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Volume 10 (1904)
No. 137 (15 January 1904)
Railway notes.
Midland Ry. 1.
No. 830, the first of a new series of ten four-coupled bogie (4-4-0)
passenger locomotives with Belpaire fireboxes, had left the Works; the series
would run from 830 to 839. Nos. 1139A-1143A, four-wheels coupled shunting
tank engines, were all at work.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry.1.
Two new radial tank locomotives were in service, numbered and named
respectively 585 Crowborough and 586 Maplehurst. The former
took the name formerly belonging to Terrier tank engine No. 84
Crowborough, sold to the Isle of Wight Central Ry., on which line
it was running as No. 12. No. 3 Battersea, a Stroudley D class tank
engine, and Nos. 413 and 414, Kitson C class goods engines, had been withdrawn
from service.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry..1.
Nos. 529 and 569 had been rebuilt with Mr. Wainwright's standard pattern
of boiler. No. 238, one of Stirling's goods engines, (Westinghouse brake)
has been rebuilt with a new domed boiler and square cab, similar to No. 106.
No. 343, a powerful bogie tank, has been rebuilt with a new raised domeless
boiler, similar to Nos. 356, 360, etc.
Great Western Ry.1.
No. 102 La France had completed its trial trips and had paerformed
very satisfactory work, the steam supply being sufficient for all conditions.
It subsequently was in the shops for three weeks for painting ana minor
alterations, which included the provision of the GWR standard injectors and
water gauges. No. 101, the oil-burning outside cylinder tank locomotive,
had done little work 'rcently. No. 99, the six-coupled double ender illustrated
on page 370 of last volume, on the ther hand, has been working the 11.20
a.m. roods train from Swindon to Avonmouth by the Badminton Iine. The
Consolidation engine (2-8-0), No. 97, was also working over that route with
the 5.25 p.m. goods tram. No. 3297 Earl Cawdor had been running for
some time between Swindon and Weymouth. The later series of the Camel type
had been doing well, hauling loads of over 300 tons at high speeds between
Swindon and Paddington, and the Atbaras have sometimes been loaded up to
14 bogie coaches, equal to about 350 tons, on the same section.
Nos. 3624-3630, double-enders of the No. 11 class, were in service, completing
the series of ten. Nos. 3307 Shrewsbury and 3404 Lyttelton
provided with a new type of tender with side sheets to the coal space. No.
3259 Lizard of the Duke of Cornwall class was running with a new
name-plate over the driving splashers, as in the City class.
The following engines had been rebuilt with new boilers and Belpaire fireboxes:
7ft. singles, Nos. 417 and 11l29; 6ft. coupled passenger, Nos. 3212, 3214
and 3221; and the 5ft. six-coupled goods, Nos. 603, 793, 879, and 1209·
No. 3446 Liverpool, one of the Camel class, had been renamed
The new erecting shop at Swindon was provided with an arrangement on which
all tank locomotives, except the large ones of the Nos. 3601 and similar
types, were tried after being put together, and are then painted and sent
away to work where required without trial trips in the running
Midland & South Western Junction Ry. 1.
No. 12, one of the 5ft. 6in. four-coupled tender locomotives, has
recently been repainted at the Company's works at Cirencester and provided
with a new cast iron chimney similar to those on the goods engines Nos.
Dublin, Wicklow & Wexford Ry..1.
No. 52, a ten-wheeled tank locomotive built in 1893, had been named
Duke of Connaught, and No. 41 was named Delgany. The latter
engine had been rebuilt with a new boiler and side tanks similar to those
supplied to Nos.: 42-44, in place of the short side tanks and well tank
originally supplied.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 2.
Continued from 9 p. 369. Norfolk Railway locomotives: Nos. 1 and 2
had been withdrawn before passing into ECR stock. Nos. 3, 4 and 5 were 5ft
6in singles with 14 x 22in outside cylinders constructed by R. Stephenson
in May 1844. Nos. 3 and 5 were sold in September 1849 to the Liverpool, Crsby
& Southport Ry and did not enter ECR stock. Norfolk Railway Nos. 6 to
11 were simiilar R. Stephenson 2-2-2 as follows (Nos. 6 to 8 were ordered
by the Norwich & Yarmouth Railway):
NR | ECR | WN | Date |
6 | 46 | 427 | June 1845 |
7 | 47 | 428 | July 1845 |
8 | 48 | 429 | August 1845 |
9 | 140 | 430 | October 1845 |
10 | 141 | 431 | December 1845 |
11 | 142 | 432 | November 1845 |
No. 46 illustrated (Fig. 62)
Flangeless driving wheels 6ft diameter. 15 x 22in outside cylinders. On 24
December 1845 No.8 was derailed between Harling Road and Thetford and the
driver, T.Pickering, and fireman R. Hedger were killed.
London Tilbury Southend Ry. 2.
Held a smoking concert at the Great Eastern Hotel on 2 January 1904
with Robert H. Whitelegg, assistant locomotive superintendent, B. Bullock,
assistant manager and Cecil Newton, Secretary present.
Six-coupled double ender tank locomotive, L. & Y. Ry. 3. illus.
Hoy 2-6-2T with 19 x 26in inside cylinders, 5ft 8in couplede wheels,
two radial trucks, a total heating surface of 2038.64ft2 and a grate area
of 26.05ft2.
The Royal visit to Chatsworth. 3.
On 4 January 1904 King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra left Wolferton
at 13.40 and travelled via Wisbech, the March West Curve, Peterborough where
the Great Eastern locomotive No. 1020 came off and Midland Railway motive
power was substituted for the onward journey to Rowsley reached at
Steam passenger car, Taff Vale Railway. 4-5. illus.
Some locomotive experiments. 5-6. diagr.
Continued from 9 p. 341. Table shows absolute pressure of dry saturated
steam from 100 to 250 psi, the corresponding temperature in °F and the
latent heat in BTU. Established by calorimeter (Fig. 99)
Feed water heater for locomotives, L.&S.W.R. 6. diagr., plan.
Drummond No. 720: exhaust steam from pumps fed to tender to heat feed
Ten-wheeled passenger locomotive, Canadian Northern Ry. 7. illus.
Canadian Locomotive Co. 4-6-0 with 4ft 8in coupled wheels, Belpaire fireebox,
taper boiler, Crosby & Richardson safety valves, 180 psi boiler pressure;
1691ft2 total heating surface, 30ft2 grate area.
London & North Western Ry. 7.
Three new 1400 class into service: Nos. 170, 695 and 1352 (Crewe WN
4377-9). Nos. 1400 and 2033 stationed at Liverpool. No. 1958 Royal Oak
was running with new arrangement of valve gear as per No. 1952 Benbow
had been stationed at Camden and was working 14.00 corridor express, returning
with 19.32 from Crewe. Although train loads rarely exceeded 19½ train
was usually pilotted. At that time locomotive had been temporarily working
09.25 from Crewe to Holyhead returning with boat train due Crewe at 17.32.
The remainder of the series of ten eight-coupled four-cylinder goods locomotives
(see 5 December p. 326) were ex-works (Crewe WN 4370-5) and running numbers:
2272, 1299, 1401, 1448, 2038 and 2208.
Old Crewe side tank goods engines withdrawn: had been built as Alexander
Allan tender engines Nos. 298 Don and 303 Achilles, but renumbered
1922 and 1968; then 3030 and 3091. Only two remained, namely 3022 and 3054.
Also withdrawn Webb coal engine No. 695 and special DX goods Nos. 1352, 1567
and 1466; plus from the duplicate list Nos. 3301, 3309, 3387, 3434, 3439,
3478, 3486, 3505, 3557 and 3563: formerly Nos. 656, 356, 400, 1088, 121,
1400, 26, 213, 1281 and 1287.
From Palermo to Messina on the locomotive. 8-9. 4 illus.
Footplate journey from Palermo at what should have been 12.08, but
was subjected to delay by connecting service. Train was powered by Breda
4-4-0 No. 61 of the Sicilian Railways hauling seven mainly four-wheeled vehicles
(only exception being Pullman car on two four-wheel bogies). The train was
controlled by flagmen and there were few signals; the German telegraph system
was operated. The line ran along the coast and was fairly level to Rometta.
The usual carping comments were msde sbout the roughness of the track. At
Rometta motive power was changed to a 2-8-0 No. 314 for the 1 in 40 climb
to a 5.5km tunnel followed by a descent to Messina. The Le Chatelier
counter-pressure brake was used on the descent.
An old single-wheeler. 9. illus.
Allan-type outside-cylinder 2-2-2 Scottish Central railway No. 1 with
15 x 20in cylinders, 6ft driving wheels, 90 psi boiler and four-wheel
The Egyptian Government Railways and locomotives. 10-11. 2 illus.,
2 diagrs.
Continued from 9 p.
324: Kitson had built four 2-4-0 type in 1866 for the
Aziziah-Mussrieh line in Turkey, but these were diverted to Egypt. Fig. 28
shows the resemblence to to the Sturrock 2-4-0 type on the GNR. As built
they were intended for wood burning. They had RN 154-7, WN 1369-72, 17 x
22in cylinders, 6ft coupled wheels, 960ft2 total heating surface
and 18.88ft2 grate area. Fig. 29 shows type as rebuilt by Trevithick.
Fig. 30 shows 0-6-0 type built by Cockerill of Seraing numbered 212-23. Theyre
had 16 x 24in cylinders and 5ft 1in coupled wheels. Eight had been broken
up between 1894 and 1898. Nos. 212, 217, 218 and 220 were rebuilt by Boulac
in 1889-91 and were still in service. Fig. 31 is photograph of 2-2-2 No.
13 at the Paris Exhibition of 1867. It had been built by Robert Stephenson
WN 2012 and had 6ft 6in driving wheels and a total heating surface of
1038ft2. It was rebuilt by Trevithick in Alexandria in 1893.
Soudan Ry. 11
No. 53 Tamai had been illustrated in the 26 December 1903 issue.
Nos. 51 Trinkitat and 52 Erkowit were similar.
Locomotive for Central South African Rys. 12. illus.
4-6-2 running number 600 built by Vulcan Foundry for 3ft 6in gauge
with 4ft 9in coupled wheels, bar frames, 18 x 26in cylinders, 200 psi
boiler, 1481ft2 total heating surface and 21.75ft2
grate area. Fitted withg double bogie tender.
Locomotive engine driving. 13-14.
Had to be vigilent and keep a constant look out for signals: fog was
a serious hazard.
Great Eastern Ry. 14.
Dormitory at Stratford: 222,000 men had slept there since opened in
1890: occupants served Christmas dinner. See
also Volume 11 page 141
Reviews. 14
Forty years of an engineer's life. Albert [sic]
E. Garwood. Newport (Mon): A.W. Dawson Ltd.
Autobiography of Alfred Edward
Garwood who worked in Russia (with Ross Winans on the Nicolai Railway
according to later sources Winans declined to work on this railway
and sent his sons) and for the Egyptian Government Railways as Locomotive
Superintendent from 1877 to 1882.
The carriage and wagon department. 15-18.
Removal of a large fly wheel from Stockton-on-Tees to West Hartlepool.
15. illus. plan.
Movement of South Durham Steel & Iron Co. 35 ton, 20ft diameter
flywheel over 11½ miles of North Eastern Railway by carrying it horizontally
and using both tracks.
Construction of carriage and wagon bogies. 16-17.
Continued from Volume 9 pp. 333-4: refers to Fig. 30 therein. Considers
bolster springs including bogie centre and side bearings.
Vestibuled connection, L.&N.W.R. 17. illus.
Flexible rubber prologation with X links.
Door protectors. 17.
Brass plates fitted to inward opening doors into guards compartments
to protect paintwork from damage from feet.
No. 138 (12 February 1904)
Railway notes. 19.
Great Western Ry.19. illus.
With a view to running the large ten-wheeled engines regularly in
and out of Paddington, No. 98 (illustrated) was recently sent on a special
trial trip from Swindon to Paddington and then through to Exeter, the timetable
for the two runs allowing time for thorough tests of the bridge over the
Uxbridge Road at Hanwell, going and coming, and at Bridgewater of the bridge
over the River Parrett. The train consisted of five bogie coaches, and the
timing apart from the specified stoppages was fairly fast. No. 98 differs
from No. 100 in having a taper boiler, in addition to other minor alterations.
Following the successful trip of the above mentioned engine, No. 102 La
France (Belfort WN 5409) made its first regular run eastward of
Swindon on Tuesday, 2 January 1904 and its arrival and departure were welcomed
at Paddington by an interested crowd of spectators. The locomotive was decorated
for the occasion with a large bunch of violets and the red, white and blue
colors of its native and adopted countries. It is definitely allotted to
the London- Exeter service, with driver Burden in charge.
A new six-wheels coupled bogie locomotive (4-6-0) very similar to No. 98,
but with a larger boiler and the same steam pressure as La France,
was out on trial runs bearing No. 171 (Swindon works' No. 2024).
The latest engine of the Camel class, No. 3453 (Swindon WN 2036) was now
ex-works, but was not yet painted. No. 3315 Comet and 3318
Jupiter, of the Cotswold class, were running rebuilt with Belpaire
fireboxes and nameplates over the driving splashers as in the City class.
No. 3326 St. Austell had been fitted with nameplates over the splashers.
Three up and three down goods trains between Swindon and London have recently
had their loading increased to 60 wagons and a van each, and are being hauled
by locomotives Nos. 97, 98 and 99, and 2619, 2620 and 2626, Nos. 97 and 2626
being stationed at Paddington, No. 99 at Southall, and No. 98, 2619 and 2620
at Swindon. All the sidings between London and Swindon had been lengthened
where necessary to accommodate these long trains.
London and North Western Ry. 19-20.
A further five new engines of the 1400 class are now being turned
out from the Crewe works numbered 545, 1429, 1466, 1567and 1729 (Crewe WN.
4380 to 4384). With those given last month, they complete the order of eight,
making with the former two engines of the class (Nos. 1400 and 2033), a total
of ten engines. A further ten new eight-coupled four-cylinder compound goods
engines were under construction, but so far had not reached the stage of
numbering. An entirely new type of four cylinder compound passenger engine
is now under contemplation at Crewe.
No. 1429 Alfred Paget, another of Ramsbottom's 7ft. 6in. singles,
had been withdrawn. This engine, which bore the Crewe works No. 831, was
built in July, I865, and rebuilt in December 1897. Another of Webb's standard
coal engines, No. 1300, and three special (rebuilt) DX goods engines, numbered
1586, 1729 and 3287, have also been consigned to the scrap heap. The last
of these, which was in the duplicate list, was originally numbered 654. Three
of Webb's 6ft. compounds of the Dreadnought class, Nos. 545 Tamerlane,
640 City of Dublin, and 1376 City of Glasgow, had also been
withdrawn from service.
All the last batch of four-cylinder compound passenger engines Nos. 1971
- 1980, Alfred the Great class, were being detained in the paint shop till
Of the 50 4ft. 6in. four-coupled six-wheeled side tanks-originally built
from time to time, 40 "wer.e converted to double-enders, whilst the ten that
are running in their original form are numbered 2234,
2238,2240,2243,2241,22+7,2248, 2252, 2278 and 2280. February r zth, 19°4-.
It is intended to utilise steam motor carriages, somewhat similar to those
now running on the Fratton and Southsea. branch, on the Basingstoke and Alton
light railway, and some of these will shortly be put on order at the Company's
London and South Western Ry. 20.
A series of four four-wheels coupled bogie locomotives (4-4-0), Nos.
401-404, had been completed, and were at work between Salisbury and Exeter.
These were included in the group of ten, Nos. 395-404, of which eight had
been built in the previous half-year. As stated in a recent issue, five mixed
traffic engines with 5ft. 7in. wheels, Nos. 159, 161, 163, 164 and 165, had
also been built within the same period, as also were 13 double-bogie tenders.
No engines were withdrawn from stock or broken up during the six months in
question. Some new express locomotives, with boilers similar to those of
the No. 395 class, but with 6ft. 7in. coupled wheels, were shortly to be
put in hand at Nine Elms.
Great Eastern Ry.. 20.
A notice had recently been issued referring to the formation in connection
with this company's technical institute of practical classes in the works
at Stratford on (1) tensile and other tests, (2) taking indicator diagrams,
(3) experiments with model link motion, and (4) setting locomotive valves,
which will be available to employees during working hours without loss of
Suez Canal Railway. 20. illus.
The Metre Gauge Railway belonging to the Suez Canal Co., and running
alongside the Canal between Port Said and Ismailia, a distance of 45 miles
(described and illustrated in vol. iv., p. 94), is in process of conversion
to standard gauge, owing to increasing traffic requirements and the necessity
for through communication with the Egyptian State Rys.' system. The work
of changing the gauge is nearly completed, and standard gauge construction
trains, hauled by Egyptian Government Ry. engines, are now running to a point
close to Port Said. The new 4ft. 8½in. track has been laid parallel
with the older narrow one, and it is the intention to ultimately double the
line. Illus. metre gauge 2-6-0.
Great Central Ry. 20
A second locomotive of the Atlantic type, similar to No. 192, illustrated
and described in our issue for December 12th last, is now out and at work
with the running No. 194. Two new six-coupled goods locomotives of the 9J
class, Nos. 897 and 202, have been turned out at Gorton works. No. 1013,
four-wheels coupled express locomotive, has been fitted with the water pick-up
tender. No. 42, originally a six-coupled goods engine, has been rebuilt as
a saddle-tank shunting locomotive, and is supplied with the steam and vacuum
brakes. No. 345. four-wheels coupled passenger engine, has been rebuilt with
a flush topped boiler.
[Norfolk Railway locomotives]. 21
via Dow The first railway in Norfolk: 4-2-0 supplied by Tayleur
WN 234-6: RN 13-15
Four-column safety valve. 24. diagram
As employed on Robinson Great Central Railway classes
Firebox carrying arrangement. 24. diagram
Taff Vale Railway firebox bearers illustratrated
The locomotive history of the London, Chatham & Dover Ry. 25
The Centenary of the railway locomotive. 26-9. 5 illus.
Richard Trevithick locomotive trial on 12 February 1804 on the
Pen-y-Darran Tramway. Notes by John Williams, late of the Midland Railway
and now with United Asbestos. Photographs (of tramway remains) by Harris,
Son & Co. of Merthyr. Illus.: old bridge at Navigation, mouth of old
tunnel at Merthyr, bridge at Pen-y-Darran, pillar of old crane at
The heaviest locomotive in the world. 29. illus.
Seventy freight locomotives (2-10-2) then under construction by Baldwin
for Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fé Railroad. four cylinder tandem
compound (19in x 32in high pressure and 32in x 32in low pressure). $ft 9in
coupled wheels. 225 psi boiler pressure, 4796ft2 total heating
surface and 58.5ft2 grate area.
The difference in the loading gauge. 30. illus.
Comparison of Caledonian Railway 4-6-0 No. 50 with Canadian Pacific
Railway 4-6-0 No. 300: photograph based on cardboard models supplied by James
C. Tod of Glasgow.
Six-coupled tank locomotive, Central South African Rys. 31. illus.
Vulcan Foundry 4-6-4T for 3ft 6in gauge with bar frames; 4ft 6in coupled
wheels; 18in x 26in cylinders; heating surface;
21.75ft2 grate area and 200psi boiler pressure.
A roller shutter door for running sheds. 31. illus.
Kinnair steel roller shutter, Natal Government Railways.
Eight-coupled radial tank locomotive, G.N.R. 32. diagr. (s. el.)
Refers back to Issue for 8 August pp. 83-4 and illus. of No. 116.
Modified design with lower weight achieved through smaller boiler: total
heating surface reduced from 1438.84ft2 to 1043.7ft2 and
samller tanks: 2000 gallons reduced to 1500.
Bartlow Hills, G.E.R. 32. illus.
Haverhill branch opened 1 June 1865. Roman burial mounds which the
GER sought to cut into to enlarge Bartlow station.
No. 139 (12 March 1904)
Railway notes. 37
Midland Ry. 37.
New four-coupled bogie passenger locomotives (4-4-0), Nos. 830 to
835, were at work. The old Kirtley goods engines previously bearing these
numbers, stationed at Bedford, renumbered 281, 283, 295, 313, 460 and 663,
thus replacing other six-coupled engines broken up.
Great Eastern Ry. 37.
Five new four-coupled bogie express locomotives (4-4-0), Nos. 1850
to 1854, were out. They had Belpaire fireboxes and 180 psi. steam pressure,
and they were fitted with a new form of sand gear by which the rails were
sanded automatically when the regulator was opened. Nos. 346 and 379, six-wheels
coupled tank engines, had been rebuilt with enlarged tank capacity.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry.. 37.
Two new standard goods locomotives (0-6-0), Nos. 267 and 271, had
been turned out at Ashford, replacing two Watkin four-coupled express engines
of the Ironclad type. No. 184, Stirling condensing tank locomotive rebuilt
with a new boiler, with dome, etc., and with the sandboxes placed below the
Great Northern Ry. 37.
The latest engines built at Doncaster were a series of ten of Ivatt's
standard ten-wheel side tank locomotives (0-8-2T), numbered 1531 to 1540
(Doncaster Nos. 1017 to 1026, all dated 1903).
Great Central Ry. 37
No. 204 of the 9J class of large six-coupled goods engines (0-6-0),
had been built at Gorton. The two new six-coupled bogie engines (4-6-0) Nos.
195 and 196, with 6ft. 9in. wheels, were running and would shortly be working
regular traffic. Nos. 180 and 181, six-coupled bogie passenger locomotives
with 6ft. coupled wheels, had been delivered by the builders, Beyer, Peacock
& Co., and were at work. No. 1014 Sir Alexander, had been supplied
with a water pick-up for the tender, at Gorton.
Taff Vale Ry. 37
The Avonside Engine Co. were building and supplying the locomotive
portion and the Bristol Wagon & Carriage Works Co. were making the carriage
portion of six new motor carriages for passenger traffic on this railway,
to the same pattern as the original car designed by T. Hurry Riches, the
locomotive superintendent, illustrated and described in our January issue.
The latter car had been working very successfully for some months, at about
one-third of the cost of the train service previously in use. By the consent
of the Board of Trade, the Taff Vale Ry. has power to take up and set down
passengers, at points other than the ordinary stations, and this should lead
to a marked development ot steam car running. The new cars intended to be
delivered in time for the summer traffic.
Great Western Ry. 37.
New Camel type locomotive referred to in last
issue, No. 3453, named Dominion of Canada. Two others were also
out, Nos. 3455 Australia and 3457 Tasmania. No. 3424 of this
class has recently been named Sir N. Kingscote. The new six-wheels
coupled bogie locomotive 4-6-0 No. 171, referred to in last issue, now named
Albion, no doubt in anticipation of its rivalry with La France.
No. 3278 Eddystone had the name plate over the splashers, Nos. 3313
Cotswold and 3316 Guernsey have been supplied with Belpaire
fireboxes and name plates above the splashers, No. 3316 now named Isle
of Guernsey. Three engines, Nos. 671, 2547 and 3512, wererunning with
the steam domes painted. Nos. 3222 and 3531 had recently been supplied with
new boilers having Belpaire fireboxes.
North Eastern Railway. 37-8.
Nos. 649 and 784 form, with No. 532, the first order tor three of
the Class V Atlantic type. Two new locomotives of the Atlantic type, Class
V, were to be built as four-cylinder compounds on Smith's patent system.
Three engines of the fifth order for Class T eight-coupled goods locomotives
were out, bearing Nos. 1669, 411 and 443. Nos. 25 and 869, Class C compound
goods locomotives, rebuilt with two h.p. cylinders, 18in. by 24in., with
slide valves on top. No. l088, Class E shunting engine, built at Darlington
in October, 1875, had the 16in. by 22in. cylinders replaced by ones of 18in.
diameter; this engine was working on a coal lead near Gateshead, on which
there was a stiff gradient. No. 1631, Class M1 coupled bogie locomotive,
had been rebuilt with a new boiler and 19½in. by 26in. cylinders with
piston valves. The extended smokebox abolished. Nos. 44, 49, 94, 9S, 136
and 140, six-coupled saddle tanks, rebuilt as six-coupled side tanks. Nos.
2019 and 2023, two ot the 6ft. 10in. coupled 4-4-0 Class R, had Hulburd's
patent air sanding gear. No. 1539, a four-coupled compound, built in December,
1890, Class F, is being rebuilt with 18½in. by 26in. cylinders, fitted
with piston valves. No. 107 compound goods had a new boiler put in, fitted
with Hulburd's patent sludge cocks and scum cleansing gear. No. 962 had the
compound cylinders taken out and replaced by a new pair 18in. by 24in., with
the slide valves on the top.
The North British Locomotive Co., Ltd. 38.
Twenty eight-wheels coupled bogie locomotives with bogie tenders,
similar to other engines recently supplied, with 17in. by 24in. cylinders
and 4ft. coupled wheels, have been delivered to the Rhodesian Rys. They are
numbered 31 to 50 (WN 16161 to 16180).
An order for 36 heavy locomotives for the Natal Government Rys. is. also
now in progress, and nine passenger and ten mixed traffic locomotives are
about to be built for the Burma Rys. Eight standard locomotives of the ten-wheels
type (4-6-0) have recently been delivered to the Eastern Bengal Ry., (WN
16014-16018 and 16024-16026). Eight six-wheels coupled goods engines have
been despatched from the Polmadie works of this company to the Bombay, Baroda
& Central India Ry. An order for 15 compound mixed traffic locomotives
had been received from a Chilian Ry.
A new and neat design of four-wheels coupled saddle tank, with leading and
trailing pony trucks and cylinders 14in. by 20in., had been supplied for
use at Woolwich Arsenal on the narrow gauge railway, which had very severe
curves: WN 16032.
Mauritius Ry. 38.
A.J. Dykes, formerly a pupil of Messrs. Tannett & Walker, Leeds,
and late assistant to C.H. Liverick, district Iocomotive superintendent,
G.N.R., Colwick, appointed locomotive superintendent of the Mauritius Railway.
During the time Dykes was at the Colwick depot he was much esteemed by the
officials and men, and has been the recipient of hearty congratulations on
the appointment he has received. Mr. Dykes left Colwick on December 31st,
1903, and England on January 22nd, 1904.
A record-making engine and its driver. 38. illus.
Pfungst photograph of locomotive No. 2.180 of the Nord Ry. of
France, and its driver, E. Lutens, of Lille, which made a record run from
Boulogne to Paris. The train left Boulogne at 6.25 and arrived at the Paris
terminus at 9.15, covering the distance of 157¾ miles in 170
Boulac Works, Cairo, Egyptian Government Rys. 38.
The Royal ladies of the Khedive's household recently made an inspection
of the railway workshop at Boulac, The visitors included the Khedive's mother,
the Khedivah and many princesses of the palace. They were conducted by English
ladies, the respective wives of Major Johnstone, the chairman of the Board,
Mr. Trevithick, the locomotive superintendent, Mr. Cotterill, the engineer,
and Mr. Blakeney, the traffic manager. The Royal ladies displayed much interest
in all they saw, the electric cranes and other appliances receiving particular
attention. Needless to say, everything was in the best of order, and all
the machines and tools beautifully clean.
Chimneys and blast pipes. 48-9
Concluded pages 66-7: notes
that blast pipe must be concentric with chimney; the chimney may be extented
down into the firebox; that a petticoat pipe may be fitted and in America
very low and multiple petticoat pipes were being fitted.
Railway Notes. 55.
London & North Western Ry. 55
The first non-compound four-wheels coupled bogie express locomotive
(4-4-0) was out and is intended for use principally on the express trains
between London, Liverpool and Manchester. For some time it had been hauling
the heavy boat train from Holyhead to Crewe, keeping time and dispensing
with a "pilot" even for the start at Holyhead. On Sunday, the 27 February,
a test was made by running from Crewe to Rugby with a load of 370 tons behind
the tender, the booked time for the 75½ miles being 87 minutes. It is
numbered 513, and bears the well-known name Precursor. The cylinders
are inside, and are 19in. diameter, with a stroke of 26in., and fitted with
Joy's valve gear. The coupled wheels were 6ft. 9in. diameter, and the bogie
wheels 3ft. 9in. The boiler pressure was 175 psi and the total heating surface
2,009.7ft2. with a grate area of 22.4 ft2.. A modern
design or tender with steel frame was attached to this engine.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 55
Steam motor cars were to be built by this railway for working on branch
line passenger traffic. The latest locomotives built at Ashford were three
standard goods engines, Nos. 268, 272 and 277, which replaced three of Watkin's
build. Two of Stirling's six-coupled goods engines, Nos. 296 and 386, were
running with raised domeless boilers and steam reversing gear outside the
The Royal train which conveyed H.M. the King and Queen from Charing Cross
to Port Victoria on the 28 February was hauled by No. 456, one of Stirling's
440 class: The Royal and other saloons were used. The old station at Folkestone
Harbour had been entirely demolished, and a new one to take its place, on
the Harbour Extension Works, was well in hand.
Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry. 55. illus.
G. Hughes, manager of the Horwich locomotive works of this railway,
had been appointed chief mechanical engineer, in succession to H.A. Hoy,
who had resigned that post in order to take up the position of managing di
rector to Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd., of Manchester. O. Winder, assistant
carriage and wagon superintendent, took Hughes' place as manager at Horwich,
and H. Gresley, formerly manager of the carriage and wagon works at Newton
Heath, succeeded Winder at Horwich. Illus. of 4-4-2.
Great Western Ry. 55.
The following new engines of the Camel class, completing with those
given in issues for February and March, a series of ten: Nos. 3454 New
Zealand, 3456 Albany, 3458 Natal. Colony, 3459
Toronto, 3460 Montreal, 3461 Ottawa, and 3462
Winnipeg. The Swindon works' numbers of the ten locomotives run from
2036 to 2045 respectively. No. 2602, six-wheels coupled with a leading pony
truck, had been altered as was the case with the ten-wheeler, No. 2601, the
saddle-shaped sandbox having been removed from the top of
the boiler (as illustrated in our issue of March, 1901) and standard sand
gear being now fitted to the footplates.
On May and, as several of the new rail motor- cars now building at Swindon
are nearly com- pleted, services for these cars will be established at many
points on the system. There will be a half-hourly service on the branch from
Southall to Brentford, a similar service between West- bourne Park and Southall,
via Park Royal and Greenford loop line, and others between Millbay, Saltash
and Plympton, and on the Yealmpton branch.
The following locomotives have recently been rebuilt with new boilers having
Belpaire fireboxes: four-coupled passenger, Nos.' 3208,3217, 3219, 3222,
and 3224; and six-coupled goods, Nos. 2309, 2364, and 2622.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 56.
No. 49 Queensland, one of the large four-wheels coupled bogie
locomotives (4-4-0), had been re-named Duchess of Norfolk. Four new
radial tank locomotives, Nos. 587 Brighton, 588 Hawkenbury,
589 Ambersham and 590 Lodsworth, were out of the shops. A new
turntable, large enough to accommodate the longest bogie express engines,
had been constructed outside the London Bridge terminus.
London & South Western Ry. 56.
The following new four-wheels coupled trailing bogie tank locomotives
(0-4-4T) were at work, Nos. 21, 27, 28, 29, 30, 108, 109,110, 111, and
Caledonian Ry. 56.
Pending certain alterations which are being effected on the large
six-coupled bogie engines, Nos. 49 and 50, the West Coast trains are now
being- run by the Dunalastair II class, No. 769, the subject of one of our
series of colored plates, being one of this type, piloted by the Dunalastair
type. No. 123, the single driver bogie locomotive illustrated in issue of
31 October was stationed at St. Rollox running shed.
Midland & South Western Junction Ry. 56.
Company was engaged on various permanent way works, including a new
goods depot at Swindon, a doubling of the line south ot Cirencester, and
replacing Vignoles rails by new 87lb. bull-headed rails in 46¾lb.
Electric traction on railways. 56.
It was proposed to work the sections of the Metropolitan Ry. from
Baker Street to Harrow and the new branch from Harrow to Uxbridge by electric
trraction, prior to the introduction of the same system of working on the
Inner Circle, and a trial of the new cars built for the purpose was recently
made on a portion of the line near Harrow, the current being obtained from
the District Ry. Co.'s temporary generating station at Alperton. The generating
station at Neasden for the Metropolitan Ry. was nearing completion,
On 23 February the electrification of the Liverpool and Southport section
of the Lancashire & Yorkshire Ry., was inaugurated by a formal trial
trip. The work of conversion has been effected by Messrs. Dick, Kerr &
Co., and occupied about 18 months .. When the service is in full working
order there will be 65 trains per day in each direction between Liverpool
and Southport, and an additional 51 per day between Liverpool and Hall Road,
as against 36 steam hauled trains which formerly constituted the service
between Liverpool and Southport, and about the same number between the former
place and Hall Road. The electric trains will cover the full distance of
18½ miles in 25 minutes, at the same average runnmg speed as was maintained
by the old steam driven expresses.
On the North Eastern Ry. a regular service of electric trains is now running
between Newcastle Central station and Benton, a distance of 4 miles, the
trains consisting of three cars each, running every quarter of an hour. At
present this railway has 37 miles of double or quadruple track electrified,
but the introduction of the new running will be made gradually. When the
electric working comes into practice, the time occupied between Newcastle
and Tynemouth will be reduced from 35 to 23 minutes for stopping trains,
and to 15 minutes for express trains, and a quarter-hourly service will be
Mersey Ry. . 56.
Reported that up to date four of the steam locomotives and 6 of the
old passenger coaches had been sold.
Extension of works at Forth Banks.. 56.
R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie & Co., Ltd., of Newcastle-on-Tyne,
had completed some important extensions of their Forth Banks locomotive works.
The works were originally established as far back as 1817.
London County Council.. 56.
Andrew Barclay, Sons & Co., Ltd., of Kilmarnock, received an order
for two locomotives from the Works Department of the LC.C.., quickness of
delivery, as well as good features of design and workmanship, being an important
consideration. One engine was to be delivered in ten days and the other in
fourteen days from date of order.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 57
Stephenson long boiler No. 226 Fig. 66.
Four-cylinder compound locomotive, Prussian State Rys. 59. illus.
Hannovershe Maschinenbau AG 4-4-2 with hp cylinders approx 14 x
23½in and lp cylinders 22 x 23½in, 6ft coupled wheels,
1916ft2 total heating surface, 29ft2 grate area and
205 psi boiler pressure.
Early locomotives of the Stockton and Darlington Ry.
60-1. 2 drawings
John Kitching of Branksome Hall, Darlington provided two drawings
of locomotives built by Wilfred and Alfred Kitching at the Hope Town Foundry
in Darlington. Fig. 1 shows Queen an inside cylinder 0-4-0 built in
1838 which was mentioned by
Joseph Tomlinson in his IMechE
Presidentail Address and a 2-2-2 built in 1839 Raby Castle with
12½in x 18in inside cylinders, 5ft driving wheels and 55, later 90 psi
boiler pressure. It was capable of running at 5--55 mile/h. Both had been
scrapped by June 1858.
Firebox bearing arrangements. 61. 2 diagrams.
Austrian and American practice.
Four cylinder compound locomotive, Eastern Railway of France. 62.
De Glehn type 4-6-0 with 13¼ x 25¼in high pressure and 21¾
x 25¼in low pressure cylinders, 5ft 8¾in coupled wheels,
2267.03ft2 total heating surface, 33.36ft2 grate area
and 213psi boiler pressure.
Steam turbines for locomotives. 62-3.
Theoretical: considers both the Parsons and De Laval designs; the
need for gearing, their possible application like electric motors, and the
problems of optimum performance at fixed speed and lack of reverse mechanism
unlike reciprocating engines.
Six-wheels coupled bogie express locomotive, Great India Peninsular Ry.
64. 2 illustrations.
North British Locomotive Company 4-6-0 design with outside cylinders
with 21 x 26in cylinders, 6ft 2in coupled wheels, 1770.2ft2 total
heating surface, 30.75ft2 grate area and 180psi boiler pressure.
Eight in service numbered 209-216. Dark red brown livery. Used on Bombay
to Poona expresses. To the design of S.J. Sarjant, locomotive superintendent
and Sir George Bruce, consultant.
Chimneys and blast pipes. 66-7
Continued from page 49: variable
blast pipes; the Macallan type used on the Great Eastern Railway and the
Botry type used on Belgian State Railways was similar to devised by William
More early reminiscences. 67
Notes on engine driving by contract on the Eastern Counties Railway
and on the Tilbury line. Drivers made efforts to reduce station dwell times
on the London to Norwich run as they sought to limit coke consumption. On
goods trains they required assistance up the banks from Chesterford towards
Elsenham. On the Tilbury run they took sheep on their tenders down to the
marshes for fattening. More reminiscences p.
No. 141 (14 May 1904)
Railway Notes. 73
Great Western Ry. 73. illus.
No. 3473 County of Middlesex, was the first of a new class
of four-wheels coupled bogie express locomotives (4-4-0) under construction
at Swindon. They were generally similar in dimensions to the City class,
but the cylinders were outside the frames. This new type would be known as
the County class. The following locomotives of the Camel type, forming part
of a series of ten, were out: Nos. 3403 Vancouver, 3464
Jamaica, 3465 Trinidad and 3466 Barbados (WN 2046 to
2049). Having been found that the system of trying locomotives in the shops
on a machine similar to that described and illustrated on another page of
the current issue, in article on Some Locomotive Experiments, which had been
in force for some time at Swindon, was not particularly satisfactory when
applied to tank locomotives, that class of engine would in future be handed
over to the running department for trial on the road, as was formerly the
practice. No. 1123 Salisbury, one of the 7ft. single engines, had
been rebuilt with a new boiler having a Belpaire firebox, and the following
other locomotives also had recently been supplied with the latest form of
taper boiler with Belpaire firebox, viz: Nos. 3505, 3514, 3522 and 3548,
four-coupled passenger; Nos. 2392 and 2515, six-coupled goods; and No. 2635,
mineral locomotives. In issue of 12 March mention was made of three engines
running with painted steam domes, but omitted to say that the dome casings
in question are of steel, and not brass painted over. The Camel type locomotive
No. 3346 Tavy was running fitted with a mechanical stoker, which
necessitates the use of coal broken smaller than is customary. In the
accompanying illustration is shown a photographic reproduction of one of
the new rail motor cars which started running on the new loop line between
Paddington and Southall, via Park Royal and Greenford, on the 2 May. There
was a similar service between Southall and Brentford, and the introduction
of an improved connection by means of these cars seems to be attended with
the approval of the travelling public.
Midland Ry. 73
Many Johnson standard goods engines with 5ft.- 2½in. wheels and
18in. by 26in. cylinders were being rebuilt with the large new boilers like
No. 2736, and having 180 psi. The following had been thus rebuilt: Nos. 1877,
1898, 1901, 1917, 1927, 1941, 1958, 1960, 1963, 2047, 2067, 2158, 2167, 2175.
2304 and 2311, also No. 1791, with 4ft. 10in. wheels (1700 class). Nos. 836
to 839, new four-coupled bogie passenger locomotives, are now at work, completing
the order for ten. The old Kirtley goods engines bearing these numbers are
now Nos. 667, 1007,336 and 682. Five new standard goods locomotives with
large boilers had recently been completed, and bore Nos. 255 to 259, the
older engines in the Leicester district which formerly bore those numbers
now being Nos. 316, 338, 415, 560 and 407 respectively.
Indian State Rys. 73.
Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd., had secured a contract for 31 engines
and tenders of exceptionally large dimensions.
London & North Western Ry. 74
Two more 7ft. four-cylinder compound locomotives, Nos. 1951
Bacchante and 1956 Illustrious, had had their valve-gear modified,
as in the case of Benbow referred to in our issue of 22 August 1903.
Following are the names of the locomotives used for the Royal visit to Ireland.
between Euston and Holyhead, on the 25 April: pilot engine No. 291 Prince
of Wales, first and second train engines No. 1946 Diadem and No.
1970 Good Hope respectively. On the 2 April, the new accelerated service
between Euston and Manchester and Liverpool was successfully started. There
are now two trains. one each way, between London and Manchester, with one
intermediate stop at Stockport, which covered the distance in 3½ hours,
and two others, which only occupied ¼ hour longer. On the opening day
of the new running a special train was also put on which left Euston at 10.32
a.m., and arrived at Stockport and Manchester at 13.48 and 13.59 respectively,
the total journey thus being made in 3 min. less than the revised schedule.
The load behind the tender was about 220 tons, and the engines employed were
Nos. 789 Breadalbane and 837 Faerie Queen. The special was
hauled on the return journey by No. 1924 Powerful. The L. & N.W.R.
had decided to proceed at once with the widening of the main line between
Rugby and Nuneaton, and the contract was now in force.
Great Central Ry. 74
Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd., had delivered Nos. 180 to 187, six-wheels
coupled bogie "fish" engines with 6ft. 1in. wheels, of the 1067 class (Beyer,
Peacock & Co's. WN. 4531 to 4538).
The same firm had also delivered a large number of the six-coupled inside
cylinder goods engines, No. 973 class, of which they had 25 on order. Nos.
198, 201, 203, 205, 206, 209, 210, 211, 214. 215 were all of this class.
Six new six-coupled goods engines of this same 9J class built at Gorton are
now running, bearing Nos. 207, 208, 217, 220, 232 and 233. Three of the same
class, Nos. 253, 254 and 255, had been delivered by the Yorkshire Engine
Co. The original double-framed engines bearing; these numbers had been scrapped
or placed on the duplicate list. Kitson & Co. had delivered eight new
eight-coupled goods locomotives. Nos. 140 to 147.
Nos. 43 and 154, saddle tank shunting engines, had been rebuilt, and were
fitted with vacuum and steam brakes.
Nos. 104 to 113, ten four-wheels coupled express engines of the 1013 class
were being delivered by the Vulcan Foundry Ltd. (WN 1917-1926). These differed
from Nos. 1013 to 1042 in having four safety valves in place of the two hitherto
fitted. They took the numbers formerly used for Sacre single wheel express
engines which were working on the Southport branch of the Cheshire lines.
Pollitt's six bogie single express engines Nos. 967 to 972, which were removed
last year from London to Leicester to work between Oxford, Leicester and
York, have now been again removed to the Cheshire lines, to work the fast
Manchester and Liverpool expresses.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 74
Two Wainwright standard type (0-6-0) goods engines, Nos. 480 and 481,
had been built at Longhedge works. No. 362, a Stirling's four-coupled trailing
bogie tank (0-4-4T) locomotive had been rebuilt with a raised boiler provided
with a brass dome. It also had the sandboxes removed from the front of the
splashers and new ones placed below the footplate.
North Eastern Ry. 74
A new mineral locomotive, Class P1, with 4ft. 7¼in. wheels and
18¼in. cylinders, was out, bearing 132 (Darlington WN 466). It had a
boiler 5ft. 6in. in diameter, having its centre 8ft.1in. above the rails,
with 1,664ft2 of heating surface and carrying a pressure of 200
psi. Engine and tender measured 52ft. in length over all, and weighed in
working order a total of 78 tons.
Nos. 89, 1148, 1317 and 1774, of Class U, mineral tank locomotives, were
running. No. 676, Class Gl, built at Darlington in 1887, was being rebuilt
with a leading bogie, and new cylinders 18¼in. by 26in. with piston
valves. No. 211, six-coupled well-tank, built at Darlington in 1882, had
been supplied with a saddle tank, thereby considerably enlarging the water
Several six-coupled shunting locomotives of the E Class had been supplied
with the Westinghouse brake. the donkey pump being fixed on the front end
of the side tank. In our issue of 12 March page 37, we referred to No. 25
as being an engine of Class C which had been converted to high pressure.
The engine in question is of Class P1, and was given in error for No. 31,
which is a Class C that has been converted to Class Cl.
Ebbw Vale. 74-5.
Peckett & Sons, of Bristol, had recently completed and delivered
to the Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron & Coal Co., Ltd., two powerful tank locomotives
having six-coupled wheels and 18in. cylinders. The boilers carried a working
pressure ot 160 psi and the engines each weigh 48 tons in working order;
they are fitted with hand, steam and vacuum brakes. These two engines complete
a series of 15 supplied to the company by Peckett during the last 12 months
in accordance with the policy then in progress of discarding old locomotives
in favour of new and more powerful engines specially constructed to meet
the heavier requirements of the present day.
Mersey Ry. 75.
Two of the six-wheels coupled double framed bogie tank engines (0-6-4T)
built by Beyer, Peacock & Co., 1885, had been sold to the Shipley Collieries,
near Ilkeston, Derby. These were Nos. 5 and 8 on the Mersey Ry.
East & West Yorkshire Union Ry. 75
The 12in. outside cylinder four-coupled saddle tank locomotive built
by Messrs. Black, Hawthorn & Co. in 1878 (No. 424), which was referred
to on page 22 of February issue, was not purchased from the N.E.R., but from
a local firm.
One of the eight-wheeled radial side tank locomotives had been fitted with
Marshall's valve gear by Manning, Wardle & Co.
The Midland Railway had lent a four-coupled trailing bogie tank locomotive,
No. 6, and several coaches for the working of passenger traffic between Robin
Hood and Wellington Street, Leeds, the service. consisting of four trains
per day in each direction.
American Mail Specials. 75
The transformation of Plymouth into the first port of arrival of
transatlantic mail steamers of the American and North German Lloyd services
has led to brisk rivalry between the Great Western and London and South Western
On the 9 April the L. & S.W.R. conveyed the passengers of the American
line s.s St. Louis from Devonport to Waterloo in 4h. 23 min., while
the G.W.R. conveyed the mails in 4 h. 18 min. On the 18 April the latter
company improved on that record by running a special, which met the N.D.L.
s.s. Kaiser Wilhelm II., over the 246 miles between Millbay and Paddington
in 4 h. 13 min. On Saturday, the 23 April, this was again beaten by a run
of 4 h. 12 min., with the mail ex the American liner St. Paul, the
load consisting of five 8-wheeled parcel vans hauled by No. 3442 City
of Exeter, from Plymouth to Bristol, and three vans drawn by No. 3056
Wilkinson formerly Timour) between Bristol and Paddington.
The passengers from the same liner were carried by the L. & S.W.R. in
the record time of 4 h. 3 min. 11 sec., with intermediate stops at Exeter
and Templecombe. The train consisted of four eight-wheeled central corridor
coaches, one of which was a dining car, and it was hauled from Devonport
to Templecombe by the 6ft. bogie engine No. 399, and thence to Waterloo by
the standard 6ft. 6in. bogie engine No. 336. These engines were used on the
previous Saturdays on the same Ocean Special service.
On the 24 April the G.W.R. did not beat their previous record, the time occupied
being 4 h. 47 min., a falling off which was partly due to an extra stop at
Exeter, where engines were changed. The locomotives employed on that occasion
were No. 3315 Comet, from Plymouth to Exeter, No. 3025 St.
George, from Exeter to Bristol, and No. 3044 Hurricane, from Bristol
to Paddington. The load was three coaches throughout the journey.
However, on the 30 April this comparative failure was redeemed by a new record,
despite a stop at Exeter and a change of engines there, the time from Plymouth
to London being 3 hours 54 minutes. The load was four vans to Bristol and
two to London. No. 3442 City of Exeter hauled the special from Plymouth
to Exeter (527/8 miles) in 59 min. From Exeter to Pylle Hill
(75¼ miles), with No. 3054 Sir Richard Grenville, occupied 70
min., and from Pylle Hill to Paddington (118¾ miles) was accomplished
in 100 min. by No. 3065 Duke of Connaught. From clearing Swindon station
to arriving at Paddington (77¼ miles) the time was 62 min.
By rail to India. 75
The very short distance now separating the British Indian and Russian
railway systems is not fully appreciated by many. The North Western Ry. of
India had a 5ft. 6in. track, giving through communication to Bombay and the
south, in operation as far north as Chawal in Beluchistan. This point is
only 360 miles from the Russian railway terminus at Kushk, near Herat, from
whence direct trains are running via Merv to Krasnowodsk on the Caspian Sea,
although it should be mentioned that no foreigner is allowed to travel over
the Kushk-Merv section, (190 miles long) except by special permit. Crossing
the sea by steamer to Baku, the passenger for London can take a through train
to Moscow; thence the journey through Europe is simple and well-known.
Unfortunately difference of gauge will practically prevent through trains,
even if the breaks at present existing are linked up, for from London to
Warsaw the standard ·4ft. 8½in. prevails, from Warsaw to Baku and
from Krasnowodsk to Kushk, the Russian gauge is 5ft., and from Chawal to
Calcutta, Bombay and Madras 5ft. 6in. is the distance between" the rails.
As compared with this, the alternative Bagdad Ry. should eventually bring
the 4ft. 8½in. gauge to the Indian Frontier in the neighbourhood of
Express locomotive, L.&N.W.R. 78. 3 illus.
No. 513 Precursor 4-4-0: photographs of side, front and cab (tender
Consolidation goods engine, Bengal Nagpur Ry. 79. illus.
Seventeen Robert Stephenson 2-8-0 supplied under supervision of Sir
John Wolfe Barry with 4ft 8in coupled wheels, 21 x 26in cylinders for 5ft
6in gauge. They incorporated Stephenson link motion, a Belpaire firebox,
2235ft2 total heating surface,
32ft2 gratee area annd 180psi boiler
New moulding machinery. 80-1. 3 illus.
Taite & Carlton
The history of the London & South Western
locomotives. 81-2. illus., table
No. | Name | Date built | Works or Makers' Nos |
Class | Date broken up |
65 |
Achilles | Jan., 1870 |
69 |
Goods |
sold April, 1897 |
120 |
Hecla | Jan., 1870 |
70 |
Goods |
Mar., 1899 |
176 |
Dragon | Jan., 1870 |
71 |
Goods |
Mar., 1891 |
1 |
Sussex | July, 1870 |
72 |
Passenger |
May, 1898 |
14 |
Mercury | July, 1870 | 73 |
Passenger |
June, 1898 |
15 |
Mars | July, 1870 | 74 |
Passenger |
Nov., 1898 |
3 |
Transit | July, 1870 | 75 |
Goods |
sold April, 1897 |
7 |
Venus | July, 1870 | 76 |
Goods |
Jnly, 1893 |
8 |
Vesta | July, 1870 | 77 |
Goods |
Jnly, 1898 |
2 |
Tartar | Dec. 1870 | 78 |
Passenger |
Mar., 1895 |
4 |
Locke | Dec. 1870 | 79 |
Passenger |
June, 1895 |
6 |
Cossack | Dec. 1870 | 80 |
Passenger |
Dec., 1895 |
9 |
Chaplin | Dec. 1870 | 81 |
Goods |
Mar. 1893 |
10 |
Aurora | Dec. 1870 | 82 |
Goods |
sold April, 1897 |
12 |
Jupiter | Feb. 1871 | 83 |
Goods |
June, 1898 |
13 |
Orion | July, 1871 | 84 |
Goods |
1900 |
22 |
Giraffe | July, 1871 | 85 |
Goods |
Dec., 1891 |
38 |
Vizier | June, 1871 | 86 |
Goods |
July, 1899 |
18 |
Albert | June, 1871 | 87 |
Passenger |
Dec., 1893 |
19 |
Briton | June, 1871 | 88 |
Passenger |
July, 1899 |
20 |
Princess | June, 1871 | 89 |
Passenger |
Feb., 1894 |
263 |
Sept., 1871 | 1089 |
Tank |
Oct., 1898 |
264 |
Sept., 1871 | 1090 |
Tank |
Dec., 1894 | |
265 |
Sept., 1871 | 1091 |
Tank |
sold April, 1897 | |
266 |
Sept., 1871 | 1092 |
Tank |
Feb., 1898 |
267 |
Sept., 1871 | 1093 |
Tank |
Nov., 1890 |
268 |
Sept., 1871 | 1094 |
Tank |
May, 1890 |
269 | Sept., 1871 | 1095 |
Tank |
June, 1889 |
270 | Sept., 1871 | 1096 |
Tank |
Dec., 1893 |
17 |
Queen | Dec., 1871 | 90 |
Passenger | 1897 |
21 |
Prince | Dec., 1871 | 91 |
Passenger | 1898 |
23 |
Antelope | Dec., 1871 | 92 |
Goods |
June, 1898 |
24 |
Elk | Dec., 1871 | 93 |
Goods |
Dec., 1889 |
33 |
Phcenix | Dec., 1871 | 94 |
Tank |
Oct., 1892 |
36 |
Comet | Dec., 1871 | 95 |
Tank |
Dec., 1894 |
76 |
Firefly | Dec., 1871 | 96 |
Tank |
July, 1899 |
Continued page 154
Some locomotive experiments. 83-4. diagr.
Continued from page 46: stationary testing plants at Purdue University on
the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. Simpler plants at the North British
Locomotive Company's Hyde Park Works, the Vulcan Foundry and at Swindon.
The systems consisted of rollers and some form of traction system.
London to Rome via Mont Cenis. 84-5. 11 illus.
Victoria depart 10.00 for Newhaven; boat to Dieppe; train to Paris
St. Lazre arrive 18.55: depart Gare de Lyon 22.25; arrive Modane 11.12 (Italian
time); then route was Turin, Genoa, Rome (no time given).
Lagging for locomotive boilers. 86.
Tests on stationary boilers had shown a 12% saving in heat through
lagging. Wood suffered from shrinkage and metal bands were need to keep it
in place. Continued p. 146..
Post Office sorting van, Furness Ry. 87. illus.
32ft long six-wheel vehicle with electric lighting and a
New carriage stock, Midland Railway. 87-8.
Close-coupled bogie sets for Manchester Central to Stockport and Chaedle
Heath service consisting of Brake third; third; four first class with seven
compartments, third and brake third. The thirds had eight compartments and
the brake thirds six. They were gas lit. Also note of 60ft long sleeping
cars running on six-wheel bogies. These werer 9ft wide at centre to accommodate
6ft 2in sleeping berths. They had clerestory roofs.
The new Continental train, Great Eastern Ry. 88-9. illus., plan
Holden clerestory corridor train with restaurant and kitchen cars
with rich interiors for first and second class passengers for the Hook of
Holland boat trains running between Liverpool Street and Parkeston
No. 142 (15 June 1904)
Railway Notes. 91
Fast travel in India. 91. illus.
On the occasion of His Excellency Lord Curzon of Kedleston's journey
from Simla to Bombay, en route for England, the special train of five long
bogie cars made the run from Kalka, the commencement of the broad (5ft. 6in.)
gauge to Bombay, 1,139 miles, in 39 hours 58 minutes. The train arrived at
the Victoria terminus of the Great Indian Peninsula Ry. at Bombay at 09.24
on the morning of 30 April, six minutes ahead of time, and made the last
stretch, Kalyan to Bombay, 32 miles, in 40 mins.: at one part two miles were
covered in 1 minute 50 seconds'. Photographic reproduction shows the train
headed by G.I.P.R. engine No. 63 entering the Victoria Station, Bombay. The
train was painted white and had no sunshades, a departure from regular Indian
practice. The cars have steel underframes, electric light (Stone's), electric
fans, etc. The apartments for the Viceroy were very elaborate, and the bath
rooms, etc., beautifully finished. The train was constructed at the new carriage
shops of the E.I.R. at Lilloah.
London & North Western Ry. 91.
No. 1419 Tamerlane was latest new Precursor type, (illustrated
and described in last issue). No. 1395 Harbinger, the second of Whale's
new express engines, was now working between Crewe and Euston. On several
occasions it had hauled the 23.50 Scotch express out of Euston with a load
equal to 23½ coaches. No. 1967 Cressy had recently had its valve
motion altered in accordance with the experimental modification of No. 1952
Benbow, reterred to in our issue of 22 August. No. 1929
Polyphemus and 1930 Ramillies were now running with Belpaire
Midland Ry.. 91.
Another series of Johnson 5ft. 2¾in. standard goods engines
had been turned out from Derby with the large new boilers of the 2736 class.
The numbers were 1805, 1904,1918, 1923, 1930, 2060, 2081, 2096,2172, 2284
and 2304. A steam motor car [railcar] was under construction at Derby for
passenger service on the Heysham and Morecambe line. It was also stated that
a service or similar cars will be run over the Bedford and Hitchin
London, Tilbury & Southend Ry. 91.
Several engines were being fitted with condensing apparatus for working
over the Underground line.
Great Northern Ry. 91-2.
No. 864, one the Stirling four-wheels coupled (6ft. 7½in.) passenger
engines had been rebuilt with a new boiler, but, like No. 991, retained the
old form of cab. Twenty new Atlantic type locomotives with large boilers,
similar to No. 251, were under construction at Doncaster, Nos. 272 to 283
of the series being already out. The eight-coupled mineral engines were being
turned out from Doncaster up to No. 440. No. 773, 8ft. single, and No. 113,
mixed traffic, were among engines withdrawn from service.
Great Western Ry. 92
Nos. 536 and 1478, four-coupled in-front side tanks, (0-4-2T) had
been rebuilt at Wolverhampton with outside bearings to the trailing wheels.
No. 536 had its dome cover painted green in place of the former brass one.
The express engines stationed at Paddington had the letters PN outside the
cab on the right hand side and just under the roof. The last lot of tank
engines with taper boilers were working in the Birmingham district. The following
new engines of the Camel type were running: No. 3467 Empire of India,
and No. 3468 Calcutta. The Swindon WN 2050-1. No. 3288 Tresco,
of the Duke of Cornwall class, has been renamed Isle of Tresco. The
mineral engines Nos. 2651 and 2655 have been supplied with new taper boilers.
Nos. 602 and 2315, six-coupled goods engines,. were running with Belpaire
Great Central Ry. 92.
Vulcan Foundry Limited, were delivering the first lot of 15 six-coupled
goods engines, 973 class. These were Nos. ,235 to 239 (WN 1927 to 1931).
The Yorkshire Engine Co. have also delivered Nos. 256 and 257 of the same
class. Nos. 137, 138 and 139, eight-wheels coupled mineral engines, had been
delivered by Kitson & Co., Ltd. The duplicate engines on this line
had the letter "B" added to their former number.
Two steam motor-cars, supplied with locomotive type boilers, were under
construction at Gorton works, and were destined for suburban service.
We understand that Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd., are to build five Atlantic
type express locomotives similar to Nos. 192 and 194.
North Eastern Ry. 92.
The latest" Atlantic" type locomotive, No. 295, was ex-Gateshead shops.
Lancashire, Derbyshire & East Coast Ry. 92.
Kitson & Co., Ltd., had delivered five very heavy six wheels coupled
trailing bogie side tank engines (0-6-4T) with 4ft. 9in. wheels and 19in.
by 26in. cylinders for mineral traffic.
Great Eastern Ry. 92.
Ten new tank engines Nos. 51 to 60, were under construction at Stratford
works, similar to the enlarged tanks of the 327 class (six-coupled), but
with cabs and bunkers of the same width as the tanks. The first of these,
No. 51 was in service.
London & South Western Ry. 92.
The first series of new 6ft. 7in. four-coupled bogie express locomotives
with large boilers was rapidly nearing completion at Nine Elms. They will
bear the Nos. 415 to 419. Ten new passenger trailing bogie tank locomotives
(0-4-4T) completed and at work with the following Nos., 21, 27, 28, 29, 30,
108, 109, 110, 111 and 379. Ten mixed traffic four-coupled bogie locomotives
of the No. 155 class were approaching completion, and would be numbered as
follows: 134, 148, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172 and 174.
Midland and Great Northern Joint Ry. 92.
A large ten-wheeled tank locomotive was under construction at the
Melton Constable shops for working the traffic over the then new Yarmouth
and Lowestoft Ry. It would have four-coupled driving wheels and outside
cylinders: 4-4-2T. The locomotives of the Joint Railway were being painted
a much brighter yellow.
East & West Yorkshire Union Ry. 92.
The engine fitted with Marshall's patent valve gear, referred to in
our last issue, was No. 1, and was a six (not eight) wheeled saddle tank.
Only Nos. 4, 5 and 6 were fitted with radial trailing wheels. No. 1 had been
specially overhauled for the service of passenger trains which had previously
been worked not only by Midland tank engine No. 6 but also by No. 1265.
East & West Junction Ry. 92.
This railway had added two new locomotives to its stock, both built
by Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd. Of these, No. 13 is a four-wheels (d. and
t.) coupled passenger engine with 6ft. 1in. wheels and 17in. by 24in. cylinders,
the frames being inside throughout. No. 14 was a six-wheels coupled goods
engine with double frames, but differed from the previous engines of the
type in having the platform straight instead of bent to clear the outside
cranks. The valve motion was Stephenson's, with valve spindle guides. In
the former engines Allan's straight link motion was provided. The wheels
were 4ft. 9in, and cylinders 17in. by 24in. Both Nos. 13 and 14 had Belpaire
fireboxes, and the boiler centres were raised considerably higher than had
previously been the case on this line. Both were delivered at the end of
1903. Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd., had another goods engine on order similar
to No. 14. One of the old goods engines of the DX class purchased some years
ago from the L. &N.W.R. had recently been broken up. This was No. 9 on
the E. & W. J. R.
Six-coupled locomotive, G.C.R. 93. illus.
No. 196 illustrated. Refers back to Issue for 12 December 1903 when
new Atlantic type locomotives Nos. 192 and 194 were introduced. Nos. 195
and 196 were 4-6-0 type and shared most dimensions in common with each other
and with the two Atlantics: 6ft 9in coupled wheeels,
1842ft2 total heating surface and
26ft2 grate area. The cylinder dimensions of the
two 4-6-0s were slightly different from each other: No. 195 had a diameter
of 19½in whereas No. 196 had one of 19in, but with a common stroke of
Our special supplement. 93.
The actual Supplement was missing from copy inspected. North British
Locomotice Co. six-coupled locomotives for South African Railways. Order
for fifteen 3ft 6in gauge locomotives with 18½in x 28in cylinders; 5ft
2in coupled wheels; 200 psi boiler pressure; 1842ft2 total heating
surface and 33ft2 grate area. Directors seated in front of
New erecting shops, Vulcan Foundry. 94. illus.
Two 35 ton cranes. Pits ran full length of shop and could accommodate
several gauges.
Outside cylinder 4-coupled bogie locomotive, G.W.R. 94-5. illus.
Illustrated No. 3473 County of Middlesex which had 18in x 30in
cylinders; 6 ft 8½in coupled wheels; 200 psi boiler pressure;
1818.12ft2; grate area 20.56ft2. I-section connecting
rods, brake blocks on all wheels.
Mineral locomotive, N.E.R.. 95. illus.
No. 132 illustrated. Wilson Worsdell 0-6-0 with ½in x 26in cylinders;
4ft 7¼in coupled wheels; 1531ft2 total heating surface,
20ft2 grate area, 200 psi boiler pressure.
Washing out boilers. 96-7. illus.
Illustration: GCR 4-6-0 No. 1072 showing fitted for hot water washing
out. SWtated preference for hot water, and if it was not used emphasised
need for sufficient pressure for cold water washing out. Suggested kerosene
should be added to feed water a day or two before.
A locomotive axle fracture. 97. illus.
An Austrian gauge conversion. 98-9. 3 illus.
Lambach Grumden Railway was built to 3ft 6in gauge, but converted
to standard guage. On the narrow gauge there were ten tank engines built
by W. Gü of Wiener- Neustadt. Nos. 1-10 were 4-4-0T Nos. 1-10 for passenger
services and Nos. 11-14 were 2-6-2T for freight. Rollbücke (literally
rolling trestles), small-wheel bogies for carrying standard gauge wagons
over the line.These were unwieldy. Conversion was accomplished by replacing
the sleepers over an extended period then making the gauge change during
a three day closure.
L. & N.W.R. exhibits at St. Louis. 100. 2 illus.
Queen Adelaides's Royal Saloon and quarter size model of Royal Saloon
built for King Edward VII which ran on six-wheel bogies. Other models exhibited
included a WCJS sleeping car nand a working model of 4-cylinder compound
King Edward VII.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 101.
3 diagrs.
Continued from page 53. Figs. 69-71. The last ten engines of the Norfolk
Ry. were built by Messrs. R. Stephenson & Co. as follows :-
NR. Nos |
ECR Nos |
WN |
Date. |
30 |
130 |
571 |
Nov., 1846 |
31 |
131 |
572 |
Dec., 1846 |
32 |
132 |
573 |
Jan., 1847 |
33 |
133 |
574 |
Feb., 1847 |
34 |
134 |
575 |
April, 1847 |
35 |
135 |
576 |
April, 1847 |
36 |
136 |
577 |
Aug., 1847 |
37 |
137 |
578 |
Sept., 1847 |
38 |
138 |
579 |
Oct., 1847 |
39 |
139 |
580 |
Nov., 1847 |
As originally constructed (Fig. 69) they had cast iron wheels, the
leading being 3ft. 8in. in diameter, and the driving and trailing 5ft. 7in.
The cylinders were 15in. in diameter with a stroke of 22in., and were placed
6ft. 1in. apart centre to centre.
The wheelbase was equally divided, 5ft. being the distance separating
each pair of centres, and the overhang was 5ft. 9in. at the leading end,
and 6ft. at the trailing. The barrel was 13ft. 7in. long, with a diameter
of 3ft. 8in., and the firebox casing was 4ft. long by 3ft. wide.
The inside firebox had a length of 3ft. 6in., and width of 3ft. The plate
frames were 1in. thick. In working trim the engines weighed 23 tons 12 cwt.
1 qr., of which the leading wheels supported 6 tons 7 cwt. 1 qr., the driving
8 tons 2 cwt., and the trailing 9 tons 3 cwt. Five of these engines were
rebuilt by Sinclair as shown in Fig. 70, and were subsequently modified by
Johnson as in Fig. 71. The new boilers were constructed of four wrought iron
plates lap jointed, the external diameters being 3ft. and 3ft.;
the length of the barrel was 14ft., the smokebox tube-plate being recessed
6in. within it. There were 125 tubes of 1in. diameter, and 13ft. 9.7/16in.
long. The outer firebox was 4ft. 2in. long by. 3ft. wide, whilst the
inner box was 3ft. long and 3ft. wide, its depth being 4ft.
The grate was level, and had an area of 10 ft2. The firebox heating
surface was 61 sq. ft., making a total of 906 ft2. The working
pressure was 110 lbs. per sq. in. As rebuilt, these engines weighed 24 tons
13 cwt., of which the leading wheels carried 6 tons 17 cwt. 3 qrs., the driving
8 tons 10 cwt. 2 qrs., and the trailing 9 tons 4 cwt. 3 qrs. The engines
so treated were No.138 rebuilt in April 1860, No.135 in January 1861, No.
131 in February 1861, No. 132 in June 1861, and No. 133 in December 1861.
In 1872 Nos. 135 and 138 were renumbered 1350 and 1380 respectively. These
engines were broken up as follows: Nos. 137 and 139 December 1866, Nos. 130
and 136 November 1868, No.134 November 1870, No. 133 August 1877, No. 1350
August 1878, No. 1380 August 1879, No. 132 September 1880, and No. 131 January
The description of the ten engines last illustrated the history of the Norfolk
Railway locomotives has been completed, and from July, 1850, they were all
renumbered with and treated as part of the ECR. stock. It should be mentioned,
however, that during its separate existence the N.Ry. locomotives were under
the superintendence of W.P.
Marshall, with headquarters at Norwich, where the locomotive workshops,
still used by the G.E.R. as district repairing shops, were situated.
Reviews. 102.
The real Siberia. J. Foster Fraser. Cassell.
Journey on Trans Siberian Railway from Moscow to Steitinsk; thence
by steamer on River Amur to Khabarovsk and train to Vladivostok; also journey
over incomplete Manchurian Railway.
Railway reminiscences. George P. Neele. McCorquodale.
Friction and lubrication: a hanbook for engineers, mechanics, superintendents
and managers. William W. Davis. Pittsburg: Lubrication Publishing Co.
No. 143 (15 July 1904)
Railway notes. 107.
London & South Western Ry. 107. illus.
Two new steam motor carriages, the frames, boilers and engines of
which were constructed at Nine Elms, and were then transferred to Eastleigh
to receive the carriage bodies, were put to work on the Alton and Basingstoke
Light Railway on the 1 June. One of these carriages was illustrated, from
which it will be seen that they are somewhat different in design from No.
I, which was illustrated on page 345 of Vol. 8. and page 326 of Vol. 9.,
the boiler being arranged with the firebox at the leading end, with the side
and top enclosed. The accommodation provided in these later cars was for
eight first and 32 third class passengers, and one ton of luggage, and sufficient
water was carried for a service of 60 miles without replenishing, and
coal to last a whole day. A new 7tons steam travelling crane had been supplied
by Cowans, Sheldon & Co., of Carlisle, for the Stores Dept., Redbridge
Wharf. The new engine shed at Andover Junction, for locomotives of the L.
& S. W. and M. & S. W. J. Rys., was making good progress. The site
of the old shed was allocated to the traffic department.
Great Western Ry. 107.
A second engine of the new outside cylinder four-coupled bogie class
was out, No. 3474 County of Berks. (Swindon WN 2057). The following
locomotives of the Camel type completed a series of ten, known as the Dominion
class; Nos. 3469 Madras, 3470 Bombay, 3471 Queensland
and 3472 Columbia (Swindon WN 2052-5). Amongst the latest engines
to be rebuilt with taper boilers were Nos. 3393 Auckland, 3337
Kenilworth and 3418 Earl of Cork, passenger locomotives, and
Nos. 2636 and 2649, mineral engines. The old goods engines, Nos. 388, 2366
and 2374 had been rebuilt with Belpaire fireboxes. All tenders going through
the paint shops had the letters G.W.R. painted on, one letter to each panel,
instead of the monogram in the centre of the tank side sheets; also the number
of gallons of water that the tender will hold was cut in figures at the bottom
part of the tender register plate on the back of the tank.
North London Ry. 107.
Some six coupled tank locomotives (0-6-0T) were to be fitted with
continuous brakes.
Barry Ry.. 107.
Two steam motor carriages had been ordered from the North British
Locomotive Co., Ltd.
Midland Ry.. 107.
Several more of the 5ft. 2½in. six-coupled goods engines had
been rebuilt with large boilers, their numbers being: 1767, 1804. 1874, 1880,
1896, 1910, 1919, 1971, 2032, 2079, 2380, 2101, 2104, 2112, 2156, 2166, 2306,
2338 and 2355. No. 85, one of the 6ft. 6in. four-coupled bogie class, had
been rebuilt with a large boiler similar to that of the No. 2736 goods class.
The latest additions to the No. 2736 six-coupled goods class were No. 260-266.
Old Nos. 260-264 have been re-numbered 412, 442, 455, 665 and 670 respectively.
Several old Kirtley goods engines had been withdrawn from service.
London & North Western Ry. 108.
The latest additions to the Precursor class were Nos. 2164
Oberon, 2 Simoom and Titan. Nos. 1976-79 of the
Alfred the Great class were now in regular work.
Great Central Ry. 108.
Following complete list of the eight-coupled goods locomotives on
this line, which were illustrated and described in our issue of 3 January
1903: Nos. 1052-4 built by Neilson, Reid & Co., Ltd., of Glasgow; Nos.
56-59, 64-65, 67-68, 70-71, 85-87, 91-92, 135-140, 142-153. built by Kitson
& Co., Ltd., of Leeds; a total of 36 in all.
Great Eastern Ry. 108.
There were then 21 engines rebuilt with Belpaire fireboxes, which
were located as follows: Stratford, Nos. 760, 762, 763, 769, 781, 782, 1014,
and lO22; Cambridge, Nos. 785, 787, and 789; Ipswich, Nos. 743, 750 and 1034;
Yarmouth (South Town), Nos. 724, 725, 727, 10l0, 1011 and 1017; York, No.
702. A trial trip of the 2½ hours' run to Yarmouth was made on Saturday,
the 4 June. The train was timed to leave Liverpool Street at 10.15 and to
reach Yarmouth (South Town) at 12.45. It was hauled by No. 1871, and occupied
2 hrs. 28 min. on the down journey and 2 hours 29 mins. in returning.
North British Ry. 108.
Six four-coupled bogie express locomotives built by Drummond, Nos.
488-493, were being rebuilt after the general style of the latest type (No.
317 class) designed by the late Matthew Holmes. The boilers were of the same
diameter as the latter, but rather shorter, and the new style of cab was
fitted. The cylinders, however, were only 18in in diameter, with a stroke
of 26in, Six new side tank shunting engines were under construction; they
had six-coupled wheels and outside cylinders measuring 16in. by 22in. At
a then recent meeting of the Directors, held in London, Mr. William P. Reid's
appointment as locomotive superintendent in succession to the late Mr. M.
Holmes was confirmed.
Great Northern Ry. 108.
An installation of pneumatic buffer stops was now in position on the
arrival lines at King's Cross station. They consisted of wrought iron cylinders
with a piston travel of 7ft., and were solidly built upon a bed of concrete
with foundations extending 6ft. below the station platform level. A test
was made of these new buffer stops on Sunday morning 10 June. The trial consisted
in running a six-coupled goods locomotive, with two close-coupled suburban
trains attached, weighing altogether a total of 369 ton, into each of the
five sets of hydraulic buffers at speeds varying from 6 to 9.4 miles per
hour and the result appears to have given satisfaction to Mr Ivatt and the
other G.N. officials present.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 108.
The following 5ft. 6in. six-coupled radial tank locomotives (0-6-2T)
recently built at Brighton: Nos. 591 Tillington, 592
Eastergate, 593 Hollington and 594 Shortbridge. The
following engines had been withdrawn from service: No. 645 Merton,
(six-coupled tank), Nos. 415 and 418 (six-coupled goods), No. 304 Nice
(front-coupled mixed traffic), and No. 9 Anerley (front-coupled
D class tank).
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 108.
Another James Stirling four-coupled bogie express locomotives (4-4-0),
No. 79, had been rebuilt with the new standard boiler with a brass steam
dome and the new pattern of cab. It also bore upon the splashers of the main
driving wheels the same coat of arms as adopted on the new express engines.
The bogie tank locomotive, No. 354, of Stirling's design had been rebuilt
with a domeless boiler and short blast pipe with patent spark arrestor, while
a similar engine, No. 319, had been provided with a new boiler with a brass
steam dome. Three new standard six-coupled goods locomotives had been turned
out from Ashford, bearing running Nos. 270, 495 and 498. As they went into
the shops for repairs, the tenders of Stirling locomotives were having tool
boxes fitted at the footplate end, where they were more readily accessible.
A large number of 'these engines were now fitted with the short blast pipe
and spark arrestor. The widened lines between Elmstead (the new station between
Grove Park and Chislehurst) and Orpington were opened on the 6 June, together
with the new-loop lines at Chiselhurst connecting the South Eastern &
Chatham sections.
Lancashire, Derbyshire & East Coast Ry. 108.
The new ten-wheeled six-coupled side tanks mentioned in last issue
were Nos. 29 to 33 (Kitson & Co. WN 4246 to 4250). In addition to the
large size of the tanks, the chief points of interest were in the smokebox,
and the brakes on the bogie wheels. The smokebox was of the extended type,
but the extension was of smaller diameter than the smokebox proper. This
was a revival of an experiment introduced several years ago on the Glasgow
& South-Western Ry. The steam brake cylinders on the bogie were horizontal,
the steam being introduced between two pistons, which were forced outwards,
the rod acting directly on the brake blocks without the intervention of levers.
The blocks are released by coiled springs. The valve motion was of the rocking
shaft pattern, and the valves were on the top of the cy1inders.
New express locomotive, L.&S.W.R. 111. illus.
No. 415 illustrated: Drummond 4-4-0 later known as L12 class.
The Egyptian Government Railways and locomotives. 112-13. 3 illus.
including 1 drawing
In 18i70 six locomotives were returned to Black Hawthorn namely a
Sharp Stewart double frame engine of 1857 which on return became No. 197;
a Koechlin large domed "Frenchman" illustrated in Volume 9 page 267, and
four Robert Stephenson outside cylinder locomotives illustrated in Volume
9 p. 101. In 1879 two Robert Stephenson long boiler singles received new
boilers. In 1883 six tank locomotives were added to stock. Four Manning Wardle
products of 1882 were handed over from the War Department. Two were
outside-cylinder 0-4-0ST and received RN 241 and 242 with 2ft 9in and 3ft
coupled wheels respectively and 8in x 14in and 12in x 18in cylinders
(respectively. They were renumbered several times and were Nos. 505 and 506
then. Two inside-cylinder Manning Wardle 0-6-0STs with 3ft coupled wheels
and 12 x 17in cylinders entered service, but were then sent to the Soudan.
Fig. 37 shows an 0-4-2ST which was one of two used in Mex Harbour. These
were Beyer Peacock products with 4ft coupled wheels, 14 x 20in cylinders
and 681ft2 heating surface. They were similar to locomotives
constructed for the Knighton Railway. One was sent to Soudan, but the other
became No. 407 and became the carriage works shunter at Boulac. Similar
locomotives were used on the Cairo-Holouan Railway.
Compound passenger engine, Portuguese State Rys. 115.
In the colored illustration reproduced on the opposite page (in Volume
being handled fp. 107) we show an exact representation of a type of six wheels
coupled bogie four-cylinder compound express locomotive (4-6-0) designed
and built by A. Borsig, of Berlin, for the heavy passenger traffic of the
SuI e Sueste section of the Portuguese State Rys., which has long gradients
of 1 in 55. The reproduction is shown in the colours [red/brown] which are
standard on that system.
The design of the locomotive and the arrangement of the cylinders is that
commonly associated with the names of de Glehn-du Bousquet, the high pressure
cylinders being outside the frames between the rear bogie axle and the leading
coupled axle, while the low pressure cylinders are between the frames, below
the smokebox. The high pressure motion is of the Walschaert type, actuating
piston valves, while Joy's valve gear is employed for the low pressure cylinders,
as it requires no eccentrics, and therefore allows a more favourable arrangement
of the crank axle. Screw reversing gear is provided, so arranged that the
cut-off in each pair of cylinders may be varied independently as desired.
Starting gear is also provided, by means of which the high pressure cylinders
exhaust directly into the blast pipe, while the low pressure cylinders receive
live steam at a reduced pressure from the boiler.
The chief dimensions of this locomotive are as follows: the high pressure
cylinders are 14¾in. in diameter, and the low pressure are 21½in.
in diameter, with a stroke of 25½in. for each pair. The diameter of
the coupled wheels was 5ft. 1in. The boiler was of large dimensions, its
barrel measuring 14ft. 1in. between tubeplates, with a mean diameter of 4ft.
11in ; its centre line 8ft. 10in, above the rails. There were 233 tubes of
nearly 2in. diameter. The firebox was unusually large. extending over the
middle coupled axle, and it provided a grate area of 31ft2; the
total heating surface was 1,840 ft2, and the boiler pressure 200
psi. Engines of this type weighed 58½ tons in working order, and they
were provided with tenders carried on eight wheels, as shown. Both were fitted
with the automatic vacuum brake, and the engine was provided with combination
injectors, "pop" safety valves, a registering speed indicator, and a mechanically
driven oil pump for lubricating the cylinders and slide valves.
The Plymouth to London record run. 115, 114. 2
[exact reproduction] Owing to pressure on our space, we were unable
to give in our last issue' continued records of the running of the American
Mail Special from Plymouth to London on the Great Western Ry.
On May 2nd, No. 3440 "City of Truro " ran from Plymouth Docks (Millbay Crossing)
to Bristol, 1281/8 miles in 128 minutes; and No. 3065 "Duke
of Connaught," brought the mails from Bristol to Paddington, 118½ miles,
in 106 minutes; the whole journey occupying 3 hours 56 minutes. On May 7th.
the same two engines performed the journey in 128 mirriutes and 109½
minutes respectively. the whole distance occupying 4 hours 1 minute.
All previous records were ,however, completely eclipsed by these two locomotives
on May 9th, when the total distance of 2465/8 miles was covered
in 226¾ minutes from start to finish, with an intermediate stop of 3¾
minutes at Pylle Hill for the purpose of detaching one of the five eight-wheeled
mail vans composing the train during the first portion of the journey.
Incidentally, another record was created, since the American, New Zealand
and Australian Mails ex s.s. Kronprin« vVzlhelm travelled from New York
to London in the hitherto unbeaten time of 5 days 22 hours. The
1281/8 miles from Millbay to Pylle Hill occupied 123¼
minutes, intermediate timings being, Plymouth North Road to Exeter (pass),
52 miles in 56 minutes, and Exeter (pass) to Pylle Hill, 75¼ miles in
64¼ minutes. From Pylle Hill to Paddington, start to stop, 118½
miles, occupied 99¾ minutes; of this, the 41¼ miles from Pylle
Hill to passing Swindon accounted for 39½ minutes. and the remaining
77¼ miles from Swindon to Paddington, in which occurred a service slack
to "dead slow" at Cricklade Bridge, occupied only 60 min. 9 secs. From Cricklade
Bridge to Paddington platform end, 76½ miles, was run in 58 minutes
47 seconds. From Bath to Paddington, 106¾ miles, occupied 85 minutes
40 seconds, while the intermediate distance of 81¾ miles. between Wootton
Bassett and Westbourne Park was covered in 62 minutes 55 seconds The two
illustrations are of City of Truro and the Duke of
The Leek & Manifold Light Railway. 120-2. 6
Includes portraits of E.R. Calthrop, J.B. Earle and E. Godfrey Brewer
and scenic views of trains plus one of transporter wagon.
The carriage and wagon department. 123-
Train de luxe, Central South African Rys. 123-5 + 2 colour folding
plates. 5 illus., plans, diagrs. (side elevations)
Two luxurious trains supplied by Metropolitan Amalgamted Railway Carriage
& Wagon Co. Ltd. of Birmingham with sleeping cars, dining cars, kitchen
cars and observation cars and a car with a private suite of compartments.
Showers, baths and hot and cold water, electric lighting, Pullman gangways
and Janney couplers
Bogie passenger coach, Highland Railway. 126. illus.
R.Y. Pickering & Co. of Wishaw 46ft 8in long first third composite
with Pintsch gas lighting and probably lavatory accommodation (but not mentioned
in text).
Mersey Ry. 126.
Rolling stock displaced by electrification purchased by Brecon &
Merthyr Railway and by Looe & Liskeard Ry.
Painting by compressed air. 126-7. illus., 2 diagrs.
Wells Lightning Painter system of spray painting shown being applied
to a wagon.
North British Ry. 127.
Thirty new third class corridor coaches nearing completion and 12
new luugage and brake vans completed in time for summer services.
W.R. Renshaw & Co. had supplied 28 gunpowder vans to meet Railway Clearing
House requiremnts.
Wagons for Engineer's Department, L.B.&S.C.R. 128. 2 illus.
All-steel wagons constructed by Hurst, Nelson & Co. Ltd. of Motherwell
to design of R.J. Billinton and under supervision of L.B. Billinton: four-wheel
20 ton ballast wagon with drop sides and bogie wagon for rails and
Wrought steel axleboxes and wagon fittings. 129-31. 7 illus., diagr.
Manufactured by Steel Railway Journal Box Co. of Pendleton, Manchester
[actually in Salford, KPJ]; spring buffer guides and weldless drawbar cradles
patented by Walter Gatwood, the Company's general manager. Also Oxters or
corner knees.
Number 144 (15 August 1904)
A Royal Train. 133. illus.
To convey King Edward VII to a sod cutting ceremony at a new dock
in Swansea being named after his Majesty an unusual royal train was formed
from an outside-cylinder Peckett 0-4-0ST WN 974/1904 No, 10 hauling an Swansea
& Mumbles Railway bogie battery electric tramcar.
On 21 July 1904 the Royal Train was hauled over the Cambrian Railways from
Three Cocks Junction to Welshpool, for Rhayader and the Birmingham
City Waterworks, behind 6ft Sharp Stewart 4-4-0 No. 83.
Great Western Ry. 133-4.
4-4-0 No. 3373 Atbara had been rebuilt with a taper boiler
and painted in a slate colour. No. 3379 Kinberley had also been rebuilt
witha taper boiler. No. 3475 County of Wilts was the latest of that
series. Nos. 2311 and 2359 (0-6-0) and 5ft No. 3509 had been rebuilt with
Belpaire fireboxes.
Great Eastern Ry. 134
Nos. 781-90 renumbered 770-9. Remaining singles given a cipher prefix.
Tollesbury branch due to open from Kelvedon in early September and to be
worked by small Holden 0-6-0T with a train of carriages formed without
compartments with accommodation restricted to 3rd class.
North Eastern Ry. 134.
Ten P2 mineral engines in service. No. 132 illustrated on page 95.
Four-coupled bogie compound No. 42 rebuilt as simple with new boiler, 18½
x 26in cylinders and Stephenson motion (replacing Joy's); No. 337 rebuilt
with leading bogie, new 18½ x 26in cylinders with piston valves and
new motion; Nos. 1611 and 56, former compound 0-6-0s rebuilt with 18 x 26in
cylinders with slide valves on top.
London and South Western Ry. 134.
Large Drummond express 4-4-0s (L12 class: No. 415 illustrated page
111): Nos. 415, 416 and 417 in service: seventeen under construction. 6ft
7in coupled wheels, 19in x 26in cylinders, total heating surface
1550ft2 total heating surface and 24ft2 grate area.
Water tubes in firebox and feedwater heater in tender. Steam motor carriage
(railcar) No. 2 for Fratton & East Southsea branch fitted with small
locomotive boiler similar to that fitted to No. 1 (see 9, p. 326).
Special uniforms to be supplied to drivers and fireman employed on Royal
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 134.
Three new radial tank engines: Nos. 399 Middleton, 400
Winchelsea and 401 Woldingham.
London, Tilbury & Southend Ry. 134.
Locomotives of No. 1 class fitted with condensing apparatus for working
over District Railway: Nos. 3 Tilbury, 7 Barking, 21
Laindon and 29 Stepney. Three worked regularly over District
Railway and one kept at Plaistow for running special trains off District
to Southend.
Cambrian Rys. 134
Nre 6ft 4-4-0 built at Oswestry similar to No. 19 with 18in x 24in
cylinders and 150 psi boiler pressure. Five 4-4-0 supplied Robert Stephenson
& Co. WN 3131-5, RN 94-8 with Belpaire boilers.
Hull and Bransley Ry. 134.
Several passenger locomotives had been rebuilt with 4ft 9in domeless
boilers and Stirling cabs.
Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford Ry, 134.
0-6-0 No. 13 Waterford built at Grand Canal Street works. Cab
had side windows and a larger boiler. The extension to Wexford had been
Pneumatic rivetting van, Great Western Ry. 135. illus.
Fitted with a Cochran boiler and Frankling compressor which supplied
compressed air to hammers, drills, etc. Intended for Gloucester Division
where there were eleven casr iron bridges, including one over the River Severn
at Worcester, and the need for repairs on the Crumlin Viaduct.
The first locomotive built in Ireland. 135-6. illus.
2-2-2 Victoria built for Dublin & Drogheda Railway by
Grendon & Mackay in 1845.
It had 9in x 12in cylinders, 4ft driving wheels and 351ft2 total
heating surface.
A mechanical lubricator for locomotives. 136.
R. Klinger Patented automatic device: see also 8, p. 214.
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 137-8.
3 diagrs. (Figs. 72-4).
A small engine constructed in 1849 for the use of the engineer by
Messrs. Headly Bros. (afterwards Messrs. Headly & Edwards), of the Eagle
Foundry, Cambridge. It was a small single tank engine with 4ft. 6in. driving
wheels, but as far as we have been able to ascertain no other details or
dimensions of it have been preserved. Mr. A.R. Edwards, managing director
of Messrs. Headly & Edwards, Ltd., has, however, kindly lent us an original
drawing of this little engine, from which the accompanying illustration,
Fig. 72, has been prepared. This engine was named Eagle and
its driving wheels were subsequently used for a cycle to be propelled along
the rails by manual power. In his Railway Reminiscences, G.P.
Neele refered to this engine as having run over and killed, in April, 1850,
Mr. Newall, at that time district superintendent at Norwich, when running
between Haddiscoe and Reedham, where he had gone in company with the resident
engineer to inspect the telegraph instruments which had just been introduced.
Subsequently it was altered, a new firebox being provided and the frame extended
to carry a saloon at the trailing end, under which an additional pair of
wheels were added, as shown in Fig. 73. The Eagle was painted bright
green and located in a shed near Angel Lane, Stratford.
In August, 1850, John Viret Gooch, who had previously been locomotive
superintendent of the London and South Western Railway, succeeded Mr. Hunter
in the superintendence of the E.C.R. Co.'s locomotives, and one of the earliest
events after he took charge was the taking over, in November, 1850, of the
working and rolling stock of the unfortunate little Newmarket Railway. This
line extended from Great Chesterford to Newmarket, but the traffic was small,
and on the opening of the branch to Cambridge was almost entirely diverted
to that route. Since the absorption of the line by the E.C.R. that portion
between Great Chesterford and the junction between Fulbourn and Six Mile
Bottom had remained derelict, but the earthworks are still in evidence, although
trains ceased to use them for fifty years. Six engines were possessed by
the Newmarket Co., which were all of one type and are illustrated by Fig.
74. They were built by Gilkes, Wilson & Co., of Middlesbrough in 1848,
and were very similar to some engines built by this firm about the same period
for the Stockton and Darlington Railway. They were four-coupled, long-boiler,
tender engines, having driving wheels 5ft. 6in. in diameter and leading wheels
3ft. 8in. The cylinders were outside and were 15in. diameter, with a stroke
of 22in., being placed 6ft. 1in. between centres. The wheelbase was 11ft.
8in., from leading to driving centres being 5ft. 10in., and from driving
to trailing 5ft. 10in. The boilers, which were butt-jointed with the dome
on the front ring, had barrels 14ft. 6in. long, with an internal diameter
of 3ft. 6in. The outside firebox was 4ft. 2in. long by 4ft. 2in. wide, the
inner box being 3ft. 6in. long and 3ft. wide and having a grate area
of 11.6 ft2. The barrel contained 127 tubes 2in. diameter and
14ft. 6in. length, the heating surface being: tubes 941.6ft2,
firebox 74.4ft2, total 1,016ft2. In working order these
engines weighed 25 tons 1 cwt., 7 tons being on the leading wheels, 8 tons
11 cwt. on the driving and 9 tons 10 cwt. on the trailing. They were numbered
1 to 6 and were named after famous race-horses as follows: Beeswing,
Queen of Trumps, Van Tromp, Flying Dutchman,
Eleanor, and Alice Hawthorn, the names being on brass
nameplates on the front ring of the boiler barrel. After being taken over
by the E.C.R. they were numbered 31 to 36 and were for some time used on
coal trains between Peterborough and Stratford. They were never rebuilt,
but were broken up as follows: Nos. 32 and 35 in December 1866, Nos. 33 and
34 in July 1868, No.31 in February 1869 and No. 36 in April 1870.
See also Volume 45 page 56 [clearly something wrong
with rhis reference]], but C.F. Dendy Marshall
cites this article for appointment of J.V. Gooch!!].
Mr. Wm Adams. 138.
Announcement of death, aged 80.
Samana & Santiago Ry. 138.
Ordered locomotive from Andrew Barclay.
New locomotive orders. 138
Orders place with Robert Stephenson & Co. for 4-6-0 for Bengal-Nagpur
Railway for the Bombay to Calcutta Mail via Nagpur. Also order from Great
Noerthern Railway (Ireland).
Metropolitan District Ry. 138.
Orders placed for forty trains (280 cars) with Continental firms and
for twenty trains (240 cars) with British firms.
Six-coupled radial tank locomotive, Furness Ry. 139. illus.
Pettigrew0-6-2T class Nos. 98-107: design standard with 0-6-0 except
for higher boiler pressure (160 psi) and arrangement of tanks to ensure that
the linkage between the side tanks and bunker tanks could be turned off to
ensable locomotives to work over lines with weight restrictions. 5ft 1in
coupled wheels, 18 x 26in cylinders, 1134ft2 total heating surface
and 20.5ft2 grate area
The locomotive history of the London, Chatham & Dover Ry. 140. illus.
Previous part see page 25. Two of the Europa class were constructed
at Longhead after the death of Martley: modifications included cabs and the
removal of the safety valves from the dome (no photographic was available
of the locomotives in this condition). Nos. 57 and 58 had 17 x 24in cylinders,
1121ft2 total heating surface and 16.28ft2 grate area.
The whole calss was rebuilt with new boilers:
53 | Europa | 1892 |
54 | Asia | 1892 |
55 | Africa | 1892 |
56 | America | 1892 |
57 | 1892 | |
58 | 1890 |
The names were removed on rebuilding: see Volume 8 p. 192 for locomotives
as originally built.
Kirtley rebuilt the Tay class 0-4-2WT in form illustrated in Fig. 89 when
they received 17 x 22in cylinders and boilers with 852.85ft2 total
heating surface and 14.62ft2 grate area. They had the nickname
of Little Scotchmen. They were rebuilt as follows (they lost their names
on rebuilding)
81 | Iona | 1886 |
82 | Bute | 1888 |
83 | Jura | 1892 |
84 | Arran | 1891 |
85 | Islay | 1884 |
86 | Staffa | 1887 |
87 | Ulva | 1886 |
88 | Clyde | 188 |
89 | Kelvin | 1880 |
90 | Spey | 1890 |
91 | Annan | 1884 |
92 | Tay | 1892 |
93 | Nith | 1886 |
94 | Esk | 1886 |
The Constatine class (see Volume 7 page 153) received new 17 x 24in
cylinders and boilers with 1060ft2 total heating surface and
16.25ft2 grate area in the years as follow
Adrian | 127 | 1888 |
Trojan | 128 | 1886 |
Vespasian | 129 | 1890 |
Tarquin | 130 | 1886 |
Pertinax | 131 | 1890 |
Constantine | 132 | 1885 |
Whistle arrangements. 142-3. 3 diagrs.
Show arrangements used on North London Railway, Caledonian Railway
(siren) and Great Eastern Railway.
Locomotives for the new Birmingham Waterworks. 141. 2 illus.
For railway constructed from Rhayader station on Cambrian Railways
to sites fior construction of reservoirs at Elan and Claerwen which King
Edward VII instigated on 10 July. Three types of locomotive were supplied
by Manning Wardle: an 0-4-0ST Coel (not illustrated which had 10in
cylinders) and two types of six-coupled tank engines: two with inside cylinders
and two with outside. Rhiwnant (illustrated) was WN 1317/1895 and
had 15 x 22in cylinders and 3ft 6in coupled wheels. A similar locomotives
named Calettwr hauled the Royal train on the outward journey to Craig
Goch and Rhiwnant hauled it on return. The outside cylinder (15 x
20in) locomotives had 3ft 1in coupled wheels: Claerwen (WN 1287/1894)
Locomotive exhibits at St. Louis. 144-5. 4 illus., diagr. (s. el.)
Louisiana Purchase Exposition: 4-4-0 for 3ft gauge Prince Edward Island
Railway supplied by Canadian Locomotive Company with 15 x 20in cylinders,
4ft 6in coupled wheels and 850ft2 total heating surface; Roger
Locomotive Works 4-4-2 for Illinois Central RR with 20 x 28in cylinders,
6ft 7in coupled wheels, 3231ft2 total heating surface and
50.7ft2 grate area; a Baldwin 4-6-2 for the Union Pacific RR with
22 x 28in cylinders, 6ft 5in coupled wheels, 3053ft2 total heating
surface and 49.5ft2 grate area; a Lima Locomotive & Machine
Co. Shay type with three four-wheel bogies each powered by a 12 x 15in cylinder
and coupled via a flexible driving shaft on the right-hand side of the locomotive
through universal joints and couplings. The bogie wheels were 3ft diameter
and the boiler operated at 200 psi. They could operate on 1 in 12.5 gradients.
The diagram showed an American Locomotive Co. 2-8-0 with 22 x 32in cylinders,
5ft 2in coupled wheels, 3230ft2 total heating surface and
54.4ft2 grate area;
Lagging for locomotive boilers. 146. illus.
Previous part see p. 86 Lagging with
mica as on GER 2-4-0 shown in photograph: insulant held in place by netting.
Also notes use of magnesia asbestos in America/
The carriage and wagon department. 147-
Grain wagon, Wrexham, Mold and Connah's Quay Ry. 147. illus.
12-ton, 3-plank open wagon with two doors on each side: designed for
carrying grain in sacks: designed by F. Willnas, lcomotice, carriage &
wagon superintendent.
Great Western Ry. 147.
"G W" in large white letters painted on body.
New dining cars, Great Western Railway. 148; 149.2 illus.
Churchward 68ft long vehicle with eliptical roof, kitchen in centre
and accommodation for sixteen first class and 32 second/third class passengers
on either side: interior view pag 149 showing electroliers using Stone's
Number 145 (15 September 1904)
London & North Western Ry. 151. illustration.
The following were the latest of Precursor class to receive names
and numbers : 7 Titan, 659 Dreadnought, and 510
Albatross.In the photograph here reproduced is illustrated the new
through service recently inaugurated by this railway and the L.B. & S.C.R.,
establishing direct communication between the former system and South Coast
watering places. The The following are the three latest of the " Precursor
" class to receive names and numbers : 7 "Titan," 659 "Dreadnought," and
510 "Albatross." In the photograph here reproduced is illustrated the new
through service recently inaugurated by this railway and the L.B. & S.C.R.,
establishing direct communication between the former system and South Coast
watering places. Illustration showsz LBSCR 4-4-0 hauling train out of
Great Northern Ry. 151.
The twenty Atlantic express engines, Nos. 272 to 291, were in service.
No. 284 bears Doncaster No. 1044. A number of ten-wheeled eight-coupled side
tanks, No. 116 class, are to be built for coal trains working in the Colwick
district. No. 993, one of Stirling's four-coupled passenger engines, had
been rebuilt, but retained the old cab.
Midland Ry. 151.
Nos. 85-87, 1812-14, 1822 and 2205, 6-ft. 6-in. coupled engines, have
been rebuilt with large boilers of the same type as the 2736 class of goods
engines, with round topped domes, and Ramsbottom safety valves. New splashers,
and cabs had been provided, and in general appearance these engines were
very similar to the S. & D.J. R. engines Nos. 69 to 71, which were
illustrated on page 39 of this volume.
The following six-coupled goods locomotives had also been rebuilt with large
boilers : Nos. 1782, 1801, 1806, 1911, 1924, 1940, 1968, 2056, 2078, 2126,
2127 and 2180. In our July issue, engine No. 2080 of this class was given
erroneously as No. 2380. The new goods engines, 2736 class, then being built,
were to be numbered up to 274. Xos. 267-271 were already out.
A new series of Belpaire express engines, 2781 class, were being turned out
at Derby, but with six-wheeled tenders in place of the large bogie tenders.
Nos. 840 to 843 were already at work.
Great Central Ry. 152.
Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd., had delivered five new locomotives
of the Atlantic type referred to in a recent issue. They bore Nos. 263-267
(WN 4597-4601). Nos. 340-341, new six-coupled goods locomotives of the 973
class, had been turned out at the company's Gorton works. Two of a new series
of ten-wheeled passenger side-tank locomotives are now running, Nos. 2 and
9. They are fitted with water pick-up apparatus to work in either direction.
The steam motor-carriages mentioned in a previous issue will shortly be ready
for service. Following up our note on page 74. we now give the remaining
numbers of the series of 25 six-coupled goods engines of the 973 or 9J class,
built by Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd., Nos. 216, 218. 219, 221-231 and
234- (WN. 4543-4557). The Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., have also delivered the final
ten of their order, Nos. 242-250 and 252 (WN. 1932-1941).
London & South Western Ry. 152.
Two new 6ft. 7in. bogie locomotives with large boilers, Nos. 418 and
419, are now in regular work, making a total of five completed out of a total
order of twenty. They took the numbers formerly allotted to bogie side tank
engines with radial trailing wheels which are now transferred to the duplicate
list. One of the steam motor carriages built for the Basingstoke and Alton
Light Ry. has been sent to the Plymouth district to work the Friary and
Turnchapel branch.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 152
New radial tank locomotive. No. 402 Wanborough.was in service.
South Easteern & Chatham Ry. 152.
Two steam motor carriages, with horizontal locomotive-type boilers,
were construction for this railway by Kitson & Co., Ltd. of Leeds.
North Eastern Ry. 152.
Company was building both the eight-coupled T class and the six-coupled
P2 class for mineral traffic. Of the former, Nos. 1111, 1128 and 1149 had
recently been turned out from Gateshead works, and Nos. 442 and 453 of the
P2 class from Darlington.
North British Ry.152.
Two Drummond express bogie engines (4-4-0), with 6ft. 6in. coupled
wheels, had been rebuilt at Cowlairs works and were running express services
on the West Highland Railway. The new locomotive running sheds which the
NBR has built to accommodate the Southern and Western section engines were
complete, and known as the Eastfield Running Sheds. They could take 100
locomotives on 14 roads as compared with 30 engines in the old sheds, which
were to be incorporated with the locomotive works. There was a coaling stage
to serve six engines at once, and 16 water-columns. The offices and other
accommodation were on a correspondingly fine scale. Of course the signalling
arrangements at Cowlairs have been considerably modified to safeguard the
connections between this shed and the main lines.
Great Southern & Western Ry. 152.
A steam motor carriage would shortly be put to work between Maryboro
and Mountmellick. This car has already had some trial runs on the main line,
and worked satisfactorily.
Great Northern Ry., Ireland. 152.
In addition to the order mentioned in our last issue, as given to
Messrs. R. Stephenson & Co., Ltd., this railway had placed orders for
the supply of two four-wheels coupled bogie locomotives and two six-wheels
coupled goods engines with the North British Locomotive Co., Ltd.
A fast long-distance train. 152.
The new express train which is being put on by the P.L.M. between
Paris and Nice will be the fastest long-distance express in the world. It
will leave Paris at 2.00 a.m. and reach Nice at 10.50 p.m., thus covering
the distance of 675 miles in 830 minutes, an average journey-speed of 481
miles per hour.
Belgian State Rys. 152.
The first of a series of twentv six-coupled bogie express locomotives,
similar in general design to Nos. 40 and 50, built by J.F. McIntosh for the
Caledonian Railway, had recently been put into service.
Natal Government Rys. 152
The North British Locomotive Co., Ltd.. had received an order for
fifty locomotives of the 4-8-0 type, and the first five of the series were
now en route for Natal and are numbered 275-279 (WN 16370-16374). These were
the largest tender-locomotives so far built for the N.G. Rys and had 20in.
by 26in, cylinders. eight-coupled wheels 3ft. 9½in. in diameter and
weighed 68 tons in working order, exclusive of the tender. The style of cab
and chimney was somewhat similar to that of the Caledonian Railway.
New Indian Ry. 152.
The line from Agra to Delhi, via Muttra, about 120 miles in length,
was completed on 2 August: 5ft.6in. gauge and would be worked by the G.I.P.
Railway, thus giving that road a direct route from Bombay to Delhi, and thence
to Kalka for Simla. Fifty-three miles of the track were laid by the military,
the services of the 48th Pioneer Regiment being employed. It was expected
that traffic would commence in two or three months.
Double-ender tank locomotive, New South Wales Government Railways. 153.
Courtesy of the builders. Beyer, Peacock & Co., Ltd., of Gorton
Foundry, Manchester, we are able to show in the accompanying illustration
one of a series of thirty-five powerful six-wheels coupled double-ender tank
locomotives which have recently been supplied to the New South Wales Government
Railways, of standard 4-ft. 8½-in. gauge. It will be seen that these
engines have an unusual combination of wheels, 4-6-4, and they are of liberal
size The cylinders were outside the frames and 18½in diameter, with
a stroke of 24-in., the distance between their centres being 6-ft. 7½-in.
The bogie and driving wheels have diameters of 3-ft. 4-in. and 4-ft. 7-in.
respectively, and occupy a total wheelbase of 32-ft. 3-in., divided as follows:
centres of leading bogie wheels 6-ft. 2-in., centre of leading bogie to centre
of leading coupled wheels 7-ft. 8-in., centre of leading to centre of middle
coupled wheels 4-ft. g-in., centre of middle to centre of trailing coupled
wheels 6-ft., centres of trailingcoupled wheels to centre of trailing bogie
8-ft., and centres of trailing bogie wheels 5-ft. 6-in. The firebox was of
the Belpaire type There was a total heating surface of 1,452.7
ft2., of which the firebox contributed 118.6
ft2. and the tubes 1,334.1
ft2. the grate area is
24ft2.. and the working pressure 160 psi. Tank
capacity for 1,580 gallons of water and bunker accommodation for 2½
tons of coal.
The history of the London & South Western
locomotives. 154-5
Continued from page 82. During the
previous year, 1871, there had also been put in hand at Nine Elms works,
by Mr. Joseph Beattie. six passenger and three goods engines, which were
brought out in 1872-3 under the superintendence of W.G. Beattie, his successor.
Overleaf is a list of their names, dates, etc, but it may be noted that several
of them did not receive their name plates till \vell on into the eighties,
owing to the older engines bearing the same names being still at work. Works'
Xo. Class. 100 Good:- 101 102 97 Passenger 98 99 103 104 105 Xos. 271 and
272 never received names, due to the fact that, with a few exceptions, names
were only perpetuated on engines numbered from i to 176. 1 he goods engines
were of the same class and dimensions as the "Transit," etc, whilst th^ passenger
were identical with those of the " Snake." In finishing these six engines
Mr. W. G. Beattie departed from the practice
No. | Name |
Date |
Works No. |
Class |
16 |
Stonehenge | June 1872 | 100 |
Goods |
271 | |
June 1872 | 101 |
Goods |
272 | |
June 1872 | 102 |
Goods |
25 |
Reindeer | July 1872 | 97 |
Passenger |
26 |
Gazelle | July 1872 | 98 |
Passenger |
118 | Etna | August 1872 | 99 |
Passenger |
5 |
Ganymede | March 1873 | 103 |
Passenger |
11 |
Minerva | March 1873 | 104 |
Passenger |
31 |
Linda | March 1873 | 105 |
Passenger |
Xos. 271 and 272 never received names, due to with, a few exceptions,
names were only perpetuated on engines numbered from 1 to 176. The goods
engines were of the same class and dimensions as the Transit, etc,
whilst the passenger were identical with those of the Snake. In finishing
these six engines W.G. Beattie departed from the practice of his predecessor
by giving them closed-in splashers.
The Minerva was scrapped in June, 1889, the Etna and
Reindeer in 1892, the Gazelle in July 1894, the Leeds
in 1897, the Stonehenge in April, 1899, and Xo. 272 in December, 1891.
The Ganymede and No. 271 were sold in April, 1897. The Etna
was last at work on the Cosham and Havant branch, being stationed at
In March, 1873, three light six-wheel coupled goods engines were purchased
from Beyer, Peacock & Co. These engines were known as the Ilfracombe
Goods and were specially kept for working the goods traffic on and around
the Ilfracombe lines. They were numbered 282-284 (makers' Nos. 1208-1210;
and are illustrated by Fig. 42, which shows a reproduction of one of them
before leaving the makers. They were somewhat altered during Adams' regime.
The following were the principal dimensions : cylinders 16-in. by 20-in.,
wheels 4-ft. 7½~in - in diameter; grate area 14
ft2. ; working pressure of boiler 130 psi. ; weight
of engine in working order 25 tons 16 cwt., distributed thus: on leading
wheels 8 tons 13 cwt., on driving 8 tons 11 cwt., on trailing 8 tons 12 cwt.;
tender (4-wheeled) [3 tons n cwt. 3 qrs.; total weight of engine and tender
39 tons 7 cwt. 3 qrs. It will be seen that these engines had the old type
of padded leather buffers. They received new boilers with 160 psi and were
practically rebuilt at the following times : No. 282 in June 1889 and Nos.
283 and 284 in June 1888. All were then still at work, but were placed on
the duplicate list in 1899. At a subsequent date No. 282 was renumbered 349
and was again placed on the duplicate list in June, 1900.
Sorthern Pacific Ry. 154
Out of a total of 1,350 locomotives running on this railroad, 780
were now fired with oil fuel.
The Millwall Extension Railway. 155-6. illus.
Shows Ariel's Girdle with an extra axle: i.e. as a 2-4-0.
Continued page 171.
More early railway reminiscences. 156
Previous part. Accident at Brentwood
on 16 December 1863 when up mail from Ipswich was switched to down line and
derailed on catch points. Prize fights were held near Mildrenhall Road station
on the Norwich line as it was near the boundaries of Cambridgeshire, Suffolk
and Norfolk and the ring could be moved if the police arrived. The driver's
watch and chain were stolen by one of the spectators and the driver refused
to move his train after the fight until it was returned. The same driver
stopped at Ely and unhooked to take water and forgot to reconnect and arrived
at Cambridge without the mail train.
"Taper" boilers. 157-8. 2 diagrs.
Also known as coned boiler: American is origin, adopted by GWR.
Advantages: increased staem space (dry steam for cylinders); anlarged water
level area; abolition of steam dome and source of weakness.
LNWR picture postcards. 168. illustration.
2-2-2T Dwarf of 1862 used for engineer's inspection
The Egyptian Government Railways and locomotives. 159-60. 3
Twelve four-wheels coupled passenger tender engines [2-4-0], Nos.
35 to 46, were also delivered in 1889 by Neilson & Co., of Glasgow (makers'
Nos. 3918 to 3929). These engines had already been fully illustrated
on page 153, Vol. 8. To the particulars
there given we need only add that the boilers are exactly the same as those
of the single engines. The cylinders were 17½-in. diameter by
24-in. stroke, and the coupled wheels had a diameter of 6-ft. 3-in.
It should also be noted that not only the boilers, but the cylinders, motion,
cranks, etc., of Trevithick's engines of 1889 to 1898, were interchangeable.
The outside cranks were turned and polished bright; giving the engines a
very neat appearance.
The standard motion is horizontal, with Stephenson's links, and valve spindle
guides In addition to the twelve Neilson's four-coupled engines, 52 more
engines of the same class were constructed by the Societe Franco- Beige,
Nos. 47 to 58 in 1890, Nos. 59 to 82 in 1891, and 83 to 98 in 1894. Most
of the engines were constructed at the La Croyere (Belgium) works of this
company, but Nos. 47 to 58 and 77 to 82 came from Raismes, on the French
side of the frontier. The Raismes engines had polished brass in place of
copper chimney tops.
In the year 1890 five four-wheels coupled passenger saddle tank engines were
constructed at Boulac works for the service of local trains on the branch
line from Cairo (Pont Limoun to Matarieh and Marg. The boilers, frames and
motion of these engines came from England, but the wheels and some other
parts were taken from the old Sinclair type of Great Eastern engines and
also from the Stephenson's four-coupled engines of 1852-3, old No. 1 class.
Strictly speaking, therefore, these engines were not entirely new, and this
in some measure accounts for their curious proportions. For although the
cylinders were only 14-in. in diameter by 20-in. stroke, the coupled wheels
were 6-ft. 0-in. in diameter. Fig. 39 illustrates one of these engines. The
safety valves were of Ramsbottom type in polished brass casings, placed upon
the top of the dome, after Drummond early practice on the North British and
Caledonian Railways. When originally built, these engines were Nos. 301 to
305, in 1895 they became 400 to 404, and more recently still 500 to 504.
In 1894 they were replaced on the Matarieh branch line by six-coupled tank
engines, to be described later, and may now be seen working the Suez Docks
and the Alexandria-Mex local passenger trains. In 1892 appeared the first
six-wheels coupled goods engines of Mr. Trevithick's design, which are
illustrated in Fig. 40. There were 87 engines of this class, numbered from
252 to 338, all of which were constructed by the Franco-Beige Company during
the period from 1892 to 1898.
They were extremely handsome engines, and may in general design be likened
to a Midland Kirtley engine with a Great Western boiler. The cylinders were
17½-|-in. by 24-in., and the coupled wheels have a diameter of 5-ft.
0-in. The boiler contained 217 15/8 tubes, and together with
the cylinders and motion was absolutely interchangeable with the same parts
of the express and four-coupled passenger engines already described. The
boiler pressure was 140 psi, and the weight of engine in working order about
36 tons.
In 1894 the first four of a new class of shunting saddle tank engines were
delivered by the Franco-Beige Co., having 4-ft. 0-in. wheels and 15-in. by
24-in. cylinders. Although designed for shunting purposes, they were fitted
with the vacuum brake and put to work on the Matarieh passenger service in
place of the four-coupled tank engines mentioned previously. Fig. 41 illustrates
one of these engines. Unlike Trevithick's tender engines, all of which had
double frames these and the other tank engines had single inside frames
throughout. These four engines, originally Nos. 411 to 414, were then Nos.
511 to 514, and twenty more of a similar class, Nos. 515 to 534, had since
been added to the stock. These were built by the Franco-Beige Co. in 1900,
and had cylinders 16-in. in diameter by 24-in. stroke and 160psi boiler pressure.
The year 1894 saw the first continuous brakes applied to passenger trains
in Egypt- All the express trains running between Cairo and Alexandria were
so fitted, and to work these the ten single wheel express engines, Nos. 16
to 25, were supplied with the automatic vacuum brake, as also were the local
trains on the Matarieh branch worked by the four six-wheels coupled tank
engines mentioned above.
Coupled bogie passenger locomotive, Cambrian Rys. 160-1. 2
Robert Stephenson & Co., Ltd., of Darlington, new four-wheels
coupled bogie passenger locomotive [4-4-0: No. 94 illustrated] supplied to
the Cambrian Railways, to the designs of the locomotive superintendent, Herbert
E. Jones, the first two of which were in service. The earlier Sharp, Stewart
& Co. 2-4-0 No. 28 Mazppa is also illustrated and the names &
numbers of other members of the class are listed. Leading dimensions of both
classes listed.
Locomotive Testing Plant, Pennsylvania RR. 162-3.
The above shown diagram illustrates the new locomotive-testing plant
installed by the Pennsylvania RR. at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition as
part of their exhibit, and it is intended to use the plant at St. Louis for
the purpose of making elaborate tests of various locomotives on view at the
Exposition. The dynamometer is capable of measuring a tractive power up to
80,000 Ibs, and to render the structure stable under the huge strains involved,
it is provided with a solidly-constructed foundation weighing a total over
220 tons. A most completely equipped laboratory forms part of the outfit,
and the tests that will be applied to the various locomotives submitted for
trial will be at once practical and exhaustive.
Locomotive exhibits at St Louis. 164. illustration
(Continued from page 145.)
Thr Pennsylvania R.R. has a large and most comprehensive show of exhibits, strangely enough with practically no example of the locomotive equipment of its own immense system. It makes a conspicuous display, however, with the locomotive- testing plant of which we give a diagram and brief description on the opposite page, and which is probably the most completely equipped installation for the purpose that at present exists.
Twenty-tons goods brake van, L. & N.W.R. 166; 167. diagram (side
& front elevations & plan)
Six wheel, but short wheelbase
Marks for carriage & wagon examiners. 166. diagram
Itended for use on a foreign railway where linguistic difficulties
required the introduction of a graphic code.
No. 146 (15 October 1904)
Railway notes. 169
Great Southern & Western Ry. 169. illus.
In the accompanying illustration is shown the four-wheels coupled
bogie passenger locomotive No. 308, rebuilt with a taper boiler of larger
dimensions. The difference in appearance can be seen by comparing this
reproduction with the illustration of No. 309 of the same class, shown in
issue of 24 October 1903. It will be noted that the increased height of the
boiler has necessitated a somewhat flat-topped steam-dome casing, and a
modification in the shape of the cab windows. Three others of the same type,
but similarly rebuilt, are also running.
Somersault signals of the GNR pattern are being adopted on this line.
Midland Ry. 169
The two three-cylinder compound express locomotives, Nos. 2632 and
2635, which originally had Serve ribbed tubes, had been re-tubed at Derby
with ordinary tubes, this change necessitating new tube plates. They are
now on a par with the other three engines of this class.
No. 1336, one of Johnson's 7ft. coupled bogie (4-4-0) express engines, built
by Dübs & Co. in 1877, had been withdrawn from service, and No.
1346 of the same series now bore No. 1336. No. 131, a 7ft. 9in. single wheeler,
had received a new boiler, but was otherwise unaltered.
East & West Yorkshire Union Ry. 169
Company ceased running passenger trains into Wellington Station, Leeds,
at end of September 1904.
Great Eastern Ry. 169
Ten six-coupled tank locomotives, Nos. 80-89, had recently been completed
at Stratford Works. The passenger trains of the Midland and GreatNorthern
Joint Ry. ceased using the GER station at Peterborough after the end of September
Great Western Ry. 169-70
Two new engines of the County class had recently been built at Swindon,
Nos. 3476 County of Dorset, and 3477 County of Somerset. Two
new types of locomotive may shortly be expected, viz., an Atlantic type passenger
tender engine, and a ten-wheeled double-ender (2-6-2T) tank locomotive of
the same general design as No. 99, but of lighter build. The following large
mineral engines had recently been rebuilt with new taper boilers: Nos. 2624,
2637, 2641, 2642, 2646 and 2661; also the four-wheels coupled express locomotive
No. 3206. Goods engines Nos. 80, 604, 666, 700, 874, 1103, 1110, 1191, 2391,
2401, 2529, 2540 and 3541 had been rebuilt with Belpaire fireboxes. The two
locomotives of the Lambourn Valley Light Railway, named respectively
Aelfred and Eahlswith, were brought to Swindon in the early
part of June 1904, at the time when steam motors were placed on that service
by the GWR., and were shortly afterwards sent dead with goods trains to Oswestry,
where they were handed over to the Cambrian Rys The two locomotives in the
lamentable derailment accident which occurred near Llanelly on the 3 October
1904 were No. 3460 Montreal, one of the latest engines of the Camel
type, and No. 1674, a standard six-wheels coupled saddle tank (0-6-0ST),
with outside bearings, the latter being employed as a pilot engine.
Austrian State Rys. 170. illus.
Illustration of new class Golsdorf six-wheels coupled "double-ender"
(2-6-2T) compound passenger tank locomotive for suburban service. These engines,
of which there were twelve in service, and six more under construction, were
a development of the series illustrated and described in our issue of July
1902, the chief dimensions being the same as those already given.
London & North Western Ry. 170
The first ten locomotives of the new Precursor type were at work.
The names and numbers have been given in previous issues of all except No.
412 Alfred Paget. A further series of twenty would be built.
North Stafford[shire] Ry. 170
The 6ft. 6in. coupled engine No. 19, the only one of its class seemed
likely to be broken up. A new engine to replace it was under consideration,
and will probably be a ten-wheeled side tank with leading bogie. Nos. 45
and 46, 6ft. coupled engines had been rebuilt with new boilers, No. 45 in
1903, and No. 46 in 1904..
Midland Great Western Ry. (Ireland). 170
Four new six-coupled goods locomotives had been delivered from the
Hyde Park Works of the North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., Nos. 143
Canada, 144 Australia, 145 India, and 146
North British Ry. 170
Twenty-four of Drummond's six-wheels coupled (0-6-0) goods engines
had been rebuilt, the cylinders, however, still remained 17in. in diameter
by 24in. stroke. The cab also remained in the well-known pattern.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 170
The following are the latest new standard six-wheels coupled
(0-6-0) goods locomotives built at Ashford works: Nos. 260, 262, 270,
499 and 510. No. 9, one of Mr. Stirling's four-coupled bogie express engines
(No. 240 class), had been rebuilt with a new boiler of Wainwright's standard
design, having a dome.
The Millwall Extension Ry. 171-2. 2 illus.
Continued from p. 155. In 1877 the Great Eastern
Railway became responsible for the motive power and rolling stock and No.
17A was replaced by a Jones & Potts 2-2-2WT from the Blackwall Railway
named Thames: it received GER No. 97. From 1880 a return was made to using
its own locomotives and three Manning Wardle side tanks, probably of the
2-4-0T arrangement: WN 749; 750 and 776 and RN 3, 4 and 6. These had 3ft
6in coupled wheels and 9 x 18in cylinders. The Westinghouse brake was fitted
in 1892. For a time a dark yellow livery was applied and advertisements were
carried on the side tanks. Later a brick red livery was adopted. Football
supporters were conveyed to the Millwall Athletic ground. Millwall Dock Co.
locomotives were also used: No. 1, an outside cylinder 0-4-0ST; No. 2
Bee, an inside cylinder 0-6-0ST (Hunslet WN 235/1880) and No. 5
Swift, an outside cylinder 0-6-0ST (John Fowler WN 3807/1880).
See also letter by G. Macallan in Volume 11
page 72.
New light railways. 172.
Mid-Suffolk Light Ry. 172
The Kelvedon, Tiptree & Tollesbury Light Ry.
Locomotive exhibits at St. Louis. 173. illus.
An old French locomotive. 174-5. illus., diagr.
Motor carriages for railways, 178-80. 6 illus.,
Great Souhern & Western Raikway steam railcar No. 1 built at Inchicore
Works to design of R. Coey. Bogie wheels 2ft 9in. Vertical boiler with working
pressure of 130psi. 8½in x 12in cylinders, Walschaerts valve gear. Six
first class and 40 third class passengers accommodated. Steps to enable
passengers to board at level crossings. Coach painted in standard colours:
lower panels crimson lake; waist and top panels cream; engine black. Illustration
shows vehicle in photographic livery.
Glasgow & South Western Railway steam railcar designed J. Manson built
at Kilmarnock. Length over the buffers 60ft 8in. Bogies of suspension link
type. 3ft 6in wheels. Power unit had conventional locomotive boiler and outide
cylinders drove onto bogie which had coupled wheels. Total heating surface
440ft2; grate area 8ft2. Cylinders 9in x 15in with
valves above actuated by rocking shafts from ordinary link motion. Seating
for 50 (unclassified). Car ran on Mauchline to Catrine branch.
Further information and illustrations of Midland Railway steam railcars intended
for Morecambe to Heysham Harbour services. Description of run from Derby
on 31 July 1904: departure 08.30. Stops at Chesterfield and Cudworth for
water and fuel. Longer halt at Leeds engine sheds to clean fire, then stops
for water at Skipton, Hellifield (this stop illustrated) and Bentham. Morecambe
was eventually reached in a running time of about 5 hours. The maximum speed
attained was 50 mile/h.
The Great Central Railway was constructing steam railcars (drawing (side
elevation)) intended to seat 12 first class and 44 third class passengers.
The boiler was vertical multi-tubular and the power bogie employed Walschaerts
valve gear. Electric lighting was featured and provided leading and back
lights as well as illumination for the passengers. Bogies employed cushioned
wheels. "Special arrangement" employed to ensure that vibration from engine
unit not transmitted to passengers.
Great Northern Railway four-wheel petrol railcar (railbus) (illustrated at
Hatfield) and employed on Hertford services. Seating for 32 passengers. Driven
by two 4-cylinder petrol engines.
Locomotives of the Wrexham, Mold & Connah's Quay
Ry. 181-2. 3 illus.
Railway had junctions with the Cambrian Railways, the Great Central
Railway (through the North Wales & Liverpool Joint Railway) and the Wirral
Railway. At time of article it possessed 18 locomotives. The first (No. 3)
Chancellor was a secondhand Cambrian Railways 0-6-0 with 14½in
diameter cylinders. It was scrapped in 1874: Fig. 1 shows tender from it.
Two locomotives originated on the Buckley & Connah's Quay when it was
leased. These were the first two locomotives built by Hudswell, Clarke &
Rogers in 1861/2 named Wheatley and Kenyon: inside cylinder
(18½in x 24in) 0-6-0ST with 4ft 3in coupled wheels, a total heating
surface of 860ft2 and a grate area of 14.32ft2,
Kenyon received a full cab in 1879. Fig. 2 shows the type as built
and Fig. 3 as in 1899.
Reviews. 182.
The indicator handbook: a practical handbook for engineers.
Charles H. Pickworth. Emmott & Co.
The Great Central Railway: an enterprising company. F.A. Holmes.
Leeds: Goodall & Suddick.
Eleven page pamphlet: "well illustrated": Ottley 5770
Tales of the rail. Dublin: F.W. Crossley.
Compiler and publisher: "stories of railway life". Ottley 4062: under
Railway Benevolent Institution. Irish Branch
No. 147 (15 November 1904)
Railway notes. 187
Great Northern Ry. 187
An order placed with the Vulcan Foundry, Ltd., for a de Glehn
four-cylinder compound locomotive.
Great Eastern Ry. 187.
The numbers of the ten new six-coupled tank locomotives given in our
last issue should have been 81-90 inclusive, and not as stated in
North Stafford Ry [sic] 187.
Beyer, Peacock & Co, Ltd., had secured the contract from the North
Staffordshire Ry for the construction of two steam motor carriages. They
were intended for service between Silverdale and Trentham, and would each
seat 40 passengers, with accommodation for baggage. The length over all would
be 50ft., and the cost £2,000 each.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 187.
Two new radial tank locomotives had recently been built at Brighton,
numbered and named respectively 403 Fordcombe and 404 Hardham. They
are the first of their class to be fitted with the automatic vacuum brake.
The following engines of Stroudley design had been withdrawn from service:
Nos. 10 Banstead, four· coupled "D·' class tank, 610
Belgravia, four-coupled express locomotive, and 420, six-wheels coupled
goods. .
Midland Great Western Ry. (Ireland). 187. illus.
North British Locomotive Co., Ltd. works photograph of 0-6-0 No. 143
Canada, one of a series of five six-coupled goods locomotives
built at Hyde Park works, Glasgow. for the Midland Great Western Ry. (Ireland).
This engine had 18½in. by 26in, cylinders. and 5ft. 3in. wheels distributed
over a wheelbase of 16ft. 3in.; the boiler carried a working pressure of
175 psi, and had a total heating surface of 1353ft2 and a grate
area of 20ft2. The weight of the engine, in working order was
47 tons 10 cwt. The tender had a capacity for 3,000 gallons of water and
240 ft3. of coal, weighed 35 tons 15 cwt. in working order; the
total wheelbase of engine and tender was 38ft. 6in
Great Central Ry. 187.
Nos. 18, 20 and 27, ten-wheeled bogie side tank locomotives ot the
9K class, had been fitted with water pick-up apparatus. One of the American"
Moguls," No. 952, had come out of the shops after general repairs, painted
black. These engines were originally painted the standard green.
Great Western Ry. 188.
Two new express locomotives, four-cylinder compounds on the de Glehn-du
Bousquet system, were under construction by Societe Alsacienne de Constructions
Mecaniques, for the GWR. Though of similar type to La France, they
would be considerably larger and more powerful, as the following dimensions
indicate: h.p. cylinders 143/16in. by
253/16in.., l.p. 235/8in. by
253/16in; four-coupled wheels 6ft. 8½in., total heating
surface, 2616.8ft2.; grate area 33.9ft2.: total weight
in working order, 73 tons 6 cwt.These new engines, which wouldl, it was hoped,
be ready for the next year's summer traffic, differ in external details from
La France. The following new locomotives of the County class: Nos. 3478
County of Devon, 3479 County of Warwick, 3480 County of
Stafford, and 3481 County of Glamorgan. No. 3302 Mortimer,
one of the Badminton class, had been rebuilt with a new domeless boiler,
and its name is changed to Charles Mortimer. No. 3417 C.G.Mott,
has been re-named Charles Grey Mott. The mechanical stoker which was
for some time on trial on No. 3346 Tavy, had been removed and applied
to No. 3380 Ladysrnith, of the Atbara class. Mineral engine No. 2656
had been supplied with a new taper boiler, and the six-coupled goods engines
Nos. 491, 2443 and 2489 were running with new boilers having Belpaire
Argentine Great Western Ry. 188.
Robert Stephenson & Co., Ltd., had received an order for the
construction of a powerful experimental freight engine for the Argentine
Great Western Ry. Co., to the designs of
J.D. Smelt, M.LC.E., London. This
engine was for the 5ft. 6in. gauge, and would be of the Decapod type having
10 wheels coupled with a two-wheel bogie in front (2-10-0). The tender would
be carried on two four-wheel bogies, with a water capacity of 4,000 gallons,
and 4 tons of coal and 560ft3 of wood. The locomotive and tender
complete in working order will weigh approximately 123 tons, so that it will
be probably the largest engine ever constructed in Britain.
Barry Ry. 188
The North British Locomotive Co., Ltd., and Hudswell, Clarke &
Co., Ltd., of Leeds, had each received an order for six locomotives.
London & South Western Ry. 188
Nos.418-421, 6ft. 7in. four-wheels coupled bogie passenger locomotives
with large boilers (4-4-0), were and Nos. 422-424 were rapidly approaching
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 188
The first of a new series of passenger tank locomotives was out. No.
24, one of Stirling's 240 class of express locomotive, had been rebuilt with
a new boiler provided with a steam dome. No. 179, one of the older 6ft. bogie
passenger engines, had been rebuilt with a new domeless boiler, raised higher
than before, similar to No. 175. No. 459 had recently had the oil-burning
apparatus removed. This company purchased one of the B. & S. C. Ry. Terriers,
No. 654 Waddon, which was painted in the standard S. E. & C. colours,
and numbered 751. Petrol motor cars of a similar type to ordinary road cars
but supplied with flanged steel wheels, were being tried for passenger traffic
on the Sheppey Light Ry. with a view to instituting similar services on other
parts of the line. They had tonneau bodies, and will seat four passengers
in addition to the driver.
Motor car for India. 188
A steam car had been delivered to the Maharajah of Gwalior for
his private service on the State Rys. 2ft. ga:uge lines. The car was unusually
commodious for such a small railway, as may be evidenced by the difficulty
experienced in its transportation up country from Bombay. It was sent out
by the makers, Kerr, Stuart & Co., in a huge packing case some 38ft.
long by 9ft. by 8ft., with all connections made and in perfect working order.
This when mounted on an ordinary bogie wagon of the 5ft. 6in. gauge would
not pass the bridges and tunnels, and modifications had to be made to get
the case from the Docks through Bombay City to Dadar, where it was handed
over to the B. B. & C. 1. R. Co. for conveyance round by the coast line
via Baroda to Ujjain and thence to Gwalior, thus avoiding the Ghats section
of the G.I P. R. with its numerous tunnels, etc.
Messrs. Kerr, Stuart & Co., Ltd.. 188
Building three motor coaches for the Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway
(5ft. 6in. gauge) had received an order from the Taff Vale Railway Company
for six motor coaches to be built on the well-known Taff Vale system, as
illustrated in our issue of 15 January
The locomotives of the Great Eastern Railway. 189.
Summer train services of 1904. 190-1. illus.
Continued from p. 177. Table 3 showed the 57 services which ran at
55 mile/h or faster: the fastest being Darlington to York at 61.7 mile/h;
Paddington to Bristol 59.2 mile/h and Forfar to Perth 59.1 mile/h. Table
4 showed the fastest start to stop service on each railway: e.g. the Highland
Railway's fastest was 47 mile/h between Kingussie and Aviemore. Table 5 showed
the equivalent Irish services with Belfast to Portadown at the top at 50.5
L. T. & S. Ry engines working over the District system. 191.
No. 7 Barking illustrated fitted with condensing apparatus and
Westinghouse pump to supply boiler when condenser in operation.
The history of the London & South Western locomotives. 191. 2 illus.
Death of Mr. R.J. Billinton. 191.
Double ender tank locomotive for Spain. 193. illus.
Borsig 2-6-2T with outside cylinders.
The Egyptian Government Railways and locomotives. 194-5. 2 illus.
Bombay suburban services. 195-6. 2 illus.
Simple details. 196.
Note on simplicity of design to ease maintenance of locomotives and
rolling stock.
Messrs. Andrew Barclay. 196
Purchase of a 24 inch key seating machine from Pollock, Whyte &
Waddel of Johnstone.
Consolidation locomotive, Canadian Pacific Railway. 197. illus.
Canadian Locomotive Co. of Kingston, Ontario, 2-8-0 with wide firebox,
Schmidt superheater, 21 x 28in cylinders, 200 psi boiler pressure.
Tractive power of locomotives. 197. diagr.
Graph and table showing drawbar-pull developed between 10 and 90 mile/h
for an express sinle locomotive and an eight-coupled mineral engine.
Four-cylinder compound locomotive, Southern Railway of France. 198.
De Glehn Du Bousquet four-cylinder compound 4-6-0 supplied by Scheider
& Co. of Creusot with Serve tubes in the boiler.
The Korting automatic vacuum brake. 198-9. 2 diagrams.
Narrow gauge tank locomotive for India. 199.
North British Locomotive Co. 0-4-2T for 2ft 6in gauge Darjeeling Himalayan
Railway names Edward VII with 8 x 14in cylinders:
see also p. 38 in Volume 11 for further
information on Darjeeling Himalayan Railway
A petrol shunting locomotive. 200. illus.
Supplied by Wolseley Motor Co.: four coupled, two-speed, 2ft 9½
Reviews. 200
The romance of modern locomotion. Archibald Williams. C. Arthur
for boys
Railway mechanic's manual. William Crawson.
North West Railway of India. 2nd edition. Includes materail on vacuum
brake, duties and rates of pay.
The carriage and wagon department. 201
"Ocean Mail" van, Great Western Railway. 201. illus.
68ft long; 9ft 6in wide for mails being transported from Plymouth
to London. Notes that of type used in record breaking performances during
summer of 1904!
Old goods engines on the Nord Belge. Mernok. 204.
See page 174.
No. 148 (15 December 1904)
Railway notes. 205
Great Northern Ry. 205. illus.
The accompanying illustration shows Patrick Stirling four-wheels coupled
(2-4-0) passenger locomotive No. 708 equipped by H.A. Ivatt about a year
before with the thermal storage apparatus invented by Druitt Halpin. The
system consists primarily of a storage tank in which the feed-water is maintained
at approximately the same temperature as the water in the boiler; this is
obtained by injecting steam whenever practicable, as for instance when the
engine was standing or carrying sufficient pressure to cause extensive
blowing-off of the valves. The hot feed water is supplied by ordinary injectors
to the cylindrical vessel placed over the boiler, whence it is fed to the
boiler as required by means of a special valve operated from the cab. A water
gauge is provided, within sight of the enginemen, which shows the amount
of water in the storage tank. In addition to being fitted with this apparatus,
No. 708 has had its leading springs placed above the frames, and is provided
with Ivatt's pattern of safety valve, and sandboxes below the
Midland Ry. 205
Five new express engines of the 2781 class, with Belpaire fireboxes,
were out, Nos. 814 to 848. No. 849, then approaching completion, would form
the tenth of the series.The new goods engines of 2736 class now working in
the London district were the latest of the series, Nos. 272-274.
More than 100 goods engines have now been rebuilt with large boilers, the
latest so fitted being Nos. 364, 1786, 1886, 1897, 1920, 1942, 1957, 1959,
2043, 2049, 2061, 2097, 2115, 2125 and 2298. The following bogie passenger
engines had also been rebuilt recently with large boilers, Nos. 14, 197,
232, 235, and 1817. The goods engines Nos. 840-844 had been re- numbered
483, 284, 223 and 305 respectively, and old Nos. 265-6, 268-270, 272 and
274 were now Nos. 1052, 539, 393, 386, 430, 472 and 556 respectively. All
the Kirtley single-wheelers had been broken up.
London & North Western Ry. 205-6
The following three-cylinder compound locomotives had been withdrawn
from service: 6ft. class Nos. 639 City of London, 648
Swiftsure. 643 Raven and 685 Himalaya ; 6ft. 6in class,
Nos. 301 Economist, 305 Trentham, 1102 Cyclops and 1117
The following were new locomotives of the Precursor type: Nos. 639
Ajax, 648 Archimedes, 1102 Thunderbolt, 1117
Vandal, 60 Dragon and 685 Cossack. New six-coupled bogie
mixed-traffic engines of the 1400 class were running, Nos. 173, 504, 511
and 637.
Several engines of the Alfred the Great class had recently been provided
with the large, new steel-framed tenders, as for example Nos. 1951 Bacchante
and 1968 Cumberland.
No. 2541, Webb's three-cylinder compound eight-coupled mineral engines, had
been converted into a non-compound with two inside cylinders 19½in.
diameter. Some of the four-cylinder compound eight-coupled mineral engines
had been converted to the Consolidation type by the addition of a leading
pony-truck. A new six-wheels coupled radial locomotive with saddle and side
tanks, adapted for shunting service, was now out.
Great Central Ry. 206
Three new ten-wheeled bogie tank locomotives of the 9K class had been
turned out at Gorton, bearing Nos. 28, 29 and 47; they were fitted with the
water pick-up apparatus. Four more Sacre single wheelers, Nos. 105B to 108B,
had been withdrawn from service, leaving only four in work.
Great Eastern Ry. 206
Ten new four-wheels coupled double-ender tank locomotives (2-4-2T)
had been built at Stratford. Of these, Nos. 781-786 were now running and
were stationed at Lowestoft.
Great Western Ry. 206
The last of the series of ten County class passenger locomotives was
now running, No. 3482 County of Pembroke. The 7ft. 8in. singles, Nos.
3002 Atalanta, 3011 Greyhound, 3028 Wellington, 3037
Corsair and 3055 Trafalgar, had been rebuilt with new boilers,
purchased from outside [the Company], having painted steam domes. No. 3011
Greyhound and No. 3353 Blasius, were running with tenders bearing
the words Great Western painted in yellow letters along the side tank sheets.
No. 33. the first of the Mogul class, had been rebuilt with a new taper boiler,
as also had No. 2648 of the same type. The following old goods engines had
recently been rebuilt with new boilers having Belpaire fireboxes: Nos. 117,
708, 927, 1115, 1199, and 1201.
London & South Western Ry. 206
From January 1st, 1905, the whole of the mechanical power used on
this railway, with the exception of power signalling, etc., but including
electric lighting, cranes, steam, oil and gas engines, turntables, etc.,
will be transferred to the locomotive department, and this will necessitate
the transfer of some of the staff from the engineers' departrnent. At the
same time, the title of Locomotive Superintendent will be altered to that
of Chief Mechanical Engineer. Two new locomotives of the 415 class have recently
been completed at Nine Elms, and bear Nos. 422-3. The radial bogie tank engines
formerly running under those numbers are now placed on the duplicate Iist.
All Mr. Drumrnond's express locomotives are now supplied with double-bogie
tenders, except Nos. 113, 116, 120, 284, 290, 293, 295, 703, 707, 722,
North Eastern Ry. 206
New locomotives of the V class, Atlantic type, were under construetion,
the total built or building being ten, of which Nos. 532, 649, 784, 295,1620
[see V. 11 p. 19] and 1753 were
already running. In all except the pioneer engine the cab roof is raised,
to allow of larger windows in the front plate, and the whistles are placed
in front, there being no room for them on the roof of the cab. The two 7ft.
7¼in. coupled locomotives, Nos. 1869 and 1870, Q1 class, had recently
been working Scotch express trains with success, taking heavy loads unaided.
No. 1043 is the latest of the P2 class, mineral engines with large boilers,
built at Darlington. Ten engines of this type were under construction at
Gateshead. Nos. 676, 274, 337 and 328, G class, had been rebuilt with leading
bogies and cylinders 18½in. by 26in., fitted with piston valves; the
four- coupled bogie engines Nos. 115. 42, 154, and 1534-1537 had been supplied
with cylinders 18½in. by 26in., with piston valves, Worsdell's private
saloon, No. 1661, had been rebuilt to run on two four-wheeled bogies, and
was provided with electric lighting.
York works are to be closed as a locomotive repairing shop on account of
the high rating of machinery, etc. As a consequence, the Company was making
arrangements for increased output of new and repaired locomotives at Gateshead,
and is putting in electric motors for driving the machinery at the works;
the sling chains of the overhead travelling cranes were being replaced by
steel wire ropes.
London, Brighton & South Coast Ry. 206
Two radial tank locomotives, Nos. 405 Fernhurst and 406
Colworth, had been built at the Brighton works, completing the series.
The front-coupled mixed traffic engines Nos. 305 Genoa, 307
Naples and 308 Como had been withdrawn from service.
South Eastern & Chatham Ry. 206
Of the new type of bogie tank engines introduced on this line, and
illustrated on page 210 of the current issue, Nos. 540,
541, 542, 544 and 546 were running, and five others would shortly be completed.
No. 195. belonging to Stirling's 240 class, had recently been rebuilt with
a new domed boiler similar to others previously described.
Locomotives of the Wrexham, Mold & Connah's Quay Ry.
Continued Volume 11 page 41.
Trailing-bogie tank locomotive, S.E.&C.R. 210.
0-4-4T of H class (although this is not stated) designed Harry S.
Wainwright for suburban services. Similar to existing types except for larger
cylinders (18in diameter) and higher boiler pressure. Fitted with steam reversing
gear, J. Stone's fuel economiser and spark arrester. Cab was a new design
with roof conforming to roofs of passenger stock.
A short coupling-rod throw on an outside-cylinder
engine. 210. diagr.
Crank pin of Ivatt Atlantic on GNR.
A memorable test of water troughs. 211-12, illus.
Continued in Volume 11 page 5
Four-cylinder compound locomotive, Bavarian State Railways. 213. illus.
The Paris-Riviera record express service. 214. 2 illus.
40-tons mineral wagons, Great Central Railway.
219. illus.
Bogie wagons with Livesey-Gould underframes designed by J.G.
Robinson and H. Worsdell (Robinson's assistant) to transport locomotive
Correspondence. 220
Millwall Extension Ry.
A correspondent sent the following interesting notes regarding articles
on the Millwall Extension Ry. in September and October issues:-
You give an illustration of one of the old Blackwall engines, and the letterpress
would make it appear that this picture represents the engine when at work
on the Millwall to North Greenwich line. This, however, is not the case,
as Mr. Adams, of the Great Eastern Ry., altered the engines considerably
before that date. He put a much larger dome over the firebox, made the chimney
much shorter and tapered, and removed the bell mouth. Judging from the removal
of the nameplate and the existence of a number plate, as well as the possession
of spring buffers and screw couplings, and the copper bell-mouth being painted
over, your picture represents the engine after its transfer to the Great
Eastern Ry., but before Mr. Adams' alterations, and while still employed
on the Blackwall line. When in the possession of the B1ackwall Company the
engines had nameplates on the boiler and no number plates; they had the old
leather buffers, and there were no screw couplings either between the engines
and the carriages, or between the carriages themselves, so that, on starting,
the engine put the first carriage in motion and then the others successively.
As some of the third-class passengers were carried in stand-up carriages
at the rear of the train the jerk which the last carriage received sometimes
resulted in passengers losing their foothold in an amusing manner, In the
Blackwall days the engines were painted royal blue with all brass work and
copper work bright. They were kept in very excellent order, and were as smart
locking as any. After acquisition by the Great Eastern they were daubed all
over with the usual light green of that Company without any lining, and their
appearance very greatly detracted from. Later on the painting was improved.
The usual train consisted of eight small coaches which the engines dealt
with with ease, keeping very good time in all weathers unless interfered
with by other traffic running over the same rails between Fenchurch Street
and Stepney. After running for several years as altered by Mr. Adams on the
Blackwall service. in company with several old Sharp single express engines
which were also put on that service, they were replaced bv Mr. Sinclair's
four-coupled tank engines with radial axles fore and aft. The old Blackwall
engines were then engaged on various odd jobs for several years more. In
addition to one of them working on the Millwall line, as you observe, they
did the service between Stratford Market and the North London Junction at
Hackney. There were about eight of the engines you illustrate and two others
of similar design, but having only one safety valve column on the boiler
and an ornamental dome over the firebox, built by England & Co., of Hatcham
Ironworks. One of these was named Samson. The Blackwall Company also
possessed several four rear-coupled goods tank engines with outside cylinders
and much larger boilers than the passenger ones.
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