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The Locomotive Magazine & Railway
Carriage & Wagon Review
Volume 17 (1911)
Number 221 (14 January 1911)
Railway notes. 1
Locomotive development in 1910. 1
Reid Ramsay turbine electric
locomotive and superheating (with superior lubrication)
and piston valves. The removal of compounding and the rise of the 4-6-2T
were also noted
London, Brighton and South Coast Ry. 1; 3..
4-6-2T: 325 Abergavenny,
London & North Western Ry. 2. diagram (side
New suburban passenger tank engine completed, and running trial trips.
Herewith is shown a diagram of the engine, from which will be seen that it
is of the 4-6-2 type, not 2-6-4 as has been so persistently and erroneously
reported bearing running No. 2665. Apart from the particulars given on the
diagram, the following points may be noted. The engine is fitted with a
double-way water-scoop, a variable blast pipe operated from the cab, the
vacuum instead of the steam brake, and the hand brake is vertical, not
horizontal. It will be toted that the boiler is provided with a Belpaire
firebox, which has a sloping firegrate, and the firebox front is lagged.
Piston valves with inside admission and tail rods are fitted, operated from
below by means of Joy's valve gearthis arrangement dispensing with
rocking shaftsand the motion blocks brass. Other features comprise
lockers at the back of the cab, a raised footplate, sloping coal space, a
new pattern regulator handle and new snifting valves for the steam chests,
some of these being novelties so far as Crewe practice is concerned. A second
engine of the same general type, but with 20½in. cylinders, water feed
and the Schmidt superheater was approaching completion. See
also page 71
Nos. 2271 J.P. Bickersteth and 2512 Thomas Houghton, new engines
of the Queen Mary class (without superheaters) were out, completing the order
for ten. Of the George the Fifth class, with superheaters, in addition to
the first of the type, Nos. 1059 Lord Loch, 1294 F.S.P.
Wolferstan, 1583 Henry Ward, 1725 John Bateson and 2155
W.C. Brocklehurst were out, and the names of four others to complete
the order would be Sir Thomas Brooke, E. Nettlefold, P.H. Chambers
and Henry Maudslay. An order for 20 more engines of this class had
been placed at Crewe. It should be noted that the bogie wheels of these engines
are of smaller diameter than those of the Precursor type, 3-ft. 3-in. instead
of 3-ft. 9-in. in order to permit of greater play to the bogie, the frame
plates also being cut away to effect this purpose.
The latest 0-8-0 simple engines built at Crewe were Nos. 1735, 1791, 1775,
1788 and 2014. No. 2566, four-cylinder compound mineral engine, had been
converted to simple with 20½in. cylinders and a large boiler.
Nos. 835 and 1441, 4-ft. 6-in. 2-4-2 tanks, had been adapted for rail motor
The 4-ft. shunting engines Nos. 3001 and 3009, which were in use at the Crewe
Works, had each been supplied with a N.L.R. cab, taken, it is presumed, from
engines recently scrapped, and No. 3001 has in addition been supplied with
a N.L.R. whistle. No, 1559 William Siemens had been withdrawn from
service, leaving only one of the John Hick class at work.
A new coal stage electrically operated on the American system had been installed
at Crewe, and was used for the first time on 7 December. It was capable of
dealing with 100 locomotives per hour.
Great Eastern Ry. 2-3.
Nos. 1233-1239, were in service, completing the series of ten goods
engines fitted with supplementary sandboxes, as mentioned in our last issue.
Ten more 4-4-0 express engines of the Claud Hamilton class were in course
of construction, their running numbers starting at 1790: some to be fitted
with the Swindon superheater, illustrated and
described in the November issue. Orders given to the Stratford works
to build five passenger engines of the 4-6-0 type intended to work the
Norfolk Coast Express to Cromer next summer, and be the first six-coupled
bogie engines built by the G.E.Ry. They will be equipped with superheaters
and steam heating apparatus on the Westinghouse system, and the tenders will
be fitted with water-pick-up apparatus. Alterations to the turntable at Cromer
will be necessary before these engines are put into service. [KPJ such was
Cromer in its glory days, although the station like the Catholic Church were
far removed from its now jaded, but strangely impressive centre]
Great Northern Ry. 3.
A further series of ten 0-6-2 tanks for the London suburban service
were in course of completion at Doncaster, Nos. 1571-5 of the series being
already at work in London.
Great Western Ry. 3. diagram (side elevation).
The latest 4-6-0 engines of the Queen class were Nos. 4036 Queen
Elizabeth and 4037 Queen Philippa.
First outside cylinder tank shunting engines [1361 class 0-6-0ST] then in
course of construction at Swindon. These engines were also suitable for working
branch lines. No. 74 Stour, one of the old small four-coupled engines
of the Avon class (formerly single wheelers) has been rebuilt with a boiler
having a Belpaire firebox, and No. 980, a coupled side tank formerly used
on the Underground service, had been similarly rebuilt.
Midland Ry. 3
The engines involved in the recent lamentable accident at Hawes Junction,
on 24 December were, on the express train Nos. 549 and 48, and the light
engines were Nos. 548 and 448. The name of the engine driver and the shed
are now indicated in a small frame affixed to the lower part of the cab side
sheeting of Midland engines. The same practice is adopted on the Belgian
State Rys. and some of the French lines.
London, Brighton and South Coast Ry. 3.
Illustrated on page 1, No. 325 Abergavenny, the first of the
new 4-6-2 express passenger tank engines designed by D. E. Marsh, the locomotive,
carriage and wagon superintendent. This engine is of quite exceptional dimensions
and power, as will be gathered from the following particulars: it had cylinders
21-in. in dia. by 26-in, stroke, and six-coupled wheels of 6-ft. 7½-in.
dia., giving a tractive power at 75 per cent. cut-off of 23,000 lb. The total
weight of the engine in working order, with 2,300 gallons of water and 3
tons of coal, is 86 tons, of which 56 tons are on the coupled wheels. The
boiler is of huge size, the barrel being 15-ft. 9½-in. long, with an
outside dia. of 5-ft. 3-in., and its centre is 8-ft. 8-in, above the rails.
It is fitted with the Schmidt superheater, comprising 21 smoke tubes of 41-in.
dia., in addition to 110 ordinary flue tubes ; there is a total heating surface
of 1,865 sq. ft., of which the firebox contributes 125, the flue tubes 1,398
and the superheater tubes 342 sq. ft. ; the grate area is 25 sq. ft.. This
engine went for its trial trip from Brighton to Lewes and back on 23 December,
and will shortly be put into regular service. Five new Atlantic type express
engines were in course of construction at Brighton, which will be numbered
from 326 onward. They will be equipped with superheaters, and will have 21-in.
by 26-in. cylinders. It is contemplated to run all the Brighton express trains
in the 60 -minute limit. No. 586, the 0-6-2 Billinton tank engine with 5-ft.
6-in. coupled wheels, is to be re-built with a 5-ft. 6-in. boiler, not 5-ft.
as mentioned in our December issue. Among other recent re-builds are the
following Class C Billinton goods engines : Nos. 434, 525 and 550, similar
to No. 545 illustrated in our issue of April, 1909. Nos. 421 and 422, Stroudley
C goods engines, re-numbered 691 and 692.
Glasgow & South Western Ry. 3
Nos. 119, 120, 123 and 124 were new 4-6-0 express passenger engines
recently completed at Kilmarnock. It is reported that two engines of the
4-6-2 type equipped with Schmidt superheaters are to be built.
Recent appointment. 3
Chas. T. Broxup, formerly locomotive superintendent of the Manila
Ry., Phillipine Islands, has been appointed locomotive superintendent of
the Argentine North Eastern Ry.
North Eastern Railway, 4-6-2 mineral tank engme. 4.
No. 1113: 4-6-2T illustrated: see also letter from
F.W. Brewer on page 58
The Kowloon-Canton Railway, British section. 5-8. 5 illustrations.
Old inspection engine and coach, London and North Western
Ry. 8.
Carlisle (Little England type).
see also p. 26
Rules for drivers and firemen. 8-10.
4-6-0 passenger locomotive, Stockholm Vasteras-Bergslagens Railway. 10-11.
illustration, 2 diagrams (including side elevation).
Valve gear of locomotive No. 60. (diagram), 4-6-0 passenger locomotive,
No. 60.
Testing locomotive valves and pistons in steam. 12-13. 3 diagrams.
The Lambert sanding apparatus. 14-15. 7 diagrams
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 15-16. illustration
(portrait), diagram (side elevation).
Portrait of William Adams. Mogul goods locomotive No.
The prevention of scale in locomotive and other boilers. 16-17.
"Lumiuator" water treatment plant.
Tank locomotive for the Longitudinal Railway, Chile, 17-18.
Hunslet Engine Co. metre gauge 0-6-4T for working steeply graded (1
in 33) line.
The locomotives of the Waterford, Dungarvon and Lismore Railway. 18-20.
2 illustrations, diagram (side elevation), map.
Incorporated 18 July 1872; opened 12 August 1878. Illus.: Map of
'Waterford,.bridge over the Suir, Fishguard. & Rosslare.Railways. &
Harbour. Co.. 0-4-2 Locomotive (Rebuilt as Tank Locomotive, No. 246 G. S.
& W. Ry.) 0-4-2 No. 6 (drawing); 0-4-2 No. 1 rebuilt as GS&WR No.
244 (photograph); 0-4-2ST No. 3 rebuilt as GS&WR No. 246.
40 ton platform wagon, Northem Railway of France. 21-2. 6 diagrams.
New rolling stock, Great Northern Ry. (Ireland). 22. 2
Supplied by Hurst Nelson & Co. Ltd. of Motherwell and lettered
GNR (I): all-steel 20-ton ballast hopper wagon and ballast plough/brake van
with steel underframe and steel body frame. Both types of vehicle fitted
with vacuum brake.
Annual Reunion and Dinner of the Locomotive Department, Great Eastern
Ry. 23.
Very extensive list of those who attended
W. Collingwood. 23 Illustration (portrait)
Born London in 18 August 1855. Managing Director, Vulcan Foundry from
1892. Trained under William Adams at Bow Works and then at Stratford from
April 1874 to October 1877. District Locomotive Superintendent East Indian
No. 1 of the Great Eastern Railway Magazine.24
Had appeared and fulfilled all the anticipations held with regard
to it. It is a most readable magazine, with matter full of interest to all
G.E. Ry. men and to railway men generally. There is an excellent portrait
of Lord Claud Hamilton, the genial and capable Chairman of the company, with
a biographical sketch which serves to explain in some degree the terms of
respect and even affection subsisting between the highest and lowest officials
of the line. There are also portraits of R.P. Ellis and F.G. Randall, the
late and present superintendents of the line, and of other officials. The
"get up" of the magazine is carefully thought out and well carried into
execution, and we anticipate a healthy circulation and long life to our new
monthly contemporary.
Thos. W. Ward, Ltd., of Albion Works, Sheffield.
Albion Machinery catalogue: attention drawn to the many second-hand
locomotives for sale. These were principally tank engines suitable for
contractors' work, collieries and light railways. We notice one or two curious
locomotives in the list, amongst them being the small single-driver engine
Gazelle, an illustration of which, and an account of whose performances
have already appeared in this Magazine. Locomotive historians will be interested
to note that Messrs. Ward wish to dispose of the four-wheels coupled saddle
tank Greenbank (3-ft. 6-in. drivers, outside cylinders 13½-in.
by 19-in.) which was once numbered in the loco. list of the L. & N. W.
Ry. The Greenbank and a similar engine named Tomkinson were
built by Messrs. Barclay for a colliery near Wigan. and when taken over by
the L. & N. W. Ry. in 1906, they bore the Nos. 2586 and 2587. Since Messrs.
Ward purchased the first-named it has been fitted with a new boiler and firebox,
and is now in excellent trim. Another curiosity is a single cylinder direct
driven loco., by Messrs. Aveling & Porter. T.W. Ward include several
narrow gauge locos., as well as steam cranes, steam navvies, pumps, wagons,
rails, etc. .in their list. Arrangements can be made for letting plant out
on hire. See also letter on page 59.
Messrs. Burroughs, Welcome & Co. 24
Had brought out a very neat and compact outfit known as the Tabloid
Brand First Aid, No. 715. Contained in a black enamelled metal box measuring
only 74-in. by 44-in. by 2-in., may be found ample bandages and dressings
in compressed form smelling salts, boric acid ointment, plaster, scissors,
pins, etc., and eight tubes of Tabloid and Soloid products. For trivial accidents
which are bound to occur in the sheds, on the road or elsewhere, time and
suffering might often be avoided if one of these Tabloid First Aid cases
were available.
Number 222 (15 February 1911)
Railway notes. 25
Great Western Ry. 25-6. illustration, diagram
(side elevation)
42XX class of 2-8-0T: No. 4201 illustrated
Great Eastern Ry. 25
Nos. 1793 and 1794, .new 4-4-0 express engines, to be fitted
with the Schmidt superheater.
London & North Western Ry. 25-6
The output from Crewe Works during 1910 included j'oo eight-coupled
mineral locomotives, ten 4-4-0 Queen Mary class, and seven George the Fifths,"
five 4-6-0 Experiments and two of the new 4-6-2 tanks, also a new type of
rail motor engine. Only three of the Queen Mary class were in service:
Westminster, Drake and Newcomen, all stationed at Rugby.
The remaining four new engines of the George the Fifth class with superheaters
completed as follows: Nos. 2025 Sir Thomas Brooke, 288 E.
Nettlefold, 485 P.H. Chambres, and 2168 Henry Maudslay.
The next series, of which there will be 20, as already announced, will probably
have coupled wheels of larger diameter.
Another of the large 4-6-2 passenger tanks is also completed, No. 2666, and
is identical in every way with No. 2665, but is fitted with a feed water
heater, as mentioned in our last issue. Four more, Nos. 2667-2670, wee in
course of completion; and fitted with the Schmidt superheater. Three-cylinder
compound mineral engines converted to simples were Nos. 1841, 1847 and 2533.
No. 1893, of the four-cylinder type, had also been converted to simple.
The following 18-in. cylinder goods engines had their cylinders lined up
to I7½-in. diameter : Nos. 715, 879 and 1641. Nos. 387 and 389, 4-ft.
6-in. 2-4-2 tanks, had been adapted for rail motor work.
By the withdrawal of No. 3023, the Metropolitan tanks were reduced to three.
The Abram Colliery Co., of Bickershaw, near Wigan, have still at work the
old "Crewe" goods side tank No. 3062, which they purchased from the L. &
N.W.R. in 1892. This engine has a very interesting history. Built at Crewe
in 1852 as 293 Quicksilver, it was transferred to the Southern Division
in 1860 and renumbered 352. Later, when the amalgamation of the Divisions
took place, its number was increased by 600. Shortly after this it was converted
to a side tank by Mr. Webb, and as No. 1841 it ran for many years until being
finally altered to 3062.
A service of rail motor trains between Manchester and Wilmslow will be commenced
Three hundred reinforced concrete sleepers have been put in at Pinner as
an experiment to minimise noise-they are laid on both up and down lines-and
are so far giving satisfaction.
New appointment. 26
C.A. Park, late carriage superintendent of the London & North
Western Ry., had been appointed managing director of the British Westinghouse
Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Inspection engine "Carlisle", L. &
N.W.R. 26
A correspondent writes that the driver shown on the footplate of
Carlisle in last month's issue was James Thompson, who commenced his
railway career on the day of the opening of the Liverpool & Manchester
Ry., 15 September 1830. He also points out that the engine in question was
stationed at Ordsall Lane sheds, although we had seen it standing outside
the Longsight depot.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 26
The new Atlantics, fitted with superheaters, will be numbered from
421 to 425 inclusive, and not as stated in our last issue.
London, Tilbury & Southend and Midland Rys. Agreement. 26
At the meeting of the L.T. & S.R. on February and it was announced
that a provisional agreement had been made with the Midland Ry, for taking
over the whole undertaking. The approval of Parliament is to be asked during
the ensuing Session.
Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry. 26
Sixty new locomotives were built at Horwich Works during 1910, although
the last three were not finished until early in January. Twenty of these
were four-coupled radial tanks Nos. 1526 to 1545, twenty four-wheeled shunting
tanks Nos. 2, 3, 8, 12, 17, 19, 28, 43, 56, 64, 71, 75, 118, 226, 271, 298,
481, 517, 613, 614, and twenty eight-coupled coal engines with bogie tenders
Nos. 9, 29, 35, 67, 87, 96, 616, 617, 628, 713, 902, 905, 906 and 908 to
914 inclusive.
Cambrian Rys. 26-7
It had been decided to proceed with the doubling of the main line
between Moat Lane and Newtown, nearly five miles, the conversion of Llanfihangel
station into a crossing place, the provision of a down platform at Borth
Station, the lengthening of the platforms at Cemmes Road, and the conversion
of Pontdolgoch Station into an intermediate tablet station.
Hull & Barnsley Ry. 27, illustration
In the accompanying photo-reproduction, for which we are indebted
to Matthew Stirling, the locomotive, carriage and wagon superintendent, is
shown the first of a new type of express passenger locornotive designed for
the service on the HBR. Hitherto all passenger main line engines built for
the Hull & Barnsley Ry. had been of the six-wheeled type, 2-4-0, so that
the introduction of a leading bogie marked a distinct innovation so far as
that line is concerned.
The engine here shown, which is one of a series in course of construction,
had the following leading dimensions: cylinders 18½-in. diameter by
26-in , stroke; diameter of coupled wheels 6-ft. 6-in.; total heating
surface 1407 ft2.; grate area 19.6 ft2. ; working pressure
170 psi.
Invergarry & Fort Augustus Ry. 27
The N.B. Ry. agreed to withdraw the notice terminating the working
agreement for operating this line. The line will therefore certainly remain
open for a further six months, from 31 January, after which the notice the
Invergarry Co. must give the working Company will be reduced to one month.
We understand that several influential residents in the locality have guaranteed
any deficit in the working expenses.
Caledonian Ry. 28
Ten new six-coupled side tanks with 18-in. by 26-in, cylinders and
4-ft. 6-in. wheels had been completed at St. Rollox Works. Their numbers:
416, 418, 474, 481, 483, 484, 485, 500, 608, 609, 610. Four new trailing
bogie four-coupled tanks, 18-in. by 26-in. cylinders and 5-ft. 9-in. driving
wheels, were numbered 153, 154, 155 and 160.
Highland Ry. 28
No 35 Urquhart Castle was a new engine of the 4-6-0 type, delivered
from the Queen's Park Works of the North British Locomotive Co., Ltd.,
French State Rys. 28
An order for 50 express locomotives to work on that part of the system
formerly controlled by the Western Ry. Co., had been placed with the North
British Locomotive Co., Ltd. These engines would be of the same general design
as the «« Castle (4-6-0) type of the Highland Ry., with 19½-in.
by 26-in. cylinders, 5-ft. 9-in. six-coupled wheels, and 2,050
ft2. of heating surface. Sundry modifications in the original
design would be effected to suit the special requirements of the French railways.
These engines would be built at the Atlas and Hyde Park Works of the N. B.
Loco. Co., and when completed wouldbe shipped from Glasgow to St.
Waterford, Dungarvan and Lismore Ry. 28
Re article in January issue, a correspondent writes us that engine
No. 5 (formerly No. 1 Cork and Youghal Ry.) was of the 2-4-0 type with cylinders
15-in. by 24-in. (Neilson WN 542), and the four goods engines built by the
Avonside Co. and sold to the Midland Great Western Ry. had 18-in. by 24-in.
cylinders and 4-ft. 9-in. diameter driving wheels.
Railway Club. 28
On 10 January a paper on the Belgian Railways was read at 92, Victoria
Street, S.W., by Mr, E. J. Miller, the secretary. As so many of our readers
are familiar with the railways of Belgium, they will no doubt be glad to
have an opportunity of reading Mr. Miller's carefully prepared and exhaustive
paper, which is reprinted in full in the February issue of the Ratlway
Club Journal. The following papers were announced to be read during the
1911 session: 14 February "Locomotive Firing": by R. L. Robinson. 14 March
Early Standard Locomotive Types ". by H. L. Hopwood. 11 April Evolution of
the Public Time Book": by S. E. Warner. 9 May "Simple versus Compound Engines":
by A. K. Bruce. 13 June "Railway History in the Middle Ages, 1860-1880" :
by Rev. W. J. Scott.
Sierra Leone Ry. 28. illustration
Nasmyth, Wilson & Co., Ltd., of Bridgewater Foundry, Patricroft,
designed and constructed the 4-8-0 tender engine here illustrated for the
above railway, to the specifications of Elliott-Cooper and Shelford. It had
the following leading dimensions: gauge of railway 2-ft. 6-in.; cylinders
13-in. diameter by 16-in. stroke; diameter of of eight-coupled wheels 2-ft.
4-in.; total heating surface 724 ft2; grate area 12
Railway notes from India. 29-30. 2 illustrations
Including on Allahabad Exhibition and Crown Prince of Germany's visit
to India.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 30-2. 2 diagrams (side
Bromley 0-4-4T E10 class: Fig. 193: Four coupled bogie tank locomotive
No. 54 and Fig. 194 and as rebuilt as No. 588..
Express locomotives, Prussian State Rys. 32-3. illustration, 2 diagrams
(side elevations).
4-4-0 superheater express locomotive and 4-4-2 four-cylinder
compound express locomotive
Setting eccentric sheaves. 34-6. 5 diagrams.
The Mawddwy Railway. 36-8. 3 illustrations, 2 diagrams (side
Locomotives: Mawddy (Manning Wardle; WN 140/1864) and
Disraeli: WN 268/1868. Also illustrated: Dinas Mawddwy Station, Cemmes
Station and Bridge over the Dovey..
The "Phoenix" superheater. 38-9. diagram.
4-cylinder superheater locomotive, Norwegian State Rys.
39-40. illustraion.
Swiss Locomotive and Machine Co. built for then new Chrristiania and
Bergen line. No. 215 illustrated: see also letter from W.T.
Thompson on page 58
Portable locomotive wheel-balancing machine. 40-1. illustration
Fonndry eqnipment. 41. diagram
0-6-0 tank locomotive, Rhymney Ry. 42. illustration, diagram (side
Former rail motor (steam railcar) No. 1 (Hudswell, Clarke & Co.
WN 805) detached to become 0-6-0T locomotive No. 120 used on services from
Rhymney Bridge to Ystrad Mynach and Merthyr,
Petrol motor mail van, Kalka-Simla Railway. 42-3. illustration
Supplied by Lloyd & Plaister Ltd.
E.A. Forward. Bodmer models at South Kensington. 43.
Experimental electric train lighting on the London & North Western
Ry. 44. illustration
7ft 6 in single 2-2-2 No. 44 Harlequin had a donkey engine and dynamo
fitted on the tender between August 1884 and December 1890 to illuminate
the hourly block trains operating between Manchester Exchange and Livverpool
Lime Street.
Rules for drivers and firemen. 44-5.
Shunting engine, G.N.R. 45. illustration, diagram.
Vertical boiler originally used to power a traverser at Doncaster
Carriage Works converted to vertical boiler 0-4-0T and used at
Vestibuled mail train, Eastern Bengal State Ry. 46-7. 3
Built at the Kanchrapar shops for Darjeeling Mail trains
Number 223 (15 March 1911)
Railway notes. 49
London & South Western Ry. 49. illustration
4-cylinder 4-6-0 No. 448
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 50-2. 3 diagrams (side
Single driver bogie express engines Nos. 245; No.
600 and as rebuilt No. 609.
Eastleigh Locomotive Works, L. & S. W. R. 53-5. 4 illustrations,
Includes illustrations of machine shop, erecting shop, wheel shop
and smith's shop, also plan of Workshops..
New express locomotives for Holland. 56-8. 2 illustrations, 2 diagrams
(gradient profiles)
Dutch Central Railway 4-6-0 built by Maffei with bar frames for working
between Utrecht and Zwolle; and Dutch State Railway 4-6-0 built by Beyer
Peacock for working between Amsterdam and Emmerik via Arnhem
Correspondence. 58-9
Three-cylinder non-compound mineral locomotives. F.W. Brewer.
Re the N.E.R. new 4-6-2 tank engines, it is stated at p. 4 of your
January issue that " hitherto there has been "no example of a mineral engine
with three high-pressure cylinders." Strictly speaking, that is not so, for
not only the Great Central but the North Eastern Company also already possess
three-cylinder non-compound mineral tank engines, those of the G.C.R. being
of the 0-8-4 type, and those of the N.E.R. of the 4-8-0 classification. While
it is true that these eight-coupled engines were built for marshalling and
banking purposes, there is no reason why as types they should not be used
for running mineral trains in the ordinary way. That is to say, in the latter
connection they are comparable with existing eight-coupled. tender and tank
locomotives of the two-cylinder type which are so employed.
I take it that your contributor's remarks were intended to apply only to
this country, but it may be of interest to mention that the Erie & Wyoming
Valley Railroad Company of America had a three-cylinder simple 2-6-0 Mogul
engine eleven or twelve years ago. Each of the cylinders was 17-in. by 24-in.,
and the driving wheels were 3-ft. 6-in. The boiler pressure was 150 psi.
Exclusive of the tender the engine weighed 57 tons 3 cwt.
Four-cylinder superheater locomotive, Norwegian
State Rys. W.B. Thompson
Re Norwegian locomotive illustrated on p. 40 of the February number
of the " Locomotive Magazine," I saw something of the work of these engines
when staying on the Bergen line last summer, and was impressed by their speed.
In England an engine with four axles coupled and wheels only 4ft. 4-in.
in diameter would be relegated to the slowest of slow mineral service, but
these engines seemed to run quite satisfactorily and, I found, could keep
up a steady 35 miles an hour when running down hill, without apparently knocking
themselves to pieces. There was only one through passenger train a day in
each direction and the tourist traffic was very heavy, so though brand new
and much larger than their pre-decessors they required to be regularly piloted.
It is hard to understand how continental engineers can obtain really good
results with so much cylinder and boiler power and so small adhesion ; in
the same paper you illustrate two large Prussian express locomo-tives with
only 33 tons on the coupled wheels, and this weight would certainly be inadequate
on English lines.
Locomotives "Greenbank" and "
Tomlinson". 59
Re note on p. 24 of January issue re locomotives Greenbank
and Tomlinson (not Tomkinson, as stated), which were taken
over by the L. & N.W. Ry. in 1906, it may interest you to know that these
two engines were built by Messrs. Barclay for a Mr. Tomlinson who owned a
private siding, known as Greenbank siding, situated near Preston, and therefore
they could not have been built for a colliery near Wigan as stated. Both
engines were identical and were built in 1894 and 1884 in the order as given
above, the makers' Nos. being 721 and 304 respectively. When first taken
over by the L. & N.W.R. a man was sent down from Crewe to paint the numbers
2586 and 2587 thereon, but the engines never came into the works, and it
has always been a mystery as to what became of them.
F. J. Davison [answer to enquiry]. 59
The whole of the carriage stock of the London & North Western
Ry. is in course of being renumbered in such a manner as to have all vehicles
of one type in series, with a due allowance for an increase of stock. Thus,
as renumbered, the carriages and wagons will be in series running up to 13,000,
though at the present time the ordinary stock, exclusive of duplicates, comprise
only 8,167 vehicles. The new scheme of numbering will, when completed, be
as follows :-3rd class coaches Nos. 1-2500, composites Nos. 2501-4500, 1st
class coaches Nos. 4501-4850, 2nd class Nos. 4851-5000, saloon coaches Nos.
5001-5500, motor coaches Nos. 5501-5600, 1st class brakes Nos. 5601-5700,
composite brakes Nos. 5701-6500, 2nd class brakes Nos. 6501-6850, 3rd class
brakes Nos. 6851-8000, brake vans Nos. 8001-9500, P.O. vans Nos. 9501-9600,
parcel and bullion vans Nos. 9601-10000, horse boxes Nos. 10001-11000, and
wagons Nos. 11001-13000. Duplicate vehicles will in future retain their original
numbers with "0" prefixed, whilst existing duplicates have "A" affixed. Vehicles
which are converted from one class to another will at the same time be
Rail tractor. 59-60. illustration
Price's petrol or paraffin tractor, built by Charles Price & Son
of Broadheath, Manchester with two-speed gearbox and weighed about 4.5 tons.
Some early Midland tank engines. 60. illustration
0-4-2WT No. No. 201A illustrated'
The Midland Ry. possessed three small passenger tank engines, the origin
of which dates back to the period when this now powerful and extensive railway
was being formed by the amalgamation of a number of smaller lines. Amongst
these was the railway from Skipton to Morecambe, known officially as the
North Western Ry., or unofficially as the Little North Western Ry., to
distinguish it from the larger and more important line having Euston as its
terminus. Amongst the locomotive stock of the Little North Western were four
single-wheel passenger tank engines built by Wm. Fairbairn & Sons, of
Manchester, in 1850. Very little is known of these engines, except that they
were well tank engines with 5-ft. drivers, and named Whernside,
Penyghent, Skiddaw and Hellvellyn. In May, 1852, they
became part of the Midland locomotive stock on the amalgamation of the two
railways, and they appear to have been numbered in the 150s. Helvellyn
became Midland 151, and the numbers of the other three were said to have
been 157 to 159. At a later period M. Kirtley completely rebuilt three of
these engines by converting them into 0-4-2 tank engines (see illustration
of No. 201A). The driving wheels were 5-ft. in diameter and the cylinders
12-in. by 18-in. The outside frames bear the unmistakeable mark of Kirtley's
design, and probably only parts of the original engines were used again.
The date of this conversion was 1866 or thereabouts, when the three engines
157 to 159 became Nos. 200 to 202. No. 202 was re-built with another boiler
in 1877 at Derby, and differed from the other two engines in having a rather
taller dome close to the chimney. No. 200 (which had become 200A in 1875)
and 201 were both rebuilt in 1878 with domes over the fire-boxes. No. 200A
was for many years stationed at Hereford, and worked the Midland coaches
(Birmingham to Swansea), between Barr's Court Junction and Barton station.
No. 201 spent a considerable period of its existence at Wigston working the
St. Pancras-Birmingham coaches round the south loop. No. 202 was for a long
time on the Child's Hill and Gunnersbury service. No. 202 became 202A in
1889, and in 1892 was renumbered 2065A, and appears to have been scrapped
shortly afterwards. No. 201 became 201A in 1889 and was broken up in 1894
; 200A re-mained at work until 1896, when it was taken out, of service, but
not broken up. It was afterwards used as a pumping engine to be sent from
Derby to any out station that might require such service, and was so employed
until recently. This engine was not the one built by E. B. Wilson in 1848,
which became 201A later.
F. Moore's photographs. 60
Among recent additions to the collection published from our offices,
and taken by our special photographer, are the following: N.E.R. No. 1175
4-6-2 tank and No. 1352 4-8-0 tank ; G.N.R. No. 1461 Atlantic fitted with
Schmidt superheater ; Hull & Barnsley Ry. No. 41 4-4-0 express locomotive
; and L.B. & S.C.R. No. 325 4-6-2 express tank. Size 10-in. by 8-in.,
only in the last-named, the others 15-in. by 12-in. There have also been
added to the list of postcards some old L. & Y. and L. & N.W.R,
Locomotive boiler tubes. 61-4. 3 diagrams
See also letter from C. Knapp on page 91
A prolific inventor. 63. illustration
A.W. Richardson, died in his 71st year. He was born in Norfolk, Virginia,
but moved to England joining Crossley Brothers of Manchester, but eventually
set up his own business at Skew Bridge Works, Patricroft where he developed
steam cars and electric power equipment. Illustration of steam road
Rules for drivers and firemen. 64-5.
New locomotives of the Paris, Lyons and Mediterranean Ry. 65-6. 2
illustrations, 2 diagrams (side elevations).
4-6-0 four-cylinder compound locomotive, No. 2541 including diagram;
2-8-0 four-cylinder compouud goods locomotive No. 4402 including
A large colliery tank locomotive. 67. illustration
Nasmyth Wilson outside cylinder 0-8-0T for Astley & Tyldesley
Collieries Co.
Locomotive Engineers' Loose Leaf Note Book, 68.
New block trains for the Brussels-Antwerp service, Belgian State Rys. 69. illustration
Number 224 (15 April 1911)
Railway notes. 71
London & North Western Ry. 71. illustration
C. J. Bowen Cooke's new 4-6-2 passenger tank engines, a
dimensioned diagram of which was given in our January issue. The engine
is fitted with the Schmidt superheater, as are all except the first engine
of the class, No. 2665. In addition to those already mentioned in previous
issues, four new engines will shortly be ready, Nos. 217, 1183, 1366 and
797. All the superheater engines are fitted with Wakefield's mechanical
The first of the new series of 4-4-0 (George the Fifth) engines will be ready
for service during the Coronation festivities and will probably bear the
Crewe Works No. 5,000, and possibly the name Coronation. It is intended
to use this engine for the Royal journey to Carnarvon in July for the investiture
of the Prince of Wales. In contrast to this modern engine, a model of
Stephenson's Rocket, which, we believe, was constructed to the late
Mr. F. W. Webb's order, is being put together again at Crewe. It is reported
that ten new engines of the 4-6-0 type are to be built, equipped with Schmidt
superheaters, and other new construction will include a number of eight-wheeled
shunting tank engines of a new type. Nos. 1811 1852 and 1869, three-cylinder
compound mineral engines, converted to simple with 18½-in. cylinders
and small boilers, and Nos. 1035 and 1280, of the four-cylinder type, had
been similarly converted, but with 24-in. cylinders and larger boilers.
No. 390, 4-ft. 6-in. 2-4-2 tank, had been converted for motor service on
the Red Wharf Bay line, with cylinders reduced to 15 in. dia. No. 1183
Plynlimmon of the Precedent class had been withdrawn from service.
There is still running, under the title of Engineer, South Wales,
one of Trevithick's Crewe passenger engines with 6-ft. single drivers. This
engine, which was transferred in 1889, was originally No. 315 Prince
Arthur. It was stationed at Abergavenny.
It had been decided this summer to run a rail motor service between Willesden
(H. Level) and Earl's Court and Kew Bridge. It will comprise a fitted 2-4-2
tank (4-ft. 6-in. drivers) and two coaches. The motor service is intended
to supplement the present half-hourly service from Broad St., with the exception
that these trains will cease to call at St. Quintin Park Station, which will
only be served by the motors. There will thus be a 15 minutes' service between
Willesden and Acton, and Willesden and Earl's Court.
The Willesden-Watford widening was progressing slowly. The scheme for a tube
from Willesden to Euston is in abeyance. At present the new line will make
a connection with the up and down lines, near Scrubbs Lane overbridge, about
three-quarters of a mile North of Willesden Station, and here a new signal
box is to be erected.
Great Eastern Ry. 72.
Nos. 1790 and 1791, new new 4-4-0 express locomotives, were out of
the shops. The new 2-4-2 tank engines will be numbered 61-70, consequently
the old Nos. 65 and 66 now had cyphers prefixed to their numbers. New 65-ft.
turntables were to be provided at Stratford and Parkeston.
Brecon & Merthyr Ry. 72. diagram (side elevation)
We illustrate, by courtesy of James Dunbar, the locomotive, carriage
and wagon superintendent, a 4-4-0 tank engine No. 35, which was engaged on
both goods and passenger service, chiefly on the colliers' passenger trains.
This engine originally belonged to the Great Western Ry., and was built at
Swindon Works in 1898. It was No. 1490 on the G. W. R., and worked local
passenger trains and did shunting work in the Swindon district. It was sold
to the B. & M.R. in November, 1907.
Great Northern Railway. 72
The ten new 0-6-2 tanksNos. 1571 to 1580were in work in
the London district. No. 1078 has a slightly extended smokebox like Nos.
210 and 995. No. 51 is the first of a new series of 4-4-0 passenger engines
with superheaters.
Several engines have recently been fitted with extended smokeboxes, amongst
them being Nos.1080, 1313, 1317 and 1319 (4-4-0 passenger), and Nos. 715,
868, 898 and 997 (2-4-0 rebuilt Stirling passenger). No. 708, the 2-4-0 passenger
engine which was fitted with the Druitt-Halpin thermal storage apparatus
in 1903 and was illustrated in our issue of 15
Dec. 1904, has had the installation removed, and was fitted with a Stirling
domeless boiler. No. 304A, the double-framed Sturrock goods engine which
was sent to Colwick early in 1908, had been broken up. Several of the Stirling
2-4-0 and 0-6-0 engines had been provided with standard (domed) boilers,
but one mixed traffic engine, No. 357, which was so rebuilt a few years ago,
had been sent out of the shops with a domeless boiler, though retaining the
later pattern of cab.
The 8.30 a.m. train from Newcastle to King's Cross and the 5.30 p.m. from
King's Cross to Newcastle, were working with the vacuum brake over the N.
E. Ry.Proposed to enlarge Kings Cross Station at an estimated cost of
£300,000, the scheme including the provision of a new departure platform.
The G.N. Ry. have purchased a large part of the disused Gas Works at King's
Cross, which will enable one of the over-bridges outside the terminus to
be dismantled, and a much needed widening on the west of the line to be carried
out. A new educational room, somewhat on the lines of that recently instituted
at Kings Cross, as described in our issue of November last, was recently
opened at Hornsey for the benefit of 250 men of the locomotive department
stationed there. Mr. Notter, Superintendent of the London locomotive district,
and Mr. Hennessy, Superintendent at Hornsey, were present at the opening,
and several drivers made excellent speeches.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 72-3
Arrangements were being made to transfer a large number of the locomotive
department employees from the Longhedge Works of the L.C. & D. Ry. to
Ashford during the next few months. No. 459, the last of Mr. Stirling's 4-4-0
ex-press engines, built by Neilson, Reid & Co., and the highest number
in the old S.E.R. stock list, had been rebuilt. This engine was fitted with
Holden's liquid fuel burning apparatus, which was afterwards removed owing
to the prohibitive charges for the fuel made by the importers.
On and after the 1 May, the night cross Channel services from and to Flushing
will use Folkestone instead of Queenborough. This will reduce the sea distance
from it 110 to 95 miles, and the time on the sea voyage from 6 hrs. to 4
hrs. 50 min. Qaeenborough will still be used for the day service.
Great Central Ry. 73. illustration
Courtesy of J.G. Robinson, the chief mechanical engineer, an illustration
of one of the powerful new 4-6-2 passenger tank locomotives, ten of which
have been built at Gorton. A dimensioned diagram of these engines
appeared in our issue of November last, so that
reference can be made to that issue for full particulars, but it may be repeated
here that they have cylinders 20-in. by 26-in., actuated by piston valves,
and six coupled wheels of 5-ft. 7-in dia. In the engine shown, a superheater
is provided, giving a surface of 214 sq. ft., this bringing the total heating
surface to 1,649 sq. ft., and the total weight in working order is 86 tons.
These engines were fitted with the Wakefield lubricator, a combination ejector
for the automatic vacuum brake and a steam brake, a water pick-up, and steam
heat apparatus. They are stationed in the London district, but work as far
as Leicester and Nottingham.
Railway Club. 73.
Lord Monkswell, D.L , agreed to act as vice-president.
Locomotive Souvenirs. 73
No. 12 is ready, dealing with the Eastern Ry. of France. No. 13 will
show recent constructions of Messrs. Nasmyth, Wilson & Co., Ltd.
Great Western Ry. 73.
Nos. 1110, I190 and 2632 old goods engines fitted with the Swindon
superheater. A new 65-ft. turntable had been laid down at Chippenham.
Great Northern Ry. (Ireland). 73
Five 0-6-0 goods locomotives in course of construction by Nasmyth,
Wilson & Co., Ltd., of Bridgewater Foundry, Patricroft, two of which
to be fitted with the Phoenix superheater.
Dublin & South Eastern Ry. 73
No. 36, six-coupled goods locomotive, built at the Grand Canal St.
Works in 1900, had been fitted with a superheater in the smoke-box. This
is, we believe, the first engine in Ireland so fitted. The 4-4-0 passenger
engine, No. 56 Rathmines, built by the Vulcan Foundry in 1895, had
been supplied with a new boiler having a Belpaire firebox, similarly to No.
57 Rathnew which was rebuilt in 1906. Nos. 47, 2-4-0 tank, and
22, 0-4-2 mixed traffic engine, had been withdrawn from set vice. The
first-mentioned will probably be converted into a 2-4-2 tank engine.
French State Rys. 73
M. Maison has been appointed to the position of Chef du Service du
Materiel et de la Traction, with offices at 26, Rue de Rome, Paris.
West Australian Government Rys. 73
Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd. received an order for six Garratt
locomotives for the 3-ft. 6-in. gauge of the above railway. These engines
would each weigh 69 tons..
New Swiss tunnel. 74. map
Map of the Lotschberg Tunnel
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 75-6.
Six-coupled saddle tank No. 203 and four coupled side tanks Nos. 810
and 802.
Obituary. 76
The late Thomas Witelegg and Lord Airedale, formerly Sir James
Narrow gauge tank locomotive for the Kimberley Mines. 77. 4 diagrams
(including side elevation)
Built for De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd by W.G. Bagnall: 18 inch
gauge 0-4-2T
4-4-0 superheater locomotive, Holland Ry.. 78. illustration
Built by Nederlandsche Fabriek van Werktuigen en Spoorweg Materieel
of Amsterdam
Rules for drivers and firemen. 78-80.
Single line working with staff; including notes on locomotive failure
on such lines; brake failures
4-4-2 locomotive, Sudan Government Rys. 80. illustration
No. 110 Sirdar supplied Robert Stephenson & Co.
New locomotives, Glasgow & South Western Ry. 81 + plate on facing
Illustrated: 4-6-0 express locomotive No. 126 (on Plate); also 0-6-0
freight locomotive No. 48.
A tyre heater. 81. diagram
The Darjeeling Himalayan Ry. 82-6. 7 illustrations, diagram (side
Sharp Stewart 0-4-0 which article describes as A class pannier tanks
and B class 0-4-0ST: the iconic steam motive power; also side elevation diagram
of 0-4-0+0-4-0 Bayer Garratt
An automatic feedwater regulator. 86. diagram
Manning Thermo-Feed Water Regulator
Eight coupled tank locomotive, Belgian State Rys. 86-7. illustration,
2 diagrams
0-8-0T: work included shunting and actings as bankers at Liege: included
diagram of balanced slide valve
Paris, Lyons & Mediterranaen Ry. 87
Thirty Pacific locomotives on order
Cars for the Brussels-Antwerp "block" trains Belgian State Rys. 88;
89; 90. 2 illustrations, 2 diagrams (side and end elevaations, plans)
Luxury first class car and fourgon: compare Thalys.
Asbestos for locomotive boiler coverings. 90-1. diagram
"Pluto" brand mattresses
Correspondence. 91
Locomotive boiler tubes. C. G. Knapp.
In the article on the above subject in your issue for March i5th,
it is stated that the quicker and cheaper way of removing old tubes is to
cut off the bead at the firebox end level with the tube plate, split the
tube end and close it up, and then drive it out at the smokebox end. This
seems to me to involve an unnecessary waste of time, besides which there
is the possibility that in the act of cutting and splitting the tube ends,
a careless man might spoil the tube holes in the plates as well. A method
that I have seen used with good results, which entails only the cutting off
of the beaded end in the firebox, is illustrated by the accompanying diagram.
A tool is made as shown, the block at the end having two diameters, one to
fit inside the tnbes, and the other not exceeding the outside diameter of
the tubes. After the tube end has been prepared by chipping off the bead,
the rod is inserted, having the block at the firebox end, and when it emerges
from the smokebox end, it is surrounded by a piece of piping of sufficient
diameter to clear the bead, and this is capped by a stout piece of iron plate.
If the nut is then placed on the rod, and screwed up, whilst a man in the
firebox also taps the end of the tool, it will be found that the tube will
come out at once. It is advisable to remove the middle tubes first, as those
around tend to act as stays to the tube plates during the process and prevent
buckling, which might occur if the outer tubes had all been removed first.
A merit of this method is the fact that the tubes are not damaged or shortened
in the process of withdrawal, and consequently can be used again without
requiring to have pieces brazed or welded on.
Cyril R. Munro. 91
No. 120, Great Eastern Ry., was rebuilt in 1898, Nos. 209 and 210 are employed
on the Lowestoft Harbour Works. No. 060 was broken up in 1910.
Sectional elevation of London & South Western Ry 4-6-0 express engine. plate fp. 91 (folding diagr.)
443 class.
Eastleigh Locomotive Works, L. & S. W. Ry. 92-3. 2 illustrations,
Hartness turret lathe.
Metropolitan District Ry. 93.
Most of 52 new steel carsb were in service and were painted bright
Reviews. 94
French railways Lord Monkswell. London
: Smith, Elder & Co.
Thanks to his personal acquaintance with the working of the French
lines, Lord Monkswell provides the railway student with a most instructive
account of the various railway systems. The somewhat complicated arrangements
between the Government and the railway companies are clearly explained, as
well as the reasons for keeping the different systems confined to well-determined
districts to avoid the duplication of routes. The geographical location of
the important through routes and the utility of some of them for international
traffic are carefully discussed. The opening of the Simplon Tunnel has raised
new problems for the improvement of the French communi-cations with Switzerland,
and important works are now under consideration. New railways also are to
cross the Pyrenees into Spain. The principal types of signals and their working,
the permanent way and its upkeep, locomotive types and their important features,
as well as carriage and wagon stock, are all dealt with in turn. Then the
author gives a chapter on the express services. The fine work done on the
Nord surpasses anything we can boast of in this country, and the many accounts
of performances witnessed from the footplate on this road are most interesting
reading. The fixing of the rates and fares is described. Many typical French
railway views by the author illustrate the book.
Number 225 (15 May 1911)
A Duke as engine driver. 95. illustration
In our issue of 15 January
1909, we were able, by the courtesy of His Majesty, to
give an illustration of the King of Bulgaria standing on the footplate of
an express locomotive of the State Rys. of Bulgaria, one of his hobbies being
engine driving. On this page is what may be called a companion picture to
that already referred to. The engine driver who is looking over the side
of the engine, in this instance is not Royal, but he was the driver of a
Royal train, and is no less a personage . than the Duke of Saragossa, a grandee
of Spain and a lineal descendant of Palafox, the famous defender of Saragossa
during its two sieges by four French marshals in 1808 and 1809. On Wednesday,
19 April H.M. King Alfonso of Spain returned to Madrid by the Sud Express
from San Sebastian. The train started from San Sebastian two hours behind
time, but the engine driver, the Duke of Saragossa, brought it into Madrid
according to schedule.
The engine, No. 812, here shown, is one of the fine 4-6-0 compound express
engines of the Madrid-Saragossa Ry. The Duke, it may be remarked, is a subscriber
to The Locomotive Magazine of long standing, and has frequently
contributed to our columns. See further communication
from the Duke on page 273.
London & North Western Ry. 95-6
The numbers of E. Nettlefold and P.H. Chambres, George
the Fifth class, were 228 and 445, not as printed in the February issue.
A new series of 4-6-2 tank engines with Schmidt superheaters and Wakefield
lubricators had been put in hand at Crewe. The first five to bear Nos. 632,
1186, 1416, 1533 and 1638. The engines which previously bore these numbers
had, with the exception of Nos. 1416 and 1533, been broken up. No. 632 was
a 6-ft. 2-4-0 passenger engine named Ostrich; No. 1186 was a 4-ft.
3-in. standard coal engine; whilst No. 1638 was a special Dx goods. The two
not broken up, Nos. 1416 and 1533 Dx goods, had been renumbered 3124 and
3127 respectively.
The Alfred the Great compounds Nos. 1945, 1956, 1965 and 1967 had their h.p.
cylinders increased to 16-in, diameter, thus making them uniform with the
rest of the type.
No. 1271 four-cylinder compound mineral engine had been converted to simple.
Nos. 384 and 839 4-ft. 6-in. 2-4-2 tanks had been fitted for working motor
trains. A further two Metropolitan tank engines, Nos. 3072 and 3095, had
been withdrawn, leaving only one, No. 3036, in service.
The model of Stephenson's Rocket, chiefly of wood, being put together
at Crewe, as mentioned in our last issue, is practically new and will replace
one destroyed by fire at the Brussels Exhibition last year. This is the third
of its kind to be constructed, the first one, curiously enough, being also
destroyed by fire, at Crewe, some twenty years ago. The Coronation
engine (4-4-0 George the Fifth class) was well in hand. It would have driving
wheel splashers similar to those of the Precursor type. The engine will be
painted in special colours, and the boiler will be furnished with brass bands.
[KPJ did this happen?]
Great Eastern Ry. 96-7
The new Southend service, commenced on 1 May introduced an entirely
new series of ten daily express trains. Several of the trains had an unusually
fast start to stop booking, Shenfield to Prittlewell 205/8
miles in 24 minutes = 51.56 miles per hour. The fastest train each way, 09.I7
up from Southend, and the 17.03 down from Liverpool Street, take 58 minutes,
but there is only one at this speed each way, and these run non-stop between
London and Prittlewell. Several of the 1800 class have been stationed at
Southend to work the trains.
A new dining car express London to Norwich vza Cambridge now leaves at 18.37.
We illustrate herewith by the courtesy of S.J. Holden, a new tank locomotive
recently built at Stratford. It is of the 2-4-2 class, but differs from earlier
engines of this tpye in the shape of the cab and chimney, and the boiler
is built to stand a maximum working pressure of 200 psi. The leading dimensions
were: cylinders 17½-in. by 24-in.; diameter of leading and trailing
wheels 3-ft. 9-in., and of coupled wheels 5-ft. 4-in.; total wheelbase 23-ft.:
total heating surface 1,054.1 ft2., of which the firebox contributed
98-4 ft2.; grate area 15.43 ft2; total weight in working
order 51 tons 10 cwt. 3 qrs.
Our contemporary, the Great Eastern Railway Magazine, amongst other
interesting matter, contains particulars of the new 4-6-0 express locomotive,
No. 1,500, in course of construction at Stratford, together with a supplement
consisting of an excellent perspective drawing, in wash, of the engine as
it will appear when completed. Appended also are its leading dimensions as,
follows :-cylinders 20-in. by 28-in.; diameter of bogie wheels 3-ft. 3-in.,
and of coupled wheels 6-ft. 6-in.; wheelbase: bogie 6-ft. 6in., coupled 14-ft.,
total 28-ft. 6-in.; working pressure 180 psi.; boiler: length of barrel 12-ft.
6-in., maximum internal dia.meter 5-£t., with a Belpaire firebox 8-ft.
6-in. long by 4-ft. 0½-in. wide at bottom and 5-ft.
33/8-in. at top. In general appearance No. 1500 wouldl resemble
the 4-4-0 class.
Great Western Ry. 97
A new series of 2-8-0 mineral engines was in course of delivery from
Swindon, of which Nos. 2831-3 were at work. They are of almost similar design
to the 2801 class, but the boilers were fitted with the Swindon superheater
(illustrated in our issue of 15 Nov.), and the tenders were of the new pattern
with toolboxes facing towards the footplate. An innovation was being introduced
on existing engines as they went into the shops in the direction of altering
the position of the clack boxes. The delivery pipes were brought up round
the boiler barrel and the clack boxes were on top of the barrel, in some
instances on the safety valve casing, and in others between that fitting
and the smokebox.
A new engine shed was in contemplation at Westbury (Wilts.), which would
probably replace that at Trowbridge.
French State Railways. 97. illustration
By the courtesy of the builders, the North British Locomotive Co.,
Ltd., we are able to illustrate herewith one of the first shipment
of five out of the 50 4-6-0 express locomotives now in course of construction
and delivery to the French State (tormerly Western Ry.) system. It will be
noted that these engines closely resemble the engines of the "Castle" class
on the Highland Ry. Despite the facilities afforded by the fine installation
of labour-saving machinery at the N. B. Company's works, the time allowance
imposed in the contract for these engines has necessitated a considerable
amount of overtime being worked at the Queen's Park, Hyde Park and Atlas
Works respectively, in order to comply with the conditions laid down. No.
230-321 illustrated
London & South Western Ry. 97
The first of the five new four-cylinder' 4-6-0 passenger engines with
6-ft. 7-in. wheels had been completed. These engines differ from preceding
engines of this class and of the smaller class illustrated in our March issue,
in having all four cylinders in line across the engine, below the smokebox,
and all driving on the front pair of coupled wheels. They will bear Nos.
443 to 447, and will be employed on the Waterloo-Bournemouth express
North Eastern Ry. 97
The 20 three-cylinder 4-4-2 express passenger engines now in order
from the North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., of which 10 will be equipped
with the Schmidt superheater, will have the following leading dimensions:
cylinders (three high-pressure) 15½-in. by 26-in.; diameter of bogie
wheels 3-ft. 7¼-in.,- coupled wheels 6-ft. l0-in. and trailing wheels
4-ft. The engines without superheaters will have a total heating surface
of 2310 sq. ft., and the weight in working order will be 77 tons. The tenders
will be of the standard type, containing 4125 gallons of water and 5 tons
of coal, and weighing 45 tons.
Eskdale Ry. 98
The light railway of 3-ft. gauge, known as the Ravenglass & Eskdale
Ry., which was closed two years ago, as mentioned in our issue of April 15th,
1909, has now been re-opened for mineral and goods traffic under the shorter
title given above. It is expected that before long a passenger service will
also be provided.
A model railway. 98.
At the stand allotted to the East Coast Joint Service at the Scottish
Exhibition of National History, Art and Industry, Kelvinside Park, Glasgow,
there was a most ingenious electrically operated model railway, illustrative
of the three railways comprising the joint service. The model was built in
the form of a horseshoe, and had a length of 70-ft.; built to the scale of
7/16-in. to the foot, with a gauge of 2-in. There were three
stations represented in the model, King's Cross, York and Waverley (Edinburgh),
respectively, and a model train comprising E.C.J.S. stock travels between
the two termini, composed of one 1st and 3rd composite, one brake 3rd, one
guard's van, one dining saloon, and one sleeping car. Models of G.N., N.E.,
and N.B. Atlantic engines respectively were attached to this train, all the
operations being carried on by electricity, including the working of signals,
points and turntables. A side show of the exhibit was an illustration of
shunting operations by means of models of up-to-date N.E.R. bogie wagons.
The whole of the model railway was the work of Basset-Lowke; Ltd., of
Northampton. The installation was an improved development of the model made
by the same firm for the Brussels Exhibition last year, which was unfortunately
destroyed by the fire that did so much damage during the course of the
The Junior Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 98
Among forthcoming events were the following: on 27 May a visit will
be paid to the running sheds and repair shops of the Midland Ry. at Kentish
Town. On the evening of the same day, at St. Bride's Institute, E.C.,
J.P. Maitland will read a paper on French
Locomotive Practice, which will be preceded by a Special General Meeting.
On Whit Monday, 3 June, a visit will be paid to the locomotive depot of the
C. de F. du Nord, at Calais. On Saturday, 10 June, a visit is arranged to
the Brighton Corporation Pumping Station at Falmer. Full particulars with
regard to these fixtures can be obtained on application to the Treasurer
or Secretary, King Moor, Ringmer, Sussex.
Reviews. 98
Rules and reports for locomotive drivers and firemen. By a Locomotive
Inspector. London The Locomotive Publishing Co., Ltd. Calcutta: The Indian
Railway Gazette, 1911.
The first section of this little book consists of a revised, reprint
of the "Rules for Drivers and Firemen," which were recently published in
these columns, and which were considered of such great value as to be worthy
of reproduction in more permanent and compact form. In addition to that matter,
there is a section devoted to-letters and reports such as enginemen have
to write in the, course of their careers. Prefaced by general remarks on
the general method to be observed in all such correspondence, the author
gives a number of model forms of letters and reports, which are calculated
to be of inestimable service to men who find less difficulty in handling
the regulator than in directing the pen.
Locomotive office work . 98
Title of a new book to be issued by the Locomotive Publishing Co.,
Locomotive souvenirs Nos. 13 and 14. 98
To be issued, would deal with locomotives built by Manning, Wardle
& Co., Ltd., and at Brighton Works, L.B. & S.C.R.,
F. Moore's Photographs. 98
The following are some of the latest photographs published from the
office of this Magazine : L. B. & S. C. R. No. 323 4-4-0 with extended
smokebox (rebuilt Billinton); Nos. 570 and 586 0-6-2 tanks, and No. 79A 0-4-2
tank, rebuilt with extended smokeboxes; S.E. & C.R. No. 577 4-4-0, No.
19 4-4-0 with extended smokebox, and No. 447 4-4-0 (rebuilt by Wainright
[sic] Wainwright) ; G.E.R. No. 61, new 2-4-2 tank. Other photos comprise
recent engines on the Hull & Barnsley and North Staffordshire Rys.
Coloured postcards. 98
Among the most recent postcards issued by the Locomotive Publishing
Co., Ltd., were reproductions in colours of G. N. R. No. 1421 (compound Atlantic)
and 455 (eight-coupled mineral engine with superheater), Caledonian Ry. Sir
James Thompson (4-6-0), and G. & S. W. R, No. 386 (4-6-0), and views
of the following famous trains in motion Sheffield-London non-stop, G.C.R.;
Newcastle-Liverpool express, L. & Y. R. (passing Walkden) ; 1.30 down
Leeds and Bradford express, G. N. R. (passing Hadley Wood) ; and up Cornish
Riviera Limited, G. W. R.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 99-100.
Four-coupled side tank No. 804 and front-coupled tender locomotive
No. 807, and as rebuilt No. 0806.
Eastleigh Locomotive Works, L. & S. W. Ry. 100-1. 2
Slotting machine, wheel lathe illustrated.
Mallet compounds for the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway.
101; 102-3. 2 illustrations, 2 diagrams
Built with flexible boilers incorporating a flexible bellos connection;
Jacobs-Schupert fireboxes and Buck-Jacobs superheaters.
Shropshire & Montgomeryshire Light Ry. 104-6.
3 Illustrations, map.
Includes map and illus. of bridge over the Severn at Shrawardine;
contractors' and inspection locomotive Gazelle
(see also 19 page 160) and 0-6-0 locomotive,
No.3 Hesperus with train.
A Ceylon railway relic. 107. 2 illustrations
Very short wheelbase 1st 2nd class composite carriage with two
compartments possibly for sharply vurved Kandy section
Football Cup Tie specials. 107
Final between Bradford City (1) and Newcastle United (0) played at
Crystal Palace on 22 April brought record traffic into London. King's
Cross handled 38 return specials between 22.23 on Saturday and 04.02 on Sunday.
Up traffic was 36 specials into Euston; 26 into St. Pancras, 22 into Paddington
and 11 into Marylebone. [KPJ teams & result from Wikipedia not original
Locomotive crank axles. 108-10. 4 diagrams
Oil engines for station lighting. 110-11. 2 illustrations
Reavell & Co. engine to generate electricity for new station lighting
at Squirrel's Heath & Gidea Park, Great Eastern Railway
Rebuilt tank locomotives, London, Brighton & South Coast Railway.
111-12. illustration
0-4-2T D class tank locomotive (rebuilt with larger boiler), No. 79A
An old long boiler goods engine, London & North Western
Railway. 112. illustration
0-6-0 which originated as Stothert & Slaughter Nos. 321-331 built
in 1855 which carried various numbers until receiving duplicate numbers.
The illustration shows Np. 661 which had become No. 1859. They worked on
the South Stafford section based at Walsall and Wichnor.
See also Locomotive Volume 3
page 5-6
Special train of Pope Pius IX. 113. illustration
Special saloon
2nd and 3rd class cars for the Brussels-Antwerp "block" trains Belgian State Railways. 114; 115. 2 diagrams (side and rear elevations and plans)
Internal combustion mine locomotive. 116. illustration
W. Silversteen & Co exhibited at Colliery Exhibition in
Number 226 (15 June 1911)
Railway notes. 117
Great Northern Ry. 117
The new 4-4-0 engines, with superheaters, bearing numbers from 51
upwards, were in service.
Irish locomotive trials. 117
Following similar mutual arrangements made by British railways, of
which details had already appeared in former issues, two of the leading Irish
railways had been interchanging locomotives with a view to testing them on
foreign lines. Thus, the 4-4-0 passenger locomotive No. I13 Neptune,
of the Great Northern Ry. (Ireland), and the 4-4-0 engine No. 322 of the.
Great Southern & Western Ry., were respectively " lent," each to the
other line with its own driver and fireman, and the engines were then tried
on main line work, with a driver of the line on which they were working to
act as pilotman. These engines have been illustrated and described in our
pages. They are of approximately the same dimensions and power, but the G.N.
engine carries 15 lb. higher boiler pressure. The greater part of the comparative
tests were made : on the G. S. & W. R. between Glanmire (Cork) and
Kingsbridge (Dublin), a distance of 165 miles ; and on the G. N. R. between
Amiens St. (Dublin) and Belfast, a distance of 113 miles. The official
observations and results obtained from these trials, which occupied a period
of nearly three months, have not yet been made public, but it is to be hoped
that they will be, as they would fon exceptionally interesting reading.
Somerset & Dorset Joint Ry 117
M.F. Ryan, of the Midland Ry., Derby, tol succeed A. Whitaker, who
was retiring from the position of locomotive superintendent at
Stephenson's Rocket (1829), & L. & N.W.R.
W.C. Brocklehurst (1910). 117 illustration
Related text page 120
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 117
It is with regret that we chronicle the death of G. Fowler, who was
for 8½ years running-shed superintendent at Stoat's Nest. Fowler
entered the service of the L.B. & S.C.R. in 1865 ; he was appointed
running-shed superintendent at Brighton in April, 1891, which post he held
for more than ten years, when after a short period in the outdoor
superintendent's department he was transferred to Stoat's Nest in May, 1902.
There he remained until his retirement in October last. His death took place
at Brighton on 27 April in his 61st year.
The Institution of Locomotive Engineers.
On Saturday, 13 May a well-attended party of members in the Brighton
district visited the Brighton Corporation electricity works at Southwick,
being received on arrival by Mr. Christie, the chief engineer. On 27 May
a visit was made to the Kentish Town locomotive depot of the Midland Ry.,
and on the evening of the same, day a special general meeting was held at
St. Bride's Institute, when it was unanimously agreed to alter the name of
the Institution to "The Institution of Locomotive Engineers" This meeting
was followed by a paper on French Locomotive Practice, read by J. P.
On Whit Monday, 5 June a party of members visited the locomotive department
at Boulogne, C. de Fer du Nord, where some of the latest locomotives of that
line were inspected. On 17 June a visit will be paid to the Brighton Corporation
pumping station at Falmer at 3.0 p.m.; on 24 June a visit will be paid to
the Lillie Bridge works of the London Underground Electric Rys to meet
at the Works entrance at 3.0 p.m. ; and on 20 July to the locomotive and
carriage works of the G. E. R. at Stratford (train from Liverpool Street
at 1.52 p.m., No. 13 platform).
London and South Western Ry. 118. illustration, diagram (side
Courtesy of Dugald Drummond a photo-reproduction and dimensioned diagram
of the new type of four-cylinder simple 4-6-0 express en-gines, Nos. 443-447,
recently built at Eastleigh. These differ from preceding engines of the same
general type in having allilfour cylinders in line between the bogie wheels.
The diagram shows all leading particulars, but it may be pointed out that
the outside crank pins are:of the type originally introduced, we believe,
by H. A. Ivatt on the G.N.R. 990 class, giving a shorter throw to the coupling
rods than the connecting rods, 12-in. as against 13-in. The boiler is of
the same dimensions as in the smaller (448) class recently illustrated, but
is adapted to a higher working pressure.
Special supplement. 118
With this enlarged issue, which deals exclusively with railways and
locomotives within the British Empire, and contains several articles of
exceptional interest, is presented a coloured plate representing the
Blackpool-Manchester express of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Ry., hauled
by one of the 4-6-0 four-cylinder engines designed by George Hughes, which
was fully illustrated and described in issue of 14 August 1909. The train
is shown passing the Walkden water-troughs. MISSING
London & North Western Ry. 119. illustration
We are able to give herewith an illustration of the Coronation engine,
No. 1800, the 5000th engine built at the Crewe Works, which made its first
run after leaving the shops on 15 May, and had since made several trips,
including one with the 2 p.m ex Euston to Carlisle. As can be seen from the
photograph, it is generally of the George the Fifth type, but has coupled
wheels provided with large bosses and half moon balance weights. In view
of its employment on Royal trains it would be finished with all the working
parts, including wheels and buffers, polished bright, and rather more brass
work than is usual on L. & N. W. R. engines. When put into service it
will bear the name Prince of Wales, and on the driving wheel splashers
will be affixed a plate surmounted by a crown bearing the word " CORONATION
" in large raised letters, and below it the inscription "THE 5000TH ENGINE
BUILT AT CREWE LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, JUNE, 1911." In view of this engine being
named as above, the 4-6-0 engine No. 1676 has been. renamed
Shakespeare. No. 412 Marquis (4-4-0) has been provided with
new coupled wheels similar to those of the new Coronation engine. It is reported
that an order for ten four-cylinder simple engines of an entirely new type
has recently been placed at Crewe Works. The first six of the new series
of 4-4-0 passenger engines, similar in design to No. 1800, had been completed,
and bore the following numbers and names: 956 Dachshund, 1489
Wolf-hound, 1504 Boarhound, 1513 Otterhound, 1532
Bloodhound, 1628 Foxhound, 1662 Deerhound, and 1766
Elkhound. A further five 4-6-2 tank engines with Schmidt superheaters
and Wakefield mechanical lubricators have just been completed at Crewe, and
bear Nos. 1688, 1692, 1710, 1728 and 1734. The series of five referred to
in our May issue have not superheaters as was stated in error.
Great Eastern Ry. 119. illustration
Among many improvements in the summer services of 1911 was one
inaugurated by special trips on 12 and 13 May. Hitherto, the last train from
Liverpool Street to Felixstowe left London at 17.30, except during the height
of the summer season, but a new connection had now been arranged whereby
passengers travelling by the 19.12 dining car train can change at Ipswich,
and go on at 21.32 by a new train to Felixstowe. Our illustration shows the
dining car train standing in Felixstowe station. This service will be further
improved from 14 July onward, when the 19.12 will be accelerated, and leave
Liverpool Street at 19.35. A non-stop train to Felixstowe, leaving London
at 16.10 on Fridays only, started running on 1 May. From 1 July onwards this
train would run daily.
A contrast in L. & N. W. R. locomotives.
117; 120-1. 2 illustrations.
Replica of the Rocket and LNWR No. 2155 W.C. Brocklehurst
side view and end view. A full-sized reproduction of the famous locomotive
Rocket and one of the latest express passenger engines of the L. &
N. W. R., " George the Fifth " class, are shown side by side, give an almost
unique object lesson as showing the progress which has been made in locomotive
practice on British railways during the last 8o years. As is well known,
the Rocket was built by George Stephenson in 1829, and took part in
the famous contest at Rainhill when the Directors of the Liverpool and Manchester
Ry. offered a prize of £500 for competition with a view to ascertaining
the possibility of adopting steam locomotion for the working of then-existing
railways. Of the five locomotives which took part in this competition, the
Rocket gave the most satisfactory performance, and it should be
interesting to compare the speed and weight of the train which was hauled
by this early engine with the corresponding figures of a train such as No.
2155, the modern L. & N.W.R. locomotive shown for contrast, is capable
of dealing with.
In the Rainhill competition, amongst the conditions laid down for the trials,
it was stipulated that "the successful engine, if it weighs six tons, must
be capable of drawing after it, on a level plane, a train of the gross weight
of 20 tons, including tender and water tank, at the rate of 10 miles an hour
; the pressure of steam in the boiler must not exceed 50 lb. to the sq. in."
In the actual trials the Rocket attained an average speed of about
19 miles per hour, drawing a train weighing 13 tons. The engine had a cylindrical
boiler 6-ft. long by 3-ft. diameter, with flat ends, containing 25 copper
tubes 3-in. in diameter. The firebox was 2-ft. wide and 3-ft. high. The
cylinders, two in number, were 8-in. diameter and 16½ stroke, and the
diameter of the driving wheels was 4-ft. 8½-in. The engine exerted about
20 horse power, and weighed 4 tons 3 cwt., the tender weighing 3 tons 4 cwt.
in working order.
The L. & N. W. engine No. 2155 W.C. Brocklehurst shown standing
by the side of the Rocket, was of the George the Fifth class, the
first engine of which was turned out in June 1910. The cylinders (two inside)
were 20½-in. in diameter and 26-in. stroke, and the boiler pressure
is 175 lb. per sq. in. The boiler had a length of barrel of 11-ft. 9¾-in.,
and a diameter of 5-ft. 2-in., and fitted with a Schmidt superheater, by
which the temperature of the steam was raised to 650° Fah. before being
used in the cylinders. The firebox was 7-ft. 4-in. long and 4-ft. 1-in. wide
outside the casing. The coupled driving wheels are 6-ft. 9-in. diameter,
and the weight of the engine in working order was 58 tons 17 cwt. The tender
weighs 39 tons 5 cwt., and has a tank capacity of 3,030 gallons, and carried
7 tons of coal. It was fitted with water pick-up apparatus.
As a test of the power and capability of this class of engine, the first
one built George the Fifthmade an experimental run on
24 July 1910, between Crewe and Euston with a train composed of a dynamometer
car and 13 eight-wheeled corridor coaches, weighing altogether 357 tons 9
cwt. On the outward journey one stop was made at Rugby, the average speed
between these two points being 54 miles per hour, with a maximum of 68 miles
per hour. Between Rugby and Euston the average speed was 58¼ miles per
hour, the highest being 73 miles per hour. The return journey was made without
a stop between Euston and Crewe, a distance of 158 miles, which was run from
start to stop in 2 hours 36½ minutes, an average speed of 60', miles
per hour, the highest recorded speed being 78½ miles per hour. These
speeds and weights when compared with what was accomplished by the
Rocket are interesting as typical of the advance made in locomotive
engineering in Great Britain.
W.B. Paley. Stephenson Centenary of 1881. 121-4.
To recall a centenary celebration thirty years after it occurred may
seem, at first sight, a somewhat belated sort of thing to do. Nevertheless,
a whole generation has already passed away since the memorable Stephenson
Centenary was commemorated at Newcastle-on-Tyne on 9 June 1881, and it has
occurred to us that amongst our many readers there may still be some who
were present on the occasion and many more who must have heard about it from
those who saw the proceedings or took some share in the interesting events
of that remarkable day. It would be neither possible nor appropriate to describe
the whole of that day's doings further than to say it was observed as a general
holiday, not only in Newcastle, but on Tyneside and all over the district,
and that the processions of men belonging to most of the numerous trades
of the locality were on a scale never attempted at Newcastle before or since.
Even the horses had a large share in the proceedings, numbers of the finest
animals possessed by many large firms passing, admirably groomed and decorated,
in single file through the principal streets.
A far more remarkable procession, however, one in fact quite unique in its
way, will be the special subject of this paper. This was the triumphal passage
of seventeen locomotive engines from Newcastle, past the humble cottage where
the hero of the day first saw the light, to North Wylam and back. With one
exception they represented the practice of the time, and to imagine, for
comparison, a similar procession to-day would be to realise in the most forcible
manner the great advance in power, weight and size which the locomotive has
made in the comparatively short space of thirty years.
This characteristic method of celebrating the day was devised and carried
out by the North Eastern Ry. Co., under the direction of its principal officers,
especially Messrs. Isaac Lowthian Bell, F.R.S. (director), E. Fletcher
(locomotive superintendent), A.R.C. Harrison (engineer, Newcastle district),
John A. Haswell (locomotive department, Gateshead), and B.C. Browne (R. &
W. Hawthorn). The whole of the arrangements for the procession, however,
were in the hands of Mr. Godfrey Smith (passenger superintendent), and were
very ably carried out. The engines having all arrived at Gateshead on 8 June,
the day before the celebration of the Centenary, were taken early on the
9th in steam to the coal sidings, where they were coaled, watered, marshalled,
and coupled together. So far as possible, for the sake of effect, a light
- coloured engine and one with dark painting alternated in the order which
was finally prescribed and carried out. A start was made from Gateshead shortly
before 8 a.m., and as the novel "train" passed over the High Level Bridge
in full view of many thousands of people assembled in the streets and quays
below, it presented a spectacle of remarkable interest. It passed slowly
through the Central Station, the main platform of which was densely packed
with spectators. In fact, all parts of the station were so crowded that the
officials could with difficulty perform their duties. Most of the engines
had one or two visitors on the footplate. At the west end of the station
the procession halted for some time and about 8.30 started on its memorable
journey to North Wylam, after each engine had answered the starting whistle.
It had originally been arranged that it should start at 9.30 a.m. and return
at 11, but this was altered by notice in the local papers the day before
to 8.15 and I2 noon. The line along which the engines passed after leaving
the old Newcastle and Carlisle section of the N.E.R. just beyond Scotswood
belonged in 1881 to a small independent company called the Scotswood, Newburn
& Wylam Railway, and was the direct successor of the wooden tramroad,
afterwards laid with cast-iron plates and later on with fish-belly rails,
on which Hedley's engine Puffing Billy (now at South Kensington) exhibited
its somewhat feeble powers from 1813 till 1862. The line was in 1881 worked
by the North Eastern and has since been amalgamated with it. After Scotswood
spectators began to be more numerous, the situation of the line being
unfavourable to sightseers down to that point. Just before Lemington, and
at Newburn and Wylam, there was much firing of miniature cannon. The stations
were decorated with evergreens and flags, whilst all the porters and other
men on duty wore medals or badges.
The house in which George Stephenson was born is of a better class than those
which most people of his parents' position inhabited, probably, at the close
of the 18th century. It is built substantially of stone and partly roofed
with thin slabs of the same material. The railway passes so extremely close
to the south front of the house that any little future George Stephensons
who may live there must, we should say, cause their parents perpetual anxiety
as to their safety. At the east end are gates, forming a private or occupation
crossing. The best way of getting to it is by a very pretty path through
the woods from Heddon station, running along the down side of the line, or
it can be reached from North Wylam by the same path at a less distance.
A good view can be had from the Newcastle and Carlisle line, across the river,
a little east of Wylam station. The house stands quite alone and cannot easily
be mistaken for any other. Locally it is known as Street House, or High Street
House, a name which seems to indicate the former existence of an ancient
road near the spot; there is none now. The procession of engines did not
stop at Stephenson's cottage but passed slowly on to North Wylam, the whole
trip of about 8½ miles taking upwards of half an hour. They drew up
a little beyond the station and were inspected with the greatest enthusiasm
by a crowd of admirers who lingered about so long as the engines remained
there. At North Wylam the Vicar of Ovingham (the Revd. W.M. Wray) produced
the register book of the parish church, shewing the entries of the marriage
of George Stephenson's parents and his baptism. These events took place on
17 May 1778, and 22 July 1781, respectively. In those days baptisms, rather
than births, were recorded in the church registers, births being usually
noted with great care and pride in a family Bible of considerable size and
antiquity. The Stephensons seem to have lived at Street House till about
1789, when George would be 8 years old, removing afterwards to several places
in the same neighbourhood.
The procession to Wylam comprised seventeen engines, one having been added
at the last moment which does not appear in the official record. The seventeen
represented, however, only seven railway companies and might easily have
been more comprehensive, even without increasing the number. No fewer than
six belonged to the N.E.R , who naturally considered themselves entitled
to the best display, whilst three more represented their partners in the
East Coast Serviceviz., the G.N. and the N.B.R. The L. & Y. Company
sent three engines, the L. & N.W. and the Midland two each, and the L.B.
& S.C.R. one. Out of the seventeen, three were single engines, nine were
four-coupled, and five were six-coupled. There were four tanks, six engines
had bogies and one a radial axle; only two had outside cylinders. The order
of the procession was as shown in the accompanying table. Of these engines,
No. 1 in the order of procession belonged to the very fine class of express
engines built to work the East Coast expresses between York and Edinburgh
and described in " The. Locomotive Magazine" for March i5th, 9 i o. No. 2
was of a type uncommon at the time, but which has abundantly justified itself
since. The L. & N. W. engine was of the standard Precedent class introduced
in 1875. It is understood to have been named after George Stephenson's mother,
whose maiden name was Mabel Carr. The Midland passenger engine, and some
other engines, represented really the newest addition to their stock rather
than the newest type, as the Midland had brought out a very fine class of
6-ft. 6-in. coupled bogie engines in 1876. No. 1268 of the N. E. R. was a
rebuild, though with little except the old boiler in it, of a class of outside
cylinder 7-ft. coupled bogies designed by Mr. Bouch for the Stockton and
Darlington section of the line. As shown, it had inside cylinders and no
bogie. The Brighton Co.'s Stephenson, though brand new, was not such
a fine engine as the 0-4-2 class designed by Mr. Stroudley in 1878. Both
the N.E.R. tanks had trailing bogies and were of very similar appearance
and design. They had very large and high bunkers which carried part of the
water supply as well as coal.
The L. & N. W. Locomotion was a very interesting little engine.
It was the first of a numerous class of 6-ft. single engines, with out-side
cylinders, built at Crewe, first by the Grand Junction Railway and afterwards
by the L. & N. W. R. Locomotion was originally named Prince
Albert," No. 73, and came out in 1842, the year before Crewe Works were
formally opened. On the death of its namesake (14 December 1861) the plates
were removed and it ran without a name for many years. Finally Mr. Webb took
away its proper tender and replaced it by a low six-wheeled water tank upon
which a small coach-body was erected. A raised portion next the engine carried
the coal, but the water was under the coach-body or saloon. Thus altered,
the engine was used for inspection purposes by the Loco. Dept. The cylinders
are stated in the Official Report to be 22-in. stroke, but they were 20-in.
only in all the engines of this class. There were, of course, a number of
people in the saloon. This, by the way could be lighted by gas and warmed
with steam from the engine.
The N.B.R. tank, No. 103 Montrose, was an extremely pretty little
engine, with solid disc wheels under the bogie. It came straight from Cowlairs
Works, with its paint hardly dry. The names of this class, however, were
removed by Mr. Holmes some years ago. /To be continued.)
List of "modern" engines which took part in the Stephenson Centeenary Celebration 9 June 1881
Position in prrocession | Railway | Engine | Type | Driving wheel size | Cylinders | Built at/by | Designer | Driver | Fireman |
1 | N.E.R. | 363 | 2-4-0 | 7ft 0in | 17½ x 24 | Gateshead | E. Fletcher | William Smith | J. Bell |
2 | N.B.R. | 493 Netherby | 4-4-0 | 6ft 6in | 18 x 26 | Cowlairs | D. Drummond | Thomas Brown | Robert Sword |
3 | L.N.W.R. | 619 Mabel | 2-4-0 | 6ft 6in | 17 x 24 | Crewe | F.W. Webb | James Jackson | George Bates |
4 | M.R. | 1521 | 2-4-0 | 6ft 9in | 18 x 26 | Neilson & Co. | S.W. Johnson | John Chambers | T. Gutheridge |
5 | G.N.R. | 664 | 4-2-2 | 8ft 0in | 18 x 28 | Doncaster | P. Stirling | John Jones | John Ramsden |
6 | L. & Y.R | 653 | 4-4-0 | 6ft 0in | 17½ x 26 | Sharp, Stewart & Co. | W.B. Wright | Henry Roscoe | Robert Leese |
7 | N.E.R. | 1268 | 2-4-0 | 7ft 0in | 17 x 26 | Darlington | E. Fletcher | Robert Causick | James Harker |
8 | L.B.S.C.R. | 329 Stephenson | 2-2-2 | 6ft 6in | 17 x 24 | Brighton | W. Stroudley | James Every | Charles Barber |
9 | N.E.R. | 1000 | 0-4-4T | 5ft 6in | 17 x 22 | Gateshead | E. Fletcher | M. Burdis | J. Pringle |
10 | L. & Y.R | 313 | 0-6-0 | 4ft 6in | 17½ x 26 | Miles Platting | W.B. Wright | John Hartshorn | W. Grafton |
11 | M.R. | 1451 | 0-6-0 | 5ft 2½in | 17½ x 26 | R. Stephenson | S.W. Johnson | W. Lovegrove | E. Merchant |
12 | N.E.R. | 626 | 0-6-0 | 5ft 0in | 17 x 26 | Darlington | E. Fletcher | E. Robinson | J. Cheeseborough |
13 | N.E.R. | 484 | 0-6-0 | 5ft 0in | 17 x 24 | Gateshead | E. Fletcher | J. Fairbridge | H. Watt |
14 | L. & Y.R | 253 | 0-6-2T | 5ft 0in | 17½ x 26 | Kitson & Co, | W.B. Wright | George Hughes | F. Morris |
15 | N.E.R. | 1435 | 0-4-4T | 5ft 0in | 16 x 22 | Hawthorn & Co. | E. Fletcher | William Usher | J. Rumney |
16 | L.N.W.R. | Locomotion | 2-2-2 | 6ft 0in | 15¼ x 20 | Crewe | A. Allan | J. Kemp | W. Ankers |
17 | N.B.R | 103 Montrose | 4-4-0T | 5ft 0in | 16 x 22 | Cowlairs | D. Drummond | Robert Henderson | Wm. Mackinnon |
Illustrations include George Stephenson's birth place, High Street House, Wylam and LBSCR 2-2-2 6 ft.single express engine, No, 329 Stephenson and North British Railway 4-4-0 bogie tank No. 103, Montrose. See also correspondence generated concerning LNWR Locomotion beginning on page 187 by CW [presumed to be Charles Williams].
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 124-5. 2
diagrams (side elevations)
0-4-4T for service on branches and sections of the line on which the
traffic and permanent way were lighter than on those for which the E10 class
were intended Bromley designed another class of tank engine of which 10 were
constructed by R. & W. Hawthorn & Co., of Newcastle-on-Tyne. They
were numbered from 140 to 149 inclusive (WN. 1822-1831) and all bore the
date 1880 although the last five were not completed until 1881. They are
illustrated in Fig 204 and had the following principal dimensions: 16 x 22-in
cylinders; 5-ft 4-in coupled wheels; 941.8 ft2
total heating surface and 13.9ft2 grate area. Article
gives mosore dimensions.
The boiler was butt-jointed with the dome on the middle and Ramsbottom safety
valves on the firebox. The link motion was the same as in the No. 1 class,
and a brass beading was carried round the leading splashers. Originally they
were fitted with a steam brake operating blocks on the coupled wheels, but
this was afterwards removed and all were fitted with the Westinghouse automatic
brake. In 1890 engine No. 144 had the bogie removed and a single pair of·
trailing wheels 3-ft. 9-in. in diameter substituted, which were placed 10-ft
6-in behind the driving wheels making the whole wheelbase 17-ft 4-in. The
frames were deepened at the trailing end but remained of the same length
as before. This alteration, whilst reducing the total weight of the engine,
caused it to be more equally distributed.
As new boilers were required these were supplied identical with those used
for the rebuilding of the 204 and 10 classes. At the same time as the new
boilers were put in the same alterations were carried out to the other nine
engines as have been already mentioned in connection with No. 144, the bogie
being replaced by a single pair of trailing wheels. The cast iron number
plates were removed from the tanks and standard brass ones put on the bunkers,
coal rails were added to the latter, back weather plates fitted to the cabs,
the initials G. E. R. painted on the side tanks, and the open leading splashers
replaced by plain sheets. Nos. 141 and 142 were rebuilt in 1891; Nos. 140,
143, and 145 in 1892; No. 140 in 1894; Nos. 147, 148, and 149 in 1895; and
No. 144 in 1897. They are illustrated as rebuilt in Fig. 205.
On 5 February 1881, engine 141, driver Berridge, ran off the road between
Stonea and Manea when working the 10.58 p.m. up mail from Peterborough, the
second and fourth vehicles of the train being thrown foul of the down line
and colliding with a down goods train from Cambridge which was passing, one
passenger and the guards of both trains being injured. In 1903 a cypher was
prefixed to the numbers. of all the engines of the class. Nos. 0140, 0141,
0142, 0144, 0146, and 0149 were scrapped in 1903; Nos. 0145, and 0148 in
1904; and Nos. 0143 and 0147 in 1905. Illustrations: font-coupled tank locomotive
No. 149 and as rebuilt as 0-4-2T No. 146.
New locomotives for the Burma Rys. 125-7. 4 illustrations.
Mallet locomotives were built by the North British Loco. Co., and
had cylinders 15½-in. and 24½-in. by 20·in., with driving
wheels 3-ft. 3-in. diameter. The boiler carried steam at 180 psi and has
a total heating surface of 1,513 ft2.; the total
weight in running order was just under 59 tons. The tender carried 2000 gallons
of water, and had a fuel space of 270 cubic feet.
The Burma Railways operated a system of 1,530 miles of metre gauge track,
connecting the different centres of the country and terminating at Rangoon,
where a fine new station was being built to accommodate the ever-increasing
traffic.Although not a terminal in the strict sense of the word, as the railway
passes through Rangoon to Moulmein, etc., the station is operated as one,
trains starting from there for the different districts served:. The suburban
service of trains between Rangoon (Phare Street) and lnsein, a subur where
the railway shops are located, deserves mention as being particularly quick
and smart for a steam worked railway. The distance is 9 miles, and there
are ten stops of 15 seconds. each at stations in between. The inclusive time
is 37 mins. Illustrations include one of a Mallet; a suburban train worked
by a tank locomotive and the 320-ft high Goktiek Viaduct.
Through the Malay States by rail. 127-9. 5 illustrations.
Illustrations of 0-6-4T locomotive No. 83, 0-6-0T
No.1, Locomotive shops at Kuala Lumpur, 4-6-2 locomotive, No. 79,
and Penang-Singapore Express at Gemas and at Tank Road Station.
The "Overland" express of the New Zealand Rys. 130-1. 2
Rotorna Express at Newmarket Junction, 1st Class Observation Car.
Kerosene oil locomotive for India. 131-2. 2 illustrations.
One photograph shows fou-wheel locomotive with side open.
How Indian princes travel. 132-3. 4
Illustrations: old state saloon car foor Gaekwar of Baroda; Maharajah
of Rewah: saloon carriage; private carriage and staff carriage (akin to cattle
Some "Old Timers", Great Southern of India Railway. 133-5. illustration,
diagram (side elevation)
Beyer Peacock 2-4-0 for Great Southern of India Ry. built in 1860
and similar to Beattie designs for London & South Western Railway. It
had 14 x 22-in cylinders; 5-ft diameter coupled wheels, and
16-ft2 grate area. On page 134 there is text giving
details of conversion of broad to metre gauge routes on the South Indian
New passenger stock for the Oude and Rohilkund (State) Railway. 135.
Intermediate class carriage.
Rail motor coach, Cambrian Rys. 136. illustration.
Locomotive Engineers' Loose Leaf Note Book 136-8.
The Railophone. 138-9. illustration..
Stratford-on-Avon & Midland Juuction Railway.
Eastleigh Locomotive Works, L. & S. W. Ry. 139-40. 2
General milling machine; turning, facing, boring and screw cutting
Setting locomotive cylinders. 140-1. diagram.
Uniform gauge for the Australian Railways. 141
New through service trains, G.C.R. 142-3. illustration..
For Manchester to Bournemouth through service
Number 227 (15 July 1911)
Railway notes. 145
London, Tilbury &. Sonthend Ry. 145. illustration.,
4-4-2 locomotive No. 80 Thundersley decorated for the Coronation.
Courtesy of R.H. Whitelegg, chief' of the locomotive department of the railway,
an illustration of the 4-4-2 passenger tank locomotive Thundersley,
decorated in honour of the Coronation of King George V. A similar engine,
Kentish Town was decorated on the occasion of the late King's Coronation,
and was illustrated in our issue of August, 1902. The general scheme of
decoration on these two occasions was similar, and can be seen from the
illustration here given. No. 80 is painted the railway company's standard
green, the painting and varnishing having been given an "exhibition" finish,
the tank sides and bunker being lined out with gold, relieved by a blue edging,
and decorated gold corners. The frames are done in crimson lake. The chimney
cap and safety valve column are nickel-plated, and the lagging bands are
of polished brass with bright steel edges. The cylinder casings are of planished
steel decorated with a raised bright steel moulding with the Royal Coat of
Arms in relief. The tyres, draw gear and side chains are finished bright,
and the splashers of the bogie and trailing wheels are outlined with brass
bead-ing, as also the brake hangers, which were polished. On the bogie platform,
between the life-size busts of King George and Queen Mary, was a small fountain
worked automatically by water from the side tanks. Other details included
an aluminium rail and Royal Coat of Arms over each side tank. On Coronation
Day, No. 80 worked the 12.15 from Fenchurch Street, and the 15.45 from
Shoeburyness, and on the following day ran the Orient Line Special from St.
Pancras to Tilbury. It is interesting to recollect that No. 80, which was
then named Southend-on-Sea, was shown at the Imperial International
Exhibition in 1909, and was awarded a Gold Medal. When shown at the White
City it was painted lavender colour.
Great Western Ry. 145-6
Three engines, Nos. 4301-4303, of a new class are now at work. They
are of the 2-6-0 tender type, with 5-ft. 8-in. coupled wheels; the boilers
are of the standard tapered pattern with Belpaire fireboxes, built for a
pressure of 200 psi and fitted with the Swindon superheaters; the clackboxes
are in the safety valve casings, as is now the practice on the G.W.R., and
these engines are supplied with triple sightfeed lubricators of the standard
adopted by the railway. The new pattern of tender, with a capacity of 3500
gallons, is provided. All the large coupled passenger engines and a number
of the 2-8-0 mineral engines have been supplied with the new arrangement
of clackboxes on the safety valve casing. Nos. 2833 and 2834 are the latest
2-8-0 mineral engines built at Swindon.
Some of the 7-ft. 8½-in. bogie singles had recently been rebuilt with new boilers; a Belpaire firebox is provided,
and a steam dome on the second ring of the barrel. The old pattern of chimney
is retained.
Gothard Ry. 146. illustration
The visit of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers to Switzerland
during summer 1911 was marked by illustration of one of the latest four-cylinder
compound 4-6-0 express locomotives built for the Gothard line by the Swiss
Locomotive Works of Winterthur. No. 938 had the following leading dimensions:
cylinders: high pressure 15½ by 25¼-in ; low pressure, 25-in. by
25¼4-in.; diameter of coupled wheels 5-ft. 33/8-in. ;
working pressure of boiler 220 psi.; heating surface, firebox 165.77
ft2., tubes 1864.38ft2., superheater 510.23, total
2540.38 ft2.; grate area 35.95 ft2..
London & North Western Ry. 146
The remaining two 4-4-0 passenger engines of the Hound series
are now complete, and bore Nos. 1792 Staghound and 2495
Bassethound. The number of Elkhound is 1706, not as printed
in last month's Locomotive. The next series of 4-4-0 passenger engines,
of which the Coronation engine is one, will be known as the British
Empire series. Following Coronation, the next seven bore Nos.
502 British Empire, 868 India, 882 Canada 1218
Australia, 2081 New Zealand, 2212 South Africa and 2291
Gibraltar. Unlike the first engine of the series, likewise the Hounds,
the remainingnine engines are provided with coupled wheels having balance
weights and bosses of the ordinary type. All these engines are fitted with
superheaters. In consequence of the new engine being named Australia,
the four-cylinder compound No. 1947 has been renamed Zillah. A further
twenty 4-4-0 passenger engines are to be built. No. 898, four-cylinder compound
mineral engine, has been converted to simple with 20½-in. cylinders
and large boiler. The old single-wheeler Cornwall, which has recently
been under repair at Crewe, was attached to Mr. Cooke's private saloon, in
place of the Locomotion, which had been withdrawn, but not scrapped.
The Cornwall, bears its old No. 3020 again. The newer Cornwall
No. 1363 (4-4-0) now bears the name Brindley. Two engines each, of
the Precursor and Experiment classes, are being fitted with the Wakefield
mechanical lubricator, but they are not equipped with superheaters. Thirty
8-coupled mineral engines are now in course of construction, which will be
fitted with Schmidt superheaters. It now appears that No. 1800, the Coronation
engine, illuotrated elsewhere in this issue, will not bear the name Prince
of Wales when put into regular service. That name will be given to the first
of a new series of 4-6-0 engines which will be known as the Prince class.
See also letter from Cazdmus on page 274.
Midland & South Western Junction Ry. 146
Five new 4-4-0 passenger engines are in course of construction, similar
to those referred to in our issue of March 15th, 1910, as then being built
by the North British Locomotive Co., Ltd. These later engines will be supplied
with superheaters.
Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry. 147. illustration,
diagram (side elevation)
By the courtesy of George Hughes, the chief mechanical engineer, we
reproduce herewith a photograph (No. 67) and dimensioned diagram of a new
class of 0-8-0 mineral engines recently built at Horwich. Hughes adapted
the type of boiler built for his large 4-6-0 four-cylinder express engines
to the mineral locomotive (frames, wheels, etc.), designed by J.A.F. Aspinall
some years ago. The leading dimensions are given on the diagram, from which
can be seen that this engine has 417 ft more heating surface and 13 tons
more adhesion weight than the original design. The running numbers of the
20 engines comprised in this new class were given on p. 28 of our February
Shropshire & Montgomeryshire Light Ry. 147.
Since the publication of our description of this line in the June
issue, the small 0-6-0 saddle tank locomotive, No. 1., of the Stratford &
Mid-land Junction Ry. had been acquired by purchase.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 147
Of the two petrol-driven rail motors which formerly worked on the
local service between Brighton Central and Kemp Town, one is now employed
as an inspection car for the locomotive department at Brighton, and the other
is equipped as a break-down car for the overhead gear on the electrified
South London and Crystal Palace lines.
Great Southern & Western Ry. 147
On the retirement of Robert Coey, R.E.L. Maunsell, the works manager,
had been appointed locomotive engineer of this railway. Maunsell served his
apprenticeship at Inchicore under H.A. Ivatt, and after a wide experience
on the Lancashire and Yorkshire and East Indian Rys, returned in 1896 to
the G.S. & W.Ry. as works manager. He was therefore intimately acquainted
with' the requirements of the locomotive department of which he now takes
chief control, and his appointment has, we believe, given great satisfaction
to his staff, with whom he is deservedly popular.
The Late Mr. Harry Winby. 147-8
We regret to have to record the death of Mr. Harry Winby, whose connection
with the L. & N.W.R., and Crewe Works in particular, dated back nearly
half a century. Until he reached the age-limit necessitating retirement from
active service, he was attached to the staff at the steam sheds, and his
railway experience covered the wide period from the days of Trevithick and
Ramsbottom until the latter part of Mr. Webb's reign at Crewe, during which
great changes took place in locomotive practice and in the conduct of the
L. & N.W. Ry. Works.
The Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 148
Members of this Institution are reminded of the forthcoming visit
to the locomotive works of the Great Eastern Ry. at Stratford on Thursday,
the 10 July. The train leaves Platform No. 13, Liverpool Street Terminus,
at 1.52 p.m.
A summer visit to the locomotive centres of Belgium is being arranged, the
general particulars of which are as follows: Leave London on Friday evening,
28 July for Ostend; thence visit the locomotive depot at Ghent on the following
day. On Monday, 31 July leave Brussels for Luxemburg, to visit the depots
of the Alsace State Rys. On 1 August a visit is planned to the depot at Jemelle,
and on the next day similar visits are arranged for to the works of the Belgian
State Rys. at Namur and the works of the German State Rys. at Aix-la-Chapelle.
3 August is booked for visits to the Belgian State Rys. depot at Liege, and
the works of the Leonard Company. Friday, 4 August would be devoted to a
visit to the Charleroi Exhibition, and Saturday to a visit to the Brussels
locomotive depot, returning to London on Saturday night.
Aeroplane race special train. 148
On 28 June 1911 the Northern Ry. of France ran a special train from
Paris to Liege for the use of sportsmen desirous of following some part of
the European Aviation Circuit, the route of which was, Paris, Liege, Utrecht,
Brussels, London, and back to Paris. The train was composed of two dining
cars of 35 tons each, and three first class bogie carriages of 40 tons each,
making a total load of approximately 200 tons, no luggage being conveyed.
The engine was of the Atlantic type which has been working such smart services
during the last few years. To enable passengers to witness the arrival of
some at least of the flying machines at Liege, despite their great speed,,
the train had to be scheduled at a high velocity. It was timed to start from
Paris (Nord) at 09.25 and was due to reach the first stopping place, St.
Quentin (95 miles) at 10.59; but the train started 2 minutes late and yet
reached St. Quentin on time, the average speed being over 61 miles per hour.
From St. Quentin to Jeumont, on the Belgian frontier, the train averaged
58 miles per hour. This was, we believe, the first express train run on the
Continent for the purpose of following an aeroplane race.
Rhymney Ry. 148. illustration
Indebted to C.T.H. Riches, the locomotive, carriage and wagon
superintendent, for the accompanying illustration showing No. 5, a 0-6-2
passenger tank engine of class P, after undergoing sundry alterations in
the shops. Amongst the changes effected are the removal of the leading under-hung
springs, which are now placed above the footplate ; new splashers have been
fitted to the leading wheels, finished with brass semi-circles, and the leading
sandboxes are now placed below the footplate instead of above as formerly;
the chimney is provided with a brass cap. The enhanced smartness of appearance
due to these changes is still further increased by the engine being newly
painted, with the new standard Rhymney Ry.'s lettering and numbering on the
side tanks ; the letters are 12-in. high and the figures 8-in.
Mawddwy Ry. 148
Re. article on this line in February issue, p. 38, it appears that
the engines Mawddwy and Disraeli are not broken up, but are
on the contrary to be repaired for the purpose of working the traffic when
the reconstruction of the line is completed.
Class room for railway men at Bradford. 149-50. 2 illustrations
Mutual Improvement Class for Great Northern Railway footplate staff
based at locomotive shed. The meeting was chaired by Driver R. Hill. H.A.
Ivatt. Wigram (a director), Webster, Groom (district superintendent at Bradford),
Laverick (district superintendent at Colwick) and Smith from Hunslet Engineering
were present
4-6-2 four-cylinder locomotive, Italian State Rys 150. 2
No. 69, 001; boiler illustrated.
Heavy Fairlie locomotive, Mexican Ry. 151. illustration, diagram (side
0-6-6-0T No. 184.
Burry Port & Gwendraeth Valley Railway, six-coupled
locomotive. 152. illustration
No. 10: probably supplied Hudswell Clarke.
Making a locomotive quadrant link. 152-4. diagram
Six-coupled tank locomotive, Furness Railway. 154. illustration
0-6-0T No. 24 illustrated.
4-6-4 compound locomotive, Northern
Ry of France. 155. illustration, diagram
No. 3,1101 illustrated and diagram of arrangement of low-pressure
New suburban rolling stock. Victorian Railways. 155-7. 5
Illustrations of 4-6-2T locomotive, No. 702, D.D.E. class; 4-6-2T
with train; 1st class suburban car with sliding doors, interiors of 1st and
2nd class suburban cars (coaches).
Locomotive Engineers' Loose Leaf Note Book. 157.
The "Coronation" engine, L. & N. W. R. 159. illustration
No. 5000 Coronation
New locomotive types, Austrian State Rys. 160-1.
2 illustrations, 2 diagrams (side elevations)
2-6-4 and 2-12-0 four-cylinder compounds designed by Golsdorf: the
2-12-0 was designed for passenger services over severe (1 in 35)
Paley, W.B. Stephenson Centenary of 1881. 161-2. 2 illustrations
North Eastern Railway Certificate of Award to Driver Wraith Brown
and Fireman John George of No. 925 2-4-0 tender locomotive
for the best decorated locomotive which participated in a commemorative run
from Newcastle to Wylam and back and was exhibited at Forth Street on return.
Also notes lecture at the Literary & Philosophical Society presented
by J.A. Haswell of Gateshead on The Rocket.
Petrol rail tractor for rubber plantations. 163. 2 illustrations
Manufactured by McEwan, Pratt & Co. Ltd. of London and Wickford
and intended for use on plantations: petrol driven (two-cylinder engine running
on petrol or paraffin) and wagons
Remodelling old carriages. 164-5. illustration, 5 diagrams (including
side elevations and plans)
George Betts, Locomotive Engineer of the Stockholm Vasteras Bergslagens
Railway in Sweden built a bogie carriage from two four-wheel cars, two old
four-wheel coaches. A similar technique was applied to stock on the Cambrian
Railways to produce a bogie coach for push & pull services between Wrexham
and Ellesmere..
An old Canadian locomotive. 166. illustration
Albion supplied by Rayne & Burne of Newcastle
to the Acadia Coal Co. of Nova Scotia.
Blanchard incandescent oil lamp. 168.
Number 228 (15 August 1911)
Great Western Ry. 169. illustration
Churchward 43XX 2-6-0: No. 4302 illustrated.
Great Eastern Ry. 169
Ten new 61 class 2-4-2T under construction to bear numbers
1-10. See also page 257. Ten further Y14 0-6-0 to
be built at Stratford. 2-4-2T Nos. 103, 104 and 109 had been rebuilt with
180 psi boilers
North Eastern Ry. 170; 171. illustration, diagram (side elevation)
Raven three-cylinder 4-4-2 built North British Locomotive Co.: No.
709 illustrated
North British Ry. 172. illustration
4-4-2 express locomotive, No. 902 Highland Chief illustrated:
builtv by Robert Stephenson & Co. of Darlington.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 173-4. illustration,
4 diagrams (side elevations)
Six-coupled tank engine No. 548, type as rebuilt, No. 546; six-coupled
goods, No. 552 and as rebuilt. Also portrait of Massey Bromley.
Superheater passenger locomotive. Great Northern Ry. 175. illustration,
diagram (side elevation)
Ivatt D1 class 4-4-0: No. 65 illustrated
Rivets, bolts and pins for locomotives. 176-9. 4 diagrams
Types of rivet head illustrated.
New locomotives for the Port of London Authority. 179-80.
0-6-0T No. 38 illustrated.
Colne Valley & Halstead Railway and its
locomotives. 180-2. 2 illustrations, 2 diagrams (side elevations),
Act of 30 June 1856: opened in stages. Extension from Halstead to
Haverhill authorised 13 August 1859 (reached 10 May 1863). At time of article
parts still laid with Vignoles rail. Two locomotives used by the contractor
Munro were used initially: these were George England 0-6-0Ts Cam and
Colne. After completion of the railoway they were used by the contractor
on the Brightlingsea Railway and later still in County Clare, probably on
the Athenry and Ennis line. They were replaced by an inside cylinder 2-4-0
from the Eastern Counties Railway (it had successively Nos. 140, 217 and
95): it was built by Kitson, Thompson & Hewitson WN 32/1845). The other
was a 2-2-2T off the London Brighton & South Coast Railway where it has
been No. 45 and built by Sharp Bros in 1849. It had been involved in an accident
at Spa Road Junction on 10 October 1855, Driver C. Taunton was involved in
the accident and went with the locomotive to Essex and died at Haverhill.
See also addenda pp. 215-16,
Great Northern Railway of Ireland, goods locomotive.
182-3. illustration
Charles Clifford designs built by Nasmyth, Wilson & Co. 0-6-0
Nos. 38 Kesh and 39 Beragh (latter illustrated)
How to treat big-ends. 183-4.
The Walschaerts valve gear. 184-5. illustration, 2 diagrams.
Model and detailed diagram
4-4-2 locomotive, Rhyl Miniature Railway. 186. illustration
Little giant type built Bassett-Lowke to Henry Greenly design; named
Prince of Wales and painted Caledonian blue..
Locomotive Engineers' Loose Leaf Note Book. 186-7.
The Turbine spanner. 187. illustration
Correspondence. 187
The locomotion, L. & N.W.R. C.W .
Your contributor, W. B. Paley (p. 124), is quite mistaken respecting
the history of above. Locomotion was originally No. 135 Bat," not
73 Prince Albert. It was built at Crewe in 1854, the works number
being 220. In 1861 it was replaced by a DX goods (which took the name) and
was renumbered 1867. Thus it ran until the year 1880, when it was rebuilt
by Webb, and then took the name Locomotion. Some years later its number
was again and finally altered to 3082. In conclusion, I may add that the
Locomotion has recently been removed from the chief mechanical engineer's
coach and put on one side, its place being now taken by the old veteran
Instruction model, G.N.R.. 188. 2 illustrations
Ivatt conversion of Stirling 0-6-0ST into full size model of inside
motion for use in mutual improvement classes
New trains for local services, Midland Ry. 189. illustration
50ft long coaches on steel underframes with gas lighting formed into
seven coach sets.
Number 229 (15 September 1911)
Railway notes. 191
London & South Western Ry. 191. illustration
The illustration shows No. 125 of new series of 0-4-4 side tank suburban
engines of the same general type as has been standard for a number of years,
but with modifications introduced from time to time by the chief mechanical
engineer. This new class is fitted with Drummond's feed water heater and
duplex feed pumps. [M7 class]..
Great Central Ry. 191
Nos. 165-6, 168-9, 170, 23, 24 and 447 were engines of the new 4-6-2
tank class illustrated in our issues of November and April last. These engines
are all equipped with the Schmidt superheater and Wakefield mechanical
No. 969, one of the 4-2-2 class designed by Pollitt, had been rebuilt with
a boiler similar to those fitted to the Sir Alexander type of 4-4-0 express
engines. This larger boiler pressed to 160 psi. contained 226 tubes,
had to be pitched with its centre unusually high, 8-ft. 10-in., to clear
the 7-ft. 9-in. driving wheels, but the engine as rebuilt presented a very
smart appearance.
A locomotive of the 2-8-0 type, illustrated by a diagram in our November
issue, is about to be put in hand at Gorton. The first order will comprise
twenty engines.
London & North Western Ry. 191-2
A new series of 4-4-0 passenger engines of the George the Fifth class
(superheater) had been put in hand at Crewe. The first seven bore Nos. 361
Beagle, 888 Challenger, 1360 Fire Queen, 1394
Harrier, 2494 Perseus, 1623 Nubian, and 1631
Racehorse. The coupled wheels of this series were provided with large
bosses, similar to those of the Hound class. The latest three-cylinder compound
mineral engines to be converted to simple were Nos. 1858 and 2554, leaving
only some two or three of the type to be dealt with. The following 4-ft.
6-in. 2-4-2 passenger tanks had been adapted for rail motor work:Nos.
299, 691, 708 and 2493. No. 2666, the second of Bowen Cooke's large 4-6-2
passenger tanks, was fitted with hot water injectors. This engine was in
service and doing excellent work. The engines constructed at Crewe Works
during the past half-year comprised 21 4-4-0 passenger engines (all fitted
with superheaters) and 18 4-6-2 passenger tanks (eight only of these being
fitted with superheaters).
South Western & Midland Ry. Joint Line. 192. illustration
M. F. Ryan, locomotive superintendent of the Somerset & Dorset
joint line of the above railway companies, favoured us with the accompanying
illustration of No. 68, a rebuilt passenger engine of the H class. During
the past four years eight engines have been similarly treated, being provided
with larger boilers having extended smoke boxes. The new boilers have 200
sq. ft. more heating surface and 5 sq. ft. more grate area, but the working
pressure remains as in the original boilers. These engines were employed
on the heavy main line passenger service between Bath and Bournemouth, and
during the Summer months worked up to their maximum power.
Taff Vale Ry 192
We regret to have to announce the death of Tom Hurry Riches, which
took place on the 4th inst. at Cardiff. Riches was born in 1846, and at the
age of 17 he was apprenticed under Joseph Tomlinson at the shops of the Taff
Vale Ry. On completion of his five years' term, he had a brief experience
as a marine engineer, and subsequently studied at the Royal School of Mines,
where he obtained both a Whitworth and a Science and Art Scholarship. A further
experience was gained as manager of the Bute Ironworks at Cardiff, and in
1871 he returned to the Taff Vale Ry. as chief locomotive foreman. Two years
later, on the retirement of Fisher, he was appointed locomotive superintendent,
being at that time the youngest engineer to hold so important an office,
and he held the position until his death, a period of 38 years. Though identified
with a comparatively small railway undertaking, Riches was one of the highest
authorities on locomotive and railway engineering in this country, and held
some or the highest positions in that capacity. He was in his time President
of the leading Associations dealing with railway work, and his comparatively
early death will be felt by all with whom he came into contact in his
Great Eastern Ry. 192
The partial dislocation of traffic due to the recent strike necessitated
G.E.R. engines working over foreign lines owing to the inability of the latter
to provide for their own needs. Among the cases which had come to notice,
were No. 1824, running from Yarmouth to Retford ; No. 731 from Ipswich to
Leeds ; No. 1815 from Ipswich to Bradford, and No. 450 from Yarmouth to Dunstable
via Bletchley Junction ; the last was with a troop train.
Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 193
During the winter session of this year the following papers will be
read :Saturday 30 September Locomotive
Fireboxes, by H. W. Dearberg ; Saturday 28 October,
Liquid Fuel, by F. S. L. Johnson; and
Saturday 25 November, Belgian Locomotives, by G.F. Burtt [KPJ which does
not seem to have been published]. The Council also wish to announce that
it has been found necessary to increase their number by the inclusion of
five new members, and Messrs. Bray, Dearberg, McKie, Speakman and Suffield
have been elected. By the courtesy of Mr. G. J. Churchward, the locomotive
engineer of the G. W. R., the members of the Institution will visit the Swindon
Works on Monday, September 25th, leaving Paddington by the 8.5 a.m. train,
and returning from Swindon at 8.40 p.m.
Prussian State Rys. 193. illustration, diagram (side elevation)
Powerful four-cylinder simple passenger 4-6-0 locomotive built by
the Berliner Maschinenbau Actien Gesellschaft (formerly L. Schwartzkopff),
of Berlin, which had been sent to the Turin Exhibition prior to being delivered
for service. The engine was fitted with the Schmidt superheater and piston
valves actuated by one set of Walschaert's valve gear, the valves of the
inside cylinders being operated from the tail rods of the outer series by
means of levers.
Superheaters and mechanical lubricators. 193-4.
The steadily increasing growth in the use of these aids to locomotive
efficiency is shown by recent orders. For example, the following new locomotive
stock now in course of construction is to be fitted with Schmidt superheaters
and the almost inevitable corollary, the Wakefield mechanical lubricator:
12 locomotives for Rhodesia and 3 for the San Paulo Ry., built by the North
British Locomotive Co., Ltd.; 4 engines for the N. W. State Rys. of India,
built by the Vulcan Foundry, Ltd. ; 20 locomotives for the Buenos Ayres and
Great Western, and 10 for the Buenos Ayres Great Southern Rys., built by
Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd., and 2 for the Lagos Ry. Other engines which
will be fitted with the Schmidt superheater will comprise 13 built for the
Bombay, Baroda & Central India Ry., by the North British Locomotive Co.,
10 for the Great Southern Ry. of Brazil, and 3 for the Donegal Ry., Ireland.
The new N.E.R. superheater Atlantic, and the G.N.R. superheater 4-4-0 passenger
engine, illustrated in our last issue, were both fitted with Wakefield mechanical
Great Northern Ry. 194
H. A. Ivatt, who since 1896 occupied the responsible position of chief
locomotive engineer, was about to retire from the company's service at the
end of this month. He began his railway career at Crewe, under John Ramsbottom,
and was on the L. & N.W.R. until 1877, when he migrated to the G.S. &
W.R. of Ireland, of which he was locomotive engineer for ten years prior
to joining the G.N.R. as Patrick Stirling's successor. Ivatt's career
on the Great Northern Ry. is best exemplified by the locomotive types he
has introduced, and those are fully detailed in The Locomotives of the
Great Northern Ry., to which we must refer our readers. Suffice it to
say here, that Mr. Ivatt has completely changed the locomotive characteristics
of the line, in accordance with modern requirements, and incidentally he
introduced the " Atlantic " type of express engine into this country. H.N.
Gresley, appointed successor to Ivatt, enters on his new duties under promising
auspices. He had for six years had charge of the carriage and wagon department
at Doncaster, and had an extensive locomotive experience gained at Crewe
and Horwich.
The railway strike. 194
The general strike which was threatened, and which actually became
more or less operative on the 18th and 19th of August, was fortunately as
short-lived as it was sudden. Though by no means "general" in the sense of
completely paralysing the transport services of the country as a whole, it
was sufficiently widespread to affect many of the more important railway
centres, and to cause a dislocation of traffic that in one or two instances,
notably that of the Great Central Ry., resulted in a complete, though temporary,
suspension of traffic to and from the Metropolis. On the other hand, the
G.N., G.E. and L. & S.W. Rys., maintained their services all but intact
; the southern lines, as a whole, were less disturbed by the movement than
those in the north.
Scene on the Great. Western Ry., during the railway strike. 194.
Soldiers in busbies with fixed bayonets on rifles observing passage
of GWR express with smoke issuing from chimney
0-6-2 mineral tank locomotive, Rhymney Ry. 195. illustration
No. 10 as rebuilt.
Locomotive Engineers' Loose Leaf Note Book. 195-6
Classification of piston rings, drivers' barracks. train times, boiler
wash-outs, piece work, train warming
The Colne Valley & Halstead Railway and its
locomotives. 196-9. 4 illustrations
2-4-0T supplied by Manning Wardle: WN 34/1861 Brewster, WN 59/1862
Colne and WN 61/1863 Halstead. They were purchased by Charles Brewster of
Little Maplestead. In July 1877 Crabtree from the GNR was appointed general
manager. Fenn, the locomotive superintendent, ordered an 0-4-2T from Neison
& Co. WN 2204/1877: this was known as No. 1. In 1884 No. 1 and two coaches
were fitted with Heberlein continuous automatic brake. No. 1 was rebuilt
by Hawthorn Leslie & Co. In 1894 it was rebuilt at the GER works in
Stratford. No. 10 (Sharp Stewart 0-6-0T WN 2358/1873) of the Cornwall
Minerals Railway became Haverhill when purchased from the GWR: (identical
to the 8 acquired by the Eastern & Midlands Railway). Crabtree
left in 1882 to become general manager of the Great Northern & Great
Eastern Joint Line at Lincoln and George Copus from the LSWR became manager
and locomotive engineer.
2-8-0 mineral locomotive, Bulgarian State Railways. 199-200. illustration.
Hannoversche Machinenbau Actien Gessellschaft four-cylinder
Eastleigh Locomotive Works, L. & S. W. Ry. 200-1. 3
Pillar milling machines: hand feed and automatic feed; horizontal
milling machine.
Union of South African Railways. 201
Order placed with Tyer & Co. Ltd for single line tablet machines
for section between Randfonteain and Fourteen Streams.
Some famous heavy grades. 202-5. 6 illustrations
Canadian Pacific Railway spiral tunnels near Field and 0-6-6-0 Mallet
compound No. 1950; Gothard Railway Goschenen Viaduct; Great Indian Peninsular
Railway ascending the Ghauts, New South Wales Government Railways express
train on the new line between Sydney and Bendigo, New Zealand Govemment Railways
ascending the spiral main trunk line
Observation car, L. & N. W. R. 205. illustration
With plate glass windows for services between Llandudno, Bettws-y-Coed
and Festiniog.
Train destination indicator. 205. illustration
For carriages on Great Central Railway through services (Bournemouth
shown in photograph)
Expansion brackets. 206-7. 2 diagrams.
Unusual method of fitting to boiler.
A visit to Belgium. 207-9. 2 illustrations
By Institution of Locomotive Engineers from Friday 28 July for Ghent
where they were shown the locomotives by O. Gaeremynck and to Luxemburg on
31 July to see the fascilities of the Alsace-Lorraine Ry and were received
by Custodis, On 1 August they went to Jemelle and were received by Paul Duquesne
engineer of the Belgian State Rlys. On 2 August they visited the workshops
at Namur under the control of Ernest Loiseau and visited S.A. Saint Leonard
in Liege. On 3 August they visited Charleroi to visit S.A. Hainault et Couillet
and S.A. Haine St. Pierre and were received by the works manager L. Goldschmid.
On 5 August the Brussels running department under the charge of Henri Chenu
was visited.
Hopper bogie wagon, Burma Ry. 209. 2 illustrations
Supplied by Leeds Forge Ltd.
Rail motors. 209
Drewry Car Co. Ltd. repeat order from Buenos Great Southern Railwr
for railcars and orders from Argentine State Railways and Soudan Government
The cooling and ventilation of dining cars, Egyptian State Rys. 210.
Extra insulation plus ice-cooled air blown into International Sleeping
Car vehicles on Cairo to Luxor expresses.
The Crosby locomotive pop safety valve. 210
The "Night Mail" electric light fitting. 212.
E.M.F. Ltd.
Number 230 (14 October 1911)
Railway notes. 213
Great Northern Ry. 213. illustration.
4-4-2, former four-cylinder compound, No. 271 rebuilt as inside-cylinder
two cylinder (18½ x 26in) simple
London, Tilbury & Southend Ry. 214
No. 48 Little Ilford rebuilt similar to Nos. 37-47. No. 42
Commercial Road renamed East Horndon.
London, Brighton and South Coast Ry. 215. illustration.
Rebuilt 0-6-0T locomotive, No. 89 and 0-6-2T No, 407.
Colne Valley & Halstead Ry. 216.
See page 180: the old signals box
at Colne Valley Junction shown as built with ssignals through through the
roof of the box had been abolished, and home signals erected which protect
the junction for trains in either direction.
The Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 216.
A well attended meeting was held at St. Bride's Institute on September
30th to hear H.W. Dearberg read his paper
on Locomotive Fireboxes, which led to an interesting discussion. The
announcement was heard with regret that Mr. Frank B. Carmichael, the chairman,
had tendered his resignation on account of leaving England for China shortly.
The late secretary of the Institution, Mr. T. H. Baxter, is also leaving
England to take up an appointment in Uganda.
The members of the Institution visited the Swindon Works of the G.W.R. on
25 September, and were conducted through the whole of the locomotive, carriage
and wagon departments by, members of the staff.
The Irish railway strike. 216
Following closely on the heels of the "general" strike in England,
to which reference was made in our last issue, came a similar disturbance
on Irish railways, which also is now happily at an end. The trouble affected
chiefly the Great Southern and Western, Great Northern and Midland Great
Western Rys., and took its rise from a "sympathetic" movement, the result
being an upheaval that seriously affected the transport arrangements throughout
the country. Among matters raised during the dispute was the claim for
recognition on the part of the trades unions, but this was not conceded by
the Companies, though they met their own men on matters in dispute, with
the result that the trouble was settled on terms that should ensure future
The Royal Commission. 216.
Appointed to enquire into the working of the Railway Conciliation
Boards instituted in 1907, after sitting with regularity from 28 August,
concluded its work on 29 September. During that period 67 witnesses were
heard, and' 14,192 questions were asked. The mass of evidence thus obtained
from men representing every phase of railway life and the Board of Trade,
will obviously require some careful digestion, but it is understood that
the Commissioners, whose attention to their work has been most exemplary,
will be prepared to present their Report almost upon the reopening of Parliament,
which takes place on the 24 October.
An interesting old tank locomotive. 216.
The 2-2-2 tank engine shown in the accompanying illustration
Aerolite was built by Kitson, Thompson & Hewitson, of Leeds. and
was sent by them to the Great Exhibition of 1851. It had cylinders 11-in.
in diameter by 22-in. stroke, and the wheels, which were of solid wrought
iron, had diameters of 6-ft. for the driving and 3-ft. 6-in. for the carrying
wheels respectively. This locomotive was constructed to run light express
trains, and carried 500 gallons of water in the tanks placed below the boiler
barrel and footplate, while the bunker held sufficient coke for a. journey
of 50 miles. After the close of the Great Exhibition the engine was sent
to the Leeds Northern Ry., on which it ran for a number of years.
Cambrian Rvs. 216
Following the Investiture of the Prince of Wales at Carnarvon on 14
July, the Royal train was worked from Afon-Wen over the difficult coast line
of the Cambrian Rys. to Machynlleth by Jones' four-coupled bogie express
engines Nos. 81 and 83. On Monday, 17 July, the Royal train, which weighed
321 tons, left Machynlleth for Whitchurch, en route for Scotland at 10.00.
To Talerdigg summit, in addition to the two train engines, a banking engine
was attached at the rear. At Whitchurch the engines were changed; and the
L. & N. W locomotives Coronation and George V hauled the
train to Carlisle.
Schulz, G.C. The 3-cylinder compound locomotives of
the N.E., Midland and G.C, Rys. 217-19. illustration, 3 diagrams.
NER 4-4-0 three-cylinder componnd express locomotive No. 1619
4-4-2 passenger locomotive, Prussian State Railways. 219. illustration.
4-4-2 four-cylinder compound locomotive, No. 607.
Colne Valley & Halstead Railway and its locomotives.
220-2. 4 illustrations.
A.C. Fenn was superintendent of the locomotive, permanent way and
traffic departments between 1868 and 1881 when he left to join the Heberlein
Brake Co. and encouraged it being taken up in South America, but returned
to the CVR in 1903. Copus retired in 1903 and was succeeded by H.S. Hawkins
who came from the locomotive department of the Cambrian Railways. In about
1883 an 0-4-2ST known as No. 2 was acquired from the Whitehaven Colliery
Co.; which had been bought from the North London Railway where it had been
No. 42, supplied by Beyer Peacock WN 190/1860 (Fig. 10). Two 2-4-2T engines
were supplied by Hawthorn Leslie & Co. WN 2079 and 2080/1887 and were
named Halstead and Colne: Fig. 11 shows as supplied. In 1894
a further 2-4-2T was supplied by Hawthorn WN 2283 and named Hedingham
(Fig. 12). An 0-6-2T was supplied by Hudswell Clark & Co. 1908 WN 836
and given the running number 5 (Fig. 13).
New Pennsylvania Railroad locomotives. 222-3. illustration, 2 diagrams (side
4-6-2 express locomotive, No. 150, K2 Class Pacific including diagram
; also diagram of 4-4-2 E6 Atlantic.
Locomotive springs. 223-6. 9 diagrams.
2-8-0 goods locomotive, Hedjaz Ry. 226. illustration
Thirty built by Arnold Jung of Jugenthal bei Kirchen
New tank engines for the Shropshire and Montgumeryshire Ry. 227.
R. & W. Hawthorn Leslie & Co, 0-6-2 tank locomotives with
3ft 6in coupled wheels and 14 x 22in. outside cylinders: No.5 Pyramus
(illudtrated) and No. 6 Thisbe.
Eastern Ry. of France. 227
Obtaining 0-6-2-2-6-0 type similar to those built for Northern Ry;
also 2-6-2T with superheater under c onstruction
Graphite as a lubricant. 227-8. illustration, diagram.
Apparatus for inside cylinders and valves and method for supplying
outside cylinders: Joseph Dixon Crucible Co..
Drawing a crosshead. 229. diagram.
Withdrawing a crosshead from a piston rod end
Four-coupled tank locomotive, Weston, Clevedon & Portishead Ry. 230.
2-4-0T: formerly No. 1384, G.W.R.: originally Sharp, Stewart &
Co. for Watlington & Princes Risborough Railway supplied in 1876.
Bahnbedarf rail motor cars. 230-1. 3 illustrations
Correspondence. 231
The Locomotion, L. & N. W. R.
With further reference to Mr. W. B. Paley's article in your June issue,
page 124, I am told that the L. & N. W. R. was represented by three engines
at the Stephenson Centenary in 1881. The one not mentioned was of similar
type to the Locomotion, and bore the number 1876. It was originally
No. 291 Prince of Wales, and is, I believe, still preserved at the
Crewe Works.
The Locomotion, L. & N. W. R. W.B.
Paley. 231
Your correspondent C.W. (page 187) will find the history of this engine
fully set forth in The Locomotive Journal (published at Leeds) for
May, 1906, pages 219 and 225. From the following number of the same periodical,
page 174, it appears that 135 Bat was one of 40 engines sold by the
L. & N. W. Co. to the Lancaster & Carlisle Railway Co. on 1 August
1857. That Company altered the names and numbers of the engines, but when,
in 1859, the L. & C. R. was leased to the L. & N. W. the engines
came back to their former owners The numbers were changed again, but not
the L. & C. names. All this complicates the life-history of the engines
considerably, but I do not think that there is any good reason to doubt that
Locomotion was never the engine called Bat.
The Locomotion, L. & N. W. R. Clement E.
Stretton. 231
Your correspondent, C.W. page 187, states that the engine
Locomotion was originally No. 135 Bat. This statement is not
in accordance with previous records, and cannot be accepted until your
correspondent produces evidence and proof. I was present at the Stephenson
Centenary, June. 1881, and saw the engine Locomotion, which was sent
by the L.& N.W.Ry. Co., and it was dated 1842, and was officially stated
to have been built at Crewe Works by the Grand Junction Railway Company,
1842. Similar information was given at the time in Engineering and
The Engineer in June, 1881. If, as C.W. asserts, the engine was not
built until 1854, how does he account for the official date 1842? The engine
Bat, No. 135, was one of 40 sold by the the L. & N. W. Co. to
the Lancaster and Carlisle Company on the 1 August 1857, and was replaced
by a DX goods engine, November, 1861, Crewe Works No. 523.
No evidence has ever been produced to suggest that the Grand Junction engine
of 1842 was not the Locomotion at the Stephenson Centenary of
A new cab for locomotives, C.P.R. 232. illustration, diagram
Canadian Pacific Railway enclosed cab with protected access to
Some famous heavy grades. 232.
New suburban trains. G.N. Ry. 233. illustration
Two new trains, each consisting of eight carriages, had been built
at Doncaster under the supervision of H.N. Gresley, the chief locomotive
engineer of the G.N. Ry. The carriages were of the "twin" type, each set
of two being mounted on three bogies on the same general principle as the
twin carriages of the G.N. & E.C. joint stock which were illustrated
in our pages several years ago. The carriages are all built on steel underframes,
some of the bogies having solid disc wheels The bodies are made of extra
width to accommodate six passengers aside in the 2nd and 3rd class compartments,
and five aside in the 1st class, the total seating accommodation being: 80
1st, 180 2nd, and 372 3rd class, or a total of 632 passengers. In addition
to being wider, the compartments are also higher, with the high elliptical
roof, and give 5-in. in the 1st class and 2-in. in the other grades more
knee room than preceding stock. The stock is steam-heated, and lighted with
W.M. Still & Sons' incandescent gas lamps. Kaye's carriage locks were
fitted. The trains each weigh 147 tons empty and have a length over all of
Signalling plant.. 233
The South Manchuria Railway placed an important order with Tyer &
Co., Ltd., for signalling and interlocking several stations on their system.
The largest of the installations was at Tashachao, where the interlocking
apparatus contained 130 levers. A busy section of the Canton-Kowloon Railway
was being equipped with Tyer's Automatic Tablet Instructions for single line
working. These instruments are of the one wire type, and at each end of the
section they give a constant indication of the direction in which the train
is travelling. By the withdrawal of the tablet, both instruments become
automatically locked, and they cannot be released until the tablet has been
inserted into the instrument at the opposite end of the section.
Tyer & Co., Ltd.. 233,
Extensive alterations at Railway Signal Works in Carlisle. These works
were built over forty years ago by the late Joseph Tweedy, father of R. W.
Tweedy, the well-known director of Tyer & Co., Ltd. A large tract of
freehold land adjoining the works had been purchased, and some new shops
were in course of erection upon it. A battery of electrically operated drop
stamps is on order from the Brett's Patent Lifter Co., Ltd., and a quantity
of new high speed machinery has been purchased from different makers.
Locomotive 'Magazine Souvenir, No. 16, 233
Various types of locomotives built by the Hohenzollern Locomotive Works,
of Dusseldorf, by means of twelve collotype reproductions, to which are subjoined
leading dimensions and other particulars. Amongst the engines illustrated
are two of the "fireless" type for use in mines, whibt the main line engines
include a ten-coupled tender engine for the Bulgarian State Rys, and a
ten-coupled tank locomotive for the Harbour Ry. at DortmundeHoerde, two excellent
examples of modern ''haulers.''
Reviews. 234
Railway accounts and finance. J. Alfred Fisher. London : Geo. Allen
& Sons,
Third edition of this valuable exposition of the principles and practice
of railway accounting in all its branches has just been published. The author
deals with the minutest details in a remarkably clear and concise manner,
so that his treatment of the subject can scarcely fail to appeal to every
one who is interested in railway statistics. The various sections deal
respectively with railway station accounts and returns of traffic, expenditure,
the secretary's department; and the accountant's department. At the end is
a copious appendix, one portion dealing with the professional audit of railway
accounts, whilst another gives the text of the Railway Companies (Accounts
and Returns) Bill of 1910 and forms of accounts. This work should be in the
hands of all who are connected in any way with railway finance.
Railways and nationalisation.Edwin A.
Pratt. London: The Railway Gazette
The subject of this hook will be of special interest jnst now, as
the advocates of State management of our railways are using the recent strike
as an argument for their policy, and this is likely also to form a leading
position in the programme of the Socialist party in the near future. The
author is against nationalisation, and carefully explains the great differences
in the working of the British lines and those where State' ownership prevails,
and also goes fully into the advantages and otherwise to the employees. The
chapters on " State Railways and Politics." and State Railways and Labour,"
the latter of which includes sections on the strikes a few years ago in Hungary,
Holland and Victoria, have also a distinct bearing on the recent troubles
in this country, the general position of the British railway situation, from
the point of view of shareholders and traders as well, being thoroughly
dis-cussed. It is a complex subject to discuss, but the author has taken
his arguments from a very practical standpoint, and the instances of
comparatively successful State ownership, such as are afforded by Germany
and India, appear to be very few indeed, and even there, where the Government
can hardly be termed democratic, they are not quite so successful as has
been represented.
Catalogues, 234
A.B.C. Automatic Buffer Coupler.
New catalogue devoted to their Automatic Buffer Coupler (Jepson's
Patent). and its adaptations. This booklet contains a full description of
the mechanism of the coupler, and instructions for working, and also gives
particulars, with illustrations, of the methods adopted during the transition
period, of coupling rolling stock fitted with the A.B.C. Coupler and vehicles
fitted with other forms of coupling, including the M.C.B. type, link and
pin,, Norwegian hook, and the standard English screw coupling. Illustrations
of stock fitted for the British Honduras, Ceylon, Soudan, Kalka Simla, Indian
State, Great Indian Peninsula railways, and other lines, are included. The
catalogue is printed in English and French, and is well prcduced.
E. Breda, of Milan
Received an interesting set of post cards illustrating the latest
locomotive types for the Italian State Rys. These include the 4-6-2 superheaters,
compound decapods, 2-8-0 goods, 0-8-0 shunting tanks, 2-6-0 tanks for the
Mediterranean Ry. and State Rys., 2-6-0 (2-cylinder), and 2-6-2 (4-cylinder)
express engines, and an electric baggage and motor vehicle for the Naples
& Piedmont d'Alife Ry.
Number 230 (15 November 1911)
Railway notes. 235
London and North Western Ry. 235
The first of a new series of 4-6-0 Experiment passenger engines, with
superheater and extended smokebox, was out:: No. 819 Prince of Wales.
The next out wouldl bear the name Coquette. A further five 4-4-0 passenger
engines of the George the Fifth type (superheater) completed, Nos. 1713
Partridge, 1730 Snipe, 1733 Grouse, 1777 Widgeon
and 1799 Woodcock. Work had commenced on a series of 0-8-0 shunting
engines, and the first of a new series of 0-8-0 mineral engines, equipped
with the Schmidt superheater, would appear. In addition to those mentioned
last month, No. 1561 Yorkshire (4-6-0) had also been provided with
a Wakefield mechanical lubricator. The latest 4-ft. 6-in. 2-4-2 tanks to
be adapted for motor service were Nos. 977, 1003 and 2067. In connection
with the transfer of the old Trevithick 6-ft. passenger engine
Locomotion to the South Wales engineer's department, referred to in
our October issue, it may be mentioned that the engine which it replaced,
a Trevithick 6-ft. also, was old 110 Canning.
London & South Western Ry. 235
The ten new passenger tank engines of which the first was illustrated
on page 191 of our September issue were completed and bore running Nos. 125-129,
131, 328 and 479-481. In addition to five new engines of the 4-6-0 four-cylinder
type, similar to No. 443, illustrated in our issue of June last, but fitted
with the Eastleigh superheater, Drummond was building five 4-4-0 express
engines for the Bournemouth accelerated services. These engines would have
cylinders 19½-in. in diameter by 26-in. stroke, with a heating surface
of about 1724 ft2. They would have piston valves actuated by
Walschaerts gear. The 4-6-0 superheater engines to bear Nos. 458, 46o, 461,
462 and 463, and used principally on the West of England trains.
Glasgow & South Western Ry. 235. illustration
New 4-6-0 express locomotive No. 128, built to the designs of James
Manson. It was of the same general dimensions as the 384 and 123 classes,
both of which had been described in previous issues, but fitted with Schmidt
superheater, larger cylinders and piston valves, and this has necessitated
a slight change at the leading end of the framing. Another engine of the
same type, in addition to the superheater, was fitted with a feed-water heater,
the dome of which was placed above the firebox, and a Weir feed pump placed
on the running plate at one side of the boiler. Wakefield's mechanical lubricator
fitted to both superheater engines.
Great Western Ry. 235-6
Nos. 4317-43 20 completed the first series of twenty 2-6-0 mixed traffic
engines of the type illustrated and described in our issue of 15 August.
A new series of 4-6-0 two-cylinder passenger engines similar to the Saint
class were now in course of construction, Nos. 2931-2932 of the series being
engaged on trial trips. The top feed arrangement already referred to in our
columns, which is being fitted to the 2-6-0, 2-8-0, 4-4-0 and large tank
engines, was said to have a marked effect on the life of the firebox stays,
which are not subjected to direct contact with the feed water. The old 0-6-0
goods engine No. 1388 Goonbarrow, formerly of the West Cornwall Ry.,
had been transferred to the Gwm Ciwc Colliery, Llanharan, near Bridgend,
S. Wales, and No. 1563 (0-6-0ST) had been transferred to the Neath and Brecon
Ry. No. 12 of this latter railway had recently been through the Swindon shops,
as also Nos. 6, 10, 13, 18, 21, 23, 36 and 37 of the Port Talbot Ry.
and Docks Co.
Caledonian Ry. 236. illustration
John F. McIntosh, chief mechanical engineer and locomotive superintendent
of the Caledonian Ry., had the honour, on the occasion of the Rcyal Family's
return from Scotland on 9 October of being decorated by King George with
the M.V.O. in recognition of his eminence in the railway world, and his long
and intimate service extending over three reigns in connection with the running
of the Royal train. The ceremony took place while his Majesty's train made
the customary stop at Perth, en route from Balmoral to London, and on his
arrival back in Glasgow Mr. McIntosh was met and heartily congratulated by
a number of officials from St.Rollox workshops. Mr. McIntosh, who has held
his present position for 16 years, completes his jubilee of service with
the Caledonian Ry. Company in February next. Our readers may like to be reminded
that he was the pioneer in introducing large boilered locomotives in British
practice, his 4-4-0, No. 721 Dunalastair, creating something like
a sensation on its first appearance in 1896, and he also introduced the 4-6-0
type with inside cylinders.
North British Ry. 236
The new 4-4-2 (Atlantic) express engines, particulars and an illustration
of which were given in our August issue, would bear the following numbers
and names: :901 St. Johnstoun; 902 Highland Chief, 903 Cock
o' the North, 904 Holyrood, 905 Buccleugh; and 906
Great Eastern Ry. 236
Fifteen 2-4-2 tank engines were being rebuilt with new boilers carrying
a working pressure of 180 psi. Of these, Nos. 96, 100, 103, 104, 108, 109,
and 143 were out, which would be followed by Nos. 142 and 781-787. Nos. 1
and 2 of ten new 2-4-2 tank engines of the 61 class were out, and Nos. 3,
4 and 5 would shortly follow them.
Great Northern Ry. (Ireland). 236
By a regrettable oversight, the builders of the 4-4-0 passenger
locomotives, of which one was illustrated on page 214 of our last issue,
were stated to be Nasmyth, Wilson & Co., Ltd., of Bridgewater Foundry,
Patricroft, near Manchester. These engines were built by Beyer, Peacock &
Co., Ltd., of Gorton, Foundry, Manchester ; the most recent locomotives built
for this railway at the Bridgewater Foundry were the two six-coupled goods
engines referred to in our August issue, page 182.
Midland Ry. 236
No. 998 had been fitted with a Schmidt superheater, and No. 999, also
of the 4-4-0 simple class, was fitted with a Swindon superheater.
Taff Vale Ry. 236
The Taff Vale Ry. decided to equip their system with Tyer & Co.'s
block instruments of the one-wire, three-position type.
The Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 236
A paper on Liquid Fuel, by F.S.L.
Johnson, illustrated by lantern slides, to be read at
St. Bride's Institute, Bride Lane, E.C., on Saturday, 25 November, at 6.45
p.m. Charles A. Suffield to occupy the Chair.
Isle of Man Ry. 236
Referring to the note on page 66 of our issue for April, 1910, the
latest addition to the stock of this railway is locomotive No. 13
Kissack, of the same type as was illustrated in December, 1906. This
engine has been built by Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd , of Gorton Foundry.
(Makers' No. 5382-1910.) Nos. 4 and 6, built by the same makers in 1876,
had been rebuilt with larger boilers similar to that of the new engine.
North Eastern Ry. 236
20 new eight-coupled mineral engines of Class T1 bore running Nos.
642-3, 657-9, 661, 669, 764, 767, 769, 770-4, 781, 783, 789, 793 and 794.
Invergarry & Fort Augustus Ry. 236
Traffic on this line has ceased.
Great Northern Ry. 237. illustration, diagram
(side elevation)
Indebted to H.N. Gresley, the chief locomotive engineer, for the
photograph and diagram here reproduced of a new class of six-coupled goods
locomotives. These engines, of which five so far were in service, Nos. 521-525
were similar in general design to the 21 class, but had the raised running
plate introduced on the No. 1 class. They were fitted with the Schmidt
superheater, the boilers being practically identical with those of the new
superheater 4-4-0 passenger engines, of which one was illustrated in our
August issue. No. 131, 0-8-2 mineral tank engine, had been rebuilt with a
standard 0-8-9 boiler, similar to No. 133. Nos. 1318 and 1353 (4-4-0) and
210 and 814 (2-4-0 rebuilt), had been fitted with extended smokeboxes, as
also No. 997 (2-4-0), this last however retaining the domeless boiler.
See also Volume 19 p. 162.
Hedjaz Ry. 237
Two printers' errors occurred in our notice of the new goods locomotives
for this railway which appeared on p. 226 of our October issue. In one case
these engines were referred to as being of the 2-8-6 type, obviously a misprint
for 2-8-0. The British representatives of Messrs. Arn. Jung, the builders,
were W. Silversteen & Co..
Our special supplement. 237
With this issue a special supplement commemorative of the change in
the control of the locomotive department of the Great Northern Ry., which
was alluded to in our last issue. Several distinct eras seem to have been
marked by the successive chief locomotive engineers. Archibald Sturrock may
be said to have contributed considerably to the development of locomotive
practice generally, as illustrated in the fine types of express and goods
engines running on G.N.R. metals from 1850 onwards. Patrick Stirling conceived
the idea of the railway company doing most of its own construction, and
accordingly the Plant Works were instituted at Doncaster, and since 1867
have turned out upwards of 1,300 locomotives. Stirling also took in hand
the work of standardisation, and since he assumed control all G.N.R. locomotives
have been constructed on an interchangeable system as regards details. Towards
the close of his career, a change was taking place in the requirements of
the traffic department, and when Mr. Ivatt was called upon to succeed Mr.
Stirling in 1896, there was a need for a bolder policy in locomotive
New 4-4-2 express locomotivea, L. B. & S. C. Ry. 238.
4-4-2 Superheater Express Locomotive, No. 421.
Eastleigh Locomotive Works, L. & S. W. R. 239. 2 illustrations
Exterior and interior of running shed including dormitory accommodation
and mess room.
Schultz, G.C. The 3-cylinder compound locomotives of the N.E., Midland and G.C, Rys. 240-2 + coloured supplement. 14 diagrams.
The last of the broad gauge in Canada. 242-3. illustration
The Grand Trunk Railway was originally 5ft 6im gauge and 50 locomotives
to that gauge were supplied by Peto, Brassey, Betts & Jackson to a design
of Alexander Allan. 30 were converted to standard gauge, but some were retained
on the Carillon & Grenville Ry. a portage railway on the Ottawa
River to avoid the rapids at Long Sault.
Three-cylinder 4-4-2 locomotives, North Eastern
Railway. 243. illustration
No. 717 illustrated. Raven Z1 class
Spring gear for locomotives. 244-6. 5 diagrams.
Some Italian Railways locomotives at the Turin Exhibition. 246.-7. 2
2-8-0 express locomotive No. 74,001 and 2-6-0 expresss locomotive
No. 62,530 illustrated.
New feed water heater. 247. diagram.
W.V. Cauchi design
The Crosby locomotive pop safety valve. 247.
Results of tests by Professor Edward F. Miller of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
The mechanical woodworker, 248. illustration
Wadkin & Co. of Evington Engineering Works, Leicestser
Some notes on the Stratford-on-Avon & Midland Junction
Ry. (formerly East & West Junction Ry.). 249-51. 4 illustrations,
Illustrated: Map of the line, first train at Kineton station
hauled by Manning Wardle 0-6-0ST (1 June 1871), Goldieote cutting, 2-4-0T
No. 4 formerly L. & Y. tank locomotive No. 517A, Fairlie locomotive,
No.1 (0-6-6-0T built Yorkshire Engine Co. for Mexico), E. & W. Junction
Corridor mail van, Prussian State Rys. 252. diagrams (side elevation
& plan)
Built by Zyupen & Charlier of Cologne.
Self-discharging hopper ballasting wagon, S.E. & C.R.. 252-3.
Manufactured by Leeds Forge Co. Ltd.
L. & N.W.R. locomotives. 254
In amplification of his previous book, which dealt only with the named
engines, Mr. C. Williams, of 15, Peel Street, Crewe, is about to publish
a list of all the engines now in service on the L. & N.W.R. The particulars
given will include running number, name, date (with month), size of cylinders
and wheels, and the list will embrace all the old (2-4-0) Precursors, the
Crewe Works tramway engines, and those allocated to the engineering, carriage
and wagon departments. It is interesting to note that there are at present
in service 3,081 engines, of which 2,670 are on the capital list, 393 are
duplicates, and 18 are departmental.
Schmidt superheating Co. (1910), Ltd., 254
28, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W., have forwarded a most interesting
booklet entitled The Application of Highly Superheated Steam to
Locomotives. The reading matter consists of a valuable treatise on
superheating in general, and their speciality in particular, with results
of actual tests made on locomotives in ordinary service, and it is copiously
illustrated by photo-reproductions of various British-built engines equipped
with the Schmidt superheater, while at the end are a set of folding plates
comprising sectional drawings of modern superheater locomotives. The extent
to which superheating has been adopted as a necessity in modern locomotive
design may be gathered from the fact that the Schmidt superheater alone has
been adopted on 262 railways in various parts of the world, and is now fitted
to upwards of 10,000 locomotives.
Blanchard Lamp Co., 254
151, Farringdon Road, London, E.C., installed two of their lamps on
the coal cranes of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Ry. sidings at Goole, which
are giving every satisfaction. These Blanchard lanips have superseded two
acetylene lamps previously in use.
Drewry Car Co., Ltd., 254
Third repeat order for ten of their rail motor cars for the Buenos
Ayres Great Southern Ry., a third order for three cars for the Soudan Government
Rys., in addition to orders for five cars for the Argentine State Rys., and
three for the Crown Agents for British Colonies.
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir, No. 15
Deals with representative engines built by Messrs. Hawthorn, Leslie
& Co., Ltd., of Gateshead, for various railways. As usual, there are
a number of collotype illustrations, accompanied by dimensions.
Picture postcards. 254
Latest coloured post-cards issued by the Locomotive Publishing Co.,
Ltd., include views of trains on the North Eastern, Midland, London, Brighton
& South Coast, and South Eastern and Chatham Rys. ; also No. 65 Great
Northern Ry., 4-4-0 Superheater, and No. 443, L. & S.W.R. 4-6-0.
The Locomotive Engineer's Pocket Book and Diary for 1912. 254
Ready next month, and will be revised and brought up-to-date, with
additionai articles on modern locomotive practice and other subjects of interest.
The price will be 2s. 6d., bound in leathery with a pencil.
The Railway Carriage and Wagon Builders'. Pocket Book and Diary for 1912.
Will be issued towards the end of the year, and will contain information
which will be of great value to railway carriage and wagon designers and
builders at home and abroad. The price will be 2s. 6d., bound in leather,
with a pencil.
Number 231 (15 December 1911)
Railway notes. 255
Great Western Ry. 255. illustration
The accompanying illustration shows one of the two-cylinder 4-6-0
express locomotives, of which ten have recently been completed. Theybear
the following numbers and names: 2931 Arlington Court, 2932 Ashton
Court, 2933 Bibury Court, 2934 Butleigh Court
(illustrated), 2935 Caynham Court, 2936 Cefntilla
Court, 2937 Clevedon Court, 2938 Corsham Court, 2939
Croome Court, and 2940 Dorney Court. These engines were Saint
class, with cylinders 18½-in. in diameter by 30-in. stroke, with 6-ft.
8½-in. coupled wheels; they were fitted with Swindon superheaters, and
the top feed now adopted as standard on G.W.R. locomotives.
Engines coming out of the Swindon shops no longer bore the works' number
plates. The motor engines Nos. 533 and 2120, which were rebuilt with carriage
body coverings, had now had these removed.
London & North-Western Ry. 255
Ten new Prince of Wales class, 4-6-0 express engines with 20½-in.
by 26-in. cylinders, and fitted with superheaters, were now out and bore
the following numbers and names-: 819 Prince of Wales, 1388
Andromeda, 1452 Bonaventure, 1454 Coquette, 1537
Enchantress, 1691 Pathfinder, 1704 Conquerer, 172.1
Defiance, 2021 Wolverine, and 2359 Hermione. Some replaced
engines of the DX class which had been transferred to the 3000 list The first
of the new 0-8-2 type of shunting tank engines was completed and bearing
No. 1185. It has 20½-in. by 26i-in. cylinders, 4-ft. 3-in. coupled and
3-ft. 9-in. trailing wheels, and was generally on the lines of the 0-8-0
mineral engines, with Precursor boiler. These engines were intended for use
where two engines were employed, one of the new type being sufficient.
In addition to the 30 0-8-0 mineral engines. there were ten four-cylinder
4-6-0 express engines on order at Crewe. Both classes would be fitted with
superheaters. The express engines will be enlarged Experiments with 6-ft.
0-in. driving wheels.
Nos. 1826 and 1851, three-cylinder compound mineral engines, had been converted
to simple. No. 1440, 4-ft. 6-in. 2-4-2 tank, had been fitted for motor service,
while No. 2359 of the same type had recently been withdrawn from service.
Important electrification schemes were about to be undertaken with a view
to fostering the suburban traffic as far as Watford, a leading consideration
being the linking up of the main line at Queen's Park with the tube railways
existing or to be constructed, so as to give through communication with all
parts of London. The scheme also includes part of the North London Ry. and
the lines to Kew Bridge and Earl's Court.
Great Central Ry. 256. illustration
The accompanying illustration, for which we are indebted to Mr. J.
G. Robinson, the chief mechanical engineer, shows No. 966, the first of the
new 2-8-0 mineral engines, of which twenty were in course of construction
at the Gorton Works of the G.C.R. A dimensioned diagram was given on page
237 of our issue of November 15th, 1910, to which reference should be made.
The chiet differences between the engine as designed and as built refer to
the wheelbase and the weight. As built, the total wheelbase of engine and
tender was 51-ft. 2-in.; total length over buffers 61-ft. 7¼-in. ; total
weight of engine alone 72 tons, of which 65 tons rested on the coupled wheels.
Speaking generally, these engines were a development of the standard 0-8-0
mineral locomotive, fitted with a leading-truck and the Schmidt superheater.
No. 966, here shown, replaced a single-framed goods locomotive designed and
built by Charles Sacre, which was re-numbered to replace one of the 2-6-0
American-built engines on its removal from service after a collision at
Brocklesby a few years ago.
No. 1l0, of the 4-4-0 class built by the Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., and re-built
in 1907 with a larger boiler and balanced slide valves, was named King
George V.
Nos. 689 (4-4-0), 600 (2-4-2 tank), 654 (0-6-0 goods) and 614 and 720 (0-6-2
tanks) had been re-built with standard boilers.
Great Northern Ry. 256
A pleasant ceremony took place on November 25th in the Drill Hall
at Doncaster, when H.A. Ivatt, the late chief locomotive engineer of the
G.N.R., was presented with his portrait by the officers and salaried staff
who had worked under him during his fifteen years' rule at the Plant Works.
Preceding the presentation was a dinner at which Mr. H. N. Gresley, the new
chief locomotive engineer, presided, supported by Messrs. F. Wintour (works
manager), F. J. Webster (outdoor superintendent), H. Culpin (locomotive
accountant), and others of the staff; and the portrait, which is an excellent
likeness executed by Mr. Lance Calkin, was presented to Mr. Ivatt during
the course of a smoking concert.
London & South Western Ry.
Ten of the new standard 0-4-4 side tank engines illustrated in our
September issue are now completed and bear Nos. 125-129, 131, 328, 479-481.
The older engines bearing these numbers have been transferred to the dnplicate
Five new four-cylinder 4-6-0 express engines were in course of construction,
to bear Nos. 458 and 460-463.
The Pullman cars on the Bournemouth trains would be withdrawn at the end
of this year.
North Staffordshire Railway. 257. illustation,
diagram (side & front/rear elevations).
Adams 4-4-2T with inside cylinders
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry.
The appointments of L. Billinton as locomotive superintendent and
of A.H. Panter as carriage superintendent were officially announced as from
1 December 1910.
Great Eastern Railway. 257.
See top of p. 170 of August
issue, Nos. 1793 and 1794 were fitted with the Schmidt,
and Nos. 1798 and 1799 with the Swindon superheater. Ten new 0-6-0 condenser
tank engines were in course of construction at Stratford, similar to Nos.
51-60 and 81-90.
Eighth annual Re-union Dinner of past and present members of the Locomotive
Department Staff was held at the Great Eastern Hotel, Liverpool Street, E.G.,
on 24 November 1910.
Pennsylvania R.R. 258
Theodore N. Ely, chief of motive power, retired from railway work
last July, with a record of 43 years of service. After employment on other
engineering work, he entered the railway service in 1868 on the Pittsburgh,
Fort Wayne & Chicago, at Pittsburgh, whence he soon afterwards moved
to the Philadelphia and Erie division of the P.R.R. After divisional
superintendence on various sections of the line from 1869 onwards, in 1893
he was appointed chief of motive power of the whole system, including
Pennsylvania Lines East and West of Pittsburgh and Erie. The position he
vacated was abolished, and A.W. Gibbs, formerly general superintendent of
motive power on lines East of Pittsburgh, succeeded him with the new title
of chief mechanical engineer
Southern Pacific Railway, model of Mallet compound, 258.
James Carson & Co., Ltd., of Cricklewood, London, N.W., which
attracted great attention Model Engineers' Exhibition 3½ inch gauge
2-8-8-2 Southern Pacific Mallet compound.
The Royal Train—East Indian Railway. 258-9.
4 illustrations
Courtesy of S. J. Kendrick, the Acting Carriage and Wagon Superintendent
of the East Indian Railway, we are able to give a brief description, accompanied
by illustrations of the train placed at the disposal of the King and Queen
during their visit to India. This train was recently completed at the Lillooah
Workshops of the East Indian Railway, to the design of . C. G. H. Danby,
Carriage and Wagon Superintendent, and is undoubtedly the most comfortable
and luxuriously equipped train in the East. It measures 699-ft. lo-in. over
buffers, and has an approximate weight of 427 tons, the ten vehicles of which
it is composed comprising two Royal saloons, one dining and one kitchen car,
three saloons for the use of the staff, one combined dining and sleeping
carriage for the European servants, and two brake vans. Each saloon, with
the exception of the two brake vans, measures 71-ft. 8-in. over buffers,
or 68-ft.over the body, weighs 45 tons, and is carried on six-wheeled bogie
trucks of special design. The two brake vans, which are carried on four-wheeled
bogie trucks, measure 63-ft. 3-in. over buffers, and weigh 35 tons each.
The train is corridor-vestibuled throughout, the coaches being connected
by collapsible gangways.
2-8-2 tank locomotive, Mauritius Government Railways,
261. illustration.
2-8-2T No. 54 introduced when A.J.(G.?) Dykes was locomotive
superintendent. Had to cope with 1 in 27 ruling gradient: 1794
ft2 total heating surface;26.84.
ft2grate area 180 psi boiler pressure.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 261-2.
Worsdell (Gillies) U13 class Continued in
Volume 18 page 9.
4-6-4 four-cylinder compound express locomotive, Northern Ry. of France.
262. illustration
Schneider and Co., of Creusot. This engine had a round topped firebox
with cross water tubes, giving a heating surface of 1270.16
ft2 exposed to direct action of the fire, in addition
to 2629.57 ft2 of tube heating surface.
Relationship between the wheelbase of a locomotive and curves.
263-4. 4 diagrams.
Problem especially on rough track as in mines and on sharp curves:
coned wheels, flangeless centre wheels and extra raila laid within or outwith
the running ones
Motor locomotive for a light railway. 264-5. 2 illustrations
Small single driver locomotive fitted with Lentz valve gear built
by the Hannoversche Maschinenbau Act. Ges. (formerly Georg Egestorff) for
service on the Celle Light Railway, its duty being the haulage of 2 or 3
coaches, as a motor train unit, the maximum speed allowed being about 35
The Departmental locomotives of the L. & N. W. Ry. 265-7.
2 illustrations, table
Illustrations: Cornwall attached to Chief Mechanical Engineer's
private coach and 2-2-2 Canning when attached to Engineer's Department
at Lancaster. Table lists them all: Engineer's Department and those at Wolverton
Carriage Works, Crewe Carriage Works and Earlstown Wagon Works
Some notes on the Stratford-on-Avon and Midland Junction Ry. Formerly
East & West Junction Ry,). 267-9. 3 illustrations, diagram (side
Illustrations: 0-6-0 locomotive, No. 03 (rebuilt), 2-4-0 side tank,
No. 5 (rebuilt), 2-4-0 Hope, E. & W. Junction Railway, old 1st
class carriagc.
Schulz, G.C. Three-cylinder compound loeomotives of
the N.E., Midland and G.C, Rys. 269-70.
Continued in Volume 18 page
Injector repairs. 270-1. 6 diagrams
A convenient breakdown outfit. 271-2. 6 diagrams
For handling derailments
Fitting Ramsbottom safety valves. 272-3. 5 diagrams.
Fitting Ramsbottom type.
The Sud Express, Northern Ry of Spain. Duke
of Zaragoza. 273
Includes gradient profile of line between Irun and Madrid and table
showing performance between Irun (depart 23.26) and Madrid (arrive 14.23)
and intermediate times and altitudes. As the run reflects a rather unusual
enthusiast minimal changes have been made to the wording.
I am very glad to see the photograph of the Compound four-cylinder locomotive,
No. 812, belonging to the M.Z.A. Ry., and I hope very soon to be able to
send you a photo of the latest simple expansion ten- wheel express type,
fitted with the Schmidt superheater of the Northern Ry. of Spain, on which
I very often act as driver.
One noteworthy trip I made was on April joth last, with the Sud Express,
with a load of 250 tons behind the tender. The fastest time was made between
Miranda and Valiadolid, a distance of 210 km., for the train arrived at Miranda
45 min. late, yet I was able to arrive at Valladolid on time. The average
speed marked in the travel book is 65 km. per hour, andn I was obliged to
run at the maximum of 90 in order to make this performance. The Sud Express,
No. 8 (up train) between Irun and Madrid is booked as follows (giving only
the stations where the train stops) :-
In order that your readers may see and appreciate the difficulties to be
overcome in running high speed trains on this route and keeping time, I enclose
a profile sketch of the line between Irun and Madnd, with the differences
of level of the principal stations and their distance apart. The steepest
gradient is between Villalla and the Canada summit, 1358 metres above sea
level. I would like to say that your well known Magazine is extraordinarily
interesting and useful to me, and I consider it the best of all the railway
Locomotive springs. F.W. Wehster. 273-4
Re article on Locomotive Springs in your issue of October 14th, I
notice the closing paragraphs indicate that the buckle is placed in position
on the spring before testing, which I believe to be contrary to usual practice.
Supposing for a moment the hoop was shrunk on as stated and after scragging
or testing it was found that the spring required hardening or tempering or
that for other causes it would be necessary to remove the buckle. Whether
of a single or double lug type of hoop, they are much too costly to be knocked
off and on in this manlier, seeing the majority of locomotive buckles are
machined before they are placed in position on the springs. The back or main
plate shown is of the type largely used abroad for wagon bearing springs,
and I am sorry the writer did not mention the English practice, with solid
backs drilled, and the different provisions to be made for hanging the springs,
in some cases by reducing the width of the ends or slotting the centres.
The Continental section shown with V ribs and grooves I do not remember,
but have made many with half-round ribs to a radius of 3 mm. to work in grooves
of 3½ or 4 mm. May I ask what is the best coating to apply to spring
plates before the spring is hooked Different engineers specify boiled oil,
red lead, oxide, etc., for lubricating the plates and keeping rust at bay,
but there must be one which is best.
Engine and wagon springs. W. Sutcliffe. 274
Re article in issue of October 14-th, but to me, as a learner, it
seemed that the writer stopped short at a most important point. I want to
know how to get the proper temper for wagon side bearing and buffer springs,
and this the expert writer omitted to refer to. If you could deal with the
subject of tempering springs in some future issue, it would be of great value
to myself and a number of your readers
The Locomotion L. & N. W. R. Cadmus. 274
It is with great reluctance that I enter the controversy respecting
the L. & N. W. engine Locomotion, as I know that it is hopeless
to expect certain "authorities" to admit any possibility of error in their
records; but at the same time no amount of discussion will alter facts which
have been verified scores of times from the locomotives and from the Company's
lists. The history of the various L. & N. W. engines which have been
numbered 135 is given here in order that it may be at the disposal of those
who wish for accuracy. The first engine to bear the number 135 on the L.
& N. W. R. (Northern Division) was the Bat from the Liverpool
and Manchester Ry., a goods engine which was built in 1842, and was replaced
in 1852 by a "Crewe" type 6-ft. single passenger engine, the Works number
being 220 and running number 135, name Bat..
This engine was not sold to the L. & C. R., but in 1861 it and ten other
engines were reserved for departmental work, and were all replaced in the
capital list, the new 135, also named Bat, being a DX goods engine,
Works number 523. - The 6-ft. single Bat was allotted to work the
Chief Mechanical Engineer's carriage, and it was afterwards named
Locomotion by Webb, being No. 1867 in the list of duplicate engines.
In February, 1887, it was further renumbered . 3082, which number it retained
in the list until June, 1911, when it was transferred to Engineer, South
Wales, the old 8-ft. 6-in. Cornwall taking up the Chief Mechanical
Engineer's work.
The DX 135 Bat had its name removed when the other DX goods names
were taken away in 1864; in July, 1887, it was renumbered 1856; in November.
1898, again renumbered to 3322, and in March, 1901. it was broken up.
The present 135 replaced the DX goods in July, 1887. It is one of the 0-6-2
side tank coal engines, the Works number is 2958, and date built May,
The old tank locomotive Aerolite. C. Hylton
Stewart. 274
Re article in this month's Magazine on the old tank engine
Aerolite, there is at present running on the N. E. R. a 2-2-4 tank
engine Aerolite, No. 66. On her number-plate is written, "Kitson,
Thompson and Hewitson, Leeds. No. 281- 1851. Rebuilt Gateshead Works." Macl.ean,
in his History of the N. E. R. Locomotives, says, referring to the
original Aerolite, After being rebuilt about the year 1860, the
Aerolite was stationed on the Southern division of the N.E R. for
working the officer's saloon, and was replaced in 1886 by the locomotive
superintendent's fine little compound single bogie tank engine, part of this
engine, we believe, being used in its construction.McLean does not mention
that the present engine bears the date and makers' number of the original
one, but he does say that the running- number was 66, the same as that of
the present eng:ne.
The old tank locomotive Aerolite. Frank S.
Hennell. 274
It may interest some of your readers to know that when I was on the
North Eastern Railway in 1867 this engine was stationed at Gateshead and
was used with one small coach to convey Edward Fletcher, the locomotive
superintendent, to any part of the railway he wished to visit. The driver's
name was El1iott. The illustration on page 216 is a very good representation
of the engine as it was at that period with the exceptions that the chimney
had a wider bell mouth at the top and there was a weather board on the back
part of the firebox shell.
The Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 274.
A Paper on Boiler Shop Equipment
and Management, by W.J. Bennett, Boiler Dept., L. B. S. C. Ry. will be
read at St. Bride Institute, Bride Lane, KC., on Saturday, 10 Dec. at 6,45
p.m. M r. Charles A. Suffield will occupy the chair. The Annual General Meeting
will be held on Saturday, 6 January, at 6,30 p.m., at St. Bride Institute,
when members are specially asked to attend.
Improved smoke consuming fire-door, 275. diagram
Marcotty Tilting Fire Door
Reviews. 275-6
Valves and valve gearing. Charles Hurst. Sixth
edition, revised. London : Charles Griffin & Co., Ltd.
One of the most important parts of a steam engine is, of course, the
valve gear, and the success or otherwise of the engine is usually to a large
extent dependent upon the design of the machinery for the distribution of
the steam. The book under notice describes in detail all the best known forms
of valve gear and the proper method of setting them out, together with much
other information useful to the designer. Attached to most of the valve diagrams
are small figures of the valves showing their position with regard to the
ports corresponding to various positions of the crank. The first part deals
with piston and slide valves of various types, link and radial valve gears,
Corliss gears with and without trip motions, etc. Successive parts then treat
of gas engine valves and gears, air compressor valves and gearing, and pump
valves, whilst a fifth part, appearing in the present edition for the first
time, is descriptive of safety and relief valves. The book, which will be
of special service to draughtsmen and others upon whom the actual work of
designing valve gearing falls, is illustrated with 13 inset plates and 262
well executed figures in the text, and forms a suitable companion volume
to the well known works on Locomotive and Marine Engineering by the same
The railway conquest of the world. F.A. Talbot. London
: Wm. Heinemann. 275-6.
As the title implies, the author of this work has chosen the whole
of the world for his material, preferring to describe the construction of
the largest and most interesting railway enterprises of America, Asia and
Africa to those of the British Isles and the Continent, which they rather
overshadow. He deals mainly with the modern lines, the inclusion of a few
older exceptions, such as the first Trans-Continental road across the United
States, the Oroya Ry. of Peru, etc., being justified by the character of
the works described. For mountain railways, of course the wonders of Switzerland
and the Tyrol are touched on, as well as the lines through the Rockies, and
the new route from Buenos Ayres to Valparaiso across the Andes. Graphic details
are also given of the Holy Railway to Mecca, the long narrow gauge Otavi
line in German South Africa, across Siberia by rail, the two Canadian
Trans-Continental lines, the railway to the Shire Highlands through Nyassaland,
the wonders of the Denver and Rio Grande R.R., the conquest of the Cascade
Mountains, and so on. Talbot has a thorough grasp of his subject, with a
charming style, and the volume will form excellent reading for the popular,
as well as the engineering, world. The 123 interesting photo-illustrations
are practically all quite new.
The Mechanical World Pocket Diary and Year Book for 1912.
Manchester: Emmott & Co., Ltd. 276
The 1912 edition of this practically compiled little book seems to
contain everything which any one connected with the engineering profession
wiil require, so that it is impossible to attempt a list of its contents
in the space at our disposal. The section on steam turbines has been re-written
and extended. Other new sections deal with roller bearings, helical springs,
speed calculations, etc. New tables of proportions of rivets, helix angles,
areas of circles in square feet, and a millimetres to inches conversion table
has been been introduced, and the tables of Specific Gravity and Weight have
been revised and added to considerably.
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