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Locomotive Magazine and Railway Carriage and
Wagon Review
Volume 53 (1947)
Issue No. 653 (15 January)
New Southern locomotives. 1
The admirable address given by Bulleid to the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, to which we refer on another page, was outstanding in its interest
and more especially so in that part which made reference to a proposed further
departure from the long-accepted canons in steam locomotive design.
When dealing with his express locomotives of the Merchant Navy class in a
paper read before the same Institution, Bulleid made a great point of the
means adopted to encase the valve gear and the inside motion in general and
now, after expenence with this arrangement which would appear to have given
every satisfaction, it is not altogether surprising that this particular
design feature should be carried further and, in fact, when commenting on
the previous design we rather hinted at the project by pointing out that
the same idea could have been applied to the, at that time, relatively new
six coupled engines with inside cylinders and motion. The latest proposal
goes, however, much further and constitutes a complete departure from existing
practice though, at nhe same time, is not, at any rate so far as the engine
design is concerned, by any means new. Many suggestions have been made involving
the application of some form of high speed totally enclosed engine to locomotive
requirements, and it will no doubt be recalled that two locomotives fitted
with engines of this kind were supplied to the Egyptian State Railways some
few years ago, while in our impression of 15 October 1946 we described a
locomotive for the Chemin de Fer du Nord equipped with enclosed three cylinder
engine units geared to three pairs of driving wheels and working on the uniflow
system. Other similar proposals could be enumerated, for the fact is that
throughout its long life the steam locomotive, as we still know it, has often
been threatened with extinction. This is true of the engines and also the
boiler. Both have their shortcomings in full measure; with that, all will
agree. On the other hand , as yet, no one has produced anything better, though
often alternatives ,have been tried which should, on paper, be an improvement,
but have more often than not turned out to be much worse. So far as the boiler
is concerned, experience has been had with the water tube type working at
a high steam pressure and in America and elsewhere water tube firebox
constructions of different kinds have been extensively tried. So far, none
of these has been sufficiently successful as to warrant adoption.
In the matter of the enginesthat is, the cylinders and motion
partswhile the arrangement in universal use remains as Stephenson left
it, great Improvements have been made, particularly dunng recent years. Improved
bearings of the more usual kinds and ,the adoption in many mstances of roller
bearing assemblies seem to be giving excellent service, so that we frequently
hear of engines running well over 100 000 miles between shoppings.
So far as thermal efficiency is concerned modern steam locomotives give a
reasonably good account of themselves. The ratio between the work done in
the cylinders to that theoretically possible is reasonably satisfactory,
when the temperature ranges through which the engines must be worked are
given due consideration; and the same may be said of the boiler. In fact,
so long as exhaust must. be made to atmosphere and at a pressure sufficient
to provide the induced draught reguired for steam production, the possibilities
offered for substantial jrnprovements in cylinder efficiencies are strictly
limited. There is, .however, room for considerable improvement in the power
obtainable from given cylinders, and it seems entirely possible that relatively
small cylinders with an efficient valve gear and the opportunity offered
by large ports in proportion to cylinder volumes may prove beneficial in
this respect.
What we have said is simply the historical record up to the present and should
not be con- strued as being in any measure a deterrent to further effort.
Bulleid has shewn himself well able to depart from the beaten path with much
success and, when the new engines are completed, there is no doubt that their
working will be followed with keen interest. Wie look forward to seeing these
engines in operation, and in the meantime congratulate the designer on his
courage in working out something different in steam locomotive
L.M.S.R. 1
F.C. Johansen had been appointed Deputy Scientific Research Manager.
. K. Cameron had been appointed Locomotive Superintendent, Corkerhill. W.
Russell succeeded . K. Cameron as District Locomotive Superintendent, Perth,
and J. M' Crae succeeded. Russell as Assistant District Locomotive
Superintendent, Polmadie.
L.N.E.R. electrification. 1
In connection with the work in progress between Liverpool Street,
Fenchurch Street, and Shenfield, Coburn Road Station had been closed permanently
and Bethnal Green ceased to be served by trains on the Stratford line.
South African Royal Train. 2-4. 6 illoustrations
Eight coaches supplied by Metropolitan Carriage & Wagon Co. Ltd.
in a very short time to the reqirements of
M.M. Loubser. Illustrations:
exterior of King's carriage; all remainder interiors: Royal Lounge; His Majesty's
Study; His Majesty's Bedroom; Her Majesty's Bedroom; Princesses State
New L.M.S. locomotives. 5-6. 4 illustrations,, 2 diagrams. (side & front.
Ivatt Class 2 2-6-0 and 2-6-2T. Illustrations show interior of cab
on 2-6-0 and footplate view of tender cab,
Central Line to Stratford.. 6,
On 3 December 1946 the Minister of Transport opened the 4¼ miles
extension of the Central Line to Stratford. Thisalthough only a part
of the ultimate scheme to Ongarwill considerably relieve one of the
worst of London's traffic problems. Starting from the existing Liverpool
Street Station the extension has stations at Bethnal Green, Mile End, and
Stratford. Practically the whole of the distance is in tunnel which has been
driven under conditions of exceptional difficulty through the old East London
marshes beneath the water- logged land around the River Lea and its tributaries;
the successful completion of this work represents one of the most notable
engineering triumphs of recent years. The rails are in 300 ft. lengths and
an additional step taken to reduce noise is the lining of the tunnel at wheel
level with sound absorbing composition. It is hoped to open the line to Loughton
and Hainault at the end of [947 and to Newbury Park and Ongar in [948.
G.W.R. 6
Six 0-6-0 tender engines, Nos. 3202 to 3208, and two 2-6-2 tank engines,
Nos. 4148 and 4149, had been completed at Swindon Works. Four engines had
been withdrawn from service, viz., 2-6-0 No. 2657; 0-6-0T Nos. 1725. 2723
and 2773·
Southern Railway. 6
A series of 24 three-coach units is under construction, half of which
will be completed in time for next summer's traffic and the other half by
the end of 1947. Each unit has two semi-saloon type coaches with 96 Third
Class seats, while the centre coach is of the compartment type with 24 First
and 24 Third Class seats.
Mr. O.V.S. Bulleid's Presidential Address Institution of Mechanical Engineers. 7-10.
On 18 October Mr. O.V.S. BuIJeid, M.I.M.E., M.I.L.E., Chief Mechanical
Engineer of the Southern Railway and President of the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers for 1946-47, delivered his Presidential Address; we are pleased
to present an abstract of this interesting description of the duties and
many problems with which the Chief Mechanical Engineer has to contend.
After referring to. the statutory certificate regarding the maintenance of
the stock in good condition, which C.M.Es are called upon to sign each year,
the President went on to say: the chief mechanical engineer has to provide
the means whereby the passengers can be carried safely, comfortably, quickly,
and punctually, and goods can be delivered expeditiously and in good order.
The provision of rolling stock to satisfy these requirements involves constant
progress in design and manufacturing processes to that the stock
is kept abreast of the times in respect to efficiency, reliability, and
suitability, and that the costs are commercially reasonable.
Whilst the chief mechanical engineer must profit from aul developments in
other fields of mechanical engineering affecting rolling stock design, he
has to be convinced that all changes made will be of lasting value, for the
life of rolling stock is long, and hiis is the responsibility for looking
after it in service. Further, complete reliability throughaut each journey
is demanded, in so far as it can be achieved, because the dislocatian in
traffic on our congested railways, resulting from breakdawn, has consequences
out of all perspective to the cost of repair. These reasons explain an apparent
tendency to. conservatism in design, and a comparative reluctance to adopt
new ideas. The majar responsibilities of the chief mechanical engineer are
to. keep in service the largest possible percentage of the stock of locomotives,
and to see that whilst in service the locomotives require as little attention
as possible and that no defects occur that would affect their time-keeping
whilst working trains. His ability to achieve this depends upon the quality
of the staff and equipment at his disposal. Taking an average week's figures,
5 per cent. of the total number of locomotives stopped are in the main works,
and 10 per cent. in the running sheds, i.e., 15 per cent. are not available
for service. The analysis of the work required on the 5 per cent. stopped
in the works indicates the major directions in which improvements in
detail design, materials of construction, and manufacturing procedure are
required. Likewise, a similar analysis of the 10 per cent. stopped in the
running sheds is a pointer to the particular details which should receive
attention if availability is to be increased.
If the engines dealt with at the main works are examined we find that 40
per cent. were taken out of traffic because of defects in boilers, and 60
per cent. because of defects in engines and running gear.
The man-hours spent on each general repair average 5,.000, of which 1,250
are spent on boiler work, and 3,750 on the rest of the locomotive and tender.
The proaportion. (10 per cent.) of engines not available for service at running
sheds represents those under examination and under repair. This is a serious
reduction in availability. As regards expenditure on maintenance, when the
large number of depots over which the stopped engines are distributed, and
the number of repair staff employed in them are considered, its effect is
to increase such costs very greatly.
The periodical examinations of locomotives in running sheds are determined
by the time interval which experience has shown a particular cornponent will
run normally without risk of failure in traffic. The fact that the examinations
are necessary should be taken as an indication of the need for improvement
in design or material because each examination means the loss of the engine
from traffic and the unprofitable expenditure of man-hours,
Failures in service in the case of locomotives are defined on the Southern
Railway as follows:-
(a) An engine which has to come off its train owing to any mechanical or
boiler defect, even if no delay is caused; or
(b) An engine which, from mechanical or boiler defect, causes a delay to
its train of 10 minutes or over.
In 1938 the average mileage run per failure so defined was 131,264,
the total number of failures being 353.
Whilst the mileage per failure is high, the total number of failures means
the loss of 353 engines to the operating department for a shorter or longer
Each failure is investigated with respect to design, materials, and workmanship
as the contributory cause. The way the locomotive was handled in service,
and when and why and how it was last repaired at a shed, are also considered.
It is often difficult to decide the true cause of certain failures owing
to the destruction of the evidence by the failure, but when persistent defects
are recorded, and when a painstaking investigation has been made, the design
or material of the part concerned must be altered. The fi.gures quoted and
the observations made follow from many years of sustained effort to obtain
better results, so it will inevitably be suggested that the accepted methods
of design or construction cannot be expected to give substantially better
results. The results were as gaad as could be expected with the designs,
materials, finish, and methods of operation which were used.
Consequently, if the higher level of achievement in continuity of service,
which is now required, is to be reached, a new conception of the steam locomotive
is also needed.
Such thoughts caused us to question accepted ideas and forced us to investigate
the locomotive as regards (1) the design, (2) use, and (3) servicing.
The very age of the steam locomotive has acted against its further development,
for its bad features have come to be accepted as inherent and inevitable.
It is these bad features which enable other forms of traction to compete
with it, and consequently such features must be eliminated if the steam
locomotive is to survive.
Investigations soon showed that there was room for improvement under all
three heads. Some of the directions in which these can be effected are as
(I) The locomotive boiler, whilst a wonderful evaporator of water, is troublesome
to maintain. The origin of the trouble lies in the water used. The scale
deposited is the chief cause for which locomotives are taken out of service,
as the boilers require washing out about once in every ten days. Apart from
the other difficulties, this scale and dirt prejudice the use of feed water
heating, owing to the diffioulty of keeping the equipment clean.
(2) The use of coal, especially inferior grades, also causes loss of service
because the fires have to be cleaned frequently and this reduces the time
throughout which the engine can be operated continuously, and thus lessens
its availability.
(3) As the mechanical parts cannot be relied upon to run from one general
overhaul to the next, they have to be examined after relatively short mileages.
(4) The preparation of the locomotive for service is difficult and takes
too long.
(5) The locomotives ought to be more convenient and comfortable, cleaner,
and less fatiguing to drive.
(6) The disposal of the locomotive after service also left much to be desired,
and the practice of letting the boiler cool and relighting it at short intervals
was not only wasteful of fuel, but aotually harmful to the boiler. Before
the recent war the general lines on which the problem should be attacked
had become clear. The whole of the water used by the locomotives throughout
the railway system would have to be treated; otherwise the benefits obtained
from the treated water would be lost by the admixture of untreated water.
Boilers would have to be fitted with blow down equipment. Hot-water exchange
plants would have to be generally used in conjunction with shed equipment
so that the boilers of engines ready for service would be maintained in steam
at about 125 psi.
This would also enable engines to be moved under their own steam to a suitable
road outside the actual building for lighting up the fire; thereby enabling
the building to be fitted with doors which could be closed and consequently
provide a much more congenial atmosphere in which to carry out examination
and repair. Washing out the boilers would have to be made a much easier job,
and more attention be given to the layout of the pressure mains in the sheds
to economise labour Hand firing of large coal would have to give place gradually
to firmg by mechanical stoker to relieve the fireman of the manual labour
entailed, to enable a wider source of. supply of fuel to be made available,
to obviate Iimitation on steam production which the physical capacity of
the fireman imposes, and so allow greater power to be developed by the
The locomotives ought to incorporate rocking and dump grates with hopper
ashpans, the former to keep the fire clean en route and the latter to facilitate
the disposal of ash at the running shed. Improved coaling plants, watering
equipment, and ash-handling arrangements would have to be provided to expedite.
these operations. We even looked torward to the locomotives being refuelled
during station stops.
Much greater mileages per day were required from the locomotive, and this
means a marked reduction in the time lost in preparing them, taking fueJ.
and water, cleaning fires, dealing with ashes, etc.
The preparation of the engines, including oiling, ought to be transferred
to shed staff specially trained for such duties so that the fullest use might
be made of the enginemen to drive trains.
When we came to consider the design of the locomotives,. we found there was
room tor development in the boiler and in the rest of the machine it we were
to improve It as regards reliability, availabihty, and efficiency.
The Merchant Navy class locomotives, the first to be built after these
investigations were begun, introduced certain innovations mto English practice.
A large amount of research work had to be done on weld radiography on the
stresses set up in welding, then removal or reduction to acceptable limits
which had to be determmed, and on the training and classification of welders
before the further developments incorporated in the boilers, frames, etc.,
of the West Country engines could be permitted.
The satisfactory performance of the latter engines in service confirms the
soundness of the arguments on which the changes were made. fhese engines
are to be regarded not as final designs, but rather as stages m locomotive
A wide range of research work is in hand. The more interestmg investigations
are those being carried out into-
(a) New modes of stay-to-plate fixing with the objects of speed and economy
in manufacture and longer life in service by prevention of seepage and plate
(b) Photo-elastic stress surveys of axles, with special reference to the
use of internal fillets as a means of reducing bearing pressure by extending
the bearing surface to the full width of the journal.
(c) The effect of heat input and mechanical restraint upon welds in
heat-sensitive steels, with the object of eliminating tyre slip in tyres
applied by shrinking-on only and without fastenings of any of the known designs.
Ingenuity and expertness in locomotive design has become of even greater
importance to-day because of the great increases in costs of manufacture,
operation, and' maintenance, following the increases in wages and cost of
material of con- struction and fuel which have taken place in recent years.
The increase in manufacturing wages rates is at least 65 per cent., and if
we are cautious and think that the working week may be reduced to 40 hours
without loss of earnings, then the in- crease we shall encounter will be
94 per cent. Materials of construction have increased in cost by 70 per cent.,
and, when the effect of shorter working hours is felt, the increase may well
reach 100 per cent. above pre-war levels.
In the case of the locomotive, the cost that matters is the cost per loaded
train mile. The principal items of cost for constructing, maintaining, and
operating .steam locomotives are- Interest on capital.
Provision for renewal. Repairs. Operating wages (drivers and firemen). Fuel
and water. The attainment of greater availability by development in design,
by improved shed equipment, and by the better operating methods made possible
thereby would-. .
(a) Reduce interest on capital by spreadmg the charge over a greater number
of loaded train-miles.
(b) Reduce the provision necessary for renewal for the same reason, locomotives
being withdrawn from service only because of obsolescence, and not because
of non- repairable wear and tear.
(c) Reduce repairs by. the. us!': of materials giving longer service life,
by improved manufacturing processes, by producing methods to reduce the cost
of the work by reduction in waste of labour and materials, by better
organisation, and, above all, by the elimination of runmng repairs hy the
methods already indicated.
(d) Reduce the incidence of operating. wages by increasing the available,
capacity for loaded train-miles per driver's hour.
(e) Reduce fuel and water cost, both by increasing the loaded. train-miles
between each occasion of hghtmg up and disposal. and also by reducing the
standmg time for servicing the engine.
(f) Reduce the cost of maintenance by reorganisation and re-equipment of
the depots to meet the revised needs.
It may be remarked in this connection that, when considering alternative
forms of power the increased interest and renewal charges due to the great
increase in the first cost of the new rolling stock and the capital expenditure
on fixed installations can only be met by reducing fuel and water costs and
maintenance expenditure} no saving in operating wages being possible asa
general rule.
What sort of locomotive may we expeot to see, if it is to meet the majority
of our future requirements? It is reasonable to expect it to satisfy the
following demands and to include the following new features. The locomotive
should be built so as-
(1) To be able to run over the majority of the company's lines.
(2) To be capable of working ail classes of trains up to speeds of 90 m.p.h.
(3) To have its whole weight available for braking and the highest possible
percentage thereof for adhesion.
, (4) To be equally suitable for running in both directions without turning,
with unobstructed look-out.
(5) TOo be ready for service at short notice.
(6) To be almost continuously available.
(7) To be suitable for complete "common use."
(8) To run not less than 100,000 miles between general overhauls with little
or no attention at the running sheds.
(9) To cause minimum wear and tear to the track.
(10) To use substantially less fuel and water per drawbar horse-power developed.
It should incorporate-
(a) A boiler of new design from which stay and tube trouble has been eliminated.
(b) High steam pressure to enable reduced cylinder dimensions to be used,
and new design of cylinders with small clearance volume.
(c) Feed water treatment by equipment on the locomoti ve itself.
(d) Feed water heating by exhaust steam.
(e) All moving parts enclosed and continuously lubricated; all axleboxes
wIth roller bearings.
(t) Remote control with driving cabs at both ends.
A new type of Southern engine has been designed, the construction of five
of which has been authorised. The engme will incorporate. the following features
and, it is hoped, will satisfy the desiderata given.
The locomotive is carried on two six-wheeled bogies, the general design of
which follows that of the bogies designed for use under the company's electric
locomotives. These bogies have no centre pivot or bolster. The middle axle
of each bogie is driven by a three-cylinder single-expansion engme. The engine
develops a torque, the uniformity of which is comparable with that of a
nose-supported electric traction motor, but has a higher speed range, and
the unsprung weight is less. The capacity of the boiler has been made greater,
relative to the cylinder horse-power, than in the case of any previous Southern
locomotive. The cabs at the ends will give an improved look-out.
The engines are intended for working fast passenger trains of 480 tons weight
over the difficult Southern Railway main line, and goods and mineral trains
of up to 1,200 tons; that is to say, something above the heaviest trains
that would be required on the system. They carry sufficient fuel for 200
miles. The addresswhich was well illustrated concluded with a
resume of the great contribution to the war effort made by the C.M.E's department
of the Southern Railway.
L M.S.R. 10
New locomotives in service are: 2-6-4 Tank class 4P (built at Derby)
Nos. 2253 to 2258; 4-6-0 class 5 Mixed Traffic (built at Horwich) No. 4987;
The following had been withdrawn: 0-6-2 class 2PT No. 6871 (L. & N.W.R.);
0-8-0 class 7F No. 12861 (L. &Y.R.); 0-6-0 class 3F No. 17610 (Caledonian),
class 2F Nos. 28503 (L.& N.W.R.), 3227, 3438, 3535 (Midland); 0-6-2 class
2FT Nos. 7705, 27572, 27606, 27623 (L. & N.W.R.).
Plaques of the original crest-the gift of Sir Robert Ropner, Bt.were
presented to L.M.S. "Royal Scot" class 4-6-0 locomotive No. 6133 The Green
Howards at a ceremony held at Leeds City Station. Mr. R.A. Riddles, C.B.E.,
Vice-President of the L.M.S. Railway, presided at the unveiling of the plaques
by General Sir Harold E. Franklyn, K.C.B., D.S.O., M.C.
Irish Railway Record Society. 10
The first meeting of this recently formed society was held last month
in Dublin, Mr. Kevin A. Murray, presiding. Two short papers were read, "The
Construction of Time Tables" by J. Macartney Robins and "Locomotive Building
in Ireland " hv R.N. Clements (KPJ: presumably in an early issue of Society's
L.J. Le Clair, A.G.T.C., M.l.Mech.E., M.l.Loco.E., M.lnst.T., A.M.I.E.E.,
retired from the position of Engineer with theWestinghouse Brake and Signal
Co., Ltd. He served his apprenticeship in the Locomotive Shops of the Caledonian
Railway at St. Rollox. Le Clair subsequently spent some time as Chief tester
in the Engineering Dept. of Guinness' Brewery, Dublin. He was appointed,
thereafter, first as Works Manager and afterwards as Assistant General Manager
of the Freinville Works of the French Westinghouse Brake Co. He returned
to England and was for 14 years with G.D. Peters and Co., Ltd. During the
1914-18 war he was Manager of their Slough Works. He thereafter joined the
Westinghouse Brake Co. He first handled their Vacuum Brake Dept., hut for
many years contacted their numerous customers for Tramway, Diesel Rail Car,
Diesel Locomotive and other brake business, travelling extensively throughout
Europe as well as India and the U.S.A. Le Clair's services are being retained
by the Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., in a consultative
A rail centenary and a new line 100 years after. 10-12. illustration
CTOBER 1946 witoessed the centenary of the opening of the railway
between Seamer and Hull. As early as 1834 a project was afoot to construct
a line from Bridlington Quay to join the Leeds arid Selby Railway at Selby,
but, receiving littLe support nothing happened until the building of the
line from Driffield to Market Weighton (to give its proper name, the Scarborough,
Bridlington and West Riding Junction Railway), which had a separate existence
from 1885 to 1914, when it was absorbed by the then North Eastern.
Matters lay dormant for a time, but in 1844/45 the Hull and Selby Railway
sought Parliamentary powers to construct a branch line frem Hull to Bridlington
and in the 1845 session, powers were given to the York and North Midland
Railway for a line Seamer to Bridlington (19¾ miles) and to the Hull
and Selby Railway for the line Hull to Bridlington (31 miles). This was a
notable Parliamentary session, for in all 247 miles of railway were authorised
at an estimated cost of 3½ million pounds.
As might be expected, the Hull-Bridlington opening was attended with a ceremony
and it was graced by the presence of George Hudson (the Railway King) himself,
supported by sufficient numbers of his (then) loyal and enthusiastic supporters
to fill a train of 57 vehicles on the journey from Hull to Bridlington.
The scene in the old station in Railway Street, Hull, is vividly described
(this was the first station in Hull and was used until 8th May 1848, when
the first Paragon Station was opened), "A vast concourse of ladies and gentlemen
had assembled and every carriage that could be spared from the many lines
that acknowledge Mr. Hudson's sway had been congregated, and strange contrasts
they afforded. From the superb' Tourist,' a circular-headed, glass-roofed
saloon, looking like a conservatory on wheels, and the 'Coquette' with its
pretty and quaint doll's house contrivances, through the extravagantly
beautifully finished carriages from Manchester, and the comfortable ones
from the Midlands, down to the vile old drab-trimmed, worn-out cast-offs
and the really better second classers, even to open third class and luggage
wagonsall were there and all were acceptableor rather would have
been were it not for the rain and the boisterous searching wind.' Just before
eleven George Hudson arrived from York with a fresh supply of carriages drawn
by an engine appropriately named after him, decorated with laurel and perhaps
less appropriately "surmounted with an Imperial Crown." Eventually, the train
started, hauled by three engines, Y & N.M. No. 8 Hudson (renamed
Comet), 2-2-2 5 ft. 6 in., 12½-in x 18-in", built by Robt. Stephenson
and Co., 1840; Y. & N.M. No. 9 Antelope, 2-2-2 (illustrated),
5 ft. 3 in., 13-in x 29-in, built by Shepherd and Todd, 1840, and Y. &
N.M. No. 10 Ariel, 2-2-2, 6 ft., 13-in x 24in, built by Shepherd and
Todd,. 1840. Besides the invited guests, two bands were on board to enliven
the journey with music amd "at all the principal stations other bands were
placed who played suitable pieces as the train approached and past." By the
time the train reached Cottingham, the weather god had relented and the wet
and dismal thirds were cheered " by the shining forth of the glorious sun,"
the remainder of the day being fine. The account says vast crowds had assembled
at Cottingham, Beverley and Driffield to greet this first train, and from
Driffield to Bridlington ," or Burlington as the natives call it ") the road
was lined with people. The country we are told "is so level that the line
presented, not merely no engineering difficulties, but absolutely required
little more than consolidating the ground and laying down the rails at
oncethe entire cost was about £350,000. The engineers were Messrs.
Stephenson and Burtenshaw and the contractors Jackson and Co. of Driffield.
On arrival (" in perfect safety!") at Bridlington, the train was met by upwards
of 2,000 persons, a procession of Odd Fellows bearing banners with suitably
inscribed sentiments on and the inevitable band.
Some 1,400 to 1,600 guests sat down at Bridlington to an admirably well-served
repast; they had previously been thoughtfully provided with tickets, not
only for the Journey but for this added amenity.
The usual toasts were honoured and an address from the inhabitants of Bridlington
was presented to Mr. Hudson who, apparently, whilst declining to accept all
the credit for the undertaking, and praising the engineers, nevertheless
managed to weave in a considerable amount of propaganda material. He praised
the enterprise of the English people, pointing out that whereas in England
at that time there were 4,000 miles of railway, in France there were only
500. He would repeat again and again that the railway interest was England's
interest, and the public interest was "to obtain what it had an undoubted
right to, namely, a fair return for its capital and enterprise." He drank
" Success and prosperity to Bridlington " and complimented the people on
the beauty and salubrity of its situation.
And so the great day closed with the return of the train to Hull amidst renewed
excitement en route and the prospect of a heavy dinner for some 420 of its
A slight technical hitch occurred over the dinner, for the guests were invited
for 5 p.m. and the doors of the Assembly Room were not opened until 7. Anyway,
the meal amply made up for any disappointment for we learn that " for profusion,
delicacy, style and quality, it could scarcely be surpassed." The wines,
we are told, were particularly excellentwhich probably ac- counted
for the optimistic and flowery speeches which followed.
And now, a century later, the L.N.E.R. embark on an addition to that line
which is singularly fitting, and one which would have received the blessing
of the " Railway King." In its extension between Filey and Hunmanby to Butlin's
Holiday Camp at Filey Bay, provision is being made for hundreds of thousands
of holidaymakers, and, with the building developments recently foreshadowed
in that district, for very large numbers of residents too. The opening of
the century-old line was attended "with considerable eclat"; perhaps the
opening of the new one will not be so picturesque, but no one can doubt it
will serve an equally useful purpose ..
One wonders what the top-batted, frock-coated men and the flower-begarlanded
ladies of the first train to run on this line would think of the modems going
for a joyous holiday in the luxury recreational centre established by Mr.
Spring borne shoegear. 12. illustration
An article on page 152, Vol.
52 describing a steel shoe beam developed by London Transport
stated that further improvements could be made by dispensing with shoebeams,
thus reducing the unsprung weight on the wheels. The illustration shows a
method of achieving this whilst at the same time obviating the deterior-
steel face engages, when the shoe is off the conductor rail, with a lever
which is carried on a Silentbloc bush from a pin clamped in an extension
of the main bracket. The opposite end of the lever engages with an adjustable
stop mounted on the axle box. The wing extensions on the laminated wood arms
and the leatheroid strip attached thereto arc flash guards to prevent an
arc from the shoe striking back on to the earthed metal of the main bracket.
The disc on the bottom of the spring hanger is also provided as an arc barrier.
With the shoe on the conductor rail the manganese face of the shoe arm is
not in contact with the lever an.i the shoe is therefore free to follow
irregularities in the current rail and to accommodate for change in truck
height due to varying deflection of the springs.
When the collector shoe leaves the conductor rail the distance which it can
drop (the important factor) is limited by the manganese steel face coming
into contact with the lever which is posi- tioned by the axle hox. Any lowering
of the truck frame due to spring deflection causes the lever to rotate and
raise the shoe by an amount equal to jhe fall of the truck frame and vice
versa. The height of the shoegear caused by its being unsprung and slung
between axle boxes which have some relative movement.
The mechanism is carried from the truck frame by a bracket attached to a
length of channel iron. At the lower end of this bracket a pivot pin carries
an arm formed by two pieces of laminated wood synthetic resin-bonded and
impregnated. The lower ends of the arm are connected together by the bracket
which is bushed to carry the pin which also passes through holes in lugs
cast integral with the collector shoe. The upper ends of nhe arms are connected
together by a bridge piece which is faced with manganese steel. This manganese
The height of the collector shoe relative to the run ning rail therefore
remains constant which is the desired condition. This arrangement virtually
eliminates the unsprung weight of the shoegear.
Over 20,000 locomotives equipped with mechanical stokers
are said to be in use in the U.S.A., and of course these fittings are to
be found in Canada, India, U.S.S.R., Australia and many other countries.
As long ago as 1930 trials were made with them on 2-10-0 and 4-6-2 engines
on the Northern Railway of France, and subsequently they were fitted to the
Etat 4-8-2 class. A new type was designed in 1939 for embodiment in future
steam locomotive classes, and the use of a lower-grade coal was envisaged.
Southern Railway electrification and diesel traction
scheme. 13
Sir Eustace Missenden, General Manager of the Southern Railway, recently
announced that the Southern Railway Board, continuing its progressive policy,
has approved large scale plans for the extension of electrification and for
the adoptioq of diesel traction for subsidiary services. The new proposals-which
at to-day's prices will cost some £15.000,009--wil1 affect services
throughout South East England and will result in the complete elimination
of steam locomotives from the lines of the former London Brighton and South
Coast and South Eastern and Chatham Railways.
The Southern Railways owns 2.156 route miles of track. oi which. 714 miles
are already electrified. The latest proposals involve the further conversion
to electric traction of 284 route miles (610 miles of single line track.
including sidings) on the main lines to the Kent coast and on secondary routes
to Brighton
All. passenger trains and principal freight trains in the counties of Kent,
Surrey and Sussex will eventually be worked electrically, diesel traction
being used for feeder services and local goods trains. Steam services to
and .from the London termini of London Bridge, Victoria, Charing Cross, Cannon
Street, etc., will be withdrawn. The Southern Railway owns to-day over 1,800
steam locomotives. When the proposed conversion is completed the number will
be reduced to under 800. Electrification schemes already undertaken save
some 400.000 tons of coal per annum and the latest extensions, together with
the adoption of diesel traction.will result in a further saving of 300.000
tons per annum.
The time which will elapse before the conversion is complete depends on
availabilitv of material and labour hut it is hoped that the work will be
finished by 1955. Considerable research was undertaken before the present
scheme was approved. officers visiting Switzerland and the U.S,A: to study
the latest developments in electrification and diesel traction.
As a result of the present scheme the services in South East .England will
be speeded up and a more frequent service provided.
The electric locomotives will generally follow that described in the
Locomotive of February 1942; it is understood
that the diesel locomotives will be of from 400 to 600 h.p.
Obituary . 13
It is with regret that we have to record the death of F.W Carr who
held the position of Mechanical Engineer. L.N E.R.. Stratford, since 1938.
Death of W.S. Edwards, Managing Director of W.G. Bagnall, Ltd., Locomotive
Builders of Stafford. Edwards was Vice-President of the Institution
of Locomotive Engineers besides being a prominent figure in Engineering circles
in Staffordshire.
We also regret to announce the death of G. Wuthrich. M.I.E.E .. General Manager
and Chief Engineer of Messrs. Oerlikon Ltd.
Albert Jacquet died at Brussels in April. 1944, during the German occupation.
He had always been intensely interested in railways and had a very wide knowledge
of locomotive engineering and development. Born in 1866 he could well remember
many of the older Belgian and French locomotives still running in the middle
1870s. Later he became a well-known writer on locomotive historv ancl
was a regular contributor to "The Locomotive." . Though he worked for several
years in the engineering and management departments of the former Saint Leonard
Locomotive Works at Liege. and later with the Brussels Tramways, he devoted
most of his life-time to research work in connection with locomotive history
and development.
Carriage lighting. 13
Though d.c. systems with axle-driven generator and battery are till
in almost universal use for lighting passenger stock. proposals have been
made to instal mall diesel-driven a.c -. sets on large main line passenger
coaches abroad, or to have a steam turbine driven set for the whole train
mounted on the-tender. The L.M.S.R. Royal train has a separate power car
with a petrol-electric generating set.
Correspondence. 13
The Granville Express. Reginald B. Fellows
With reference to Mr. Vickery's letter
in your issue of October. I ought. to have stated in my
article that there were several variations in the official name of this express
on the London Chatham and Dover Railway. It began in 1878 as The Granville
and Westgate-on-Sea Special Express Train. but in June 1884. and for
some years, Cliftonville was added to its title. Then, in the summer
of 1894. the Chatham Company put on a new express leaving Victoria at 17.15.
Herne Hill (with City connection) at 17.25 and running non-stop to Herne
Bay and thence to Westgate. Margate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate (arr. 19.20),
which was officially named The Cliftonville Express. and the 15.25
from Victoria simply The Granville Express. There was no new up train
called The Cliftonville so the 10.0 0 from Ramsgate retained its long
title. Although the new Cliftonville Express was soon taken off, the 15.25
from Victoria continued to be called The Granville though the
corresponding up train kept the long title. except in some working Time Tables.
As regards express fares, the Chatham Company's Time Tables for 1886. the
year mentioned by Vickery, show express fares only between London and Dover.
It will be found that the Graville always carried passengers at ordinary
fares. hut in its first four years during the summer and early autumn months
third class ticket holders were not conveyed by the train.
Dutch State Railways Company. L.
Keelhoff in the November issue speaks of
a non-stop express between Amsterdam and Rotterdam via
The Hague. In the course of my article on the Holland Railway Company. I
mentioned this non-stop service in the December. 1937, Issue of The
Locomotive. I further inform Keelhoff that this service was run in
competition With the non-stop expresses of the Dutch Rhenish Railway between
the two cities via Gouda. which had the shorter distance, also in 70 minutes.
of 73 km. against the Holland Railway s 85.6 km. The train was only a light
one of three carriages and worked by the 7 ft. 2-4-0 engmes of the de Ruyter
series built by Borsig. This service was inaugurated in October. 1886. and
continued until June 1890.
The first locomotive in Natal. David H. Tew.
On page 181 of The Engineer. Vol. 10. September 14, 1860, there
is a note to the effect that the Natal Railway was inaugurated on 26 June
1860. The locomotive used at the opening was manufactured hy Garrett Marshall
and Co. of Leeds. and was named Natal. No description of the locomotive
is given.
Reviews. 14
Railways and their future. Lord Monkswell; Ernest Benn Ltd.
This is a popular treatise on railways and touches upon both technical
and economic aspects. It ' can be recommended for those as yet. not unacquainted
with the subject who are desirous of acqurrmg a general outline of the
considerations involved.
Railway inspection; The Railway Gazette.
This booklet is an interesting. review of the supervision to which
Railways in this country are subject. It refers to the early arrangements
for inquiring into accidents and traces the procedure down to the present
Locomotive stock book, 1946.The Railway
Correspondence and Travel Society.
Many of our readers will be familiar with this publication which was
last published in 1939. The present edition not only shows the position of
the locomotive stock of the companies of Britain and Eire as at 31
December 1945, but also contains detailed particulars of the alterations
which took place each year from 1939-1945. New features are a list of locomotives
on loan and particulars of renumbering schemes. There are many illustrations
and as always they are interesting.
Standard military railway bridges. Railway
Railway bridging made a considerable contribution to victory in the
recent war and the development made in this branch of the military art was
well abreast of that made in other spheres. The booklet is a reprint of a
series of articles in the Railway Gazette and contains descriptions
and many interesting illustrations of the various types of bridges employed
together with examples of their use. The erection times are extraordinary
by any standards and it. is befitting that at least some of the magnificent
work of those responsible for the design and erection of such structures
should have been placed on record.
4-8-2 class 15F locomotives for the South African railway;
Railway Gazette.
Reprint of article which appeared in the Railway Gazette. A folding
general arrangement drawing is included and the whole forms a detailed and
well illustrated account of these outstanding engines.
Conversion of locomotives from coal to oil burning; Railway
Reprinted from the Railway Gazette this booklet deals with the Ministry
of Transport plan for converting some 1,200 locomotives to oil burning and
fully describes and illustrates the equipment used by the G.W.R. which was
first in the field with the present change-over.
Longmoor Military Railway. Railway Gazette.
This is a reprint of a detailed description of this line which appeared
in an issue of Railway Gazette in July. As is well known, this railway
is the transportation training centre of the Corps of Royal Engineers and
a perusal of the book and its many interesting illustrations will show how
very adequately this training is carried out. We have no doubt that many,
having read of the work done and the ground covered, will wish that they
too could go through the course!
British locomotive types. 6th edition.
When bringing out the latest edition of this well-known and useful
book of dimensions and diagrams the publishers took the opportunity to add
details of new types, notably the 1000 class of the G.W.R., the converted
Royal Scot class of the L.M.S.R., the A1 and A2/1 classes of the L.N.E.R.,
and the West Country class of the Southern Railway. At the same time alterations
which have taken place in some of the engines previously included have been
noted. There are particulars of 140 locomotives in this book which is now
cloth bound.
Sectioned perspective view of cylinders and motion.
This is a reprint from the Railway Gazette of a folding plate
showing the cylinders and motion of an L.M.S. class 5 4-6-0 locomotive. The
general style is similar to that of 'the 4-6-2 drawings
Universal directory of railway officials and
railway year book, 1946-1947.
In consequence of a partial return to .peace-time conditions the latest
edition of this comprehensive directory and book of reference has been subjected
to far greater revision of its contents than was possible during the previous
six years. This work is. now in its 52nd year and there is no doubt that
the present edition will prove as valuable as its predecessors. In the scope
of just over 500pages those responsible for its compilation have succeeded
in condensing most comprehensive particulars of railways and their officials,
throughout the world. By no means the least valuable feature.of this useful
book is the system of indexing employed which contributes considerably to
ready reference.
The Railway Handbook , 1946-1947.
With a return to more normal conditions this handbook includes
considerable material which has not been available for some years. . A new
featureand one which is included as a matter of record and not for
perpetuationis a summary of damage, etc., caused to British Railways
by enemy action. This is not by any means the only new feature in this book
which will deservedly find a place on the bookshelf of many of those interested
generally in railways.
L.N.E.R. renumbering. Quadrant Publications,
Ltd., Huddersfield.
With the complete renumbering .of the L.N .E. locornotives it is often
difficult to identify the original engme With the numbers now being allocated.
Under these circumstances, this booklet is very welcome. By an elaborate
series of tables it is possible to find the engine class of any particular
number and to trace the old number of any renumbered engine and vice versa.
In addition to the numbers, a list of the named engmes and a list of the
classes is included .
Dunlop in war and peace, Sir Ronald Storrs,
K.C.M.G., C.B.E., with a Preface by Sir J. George Beharrell, D.S.O.
Like other great industrial organistions Dunlop was suddenly called
upon to turn its energies, enterprises and ingenuities from the purposes
of peace to those of war. The story of this amazing transformation and all
that it represented in the war effort is vividly described by Sir Ronald
Storrs the well-known authority on the Middle East. He traces the history
of Dunlop from its earliest days, which in itself is a fascinating story
of industrial enterprise and descnbes the miraculous changes that had to
be made to meet the ever-exacting demands for every kind of war
Positex, a new form of natural rubber latex with reversed charge. by C.M. Blow, Ph. D. The British Rubber Development Board, 19, Fenchurch Street. London, E.C·3 . .
Kutern, high speed machining copper. A material possessing the properties of copper but capable of much quicker and easier machining to a fine surface finish. Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd.
Guide to juvenile employment on the main line
A sixteen page booklet designed to give a brief outline of the scope
and conditions of employment for boys and girls on the main line railways
of Great Britain with notes on prospects for those who make railway transport
their career, the railways have just issued a helpful and useful pamphlet
with up to date rates of pay and many other particulars,
Four new leaflets have just been published by the Timber Development Association. in their Timber Information Series. The titles are as fo11ows:- No. 21 T.D.A s Library Service; No. 22 Structure of a Softwood; No. 23 Structure of a Hardwood; No. 24 Wood Waste Magic. Copies of these can be obtained free of charge from the Timber Development Association, Limited
Issue No. 654 (15 February 1947)
L.M.S. Standard Types .15
Editorial presunavbly based on LMS press release. The Chief Mechanical
Engineer's Department of the L.M.S. has recently made an interesting announcement
on the subject of locomotive standardisation. The old idea that numerous
designs were necessary to cover the re- quirements of varying services and
routes was proved incorrect by the interchange which took place followmg
grouping and modern development in design has greatly extended the scope
of those types recently constructed. The advantage of t his development lies
in the possibility of making se of the high in-built availability of the
modern locomotive :by enabling it to take its turn on varying classes of
'traffic so as to attain. a high annual mileage over which to spread its
capital and maintenance costs.
Since grouping the L.M.S. has built. new loco- motives to a strictly limited
number of basic types, but stagnation in development has been avoided by
introducing successrve modernised versions of these basic types, in which
were in- corporated the latest improvements as they became available. '
Today, eleven locomotive types can cover the whole of the traffic requirements
on the L.M.S.R. The types selected are as follows:- 4-6-2 (non-streamlined)
4-cyliinder passenger, Class 7; 4-6-0 Royal Scot) 3-cylinder passenger, Class
6; 4-6-0 2-cylinder mixed traffic, Class 5; 2-8-0; 2-cyhnder freight, Class
8; 2-6-0 2-cylmder freight, Class 4 (this engine is being designed and has
yet to he built); 2-6-0 2-cylinder freight; Class 2; 2-6-4 tank 2-cylinder
mixed traffic, Class 4; 2-6-2 tank 2-cylinder mixed traffic, class 2; 0-6-0
tank 2- cylinder freight; Class 3; 0-6-0 tank 2-cylinder freight, Class 2
;and 0-6-0 Diesel shunting locomotive.
It will be moticed that the 0-6-0 tender locomotive, for many decades the
ubiquitous maid-of-all-work, is at long last doomed so far as the L.M.S.
is concerned.
Two of these standard engines, viz. the Class 2 tender and the 2-6-2 tank
locomotive, are new designs referred to on other pages andapart from
their technical featuresare of added interest in that. it has not been
the practice of British Railways to design and build new types for secondary
services; previously the practice has been to employ either old engines or
alternatively new ones built to an old design. The new L.M.S. locomotives,
however, although of small size and light weight, incorporate every modern
development which has been found successful on main line types. It is dearly
desirable that secondary service locomotives, equally with main line ones,
should be capable of the highest attainable mileage per annum and between
repairs, that they should be quickly and easily serviced at sheds, and that
they should be economical to run. Since their prospective life may be over
30 years they should also be capable of good acceleration and relatively
high maximum speed so as to be able to meet. any future speeding up in branch
line services. These requirements cannot be fulfilled by locomotives built
to designs of 20 or more years ago and a. further factor influencing the
L.M.S. was. the fact that a considerable number of Class 2 engines of old
design would have fallen due for scrapping in the years 1939 to 1945 had
the war not rendered their retention necessary. They are now gradually being
withdrawn as their condition warrants and their places taken by the new
Their Majesties' Tour South Africa. 15.
The Royal train to be hauled by Beyer-Garratt locomotives over the
Rhodesian Railways.
L.M.S. 15
Mr. C.E. Collins appointed Assistant Works Superintendent C.M.E's
Department, Earlstown . Mr. G.E. Wilson succeeds the late Mr. W. Darcy at
the Scientific Research Department, Crewe.
New locomotives in service were:- 2-6-4 Tank Class ·4P (built at Derby):
Nos. 2259 to 2264; 2-6-2 Tank Class 2P (new design, built at Crewe): Nos.
1200 to 1209; 4-6-0 Class 5 Mixed Traffic (built at Horwich): Nos. 4988 to
4991; 2-6-0 Freight Tender Class 2F (new design. built at Crewe): Nos. 6400
to 6409.
The following engines have been withdrawn 4-6-0 Class 4P: No. 14760
(Caledonian, former. Highand Railway "River" class. Class becomes extinct
with withdrawal of No. 14760); 4-4-0 Class 2P: No. 14340 (Caledonian
"Dunalastair" III class); 2-4-2 Class 2PT: Nos. 10722, 10825 (L. & Y.R.);
2-4-2 Class IPT: No. 6722 (L. & N.W.R.); 0-4-4 Class lPT: No. 1428 (Midland);
0-8-0 Class 6F: No. 12723 (L. & Y.R.); 0-6-0 Class 3F: Nos. 3467 (Midland),
12394_ (L. & Y.R.), 17700, 17704 (Highland); 0-6-0 Class 2F: Nos. 3131,
3519, 36]6, 22916, 22930, 22943 (Midland); 0-R-4 Class 7FT: No. 7941 (L.
& N.W.R.); 0-6-0 Class 1FT: Nos. 1700, 1850 (Midland).
G.W.R. 15
The last two timber viaducts on the G.W.R. system, Dare and Gamlyn,
designed bv I.K. Brunel were being dismantled.
L.N.E.R. appointments. 15
Mr. G.C. Gold appointed Mechanical Engineer, Stratford, following
the death of Mr. F.W. Carr, and Mr. G. Caster succeeded Mr. Gold at Gorton.
Mr. F.H. Petty appointed Assistant Locomotive Running Superintendant, North
Eastern Area.
New L.M.S. locomotives. 16-17. illustration, diagram. (side &
front. elevationss.)
Ivatt Class 2 2-6-2T: No. 1200 illustrated
Steel plate welded axlebox. 17
G.V.O. Bulkley. Some considerations regarding locos,
for colonial railways. 20-3.
Bulkley had wide experience of African railways and was latterly managed
the Nigerian transport system, having deen chief mechanical engineerb of
the Nigerian Railways. Most of what follows are extracts from an arttice.
For the smaller railways, two classes should suffice. One, a development
of the 4-8-0 tender engines which were served out to all colonial railways
prior to 1920, and the other a 4-6-0 tank. The 4-8-0 tender engine under
modernised, superheated design is capable of considerable development. Assuming
an axleload of 13½ tons the starting tractive force would be 31,500
lb. and the adhesion factor 3.85. For 80 lb. track and an axleload of 17½
tons and 20in x 29in cylinders starting T.F. would then be 40,000 lb. and
adhesion factor 3.95. (The axleloads assume close-sleepered track with double
sleepering at joints). Such 4-8-0 engines, fitted with the largest boilers
practicable, 10in and 12in piston valves with 6in travel and twin
blast-pipes-should give a very good and economical account of themselves.
The larger colonial railways should be able to handle their traffic expeditiously
and economically with not more than 3 locomotive classes. These would vary
with the extent of the railway and the weight distribution of its track.
Assuming 80 lb. rails from the seaport mergiog into 60 lb. at a point inland,
the following are suggested:-
(i) A 4-8-4 + 4-8-4 Garratt ; cylinders 16in x 28in; for hauling seasonal
heavy export traffic and shopped during the slack season.
(ii) A 4-6-2 + 2-6-4 Garratt; cylinders 14in x 28in; for through passenger
train haulage and for freight haulage during the slack export season.
(iii) A 4-6-0 tender, or 4-6-4 tank; cy1inders 16in x 28in ; for passenger
and freight hauls of lesser mileage.
With 220 lb. boiler pressure and 4ft 6in wheels standard for all three classes,
the two cylinder sizes should suffice. Rodding and valve motions (6in valve
tr:avel) might also be standardised for all three engines, the rather heavier
than necessary roddjng for the smaller Garratt being carefully cross-balanced.
Piston valves 8½in and 9½ in diameter respectively.
Corresponding starting T.F's at 85% BP would be (i) 49,684 lb.; (ii) 38,.008
lb.; and (iii) 24,822 lb.
In regard to No. (ii): 8-coupled should not be used unless 6-coupled has
to be definitely discarded. The new Garratts on the Rhodesian Railway are
6-coupled and achieve a starting T.F. of 40,000 lb. with 4' 9" wheels,
The cylinder stroke-diameter ratio may seem large m the case of engine No.
(ii), but a most successful class of twenty 6-coupled Garratt engmes has
been working on the Nigerian Railway since 1936 having cylinders 12¾in
x 26in, wheels 4ft 0in and boiler pressure 225 lb.; T.F. at 85% BP is 33,400
lb. at starting. These engines have to work over 45 lb., 60 lb. and 80 lb.
track in through running. In the words of the war-time G.M. they have been
"giving yeoman service.
It is of interest to note that Stephensou's Rocket had the same
stroke-diameter ratio. It was felt that if George could use it successfully
with the low pressures and saturated steam of those days; then with high
pressure steam and superheat, combined with a high piston speed, it should
give good results todayas it has done.
Looking back, it seems somewhat strange that past C.M.E's of colonial railways
should have been so shy of cylinder stroke. The extra leverage afforded costs
little in relation to its desirable effect at the drawbar, while the longer
cylinder enables steam to be used more expansively. G.J. Churchward' s express
engines on the Great Westerm Railway, having a 30in. stroke, still skim the
rails and Hawksworth has used the same stroke for his new 1000-class.
In the U.S.A. a 32in stroke is common.
In regard to boilers: because the driver of an engine will be a black or
brown-skinned mechanic there is no reason at all for boiler pressures on
colonial railways to stand still at those of the gay nineties. It is suggested
that 220 lb., superheated, is a suitable pressure to adopt.
Public money being expended on colonial railway equipment, there is, no doubt,
a tendency to add proprietory fittings to new locomotives; but it is really
important for these engines to be as simple as possible. Were this the general
rule, works managers and store keepers at colonial railway workshops would
sing a te deum. The following suggestions bear this important point
in mind.
Boilers should always be the largest that the axleloading and structural
gauge will allow and should have ample steam space under all conditions of
gradient. Large diameter longitudinal water-tubes supporting the brick-arch
sensibly improve ciroulation and are easily cleaned. It seems doubtful whether
there is any solid advantage in the supenheater header type of multi-valve
regulator over a simpler arrangement; e.g. that used on the G.W.R. where
the boiler dome is omitted and a flat-seat regulator valve located in the
smoke-box immediately above the superheater header.
Twin blast-pipes produce a drawbar advantage by preventing the cross-over
of exhausts at mid-stroke with consequent back-pressure at the point of maximum
turning effort. The elliptical chimney required with twin blast-pipes also
allows the products of combustion to. be ejected at a lowered velocity and
consequent further reduction of back pressure. (Tests have shown that twin
chimneys offer no advantage over the one elliptical ane).
For reciprocating valve gear: either the Walschaerts or Baker external design
are simple substantial mechanisms requiring a minimum of adjustment and
maintenance. Freak valve gears should be avoided. Long valve travel is, all-
important and can be readily afforded with the Walschaerts gear by utilising
a link of sufficient length to give what is required without swing through
an arc of more than 45°, and less if possible. A greater angle of swing
is likely to produce abnormal slippage of the die; while excessive swing
will tend to jam it at long cut-offs and buckle the radius rod. 7" travel
is generally recognised as the limit with Walschaerts gear. The Baker gear
allows of a longer travel than this.
To start a train at all crank angles, it has been found necessary to. have
a cut-off as late as 88% and for valve lap plus lead to be not more than
19% of the valve travel. Port opening at 25% cut-off should be as nearly
as passible 40% of pis tan area to allow a free steam flow. . The great
importance of steam distribution warrants all valve gear designs to be laid
off full-size in the drawing office far each 57deg; of crank angle; or an
adjustable model made. Indicator cards taken at various cut-off positions
of the reversing gear while piston valve engines are drifting without steam
have shown that at the 45% cut-off position neither pressure nor vacuum is
created and the effects of carbon deposit thereby minimised. It is suggested
that engines should have a dearly marked cut-off indicator of generous size
fixed on the back of the firebox in front of the driver; the 45% cut-off
point being distinctly unarked in red, together with a large type instruction
plate telling drivers to. put their gear into 45% when drifting without steam.
In the foregoing it will have been noticed that larger piston valves than
are usual for the cylinder diameters are advocated for the engines suggested
as suitable for colonial railways. The same generous diameters should be
extended to. steam pipes and exhaust passages. The locomotives of colonial
railways necessarily have small driving wheels and high piston speeds result.
There seems little doubt but that, in the past, potential power has been
locked up in the bailers which could not get into the cylinders. The wise
dictum of the late Mr. Ivatt of the Great Northern Railway that cylinders
must be kept full of steam is fundamental, and the in and out flows af steam
can with advantage be carried through areas in excess of what appear to be
Cylinder and steam chest lubrication fed via the steam pipe's should not
anly be constant while engines are running both with steam and when drifting,
but should also enable ail to be fed to. the valve and piston faces when
engine has been standing and before it is moved. Mechanical lubrication,
while positive, has the defect that the oil is not steam-atomised when the
engine is drifting and is therefore likely to deposit oil in a burned corsdition
; also that it does not supply initial lubrication prior to starting.
A simple system of sight-feed lubrication fed by carrier steam into. each
steampipe provides a steam-atomised spray under all engine conditions. By
being automatically brought into operation from the movement of the regulator
handle, a short space of "dead" movement from the closed position allows
lubrication to. commence prior to. the regulator valve opening, thus provid-
ing steam-atomised lubrication bath prior to starting and when engine is
drifting withouj steam. A positive safeguard keeps the system in operation
while drifting by the automatic action of a small cylinder whose piston is
held in the open position by vacuum or compressed air from the ,brake system.
This system of cylinder and steam-chest lubrication, while positive, has
the advantage of requiring no. moving mechanism. Mast colonial railway trains
stir up clouds of dust and grit during a part of the year. Axle- box and
ham faces, and slide-rod knuckle pins often give C.M.E's a constant headache.
By pegging and edge welding thin sheets of man- ganese steel to both horn
and axle-box faces, continuous lubrication should become of secondary importance
and no trouble experienced. Far side-rod knuckle pions, the double-cone type
gives least trouble. It would be well were slide-bars protected by being
as entirely enclosed as possible.
Tender and carrying wheels (loco and rolling stack) should be solid or have
their spokes filled in with wood as open spokes seem to have a pumping effect
an dust. Hot boxes are always an anxiety, especially when packing has to
be done by Native staff. The Isothermos axlebox is a sure cure but expensive.
It has seemed that far rolling stock it would be worth while to experiment
with a double ring-oiled box. Roller bearings for locomotive bogie and carrying-
wheels have long passed the experimental stage and can well become standard.
They give no trouble and their use eliminates that amount of daily lubrication
Locomotive front-end design calls for great initial care in design. Having
ensured the greatest possible freedom to the ingress and egress of steam
to and from the cylinders, the blast-pipe becomes the point af importance.
The Kiescl star shaped blast-pipe tip might well be standardised as tests
have shown that it exercises a sensiblv beneficial effect an cylinder
back-pressure .ani[ draw-bar pull superior to. those from a circular orifice
with Gaodfellaw tips.
The blast-pipe tip should be as far below the centre line of the boiler as
practicable. From tip (diameter T for circular orifice) up to chimney choke
diameter (D), the distance is given by a formula [not rerproduced]
Finally; locomotive cabs and fittings should always be arranged bearing in
mind conditions of tropical heat. Roof draught ventilation (with- out grit)
and side openings with sun screening are important. 'Windows should have
visors: also polarised glass is now available. Sight-feed lubricator blocks
should not be placed right in front of the enginemen's faces when looking
out ahead. The steam-fountain (or turret) should be placed on the top of
the boiler outside the cab with the controls projecting into it. The steam
reverse lever is best placed sufficiently high from floor level to be reached
conveniently when standing or when seated on a raised seat with step
See also letters from K.N. Harris on page77.
Conversion from coal to oil burning. 23
Having referred in an editorial article to the principle of oil burning,.
we now propose to deal with some of the practical considerations.
The Great Western Railway propose to alter 172 locomotives, comprised as
follows; 63 2-8-0 class 28xx; 84 4-6-0 Hall class; 25 4-6-0 Castle class.
These are in addition to the 44 engines (25 Castles, 1 Hall and 18 2-8-0
tender and tank) already converted under the Company's own scheme to which
reference has already been made in The Locomotive -vide page 178, VOIl. LI.
Fuel depots are to be installed at Old Oak Common, Reading, Didcot, Swindon,
Bristol (Bath Road), Bristol (St. Philip's Marsh), Newton Abbott, Newport
(Ebbw Junction), Cardiff, Landore, Gloucester Westbury, Banbury and Plymouth
(Laira). These installations are in addition to those already existing at
Llanelly and Severn Tunnel Junction. The work is being pressed forward as
materials become available.
The L.M.S.R. intend converting 485 engines, those selected being: Class 5
4-6-0 mixed traffic .); class 4 0-6-0 16; class 7 0-8-0 175; class 7 2-8-0
11; class 8 2-8-0 245; 2-6-6-2 Garratt 33. The work is being carried out
at Crewe, Derby and Horwich. The engines concerned will be eployed on heavy
freight duties and fuelling facilities will be available at Ciricklewood,
Willesden, Bletchley, Northampton, Nuneaton, Crewe (South), Shrewsbury, Bath,
Wellingborough, Toton , Nottingham, Kirkby, Westhouses, Staveley, Hasland,
Leeds, Norrnanton, Wakefield, Rose Grove, Mirfield, Farnley Junction, Newton
Heath,. Aintree, Lostock Hall, Swansea and Carlisle (Kingmoor).
The L. N. E. R. programme covers 450 locomotives made up of Ministry of Supply
and class O1.O2 and O4 2-8-0s; J39 0-6-0s; K3 2-6-0s and Q6 0-8-0s. The numbers
of each type are still to be confirmed. Oil depots will be at Heaton, Newport,
York, Carlisle, St. Margaret's, Temple Mills, Doncaster, March, Peterborough,
Hornsey, Annesley, Colwick, Woodford and at each main Works.
The Southern scheme provides for the alteration of 110 engines consisting
of 20 West Country class; 16 N15 and H15 classes; 34 N and U classes; 10
D15 and 30 L11 and T9 classes. The work of conversion will be carried
out at Eastleigh and Ashford. Oil storage facilities are to be provided at
Eastleigh, Exeter and Portsmouth.
The London Passenger Transport Board has decided to convert Neasden ,generating
station to oil firing and has commenced the work involved. Neasden has 6
pulverised fuel boilers, the first of which was due for conversion to oil
burning before the end of 1946. The remaining five will follow and will be
completed in not less than 18 months. It is estimated that when all these
boilers are converted they will consume some 45,000 tons. of oil a year.
When the scheme is complete oil will be delivered from Purfleet in trains
of twenty 10 ton tanks and each train load will be transferred, in approximately
8 hours, into two 1,600 ton storage tanks when full these will contain 4-5
weeks' supply.
The Ministry of Supplv is providing all the necessary equipment for the
conversion of locomotives and has placed an order with The North British
Locomotive Co. Ltd., for 1,192 sets of equipment including firepans, brickwork,
fire-doors, manifolds, steam and oil piping, valves, etc. In addition 715
oil tanks complete with heaters have been ordered from that Company, others
will be supplied by Dockyards and Royal Ordnance Factories.
The President of the L.M.S.R. has recently stated that the cost of converting
the 485 engines to be altered by his Company will be in the region of
The burning of oil in this country is not a new departure, as our readers
will be well aware, in fact much pioneering was done here by Holden on the
Great Eastern Railway. Later others tried oil but rather bv way of a temporary
expedient. The Great Western were first in the field in this new conversion
scheme and they have rendered invaluable assistance by their conventional
enterpriseto which tribute has been paid by the Minister of Fuel amongst
others, Through the kindness of that Company, in a forthcoming issue we will
describe and illustrate the apparatus used.
McEwan, James. Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. 24-5.
(Continued from Page 184, Vol. LII).
McIntosh added further engines of this class to the stock up until 1897,
the greater number being for passenger workings and fitted goods. There were
five engines 'Of the class built in 1896 which did not however correspond
in all respects to the standard passenger en.gine. In these engines the boiler
was unaltered but condensing apparatus was fitted for the working of traffic
through the Low Level lines of the Glasgow Central Railway which were located
mainly in tunnels below the streets of Glasgow. These engines had heavier
framing and were at one period noticeable from the fact that their safety
valves were slightly nearer to the dome than with the other engines. Pumps
driven from the eccentric pulley were first tried but were soon abandoned
in favour of the boiler feed pump driven by steam. The exhaust steam was
diverted through the piping placed on each side of the boiler barrel by a
"T" valve attached to the blast orifice. The piping on reaching the cab front
sheet was dropped at an angle of about 45 degrees below the engine footrplate
and there joined a short horizontal pipe connecting the engine outlet to
the tender pipes. The rpirpe rose from the front of the tender at an angle
of about 45 degrees and followed the line of the tank top to the back of
the coal space where it was carried down to the bottom of the water tank
for discharge amongst the tank water and to he condensed by the water although
this did not always happen particularly when the tank water was getting warmed
up by the latent heat from earlier condensing attempts. These five engines
were heavier than any of the others and the weight 'in road order was 42
tons 4 cwt. The condensing apparatus was generally out of use from about
1906 but some drivers persevered with it for some time afterwards whilst
others had abandoned all attempts at the impossibility of condensing prior
to 1906. The men on the run between Maryhill and Rutherglen had the hardest
joib for their entire trip was spent in the tunnels except for a short spell
at either end, whereas those on the Airdrie and Balloch runs had an orpportumty
to get their feed water cooled at either end of the run and long enough before
reaching a tunnel to get the best results from the apparatus, The copper
pipes disappeared from the engines between 1922 and 1924.
The class is too large for the individual dates of rebuilding to be gone
into in detail and at present new and reconditioned boilers are still being
fitted so that the information would be out of date at the time of going
to print. In general the class was rebuilt with boilers similar to the Lambie
pattern up to 1916 (ca). About 1906 McIntosh tried out on one or two of the
engines a lock-up tyrpe of safety valve, but this does not aprpear to have
lasted on the engines for long.
With the coming of Pickersgill in 1914 to the position of Locomotive
Superintendent the clack boxes were removed from the boiler barrel and the
injector placed on the hack plate of the boiler. In 1923 a further alteration
to the appearance o[ the boiler was the use of Pop safety valves which type
of boiler remained standard for the class in L.M.S. ownership excepting that
the Midland type of flooding injector (with internal delivery) was used in
most renewals in place of the C. R. tyrpe from 1926. The abandonment of the
older policy of keeping the same boiler cm the engine made some very interesting
alterations appear in course. No. 17408 went to Inverness for an overhaul
in 1929 and whilst there was given a Drummond boiler with the safety valves
on the dome. When the engine returned home it was painted the standard black
with the addition of red lining out of the boiler bands and the tender panel.
The crews kept the engines so well polished that they wore the lining oft
eventually. Other old Drummond boilers appeared on goods engines and these
had Pop safety valves substituted for the old Ramsbottorn pattern.
For historical record mention should be made of two very uruque boilers which
appeared in L.M.S. days. No. 17467 had in 1 !:J34 a boi.ler with Drummond
injectors and "Pop" safety valves over the firebox. No. 17473 when running
in 1937 had a new boiler with the flat topped dome on the boiler barrel and
Rarnsbottom type safety valves which had been substituted for .. Pops" carried
In the months of June amd July, 1894, there was severe unemployment amongst
the Scottish miners owing to the scarcity of orders and this affected the
Caledonian Railway considerably. Almost 160 engines were laid off on the
Caledoniar (the N .B. had to layoff about 100) and in all probability this
was the reason for the finishirug off of all further engines as passenger
fitted and with theWestinghouse brake so that they could be used on any type
of work as the necessity arose. From 1900 all the passenger engines of the
18 inch goods class were given larger slide valves and altered valve travel,
About the year 1890 the Great North of Scotland Railway was considering the
use of a six-coupled goods engine for working on the Moray Firth Coast line
and had on doan either one of two ·of the engines of this class. The
engines ran a number of turns very successfully but it was decided that the
line was most unsuitable for the use of a six-coupled engine in view of the
great number of curves, some of which were very tight. Some forty years later
the line along the Moray Firth with very little alteration was carrying the
L.N.E. Rly. B12 class of 4-6-0. Duringt the World War of 1914-1918 the Caledonian
Railway lent twenty-five engines of this class to the Government for use
in. France. The engines left in 1917 at the time the Military Authorities
found that the French lines were incapable of supplying their own requirements
of locomotives and vehicles. The transfer of these engines was to be a stop
gap until the makers in Britain could undertake the Military Authorities
locomotive programme, the bulk of which was for the Great Central type 2-8-0
tender engine. The engines lent were:-
CR No. | WD No. | Left 1917 | Returned 1919 |
259 | 259 |
Nov. |
May |
260 | 260 |
Nov. |
June |
294 | 294 |
Nov. |
June |
310 | 310 |
Oct. |
July |
315 | 315 |
Oct. |
July |
318 | nk |
Nov. |
June |
319 | nk |
Nov. |
Oct. |
323 | nk |
Nov. |
? |
335 | 335 |
Oct. |
Aug. |
337 | 337 |
Sept. |
June |
365 | 365 |
Nov. |
Sept. |
367 | 367 |
Oct. |
June |
374 | nk |
Oct. |
Aug. |
403 | 403 |
Nov. |
June |
517 | nk |
Sept. |
Oct. |
548 | 548 |
Nov. |
July |
549 | 549 |
Nov. |
July |
553 | 553 |
? |
? |
558 | 558 |
? |
Aug. |
680 | 5680 |
Sept. |
Sept. |
682 | 5682 |
Nov. |
July |
703 | 5703 |
? |
? |
705 | 5705 |
Nov. |
Aug. |
707 | 5707 |
? |
? |
708 | 5708 |
Nov. |
? |
nk= Not known, probably same as C.R. Co.
When these engines were returned to the Caledonian Railway they were put
on to the duplicate list with their former numbers increased by 1000. (To
be continued).
R. Opie. Locomotive power, performance an rating.
26-9. 3 tables
Issue Number 655 (15 March)
G.W.R. 2,500 h.p. gas turbine-electric locomotive. 31.
Being designed and constructed by Brown, Boveri & Co., Ltd., of
Baden, Switzerland, for the GWR. A similar but somewhat smaller capacity
locomotive, built by the same firm about five years ago for the Swiss Federal
Railway, was described in The Locomotive, 52, page 26.
This technical achievement aroused considerable interest around the world,
as it was the first time this new form of engine was adopted for traction
work. The locomotive is carried on two six-wheel bogies, the outer axles
of each bogie being driven by series type D.C. motors completely suspended
to reduce the unsprumg weight to a bare minimum. Compared with a highly efficient
express steam locomotive, such as those being used on the Great Western line,.
the fuel consumption of the gas turbine-electric locomotive will be less
than half for equal work done.
G.W.R.. 31.
Following new engines put into service: 4-6-0 No. 1020 County of
Monmouth; No. 1021 County of Montgomery; No. 1022 County of
Northampton; 0-6-0 No. 3209; and 0-6-0T Nos. 9652 to 9661.
Engines recently withdrawn: 0-6-0 No. 2362; 0-6-0T Nos. 1722, 1761, 1794,
1763, 1866, 1882 (Neath and Brecon); 4-4-0 No. 3553 Pershore
L.N.E.R. Appointments. 31.
Mr. T. Matthewson-Dick Technical Assistant to the Locomotive Running
Superintendent, North Eastern Area, has been appointed District Locomotive
Superintendent, York, Mr. J. J. Finlayson, Assistant Works Manager, Cowlairs,
has been appointed Locomotive Works Manager, Gorton, in succession to Mr.
G. Caster; Mr. R.L. Vereker, Locomotive Shed Master at Mexborough, had been
appointed District Locomotive Superintendent, Ardsley.
British Railways, Facts and Figures. 31.
Issued by the Main Line Railways and London Transport contains interesting
facts about the Railways and the Board, their equipment, traffic and special
Conversion of "Patriot" 5X class, L.M.S.R. 32.
States that conversion of 18 authorised in first instance: No. 5530
Sir Frank Ree illustrated.
Jet propelled locomotives. 32
The adage that there is nothing new under the sun is largely applicable
to locomotives; the germ of many a modern trend is to be found in early patent
specificationsat the moment two are of particular interest in the light
of recent announcements.
In 1868 J. Robertson took out a patent (No. 3416) for a locomotive "to be
propelled by the reaction of jets or currents of steam, air and furnace gases."
Apparently the locomotive was in its turn expected to propel the train otherwise
the plight of the occupants of the first carriage would have been a dire
A much more practical proposition was D. Greig's idea,protected by patent
No. 2791 of 1876. This was for a locomotive having the axles each driven
by a three cylinder engine connected to cranks at 120°. The cylinders
were what today would be termed nose-suspended and apparently the whole worked
in an oil-bath as it was wholly enclosed.
New corridor composite carriages, L.M.S.R. 33.
60 ft long and 9 ft wide. Seating 18 first and 24 second class passengers
with rubber sprung buffers and rubber pads between underframe and timber
floor. Built at Wolverton Works.
Loco modernisatiion on the Great Indian Peninsular Railway. 33-6.
2 illustrations, 3 diagrams.
D/4 class delivered from Vulcan Foundry in 1922: No. 411 was selected
for new boiler and cylinders and redesign of front end on Chapelon principles
including Kylchap blast pipe and chimney
Conversion from coal to oil burning. 36-8. 2
GWR modifications to tender and firebox as instigated by F.W.
Hickey, T.M. N.S. Wales express trains: "The Fish". 39-41.
Footplate trip from Sydney to Mount Victoria on heavy commuter train
and return with morning train with Driver Townsend on his last run before
retirement on a C36 4-6-0..
L.M.S. 41
Thirty-three standard 4-6-2 pxpress passenger locomotives were to
be equipped with self-cleaning smokeboxes, hopper ashpans and rocking grates.
Three hundred and sixty-six express passenger locomotives, comprising the
whole of Power Classes 7P, 6P and 5XP, were to be fitted with speed-indicators.
New locomotives in service are: 2-6-4 Tank Class 4P (built at Derby): Nos.
2265, 2266 and 2267; 4-6-0 Class 5 Mixed Traffic (built at Horwich): Nos.
4992, 4993 and 4994; 2-6-0 Class 2F Freight (built at Crewe): Nos. 6410 and
The following engines had been withdrawn: 4-4-0 Class 3P: No. 25304
Greyhound (LNWR. Precursor class ) and No. 775 (Midland); 0-6-2 Class
2PT No. 6870 (LNWR.); 2-4-2 Class 2PT: Nos. 10669 and 10719 (L.Y.R.); 0-6-0
Class 3F: No. 3794 (Midland), Nos. 12105, 12128, 12463, 12605 (L.Y.R.), Class
2F No. 3434 (Midland); 0-6-2 Class 2FT: Nos. 7722, 27555, 27558, 27666 (L.N.W.);
0-6-0 Class 1FT; No. 1884 (Midland) .
During 1946, 129 locomotives were constructed; 482 new passenger-carrying
vehicles were also completed (15 of them by outside contractors)an
increase of 137 per cent. on the 1945 ontput.
5,753 new wagons were built in the shops including 572 all-steel 16-ton mineral
wagons of a new design. A new plant for this tvpe of wagon was erected at
Derby and was now in full production.
Stewart, W.W. The Takapuna Steam Railway, Auckland, New Zealand. 42-3.
2 illustrations, map.
4ft 8½ inch gauge street tramway designed to connect with ferry
from City of Auchland with a line from Bayswarer to Lake Takapuna. Line opened
on 22 December 1910. Three tramway locomotives supplied by Kerr Stuart: WN
1096/1909; 1137/1909 and 1216/1911; these were numbered 1-3 and first-two
named Waitemata and Bayswater, These were totally enclosed
2-4-2Ts. These were joined by a Baldwin 0-4-0ST WN 37168 of class 418 C96
and became No. 4. Two further Baldwin's were supplied in 1919: WN 52128 and
H. Hilton. White Horse of Kent.
Reproduced in full below:
As this subject has aroused interest no excuse is necessary for again referring
to it because the writer believes that the builders of this notable engine
can now be determined. To avoid recapitulation reference should be made to
" The Locomotive," Vol. 50, pp. 53 and 194.
Messrs. Robert Stephenson & Hawthorns Ltd., state that after the order
for the 2nd White Horse of Kent "their records are silent and they
are unable to confirm that this engine was constructed in the works of another
After a careful scrutiny of Warren's "A
Century of locomotive
building," and Starbuck's 750 letters, it is possible to arrive at
a reasonable conclusion from the following facts. The replace engine bore
Robert Stephensori's plate No. 435 and it is not mentioned in any other builders'
Warren states on page 94, 13th October, 1841: " Cook writes to Edward Pease
within the last 6 months' We have gradually discharged about 50 handsthe
number of engines for which we now have orders being 38but I may mention
that we have up to this time' in the present year finished amd sent away
31 engines, and that ere its dose, we calculate upon the despatch of 6 or
7 more.' "
These figures confirm the yearly output of the works to be 38 engines, or
at the rate of 1 engine about every 9 days with a reduced staff.
On page 97: "11 th December, 1843, Cook writes to Edward Pease, 'although
we are now unfortunately working short handed-yet I am pleased to say that
in addition to 3 engines we have in hand for Yarmouth and 2 for the North
Midland, we have a contract for 15 for the Marseilles Avignon linewhich
we have reason to expect will be increased to 20but they do not come
into operation just yet.' "
" 13th February,. 1844, Cook writes to Joseph Pease, ' I am happy to say
we are becoming more actively employed and since the 1st January we have
orders for 5 engines (1 for the Croydon & Dover, 2 for Holland and 2
for Silesia) and shall immediately have an order for 6 more for the Yarmouth
& Norwich' " afterwards increased to 10 but not required to be delivered
until June the following year).
The output at the beginning of 1844 being at the rate of 1 engine every 9
days the number of engines on order at 14th March when the 2nd W.H. of K.
was ordered would be 26, less the 9 which had been delivered since Cook wrote
on 11 th December, a total of 17 engines including the replace engine or
roughly 22 weeks' work.
The replace engine left the works early in the followmg September or 25 weeks
after the order, a date which agrees with the output.
From these statements there appears to be no reason to suggest this engine
or any other should have been sub-let to contractors during the relevant
period, March to August, 1844.
Now comes the most amazing statement of Warren. On page 373 when describing
the Gauge Experiments he writes: "The champions of the broad gauge appreciating
the unsuitability of the long boilered engme for higher speeds at which they
were aiming', made full use of such arguments as they could obtain from the
bad behaviour of a particular engine, the White Horse of Kent, which had
single driving wheels and outside cylinders, and although not built by Robert
Stephenson ,& Co., was one of their long-boiler designs, being one of
many engines of this type built by other makers to their drawings."
So after 79 years the engine as it were is disinherited, treated as the had
boy of a large and successful family without justification.
The late Mr. Dendy Marshall informed the writer that the late Mr. Ahrons
[The British Steam
Railway Locomotive 1825-1925 page 55] was mistaken in attributing
the building of the engine to Nasmyth & Co., and that when he and the
late Mr. A. C. W. Lowe were compiling the "History of the S.R. Locomotives"
[Dendy Marshall's History of
the Southern Railway] in they were unable to decide who built the
Unfortunately they did not have access to the Starbuck letters [KPJ nor do
Presentation to L.M.S. loco. No. 5739 "Ulster". 44-5.
Plaques presented by the Ulster Branch of the Overseas League unveiled
at Euston on 31 January 1947 by Lady Brook, wife of Sir Basil Brook, Prime
Minister of Northern Ireland in the presence of Sir William Wood, President
of the LMS and several directors: Sir Robert Burrows, Chairman, and Lord
Aldenham, Evans Bevan, Francis M, Glyn, Sir Murray Stephen and Lord Woolton,
Penychain Holiday Camp. 45.
LMS improvements included lengthening the crossing-loops at Dinas
Junction, Brynkir and Llangybi to enable ten-coach trains to be worked between
Caernarvon and Afon Wen. The GWR doubled the section between Afon Wen and
Penychain (renamed for Pwllheli Holiday Camp.
Personal. 45.
Edgar Alcock's 70th birthday: brief biography which ipso facto
gives his birth date; also much information about state of Hunslet Engine
Locomotives for mines: 100 b.h.p. flameproof diesel design for main haulageways. 45-6. illus.
Hunslet Engine Co. with six coupled wheels and Gardner 6LW engine
and four-speed gearbox.
Reviews. 46.
The Eastern Union Railway. H.F. Hilton. LNER.
In our July issue we noted the centenary of this railway and we now
have the full story published by the L.N.E.R., the fifth of a uniform series
commemorating centenaries of sections of the system. The illustrations are
excellent and no better choice than Mr. Hilton could have been made for the
author. Mr. Hilton is an acknowledged authority on the old G.E.R., having
been at one time District Locomotive Superintendent at Cambridge, at Stratford,
and Assistant to the Superintendent of Operation, and when he retired Assistant
to the Running Superintendent, L.N.E.R.
On the Footplate A.J. Creswell. Quadrant Publications
Popular description of engines and engine working: Recent locomotives
and points of design are considered and a chapter is contributed by Dr. W.A.
Tuplin on the subject of future development.
The World's Smallest Public Railway. O.J.
Morris. Ian Allan Ltd.
This is an altogether admirable publication. It is well illustrated
and written in a most entertaining manner. Much information is given upon
matters with which patrons of the line will not generally be familiar, e.g.,
the proposed extension to Sandling.
Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., of Lincoln. 46
Publication 8826 dealing with the 165 DS. oil-engined shunting locomotive.
This latest member of the well-known range of Ruston locomotives is fitted
with a 150/165 B.H.P. 6-cylinder four-stroke engine .
Correspondence. 46
Condensing locomotives. Kenneth W. Wightman
One of the Reichsbahn series 52 2-10-0 condensing locomotives, mentioned
by correspondent R.N.V.R. on page 29 of the February issue, is at work on
the SNCF in France. This type is class 150-Y on the SNCF, and there were
41 in service, and the one condensing engine had been used on coal traffic
between Lens and Paris. The remaining 40 were non-condensing engines. There
were also 29 2-10-0s in service on the SNCF of Reichsbahn series 50 (the
type from which series 52 were developed and these were class 150-Z. Reichsbahn
3-cylinder series 44, which was commenced in 1937, has been adopted as a
standard type by the SNCF, and the class intended to increase by new construction
to a total of 218. These were SNCF class 150-X. As far as writer knew the
one condensing 2-10-0 was experimental, and it had not intended to extend
this equipment to other engines of German design.
Caledonian engines. E. C. Poultney.
Requested McEwan to amplify his remarks regarding the cylinder design
adopted by Drummond for the six coupled goods engines illustrated. So far
as I am informed, Drummond being a faithful disciple of Stroudley, generally,
if not always, used a cylinder design with two separate sets of steam and
exhaust ports, one set above the other. The exhaust port of the upper set
connected directly with. the passage way immediately below the blast pipe,
but the exhaust from the lower exhaust port was carried round the cylinder
barrel and over the top, as, due to this port arrangement, it was the only
possible means of making connection with the exhaust passage at the base
of the blast pipe. I should very much doubt if this design was used in order
to provide a steam jacket, as I cannot imagine Stroudley or anyone else would
think of jacketing a cylinder with exhaust steam with the idea of suppressing
condensation. I think the idea behind this arrangement was to provide increased
steam chest volume when the valves are between the cylinders which in itself
is, of course, an excellent idea. Drummond used this type of cylinder on
the London and South Western, as a reference to a drawing of one of his four
cylinder engines, published in "Engineering," November 10th, 1905, will show,
while a reference to Developments in Locomotive Practice, C.J.B. Cooke,
1902, page 51, illustrates Drummond's cylinders as applied to an ordinary
engine with a pair of inside cylinders. Lambie, who followed Drummond at
St. Rollox, also used cylinders of this kind. There was a drawing of one
of these engines in The Engineer in 1895.
L.M.S. motor ship Princess Victoria. 46.
New vessel of 2,300 tons with accommodation for 1,500 passengers and
about 40 motor cars. She was launched at Dumbarton on 27 August 1946, and,
with a service speed of 19 knots, was replacement of former Princess
Victoria, completed only a few months before WW2, but sunk on war service
in 1940.
Issue Number 656 (15 April 1947)
The national coal situation and the railways. 47-8.
A substantial proportion of the national coal consumption is used
by the railways and the bulk of this quantity is required by steam locomotives.
The total coal burnt by engines in Great Britain each year therefore constitutes
a considerable tonnage and any economies effected. must rea:ct to a corresponding
extent on the national position; the exploration of every possible avenue
is urgently necessary in consequence and is now in hand. Considered
broadly, there are two approaches: the reduction of mileage run, which is
a traffic problem, and the reduction of consumption per mile which is the
responsibility of the motive power department. As regards the first much
has already been done by the cancella, tion of slack penod and luxury passenger
trains and of certain general traffic freight trains; during the actual crisis
marshalling yards were by-passed in some cases by coal trains. These were
emergency measures and their extended application, already announced, must
be governed by prior investigation, involving careful analysis of the utilisation
and working of the services, in order that public inconvenience may be minimised
and detrimental effects on efficient working avoided. It is conceivable that
benefits may ultimately fructify; it may be found possible, for instance,
to make certain yards redundant or convert them as a matter of long term
policy to hump yards, thereby reducing the locomotive power necessary to
work them. In any country where hauls are short, shunting mileage inevitably
comprises a large proportion of the total, and anything which can be done
to reduce its extent or, alternatively, to enable it to be performed more
economically, is therefore to be encouraged. In general many schemes at present
pigeonholed on account of labour and material shortages will now have to
be re-examined from a new angle of national necessity rather than of railway
economics, and given revised priorities.
Any approach to the problem from the locomotive aspect is at once faced with
disabilities which influence unfavourably the coal consumption per mile.
These are the dirt now included with the coal supplies, which is of course
a source of complaint for every consumer, industrial or domestic, the effects
of deferred maintenance, and the lowering of normal standards of workmanship
by the dilution of labour. The effects of these factors are both direct and
psychological; as regards the latter the fashionable malaise known as frustration
is apparent.
Emergency action, then, may well take the form of encouragement of the engine
crews and maintenance staff to effect economies by their individual efforts
towards increased efficiency and by more effective co-operation with one
another. Trite as this may appear, it is supported by the inertia and lack
of pride in work which, unfortunately, are all too generally evident. Where
dnvers are concerned, they must be instructed to use the most economical
position of regulator and lever to time their trains, to ensure that the
supply of lubricant is both constant and adequate, particularly to valves
and cylinders, and supervise the work of their firemen with emphasis on the
prevention of fuel wastage. No, two drivers work an engine in an identical
manner; therefore should a driver have a strange firemao; he should advise
him in advance of his intended actions on the road. Again, as an aftermath
of the war, there are now many firemen of limited experience; drivers must
treat them sympathetically and, remembering their own early difficulties,
help them with instruction and demonstration. Courses in the theory and practice
of firing would no doubt benefit employees and companies alike. Meticulous
attention by drivers to the reporting of engine defects is also essential,
with particular reference to those which tend to increase coal consumption.
Examples are smokeboxes drawing air valves off beat, valve, piston, gland
and othe; blows, safety valves blowing off light, and unsatisfactory oondition
of brick arches, dampers and deflector plates. It is important that vague
reports, such as "engine not steaming" and " blow at front end," be avoided
; they are of no assistance to the maintenance staff and at the same time
reflect adversely on the craftmanship of the engineman.
The instructions to firemen should include such items as the avoidance of
heap firing and other practices causmg poor combustion: and the control of
injectors and fire, with accompanying adjustment of dampers and firehole
door openings m such a manner that blowing off is avoided. For the same reason
premature building up of the fIre pnor to the commencement of a trip must.
be avoided and, similarly, the fire must be allowed to diminish towards the
end of a trip. Care must be exercised when cleaning fires that live fire
is not thrown out. Again, tenders must always be carefully, trimmed, the
coal already on the tender bemg worked forward before replenishing in order
to avoid accumulations of stale and abraded fuel· overloa,ding,. so
easy at mechanical coaling plants: must be avoided, not only because spillage
leads to waste of fuel, but also because fallmg coal constitutes a potential
danger to staff working at rail level.
It is a good plan to encourage all enginemen to set themselves the initial
savings target of a shovelful of coal per mile, at the same time emphasising
that this by no means represents the ultimate practicable economy objective.
The contribution of shed staff to the campaign is chiefly by the exercise
of care and thorough- ness in boiler washing, tube sweeping and fire-dropping,
together with the avoidance of premature lighting up and the extravagant
use of coal for this purpose. Workshops staff can most effectively assist
by giving prompt attention to all reported engine defects and by the exhibition
of good workmanship in their rectification and in the course of periodical
examinations and other engine maintenance work. Further economies may be
effected by care in the uses of all electric current (the individually driven
machine tool has a distinct potential advantage here), of hydraulic power
and of ornpressed air. In the two latter cases the prompt reporting of, and
attention to, all leakages are important.
The foregoing outlines, but not exhaustively, the details of the preliminary
steps in a coal economy campaign. The next phase is to analyse the existing
engine workings with the object of obtaining more efficient use of power.
More intensive utilisation of the individual engine, by reducing terminal
standing times, by "double shifting" and other means, usually leads to a
reduction in its consumption of fuel per mile. Finally, consideration maybe
given to improvements in design, and those which involve only limited alterations
may certainly be regarded as short term policy. For instance, a small percentage
coal saving may be effected at low cost by fitting top feed and, in some
cases, similar results may be anticipated from minor alterations to valve
events and gears or to the proportions of smokebox draught apparatus. Mention
has already been made of the relative extent of shunting mileage in this
country. It may be well to decide the extent to which the cut-off in full
gear may be restricted on shunting engines without appreciable effect on
the speed of shunting movement, by blanking off quadrant end slots or the
insertion of distance pieces at the ends of reversing screws. Again, superheating
may be justifiable in the present exceptional circumstances, although the
economies would be far less than on main line engines. Here the cost of
installation could be minimised by adopting a moderate degree superheater
in conjunction with, for instance, balanced slide valves of phosphor bronze,
the new tubeplates and fireboxes being of steel. It may also be beneficial
to consider the similar fitting of superheaters to other classes of small
tank and tender engines. Additional, but indirect, savings also occur by
the reduction in the consumption of pumped water supplies, and the necessity
for investigating these and other rnod incations is governed not only by
the requirements of the immediate situation, but also by the time which must
elapse before these engines can be replaced with others of more modern design
and the percentage of coal which can be saved an their consumption in the
interim period, which is conceivably of some length. There are two other
matters which, although they bear directly on the question, cannot be
conveniently considered here; the implications are too extensive. The first
of these is the conversion of engines from coal to liquid fuel burning; it
is of course determined economically by current relative costs of the two
fuels and also in this country by the desirability or otherwise of relying
on imported fuel. Secondly, there is the substitution of electric, diesel
or other power for steam traction. The subject offers almost unrationed food
for thought and subsequent action.
Electric mine locomotive. 48.
General Electric Company for Weirton Coal Comapny's Isabella Mine
in Pennsylvania.
Coal weighing tenders L.M.S. Railway. 49-50. illus.,
Two tenders introduced under H.G. Ivatt with weighing apparatus supplied
by the Transport & Generaal Engineering Co. of Leeds.
Stead, Arthur L. French locomotive plans. 50-2. 2 illus.
Articulated locomotives: Bosnia-Herzegovina Railway. 53-4. illus., 2
0-4-0+0-4-0T with drive off dummy crank axles. Design was probably
that of Helmholz as locomotive was constructed by Krauss at the Linz Woeks
in Austria.
McEwan, James. Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway.
In 1903 No. 6199 was fitted with a "class 721" (Dunalastair I) boiler
and tried out on various duties, mainly tackling heavier trains than the
ordinary engine of the class. The engine broke three frames in the trial
period which terminated in December, 1906, and then reverted to its old style.
All of the passenger engines have since L.M.S. days been fitted with the
vacuum brake for train working. Also steam heating fittings have been added
from time to time. Of the steam brake engines several from 1934 onwards have
been supplied with Gresham and Craven vacuum ejectors and piping on the left
hand side completely separate from the engine's steam brake on the right
hand side and acting on the train only. During the 1939-1945 war a further
alteration has been made, the vacuum and steam are now an the left hand side.
The Midland Railway type of vacuum/steam apparatus is used with extension
handle to enable the steam valve to be used alone without using the vacuum
From about 1924 the earlier engines of the class were given an additional
vertical handrail fitted to the cab entrance, bringing them into line with
the Mclmtosh ones. The older arrangement was very awkward unless the tender
footstep was used. Although the new boilers have a combined blower and sanding
valve, in many cases the engine retains gravity sand and the steam sanding
gear is blanked off. From 1935 onwards most engines which retained the gravity
sanding were fitted with a steam sand washing apparatus fore and aft but
the arrangement does not get used very often. Chimneys which have required
replacement since 1943 have been done with "stovepipe" type of varying shapes.
Some odd interesting notes about the class are: No. 349 was the last engine
to carry Drummond type boiler with the Ramsbottom safety valves on the dome.
No. 307 (later 517) was the first engine to appear from St. Rollox with the
L.M.S. colours and was No. 17245 (December, 1923). No. 682 was the first
C.R. engine to be repainted L.M.S. which was done at Polmadie Depot. in October,
1923, L.M.S. No. 17271. The old painting had been continued in full glory
for some time with the omission of the coat of arms, but by mid- summer 1923
there were certain little additional items missing. Lining was not appearing
on the tenders of some of the goods engines, the "dot" between the " C "
and the " R " was missing, and by the Autumn all further new painting had
ceased. Only touching up being permitted. Under the L.M.S. from 1930 onwards
boilers ceased to be mated to the same set of frames and began to get changed
around. New boilers and cylinders were made and in some cases new frames
were all put into the one engine. One effect of the boiler changing programme
is to vary the pressure between 150 and 180 lb. sq. in. according to the
state of the framing of the engine to which it is fitted.
In 1929, No. 744 (L.M.S. 17411) was fitted with the new pattern boiler which
was the Lambie type boiler fitted with "Pop" safety valves and pressed to
180 psi and live steam injector of the M.R. type. Many others were fitted
there-after, and this alteration gave the class a further lease of life.
Although L.M.S. 17284 may have received this boiler type earlier, the
performances put up by 17411 called attention to the scheme generally.
From modem standards as originally built they are small engines capable of
hauling on an average "25/35 and a van," approximately equal to 400 tons,
they are extremely useful in yards and where traffic is not dense and when
necessary can haul passenger traffic or exchange easily with another engine
of the class if not passenger fitted, for most sheds have some of each.
The class being a large one has been involved in many mishaps, No. 550 on
17th January, 1923, was suddenly switched into a loop at Pollokshaws South,
and over-ran the buffer stops demolishing the signalbox of the offending
signalman and finishing up in a smother of broken timber from the cabin down
an embankment.
From the end of the 1914-1918 War the class began to appear on passenger
runs of more consequence than the Coast route to Gourock and Wemyss Bay and
Edinburgh to Glasgow stopping trains, Leith, Barnton, Perth-Forfar, and Alloa.
The Oban line was the earliest to get a set working for the class on passenger
work, followed by the Lanark turns, and to Muirkirk afterwards. This was
the thin edge of the wedge and after the amalgamation the class was used
for passenger traffic on many sections and particularly at the holiday periods
when they did useful and fast working.
The high light was the Stirling to Oban excursions when two 18 in. engines
loaded to 8 QF's and a Pullman worked through with complete whistle communication
between the drivers to give synchronisation of cut-off and regulator. Less
frequent workings were the Aberdeen-Stonehaven service with occasional piloting.
On one occasion two of the class coupled together reached a maximum speed
of about 63 m.p.h. on a favourite stretoh of the line South of Girvan. The
train was about 90 minutes late and the drivers were apparently making good
use of all favourable gradients to reduce the lateness which they did succeed
in doing to the extent of nine minutes between Girvan and Challoch Junction.
This record will show the versatility of the class. It has frequently been
said that the class was heavy on coal but against this has to be set their
work output and pro rata their coal bill was not excessive. So far two only
of the class have been withdrawn and the others are to be found on all Scottish
sections of the L.M.S. Those used on the former Glasgow and South Western
section are mainly steam braked and are used for mineral and shunting work.
The class was turned out as follows: Nos. 294 to 308, Neilson and Co., 1883
(WN 3043 to 3057) renumbered in 1918 excepting No. 294 done on return from
War Service in 1919, to 1294, 262 to 264, 539, 259, 260, 335, 337, 365, 367,
374, 403, 517, 548. In 1923 were allocated L.M.S. Nos. 17249, 17232 to 17234,
17246, 17230, 17231, 17235, 17236, 17241 to 17245 and 17247. Nos. 349 to
352. St. Rollox Works, 1883 L.M.S. Nos. 17237 to 17240. Nos. 353 and 354.
St. Rollox Works, 1884, L.M.S. Nos. 17250 and 17251. Nos. 517 to 526, and
680 to 689. Neilson and Co., 1884 (WN 3252 to 3271). Nos. 517, 680 and 682
renumbered 1517, 1680 and 1682 on return from War Service in 19119. L. M.
S. Nos. 17269,17252 to 17260, 17270, 17261,17271, 17262 to 17268. os. 690
to 695. St. Rollox Works, 1885 05. 691 to 695 were renumbered in 1887 to
os. 361 to 365 respectively. In 1919 on return from War Service 365 was
renumbered 1365. These six engines became L.M.S. Nos. 17276, 17272 to 17275
and 17294 respectively. Nos. 309 to 320. St. Rollox Works, 1886. All these
engines were renumbered. In 1918 No. 309 was altered to No. 549, 311 to 553,
312 to 558, 313 to 680, 314 to 682, 316 to 703, 317 to 705, 320 to 707, all
of whioh renumberings took the place of engines lent to the Government. In
1919 on return from War Service the others were renumbered No. 310 to 1310,
315 to 1315, 318 to 1318, 319 to 1319. The L.M.S. numbers allotted in first
C.R. numbering rotation were: 17248, 17290, 17283 to 17286, 17291, 17287,
17288, 17292, 17293, and 17289.
Nos. 355 to 360 built 1886, and 366 to 371 built 1887. St. Rollox Works.
(L.M.S. regard Nos. 359 and 360 as built 1887 as they were finished and charged
to that year although an 1886 order by the C.R. and finished in January,
1887, which was the end of the C.R. financial year). L.M.S. numbers respectively
were 17277 to 17282, and 17304, 17312, 17305 to 17308. C.R. No. 367 was on
War Service and on return in 1919 was renumbered 1367.
Nos. 321, 322 and 339 to 348. St. Rollox Works, 1887. In 1895 No. 339 was
renumbered 323, and in 1918 Nos. 321 and 322 were renumbered 708 and 380.
The original No. 339, later altered 323 was renumbered in 1919 on return
from War Service, to 1323. The L.M.S. numbers of these engines were: C.R.
Nos. 340 to 348 L.M.S. Nos. 17295 to 17303,380 (ex 322) 17309, 708 (ex 321)
17310, and 1323 (ex 323 and 339) 17311.
Nos. 403, 404, 406 to 409. St. Rollox Works, 1889. No. 1403 allotted to No.
403 on return from War Service in 1919. L.M.S. numbers were in original numbering
rotation 17313 to 17318. Nos. 410 to 415. St. Rollox Works, 1890. These were
the balance of the engines ordered along with the Nos. 403 series. These
engines were fitted with the Westing house brake and pump for working fitted
and passenger trains. The L.M.S. numbers were 17319 to 17324. Nos. 372 to
379. St. Rollox .Works, 1891, and Nos. 540 to 543, 1892. No. 374 on r-eturn
from \Var Service in 1919 was renumbered 1374. The L.M.S. numbers given to
the series were (omitting No. 1374 which was given Nos. 17348), 17325 to
Nos. 691 to 696. St. Rollox Works, 1892. These engines were also fitted for
passenger train, etc., working. Their L.M.S. numbers were 17342 to 17347.
For a short period about 1917 No. 695 was on loan to the Highland Railway
when that line was short of engine power. Nos. 544 to 553. St. Rollox Works,
1892. Nos. 548, 549 and 553 were on War Service and on return in 1919 were
renumbered 1548, 1549 and 1553. In original numerical rotation their respective
L.M.S. Nos. were: 17336 to 17339, 17349, 17350, 17357, 17340, 17341 and 17351.
Nos. 554 to 563. St. Rollox Works. Nos. 554 to 558 built 1892, 03. 559 to
563 built in 1893. No. 558 on return from War Service in 1919 was given No.
1558 and the number allotted by the L.M.S. was 17352. The other engines in
rotation omitting No. 558 became 17358 to 17366. All the engines mentioned
up to now, when dealing with the class had the standard Drummond boiler and
Nos. 697 to 702. St. Rollox Works, 1893. According to official records these
engines were htted with Larnbie type boilers, but on the other hand four
of them are definitely known to have carried Drummond type boilers and probably
all six did, No. 701 carrying its boiler until 1922 at 1east. These six engines
were passenger fitted and worked from Polmadie and Dawsholm sheds. As already
mentioned, No. 699 got a Dunalastair I class boiler fitted in 1903. The L.
M. S. Nos. were 17367 to 17372.
Nos. 199 to 202. St. Rollox Works, February, 1894. Passenger fitted. This
was one of the smallest orders placed at the works fer a standard type of
engine and appears to have been made to bring the last series up to a total
of ten engines. Although all were made at the same time there were marked
running peculiarities amongst them, No. 199 was "a lame duck" and never seemed
to be as good an engine as ithe others despite several examinations. No.
200 on the other hand was an extremely easy engine to work and could take
a coach more than any of the others without appearing to show any retarding
of its efforts. Nos. 201 and 202 were just ordinary in performance and did
the work required of them. The L.M.S. numbers are 17373 to 17376.
Nos. 203, 204, 256 to 261, 334 and 335. St. Rollox Works, 1894. os. 203 and
204 in 1918 were renumbered 338 and 339, Nos. 259, 260 and 335 were renumbered
in 1919 on return from War Service, 1259, 1260 and 1335. Their L.M.S. numbers
in rotation of original numberings are, 17383, 17384, 17377 to 17379, 17389,
17390, 17380, 17381 and 17391. Nos. 336, 337, 703 to 708. St. Rollox Works,
1894. No. 337 renumbered 1337 in 1919 on return from War Service Nos. 703
and 705 renumbered 1703 and 1705 in 1919 on return from War Service. In 1920
owing to the numbers being carried by loaned Ministry of Munition engines
these two engines were renumbered 1704 and 1706. Nos. 707 and 708 were renumbered
1707 and 1708 on their return from War Service. At the time of renumbering
into L.M.S. stock this series were mixed up rather badly with other engines
bearing near numbers. The L.M.S. numbers in original numbering rotation were
17382, 17392, 17353, 17385, 17354, 17386, 17355 and 17356.
The remainder of the engines of the class came from St. Rollox Works and
were more regular in numbering and can be conveniently tabulated as follows:-
C.R. No. | Date built | L.M.S. Nos. | |
709 to 714 | 1895 | 17387, 17388, | {a} |
17393 to 17396 | {a} | ||
715 to 720 | 1896 | 17397 to 17402 | {a} |
736 to 749 | 1896 | 17403 to 17416 | {b} |
750 to 760 | 1897 * | 17417 to 17427 | {b} |
564 to 575 | 1896 | 17433 to 17444 | |
576 to 582 | 1896 | 17445 to 17451 | {c} |
583 to 587 | 1897 | 17469 to 17473 | {c} |
588 to 592 | 1897 | 17452 to 17456 | {d} |
761 to 765 | 1897 | 17464 to 17468 | {d} |
329 to 333 | 1897 | 17428 to 17432 | {e} |
593 to 599 | 1897 | 17457 to 17463 | {e} |
All these from 709 were Westinghouse fitted. Those dates shown bracketed indicate that the lot so grouped were part of the same general works order [the letters are solely to assist comprehension]. The lot marked with * were laid aside at the tme and later proceeded with, probably a system of earmarking money but not spending in the current year was used on this occasion. The tender design with the underhung springs was stopped about 1890, but records fail to disclose when and where the change took place. ( To be continued). Illustations: L.M.S. 17292 with Drummond Boiler and L.M.S. 17408 (rebuilt). See also page 96 letter from W.D. Wallace on loan of locomotives to Highland Railway.
L.M.S.R. 57
New locomotives in service: 2-6-0 Class 2F freight tender (built Crewe):
Nos. 6412 to 6416; 2-6-4 Class 4P tank (built Derby): Nos. 2268 to 2271;
4-6-0 Class 5 mixed traffic tender (built Horwich): Nos. 4995, 4996.
The following engines withdrawn: 2-4-2 Class 2PT Nos. 10664, 10810 (L. &
Y.R.); 0-8-0 Class 6F No. 12824 (L. & Y.R.); 0-6-0 Class 3F Nos. 12090,
12241, 12263, 12562 (L.& Y.R.), Class 2F Nos. 3384, 22818 (Midland);
0-8-4 Class' 7FT No. 27943 (LNWR); 0-6-2 Class 2FT No. 7795 (LNWR).
Railway happenings in Ireland. 57.
Due to shortage of locomotive coal, all main line passenger train
services on the CIE system were withdrawn on 20 February 1947, and some branch
lines were closed completely. Goods train services were reduced to three
days a week, and later, on 10 March, to two days a week only. Goods traffic
was being conducted mainly by lorries, of which CIE were hiring some from
private owners. Local passenger train services in the Dublin, Cork and Waterford
areas were still being run at a reduced frequency. On the Dublin and Cork
main line two passenger coaches were attached to the perishable goods and
mail trains leaving Dublin at 07.15. and 19.45 and Cork at 21.30. There was
also a daily perishable goods and mail train between Dublin and Athlone but
passengers were not conveyed.
On the Great Northern Rly. (I) the reductions in service were not so drastic,
and there were still three weekday trains in each direction between Dublin
and Belfast, and reduced services on other lines. Goods trains were limited
to two days a week, and traffic was confined to essential goods only. The
Carrickmacross, Cootehill and Belturbet branches were closed to passenger
traffic from 10 March.
The Belfast and County Down Rly. showed a serious state of. affairs; it seemed
likely that the Bangor branch, the only portion which showed a profit on
working, would be the only part in operation. No engines were scrapped during
1946 by CIE, the GNR or BCDR. Among those that went on the NCC were No. 50,
the last remaining 4-4-0 with 7 ft. driving wheels, and Nos. 110 and 113,
narrow gauge engines of the 2-4-4T and 4-4-2T types.
See also letter from R. Watson on page 95 concerning
0-6-0Ts Nos. 338 and 339. These were renumbered much earlier (from 203 and
204) than the 1918 stated herein as s at Kelvinbridge on Glasgow Undergroudn
section in 1901 and in St. Rollox period between 1905 and 1910. .
Stewart, W.W. The Takapuna Steam Railway, Auckland, New Zealand. 58-60. 5 illus.
4-6-4 tank engines fot British Guiana. 60-1. illus.
Two locomotives supplied by Hunslet Engine Co. for standard gauge
line with severe curvature and weight restrictions built to a design of 23
years earlier. 4ft diameter coupled wheels, 16 x 22in outside cylinders and
160 psi boiler pressure. Supplied to specification and inspection of the
Crown Agents for British Colonies.
Central London tube extension. 61.
Progress on the Western extensipon fron North Acton to Greenford and
G.W.R. gas-turbine electric locomotive. 61-2.
Reviews. 62.
La Probleme de la Signalisation Ferroviaire et sa
Solution Rationnelle. R. Tuot. Paris: Dunod, 1946. 126pp.
with preface by E. Bocquet, Ingenieur en chef honoraire a. la S.N.F.C.
A capital difficulty arising from the problem of securing complete safety
in operating railway traffic lies in the necessity of providing such security
under all conditions with the utmost flexibility of speed and the fullest
utilisation of the track. In this work Dr. Tuot presents a novel solution
by a judicious combination of the factors represented by speed, time, and
distance. Thence he arrives at a conception which he terms "spacing according
to speed" as a method of working satisfactory for every traffic requirement.
The "tachymetric" solution offered depends fundamentally upon the fitting
of the locomotive with an electrical speed indicator which can deliver current
to controlling apparatus on other trains; and although his ideas may appear
somewhat revolutionary, the author makes a most interesting contribution
to the study of railway progress and opens the way for research into a way
of operation which will appeal to railway men either on the technical or
operative side. Space will hardly permit us to discuss this work in detail,
but it should be said that Dr. Tuot deals with a difficult subject in an
extremely able fashion; the mathematical treatment makes for the greatest
clarity, and all diagrams, etc., are admirably executed. The final chapter
is descriptive of the experimental apparatus installed by Messrs. Brown,
Boveri and Co., in a special laboratory at Baden (Switzerland) for the better
investigation of this new and original system of train control.
We have received from Beyer, Peacock and Co. Ltd., their new catalogue relating to ordinary type locomotives. This is the firm's first post-war catalogue and although times are difficult for the production of such matter the whole is admirably produced-the illustrations being especially good. Following Beyer Peacock's previous practice the text and particulars are given in English, French and Spanish, metric dimensions accompanying the two last-mentioned languages.
Obituary: W.J. Sedcole, chief engineer of the Pullman Car Co. since 1921. 62
Issue Number 657 (15 May 1947)
Base-Exchange Water Softeners. 63-4.
A.J.R. Walter read a paper to
the Institution of Locomotive Engineers in London entitled "A Brief History
af the. Application af Base Exchange Water Softeners to Railways." (Paper
463). The Author began by pointing out that water is probably the most
impartant raw material used an a railway, bath in essentiality and quantity,
and befare proceeding to the actual histary of base-exchange softeners gave
a condensed description af other forms af treatment. Perhaps the earliest
form of water treatment was the use af boiler compounds, which meant the
treatment af feed water inside the boiler.
L.N.E.R. Locomotive Designs. 64-65. 2 diagrs. (s.
Precis of Bert Spencer's classic
Paper No. 465 to the Institution of
Locomotive Engineers in London. The diagrams were of the proposed 4-8-2
and 2-8-2T designs. The text mentions the proposed super A4 with boiler pressure
raised to 275 psi and the six-cylinder D49 where difficulties in designing
a bevel gear impeded progress.
Locomotive Power at Speed. 66-7.
At a meeting of the Institutian
af Mechanical Engineers on 21 February 1947, E.L. Diamond, read a paper on
the horsepower output af steam locomotives at high speeds. The rapid
fall in the power developed with increasing speed, characteristic of locomotive
performance, has during recent years been a matter that has received considerable
attention, due to the desire an the part of designers to praduce more powerful
engines to meet the demands arising for fast travel with heavier trains.
Ultimately, the power that any engine can develop must depend on the steaming
capacity of the boiler; nevertheless, given a steam supply at constant pressure
the mean effective pressure in the cylinders at any cut off constantly diminishes
as the speed increases. The problem confronting designers is, therefore,
how to reduce this fall in the pressure exerted on the pistons and thus increase
the cylinder power available through the higher ranges af speed. In his paper
entitled The Development of Locomotive Power at Speed the Author divided
his subject into two parts. The first section was devoted to a suggested
method for computing mean effective pressures for different boiler pressures
at various rates of cut off, taking also into consideration the effect of
clearance volumes varying hom 5 to 15%, while at the same time the effect
of compression at different cut offs was also taken into account.
Based on the construction of theoretical diagrams, graphs setting out the
mean pressures to be expected were presented, constructed for a constant
least back pressure and admission steam superheated and having a constant
temperature of 600°F. These computations forrmed the basic data, not
only for mean effective pressure, but also the determmation of specific steam
consumption and cylinder efficiencies. The efficiency was calculated using
a Rankin cycle assuming an adiabatic heat drop between a defined boiler pressure
and the given constant exhaust pressure taken as 18psi absolute, divided
by the heat available above the liquid temperature corresponding to the exhaust
pressure. The second part of the paper presented plots showing the mean pressure
actually indicated, based on a number of tests performed with different
locomotives. Then, through the actual plotted points, the Author drew appropriate
curves of mean pressure, obtained by a formula founded on the theoretical
pressure obtained, as already mentioned, corrected by a factor characteristic
of the particular engine and on the assumption that mean pressures would
be proportional to the square root of the speed in revolutions per minute.
The equation evolved is held to give the mean effective pressure "and hence
the power at any speed of a particular out off." The Author goes on to say
that the reason why other proposed formulae have been related to the boiler
is to eliminate this condition (power for a given speed and cut off) and
to give the maximum power for any locomotive as a whole for any given rate
of evaporation. It is contended that this is fundamentally wrong in principle,
it being pointed out that the first part of the paper showed how greatlv
the economy of the engine is affected by the relationship between cut off
and clearance, provided, of course, that the steam distribution is good.
It will be apparent that the Author presented a most painstaking and excellent
analysis of his subject. That this was appreciated was shown by the ensuing
discussion, which, we may say at once, was not only of considerable interest,
but reached a high standard.
In commenting on the paper, Mr. R.C. Bond in the course of his remarks touched
upon the importance the Author had given to the effect of clearance and,
in doing so, drew attentian to the relationship between clearance volume
and the amount af compression. This is, we think, all important, especially
from the point of view of power developed, for, if clearance space can be
completely filled ar nearly so by the steam compressed, it will materially
assist in keeping up the admission line of the indicator diagram. It is probable
that modern long lap valve gears and improved steam port proportions have
together augmented high speed performance by admitting more steam per stroke.
There is, as a rule, little difficulty in exhausting the steam; the real
trouble is to persuade it to enter the cylinders; further, cylinder back
pressures are very largely governed if not entire1y by the
size of the exhaust nozzle. Mr. Bond was also on good ground when he drew
attention to the fact that the locomotive consisted essentially of three
power-producing elements the boiler, the engine and the link between
the two, the smokebox, the chimney and the blast pipe. It is, in fact, the
relationship bciween the action of these elemecr1ts that so largely determines
what the locomotive as a whole can do, which, after all, is what we want
to know. Locomotive power is a function of what Lawford H. Fry has so aptly
termed the triplex relation between Coal Fired and Steam Produced, between
Steam Exhausted and Air Supplied and between Air Supplied and Coal Consumed,
consideration of which recalls the couplet:
"Upon the four elements I feed
Which life and power supply,
To run my race of boundless speed:
Take one awayI die."
Others taking part in this discussion, including Mr. E.S. Cox, stressed the
desirability of taking the boiler into consideration when attempting to forecast
locomotive performance. With this we fully agree, and feel that the Author
would have been in a happier position had he been content only to estimate
mean pressures for any known initial pressure rather than assert that his
proposals were "a more accurate guide in estimating the power at speed of
a projected design than either Cole's constants or the Kiesel formula, with
its illogical basis in the boiler." There is a trite saying that "an engine
is as good as its boiler." With this we fully agree. However good cylinder
design may be and however perfect the valve gear, an adequate steam supply
is the first essential. Under all conditians of working, the boiler has been,
and will remain, the controlling factor in locomotive performance.
Brighton Works. 67.
In. June 1947 the thousandth locomotive to be built at. these works
was completed: No. 2IC 164 of the West. Country class. It was exhibited alongside
Stroudley Terrier No. 82 Boxhill, built in 1880 and repainted in the
original colours.. The first engine constructed at Brighton was a single
driver tank No. 14 completed in L852 soon after J.S. Craven joined the Company.
L.N.E.R. 67
The first Woodhead tunnel which accommodated a single line only, was
started in 1838 and opened in 1845. The second tunnel was started in 1847
and completed in 1852. During WW2 these tunnels carried a tremendous volume
of traffic, and the amount of maintenance work had to be reduced in order
to avoid interruption to the trains. As soon as possible after the end of
the war urgent repair work had to be undertaken, and various sections of
the tunnels have been re-lined in recent months. This has necessitated the
closing first of one tunnel and then of the other, all traffic being worked
through the remaining tunnel, which has seriously reduced the carrying capacity
of the line, and many trains have had to be diverted. Although these emergency
measures will restore the tunnels to a satisfactory condition for the time
being, the company has been advised that a great deal of work will have to
be done to put the tunnels into perfect condition, and this will not only
be very costly but will necessitate the complete closing of each tunnel in
turn for long period, In the circumstances the Directors of the LNER have
reached the conclusion that the only satisfactory course is to drive an entirely
new double-line tunnel, parallel with the existing tunnels, and Parliamentary
powers to enable this to be done are being sought in the Company's Bill this
Iraqi State Railways. 67.
An order has just been placed by the Iraqi State Railways with The
English Electric Company of Queens House, Kingsway, London, for nine two-coach
Diesel-electric units. Three of these units are for the standard gauge lines
from Baghdad to Mosul, and the remaining six, which are of metre gauge, will
be employed augmenting the rail services out of Baghdad. Each two-coach unit
will he fitted with an English Electric 275 h.p. diesel-electric power unit,
and will be capable of running at speeds up to 50 m.p.h. Units can be joined
together, if necessary, to form a train. The order placed by the Iraqi State
Railways also includes one 350 h.p. diesel-electric shunting locomotive which
will be capable of starting and hauling trailing loads up to 1,000 tons on
standard gauge lines.
Henry Ford. 67.
Ford, whose death had been reported, had many interests apart
from the giant industrial concern with which he will ever be associated.
Among these interests locomotives ranked highly and at Dearborn he established
a museum containing several old time engines. It will be recollected that
he added to these a replica of The Rocket which he had constructed
by Robert Stephenson and Co. Ltd, some fifteen years ago.
Baldwin Locomotive Works. 67.
4-8-4 oil gas turbine driven locomotive to be built for the Atcheson,
Topeka and Santa Fe R.R. Designed to develop 3,000 h.p.
L.N.E.R. appointments. 67
J. Blair has been appointed Acting Mechanical Engineer, Scotland,
in succession to J F. Harrison. R.S. Hart-Davies has been appointed Acting
Mechanical Engineer (outdoor) vice Mr. Blair.
0-4-0 industrial loccmotive built Black Hawthorn of
Gateshead preserved. 67
An early example of the 0-4-0 type industrial loccmotive built Black
Hawthorn of Gateshead, being preserved by George Cohen, Sons and Co. Ltd.
The engine was built in 1874. Black, Hawthorn succeeded J. Coulthard and
Son, and built about 1,100 engines between 1864 and 1896. The business was
sold to Chapman and Furneaux in 1896 who built about 70 engines before the
partnership was dissolved in 1901.
Derens, L. The Dutch State Railways Co. 67-70. 5 diagrs., table
Concluded from Volume 52 page 193. Tramway locomotives used on The
Hague to Scheveningen and Ede to Scheveningen (the former was electrified
in 1924)
London Transport. 70.
To ensure detection on signalling track circuits a thin layer of stainless
steel was welded onto top of rails in rarely used refuge sidings.
Loco modernisation on the Great Indian Peninsula
Railway. 70-3. 2 illus., 2 diagrs. (s. els.).
XP class of locomotives Nos. 3100 and 3101 constructed by Vulcan Foundry
in 1937 incorporated experimental features: Mestre drawgear between engine
and tender: this did not improve ride and was later replaced by a traditional
drawbar. Steel fireboxes with Nicholson thermic syphons and ACFI feedwater
heaters were fitted. The VM class of 2-6-4T consisting of five locomotives
was supplied by Vulcan in 1940.
G.W.R. 73.
New County class into service: Nos. 1023 County of Oxford,
1024 County of Pembroke, 1025 County of Radnor and 1026 County
of Salop.
Swiss Railways Centenary. 73.
Replica train built of Zurich-Baden Railway train.
R. Opie. Locomotive power, performance and rating.
73-7. 3 tables.
Continued from V. 52 p.
Correspondence. 77
Locomotives for colonial railways. K N.
I found Mr. G. V. O. Bulkeleys article in your February, 1947, issue
of the greatest interest and it seems to me that there are many points in
it that designers of locomotives for any service might well study with advantage.
There are one or two points upon which I should greatly appreciate further
enlightment. In the course of the article it is stated that port opening
should, at 25% cut- off, be as nearly as possible 40% of the piston area.
The piston area of a 16in bore cylinder is 201in2. and for this
size a 9½in diaeter piston valve is specified. The circumference of
a valve chest liner of this bore is as near no matter 30in. 40% of
201in2. is, say, 80in2. and a port 30in long wonld
have to be opened no less than 2.66in.
As the valve travel is given elsewhere at 6in there must be some discrepancy
somewhere; it would appear to be in the figure of 40% of the piston area.
It occurs to me that just possibly Mr. Bulkley may be referring to the area
of the piston valve. If so, this would be 71in2 in. area and 40%
of it 28.4in2, which would involve a port opening of just over
15/16in which still seems a large opening for 25% cut-off. Will the Author
elucidate this point.
Further on he refers to the Kiesel star shaped blast- pipe tip: this is something
quite new to me and I wonder if Mr. Bulkeley could give some further particulars
of it, possibly with a sketch and dimensions.
I would in closing like to express my very great appreciation of one of the
most interesting and informative articles which has recently appeared in
your columns.
G.V.O. Bulkeley. 77-8
I am much obliged to Mr. K. N. Harris for pointing out the slip in
my recent article. The figure given of 40% of the piston area for a port
opening at 25% cut-off should have been 1/40th.
Taking the engine referred to: assuming a 16in diameter cylinder, a valve
travel of 6in, lap 57/64in, lead ¼in, lineal port opening
at 25% cut-off 9/32in and a 9½in piston valve, then piston area will
be 201in2. and 1/ 40th of this is 5 sq. in. This
will require a minimum port length (allow- ing for diagonal bridging) of
17.9in, which it would easily be; the circumference of a 9½in piston
valve being 29.8in.
It is most interesting to hear that Mr. Harris has found my article of service.
I hope that locomotive manufacturers also will find it useful. Colonial railway
C.M.E's are handicapped by not having sufficient drawing office staff actually
to design the engine which they specify. Much, therefore, is left to the
manufacturer who secures the order. Conditions on railways in tropical
dependencies are not those of railways in the home country and certain basal
points need to be stressed and adhered to.
Kiesel Star Nozzle. (From The Steam Locomotive),
The engines should be built to operate as automatically as possible under
varying conditions of speed and gradient. The boilers should be very rapid
steam raisers, as native firemen are not always careful to maintain pressure
ready to meet a sudden demand for steam. I have thought that a row of 5 or
6 2½in J water tubes along each side of a large firebox (similar in
principle to those in Merryweather fire-engine boilers) would help. They
could be readily cleaned and would avoid the central weld which the Pennsylvania
Railroad's "circular water tubes"
An important point in respect of articulated engines for the tropics is that
the steam pipe should not pass under the cab floor. The climate heat is bad
enough on the footplate without having the soles of one's feet burned. I
append a sketch of the Kiesel star nozzle as requested by Mr. Harris.
G.I.P. loco modernisation. N. Duncan. 78
It should be of interest to your readers to note that the G.I.P. 4-6-0
express engine 411 Hero illustrated in the March issue of is the Great
Indian Peninsula Remembrance engine of WW1, having been named in memory
of all those members of the G.IP. staff who laid down their lives in the
war of 19I4-18. A. stray memory occurs to me in reading these articles While
serving with the Forces as an Ordnance Clerk at Kirkee Arsenal, Poona, during
the years 19I8 to 1920, an interesting daily contact was the G.LP. four-wheeled
all steel 16 tons (436 maunds) box car which bore the " legend" on each side
in letters of white "Treat this wagon well, keep it moving, it will help
win the war."
Compounds. W.S. Upton..78
A great deal has been done in this country during the, last sixty
years in the matter of designing and building Compound Locomotives; also
much has been written on the subject (including some informative correspondence
in "The Locomotive").
The result, as it stands now in 1947, must be a disappointment to those who
believe in the compound system, but I think that I shall be absolved from
any charge of "flogging a dead horse" when I suggest that the present rise
in the price of coal, together with its shortage, and the deterioration of
quality, renders advisable a reconsideration of the whole matter on the part
of those concerned.
If the price of coal had risen forty or fifty years ago to anything approaching
what it is now, we might be sure that compounds would have been built in
really considerable numbers at various works, including quite possibly Doncaster
and Swindon.
Everyone appreciates the advance in thermal efficiencies that has accrued
from the general use of longer valve travels, higher pressures, and superheating;
yes, but these improvements are all available to the designer of compounds,
as well as simple engines.
Reviews. 78
The Royal Train, S.A.R., The Railway Gazette,
This is a reprint of an article which appeared in the Railway
Gazette. In addition to a detailed description there are many illustrations
including interior and exterior views, elevations of the King's coach, plans
of seven other coaches and an outline plan showing the formation of what
must surely rank as the finest train ever constructed.
Oxy-acetylene welding handbook, L. J. Tibbenham , M.LMech.E., Suffolk
Iron Foundry (1920) Ltd.,
This is an excellent book giving a wealth of practical informa- tion
on the oxy-acetylene welding of ferrous and non- ferrous materials including
fusion and bronze welding. A previous edition of this book has appeared but
that under review has been carefully revised in the light of modern practice
and contains many new illustrations.
A.B.C. of L.M.S. locomotives, 1947: Ian Allan Ltd.
A new edition of this popular booklet revised to September, I946;
it is well illustrated and, being printed on art paper, is an improvement
on earlier editions.
Death of L.C. Geach who, until his retirement in 1927, held the post
of Superintendent of Motive Power at Derby. Geach joined the Midland Railway
as draughtsman in 1896 and subsequently held positions at Bromsgrove, Bristol,
Kentish Town and Canklow. He was aged 73.
Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd. 78
Appointments: Major L.H. Peter, M.C., M.LE.E.Chief Development Engineer;
L.E. Thompson, B.Sc., A.R.C.S.-Chief Electrical Engineer; K.H. Leech,
Design Engineer; N.G. Caman [Cadman]-Chief Brake Engineer.
Issue Number 658 (14 June 1947)
The 0-8-0T locomotive. 79.
Broad survey of mainly British designs but based partly on an export
order for some for Africa supplied by Hunslet Engine Co.; also some Continental
Hunslet Engine Co. 79
Order from the Peruvian Corporation for a metre gauge 2-8-0 to
operate on the Guaqui-La Paz Railway in Bolivia over gradients as steep as
1 in 14 located over 10,000 feet above sea level.
Railcars for Peru. 80-1. 2 illusttrations.
D. Wickham of Ware railcars ordered by the Peruvian Corporation for
service on the standard gauge Central Railway of Peru to operate up to 15,000
feet on 4½% gradients. Buchi turbo-charger. Drive through a Vulcan-Sinclair
coupling to a Cotal epicyclic gearbox. Tested on LNER St Margarets to Buntingford
branch line. Export via PLA (London) see page
Baltimore and Ohio R.R. Class EM— articulated locomotive. 81-2.
Thirty Baldwin 2-8-8-4 for operation in the Alleghany Mountains supplied
in 1944-5 numbered 7600-7629. Four 24 x 32 in cylinders with 12 in piston
valves. Grate area 117.6 ft2 and total heating surface 5298
ft2. Working pressure 235 psi.
Detecting leakage: vacuum brake. 82-3. illusttration
Portable instrument developed by LMS Research Laboratories by J.O.
Cowburn for which awarded Herbert Jackson Prize.
Cab signalling. 83.
See Locomotive, 1944, 50, 167 for full description
of Westinghouse continuous cab signalling. Installation of system between
Potters Bar and Greenwood.
Swiss locomotives for Holland. 83. illusttration
Purchase by Netherlands Railways of 22 compound 4-6-0s from the Swiss
Federal Railways: lcomotives manufactured by Swiss Locomotive and Machine
Works of Winterthur between 1907 and 1915.
Swiss Railway Centenary. 84. illusttration
Swiss Federal Railways:ordered a replica steam lcomotive from the
Swiss Locomotive and Machine Works of Winterthur incorporating some of the
parts from the original parts from Speiser. The Limmat was No. 1 of the Nordbahn
and built by Emil Kessler of Karlsruhe in 1847. The repica train consisted
partly of original stock and replicas. The first train in Switzerland ran
from Zurich to Baden on 9 August 1847.
GWR [Fishguard to Rosslare]. 84.
Tri-weekly service restored from May 1947.
LNER [appointment of G. Crabtree as District Superintendent, Edinburgh].
In succession to G.M. Johnston who retired.
London Transport [Central Line]. 84.
Extension from Stratford to Leyton and Leytonstone. Tunnel section
fitted with sound-reducing lining and 300 ft welded rails. LNER steam trains
ran from Leytonstone to Loughton, Epping and Ongar. In the west the line
extended to Greenford.
Proposed balanced four-cylinder locomotive. 85-7.
Krauss-Helmholz bogie fitted 2-6-2 with light frames and light, but
powerful boiler.
L.M.S.R, 87.
New locomotives in service are: 4-6-0 Class 5 Mixed Traffic (built
at Horwich): 4783, to 4788; (built at Crewe): 4768 to 4772.
The following engines have been withdrawn: 4-6-0 CIass 3P: 14690 Dalcross
Castle (Highland); 4-4-0 Class 2P: (Caledonian-Dunalastair II); 14392
Loch Naver (Highland); 14412 Ben Avon (Highland); 4-4-0 Class
3P: 767 (Midland); 2-4-2 Class 3PT: 10910 (L. & Y.R.), 1P'T 6646, 6723,
6739 (LNWR); 0-6-2 Class 2PT: 6927 (LNWR); 0-4-2 Class 0PT: 15001 (Caledonian);
0-6-0 Class 2F: 3167, 3230, 3366, 3554, 3646 (Midland), 28139, 28261, 28278,
28535, 28614 (LNWR); 0-6-0 Class 3F: 1213°, 12617, 12324 (L &YR);
.0-6-2 Class 2FT: 7772 (LNWR). With the withdrawal of locomotives Nos. 14690,
14337 and 15001 class or series becomes extinct.
Southern Railway. 87.
The first four 4-6-2 Battle of Britain class locomotives "will bear
the names": Winston Churehill, Lord Dowding, Sir Keith Park and
Lord Beaverbrook. "They will be followed by three others named" Fighter
Pilot, Hurricane and Spitfire in honour of the men and their machines
who took part in the battle over the very country through which many of these
engines will run. Many of the Squadrons which engaged in the conflict will
have an engine named afted them, while aerodromes such as Biggin Hill, Manston
and Croydon will also be included."
The Hunslet Engine Co. Ltd. 87.
Hunslet building 11 straight diesel locomotives of 200 bhp for French
purchasers, 10 of these to be shipped to Algeria. After 12 to 14 years of
arduous service, two of the first three Hunslet diesel locomotives acquired
by the LMSR in 1933-34 have been re-purchased by the builder for reconditioning.
Both have Hunslet's gear transmission, and in each case this is in excellent
Poultney, E.C. A new truck for freight cars: the Barber stabilised
truck. 88-9. illustration, diagram
Standard Car Truck Co., Chicago
Aluminium in rolling stock. 89.
McEwan, James. Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. 90-2. 2 illustrations.
Drummond Class 66 4-4-0. Engines built in 1889 were first on Caledonian
Railway to be made from ordinary mild steel. The exhaust ports were at the
end of the cylinder faces and the slide valves were divided each with its
own exhaust port. Drummond claimed to have reduced port clearance to a bare
minimum with a reduction in back pressure. The blastpipe was Vortex type.
Nos. 84 and 87 of 1889 and Nos. 83 and 88 to 90 of the 1891 lot were fitted
with screw reversing gear. No. 124, the Edinburgh Exhibition locomotive (Dubs
WN 2245/1886) was fitted with Bryce-Douglas valve gear which was designed
for marine engines, but failed at the higher speeds demanded by locomotives.
When the class was rebuilt with larger boilers, the LNWR passed them to work
over their route to Manchester. The arrangement for mutual working lapsed
in 1912 and did not resume until 1920. No, 79 was named Carbrook about
1895 after the estate of J.C. Bolten, a Board member. No. 124 was exhibited
at the 1886 exhibition in the dark brown North British Railway livery. Also
noted the livery displayed on this locomotive at the Glasgow International
Exhibition opened by Edward, Prince of Wales, was adorned with Prince of
Wales feather and Royal blue edging to splashers, cab, etc.
See also yellow ochre livery of No. 124.
Continued page 144.
Diesel-electric locos., S.N.C.F. 92. illustration.
US Treasury supplied the Freanch State Railways with Baldwin-Westinghouse
six-axle 660 hp diesel-electric locomotives under partial lease-lend
Ahlberg, Nils. Swedish steam locomotives. 93-5. 2 illustrations,
The first sections of the main line Swedish Sate Railways were opened
on 1 December 1856 and linked Gothenberg with Jonsereed on the line to Stockhom
and from Malmö and Lund, also en route to Stockholm.
Correspondence. 95-6.
Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. R.
See page article on pp. 55-7 for
page 57 concerning 0-6-0Ts Nos. 338 and 339. These were renumbered much earlier
(from 203 and 204) than the 1918 stated herein as s at Kelvinbridge on Glasgow
Undergroudn section in 1901 and in St. Rollox period between 1905 and 1910.
See letter from F.F. McEwan p. 147..
Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. J.F. McEwan. 96.
Refered to Poultney's letter in March issue I think the best reply
is to quote Mr. Drummond's words on the matter which will be found in the
Proc. Inst. Civil Engrs, 1897,
pages 219-220 Paper 2497). "The design of the cylinders is a departure
from the normal arrangement with central valve face. The steam ports were
moved to the cylinder ends, and the slide valve was divided, each having
its own exhaust port. In this way the port clearance was reduced to a minimum.
. . The exhaust passages were increased so that the belt from the lower and
top valves extended along the whole length of the cylinder, thus forming
an exhaust steam jacketted cylinder." This extract is taken from a paper
on high pressure locomotives given before the Institute by Drummond. There
is a further reference to the idea but I cannot lay my hands on the note,
but think that it was in The Railway Engineer about 1884, where there
is also a plate of the 0-6-0 type given.
Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. William D. Wallace.
In his very interesting instalment on the Drummond 0-6-0's of the
Caledonian Railway I notice that Mr. McEwan omits to mention that two of
the Class, Nos. 555 and 560, were on loan to the Highland Railway from 1915
to 1920, the former being employed in the Inverness area, and the latter
working from Perth (H.R.) shed. See letter from J.F. McEwan
p. 147..
Reviews. 96.
Transport Administration in Tropical Dependencies. George V.O.
Bulkeley, with contributions from Ernest J. Smith, London, Railway Gazette.,
The wide scope of this book is best indicated by its chapter headings,
which, in addition to an introductory section, cover the national aspect
of transport, transport services wholly or partly rendered by the State,
the functioning of a railway, port and marine functions, management and staff,
Colonial railway finance and accounting, statistical control, road transport,
inland waterways, air services, advisory boards, and planned Colonial transport,
concluding with a suggested administrative system, and a number of useful
appendices giving forms for suggested returns, bulletins. progress reports,
vital statistics and other relevant documents. Although for many years to
oome bulk transport will continue to go by rail, sea and waterways, and to
a lesset degree by road, as the most economical means, there is no question
that for certain purposes, air transport will play in future an increasingly
important part in the communications system of many Colonies, especially
in Africa.
The Calculation of Heat Loss from Steam Pipes, H. Buckley,
Emmott and Co. Ltd..
Much potential energy is lost by inefficiently insulated pipes. This
monograph, No. 33, is an attempt to combine essential theory with sound practice
and should help in explaining the why and wherefore of applying lagging.
The Fordell Railway, J.C. Inglis
and F. Inglis. Authors.
The Fordell Railway had much of interest in'itself and had added interest.
albeit of a melancholy nature, in that its closing last August resulted in
the disappearance of the last wagonway in Scotland. The Authors have obviously
gone to much trouble to trace the history of the line and the book which
they have produced is well written and illustrated and may be recommended
to all interested in industrial railways and early wagonways.. .
My Best Railway Photographs, C.C. Herbert. Ian Allan
This booklet dealing with the LNER is the fourth of a series and contains
reproductions of some thirty photographs.
British Trains Album. Greenlake Publications Ltd.
This is the first in a projected series and deals with the LNER. It
is intended to cover all groups, the LPTB and the Joint Railways and later
to extend the series to pre-grouping companies. The photographs from which
the 29 illustrations are reproduced are all by people well-known in this
sphere and the reproduction has been well done on art paper. The page size
is 8½ in. by 12 in.
Trains Illustrated, No. 5. Ian Allan Ltd.
Fifth of the series and contains articles on locomotive performance,
notes on new locomotives, stock changes, etc.
Locomotives of the L.N.E.R., O.S. Nock. L.N.E.R.
This is a useful book and contains much valuable information. Particulars
of policy, standardisation, classification and re-numbering and a list of
named engines are given together with a series of diagrams (with leading
dimensions, ratios, etc.) and illustrations of many types. All interested
in the subject will be well advised to add this to their library.
Les Mysteres des Chemins de Fer, F. Rouge and Cie.
A number of authors, each specialists in their particular sphere,
have contributed to this excellent book dealing with the technical and
operational aspects of the railways of Switzerland. The 400 pages contain
a wealth of interesting matter and the illustrations arein company
with the general productionof high quality.
Trade publications. 96.
Electric Traction Jubilee 1896-1946, J. H. Cansdale. The British
Thomson-Houston Co. Ltd.
The Author, who 'has had many years' experience in the design and
application of electric traction equipment and is already well known as a
writer of technical papers and articles, has produced an excellent book covering
the development of electric traction over the last fifty years. The British
Thomson-Houston Company are to be congratulated upon this publication which
forms a most useful text-book and admirably outlines the tremendous progress
made since the Company first supplied totally-enclosed motors for the City
& South London locomotives of half a century ago. It is unnecessary to
remind readers of the considerable part played by BTH design and development
both at Home and Overseas, but some measure of the popularity their equipment
justly enjoys today may be gathered from the fact that of the 3,500 motor
and trailer cars operated by London Transport no less than 3,000 are equipped
with BTH controls. It is to be regretted that due to the edition being limited
many who wonld like a copy may be disappointed but we understand that every
effort will be made to supply those interested Overseas.
Robert Hudson Ltd., Leeds. 96.
General catalogue, describing this firm's well-known light railway
material, together with their locomotive catalogue covering the Hudson-Hunslet
range of diesel locomotives, These engines are available in 20, 25, 30 and
50 h.p. sizes. Both catalogues are well illustrated and produced and will
be of considerable use to those engaged upon the selection of equipment for
light railways.
Davey Paxman and Co. Ltd. 96.
Steps being taken to assist industry to surmount difficulties encountered
in obtaining electric and mechanical power supplies. They are producing
self-contained diesel generating sets from 56 k VA to 330 k VA capacity which
are easily installed and occupy only a small space. By the adoption of these
units it is clear that a useful part of the extremely serious deficiency
between the supply and demand of electricity can be covered.
Issue Number 659 (15 July 1947)
International Congress. 97.
Editorial on International Railway Congress held at Lucerne in Switzerland
from 27 to 28 June 1947. This approximately coincided with the centenary
of railways in Switzerland. Swiss locomotives, whether steam, electric, or
gas-turbine were noted for their excellence. The agenda was broken into five
way and works
locomotives and rolling stock
working (including electric traction and railcars)
general (including housing for railway staff)
light and colonial railways (including weight saving)
Southern Railway [closure of New Cross Gate engine shed]. 97.
New Cross Gate engine shed closed 14 June 1947 with locomotives allocated
to Bricklayers Arms (mainly) and to Norwood. The shed was badly damaged during
WW2. One shed dated back to 1844.
International Railway Congress: lightening railway passenger stock.
Passenger Rolling Stock: Reports from M.M. Guignard, Swiss Federal
Railways, E.A. Turbett, Assistant CME Southern Railway and W. Vrielynck,
Belgian National (Vicinaux) Railway.
(1) There is a general tendency towards reducing the weight of all steel
passenger stock without adversely affecting strength or comfort.
(2) Whatever the quality of the steel used it has been possihle to reduce,
by a large proportion, the weight af passenger stock by careful design af
all parts and by the use of sections made of thin sheets welded together.
Usually the underframe-body structure is of the tubular girder type which
has a high moment of inertia and the ends of which are specially braced and
reinforced to resist shock.
Static and dynamic tests of the underframe-body structure are considered
desimble. The use of strain gauges for such tests is most suitable.
(3) Ordinary carbon steel is still most generally used for building passenger
stock. However, the use for that purpose of weldable low alloy steel with
a high elastic limit, as well as the use af rustless steel, is becoming more
(4) Light alloys can be widely used for many detail sections and for interior
fittings. They are also used in the building of structure assemblies on passenger
stock of some light railways, but on main line railways their use far that
purpose does not seem likely to be developed.
(5) The lightening of bogies can be obtained to some extent by using welded
or rivetted thin plates for underframe construction and by replacing laminated
springs by helical springs or the use of torsion bars controlled by shock
It is also interesting to mention the combined use of rubber and steel for
main suspensions and the use of robber suspended wheels. Designs at present
in use allow for increase in comfort and it would be possible to further
reduce the weight of the vehicle by replacing the heayy bogies in present
day use.
(6) Lightweight rolling stock has been in service too short a time and in
too small numbers to give any definite results as to its advantages both
from the point af view of economy and savings. in wear on the permanent way
but certain advantages do appear to be apparent.
Goods Wagons.
(1) Railway Companies are endeavouring to reduce the weight of their goods
wagons as much as possihle.
(2) The lightening is achieved in general by the use of welded construction
of the underframe members and bodies and also by the partial use of pressings
which permits of reduction in thickness whilst maintaining sufficient rigidity.
(3) Ordinary steels are normally employed for goods wagons. Light alloys
are sometimes used for certain details. Experiments are being carried out
with light alloys for the principal framing.
(4) The possible saving in weight for gaods wagons is low in comparison with
that for passenger stock. The reduction in weight should not be developed
beyond a point where it is not a "commercial proposition".
Indian requirements. 100.
The Indian Standing Railway Finance Committee has approved a rolling
stock programme for 1947-48 at an expenditure of Rs. 982 lakhs, which includes
provision for 40 metre-gauge passenger locomotives to be built in India.
Totals of 1,953 units of broad-gauge and metre-gauge coaching stock (in terms
of four-wheelers) and 3,300 broad-gauge wagon units (in terms of four-wheelers)
have been budgeted. The Committee also approved an order to purchase 100
broad-gauge express locomotives in the United Kingdom, and agreed to the
Railway Board's proposal to restore capacity for a further 300 passenger
locomotives for delivery by 1950.
Mozambique delivery. 100
Eight large 4-8-2 locomotives have been delivered from the U.S.A.
to the Mozambique Railways, in Portuguese East Africa. They weigh 186 tons
including tender, and are required to haul 2,000 ton trains over generally
level routes. Maximum permissible speed' is 56 m:p.h.
American diesel locomotives. 100.
At the beginning of 1947 there were 4.579 diesel locomotive units
in Class I railroads in the USA, and about 530 on the. Class II and III railroads
and the switching and terminal railroads. Industrial works lines also had
hundreds of diesel locomotives.
Polish electric stock. 100.
For the rehabilitation of the electrified lines round Warsaw, the
Polish State Railwavs has ordered eight electric locomotives and 44 three-car
electric trains from Sweden; delivery is to be spread over some years.
Locomotives for West Africa. 100.
The Loanda Railway, in the Portuguese colony of Angala. has budgeted
the equivalent of £26,620 for the acquisition of steam locomotives during
the current financial year.
Locomotives for Finland. 100.
The first of the 20 main line steam locomatives being built by Baldwin
Locom.otive Works and the American Locomotive Company far the Finnish State
Railways was delivered earlv in the year. Anather 20 locomotives are being
built by Fricks in Denmark.
2-8-2 Indian loaocomotives: "XD" Class. 101. illus., diagr. (s.
North British Ltd. 5ft 6in gauge with two 22½ x 28 cylinders,
12 in piston valves, 5ft 1½ in coupled wheels, a total heating surface
of 2685 ft2 and a greate area of 45 ft2. Built under
supervision of Rendel, Palmer & Tritton.
0-6-0 tank heavy shunting engine, G.W.R.102.
No. 9409 illustrated: notes features standard with other classes,
especially 8750 class and 2251 class (the No. 10 taper boiler with drum head
Oil fired locomotives, Great Northern Railway (Ireland). 103-5. 2 illus., diagr.
During 1936 and 1937 the Great Narthern Railway af Ireland successfully
experimented in the substitution af fuel oil for coal. The locomotive on
which trials were performed was of the 4-4-0 two-cylinder type and in the
converted state warked main line express trains between Dublin and Belfast.
As at that time adequate supplies of coal were available and the cost af
fuel oil was relatively high, the locomotive was subsequently re-converted
to. coal burning. The recent serious situation of coal shortages made it
imperative to. minimize coal cansumption and the Company decided on a programme
of conversion to. oil firing. Oil burning equipment has been fitted to. tank
engines af the T2 class of which type there are 25. Tlhe first locamotive
was converted in September af last year and up to March four of these were
in service with further conversians in hand. With the exceptian of a decrease
in the length af the brick arch and the covering of the base and about 15
in. af the firebax sides with firebrick, . the conversian was carried out
withaut any structural alteratian to the boiler, firebox or smokebox. A vertical
burner is used and the system adopted is that perfected by Messrs. Laidlaw,
Drew and Co of Edinburgh, the objects of the layout are as fallows:
1 To. improve upon the coal and oil comparative ratios which have so far
been obtained in locomotive oil firing. .
2 (a) To. eliminate local heating of firebax and tubeplate.
(b) To. reduce firebax brickwork to a minimum
(c) To. avoid deposit of unburnt oil in boiler tubes.
3 To. give controlled steam raising, so as to reduce boiler stresses, by
slow heating and even flame distribution.
4 To obtain a slow enough rate of combustian (without smell) to enable steam
pressure to be lost when standing and to enable the burner to accomplish
this without use af blower and consequent loss of steam.
5 To give a range of flame control covering all normal train workings without
having to vary atomising pressure.
6 To eliminate all damper or secondary air control by providing such a smokebox
and combustion chamber base design that, covering the working range of the
locomotive, any quantity of steam leaving the blast pipe is sufficient to.
produce a draught which will induce a quantity of combustion air sufficient
to make steam only slightly in excess of engine demand.
7 An arrangement which will provide far a rapid change to. solid fuel firing
and vice. versa.
The system allows the firedoor to be opened when the flame is lit and the
normal blower can be worked without extinguishing the flame. 1947 Laidlaw-Drew
oil firing equipment was fitted to some T2 class locomotives..
Covered fish van, L.M.S.R. 105. illus.
Fifty six-wheel fish vans built at Wolverton Works and finished in
LMS passenger train colour as designed for working on passenger trains. Shock
absorbing buffers with rubber springs were fitted, and the auxiliary suspension
also used rubber. It was noted that as "soon as conditions permit" two hundred
ventilated fruit and vegetable vans would be produced for the Worcestershire
fruit growing industry.
Railway power plant in Great Britain. 106-7.
A paper with the above title was read to the Institution of Mechanical
Engineers during their Centenary celebrations by
O.V.S. Bulleid,. M.I.M.E. (Past
president), in the unavoidable absence of Sir Wm. Stanier, M.I.M.E. (Past
President). The paper was divided into sections covering the four groups,
the sections being contributed by
O.V.S. Bulleid,
F.W. Hawksworth, M.l.M.E.
(Member of Council), H.G. Ivatt, M.I.M.E.
and A.H. Peppercorn, O.B.E.,
M.I.M.E., the Chief Mechanical Engineers of the S.R., G.W.R., L.M.S., and
L.N.E.R. respectively. These contributions are covered under the individual
L.M.S.R. 107.
St. Pancras station is being closed either wholly or partially at
weekends during reconstructian operations, involving one of the most complicated
sections of line in the London area. Over 40 sets of points and 50 crossings
are being replaced. Extensive signal modernisation and other improvements
are also being carried out.
London Transport. 107
A new luxury fitted Underground car, in service between Aldgate and
Rickmansworth, has three compartments. They are separated from each other
by vestibules with partitions and sliding doors. The compartments are decorated
with special ripple-finished plastic panels in a blue and Orange colour scheme.
There are special bucket-type seats with recessed arm rests.
G.W.R. 107.
Two further 4-6-0 express engines, No. 1027 County of Stafford
and No. 1028 County of Warwick, are in service. A propelling appliance
resembling a small hand plough is being used experimentally by uhe GWR for
shunting in small goods yards where difficulty may be experienced in providing
locomotive power. It moves on a single wheel driven by a petrol-electric
motor. The wheel is fitted with a rubber tyre with concave tread to enable
it to run on a rail or the ground. The machine will propel up to 150 tons
or approximately eight wagon loads. K.J. Cook, Loco Works Manager, Swindon,
has been appointed assistant to the Chief Mechanical Engineer. H. Randle
becomes Loco Works Manager. C.T. Roberts has been appointed Carriage and
Wagon Works Manager, Swindon.
A general survey of the German locomotive industry during the war years,
1939-1945. 107.
Paper read before the Institution of Locomative Engineers on May 14,
1947. The Authars being Messrs. T. Greenwood, R. H. Felt, G. W. Hancock a.nd
D. E, Gudgin: See Paper No.
Industrial Design. 107.
A full report of the conference on Industrial Design held in connection
with the recent "Britain Can Make It" exhibition in London is now available.
The discussion stressed the importance of design rather from the appearance
and selling point of view, which is not so important from the engineering
aspect for, although it must be admitted that a neat and symmetrical machine
is more likely to have pride taken in it and be kept clean by its operator,
output will suffer if a streamlined exterior involves inaccessibility to
the working parts.
Stephenson Locomotive Society. 107.
Members at London Headquarters, also at Birmingham, were entertained
by an interesting account of wartime experiences in Germany given by D.S..
Barrie, M.B.E., an Officer in the Royal Engineers. The scale of destruction
necessitating an enormous plan of rehabilitation and the diversified nature
of the rolling stock employed were emphasised.
2-6-0 industrial tank locomotive. 108. illus.
Robert Stephenson & Hawthorns 2-6-0ST constructed for the Kailan
Mining Administration in China. 4 ft. 8½ in. gauge and had two cylinders
of 17 ½ in. diameter by 24 in. stroke, controlled by Walschaerts gear.
Coupled wheels 3 ft. 6 in. diameter.Boiler had a firebox of the Belpaire
type, with a total heating surface of 986.86 ft2. Grate area 17.19
sq. ft2; working pressure 180 psi. Equipment included Westinghouse
brake, turbo-generator for the headlamp and all usual fittings.
Eaton Hall light railway. 108.
Eaton Hall light railway, comprising engine, nine coaches and trucks,
sleepers and rails, has been purchased by the Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch
Railway. It was transported by the GWR and SR from Balderton to New Romney.
The Eaton Hall railway and its rolling stock were described in. the Locomotive
for March, 1942, 48.
South African orders. 108
South African Railways invited tenders for large numbers of steam
locomotives and rolling stock. As many as 8,000 wagons and 150 locomotives
in the 1947-48 programme, and 12,000 wagons and 150 locomotives in the 1948-49
Portuguese oil burners. 108.
One hundred steam locomotives converted from coal to oil burning are
now in service on the Portuguese Railways, and another 80 were to be
Poole, John. Locomotives of the Central Buenos Aires Railway. 108-10.
6 illus. (drawings: s. el.).
4 ft. 8½ in. gauge and 378 km in length, began as a horse worked
tramway between Buenos Aires and Zarate. By 1914 it had extended another
line 4 de Febrero, while the Zarate line had become part af the International
route to, Paraguay by means of a connection to a train ferry Oowned by the
Entre Rios Railway between Zarate and Ibicuy. Up to the formation af the
Buenos Aires Transport Corporation in 1938, it formed part af the Lacroze
property including an extensive surface electric tramway system in the
Locomotives for dock work. 111-113. illus.
Six 0-6-2T locomotives for Calcutta Port Trust supplied by Hunslet
to specification of Rendel, Palmer & Tritton.
Railway models at Paddington. 113.
Working models of two famous engines were on view at Paddington Station.
A personal gift from the maker, Mr. B.R. Hunt, of Johannesburg, to the Directors
of the Great Western Railway, they are of a GWR. Cornish Riviera Express
coach drawn by the 4-6-0 express engine King George V and George
Stephenson's Locomotion No. I, together with the first closed carriage
Experiment. In another case is a display of miniature engine
Reviews. 113.
Locomotive Running Shed Practice: the maintenance
. and servicing of locomotives, by Harry Webster, Oxford University
Welcome addition to the Oxford Series oi Technical Publications and
is intended to give a general knowledge of shop and running shed processes
as well as of locomotives and their ailments. The book is designed to represent
practice throughout Britain with occasional reference to special equipments
abroad. Boiler washing, breakdowns, coal storage and consumption, engine
cleaning and engine repairs, working diagrams, shed layouts, shop equipments,
turntables, water treatment, etc., are a few of the subjects dealt with.
Illustrations are extremely good and numerous.
The development of road motors, 1898-1946, R.W. Kidner.
Oakwood Press.
Part 2 of the Author's Short History of Mechanical Traction.
Part 1, previously reviewed, took the story up to 1897: the present part
covers the following period. The strides made during this era were, as is
well known, very vast, and the bookwhich is illustrated by photographs
and sketches in the Author's particular stylecontains much of interest.
The development of the railway locomotive,
1880-1946, R.W. Kidner. Oakwood Press.
Fourth part of the Author's Short History of Mechanical Traction
and Travel and is on similar lines to the parts previously reviewed in
this column. Unfortunately it is not devoid of mistakes, as an example the
4-2-2 locomotives built for the G.N.R. (I) were not the first inside cylinder
engines with this wheel arrangement; G.W.R. broad gauge singles were of this
notation. The illustrations are not all beyond reproach, again to take an
example the Jones Highland 4-6-0 is depicted as having louvres extending
all round the chimney whereas they were only at the front. It is a pity that
more care was not taken in the compilation of these bookletsthe underlying
idea of which is very good.
Also received
Titans of the Track, L.N.E.R. No.2, Illustrated. Ian Allan
Locovariety, Illustrated. Ian Allan Ltd.
Trains Illustrated No.6. Ian Allan Ltd.
The Port of Goole: Gateway to the Continent, London: London
Midland & Scottish Railway, Euston.
This was the last folder of a series of six, the others being announced
on page 194 of Vol. LII.
London Transport Carried On: an account of London at War,
I939-1945, by Charles Graves. London Passenger Transport Board,
The co-ordination of road, rail and air services, Hyderabad
State, India.
Paper relating experiences in the. field of British Transport vehicles
and control of State-owned services under one Administration, by E. W. Slaughter,
C.B.S., M.I.Mech.E.,. M.Inst.T., General Manager Nizam's Railway Board 1931-41,
Managing Director Nizam's Railway Board 1941-46. Read at the Institute of
Transport in London on May 8, 1947.
L.N.E.R. Hull-Liverpool train passing through flood water at Rotherham
Road, March, 1947. 114.
Photo: The Yorkshire Post
Locomotives for India. 114.
Hunslet Engine Co. Ltd. delivering a batch of narrow-gauge 0-6-2T
locomotives to India for mixed traffic service. These engines have 10½
in. by 16 in. cylinders and weigh about 24½tons in full working
Correspondence. 114.
Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. W. B. Thompson.
Referes back to ?: puzzled by statement that at the Edinburgh Exhibition
in 1886 the Caledonian engine 124 was painted a North British brown. He visited
the exhibition and saw engine there, and his recollection is that each of
them was correctly painted to represent its own line. Caledonian blue was
the most attractive colour that has ever been used for locomotives in any
country, and he regretted that LMS company, in obsession for all things Midland,
did not see fit to perpetuate it. He also saw the engine Carbrook
at the Edinburgh Exhibition in 1890; both this engine and 124 carried names
while on exhibition.
The 0-8-0T locomotive. J. Scott
See Editorial, in June issue: noting LNER, Q1 (rebuilds). In August,
1945, one of these locomotives was used for banking, complete with slip-coupling,
on the Cowlairs Incline out of Queen Street Station, Glasgow. Caution seemed
to be the keynote in the use of this locomotive on these duties, as it was
particularly noticed that the driver did not open the regulator until the
train engine had hauled the train (with the banking engine attached). for
some fifty yards or so, whereas the regular 0-6-2Ts start up immediately,
sometimes before the train enginemen had time to respond to the guard's "right
away." About six weeks later he saw this Q1 tank hump shunting at Cadder
Marshalling Yards.
Issue Number 660 (15 August 1947)
"Mechanicals" Centenary. 115
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers celebrated during June the
centenary of its foundation, and to the large number of congratulations it
has received we have much pleasure in adding our own. The founding af the
Institution was one af the many great things with which George Stephenson
was associated and railway and locomotive interests have through the intervening
years played a g.reat part in the activities of what long since become one
af the world's premier institutions. . Many leading locomotive engineers
af the period contributed to its foundation and many have since added lustre
to its activities; we cite Robert Stephenson, J.F. McConnell, Charles Beyer;
Richard Peacock, John Ramsbottom and S.W. Johnson as earlier examples while
coming ta the present century such names as Sir J.A.F. Aspinall, Sir Vincent
Raven, Sir Henry Fowler, Lt.-Col. E. Kitson Clark, Sir Nigel Gresley, Sir
W.A. Stanier and Mr. O.V.S. Bulleid are to be found in the list of illustrious
Presidents. Throughout the century, locomotives have figured prominently
in the many admirable papers read before the Institution and it is of interest
to recall that as early as November, 1847, Charles Beyer presented one an
the" Atlas" Luggage Locomotive Engine. Amongst the many locomotive engineers
who have added papers to the proceedings may be mentioned J. Ramsbottom,
A. Allen, D.K. Clark, F.W. Webb, W. Dean, D. Joy, W.F. Pettigrew, G.J.
Churchward, H.A. Ivatt and G. Hughes. The contributions of other eminent
and more recent locomotive men will be sufficiently fresh in our readers
minds to render reference unnecessary. With such an important and distinguished
locomotive background it was only natural that steam locomotion should. find
a fitting place in the excellent arrangements mack to celebrate this occasion.
An exhibition of Stephenson relics was held at Storey's Gate and the items
gathered together from numerous sources were as interesting as they were
comprehensive, in fact one could not help speculating as to whether such
a display will ever again be gathered together in one place. A series of
papers was given, to a gathering packed to capacity, an the present position
of motive power and constituted a brilliant survey of British, Continental
and American practice. This review dealt with the present situation af all
forms. af railway locomotion and referred to their future prospects. All
papers contained much valuable information, extracts from the British review
appeared in our last issue and the Continental position is briefly referred
to elsewhere in this number. The contribution on American practice, by P.W.
Kiefer, chief engineer motive power and rolling stock, New York Central System,
was admirably presented by R.C. Bond in the author's absence and contained
much of interest, unfortunately from our pomt of view much
of its information and value were derived from graphs and tabulated particulars
which render it impossible to do the paper justice by quoting excerpts. We
must content ourselves by saying that the author stressed the difference.
between availability and utilisation, "availability" being defined as the
percentage of total time a locomotive is available for service, whereas
"utilisation" represents the percentage of tatal time it is actually in
operation; it was shown that the steam locomotive compared unfavourably with
other forms of motive power in this respect and indeed in almost all the
respects which were tabulated. It seems to us, however, that the steam locomotive
has certail} features which cannot be evaluated and amongst these we would
place highly the ability to continue working when long overdue for shopping.
Theoretically, we know, all equipment should be maintained in first-class
conditoan and the point does not arise, but in practice it will occur as
indeed it did during the last war and even, to a less extent, exists to-day.
Had this country been equipped with other forms of motive power some units
must have discontinued operation far want af maintenance. Our remarks, should
not be interpreted as adverse criticism of a carefully considered survey
of experience in America, which, is after all the only country where really
extensive operating camparisons of steam,. diesel and electric locomotives
are available.
A visit to the Southern Railway works at Brighton was included in the programme
of celebration arrangements and was much enjoyed by those who participated.
The celebrations were of. a far-reaching nature, beginning with a service
in Westminster Abbey and concluding with a banquet at the Guildhall.
Brighton Works. 115
Thousandth locomotive built there: West Country Pacific No. 21C164
exhibited alongside Terrier Class No. 82 Boxhill in Stroudley yellow.
First locomotive was Craven single driver tank engine No. 14
Pullman observation cars, S.R. 116.
The Devon Belle introduced by the Southern Railway to operate
between Waterloo, Exeter, Plymouth, Ilfracornbe and certain intermediate
stations. Two trains were used on this service and are composed wholly of
Pullman cars which already existed but a novel feature is the inclusion of
observation cars, which are the first cars of this type to run on the S.R.,
and operate on the Waterloo-Ilfracombe section. The two cars, one of which
is illustrated, have been rebuilt from existing stock (cars number 13 and
14), by the P.ullman Car Company, the work being carried out in the Company's
works at Preston Park, Brighton. Both first and third class passengers may
use these coaches which have each a seating capacity of 27. In addition to
the passenger accommodation, a bar, pantry and toilet facilities are provided.
It will be noted from the reproduced illustration that the back is slightly
inclined, the inclination being ten degrees from the vertical. Double glazing
is employed throughout which eliminates condensation and reduces noise;
3/16 in. armourplate glass, manufactured by Pilkington Bros.
Ltd. is fitted. The interior arrangements are both attractive and comfortable
and, together with the reconstruction of the body, are the responsibility
of J.L. Gilbert, Engineer of the Pullman Car Co. The coaches, in common with
the other vehicles forming the trains, are fitted with loud speakers connected
to the public address system.
The passenger accommodation is devoid of cross-partitions which has necessitated
strengthening the pillars and carline attachments. The bodies are of timber,
strengthened where necessary, and the under frames are of steel. The length
over corners is 59 ft. of which 33 ft. represents the observation saloon.
It will be seen that the car runs on four-wheeled bogies, the centres being
41 ft. The tare weight is 33 tons.
Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 116
Julian Tritton, M.LC.E., M.LMech.E., M.LLoco.E., M.Amer. S.M.E., son
of the late Sir Seymour Tritton, K.B.E., and ,partner in the firm of Rendal,
Palmer and Tritton, has been elected President of the Institution of Locomotive
Engineers for 1947-48.
L.N.E.R. 116
Plans approved for the construction of 25 diesel-electric units of
1,600 horse-power for hauling the East coast Angle-Scottish expresses. The
units will work in pairs to form 3,200 horse-power locomotives. Special
maintenance depots are proposed. A main one at Edinburgh and another near
King's Cross.
The York Railway Museum was reopened after closure during the war on 18 July
Sir Ronald Matthews, Chairman of the L.N.E.R., performed the opening ceremony.
To remind posterity of Timothy Hackworth's association with early railway
revelopment, the L.N.E.R. has recently installed a commemorative plaque at
Soho House, where he lived and worked at Shildon.
Motive power
trends on European railways. 116-17
This paper presented to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in
connection with their Centenary celebrations, gave an outline of the ideas
which are influencing the development of railways on the Continent, in particular
those concerning locomotive construction and operation. lit was written by
L. Armand, Le Direc- teur General Adjoint, French National Railways.
Unfortunately the Author was unable to' be present and in his absence the
paper was read by M. Leguille.
It was pointed out that between the two wars a great effort was made on the
Continent to carry out experiments with new types, in whioh a departure was
made from the conventional Stephenson locomotive. <PAGE
H.F. Hilton. The "Claud Hamilton". 117-19. 2 illustrations.,
diagram (side elevation)
Locomotive No. 8900 Claud Hamilton: a loocomotiv obituary.
Pages missing from copy now owned (from Steam locomotive
Issue Number 661 (15 September 1947)
National Railway Museum. 133.
Plea by E.W. Swan for
a National Railway Museum: Swan was Honorary Curator of the Municipal Industrial
Museum in Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Experimental locomotive Norfolk & Western Railway.
133-4. 3 illustrations
1910 4-8-0 rebuilt with combustion chamber, fan in smokebox and automatic
controls by R.G. Henly (Henley?)
Vernon L. Smith. The American logging locomotive.
135-7. 3 illustrations, diagram (side elevation)
Claims to have started in 1864 with a 10 horse power portable boiler
brought to Kittanning, then hauled to the logging site by horses and mounted
onto a timber frame and using belt drive as a locomotive working on timber
rails. Subsequently modified road loaomotives were used. The 4-4-0 type took
over until Ephraim Shay designed the multi-cylinder geared locomotive built
in 1880 by Carnes & Harper at their machine shop in Lima, Ohio. The first
locomotive had a vertical boiler, but in 1883 a horizontal boiler version
was marketed
Modern breakdown crane practice. 137-9. 3
General article based on information from
John Baker, Managing Director of
Joseph Booth & Bros., Leeds
Eighr-coupled tank engines for West Africa. 140
Fifteen 0-8-0T locomotives delivered to the Nigerian Railways and
to the Gold Coast Railways by the Hunslet Engine Co. Ltd. form a good example
of a heavy shunting and freight transfer engine for 3 ft. 6 in. gauge lines
where axle loads were restricted. They have a tractive effort of 23,500 lb.
at 75 per cent. of the boiler pressure and an adhesion factor of 4.6.
The locomotives have 3 ft. 6¾ in. wheels spread over a base of 13 ft.
3¾ in., but the total frame length is more than twice that distance,
being 26 ft. 11¾ in. Over centre couplers nhe length is 30 ft. 8 in.,
the height is 12 ft. 4 in., and the width over footsteps 8 ft., but owing
to the unusual shape of the loading gauge in West Africa, the cab can ibe
swelled out to a maximum width of 9 ft. 3¾ in. A remarkably even
distribution of' weight is obtained in the full working order condition the
axle loads being, from the front, 12 tons 1½ cwt. plus 12 tons
1¾ cwt. plus 12 tons 2 cwt. plus 12 tons 2½ cwt.; total 48 tons
7¾ cwt. This is wlibh the fmll complements of 1,000 gal. of water and
2 tons of coal. With tanks and bunker empty the locomotive weight is 38 tans
8 cwt. A two-ringed boiler of 4 ft. 3 in. diameter is pitched 7 ft. 3 in.
above rail level, and has a Belpaire firebox with an inner box of copper.
The barrel contains 174 steel tubes 1¾ in. o.d. and 9 ft. 11¼ in.
long. These give 791 ft2. of heating surface, and
the firebox contributes a further 93 ft2. to the
total of 884 ft2.t. The grate has an area of 13.3
ft2., and beneath it the ashpan dias a sliding
bottom door for emptymg. Water conditions in Africa result in the practice
of giving the inside of the boiler shell a coating of cement before the inner
firebox and tubes are put in. Above the firebox are two 2½in. Ross pop
safety valves set to blow off at 180 psi.
The two outside 18 in. by 23 in. cylinders drive the third pair of coupled
wheels through connect- rods 8 ft. 7 in. long. Piston valves of 9 in. diameter
are used, and are actuated by Walschaerts gear adjusted by lever reverse.
All wheels are flanged, but the intermediate and driving pairs have thin
flanges so that the locomotive can traverse easily 280-ft. curves without
any gauge widening, and ,go over 1 in 6½ points and crossings.
Axleboxes are solid phosphor bronze with white-metal inserts,. and are lubricated
from a Wakefield mechanical Iubricator. A renewable steel liner is fitted
on one side of each hornblock, but there are no wedges. The boxes are supported
by underhung laminated springs compensated in two groups. Other fittings
include steam and hand brakes for the locomotive, vacuum equipment for the
train brakes, Lambert wet sanding gear, a British Detroit sight-feed lubricator
for the cylinders and steam chests, and a wire net spark arrester in the
L.N.E.R. 140
The new train ferry, Suffolk Ferry, made her first trip from
Harwich to Zeebrugge on 3 September taking a cargo of general merchandise
and returning empty wagons. The other train ferry, Essex Ferry, sailed
the following morning with a similar cargo together with L.N.E.R. mixed traffic
electric locomotive No. 6000. This locomoti ve was built for the
Manchester-Sheffield electrification scheme, upon which work has now bean
resumed, and is being lent to the Netherlands Railways for extended
Ahlberg, Nils. Swedish steam locomotives. 141-2.
5 illustrations
Continued from p. 132. Early Swedish-built locomotives. The first
locomotive, to be used and also built in Sweden was Forstlingen (the
Firstling) built by Munktel1s Mechanical Works, Eskilstuna, in 1847
for the Norberg Railway. The gauge was 3 Swedish feet. . It was never used
in this condition, being unsatisfactory. The cylinders were placed between
the two axles, tlhe piston-rod being lengthened in both directions,
connecting-rods being provided to drive each pair of wheels. Later the Norberg
Railway was altered to normal gauge. In 1853 Forstlingen was sold
to the contractor of the Nora-Ervalla Railway and was transported to Munktells
where it was rebuilt to normal gauge. The cylinders were moved backwards
and the lengthened connecting-rods drove on to the leading wheels ; coupling
rods were now fitted.
Forstlingen had 8¼in. by 15½ in. cylinders; coupled wheels,
2 ft. 1½. in. diameter; heating surface, 194
ft2; grate, 5 ft2and
about 50 psi pressure. The weight in working order was 17 tons 8 cwt. The
locomotive was used first for ballasting and later for ordinary traffic until
1856, when it was scrapped. Some parts of it are to .be found at the Railway
Museum' m Stockholm. In the late 1890s the boiler was still used for heating
purposes at the Mosebacke Show Theatre in Stockholm.
It is doubtful which was the second locomotive as no records of Munktells'
early locomotives now exist, but it is supposed that it was the
Fryckstad of the Fryksta Railway. This locomotive which was completed
in 1855, was a six-coupled tank locomotive, the water tanks being situated
between the outside sandwich frames. The inside link motion was of the Stephenson
type. The gauge was 3 ft. 7.3 in. The lreading dimensions are listed as fractions
not suited to html.
When the Fryksta Railway was replaced by a normal gauge branch line from
the orth Western Main Line in 1872, the Fryckstad was transported
to the naval base of Karlskrona where it was used for fortification works.
About 1880 it was transferred to the fortress of Karlsborg for the same purpose
but was never used. In 1906 it was presented to the Railway Museum at Stockholm,
where it stands in the locomotive hall at Tomteboda.
In 1855 the locomotive Norberg was delivered by Munktells Mechanical
Works to the Norberg Railway. It was of the 2-4-0 type with sharply inclined
cylinders and seems to have been something like the Fryckstad. The
gauge was 3 ft. 10¾ m. No other dimensions are known. It worked until
the railway was converted to normal gauge, w:hen it was scrapped. The
Amanningen by the same makers was delivered in 1858. No dimensions
are available. It was sold to a tile works where it was used as a stationary
engine until the end of the last century.
In 1857 Munktells delivered two locomotives to the. Atvidaberg Copper Work
Railway one of which is Illustrated in the line drawing reproduced. Unfortunately
no dimensions are known. Munktells, in 1857, delivered the Sjoandan
to the Kristinehamn-Sjoandans Railway and the followmg year the
Christinehamn. Again no dimensions are available.
In 1858 the first locomotive of the Wessman-Barkens Railway (later Smedjebackens
Railway) went out from Munktells. It seems to have been identical with
Amanningen. This No. 1 Wessman wl:s followed by a. sister engine
No. 2 Barken in 1860. No dimensions are known. They, together
with a third engme, were scrapped in 1903, when the
Stockholm-Vasteras-Bergslagens Railway opened a standard gauge branch from
the Engelsberg-Ludvika line. A fourth engine was rebuilt to normal gauge
but did not survive long.
Munktells Mechanical Works never became great locomotive builders. The
manufacture of locomotives ceased in the 1890s after about thirty had been
In 1861 the Motala Works, Motala, delivered its first locomotive
Carlsund to the Vielle Montagne Zmc Ore Company, Ammeberg. This unusual
locomotive was a six-coupled long-boiler side-tank engine with a mixture
of o1d and modem features. The double plate inside frames were attached to
the firebox and the draw-bar to a channel bracket riveted to the back of
the casing. The stiffened footplate helped to strengthen the frame, especially
in dealing with buffing forces; later secondary frames were applied around
the firebox, The connecting rods from the horizontal outside cylinders drove
onto the trailing pair of wheels and the middle pair was flangeless. The
inside link motion was of the Gooch type, driving balanced slide-valves,
The cylindrical portion of the boiler was comparatively large consisting
of four telescopic nngs. The interior firebox was rectangular in horizontal
section, but in longitudinal section it, resembled an old Bury box of the
late 1830s. The boiler was domeless and the regulator was placed in the smokebox
at the front end of the steam-collecting·pipe. The locomotive was provided
with sledge brakes between the second and third pair of wheels, later altered
to a brake with shoes working upwards. In the 1890s it was provided with
the State Railways spark arres~er. The Carlsund had 15ft in. by 21~
In. cylmders; coupled wheels 3 ft. ft in.; heating surface 735 sq. ft.: grate
14 sq. ft., and steam pressure 90 lb. per sq. in. The weight in working order
was 28 tons 10 cwt. The Carlsund did good work for sixty-eight years,
and when withdrawn m 1929 was given to the Railway Museum.
Nydqvist & Holm, the greatest of the Swedish locomotive builders, were
at first named Trollhattan Mechanical Works. This Company, known as Nohab,
turned out their first locomotive in 1865. It was built for the Uddevalla
-Wenersborg-Herrljunga Railway, was numbered 1 and carried the name
Trollhattan, It was a 2-4-0 side tank locomotive with outside cylinders,
inside steam chests and Stephenson link motion. (See page 119.)
It was a copy of a locomotive, delivered in 1863 from Slaughter, Gruning
& Co., Bristol to the Boras-Herrljunga Railway of the same gauge. The
Trollhattan had 11 in. by 16 in. cylinders; coupled wheels 3 ft. 3
in.; heating surface 398 ft2.; grate area 6
ft2:; boiler pressure 143 lb. psi.; weight in working
order 15 tons 14 cwt. The Trollhattan was in continuous service till
the railway was altered to normal gauge in 1899. It was then stated, that
the tyres, eccentric straps, brake shoes and' piston rings had been changed,
but that all other parts, even the tubes were the originala tribute
to the excellent workmanship and material put into the engine.
The foregoing may be considered the pioneer 'locomotives of Sweden. Their
influence on the development of Swedish locomotives was of little or no
importance, but as the earliest efforts they are of a special interest, and
their makers are to be cornmended for their enterprise. Illustrations:
Forstlingen; Fryckstad, Atvidaberg (diagram), Carlsund,
Carlsund as rebuilt.
L.N.E.R. 142
Six third class sleeping cars of a new design are under construction.
Each coach will contain sixteen berths-eight in single compartments and eight
in double compartments, Full bedding and individual wash basins will be provided.
Contracts had been placed with Robert Stephenson & Hawthorns Ltd. for
the construction of 35 Class L1 2-6-4 tank engines and a like number of the
same design with the North British Locomotive Company Ltd. A contract had
also been placed with the latter firm for the construction of 70 Class K1
2-6-0 locomotives.
G.W.R. passenger rolling stock. 143-4. 2 illustrations
Although Hawksworth is not mentioned this is Hawksworth stock: timber
framed with 64 foot steel underframes and dome ends. The exterior of a third
class corridor coach is shown: it had eight compartments, each 6 ft. 2 in.
wide, providing seats for 64 passengers; and a lavatory iat each end. Four
doors were fitted on both sides. Special attention was given to the lighting
which was British Thornson-Houston Company's flourescent system.
The interior of a restaurant cars which had been refurnished and redecorated
is also shown. Sleeping cars were also being completely modernised .
James McEwan. Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. 144-6. illustration
Continued from Page 92. The 4-4-0
engines when new were located between Glasgow (South Side)which depot
was shortly to become known as Polmadie when the new building was
completedCarlisle, Edinburgh, Perth and two engines at Aberdeen. No.
124 was first tried on the Carlisle turns from Glasgow but later was kept
for the Edinburgh to Glasgow turns. After a lot of time had been spent in
making new parts the engine was taken into St. Rollox Works and in December,
1887 came out with standard 18 in. by 26 in. cylinders and Stephenson link
In 1888 when the through working between Carlisle and Perth was instituted
it was found that to operate the full mumber of trains there were too few
engines so a further six were laid down and another six added in 1891. After
the whole series was in service os. 70, 71 and 90 were allocated to Perth.
No. 72 went to Perth about 1891 and was the engine involved i:l1J the
Greenloraning smash and rebuilt in consequence in 1903. Nos. 67 and 68 were
sent to Stranraer for a few years not long after they came out and worked
on the summer boat trains, but not the mail trains.
After 1895 the engines of the class were switched around a bit as each new
development of the 4-4-0 type appeared on the line. Until 1'904 the class
was used from Carlisle in the express link bu't in that year they ceased
to be regarded as express engines at the Carlisle depot and some of them
were sent to Dundee. No. 124 was sent to Polmadie for the opening of the
Ardrossan line and the route to Arran. The "Caley" were set on lowering the
"Souwest's" time for "all in" times, Glasgow to Brodick Pier, Arran. To create
a good impression with the Eglington family the engine was named Eglinton
and almost without exception it worked the boat train to Montgomerie
Pier, Ardrossan, where the connecting steamer's crew was impatient to get
away to Brodick. The engine worked back to Glasgow and took the afternoon
train down and then returned in the evening with the connection from the
afternoon sailing from Arran piers. As a matter of interest it may be noted
that the ·rivalry between the two companies was obvious, the drivers
of the connecting trains ran with all their best efforts, anything which
would gain half a minute was attempted. The "Calev" men had to be ahead of
their rivals on the adjoining line from Kilwinning if they were to. get in
together to their respective stations, whistle cords were pulled until they
nearly broke, firemen were still plying the shovel two miles from the terminus
and finally with great skill the train was brought to a stop just at the
buffers, generally without the use of sand, and the safety valves usually
roaring. The connecting steamers repeated the performance and the rivalry
was intense until the two competing lines came to an agreement. The passengers
when they boarded the train knew what was in the wind, and betting on the
"event" was not unknown. They often became engrossed in the merits of the
" Caley " or the " Sou-west" line, and discussion waxed furious on the relative
merits of a "Drummond " or a "Smellie."
All the engines of the class were rebuilt by MacIntosh. Eleven of the class
were fitted with the Dunalastair I type of boiler, placed at 7 ft. 9in. centre
line from rail level. The boiler had 265 tubes with a heating surface of
1,284.45 ft2. The firebox added a further 118.78
ft2., making a total of 1,403.23
ft2.. The grate area was 20.63
ft2. and working pressure 175 psi. The first engine
to be treated was No. 71 which had the old combined sand box and splasher
retained also the double footstep in line with the rear bogie wheel. No
alteration was made 'to the Drummond cab, consequently the engine looked
very similar to Dunalastair I Further rebuildings got Dunalastair In cabs
with the curved cut out fitted and sand boxes placed beneath the running
plate in front of the driving wheels and a single step was fitted in front
of the sand boxes. Engines rebuilt with the larger boiler apart from No.
71 were vacuum fitted for working through L.N.W.Ry. stock which was not dual
fitted. Nine of these engines had already been so treated in 1895 before
rebuilding. No. 84 being the one additionally fitted.
As rebuilt the engine weighed 46 tons 11 cwt., the weight being made up as
follows :-bogie 15 tons 13 cwt. 1 qr., driving axle 16 tons, rear coupled
14 tons 17 cwt. 3 qrs. During the First World War, Nos. 70, 73, 75,. 76,
89 and 91 were lent at varying periods to the Highland Ry. and worked between
Perth and Blair Atholl and Inverness and Keith. One is said to have been
shedded at Wick for a space. During their life-time various engines underwent
transformations and some readers may recollect certain engines in their final
stage and the following brief resume of the changes will aid the association
of these changes.
No. 60 in 1917 was given new cylinders and frames and about 1919 received
a 1905 made boiler. No. 61 was rebuilt by Lambie and later got the boiler
from No. 14 (built 1894 by J. Lamoie ) in 1922 .. No. 62 got the old boiler
from No. 87 in 1916. The boiler from No. 1064 went to' No. 1075 in 1921.
The .boiler from No. 1065 went to No. 71, this ,large boiler was fitted between
1917 and 1921 but the date is uncertain. No. 72 was rebuilt twice, first
time by Lambie with a standard boiler and the second time being after the
Greenloaning smash. No. 68 got the boiler from No. 89 in 1922. No. 1074 got
the boiler from No. 1081 in 1922. No. 79 as No. 107'9 was withdrawn/in July,
1922, but returned to traffic in December, 1922, with the boiler from No.
1077. No. 83 got a, large boiler fitted at an unknown date between 1920 and
1922 and it is probable that the boiler was that from No. 1087 which was
withdrawn in 1922. No. 84 as No. 1084 appeared about 1924/5 with another
small type Drummond boiler. No. 87 ram from 1915 to 1920 with a large
(Dunalastair I) type boiler, which as already suggested may have passed to
No. 1083 about 1922. No. 88 in 1922 got the boiler from Lambie's engine No.
15. No. 89's boiler was fitted to No. 1090 in 1921. No. 113 when withdrawn
was fitted with a Drumrnond boiler and vacuum brake fittings. According to
records the 1903 boiler was of the Lambie type. A spare boiler may have been
used at one of the shoppings. Although there is no record of the engine being
fitted with the vacuum brake, this may have been fitted at either Carlisle
or Aberdeen where it was shedded at different dates.
Before dosing with the record of this class it will be recollected that No.
90 was one of the engines in the race to Aberdeen and its record will be
referred to later when dealing with the Class 13, 4-4-0 of 1893. In 1928
the Oban 4-6-0 engine No. 14602 (forrnerlv C. Ry. No. 57) was withdrawn and
the tender from it passed to 14302. When 14302 was withdrawn in 1929 the
tender was made a spare one and was laiter attached to 17302 for a few
No. | Date | Rebuilt. | Renumbered | L.M.S. No. | Withdrawn |
60 |
1885 | 12/1901 | 1060 in 1916 |
17 in 1916 |
1060 in 1922 |
14303 |
1929 |
61 |
1885 | 11/1895 | 1061 in 1916 |
14295 |
1925 |
62 |
1885 | 4/1902 |
1062 in 1916 |
87 in 1916 |
1062 in 1922 |
14304 |
1931 |
63 |
1885 | 4/1902 |
1063 in 1916 |
1916 |
64 |
1885 | 12/1901 | 1064 in 1917 |
1921 |
65 |
1885 | 6/1901 |
1065 in 1916 |
1917 |
66 |
1884 | 3/1901 |
1066 in 1922 |
14298 |
1930 |
67 |
1884 | 11/1902 | |||
1915 |
1067 in 1922 |
14290 |
1927 |
68 |
1884 | 2/1902 |
1068 in 1922 |
14291 |
1924 |
69 |
1884 | 5/1902 |
1911 |
1069 in 1922 |
14292 |
1925 |
70 |
1884 | 4/1901 |
1070 in 1922 |
14299 |
1927 |
71 |
1884 | 7/1898 |
1071 in 1922 |
14300 |
1927 |
72 |
1884 | 1891 |
1903 |
1072 in 1922 |
14293 |
1924 |
73 |
1884 | 2/1902 |
1073 in 1922 |
14301 |
1928 |
74 |
1885 | 8/1901 |
1074 in 1922 |
14294 |
1923 |
75 |
1885 | 5/1901 |
1075 in 1922 |
14302 |
1929 |
76 |
1889 | 6/1905 |
1076 in 1920 |
1920 |
77 |
1889 | 3/1907 |
1077 in 1920 |
1922 |
78 |
1889 | 10/1903 | 1078 in 1920 |
1921 |
79 |
1889 | 11/1899 | 1079 in 1920 |
14297 |
1928 |
83 |
1891 | 1909 |
1083 in 1921 |
14305 |
1928 |
84 |
1889 | 12/1906 | 1084 in 1921 |
14306 |
1927 |
87 |
1889 | 10/1903 | 1087 in 1915 |
1922 |
88 |
1891 | 7/1907 |
1088 in 1921 |
15 in 1922 |
1015 in 1922 |
14309 |
1930 |
89 |
1891 | 8/1889 |
1089 in 1921 |
1921 |
90 |
1891 | 9/1906 |
1090 in 1921 |
14307 |
1924 |
91 |
1891 | 5/1902 |
1091 in 1921 |
1922 |
113 | 1891 | 10/1903 | 1113 in 1916 |
1922 |
114 | 1886 | 12/1887 | |||
8/1906 |
1124 in 1916 |
14296 |
1925 |
Notes:-Nos. 66 to 75 came from Neilson & Co., Makers' Nos. 3058
to 3067. No. 124 was built by Dubs & Co .. Makers' No. 2245. All other
engines of the class were built at the St. Rollox Works.
The class were easy running engines and under favourable conditions could
.give a good account of themselves. In September, 1925, No. 14298 (formerly
CR. No. 66) brought the 10.0 a.m. ex Euston from Carlisle to Glasgow in booked
time. The load on that occasion was 308 tons. Water was taken at Beattock
while the banker was being attached.
The road numbers of the 4-4-0 engines which received the large boiler were
60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 70, 71, 73, 75 and 84. The fitting of the larger
boiler to No. 84 was certainly not done at the 1906 rebuilding but there
is no doubt about the engine being fitted at some period prior to this date.
There is a photograph of the engine on the Tinto Express which shows
the large boiler and there is also the early safety first set of illustrations
issued when the engine is shown with a porter failing to make the jump to
the platform after crossing the lines to attend to the incoming train.
See also letter on ochre livery of No. 124
Tank engines for Sierra Leone. 146. illustration
Three 2-6-2T locomotives completed by the Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd.,
for the Sierra Leone Railway to the requirements of the Crown Agents for
the Colonies help to focus attention on the requirements for shunting engines
on 2 ft. 6 in. gauge lines carrying heavy traffic. Where, as on the Sierra
Leone lines, trains are made up to the maximum that can be hauled by Garratts
and eight-coupled tender types, it is difficult, with the restricted axle
loads, to produce a compact shunting locomotive able to break up the heaviest
trains brought in and yet fit within, the physical restrictions.
These new 2-6-2T engines Nos. 81 to 83 represent the solution for the Freetown
wharves and yard, and two features may be noted indicating severe limitations
imposed on the designer. The first is the extraordinarily low axle load of
4½ tons maximum; the second is the necessity to traverse many curves
of two chains radius on the wharf tracks. Though the rigid wheelbase is only
5 ft. 6 in., it is still considered advantageous to thin the flanges of the
intermediate coupled wheels. Other features to meet local conditions are
the fitting of a spark arrester in the smokebox to eliminate any risk of
fires being caused in the warehouse area; the coating of the inside of the
boiler shell with Portland cement to prevent corrosion by the poor water;
and the small size of grate to cut down the waste of fuel during standby
periods. The arrangements of the tanks and the small side bunkers behind
them ensures that the weight distribution remains even as the water and fuel
supplies are used.
Leading dimensions were: two outside cylinders 10¾ in. by 15 in., 28-in.
wheels; boiler pressure 160 psi; tractive effort at 75 per cent. boiler pressure
7,450 lb.; factor of adhesion in full working order 3.85; total wheelbase
15 ft. 4 in.; length over buffer beams 18 ft. 10 in.; maximum height 10 ft.
53/8 in.; heating surface 345
ft2. from 97 tubes of 13/8 in. o.d.,
and 36 ft2 from the firebox, total 381
ft2; grate area 6¼
ft2.; tank capacity 470 gal.; fuel capacity 45
cu: ft.; total weight 21¼ tons.
The boiler is 3 ft. 2¾ in. outside diameter and pitched with its centre
only 4 ft. 11¼ in.. above rail level; distance between tubeplates is
8 ft. 4½ in. The round top firebox has girder stays only on the crown
and the grate is only 1 ft. 11¾ in long contrasted with its width of
3 ft. 2¼ in. The cylinders are set at a slope of 1 in 24 and drive the
rear coupled wheels though 4 ft.10½in. rods, and the Walschaerts gear
operates flat side valves having ¾ in. lap and 1/8
in. lead. Connecting and coupling rods are fitted with Ajax hard grease nipples.
Other fittings include a Wakefield slight-feed lubricator fer the cylinders
and steam chests, and for the United States metallic packing round the piston
rods and valve spindles; two 1½-in. Ross safety valves; steam and hand
brakes to all coupled wheels, and automatic vacuum equip- ment for train
brakes; independent underhung laminated springs; gravity standing for each
direction, with boxes at boiler-top level; and welded steel side tanks.
L.M.S.R. 146
New 4-6-0 Class 5 mixed traffic engines in service are Nos. 4773 to
4779 (built at Crewe), Nos. 4789 to 4791 (built at Horwich); also 2-6-4 Class
4 tanks Nos. 2273 to 2278 (built at Derby). The following engines had been
withdrawn from service. Class 4P, No. 14762 Glen Campbell
(Highland), 14632 (Caledonian), 25957 (L.N.W.); 4-4-0 Class 2P, No. 14408
Ben Hope (Highland); 2-4-2 Class 1PT, Nos. 6619, 6653, 6728 (L.N.W.);
0-6-2 Class 2PT, Nos. 6894, 6930 (L.N.W); 0-4-4 Class 4PT, No. 15115
(Caledonian); 0-6-0 Class 3F, No. 17703 (Highland); 0-6-0 Class 2F, Nos.
3116, 3358, 3677, 22822 (Midland), 28240, 28422, 28524, 28610 (L.N.W.); 0-8-2
Class 6FT, Nos. 7876, 7878 (L.N.W.); 0-6-2 Class 2FT, Nos. 7682, 7690, 7709,
7823 (L.N.W.); 0-6-0 Class 1FT, No. 1891 (Midland); and 0-4-0 Rail
Motor No. 10600 (L. & Y.).
Locomotive Testing Station. 147
In 1937 the L.M.S. and L.N.E.R. companies decided jointly to construct
and equip a Locomotive Testing Station at Rugby, and thus provide, in this
country, a much needed plant for research and experimental work in connection
with the design of steam locomotives. The station, the cost of which was
upwards of £150,000, was planned to embody the principal features of
similar plant established in other countries, notably that at Vitry, in France.
but with certain important modifications dictated by the latest experience.
By the autumn of 1939 the buildings were nearly completed. but work had to
be suspended on the outbreak .of war, which also held up the manufacture
of the apparatus required. A contract for the latter had been placed with
Heenan & Froude Ltd. of Worcester, who had sub- contracted with A.J.
Amsler, of Schaffhouse, Switzerland, for the dynamometric equipment.
Immediately on the conclusion of hostilities steps were taken to resume work.
The buildings are being completed, the manufacture of the plant is in full
swing, a start has been made with the installation of the machinery at Rugby
and it is hoped that the dynamometric instruments will be despatched from
Switzerland during October. It is anticipated that the Testing Station which,
but for the war, would have been completed in 1940, will be in operation
by the middle of next year.
Model Engineer Exhibition. 147
The twenty-second Exhibition was held at the New Horticultural Hall,
Westminster, from 20-30 August. The steam locomotive section attracted twenty
entries of 10 mm. scale or over and the standard of the models exhibited
was higher than ever. Among the outstanding entries may be mentioned a 1½
in. scale 0-4-0 saddle tank by W.G. Dennis, a 1 in. scale L.M.S. 5XP by J.I.
Austen-Walton (who obtained the Championship Cup awarded for locomotives),
and ¾in. scale engines by G. Archer and E. Kench who both exhibited
Royal Scots. Princess class locomotives of similar scale were the work of
W.D. Hollings and N.E. Nicholson. A ¾i in. scale engine by A.W.G. Tucker
was of interest in that among other features it incorporated Holcroft's valve
gear. A 10 mm. scale L.M.S. class 5 engine by E. R. Morton was an outstanding
entry wonderfully complete despite its small size.
G.W.R. restaurant car No. 9673 . 147
Bore a bronze plaque to commemorate its service in the wartime special
train used by Churchill and the Cabinet. It formed part of the Torbay
Brunels bridge at Chepstow. 147
Built in 1852, was having its wrought iron land spans, each- 100 ft.
long, replaced by steel spans of modern design.
A special vehicle fitted with two diesel-electric hoists was being built
at Swindon for track relaying in the Severn Tunnel. Specially designed waterproof
road-rail containers have been constructed for carrying cement direct from
the factory to the working site. Each container will hold 3½ tons of
cement, loaded three to a wagon.
L.N.E.R. 147
With the approval of the Minister of Transport, the L.N.E.R. is to
resume the work of electrifying its Manchester-Sheffield main line, together
with the lines from Barnsley Junction to Wath and from Fairfielfl to Trafford
Park and Manchester Central, a total of 75 route miles or 300 track miles,
including sidings. The scheme will cost approximately £6 millions and
take four years to finish. Electric locomotives will haul all trains between
Manchester and Sheffield and will be fitted with electrically-heated boilers
so as to maintain steam heating in the passenger trains. Between Manchester
(London Road), Hadfield and Glossop, however, a suburban service will be
provided by multiple unit electric trains. Partly for this reason main electric
repair shops and running sheds for dealing with inspection, repairs and general
overhaul of the electric locomotives and electric rolling stock will be located
at Levenshulme, six miles from Manchester. There will also be two smaller
running sheds at Darnall, near Sheffield, and at Wath.
L.M.S.R. 147
Included .in the 150 locomotives being built this year were 20 of
a new design of freight locomotive of the 2-6-0 type (4F Classification).
The full programme is as under:
To be Built at: |
Class 7P, 4-6-2 Passenger | 2 |
Crewe |
Class 5, 4-6-0 Mixed Traffic | 70 |
Crewe & Horwich |
Class 4, 2-6-4T | 48 |
Derby |
Class 4F, 2-6-0 Freight (New Design) | 20 |
Crewe |
Class 2F, 2-6-0 Freight | 10 |
Crewe |
Total | 150 |
The two 4-6-2 locomotives will be a development of the existing Duchess
class and will incorporate roller bearings to all the axles of both locomotive
and tender. The bearings will be supplied by British Timken Ltd. and the
Skefko Ball Bearing Co. Ltd.
Of the Class 5, 4-6-0 locomotives, thirty will be re-designed and equipped
as under:
10 with Roller Bearings and Walschaerts Valve Gear.
10 with Roller Bearings and Caprotti Valve Gear.
10 with Plain Bearings and Caprotti Valve Gear.
These three groups of locomotives will be very carefully tested one against
another, and also in comparison with a batch of ten standard Class 5 locomotives
having plain bearings and Walschaerts Valve Gear. The trials of these 40
locomotives will include not only the usual dynamometer car tests. but also
a detailed comparison of costs. The Caprotti valve gear will be supplied
by the Associated Locomotive Equipment Co. Ltd. and the Roller Bearings which
will be applied to all axles of both locomotive and tender will be supplied
by British Timken Ltd. The 2-6-4 tank locomotives follow the existing design
introduced two years ago, and the Class 2F 2-6-0 are identical with the new
small freight locomotives already in traffic.
The Class 4F 2-6-0 locomotive is to be a new design and supersedes the well-known
standard Class 4F 0-6-0 designed by Sir Henry Fowler as long ago as 19II,
of which no less than 772 are at work. The new locomotive will have two outside
cylinders, a double blast pipe and chimney, and all the latest features which
nave been incorporated into recent L.M.S. practice.
W.G. Bagnall Ltd. 147
The whole of the shares in W.G. Bagnall Ltd. have been acquired by Heenan
and Froude Ltd. of Worcester. Alan P. Good is the new Chairman of Bagnall's.
Correspondence. 147
Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. James F.
Watson (see letter on page 95)
is correct about the date of renumbering, it was in 1895
Wallace (see page 96) mentions Nos. 555 and 560 on loan
to the H. Ry. Author omitted reference to these because other engines were
loaned at times when these two were in the shops for overhaul. Since the
matter has been raised mention can be made of the Aberdeen 0-6-0 which was
the only engine in steam on the Sunday when the special train bringing Lord
Kitchener for his ill-fated visit to Russia, arrived at Aberdeen. The sea
trip was supposed to begin at Aberdeen but the Authorities decided to start
from Scapa instead. The decision to alter the destination had not been notified
to the Railway Cos. and a last minute arrangement had to be made. The G.N.S.
Ry. had no spare engine available and it was decided to send the C. Ry. 0-6-0
through to Keith, or Elgin as necessary. The engine later arrived in Inverness.
Reviews. 148
L.M.S.R. 148. illustration
A series of artistic "IN PERSPECTIVE" quad royal posters had been
issued .. They were intended to stimulate interest in the more familiar items
of railway equipments. They depict The Locomotive, The Carnage, The Track,
The Permanent Way'; and The Footplate.
The Day Begins reproduced from a new L.M.S. quad royal poster by Terence
The Mistley, Thorpe & Walton Railway. Thomas B. Peacock. 19 pp.,
10 illustrations and map. 148
This is a very full and interesting history of one of the few railway
companies which failed to complete the task of building its railway and should
be read in conjunction with the records of other railways in East Anglia.
Except for a small efror in the first paragraph the information is authentic.
The line was opened from Colchester to Hythe in July, 1849, and thence to
Wivenhoe for general traffic in May 1863.
Name plates of the L.N.E.R. locomotives: compiled
by F. Burridge. Sydenham & Co., Bournemouth. 148
Engine name plates are often nowadays quite artistic: the Southern
displays coloured coats of arms of towns and shipping companies, the L.M.S.
shows us regimental crests, whilst the L. & N.E.R. gives us foxes and
footballs amongst other insignia. This publication completes the series covering
the four main British groups. Over fifty illustrations s how the various
shapes and letterings used and the model maker anxious to have his work correct
in these details will find all he needs in these booklets.
An A.B.C. of London Transport has just been published by the
L.P.T.B. 148
This pocket encyclopaedia contains a large number of interesting facts,
arranged in alphabetical order, relating to this vast organisation. Those
desiring copies should apply to Mr. C. A. Lyon, Press and Publications Officer,
55, Broadway, London, S.W.1. Listed under London Transport in Ottley 811.
It was not an Ian Allan joob.
Practical hints for footplate men. Southern Rly.
Distributed gratis to all the Company's enginemen. This is an excellent
publication. It is well produced, well illustratedsome of the coloured
diagrams are especially goodand it is extremely well written. We cannot
recall any similar publication which contains so much information in a similar
space. .
The book is primarily intended to assist in training new firemen but contains
much which experienced men will find of use and interest. The text is the
work of S. C. Townroe of the Traffic Manager's Motive Power Dept. and valuable
assistance has been given by the Company's Chief Mechanical Engineer, O.
V.· Bulleid. It is unfortunate that this book is not available to others
outside the S.R.
Standard gauge light railways. R.W.
Kidner. Oakwood Press,
This is a second edition of No. 4 in the author's well-known series
of light railway handbooks. It has been considerably revised, including new
illustrations, and contains much useful information on a class of railway
which is unfortunately almost extinct.
The Fowler and Stanier locomotives of the L M S
1923-1947. C. Langley Aldrich. 148
Particulars and illustrations, together with various notes, are given
relating to the locomotives designed by the C.M.Es. mentioned in the title
and in addition the two new engines designed by H. G. Ivatt are included.
This book generally follows the style of the author's previous publications;
these are in principle useful and interesting compilations but in our view
would gain con- siderably by the omission of the author's opinions which,
In the book under review, range from the nomination of a suitable C.M.E.
for the railways after nationalisation to a suggested regional scheme for
nationalisation. In books of this description it is better to confine the
contents to facts.
A.B.C. of G.W.R. locomotives.
Ian Allan. 148
This is the sixth edition of this book which generally follows the
lines of former editions with corrections up to 1 June 1947.
A.B.C. of L.M.S. locomotives. Ian Allan.
This is another edition of the book relating to this Company's locomotive
stock and in addition to lists includes various illustrations and particulars
of sheds and locomotive superintendents of the constituent companies. In
any future editions the last-mentioned will no doubt be completed, e.g.,
three superintendents are missing from the North Staffordshire list and no
mention is made of Smellie's connection with the Maryport and Carlisle
The Line that Jack built. Ian Allan.
An interesting little book containing many illustrations of the R.H.
& D.R. These cover the history of the line from its earliest days and
with few exceptions have not appeared previously. /
The railways of Switzerland. The Railway Gazette.
Issued in connection with the International Congress recently held
at Lucerne. It contains many illustrations, maps, and line drawings and
comprehensively covers the Swiss railway system from its inception up to
the present time. .
Issue Number 662 (15 October 1947)
Availability. 149-50.
Editorial built around Rudgard's
ILocoE paper Organisation and carrying-out of examinations and repairs of
locomotives at running sheds in relationship to locomotive performance and
Hump shunting locomotives, L.N.E.R. 150-1. illus.
Early statistics of diesel electric shunting locomotives Nos. 8000-8003
performance at Whitemoor Yard in March.
Smith, Vernon L. The American logging locomotive. 151-2. 5i llustrations,
2 diagrams.
Continued from page 137
Morris, O.J. Standardising S.R. locomotives, Central Section. 155-8.
2 illus., diagrs., tables
Continued from 51 page 151.
Opie, R. Locomotive power, performance and rating. 159-61. table.
L.M.S.R. mobile testing unit. 162-3. 3 illus.,
Mobile testing plant for controlled road testing using electric generators
coupled to the carriage bogies via Andrews-English Electric flexible drives.
One of illus. shows test train hauled by Class 5 with wind measuring equipment
mounted on front of locomotive.
Southern Railway. 163
The first of the Battle of Britain class locomotives had been named:
21C 151: Winston Churehill, 21C 152 Lord Dowding, 21C 153 Sir
Keith Park and 21C 154 Lord Beaverbrook, 21C 155 Fighter
Pilot, 21C 164 Fighter Command, 21C 165 Hurricane
21C 166 Spitfire and 21C 167 Tangmere. They have narrower
cabs with windows at an angle compared to the earlier Light Pacifics.
2ft. 6in. gauge locomotives for India. 164
Six 0-6-2Ts supplied by Hunslet Engine Co. to the order of T.A. Martin
& Co. and to inspection of T. Barnard Hall & Jones for use on
Barasat-Basrhat Light Railway and Bukhtiarpur-Bikar Railway. Maximum axle
load 6½ tons. Cylinders 10½ x 16in; coupled wheel diameter 33in.;
total heating surface 367ft2, working pressure 160 psi.
2ft. 6in. Gauge Locomotives , for India
Locomotives just set to work
in India show most effectively the way in which requirements for narrow
gauges and very light lines can be met by competent locomotive builders,
without resort to complication or the adoption of expensive fittings. They
have been introduced by the Arrah Sasaram Light Railways, the Barasat-Basirhat
Light Railway, and Bukhtiar- pur-Bikar Railway for mixed-train haulage at
speeds up to 20 m.p.h,
Built by the Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd. to the order of T. A. Martin @ Co.
Ltd., and to the inspection of T. Bernard Hall @ Jones, these engines are
of the 0-6-2T type and have a maximum axle load of only 6~ tons. In full
working order they weigh 24t tons, of which 19 tons is on the coupled wheels.
The empty weight is 18 tons, of which 14t tons is on the coupled wheels.
Water tank capacity is 550 gal. and the bunker holds 25 cwt. of fuel.
2 ft. 6 in. gauge Locomotive for India. Other leading dimensions are: cylinders
lOt in. by 16 in.; wheel diameter 33 in.; working' pressure 160 lb. per
sq. in.; tractive effort at 75 per cent. boiler pressure 6,400 lb.; factor
of adhesion 6.6; heating surface 322 sq. ft. from tubes and 45 sq. ft. from
firebox, total 367 sq. ft.; rigid wheelbase 6 ft. 2 in.; total wheelbase
12 ft. 5 in.; length over buffer beams 20 ft. 11 in.; maximum height 9 ft.
8in.; maximum width 7 ft 4 in. Despite the secondary character of the railways
over which these locomotives operate, full mainline standards. were applied
in the construction. On the other hand, the boiler complies with the severe
Indian Boiler laws evolved primarily for Stationary Boilers which specify,
inter alia, the very high test pressure of It times working pressure. Outside
frames; outside cylinders that drive on to the rear coupled wheels through
68-in. connecting rods, cast steel wheel centres, overhung laminated stirings
compensated between leading and intermediate springs, steam and hand brakes
are features of the design.
The P.L.A. and overseas trade. 164
The Rail Car for Peru described page
80, after completing trials on the L.N.E.R., was brought to the Albert Dock
25-ton Crane and shipped into a barge, then when the Steamer was ready to
take delivery it was placed on board together with the bogie by the Heavy
Floating Crane London Ajax of 60 tons capacity.
Mention has also been made in Locomotive Mag of the new American Stock
built for the French Railways, some individual sections of this order have
passed through the London Docks In Transit" on board several of the United
States Lines vessels using the Royal Group. A set of 25 carriages for Kenya
was handled by the P.L.A. Derrick London Mammoth, which is London's
largest Floating Crane having a capacity of 150 tons. Operation in this case
was out of the ordinary, as the coaches being Out of Gauge" were brought
down from the Midlands on special bogies from which they were "picked off"
by the Mammoth placed on specially prepared beds on the quayside.
From the quayside the shipping operation was completed by SS Empire
Admiral which is a wartime- built Heavy lift ship; this -becarne a "dual
operation" with the Mammothand the vessel each slinging alternate
loads. The bogies were shipped separately but arranged so that at the port
of discharge they could be placed in readiness for receiving the carriages.
The P.L.A. Heavy Derricks were continually at work shipping and unloading
the heavier classes of materials and machinery for the European area and
Far East.
L.M.S.R. 164
An, interesting conversion concerned fifty, 50-ton ex-W.D. Warwell
wagons for use as bolster wagons. The vehicles to be used to accelerate the
delivery of steel rails and to fit them for this requirement it was necessary
to add four bolsters and a platform. The four bolsters are arranged one over
each bogie centre, and two over the wells.
Correspondence. 164
Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. J.
F. McEwan
Re statement in his article (pages 90 and/or 144)
on colour of painting of No. 124, had been informed by an ex-C.R. hand that
when the engine returned direct to St. Rollox it was definitely not blue.
The colour shade named by him is ochre. In view of this further confirmation
of my statement I can only suggest that your correspondent is thinking solely
of No. 123.
Reviews. 164.
Universal directory of railway officials and
railway year book, 1947-1948.
The latest edition of this book has been considerably revised as many
particulars are now available which have been unobtainable since 1939 . In
view of the changes now taking place in the constitution of railways in\
many countries this issue of this comprehensive reference hook is particularly
Issue Number 663 (15 November 1947)
McEwan, James. Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway. 177-8;
Issue Number 664 (15 December 1947)
Nationalisation. 181.
Lists names of Chief Regional Officers (Darbyshire CRO LMR misspelt
Derbyshire) and Railway Executive members Notes T.H. Moffat, Deputy CRO Scottish
A stainless-steel coach. 182-3. 3 illustrations.
Pressed Steel Company associated with Budd Corporation named Silver
Princess: compartments for first; open saloon for third class..
G.V.O. Bulkeley. The 4-8-0 locomotive on Colonial railways. 187-8. diagram (side elevation)
Author was former General Manager Nigerian Railwaay.
Dock shunting by diesel. 188-90. illustration
Hunslet locomotive on Mersey Docks & Harbour Board railways.
L.M.S.R. appointments. 190..
Mr. A. M. Todd, District Locomotive Superintendent, Bank Hall; Mr.
G.W. Miller, District Locomotive Superintendent, Skipton; Mr. E. C. Bourne,
District Locomotive Superintendent, Kentish Town; Mr. E. A. Talbot, District
Locomotive Superintendent, Saltley; Mr. J. A. W. Knapman, District Locomotive
Superintendent, Longsight; Mr. H. H. Mason, Assistant District Locomotive
Superintendent, Crewe (North); Mr. A. E. Robson, Superintendent, Carriage
and Wagon Works, C.M.E. Department, Derby; Mr. T. F. B. Simpson, Superintendent,
Loco. Works, C.M.E. Department, Derby; Mr. J. M.. Chalmers, Assistant District
Locomotive Superintendent, Inverness; and Mr. A. C. Booth, Assistant District
Locomotive Superintendent, Perth.
Engine Lighting Equipment on G.W.R. 190-1. 2
A experimental lighting set, manufactured by the Metropolitan-Vickers
Electrical Co. Ltd. fitted ·to 4-6-0 oil fired engine No. 3904, St.
Brides Hall.
W.M. Gowan Gradon. Some West Cumberland locos. (Fletcher
Jennings & Company). 191-3. 2 illustrations
Illustrations show 0-4-0 Abernant on 2ft 8in gauge Aberdare
Iron Company's lines which included gradients as steep as 1 in 14 and 0-6-0
Will o' the Wisp of the Ebbw Vale Iron Co. Other locomotives were
purchased by Branson & Murray in connection with constructing defences
for Plymouth harbour; the Norley Coal & Cannel Co. of Wigan; the Plymouth
Iron Co., Aberdare; tyhe Tredegar Iron Co.; the Dowlais Iron Co.; the Aberdovey
Slate Co.; Barrow Haematite Steel Co.;the General Mining Association of Nova
Scotia; William Whitwell & Co. of Stockton-on-Tees; and Gaskell, Deacon
& Co. of Widnes.
McEwan, James. Locomotives of the Caledonian Railway.193-5: .
4-2-2 No. 123 including its performance during the races of August
2-8-0 freight locomotive Trujillo Railway, Peru. 195-6. illustration, diagram
(side & front elevations)
Hunslet Engine Co. for Peruvian Corporation: 3ft gauge.
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