Bakerloo Tube, Underground Electric Rys. of London; all steel third
class car for the Great Indian Peninsula Ry. and.metre gauge steel framed
carriage, South Indian Ry. The diagrams relate to the Bakerloo Line car.
No. 265 (15 September 1914)
Consolidation goods locomotive. Begal Nagpur Ry. 233. illustration,
diagram (side elevation)
Sir John Wolfe Barrry & Partners prvided details of 75 locomotives
supplied by North British Locomotive Co. and Robert Stephenson & Co.
of superherated 2-8-0 with large (32ft2) firebox.
Midland Ry. 233
See 223: 0-6-0 Nos. 2300-2307 and
2309-2316, built in 1850, 8152, 1853 and 1854 were older than GNoSR and Waterford
& Tramore Ry. engines mentioned
Steam tender locomotive, Cordoba & Belmez Railway,
Spain. 237. diagram (side elevation)
Built by Neilson & Co., Glasgow in 1869 for 5ft 6in line with
1 in 33 gradients: 0-6-0 with 0-6-0 tender (both with outside cylinders):
main dimensions given.
Narrow gauge loco. for Ceylon. 237-8. illustration
W.G. Bagnall 0-4-0T supplied through Crown Agents for the Colonies.
Fitted with Bagnall & Price valve gear.
Great Northern Railway. Cuffley to Stevenage new line.
240-2. 4 illustrations
Work was under way on this line and it states that entry to the route
at Wood Green "would be via a burrowing junction" and that four tracks would
have been provided from there to Gordon Hill for which Parliamentary powers
were being sought". The contractors for the works in progress were H. Arnold
& Son for the section to Hertford and R. MacAlpine for the northern section.
The locomotives being used by both contractors are listed:
RN or name | type | manufacturer | date |
0-6-0ST o/c | Hudswell Clarke & Rogers | 1878 |
0-4-0ST o/c | Hudswell Clarke & Co. | 1899 |
Dunalister |
0-4-0ST o/c | Hudswell Clarke & Co. | 1899 |
3 |
0-4-0ST o/c | Hudswell Clarke & Co. | 1901 |
Bowdon |
0-6-0ST i/c | Hudswell Clarke & Co. | 1909r |
0-6-0ST i/c | Hudswell Clarke & Co. | 1903 |
0-6-0ST i/c | Hudswell Clarke & Co. | 1905 |
0-6-0ST i/c | Hudswell Clarke & Co. | 1909 |
30 |
0-6-0ST i/c | Hudswell Clarke & Co. | 1912* |
31 |
0-6-0ST i/c | Hudswell Clarke & Co. | 1913 |
32 |
0-6-0ST i/c | Hudswell Clarke & Co. | 1913 |
33 |
0-6-0ST i/c | Hudswell Clarke & Co. | 1913 |
0-6-0ST i/c | Manning, Wardle & Co. | 1890 |
Gerrards Cross |
0-6-0ST i/c | Manning, Wardle & Co. | 1902 |
H. Arnold locomotives:
RN or name | type | manufacturer | date |
0-6-0ST o/c | Black, Hawthorn & Co | 1890 |
Sherman |
0-4-0ST o/c | Peckett & Co, | 1900 |
Crich |
0-4-0ST o/c | Hudswell Clarke & Co. | |
Fulwood |
0-6-0ST i/c | Hunslet Engine Co. | 1912r* |
0-4-0ST o/c | Manning, Wardle & Co. | 1895 |
Birkenhead |
0-4-0ST i/c | Manning, Wardle & Co. | 1901* |
0-4-0ST i/c | Manning, Wardle & Co. | 1903 |
0-4-0ST i/c | Manning, Wardle & Co. | 1913 |
where o/c implies outside cylinders and i/c inside cylinders and an asterisk in date column means photograph of locomotive and an r implies a rebuilding date. Further information see next volume page 215
The work and organization of the locomotive, carriage and wagon departments of a small railway. 242-4. diagram, plan
Car ferry steamer. 244
Speed trials completed for Cammell, Laird & Co. of Birkenhead
for train-ferry and ice-breaking steamer to be supplied to the Trans-Continental
Railway of Canada tgo opersate on St. Lawrence River between Quebec and Levis.
Deck could be raised or lowered to cope with tide.
Electric traction on the Spiez-Brigue Division of the
Berne-Lötschberg-Simplon line. 245-6. 2 illustrations
Operating at 15,000V supplied from a pair of hydro-electric power
stations the 1-E-1 locomotives fitted Oerlikon motors.
Great Eastern Railway hospital ambulance train. 246-50. 4 illustrations,
diagram (side elevation), plan
Converted from corridor passenger stock
Brake vans for goods trains, Belgian State Railways: "Type Flamme". 251. diagram (side & front elevations), plan
Wallace Bentley. Locomotive boiler shop machine tools. 251-4. 3 illustrations
No. 266 (15 October 1914)
New locomotives, Great Southern & Western Ry. of
Ireland. 258-9. 2 diagrams (side elevations)
Watson four-cylinder 4-6-0 and inside cylinder 4-8-0T
New mineral tank engine, G.C.R. 258-9. diagram
(side elevation)
Robinson 2-6-4T designed to haul heavy coal ttraffic from North
Nottighmashire to docks at Grimsby and Immingham.
[Central Essex Light Ry.]. 259
Contract signed for construction which would have formed an extension
of Ongar branch.
Great Western Ry. express engines, "Princess" class.
260. diagram (side elevation)
Churchward Star class: Nos. 4046 Princess Mary, 4047 Princess
Louise, 4048 Princess Victoria, 4049 Princess Maud, 4050
Princess Alice, 4051 Princess Helena, 4052 Princess
Beatrice, 4053 Princess Alexandra, 4054 Princess Charlotte,
4055 Princess Sophia, 4056 Princess Margaret, 4057 Princess
Elizabeth, 4058 Princess Augusta, 4059 Princess Patricia,
4060 Princess Eugenie. Also new 2-8-0T Nos. 4232-9. No. 4017 Knight
of the Black Eagle renamed Knight of Liége . 4-4-0
No. 3415 named George A.
London and North Western Ry. 260
A further three engines of the four-cylinder Claughton class have
been completed at Crewe: Nos. 209 J. Bruce Ismay, 668 Rupert
Guinness, and 856 E. Tootal Broadhurst. The remaining two engines
of the series were also nearly complete, the last of which to bear the name
Lord Kitchener. Nos. 2094 and 2224 were the latest 0-8-0 mineral engines
(Schmidt superheater) to be turned out. No. 372 Germanic, of the
Experiment class, was running with the additional name Belgic, .which
is affixed above the old name-plates on the driving-wheel splashers. The
old name, however, appears with a thick red line drawn across same, obviously
indicating that it is now cancelled. A new series of 4-4-0 passenger engines
of the George the Fifth class was to have shortly been put in hand at the
Crewe Works, but are not to be proceeded with, all new work being for the
present cancelled. No. 1905 Black Diamond (Jubilee class) had been
converted to simple, with two inside cylinders 18½-in. stroke by 24-in.
diameter, and No. 2515, 4-ft. 6-in. passenger tank had been altered for motor
train work.
Tank locomotive, Bombay Port Trust. 261. illustration, diagram (side
& front elevations)
2-6-0T for Indiaan standard gauge (5ft 6in) supplied by Nasmyth, Wilson
& Co,
Swedish State Rys. 261
Using pulverised peat on one locomotive working between Stockholm
and Upsala.
Recent locomotives for the Bone-Guelma Ry. 262-3. 2 illustrations,
diagram (side elevation)
North African railway partly in Algeria and partly in Tunisia: 2-10-0
for standard gauge freight trains. Metre gauge 4-6-2 for passenger work
Escalators. 263
Between Metropolitan and Bakerloo Railways at Baker Street
The work and organization of the locomotive, carriage and wagon departments
of a small railway. 263-5.
Cleaning sheds where motion parts were sent for cleaning in hot detergent
to remove grease. Locomotive erecting shops.
E.L. Ahrons. The early Great Western standard gauge engines. Section
III — 1855—1859. 265-7. 8 diagrams (side elevation drawings)
Goods engines Nos. 77 and 78 supplied in May 1857 by Beyer Peacock
WN 66-7. Fig. 43. they had 5ft. coupled wheels; 16 x 24in cylinders,
1250ft2 total heating surface and operated at 140 psi. They were
rebuilt at Wolverhampton with larger boilers and cylinders (Fig. 44). They
were withdrawn in 1901/3.
Modern particulars of Midland Ry. locomotives. 267-70. 3 diagrams,
3 tables
Tables list 10 tender passenger classes (3 of which existed in unrebuilt
and rebuilt forms), four tank engines and four freight types. A diagram shows
the tablet fixed to the cabside giving the name of the driver and the shed
to which it was allocated. Other diagrams shows the cabside arrangement and
the smokebox door where the number of the locomotive and its shed werer
displayed. Sheds and their numbers are listed.
Steam versus electric locomotives: a comparison by a correspondent.
Mostly based on New York Central developments.
Wallace Bentley. Locomotive boiler shop machine tools. 271-6. 11 illustrations
The War and British trade. 276-7.
An improved draw bar plate. 277. illustration, diagram
Taite & Carlton
South Shields & Marsden Ry. 277
Armoured train constructed at Whitburn Colliery shops consisting of
tank engine No. 11 and several wagons
Obituary. 278
Robert B. Longridge died at Over Tabley in Cheshire aged 94. Educated
Edinburgh University. Head of the Longridge Locomotive Works in Bedlington
and Chairman of the British Engine, Boiler and Electrical Insurance Co.
No. 267 (14 November 1914)
Tank locomotive for suburban traffic, Great Indian Peninsula
Ry. 281. illustration
P class 2-6-2T to design of S.J. Sargant, Locomotive Superintendent
and supplied by Vulcan Fountry under supervision of Robert White
Superheater loco. for the Midland Ry., Northern Counties Committee. 282.
4-4-0 express locomotive (No. 70 illustrated) was one of two built
at Derby Works for service on the Northern Counties Committee system of the
Midland Railway, designed by Bowman Malcolrn, Locomotive Superintendent and
Engineer of Belfast. The cylinders were 19-in diameter, with a stroke of
24-in., fitted with inside admission 8-in. piston valves. The working pressure
was 170 psi. coupled wheels 6-ft. in diameter. Ross pop safety valves fitted.
The extended smokebox, carried on a saddle and raised footplate, were features
of Midland Ry. design. The vacuum brake fitted.
Tank locomotive for the Bombay Port Trust. 282
In our last issue in describing this engine we should have stated
that the locomotives were built under the supervision of Messrs. Sir John
Wolfe Barry, K.C.B., Arthur J. Barry, Sir WaIter C. Hughes, C.I.E., and K.
A. Wolfe Barry, of Dartmouth House, Westminster, who are the Consulting Engineers
to the Bombay Port Trust.
London Underground Electric Railway. 282
Extension of the Bakerloo line from Paddington to Queen's Park to
open on 15 December. New stations provided at Warwick Avenue, Maida Vale,
Kilburn Park and Queen's Park. At Queen's Park the platforms adjoin the L.
& N.W.R.
London & North Western Ry. 282
The remaining two engines of the four-cylinder Claughton class had
been finished, but not painted: they bore the Nos. 1567 Charles J.
Cropper and 2401 Lord Kitchener. A further five engines of the
Precursor type were being fitted with the Schmidt superheater and piston
valves, one of which, No. 1395 Harbinger, would soon be at work. Another
of the Queen Mary class had also been provided with a superheater, No. 1195
T.J. Hare. It is reported that No. 2583 Teutonic (Precursor class)
is to have its name changed to The Tsar. No. 1015, a 4-ft. 3-in. side-tank
coal engine, has been fitted up for motor train work.
Great Eastern Railway. 283
The 1500 class, 4-6-0 express engines, up to 1529, were in service,
and eleven more were being built. No. 1506 had not yet been replaced. Two
more 0-4-0 side tanks have been frnished-Nos. 226 and 228. They had the top-feed
arranged on the domes. The following engines had been fitted with Robinson
superheaters: 1792, 1797, 1807, 1813, 1844, 1845, 1855, while the Schmidt
apparatus had been fitted to engines of the T 19 class: Nos. 704, 707, 718,
719, 728, 735, 742, 748, 751, 772, 775, 777, 1016, 1020, 1023 and I025. No.
1311, one of the small 2-4-2 tanks, had been fitted up for an auto-train,
on the system adopted on the L.B. & S.C. Ry. Two main line bogie composites
had been arranged for work the service on the Cambridge to Mildenhall
Great Central Railway. 283
We notice our draughtsman has made an error in preparing the diagram
of the new 2-6-4 tank locomotive shown on page 259 of our last number. The
diameter of the cylinders is incorrectly frgured as 22-in. They are 21-in.
as stated in the description.
S.E. & C. Ry. locomotive working through to Brighton. 283
Since 1 October a train from Ashford, via Hastings, arriving
at 11.25 and departing at 13.55 p.m. for Ashford. No. 156, a Stirling 4-4-0
rebuild, fitted with the Westinghouse brake, was on the service.
Kent & East Sussex Ry. 283
No. 1380, Ringimg Rock, Great Western Ry., an old 0-6-0 saddle
tank, had been purchased by this line.
War notes. 283. illustration
A French reader sends us the photograph of Senlis station on the Chemin
de fer du Nord, showing the damage done during .he German occupation. The
Germans held the town for three days, generally ill-using every-body, when
a detachment of France's famous Colonials, the Turcos, came to the rescue.
They dashed up in taxi-cabs, and charged furiously at the Germans, expelling
the enemy from the town in very quick time (sounds like May on Brexit).
Dover Town Railway Station. 283
Converted into an ambulance station, and all traffic diverted to the
Harbour Station.
Uganda Ry. 283
At the Nairobi Shops of the Uganda Ry. a completely armoured train
was fitted up in less than a week, the staff working night and day. On the
sides of the wagons ½-in. steel plates had been riveted, further protected
with a thickness of wood, affording a screen 6-ft. high. The locomotive was
also armoured.
Russians converting some standard gauge of the Austrian lines in Galicia. 283,
To run broad gauge stock on them.
British Army Medical Corps. 283
In conjunction with the International Sleeping Car Co., organised
two trains for the conveyance of wounded soldiers from the front to the base
hospitals. Each train composed of three sleeping cars, two dining cars, with
the niecessary baggage vans There are 54 beds in each train, and one of the
dining cars is fitted up as an operating room for the surgeons. The other
dining cars were used by the staff and the slightly wounded.
[Railway volunteers for military service]. 283
By end of October over 56,000 railwaymen of the United Kingdom had
joined the colours. The frgures for the L. & N.W. were, 9.400; G.W.,
7,600; Midland, 6,700; N.E., 5,000; G.E., 3,000; G.C., 2,700; G.N.,
Obituary. . 283.
George. Copus, who was Manager and Engineer of the Colne Valley Ry.
from 1882 to 1903, died on 27 October at his home at Southampton, where he
had lived since his retirement. Copus put on the line the three 2-4-2 tanks
built by Hawthorns and now numbered 2, 3 and 4.
New locos. Pennsylvania Railroad. 284- 2 illustrations, 5 diagrams
(including 2 side elevations)
Class L.1.s 2-8-2 for freight and Class K.4.s 4-6-2 passenger locomotives
to work between Altoona and Pittsburgh with Belpaire wide fireboxes. Screw
reverse was fitted on the Pacific,
New express engines. South Eastern & Chatham
Railway. 287
In addition to the 10 German-built engines, Nos. 772 to 781, a further
12 to the same designs had been supplied by Messrs. Beyer, Peacock &
Co., Ltd., of Manchester, numbered 760 to 771 inclusive. They are known as
the K class. In issues of March and
July gave a diagram and photographic reproduction
of one of the Borsig engines, together with a few of the leading particulars.
We can now add a few further details bv the courtesy of R.E.L. Maunsell,
locomotive engineer of the S.E. & C. Ry. The Borsig engines are fitted
with Schmidt superheaters, having a draught retarder instead of the usual
damper arrangements. They have the S.E. & C. Ry. standard steam reversing
gear, bogie, etc. The engines built by Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd., were
fitted with the Robinson superheater. These engines are not fitted with a
brass capped chimney.
North Eastern Ry. 287
There were still in service a few of the long-boiler, six-coupled
goods engiines of the 1001 class. As far as we have been able to ascertain
the following is the list: Nos. 1079, 1255, 1259, 1263, 1272, 1275, 1277,
1281, 1282, 1286, 1287, 1289 and 1290. Three were working on the Rosedale
Mineral line, while the others were located at Waskerley, Pickering and
Dublin and South Eastern Ry. .287
The latest rebuilt engine is No. 2 Glenageary, a 2-4-0 side
tank engine, built at Grand Canal Street Works in. 1885. This engine now
had a large boiler similar to that supplied to No. 47
London, Brighton and South Coast Ry. 287
Radial tank engines, Nos. 467 and 500 had been rebuilt in the latest
style. No. 319 (late Leconfield) had also been rebuilt.' No. 77A had
been renumbered 347. No. 328, the second of the Baltic tanks, was in
The Niligiri Mountain Ry. 288-90. 6 illustrations
Metre gauge partly rack and pinion worked from Mettapollium to Coonooor
with an extansion to Ootacamund. Rack section included gradients of 1 in
12.5. Illustration of Fairlie type which was being withdrawn from
Modern particulars of Midland Ry. locomotives.
Concluded 313
E.L. Ahrons. The early Great Western standard gauge
engines. Section IV — the Birkenhead engines. 292-4. 6 diagrams
(side elevation drawings)
The locomotive stock of the Chester & Birkenhead Railway was 42
and this was shared equally between the GWR and LNWR. 2-2-2 locomotives included
No. 3 Touchstone which became GWR No. 1. This originated at Mather,
Dixon & Co. in 1840 but had been rebuilt in 1853: it had 5ft 6in driving
wheels and 13 x 18in cylinders. Tayleur & Co. of the Vulcan Foundry supplied
Nos. 9 Victoria and No. 10 Albert in 1845: they had 5ft 1in
drivers and 13 x 18in cylinders; were rebuilt in 1857/8 and became GWR Nos.
115/116. 0-6-0 supplied by Benjamin Hick & Son of Bolton in 1848 are
considered to be signifant by Ahrons as introducing the inside frame six-coupled
type: they beame GWR Nos. 108-9. Benjamin Hick also supplied six outside-cylinder
2-2-2 Nos. 15-20 of which Nos. 16 to 19 became GWR Nos. 110-13. Robert Stephenson
& Co.2-4-0 WN 871-2/1853 became Nos. 25 Birkenhead and 26
Weaver then GWR Nos. 99 and 100.
Notes on stayinmg and tubing a locomotive boiler. 294-6.
Methods employed: illustration of Wicksteed portable apparatus
Locomotive piston heads. 296-7
Alfred Herbert turret llathe designed for manufaturing locomotive
The work and organization of the locomotive, carriage and wagon departments
of a small railway. 297-8
The mechine shop and wheel lathes
L. Lynes. The construction and inspection of 10-ton
open goods wagons. 298-301. 5 diagrams.
Paper read at Swindon Engineeering Society.
Electrification of the L. & S. W. Ry. 301. illustration
Progress on the installation ofthe third rail (about 75% complete)
and on the power house at Durnford Road Wimbledon. Three car multiple unit
converted from seam stock illustrated
Electric drive in railway workshops. 302-3. 2 illustrations
Reviews. 303
Electric traction. L. Calisch, London: Locomotive
Publishing Co. 303
This work, which is a reprint of a series of articles which appeared
in the G.E.R. Magazine, treats of electric traction as applied to
railways. There are nine chapters in which the author deals with the subject,
taking first the progress of electric traction from the years 1835 and 1842,
when some crude experimental systems were tried and exhibited. Chapter 2
deals with acceleration, which is probably the greatest advantage that
electricity has over steam power. In chapter 3 are considered the technical
features of the three systems now in use, viz, direct current, single phase
alternating current, and three-phase alternating current. Overhead equipment
and the different types of third rail contact are dealt with in chapter 4.
Chapter 5 goes fully into the classification of electric locomotives. Among
the examples described are the New York Central, Detroit River Tunnel, and
New York, New Haven and Hartford locomotives, with particulars of the results
obtained on the New York Central. The European examples include the locomotives
of the Valtelina line, Simplon Tunnel, and the German State Rys. The multiple
unit system of train operation is next discussed. The author reviews the
economic aspect of electric working and its advantages over steam in chapter
7, while the next chapter is devoted to the problems of main line
electrification, with notes on mountain railway working and shunting services.
The concluding chapter gives a summary of the advantages, with conclusions
as to the future of electric traction. The book is well illustrated with
numerous diagrams and photo-reproductions, and is. printed on art
Up-to-date air brake cateclism.Robert H. Blackall. New York: Norman
W. Henley Publishing Co.
That this work has reached a twenty-sixth edition is in itself sufficient
testimony of its usefulness. Written in the style of question and answer,
it contains a complete description of everything pertaining to the design,
construction and application of the air brake. Many diagrams are included,
a number of which being coloured to show air and steam at different pressures,
are particularly clear and instructive. The latest forms of Westinghouse
quick-acting and high-speed brakes are fully described, and a chapter is
also devoted to the air signal system. Although primarily intended for the
use of enginemen and others preparing to pass an examination on the subject
of air brakes, this will be found a useful handbook for all who are concerned
with this most skilfully devised mechanical contrivance.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Convention of the International Railway Fuel
Association. Chicago.
The papers of which the full text and the subsequent discussion by
the members are given in the report of the proceedings include "Honeycomb
and clinker formation," "The relation of front end design and air openings
to fuel consumption and sparks," "Uniform methods of computing fuel consumption,"
"Sizing of coal for locomotive use," "Coal space and adjuncts of locomotive
tenders," "Re-heating locomotive boiler feed water," etc. A number of tables,
diagrams and illustrations are included in the papers, whilst the opinions
of experts on the subjects dealt with form both interesting and instructive
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 24. Rolling stock built
by the Gloucester Railway Carriage & Wagon Co., Ltd. London:
The Locomotive Publishing Co., Ltd. Price 3/6.
This, the latest souvenir, contains 48 plates representing typical
examples of recent rolling stock built by the Gloucester Railway Carriage
& Wagon Co., Ltd., for various railways at home and abroad. This well-
known Gloucester firm has supplied rolling stock to railways in various parts
of the five Continents, as a glance through the present volume will reveal.
British practice is represented by a rail motor vehicle for the Great Western
Ry. and two bogie coaches for the Taff Vale Ry. Space will not admit to give
details of all the other stock illustrated, but it may be mentioned that
several of the rail ways in Africa: Australia, India and South America are
included, and amongst the most interesting examples are those of an accident
or break- down van for the Central South African Rys., and of a saloon car
for the Sudan Government Ry. This vehicle has an extreme length of 68-ft.
7½-in., and a width overall of 9-ft. 11¼-in., although only built
to the. 3-ft. 6-in. gauge. .
Trade Nonces and Catalogues received. 304
Locomotive cab signalling. 304
H. von Kramer, of Birmingham, sends us a pamphlet summarising the
various' systems for transmitting signals to trains' in motion, and setting
forth the merits of electro- magnetic induction which is the special feature
of the "Railophone." Byt he adoption of this apparatus he suggests that when
a train approaches a distant signal one or more short signals should be given,
whether the signal is "on" or "off." If the home signal is "off" no further
signal would be given, but should It be "on" a further danger signal would
follow, and the train automatically stopped.
Andrew Barclay, Sons & Co., ,Ltd., Caledonia Works, Kilmarnock, N.B,
Catalogue in which they illustrate and give particulars of the various
designs of locomotives they build. Tank engines are their speciality, suitable
for industrial work, collieries, ironworks, quarries, etc., although examples
of passenger tank locomotives are included. Some exceptionally heavy tank
and tender engines for mineral traffic and shunting duties are illustrated,
as well as rather unusual designs for special conditions of working. Fireless
locomotives on the thermal storage system, articulated locomotives and
crane-locomotives may be mentioned. An illustration is given of a.small
locomotive built sixty years ago by Barclay for the River Wear Commissioners,
and which had been working all that time and was still running.
Railway Club. 304
The West Highland section of the North British Railway was the subject
of the paper to be read on December 8th by J. B. Sherlock. Lantern views
by the author will be shown.
No. 268 (15 December 1914)
Auto train for the Cambridge and Mildenhall branch, Great
Eastern Ry. 305-6. illustration, diagram, plan
Photograph of very small 2-4-2T with two clerestory coaches, one of
which was labelled for first class operated in push & pull mode. Plan
showed that coaches were vestibuled and provided with a side corridor. A.J.
Hill credited with conversion which exploited Westinghouse brake. Locomotive
appears to be No. 1311 of 1300 class: see
16, 42
Heavy tank engine, Buenos Ayres and Pacific Ry., Argentine G.W. Line.
307. illustration
Baltic 4-6-4T built to design of F.C. York, Locomotive Superintendent
by North British Locomotive Co. under supervision of Fox and Mayo. 5ft 1in
coupled wheels; 21 x 26in cylinders; Belpaire boiler with Robinson superheater
operating at 175 psi. Total evaporative heating surface 1178ft2
plus 285ft2 superheat. 24ft2 grate area. 5ft 6in
London & North Western Ry. 307
Nos. 238 F.W. Webb and T.J. Hare (Queen Mary class)
fitted with Schmidt superheaters as had Precursor class No. 2513
Levens (which had also been fitted with piston valves). Four-cylinder
compound No. 1946 Diadem converted to inside-cylinder simple. 4ft
6in 2-4-2T No. 895 had been adapted for motor train work (by then nesarly
100 locomotives fitted for push & pull operation)
North British Ry. 307
Five new superheated Scott class 4-4-0 completed at Cowlairs Works:
Nos. 419 The Talisman, No. 420 The Abbot; No. 421 Jingling
Geordie, No. 422 Kenilworth and No. 423 Quentin Durward.
Six rebuilt Holmes 0-6-0 type: Nos. 608, 612, 614, 622, 630 and 666.
2-ft. 6-in. gauge loco. for the United Alkali Co. Ltd. 308.
W.G. Bagnall Ltd 0-4-0ST of very restricted height to work in underground
mines in Spain. Valve gear Bagnall and Price's patent
Consolidation type locomotive, North Western State Ry. of India. 310-11. 3 illustrations, diagram (side elevation)
The Durant and Lencauchez valve gear. 312-13. 2
diagrams (including side elevation)
Fitted to express 2-4-2 locomotives on the Paris Orleans Railway with
encouraging results: gear became inefficient in reverse. Used on other railways
in France and in Belgium.
Modern particulars of Midland Ry. locomotives.
Concluded from page 292. 4-4-0
type Belpaire engines.This is a type of engine designed to meet
the ever increasing requirements of the numerous services of express trains
on the heavy sections of the Midland Railway, and the first batch, Nos. 700
to 709 (old Nos. 2606 to 2610 and 800 to 804) was turned out of the Midland
shops from September, 1900 to June, 1901. Full particulars of No. 701 (old
No. 2607) will be found in Engineering 24 May 1901. These engines
are down for fitting with superheaters, and all except Nos. 706, 707 and
708 had already been so equipped. Subsequent engines were turned out as follows:
Nos 710 to 719, 1902; Nos. 720 to 729, 1902; Nos. 730 to 739, 1903; Nos.
740 to 749, 1904; Nos. 750 to 759, and Nos. 760 to 769 from June, 1904 to
April, 1905; and Nos. 770 to 779 in September 1905- Nos. 700 to 769 were
all designed for 180lb. pressure, and had 19½-in. by 26-in. cylinders
and 6-ft. 9-in. driving wheels. Nos. 770 to 779, when first turned out, worked
at 200 lb. pressure, but this was reduced after a few months working to 180
A considerable gap now intervenes between the numbers till we come to Nos.
990 to 999. No. 999 was designed by R.M. Deeley, in 1907, and was fitted
with the Deeley valve gear (a modification of the Walschaerts).
A full description of this gear appeared in our
issue of January, 1910. After this engine had run for a considerable
time, and given entire satisfaction, other nine engines were built from April
to October, 1909, and these form a distinct class. Engine No. 998 was fitted
with a superheater in May, 1910, and the other engines were also fitted as
follows: No. 999, May, 1911; No. 995, March, 1912; Nos. 992 and 993, August,
1912; No. 991, January, 1913; No. 990, March, 1913; No. 997, July, 1913;
No. 994, September, 1913; and No. 996, January, 1914. The tabulated statement
gives particulars of engine No. 999 before and after superheating, and an
illustration of this engine before superheating
is shown at bottom of page 179 in October, 1907 issue. These engines
are all stationed at Carlisle, and used on the heavy gradients between Carlisle
and Leeds.
4-4-0 type compound engines. Nos. 1000 to 1004 (old Nos. 2631
to 2635) were the first of the compounds to be built on the Midland, and
were designed by S.W. Johnson, and turned out in 1902 and 1903. Full particulars
of the trial of these engines appeared in Engineering for 6 February
and 27 March 1903. These trials showed where various improvements could be
effected, and subsequent engines embodied the results of these experiments.
R.M. Deeley continued the policy of his predecessor, and further engines
were built as follows: Nos. 1005 to 1015 in 1905; Nos. 1016 to 1034 in 1906;
and Nos. 1035 to 1044 in 1908 and 1909. Engine No. 1044 had been fitted with
a superheater, and sufficient saving in coal and water consumption had been
shown to warrant other compounds being superheated, and Nos. 1000 to 1004
were being equipped as they pass through the shops.
These engines are stationed at Leeds, Belle Vue, London and Nottingham. For
fuller details of these engines, and comparison with the compounds of other
companies, our readers are referred to the article
by G.C. Schultz, commencing in our issue of October, 1911. At the close
of this article the writer remarks that it would be interesting to see whether
the compounds would be in any way improved by the introduction of superheating,
but at that time he feared it would be unlikely the experiment would be made.
Henry Fowler is to be congratulated on his forward policy with regard to
superheating generally, and we believe the Midland takes front rank in this
respect. When Fowler gave his paper
before the Institution of Civil Engineers (PICE, 4084) the results of the trials in connection
with superheating were exhaustively dealt with.
0-4-4 type passenger tank engines. This is a numerous class,
and consists of 230 engines. Nos. 1200 to 1209 were duplicates in the old
numbering, Nos. 690a to 695a, and 780a to 783a. Nos. 1200 to 1205 were built
by Beyer, Peacock & Co. in 1869, Nos. 1206 to 1225 by Dubs & Co.
in 1870, and 1225 to 1235 were built by the Midland in 1875; Nos. 1236 to
1265 were built by Neilson & Co. in 1875 and 1876; Nos. 1266 to 1350
were built by the Midland in batches of 10 and 20 at various dates between
1881 and 1892; Nos. 1351 to 1370 in 1892; Nos. 1381 to 1385 in 1895; Nos.
1386 to 1400 in 1895; and Nos. 1411 to 1430 in 1900, were all built by Dubs
& Co. Nos. 1401 to 1410 were built by the Midland in 1898. All the engines
up to No. 1350 worked at 140 psi, and the subsequent engines work at 150
psi., all having 18-in. by 24-in. cylinders.
0-4-0 type tank engines. These engines were all built by the
Midland at their works, and are used for shunting purposes in yards and
Nos. 1500 to 1507 were built in 1885, and Nos. 1508 to 1517 in 1888, all
working at 140 psi, and carrying 400 gallons of water and 8 cwt. of coal.
Nos. 1518 to 1527 were built in 1897., and work at 150 psi, and carry 650
gallons of water and 8 cwt. of coal.
Nos. 1528 to 1532 were built in 1907, and embody considerable improvements
over the other engines of this class. They were designed by R.M. Deeley,
and fitted with Walschaerts motion, have double cabs for the protection of
the drivers, and in place of saddle tanks have side tanks having a capacity
of 650 gallons of water, and the coal bunkers carry 10 cwt. of coal. Engine
No. 1532 was illustrated in our issue of November, 1907.
Those engines working at the docks have bell gearing attached to the driving
cranks in order to give continuous warning of their approach.
0-6-0 type goods tank engines. This is another type of which
the Midland possess a large number, consisting altogether of 360 engines.
Nos. 1600 to 1608 are a miscellaneous collection; No. 1600 was built by Kitson
in 1847; Nos. 1601 and 1602 by Wilson in 1848; and Nos. 1603 and 1604 by
the Midland Jn 1855 and 1862. Nos. 1605 to 1608 were engines taken over from
the old Severn and Wye Railway in 1895, and bore the names of Friar
Tuck, Sharpness, Sabrina and Forester. No 1605 was
built by the Avonside Co., at Bristol, and was broken up in 1911. Nos. 1606,
1607, 1608 were built by the Vulcan Co. in 1880, 1882, and 1886. Nos. 1620
to 1659 are all very similar, except that No. 1620 to 1644 were built by
Neilson in 1875, and the remainder by the Vulcan Foundry Co. in 1876. Nos.
1660 to 1824 were all built by the Midland in batches of 10 and 20 from 1878
to 1891, and Nos. 1845 to 1853 in 1895. Nos. 1825 to 1844 were built by Vulcan
in 1892; Nos. 1854 to 1859 by Sharp, Stewart in 1895; Nos. 1860 to 1899 by
Stephenson in 1899; Nos. 1900 to 1919, 1920 to 1929, 1930 to 1939, and 1940
to 1959 by the Vulcan Co., from 1898 to 1902. All these engines had 4-ft.
7-in driving wheels, with the exception of Nos. 1600 to 1608, which had 4-ft.
3-in. wheels.
0-6-4 type tank engines. This is a type of engine first introduced
into England by the Midland Railway, and consisted of 40 engines, Nos. 2000
to 2039. They were constructed to the designs of R.M. Deeley, and built at
the Company's Works in 1907 and 1908. The engines were used on fast passenger
trains, and are fitted with water pick-up apparatus, which is designed to
work when the engine is running in either direction, the scoop being lowered
by hand gear, while a flap valve closed the mouth when not in use. The water
is delivered by a Y pipe to the hind tank, while large equilibrium pipes
connect to the side tanks. The total water capacity of the tanks was 2,250
gallons, and the coal capacity of the bunkers is 3½ tons. The leading
axle has a total side play of 1¼-in., obtained by a modification of
the Cortazzi axlebox so designed that the spring gear is placed below the
journal. Since the introduction of this type several other railways have
adopted this wheel notation for tank engines, and many other engines were
now running.
London, Tilbury and Southend engines. These engines were now
numbered with the Midland, but it is not proposed to give particulars of
these further than to give the type and the present M.R. number.
Fuller particulars will be found in the February
1913 issue page 28. We understand that when repairs and renewals of various
details are required the Midland standard is worked in as far as possible.
All the engines are tanks, with the exception of Nos. 2898 and 2899, which
were 0-6-0 tender engines.
4-6-4 type, Nos. 2100 to 2107.
4-4-2 type, Nos. 2110 to 2179.
0-6-2 type, Nos. 2180 to 2193.
2-6-0 type American engines.Thirty of these engines were built
in 1899 by Burnham Williams & Co., and ten by the Schenectady Co., both
of America, and bore Nos. 2200 to 2230,. There is now only one of these engines
running, No. 2233, and as this will doubtless share the fate of the others
very shortly, it is needless to give particulars of this type.
0-6-0 goods engines, double-framed.Engine Nos. 2300 to 2867
are known as Kirtley's double-framed goods engines. It would be tedious to
give these in any detail, and we propose to merely group together those built
by the same maker, and just give the year in which they were built.
Hawthorn, Nos. 2300 and 2301 in 1850 and 1853. Stephenson, 2302 to 2308 in
1853; 2322 to 2340 in 1856; 2398 to 2458 in 1863-1866. Sharp, Stewart &
Co., 2317 and 2318 in 1855 and 1857; 2532 to 2549 in 1867 and 1868. Kitson,
2309 to 2316 in 1852-1854; 2319 to 2321 in 1856 and 1857; 2498 to 2531 in
1866 to 1868; 2652 to 2661 in 1869. Beyer Peacock, 2341 in 1860. Midland
Railway, 2342 to 2365 in 1858 to 1860; 2387 to 2398 in 1861; 2459 to 2497
in 1863 to 1867; 2568 to 2582 in 1868; 2672 to 2695 in 1869 and 1871; 2790
to 2804 in 1872. Fairbairn & Sons, 2366 to 2386 in 1860-1861; 2712 in
1860. Dubs & Co., 2550 to 2567 in 1868; 2592 to 2631 in 1869-1870; 2716
to 2769 in 1871-3; 2841 to 2867 in 1873 and 1874; 2716 to 2769 in 1871 and
1873. Yorkshire Engine Co., 2583 to 2591 in 1868. Neilson & Co., 2632
to 2651 in 1869; 2770 to 2789 in 1871. J. Fowler & Co., 2662 to 2671
in 1870. Vulcan Foundry Co., 2693 to 2711 in 1870 and 1871. 2713 to 2715
in 1871, and 2805 to 2843 in 1872 to 1874. We understand the following engines
have been broken up since the new numbering was adopted: 2308, 2317, 2321,
2329, 2341, 2346, 2374, 2378, 2387, and 2394.
0-6-0 type goods engines, single-framed. It will be noticed
that the following engines, Nos. 2900 to 3834, are all single-framed, those
previous to this date being double-framed. Kitson, 2900 to 2929 in 1875 and
1876; 3300 to 3339 in 1891 and 1892; 3570 to 3599 in 1899 and 1900; 3670
to 3689 in 1900-1. Dubs & Co., 2930 to 2959 in 1875; 3020 to 3039 in
1878; 3340 to 3369 in 1891; 3410 to 3459 in 1892 and 1894; 3630 to 3649 in
1900. Neilson, 2990 to 3019 in 1876; 3200 to 3249 in 1890; 3250 to 3299 in
1891; 3470 to 3544 in 1896 and 1897; 3600 to 3629 in 1899 and 1900; 3710
to 3764 in 1901 and 1902. Midland, 3040 to 3049 in 1880; 3130 to 3199 in
batches of 10 and 20 in 1885 to 1888; 3460 to 3469 in 1894; 3765 to 3774
in 1903; 3775 to 3784 in December, 1903; 3785 to 3794 in 1904; 3795 to 3804
in September, 1904; 3805 to 3814 in January, 1907; 3815 to 3834 in May, 1908;
and Nos. 3835 and 3836 in October and November, 1911, were both fitted with
superheaters. Stephenson, 3050 to 3079 in 1880 to 1881 Engine No. 3069 (old
No. 1451) was exhibited by the firm at Newcastle in 1881. Beyer Peacock,
2960 to 2989 in 1876; 3080 to 3129 in 1882 and 1884. Sharp, Stewart, 3370
to 3409 ,in 1892; 3545 to 3569 in 1897; 3690 to 3709 in 1901. Vulcan Foundry
Co., 3650 to 3669 in1900.
E.L. Ahrons. The early Great Western standard gauge
engines. Section IV. The Birkenhead engines. 316-18. illustration, 8
diagrams (side elevations)
G.W.R. Nos. 104 and 105 were 0-4-2 mixed traffic engines, originally
Birkenhead engines 28 and 29, and were constructed by Sharp, Stewart &
Co., in April and May, 1854 (S.S. Nos. 783 and 784). These are shown in Fig.
57. The cylinders were 16-in. by 22-in. Coupled wheels, 5-ft. 0-in. diameter;
trailing wheels, 3-ft. 6-in. Wheelbase, L to D, 7-ft. 3-in; D to T, 7-ft
5-in. The boiler, 3-ft. 8-in. diameter, contained 145 2-in. tubes. Total
heating surface, 866 ft2. Both engines were rebuilt
at Wolverhampton as illustrated in Fig. 58. The cylinders were reduced to
15-in. by 22-in. The boiler was almost a Wolverhampton standard one, 4-ft.
0-in. diameter, with 260 15/8-in. tubes. No. 104 was rebuilt
in December, 1875, and No. 105 in December, 1874. They were broken up about
G.W.R. Nos. 106 and 107 (Birkenhead Nos. 30 and 31) were 2-4-0 single-framed
passenger engines by W. Fairbairn and Sons, Manchester, and were delivered
in January, 1855 (see Fig. 59). The cylinders were I5~in. by 22-in. Coupled
wheels, 5-ft. 0-in. diameter; leading wheels, 3-ft. 4-in. diameter. Wheelbase,
L to D, 6-ft. 4½-in.; D to T, 7-ft. 81/8i-in. The other
dimensions in their original condition are not known to the writer.
Both were rebuilt at Wolverhampton, No. in July, 1875, and No. 107 in October,
1873, rebuilding consisting merely in the addition of a new boiler (Fig.
60) exactly the same as that supplied to Nos. 104 and 105. Both engines had
a very long career, for after many years' work in the Chester district, they
were again rebuilt at Wolverhampton (107 in 1896), and considerably altered
in appearance. The wheelbase was extended to 15-ft. 1-in. by placing new
leading wheels, 4-ft. 0-in. diameter, further forward and adding an outside
framing at the leading end (see Fig. 61). The boiler was of the raised firebox
pattern. No. 106 was then transferred to Worcester, and No. 107 to Shrewsbury,
and for a number of years they worked the service between these towns via
the Severn Valley line In January and February, 1856, Stcphcnson & Co.
supplied two 2-4-0 side-tank engines (WN 1049 and 1050), which were Birkenhead
No. 32 Volante and No. 33 Voltigeur (Fig. 62) , and became
G.W.R. Nos. 97 and 98. The cylinders were 14-in. by 20-in. Coupled wheels,
5-ft. 3-in.; leading wheels, 3-ft. 8-m.; wheelbase, 14-ft. 3-in., of which
the coupled wheels were 7 ft.. 0-in. apart. There were 137 tubes,
17/8-in. diameter, giving a heating surface of 727
ft2. The total heating surface was 791½
ft2, and the tanks had a capacity of 600
The brake gear was peculiar, only the trailing wheels in the engines as
originally built being fitted with brake blocks on both the front and back
of the wheels.
Two goods engines, with outside cranks and double frames, were also supplied
in August and September, 1856, by Stephenson & Co. (WN. 1055 and 1060).
They really formed part of an order which this firm was at the time executing
for the Midland Railway. The Birkenhead Nos. were 37 Thunderer, and
40 Dreadnought and they became G.W.R. Nos. 101 and 102. The cylinders
were 16-in. by 24-in. Coupled wheels, 5-ft. 1½-in. Wheelbase, 8-ft.
0-in. L to D and 8-ft. 3-in. D to T. They are shown in Fig. 63. The hornplates
were bolted on and connected by deep tie-bars instead of the frame being
slotted out of a single plate. There was no safety valve column over the
firebox, but only a whistle mounting (similar to that of the 2-4-0 tank engines,
Nos. 97 and 98), a characteristic of the old Midland engines. No. 101, originally
the Thunderer," did not belie its name, for in 1865 it exploded at
Chester. Fig. 63A shows the engine shortly after the explosion. It was afterwards
rebuilt in 1886 at Wolverhampton, with a boiler having a somewhat small painted
dome, and Armstrong's then standard large brass safety valve cover over the
firebox Fig. 64). The cylinders became 17-in. by 24-in., and the new boiler
had 189 2-in. tubes, which gave a heating surface of 1128
ft2, and the firebox added 96
ft2.,making a total of 1224
ft2. No. 102 had its cylinders enlarged subsequently
to 17-in. diameter, but was never rebuilt.
Two small four-wheeled shunting saddle tanks were supplied by Sharp, Stewart
& Co. (Fig. 65). These were No. 39 Grasshopper, built in September,
1856, which became G.W.R. No. 96, and No. 6 Cricket, built in January,
1857 (G.W.R. No. 95). Sharp, Stewart WN 964 and 1026 respectively. They had
14-in. by 18-in cylinders and 4-ft. 0-in. coupled wheels. The wheelbase was
7-ft. 2-in. Boiler, 3-ft. 4-in. diameter, with 116 2-in tubes. Total heating
surface, 662| ft2.
Like engines Nos. 16, 45, and 91, they were arranged so that admission to
the footplate was obtained on the left hand side only, and the illustration
of No. 96 shows the full length side panel on the opposite or right hand
side. Engines Nos. 95 and 96 were still at work in 1914. No. 96 was rebuilt
at Wolverhampton in December, 1888, and is very similar to engine No. 92
(Fig. 49). No. 95 was rebuilt in 1890, and more recently has been modified
by having wheels 3-ft. 6-in diameter substituted for the previous 4-ft. wheels.
The roof of the cab was removed, the outside platform was modified, and a
very short chimney and flat-topped dome in the centre of the boiler were
added (as shown in Fig. 66), to enable it to work through a low tunnel near
Croes Newydd Wrexham district), to obtain access to the Westminster Colliery.
The tunnel had since been closed, and the coal wagons sent down to Croes
Newydd via Moss Valley Junction. As a result No. 95 now had a standard chimney
and cab somewhat similar to that of engine No. 92.
There were now 190 15/8-in. tubes, with a total heating
surface of 889 ft2, of which the firebox supplied
60 ft2. The pressure is 140 psi, and the tanks
held 490 gallons. Two more engines which became G.W.R., Nos. 103 and 118,
were ordered by the Birkenhead Railway, but as they were not delivered until
nearly two years after the amalgamation, a description of them is deferred
until later.
*Note Since this was written, the writer has heard from Frank Hennell, formerly
Chief Loco. Assistant of the District Ry., that both 97 and 98, during several
years subsequent to 1864, were stationed at Longhedge (L.C.& D.R. Sheds
to run from Victoria (Pimlico) to Southall.
H.T. Wright. The action of rail depressions on locomotives. 318-19.
2 diagrams
Slacks are very liable at water troughs an may cause rolling and
J. Lynes. The construction and inspection of 10-ton open goods wagons. 319-23. 9 diagrams
Paper read before Swindon Engineering Society. Wheels could be wrought
iron open spoke, solid spoke and cast steel, tyres, axleboxes (made of cast
iron), bearing springs, wheeling of wagons, buffing and drawgear; testing
of the hook and couplings is of importance, and it is the practice to submit
all to a proof load or to take a percentage of them usually two per cent.
and test to destruction.The load required by the Clearing House Specifications
was 50 tons for 1½-in. diameter link, but some Railway Companies required
a higher minimum load,
Non-return valve for automatic vacuum brake. 323. diagram
When an air pump is employed on the locomotive instead of a small
ejector for maintaining the continuous vacuum necessary for operating the
Automatic Vacuum Brake, a valve similar to that illustrated is introduced
at the loco, brake cylinder to enable the pump to continue to exhaust that
portion of the apparatus after the brake has been applied by admission ot
air through the train pipe. The action of the valve is extremely simple,
and can be readily followed from the drawing. When the brake is applied the
air pressure will lift the valve, closing "A" on to its seating, whilst "B"
will be raised. This establishes direct connection from the pump to the vacuum
chamber and the upper side of the brake cylinder.
L. & N.W. Ry. 323
Placed some of its new electric rolling stock in service on the
Willesden-Earls Court section. The District Ry. stock, which had been in
use on this line since May, hadbeen withdrawn.
The work and organization of the locomotive, carriage and wagon departments
of a small railway. 324-5. 2 illustrations
Wheel lathes and planing machines
Obituary. 325
Sir Alfred M. Watkin.
Died at Folkestone on 30 November 1914. Apprenticed in the locomotive
department of the West Midlands Railway; from 1865 qualified as a driver
on the M.S. & L. R.; became a locomotive inspector on the L.C. &
D.R. in 1867 and joined the S.E.R. in 1868. MP for Grimsby 1877 to 1880
[John Wilton Williams]. 325-6. illustration
Died 19 November 1914 aged 61. Pupil in the locomotive department
of the Brecon & Merthyr Railway. In charge of locomotive department at
St. Pancras, Midland Railway until 1902 when he joined Bell's United Asbestos
Co. Played a very prominent part in the Railway Men's Convalescent Homes;
was a Freemason and member of several Friendly Socities.
An early American locomotive. 326. illustration
Lion of the Boston & Salem Railroad originally
built by Hinklry & Drury of Boston in 1839 for the Eastern Railroad.
Possibly locomotive included in
Bailey's Loco motion page 193 who suggests a later date of 1846.
See also letter from B. Thomas on page 68 of Volume
Aluminium. 326
Report of talk presented by H.M. Munro to the Junior Institution of
Engineers on its use for high tension electricity distribution and its extraction
from bauxite.
Reviews. 327
Oil fuel, its supply, composition and application. Edward Butler,
London: Chas. Griffin & Co., Ltd.
This work presents a record of the development and successful application
of oil fuel for steam raising, as well as metallurgical and other industrial
process work for which it can be used. The fuels principally employed are
petroleum residuals, and the very important subject of supply is discussed
at length, while some very instructive tables of statistics show the increase
in the production of petroleum in the chief oil producing countries. Attention
is drawn to the fact that recent discoveries of oil wells are nearly all
of heavy oils, which make ideal fuel. A large diversity of makes of burners
are illustrated and described steam, air and pressure jet, both British and
foreign, and attention is given to the relative advantages of steam, compressed
air and mechanical action as atomizers. A chapter is devoted to the application
of oil fuel for locomotives, recalling the successful development of the
Holden apparatus, first introduced on the Great Eastern Ry., and now extensively
adopted wherever suitable fuel is obtainable at a reasonable figure. Other
interesting applications include road vehicles, fire engines, etc., and
installations for metal furnaces. Of course the many advantages of oil fuel
for naval and marine purposes are dealt with. It is a most useful book for
all who are interested, and is quite up to date
Firewood & firelighter machinery. 328
A leaflet received from M. Glover & Co., of Leeds, describes a
complete installation, just supplied, of firewood machinery, in which this
enterprising firm are well-known specialists. The plant consists of saw bench,
splitting machine, sifting appliance, picking up and arranging machines,
and the firm's belt-driven bundling machinery. In carriage and wagon works,
collieries, and timber-yards, or any industries where timber is employed,
the conversion by machinery of the waste wood into firewood is a question
worth attention. Glover also make a speciality of firelighter machinery for
the utilization of saw-dust, peat, workshop and various kinds of waste. They
have also designed special contrivances for bundling all classes of material,
including electric carbons, etc.
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