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Kevin Jones' Steam Index

British locomotive manufacturers

The arrangement is alphabetical (surnames beginning):

Ba Br Ca Co D E F Ga Gr Ha Ho I J K L Ma Mi N O P Ra Ru Sa Sm T U W Wo

This file originated in Lowe's remarkable British steam locomotive builders and its supplement, but has been augmented by reference to other studies, including some not cited by Lowe. This file excludes the workshops of railway companies which are treated separately. It also excludes names of inventors, etc who did not actually build anything, although the presence of such material in Lowe has been used to enrich the file on mechanical engineers, Atkins' The golden age of steam locomotive building. 1999. is a highly useful general survey and the bibliography has been used to enhance the Lowe material. A few key suppliers to the industry, such as Gresham & Craven, are also included. In future (from July 2007) American and Continental suppliers to British railway companies will be included..

Atkins, [C.] Philip The golden age of steam locomotive building. Penryn: Atlantic (in association with NRM), 1999.128pp.
The development of locomotive manufacturing in the United Kingdom: an illustrated history with an extensive bibliography. He is Librarian of the NRM. The excellent bibliography has been raided to get this section going..
British Locomotive builders, past and present, Loco. Rly Car. Wagon Rev.,  1927, 33, 130-2; 163-4.
Channon, Geoffrey. Railways in Britain and the United States, 1830-1940: studies in economic and business history. 2001.
Academic work which includes a study of locomotive building in Britain and the United States prior to 1900 and the question of to internalization. Very extensive literature references and bibliography (some of which should be included in steamindex)
Lowe, J.W. British Steam Locomotive Builders, , Goose & Son, 1975, 704p
An amazingly extensive work, but the bibliography fails to cite either Ottley or Jones which may indicate that the information is older than the publication date. The book is probably most valuable for obscure building locations, such as the Highbridge works of the Somerset & Dorset Railway and least useful where more comprehensive studies exist (Crewe, Derby and Swindon, for instance).
Rutherford, Michael. Locomotive manufacturing. BackTrack, 1993, 7, 12-18.
Historical overview of British locomotive exports to India, Africa, Latin America and Australia set against general socio-political background within these countries, such as British-owned nitrate mines and railways in Chile. Illus include NBL 4-cylinder 2-10-0 for GIP; NBL 4-cylinder compound 4-6-2 for Bengal-Nagpur Railway; Kerr Stuart brake locomotive for Sao Paulo Railway; Kitson-Meyer 4670 on Chilean Transandine Railway; Sao Paulo NBL 4-cylinder 4-6-0 of 1913; PS-11 3-cylinder Pacific, with British Caprotti valve gear, being shipped from Gladstone Dock, Liverpool, on 10 September 1950 to Central Argentine Railway.
Thomas, John. The Springburn story. Dawlish: David & Charles, 1964.
Generally considered to be his best book., probably because of its warm, Glaswegian folksy character as exemplified by an extract from some of the early pages in the book. Describes the several railway workshops in the Springburn area of Glasgow, including NBL.

Abbot, John & Co. Ltd. Park Iron Works, Gateshead
Reputed to have constructed locomotive for their own use (Lowe).

Abbott & Co.
Lowe could not locate firm which had constructed No. 29 Planet for York & North Midland Railway.

ABC Coupler & Engineering, Wolverhampton
Marketed Lockyer double beat regulator (Hoole: Illustrated history of NER locomotives). John Mitchell Managing Director 1918-32.

Adams,W. Bridges, Fairfield Works, Fairfield Road, Bow
William Bridges Adams: Lowe tabulates the output of locomotives from the Fairfield Works and illustrates Whirlwind (an 0-2-2) built for the Cork & Bandon Railway. The firm promoted the concept of "light locomotives" and steam railcars. William Alexander Adams, son of William Bridges Adams, was also involved in the Fairfield Works,.

Adamson, Daniel & Co. Newton Moor Iron Works, Hyde, Manchester
According to Lowe boiler manufacture was the main activity and Adamson was an early advocate of steel for boiler construction. Ahrons (p. 166) notes that boilers with steel fireboxes were supplied to Maryport & Carlisle Railway in about 1862. Lowe lists output of locomotives between 1866 and 1896 and illustrates Oldham, an 0-4-0T supplied to Platt Bros. Others were supplied to the Oakley Slate Quarry in North Wales and were constructed to the 1ft 11½ gauge. The standard gauge locomotives had rectangular buffers which were rubber cushioned.

Adamson, Daniel
Born in Shildon on 30 April 1820. He could just remember being present at the opening in 1825 of the Stockton and Darlington Railway. Leaving school in 1833 on his thirteenth birthday, he became a pupil of Timothy Hackworth, under whose pupilage he remained until 1841. Afterwards he served under William Bouch, as draughtsman and superintendent of stationary engines at the Shildon Engine Works, until in 1847 he became general manager of the works at the age of twenty-seven. This position he resigned in 1849, in order to become general manager of the Heaton Foundry, Stockport, where he remained for the next two years. In 1851 he commenced business on his own account as a manufacturing engineer, ironfounder, and boiler-maker, at Newton Wood and Newton Moor Iron Works, near Manchester, where he carried on an increasing business for twenty-one years, until the works became too small. In 1872 he erected new and more commodious engineering works at Hyde Junction, Dukinfield, near Manchester, which subsequently were greatly enlarged, and were fitted with the most modern machinery ; they now cover nearly four acres, and eniploy over six hundred men.. His engineering career was distinguished by his introduction of several valuable innovations, In 1852 he introduced flange-seam flues to enable Cornish and Lancashire boilers to carry higher steam-pressures. America. He was perhaps best known as the pioneer in introducing steel for engineering purposes in 1857 and 1858, more particularly in the construction of locomotive and other boilers; although for niany ycars he was alone in using it, he persevered in its employment, until now the application of steel has completely superseded that of iron in Adamson's works, and has generally come more and more into favour. Up to the present time his firm has made considerably over 3,000 steel boilers for working at pressures varying from 50 to 250 psi .. In 1858 he also applied hydraulic power to lifting jacks and to the riveting of metallic structures. During 1861 and 1862 he designed a triple-expansion conipound engine. In connection with compound engines he also introduced improvements in the superheating of the steam in its passage between the cylinders. In 1873 he built and worked a quadruple-expansion compound engine for economising steam and saving fuel. To these practical efforts in the direction of higher steam-pressure and greater expansion may probably be ascribed much of the success attending the adoption of the triple-expansion marine engine, which is now such a marked feature of marine engineering. In the manufacture of steam boilers he introduced in 1862 the practice of drilling instead of punching the rivet holes, and of chilling them through the two plates together, after the plates had been bent into position. This method of drilling the holes is now universally demanded in the practice of boiler-making. He was a major promotor ofb the Manchester Ship Canal. He died at his home in Didsbury on 30 March 1890.. Obituary: Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs., 1890, 41, 167-80..

Airdrie Iron Co., Standard Works, Airdrie
Lowe estimates that between twenty and thirty locomotives were constructed from 1869 (supplied to Drumgray Coal Co.) and 1913 when works closed. Two illustrated including Glasgow Corporation Gas Works No. 5 (0-6-0ST).

Allan Andrews & Co., Britannia Engineering Works, Kilmarnock
Commenced building locomotives, mainly 0-4-0ST type in 1870s. (Lowe). Became Andrews, Barr & Co in about 1878 and Barr, Morrison & Co. by 1882. Taken over by Dick, Kerr & Co. in about 1883, but locomotive construction continued. Lowe illustrates No. 8 of Carron Co. of Falkirk and an 0-4-2ST for export in 1882.  Lowe estimated total output at 35 to 40 locomotives.

Anderson, Alex & Son Ltd. Carfin Boiler Works, Motherwell
Built locomotive boilers for firms such as Gibb & Hogg. Conducted heavy locomotive repairs. 0-4-0ST (o/c) Hare attributed to firm, but more likely built Gibb & Hogg and rebuilt by Anderson: sold to Newlandside Quarry, Co. Durham in 1908.. (Lowe Fig 7)

Andrews Barr & Co. see Allan Andrews & C

Appleby Bros., Southwark,  London
Charles James Appleby: Builder of cranes and Dredgers, etc: also one 2ft 8in gauge locomotive for Robert Campbell of Faringdon in 1871 and named Edith (Fig. 8). Lowe questions whether actually built at Works which had been in East Greenwich since 1866.

Armstrong, W. G. & Co. Newcastle
Ashman, William, Radstock

Atkinson-Walker Waggons Ltd. Frenchwood Works, Preston
Locomotives were built between 1926 and 1931.  According to Lowe most of the information has been lost, but about 25 locomotives were built (both 0-4-0 and 0-6-0) and were similar in many respects to Atkinson steam wagons: vertical boilers, Uniflow cylinders (vertical) and roller chain drive. Later output was fitted with poppet valves. Customers included the Singapore Municipal Council, the Clogher Valley Railway (see: Patterson's Clogher Valley Railway), A.R. Briggs (Fig. 13), Shap Granite, Ivybridge China Clay.

Aveling & Porter Ltd. Rochester
Lowe estimates that about 130 locomotives were constructed by a firm which is extremely well-known for its tractions engines and steam rollers. The firm was founded by Thomas Aveling as an agricultural engineering business and the first traction engines were manufactured in 1861. In 1864 the traction engine type was modified to run on rails and construction of this type continued until 1926. Two chain driven locomotives were supplied to the Duke of Buckingham for use on the Woottom Tramway: one is preserved by London Transport. In association with Alfred Grieg the Aveling-Greig Street Tram Engine was marketed.

Avonside Engine Co. Ltd.

Names beginning Ba

Bagnall, W.G. Ltd., Stafford

Baguley, E.E. Ltd, Burton

Baird, Archibald & Company, Hamilton
Appendix II Scottish locomotive builders: Glasgow Museum of Transport: Scottish railway locomotives. 1967.

Baldwin Locomotive Works, USA
Atkins, Philip. The golden age of steam locomotive building. Penryn: Atlantic (in association with NRM), 1999. 128pp.
Includes Chapter 3: The Locomotive Famine 1898-1900.
Hunt, David. Locomotive builders to the Midland Railway. Midland Record, (21), 111-26.
Baldwin supplied the Midland Railway with 2-6-0 locomotives during the "Great Locomotive Famine"

Balmforth Bros., Peel Ings Foundry, Rodley (Yorks)
Manufacturers of steam cranes. Also built at least three vertical boiler locomotives in about 1876: two for Piel & Walney Gravel Co and another to a firm in Annan. (Lowe)

Banks, Thomas & Co. Manchester
General engineers. In 1833 tendered unsuccessfully for stationary engine for Swannington Incline. In 1835 sold an 0-4-0 ballast engine to London & Southampton Railway (Alpha). In 1839 supplied two 0-4-2s to Liverpool & Manchester Railway: Numbers 61 and 63. In 1840 supplied two locomotives (Nos. 16 and 17) to Birmingham & Gloucester Railway. Lowe questions whether firm acted as agents, rather than manufacturers.

Barclay, Andrew Sons & Co. Ltd. Kilmarnock see separate page for Barclay activities

Barningham, William, Pendleton Ironworks, Manchester
If works were situated in Pendleton then Salford should have been correct location. Lowe stated that about seven four and six-coupled locomotives were built for the fim's own use between 1867 and 1878.

Barr & McNab, Paisley
Two Bury type 0-4-0s were built in 1840 for the Ardrossan Railway: they were called Firefly (Eglinton) and King Cole (Blair) (names in parentheses probable later replacement names). Noted as being on order in Whishaw. They were not taken into GSWR stock in 1854. A 2-2-2 was also constructed for the Glasgow, Paisley & Greenock Railway: No. 8 Hawk.

Barr Morrison & Co. see Allan Andrews & Co

Barrow & Co.
Lowe stated that firm built for York & North Midland Railway and that was that.

Barrow Haematite Steel Co. Ltd. Barrow-in-Furness
Three 0-4-0STs were built (4, 6 and 9)

Beale, J. T., Whitechapel & Greenwich, London
Mr Gibbs, Engineer to the London & Croydon Railway suggested to the Board on 6 November 1837 that firm might be able to supply locomotives: no evidence that they ever did (Lowe).

Beardmore, William & Co. Ltd. Glasgow See separate file

Bedford Engineering Co. Bedford
Primary output was steam cranes, but vertical boiler locomotives developed from travelling steam cranes and supplied including to narrow gauge railways in India (Lowe)

Bellis & Seekings, Broad Street, Birmingham
In 1866 supplied 0-4-2WT Primus to Pike Bros of Poole. In 1874 0-6-0WT Secundus supplied. This has been preserved in Birmingham City Museum since 1955 partly through the effort of the Birmingham Locomotive Club See J.Edward Bellis. A History of G. E. Belliss & Company and Belliss & Morcom Limited Trans Newcomen Soc., 1964, 37, 87. Responded to advertisement to supply locomotives to Festiniog Railway (Boyd Festiniog Railway)

Beyer Peacock & Co. Ltd. , Gorton Foundry, Manchester see separate page

Bickle & Co. Plymouth
According to Lowe a narrow gauge 0-2-2ST named Pioneer (Fig. 46) was built for the Levant Mine in Cornwall and was intended to work underground. It had a steel boiler with gunmetal tubes. It was unsuccessful due to problems with smoke.

Bingley & Co., Harper Street, Leeds
Lowe states that probably sub-contrated to Fenton, Murray & Wood. A single called Rotherham was built for the Sheffield & Rotherham Railway in 1840

Black Hawthorn & Co. Gateshead
Following the collapse of R. Coulthard,  William Black and Thomas Hawthorn formed firm in 1865. The bulk of the output was supplied to collieries, iron works, etc and were mainly 0-4-0STs or 0-6-0STs, but locomotives were also supplied to the NER, Llynvi & Ogmore and Lynn & Fakenham Railways. Crane tank engines with vertical and with conventional boilers were manufactured. By 1896 over 1100 locomotives had been supplied. In that year Chapman & Furneaux was acquired (no separate entry) and a further seventy locomotives were constructed before production ended with a 2ft 8½in gauge locomotive (WN 1215/1902) was supplied to Knight, Bevan & Sturge. The firm closed in 1902 and in 1903 the drawings, etc passed to Hawthorn, Leslie. According to Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev., 1947, 53, 67 0-4-0 preserved by George Cohen.

Blackie & Co. Aberdeen
Lowe states that two locomotives were constructed for the Aberdeen Railway in 1848: both were 0-4-2s. They became Scottish North Eastern Railway Nos. 69 and 70 from 1856.

Blaenavon Co., Blaenavon
According to Lowe citing Birmingham Locomotive Club's records firm built 3ft gauge locomotive for Pwlldu Limestone Quarries named Llanfoist. Three other locomotives (2 standard gauge 0-6-0STs and one narrow gauge 0-4-0ST) also listed.

Blaina Iron Works, Blaina
According to Lowe the Monmouthshire Mercury (12 June 1830) reported that a locomotive was nearly completed for use within the works.

Blair & Co. see Fossick & Hackworth

Blaylock & Pratchitt, Denton Iron Works, Denton Holmes,  Carlisle
Firm founded by William Pratchitt and John Blaylock in 1859. Tendered for supply of locomotives to Festiniog Railway in 1862,, but not successful. Manufactured portable engines, but doubtful if manufactured locomotives.

Blundell, Jonathan & Son, Pemberton
Lowe notes that firm reported to have built 0-4-0ST King prior to 1900

Bodmer, J.G. Manchester
Lowe notes that some of his designs were built by Sharp Roberts and others by himself probably in Manchester.

Bolckow Vaughan & Co. Ltd., Cleveland Iron & Steel Works, South Bank, Middlesbrough
William Hewitt (drawing) was constructed as 154/1921. Other locomotives were reconstructed from earlier stock. The firm beacme part of Dorman Long in 1929. (Lowe)

Bond, J., Castle Foundry, Tow Law, Co. Durham
Supplied two lcomotives to Weardale Iron Co. before 1870s: No. 8 Tow Law (six-coupled) and No. 11 Zephyr (0-4-0ST)(Lowe Supplement)

Borrie, Peter & Co., Tay Foundry, Dundee
Six locomotives may have been built: five  were offered to the Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway in 1841, but only Euclid was purchased. Borrie went bankrupt in 1842. Coryndon was built for John Chanter to demonstrate his patent firebox to burn coal. It was a 2-2-2.

Borrows, E. & Sons, Providence Works,  St. Helens
Edward Borrows developed the "Borrows-type" of industrial locomotive, most of which were used by local industry notably by Pilkington Bros., Brunner Mond and United Alkali. In 1910 the locomotive business was taken over by H.W. Johnson & Co. . Lowe gives a complete list.

Boulton, Isaac W. Ashton-under-Lyne

See separate page

Bourne Bartley & Co. Manchester
Lowe considers that firm were agents rather than builders. Some state that North Union Railway 2-2-2 No. 13 St George was built by firm.

Bowes, John Esq. & Partners, Marley Hill Colliery
Lowe cited C.E. Mountford's The Bowes Railway to state that 0-4-0ST Daniel O'Rourke was built in colliery workshops.

Names beginning Br

Bradley, Frederic, Clensmore, Kidderminster

Lowe Supplement: fitted boilers and machinery to two horse trams to run on Ryde Pier: operated between 1881 and 1884.

Braithwaite & Ericsson, New Road, London
Braithwaite and Ericsson were joint inventors of the Novelty which entered the Rainhill Trials, but neither partner was with the firm for its entire existence: it became Braithwaite, Milner & Co. from 1836, but failed soon afterwards. The bulk of the firm's output went either to the Eastern Counties Railway (0-4-0 and 2-2-0 of the Bury type) or to the USA, notably Philadelphia & Reading Railroad. (Lowe)

Bramah & Fox, Birmingham
Lowe states that according to an article in The Locomotive on the locomotives of the Northern & Eastern Railway this firm supplied a locomotive to it in October 1840: Lowe considers that this was improbable.

Bramah & Robinson, Pimlico
Lowe Supplement doubts whether firm built locomotives.

Brassey & Co., Canada Works, Birkenhead
The primary function of the works was to build equipment (including both locomotives and bridges) for the Grand Trunk Railway in Canada. This included over 260 locomotives for Canada. Other locomotives were supplied to British railways, including the South Eastern Railway (0-4-4WT), Scottish North Eastern Railway and Eastern Counties Railway (in both cases 2-4-0 and 2-2-2). The firm's draughtsman A. Alexander designed the locomotives for the Mont Cenis Railway: see Ransom.

Brora Works, Brora, Sutherland
Lowe considers that it is doubtful that 1ft 8in gauge 0-4-0ST Florence was built at Brora (Frew, Iain D.O. Frew. The Brora Colliery Tramway, Rly Mag., 1960 (January) and subsequent correspondence), especially as Manning Wardle 579/1875 was supplied to Duke of Sutherland and was named Florence and to the same gauge!

Brotherhood R. Chippenham
Lowe lists seventeen locomotives constructed at Chippenham for customers which included the Bristol and Exeter Railway (1857: 0-6-0T Moloch); the c1860: London Chatham and Dover Railway (0-6-0 Swale); the Newquay & Cornwall Junction Railway (1863: Phoenix), but this may have been built by William West & Sons at the St Blazey Foundry; the Bishop's Castle Railway (0-4-0ST Bee of 1866); and an 0-6-0 for the Scole Railway (Frenze Estate Railway) in Norfolk. Other locomotives were supplied to I.W. Boulton. See also S.A. Leleux Brotherhoods, engineers. David & Charles, 1965. The works were subsequently taken oer by Saxby & Farmer, signal manufacturers.

Brown, J.B. & Co. Cannon Street & Upper Thames Street, London
Lowe notes that firm advertised as "locomotive builders" in 1860s, but were presumably agents.

Brown & May, North Wiltshire Foundry, Devizes
Firm fouinded in 1854. Built traction engines, road locomotives and portable engines. Two locomotives with vertical boilers, supplied to Brotherhood. Quoted to supply locomotives to Severn & Wye Railway. Works closed in 1912. (Lowe). Responded to advertisement to supply to FR (Boyd Festiniog Railway)

Browne, Samuel, Haymarket Works, Liverpool
Offer to supply locomotives to London & Croydon Railway in 1837. No evidence of construction. Bradley, D.L. Locomotives of the South Eastern Railway. (Lowe)

Brush Electrical Engineering Co. see Henry Hughes

Burrell, Charles & Sons Ltd., St Nicholas Works, Thetford
Well-known manufacturer of steam road locomotives: firm built two 3ft 6in gauge steam tram locomotives with improved condensers: WN 1119/1885 and Patent 14872/1887.taken in name of Frederick John Burrell for Bradford & Shelf Tramway and WN 1190/1886 for Birmingham Central Tramway. Firm also constructed a roundabour which incorporated a locomotive and sold it to the Locomotive Merry-Go-Round Co. Ltd.. See R.H. Clark Chronicles of a country works and Steam engine builders of Norfolk.

Burstall, Timothy, Leith
Built Perseverance for Rainhill trials in 1829, but locomotive damaged in transit. Burstall also built steam road coaches (Sekon: Evolution of the steam locomotive) Locomotive had a vertical boiler (Lowe)

Bury, Edward & Co., Clarence Foundry, Love Lane, Liverpool
415 locomotives were turned out fom the Clarence Foundry. These were mainly 0-4-0s, although latterly 2-2-2, 2-4-0 and 0-4-2 types were constructed. The firm became Bury, Curtis & Kennedy in 1842. See also Edward Bury. See letter from Robin Barnes (Backtrack, 1997, 11, 576) on loss of records to USA. Sekon's Evolution of the steam locomtive (1899) p. 41 notes that the Bury books were sold by auction on 15 and 16 August 1851.Marshall Lancashire & Yorkshire Railway V.3 p.62 suggests that a late order for 2-2-2s may have led to the firm's failure. See also Harry Jack Clement Edwin Stretton, Rly Arch., 2008 (18), 66:Jack warns that Stretton's observations on Bury and his locomotives are erroneous, furthermore Stretton has corrupted locomotive history with his spurious drawings, some of which are in the Science Museum..

Butlin, W.
Respond to advertisement for equipment for FR (Boyd Festiniog Railway)

Butterley Co. Ripley
Firm was established in 1790 (Lowe); William Brunton devised a "walking locomotive" whilst there. Two 2-2-2 locomotives were constructed for the Midland Counties Railway in 1839. Johnston's Locomotives of the GNRI notes that one of this type was supplied to Jeffs, a contractor for the construction of the Dublin & Drogheda Railway and briefly formed part of its stock. Between 1860 and 1907 the firm built approximately twenty seven locomotives for their own use: an 0-4-0ST (B12C) and a 0-6-0ST (B3C) are illustrated. Also noted as Company which supplied iron work for St Pancras station. Leadbetter. J. Rly Canal Hist. Soc., 2008, 36, 33..

Names beginning Ca

Caird & Co. Greenock
Shipbuilders and marine engineers constructed four locomotives for Scottish railways (all 2-2-2 type). Glasgow, Paisley & Greenock Railway Nos. 11 and 12 of 1840 (eventually became CR Nos. 68 and 69); Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock & Ayr Railway No. 30 Wasp and Edinburgh & Glasgow Railway Trevithick of 1841.

Cannock & Rugeley Colliery Co. Ltd., Rawnsley
In 1888 a 2-4-0T No. 7 Birch was probably built from parts bought in. Fig. 77. See also Rly Arch., 2010 (26) 46 upper.

Cannock Chase Colliery. Co. Ltd., Chasetown
0-4-2ST Foggo constructed in 1946 from parts supplied by Beyer Peacock.

Carmichael, J. & C., Ward Foundry, Sessions Street, Dundee

See separate file

Carrett Marshall & Co., Sun Foundry, Dewsbury Road, Leeds
In 1858 this firm took over from Charles Todd who, after leaving Shepherd & Todd had set up his own factory. Carrett Marshall & Company may have built a few locomotives but little is known about this side of their activities. They were mainly known for their remarkable steam driven road vehicles. Mr Carrett had left E. B. Wilson & Company to join Marshall as a partner in the new firm. Many engineering articles were manufactured including water pumps and tanks. An advertisement in the Colliery Guardian shows a drawing of a four-coupled saddle tank, with inclined outside cylinders fixed immediate ly behind the leading wheels. (Fig. 79) One locomotive is reported to have been built in 1860 for the Natal Railway and named Natal, and others for the Kendal & Windermere Railway. Also showed interest in supplying to Festiniog Railway (Boyd Festiniog Railway).

Chanter, John, London
See also John Chanter. Chanter had developed a firebox capable of burning coal. A locomotive (Prince George of Cambridge) was built in 1838 to assist with experiments. In 1839 a second locomotive, Duke of Sussex appeared and these together with Coryndon (a 2-2-2 built by Peter Borrie & Co) were run on the London & Croydon Railway. Two more locomotives were supplied to the Hayle Railway which at that time was worked by Chanter: these were Chanter and Coryndon.

Chaplin, Alexander & Co., Cranstonhill Engine Works, Port Street, Anderson, Glasgow
Between 1860s and early 1900s firm supplied patent vertical boiler locomotives including for export. According to Lowe the boiler was a very efficient steam raiser. See D.K. Clark: The Steam engine v 2 pages 740-3. See also Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev., 1920, 26, 115 for account of four shunting locomotives supplied to Danish State Railway between 1869 and 1872.

Chapman & Furneaux
In 1896 firm acquired Black Hawthorn & Co. and continued in business until 1902 (1901 company dissolved according to Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev., 1947, 53, 67) using Black Hawthorn Works Numbers. Goodwill, drawings, etc then acquired by Hawthorn, Leslie. Chapman & Furneaux locomotives used on Lambourne Valley Railway.

Chapman, William & Edward, Murton House, Co. Durham

see under William Chapman

Christie, Adams & Hill , Thames Bank Ironworks, Rotherhithe, London
Six 6ft 6in 2-2-2s were supplied to the LSWR in 1848, They lasted in service for about twenty years.

Clarke Chapman & Co., Victoria Works, Gateshead
Two crane tanks with vertical boilers were supplied to Consett Iron Co. in 1907.  Lowe justified this "exception" due to the direct drive between the cylinders and the coupled driving wheels.

Clayton Shuttleworth & Co., Stamp End Works, Lincoln
Established in 1842 by Joseph Shuttleworth and Nathaniel Clayton. Manufacturers of agricultural machinery, A few locomotives were built: 0-4-0WT built in 1875 (WN 44701), known as Pilot. Two 0-4-0CTs for Consett Iron Co: one in 1892 and other in 1920, both with vertical boilers. See also Hall & Co. locomotive No. 1 supplied by Clayton & Shuttleworth in 1867 (Locomotive Mag., 1901, 6, 120).

Clayton Wagons Ltd., Abbey Works, Lincoln
Subsidiary of Clayton Shuttleworth formed in 1917. Built high pressure vertical boiler geared locomotives. These were derived from road wagon designs and had either chain or jackshaft drive. Side elevations of A and B type locomotives shown in Fig. 85. In 1929 two large locomotives were supplied to the Indian North West Railways. These had four vertical cylinders and White-Forster watertube boilers pressed to 300 psi with a top drum and two smaller drums. Approximately eight steam railcars were also constructed: including eleven for the LNER and six for the Great Southern Railways of Ireland. The firm ceased to trade in 1930 and were taken over by the Smith-Clayton Forge. The drawings passed to Richard Duckering of Lincoln. Fig. 86: LNER No. 287 Royal Sailor.

Firms beginning "Co"

Coalbrookdale Co. Coalbrookdale
Founded in 1709. Railways were manufactured from 1767 (Lowe). Robin Barnes has given an excellent survey of the way in which Coalbrookdale was involved with the Trevithick locomotives for the Penydarren (Merthyr) tramroad (Backtrack, 2003, 17, 492, 554 and 622.). Lowe also notes that there was further locomotive construction in in the 1860s and this includes the preserved No. 5 (ex-Bardon Hill Quarries (Fig. 88)). Lowe cites R.A.S. Abbott Vertical boiler locomotives and and railmotors built in Great Britain. 1989. See also photographs of both locomotives in Archive, 2010, (Issue 66) page 37: date not given, but prior to conversion of No. 6 to a Sentinel.

Cochran & Co., Annan
Supplied vertical boilers for two railcars built by Andrew Barclay & Co. in 1905 for the GNoSR. The bodies were built at Inverurie. Vallance p. 159

Cochrane & Co. New Ormsby Ironworks, Cargo Fleet, Middlesbrough
Approximately five vertical boiler locomotives supplied 1860-1880 for standard gauge lines.

Coed Talon Colliery Co., Coed Talon, Flintshire
One locomotive was assembled at the colliery workshops in 1874 using a wagon frame, a horizontal portable boiler, subsequently replaced by a vertical boiler. Mr William Lea, the chief fitter, designed it. Illustration: Rly Mag., 1904 (Nov.) 403.

Coley & Co., West London Ironworks
Lowe's Supplement states that supplied Pugsy (0-4-0ST) to Gray's Chalk Quarries and then purchased by I.W. Boulton. May have been Colley.

Coltman, H. & Sons Ltd. Loughborough
Firm founded by Huram Coltman and Henry Hughes, both of whom were former partners in the Falcon Works. Lowe considers that firm which manufactured steam engines and boilers may have built some locomotives of Hughes and Falcon design. Walter Coltman, son of Huram, manufactured boilers.

Consett Iron Company
Cranes were designed by the Consett Iron Co. and were originally supplied by Black Hawthorn and by Cowans Sheldon: George, F.B. The Consett Iron Company's steam locomotive cranes. 163-9.

Coulthard, John & Son, Quarry Field Works, Gateshead
Lowe stated that firm commenced building locomotives in 1835 and produced about twenty up to 1865 by which time name had changed to R. Coulthard and Ralph (son of founder) had retired and firm was taken over by Black Hawthorn. Customers included York, Newcastle & Berwick Railway (2-4-0 No. 156) named Jenny Lind (WN 42: see Maclean Locomotives of the North Eastern Railway); North Eastern Railway (2-4-0 No. 5) and Blythe & Tyne Railway (2-4-0 Nos 12 and 13 and 0-6-0 No. 23).

Cowan Sheldon, Carlisle
Manufacturers of breakdown cranes. Locomotive cranes designed by the Consett Iron Co. were supplied by Black Hawthorn and by Cowans Sheldon: George, F.B. The Consett Iron Company's steam locomotive cranes. 163-9. See also Tatlow, Peter. LMS 35/50 ton steam breakdown cranes. LMS Journal, 2007 (18), 7-27.

Cowlishaw Walker & Co. Ltd., Biddulph
Lowe questions whether this mining machinery company manufactured any new locomotives.

Craig, A. F. Ltd., Caledonia Engineering, Paisley
Locomotive designed by Robert Craig and constructed in 1870s to the unusual 3ft 1½ gauge. The boiler was replaced in the early 20th century.

Crampton T. R.
Listed by Lowe, but Crampton was not a locomotive builder and he is considered elsewhere

Craven Brothers, Manchester
Manufacturer of travelling steam breakdown cranes with articulated jibs. See Tatlow, Peter. LMS 35/50 ton steam breakdown cranes. LMS Journal, 2007 (18), 7-27.

Crook & Deans, Phoenix Foundry, Little Bolton
J. Crook and William Deans were early builders of locomotives (for the Bolton & Leigh Railway in about 1831). Lowe's description leaves something to be desired, but indicates that these were inside cylinder 0-4-0s named Salamander, Veteran and Phoenix, but names were changed.

Cross, James & Co., Sutton Engine Works, St. Helens
James Cross appears to have been a highly innovative engineer. Lowe states that the Neath & Brecon locomotive Progress was the first Fairlie to have two boilers with a single firebox. Reports of Fairlie locomotives for the Venezuela Central Railway (Engineer and Engineering 1866) cannot be traced. The first 2-4-2T White Raven ("Adams" patent) and with spring tyres was constructed in 1863 for the St Helens Canal and Railway.
Dewhurst, P.C. and Holcroft, Harold. The Fairlie locomotive - Part 2. Later designs and productions. Trans. Newcomen Soc., 1966, 39, 1-34.

Crowley J. & Co., Kelham Ironworks, Sheffield
Lowe had no information

Crowther, Phineas see Chapman, W. & E.

Cudworth, Arthur, St Mark's Engineering Works, Wrexham
Two vertical boiler locomotives were supplied to W.H. Davis & Sons (wagon) Ltd. of Langwith Junction. Adaption of steam cranes. Illus.: Lowe Fig 93 at Neasden. See Dunn's Reflections of a railway career for links with Wrexham, Mold & Connah's Quay Railway..

Names beginning D

Daglish, Robert & Co., Ltd, St Helens Foundry, St Helens
Lowe's Supplement notes that the works were established in 1798 by Lee Watson & Co. According to Thomas, R.H.G. The Liverpool & Manchester Railway. London: Batsford, 1960. 264pp. in 1833 Novelty was rebuilt by Robert Daglish and supplied to the St Helens & Runcorn Gap Railway on 3 August 1833. By the time locomotives were constructed the Daglish family had become involved: in 1843 Robert Daglish married the sister of either Lee or Watson and became senior partner. Two locomotives were built for the St Helens Canal & Railway Co: No. 13 Forth a four-coupled tender engine built in 1852 and an 0-6-0 No. 12 Saracen in 1858. In 1857 an 0-6-0ST Oswald was built for an unknown customer: it was acquired by the Calder & Mersey Extract Co., Ltd of Widnes in 1914. An 0-4-0WT Lucy for Gaskell Deacon & Co of Widnes may have been built by Daglish. The Supplement lists other locomotives which may have been constructed by the firm. The ODNB notes that Richard John Seddon, a Prime Minister of New Zealand, was apprenticed at the St. Helens Foundry for five years in about 1859-64..

See also Daglish

Darbishires Ltd., Penmaenmawr
Lowe stated that 3ft gauge De Winton type, but e-mail letter received KPJ states that was 2ft gauge: named Redstone built in 1905 in company workshops

Davey Paxman & Co. Ltd. Colchester
Clark's  Steam-engine builders of Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire notes that this firm constructed five Pacific and two 4-8-2 locomotives for the Romney Hythe & Dymchurch Railway: these were the last steam engines of any sort to be made by the company. See Snell's One man's railway.

Davies & Metcalfe, Romiley, Manchester
Firm best known as manufacturer of the Metcalfe vacuum brake ejector and exhaust steam injectors, but the firm also manufactured two 2-6-2Ts for the 1ft 11½ gauge Vale of Rheidol Railway in 1902, one of which is still extant. Two North Wales Narrow Gauge Railway locomotives were renovated in 1902 (Snowdon Ranger) and 1903 (Moel Tryfan). The company had a vast number of patents to protect its designs in many countries. See also Metcalfe page and Metcalfe, Richard. Davies & Metcalfe Ltd: railway engineers to the world. 1999. 208 pp. 142 illus. This book (pp. 151-2) notes that firm innovated a system for washing out the ash from smokeboxes: class 5 No. 5435 is shown being tested with this equipment..

665,589 Improvements relating to exhaust steam injectors. Inventor: Richard Metcalfe. Published 23 January 1952. Applied 12 December 1949.
665,588 Improvements relating to exhaust steam injectors. Inventor: Richard Metcalfe. Published 23 January 1952. Applied 10 December 1949.
13611/1913. Improvements in injectors. Inventors: James Metcalfe, Richard David Metcalfe and James Croxon Metcalfe. Published 4 September 1913.  Applied 12 June 1913.

Davy Bros., Park Ironworks, Brightside, Sheffield
Firm manufactured Sheffield for the Sheffield & Rotherham Railway in 1840. Lowe noted that described by P.C.D. in Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev., 1943 (15 June). The locomotive was driven by belts and pulleys and was the invention of William Vickers.

Day Summers & Co. see Summers, Grove & Day

Deptford Iron Co.
Lowe's entry is slender: firm built at least one locomotive for the Hartlepool Docks & Railway. 0-4-0 built in 1841 became NER No. 130.

De Winton & Co., Union Works, Caernarvon
Lowe stated that De Winton was founded in the 1840s by Owen Thomas. J.P. de Winton (ex-Fawcett, Preston & Co. of Liverpool) joined Thomas in 1854 (according to e-mail received KPJ) 1860s (Lowe) and locomotive manufacture began. All had vertical boilers. Joy's valve gear was used initially, but a modified form of Stephenson valve gear was used on later locomotives. Correspondent to KPJ queried early use of Joy valve gear (not patented until 1879, but may been used in ships' engines earlier. Sixty locomotives were built and Lowe lists the output, the bulk of which for the 2ft gauge and for the Welsh slate industry. In 1897 Victoria (WN 201) which had a launch type of engine. This was probably the last locomotive to built at the works which closed in 1902. Fig. 95 Inverlochy; Fig. 96 Arthur.
[Slate quay at Caernarfon]. Archive, Issue 17, 53.
Illus. includes Castle and Union Works of de Winton Company (locomotive manufacturer).

Founded in the 1840s by Owen Thomas. J.P. de Winton (ex-Fawcett, Preston & Co. of Liverpool) joined Thomas in          ( joined @1854 )  1860s and locomotive manufacture began. All had vertical boilers. Joy's valve gear was used initially (I do not know your source I own de Winton chaloner joys loco version was not patented until 1879 it may have been used  on de w ships engines)      , but a modified form of Stephenson valve gear was used on later locomotives. Sixty locomotives were built and Lowe lists the output, the bulk of which for the 2ft gauge    (but included upto standard gauge ) and for the Welsh slate industry. In 1897 Victoria ( and emily )(WN 201) which had a launch type of engine. This was probably the last locomotive to built at the works which closed in 1902. Fig. 95 Inverlochy; Fig. 96 Arthur

Dick W. B. & Co., Britannia Engineering Works, Kilmarnock
Lowe stated that Firm's Title changed to Dick Kerr & Co. Ltd. in 1883 (presumably the Kerr was James Kerr). Company manufactured tramway equipment, including locomotives (using Morrison and Kerr patent tramway engines). Locomotives were manufactured from 1818 to 1919 when the Britannia Engineering Works became Kilmarnock Engineering Co. Tramway locomotives were supplied to the Schull & Skibbereen Light Railway (more strictly the West Carberry Tramways & Light Railways: see Boyd), the Sutton & Alford Tramway, the Penang Tramways and to the North London Tramways. Traditional industrial locomotives were also manufactured including for several Government agencies during WW1..

Dick & Stevenson, Airdrie Engine Works, Bell Street, Airdrie
Lowe stated that firm was founded in about 1790. In the early 1860s the firm was run by Alexander and John Dick and Graham Stevsnson.Locomotive construction began in 1864 after the retirement of John Dick. The first customer was the Langloan Iron Co. and a total of six locomotives was eventually supplied. Several locomotives were exported to Singapore, Holland and Spain. The majority were 0-4-0STs. The  works closed in 1890. Fig 99.

Dickinson, R.E. & Co., Cleveland Works, Birkenhead
According to Lowe's Supplement firm built two combined steam tramcars with vertical boilers for trials in Scotland. One was designed by Robertson & Henderson, engineers of Glasgow and was ordered by the Edinburgh Tramways Co. The first trial took place between Partick and Whiteinch on the Vale of Clyde Tramways in May 1877. Further trials were made between Greenock and Gourock and at Leith and in 1880 the car was sold to the Stirling & Bridge of Allan Tramways Co. The second tramcar had a compound engine and was tried in Dundee between July and December 1880.

Dixon, William, Glasgow
William Dixon formed the Calder Iron Works in 1795, but locomotives were not manufactured until he was succeeded by his son William Smith Dixon in 1859 and another works (Govan Iron Works) had been created in 1830. Four locomotives were constructed at Govan (1860 No. 2, 1866 No. 4, 1874 No. 9 and 1901 No. 1). One locomotive emerged from Calder: No. 8 of 1892. No. 2 was illustrated in Loco. Mag., 1930, 36, 15 May.

Dodds & Son, Holmes Engine & Railway Works, Rotherham
Established by Isaac Dodds where locomotive manufacture began in 1849 and continued to 1868 by which time the firm was in the hands of the official receiver. Seventy locomotives were built. Output went to the South Yorkshire Railway (0-4-2), Great India Peninsula Railway, Deeside Railway (0-4-2); Newport, Abergavenny & Hereford Railway (3 0-4-2 in 1854); Isabel II Railway in Spain and LBSCR (2-2-2 in 1868). One of the 2-4-0s for the Isabel II Railway was tested on the Lickey Incline in 1853. Lowe gives details of tests as does Sekon Evolution of the steam locomotive (pp. 168-9).

Dodman, Alfred & Co. Ltd., Highgate Works, Kings Lynn.
Established by Alfred Dodman in 1850: manufacturers of agricultural machinery and portable engines. In 1896 William Burkitt, a corn merchant in Lynn and Chesterfield, ordered a locomotive to convey him between his two operations. This was a 2-2-2WT Gazelle. In 1911 this passed through T.W. Ward to the Shropshire & Montgomeryshire Light Railway where it was converted to a 2-4-0 by Bagnall. A similar locomotive was constructed for the West Norfolk Farmers Manure & Chemical Co-Operative at South Lynn. The locomotive was sold to a concerrn in Australia. R.H. Clark History of the Midland & Great Northern Railway and Steam engine builders of Norfolk..

Dorman Long & Co. Ltd., Britannia Works,  Middlesbrough
Became Dorman Long (Steel) Ltd. in 1954. Seven locomotives were replaced between 1949 and 1959 and in one case (No. 22) the orginal continued in service whilst it replicate joined it. All locomotives were 0-4-0STs. Lowe is interesting on the topic of replication/replacement.

Dorset Iron Foundry, West Quay Road, Poole
Lowe notes that at least one Stephen Lewin type of narrow gauge locomotive was built here, after W.J. Tarrant established the firm (Tarrant had formerly worked for Lewin).

Drummond D. & Son, Helen Street, Govan, Glasgow
Founded in 1891 by Dugald Drummond and later known as the Glasgow Railway Engineering Co. Seven 0-4-0WTs were constructed for Glasgow Corporation Gas Works in 1894, two railcars were constructed for the Alexandra Dock & Railway and a 2ft gauge 0-4-0ST Little Tich was built for the Premier Cement Co at Irthlingborough (Lowe). See also J.E. Chacksfield. The Drummond brothers p. 55.

Duncan & Wilson, Liverpool
Lowe states that English Mechanic for 1881 refers to experiments in Liverpool with steam locomotives in which this firm took part.

Firms beginning "E"

Earl of Dudley, Round Oak Works, Castle Mill, Dudley
Two standard gauge outside cylinder 0-6-0STs constructed: Lady Honor (1912) and Lord Ednam (1915). At least one narrow gauge (2ft 3½in) 0-4-0STs also built (Gnat which bore plate Castle Mill 1882). (Lowe )

Earl of Durham Collieries Ltd., Philadelphia Engine Works, Durham
Works were capable of major renovations/reconstructions. Lowe is slightly unclear as to whether three or four locomotives were constructed thereat: 0-6-0: 9 (1877); 25 (1890 and 26 (1894), and 0-4-0ST No. 12? (Lowe)

Ebbw Vale Steel Iron & Coal Co., Ebbw Vale
According to Lowe eight 0-4-0STs constructed between 1905 and 1917: one No. 18 Trefil was a rebuild of Peckett 969/1904 and at least two were constructed from Peckett components.

Edington, Thomas & Sons, Phoenix Iron Works, Glasgow
In 1840/1 firm constructed four locomotives for Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock & Ayr Railway: Nos 7 Phoenix, 8 Prince Albert, 10 Garnock and 15 Kyle. All were 2-2-2s to the design of J. Miller, the company's engineer. (Lowe )

England, George & Co., Hatcham Ironworks, Pomeroy Street, New Cross, London
Lowe gives an extensive account, including a complete list of the output based on C.H. Dickson (J. Stephenson Loco. Soc., 1961). The firm supplied locomotives to railways, both locally (London & Blackwall Railway) and more distant including Caledonian Railway, Great Western Railway and several railways in Australia. In September 1869 Robert Fairlie joined with George England, junior and J.S. Fraser to take over the Hatcham Works to form Fairlie Engine & Steam Carriage Co. George England died within a few months. Locomotive production ceased at the end of 1870 but the Fairlie Engine & Rolling Stock Co continued as a designer and issued licenses for the manufacture of Fairlie locomotives. .
Dewhurst, P.C. and Holcroft, Harold. The Fairlie locomotive - Part 2. Later designs and productions. Trans. Newcomen Soc., 1966, 39, 1-34.
Perrett, D. and James, O. The Hatcham Ironworks, New Cross: the locomotive works of George England & Co, and its subsequent history, London's Industrial Archaeology, 1984, (3) 1-14 (via Atkins).

Evans, J. Campbell, Morden Iron Works, Greenwich
Firm tendered to the Festiniog Railway for three locomotives in 1863, but no evidence of manufacture (Lowe) also Boyd Festiniog Railway.

Evans, Richard & Co. Haydock Colliery
Lowe notes that six 0-6-0WTs were designed by Josiah Evans and constructed at Haydock between 1869 and 1887. They had piston valves actuated by outside valve gear: fisrt two Stephenson open links and remainder with Gooch box links. No. C Bellerophon illustrated. No. F Golbourne described and ilustrated in Loco. Mag., 1901 December

Firms beginning "F"

Fairbairn, William & Sons, Canal Street Works, Manchester
Founded by William Fairbairn in 1816 as an iron foundry and became general engineers and bridge builders. In 1839 entered locomotive building with four Bury-type 0-4-0s for the Manchester & Leeds Railway. Eventually at least 69 locomotives were supplied to this railway. 2-2-2WTs were supplied to the 'Little' North Western Railway, the Dublin, Wicklow & Wexford Railway and the Midland Great Western Railway. Large 2-2-2s were supplied at McConnell's behest to the LNWR (Southern Division. 2-2-2s were also supplied to Sinclair designs to the GER. Double-framed 0-6-0s were sold to the Midland Railway and to the WMR. The total sales included 269 to English concerns; 29 to Scottish; 58 to Irish and 23 to Continental European. A total of about 395 were manufactured. Locomotive manufacture ceased in 1863 when locomotive manufactre was acquired by Sharp, Stewart. (Lowe )
Hunt, David. Locomotive builders to the Midland Railway. Midland Record, (21), 111-26.
Fairbairn supplied some early Midland Railway locomotives: Hunt did not cite his sources.

Fairlie Engine & Rolling Stock Co.
See also England, Geo. & Co. This firm designed and licensed the manufacture of Fairlie patented designs and continued in existence after the closure of the Hatcham Works..

Falcon Railway Plant Works see George Hughes

Fawcett Preston & Co. , Phoenix Foundry, York Street, Liverpool
Established in 1758: marine engineers. In 1848 attempted to enter locomotive manufacture. Built an 0-6-0, but failed to sell to LNWR (Northern Division), but achieved success with East Lancashire Railway which purchased it for £2000 after trials as a banking engine at Accrington. Became ELR No. 43. J.P. de Winton worked for firm in early 1860s. Firm became railway supply agents (Lowe).

Fenton, Murray & Wood, Round Foundry, Water Lane, Holbeck, Leeds
Firm was founded by Matthew Murray and David Wood in 1795 and joined in 1797 by James Fenton (who provided what would now be known as management skills) and William Lister, financier. Very early locomotive builder, for Middleton Colliery, in 1812/13: Prince Regent, Salamanca, Lord Willington and Marquis Wellington. Two further locomotives were provided to Kenton & Coxlodge Colliery. These were rack locomotives. Dendy Marshall covers this period. with a chapter on Blenkinsop and Murray. Following Murray's death in 1826 the firm became Fenton Murray & Jackson and locomotive building took place between 1831 and 1842 when nearly eighty locomotives were constructed, mainly of standard Stephenson designs. Customers included the Hull & Selby Railway, Leeds & Selby Railway and the North Midland Railway. Two were built for the London & Southampton Railway. Twenty Firefly 2-2-2s were built for the Great Western broad gauge. Three 2-4-0s were also built for the broad gauge.

Joy, Craven, Hick and Peacock received their training at the Round Foundry.

Fletcher Burrows, Chanters & Howe Bridge Collieries, Atherton (Lancs.).
Electric: outside cylinder 0-4-0ST constructed in 1888 at Gibfield Works:. (Lowe)

Fletcher Jennings & Co. see Tulk & Ley

Fodens Ltd., Elworth Works, Sandbach
Manufacturer of steam road locomotives and lorries. Constructed a single locomotive (WN 13292) for Palmer Mann & Co., Salt Producers, delivered in February 1930. Design based on steam lorry technology. Illustrated by Lowe.

Forrest & Barr, Glasgow
Lowe notes a total lack of information

Forrester, George & Co. Vauxhall Foundry, Liverpool
Locomotive construction between 1834 and about 1847, but firm in business from 1827 to 1890. Forrester had distinct views on locomotive design. Alexander Allan was Works Manager until February 1840. Lowe notes that output went to South Eastern Railway (fifteen 2-4-0s in 1847 - intended for expresses but relegated to local workings) and three 2-2-0s for Dublin & Kingstown Railway. See letter from Robin Barnes (Backtrack, 1997, 11, 576) on loss of records to USA.

Fossick & Hackworth, Stockton
Probably financed by George Fossick. Thomas Hackworth, brother of Timothy, provided technology. Founded in about 1838 and locomotive manufacture ended with retirement of Thomas Hackworth in 1865 when firm became Fossick & Blair and concentrated on marine engines. (Lowe). An 0-6-0 for the Llanelly Railway must have been one of the last locomotives manufactured.

Foster Rastrick & Co. Stourbridge
Partnership founded by James Foster and John Urpeth Rastrick in 1819 basing its activities on earlier foundries owned by James Foster, his brother William and half brother John Bradley who had died or sold out before the locomotive building partnership began. Foster and Rastrick built the Shutt End Railway and constructed the  Agenoria to work it (preserved NRM). Notable for constructing three locomotives for Delaware & Hudson Railroad, named Stourbridge Lion, Delaware and Hudson. The failure of the Lion in the USA is discussed at length in Early Railways 3: See Withuhn, William L. Abandoning the Stourbridge Lion – business decision-making, 1829: a new interpretation. (Lowe) Marshall

Fowler, John & Co., Steam Plough & Locomotive Works, Leeds
Firm established in 1850 (Lowe). In 1886 firm became John Fowler (Leeds) Ltd. Steam locomotives were produced between 1866 and 1935. After 1886 only narrow gauge locomotives were manufactured. All products were listed together. Six 0-6-0s were supplied to the LCDR in 1866 (Fig. 142 Constantine); two 2-4-0Ts to the Waterford & Kilkenny Railway and three 2-4-0s were constructed for the GNR, also in 1866. Six double-frame 0-6-0STs were supplied to the Brecon & Merthyr Railway in 1886: last not withdrawn until 1934. Between 200 and 300 steam locomotives probably constructed. (Lowe)
Hunt, David. Locomotive builders to the Midland Railway. Midland Record, (21), 111-26.
Fowler listed by Hunt, but was presumably only a minor supplier to Midland.

Fox Walker & Co. Bristol see Bristol locomotive builders

Frazer & Chalmers Engineering Works Ltd., Erith
At least two locomotives are supposed to have been built for export (Lowe)

Firms with names beginning "Ga"

Galloway Bowman & Glasgow,  Caledonian Foundry, Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester
Lowe notes that a 2-2-0 named Manchester was constructed in 1831 and was used on the Liverpool & Manchester Railway. This may have been rebuilt to form 0-4-0 Caledonian (dummy crankshaft type) which became LMR No. 28. They may have been separate locomotives. The firm closed in 1838/9. P.C. Dewhurst and S.H.P. Higgins described this activity in J. Stephenson Loco. Soc. 1953 (#342). John Galloway's reminiscences are included in Chaloner.

Garforth, W. J. & J.. Dukinfield Foundry, Manchester
Sub-contractor to Sharp Bros. Built two 2-4-0 and six 0-6-0 for Sheffield, Ashton-under-Line & Manchester Railway. "Fully listed" by Lowe, but Jack added two 0-4-2 goods engines for the South Staffordshire Railway.

Garrett, Richard & Sons Ltd. Leiston
Clark gives full history of firm. In 1925 there was an enquiry from the Emu Bay Railway in Tasmania for a steam railcar, but this was not built. The firm approached the LNER with proposals for light shunting locomotives, but the boiler was considered to be too small.

Garswood Hall Colliery Co. Ltd., Garswood Hall
Built 0-6-0ST with inside cylinders in 1884: No. 1 Arthur: scrapped 1933.

Gas, Light & Coke Co. Backton
All locomotives built by Neilsons except Nos. 30 and 31 built in company's workshops in 1902. No. 31 illustrated (Fig. 149)..

Gibb & Hogg, Victoria Engine Works,  Airdrie
Established in 1866 but locomotives were not built until McCulloch Sons & Kennedy closed in 1890. Twenty Kilmarnock type 0-4-0STs, except for one 0-6-0ST supplied to the Eden Colliery. Lowe lists all. One supplied to Meyer of Widnes in 1903 illustrated (Fig. 150). Firm ceased production in 1912.

Gilkes Wilson & Co., Teesside Engine Works, Middlesbrough
Locomotive manufacture began in 1847. Firm produced over one hundred locomotives for SDR (Lowe). Firm founded by Edgar Gilkes with assistance of Isaac Wilson. In 1865 firm merged with Hopkins & Co and became Hopkins & Gilkes Ltd. Lowe includes illustration of 0-6-0ST Kilmar (264/1869) supplied to the Liskeard & Caradon Railway.  351 locomotives were constructed between 1847 and 1875 when locomotive production ceased. Pearce (pp. 1-2 and 103 et seq) notes that Phoenix Iron Works in Shildon (owned Thomas Hackwoth and Downing) was taken over in 1860s.

Glasgow Corporation Gas Works, Provan
According to Lowe's Supplement the City, which built its own tramcars, also constructed a 2ft 6in gauge 0-4-0T in 1919 No. 9 from parts supplied by Andrew Barclay.

Glasgow Railway Engineering Co. Ltd. see Drummond D. & Son

Glengarnock Iron & Steel Co. Glengarnock
Lowe includes drawing (Fig. 158) of 0-4-0ST built in 1913 of Grant Ritchie type probably constructed from parts.

Gordon, Adam, Deptford Green, London
Marine engineers (Lowe); built at least two locomotives; on 21 November 1839 sought permission to try locomotive between New Cross and Croydon.

Gordon, Alexander
According to Lowe's Supplement built steam road carriages and possibly a locomotive.

Gorton & Co.
Mainly vertical boiler locomotives, but also constructed 0-4-0T Bee for Pease & Partners for the Normanby Iron Works in 1887.

Gourlay Bros. & Co. Ltd. see Stirling, James & Co.

Firms with names beginning "Gr"

Grange Iron Works,  Durham
Lowe states that constructed a few locomotives for collieries and ironworks. Purchasers included West Hartlepool Steel & Iron Co. Ltd in 1873.

Grant, W. & Co., Belfast
Tram locomotive supplied to Cave Hill & Whitewell Tramway in 1886. Grant was either an agent or constructed it from parts supplied by Kitsons (4ft 8in gauge).

Grant Ritchie & Co., Townholme Engine Works, Kilmarnock
Formerly Grant Bros. Lowe lists 45 locomotives constructed between 1879 and 1930. Output included three crane tanks, two of which were for Glengarnock Iron & Steel Co. Outpout was predominantly 0-4-0ST, or 0-4-2ST type. 522/1907 was supplied to Young's Paraffin Lamp & Mineral Oil Co at Pumpherston.See also Abbott's Crane locomotives.

Green, Thomas & Son, Smithfield Ironworks, North Street, Leeds
Established in 1848. Manufacturers of agricultural machinery. Lowe records that locomotive manufacture began in early 1880s. 157 tram locomotives constructed between 1885 and 1898, many conforming to William Wilkinson patent. 38 ordinary locomotives and these are listed by Lowe. Three 2-6-2Ts were built for the 3ft gauge West Clare Railway betwen 1898 and 1901 (WN 229/234/236). A couple of 0-4-4Ts (WN 180/200) were supplied to the Cork & Muskerry Railway in 1892/3. The Dublin & Blessington Tramway received three locomotives, two of which were 2-4-2Ts which could be driven from both ends.

Greenwood & Batley, Albion Works, Leeds
Builder of second Loftus Perkins patent tramway locomotive in 1878 (first had been built by Yorkshire Engine Co. in 1874). This seconnd had a larger 500psi vertical boiler, triple expansion engine and geared drive via a jackshaft. It was tried on the Leeds tramways, but without success.

Grendon, Thomas & Co. Drogheda Iron Works, Drogheda
Major Irish manufacturer of locomotives. Firm established in 1835 and locomotive construction began in 1844. Works closed in 1885. Between 600 and 700 employed during peak of output. Total of 45 to 50 locomotives constructed. Lowe. See also Johnston's Locomotives of the GNRI . See Locomotive Mag., 1904, 10, 135-6 for description of Victoria: a 2-2-2 claimed to be first locomotive built thereat for Dublin & Drogheda Raliway in 1845: article calls firm Grendon & Mackay..

Gresham & Craven Ltd., Manchester
Manufacturers of vacuum brake equipment and sewing machines. Founded by James Gresham, Thomas Craven and J.S. Heron. Notes for visit to firm in 1929: Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs., 1929, 117, 710..

Groom & Tattershall, Station Works, Towcester
Some records state that firm manufactured locomotives, but this had not been verified by Lowe. The firm did recondition locomotives mainly for the Heyford Iron Co.

Grylls & Co. Llanelly
Lowe records that one locomotive (an 0-8-0) was built for the Monmouthshire Railway & Canal Co. in 1847. Rutherford (Backtrack, 2008, 22, 368) states that the specification for this locomotive was prepared by Henry Colson, briefly the MRC's Engineer: according to Rutherford the 0-8-0 was probably converted to an 0-6-2... .

Guest Keen & Nettlefolds
Dowlais Works, Cardiff
Two locomotives built: 0-4-0ST No. 8 in 1918 and No. 10 of 1919 according to Lowe.
Cwmbran Ironworks
Following locomotives constructed: 0-6-0ST No. 1 of 1911 and No. 3 of 1914; and 0-4-0ST No. 2 of 1928.
Ifor Works, Dowlais
Prior to 1901 GKN had out-sourced all its locomotive work but in that year George Robson was appointed locomotive superintendent and he was responsible for constructing massive and powerful 0-4-0Ts and 0-6-0Ts with Belpaire fireboxes. The 0-4-0Ts had a remarkable likeness to the Hornby 0 gauge products. See Lowe.

Gurney, Goldsworthy
Gurney was one of the most successful builders of steam road carriages: these used tubular boilers. C.F. Dendy Marshall's A history of railway locomotives shows that a Gurney locomotive was evaluated by William Crawshay at Cyfartha

Names beginning "Ha"

Hackworth & Downing Shildon
The bulk of Hackworth's career is considered under his personal biography. In 1840 Hackworth terminated his contract with the Stockton & Darlington Railway, but continued locomotive  work building 0-4-0 and 0-6-0 types for the Clarence Railway in 1840 and 1849. 2-2-2s were constructed for the London & Brighton Railway to the design of John Gray. Lowe considered that Hackworth's work was "not of a high standard". In 1849 built a second Sanspareil (a 2-2-2 which incorporated many patented ideas).

Hague, John, Cable Street, London
Hague was eventually to be involved in refrigeration engineering. Lowe considers that Hague acted as an agent for Stockton & Darlington Railway No. 42 London rather than the builder. Pearce also considersd this transaction and considers that builder may have been Rennie.

Haigh Foundry, Wigan

Hancock, Walter, High Road, Stratford
Builder of road carriages and related to Thomas Hancock, the great innovator in the rubber industry. He patented boilers for his steam carriages and in 1840 a Hancock locomotive was tried on the Eastern Counties Railway: this had a multi-chamber boiler, vertical cylinders and chain drive through a pulley system. Clark's  Steam-engine builders of Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire covers the steam carriage period which was during the 1820s and early 1830s.

Harrington Iron & Coal Co. Harrington
0-4-0ST constructed c1880 No. 8. Works closed in 1921.

Harris, John, Albert Hill Foundry, Darlington
Leased part of William Lister's works. Built about twelve locomotives between 1863-9. These included Victory in 1863; Derwent in 1865 and Byron in 1868 (all 0-4-0ST). Fig. 250. Responded to FR advertisement (Boyd Festiniog Railway).

Harrison & Son (Henley) Ltd., Victoria Mill, Stanley, Endon, Stoke
Manufacturer of ceramic colours and glazes. In 1885/6 constructed a vertical boiler steam locomotive: this was converted to overhead electric traction in 1910.

Harrison & Clayton, Northampton
Lowe Supplement claims that at least two locomotives constructed: 1ft 9in gauge vertical boiler 0-4-0 for Castle Dykes Iron Ore Co and an 0-4-0ST for a contractor at Northampton Gas Works.

Hartlepool Iron Works see T. Richardson & Sons Ltd.

Hartley, Arnoux & Fanning, Stoke
Manufacturer of machinery for the pottery industry. Started to manufacture railway equipment for Kerr Stuart from 1888 and locomotives from 1891. Output began with 0-4-0T John Bull (Fig. 251). One of more interesting locomotives must have been 2ft 6in gauge locomotive Sir Harry Bullard supplied to Great Yarmouth Port & Harbour Commissioners in 1892.

Hatcham see George England

Hawks & Thompson, Gateshead
General engineers. Built three locomotives for the Newcastle & Carlisle Railway in 1837/8. 0-4-0 Lightning became NER No. 459; 0-6-0 Carlisle (sold to Robert Stephenson) and 2-4-0 Victoria became NER 463. Fig 252: drawing of Lightning. Lowe noted that maker's plate stated Newcastle-on-Tyne, although works were probably located in Gateshead. Possible link with Thompson Bros.

Hawthorn R. & W., Forth Bridge Works, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Began as a general engineering firm founded by Robert Hawthorn in 1817. When his brother William joined him  in 1820 it adopted the name noted above. Locomotive manufacture began in 1831 with six 0-6-0s for the Stockton & Darlington Railway and a 2-2-2 Modling for Vienna. Firm constructed extraordinary Hurricane and Thunderer for the GWR broad gauge to the designs of T.E. Harrison. The firm became Hawthorn Leslie & Co when it amalgamated with A. Leslie & Co. of Hebburn who were shipbuilders. Ottley 15730 lists Clarke, J.F. Power on land and sea. (1979) which lists locomotives built between 1836 and 1870. Lowe's entry for the firm is thinner than many of its other entries: Lowe appears to have been content to list some of the odder or more notorious (Highland Railway River class) products. The locomotive part of manufacture was transferred to Robert Stephenson in 1937.
Dewhurst, P.C. and Holcroft, Harold. The Fairlie locomotive - Part 2. Later designs and productions. Trans. Newcomen Soc., 1966, 39, 1-34.
Hunt, David. Locomotive builders to the Midland Railway. Midland Record, (21), 111-26.
Hawthorn supplied some early Midland Railway locomotives: Hunt did not cite his sources.

Hawthorn's & Co., Leith Engine Works, Great Junction Street, Leith
Hawthorn;'s  also owned the Leith Engine Works which began locomotive manufacture in 1846 (prior to the opening of the Royal Border Bridge) and had built about 475 locomotives by 1872. Many of the customers were Scottish railways, but many locomotives were exported. S.D. Davidson held patents for locomotives. Lowe notes that little was known about this part of the firm.

Hazeldine & Rastrick Bridgnorth
Lowe notes that this firm manufactured Trevithick's Catch-Me-Who-Can (which was exhibited at what is now Euston Square in London).

Head, T. H. 90 Cannon Street, London
Thomas H. Head is according to Lowe credited with building at least one locomotive including Coffeepot, a vertical boiler 0-4-0T for the Dorking Greystone Lime Co. See also Head Wrightson (below)

Head Wrlghtson & Co.,  Teesdale Ironworks, Stockton-on-Tees
Formerly Head, Ashly & Co., the firm were general engineers built mainly vertical boiler locomotives during the 1860s and 1870s. According to Lowe some were supplied to the Londonderry Estates and used at Seaham Harbour.

Headly J. & E., Eagle Foundry, Newmarket Road, Cambridge
In 1849 manufactured a 2-2-0 named Eagle later converted into a 2-2-2WT for the Norfolk Railway. This was a lightweight inspection saloon. (Lowe (Fig. 259 as 2-2-2T with inspection saloon) and R.H Clark Steam engine builders of Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire. 1950. (Fig. 100 drawing in as built condition))

Heath, Robert & Sons Ltd., Biddulph, Stoke-on-Trent
Constructed about eleven locomotives (Syddall Backtrack, 2005, 19, 588 et seq states sixteen) for their own use between 1888 and 1926. From about 1920 became Robert Heath & Low Moor. Lowe includes a separate entry for Cowlishaw Walker & Co which took over the workshops of the Norton and Biddulph Collieries in about 1930 where several locomotives were rebuilt between 1930 and 1934. No 16 (running No. 7) at Victoria Colliery on 15 March 1958 see Br. Rly J. 1995, 6,  233 (illus. on page 235)

Hedley, William. Wylam Colliery
See also life of William Hedley and page on early locomotives. Lowe gave an excellent concise account of locomotive construction under Hedley's direction and his involvement in Puffing Billy. Nevertheless, Lowe should have placed this entry under Wylam Colliery where locomotive development evolved under several famous names..

Heron & Wilkinson, Forth Street, Elswick, Newcastle-on-Tyne
Lowe's Supplement notes that according to Tomlinson an 0-6-0 was supplied to the Hartlepool Railway in 1842: it became NER No. 124. A drawing of 1841 shows a Hackworth-type of 0-4-0, but it is not known if its was built. There may be a connection with Horner & Wilkinson

Hetton Coal Co. Hetton Lyons, Co. Durham
Location of development of locomotive under George Stephenson between 1820 and 1822. Also, according to Lowe location of manaufacture of two vertical boiler 0-4-0Ts in about 1900: one of which Lyons was described in Locomotive Magazine, 1901, April.

Heywood, Sir Arthur P. Duffield Bank, Derbyshire
Listed by Lowe as a locomotive manufacturer in spite of its exclusion of minimum gauge railways. See also Heywood.

Hick, Benjamin, Soho Ironworks, Bolton
John Hick founded the firm in 1833 having left Rothwell, Hick & Rothwell in the previous year. His two sons, John and Benjamin joined the firm, but Bejamin junior only stayed for twelve months. John stayed until his father's death in 1842 when William Hargreaves was brought into the partnership and the firm became Hick, Hargreaves & Co. Built about 100 locomotives, although locomotive manufacture never major part of business. In 1833 a four wheel railway carriage was built for Thomas Lever Rushton. Lowe Fig 267: this had a vertical boiler, three cylinders, and was driven through a crankshaft with two gear ratios. The firm sub-contracted to supply Bury-type locomotives. A Norris type 4-2-0 was supplied to the Birmingham & Gloucester Railway. The output was between 90 and 100 locomotives. John Hick retired in 1868.
Hunt, David. Locomotive builders to the Midland Railway. Midland Record, (21), 111-26.
Benjamin Hick was one of the external suppliers, but Hunt did not cite his sources.

Names beginning Ho

Hopkins Gilkes & Co. see Gilkes Wilson & Co.

Hopper, John Co., Britannia Foundry, Fencehouses, Durham
Constructed one locomotive: 0-6-0ST Merrybent for Merrybent & Darlington Railway in 1870. When railway was taken over by NER Merrybent was sold.

Horlock A. & Co., Northfleet Ironworks, Nothfleet
Two locomotives constructed in 1848 for 4ft gauge Dinorwic Slate Quarry: No. 1 Fire Queen and No. 2 Jenny Lind. Fitted with screw reversing gear and Fletcher patent valve gear. Figs. 275/6.

Horner & Wilkinson
Carriage builder, but extremely unlikely that built any locomotives.

Hornsby, Richard & Sons Ltd, Spittlegate Ironworks, Grantham
Manufacturer of agricultural machinery. Offered 2-2-0 of traction engine type. R.H. Clark. Steam engine builders of Lincolnshire cited by Lowe.

Horseley Coal & Iron Co. Tipton
It should be noted that Lowe incorrectly calls this the Horsley Co. (a strange error for someone trained at Wolverhampton!). .In 1833 a locomotive to the design of Isaac Dodds was submitted for trial on the Liverpool & Manchester Railway. After an accident in 1835 was not purchased but was sold to Dublin & Kingstown Railway as a 2-2-0 Star. The locomotive had been poorly constructed and was dismantled in 1840. Three locomotives were supplied to the St Helens Railway in 1833/5: these were coal fired. John S. Allen is the primary historian of the company: see A history of Horseley, Tipton: 200 years of engineering progress. (Landmark, 2000) rviewed Mike Chrimes (Trans Newcomen Soc) and The history of the Horseley Company to 1865. Trans. Newcomen Soc., 1986, 58, 113-38; also Michael R. Bailey Robert Stephenson and the Horseley Company,  Trans Newcomen Soc., 1986, 58, 139-40.

Hudson, Robert & Co., Gildersome Foundry, Morley
Established in 1865 firm specialised in light railway equipment but all orders for locomotives were passed on either to Hunslet Engine Co or Hudswell Clarke. Narrow gauge 0-6-0WTs manufactured by Hudswell Clarke, but supplied for service in WW1 were known as Hudsons: W.J.K. Davies Light railways of the First World War..

Hudswell & Clarke, Railway Foundry, Leeds see separate page.

Hughes, Henry & Co., Falcon Works, Loughborough
The Falcoln Works are almost certainly better known than that of the founder, Henry Hughes, and to many Brush Electrical (known for its tramcars and diesel locomotives) may be better known than either. Hughes founded the works on a 7 acre site alongside the Midland Railway to build coaches, wagons and horse-drawn tramcars.

Locomotive building began in 1865 and in Engineering for 9 March 1867 it was noted that an 0-4-0ST was exhibited in 1867 by which time "160 locomotives had been constructed to a variety of gauges", but Lowe rightly queried this assertion.

The Tramways Act of 1870 led to increased activity in the construction of tramway locomotives. In 1875 a tramway engine to the order and design of John Downes of Birmingham was constructed and was evaluated between Handsworth and West Bromwich, but did not enter routine service. In 1876 another tram engine patented by Hughes was evaluated on the Leicester Tramways, but was not successful but was sent to Govan where it worked regularly, with eight others,  until 1881. Others were supplied to Bristol, Guernsey, Paris, Wantage and Lille. The Pioneer instigated steam traction on the Swansea & Mumbles Railway on 16 August 1877.

The firm experienced financial difficulties in the late 1870s/early 1880s. It was restructured as the Falcon Railway Plant Works in 1883 under the control of Norman Scott Russell who developed an air condensing tram locomotive. About 42 Hughes and 61 Russell tram lcomotives were constructed between 1874 and 1888.

2-4-0Ts were constructed for the Cork & Muskerry Railway and 4-4-0s for the Bolivar Railway. In 1889 the firm became the Brush Electrical Engineering Co. and the firm still exists. Steam locomotive construction continued unti 1914. Lowe estimated the output of steam locomotives at about 250.

Lowe and Whitcombe, H.A. J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1937, 27, 327 (Paper 369)

Hughes, Owen ,Valley Foundry, Anglesey
General engineering firm sometimes credited with building two vertical boiler locomotives: 3ft gauge locomotive Mona supplied to Brundrit & Co of Penmaenmawr and Coetmor used by Parry & Co whilst building the Penrhyn Railway which was completed in 1876 and was sold to Lord Penrhyn's Slate Quarries and re-named Bronllwyd. The locomotives may have been manufactured by Chaplin and reconditioned by Owen Hughes.

Hulburd Engineering later Hulburd Patents, Acton
Advertisement The Locomotive, 1924 and Hoole Illustrated history of NER locomotives: supplier of Servo single-beat regulators.

Hunslet Engine Co. Ltd. Leeds see separate page

Hunt & Co., Bournemouth
Built Henry Greenly designed 15 inch gauge Pacific Sir Aubrey Brocklebank for Ravenglass & Eskdale Railway: not in Lowe

Hurst Nelson, Motherwell
Major manufacturer of railway rolling stock, including for overseas, equipment for mines and quarries, and tramcars, including some supplied to the London County Council. KPJ indexed a collecction of plates held by the Motherwell & Wishaw Public Library. Lowe notes that the carriage portion of a large steam railcar was supplied to the Port Talbot Railway in 1906 (engine portion supplied by R.&W. Hawthorn). J.I.C. Boyd's The Festiniog Railway: page 277 notes that a Birkenhead firm offered the Festiniog Railway Mountaineer (a four-coupled saddle tank) from Hurst Nelson. Did Hurst Nelson trade in secondhand locomotives for a time? At a meeting of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers in Glasgow on 3 November 1921 (Journal, 11, 777), a G.N. Chalmers of Hurst, Nelson & Co. was present

Hutchinson, Hollingsworth & Co. Ltd., Dobcross, Saddleworth, Yorks
Lowe Supplement notes that a locomotive was constructed from parts of Atkinson Walker No. 103 which had been purchased in 1935. KPJ actually saw this chicken shed on wheels in early 1950s.

Names beginning "I"

I'Anson, C. & Co, Hope Town Foundry, Darlington
Charles I'Anson was cousin of Alfred Kitching. Five tank locomotives were constructed between 1875 and 1881. According to correspondence in The Engineer in 1920 six locomotives were constructed between 1875 and 1885 (five by I'Anson and another by Thomas Hudson). The works were later known as Whessoe Foundry. Pearce p. 70.

Ince Forge Co. Wigan
In 1878 three sets of parts for 2-4-0STs were sent to Newton Abbot for erection, but as SDR had become part of the GWR the parts were sent onto Swindon where they were completed as side tanks: 1298-1300: 1299 was fitted with a crane in 1881.

Inglis, George & Co., Albert Works, Airdrie
Firm built 0-4-0STs between early 1900s and 1928 (Lowe). One was supplied to Lanarkshire Steel Company in 1900 and last was Pindale (WN E.800) for G. & T. Earle at Hope (see also Archive 32, page 34). Fig. 291 showed Inglis locomotive at Redding Colliery, Falkirk.

Inshaw, John

Harry Jack Locomotives of the LNWR Southern Division John Inshaw of Birmingham built a locomotive for Dr William Church. in 1837.

Surnames beginning "J"

Johnson, Bryan, Chester
Firm quoted for two Festiniog Railway locomotives on 29 October 1862 and again for three locomotives on 1 November. Lowe  states that no evidence that any actual locomotive building took place. Also Boyd Festiniog Railway.

Johnson, C. G. & Co., Exchange Place,  Middlesbrough
Firm advertised as locomotive builders, but no evidence that any actual locomotive building took place.

Johnson, H. W. see E. Borrows & Sons

Johnson & McNab, Port Dundas
Mainly a coach builder, but built one locomotive (0-4-0) Glasgow for Garnkirk & Glasgow Railway in 1832 and was identical to No. 1 supplied by Robert Stephenson & Co who supplied drawings. (Lowe)

Joicey, J. & G. & Co., Forth Banks West Foundry, Newcastle
Jacob Gowland Joicey was a partner in this firm which built about 24 locomotives between 1867 and 1894, all for concerns in North East England. According to Lowe little information is recorded (he tabulated what was available). In 1924 the firm amalgamated with Lambton & Hetton Collieries to become Lambton, Hetton & Joicey Collieries.

Jones, John, William Street, Liverpool
John Jones had been a partner in Jones, Turner & Evans and when that organization ceased trading in 1852 he commenced building on his own in 1853 and continued through to 1863 continuing the Viaduct Foundry numbers from 292 to 342. Most of the output went to Argentina. See also Norman Johnston Locomotives of the GNRI page 33 (Fig. 20) for Londonderry & Enniskillin Railway Nos. 13 and (2-4-0s) and page 56 (Fig. 37) for an outside-cylinder 2-4-0T possibly manufactured by Jones for the Newry & Armagh Railway..The Lowe entry shows 338/1863 a 2-4-0T La Plata supplied to the Buenos Ayres Northern Railway..

Jones, Turner & Evans, Viaduct Foundry, Newton-Le-Willows
Firm started in 1837/8 receiving sub-contracts from Edward Bury and Robert Stephenson & Co. Three ballast engines (0-4-2s) supplied to London & Southampton Railway in 1837/8. (Bradley attributes these to John Jones of Viaduct Foundry) Six broad gauge 4-2-2 Firefly locomotives were supplied to the GWR. Many locomotives were supplied to the Eastern Counties Railway. In 1844 the firm became Jones & Potts (John Jones and Arthur Potts). Seven small 2-2-2WTs were constructed for the London & Blackwall Railway in 1848. Lowe did not supply a list. Jack adds a contractor's locomotive (Joseph Thornton) for the London & Birmingham Railway. Total output was probably slightly less than 300.

Names beginning K

Kenworthy Taylor & Co. Barnsley Foundry, Barnsley
Built tank locomotives: Lowe had no further information.

Kerr, Mitchell & Neilson see Neilson & Mitchell

Kerr Stuart & Co. Ltd, California Works, Stoke-on-Trent

Kilmamnock Engineering Co., Britannia Works, Kilmarnock
Successors to Dick, Kerr in 1919. About 27 locomotives (narrow gauge) were constructed in 1920. Customers included Associated Portland Cement (500/1920 illustrated) and Islip Quarries.

Kingsbury Ironworks, London see James Matthews

Kinmond Hutton & Steel, Wallace Foundry,  Dundee

Kirkless Hall Coal & Iron Co. see Wigan Coal & Iron Co. Ltd

Kirtley & Co., Dallam Foundry, Warrington
Manufactured locomotives between 1837 and 1841. Marshall shows that this activity was by Thomas Kirtley: in which case the reference by Lowe to William Kirtley may be incorrect. Bury type 2-2-0 locomotives were supplied to the Leeds & Selby Railway. Five were also supplied to the Leipzig & Dresden Railway. A 2-2-2 was supplied to the Stockton & Darlington Railway: No. 52 Comet.

Kitching, W. & A., Hope Town Foundry,  Darlington
Quaker family business established in 1790. William and Alfred Kitching constructed locomotives between 1835 and 1860. After which Charles I'Anson manufactured locomotives at the Foundry.William Kitching served on the Committee of the Stockton & Darlington Railway and this railway was William Kitching's major customer. The  2-4-0 Hackworth with outside frames and a domed boiler represnted quite a step forward in design according to Lowe. 0-6-0 No. 25 Derwent is preserved. The only non-SDR locomotives went to the Clarence Railway (an 0-6-0 in 1840).two 0-4-2s in 1847 to the Whitehaven & Furness Junction Railway. Other significant locomotives were SDR 2-2-2 Raby Castle and Queen which was driven via a crankshaft. Pearce disputes (pp. 68-9)  some of the statements made by Lowe concerning Kitchings and notes that "there has been a lot of confusion about Kitchings first two engines". William Kitching designed and built the first hopper wagons according to Lowe.

Kitson & Co. see separate page

Names beginning L

Lawrence, H.M., Liverpool
Responded to Festiniog Railway advertisement of 1862 (Boyd Festiniog Railway)

Lennox Lange, Glasgow
Lowe states that firm did not manufacture locomotives, but dealt with the products of other firms. Fig. 318 shows 0-4-2ST with Lennox Lange plates for 1882..

Lewin, Stephen, Poole Foundry, South Road, Poole
Lowe is probably the definitive source of information about Lewin and his somewhat eccentric narrow gauge locomotives supplied to a variety of concerns including the local clay pits owned by Fayle, to the Isle of Man (Laxey Leadmines) and to the Torrington & Marland Railway.

Lilleshall Co., St George's, Oakengates
Firm was established in 1764 but did not become involved with locomotives until an Exhibition Locomotive was constructed in 1862. Thereafter, until 1888, locomotives were built both for industrial customers and for internal use. (Lowe). Cannock & Rugeley Colliery 0-6-0ST Anglesey of 1868 Fig. 322 illustrated.

Lingford Gardiner Co. Ltd., Railway Street, Bishop Auckland
Established in late 1850s firm did not build locomotives until 1900. Manufacture ceased in 1931. Lowe gives a partial listing of output.

Linton, Selby
Lowe states that two locomotives were constructed for the York and North Midland Railway in 1842.

Lister, William, Hope Town, Darlington
Four locomotives were constructed for the Stockton & Darlington Railway and a further two were constructed for the Clarence Railway, See Pearce page 2: lists 12 Majestic, 7 Rocket and 3 Black Diamond. (aslo Lowe). See also John Harris.

Llansamlet Engineering
Lowe Supplement notes one 0-4-0ST Llamsamlet supplied to Foxhole Collieries in 1887 then sold to Richard Thomas & Co. Aber Tinplate Works at Llansamlet.

Locomotive Enterprises (1975) Ltd., Bowes Railway, Springwell, Gateshead
Venture conceived by Michael Satow to manufacture reproductions of historical steam locomotives.

Longbottom, Railway Foundry, Barnsley
0-6-0T built about 1847: repaired at Swindon in 1861: worked on construction of Hundred of Manhood & Selsey tramway where named as Chichester: converted to a proper 0-4-2ST by Avonside (it had worked as Chichester with rear driving wheels uncoupled) and scrapped in 1913. Loco. Mag., 1909, 15, 54..

Longridge, R. B. & Co., Bedlington

Lowca Engineering Co. Ltd. see Tulk & Lay

Lysaght, John Ltd. Normanby Park Steel Works, Scunthorpe
Using parts supplied by Peckett five locomotives were replaced between 1942 (Number 2, 3ft gauge 0-4-0ST), 1945 (Numbers 22 and 23, standard gauge 0-4-0STs) and 1946 (3ft gauge 0-4-0ST).

Firms beginning "Ma-"

Mallett, J. & R., Seville Ironworks, Dublin
Shepherd notes that Mallett agreed to supply five locomotives to the nascent MGWR, but had to transfer the order to Thos. Grendon & Co. at the Drogheda Ironworks.

Manlove, Alliott & Fryer, Bloomsgrove Works, Ilkeston Road, Nottingham
Edward Perrett designed steam tram or steam railcar with two vertical boilers in 1876. Tried on Nottingham Tramways and same vehilce? may have been used on Dublin & Lucan Tramway. Lowe .

Manning Wardle & Co. Leeds see separate page

Marsden, John W. Union Foundry [Caernarvon?].
Quoted for three locos: Festiniog Railway 29 October 1862 (Boyd Festiniog Railway).

Marshall, Fleming & Jack, Dellburn Works, Motherwell
Works established about 1890 mainly for the construction of cranes. In addition to the orthodox travelling railway cranes usually propelled by gearing on to one axle, this firm built a number of 0-4-0CTs with outside cylinders and vertical boilers. These were built from 1896 but the number built and customers are not known. In 1907 Mr Jack resigned and the firm became Marshall Fleming. and subsequently Marshall Fleming & Co. Ltd. (Lowe).

Marshall, William, Gravesend
Entry from Lowe (which gives no information about firm as such) used to form basis for entry for London & Greenwich Railway

Marshall Sons & Co. Ltd., Britannia Ironworks, Gainsborough
Commenced as blacksmiths in 1848: in early 1850s manufactured portable engines and later traction engines. Supplied three locomotives of traction engine type: 6402/1878 for Pepper and Son; 36741/1902 for own use and another in 1898. See also James Marshall..

Martyn Bros., Chapelside Works, Airdrie
Acquired Dick & Stevensons patterns and drawings in 1890 and over next ten years built at least two and possibly six locomotives from these designs.

Mather Dixon, Bath Street Foundry, Liverpool
Established November 1826. Locomotive building began in February 1827 with an 0-4-0T for internal use. Edward Bury sub-contracted an order for three locomotives for the Petersburg Railroad: two 0-4-0 New York and Philadelphia and one 2-2-0 Petersburg. Four small locomotives were supplied to Liverpool Docks. Two steam cranes were constructed for Birkenhead Docks. A tank engine was supplied to Haydock Colliery and four 0-4-0 locomotives were constructed for the War Department in 1835 and three very similar ones were constructed for the Russian Government. The Worsley Colliery, and the Duke of Bridgewater Colliery (two) and the North Union Railway were supplied. Hargreaves of Bolton acquired a 2-4-0 in 1836. 7ft (Premier, Ariel, Ajax and Mars) and 8ft (Planet and Mercury) singles were supplied to the GWR broad gauge. One 2-2-2 was supplied to the Tsarskoe Selo Railway in Russia. 75 locomotives were constructed between 1827 and 1843 when the form was forced out of business due to competition. Sekon's Evolution of the steam locomotive (1899) pp. 73-4 notes (and probably quotes from a letter by John Grantham in the Engineer for 3 January 1896): the involvement of the following at Mather Dixon: John Grantham (principal in the drawing office), Robert Hughes, manager of the marine department afterwards at the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich, Banks locomotive foreman afterwards at Derby.

Matthews, James, Broad Street, Bristol
James Matthews patented a tram engine in 1879. The actual tram was built either by Fox Walker (Whitcombe) or at the Kinsbury Ironworks, Ball's Pond, London (Higgins, S.H.Pearce: The Wantage Tramway) Lowe and Whitcombe, H.A. J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1937, 27, 327 (Paper 369)

Maudslay Sons & Field, Lambeth Marsh, London
Firm which was far better known in other contexts built twelve Bury-type 0-4-0 locomotives for the London & Birmingham Railway in 1838 (79-82) and 1839 (83-90). (Lowe). Maudslay's activities in terms of stationary engines is recorded by J. Foster Petree. Maudslay, Sons & Field as general engineers. Trans Newcomen Soc., 1934/35, 15, 39-61. Also F.T. Evans: The Maudslay touch. Trans. Newcomen Soc., 66, 153-74.

McCulloch Sons & Kennedy, Kilmarnock
Mainly manufacturers of colliery machinery, but also constructed a few 0-4-0STs of the Kilmarnock type which were supplied mainly to local collieries and also to New Zealand. WN 324/1890 became Wemyss Coal Co. No. 11. Firm closed in 1890 and patterns and drawings passed to Gibb & Hogg of Airdrie.

McFarlane, Greenock
No information (Lowe)

McHendrick & Ball, Glasgow
Vertical boiler 0-4-0T supplied to William Lee, Son & Co. for 4ft 3in gauge line at Halling in Kent.

McKinnell, James A.B., Palmerston Foundry, Terregles Street, Dumfries
Founded in 1818: two vertical boilered locomotives supplied: one to Marcus Bain, Gatelawbridge Quarry, near Thornhill and a 2ft 6in gauge vertical-boiler 0-4-0 for the Kelhead Lime & Coal Co. of Annan. (Lowe Supplement)

McLaren, J. H., Midland Engine Works, Leeds
Produced two locomotives of traction engine type: WN 614/1896 2-2-0 for Glenlivet Distillery and WN 1547/1915 compound 0-4-0 for Hall & Co of Croydon.

Melling, John, Rainhill
Both John Melling and his son were associated with locomotive maintenance on the LMR. Three locomotives (probably 0-4-0s) may have been produced for the Grand Junction Railway in 1841/2and sold for £1400 each. (Lowe)

Merryweather & Sons Ltd., Tram Locomotive Works, Greenwich Road, London
The firm was originally established in 1690 by Nathaniel Hadley and was taken over by Moses Merryweather in 1836. In the 1860s the firm was known as Merryweather & Field (Field was the name of the innovator of a vertical boiler). In the 1870s the firm became involved in steam trams, initialy using the Field boiler, but later the Shand Mason boiler. An early tram engine went to the Wantage Tramway, but this could not enter service until 30 June 1876 as powers did not exist to use steam until then, but lasted there until 1920. The locomotives were known as dummies and were fitted with horizontal boilers. 46 were supplied to Paris tramways bewteen 1875 and 1877. Condenesers were not fitted to locomotives working in hot climates, e.g. those for Barcelona.

Vehicles were supplied to Wellington (New Zealand), Kassel, Guernsey, the Dutch Rhenish system, the Dewsbury, Batley & Birstall Tramway, Rangoon, the Stockton & Darlington Steam Tramways, the Alford & Sutton Tramway and to the North London Tramways.

Lowe and Whitcombe, H.A. J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1937, 27, 327 (Paper 369)

Firms beginning "Mi"

Miller & Co. , Vulcan Foundry, Coatbridge
Probably only agents, but supplied at least one 3ft gauge 0-4-0ST to Tudhoe Ironworks.

Miller & Barnes, Glass House Field, Ratcliffe
Firm was established in 1822 by Joseph Miller and John Barnes. Firm quoted for supplying a locomotive to North Midland Railway in 1838, but in 1840 the company was taken over by Simpson & Co. in 1840 which probably supplied these locomotives.

Morrison, Robert & Co., Ouseburn Engine Works, Newcastle
According to Lowe built ten out of order for twenty locomotives for the East Indian Railways and then became bankrupt in 1855/6.

Murdoch, Aitken & Co. Hill Street Foundry, Glasgow
Lowe: Early locomotive builder; building two 0-4-0s for the Monkland & Kirkintilloch Railway in 1831; three locomotives for the Garnkirk & Glasgow Railway in 1833-6; Vulture (0-4-0) for the London & Southampton Railway in 1836 (Bradley called this a ballast engine); two 2-2-2s for the Paisley & Renfrew Railway in 1837 and an 0-4-0 for the Slamannan Railway in 1841. Note error in caption to Fig. 408

Murray & Paterson, Coatbridge
Firm constructed mining machinery: in 1880s firm constructed two locomotives, one for South America, probably Brazil; the other (WN 205) went to Australia in 1885. Lowe Supplement states that locomotives followed Kilmarnock style. Firm also rebuilt and repaired locomotives.

Firms beginning "N"

Nasmyth Gaskell & Co. Patricroft
Established with financcial backing from Holbrook Gaskell (ODNB entry for Nasmyth):Lowe who notes that name changed to James Nasmyth. & Co. in 1850 and to Patricroft Iron Works in 1857. In 1867 the firm became Nasmyth Wilson & Co. when Robert Wilson joined the firm and became Ltd in 1882. The firm was wound up in 1939 1531 locomotives were produced between 1839 (when manufacture began with nine locomotives) and 1939. Between 1873 and 1938 out of a total output of 1307 locomotives, 1188 were for export: India was an important market. Home orders included 32 Robinson 2-8-0s during WW1 (twenty 2-8-0s were also supplied to the design of Chemin de Fer l'Etat to France in same period). Ten 4-4-2Ts and five 0-6-0s were supplied to GNR(I) and the LMS ordered five 4-4-2Ts of LTSR design and ten 0-4-4Ts of CR design in the early 1920s.
Moore, G.S. Nasmyth, Wilson & Co. Bristol: Artley Hall, 1981. (Ottley 15781)
Cantrell, John. Nasmyth, Wilson & Co., Patricroft locomotive builders. Stroud: Tempus, 2005.
Reviewed by John Marshall in J. Rly Canal Hist. Soc., 2005, 35, 209: he received it well noting the bibliography, index and complete record of locomotives manufactured.

See also Abbott's Crane locomotives.
Notes prepared for visit during Manchester meeting. Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs, 1929, 117, 729.

Neasham & Welch. Stockton-on-Tees
Two paragraphs in Lowe note that one locomotive was supplied to the Stockton & Darlington Railway in 1840: 27 Whitton Castle. Another (0-6-0) was supplied to the Clarence Railway.

Neath Abbey Iron Co. Briton Ferry
A significant builder of early locomotives. Also built locomotives for the Bodmin & Wadebridge Railway in Cornwall. Lowe: typically this is an extensive entry. ODNB entry (by Lawrence Ince) for Peter Price and his son Joseph Tregelles gives valuable information about the firm and its links with Cornwall. See also Henry Taylor.. C.F. Dendy Marshall (Chap. 18) lists the following: Speedwell ordered by Thomas Brothers for use on tramways of Monmouthshire Canal c1829 (Fig. 87); Hercules for Sirhowy Railway; Twin chimney locomotive for Dowlais Iron Co. (Fig. 89) chimneys could be folded down; a similar locomotive for the Rhymney Iron Works in 1837; Royal William for Gloucester & Cheltenham Railway (water-tube boiler (Fig. 90)); Camel for Bodmin & Wadebridge Railway (Fig. 91)
Bosham, John. The Bodmin and Wadebridge Railway: "a link with the past". Rly Mag., 1900, 7, 119-24.
Line opened 1 July 1834 (illustration of Camel hauling original train). Both of the original locomotives were supplied by Neath Abbey namely Camel and Elephant: both were 0-6-0s with 3ft 10in wheels. Former had 10½ x 20in cylinders; latter 12 x 24in. Photograph of one of original trains with locomotive;


Newbattle Colliery, Newton Grange, Midlothian
Lowe notes that a single locomotive is purported to have been built in the colliery workshops in 1927 possibly without the permission of Andrew Barclay whose drawings may have been used. The locomotive was an 0-4-0ST. Cites Industrial Railway Society's Bulletins Nos. 100 and 102.

New Lowca Engineering Co. Ltd. see Tulk & Ley

Nicholls Williams & Co. Tavistock
Lowe Firm supplied one or two locomotives to Devon Great Consuls in about 1850.

North British Locomotive Co. Glasgow see separate file

North Eastern Steel Co. Ltd. Middlesbrough
Lowe notes that five locomotives were replaced with similar machines between 1919 and 1926. By the latter date the firm had become part of the Dorman Long Group

Firms: names beginning "O"

Oliver & Co. Ltd., Broad Oak Works, Chesterfield
According to Lowe firm designed an 0-4-0ST specifically for ironstone quarry work and two were ordered by the Cranford Ironstone Co. in 1888: these were metre gauge 0-4-0STs William (see Rly Arch., 2010 (26), 47 for picture of locomotive named as Tommy and working on Crich Mineral Railway) and The Baronet (latter Fig. 453). In 1889 the firm was acquired by Markham & Co. which had interests in several collieries and quarries, mainly the Staveley Coal & Iron Co. The only exception to manufacture for local companies was Dalmellington Iron Co. No. 15 built in 1909. All were 0-4-0STs except for one 0-6-0ST Violet for Staveley Coal & Iron.

Ormerod Grierson & Co., Manchester
The English Mechanic for 1881 refers to experiments in Liverpool with steam locomotives and a steam car constructed to Apsley's patent by Ormerod Grierson. Lowe was unable to confirm.

Ouseburn Foundry, Newcastle
C.F. Dendy Marshall noted that Phineas Crowther built a locomotive at the Ouseburn Foundry for the Lambton Waggonway in 1814.

Firms: names beginning "P"

Parfitt & Jenkins, Cardiff
A general engineering firm which constructed thirteen 0-6-0ST locomotives between 1869 and 1881. These were supplied to the Marquis of Bute's Railway. Some were evntually absorbed into GWR stock. Fig 457 shows GWR 697, formerly Cardiff Railway No. 18 built in 1875.

Lowe could not trace any information on firm of this name which may have been David Parry of Leeds Iron Works which operated during the 1860s and 1870s.

Partington Steel & Iron Co. Ltd. Irlam
Did not build locomotives, but many were supplied by Pearson & Knowles> Bought one secondhand Peckett No. 1036 in about 1937 and subjected it to a major overhaul which included a new boiler supplied by Peckett.

Patricroft Ironworks see Nasmyth Gaskell & Co.

Pearson & Knowles Coal & Iron Co. Ltd., Dallam Forge, Warrington
Established c1870: concentrated on structural and general engineering. Firm had coal mining interests. Locomotives built from 1899 for own use similar to those supplied by Fletcher Jennings, including the patented valve layout. Two inside cylinder 0-6-0Ts built 1910/11 for colliery use. Five 0-4-0STs constructed similar to Hudswell Clarke design. At least two 0-6-0STs built 1916-17. It has been suggested that firm built six 0-6-0STs in 1916/17 for Inland Waterways and Docks. Henry was bought by J.F. Wake from War Department at Risborough, was repaired and sold to Wharncliffe Woodman Colliery (their No. 2). At least twelve (possibly more) locomotives built. The company was restructured in 1930. Fig. 457: 0-6-0ST of 1911: John.

Peckett & Sons Ltd. see separate file

Peel, Williams & Peel, Soho Works, Ancoats
2-2-0 Soho completed in September 1839 and tried on Liverpool & Manchester Railway. Subsequently, Manchester was tested on Manchester & Leeds Railway: Lowe considers that might have been the same locomotive. In 1848 tendered for two locomotives for Manchester & Leeds Railway. Lowe cites an extensive bibliography including J. Stephenson Loco. Soc., 1956 (No. 376 October). Firm existed from 1800s to 1887.

Pemberton Colliery Ltd. see Blundell, Jonathan & Son

Penydarren Ironworks see Richard Trevithick

Phillips. Charles D., Emlyn Engineering Works, Newport (Mon.)
Lowe stated that very litle information available: firm overhauled contractor's locomotives. Firm also known as Watkins & Phillips..

Phoenix Foundry, Stoke-on-Trent
Locomotive supplied to Lilleshall Co. c1859: 0-6-0T Phoenix No. 3: withdrawn 1914 (Lowe)

Pickering R. Y. & Co., Wishaw
Firm's records lost in 1980: supplied four-wheel steam railcar (railbus) to Kent & East Sussex Railway (Lowe )
See also biographiy of Arthur Hewitt Gilling.

Firms: names beginning "Ra"

Ramsay Condensing Locomotive Co., Glasgow
Holder of patents for Ramsay-Reid steam turbine condensing locomotive: see Ramsay and George Frederick Jones; also Duffy and Tufnell.

Ransomes & Rapier Ltd., Waterside Works, Ipswich
Formed as branch of Ransomes, Sims & Head in 1868 to concentrate on railway plant. In 1876 three small locomotives were supplied to China for the 2ft 6in gauge Shanghai & Woosung Railway: these were 0-4-0ST Pioneer (used in construction) and 0-4-2Ts Celestial Empire and Flowering Land. Lowe also indicated that a larger locomotive Viceroy was also supplied. R.H Clark Steam engine builders of Suffolk, Essex and Cambridgeshire. 1950. refers to the Calcutta class  of 0-6-0Ts, the Lima class of 0-4-2Ts and the Ipswich type of 0-4-2 and refers to the steam breakdown cranes (outwith Lowe's terms of reference). Moffat East Anglia's first railways shows involvement of Ransome family in affairs of Eastern Union Railway (notably in acquistion of locomotives from Charles Sharp in Manchester. See also Sir Wilfrid Stokes, Chairman.See also Tatlow, Peter. LMS 35/50 ton steam breakdown cranes. LMS Journal, 2007 (18), 7-27.

Fisher, Chris and Hudson, Keith. Ransomes and Rapiers locomotives. Peterborough: Industrial Railway Soc.,
Reviewed in Backtrack, 2003, 17, page 235 by Michael Rutherford: review suggests that the firm's activities may have been slightly greater than indicated above.

Rayne & Burn, Newcastle
Lowe states that activities limited to being agents or sub-contractors. Three six-coupled locomotives were supplied to the General Mining Association Railways in Nova Scotia. One went to the Acadia Coal Co in Stellaton in 1853 and this was named Albion. Halifax and Pictou were supplied to Nova Scotia in 1854. Fig 460 shows Albion. In 1845 a locomotive was supplied to the Great Grimsby & Sheffield Junction Railway: a 2-4-0 No. 60 Nemesis..

Rennie G. & J. Holland Street, Blackfriars, London
Established in 1824 by George and John Rennie in Stamford Street, and moved in 1833 to Holland Street. George, the elder brother, was in charge of the mechanical side of the business and John of the civil engineering, becoming famous subsequently, as Sir John Rennie. The great demand for railway locomotives led them to build in 1838. Five single drivers were constructed for the London and Southampton Railway. They had outside frames and inside cylinders; the boilers had a combined dome and safety valve close to the chimney and the round top firebox, raised, had spring balance safety valves mounted on top. The valve gear was J. & C. Carmichael's patent, with one fixed eccentric.

The next order was for two 0-4-2s for the London & Croydon Railway and were similar in appearance to Alexander Allan's later design used on the Caledonian and Scottish Central railways. They had outside cylinders and the driving wheels were flangeless. The valve gear was Carmichael's and the valve chests were inside the frames. Four further six-wheeled single driver locomotives were built; three for the London & Brighton Railway and one exported to Germany. In 1841-2 two more were delivered to the Joint railway committee (SER/L&BR?). Jack (page 74) records that Rennie products were evaluated as ballast locomotives on the London & Birmingham Railway

The only 7' broad gauge locomotives built were two for the Great Western Railway to Gooch's designs with 7' diameter driving wheels, slotted sandwich frames, and Gothic fireboxes, resembling the original Star class built by Robert Stephenson & Company.

Lowe claimed that locomotives built by G. & J. Rennie were not, in general, finished to the standards of other contemporary builders. Trouble was experienced with the five built for the London & Southampton Railway and all of them were rebuilt by W. Fairbairn & Son in 1841 and were practically new locomotives. The London & Brighton Railway locomotives also gave trouble, but the GWR locomotives ran for 29 years, probably due to Gooch's involvement.

Rennoldson. George, South Shields
Possibly built one or two locomotives for the Stanhope & Tyne Railway. The boiler of one of them exploded during steam trials killing two people on 20 November 1837 (Lowe). Appears not to be in Hewison.

Rhymney Ironworks, Tredegar
Locomotive built about 1866 to design of Moyle, the Company's Engineer. Designed to work on L-shape tram plates to 3ft gauge and the wheels of this 2-4-0T were flangeless. Lowe cited Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev., 1940 (15 Aug).

Richardson, Thomas & Sons, Hartlepool
Locomotives were built between 1840 and 1857 according to Lowe. The firm was known as Richardson Bros. when first locomotives were built and in 1900 became Richardsons, Westgarth & Co and manufactured turbo-alternators and marine machinery. Lowe stated that relatively little is known about the locomotive output. Locomotives were supplied to the Hartlepool Railway, the Stockton & Hartlepool Railway and the York, Newcastle & Berwick Railway. Ten were supplied to Robert Stephenson & Co. in 1846/7. Maryport & Carlisle Railway No. 11 (an 0-6-0) was supplied in 1850. Three appear to have been supplied to the NER (WN 253, 262 and 269). Maclean notes that No. 157 of the York Newcastle & Berwick Railway in 1847. The Consett Iron Co, East Hetton Colliery and the Hartlepool Dock & Railway were other customers.

Ridley, T.D. Middlesbrough
Founded by Thomas Ridley. Firm eventually became Ridley Shaw & Co. Ltd. According to P.W.B. Semmens Rly Mag., 1956 (#663, July) the firm constructed at least six outside-cylinder 0-4-0STs between 1899-1913. Lowe suggested that these were probably not completely new. Fig. 463: Clarence (WN13/1899) illustrated at Kent Works.

Rigby J. & C., Holyhead Harbour Works, Holyhead
7ft gauge locomotive at Ponta Delgada on Sao Miguel in the Azores carried a plate: J & C Rigby, Holyhead Harbour Works 1861. Lowe considers that extremely unlikely that Rigby built the locomotive as the firm contracted to construct and maintain the breakwater at Holyhead.

Riley Bros., Middlesbrough
Vertical boiler 0-4-0T Wasp supplied to Wilson, Pease & Co. in 1890

Robertson & Henderson, Glasgow
Built a combined car in 1877 with vertical boiler which blew up on trial trip.

Robey & Co. Ltd., Globe Works, Lincoln
Firm founded by Robert Robey in 1854: manufactured steam wagons, rollers and portable engines, and a few locomotives, about which little is known. 0-4-0TG (WN 8001) may have been a conversion from a road wagon: it was built for firm's own use. Porta, an 0-4-0ST, built for South America employed cylinders at the very front of the locomotive which drove the wheels through a geared jackshaft (Lowe Fig. 467). There were two locomotives called Santiago and Fig. 466 shows an 0-4-0WT with what looks like a steering mechanism!

Robinson, Thomas & Son, Railway Works, Rochdale
Mary (Lowe Fig. 488) was a four-coupled vertical-boiler locomotive built for the firm's own use: it was a two-cylinder compound. Lowe also mentions a four-coupled, outside frame tender locomotive built for New Zealand in 1884 and a possible locomotive for Brazil. See Ind. Rly Rec., Nos 32 and 39.

Robson & Taylor, East Yorkshire Ironworks, Middlesbrough
Lowe Fig. 469 shows an advertisement which appeared in The Engineer which featured an 0-4-0T: there is no record of any actual locomotive construction.

Ross, R.L. & Co Ltd., Stockport
Firm probably formed just prior to WW1. Manufacturer of Ross's pop-type safety valve.

Rothwell, Hick & Rothwell, Union Foundry, Bolton
See Rothwell

Rowan Jas. M. & Co., Atlas Works, Springburn, Glasgow
The works were situated on part of the site sub sequently occupied by the Clyde Locomotive Works in 1886 which were then purchased by Messrs. Sharp Stewart & Co. in 1888 when they moved from Manchester. Two 'singles' were built for the Slamannan Railway named Boanerges and Borealis, and in 1840 three inside cylindered 0-4-0s were built for the Wishaw & Coltness Railway. They were designed by George Dodds who was the locomotive superintendent of the Monkland & Kirkintilloch Railway. According to Mc Ewan Cleland was based on the Stockton and Darlington Railways's Locomotion but with an orthodox boiler. An additional 0-4-0 was built in 1843 for the same railway and named Meteor. It was to the bar framed Bury pattern.

Three outside frame 0-4-0s were built in 1842 for the Pollok & Govan Railway with inside cylinders and small boilers and Gab motion. It is possible that two 0-4-0s were built for the Monkland Railway in 1851, but no complete details of this firm's locomotives can be obtained. Rail motor cars were built for the Gribscov and Pontiloff Railway (Russia) in the 1880s.

Firms begining "Ra-"

Russell George. & Co., Alpha Works, Motherwell Junction
Established in 1865: advertised locomotive manufacture in Engineering advertisement on 5 January 1866.

Ruston Proctor & Co., Sheaf Iron Works, Waterside Street, Lincoln
This was the name of the firm which is probably better known as Ruston & Hornsby Ltd (from 1918) which built locomotives between 1866 and 1888.  Five Samuel Johnson 0-6-0Ts were supplied to the Great Eastern Railway (GER Nos. 204-6) in 1866 (Fig 473), of which three became the famous Stratford crane tanks of 1891/3.At least sixteen 5ft 6in gauge small (mainly 0-4-0ST) were supplied to Argentina and six 3ft 6in gauge contractor's locomotives were supplied to T.A. Walker for use in Manchester Ship Canal construction. Lowe cites J. Stephenson Loco. Soc., 1960 March and Engineering, 1868, 17 April for locomotive exhibited at Paris Exhibition of 1867.

Rylance, William
The Illustrated History of LNWR engines by Edward Talbot notes that William Rylance constructed the two 18 inch gauge locomotives Billy and Dickie in 1875 for use in Crewe Works. Chacksfield's F.W. Webb notes that Rylance was an employee at Crewe Works and that the locomotives were used to haul barges on the Shropshire Union Canal at Middlewich in 1888...

Rylands & Sons, Wigan
Alleged that 0-4-0STs were built: one in 1881 and two in 1886. No evidence'

Firms begining "Sa-"

St. Helens Foundry, St. Helens
Opened 1833. 0-6-0ST Oswald built in 1857. Sold in 1914 to Calder & Mersey Extract Co., Widnes. A 0-4-0WT with outside cylinders Lucy possibly supplied to Gaskell Deacon & Co. of Widnes

St. Rollox Foundry Co., Glasgow
Four locomotives built for Garnkirk & Glasgow Railway: three 0-6-0 Type: Victoria, St Rollox and Carfin in 1847 and one 0-4-0 Frew in 1848. The 0-6-0s had vertical cylinders and drove through a jackshaft and Cornish boilers. Fig.: 476 drawing of Victoria. (Lowe).

Sandys, Carne & Vivian, Copperhouse Foundry, Hayle
Had become a general iron foundry by time locomotive/s built. Output included the chains for the Hungerford and Clifton suspension bridges. In 1838 one locomotive Cornubia built for Hayle Railway and another Carn Brea may possibly have been built. The works closed in 1869.(Lowe)

Sanquhar & Kirkconnel Collieries Ltd., Fauldhead Colliery, Kirkconnel
Two vertical boiler locomotives constructed: one in 1886 (when firm was James Irving McConnell) and the other in 1903 (when firm changed its name). (Lowe Supplement)

Sara & Burgess, Penrhyn, Falmouth
Nicholas Sara, ex foreman at the Perran Foundry formed the works in 1857. At least four vertical boiler locomotives built during 1860s. Three were supplied to Cox & Son of Falmouth Docks: 1 Blackbird, 2 Torbay and 3 Billy. Another was sent to the Port of Par. These were originally broad gauge, but converted to standard gauge in 1892. (Lowe including Fig. 478.

Sara & Co. Plymouth
Supplied a vertical boiler locomotive to the South Devon Railway in January 1868: worked on Sutton Harbour branch: preserved as Tiny (Fig. 477)

Savile Street Foundry, Sheffield
Patented compound tramway engine with a vertical boiler, but date of construction uncertain, but around 1882. Vehicle was subject to trials in Sheffield and Burnley.

Savages Ltd., St Nicholas Works, King's Lynn
Manufacturers of fairground locomotives, including those operating on circular tracks. See G. Woodcock: Miniature steam locomotives and R.H. Clark Chronicles of a country works and Steam engine builders of Norfolk. Also manufactured coal handling machinery for Alexandra Dock in King's Lynn see Fell Backtrack, 2011, 25, 144.

Schenectady Locomotive Works, USA
Atkins, Philip. The golden age of steam locomotive building. Penryn: Atlantic (in association with NRM), 1999. 128pp.
Includes Chapter 3: The Locomotive Famine 1898-1900.
Hunt, David. Locomotive builders to the Midland Railway. Midland Record, (21), 111-26.
Schenectady supplied 2-6-0 locomotives to the Midland Railway during the Great Locomotive Famine

Scott Sinclair & Co. Greenock
Shipbuilder which built a total of seventeen locomotives between 1847 and 1849: the last five were 0-4-2s, the remainder were "Allan type" 2-2-2s. The bulk were supplied to the Scottish Central Railway, but the first three were supplied to the CR. Robert Sinclair (Locomotive Superintendent of both companies) was the nephew of one of the Sinclair partners.

Sentinel Waggon Works Ltd. Shrewsbury see separate page

Shanks, Alexander & Co. Dens Iron Works, Arbroath
Established in 1840. Produced portable steam engines and probably eleven 0-4-0STs between 1872 and 1877: three for Southampton Docks, three for the LSWR, two for the London & St Katherine Dock Co; one for the Millwall Dock Co., and three for Otago (New Zealand) Railways. Fig. 485 (catalogue), Fig. 486 (LSWR No. 108 Cowes) (Lowe). See also extended caption to illus. of Ritzebuttel on page 78 of Rly Arch., 2007,15) 78.

Sharp Henderson & Co., Airdrie
Almost certainly built no locomotives, but hired locomotives and fitted plates to declare their ownership. (Lowe Supplement).

Sharp Roberts & Co., Atlas Works, Great Bridgewater Street, Manchester See separate page

Shelton Iron & Steel Co. Stoke-on-Trent
Two locomotives "manufactured": 0-6-0ST No. 14 Shellingford in 1911 and 0-4-0ST No. 15 Glenalmond in 1912: former had Peckett features and latter had Andrew Barclay features: both were probably erected from parts (Lowe). Glenalmond is illustrated in Br. Rly J., 1995, 6, p. 237 (article 233)

Shepherd & Todd, Railway Foundry, Leeds

Short Brothers, Glasgow
Appendix II Scottish locomotive builders: Glasgow Museum of Transport: Scottish railway locomotives. 1967.

Shotts Iron Co., Shotts
One outside cylinder 0-4-0ST constructed in 1900. Claimed to be out of use at Monktonhall Colliery in 1968 (Lowe)

Silley Cox & Co. Ltd., Falmouth
Ship repairers built vertical boiler locomotive in 1918 for Falmouth Docks similar to existing Sara & Burgess locomotive. Lowe Fig. 498.

Simpson & Co., Aberdeen
At least six 0-4-2 for Aberdeen Railway and two for Stirling & Dunfermiline Railway. Lowe lists output between 1845 and 1853 but list may be incomplete, Possible connection with Blackie & Co.

Simpson. James & Co., 101 Grosvenor Street, Pimilco Pimlico
Agent for Henry Hughes of Loughborough who supplied 0-4-0ST Osborne to Southampton Docks in 1866.

Simpson & Co. see Miller & Barnes

Simpsons, Dundee
Appendix II Scottish locomotive builders: Glasgow Museum of Transport: Scottish railway locomotives. 1967.

Sisson W. & Co. Ltd., Sisson Road,  Gloucester
Three steam power units were supplied in 1911 for two Cardff Railway steam railmotors (railcars) (one acted as a spare). Lowe Fig. 499. The boilers were supplied by Messrs Abbott & Co. of Newark and the carriage bodies by the Gloucester Railway Carriage & Wagon Co.

Skinningrove Iron Co. Ltd. Carlin How
Lowe: one 0-4-0ST Mary built in 1913 with cylinders supplied by Pecketts

Slaughter & Co. see Avonside

Slee & Co. Earlestown
R.W. Kidner's Mineral Railways (Oakwood) states that vertical boiler 0-4-0 supplied to 2ft 3in gauge Plynlimmon & Hafan Railway in 1897: Victoria: Lowe stated "no further evidence"

Firms begining "Sm-"

Smith, A. & W, & Co., Eglinton Engine Works, Glasgow
Advertisements (Engineering, 5 January 1866) as "manufacturers" of wide range of equipment including locomotives (Lowe & Supp). Fig. 500 advertisement

Smith, John, Thornton Road, Bradford (Yorks)
Lowe suggests that Haigh Foundry supplied Smith with 2-2-2 for evaluating some improvements. Locomotive subsequently became GJR No. 60 Tantalus.

Smith, John, Village Foundry, Coven
Between twenty and thirty locomotives were built betwwen 1863 and 1874. Lowe notes that little information is available. At least two of the output were of the geared type. Fig 501 shows inside cylinder 0-4-0T Portobello supplied to North [or New in table] British Iron Co. (3ft 2¼in gauge). The geared locomotives (six are mentioned) are noted in A. Rosling Bennett's Chronicles of Boulton's Sidings according to Lowe. Estimated output of locomotives was twenty to thirty according to Lowe and contents of works were auctioned off in 1874, but buildings retained by Smith & Higgs (J.B. Higgs), agricultural contractors. Customers included Fletcher, Solly & Urwick, Chillington Iron, Earl of Dudley and Pelshall Coal & Iron Co. .

Smith, Joseph
Supplied 0-6-0 to Hartlepool Railway which became NER No. 131. (Lowe Supplement)

South Hetton Coal Co.
Supplied two 0-6-0s to Hartlepool Railway in 1840 and 1841 which became NER No. 117 and 118.(Lowe Supplement)

Spence, William, Cork Street Foundry and Engineering Works, Dublin
Manufacturers of Samuel Geoghehan locomotives for Guinness Brewery narrow gauge system. Lowe (pp. 602-4) gives a full entry with diagrams.

Spittle, Thomas, Cambrian Iron Foundry, Newport (Mon)
According to Lowe built six neat 0-4-0STs for Devon Great Consols of Tavistock

Stark & Fulton, Glasgow
According to Lowe firm built locomotives for Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock & Ayr Railway and three locomotives for the Midland Counties Railway. All were of the Bury type. In 1849 two locomotives (2-2-2) were supplied to the contractors for the Caledonian & Dumbarton Railway. See also David L. Smith.

Staveley Coal & Iron Co. Ltd, Staveley
No records exist, but it is probable that two locomotives and a possible further two were constructed. These were John Green in 1880 and Belvoir in 1885 supplied to Eastwell Iron Ore Co. Both were 3ft gauge and had vertical cylinders and saddle tanks. George Bond and Rutland (shown in Lowe Fig. 517) may have been built for the Waltham Iron Ore Co. The latter was a saddle tank with vertical cylinders driving through a jack shaft. Lowe cited Tonks' Ironstone railways and tramways of the Midlands and Ind. Rly Rec. 1970, 3, (32) wherein it was stated that Rutland may have been built by Oliver & Co which was a major supplier to Staveley Coal & Iron.

Stephenson, Robert & Co. Ltd  see separate page

Stewart, William, Newport (Mon)
An unknown design of locomotive was constructed for the Park End Colliery in the Forest of Dean in 1814 and was tried on the Severn & Wye Tramroad.

Stewarts and Lloyds Ltd., Mossend, Lanarkshire
Built one 3ft gauge 0-4-0T for plate mill in about 1905 to same design as Andrew Barclay 750/1894 which worked at same location.

Stirling, James & Co., East Foundry/Victoria Foundry, Dundee

See separate file

Stockton & Darlington Rly. New Shildon

Stothert, Slaughter & Co. Avon Street, Bristol see separate page

Summers, Grove & Day, Millbrook Foundry, Southampton
Firm founded in 1834. Maintained locomotives on behalf of LSWR until 1850s. Jefferson built in 1837 and sent to USA (Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad). Fly and Southampton  for London & Southampton Railway and  London & Greenwich Railway No. 7 were built in 1839. Two others were supplied to Bourne Bartley & Co. All were of 2-2-0/2-2-2 type. (Lowe). Bradley Locomotives of the LSWR. Part 1 (p. 35) adds information about Fly and Southampton..

Superheater Co.
See Visit to Works during Annual Institution of Mechanical Engineers Meeting in Manchester. Proc., 1929, 117, 737.

Swainson, Taylor see Whitehaven CoIls.

Company names beginning "T"

Tait Jas Jnr. & Partners, Middlesbrough
Firm extensive rebuilding and repairing of locomotives and allocated works numbers for such work. WN 69/1920, an outside cylinder 0-4-0ST supplied to Stanley Brothers, Stockingford Colliery, Nuneaton was supposed to be a new locomotive, but was more likely to have been constructed from various parts (Lowe)

Tayleur, Charles & Co., Vulcan Foundry, Newton-le-Willows, Warrington see separate page

Taylor, H.E. Chester
Henry Enfield Taylor was a mining engineer with a small works at 15 Newgate Street Chester. Between 1877 and c.1885 he built at least five 3ft 6in gauge 0-4-0Ts, with outisde cylinders for John Bazley White & Bros. Ltd., Swanscombe Works, as follows: 1877 Chester; 1879 Millbank; 1882 Iron Horse: Dead Horse (1882); and Liverpool (date unknown). The first four were scrapped in 1930

Taylor, J.& A., Smith Street, Ayr
Builders of mining equipment which between 1869 and 1871 constructed an 0-4-0ST for the Dalmellington Iron Co. (No. 8 scapped in 1912): shown in Fig. 549. Lowe cites David L. Smith's The Dalmellington Iron Company (1967).

Taylor & Martineau
Taylor & Martineau had an extensive works on London's City Road. Philip Taylor (1786-1870) initially studied surgery but later became a druggist. John Martineau's family owned successful businesses in sugar refining, banking and brewing. Their business started in 1820, building portable printing machines for Marc Brunel. Later, they built steam engines, gas generators and compressors and pumps. High-pressure stationary steam engine designed by Taylor & Martineau. Engraving published by John Murray, London, 1826. Firm's high quality cylinders attracted Marc Seguin to London. See Achard Trans Newcomen Soc., 1926, 7, 68.

Teeside Iron & Engine Co. see Gilkes Wilson & Co.

Tennant, T. M. & Co., Bowershall Iron & Engine Works, Leith
Firm established to manufacture railway rolling stock, but no evidence for locomotive construction: firm appeared to exist from about 1851 to 1871 or perhaps later.

Thames Bank Ironworks, Canning Town
Works established in 1835 as shipbuilders and civil engineers. Constructed the first ironclad: Warrior. Lowe notes that statements (not cited) exist that locomotives built there, but no records

Thomas, Alfred R. Cardiff
Tendered for 3ft 8in gauge locomotive for Severn & Wye Railway in 1864. Submitted lowest tender but order went to Fletcher Jennings. No evidence for locomotive building.

Thompson Bros. Wylam
Six locomotives constructed for Newcastle & Carlisle Railway: four 0-6-0 and two 2-4-0. There was a possible link with Hawks & Thompson. J.S. Maclean. The Newcastle & Carlisle Railway.

Thompson & Cole, Hope Foundry, Little Bolton
This Thompson may have been the same as the one in the Kitson, Thompson & Hewitson partnership. Five 0-4-2 manufactured: thee for North Midland Railway in 1840 and two for Birmingham & Derby Junction Railway in 1841. Loco. Mag No. 628 asserts that firms acticities were located in Carlisle: this was not so according to Lowe.

Thompson, James & Sons, Kirkhouse, near Brampton
Firm was leasee of Earl of Carlisle's collieries in Cumberland and their associated railway: the Brampton Railway, The workshops were at Kirkhouse Colliery where renovation rather than building probably took place. Locomotives involved: 1848 0-6-0 Loch (Fig. 550) and 1866 0-6-0 Garibaldi. Thompson was a Director of the Newcastle & Carlisle Railway. The lease of the collieries and railway terminated in 1908. The firm purchased Rocket in 1837.

Thompson, R. & J. A., Pot House Bridge Works, Bilston, Staffs.
Constructed one well tank for Parkfield Iron Co., Wolverhampton in 1863 (2ft 5½ gauge).

Thornewill & Warham Ltd., Burton-on-Trent
Brewery engineering business managed by John R. Warham and Robert Thornewill. From 1861 about thirteen locomotives were supplied to Bass, Ratcliffe & Gretton Ltd. The majority were well-tanks, but three saddle tanks were also supplied and Hunslet subsequently rebuilt some of the well tanks as saddle tanks as shown in Fig 551 (Bass No. 3).

Thwaites & Carbutt, Vulcan Works, Thornton Road, Bradford (Yorks)
John Jones of Bristol patented the Cambrian system in 1848 whereby a balanced system was sought through locating a transverse segmental cylinder between the frames and providing drive through rocking levers. Fig 552 shows an 0-2-2-2, South Yorkshire Railway No. 5 Albion which became MSLR No. 156. Three locomotives of 0-6-0 type were bought by Boulton in 1866.

Todd, Charles, Sun Foundry, Dewsbury Road, Leeds
Charles Todd left Shepherd & Todd in 1844 to establish his own business which manufactured 0-6-0 locomotives for Hull & Selby, York & North Midland and Newcastle & Darlington Railways between 1844 and 1848. 0-60WTs, 2-4-0s and 0-6-0s were supplied to railways in Belgium. The output was about twenty locomotives. Groves (Great Northern locomotive history V.1) refers to last locomotive output being acquired by BWLR. The works closed in 1858 and were taken over by Carrett Marshall & Co.

Todd, Kitson & Laird, Airedale Foundry, Leeds see separate page

Todd, Leonard J., Leith
Locomotive constructed for the Tramvia de Santander in 1871. It had a locomotive type of boiler but the cylinders were placed above the firebox and drive was via a crankshaft. In 1875 he designed a fireless steam car. He contested the claim of Stumpf for his Uniflow system citing Patent 7301 of 1885. Lowe cited Whitcombe: Lowe and Whitcombe, H.A. J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1937, 27, 327 (Paper 369).

Tredegar Iron Works
Owned by Samuel Homfray. Thomas Ellis was engineer in 1828. A Robert Stephenson 0-6-0 Britannia of 1829 was copied by Ellis, becoming St David. This was very successfully rebuilt in 1848 and withdrawn in tthe 1880s. Nine locomotives were constructed between 1832 and 1854 for the 4ft 2in gauge Sirhowy Tramroad. Fig 557 St David, c1840. Locomotive Mag., 1905, 11, 49.

Trevithick, Richard

Tulk & Lay, Lowca Works, Whitehaven

Turner & Ogden Leeds
Probably agents on behalf of local builders according to Lowe: involved with four-coupled locomotives for York & North Midland Railway and another for Great North of England Railway, latter became NER No. 11.

Twells & Co. Birmingham
Agent: London & Greenwich locomotive No. 8 Thames sold to Clarence Railway

Names beginning U

Usk Side Iron Co., Newport
Firm established in 1827. Two locomotives built for Blaenavon Co. In 1849 a 3ft 3in gauge 0-4-0ST and in 1860 an 0-6-0T Gan-Yr-Erw (Lowe)

Vernon, Thomas & Co., Regent Street Foundry, Liverpool
May have built locomotive for John Chandler

Vivian & Sons, Hafod Foundry, Swansea
0-6-0ST constructed in 1877 for Pentre Colliery. Illustration: Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev., 1919, 25, 15 Sept.

Vulcan Foundry Co. Ltd. see separate page

Vulcan Foundry, Ayr: see Young

Names beginning W

Walker J., Scarisbrick & Bros., Pagefield Ironworks, Wigan
John S. Walker managed firm from 1875. Twenty neat 0-4-0STs manufactured. Subsequently Walker Bros (Wigan) Ltd. became noted for their early diesel railcars.. 0-6-0T Burnley used on Manchester Ship Canal Contract as on 11 October 1890. (Archive 44, 51 lower). See also Allen, A. Rail cars in service in Northern Ireland. J. Instn Loco. Engrs, 1936, 26, 2-36. Disc.: 36-44. (Paper 347) for railcars for CDJR.

Walker, Richard & Brother, Bury
Richard Walker was also a director of the East Lancashire Railway. Walker supplied about twenty locomotives to the ELR bewteen 1838 and 1854: these were 2-2-2, 2-4-0 and 0-6-0. ELR 54 became LYR 654 is illustrated in Fig. 567. See also Groves Great Northern locomotive history for locomotive acquired by West Yorkshire Railway.

Warrington, Henry & Son, Berry Hill Colliery, Fenton
0-4-0ST No. 1 assembled in 1898. Ind Rly Rec., (10) (12) (19)

Waters, Thomas, Gateshead See Thomas Waters

Watkins & Phillips see Phillips C.D.

Watson & Daglish see Daglish, Robert

Weardale Coal & Iron Co. Ltd., Tudhoe
One 0-6-0ST with outside cylinders built in 1873 for company's own use (No. 15). Nos 6 and 20 may have been constructed at Tow Law Ironworks in 1860s.

Weir, G. & J., Cathcart, Glasgow
Manufacturers of pumps to supply water at high temperatures into boilers. James Weir and his brother George had in 1873 launched a marine engineering and maintenance company; James patented several inventions (including the Weir feed-pump), which in 1886 the brothers began to manufacture in a machine shop and smithy at Cathcart near Glasgow. These premises were developed into the Holm Foundry, and the business of G. and J. Weir was formed into a limited liability company in 1895. From ODNB biography of William Douglas Weir by Richard Davenport-Hines Weir feed pumps used by Gresley on 2-8-0s (Groves) and by Lawson Billinton on K class 2-6-0s for LBSCR. Rich Yesterday no more p. 109

Welsh Industrial & Maritime Museum, Museum Engineering Workshop, Bute Street, Cardiff
Lowe's Supplement: Museum assembled a replica of the Penydarren locomotive.

West, William. & Sons, St Blazey Foundry, St Blazey
Founded in 1848, Firm contracted to work the broad gauge Newquay & Cornwall Junction Railway which opened in 1869. Lowe states that Phoenix may have been constructed there, and possibly Cornwall and Roebuck.

Wheatley, Thomas, Grimsby
Lowe cites A.R. Bennett's Chronicles of Boulton's Sidings to show that Wheatley built 0-4-0ST Perseveranace in 1858. It had jackshaft drive. KPJ: could this have been the Thomas Wheatley?

Whinfield, John, Gateshead See John Whinfield

White, John Bazley & Bros. Swanscombe
0-4-0WT Gravesend built in 1898 probably mainly from existing parts. Company became part of Associated Portland Cement.

Whitehaven Collieries, Whitehaven
Taylor Swainson built a locomotive Iron Horse for use at Whitehaven Collieries, but it damaged the track. Lowe cited Dendy Marshall: History of railway locomotives.

Wickham, D. & Co., Ware
Manufacturer of internal-combustion engined railcars and small locomotives: see for instance Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev., 1931, 37, 46

Wigan Coal & Iron Co.
Locomotives were constructed at the Kirkless workshops which had opened when firm was known as Kirkless Coal & Iron. Locomotives were built between 1865 and 1912 and had Crewe characteristics as Percy had spent some time at Crewe works before locomoitve construction began. Nasmyth Wilson built four locomotives to same design between 1892 and 1902. Lowe lists output. Fig. 303 shows Crawford of 1883.

Wilkinson, William, Holmehouse Foundry, Wigan
In 1881 manufactured a steam tram locomotive with a vertical boiler and geared transmission. This was evaluated on the Wigan & District Tramways. A patent was obtained and the type was built by Beyer Peacock, Black Hawthorn and by Thomas Green. Sixty one were produced at Holmehouse Foundry. Customers included the Giants Causeway Tramway (1883 and 1896) and the Alford & Sutton Tramway (in 1883, supplied by Beyer Peacock)

Wilson, E. B. & Co., Railway Foundry Leeds

Wilson, J. H. & Co. Ltd., Sandhills, Liverpool
Outside cylinder geared 0-4-0T Mole supplied to Welsh Slate Co c1875. Had a marine type boiler. Lowe cites J.I.C. Boyd, Railways, 1951 (Nov) and Ind. Rly Rec., No. 34

Wilson, Robert & Co., Forth Street, Newcastle
Stockton & Darlington Railway No. 5 Stockton manufactured in March 1826. Four-cylinder locomotive: each wheel set driven separately. Rough sketch by Marc Seguin. Involved in a collision in Otober 1826 and boiler used by Hackworth for Royal George in 1827. See also entry for Robert Wilson.

Names beginning Wo

Woolwich Arsenal,

 Worsdell, Thomas, Berkeley Street, Birmingham
Lowe considers that firm was more likely to have been an agent, but as manufactuer of cranes and steam rolers locomotive manufacture was possible. According to records of Potteries, Shrewsbury & North Wales Railway firm supplied a locomotive to it. At sometime firm known as Worsdell & Evans. Green Cambrian Railways shows line drawing (p. 15) 0-4-0ST Dwarf and cites Locomotive (no further info): claims built at Brasshouse Passage bought by Savin, then sold to Isaac Watt Boulton in 1867 after it which it became Dot. Tesponded to advertisement from Festiniog Railway in 1862 (Boyd Festiniog Railway).

Wylam Colliery
The location for much of the early development of the steam locomotive. See also Hackworth, William Hedley Geo. Stephenson & Trevithick. (Lowe)

Yorkshire Engine Co, Meadowhall Works, Sheffield.

Yorkshire Patent Steam Wagon Co., Pepper Road, Hunslet
Figs. 584 (steam railcar) and 585 (engine for). Manufacturer of steam road lorries and railcars in association with Birmingham Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. A unit suppled to the Entre Rios Railway used oil firing, three vertical cylinders actuated by Joy valve gear and driven through a jackshaft. Units were supplied to the Egyptian State Railway and Belgian State Railways. (Lowe).

Young, John & Thomas, Vulcan Foundry, Newton Green, Ayr
Manufacturer of ship's auxiliary engines and colliery and agricultural machinery. Built small colliery locomotive in 1863 which according to Ayr Advertiser of 9 March was supplied to Ayr Colliery (Lowe). Responded to Festiniog Railway advertisement in 1862 (Boyd Festiniog Railway)

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