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Locomotive Magazine and Railway Carriage and
Wagon Review
Volume 18 (1912)
No. 233 (15 January 1912)
Railway notes. 1
Vestibuled trains for the London, Tilbury & Southend Ry. 1-2.
The first of two new trains was put on by the L.T. & S.R. on New
Year's Day for the Southend-Ealing through service, leaving Southend at 07.27
and returning from Ealing at 09.32 to Shoeburyness. In the evening that place
is left at 18.10 and Ealing on the return for Southend at 20.35. These "sumptuous
trains" are of the vestibuled corridor type and. had been built by the Birmingham
Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., to the designs of Robert H. Whitelegg,
the locomotive, carriage - and wagon superintendent, by whose courtesy we
were able to take the photograph reproduced on this page. the wood used in
their construction rendered thoroughly fireproof, while each carriage is
provided with two chemical fire extinguishers placed over the vestibule gangway,
and emergency steps are carried at the end exits of the trains. Sliding doors
are provided at each end of the carriage, giving access to the end vestibules,
with flexible gangways between each coach. A central corridor extends the
whole length of the passenger compartments, partitions fitted with swing
doors dividing the body into two main saloons for the 3rd class cars and
three saloon compartments for the. composite carriages. Double sliding doors
are provided at the ends of the compartments. The upper panels of all inside
doors have bevel edge cut glass panels with each train comprised two 3rd
class brakes, one 1st and 3rd class composite and five 3rd class carriages,
giving a total seating accommodation for about 400 passengers. At the time
our photograph was taken the train consisted of seven carriages only. The
carriage bodies were clipper built with vertical semi-rounded ends and were
ot uniform dimensions, the principal of which were: length over vestibules
50ft., length over bodies, outside, 48-ft. 6-in., length over headstocks
47-ft. -in., centres of bogies .)3-ft., wheelbase of bogies -ft., width outside
waist of body 9-ft., height rom floor to roof at centre 7-£t. 9f6'-in.
The body and underframe were separate, the body framing, outside panels and
moulding being of {oulmein teak, while the underframe is of steel ngles arid
channels. _The underside of the bodies was covered with asbestos panelite
and all the company's monogram. The 1st class compartments are upholstered
in tapestry, the character of which is in keeping with the oak panelling,
and the floor is covered with Turkey felt. The 3rd class smoking compartment
was upholstered in Rexine, and the non-smoking in mohair velvet of a bluish
shade, the floors throughout being covered with linoleum. Torpedo ventilators
were fixed in the roof, operated by a "Bowden" wire laid on to a fitting
conveniently placed, and above the windows flat ventilators are fitted. The
3rd class carriage brakes at each end of the train are provided with lavatories
and luggag-e compartments. The carriages are electrically lighted and heated,
the current being generated by a dynamo under each. The floors were packed
with felt to render the carriages free from noise. Continuous draw-gear and
standard buffers were fitted, and also the air brake with hand brakes worked
independently in the guards' vans. The weight of the train empty was over
200 tons, and two of the District Ry. electric locomotives are used between
Barking and Ealing to maintain rapid acceleration after each stop, as with
the multiple-unit trains, so as not to delay the local services. Without
doubt these are the handsomest trains so far running on any London underground
railway, and the management of the L.T. & S.R. are to be congratulated
on their latest enterprise.
London & North Western Ry.. 2
Nos. 1185, 1548, 1665 and 1790 are the latest 0-8-2 shunting tanks
to be completed. These engines have 24-in. cylinder stroke and not as printed
in our last issue. They have sloping coal bunkers and level footplates and
the boiler ends are lagged. The 4-6-0 (" Experiment ") passenger engines,
fitted with the Schmidt superheater, are all at work, but only five are painted
as yet. They are fitted with the "Trusty" lubricator. No. 1859, three-cylinder
compound mineral engine, has been converted to simple, and No. 2653 of the
same class rebuilt as a simple last year has been fitted with a superheater.
The output of new engines from Crewe Works during 1911 totalled 74, and comprised
43 4-4-0 (George the Fifth) passenger engines, 10 4-6-0 passenger engines,
18 4-6-2 passenger tanks, and three 0-8-2 shunting engines. It may be of
interest to add that no fewer than 61 of these engines are equipped with
the Schmidt superheater. No. 2161 Jeanie Deans (4-6-0) has been
fitted with the Hasler speed indicator and recorder as well as the Wakefield
lubricator. No. 2663 "George V." is fitted with Frodsham's speed indicator.
A ¾in. scale model of the engine" Coronation" has been made at Crewe
and is now being exhibited in the Great Hall at Euston. A mirror beneath
the model and windows in the smokebox enable the spectator to study the
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 2
Stroudley Terrier tanks were being reboilered for the first time,
Nos. 677-8-9 being the first to be dealt with. They had lately been working
motor services at reduced boiler pressures, but the fact that the first of
these useful little engines started work as far back as 1872 was a remarkable
record as to the quality of the workmanship and materials used in their
construction. The new boilers were composed of' a single plate. The engines
would now have extended smokeboxes carried on a saddle. The six new Atlantics
Nos. 421-426 were all at work, but they had not yet been painted in the Company's
standard colours. The tare weight of carriage stock was now painted on the
underframe solebars. .
Gt. Indian Peninsula Ry., rebuilt loco., No. 63, "Prince of Wales," used
for Royal Trains. 2. illus.
See also feature pp. 6-8.
North Staffordshire Ry. 2.
Three new 4-4-2 superheater tank locomotives in service, No.8,
illustrated last month, and Nos. 46 and
Great Eastern Ry. 3.
On Sunday, 31 December 1911, the first of S.D. Holden's new 4-6-0
express engines, No. 1500, ran a satisfactory trial trip from Stratford to
Broxbourne and back. No. 1500 has inside cylinders 20in. diameter by 28in.
stroke, a boiler pressure of 180 psi, grate area of 26.5 sq. ft., six-coupled
wheels 6-ft. 6-in. diameter. It is fitted with the Schmidt superheater, having
21 tubes 5¼in. outside diameter and 191 tubes 1¾in. outside diameter,
with the following heating surface: tubes 1,489. 1ft2., superheater
286,4ft2.; firebox 143.5ft2, total 1,919ft2.
This was the first GER locomotive fitted with piston valves: these were 10in.
diameter. Five of these engines were scheduled to be built. All the new 2-4-2
tanks, Nos. 1 to 10, were running. No. 1900 Claud Hamilton was to
have a large new tender like those supplied to the latter engines of this
class (1800 series). Ten six-coupled tanks were to be built next to take
the place of ten of the earliest six-coupled passenger tanks, which were
to be converted to "shunting engines" with reversing levers and cast iron
Great Northern Ry. 3.
Nos. 988 and 271 (both superheater engines) have been running trials on the
same trains as the L. & N. W. and G. N. engines ran in 1910 (1.30 and
5.45 p.m. ex Kings Cross) to compare the outside cylinder engine with the
inside. Several more of the latest 0-6-2 condensing tanks are building at
Doncaster. Fifteen of the new superheater goods engines like No. 521. illustrated
in our November issue, are now running. They are numbered 521 to 535. Two
more" twin bogie " suburban trains are building. .There are now three of
these trains working in the London district. Mr. E. Thompson of the N.E.R.,
Gateshead, has been appointed carriage and wagon works superintendent at
Doncaster in succession to Mr. Gresley, the new locomotive, carriage and
wagon superintendent of the G. N. R.
Stratford & Midland Junction Ry. 3.
Russell Willmott, engineer and manager of the SMJR had been appointed
secretary and General Manager of the Isle of Wight Central Ry., but would
still have charge of the locomotive and permanent way departments of the
SMJR. A.E. Diggins, the secretary of the SMJR, had been appointed traffic
manager also. On Saturday. the 30 November 1911, at the staff supper of the
SMJR at Stratford-on-Avon, Mr. Wilmott was presented with a handsome silver
plated tea and coffee service, subscribed for by all grades of the staff,
on his retiring from the managership of the Company.
Cork City Junction Ry. 3.
On 1 January 1912 the Cork City Link Ry. was opened for traffic connecting
the G. S. & W. Glanmire Station to the Cork, Bandon and S.C.R. close
to its terminus on the quay at the River Lee on the level, which includes
two bridges over the River Lee. Hitherto the C.B. & S.C.R. had been isolated
from the railway system of Ireland, but by the new line direct communication
was established between Rosslare and Bantry (for Glengariff), Castletown
and Berehaven. The GWR of England by its partnership in the Fishguard &
Rosslare H. & Rys. Co. was interested in this new undertaking.
Recent French locomotives. 3.
The Nord had ordered from French, German and Belgian makers a large
number of 4-6-0 four-cylinder compounds with coupled wheels of 750
m. diameter to be numbered 3538 to 3662: twenty of the Pacific type from
the Societe Alsacienne, of Belfort, and sixty four-cylinder compound
consolidations, of which forty will be built by Schneider & Co., of Creusot,
and twenty by the Societe des Batignolles (Ern. Gouin). All were fitted with
Schmidt superheaters. The Est Co. placed orders at the Epemay Works for twenty
consolidation locomotives with Schmidt superheaters, of series 4001, and
for one hundred 4-6-0 four-cylinder compounds with Schmidt superheaters,
to be numbered 3791 to 3890. Of these Nos. 3791 to 3810 from the Societe
Alsacienne, of Belfort, and Nos. 3811 to 3830 from Schneider & Co., of
Creusot. were already in service. During the 1911 twenty express locomotives
of the 4-6-0 four-cylinder compound type with Schmidt superheaters; constructed
by J A. Maffei, of Munich, and numbered 3171 to 3190, had also been put into
service. The PLM had on order 40 Pacific locos. with four equal cylinders
and Schmidt superheaters, which were under construction by the Societe Cail
at Denain. Further orders for four cylinder compound Pacifics and four cylinder
compound consolidations, with Schmidt superheaters, were being executed by
the Societes Franco-Belge and Batignolles. For the Paris-Orleans the Cie.
de Fives-Lille had constructed 20 decapod (2-10-0) four cylinder compound
locos., with Schmidt superheaters, Nos. 6031 to 6050. The Etat had also issued
considerable orders.
Great Northern Ry. of Ireland. 3.
R. Stephenson & Co., Ltd., had recently delivered two new 0-6-2
tank engines. Nos. 168 and 169, similar to No. 99 illustrated in our May
issue of 1905, 11, 80..
New tank locomotives, Ottoman Ry. (Smyrna, Aidin, Diner). 4. illus.
0-8-2 side tank built by Robert Stephenson & Co. of Darlington
(No. 65 illustrated): 4ft 6½ coupled wheels; 19½ x 26in outside
cylinders, Belpaire firebox with 1755.4ft2 total heating
surface ; 23.35ft2 grate area and 180 psi boiler pressure
Adds that the Smyrna-Cassaba Railway used to be British owned, but had been
acquired by the French. The Constantinople-Ismid line had been purchased
by the Germans and was being extended to Angora and was part of the Anatolian
Railway whose main line ran from Haidar-Pacha opposite Constantinople to
Konieh and ws being extended to Marash and Bagddad and to Bussorah on the
Persian Gulf..
Superheater goods locomotive Midland Ry. 5. illus.
Fowler 0-6-0 Nos. 3835 fitted with Schmidt superheater and No.
3836 fitted with Swindon superheater with automatic dampers. No. 3835 had
20 x 26in cylinders, 5ft 3in coupled wheels, 1170ft2 total heating
surface, 313ft2 superheat and 21.1ft2 grate area. Fitted
with steam reverser. No. 3835 was working passenger trains between Serby
and Birmingham.
The Imperial Durbar at Delhi. 6-8. 4 illus., map.
A separate terminus at Kingsway was created with separate approaches
and stabling yard at Stukurpur with 30 miles of sidings capable of accommodating
3000 carriages. The Bombay to Delhi Mail had been accelerated and an average
speed of 40 mile/h had been achieved over the 869 miles. There was a narrow
gauge railway to serve the camps which used military railway technology.
The Royal Train described in the December Issue was actually constructed
in 1904-5 under H. Kelway-Bamber and had been reconditioned under C.G.H.
Danby with the immediate supervision of S.J. Kendrick (photographs of interior).
The Great India Peninsular Railway locomotives associated with the Royal
Train had been painted dark blue with chocolate framing and with exception
of the Ghat bankers (Nos. 320 and 330) named. 4-4-0s: Nos. 63 Prince of
Wales, 67 Princess Mary, 137 Edward VII and 138 Queen
Alexandra; 4-6-0 Nos. 216 Prince Albert, 217 Queen Victoria
and 4-4-2 Nos. 921 King Emperor, 921 Queen Empress, 1273
George V, 1274 Queen Mary, 1278 Prince Henry. The Bengal
Nagpur Railway had painted its de Glehn compounds green.
New tank locomotive, Dublin & South Eastern
Railway. 9. illus.
No. 20 King George. Built at Grand Canal Street Works to design
of Cronin. 4-4-2T with 6ft coupled wheels; 18 x 26in cylinders;
1200ft2 total heating surface; 20ft2 gratre area and
175 psi boiler pressure. New type of safety valve and Wakefield mechanical
Atlantic type locomotive, North Eastern Railway. 9 + col.plate (facing
page) and folding general arrangement diagram.
Raven design supplied by North British Locomotive Co.: ten Z class
with Schmidt superheaters and ten Z1 without. Three cylinders (15½ x
26in on saturated and 16½ x 26in on superheated engines); piston valves.
Designed to run 124½ miles non-stop at an average speed of 53
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 9-11.
Refers back to Volume 17 page 261
Schulz, G.C. Three-cylinder compound loeomotives of the
N.E., Midland and G.C, Rys. 11-13.
Refers back to Volume 17 page 269
and to coloured diagram in November 1911 Issue. This part
considers the Midland Railway design and includes estimated cylinder pressures
at statrting 130.3k psi; in semi-compound mode 84.5 psi and in fully compound:
81.2 psi.
Heseltine, P.A. The Van Railway. 13-16. 5 illus., map.
Built to serve the Van Lead Mines, which had lost their market to
Spanish imports. Worked by the Cambrian Railways. No. 22, a Manning Wardle
outside cylinder 0-4-0ST, purchased secondhand in 1901 was the motive power
and this locomotive also relieved the secondhand ex-Lambourne Valley Railway
locomotive on the Kerry branch. The original Van Railway locomotives had
become CR Nos. 25 and 24. No. 25 was working the Elan Valley branch and was
a Manning Wardle 0-6-0ST WN 374/1872 with inside cylinders (12in x 18in);
3ft coupled wheels; 356ft2 total heating surface and 120 psi boiler
pressure. The other, WN 668/1877 was similar and had become CR No. 24. Water
was obtained by a pump on the locomotive from the bridge over the river at
Carno. Illustrations show the engine shed at Caersws with flat bottom rail
and a derelict passenger coach built by the Midland Railway Carriage &
Wagon Co.
Hydraulic wheel drops for running sheds. 16-17. 4 diagrs.
The diagrams show Atlantic type No. 289 having its wheels being dropped,
but the article neither acknowledges the Great Northern Railway nor the supplier
of the machinery. It refers back to an item in Volume 9 (19 September 1903)
to a similar installation on the Furness Railway. Other recent installations
had been on the LNWR and at Neasden (GCR) and Brighton.
The late Mr Heny Cooper. 17.
Had started at Crewe Works in 1852 and had become foreman and chief
of the boiler shop. He retired on 22 November and died on 8 December
Walschaerts' valve gear. 18-20. illus., 2 diagrs.
Illustration of Eastern Ry of France (but see page
50 which states that PLM 4-6-0). AAdvantages: lighter, less friction,
requires less lateral space. Movement of slide valves very good. Constant
lead. Trammels for valve setting aand calculation of dead centres. Appearnace
was considered to be awkward.
Glasgow & South Western Railway. 20.
Retirement Manson and appointment of Peter Drummond: very brief
biographical details of both men.
4-6-0 locomotive, Victorian Rys. 21 illus.
Twenty Baldwin 4-6-0 type to design of T.H. Woodroffe, Chief Mechanical
Engineer, DD Class. Belpaire boiler; piston valves, Westinghouse brake; 5ft
3in gauge; 18in x 26in cylinders; 5ft 15/8 coupled wheels;
175 psi boiler pressure; 1380ft2 total heating surface;
21..9ft2 grate area. Copper firebox and plate frames. Designed
for high calorific fuel.
Abolition of second class. 21.
From 1 January 1912 second class abolished on LNWR, except for suburban
traffic south of Harrow: from L&YR, NSR, Cockermouth, Keswick & Penrith
Railway, Cambrian Railways and Maryport & Carlisle Railway.
4-4-0 express locomotive. 22. illus., diagr. (s. el.)
5ft 6in gauge, Nasmyth Wilson & Co. Belpaire 5ft 1½in boiler,
inside cylinders. For Calcutta (Sealdah Terminus) to Damukdeah mail (for
Darjeeling) 116 miles
Shropshire and Montgomeryshire Light Ry. 22.
See Volume 17 page
104: 0-4-2ST mentioned therein since named Hecate
and fitted with vacuum brake.
Tools for emergency use on trains. 22-3.
The Board of Trade was critical in its Report on the accident at Hawes
Junction (24 December 1910: official report available Railway Archive). Notes
that extensive provision was made on the Victorian Railways, the New South
Wales Government Railways and New Zealand Railways and that the relief trains
in India were better equipped.
How to deal with a defective hydraulic jack. 23. 2 diagrs.
20-ton bogie timber wagon, L. & N.W. Ry. 23. illus.
Flat top trolley fitted with four removable bolsters.
New G.C. Ry. wide suburban trains. 24-5. 2 diagrs. (s. & end els.,
8ft 10½in wide. Five car sets: 2 brake thirds; 1 composite; 1
first and 1 third (with 6 aside seating). Green leather upholstery in smoking
Steel rolling stock, Pennsylvania Railroad. 25.
Pennsylvania Railroad was the first line to adopt all-steel passenger
cars, and since June, 1900, over 2,000 of them had been placed in service.
At the Altoona Works practically all standard types of passenger cars were
built entirely of steel at a very similar cost and of almost the same tare
weight as wood, with the advantage of being nearly indestructible in place
of only having a decidedly limited life. fhe framing was of pressed section
to economise in weight and reduce number of joints. The plate was of open
hearth steel containing less than .06 % of phosphorus. Sheets of asbestos
non-conducting composition were attached to the plates, and all sections
rivetted up by hydraulic and pneumatic appliances. Loose parts were reduced
to a minimum, and much rivetting up obviated by inter-locking of the details.
Panels, doors, etc., were made from pressed parts assembled and welded up
by oxy-acetylene or electric welding, and all ornamentation was carried out
in thin steel plate. Considerable care was taken in painting the steel cars.
Every part was sand-blasted, and received a coat of priming before rivetting
up, and care taken to cover every crevice with paint and varnish.
Correspondence. 25
The L. & Y. running numbers of the eight-coupled goods locomotives
were: 65, 95, 378, 412, 656,739, 792, 822, 827, 987 (Horwich Works Nos. 821-830),
114, 157, 169, 373, 394, 408, 423, 434, 436, 396, 512, 522, 612, 720,1435
to 1440 (Works Nos. 841-860), 1451 to 1460, 117, 413, 461, 820, 831, 835,
841, 880, 866,870. (Works Nos. 881-900). Nos. 1451 and 1452 were converted
to. four-cylinder compounds in 19°7.
E. T. Macdermott
We hope to publish articles on famous G.W.R. narrow gauge engines shortly.
John Batey
Particulars af the special run af No. 2663, L. & N. W. Gearge the
Fifth were given in August, 1910 issue, page
Reviews. 26.
Who's Who for 1912. London: A. & C. Black.
Managers of most of our railways, and many of our chief engineers
and locomotive superintendents.
Memorandum on steam boilers. William Buchan. London: HMSO.
Practical guidance: illustrations of grooving and corrosion.
No. 234 (15 February 1912)
Railway Notes. 27
Hull & Barnsley Ry. 27. illus.
Matthew Stirling, locomotive carriage and wagon superintendent of
the H. & B. Ry. illustration of No. 16: superheated 0-6-0 goods engine
built Kitson & Co., of Leeds. The cylinders were 19 x 26in. coupled wheels
5ft. diameter. The domeless boiler carried a working pressure of 170 psi,
was 5ft. diameter externally at the firebox end. Grate area
19.6ft2. Total heating surface of 1407ft2. The engine
was fitted with Phoenix superheater, a description of which appeared in
this journal for February, 1911 page 38-9.
Other special equipment included a vacuum Detroit lubricator. Sandboxes were
provided to the front of the leading pair of wheels, to both sides of the
driving wheels, and at the rear of the trailing wheels.
London & North Western Ry. 27.
Only one of the 4-6-2 tanks was working in the London district: No.
1797 stationed at Bletchley. The others had been mostly transferred
to the Birmingham and other districts. The latest 0-8-2 shunting tanks built
at Crewe were Nos. 289, 1163, 1494, 1592 and 1659. Including No. 2653, which
was noted last month, 40 of the 0-8-0 mineral engines already built were
to be fitted with Schmidt superheaters. The one referred to was not previously
a compound as our note implied, but was built as a simple, January, 1910.
Work had commenced on a series of 0-8-0 simple engines which will have
20½in. by 25in. cylinders, and equipped with Schmidt superheaters. They
would be followed by two further series of the same type. The new 4-cylinder
simple engines will not be out probably before the autumn of this year; the
work which was already in hand having been put on one side for the
Great Eastern Ry. 27
No. 1500 was in the paint shop at Stratford, and scheduled to be in
service in the course of a few weeks. Nos. 1501 and 1502 were also nearly
finished. Several new Y 14 class goods engines were in hand: in anticipation
of these No. 564 had been renumbered 0564. Good progress was being made with
the construction of the Elsenham and Thaxted Light Ry.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 27-8.
Another 4-6-2 tank locomotive was under construction at Brighton to
be similar to No. 325 Abergavenny, but with Walschaerts valve gear.
No. 59 (formerly Baden Powell) to be fitted with a Phoenix superheater.
Ten more 4-4-2Ts, like No. 22, to be constructed. Number plates being removed
as locomotives pass through shops.
Western Australian Government Rys. 28. illus.
Beyer Garratt 2-6-0+0-6-2 supplied by Beyer Peacock to 3ft 6in railway.
Four 12½ x 20in cylinders operated by Walschaerts valve gear. Maximum
axle load 9 tons, capable of traversing 5 chain radius curves and 1 in 22
Dublin & Blessington Steam Tramway. 28.9. diagr. (s. el.)
Terenure to Blessington 15½ miles opened in 1887, extended a
further 4½ miles to Poulaphouca Waterfall in 1890. T. Green of Leeds
2-4-2T tramway locomotive with 12 x 18in cylinders, 3ft 03/8in
coupled wheels 373ft2 total heating surface.
"Pacific" type express engine for the Sao Paulo Ry of Brazil. 29. illus.
5ft 3in gauge 4-6-2 with narrow Belpaire firebox constructed by North
British Locomotive Co. to design of C.R. Hillman, locomotive superintendent
and D.M. Fox, consulting engineer. Walschaerts valve gear. Wakefield mechanical
lubricator. Steam reversing gear. By-pass valves for downhill running. 5ft
6in coupled wheels, 21½in x 26in cylinders; 2029.7ft2 total
heating surface, 28.5ft2 grate area. 200 psi boiler pressure
Six coupled bogie express engine, Great Eastern Ry. 30. illus.
S.D. Holden superheater 4-6-0 with inside cylinders (20in x 28in),
10in piston valves, 6ft 6in coupled wheels, Belpaire boiler with four safety
valves set at 180 psi with 1919ft2 total heating surface and
26.5ft2 grate area. Wakefield mechanical lubricator. No. 1501
was the 1500th locomotive built at Stratford.
Mallet freight locomotives for the Southern Pacific Ry. 31-2. illus.
Baldwin 2-6-6-2 for passenger trains weighing 250 tons and 2-8-8-2
for freight. Designed for climbing Sierra Nevada from Sacramento City: a
7000ft rise in 105 miles. No. 4022, the freight locomotive, had 26in x 30in
high pressure and 40in x 30in low pressure cylinders; 4ft 9in coupled wheels;
6393ft2 total heating surface; 68.4ft2 grate area.
Cab in front oil firing. Information supplied by Lawford H. Fry.
Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 32.
Report of AGM held at St. Bride Institute on 13 January 1912 where
Prof. Elliott elected President, A. Trevithick, a Vice President; C.A. Suffield
Chairman of Council and H.W. Garratt Vice Chairman. On 27 January
H.P. Bray presemted Superheating as applied
to locomotives. Paragraph includes list of future papers.
Pacific express locomotives for the Hungarian State
Rys. 32-3. illus., diagr. (s. & f. els.)
Designed Petz Kornel, Bruck Géza and (valve gear) Stephan Ledecs
Kiss. $-cylinder simple and 4-cylinder de Glehn compound with Ashton safety
valves and Schmidt superheaters. Cylinders approx. 17 x 26in; total heating
surface 2819ft2 and grate area 50.5ft2.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Ry. 34-5. 3 diagrs.
Figs. 213-215.
Taff Vale Ry. 35.
J. Cameron succeeded T.
Hurry Riches as Locomotive Superintendent.
Schulz, G.C. Three-cylinder compound loeomotives of the
N.E., Midland and G.C, Rys. 36-7.
Further explanation of running compound and semi-compound on the Midland
Railway locomotives, and the differnces on the North Eastern and Great Central
Railway locomotives. See also letter from Charles Dauncey
p. 201.
Metropolitan District Ry. 37.
New station at Stamford Brook.
The Bourdon pressure gauge. 38-40. 10 diagrs.
Partly historical. The earliest devices combined safety valve function
and used weights or levers and weights aand were not adaptable to locomotives
which used spring devices, notably that developed by Salter. Mercury tubes
are emntioned. Gooch invented on device. In 1849 Schaffer invented a device
which was manufactured by Schaffer & Budenberg of Manchester.
See also letters from Frank Hennell on page 67 and
E.A. Forward on page 109.
Pfeiffer, H. Some old German locomotives. 41-3. 7
Fig 1 shows a Sharp Bros. 2-4-0 of 1846-7 built for the Main-Neckar
Railway: originally they were all long-boiler singles with all wheels in
front of the firebox, but in about 1875 Nos. 5 to 8 were rebuilt like Fig.
1 Nos. 9 to 12 were rebuilt as goods engine 2-4-0s with all wheels in front
of the firebox. Fig. 2 shows Carl IV built in 1853 by Maschinenfabrik
Carlsruhe for the Frankfurt-Hanau Railway There were six of this type, but
the figure shows one partly dismantled: they were outside cylinder 2-2-2s.
Fig. 3shows Mathilde, a Crampton engine built by Esslingen Maschinenfabrik
for the Hessische Ludwigsbahn: the railway owned nine Crampton-type
locomotives, This was one of the few German locomotives with a domeless boiler
and was fitted with the Carpentier air brake. Figs. 4 and 5 show
Beethoven and Emil Kessler built for the Hessische Ludwigsbahn
by Esslingen Maschinenfabrik as 2-2-2 in 1862. In the 1880s they were rebuilt
as 2-4-0s: Beethoven became an express locomotive; but Emil Kessler
became a freight engine with small (4ft) coupled wheels and a long wheelbase.
Esslingen Maschinenfabrik built four types of 2-4-0 (some of which
are considered in the next part on page XX): goods engines; slow passenger
engines; express engines; and express engines with a longer wheelbase. Fig.
6 shows Aschaffenburg shows a freight engine built for the Hessische Ludwigsbahn
in 1858. Fig. 7 shows a slow passenger type built for the Nasauische Eisenbahn
(No. 115) in 1863-4. Continued p. 55. See
also letter from Thomas Anderson on p. 109
Belgian locomotives. 43-4. illus., diagr. (s. el.)
No. 340 La cinquantenaire was an outside cylinder 0-8-2T built
by Société Metallurgique Tubize (WN 609/1885) for the
Belgian State Railways as a Liege banker. It had 3ft 53/8in
coupled wheels; 19¾ x 2111/16 cylinders;
1594.5ft2 total heating surface; Stevart valve gear and a square
chimney. It was exhibed at the Antwerp Exhibition.
Bogie tank locomotive for the Netherlands Central Ry. 44. illus.
4-4-0T designed J.W. Verloop, locomotive superintendent, constructed
by Hohenzollern Locomotive Works in Dusseldorf. 5ft 5in coupled wheels; 16in
x 24in inside cylinders; 1070ft2 total heating surface; 12.5
ft2 grate area and 170 psi boiler pressure.
Tate flexible firebox stay. 44.
Used iu USA and Canada: British agent Flannery Bolt Co.
"Otto" petrol locomotive for 2-ft gauge: Barton Mines, Nottinghamshire. 45.
Gypsum mines: replaced horse traction on line to wharf on River
Mallet locomotive at the Turin Exhibition. 45-6. illus.
0-4-4-0T: Borsig locomotive for Societa Nazionale of Rome: exhibited
at Turin Exhibition. Coupled wheels 3ft 7½in; high pressure cylinders
15 x 19¾in; low pressure 17¾in x 19¾in; total heating surface
1182.05ft2; grate area 21.3ft2; 170 psi boiler pressure.
Seven locomotives of this type in service on Italian railway.
Obituary [Samuel Waite Johnson]. 46.
S.W. Johnson: death, occurred on Sunday, 14 January at Nottingham,
of S.W. Johnson, late locomotive superintendent of the Midland Ry. Samuel
Waite Johnson was born on 14 October 1831, at Bramley, near Leeds, his father
being J. Johnson, an engineer in the service of the GNR. at Leeds, and afterwards
locomotive superintendent of the North Staffs. Ry. He was educated at Leeds
Grammar Sehool, and on leaving entered the engineering shops of E.B. Wilson
& Co., of Leeds, where he became the pupil of Jas. Fenton, and assisted
in designing the celebrated Jenny Lind type of express engine. He was next
appointed assistant. district locomotive superintendent. of the G.N.R. at
Peterborough, and in 1859 became acting locomotive superintendent of the
M.S. & L. Ry. at Gorton. . Five years later he was chosen as locomotive
superintendent of the Edinburgh and Glasgow Ry. at Cowlairs, and on. its
amalgamation with, the N.B.R. in 1865 he was given charge of the locomotive
department of the Western District system, including the Monkland Ry. In
May, 1866, he entered the, service of the G.E.R. as locomotive superintendent,
a position he retained until June 1873. A full description of the locomotives
designed by Johnson while he was in charge at Stratford appeared in this
joumal in 1910. When M. Kirtley, the first locomotive superintendent of the
Midland Ry., died in 1873, S.W. Johnson was given the post of head of the
loco. dept. at Derby. He held this position with distinction until the end
of 1903,. a period of thirty years, when he retired fromi active work. The
neatness and symmetrical proportions of Johnson's engines have long been
the admiration of engineers at home and abroad. His famous bogie singles
had 7-ft. 9-in. drivers at the time they were built, the largest fitted to
any inside cylinder locomotives running. The four-coupled bogie express engine
No. 1751: Beatrice (now No. 377) took the Gold Medal at the Saltaire
Exhibition in 1887, and his single driver express No. 1853 (now No. (08)
won the Grand Prix at the Paris Exposition of 1889. Later a similar, but
larger engine No. 2601 Princess of Wales (now No. 685) took a Grand
Prix at Paris in 1900: Mr. Johnson was one of the first British locomotive
superintendents to adopt piston valves and metallic packing.
First and second class composite carriage, Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee
Ry. 47. diagr. (s. el and plan)
Drawing reproduced shows a first and second-class composite carriage
built at the Burntisland works of the Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee Ry. A number
of these vehicles were built during the years 1858 and 1859. The reader will
observe the seat on the roof at the end of the carriage for the guard and
brakesman, which was the usual custom before passenger brake vans were
introduced. The dimensions of the carriage were: Length over headstocks,
20-ft., width over all, 8.fL, wheel base, la-ft., width of second.class
compartments, 4-ft. 8½ in., length of saloon, 8-ft. 8-in., wheels 3-ft.
diameter, centres of journals, 6-ft. 4-in., centres of buffers, 5-ft. 7-in.
It will be noticed that the buffers stand out more than the modern pattern.
The Edinburgh, Perth and Dundee Ry. wa<> an amalgamation of the Edinburgh,
Leith and Granton and the Edinburgh and Northern Railways. This took place
in 1849, and the undertaking of the E.P. & D. Ry. was amalgamated with
the North British Ry. system in July, 1862. The Edinburgh Northern Ry. was
opened in September, 1847.
Our Supplement. 47 + col. plate (facing page)
With this number we present a colored plate of one of the latest Atlantic
type North British Ry. express engines, No. 802, Highland Chief, built
by Robert Stephenson & Co., Ltd., of Darlington, to the designs of Mr.
W. P. Reid, locomotive, carriage and wagon superintendent. The leading dimensions
were: cylinders, 20-in. dia. by 28-in.stroke; diameter of bogie wheels, 3-ft.
6-in., of coupled wheels, 6-ft. 9-in., and of trailing wheels, 4--ft. 3-in.;
boiler pressure, 200 psi.
Reviews. 48.
Transactions of the Swindon Engineering Society, 1910-11. Published
by the Society, G.W.R. Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Department. Swindon.
The Presidential Address and nine papers are printed in this volume.
In his address Churchward emphasised the necessity for giving the most careful
study to the small but, nevertheless, very important subjects, instancing
the method of avoiding carbon deposit on piston valves as one problem the
solution of which would be of great practical value. The subjects dealt with
during the session were: heat treatment of carbon steel, the cylinder lubrication
problem, locomotive erecting, systems of erecting re-inforced concrete
structures, the GWR. road motor car department, modern machine tools, some
notes on cranks, the legal development of invcntions and centrifugal fans.
The cylinder lubrication problem was exacerbated by the use of superheated
steam. Many useful hints were contained in the paper on locomotive
A Text Book on Gas, Oil and Air Engines. by Bryan Donkin. Fifth
edition revised and enlarged. London: Chas. Griffin & Co., Ltd.
This book was received from the publishers last year, and through
an oversight we omitted to mention it in our editorial columns at the time.
As the title implies, the work is divided into three sections, viz. - Part
I. Gas Engines, Part II. Petroleum Engines, and Part III. Air Engines. Since
the fourth edition appeared the development of the internal comlmstion engine
has become restricted more or less to details, the general design remaining
the same. All recent improvements are referred to in a very complete manner
in bringing the numerous chapters up to date. A new chapter on the theory
of the gas engine has been added, written by Professor Burstall. The chapters
of modern British gas engines and British oil engines have been almost entirely
re-written by Mr. T. Graves Smith,. Readers will find this book most useful
in connection with designing internal combustlon engines, and we recommend
it without hesitation.
A Register of all the Locomotives now in use on the L. & N. W.
Ry. Compiled and published by C. Williams.
As this list comprises a total of 3,089 locomotives, exclusive of
the seven narrow gauge engines used in the Crewe Works, it can be understood
that its production has entailed a vast amount of time and trouble being
spent. There were only 211 of the special DX goods engines in service. Details
are given of all the different classes, together with particulars of the
Departmental locomotives and the Crewe Works narrow gauge engines.
Railway and Locomotive Engineering for Jannary 1912
Contains account of the trans-continental Silk train, which
held the record for time between Seattle, Washington and New York City, the
entire distance from the Pacific to the Atlantic, a distance of 3,224 miles,
being now covered regularly in 81 hours and 50 minutes. The best previous
record was 97 hours 40 min., so that the actual saving by the new service
(since October 1911) was over 16 hours. A description of the Long Key Viaduct
of the Florida and East Coast Ry. drew attention to the completion, of this
remarkable piece of railway construction. Accounts of the new Chicago and
North Western shops. at Boone, Iowa, and a visit to the works of Messrs.
Wm. Jessop & Sons, Ltd., of Sheffield, are also included, as well as
the latest examples of locomotive construction in the States.
Modern Locomotive Types. 48
A very interesting and instlrudive lecture on this subject was given
to the, Tyne district members of the Foremens' Mutual, Benefit Society, on
Monday, 5 February 1912, in the Lecture Theatre, Mining Institute,
Newcastle-on-Tyne, by John W. Hobson, of R. & W. Hawthorn, Leslie &
Co.'s Locomotive Works, Forth Banks, Newcastle-on-Tyne. The meeting which
was, well attended was presided over by Ross of the same firm. At the outset,
the lecturer explained the fundamental principles controlling- this question
of types, and proceeded to show that the enormous varieties illustrated the
evolution of the locomotive to suit the varying conditions of climate and
service in all parts of the globe. Then followed a resume of the types in
most common use under the headings of tank and tender engInes, wheel
arrangements, cylinder arrangements, and locomotives for extraordinary work.
and conditions of service. By special request the lecturer alluded
to industrial locomotives, describing fully the patent combined crane locomotive
and standard engines constructed by the firm. The lecture was amply illustrated
by about 70 lantern slides.
[Highland Railway: appointment of F.G. Smith]. 48
The directors of the Highland Railway Company had appointed F.G. Smith,
works manager, locomotive works, Inverness, as loco. supt. of the Highland
Ry. in succession to P. Drummond, who was. recently appointed loco. supt.
of the G. & S.W.R. Thos. Brown, loco. foreman NBR., Berwick, was. appointed
asst. loco. supt.
No. 235 15 March 1912
New Great Eastern. Ry. locomotive. our coloured plate. 49.
OUR coloured plate accompanying this issue shows Mr. S. D. Holden's
new 4-6-0 superheater express locomotive in its running colours. We are indebted
to Holden for assisting us in securing accuracy in the details of the -picture.
Full particulars of this handsome engine were given in our February number.
Nos. 150l and 1502 G.E.R. have just been completed and have made successful
trial trips. Three of the new G.E.R. goods engines are out, Nos. 562-3-4.
Ten large goods engines with superheaters (F. 48 class) were to be built,
with 1500 class cylinders.
London & North Western Ry. 49. illus.
Courtesy C.J. Bowen Cooke, the Chief Mechanical Engineer, we are able
to illustrate one of the new eight-coupled shunting tank engines: (illus.
of 0-8-2T No. 289) in Works photographic livery with LNWR on tanks. These
engines are of similar dimensions to the 0-8-0 mineral engines, with" Precursor"
class boilers. They have 20½in. dia. cylinders, with a stroke of 26-in.,
4-ft. 3-in. driving wheels and 3-ft. 9-in. dia. trailing wheels ; the new
style of 12-in. letters for the initials on the side tanks, als:o the two
sand boxes for the two front pairs of coupled wheels. In addition - to the
numbers already noted a further - two of these engines have just been completed
at Crewe, Nos. 1663 and 2013. To avoid any confusion in the numbers.of this
class it may be as well to say that 1548 was previously 1790 for a short
time, so that there is now no No. 1790 of of this class.
The first five of a new series of 0-8-0 mineral engines (superheater) are
now complete, and bore Nos. 1329, 1384, 1426, 1633 and 1697. The latest 4-ft.
6-in. 2-4-2 tanks to be adapted for motor service were Nos. 5, 286, 298,
430, 521 and 2523. It is reported that some further passenger engines of
the George the Fifth (4-4-0 superheater) type have been put on order. No.
1548, a special 0-6-0 saddle tank, had been transferred to the company's
carriage works at Wolverton and has been allotted No.7 in that list. This
engine has an interesting history. Built at Crewe in 1878, it was numbered
2329. In 1896 it was replaced by an 18-in. goods and was renumbered 1946.
In 1901 it was again renumbered- 3317, and in 1909 took the number of the
three-cylinder compound John Penn (of the John Hick class), which
had been scrapped. This number it bore, until last December when it was
transferred, as stated. Before quitting the L. & N.W. list the engine
would pass again through the duplicate list, having:- thus been known by
no fewer than five different numbers. The last of the Metropolitan 4-4-2
,tanks, No. 3036; has been scrapped, also No. 2001 Henry Crosfield,
a 6.ft. 6-in. 2-4-0 engine
Great Western Ry. 49-50.
The latest series or four-coupled bogie express engines built at Swindon
were working the heavy North and West expresses over the difficult line between
Shrewsbury and Bristol, four being stationed at each depot. The numbers and
names are: 3821 County of Bedford; 3822 County of Brecon; 3823
County of Carnarvon; 3824 County of Cornwall ;3825 County
of Denbigh; 3826 County of Flint; 3827 County of Gloucester;
3828 County of Hereford; 3829 County of Merioneth; 3830 County
of Oxfard. These engines are almost identical with their predecessors
of the County class, except that they are fitted with Swindon superheaters,
new top feed apparatus, and are similar to the Saint class in respect to
the footplate at the smokebox end as well as the cab end. They had screw
reversing gear and were supplied with the larger type of tender, holding
3500 gallons af water. No. 76 Wye has been rebuilt with a Belpaire
firebox and new boiler similar to No. 74 Stour No. 3018 Racer,
7-ft. 6-in. single, has been renamed Glenside. -
Great Western Ry. petrol-electric rail motor. 50. illus.
The GWR were running an experimental petrol-electric passenger coach
on the Windsor branch. The power was supplied by a 4a-h.p. Maudslay petrol
engine coupled to. a dynamo from which the current is supplied to two electric
motors on the axle. Accommodation is provided for 46 passengers, the dead
weight per passenger being about half that of the G.W.R. steam rail motors
of the same carrying capacity. Considerably less space was required for storing
the fuel, although sufficient petrol iwa carried tor a run of nearly 250
miles. Only one man was required to drive the car, and a maximum speed
approaching 35 miles per hour was attained. The car had been designed by
the British Thomson Houston Co., who supplied all the electrical equipment.
Belgian State Rys. 50.
Further Pacific locomotives of type 10, numbered. 4501 to 4518, and
Decapod locomotives of type 36. numbered 4401 to 4442, had been put in hand,
and many were already completed and in service.
French Rys. 50-1.
The locomotive illustrated on p. 18 of our January issue
is one built for the Paris Lyons & Mediterranean Ry. (series 2611
to 2620) by the Societe Franco-BeIge in 1905, and not an Eastern Ry. locomotive.
There are 160 of these engines running on the PLM, Nos. 2601. to 2760, built
from 1905 to 1909. at which Nos. 2691 to 2700, built by Henschel & Son
in 1908. have Schmidt superheaters. The Eastern Ry. Co. have ordered 20
Consolidation locomotives from the Sachsische Locomotive Works of Chemnitz
in addition. to the 20 mentioned, which were building at their Epernay works.
New ten-wheel four-cylinder compound superheaters of the 4-6-0 class, Nos
3191 to 3210, were also in service: The Northern Ry. were fitting all the
2600 class of 4-4-2 express engines with Schmidt superheaters and piston
valves as they go into the works for repairs.
Shropshire and Montgomeryshire Light Ry. 51
On Wednesday, February 22nd, the Criggion branch was reopened for
goods and mineral traffic. This six.-mile branch runs from KinnerIey Junction,
on the main line from Shrewsbury to Llanymynech, in a westerly direction
to Criggion, at the foot of the Breidden Hills in Montgomeryshire. It formed
part of the Potteries, Shrewsbury and North Wales Ry., and had been derelict
for over thirty years. The old wooden bridge over the river Severn at Melver1ey
had long ago been swept away by floods,- and the rebuilding by a. new girder
bridge proved the biggest undertaking in the reconstruction of the line.
Some large stone quarries in the Breidden Hills were now to be reopened,
and a new granite-crushing plant had been erected af Criggion. A "tarmac"
plant was also to be installed. The Potteries railway stations at Melverley,
Crewe Green and Criggion were buried under brushwood and bushes, and new
"haltes" will be built for a rail motor service from Kinnerley.
Great Northern Ry. of Ireland. 51.
Two new four-coupled bogie express engines were fitted. with Phoenix
superheaters Nos: 42 Munster (illustrated in the Locomotive
Magazme for October last) and 12 Ulster. The other three engines
of this class: Nos. 44, Leinster, 50 Donard and 129
Connaught were not superheated. All built by Beyer, Peacock &
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 51.
New Pacific tank No.326 was to be named Grosvenor. Nos. 661,
673 and 680 were latest rebuilds of Stroudley's Terrier tanks.
Great Central Ry. 51.
No. 110 4-4-0 express engine had been named George V. a sister
engine No. 104 being named Queen Alexandra. Both were stationed at
Woodford. The new superheater .mineral engines of the 2-8-0 class were Nos.
26, 69, and 331 to 335. Baldwin Moguls Nos. 949, 954 and 962 had been
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 51.
One engine had been fitted with the Schmidt superheater for test purposes.
London, Tilbury & Southend Ry. 51.
Recent changes of locomotive names since those noted on p. 214 of
previous volume: No. 18 Shoeburyness renamed Burdett Road,
No. 58 Hornsey Road changed to Hornsey, and No. 60 Highgate
Road to Highgate. No.9, formerly Purfleet, to Black
Horse Road, No. 13 Benfleet to Commercial Road, and No.
22 East Horndon to Tilbury Docks. The engine concerned in the
mishap at Fenchurch Street Terminus on 3 January was No. 66 Earl's
Great Northern Ry. 51.
Nos. 1581 to 1586 of the new series of 0-6-2 suburban tanks were working
in the London district. No. 190, the first engine of this type, had been
working in the Bradford district for some time. The extension of the Cuffley
branch to Stevenage was to be put in hand very shortly.
The Coal Strike. 51.
All the large British railways, with the exception of the Great Eastern,
Furness,and London, Tilbury & Southend, reduced their services to a minimum
during the Coal Strike, commencing on 2 March . The Great Northern, Ry. knocked
off nearly 600 trains per day. On account of their general adaptability for
goods and slow passenger trains, several six-coupled tender engines were
seen in King's Cross, while the superheater eight-coupled mineral engines
were working 80 wagon goods trains. With commendable enterprise the Midland
Railway officials proceeded to fit a number of their locomotives with the
Holden liquid fuel apparatus, by which coal or oil firing can be used at
will without alteration to the fireboxes. The Midland Great Western Ry. of
Ireland were also fitting the Holden burner on locomotives. Much confusion
reigned on some of the suburban lines of the London railways as a result
of the curtailed services. Quite a number of stations on the S.E. & C.
Ry. were closed entirely, and the Moorgate service suspended.
Obituary. 51.
Death of Mr. Thos. Purvis Reay, chairman of Kitson & Co., Ltd.,
Leeds, occurred suddenly on the 22 February 1912 at his residence, Headingly,
near Leeds. Mr. Reay was born in 1844, and commenced as a pupil at the Airedale
Foundry in 1859. After serving in the drawing office he became works manager
in 1876, and in 1885 a partner in the firm. When the business was converted
into a limited liability company in 1900, Mr. Reay was made managing director,
and on the death of Lord Airedale of Gledhow, he succeeded him as chairman
of the Company.
Tank locomotive, Snailbeach District Rys. Co. 52. illus.
W.G. Bagnall Ltd. 2ft 4in gauge outside-cylinder (12 in x 18in) 0-6-0T:
coupled wheels 2ft 9¼in, 429.4ft2 total heating surface;
6.52 grate area; woring pressue 150 psi. Bagnall & Price valve
gear. Named Dennis after the General Manager. Line was 3 miles long
and had severe gradients: 1 in 38 with one stretch of 1 in 13, with severe
curvature. Intended to serve lead mines.
Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry. 52.
Running numbers for twenty recent superheated 2-4-2Ts: 18, 70, 111,
112, 151, 162, 188, 221, 223, 224, 227, 230, 233, 275, 276, 285, 480, 519,
618, and 637. (Horwich WN 1152-51. Following four-coupled express engines
fitted with superheaters: 1098, 1104, 1105, 1110 and 1112.
North Eastern Ry. 52.
Norman Gibb, of the Federated Malay States Railways appointed assistant
locomotive superintendent of the Northern Division of the NER in succession
to E. Thompson, recently appointed Carriage & Wagon Department, GNR,
Doncaster. Gibb was nephew of Sir George Gibb, former General Manager.
[Junior Institutionn of Engineers]. 52.
Its origins and aims booklet. Institution originated
in works of Maudsley & Field in 1884. Rooms at 39 Victoria Street open
on Friday evenings for reading periodicals and discussing engineering
LGER: 53. Fig. 216
Schulz, G.C. Three-cylinder compound loeomotives of the
N.E., Midland and G.C, Rys. 53-5. diagr.
Deeley type of regulator; non-return valve: differences in NER
Pfeiffer, H. Some old German locomotives. 55-6. 5
illus., 2 diagrs.
Began on p. 41. No. 142 (Fig. 8) built Henschel
& Son of Cassel for Hanau Bebra Ry,: 2-4-0 found to be unsteady at high
speed. Taken over by Prussian State Rys. No. 162 (Fig. 9) represented one
of four 2-4-0s also built Henschel, but with high firebox with large dome
over it. Cylinders lagged with brass which Prussian State Rys attempted to
paint red, but paint failed to ahere. Fig. 10 shows Doctor Parcus,
a 2-4-0 built at Esslingen in 1872 for the Hessische Ludwigsbahn, which also
acquired a Borsig locomotive in 1873, named Dalberg. It had a very
high firebox and large cab. Fig. 12 shows No. 353 as rebuilt with a new boiler
by Von Borries: originally it had been fitted with a high firebox like
Dahlberg. Fig. 13 shows No. 286 built by Hannoversche Maschinenfabrik
in 1874 for the Hannover Railway: small wheel 2-4-0 for hilly routes. Fig.
14 shows No. 186 Bismark also built by Hannoversche Maschinenfabrik in 1873
and sent to the Vienna Exhibition: it was the firm's thousandth
The Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 56.
Prof. A.C. Elliott took/to take Chair at Annual Dinner
The Bourdon pressure gauge. 57-8. 6 diagrs.
Dublin & South Eastern Ry. 58.
Slew track inland by about 40ft between Bray Head and Greystones due
to damage by south easterly gales.
MacLean, J.S. Some early locomotive myths, North Eastern
Ry. 59-60. 3 diagrams
No. 156 The Jenny Lind delivered to the York, Newcastle &
Berwick Railway by Coulthard & Co. of Gateshead on 23 September 1847:
2-4-0 WN 42 with 55 ft coupled wheels; also York & North Midland 2-2-2
No. 90 built by E.B. Wilson
Weight distribution in locomotives. 60-2, 2 diagrs., 2 tables.
Tank engines were more difficult to balance as their centre of gravity
varied with the amount of fuel and water being carried. Calculations for
establishing the centre pof gravity for a Pacific: 4-6-2.
Saunderson's light petrol locomotive. 62. illus.
Saunderson & Gifkins, Elstow Works in Bedford: 2ft gauge with
petrol/paraffin engine and 3-speed gearbox. Large water tank provided cooling
water and acted as ballast.
The Easingwold Ry. 63-4. 3 illus.
Connected Easingwold with Alne: a distance of 2 miles 37 chains. Obtained
Act in 1887 and opened on 27 July 1891. It employed light flat-bottom rail
and had two level crossings. In 1912 the main motive power was provided by
No. 2: Hudswll Clarke 0-6-0ST WN 608/1903. It had 13 x 20in inside cylinders;
3ft 3½in coupled wheels and 150 psi boiler pressure. The original locomotive
had been named Easingwold and was a Manning Wardle product with 12in
x 18in cylinders. NER 0-6-0 No. 1263 (a Spencer Gilkes 0-6-0) was hired when
the Company's locomotive required maintenance.
Protecting steel boiler plates of locomotives. 64.
Prevention of pitting and corrosion (see Volume 13 p. 73) by coating
with Portland cement.
The "Robinson" Superheater. 65-6. illus., diagr.
Locomotive Superheater Co. Ltd.: notes advantages claimed, especially
for its simplicity.
Tunnel inspection car—Prussian State Railways. 66. illus.
Propelled by electric motors and illuminated by electric lighting
powered by batteries.
Correspondence. 67
Steam pressure gauges. Frank S. Hennell
The indicator described near the top of the first column
of p. 39 (beginning page 38) in your issue of the 15th inst., as showing
the pressure by the rise of a piston against the resistance of a spring,
and a pointer indicating the pressure of the steam against a marked plate
fixed to the casing of the fitting, was designed by John V. Gooch about the
year 1843 or 1844, when he was locomotive superintendent of the London &
South Western Ry. None of Daniel Gooch's engines on the Great Western Ry.
had any pressure gauge in addition to the Salter spring balance at the end
of the safety valve lever, up to the time when writer left Swindon Works
in August, 1864. Of course I do not remember the introductzon of this pressure
gauge, but I well remember seeing it on John V. Gooch's engines on the L.
& S. W. Ry. about the year 1859. It is also described in
Bourne's Catechism of the Steam
Engine, in the description of the L. & S. W. Ry. engine
Snake. See also letter from E.A. Forward on page
Reviews. 67
Rating Locomotives. H.L. Cole, district locomotive superintendent
I. S. R., and assistant secretary Railway Board. London: W. Thacker &
The object of this little book was to provide as concisely as possible
an account of the general principles governing engiue loads and train speeds,
and also place on record investigations regarding the actual power developed
by locomotives, as well as the resistance to tractive effort of various types
of rolling stock. As an allied subject meriting attention by locomotive engineers
the question of brake power is also considered. Diagrams and charts for dealing
graphically with problems connected with engine rating, and the computation
of train loads, make the subject easy to follow, and also condense the somewhat
complicated problems.
Everyday Uses of Portland Cement. The Associated Portland Cement
Manufacturers, Ltd., London.
Book published by the cement manufacturers as a work of reference
for members of the technical professions: a complete summary or the varied
uses to which this material is employed. Among the profusion of illustrations
in the 350 pages were examples of concrete railway sleepers, telegraph posts,
fences, signal posts, railway stations, coaling stations, etc. The maguitude
of applications of reinforced concrete was apparent from the developments
British Railway Companies' Docks, Harbours and Steamers. London:
The Boswell Printing and Publishing Co. Ltd.
Reprint of series of articles which appeared in Railway News,
with additions to bring it up to date. Practically complete record of the
facilities for carrying on foreign trade, and meeting the demands for
cross-channel communication which have been provided by railway enterprise
in this country. Large number of illustrations and maps and plans of the
various ports, as well as the tables of statistics which are included. The
railways are treated in alphabetical order, the Scottish railway ports and
harbours being dealt with separately at the end of the volume. Recent
developments include Immingham, Fishguard and Heysham, and the latest docks
at Newport, Cardiff,. Southampton, Methil, and Barrow.
The World's First Public Railway. 67.
Title of large plate published by E.D. Walker & Wilson, of Darlington.
Reduced facsimile, from which it will be seen that several interesting pictures
relating to the opening of the Stockton & Darlington Ry. had been collected
together as a souvenir for framing. The original was printed on plate paper
and measured 16in. by 18in.
Presentation to Mr. Ivatt. 68.
Marking Ivatt's retirement a presentation of a brass standing lamp
was made on 12 February 1912 at Stanley Hall, Junction Road. Those present
included H.N. Gresley, F. Wintour (Works Manager), F.J. Webster (locomotive
engineer's chief assistant), H. Culpin (locomotive accountant), T. Smith
(divisional superintendent), E.R. Notter, H. Sinclair, C.H. Laverick (district
locomotive superintendents at King's Cross, Peterborough and Colwick) and
W.E. Dalby. J. Wray, engine driver at King's Cross was in the Chair and made
the presentation on behalf of the enginemen.
The "Rexos" automatic spanner. 68. illus..
No. 236 (15 April 1912)
Old and new tank engines: North Staffordshire Railway: our coloured
plate. 69 + plate on facing page.
Comparison in F. Moore oil painting of "little engine No.8" built
in 1878 (2-4-0T) that was very useful for ordinary local traffic with J.H.
Adams 4-4-2T, the new No. 8 designed to cope with heavier traffic. The latest
class was a series of four large bogie engines (4-4-2T) Nos. 8, 45, 46 and
55, which replaced older express tender engines which had not been capable
of dealing with the increasing weight of trains on the main line North Wales
and Manchester-Stafford services, especiIly on the continuous rise to
Macclesfield. The boiler of this class had a Belpaire firebox, similar to
that used on the new 4-4-0 press engines, except that. Schmidt superheaters
were fitted. The cylinders were fitted with piston valves worked by Stephenson
link motion. The steam passages had no bends; giving a straight path for
the superheated steam. Lubrication was by an oil pump driven off the right
and crosshead. Trials are being made between the superheater tank engines
and the non-superheater bogie express engines.
Old No.8 |
New No 8 |
coupled wheeels | 4ft 6in |
6ft 0in |
cylinders | 16½ x 24 |
20 x 26 |
total heating surface | 807 |
1281 |
grate area | 15.5 |
21 |
boiler pressure | 150 |
160 |
London & South Western Ry. 69-70. illus.
4-4-0 No. 463 illustrated: the first of a new series of four-coupled
bogie passenger express engines designed by D. Drummond, chief mechanical
engineer, and built at the new Eastleigh Works. These engines will be numbered
463 to 472. They had cylinders 19½in. x 26in. stroke; coupled wheels
6-ft. 7-in. diameter. The heating surface included 66 water tubes 2¾in
diameter in the firebox making a total of 1724ft2; the grate area
was 27ft2 and the boiler pressure 200 psi. The engines were fitted
with Drummond smoke-box superheater and feed water heating apparatus. The
superheater consisted of two cast steel boxes fitted with 2½in. by 8in.
tubes, which were a prolongation of the boiler tubes. The entering steam
is deflected by baffles to the bottom of the boxes, and rose to the steam-pipe
at the top as dry steam.
The trains over the Didcot, Newbury and Southampton Ry. were being worked
by L. & S.W. Ry. locomotives. This arrangement was made with the view
of balancing the engine power supplied by the two companies over the lines
of their respective neighbours.
The latest 4-6-0 express engines were numbered 458-462. Old No. 459, 0-6-0
goods had been re-numbered 316.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 70. illus.
No. 677 illustrated: one of Stroudley's small six-wheel coupled tank
engines (0-6-0T) as rebuilt by L. Billinton, the locomotive superintendent.
Known as Terriers from their small size and smart appearance, the first of
these engines came out in October, 1872, and the last in September, 1880,
their total number being 50. Originally the cylinders were 13in. diameter
with a stroke of 20in., but they had since been fitted with 14in. cylinders.
Stroudley arranged for the working pressure of the boiler to be 140 psi,
but this was raised to 150 psi, and the new boiler works to this figure.
As rebuilt, the smokebox is slightly longer, it is circular, and supported
on a saddle. The dome was located a little farther forward on the boiler,
which was composed of a single plate. The sandboxes are now placed below
the tootplate with steam sanding gear. The only other alteration was the
additional railing around the coal bunker. They had coupled wheels 4ft. diameter
and a 12ft. wheelbase. Several of these useful engines had been sold to other
railways and contractors, as noted in our columns, while the L. B. &
S. C. R. now used them. exclusively for rail motor services, excepting two
which were used at Brighton and Battersea by the locomotive department for
London & North Western Ry.70-1.
A further five 0-8-0.mineral engines with 20½in cylinders and
superheaters completed at Crewe: Nos. 1778, 1791, 2001, 2015 and 2034. They
complete, with those given last month a series of ten, and will be followed
by another series ot the same type, which also will be equipped with Schmidt
superheaters. Work would shortly be commenced on the four-cylinder 4-6-0
passenger engines, ten of which were on order, as also on a new series of
4-6-2 passenger tanks (superheater). In addition to those already mentioned,
Nos. 303 Himalaya and 643 Sirocco (4-4-0s), had been fitted
with Wakefield mechanical lubricators. No. 2002 Madge, a 6ft. 6in.
2-4-0 passenger engine, had been fitted to burn oil fuel. Several of the
four-wheel shunting tank engines for the Liverpool Dock lines had been fitted
with the Holden oil burning apparatus for many years. A further two 4ft.
6in. 2-4-2 tanks had been adapted for motor service: Nos. 729 a and 2505.
It is intended, "we understand", to paint the initials "L.N.W.R." on the
tenders in the same style as those on the new passenger and shunting tanks.
No. 2284. a 4ft. 6in., 2-4-2 tank, and No. 3279, a rebuilt DX goods, had
been broken up. No. 2607, one of the 5ft. 4-6-0 express goods. had been fitted
with a Phoenix superheater and Whitaker six-feed mechanical lubricator.
Great Western Ry. 71. illus.
The useful shunting tank engine illustrated by No. 2012 was one of
a numerous class on the Great Western Ry. designed by Armstrong: Originally
they were fitted with saddle tanks, but as they went into the shops for repairs
they were fitted with wing or pannier tanks of the same capacity. These engines
were constructed with 4-ft 1½in. dia. driving wheels, and cylinders
16in. diameter with 24in. stroke; the total heating surface was
980.75ft2., the grate area 11.16ft2 sq. ft.; the working
pressure 150psi. The water capacity of the tanks was 800 gallons. One of
these rebuilt engines, No. 1850, was stationed at Old Oak sheds, and could
often be seen shunting at Paddington.
Paris-Orleans Ry. 71-2. illus.
Swiss Locomotive Works of Winterthur had recently delivered a number
of powerful Mikado type tank 2-8-2T locomotives to the Paris-Orleans Ry.:
illustration of No. 5301. The leading particulars: diameter of cylinders
600m. stroke.650m. diameter of driving wheels 1400 m. boiler pressure 12
atmospheres (180 psi).
Pacific express locomotives for the French State Rys, (Western System). 72.
illus., diagr.
Sixty large four-cylinder compounds were being delivered by several
builders. Designed by Maison, chief mechanical engineer. Wide Belpaire firebox.
296.38m2 total heating surface; 4.2m2 grate area; high
pressure cylinders 380cm x 640cm; low pressure 600cm x 640cm; boiler pressure
16kg/cm2. Coupled wheels 1.85m.
Great Eastern Ry. 72.
Nos. 1500-2 then in service. No. 1500 was used on a trial run from
Liverpool Street to Parkeston Quay on Sunday 24 March 1912 when the run was
accomplished in 75 minutes for 68¾ miles. New Westinghouse-fitted goods
engines to No. 567 then in service. Six-coupled tank engines under construction
would have high side window cabs and brass-capped chimneys.
East Indian Railway locomotives of 1866. 73. illus.
No. 400: Avonside 2-4-0 built in 1866 photographed in about 1874.
At that time there was a shortage of drivers and LNWR men, mainly from the
Leeds district were sent out on secondment. The locomotive was WN 473. It
had 16in x 22in cylinders; 5ft 7in coupled wheels and a long awning to protect
the British footplate crew.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 73-5.
Figs. 217 and 218: 2-4-2T
Pfeiffer, H. Some old German locomotives. 75-6. 3
Fig. 15 shows the standard Prussian State Railways express 2-4-0 during
the period 1877 to 1892. No. 403 was built at the Grafenstaden works in 1889.
The standard engine had 5ft 8in wheels: an experiment with 7ft coupled wheels
was a failure. Figure 16 shows No. 323 a standard von Borries two cylinder
compound built by Henschel & Son of Cassel in 1889. They had Walschaerts
valve gear and piston valves. Fig. 17 shows 2-4-2 Werner built by Krauss
& Co. of Munich for the Palatinate and Hesse Ludwig Railways which had
a Krauss-Helmholtz bogie. The locomotive had a dome-shaped reservoir for
the Westinghouse brake on top of the boiler, but this system was abandoned
after a man was killed at Hanover station when one of the reservoirs exploded
due to excessive heat from the boiler. Concluded p.
Schulz, G.C. Three-cylinder compound loeomotives of the
N.E., Midland and G.C, Rys. 76-7. diagr.
Reducing valves as used on Great Central and North Eastern Railway compounds
Railway notes from Java. 78-80. 7 illus., map.
Statistics of mileage and ownership. 3ft 6in gauge. Java Express connected
Batavia and Sourabaya. Destination boards. signalling system. Liveries of
locomotives and rolling stock. Wood fuel except in east where oil fuel buned
on Holden system. Swiss Locomotice Co. Pacific with 5ft diameter coupled
wheels, 17¾ x 235/8in cylinders; 25ft2 grate
area and superheater.
Locomotive wheels. 80-3. 6 diagrs.
Tyres, balaance weights, construction
MacLean, J.S. Some early locomorive myths, North Eastern
Ry. 83-4.
York Newcastle & Berwick Railway locomotives: No. 185 2-4-0 of
1848; 2-2-2 No. 190 with external valve gear (completed in January 1849),
and No. 180 Plews.
The "Aga" flash light for railway signals. 85-6. 3 illus.
Halvar A. Berggren of Stockhom demonstration of flashing light signals
using acetylene gas dissolved in acetone as installed on several railways
in Sweden including Swedish State Railways.
Testing vacuum barkes on carriages and wagons. 86-7. 2 diagrs.
Laycock equipment.
Great Central Ry. 87.
On 28 March 1912 a petrol electric car ran a trial trip fram Marylebone
to South Harrow and back. A compartment at one end contained a six~cylinder
petrol engine driving a dynamo to supply current to the axle motors. A small
petrol-drivn set worked the pump for the vacuum brake and provided lighting.
Accomodation was pravided for 50 passengers. A speed of 50 mile/h was
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 87
A.D. Jones of the Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry.had been appointed
to the new office of outdoor locomotive superintendent on the SECR, Jones
was a pupil of Aspinall at Horwich, and became outdaor assistant to the carriage
and wagon superintendent, and then outdoor locomotive assistant to the chief
mechanical engineer of the L. & Y. Ry.
Gt. Northern Ry. of Ireland. 87.
George Tertius Glover, manager of the N.E.R. locomotive shops, Gateshead,
had been appainted locomotive, carriage and wagon superintendent of the G.N.
Ry. ([reland), rendered vacant by the resignation of Charles. Clifford, of
Dundalk. Glover was manager of the N.E.R. wagon works at Shildon until
Laundry cars. 88-9. 2 illus., diagr. (s. el and plan)
Mentions the laundry car provided for the Imperial Royal Train in
India which was 62 feet long and equipped with a stdam laundry, but illustrates
a laundry car built by Hannover Wagon Works for the Russian Government
The Coal Strike. 89.
Since the end of March the coal strike had been gradually coming to
an end. Before the collieries re-started, however, practically all the British
railways, except the Great Eastern, had to curtail and alter their passenger
train services. On the L. & N. W. all dining cars, except on the 2 o'clock
trains between London, Glasgow and Edinburgh, were withdrawn. The Great Central
closed the old Lancashire, Derbyshire line as well as the Wrexham and Brymbo
line, and withdrew nearly all Sunday trains. The North London line was entirely
closed on Sundays, and the week-day service had to be very much curtailed.
At Paddington the shunting engines were burning wood sleepers as fuel. On
some of the GWR South and North Wales branches the services were withdrawn,
and also on the new Limpley Stoke line. The Great Northern proceeded to fit
some of their engines with Holden's oil burners. Many of the principal main
line trains were withdrawn, including the 2.20 p.m. Scotch express ex Kings
Cross; the Halifax and Holmfield line was closed, and the branch services,
particularly on the Cambridge line, very much restricted. The South Eastern
closed 14 London stations, including Ludgate Hill; Snow Hill, &c., and
also Dover Town; Cannon Street Terminus was closed on Sundays. The Caledonian
Ry. had gone in for oil fuel on the Holden system for their express engines.
All Caledonian trains were withdrawn from the Barrhead and Kilmarnock Joint
Line. The North British withdrew all the Edinburgh suburban services and
the closed the Lauder, Hamilton, Methil, Gretna and other branches. branches.
Brighton, Longhedge and Swindon Works had to close, and other locomotive
centres were put on half time. Thanks to the foresight of the able chairman
of the G.E.R.-Lord Claud Hamilton -and to the management of Mr. Hyde and
his assistants, none of the G.E. passenger trains were withdrawn; the whole
of the staff were kept employed on full time, and a highly remunerative holiday
traffic was secured at Easter. Although only two engines were fired with
liquid fuel, arrangements were made to convert 75 engines from coal to oil
had the need arisen. The fittings had been kept in stock since the strike
of 1893.
All excursion arrangements for Easter were cancelled, except on the Metropolitan,
L. T. & S. and G. E. Rys., and a few trains on the S. E. &C. and
L. B. & S. C. Rys. During the course of the Coal Strike some experiments
had been made on the G.W.R. with different kinds of Patent Fuel. A tank engine
0-6-0 No. 1706, has been burning oil fuel on a layer of coke. On the 29 February
1912 a trial run was made with a single driver engine burning solid oil fuel,
between Swindon and Oxford, via Didcot. Bricquets had also been used, each
engine being supplied with a proportion of coal and bricquets.
North British Ry. 90.
Twenty passenger tank engines ordered from the North Brirish Locomotive
Great Northern Ry. 90.
Two 990 class Atlantics Nos. 253 and 259 and No. 401 (eight-coupled
mineral engine) fitted with Holden oil firing equipment.
Midland Ry. 90.
No. 779 (4-4-0) fitted to burn oil fuel.
Easingwold Ry. 90.
No. 1 Easingwold (see XXX) was Hudswell Clarke WN 334/1891 with 12
x 18in cylinders was sold to a firm of contractors working on new Sculcoates
Station, near Hull on NER.
Reviews. 90
The Modern
Locomotive. C. Edgar Allen. Cambridge University Press.
Design and working of modern locomotive, written for the "general
reader".. "The author is master of his subject and deals with it
Sketches of engine and machine details. Wallace Bentley. Halifax:
Bentley Publishing.
Aimed at engineers and draughtsman: includes illustrations of several
locomotive details.
No. 237 (15 May 1912)
Our supplement. Sectional elevation of London & South
Western Ry. 4-6-0 express engine. 91 + folding plate (diagr.)
The general drawing given with this issue shows the latest development
of the 443 class of 4-6-0 express locomotives designed by D. Drummond, chief
mechanical engineer of the L, & S.W. Ry., and built at the new Eastleigh
Works. These engines had 6ft. 7in. coupled wheels, and differed from the
earlier engines of this type in having all four cylinders placed in line
between the bogie wheels. The boiler was 13ft. 9in. long and 4ft. 9½in.
dia. inside; total heating surface 1976ft2; working pressure,
200-lb. per sq. inch; grate area 31.5ft2. The four
cylinders were 15in. x 26-in. with piston valves 9in. dia., the inside valves
being driven by a rocking shaft from the outside motion. The first four engines
of this series, Nos. 443 to 446, were not fitted with superheaters, but Nos.
447, 458, 460 to 463, had the steam dryer shown on our drawing. This superheater
consists of two chambers containing a number of 2in diameter tubes. which
are in line with the flue tubes of the boiler, so that the hot gases of
combustion are drawn through both sets of tubes. The steam enters these chambers
at the top through a tee pipe, and is directed by three baffle plates (extending
their full width and partially in length also) to the bottom, and thence
upwards to the cylinder steam pipe connection at the top. The range of superheat
is not over a temperature of 400°, which was considered sufficient for
high speed engines, and therefore no special arrangement of dampers or forced
lubrication was required. This arrangement also fits, without any alteration
in the design of the boiler, and is easily removed when boiler repairs .are
required. These engines work the Bournemouth and Weymouth expresses, and
also the Plymouth trains as far as Salisbury. Nos. 443 to 447, 458 :md 460
are stationed at Nine Elms. Photographic illustration
pp. 111-112
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 91-2. illus.
Courtesy of L. Billinton, locomotive superintendent, illustration
of No. 326 Bessborough (named after the Chairman, Lord Bessborough):
the latest 4-6-2 express passenger tank engine, built at Brighton Works.
This engine differed from No. 325 Abergavenny
(illustrated in our issue for January, 1911
17, page 1), in being fitted with the Walschaerts valve gear.
Following leading dimensions: cylinders 21in. diameter by 26in. stroke, coupled
wheels 6ft. 7½in. diameter. It was fitted with Schmidt superheater.
The total heating surface is 1865ft2., of which the superheater
gave 342ft2. The total weight in working order, with 2,300 gallons
of water and 3 tons of coal, wass 86 tons, of which 56 tons were on the coupled
wheels. No. 28, 4-4-2 tank, left the paint shop with only the initials L.B.S.C.
on the side tanks. New 4-4-2 tanks (I/3 class), Nos. 82-9 would all have
County Donegal Joint Committee. 92. illus.
Three superheater 2-6-4 tank locomotives had recently been built for
the 3-ft. gauge Donegal Rys. by Nasmyth, Wilson & Co., Ltd. The numbers
and names were No. 2A Strabane, No. 3A Stranorlar, and No.21
Ballyshannon.(last illustrated) Five engines of the same 2-6-4
classification for this line were described in
Locomotive Mag., 1909, 15, 9,
The later engines had the following dimensions: outside cylinders, 15½in
x 21in. actuated by Walschaerts valve gearing; diameter of coupled wheels,
4ft. Heating surface: superheater 106ft2., total
724ft2. grate area 11.5ft2. Boiler pressure, 160 psi
The following specialities form part of the equipment of these smart and
powerful locomotives: Schmidt superheaters with piston valves 7in. diameter
of the inside admission pattern working above the cylinders, Wakefield's
sixfeed mechanical lubricators; the patent force feed axlebox lubricator,
steam ash ejector under smokebox, patent blast by-pass, which are the inventions
of Mr. R. M. Livesey, ,the loco. supt. The rods are fitted with Mr. Livesey's
needle . lubricators, Other specialities are the Boyer speed. recorder, acetylene
headlight, and the Caledonian firedoor. The main engine frames were outside
the coupled wheels. Steam sand gear is. arranged at the front of the leading
and rear of the trailing driving wheels. Hand and vacuum brakes fitted.
Midland Ry. 92-3.
Some 4-4-0 express engines with piston valves had been rebuilt with
new frames and Belpaire boilers, fitted with Schmidt superheaters. The round
topped boilers taken out were being used on goods engines. The bogie tenders
fitted to the Belpaire passenger engines were being replaced with six wheelers
with high side sheets. Engines Nos. 142-3-4 (0-4-4) tanks lent to the M.
& G.N. Ry. earlier had been returned for some time. They had been repainted
with the large transfer numerals 1232-3-4 on the tank sides. Four Baldwin
Moguls had been scrapped: 2202, 2208, 2228 and 2211. Engine 2200 had the
boiler of 2211, and was renumbered 2211. No. 1198 (see
Locomotive Mag. April, 1909, p. 79)
had been scrapped. No. 1605, an outside cylinder 0-6-0 tank, which formerly
bore the number 1122A had also been scrapped: it had come from a South Wales
line taken over by the Midland.
Great Eastern Rly. 93.
From 1 May 1912 the Continental express leaving Liverpool Street at
20.30 was accelerated by 5 minutes. The train was due at Parkeston at 21.52
allowing 82 mins. for the 69 miles with a very heavy train. The schedule
only allowed 33 mins. for the 31½ miles, Shenfield to Co1chester. There
was no alteration in the running of the up morning train. The four engines
stationed at Parkeston for this service were Nos. 1500-1-2 and 3, the new
4-6-0 superheaters. No. 333, 0-6-0, tank is out of the shops, rebuilt also
a shunting engine with lever reversing, cast iron wheels and steam brake
North British Ry. 93. illus.
4-4-2: four-coupled. ten wheeled tank engine (No. 1 illustrated) was
the first of a series of thirty of a new type designed by W.P. Reid, locomotive
superintendent of the NBR built by the Yorkshire Engine Co., Ltd. of Sheffield.
The coupled wheel diameter was 5ft. 9in., the cylinders were 18in. x 26in.
The boiler was NBR standard type, containing 1309ft2. heating
surface, grate area 16.6ft2. The tanks had a water capacity of
1990 gallons, and the bunker 4½ tons of coal. These fine looking engines
were to be used for working short distance express trains, this accounting
for the liberal water and coal capacity. The engines are fitted with both
the Westinghouse and vacuum automatic brakes.
Great Western Ry. 93.
Several mineral tank engines of the 2-8-0 class had just been completed:
Nos. 4202 to 4212. The first of this type, No. 4201, was illustrated in
Locomotive Mag., February 1911 page
20: twenty were on order. No. 172, The Abbot and 183
Redgauntlet had been altered from Atlantics to 4-6-0 express
London & North-Western Ry. 93-4
Eight of new series of 0-8-0 mineral engines with superheaters had
been completed at Crewe, bearing Nos. 1568, 1655, 1696, 1698, 1783, 1790,
2018, and 2104. Another ten were laid down, to be followed by twenty 4-6-2
superheater tanks. No. ??7 Snake (4-4-0) had been provided with new
coupled wheels having crescent balance weights and large bosses, and No.7
Titan (4-4-0) had been fitted with the Wakefield mechanical lubricator.
A further two 4ft. 6in. 2-4-2 tanks have been adapted for motor service,
Nos. 760 and 820. The last of the DX class in the capital list had been
renumbered, it was proposed to next deal with the remaining Webb 4ft. 3in.
six-coupled tender engines. One of the latter No.2 104, had already been
so treated. No. 3383 (late 1044), a special DX. goods, had been broken up.
No. 643 Sirocco (4-4-0) had been fitted with a new spark arrester,
operated by similar levers and rods to the superheater damper gear, but this
engine was not fitted with a superheater. See also p.
French State Ry, 94
Some interesting particulars regarding the Pacific type express engines,
illustrated in our last issue, are to hand . from one of our numerous French
readers. No. 231-011 was exhibited at Brussels in 1910 (Cie de Fives Lille,
No. 3656). One of them was at the Bernay mishap when a fast train was derailed
on a curve. At Rambouillet a Pacific turned over with its train. Consequently
the engines were put on fast goods work until the weights were redistributed.
The engines not suitable for express work had a red band around the chimney
until altered. New method of classifying the State Ry. locomotives. Each
engine had two numbers, the first being that of the series and the second
that of the locomotive itself. The number of the series is formed on the
following principle: Tender engines 3 cyphers. 1st cypher, number of leading
axles; 2nd cypher, number of driving axles; 3rd cypher, number of trailing
axles. Examples Series 231 represented a Pacific or 4-6-2. 230 ten-wheeler
or 4-6-0. 120 2-4-0 engine. Tank engines-lst cypher, number of driving axles;
2nd cypher, number of other axles. Example-Series 32 represents either a
2-6-2 or 4-6-0 tank engine; series 30 is the well-known 0-6-0 tank engine.
Tenders-The tenders are numbered with 5 -cyphers. The two first cyphers indicate
the water capacity of the tank in cubic metres. The other, figures form the
number of the tender itself. Example-Tender 18136: the number 18 indicates
the capacity of the tank, and the number 136 is the number of the
Great Northern Ry. 94.
The contract for widening the main line on the down side between Little
Bytham and Stoke Tunnel, 8 iniles, had been placed with Robt. McAlpine &
Sons, of Westminster.
Football Cup Tie Specials. 94.
There was a considerable falling in the number of special trains from
the North due to the the coal strike for the Final Match on Saturday, 20
April between Barnsley and West Bromwich, the figures being: LNWR 29; Midland.
16; Great Western 15, Great Northern 12; Great Central 6 and Gi:eat Eastern,
1 (from Norwich).
The Railway Club. 94.
On 15 March 1912 the Railway Club moved into larger and more commodious
premises on the lower ground floor at the same address as before, 92, Victoria
Street, Westminster. The Club will now be open to members from 10 a.m. to
10 p.m. instead of only in the evening. The next meeting will take place
on June 11th, when a.paper will be read by Mr. E. J. Miller on the" State
Railways of Northern Italy." This will be illustrated with lantern
London, Tilbury & Southend Ry. 94.
A number of large 4-6-4 express tank engines were in course of
construction. No. 51, Tilbury Docks re-named
Hull & Barnsley Ry. 94.
The running numbers of the five 4-4-0 express engines with 6ft. 6in.
drivers, built by Kitson & Co. in 1911 were Nos. 33, 35, 38, 41 and 42.
These replaced five early 2-4-0 express engines. An illustration and description
of No. 41 were given on page 27 of our last volume.
Midland & Great Northern Ry. 94.
The 4-4-0 outside cylinder passenger engines built by Beyer, Peacock
& Co. were being equipped with larger tenders of the Midland Ry. pattern.
Isle of Man Railway. 94.
J. Sproat, Loco. Supt., died on March 10th 1912. The Directors have
appointed Mr. Jas. Bradshaw to the post, as from April 17th. Mr. Bradshaw
was formerly Locomotive Superintendent. of the East & West Junction Railway
(SMJR). Previously to this he was on the LNWR at Crewe.
Shire Highlands Ry., Nyasaland. 94.
The Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., of Leeds, had constructed a 4-8-0 tender
locomotive for railway. The cylinders were 18in. by 21in. and the coupled
wheels 3ft. 4½in. diameter.
[Obituary]. 94.
We are sorry to hear that Mr. Howard B. Case, managing director of
the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., was one of the passengers on the unfortunate S.S.
Titanic, and there is now no hope of his having been rescued.
Oil Fuel on British Railways. 95-6. 3 illus.
One consequence of the Coal Strike had been the development of oil
as fuel on the British railways.It wass not a novelty, at any rate when burnt
in a liquid .state under boilers to make steam, but in spite of its many
advantages it has not, up to the present, taken the place of coal owing'
to the difficulty of getting supplies of oil in sufficient quantities in
this country. However, the large number of tank steamers at present'building
should mean competition in the near future, with lower prices and larger
On the Caledonian Ry., profiting by the experience gained by Holden on the
Great Eastern Ry., McIntosh fitted in March 1912 two engines with oil-burning
injectors. The oil is stored in a cylindrical tank holding 520 gallons,placed
on the tender, and flows by gravity to the two burners, spaced about 18in.
apart, which atomise it by a supply of steam in the form of a fine spray
in the firebox. A series of steam jets from a ring on the burners act on
the spray at an angle, so that it is broken up before striking the fire-brick
wall, which is built up to protect the copper plates, as an addition to the
customary firebrick arch~ Two holes for the burners are made through the
water space of the firebox and lined with bushes 4-in, diameter inside. They
are placed about 8-in. above the firebars on which is placed a thin layer
of coal or wood fire to ignite the spray. Regulating ,valves control the
supply of oil and ensure perfect combustion. Ifworked properly an oil burning
engine should be absolutely smokeless. The engine can still be fired with
coal if desired without in any way interfering with the liquid fuel apparatus,
and this is one of the great advantages of the Holden system.
E. Cusack, locomotive superintendent ot the Midland Great Western Ry. of
Ireland, sends us a photograph of his fine bogie express engine
Faugh-a-Ballagh. No. 10 he has fitted with the Holden apparatus, and
which is successfully working some of the heaviest trains to the West of
Ireland. It has driving wheels 6-ft. 3-in. diameter and cylinders 18-in.
by 26-in.
The Caledonian locomotives were the. first liquid fuel burners in Scotland,
but in Ireland Mr. Malcolm equipped one of his compounds, No. 51 on the Northern
Counties Ry., and Coey fitted one of the 305 c1ass, 4-4-0, on the Great Southern
& Western some years back.
Mr. Hy. Fowler. chief mechanical engineer of the Midland Ry., has been
good enough to send us a photograph of No. 762, one of three engines fitted
with oil fuel apparatus. The burner fitted to this engine is really an inverted
"Best" burner, which is largely used in America. It is a simple casting which
allows the oil to fall from an orifice 3-in. wide by 9/16in.
deep over the top of a flat steam jet from a slot 3in. wide and 0.015in.
deep, the steam picking up the oil and sending it into the firebox in the
form of a spray; this underneath jet of steam acts on the spray of oil at
an angle. Provision is made at the back of the burner for a bolt to give
vertical adjustment, so that the flame impinges on to the best position under
the fire-brick arch.
The tube plate is protected by a lining of fire brick to the underside of
the arch. Coal tar or oil gas tar is used and is ca.rried in two tanks of
350 gallons capacity each, situated at the back of the tender. Each tank
is fitted with an independent stop cock and the tanks are connected by an
equilibrium pipe: From these tanks a pipe is brought down at the side of
the coal space to a regulating valve (fixed conveniently for the fireman)
from which the pipe continues to the injector, which is inserted through
the bottom of the firehole door and carried by a bracket. Steam is supplied
from a small valve on the back of the firebox. A small quantity of coal is
used to keep the bars covered and prevent the admission of cold air. The
engines work the fastest express trains between Manchester, London and Bristol,
and' full boiler pressure is maintained with ease. No. 779, of the same class
of four-coupled bogie express engines, is fitted with Holden burners.
Superheater goods engine, London and North Western Ry. 96-7. illus.
To ascertain from practical working whether or not the advantages
and success of superheating as applied to goods locomotives were as great
as in the case of passenger engines, C.].B. Cooke, the chief mechanical engineer
of the L. & N. W.R., introduced a new class of engine as above. In outward
appearance and most of the details, except those directly connected with
superheating (which is of the smoketube type), they are practically the same
as the well-known eight-coupled engines now so largely used on the L. &
N.W.R. for mineral traffic. The first of these superheater engines was built
at the Crewe Works in February. The wheels are nominally 4-ft. 3-in. diameter
over the tread, but when new with 3-in. tyres they were 4-ft. 5½in.
diameter. The two inside cylinders were 20½in. diameter by 24-in. stroke,
and fitted with piston valves 8-in. diameter. The valve gear used was Joy's.
The boiler, which carried a steam pressure of 160 psi, had a mean diameter
of 5ft. 0¾in., the largest diameter being 5-ft. 2-in. The barrel was
14-ft. 6-in. long and the firebox outside the casing 7-ft. 10in. long by
4-ft. 1in. wide, the depth of the firebox below the centre line of the boiler
being 5-ft. 2´in. The total heating surface of boiler 1772.4
ft2 and total heating surface of boiler and superheater
2151ft2.; firegrate area 23.6ft2.The tender was fitted
with the water scoop by which water can be taken into the tanks whilst the
engine is travelling. No. 1384 illustrated.
Mallet articulated freight locomotive, Union Pacific Railroad. 97.
2-8-8-2: coal burning; most Mallet engines for American lines have
been arranged to use oil fuel, but the freight hauler shown in illustration
was a coal burner for the Union Pacific Railroad. Following leading dimensions:
diameter of hp cylinders 26in. and lp cylinders 40in.; stroke of both groups
30in.; balanced piston valves; diameter of coupled wheels boiler 7ft. diameter,
working pressure of 200 psi.Total heating surface 6393ft2., grate
area 68.4 ft2. Total weight ot the engine, exclusive of tender
over 190 tons, of which 175 tons available for adhesion. No. 2002
The Key West Extension of the Florida East Coast Ry. 97-8. 2 illus.
Financier H.M. Flagler; original engineer J.C. Meredith; completed
under W.J. Crome. Extension of the Florida East Coast Ry. to Key West was
formally opened tor traffic on 22 January 1912. This line brought Havana
within 90 miles of the American railway system, and the port of Key West
is made the nearest American centre to the nearly completed Panama Canal,
about 1075 miles distant.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 99-100.
Figs. 219/220 port TWW
Great Northern Ry. 100.
Latest 0-6-2T fitted with condensing gear Nos. 1587-91
Pfeiffer, H. Some old German locomotives.100-1.
4 illus.
Continued from p. 75. Fig. 18 shows outside-cylinder
0-4-2 Seligenstadt built by Henschel & Son for the Frankfurt-Hanau Railway
in 1872. The deep firebox enabled by this arrangement was negated by unsteady
running. The 0-6-0 locomotive superseded the 2-4-0 type for freight working
in the 1870s but their speed was limited to 28 mile/h (this aspect of German
thoroughness never seemed to have been observed in Britain KPJ). Fig.
19 shows an outside-cylinder 0-6-0 with the firebox supported on the leading
axle of its six wheel tender. This was the Behm-Kool system of articulation:
the figure shows No. 731 of the Braunschweig (Brunswick Railway) built by
Hannover Maschinenfabrik in 1886. Fig. 20 shows an outside frame 0-6-0 Strassburg
built by Kessler for the Hessische Ludwigsbahn in 1872 and Fig. 21 shows
an outide-cylinder 0-6-0 with a high firebox built by Hannoversche
Maschinenfabrik in 1873 for the Koln-Minden Railway. This type was also built
by Borsig and Hartmann for other railways.
The development of American locomotive practice. 101-2.
Lawford H. Fry
Schulz, G.C. Three-cylinder compound loeomotives of the
N.E., Midland and G.C, Rys. 102-3. diagr.
Considered that in negotiating a heavy bank the GCR and NER system
whereby auxiliary steam could be diverted to the low pressure receiver gave
the system the edge, especially with skilled drivers. Diagram shows sight
feed lubricator fitted to Midland locomotives.
Petrol electric car, Great Central Ry. 103-4. illus.
Re-metalling and fitting eccentric strap liners. 104-5. 3 diagrs.
Snailbeach District Rys. Co. 105.
Locomotives: Fernhill built Lennox, Lange & Co of Glasgow: outside
cylinders (12 x 20in); six coupled: 3ft gauge; 0-6-0ST
Belmont: Hughes & Co.: 0-4-2ST: outside cylinders (13 x 15in); 2ft 7½
The Borsig force feed lubricator. 105-6. 2 diagrs.
Railway carriage and wagon building. I—Arrangement of the sawmill. 106-7.
Siamese Railways. 107.
Falcon Railway Carriage & Wagon Works contract: 12 covered goods
wagons; 8 open wagons; 10 all-steel rice wagons; 12 cattle wagons; 8 timer
& rail trucks: Royal Siamese Rys.
Great Northern & City Ry. 107
Clocks fitted inside cars. Automatic cigarette and match vending machines
inside smoking cars
Cleaning leather cushions of railway carriages. 107
Washing with soap and water then apply Harding's Morocco Reviver
Great Western Ry. 107.
Saw mills, timber yards and carriage sheds at Swindon Works: new paths
and roads accessible to fire engines
Duplex bolster carriage bogie, Great Northern Ry. (Alex. Spencer's Patent). 108-9. 2 diagrs (el. & plan)
George Spencer, Moulton & Co.
Reviews. 109
Locomotive Management
from Cleaning to Driving. J.T. Hodgson and J. Williams. London: The
Railway Engineer.
This is the second edition, and the opportunity has been taken
to revise and to add fresh illustrations of recent inventions and developments
in locomotive practice. The arrangement of the chapters is systematic, dealing
first with the duties of the cleaner, and then the different grades of promotion
to driver of an express passenger train. with progressive sections describing
the operation and uses of the various parts of the boiler, engine, tender,
brakes, etc. Practical hints on firing, smoke prevention, control of injectors,
etc., will !be of service in every day work on the footplate.
Chapters are also given on compound engines, valves and valve setting, breakdowns
and temporary repairs while in service. The simplicity of the work is as
great a recommendation to the locomotive driver or fireman as its thoroughness
and .utility.
Correspondence. 109
Steam pressure gauges. E.A. Forward.
In connection with the above article (page 38 et seq) and F.S Hennell's letter in the March number (page 67),
it will no doubt interest your readers to know that the piston and spring
gauge mentioned by Hennell existed 50 years before J. V. Gooch made use of
it. It was used, and it is believed invented, by James Watt about the year
1790, and it formed the basis of his steam engine indicator of about the
same date. He also used it, with a beam between the piston and spring, as
a vacuum indicator. Pambour, also, seems to have used it in his locomotive
experiments. and he described and illustrated it in his
Treatise on the Locomotive (2nd
edition, 1840). Pambour appears to have used two other forms of portable
steam pressure gauge as well. In one of these the steam acted upon the surface
of mercury in one leg of a U tube and compressed the air contained in the
closed end of the other leg; the other was simply a mercurial thermometer
graduated to read the pressures corresponding to the steam temperatures.
In writing of pressure gauges, mention should be made of that patented. by
Sidney Smith in 1847. This was a diaphragm gauge, similar to the later one
of Schaffer, but the diaphragm consisted of a vulcanised rubber disc. In
1854 the rubber disc was supported by a spiral spring. One of these gauges
was used by Geo. Stephenson in 1847.
Some old German locomotives. Thomas
Pfeiffer's articles put writer in mind of old days in Germany long
ago:.he felt fairly sure that Crampton engines were running in the
Hannover-Bremen service in 1872. He thought, although probably his memory
may have been playing him a trick, that the cylinders, reversing the usual
position, were near the footplate, above the framing.
The old tank engine Aerolite. W.J. Barker
In your issue for the 15th of October last I noticed a paragraph,
together with an illustration, of the old tank engine" Aerolite." I am writing
this in reply to the letter of Mr. C. Hylton Stewart in your journal for
the 15th December last, in which he states that the present" Aerolite" (No.
66 engine) has on her number plate: "Kitson, Thompson & Hewitson, Leeds,
No. 28/, 1851." Now, this information is a copy of that inscribed on the
plate of the makers affixed on the original " Aerolite," but not shown in
your illustration. I cannot understand why this should be inscribed on the
present engine bearing that name, for according to the very best authority,
the book records and tradition together, show that the original" Aerolite"
(No.. 369) was entirely broken up, and the present one (No. 66) was built
September, 1869. This latter engine was rebuilt and remodelled about about
eleven years ago. P.S.-Engine No. 1162 (N.E. Ry.), "Saltburn," built by R.
S. & Co. in the year 1862, was broken up towards the end of the year
K. A. C. R. Nunn. 109.
The sections of the L.T. & S. Ry. were opened as follows: Barking
to Upminster, 1 May 1885; to East Horndon, 1 May 1886; and to Pitsea, 11
June 1888. Tilbury to Leigh in 1855, and through to Southend June 1856. Thames
Haven branch opened 7 June 1855; Southend to Shoeburyness, 1 February 1884;
Commercial Road goods branch, 17 April 1886. The Tilbury Fort Ry. was
incorporated as a separate company, known as the London, Tilbury & Southend
Ry., in 1862.
E.T. Macdermott. 110
Nos. 1561-80 were br5oad gauge 0-6-0ST. No. 1568 was Falmouth branch
engine in 1891.
D. Poston. 110
Johnson compounds 2631-5 now 1000-1004. Deeley compounds 1000-1029 1005-34
L.J.M. 110
Palmerston reb 1910; Welsh Pony being rebuilt
Signalling. 110
NZGR auto tablet exchangers: 260 stns; 450 locos. 45 mile/h. 1 in 100,000
failures: Tyer & Co.
Laundry cars. 110.
See XXX: Russian Red Cross Society: Russo-Japanese War
No. 238 (15 June 1912)
Our Supplement: sectional elevation of Northern Railway of France 4-6-4 compound
express locomotive Baltic type. 111 + folding diagr.
Sectional elevation of compound express locomotive, No. 3.1101 built
by Chemin de Fer du Nord, at its La Chapelle Works, Paris, to the designs
of Georges Asselin, engineer in chief. In order to show the details of design
and construction of the interior arrangements the drawing has been shaded.
The section is taken through the centre of the boiler and , firebox, and
through the high pressure cylinder on the left hand side. Schedule of all
the parts of engine correspond with numbers given on the drawing. A similar
engine was built for the Northern Ry. by Schneider & Co., of Creusqt,
but with a round topped water tube firebox. These two were the largest and
heaviest passenger locomotives in Europe, being slightly heavier than the
latest Pacific type locomotives of the Belgian State Rys. weighing over 100
tons in working order.
A novel feature of the design was the arrangement of the two low pressure
cylinders beween the frames, details of which were given h the
"Locomotive" for July, 1911, p. 155. Further
particulars, of these engines were also given in our issues of
October, 1910, p. 223, and December, 1911,
p. 262. The six-coupled driving wheels were 6ft. 8¼in diameter, and
the leading and trailing bogie wheels 3ft. 5in. Schmidt's superheating apparatus
was fitted, the boiler pressure being 227 psi. Engine compounded on De Glehn
system; the 4-cylinders having the following dimensions :high pressure, 440
mm. by 640 mm. (175/8. by 251/8in.); low pressure,
620mm. by 730mm. (243/8in. by 28¾in.); provided with
piston valves actuated by Walschaerts gear.
London & South Western Ry. 111-12. illus.
Illustration of No. 462, the latest Drummond new 4-6-0 four-cylinder
simple express engine completed at Eastleigh. A drawing of one of these engines
was the supplement to our last issue (page 91 and facing
page), but No. 462 was provided with a larger tender than those attached
to the earlier engines of this class. The tender of No. 462, carried 5800
gallons of water and 5 tons of coal The wheelbase of the engine and tender
was increased to 55ft. 7in and the total length of engine and tender over
buffers was 65-ft. 5¼in.
The two small six-coupled Terrier tank engines, Nos. 734 and 735, bought
from the L.B. & S.C.R. in 1903 were being fitted with new boilers.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 112
From 1st June second class abolished on this system, except on the
Continental boat trains between London and Newhaven. No. 59.4-4-0 express
engine, fitted with Phoenix superheater, had left the shops.
Great Western Ry. 112.
Over 500 locomotivese had been fitted with, superheaters on this system.
Nos. 186 Robin Hood and 188 Rob Roy had been altered from 4-4-2
Atlantic type to 4-6-0 engines. New 4-6-0 engines of the Court class were:
2941 Easton Court, 2942 Fawley Court, 2943 Hampton Court,
2944 Higham Court, and 2945 Hillingdon Court.
South Hetton Colliery Co. 112
In our article upon the Colne Valley & Halstead Ry. last year
we showed an illustration of No. 10, Cornwall Minerals Ry., afterwards
Haverhill on the former railway. Mr. Inness, of Newcastle, informs
us this engine was still working at the South Hetton Colliery, Co. Durham.
It had the name Haverhill still, and also Sharp Stewart's plate
(2358-1873,) and was having a general repair, including a new boiler made
at the colliery workshops (South Hetton & Murton Coal Co.) They used
to have the old North London 0-4-2 saddle tank of Beyer, Peacock & Co.'s
build, that afterwards worked on the Colne Valley line, with the name
Halstead, but this engine had been broken up. The same Colliery Co. bought
old No. 14 off the Met. Ry., Beyer, Peacock's 425 (1864), originally named
Dido. This engine had been rebuilt at the colliery workshops. The
bogie had been done away with, and the driving and trailing wheels replaced
by wheels of smaller diameter, and a single leading axle in place of the
bogie, making it into a 6-coupled side tank; new plate frames had been provided.
and new back cylinder covers, and two motion bars in place of four originally,
new crossheads, etc., and the inclination of the cylinders lowered. The driving
- to trailing wheelbase was altered, but there are only about 9-in. between
the leading and driving tyres.
London & North Western Ry.. 112.
Nos. 2119 and 2284 complete the series of 0-8-0 mineral engines with
superheaters referred to in the last issue of the
Locomotive. A further series of the same type was under construction,
and the first two would bear Nos. 1162 and 1505. It will be noticed that
the latter number was that of the John Hick class compound Richard
Arkwright, which was scrapped. No. 1162 was a 6-ft. 2-4-0 passenger engine,
named Saddleback, also scrapped. The 4-ft. 3-in. Webb coal engines
Nos. 2104 and 2119, both now replaced by 0-8-0 engines, had been renumbered
3195 and 3198 respectively. The following additional 4-ft. 6-in. 2-4-2 tanks
had been adapted for motor service :-Nos. 765, 1438 and 2519. No. 1817,
three-cylinder compound mineral engine, was being converted to simple with
small boiler, and 18½in cylinders.
North British Ry. 112.
The name of the Atlantic engine No. 869 had been changed from
Dundonian to Bonnie Dundee.
Great Central Ry. 112.
No. 361 was the first of Robinson Atlantic to be fitted with a
Northern Ry. of France. 112
Engine No. 2.741 of the 4-4-4 type was built in 1907 with a water-tube
firebox, and fitted with a larger boiler in 1909. The water tubes still gave
trouble owing to the vibration of the engine, so the engine had been rebuilt
with an ordinary locomotive boiler as a Pacific type or 4-6-2. The engine
is now numbered 3.999. The first 4-cylinder compound Consolidation type engine,
a No. 4.261, has been completed by the Societe de Constructions Mecaniques
des Batignolles.
Diesel locomotive. 112.
The steam locomomotive had many threatened rivals, and the internal
combustion motor was to be tried on the Prussian State Railways. The locomotive
was the design of Dr. Diesel, and the engine has been constructed at the
Winterthur Works of Sulzer, while the underframe and gear has been built
by A. Borsig, of Berlin. The motor was of the four cylinder type, working
on the single acting two-cycle principle, and capable of developing normally
about 1,000 b.h p., though this may be exceeded. The engine drives a loose
shaft to which the two driving wheels are coupled, the locomotive having
two four-wheeled bogies. To accelerate at starting and develop greater power
on inclines, an arrangement has been devised by which an auxiliary supply
of fuel and air is provided for the cylinders. The weight in working order
was between 80 and 90 tons, and the length over buffers 55-ft.
Great Northern Ry. 113. illus.
H. N. Gresley, locomotive superintendent of the G.N.R., sent
photograph ofNo. 259, reproduced here, which. was fitted with Holden's liquid
fuel burning apparatus during the coal strike. Two burners were fitted, arranged
similarly to the Great Eastern. installations. . The rectangular tank provided
on the tender carried 600 gallons of oil:
New 0-6-2 side tanks up to No 1601 then completed at Doncaster, making, with
No. 190, 52 of these engines in service. A further series iwa in hand.. Ten
more superheater six-coupled goods engines were to be built. No. 1442, which
was exhibited; at Shepherd's Bush in 1909, is now in the shops, and is to
be painted similar to the others of this class. No. 668, 8ft. single. has
been scrapped recently. No. 769, 0-4-4 Stirling tank, had been rebuilt with
a boiler with dome. The others of this class rebuilt were 766, 936, 941 and
944; .
Great Eastern Ry. 113.
On Friday, 17 May :a special train conveyed a large patty of London
and provincial press representatives to Aldeburgh, by way of bringing to
the public notice the attractions of this once busy port and the neighbouring
district. In the afternoon they journeyed by coach to Southwold by way of
the pretty village of Yoxford. They stayed at the Grand Hotel, Southwold,
and on the Saturday again took the coach to Halesworth where a restaurant
car train picked them up and returned to London. The train, was headed by
No, 1794, one of the latest Claud Hamilton class with superheater. This season
a full summer train service will commence to run on 1 July. Seven trains
daily will run between Liverpool Street and Aldeburgh in each direction,
and there will be six trains to and five from Southwold. Three of the Aldeburgh
trains will have restaurant cars, and two of the Southwold trains.
Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 113.
A meeting was held on Saturday., 27 April 1912, at St. Bride's Institute,
at which a paper was read by Mr. Frank L.
Bassett, B.Sc., A.I.C., on Water Softening as Applied to Locomotives.
Mr. H.W. Garratt, M.I.Mech.E., in the Chair. The author dealt at some length
with the chemical nature of the salts producing hardness in natural waters,
and proceeded, to describe the various kinds of scale met with in locomotive
boilers. He then outlined the principles underlying the removal of scale-forming
compounds in softening apparatus, and gave a description ofa typical water
softening plant. The paper concluded with a comparison of the cost of water
softening and the expense involved. by the use of hard water.. The use of
boiler compounds was also dealt with during the evening the author showed
several chemical experiments demonstrating the more important chemical reactions.
Messrs. Beckton, Gobert, Bennett. Maitland and Dearberg joined in the discussion
which followed.
Obituary. 113.
It is with regret that the death of Mr. A. Watt is announced, one of the
first members ot the above Institution. The sad event took place at Doncaster
on May 2nd. The'tate Mr~, Watt, who was assistant district loco. supt:' at,
Doncaster, was only 28 years of age. Born in India. and coming to England
14 years ago, he , served.. b1.s apprenticeship at the Hyde Park Loco. Works,
Glasgow, subsequently gaining experience in electrical engineering at the
Glasgow Iron and Steel Works, Wishaw. :' He entered the service of the G.N.R.,
eventually beihg:ap'pointed assist. dist. loco: supt. at Colwick; and transferred
to Doncaster last September. )
Furness Ry. 114.
A. Aslett, General Manager: endeavours to increase tourist traffic
to Lake Dictrict with excursion tickets, including circular tours, the Furness
Abbey Hotel, improved rolling stock and Guidebook.
The Abbey Station, Shrewsbury in 1872. 114.
Potteries, Shrewsbury & North Wales Railway 0-4-2 purchased from
LNWR Southern Division. Nicknamed Black Tom on PSNWR. Had been built by Bury,
Curtis & Kennedy in 1848 and had bar frames and 5ft coupled wheels. They
had 16 x 20 cyls; ths 1017 an original numbers had been 6, 16, 22, 33, 34
and 206. 6 and 16 were broken up in 1862 and the others became 622, 633,
634 and 806. No. 806 was sold to moss, a railway contractor and was destroyed
in a collision with Midl;and engine No. 191 between Northampton and Billing
Road. The remainder were rebuilt with outside frames. Photograph taken in
1872 does not display "outside" frames, but does show train of old LNWR coaches.
By 1912 the line had become th Shropshire & Montgomeryshire Light
Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 115.
Saturday 29 June: visit Old Oak Common Locomotive Depot
Heavy tank locomotive, Northern Ry of France. 115. diagr. (s. el.)
4-6-4 Side Tank Engines. 1.664m2 coupled wheels; .46 x
.6m2 cylinders; Serve tubes. Earlier locomotives slide valves,
but later superheater piston valves. Guide bar for slide valve spindle replaced
by links.
Narrow gauge quarry locomotive for Achill Island. 116. illus.,
W.G. Bagnall for Irish Industrial Minerals. King George. livery
green. Circular steel firebox. 9 x14in cylinders; grate area 2ft2;
2ft 3½ coupled wheels; 0-6-0T; 244ft2 total heating surface
4.5ft2 grate area; 150 psi boiler pressure
Superheating. 116
Schmidt Superheating Co. orders received: 8 4-6-4T LTSR; 30 new 50
rebuilt MR; GIPR; Oudh & Rohilkund & South Indian Rys; 70 NSWGR;
LNWR; 12 Dutch S R; 25 Rhodesia Rys; 11 LBSCR; GNRI 5 exress; 5 freight
Postal train, Ottoman (Aiden) Ry. 117-18. 2 illus.
Consolidation locomotive, Union Pacific Railroad. 118. illus.
Baldwin 2-8-0 with 4ft 9in coupled wheels; 22 x 30in cylinders;
3403ft2 total heating surface, 49.5ft2 grate areaa,
200 psi, Vanderbilt tender
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 119-20.
F 221-4
Schulz, G.C. Three-cylinder compound loeomotives of the
N.E., Midland and G.C, Rys. 120-2. diagr.
Indicator diagrams: work done in each cylinder. Failure of low pressure
valve spindles; failure of low pressure cylinders or their gear; failure
of high pressure piston or connecting rod or reversing gear; breakage of
high pressure valve spindle
Motor rail car, Midland Gt. Western Ry. 122-3. illus.
Constructed Charles Price & Son of Broadheath, Manchester petrol
railcar with four wheels to seat twelve including driver with two boxes for
London & North Western Ry. 123.
Brake vans in main line trains carried glass case containing tools
including saw, axe and crowbar to help passengers escape in event of
Six coupled bogie express engine, Queensland Government Rys. 123. illus.
First locomotive from Toowoomba Works of Griffiths Bros. No. 590 (B15
class). On trial run 58 mile/h achieved. On the crowded footplate were: Driver
Perrett, A. Richardson (ex-LSWR and son of J. Richardson, LBSCR) who was
in charge of erecting the locomotive, Bert Griffiths, Simpson (Government
inspector), Jessop, chief draughsman at Toowoomba, T.F. Watson (locomotive
inspector) and Thompson (locomotive foreman)
Burry Port & Gwendraeth Valley Ry. 123
New side tank supplied Hudswell Clarke with 16 x 24 in cylinders.
Number 11: similar to No. 10 illustrated "last year"
The Tal-y-Llyn Railway. 124 2 illus.
Railway opened in 1865 and extended from Towyn to Abergynolwyn where
there were slate quarries. Two locomotives No. 1 Pretoria an 0-4-0
with 2ft coupled wheels, 8¼ x 16in cyls; 4ft2 grate area
and 100 psi. It was formerly Dolgoch. No. 2 Tal-y-Llyn is an
0-4-2T with 2ft 2in coupled wheels, and a higher boiler pressure of 120 psi.
Both were built by Fletcher, Jennings & Co. of Whitehaven. Illustration
shows Pretoria and second class coach.
Tank locomotive, Dutch State Rys. 125. illus.
2-4-2T Hohenzollern Works. Inside cyl (15 x 22); 5ft 0¼ coup; 1026 ths;
155/8 ga; 170 psi. Fitted with steam bell.
Walschaert valve gear. 125.
Cardboard model
Railway wagon brakes. 126-8. illus., 5 diagrs.
Belgian locomotives. 129. illus., diagr.
Le Belge: John Cockerill at Seraing WN 1/1835. 2-2-2.
Caledonian Ry. 129.
Death of Driver John Souter aged 78. 90 miles in 80.5 min in 1895.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 129.
All boat trains using old South Eastern main line. Test of coal from Shakespeare
Cliff. Colliery for locomotive use.
Immingham Dock, near Grimsby. 130.
GCR booklet prepared for opening to traffic scheduled for 15 May and
the Royal opening on 22 July. Desccribes entrance locks, jetties, 170 miles
of railway, the electric tramway between Grimsby and Immingham and in greater
detail the facilities for shipping coal: seven hydraulic hoists which exploited
gravity for the movement of both loaded and empty wagons intended to ship
5000 tons of coal per hour. There was also a graving dock.
Brake van for ballasting, North Eastern Ry. 130-1. illus.
Combined with ballst plough which could be raised or lowered and used
in association with 25 ton capcity hopper wagons built at Shildon
The carriage of stone on Egyptian Railways. 131-2. 2 illus.
Statistics of limestone traffic carried on Egyptian State, Helouan,
and Egyptian Delta Light Railways. The last were 2ft 6in gauge, the others
standard gauge. 2ft gauge tracks were laid in the quarries. Included limestone
from the Moqattam Hills as used in Egyptian antiquities.
Great Northern Ry. of Ireland. 132.
Retirement of Charles Clifford. Joined Dublin, Wicklow & Wexford
Railway. In 186.became locomotive superintendent of the Irish North Western
Railway. In 1876 on the amalgamation to form the Great Northern Railway he
became district locomotive superintendent Dublin until in 1895 he succeeded
J.C. Park as locomotive superintendent.
Restaurant car windows, G. E. Ry. 132. diagr.
Holden design of sliding window to inhibit draughts and ingress of
Railway carriage and wagon building. II—The machines in the sawmill. 133-5. 2 illus., 3 diagrs.
Continued from 106-7
Reviews. 135.
An Epitome of Railway Law. By E. E. G, Williams. London: Stevens
& Haynes.
This handy book should considerably simplify the squabbles which so
often arise between the travelling and commercial public and the railways.
The records of decisions in the first and larger part of the book deal with
the railways' responsibility for damage, rates, rerminals, sidings, rebates,
reasonable facilities, etc., and will appeal to the merchant, manufacturer,
dealer and consumer, as well as be of service to the lawyer and railway official;
while the second section records the railway companies' obligations to passengers
and liability for injury, etc., as well as their powers for dealing with
offences by passengers. The short third part explains the law of State
regulations chiefly exercised by the special railway department of the Board
of Trade in regard to the inspection of new lines, prevention of accidents,
signalling, brakes, hours of labour, ,etc. Most elaborate indices of cases
cited and statutes consulted add to its utility as a work of reference.
Lectures on Superheating on Continental Locomotives. by E.
Sauvage. London: University of London Press/ Hodder & Stoughton,.
Given at the invitation of the University of London during October,
1910, the lectures published in this little book were delivered by Edouard
Sauvage in the lecture theatre of the Institution of Civil Engineers. M.
Sauvage, now Professor of Engineering at the Conservatoire des Arts et Metiers,
was locomotive superintendent of the Western Ry. of France, and possessed
a wide and accurate practical knowledge of the recent developments which
have taken place on the Continent in superheating. Most of the leading locomotive
engineers had been experimenting with superheaters, and M. Sauvage's lectures
not only give information as to then locomotive practice on the Continent,
but also results of the trials which have taken place, with comparisons between
superheated steam and compound locomotives. The requirements of locomotive
work were considered, the vanous types of superheaters illustrated and described,
.special arrangements of mechanism, lubrication, mode of working explained,
and a comparison made with British and American practice. Appendices give
a description of the compound superheater locomotives of the Eastern Ry.
of France. as well as results of the trials of ten-coupled locomotives on
the Midi Ry., and a synopsis of the discussion on superheated steam at the
International Railway Congress at Berne in 1910.
Practical Gyrostatic Balancing. by H. Chatley. London: Technical
Publishing Co.
The analysis of gyroscopic motion as applied to the automatic balancing
of all kinds of locomotives, on land and in the sea or air, is a problem
of growing importance, particularly to students of aeria1 engineering, and
inventors. The practical application of the gyroscope to the Whitehead torpedo,
the Beauchamp gun platform and the more recent Brennan mono-rail system,
are instances of what can be effected. The .author carefully investigates
the construction and mechanical princi~ 'ples of gyrostats and explains the
calculations and geometrical complications of gyroscopic action. All who
are interested in, the subject cannot do better than procure this little
Lubrication and Lubricants. by L Archbutt and R.M. Deeley. London: C. Griffin & Co.
This being the third edition of this valuable treatise it will be
unnecessary to give the contents in detail. It would, be difficult to find
a more exhaustive work on the subject in our technical literature, for it
is treated from, the point of view of the engineer as well as the chemist.
Each section is, as far as possible, complete, in itself. Among its merits
the book possesses that of being up-to-date, additional information being
included on recent scientific research on the relationship between the chemical
composition, viscosity and lubricating values of different oils, also on
the tarry impurities in mineral oils, and tests for detecting them. The subject
of bearing metals has been revised and amplified, and considerable additions
made to the section dealing with the lubrication of motor vehicles. Railway
wagon greases are also discussed. Not only have the modern methods of lubrication
and lubricators been added to. but in the last chapter the authors give
particulars of the oils most suitable for lubricating the principal types
of machinery and engines.
Vacuum cleaning apparatus for carriages. 136.
The illustration was taken from a brochure issued by the British Vacuum.
Cleaner Co., Ltd., replete with photographs showing applications of their
different machines; The plant supplied to the L & S.W. Ry. embodied the
latest improvements, and waa mounted in one of the railway company's own
covered carriage trucks. Three men could be cleaning at once from ,this
machine, which was driven by a petrol motor operating a vacuum pump through
belts and pulleys. This pump creates a vacuum, and the suction is induced
directly' by flexible tubing from the broad nozzles of the dust extractors.
Thus the cleaner removes every' particle of dust from the upholstering and
draws it to a receptacle from which it can be removed at convenient intervals.
The carpets and upholstery are not detrimentally affected, but, in fact,
an improved appearance is given to the, materials.
Correspondence. 137.
Some famous heavy grades. B. Bolton.
Two illustrations of the former Lithgow Zig Zag incline with gradients
of 1 in 42, 1 in 33 and 1 in 60. One of the illustrations showed a train
from Sydney descending worked by a P class locomotive. The other showed one
of the reversing stations. The summit at Clarence was 3,658ft above sea level.
The Editor noted that a deviation opened on 16 October 1910.
Early North Eastern Ry. engines. W.B. Thompson.
Asked whether Y.N.&B.R. No. 185 illustrated on page 83 could have
been NER No. 185 stationed at Carlisle in the early 1870s. The wheels and
framing appeared to be similar, but the boiler was different. The
Newcastle-Carlisle trains at the time were worked by Fletcher 5ft. 6in. engines,
principally by 64, 465, and 803 from the Carlisle end, and 68, 177, and 355
from Gateshead; and 185 was used as pilot or spare.
Early North Eastern Ry. engines. John S. MacLean. 138.
In reply to Thompson's query, the engine seen at Carlisle would very
probably be the No.185 illustrated on page 83 of Locomotive
Magazine April issue, The engine was replaced, and the number taken,
in June, 1868, by one of the 5ft. 6in. four-coupled engines, but it may have
continued to exist with a new number or been placed in the duplicate list.
If yourcorrespondent has no knowledge of the engine after 1868, then it is
likely that it was scrapped at that date, Your correspondent, Mr. W.J, Barker,
may be right in his statement in the P.S. to his, letter in the May Locomotive
Magazine" that No. 1162 Saltburn was broken up in 1879, but I think
the N.E. Ry. engine No.1162, built in the following year at Darlington, had
some of the parts of the former incorporated in its construction, the No.1162,
of 1880 was never looked upon as an entirely new engine, although it experienced
a-good deal more modernising than the 1238 engines, which were, also being
altered .at that time by the removal of their bogies, etc.
A miniature railway at Geneva. 138
The Narrow Gauge Railways, Ltd., of London, who were responsible for
the Rhyl Miniature Railway, had obtained a concession for a similar line
in the Luna Park, Geneva. The railway is nearly a mile in length and includes
a 150ft. tunnel, deep cuttings, embankments, and also a viaduct across the
corner of the lake. 'The equipment of the line is in the hands of Bassett-Lowke,
Ltd., of London and Northampton. The locomotive, rolling stock, etc., signal
box and signals will be of English design and practice and will give our
Continental friends an opportunity of seeing correct models of English railway
No. 239 (25 July 1912)
Railway notes.
Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry. 139. illus.
New series of 2-4-2 passenger radial tank engines, fitted with Schmidt
superheaters, completed at Horwich Works. Courtesy George Hughes, chief
mechanical engineer, No. 227 illustrated. Leading particulars: cylinders
20½in. diameter by 26n. stroke, driving wheels 5ft. 8-in. diameter;
radial leading and trailing wheels 3ft. 7¾in. diameter. total heating
surface 920.216ft2; grate area 18.75ft2.; weight in
working order: leading radial wheels 12 tons 16 cwt., driving wheels 19 tons
11cwt., trailing coupled wheels 19 tons 14 cwt., trailing radial 14 tons
8 cwt., total 66 tons 9 cwt.; water capacity 1540 gallons, fuel capacity
63 cwt. No. 227 stationed at Colne, Nos. 230, 233, 275, 276, 285 and 480
at Newton Heath, and Nos. 590, 618 and 637 at Blackpool.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 139.
No. 325 Abergavenny had been fitted with a Weir feed pump,
which pumped at all times, not being dependent on the motion of the engine.
Nos. 185, 187, 198 (0-4-2 expresses) and 256 (0-4-2 tank) have been fitted
with the new cast iron chimneys. No. 275 (0-4-2 tank) and 446 (Vulcan goods)
had recently been. rebuilt. No. 82, the first of the new 4-4-2 tanks, is
at work, and is fitted with Bosch automatic lubricator and Weir feed
London & North Western Ry.. 139-40
The first completed section of the new Willesden Watford widened
lines, between Willesden and Harrow, was opened for traffic on the 15 May
1912. Hitherto Wembley had been the only station serving the 5½ miles
between Willesden and Harrow, but additional stations had now been provided
at Harlesden and Stonebridge Park, between Wi1lesden and Wembley and at North
Wembley and Kenton, between Wembley and Harrow. On the same date was also
opened the Croxley Green branch, 1½ miles in length. This leads off
the Rickmansworth branch and opens up the western suburb of Watford. It is
said the Croxley Green branch will eventually be extended in a northerly
direction and rejoin the main line at Tring. For the present the new lines
will be worked as a steam railway, but ultimately they will: form part of
the electrification undertaking referred to in our December, 1911, issue.
A further six 0.8-0 mineral engines with 4-4-0 superheaters had been completed
at Crewe, Nos. 2254, 2337, 2345, 2349, 2385 and 2393. Two more, to complete
a series, were also nearing completion, but are not yet numbered. Work had
recently commenced on a series of 4-6-2 tank engines, which would be equipped
with Schmidt superheaters. Two more Precursors, Nos. 1395 Harbinger,
and 2012 Penguin, had been fitted with new coupled wheels having half
moon balance weights and large bosses. The latest 4ft. 6in. 2-4-2 tanks altered
for motor service were Nos. 663, 721 and 769. No. 1746 Bevere, a 6ft.
6in. 2-4-0 passenger engine, had been broken up. No. 2491 Perseus
had been fitted with a feed water heater and hot water pump. The heater was
on the right hand side of the engine, and the pump on the left hand
North British Ry. 140.
Photograph No. 602 of the 592 to 603 class, of 4-4-0 express engine,
as rebuilt by W.P. Reid, locomotive superintendent, with the new cab with
side windows. These engines had 18-in. by 26-in. cylinders, 7-ft. dia. coupled
wheels and 3-ft. 6-in. dia. bogie wheels. The boiler had a total heating
surface of 1106.18 ft2., of which the 203 tubes furnished 989.68
ft2.., and the firebox 116.5 ft2.. The working pressure
was 150 psi., and the grate area 20.3 ft2.. The tender carried
2,500 galls. of water and 4 tons of coal..
French State Railways. 140
On 12 July the Ouest Etat started a new non-stop train, making the
journey between Paris and Trouville, a distance of 219 km in 2 hours 45 minutes.
The service was worked by the new 4-6-2 engines of the 2700 class, fitted
with Schmidt superheaters.
Rhymney Ry. 140. illus.
Photograph of 2-4-2ST locomotive No. 66 leaving Caerphilly shops after
undergoing heavy repairs. Nos. 65 and 66 were the last two 2-4-2 engines
on the Rhymney Ry., the others having been converted to the 0-6-2 type. These
engines had driving wheels 5-ft. diameter, cylinders 17½in. diameter
by 26in. stroke, and a working pressure of 140 psi. The new standard R.R.
colours and lining adopted by C.T.H. Riches, the locomotive superintendent,
will be noted.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 141. illus.
P class illustrated on a rail motor (push & pull) train at Greenwich
Park station. Dimensions of both locomotive and train.
Great Eastern Ry. 141.
0-6-0T Nos. 41 and 42 completed.
W.J. Coe, Chief Stores Superintendent, Great Western Ry of Brazil. 141.
Returned to Pernambuco by SS Aragon following serious
Our supplement: County Donegal Railways Joint Committee. 141-2 + col. plate
facing page
Class 5a 2-6-4T No. 21 Ballyshannon. Painted black. F. Moore
oil painting. Supplied Nasmyth Wilson to the design of R.M. Livesey, engineer
and locomotive superintendent. 15½ x 21in cylinders; 160 psi boiler
pressure and superheater. Capable of hauling 200 tons on long gradients of
1 in 51.
Signalling trials at Watchet. 142. illus.
The West Somerset Minerals Railway between Watchet and Washford was
used to demonstrate a system of automatic train control invented by A.R.
Angus of Sydney in Australia which involved electric signals passed to a
shoe on the locomotive from a ramp on the track. Two GWR 2-4-0s were used
in the demonstration on 5 July 1912..
New engines, Buenos Ayres Great Southern Ry. 143-4. 2 illus.
Mixed traffic 4-6-0 supplied by Beyer Peacock to requirements of Livesey,
Son & Henderson, Consulting Engineers. Two-cylinder compounds with 19in
(high pressure) and 27½in (low pressure) by 26in cylinders; 6ft coupled
wheels; 1627.5ft2 total heating surface; 25ft2 grate
area; 200 psi boiler pressure; Stephenson valve gear and Richardson balanced
slide valves. Also mixed traffic 2-6-0, also suppled Beyer Peacock with Belpaire
firebox, Walschaerts valve gear, outside cylinders and piston valves. 5ft
8in coupled wheels; 19in x 26in cylinders; 1386ft2 total heating
surface; 22.2ft2 grate area and 150 psi boiler pressure.
Wiener, L. The locomotives of the Rio Grande do Sul
Railway, Brazil. 144-6. 3 illus., map.
Compagnie Auxiliaire des Chemin der Fer au Brésil. a train
operating company but with a concession for sixty years required to operate
on metre gauge over sharp (330ft radius) curves and steep gradients (1 in
33.3). The Rio Grande do Sul Railway had taken over several lines. The Porto
Alegre & Uruguayana Ry. had purchased its locomotives from Fives of Lille.
There were three 0-6-0T with outside cylinders (Fig. 1); six 2-6-0 (Fig.
2) and four 4-4-0 (Fig. 3)
Removing broken crank pins in a running shed. 146-7. 2 diagrs.
Using sheer legs, a special cutter and simple tackle (both of latter
Lubricating materials. 147-9.
To combat friction and frictional heating lubricants had to form good
films and adhere to the surfaces. They had to possess high temperature
resistance, and perform at low temperatures. Viscoity ranged from thin oils
to thick greases. Animal fats, such as tallow, were still used. They and
vegetable oils tended to carbonise. Mineral oils were available at different
viscoities. Graphite is also considered.
Matthews' patent buffer. 149. illus.
George Turton, Platts & Co. of Sheffield
Schulz, G.C. Three-cylinder compound locomotives of the
N.E., Midland and G.C, Rys. 150.
Concluded from page 122. Horse power of MR compounds.The greatest
i.h.p. on record for an MR compound appears to have been developed with an
engine running at 37 m.p.h. with the regulator fully open. The high pressure
cut off was 63%, the low pressure cut off 57% (i.e., full fore gear), a boiler
pressure of 195 psi. and a receiver or low pressure steam chest pressure
of 80 psi. The total i.h.p. then recorded was just over 1,000. This i.h.p.
was taken between Mallerstang and Ais Gill on an up-gradient of 1 in 100,
with the 4 p.m. train ex Leeds on October 12th, 1902, and with a train of
248 tons behind the tender. This piece of undoubtedly very fine work was
performed by one of the early compounds fitted with Smith's reducing valve,
but with a boiler pressure of only 195 against the present boiler pressures
of 220 psi
Approximately a MR compound couldl develop :
300 indicated horse power at 8 miles per hour; 400 at 10 mile/h; 500 at 14
mile/h; 600 at 20 mile/h; 700 at 27 mile/h; 800 at 32 mile/h; 900 at
35 mile/h; 1000 at 40 mile/h; 980 at 50 mile/h; 940 at 60 mile/h; 880 at
70 mile/h; and 840 at 76 mile/h.
Testing valves and pistons.-It is quite impossible for a driver to
test the high pressure piston and valve; and, as the low pressure valves
nearly always blow when they have not got a full pressure of steam behind
them to keep them on their seatings, it is almost impossible to accurately
detect a blow on either the low pressure pistons or va.lves.
Cut off.-The cut off" on a compound in full fore gear are about 65%
high pressure and 60% low pressure. On a simple in full fore gear, the cut-off
is usually about 75 %. On a compound in third notch the cut off is about
40% high pressure and 37% low pressure. This is about the top running position,
but very few engines will in actual practice stand more than the fifth
The three-cylinder compounds dealt with in this article are as follows: M.R.
engines Nos. 1000 to 1034 inclusive N.E. No. 1619; G.C. Nos. 258, 259, 364
and 365.
As far as we are able to judge, the three-cylinder compounds on the Smith's
system are the only compound locomotives in England which are at present
giving absolutely satisfactory;
It would be extremely interesting to see if, these engines would be in any
way improved upon by the introduction of superheating into their design;
we fear, however, that it is very' unlikely that this experiment will be
made, at all events for the present.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 150-2. 5
Figs. 226-31.
Leipzig new station. 152.
Fourteen platforms.
Railway wagon brakes. 152-4.
Monarch brake
"Le Tenax" screw spike and socket for permanent way. 154. 2 diagrs.
Arica-La Paz Ry. 154.
Joined Chile to Bolivia: 14,000ft high in Andes
Railway carriage and wagon building: II— The machines in the saw mill. 155-6. 3 illus.
The Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 157. illus.
On 18 May at St. Bride's Institute, M.
F. Long read paper on the Electrification of the L. B. & S.C. Ry. The
chair was taken by C.A. Suffield and the meeting was numerously attended.
The author dealt at great length with the subject, tracing the early history
of the Brighton Railway suburban system down to the present time. The comparative
carrying capacity, speeds and loads of the steam and electric systems were
dealt with in detail. At the conclusion of the paper an interesting discussion
followed, both the steam and electric systems finding keen supporters. On
Saturday, 15 June the first annual dinner was held at the Trocadero Restaurant,
London. The President, Prof. A. C. Elliott, D.Se., presided, and was supported
by Vice-Presidents B. K. Field, A. Trevithiek, A. Rosling Bennett and E.
L. Ahrons.
On Saturday, 29 June a party of members visited the locomotive depot of the
G.W. Ry. at Old Oak. This depot is one of the most modern and largest in
London, 179 engines being stationed there.
Messrs. F.C. Poulton & Co., of Eccles, Manchester, consulting engineers to the Ambajee Taranga Ry Co., Ltd., have now en route for Bombay their Mr.Williamson, who is going out relative to extensions to the original scheme.
Demonstration of wireless signalling on the Stratford
& Midland Junction Ry. 157.
A large party of signal engineers of British and Continental Railways
met at the Stratford Station of the Stratford-on-Avon and Midland Junction
Ry. on Friiday, 28 June, to attend a demonstration of the improved Railophone
Wireless Inductive System of Telephoning, Telegraphing and Signalling. In
the Locomotive Magazine for June, 1911, an account was given of the
firlst installation of the railophone system for the transmission of telephonic
or telegraphic messages to or from trains in motion. A far wider field for
the application of this system is in the controlling of trains and safeguarding
traffic. It is now possible to cause the ringing of bells, the sounding of
whistles, the operation of the vacuum brake and stopping of trains without
the intervention of the guard or driver. To do this by wireless methods,
H. von Kramer and Gisbert Kapp have invented a highly sensitive detector,
by which exceedingly feeble electrical impulses received on the train, from
a vibrating charge sent into a ground wire alongside the track are picked
up and sufficiently strong currents to ring a calling bell or
hooter. The ringing up of a station from a moving train is thus effected.
The tests included the sending of messages from a moving train to Stratford
Station, and vice versa the warning of a moving train by audible signal,
signalling to a station from a moving train, the stopping of a train in motion
by pressing a button in the signal box, and the stopping of a train after
it had been alJowed to enter a particular section. A final experiment illustrated
the use of the Railophone system to prevent a "head on" collision on a single
line which would have occurred by a signalman's mistake and only discovered
too late to rectify under normal working. Both trains were automatically
brought to a standstill, a collision being impossible with this system. Professor
Silvanus P. Thompson presided at the luncheon which followed the
Correspondence. 158
E J. Dunstan. Shanghai.
Your issue of the 15th June, 1907 (which has only just been shown
to me), contains a Jetter from the Austrian State Railways mechanical engineer
pointing out that on the Shanghai Nanking Ry., coaches and short wagons had
been adopted fitted with the American automatic buffer coupling, and pointing
out troubles which were probably in store for that railway on this account.
It may be of interest to your readers to have the actual results. Prior to
the stock being supplied the particular requirements of the case were very
carefully considered, and the effect on the buffers between all classes of
stock in traversing the minimum permissible curves or turnout,; both on the
direct curve and reverse curves elucidated. As all railway men are aware
it is extremely difficult to provide and maintain transition curves and straights
in all cases, and the above direct reverse curve sooner or later comes into
existence. The net amount of clearance theoretically found necessary was
provided, and the initial small flexibility in the couplers themselves was
left to provide for bad running conditions and working clearances. A powerful
centralising device and coupling beam was evolved and springs of round section
and ample strength provided. From the opening of the railway to date no
difficulty of any nature whatsoever has been encountered attributable to
the buffer couplings. The running is free and sweet and the side gear tends
to steady the stock at high speeds. Owing to certain labour problems the
gear was removed from a number of wagons in the early days, but this has
been, or is being, reinstated without alteration.
When pulling up the reversing lever of a locomotive it is agreed that
the travel of the spindles is shortened. I should like to know whether that
has the effect of shortening the travel of the eccentric straps or not. if
not, what effect does it have on the eccentric straps?
The Editor responded: The reversing gear of the engine is evidently of the
two eccentric, or link motion, type, having two eccentrics keyed on to the
axle in such positions that one actuates the valve so that the engine moves
forwards and the other so that it may move backwards. These two eccentrics
are coupled by means of eccentric rods to the top and bottom respectively
of a slot link. If now this link is moved so that the quadrant block in it
is near to one eccentric rod, the full effect of the movement of the rod
to which it is nearest will be transmitted to the valve rod or spindle. The
effect of the other eccentric rod's movements is comparatively little, as
it is more remote from the quadrant block. When the gear is moved so that
the quadrant block occupies a place more towards the middle of the slot link,
the effect of the movement of each eccentric rod is felt by the valve spindle
and as one eccentric rod is being pushed forwards while the other is being
pulled back the effect upon the movement of the valve spindle will be equal
to the difference between these two movements. . Thus it will be seen that
if one rod moved forwards exactly at the same rate as the other moved backwards
and the link was so placed that the quadrant block was midway in it, the
effect on it would be nil, that is the valve would be stationary. It very
seldom happens that this is the case, as the rods and link are short, so
that there is always some movement. to the valve spindle when the engine
is moving. When the axle has turned so that both of the eccentrics are above
the axle, as is the case when the crank is on and near the bottom centre,
both of the eccentrics are travelling in the same direction and both help
to move the link and valve, and so they will when both eccentrics are below,
as when the crank is on and near the top ccntre. The valve spindle and valve
will therefore have definite movements while the crank is passing through
these positions, Midway between these positions of the cranks there will
be positions in which the eccentrics are travelling in opposite directions
with regard to the valve. so that one pushes and the other pulls the valve
spindle and its movement is only equal to the difference between their movements.
The moving of the reversing gear has no effect whatever on the travel or
any other movements of the eccentrics themselves, they move exactly the same
in any case, but the effect of their movement is made different by reason
of one interfering with the other's effect. see also H.
Pfeiffer p. 264.
No. 240 (15 August 1912)
Our supplement. Four-cylinder 4-6-0 express locomotive
No. 4023 King George, Gt. Western Ry. 159 + col. plate on
facing page
King George, a coloured plate supplement with
this issue, was one of a series of ten four-cylinder express engines built
at Swindon in 1909 to the designs of G. J. Churchward, chief mechanical engineer
of the G.W.R. These engines are very similar to the other classes of
four-cylinder engines on the G.W.R. They were used on all the heavy trains,
which seldom consist of less than eight bogie vehicles and more frequently
of twelve. The Irish boat trains between Paddington and Fishguard (261½
miles) worked through regularly by one engine of this type. They were fitted
with the Swindon superheater. The following leading particulars: Cylinders
14½in. by 26-in; driving wheels 6ft. 8½in. diameter. working pressure
225 psi; tota1 heating surface: 2014.4ft2.; grate area
27.07ft2. The weights, wheelbase and other particulars of these
engines were given in 15 July 1909, issue, as well as a list of the numbers
and names.
Great Western Ry. 159.
New engines ot the Court, class, 4-6-0 type, were 2946 Langford
Court, 2947 Madresfield Court, 2948 Stackpole Court, 2949
Stanford Court, 2950 Taplow Court, 2944 is Highnam Court
and not Higham Court as stated in our June issue. Nos. 181
Ivanhoe and 187 Bride of Lammermoor have been altered from
4-4-2 to 4-6-0 type. New 4-4-2 tank engines of the 2221 class with
6ft. 8in. coupled wheels were Nos. 2241-2. , On 12 July the Swindon Mechanics'
trip took place, 24 special trains conveying 25,784 people were despatched,
over 10,000 going to the West of England.
North Eastern Ry. 159. illus.
Photograph showed latest type of 4-6-0 superheater express goods engines
(No. 797) designed by Vincent L. Raven, chief mechanical engineer. Ten had
been completed at Darlington. The principal dimensions were: cylinders 20in.
x 26in. with piston valves ; coupled wheels 6-ft. 1¼in. diameter; total
heating surface 1,821 ft2.; fire grate area 23 ft2..;
capacity oftender tanks 3.940 gallons; coal space 5 tons; tender fitted with
water pick-up; total weight of engine in working order 68 tons 17 cwt., total
weight of tender in working order 41 tons 2 cwt., total 109 tons 19 cwt.~
The numbers were given in our January issue. All were painted green except
No. 797, which was black.
Twelve-coupled tank locomotive, Java State Rys.
163. illus., diagr. (s. el.)
Designed and built by Hannoversche Machinenbau-Actien Gesselschaft
of Linden, Hannover for Dutch East Indian Rys. 2-12-2 designated the Javanic
type. The four middle axles had no side play, but first and sixth coupled
axles were arranged on Golsdorf system. The leading and trailing trucks were
Adams type. The tanks were arranged as a T-shaped cross section beneath the
boiler between the frames. The engine was equipped with Schmidt superheater,
Marcotty's smake consuming firedoor and Riggenbach steam brake. The cylinders
were 540 x 510 mm, coupled wheels 1102 mm, grate area 2.6m2 and
total heating surface 167.5m2. The gauge is 3ft 6in.
Scourfield, O.H.P. The Pembroke and Tenby Ry. 164-6.
4 illustrations., diagram (side elevation)
Absorbed into the GWR in June 1897 the railway had been an independent
standard gauge line which opened from Pembroke to Tenby in August 1863, and
reached Whitland in September 1866. In June 1868 the LNWR reached Carmarthen
and the GWR laid an additional rail on its broad gauge which lasted until
May 1872 when the broad gauge was abolished in West Wales. The locomotives
were predominantly supplied by Sharp Strewart, and in the case of the 0-6-0
and 2-4-0 were identical to ones supplied to the Furness and Cambrian Railways.
There were three 0-6-0s: Owen WN 1712/1866; Davies WN 1844/1868
and Tenby WN 2230/1872: these had 4ft 6in coupled wheels. There
was also a 2-4-0 passenger locomotive Pembroke WN 1845/1868, and two
2-2-2T with 5ft driving wheels, outside frames and inside cylinders (12 x
18in). These were Milford WN 1410/1863 and Tenby WN 1411/1863.
Following the amalgamation Pembroke worked on the Didcot, Newbury and Winchester
line where it received the number 1361. A small goods locomotive Llandinam
is mentioned, but not described. The Llandinam's connection with
the line was comparatively short. In the early 1880s two much larger engines
came from the GWR and were given P. & T.R. numbers and named. One was
a double-framed four-coupled engine of the 3201 class, with 5ft. 1in. driving
wheels and 17in. by 26in. cylinders, built in December, 1884, and was named
Stella. As the turntables were too short for this engine with the
Swindon tender, an exchange was made with a goods engine, the latter taking
the tender from the Stella. The other engine was a Swindon-built
six-coupled single-framed side tank, built in 1882, and bore the name
Holmwood. Both these engines kept their names when they reverted to
the GWR and took the same numbers as they had before, i.e., Stella
No. 3201 and Holmwood 1813. Holmwood was rebuilt as a saddle
tank. Two of the seven P. & T. engines taken over were numbered into
GWR stock when the line was absorbed: Milford became No. 1360 and.
Pembroke No. .1361. See also letter from W.P. Martin
page 246..
Great Northern Ry. 166.
Royal Specials conveying the King and Queen to Yorkshire and Grimsby
for the opening of Immingham Dock were hauled by Atlantic No. 1442 which
was painted witha special finish and included the Company's coat of arms
on the splasher. Nos. 1602-1605 were the latest 0-6-2Ts. McAlpine had won
the contract to construct the railway from Cuffley to Hertingfordbury which
included a 2,700 yard tunnel.
Re-turning engine tyres in a running shed. 167-8. 10 diagrs.
Shire Highlands Ry. (Nyasaland) 4-8-0 locomotive. 168. illus.
Hunslet Engine Co.
Consolidation type locomotive, Northern Ry. of France. 170. diagr. (s. el).
2-8-0 tender engines designed under Asselin, but of de Glehn du Bousquet
4-cylinder compound type with Schmidt superheaters. High pressure cylinders:
420mm x 640mm. Low pressure 570 x 700mm. Coupled wheels 1.55m. Serve tubes;
ths 212.98m2; grate area 3.22m2. bp 16kg/cm2.
The Diesel locomotive. 171. diagr. (s. el.section)
Built by Borsig: four-cylinder two-stroke 4-4-4 with direct drive.
Small boiler to provvide heating. Suggests mmight be suitable for Indo-Persian
Ry where there was a total lack of water.
Victorian Rys. 171.
McKeen rail motor cars imported from USA. Petrol engines. Shipped
to Sydney. Had steel bodies with appearance of upturned boat and bogies.
Assembled at Wadonga. Capable of ascending 1 in 40 and attaining 45
Victorian Rys: Newport Works. 171.
Victoria Railways intended to construct 70 locomotives per annum including
an express 4-6-0 and a general purpose 4-6-0 and a 4-6-2T for suburban
35/40 h.p. oil locomotive for India. 172.
2ft 6in gauge supplied via Messrs Ironside, Son & Dykerhoff
The automatic regulation of feed water supply for steam boilers. 172-3.
Patented device supplied via Ronald Trist & Co.
[Antofagasta (Chile) & Bolivia Ry.]. 173.
Six Kitson-Meyer articulated ordered from Beyer Peacock
Wiener, L. The locomotives of the Rio Grande do Sul Railway,
Brazil. 174-5. illus.
Continued from page 146. Baldwin
4-4-0: WN 7476-7/1884 and 8104-5/1886. Notes that European locomotives burned
less fuel, but were far less robust. American bogies were suited to poor
track, American firebox steel appeared to be of higher qulaity than
Steel sorting racks for mail vans. illus., diagr. (s. el. and plan). 175-6.
Racks supplied by Adjustable Shelving & Metal Construction of
London to Indian Government for use on trains like the Punjab Mail.
Railway carriage and wagon building. II. — The machines of the saw mill. 176.
Midland Ry. 176.
Fifty further locomotives to be fitted with Schmidt superheater.
Novel waiting room. 177. illus.
London office of Cravens Ltd furnished like the interior of one of
the Pullman cars supplied by this firm replete with arm chairs, table lamps,
Reviews. 177.
Notes on railway signalling.': by J. Parsons and B. W. Cooke. 74- pages, 7t DY 5, 2S. 6d. .ber,and London.. The Locomotive Publishing Co.,
Ltd. ck at an
This is an elementary handbook on the practical side of signalling,
and is written with the object of giving e method 5fl a concise form a general
idea of the methods and t and an ],ppliances adopted in this country for
signalling rail'bricating \vays. The first thirteen pages briefly review
the progress wed that :lIlade in signalling from the earliest days to 1890,
at ,"in what 'which date all the main on which modern the saw
Isignalling is based were established. ' ,n of the Modern semaphores and
signal posts are next dealt ,y, a con- ~with, followed by" calling on" arms,
various forms of ed. The (sh.unting signals, point connections, facing point
locks -in. with land detectors and locking apparatus. Interesting :-ft. 6-in.
.chapters are those on the interlocking of a station and reparin 0" !a junction,
and the block system. Single line working Igenerally land the distinguishing
of distant signals at night are 1. It is lalso treated upon. The authors
have dealt in oplain eans of Istraightfonvard language with what is, to the
majority, \a complicated subject, and the book may well be Irecommended to
railway students. In addition to over !7° illustrations it contains
a frontispiece and four . 'folding plates. . omotlves addition
Pitman's railway phrase book and guide. London: Sir Isaac Pitman
& Sons, Ltd.
Useful guide book to the adaptation of Pitman's shorthand to railway
clerical work; including specimen correspondence.
Diary of a roundhouse foreman." By T. S. Reilly. New York..
The Norman W. Henley Publishing Co. 132, Nassau Street. Price $1.
In this book the author gives a good description of the duties of
a district locomotive superintendent or "roundhouse foreman" on a Transatlantic
line. The characteristics of Western railway men and their life and work
are written in the typicaL American idiom by a man who is often relating
incidents and stories which have passed under his personal observation in
his own actual railway experience. In dealing with the general idea of successful
shed 'management many wise and often humorous suggestions for handling men
are included in the troubles and triumphs of the young machinist, who has,
for the author's purpose, been placed in charge of a division. From cover
to cover the book is full of funny incidents of railway work in
Standard forms' of field notes for civil engineers,". By C.C.
Anthony. London: Hill Publishing Co., Ltd.
With the idea of simplifying the forms .for notetaking on surveys,
this little book has been compiled. The instructions given will enable the
engineer to record the results of a survey in a neat and workmanlike manner.
Specimen sketches of railway construction work and examples of notes taken
from actual surveys in the United Sates are included.
The model railway handbook." By W. J. Bassett-Lowke. 6d. net.
London: Bassett-Lowke, Ltd.
This is the fourth edition of 'this complete handbook on model locomotives
and modern railway equipment, including designs for rail formations and notes
on laying model permanent way and signalling. The correct models of locomotives
and stock of which the writer's firm make a speciality have done much to
raise enthusiasm in this hobby, the pleasure to be obtained from which is
unlimited. To purchasers of model railway supplies this little book will
prove a useful guide.
W. J. Coe appointed Chief of Stores to the Brazil Ry. Co., in London. 177.
Dermatine. 178.
We recently had an opportunity;of going throug-h the works of the Dermatine
Compimy at Camberwell, who supply several specialities of interest to locomotive
eng-ineers. :', The New Patent Anchor Gun Metal bushes are used for both
flexible and hard valves; As will be seen from the illustration, the bush
is embedded and vulcanised into the valve in such. a manner that it is c1aiined
it cannot under any conditions work 10Qse. In the case of flexible valves
the frames are hinged so as to give flexibility in the valve"
Dermatine hose is particularly suitable for railway use. It is not affected by climate like rubber and' can be, made to s1and very high pressures. It is claimed that Dermatine Steam Hose will stand higher temperatures than rubber and has been used extensively for steam heat couplings. The Dermatine inadhesive packing ring for stop valves. throttle valves, locomotive regulators, injectors, etc., has had severe tests and is to be recommended. This ring will not stick to the spindle no matter how long the valve may stand without being moved, therefore it does not suffer from removal, nor cause injury to the spindle.
Correspondence. 178.
The main dimensions of the load limits of the Continental Rys. referred
to are as under: Germany, Luxemburg, Servia and Bulgaria: height 4,300 mm.,
width overall 3,050 mm.; Belgian State: height 4,500 mm., width overall 3,150
mm. with a few minor exceptions of smaller gauges on branches, principally
in the Charleroi district. Nord-Belge and Nord of France: height 4,280 mm.
, width overall 3,250 mm.
D. Lewars.
Advantage of working the G.W. and G.C. rail motors by electric motors
driven by a petrol engine instead of by a direct drive off the petrol engine
lies in that - the petrol engine is often not sufficiently flexible for the
requirements of heavy railway service; and again, this petrol-electric system.
dispenses ,with the gearbox and clutch with its necessary
Bernard De Nevers:
The 0-6-0 tank engine No.751 working the S.E. & C.R. motor service
on the Beckenham branch, was purchased from the L.B. & S.C. Ry.
Metropolitan Ry. 178
The foundation stone of the new Baker St. station was laid on Wednesday,
24 July 1912. by Lord Aberconway, chairman of the Metropolitan Ry. The
proceedings took place in a large marquee in the Marylebone Road, the company
numbering about 150, including all the Directors and leading officials of
the line. .The new buildings will be 85 feet in height and extend over 4,00
feet along the Marylebone Road, from.Upper Baker St. to Allsop Place, with
return frontages of 70 feet to these streets. The ferro-concrete station
building will have a 200 feet frontage and contain a booking hall 32-ft.
by 16-ft ; circulating area 77-ft. by 46-ft.; booking office 33-ft. by 16-ft.;
cloak room, refreshment room, tea room, various offices and parcels yard
and offices. There will be two island platforms on the St. John's Wood line
375 feet lon:g by 35 feet wide, and four sets of rails. The two middle sets
will be through lines to the City, while the outside lines will be terminal
or bay roads.
Midland-Tilbury purchase. 178.
The Midland Ry. Bill for the purchase of the London, Tilbury &
Southend Ry. had been passed by Parliament. The Tilbury line will thus form
part of the Midland system, which will now be able to secure a commanding
position for a Continentai steamer service, having its own lines direct from
the manufacturing districts of the Midlands to Tilbury and Thames Haven.
As far as Tilbury is concerned' the G.N.R.had secured running powers after
much opposition from the Midland.
Chinese Government Rys., Atlantic type express
locomotive.. 179.
For Taokow-Chinghua section of the Chinese Government Rys. the fine
Atlantic type express engine illustrated on this page has been built by Kerr,
Stuart & Co., Ltd., of Stoke-on-Trent, to the design and specification
of Donald Fraser, locomotive superintendent of the railway. The cylinders
were 19-in. diameter with a 24-in. stroke, placed outside the frames and
fitted with outside admission piston valves. Some of the leading particulars
are as follows :-coupled wheels diameter 6-ft., bogie wheels 3-ft., trailing
wheels 3-ft. 7-in.; working pressure of boiler 150 psi., boiler barrel 4-ft.
9-in. diameter outside, length 15-ft. - l0-in.; heating surface, firebox,
132.35 ft2., 193 tubes 1,843.65 ft2, total 1,976
ft2; firegrate area 35 ft2.; total weight of
engine and tender in working order 120 tons. Special equipment included
Westinghouse quick-acting automatic brake, Westinghouse steam heating for
the train, Holden & Brooke's steam sanding gear in front ot the leading
driving' wheels, Gresham's' No. 9 combination injector, Cape Asbestos Co.'s
lagging. United Kingdom Metallic Packing Co.'s self-adjusting metallic packing,
Laycock's patent automatic centre couplers, Dayton Manufacturing Co.'s acetylene
gas headlamps with "Mosher" gas generator and Smith's combined lubricator
and cylinder vacuum destroying valves. The tender is carried on two four-wheeled
bogies, with 3-ft. 1-in. wheels, 5-ft. wheelbase and 11-ft bogie centres.
It has capacities for 4,250 gallons of water and 5 tons of fuel. The gauge
of the Chinese Rys. is standard; 4-ft. 8½-in.
London & South Western Ry. 179.
Three of the five 4-4-0 express engines with 19½in. cylinders
are now at work, numbered 463-465, and all five of the 4-6-0 type, Nos. 455-462
have been completed and put into service. Nos. 443-459 and 462 are now fitted
with the new 6000 gallon tenders.
London & North Western Ry.. 179
The first five of a new series of 4-6-2 passenger tank locos., having
cylinders 20in. by 26in., Schmidt superheaters and Wakefield mechanical
lubricators, have just been completed at Crewe, Nos. 91, 375, 376,716 and
915. They replace 0-6-0 coal engines of Mr. Webb's design, which had been
placed in the duplicate list. No. 1746 was the latest 0-8-0 mineral engine
with Schmidt superheater in service. A further series of the latter class
has been put on order. A further two 4ft. 6in. 2-4-2 passenger tanks had
been adapted for motor service, Nos. 781 and 907.
Great Northern Ry. 180
Nos. 71, 72 and 73 were new 0-6-0 superheater goods engines, like
521 to 535, but with 5ft. 8in. diameter driving wheels, chimneys like the
Atlantics and slight modifications to the cabs. No. 1163, 0-6-0 goods, built
by Dubs in 1901, had been rebuilt with a large boiler similar to that fitted
to the 31 class. Nos. 407 and 410, 0-8-0 mineral engines, had been equipped
with Schmidt superheaters. In addition to the five 0-4-4 Stirling side tanks
mentioned in the June issue, No. 824 should be included as having been rebuilt
with a domed boiler in 1909.
Nos. 95, 8ft.single, and 880, 7ft. 6in. single, had recently been. broken
up, as well as a number of of 2-4-0 and 0-4-2 tender engines. There were
still seven 8ft. singles at work.
Nos. 1592 to 1595, 0-6-2 tanks, were in the Bradford district.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 180. illus.
Three more 4-4-2 tanks, Nos. 83, 84 and 85, were at work. These as
well as No. 82 mentioned in our July issue were fitted with Schmidt superheaters
and Weir pumps. The following D tanks were being fitted with the latest design
of boiler: Nos. 254, 275 and 626. No. 546 is a rebuilt goods engine built
by the Vulcan Foundry. Nos. 476, 485, 495 and 579, radial tanks, have been
rebuilt with larger boilers, extended smokeboxes, etc. Illustration of No.
59, the engine which had been fitted with Phoenix superheater. The smokebox
was 6-ft. in diameter. The ordinary flat slide valves were retained.
London, Tilbury & Southend Railway. 180.
The official title for this system is now Midland Ry. Co.-Tilbury
section. The new Baltic tank engines are to have Midland numbers in the 2000s,
and will be painted crimson lake.
Midland Ry. 180.
A number of the 7ft. coupled 4-4-0 express engines with piston valves
are again being completely rebuilt at Derby with the addition of Schmidt
superheaters. The new modifications also inc1ude an alteration to the splashers
to look like those of the three-cylinder compounds. Brake blocks are also
fitted to the bogie wheels; fluted coupling rods were fitted. The engines
at present marked out for alteration as above are Nos. 483 to 522, and of
these Nos. 483, 488, 490, 492, 493, 494, 502, 503, 505, 508, 515, 520 and
522 were already at work.
Waterford & Tramore Ry. 180.
We are sorry to hear that it has been decided to scrap the old Bury
locomotive No.4. belonging to this line. This interesting- old engine was
illustrated from photos by the Locomotive Publishing Co., Ltd., in this journal
in December, 1900, and again in April, 1908. It was withdrawn from service
about seven years ago, since when it has been stored in the workshops at
the Manor Station, Waterford. All lovers of bygone locomotives will regret
that this relic can no longer be preserved for a railway museum.
Cambrian Rys. 180.
Doubling the main line between Newtown and Moat Lane Junction, 4½
miles completed and opened for traffic.
New 4-6-0 Great Central Ry. locomotive. 181. diagr. (s & f. els.
6ft 9in coupled wheels, 21½in x 26in cylinders with piston valves,
2816.88ft2 total heating surface (including superheater), 26ft2
grate area.
Oudh & Rohilkund Ry. 181.
T. Gregson appointed locomotive superintendent based at Lucknow.
Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 181.
Announcement of future (25 September 1912)
presentation of Frank A. Wardlaw's paper
on The use of composite valves in locomotive operation.
Londonderry & Lough Swilly Railway. 182. diagr. (s. sel.)
4-8-4T: details provided by I. Sutcliffe, locomotive engineer. 3ft
9in coupled wheels, 16 x 20in cylinders with balanced slide valves and
Walschaerts valve gear and a Belpaire boiler with 1063ft2 total
heating surace and 17ft2 grate area.
Duplex petroleum locomotives. 182. illus.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Ry. 183-4. 4 diagrs. (s. els.)
Figs 234-7
New locomotives, Northern Ry of France. 184. diagr. (s. el.)
Société Alsacienne of Belfort supplied 3.1151-1170
4-cylinder de Glehn compounds with Schmidt superheaters and separate valve
gear for each cylinder. High pressure 163/8 x
263/8; low pressure 235/8 x
263/8. 6ft 8½ coupled wheels. 25/8in.
Serve tubes. 2327ft2 total heating surface and 33.9ft2
grate area. 227 psi boiler pressure. Brief mention of two powerful 2-10-0
(described as Decapod) locomotives constructed at La Chapelle Works and at
Hellemes near Lille designed by G. Asselin. No. 5.001 was a four-cylinder
de Glehn compound and No. 5.002 was a four-cylinder simple. The boilers were
manufactured by Henschel in Cassel, Germany. A Baltic locomotive had succeeded
in cutting the time of 3hr 20min by half an hour on the Paris to Calais Rapide.
The water tube boiler 4-4-4 was being rebuilt as a 4-6-0 with 6ft 6¾in
coupled wheels and a conventional boiler with a grate area of
A fine superheater exhibit. 184.
Great Central Railway locomotive with Robinson superheater exhibit
at Latin-British Exhibition at Shepherd's Bush.
Articulated tank locomotive, Nitrate Railways. 185.
Two locomotives supplied by Yorkshire Engine Co. 0-6-6-0T of Meyer
type to work between Iquique and Carpas 19½ miles over 1 in 35 gradients
and 300ft radius caurves. 3ft 9in couped wheels; 17 x 22in. cylinders; 2306
total heating surface; Belpaire boiler; grate area 39.32
Midland Ry, 185.
Bedford to Hitchin singled
Great Northern Ry (Ireland). 185.
Several engines painted black instead of green
The Weir system of feed water heating for locomotives. 186-8. illus., 2 diagrs.
G. & J. Weir of Cathcart. Established supplier of marine feed
water pumps. Extended business to supply pumps to railways in hot countries:
Indian State Railways, Bombay Baroda & Central India Railway, Central
South African Railway and Egyptian State Railways. In 1868 the LNWR fitted
Perseus with a feed pump. The Midland Railway had fitted an express
4-4-0 (diagram: side elevation). The SECR had fitted No. 746; the Glasgow
& South Western Railway Nos. 129 and 389, and the LBSCR 4-4-2T No. 82
Swiss Federal Railways, new locomotives. 188-9.
Four-cylinder compound 4-6-0 built Swiss Locomotive Works, Winterthur:
No. 605 illustrated. Series A 3/5 603-616 to work heavy trains between Geneva
and Brigue on the Simplon route, Lausanne and Berne, and Zurich, St. Gall
and St. Margrethen. No. 616 was shown at the Turin Exhibition in 1911. On
test one hauled 445 tons from St. Maurice to Brigue, developing 1450 horse
power on coal consumption of 2.4 lb per hp/h. Hp cylinders 425 mm and lp
630mm x 660mm. Coupled wheels 1780 mm; total heating surface
202.3m2 plus 40.7m2 for superheater; grate area
2.8m2; boiler pressure 14kg. On test hauled 445 tons from St.
Maurice to Brigue 94 km achieving 1450 hp with a coal consumption of 2.4
lb/hp hour.Also 2-6-2T for suburban service with Schmidt superheater. Type
E 3/5 5801-5816. Cylinders 520 x 600 coupled wheels 1520; total heating surface
153.3m2; grate area 2.3m2; boiler pressure 12kg.
Walschaerts valve gear with rocking shafts. Coal consumption reduced by 3.9-6.5%
by superheating
French State Rys. 189.
Non-stop train de luxe Paris Gare St. Lazare to Trouville-Deauville
dep. 15.45 arrive 18.29: 220 km 2hr 32 min.
Wiener, L. The locomotives of the Rio Grande do Sul
Railway, Brazil. 189-91.
In 1885 the Baldwin Works supplied three standard 14in cylinder 2-6-0
to the PAUR Nos. 18-20. These were joined by Baldwin 2-4-2ST and 4-4-0 and
by larger 2-6-0s. Continued page 214.
Foundation and firehole rings. 192-4. 6 diagrs.
London, Tilbury & Southend Railway vacuum cleaning van. 194-5. 2 illus.,
Gardner petrol engine set in a well
Barker, W.J. Some fragmentary notes on N.E. Ry. engines,
old and new. No. 1. 196. 2 illus.
2-4-0 No. 1068 was originally built for the Stockton & Darlington
Railway under Bouch at North Road Works, Darlington in 1875 and was shown
at the celebratory Exhibition on 27 September 1875. It had 6ft coupled wheels;
17 x 26in cylinders; 1100ft2 total heating surface; working pressure
140 psi, and was fitted with Bouch's steam retarder. The other illus. shows
No. 1248 also built for the Stockton & Darlington Railway under Bouch
by Hopkins, Gilkes & Co. in March 1873. It was a long boiler 0-6-0 with
5ft coupled wheels and 17 x 26in cylinders.
Coupling rod brasses. 196-7. diagram.
The Ragonnet steam reversing gear. 197. diagram.
The Tickhill Light Ry. 197.
Connected GNR main line at Bawtry with GN & GE Joint at Haxey:
single track. Opened Monday 26 August 1912.
Stratford Works, fifty years ago. 198. illus.
Photograph taken c1862 by George Spencer, founder of George Spencer
Moulton & Co. Ltd. Dismantled locomotives including parts from a Longridge
single, a Sharp single, a Slaughter single and a Jones & Potts rear single
(Nos. 91-7)
Railway carriage and wagon building: the machines in the saw mill.
III—Preparing machinery for marking off. 199-200. illus.
Planing and matching machine
Correspondence. 201.
Old G.W.R. engines. O.H.P. Scourfield.
I wish some of your correspondents could give particulars of certain
very old engines of Sir D. Gooch's design, still in use on the G.W. These
are the 6ft. 6in. coupled 69-76 Avon, 49-56 Chancellor classes, and the 4ft.
6in. and 5ft. six-coupled goods. All four classes had sandwich frames with
outside. bearings. "There can be scarcely any engines in the kingdom of so
old a date, the Chancellors, though the newest, dating from 1862, and the
others from 1855 downwards." It seems strange that engines with sandwich
frames are not built nowadays, as their durability seems so great. The engines
I allude to have seen generations of locomotives come and go; yet the Avons
have only lately been rebuilt with Belpaire fireboxes, even No. 76 Wye
which was so damaged in the collision, some years ago, near Chippenham, that
it was announced that she was to be broken up, is "alive," and certainly
not "kicking," but going smoothly. The rebuilding plates on all these engines
are very misleading, as I was assured that, in many cases, the old frames
still exist. Hoping to hear something more about these venerable, but still
efficient, engines,
3-cylinder compound locomotives. Chas. W.
Dauncey. 201
Your contributor, G.C. Schultz, is to be congratulated on his most
interesting article on the above subject. It seems to me, however. that the
engines under consideration are interesting chiefly on account of the fact
that so few have been built. In view of modern practice it would appear that
the "economy" supposed to be due to compounding is a negligible quantity.
I have it on good authority that the economy of the Midland compound engines
is, as near as can be estimated, 7%, when compared with the 700 class simple
4-4-0 engines; and this is not considered to be sufficient to warrant the
perpetuation of the compounds. The rebuilt super'heater 4-4-0 engines are,
I understand, giving excellent results, and new engines will probably be
of the simple type, with superheaters. The compounds will then have to take
a back seat. ; The present chief mechanical engineer of the Midland Railway,
Henry Fowler, is by no means prejudiced against compound locomotives, for,
at a meeting of the Institution of Civil Engineers he expressed his satisfaction
of the Midland compounds. I have for many years followed locomotive practice
in this and other countries, and am convinced that, so far as England is
concerned, compound locomotives are as dead as mutton.
Locomotives of the Great Eastern Ry. Chas.
Macallan. 201
Whilst looking through some of the back Nos. of the Locomotive
Magazine, re the G.E. Locomotives, came across the following: "No. 24
Norfolk Ry., no trace as having been taken over by the Eastern Counties Ry."
This engine was taken over with the rest of the Norfolk stock and put into
the surplus stock of the E.C. in 1850, and sold to the Royal Danish Railway
during June, 1853, being forwarded to Lowestoft for shipment to Tonning.
Mr. Gooch appears to have had dealings with the R.D.R. stock, as a tank engine,
No. 349, seems to have run on the Lowestoft and. Fakenham branches during
July, 1854-, and R.D.R. carriages were run on the London and Norwich express
during 1854, previous to their dispatch to Tonning. "Nos. 162, 164 and 169,
E.C.R., no trace as having been received by the E:C.R." These three engines
were received as follows: No. 162 December, 1847. No. 164 February, 1848,
and No. 169 ApriJ, 1848, and were taken by Messrs. Longridge as part payment
for tank engines Nos. 4,5 and 6, during February, 1851. No. 167 and all the
class were put into the surplus stock in 1850. The charge against them was
the enormous coke consumption, 60 to 80 lb. per mile, and owing to the unequal
distribution of weight, they did considerable damage to the road, their
oscillation being considered dangerous and excessive. These evils were corrected
by means of compensating levers and feed water heaters during 1853 and
The Furness Ry. 201
Were issuing a further series of photo postcards of their past and
present rolling stock and the Barrow and Fleetwood steamers. There were three
packets, each containing six cards: Series 18: Rolling stock, including photos
of old single dr:iver tank engine No. 35, four-coupled Bury locomotive No.
3, the Duke of Devonshire's old saloon, rail motor and trailer, old train
and inspection car. Series No. 19: Specimens of the present day locomotives
and carriages. Series No. 20: The Barrow and Fleetwood steamers Lady
Evelyn and Lady Moyra.
Obituary. 201.
Death of J.W. Howard, late general manager Gloucester Railway Carriage
and Wagon Co, Ltd., which occurred in New Zealand on 14th August following
an attack of influenza. Howard received his early training in the Stratord
shops of the G.E.R., and was afterwards :onnected with Messrs. John Spencer
& Son, of Newburn, Newcastle-on- Tyne. He went to the Gloucester Wagon
Works as assistant manager in 1894, and succeeded Alfred Slater as General
manager ten years later. He resigned his position in early 1911 owing to
No. 242 (15 October 1912)
Railway notes. 203.
Nigerian State Ry. 203; 204. illus., diagr. (s. el).
Photograph and diagram, of one of several 4-8-0 superheater engines,
built for the Southern Nigerian (Lagos Govt.) Ry. by Nasmyth, Wilson &
Co., Ltd., Patricroft, near Manchester. These engines will be the first to
arrive in Nigeria since the amalgamation of the Northern and Southern Nigerian
Rys. into the Nigerian State Railway. The linking up of the two systems was
nearly complete. The main line of the S.N.R. is from the port of Lagos to
the Niger River at Jebba, 306 miles: the river to be spanned by bridges on
the north and south channels ot Jebba Island to make connection with the
Northern Nigerian line, which runs in a northerly direction to a junction
with the Baro-Kano line at Minna. 467 miles from Lagos. During the building
of the bridge the Niger was crossed by a ferry steamer. Thirty hours was
time occupied by the weekly mail train, which would connect with both the
outward and homeward mail steamers at Lagos. The train consisted of saloon
carriages with sleeping accommodation, lavatories and bathrooms, and fitted
with electric light and fans. A restaurant car was run on this train. The
gauge is 3ft. 6in. and the permanent way consists of rails 50 and 55 lb.
to the yard, and the worst gradient on the main line is 1 in 80, and on the
branches 1 in 50. Axle loads limited to 10 tons. The engines had large boilers
with Belpaire fireboxes, and the cabs had double roofs. The 18in x 23in cylinders
drove on to the second pair of coupled wheels were operated by Walschaerts
gear. The Belpaire boiler was equipped with Schmidt superheater and had a
total heating surface of 1048ft2. Grate area, 17.5ft2.
Working pressure, 160 psi. Total weight in working order of the engine is
49 tons 16 cwt., and of the tender 24 tons 19t cwt. 4-8-0 No. 259
Midland Ry., Tilbury Section. 203.
L.T. & S R. engine No. 66 Shoeburyness had been repainted
crimson, and numbered 2 173 in large numerals on the side tanks.
Midland Ry. 203.
In addition to the engines mentioned in the September issue of the
Magazine, Nos. 495, 501, 504 and 509 had also been completely rebuilt with
Schmidt superheaters. We understand that some of the 700 class are also to
be similarly equipped.
Great Central Ry. 203.
New 2-8-0 superheater mineral engines had entered service. The following
were built at Gorton Works: Nos. 966, 331 to 335, 26, 69, 102, 346 to 350,
402 to 408. Kitson & Co. had almost completed delivery of 20 of this
class, Nos. 1183 to 1202, and the North British Locomotive Co., Ltd. had
delivered 1203 to 1218, part of an order for 20 more, being built at Hyde
Park Works.
London & North Western Ry. 204.
A further five 4-6-2 passenger tank engines, with Schmidt superheaters,
completed at Crewe, Nos. 327, 704, 932, 944, 962, 858 and 2004. The two latter
replace the 6ft. 6in. Jumbos Sir Salar Jung and Witch, which
were scrapped. The other numbers were those of Webb 0-6-0 coal engines,
renumbered in to the 3000 list. A further five engines of the above-mentioned
type are nearing completion, Nos. 811, 963, 1006, 1021 and 1184. No. 2534,
three-cylinsIer compound mineral engine, had been converted to simple with
18½in. cylinders and small boiler. Several Whale 4-4-0 Precursor passenger
engines were being fitted with superheaters, and No. 561 Antceus had
been provided with new coupled wheels having large bosses and half-moon balance
weights. No. 975 is the latest 2-4-2 passenger tank engine to ba adapted
for motor service, and No. 1184 of the same type has been broken up. No.
1529 Cook, the engine in the recent terrible disaster at Ditton Junction,
was to be broken up.
Garratt Locomotives for the Tasmanian Government Railways. 204-5.
2 illus.
The first Garratt locomotive was built for the 2ft. gauge section
of the Tasmanian Government Rys. in 1909. This engine has proved so satisfactory
in service that two passenger and two goods engines have just been constructed
on this system for the 3ft. 6in, gauge main line of the Tasmanian Rys. by
Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd., of Manchester. The principle of the Garratt
system is to carry a large boiler by a longitudinal underframe on two steam
driven bogies, thus securing a flexible and powerful locomotive with a light
axle load. For the passenger engines, each bogie has four cylinders, driving
on to one axle with four-coupled driving wheels, a four-wheeled bogie and
a two-wheeled truck (4-4-2+2-4-4). The 5ft. driving wheels enable a speed
of 50 mile/h. to be attained on the straight parts of the line, with the
corridor trains which have lately been introduced on the Tasmanian Rys. The
Belpaire boiler was fitted with a Schmidt superheater of 24 elements. Three
bushes through the water space would have enabled liquid fuel burners to
be fitted, as it was probable that oil fuel would be used on these railways.
The grate area was 33.9ft2, superheater 333ft2. total
heating surface 2019ft2. Boiler pressure 160 psi.
Superheater mixed traffic locomotive, G.N. Ry. 206.
illustration, diagram (side & front elevations.)
Gresley H2 2-6-0 class: No. 1630 illustrated
Heavy locomotives for the Londonderry and Lough Swilly Ry.207-8. 2 illustrations
Ingham Sutcliffe 4-8-0 and 4-8-4T for Letterkenny & Burtonport
Extension Railway where 1 in 50 gradients were encountered for four miles.
Supplied by Hudswell Clarke & Co. Ltd
Narrow gauge tank locomotives for India. 208. illustration
Three side tank engines (2-4-2T) supplied by Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd.,
of Leeds, for service on the narrow gauge lines operated by Martin &
Co. in the vicinity of Calcutta. These engines with leading and trailing
pony trucks, were for the 2-ft. 6-in. gauge. They were exceedingly handy
little machines and evidently very efficient. They were fitted with the Jones'
centre buffer and screw coupling as used on the Lynton and Barnstaple and
Leek and Manifold Rys. They were also equipped with large head lights, and
the motion work was completely enclosed.
Paris, Lyons & Mediterranean Ry. 208.
Putting into service 110 Pacific express locomotives.The first engines
of this type were built at the P.L.M. shops in 1909: No. 6001 4-cylinder
compound, and No. 6101 4-cylinder simple with Schmidt superheater. Apparently
the 4-cylinder simple superheater was the .more satisfactory of the two,
as an order for 30 of this type was placed with Henschel & Sohn in 1911.
These were Nos. 6102 to 6131. Then it was realised that compounding in
conjunction with superheating would tend to further efficiency, and a further
order for 20 4-cylinder compound engines, was placed with Henschel in 1912:
numbered 6011 to 6030. This would enable tests to be carried out to determine
whether advantage is gained by compounding superheated engines. Nos. 6132
to 6171 were 40 four-cylinder simple superheaters built by the Societe des
Batignolles, while 6172 to 6191 were similar engines by the same makers with
working pressure of 14 kg. per sq. cm. The six-coupled driving wheels were
2 m. in diameter. The four-cylinders of the simple engines were 480 mm. in
bore, with a stroke ot 650 mm.; the compounds had both high and low pressure
cylinders of 440 mm. diameter and a 650 mm. stroke. At trials made between
Laroche and Dijon on the main line where there is a 20-mile bank varying
from 5 to 8 per cent. the engines indicated 1,800 h.p. with a train 75 per
cent. heavier than the Cote d' Azur express. The time to be reduced
from 117 to about 97 minutes.
Four-cylinder tandem compound locomotive, Ceinture Ry. of Paris. 209-10.
2 diagrams. including side elevation.
4-6-0T designed by du Bousquet in collaboration with Robaglia, Chief
Engineer of the Ceinture Ry. following dynamometer tests. It was possible
to switch from tandem to simple working working with a compressed air driven
servo-motor attached to the regulator handle.
The first locomotive in South Africa. 210-11.
Four coupled (probably 0-4-0) built by Hawthorns of Leith in 1859
WN 152 of 4ft 8½in gauge. Trailing wheels were probably added at the
Salt River Works. When the gauge was narrowed the locomotive was taken to
Port Alfred to convey concrete blocks for constructing a pier. The locomotive
was exhibited at Grahamstown for a time.
Tank locomotive for the Cliffe Hill Granite Co's 2-ft gauge ry. 211-12.
W.G. Bagnall 0-4-2T used on railway with severe gradients (1 in 34
and 1 in 22) and curves on railway which connected quarry to Midland Railway
at Bardon Hill. 8 x 12in cylinders; 2ft 0½im coupled wheels; total heating
surface 197ft2; grate area 6.66ft2 and 160 psi boiler
pressure. Name was Mary.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Ry. 212-13.
4 diagrams. (side. elevations.)
Figs. 238-41
Highland Ry. 213.
NBL 0-6-4T Nos. 42 and 44. No. 141 Ballindalloch fitted superheater
and extended smokebox.
Wiener, L. The locomotives of the Rio Grande do Sul
Railway, Brazil. 214-15. 3 illustrations
Previous part page 189: acquired
2-6-0 from P.A.U. Ry and a 4-4-0 which became C.A. No. 100 and is
Freight locomotives for the Great Northern Ry of America. 215-16.
illus., diagr. (s. el.)
2-8-2 Mikado
Gaiser, F. Some old German locomotives. 217-19.
4 illustrations
Tabulates eighteen Crampton type built by Kessler of Esslinger for
Hessische Ludwigsbahn between 1860 band 1864. Also illustrates
Kopernicus built by E. Kessler of Kahlsruhe in 1848 for the Cologne-Minden
Railway. Letter from Gaiser in Volume 40 page
195 states that Muenster is illustrated on page 218.
Glasgow & South Western Ry. 219.
Outside cylinder 4-6-0 Nos. 126 and 127. Livery light olive green
instead of previous dark blue-green. Narrow black bands with fine white edges.
Corners rounded rather than scalloped. Goods engine painted black.
Special wagon for the Great Central Ry. 220. illus.
55ft long bogie well wagon; also bogie wagon for carrying heavy
Central London Ry. 220.
Brush Electrical: 24 motor cars, 26 motor trucks, 26 trailer
Railway carriage and wagon building: the machines in the saw mill.
IV—Tenoning, mortising and boring. 221-2. illus.
Illustration of multiple spindle boring and automatic gaining
Electric train lighting. The Leeds Forge Company's system (Ferguson Patent). 222-3. 5 diagrams.
[R.W. Tweedy appointed chairman of Tyer & Co.]. 223
Myles Brown. Locomotive coal. 224.
Broad specifications, sources of variability and contracts.
New wagon axleguards. 224-5. 2 diagrs.
London, Tilbury and Southend Ry. 225.
British Vacuum Cleaner Co
Bengal-Nagpur Ry. 225.
A.C. Carr succeeded A.S. Bailey as CME
Midland Ry. Northern Counties Committee. 225
2-4-0 No. 46 Phoenix fitted with superheater.
Floods in the Eastern Counties. 225.
The heavy floods on 26 August 1912 in the district around Norwich
seriously disorganised the services of the Great Eastern and Midland &
Great Northern Joint Rys. Owing to the collapse of a three-arch bridge at
Flordon, the Ipswich main line was not re-opened until October 2nd, the Norwich
traffic in the meantime being worked via Forncett and Wymondham or Cambridge
after August 28th. Cromer and Sheringham were isolated until August 29th
and September 3rd respectively. Other sections affected were the Wymondham
and Wells (re-opened September 5th partially and throughout on September
10th), the Reedham, Yarmouth and Lowestoft lines via Norwich (re-opened Norwich
to Brundall August 30th, Cantley to Reedham September 5th and Brundall to
Cantley on October 1st. The Waveney Valley line was soon re-opened between
Tivetshall and Harleston, and between Becc1es and Bungay, and on September
30th Harleston to Homersfield; the remainder was opened for through traffic
on October 7th, this being the last section affected by the deluge. Other
branches which were affected for a few days were the Framlingham branch and
Warboys and Ramsey line.
The Midland and Great Northern line was seriously damaged. Two trains and
engines were fastened up on the line between North Walsham and Melton Constable
for nearly a fortnight. All trains for Yarmouth were sent in the meantime
via Sheringham and Runton Junction to North Walsham. Through working was
not restored until October 1st.
Reviews. 225-6.
Hungary. Edited for the Royal Hungarian State Rys. by Albert
Kain, inspector of the Hungarian State Rys. Published by order of the Royal
Hungarian Minister of Commerce at Budapest by Erdelyi.
A copy of the edition de luxe of this beautiful work has been sent
us by the Direction of the Royal Hungarian State Rys. It is a magnificent
book of 400 pages on art paper, 14½in. by 11½in., and beautifully
illustrated with views of the places of interest. Articles by leading authorities
are contributed on the trade and industry of Hungary, with an interesting
history of the country, as well as notes on the customs and people.
The sections are divided geographically as follows :The Lowlands (Alfold),
Western Hungary, the Western, Central and North Eastern Carpathians, the
Sea-b0ard, with a chapter at the beginning dealing with the capital, Budapest.
The book will prove most instructive and interesting to prospective tourists
or travellers to that part of the Continent, as well as to all who wish to
be better acquilinted with this enterprising nation of Central Europe. Hungary
abounds in natural beauties her railways are the cheapest in Europe, and
the proverbial Hungarian welcome is offered to all by the Directors of the
State Rys.
Manual of Railway Statistics. G.L. Boag. London, The Railway
Gazette. 226.
In this book information is clearly and concisely set out as to the
compilation of statistics in railway traffic receipts, as well as data relating
to other departments, such as the locomotive, way and works, locomotive running
and repairs, carriage and wagon repairs, etc. In the locomotive and some
of the other departments, graphic statistics and other diagrams are often
required and information as to the best methods of making these out is given.
By the new Railway Companies (Accounts and Returns) Act of 1911 it is evident
that in future the statistics of railway operation in this country will have
to be more comprehensive, and the writer had in view a uniform method of
compiJing these returns when writing the book.
Correspondence. 226.
Fredk. Beauchamp.
I am a member of the Improvement Class attached to the G.W.R. Locomotive
Department at Southall, and recently purchased for instructional purposes
several diagrams of a G.W.R. 4-6-0 express locomotive, as advertised in "The
Locomotive Magazine." So far as the general details are concerned the diagrams
are very instructive and useful to men who are often working on these and
similar classes of engines, but a curious error appears to have crept in,
and I have been asked by the clitss to write to you upon th'e subject. These
engines are fitted with piston valves of the inside admission type, and the
position of the eccentric sheaves relative to the crank should be following
the crank at an angle of 90° minus lap plus lead.
If you will refer to the diagram you will see that the eccentric sheaves
are at an angle of 90° plus lap plus lead in advance of the crank, being
the position for an engine fitted with outside admission piston valves, or
slide valves, or inside admission valves, driven through the medium of a
rocking shaft by which the motion of the eccentric is reversed. There is
certainly a rocking shaft on these engines, but both the inner and outer
arms are below the centre of the shaft, and the action of the eccentric is
not reversed. The eccentrics being wrongly placed causes the expansion link
to be inclinec in the wrong direction also, and, as shown, if the engine
is put into a fore gear position the valve will be drawn back, opening the
back receiving port to steam, in which case the engine would move in a backwaId
direction. If put into back gear the valve would be pushed forward and the
front receiving port opened to steam, causing the engine to move ahead. I
shalI be g1ad on behalf of my fellow class members to receive a reply from
[We are extremely obliged to our friends on the G.W.R. for pointing out the
slip our draughtsrnan has made. and we trust the purchasers of the chart
mentioned will take note of Mr Beauchamp's interesting remarks. We regret
very much the mistake was not noticed sooner.-ED] See also letter on
page 264 from E. Twining
The Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 226.
On 25 September paper read by F.A. Wardlaw, at St. Bride Institute:
The use of composite valves in locomotive
operation. C. A. Suffield in the chair. The following took part in the
discussion; Whitelegg, Nethercott, Bennett and Lamport. At the conclusion
of the paper a Special General Meeting was held for the passing of new and
amended rules. The Vice-Chairman, H.W. Garratt, having gone to South America
for some time, had resigned and Mr. Wardlaw was elected to fill this position.
Lawford Fry was elected to the Council, vice Mr. H. J. Malden, who had resigned.
No. 243 (15 November 1912)
Our Coloured Supplement. New express goods locomotive, Great Northern
Ry. 227 + col. plate facing page
Coloured plate this month illustrates No. 1630, the first of the series
of ten new mixed traffic locomotives under construction at Doncaster Works,
to the designs of H.N. Gresley, locomotive superintendent. In our last issue
we gave a dimensioned diagram, with the leading particulars, of these engines,
to- which we would refer our readers. It will be noticed that Ivatt's cab,
boiler mountings, etc., have been retained, but a novel feature is the raised
footplate above the coupled wheels, combined with the Walschaert valve gear
and outside cylinders. These engines are fitted with the Schmidt superheater,
and the pistons and piston rods have tail rods.
Midland Ry. (Tilbury Section). 227. illus.
Illustration of 0-6.2T radial tank engine No. 2191. Built by Beyer;
Peacock & Co., Ltd., to the order of the London, Tilbury &. Southend
Ry., and designs of Robert, F H. Whitelegg, locomotive. superintendent. These
engines transferred to Midland Ry. and numbered in their stock and painted
the usual black of the Midland goods locos. Like the earlier engines of this
class, they had 18in. by 26in. cylinders and 5ft. 3in. coupled wheels; total
heating surface of 1046ft2. The working pressure was 170 psi,
Special equipment included. Holden & Brookes steam sanding gear and Detroit
lubricators. As compared with the older engines of this class, the special
covers on the coal bunker and the coping at the top of the tanks were novel..
South African Rys. 227.
For working heavy, express.trains on the main lines of the S.A.R.
the Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., of Newton-le-Willows have recently supplied Pacific
type locomotives, with 19in. by 28in. cylinders and 5ft. 1in. drivers. They
have bar frames and Belpaire fireboxes. The total heating surface was
2066ft2. The tenders ran on two four-wheel bogies, carried 4000
gallons of water and 10 tons of coal.
London & North Western Ry. 228.
In our last issue the numbers of the new 4-6-2 tank engines were given
out of order. Nos. 327 and 704 are the two first of a batch of seven
engines, the others being 841 (not 811 as stated), 963, 1006, 1021, and 1184.Work
had commenced on a new series of ten 0-8-0 mineral engines with 20½in.
cylinders and Schmidt superheaters. The first of the long expected 4-cylinder
passenger engines would be named after the Chairman of the Company and the
series would officially be known as the Claughton class. These engines would
have 6ft. 9in coupled wheels, four cylinders 16in. by 26in., all driving
the leading coupled axle, with Walschaert's valve gear outside: cylinders
cast in pairs, one inside and one, outside together joined up on the centre
line of the engine, an unusual construction. The Belpaire fireboxes would
be pitched rather high, with sloping grates. They would be fitted with Schmidt
superheaters. No. 1835, three-cylinder compound mineral engine with
18½in.cylinders and, small boiler was the last of the type to be converted,
there being no three-cylinder compounds, either passenger or goods, in service.
The following additional 4ft. 6in. 2-4-2 passenger tanks had been adapted
for motor service: Nos. 294, 891 and 1072.
Virginian Railway. 228-9. illus.
The Mallet locomotive (illustrated No. 604) was one of four built
by the American Locomotive Co., for this line. In working order the engine
weighed over 241 tons and with 335 tons. From rail level to the top of the
chimney was 16ft. 6in.. The size of the firebox may be appreciated from the
second photo, which shows one of the little yard locos., made at. the Schenectady
Works, easily accomodated inside. These immense engines were equipped with
fire-tube superheaters ot the double-loop type. Vanadium steel had been used
for parts subjected to the greatest strain, such as the engine frames, driving
wheel tyres, axles, etc. The two high pressure cylinders were 28in. diameter,
and provided with piston valves, while the two low pressure had slide valves,
and were 44in. in didmeter with a stroke of 32in. The diameter of the first
ring of the boiler was 7ft. 4in., and the working pressure 200 psi. Total
heating surface 6760ft2. Superheating surface 1310ft2.
Coupled wheels were 4ft. 8in. diameter. The firebox was 14ft 6in. long by
9ft. 1in. wide. The firebrick arch was supported by water-tubes passing from
the front to the back of the firebox, and these also tended to improve the
water circulation of the boiler. These engines claimed to be the largest
and most powerful yet constructed, and were capable of exerting a tractive
effort of 115,000 lb. which could be increased to 138,000lb. at slow speeds
by working the engine simple. They were used on the Deepwater division of
the Virginian Railway, the crucial point being between Elmore, and Clark's
Gap, a distance of about 14 miles, nearly all on a grade of 1 in 48, with
many bad curves. With two of the new locomotives, as helpers, and with one
of the earlier Mallets, having 92,000 lb. tractive power at the head, a trains
of 3776 Imperial tons could be taken over the grade.
Highland Ry. 229.
The first No. 1 Highland Ry., built in 1855 and named. Raigmore
renumbered 29 and then 29A, had been purchased by a Glasgow firm to be broker
Italian State Rys. 229. diagr. (s. el.)
Courtesy of Virgilio Affer, of Milan: dimensioned diagram of new Pacific
type locomotive (Group 690), illustrated in the Locomotive Magazine
for July, 1911:
Canadian Pacific Ry. 229. illus.
A 'trial trip of a 20 h.p. Drewry petrol motorcar was recently made
between Montreal and Mont Laurier, the distance for the double trip being
316 miles. On this line there' is a considerable section with ~a 2½%
grade, with many sharp curves~ The gradients were taken on top gear at over
20 'm.p~b., a.nd on the level the' speed touched 50 mile/h. For track inspection
it can be run at a slow. speed Of about 5 m.p.h. Throughout the run the average
was 3° m.p.h., which is a very good performahce on a heavy linp. such
as the Laurentian branch of the C.P.R. The'car carries six passengers and
is fitted with a four-cylinder engine, with three-speed gear and reverse,
giving all the speeds in both directions. Two sets of control- are
provided, one at each end.
B.B. &. C.I. Ry. 229.
W.G. Bagnall, Ltd., of Stafford, have received an order for nine
locomotives for the Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway, 2-ft. 6-in.
gauge section. They are all of the 0-6-2 type with 11in. by 15in. cylinders,
with six-wheeled tenders.
French State Rys. 230. illus.
Electric car for the suburban electric Paris-Invalides to Versailles
line (Rive Gauche) built at the Ivry Works, near Paris.
Eastern Ry. of France, 230
2-10-2 two-cylinder simple engine weighing 119 tons under construction.
It will have driving wheels 4-ft. 5-in. diameter.
Dublin & South Eastern Ry. 230
The 2-4-0 tank No. 47 Stillorgan built in 1889 at Canal St.
Works, had been rebuilt with larger boiler, standard cab, etc. Three engines
of the same type were recently converted to 2-4-2 tanks, viz.. No. 28 St.
Lawrence, No. 45 St. Kieran and No. 46 Princess
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 230.
Vulcan goods, Nos. 448 and 549 were now running. rebuilt with large
boilers, etc., and Nos. 441 and 542 were nearly finished.
North Eastern Ry. 230.
No. 1172, one of the P3 c1ass goods engines, stationed at
Newport-under-Middlesborough, has the number in large white numerals on the
smoke box front, and at the back of the tender. It was proposed to treat
all N.E. engines in this manner, so that signalmen where necessary, can easily
distinguish the numbers of engines. At night a light showed on the
Great Eastern. Ry. 230
No. 790, 2-4-2 tank, had been rebuilt with new cab and 180 psi boiler.
Nos. 327 to 336 had been converted to 0.6-0 shunters with reversing levers
and the steam. brake only. S.D. Holden had resigned the position of Locomotive
Superintendent, and been succeeded by A.J. Hill, Locomotive Works
Avonside Engine Co., Ltd., 230.
Avonside of Bristol, had completed locomotives for Rosario Nitrate
Co., Ltd., London Nitrate Co., Ltd., Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, and
the Corporation of Calcutta: the last being heavy saddle tank engines.
Victorian Rys. 230.
T. H. Woodroffe,.chief mechanical engineer, had retired, and succeeded
by his former assistant, W.M. Shannon.
Obituary, 230.
Vaughan Pendred, for 40 years editor of the Engineer, died
on 12 October 1912. He was born in 1836 at Barraderry, Co. Wicklow. He succeeded
Mr. Zerah Colburn in 1865 as editor of the Engineer, which had been
founded in 1856.
Dugald Drummond. 230.
Chief Mechanical Engineer of the London & South Western Ry., died
at Surbiton on the 7 November 1912 in his 73rd year. He served under W.Stroudley
on the Edinburgh & Glasgow, Highland and Brighton Rys.. prior to his
appointment as Loco. Supt. ot the N.B.R. in 1874. He changed to the Caledonian
in 1882. and succeeded W. Adams on the L. & S.W.R. in 1896.
New locomotive for the West Clare Railway. 231.
4-6-0T side tank engine No. 1 Kilrush built by Hunslet to the
requirements of W.J. Carter, locomotive superintendent. Outside frames; 15in
x 20in cylinders; 3ft 9in coupled wheels; 696ft2 total heating
surface, 11.5ft2 grate area; 160 psi boiler pressure. Narrow gauge
line had three miles at 1 in 55 with sharp curves.
North British Railway: old front coupled
locomotive. 231-2. diagr. (s. el.)
0-4-2 tender engines built by R. & W. Hawthorn. No. 26 was one
of ten given running numbers 17-26 built between 1845 and 1846. It carried
a plate which stated R. & W. Hawthorn Engineers Patent Expansion No.
418 1845. It had 14in x 21in cylinders, 5ft coupled wheels and felt under
wood lagging.
North British Ry. 232.
New Sir Walter Scott type 4-4-0s built at Cowlairs Works: 243 Meg
Merrilees, 244 Madge Wildfire, 245 Bailie Nicol Jarvie,
338 Helen McGregor, 339 Ivanhoe, 340 Lady of Avenel,
359 Dirk Hatteraick, 360 Guy Mannering, 361 Vich Ian Vohr
and 362 Ravenswood. Sixteen Scott class in service. They had 19 x
20in cylinders and 6ft 6in coupled wheels.
Superheater goods locomotive with feed pump, Bombay, Baroda & Central
India Ry. 232. illus.
North British Locomotive Co. 0-6-0: 20 x 26in cylinders; 4ft 7½
coupled wheels; 1521ft2 total heating surface; 27ft2
grate area'
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 233-4
Figs. 242-5
Wiener, L. The locomotives of the Rio Grande do Sul
Railway, Brazil. 234-5. 3 illus., 2 diagrs (s. el.)
The Southern Brazilian Rio Grande Railway ran from Rio Grande to
Bagé. The locomotive stock consisted of two 4-6-0 built by Neilson,
17 Baldwin 2-6-0s, and three Porter 2-4-2STs. The last were originally owned
by the Costa do Mar Railway.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 235.
Nos. 36 and 73 fitted with superheaters.
Barker, W.J. Some fragmentary notes on N.E. Ry. engines, old and new.
No. II. 236. 2 illus.
Two locomotives withdrawn in 1912. No. 2258 was reserve list number.
Previously No. 267: an 0-6-0, originally built by Robert Stephenson &
Co. for the Blyth & Tyne Railway in 1843. Inside cylinders 15in x 24in;
4ft 6in coupled wheels. Latterly allocated to Sunderland and had run over
1m miles by time of withdrawal. 2-4-0 No. 691 was one of twelve engines (RN
686-97) built by Beyer Peacock in 1870. A further lot (RN 698-705) were
constructed by Robert Stephenson & Co. Coupled wheels 6ft in diameter.
No. 688 and 691 were rebuilt at Leeds; the remainder at York and
Northumberland Colliery locomotives. 236.
An old Crewe type goods locomotive had been scrapped at a colliery
near Newcastle. It had formerly been LNWR No. 176 and had been built at the
Canada Works, Birkenhead WN 53/1857. In 1898 it received a new boiler from
Chapman & Furneaux of Gateshead and later received a North Eastern Railway
tender. The same colliery owned a former North London Railway four-coupled
inside-cylinder locomotive with a carrying axle (unstated position). It had
a saddle tank and was possibly built by Sharp Stewart.
Sarragossa, Duke of. Pacific type express locomotives for Northern
Railway of Spain. 237-9. illus., diagr. (s. el.), map.
4-6-2 express engines. 4-cylinder compounds with Schmidt superheaters
built by Société Alsacienne of Belfort. Intended for working
expess traiuns between Maddrid and Hendaye both via Avila and via Segovia.
Maps and gradient profiles show the severity of the route. Tables show the
slow progress over the Pyrenees.
Metcalfe's vacuum brake ejector. 240-1. 3 diagrs.
Manufactured Davies & Metcalfe of Romiley.
Locomotive feed water treatment. 241-3. illus., diagr.
Kennicott Type K: cross-sectional diagram and installation at Carlton
on Hull & Barnsley Railway with 2-4-0 No. 41 alongside. Mentions large
installation on GWR near Severn Tunnel.
Railway carriage and wagon building: the machines in the saw mill. V—The planing mill. 244-5. illus.
Reviews. 245.
Superheating on Locomotives. J.F. Gairns. London: The Locomotive
Publishing Co., Ltd.
This is the author's second book on the subject, his previous one,
Locomotive Compounding and Supereating had been published in 1907.
Gairns was well able to deal with the subject of superheating, having
made a study of it for several years, and his present work was produced to
provide a review of superheating suited to then present conditions. No attempt
was made to go deeply into the more scientific spects, but the technical
facts essential to an understanding of the subject are set forth simply and
sufficiently. Chapter 1 deals with the why and wherefore of superheated steam;
Chapter 3 with the history and development of the subject, and we note that
so far back as 1839, R. & W. Hawthorn patented a superheater apparatus
for locomotives. In the following pages various forms of modern superheaters
are described and illustrated, and the author concludes the subject by a
chapter on the maintenance of superheater engines. The book contains 31 figures
in the text and a large folding plate of the Schmidt superheater with explanatory
references. Reduced facsimile of plate in "Superheating on
How to take out Patents in England and Abroad." Arthur E. Edwards. London: Wyman & Sons, Ltd.
This little book will give inventors itfformation that will enable
them to take all necessary steps when applying for British patents and for
protecting their inventions when patented. Abstracts of the Patent Laws of
different countries have been carefully prepared and corrected up to
Locomotive Souvenir No. 19 consists of a series of 12 collotype reproductions of photos of standard locomotives of the Paris, Lyons & Mediterranean Rv. each illustration has full dimen~ions appended. The souvenir is identical in style and finish with its predecessors.
The First Locomotive in South Africa. 245.
-Referring to our a\lticle on the above in the October" Locomotive
Magazine," it is evident that the flanges were turned .off the driving wheels,
when the engine was at the Salt River Works being fitted with its third axle,
as it would have been quite impossible for a four-wheeled engine to have
kept the road with only one pair of wheels flanged, even if the train was
coupled up.
Steel sorting racks for mail vans. 245-6.
-Referring to the article on the above in our issue of August 15th,
we have been asked to state that these racks were designed by Mr. G. W. B.
Clegg, of t~e Steel Equipment Co., Bombay, India, who has received orders
from the Madras & South Mahratta, South Indian and Bengal Nagpur Rys.,
to fit their mail vans with these racks.
Some old German locomotives.- F. Gaiser, 246.
the author of this' article, which appeared in the last issue of this
magazine, sends the following correction: In describing the engine" Kopernicus"
on page 217, it should be stated" the dome on the firebox was as originally
supplied," and on page 219 in referring to the System Desgrangeprussan we
say" there is an intermediate space between the two cylinder channels," whereas
it will be seen from the drawing there is no intermediate space between the
two channels.
Correspondence. 246
Old G.W.R. Locos. W.P. Martin
It may not be known to all your readers that prior to their rebuilding
in 1895-7 the G.W.R. locos., Nos. 69-76, were running as 2-2-2 locos., carrying
plates dated from 1872 to 1875. Two or three of them shared with 585 the
running of the Cornish express between Bristol and Exeter just after the
abolition of the broad gauge in 1892. I understand that 69 and 70 have been
scrapped. Not long since I saw 71 working between Taunton and Bristol.
Pembroke and Tenby Ry. In 1898 I
spent a considerable amount of time in Pembrokeshire and Nos. 1362,1363 and
1364 GWR which were very similar and quaint 0-6-0 locos. were still
working there. The G.W.R. shareholder's report states that seven locos. and
five tenders were taken over. Is it certain that the three engines in question
were ever named? They certainly carried no names in 1898, but they were then
very old, I should imagine, and the plates may have been removed.
The diameter of cylinderg on the G. W. R. four-cylinder
engines is 14-t-in., and the working pressure 2251b. per sq. in. The Knight
class have two cylinders ,8t-in. in diameter.
J. MacDonald.
The last series of goods locomotives (0-6-0) built for
the Glasgow & South Western Ry. at the North British Locomotive Co.'s
Atlas Works are numbered 17,4-1,4-3,4-6,4-7,4-8,4-9, 50, 50, 118,22, 23,
24-35 and 37 (builders' Nos. 19244- to 19258).
F. Neale. 246.
(1) In Ramsbottom's time, L.. & N.W. engines were painted medium
green with black bands and yellow figures. We think the buffer beams were
green, but are not quite certain as to this. Unable to give colour of inside
frames. (2) All the information we have about the Cornwall was embodied
in our article in 1897. Our illustration makes plain the alterations that
were effected. Reply from Frank Hennell page
The Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 246.
On 26 October paper read by W.H.
Nethercott at St. Bride Institute on the construction of the Wootton type
of locomotive boiler." The chair was occupied by Mr. C: A. Suffield.
The vice-chairman, Mr. F. A. Wardlaw, opened the discussion, which was carried
on by Messrs. Worthy, Smith, Perren and Fullagar. On Thursday, 28 November
at 7 p.m., at St. Bride Institute, J.P.
O'Callagan will read paper on the softening of water for locomotive use.
No. 244 (14 December 1912)
Our Coloured Plate: Mr. Beattie's four-coupled express
locomotive for the London & South Western Ry. 247 + col. plate (facing
J. Beattie had many original ideas on locomotive construction and
patented a number of modifications to boilers, etc. His engines had two grates,
two fire doors and a water bridge in the firebox, they also had feed water
heaters, a portion of the exhaust steam being led around the feed pipe as
shown, and were fitted with steam :rumps to supply the boilers when standing.
The safety valves were spherica1. The leading axles had four springs; the
two outer springs being carried under the lower guide bar were found to be
of great service in steadying the engine and preventing rolling, to which
all outside cylinder engines with a short wheelbase were liable. No. 70
Ariel was built at Nine Elms Works in 1864. The cylinders were 17in.
by 22in, driving wheels 6ft. 6in., tractive force 6,458 lb.; heating surface:
tubes 801.66ft2, firebox 102.7ft2; grate area
18ft2, working pressure 130 psi; wheelbase: engine 14ft., tender
10ft. 3in.; weight ot engine (working order) 35 tons 16 cwt., tender 20 tons
15 cwt.. This engine was one of the best of its class and worked some of
the express trains in turn with more modern engines up to the last. It was
scrapped in 1888. See also letter from Frank S.
Hennell on p. 25 of Volume 19 on pumps and piping for boiler feed
Great Eastern Ry. 247-8. illus.
Ten new superheater goods engines being completed at Stratford Works under
A.J. Hill. No. 1240 illustrated. Series numbered 1240 to 1249, known as F48
class. They had coupled wheels 4ft. 11in. dia., with a wheelbase of 17-ft.
8-in. equally spaced. The cylinders, 20-in. diameter by 28-in. stroke, placed
horizontally between the frames, with inside admission piston valves with
their centres vertically above the cylinder centres, driven through rocking
shafts by Stephenson. link motion. A Wakefield mechanical lubricator driven
off the right hand valve spindle, afforded forced lubrication to the cylinders,
valves and piston tail rods. Four safety valves were fitted to the boiler.
The telescopic boiler carried a working pressure of 160 psi was fitted with
Belpaire firebox. The boiler barrel, was 11-ft. 9-in. long, 4-ft. 8-in. diameter
inside, and 12-ft. 1 -in., between tube plates. The firebox was 6-ft. 3i-in.
long inside and 3-ft. 4t-in. wide, with a grate area of 21.6 sq. ft. The
heating surface ofthe 158 Ii-in. dia. tubes = 874.7 sq. ft., 18 5-in. dia.
tubes = 282.7 sq. ft.; firebox 117.7 sq. ft.; superheater elements = 226
sq. ft., making a total of 15°1.1 sq. ft. Weight in working order: leading
wheels, 16 tons 19 cwt. 2 qrs., driving 17 tons 9 cwt. 3 qrs., trailing wheels,
12 tons, 18 cwt. I 47 tons 7 cwt. 2 qrs. Diameter of blast pipe
top, 5t-in. The engine fitted with steam and hand brakes. As compared with
the 1150 class of goods engines described in the last two issues of this
journal, it will be noticed the centre of the boiler is pitched ?-t-in. higher,
being 8-£t. 6-in. above rails.
Glasgow & South Western Ry. 248. illus.
One of the first applications of the Weir system of feed water heating
to locomotive work was on superheater engine No. 129 of the GSWR. In this
installation the heater was placed on top of the boiler, but in more recent
applications, as illustrated in our September issue, it is placed along the
frame on one side of the boiler. The dimensions of No. 129: cylinders 21in.
by 26in. stroke, driving wheels 6ft. 6in. diameter, working pressure 165psi.
The water heater contained 40. copper tubes and heated the feed water to
180° by exhaust steam. The Weir pump had a steam cylinder on top, 6in.
diameter, and a water cylinder below, 4in. diameter, with a stroke of 8in.
The engine was equipped with Schmidt's superheater. Illustration shows 4-6-0
No. 129.
London & North Western Ry. 248
The series of 0-8-0 superheater mineral engines referred to in the
last issue was now in hand at Crewe, the first five of which bore Nos. 955,
1108, 2162, 2225 and 2281. The first mentioned took the number of the once-famous
express engine Charles Dickens now scrapped. The latest 4-6-2 tank
engines differed in certain respects from the earlier engines of the same
type; instead of the steam brake and vacuum brake they were fitted with the
vacuum brake only and are not provided with the water pick-up apparatus.
There were 25 engines of this class in service. Several engines of the Precursor
and Experiment classes had the steam brake and vacuum brake valve removed
and the vacuum brake substituted. Nos. 60 Dragon and 1510
Psyche of the Precursor class had been provided with new coupled wheels,
having large bosses and half-moon balance weights. The latest 4ft. 6in. 2-4-2
passenger tanks altered for motor service were Nos. 730 and 761. No. 631
Hotspur, a 6£t. 2-4-0 passenger engine, had been broken up. This
engine replaced, in January, 1896, the engine of that name and number built
in October, 1874, the latter being still at work under .the Engineer's
Department, Manchester.
Great Western Ry. 248.
Three new 2-8-0 side tank mineral engines had been completed at Swindon,
Nos. 4213-4-5. Atlantic type engines recently altered to 4-6-0 are Nos. 179
Quentin Durward, 184 Guy Mannering, 185 Peveril of the
Peak and 190 Waverley. Eight new 4-4-2 passenger tanks (2221 class):
Nos. 2243 to 2250 inclusive, also 11 Consolidation type mineral engines of
the 2801 class, Nos. 2835 to 2845.
Pacific type locomotive, South African Rys. 249. illus.
Vulcan Foundry, Ltd;, despatched some Pacific type locomotives of
type illustrated. The cylinders were 18in. diameter by 28in. stroke, steam
distributed Richardson's balanced pattern valves; boiler pressure 200 psi..
The grate area 34.2ft2. Total heating surface of
2066ft2. The driving wheels were 5ft.1in. diameter. Belpaire firebox
fitted and an extended smoke box. Equipment included De Limon's sight feed
lubricator and Gresham's injectors.
Personal. 249
Following death of F.E. Robertson,. a partner in the firm .of Sir
A. M. Rendel & Robertson, Seymour B. Tritton, has been taken into
partnership, and the new firm will be known as Rendel & Tritton.
R.W. Urie, 249
Locomotive works manager had been appointed chief mechanical engineer
of the London & South Western Ry.
C.W.L. Glaze. 249.
On the appointment of A. J. Hill as locomotive superintendent of the
G.E.R., Mr. C. W. L. Glaze has been given the position of manager of the
Stratford Shops. Mr. Glaze has been London district locomotive superintendent
for several years.
Mr. P. R. Leigh-Bennett, 249
Former LSWR district locomotive superintendent at Salisbury, had been
appointed assistant locomotive superintendent of the Bengal Nagpur Ry.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 250 .2
Figs. 246 illustrates ten-coupled wheel tank engine known as the
Decapod with 4ft. 6in. diameter wheels equally spaced over a
wheelbase of 19ft. 8in. Three cylinders, two outside and one inside, were
provided, all being 18½in. in diameter by 24in. stroke. The boiler,
pressed to 200 psi was of exceptional proportions, having a mean inside diameter
of 5ft. 3in. and a heating surface as follows: total 3010ft2.;
grate area 42 ft2. It was numbered 20 and turned out in December,
1902; it was designed to attain a speed of 30 miles per hour from rest in
30 seconds with a train of 18 suburban coaches weighing 315 tons, a feat
it successfully accomplished, but a falling off taking place in the suburban
traffic at this period the need for putting this into practice never arose
and No. 20 was consequently converted in 1906 into a tender engine for mineral
traffic. One pair of wheels and the inside cylinders were dispensed with,
the engine thus becoming an ordinary eight-coupled with outside cylinders,
having a wheelbase of 23ft. 3in., from leading to driving centres being 7ft.
6in., from driving to intermediate 8ft. 9in., and from intermediate to trailing
7ft. A new boiler of the Belpaire type was supplied, its external diameter
being 4ft. 9in., working pressure 180 psi, and having a heating surface as
follows: total 1869.6 ft2..; the grate area was
22.9ft2.. A standard tender of 3500 gallons capacity, as used
on the 1150 class, was provided, as shown in illustration, Fig. 247.
Next part in Volume 19 page 16
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 20. 250
North British Locomotive Co. locomotives built for railways of India.
36 collotype illustrations.
Locomotive Magazine Souvenir of the locomotives of the
Northern Ry. of France (Locomotive Magazine Souvenir No. 18). 250
12 collotype illustrations
R.G. Rosever. 250.
Former chief test inspector locomotive department Midland Railway.
Became General Manager Manning Wardle
Superheater express locomotive, North British Ry. 251. illus., diagr.
No. 400 The Dougal Cratur illustrated. Built at Cowlairs. W.P.
Reid design. 6ft 6in coupled wheels; 20 x 26in cylinders; 1306.6ft2 total
heating surface; 21.3ft2 grate area, 165 psi boiler pressure. Piston valves.
Wakefield mechanical lubricator. Intended for Waverley route: Edinburgh to
Compound superheater express locomotive, Royal Prussian State Rys. 252.
Henschel four-cylinder compound with Schmidt superheater: high pressure
cylinders 0.4m x 0.66m; low pressure 0.61m x 0.66m; 1.98m coupled wheels;
grate area 2.95m2; 15kg/cm2 boiler pressure
Four-cylinder simple superheater locomotive, French State Rys. 252-3. diagr.
(s. el.)
Société Alsacienne of Belfort supplied C de F de l'Etat
with 230.781-800: 4-cylinder siumple 4-6-0 with a steeply inclined grate
provided with a shaker mechanism and compensated suspension. They had 230mm
x 640mm cylinders, a total heating surface of 136.07m2 and a grate
area of 2.76m2. Fitted with Schmidt superheaters. They were used
on Paris Cherbourg and Paris Dieppe boat trains and the train de luxe to
Recent superheater locomotives for Swedish Rys. 253-4. 3 illus.
Motala Verkstadt Nya Aktiebolag products: 4-6-0 express locomotives
for Swedish State Railways with Schmidt superheaters. Latest locomotives
fitted with Marcotty smoke consuming apparatus. No. 1026 illustrated. 4-4-0
for Stockholm Nynas Railway with outside cylinders and valve gear (No. 7
illustrated). Mogul 2-6-0 built for Christianstadt-Hessleholm Railway (No.
14 illustrated) with Krauss truck, inside cylinders and four wheel
Ghent Exhibition. 254.
Future event.
Express engine, Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire (now Great Central)
Railway. 255-6. 2 illus.
4-4-0 Nos. 423-34 built at Gorton in 1877. Nos. 435-46 built 1878;
Nos. 128-9 built 1879; No. 4 in 1880. Sacré with double-frame, slotted
at front, but not attached to bogie (Adams type). Cylinders 17 x 26in; coupled
wheels 6ft 3in; 1016ft2 total heating surface. Stationed Gorton.
The Bullhouse accident (near Penistone) in 1884 was caused by No. 424
experiencing a broken crank axle. Robinson reboilered. Then working CLC
Eight-coupled locomotive, Gold Coast Government Ry. 256-7. illus.
Hunslet Engine Co. 4-8-0 for 3ft 6in gauge. 17in. x 21in. cylinders
with balanced slide valves. Belpaire firebox stated in text (not visible
in illus. of No. 153) 3ft 4½in coupled wheels; total heating surface
1060ft2; grate area 16.75ft2; 160 psi boier
Wiener, L. The locomotives of the Rio Grande do Sul
Railway, Brazil. 257-8. 3 illis., table
Porto Alegre & Novo Hamburgo opened 1876. All tank engines built
Dubs: 2-4-0T (WN 641-3); 0-4-4T (WN 1160/and 4-4-0T (3368/1896).
Next part in Volume 19 page 16.
The selection of iron for locomotive castings. 258.
Chemical composition and mechanical properties. Frodair Iron &
Steel Co.: Frodair brand.
Twinberrow, J.D. The design of tank engines for express working. 259-62.
4 diagrs.
Factors considered include the number and size of coupled wheels:
the latter being influenced by the speed and proximity of stops and gradients.
Grate area was influened by gradient. Lateral stability, especially on curves,
was considered: calculations are given for a 2-4-2T, although it was noted
that some railways favoured the 4-4-2T and a few the 4-4-4T (Wirral and Midland
& South Western Junction mentioned).
A simple wagon brake rack. 262. diagr.
Great Northern Ry. 262.
New superheater 0-6-0 goods engines of the 521 class were Nos. 536-541.
The 0-6-0 with 5ft 8in coupled wheels and superheaters were 71 to 80. No.
439, 0-8-0 had been fitted with a Weir feed pump. Nos. 427, 432 and 435 (0-8-0s)
had been fitted with superheaters. Nos. 133, 137 and 140 (0-8-2Ts) had been
fitted with new boilers and No. 140 had cab raised and sloping bunker rails
up to the top of the cab. No. 1024 (Stirling mineral engine) and No. 1212
(0-6-0ST) had been painted a slate colour. Nine more more 1630 class engines
were uner construction at Doncaster.
Railway carriage and wagon building: the machines in the saw mill. VIFinishing. 263.
"Felrubite" floor covering for carriages. 263. illus.
Waterproof rubber felt composite.
Saloon carriage, Metropolitan Ry. 264. illus.
The success of Pullman cars on the services between the City (Aldgate)
and Aylesbury had been such that it had been necessary to add to the saloon
accommodation, and the car illustrated now forms part of one of the trains.
The chief dimensions of this vehicle: length over body 55ft. 7½in.,
width over body 8ft. 3in., centre of bogies 38ft. 1in. apart, wheelbase of
pressed steel bogies 7ft., diameter of wheels 3ft. 4½in. The body of
the car was arranged to form two large saloons, divided in the centre by
a partition provided with a door, each being 18ft. 1in. long, and at each
end there were also private 1st class compartments. Lavatories with sliding
rloors opening into a vestibule were located between the saloons and the
end compartments. The carriage was fittted with electric light. Seating
accommodation was provided for 34 passengers. The rebuilding and renovation
of this car for the Pullman service had been carried out at Neasden Works
by Mr. C. Jones, chief mechanical engineer of the Metropolitan Ry.
Correspondence. 264.
Old G.W.R. locomotives. G.H.W. Clifford
The following incomplete list of G.W. engines, built prior to 1870,
and still running, may be of service to Sir O. H. P. Scourfield: (1) Avon
class, Nos. 69-76. Built by Beyer, Peacock & Co., four in 1855 and four
in 1856, as 6-ft. 6-in. singles. Converted at Swindon to 6-ft. 6-in. 2-4-0'S
in 1895-7. No. 70 (not 76) was in the Thingley accident in January, 1907,
and was then broken up; No. 69 was scrapped in March, 1907. The rest were
still in service, and Nos. 74 and 76 were rebuilt with Belpaire fireboxes
about two years ago. (2) Chancellor class, Nos. 150-156. Sandwich frames.
Built by Messrs. Geo. England about 1862. All still in service. Nos. 150
and 155 had recently had larger boilers (not Belpaire) fitted. (3) 6ft. 2-4-0s
(plate frames), Nos. 7, 8, 30, 110-114, and 1004 and 1005 (Wolverhampton
Nos. 1-10); 374 and 375; and 1006-1011 (Wolverhampton Nos. 35-40), built
1868-9. A few had been broken up. (4) 6ft. 2-4-0s (inside bearings to drivers),
Nos. 439-444 (Swindon Nos. 129-134), built 1868. All running. (5) Nos. 196-201
and 206-214, taken over from West Midland. Built by Beyer, Peacock &
Co, Nos. 196-201 were 6ft. 2-4-0s. Nos. 206-14 were 6ft. 6in. singles, but
were rebuilt at Wolverhampton in 1883 as 6ft. 2-4-0s. (6) Nos. 57-68, 132-146,
and 310-318 were 5ft. 2in. goods engines with sandwich frames. Nos. 57 and
62 have Belpaire fireboxes. Also. Nos. 119-130 and 302-9 converted to saddle
tanks. (7) Nos. 79-90 were 4ft. 7½in. mineral engines with sandwich
frames. Nos. 80, 88, and 90 had Belpaire fireboxes. (8) Nos. 360-371, 5ft.
2in. goods. Plate frames. Built 1866. These engines are readily known from
all others by the peculiar shape of the frames, which have long, narrow slots
cut out to lighten them. (9) Nos. 322-341 and 350-359, 5ft. 2-in. goods with
curved plate frames, built by Beyer, Peacock & Co., about 1862-3, for
the West Midland, on which. line they never ran, owing to its absorption
by the GWR Nos. 322-327 were rebuilt as saddle tanks. Nos. 337, 339, 340,
341, 351, 353 and 354 have Belpaire fireboxes, and No. 339, although nearly
50 years old, has a superheater. (10) Nos. 378-387, 471-480 and 577-586 were
7ft. singles, the first ten being 1866 engines, the others 1869. Plate frames.
Rebuilt as 5ft. 2in. 0-6-0s about ten years ago. Nos. 577 and 586 have Belpaire
fireboxes. No. 581 was broken up in 1905 and several others have since gone.
(11) Standard 5ft. 2in. goods engines were Nos. 388-411 and 419-438, Nos.
388-391, 396, 407, 411, 422, 425 and 436 have Belpaire fireboxes. Nos. 445-454
of the same class were Swindon Nos. 135-144 (1868). Nos: 446, 449 and 451-3
have Belpaire fi.reboxes. (12) Standard 6-ft. 2-4-0s were Nos. 481-490, Swindon
Nos. 195-204 (1869). No. 489 was rebuilt in 1910 with a Belpaire firebox.
Sir O.H.P. Scourtield may not.know that there were also 21 2-4-0 tanks and
72 0-4-2 tanks built prior to 1870 and still in service. (We are publishing
an illustrated article on the Avon class early next year). Ed., L.M.
E.W. Twining.
In further reply to F.. Beauchamp's letter published
on page 226 relative to the G.W.R. 4-6-0 locomotive chart, I should
add a few words to your editorial remarks. To the locomotive student the
chart is still of value if he ignores the fact that it is a Great Western
engine represented and for No.59 reads "Live steam space" and against No.
60 "Exhaust steam space." In other, words, the Nos. 59 and 60 in the first
column should be made to change places.
In answer to your correspondent Mr. F. Neale. Frank S. Hennell.
In Ramsbottom's time the LNWR engines had the buffer beams painted
bright red with a.white horizontal diamond in the centre. I think the inside
frames were painted black. At a much earlier dated some of Mr. McConnell's
large express engines of the southern division of that railway had their
buffer beams painted green with a panel in red and yellow lines in the same
style as the side sheets and the tender tanks of those engines.
H. Pfeiffer (Dresden)
May I refer to your reply to a correspondent's question in your July
issue; The question was whether there is any reaction of the stroke of the
link of that, of the eccentrics. Of course, you were quite right in saying
there is not, and such a. question should not be asked by a person who claims
to know anything about valve gears. But it seems to me that your explanation,
why the slide valve moves when the engine is "out of gear" is not correct.
You say it is owing to "play" in the valve gear, whereas, such play would
rather tend to leave the slide valve stationary, than to move it. The fact
that the slide valve moves when the engine is out of gear is owing to the
eccentrics not being at right angles to the crank. Editoria response:
.Pfeiffer's explanation is quite correct, but the angle of advance
of the eccentric is generally greater on German railways, than in
Interested.-Piston Valves.
One of the principal reasons for" inside admission" for this class
of valve is to keep the valve spindle glands away from the steam pressure,
more especially in the case of engines fitted with superheaters.
J.R. Murray, N. McCracken and others. 265
No. 650 G.E.R 2-4-2 tank had the liquid fuel apparatus for a short
time only, No. 193 0-4-4 tank ran so fitted for many years.
Reviews. 266
Combination among Railway Companies. By W. A. Robertson, B.A.
London:, Constable & Co.
This book of 105 pages is No. 26 of a series of monographs by writers
connected with the London School of Economics. It is divided into five sections,
v:iz., (1) History; (2) Forms of combination; (3) The combining companies;
(4) Outside companies; (5) The public. The first part deals with the early
history of railways, and shows that, to a limited extent, working agreements
were in existence in the 1840s. In part two the author discusses various
forms of combination, i.e., amalgamation, joint lines, working agreements,
running powers, &c., whilst in parts three and four the effects of
combination on railway companies who are parties and those who are not parties
are respectively dealt with. To the ordinary reader section five is the most
important, hr it points out the advantages or otherwise of combination to
the travelling public. '
Engineering and Metallurgical Books, 1907-1911. By R.A. Peddie London: Grafton & Co.
Bibliography of books in the English language on engineering and
metallurgy during the five years mentioned. It has been compiled by Mr. R.
A. Peddie, librarian of the Technical Library of the St. Bride Foundation,
and is arranged in th~ alphabeti~al order of subjects. Both English and American
publishers and prices are given. The work is to be kept up to date by the
issue of annual supplements, which will be re-issued in volume form at the
end of every five years.
Freight Terminals and Trains. By J. Droege. London: The Hill
Publishing Co., Ltd.
This work is a study of the best operating methods and principles
of freight transportation in America, as well as the designs of new stations
or enlargement or revision of existing goods depots. Professor Cunningham
contributes a special chapter on "British freight service." The physical
and traffic characteristics of nearly every goods station are different,
so that to generalise is impossible, yet the expert opinions which are freely
quoted and the many examples of successful and economical operation given
will, no doubt, be appreciated by students of traffic problems.
The Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 266.
On Thursday, 26 November a paper was read by. J. P. O'Callaghan at
81. Bride Institute, the subject being The Softening of Water for Locomotive
Use. The chair was occupied by . C. A. Suffield. At the conclusion of the
reading of this interesting paper, which, was illustrated by charts and diagrams
and a working model ofa Lassen and Hjort softener, . Suffield opened a vigorous
discussion, which was maintained by Messrs. W. J. Bennett, F. A. Wardlaw,
A. Creswell Chignell and a written communication from Mr. Lawford H. Fry
was read., , On Saturday, 21 December at 7 p.m. at St. Bride Institute, J.
Pelham Maitlaud will give a paper on Coal as a factor in locomotive practice.
H. Fowler, Chief Mechanical Engineer of the Midland Ry., had accepted the
Presidency of the Institution for 1913.
Superheated goods engine, London and North Western Ry. 97-8. illus.
Schulz, G.C. Three-cylinder compound locomotives of the N.E., Midland and G.C, Rys. 102-3.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 119-20.
2-2-2 and 4-2-2 types.
Schulz, G.C. Three-cylinder compound locomotives of the N.E., Midland and G.C, Rys. 120-2.
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