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Mainly engineers, mainly trained in Britain (including Ireland), who spent their working lives in India or Africa or South America or one of the many other locations, typically in the former British Colonies and Empire. Most of information has come from obituaries in Journal of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers..
Agarwal, Rai Bahadur P. R.
Born in 1908; died 28 April 1950. Graduated from Benares Hindu University
in 1930, where he stood First and was awarded the "Prince of Wales Gold Medal."
After his apprenticeship on the G.I.P. and Jodhpur Railways, he joined the
B.B. & C.I. Railway in 1935. He worked as District Locomotive and Carriage
Superintendent at Ahmedabad and Bombay in 1939. In 1941 .he was selected
for the post of Assistant Chief Controller of Standardization, Central Standards
Office for Railways, and in 1944 became Deputy Director, Mechanical Engineering,
Railway Board. For his war services he was awarded the "Rai Bahadur." In
1946 Agarwal went on deputation to the United Kingdom to attend the Empire
and International Standards Conferences as a delegate of the Government of
India. On return he worked as Locomotive Works Superintendent, Dohad, and
then as Carriage Works Manager, Ajmer. From 1 January, 1948, his services
were placed at the disposal of the Jodhpur Durbar for three years as Chief
Mechanical Engineer, Jodhpur Railway. He was the first Indian to hold this
appointment. Author of many technical Papers, published in Indian and Foreign
Technical and Scientific Press, and was awarded the Railway Board Gold Medal
and First Prize twice for Papers on Diesel Traction on Indian Railways and
Locomotive Manufacture in India. Paper on diesel traction see
Locomotive Mag., 1942,
48, 148
He was Member of the Faculty of Engineers, University of Rajputana, Jaipur;
Board of. Studies in Engineering, Andhra University; Internal Combustion
Engines Research Committee of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research,
India, and Prime Movers Panel, Government of India, Ministry of Industries
and Supplies for setting up the Prime Mover Industry in India. He was Member
and original sponsor of the Indian Standards Institution. I. Loco. E. obituary.
Ahlston, A.C.
Chief Mechanical Engineer of the Victorian Railways (no biographical
detail traced). Designed Heavy Harry which was intendeds to be the first
of 3 large mixed-traffic locomotives capable of handling the heavyweight
Overland express to Adelaide. The prototype was rolled out 7 February 1941:
it featured a large Belpaire firebox with combustion chamber and thermic
syphons providing plenty of direct heating surface for the boiler; it was
fed by an automatic stoker. No other Australian locomotive had so much combined
heating surface or so large a grate. (The nearest competitors in both areas
were the SAR's 500-class 4-8-4s, which were supplied by Armstrong-Whitworth
In terms of superheater area as a percentage of overall heating surface area,
however, the H class ran a little lower than most main-line locomotives delivered
in the same period. Three 11 inch piston valves fed the three cylinders,
the middle one of which was actuated by a conjugation lever. The valves had
6½ (165 mm) travel, 1½ (38 mm) lap, and ¼
in. (6.35 mm) lead. Exhaust poured out of a double blastpipe in a smokebox
that was flanked by "elephant ear" smoke lifters. Ahlston attempted to ease
the transfr to diesel motive power by assessing trends on a global
Allwood, Henry Edgar
Former Works manager of the Nigerian Government Railways, appointed
chief mechanical engineer SIerra Leone Government Railway, Cline Town, Sierra
Leone, in succession to Mr. R. Malthus who had
retired. Locomotive Mag., 1934,
40, 26
Anderson, J,C.
Assistant Locomotive Superintendent, Pekin-Mukden Railway.
see Locomotive Mag., 1916,
22, 211
Anderson, James
Edinbugh Civil Engineer who surveyed route of Jamaica Railway in 1843
or 1844
Angus, Percy Roy
Born in 1893. Died on 7 July 1961. Former chief mechanical engineer
of the New Zealand Railways. He retired in 1950. As head of the
Department’s mechanical engineering branch, Mr Angus did much to
equip the railways for the heavy traffic now being handled, and his modern
designs of rolling stock were highly regarded in New Zealand and overseas.
The heavy "K" class locomotives for Main Trunk service, and the railcars
introduced to the Wairarapa and New Plymouth routes in the later 1930s, were
of his design. Angus first joined the Railways as a mechanical engineering
cadet at Invercargill in 1910, and subsequently served in Addington and
Wellington. He was promoted to assistant chief mechanical engineer at Wellington
in 1926 and later to locomotive superintendent in charge of the locomotive
running branch of the Department. Appointed to the position of chief mechanical
engineer in 1941, Angus in this capacity, took over full control of the railway
workshops and locomotive running branches. For many years Angus had taken
an active interest in both the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. London,
of which he was a member, and of the New Zealand Institution of Engineers,
of which he was president, 1952-53. His name is perpetuated in the New Zealand
Institution of Engineers by the Angus Award, which he endowed to encourage
papers on mechanical engineering. Off Internet.
Armistead, Henry
Died on 16 September 1931 due to fall from the Kathiawar Mail
train, near Anand, forty miles from Ahmedabad. Henry Arrnitstead, M.B.E.,
carriage and wagon superintendent of the B.B. & C.I. Ry. (metre gauge
section), Ajrner. He was fifty-four years of age and joined the railway in
1920, after having served the North Western Ry. He was responsible for the
building of the saloon used by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales during his last
visit to India. . Locomotive
Mag., 1931. 37, 344. In group photograph (p. 153)
see Locomotive Mag., 1923,
29, 150-1.
Armstrong, William Harold
Born in 1891; died 19 March 1959. Apprenticed at Eveleigh locomotive
works of New South Wales Railways and subsequently obtained drawing office
and running experience. Became Assitant CME in 1936 and in 1951 Chief Mechanical
Engineer. Retired in 1956. Obituary ILocoE. Responsible for New South
Wales Government Railways in acquiring AD60 Beyer Garratts:
see Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev.,
1952, 58, 137..
Influenced by Gruyer of Netherlands East Indies Railway paper presented
at the World Power Engineering Conference in Tokyo on fitting the Java Mallet
locomotives with double chimneys and how this improved coal and water
consumption, reduced cylinder back pressure and reduced the ejection of cinders
and so fitted a Nagoya-built 4-6-0 with a double
chimney. Locomotive Mag., 1931,
37, 12..
Atock, George
Born in Limerick on 22 May 1872. Son
of Martin Atock, locomotive engineer. Died in Liverpool on 12 June 1944.
Educated at Arnold College, Blackpool and High School, Dublin. Pupil of his
father at Broadstone. Brief period with Kitson's and for a time foreman of
the Tuam locomotive running district. Then spent his career on railways in
Burma, Cuba and Venezuela.
US Patent 1,332,480 Liquid-fuel burner for furnaces of
locomotive-boilers and for other furnaces. Published 2 March 1920
Shepherd, Ernie, The
Atock/Attock family: a worldwide railway engineering dynasty. 2009. 264pp.
(Oakwood Library of Railway History No. 150). NB Patent found on
Bakhle, K.C.
Secretary to the Pacific Locomotive Committee (at time a Divisional
Engineer on the GIPR and subseqently Chairman Indian Railway Board. Photograph
on board SS Narkunda with Alan Mount on voyage back to Europe following
Indian Pacific inquiry see Cox Locomotive
panorama Volume 2.
Barber, Sam
Died at Ewell, Surrey on 12 August 1962 aged 62. Educated at Kirkby
Lonsdale and Queen’s College Oxford, where he took an honours degree
in Mechanical Sciences. Served with Border Regiment during WW1 from 1918.
Pupilage at Derby under Sir Henry Fowler; then joined Great Indian Peninsula
Railway as a motive power officer in 1924. During his first posting he planned
the then new Bhusaval locomotive machine and fitting shops at a time when
steam locomotive shopping periods were being lengthened: work led to early
promotion as Divisional Power Officer, followed by headquarter appointments
as Line Fuel Officer and later as senior Motive Power Officer in Bombay.
After a period as the GIP Railway’s Deputy General Manager at the
end of WW2 he was transferred to London as European Liaison Officer for the
re-constituted Indian Government Railway Board. Joined Merz and McLellan
in 1955 when his work brought him into close contact with railway projects
on Continental Europe, in Africa and in the UK. In India remembered for his
fuel researches which led to the adoption of local low-grade fuels for the
wide fire-box standard engines introduced throughout the country. He gained
his soccer “blue”, played for the Corinthians and was
signed as an amateur with Preston North End. Sam was never ruffled. He was
remembered by his colleagues for his industry, modesty and his superbly clear
and analytical mind which enabled him quickly to get to the root of every
problem he tackled. He was a first class administrator and while not always
in agreement with headquarter’s instructions, he possessed the
commendable knack of being able to stick quietly and firmly to his point,
thereby influencing policy to the good without upsetting anyone. He was elected
a member of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers in 1938. Obituary:
J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1962, 52, 655-6...
Bargh, Charles Thomas
Born in 1858, at Wray, Lancaster; died Wellington, New Zealand on
6/7 May 1942. Served his apprenticeship at the Phoenix Foundry, Lancaster.
Went to New Zealand in 1878, and joined the New Zealand Railways staff at
Addington in1880, subsequently transferring to Dunedin. In June, 1893, he
took up a position as works manager with the Wellington-Manawatu Railway
Company, and remained there until that line was acquired by the Government
in 1908. He then occupied the position of locomotive inspector at A. and
G. Price and Co., Thames, who were building the A class locomotives. In 1912
he was appointed workshop manager of the Petone shops, and in 1920 workshop
manager at East Town. He retired in June 1921.
Baxter, T.H.
First Secretary Institution Locomotive Engineers, but went off to
Uganda in 1911. See Locomotive
Mag., 1911, 17, 216.
Beatty, Hazlitt Michael
Died at Rondebosch in 1916. Chief locomotive engineer Cape Govvernment
Railways since 1891. Developed large powerful locomotives for 3ft 6in
gauge. See Locomotive Mag.,
1903, 9, 313
Bennett, Francis Frederick
Born in Inverurie, Aberdeenshire, in 1866; died on 20 April 1940.
Received early education at Archbishop Tennison's Grammar School and King's
College School, London. He served his apprenticeship from 1881 to 1886 with
the South Eastern Railway at Ashford works. In 1887 he was appointed improver
to Robert Napier, Marine Engineers, Govan, and after holding similar appointments
in London with Verity and Sons, Electricians, and the Ward Electrical Car
Company, he proceeded in 1890 to Argentina to join the Buenos Aires Great
Southern Railway. He remained with that company for 20 years, serving for
the last six years as District Locomotive Superintendent. In 1906, he became
traction superintendent in Buenos Aires for the Buenos Aires Pacific Railway,
and was transferred to Bahia Blanca in 1908, and to Mendoza in 1910, in a
similar capacity. He was appointed acting assistant locomotive superintendent
at Junin in 1915, being promoted in the following year to acting chief mechanical
engineer and traction superintendent, a position he held until his retirement
in 1928. Elected a Member of IMechE in 1916. Grace's Guide. See also
Locomotive Msag., 1928, 34,
172 for three-cylinder Pacific design
Biernacki, Roderick Korneli
Polish: died 24 January 1943. Former Locomotive Superintendent Indian
State Railways (Who Was Who) and see
J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1964, 54, 182 for comment by Kenneth
Cantlie."one of the most remarkable and temperamental C.M.E.s India has ever
known. The railways had always kept a careful check of the lot or cast numbers
of all axles, so that if more than two or three broke due to spreading cracks,
all the axles in that lot were withdrawn. Two axles of one lot had broken
in quick succession and Biernacki examined them. "The trouble with these
axles is not the steel, but their shape. These axles are parallel and have
no extra flexibility at their centres. Wohler did not go far enough-have
you read Wohler? No? Then read him at once-he (Wohler) suggested that we
should reduce the diameter of axles below the diameter of the wheel-seats
to lessen the stress concentration there, but did not make the deduction
that this reduced concentration was mainly due to increased flexibility of
the axles. We shall test this. We will turn down the centre of the axle below
that of the wheel-seats, but will also taper the axle towards the centre
and I think that that will stop the trouble." This was done and, for the
next four years at least, there were no more breakages. In 1917 granted seven
months leave of absence see
Locomotive Mag., 1917,
23, 66..
Bigg-Wither, L.
Appointed Acting Chief Mechanical Engineer
Mag., 1925, 31,
143); eventually Chief Mechanical Engineer Great Indian Peninsular Railway:
retired 1932. See Loco. Rly Carr.
Wagon Rev., 1932, 38, 103 and
1930, 36, 64-6 for Mail train
built at Matunga workshops.
Blagrave, John William Borcherds
M.Mech.E., Locomotive and Carriage Superintendent, Bhavnagar State
Rly., Kathiawar, India. Photograph as delegate to Indian Railway Conference
in 1908 Locomotive Mag., 1908,
14, 197.
Bobby, Arthur Stanley
In 1935 appointed deputy CME Egyptian State Railways; formerly mechanical
engineer Ceylon Government Railways
(Locomotive Mag., 1935,
41, 303).. In 1920 was in locomotive department of Anatolian Railway
in Haida.
Bonner, T.R.
Locomotive Superintendent. of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway,
retired at the end of September 1919 and was succeeded by
J.R. McNeill Locomotive Mag., 1919, 25,
176 Locomotive Mag.,
1926, 32, 142
Bowkett, Sydney Thomas
Died on 29 November 1932, aged 58: elected a Member of the Institution
of Locomotive Engineers in 1920 on the formation of the South American Centre.
At the age of 14 he joined the Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway Company
as office cadet and later took up a footplate career. After a period of six
years he relinquished this vocation to occupy the post of Secretary to the
Locomotive Inspector of the Empalme Lobos Section. On 1 January 1913, he
was promoted Travelling Foreman, from which post he retired on pension in
June 1932 after 37 years' service. Bowkett was a very conscientious employee
and was very much esteemed by his fellow workers. He was a staunch supporter
of the Institution, and never failed to attend the meetings of the South
American Centre. ILocoE obituary, 1933, 23, 159.
Brada, Miguel
Formed company which opened first railway in Spain from Barcelona
to Mataro which opened 28 October 1848.
Locomotive Mag., 1949, 55,
Brock, L.E.H.
First locomotive superintendent of Indian Midland Railway; formerly
GIPR divisional superintendent. Brock moved to the Southern Maahratta Railway
in 190 See Locomotive Mag., 1928,
34, 355-7.
Browne, Tomyns Reginald
Born on Jersey on 30 August 1854; died suddenly at Tenterden on 14
December 1920. He received his technical training in the locomotive works
of the Midland Railway at Derby, and then joined the inspecting staff of
Sir A. M. Rendel & Sons, Westminster, consulting engineers to the India
Office for Indian State and Company-worked railways. In 1878 he went to India
as assistant district locomotive superintendent on the East Indian Railway,
becoming in due course district loco. superintendent, and deputy locomotive
superintendent. In 1898 he was appointed rolling stock superintendent at
Howrah, and planned and equipped the new Carriage and Wagon Works at Lilloah,
introducing electric drive. In 1902 he returned to Jamalpur, becoming Locomotive
Superintendent, and held this position until his retirement in 1908. He retired
from the East Indian Railway Volunteer Rifles with the rank of Lieut.-Colonel,
and held the Volunteer Officers' Decoration. During the WW1 he was engaged
at Woolwich Arsenal, under the Ministry of Munitions, for which services
he was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire. He became a Graduate
of this IMechE in 1874 and a Member in 1879. Grace's Guide.
Lcomotive Mag., 1919,
25, 46 noting retirement of D. Wedderburn incorrectly described
as "Brown"
Bruce, William Duff
Born at Brooklawn near Mowhill, County Leitrim on 10 April 1839. Educated
in St Andrews, Scotland. Apprenticed at Thomas Grendon of Drogheda for four
years and then returned to St Andrews for further study before going to India
where he studied at Roorkee College before taking up career in Indian public
works, In 1887 set up as consulting engineer in Westminster where he was
involved in Indian railways including Assam Bengal Railway. Died in London
on 24 April 1900. Obit. Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs., 1900, 58,
324 and Mike Chrimes in
Buttle, David Carleton
Died 3 May 1942 when aged 76. He had been connected with railways
since 1880 when he began his six year apprenticeship with the London, Brighton
and South Coast Railway at their Brighton works. After three years experience
in the company's service as locomotive inspector and foreman, he went abroad
as superintendent of locomotives, carriages and wagons for the Great Southern
Railway of Spain, a position which he retained until 1906. In the following
year he began his long association with South American railways by his
appointment as locomotive superintendent of the Antofagasta and Bolivia Railway.
In 1914 he transferred his services to the Nitrate Railways of Chile and
subsequently joined the board of directors. Buttle was elected a Member of
the IMechE in 1907. Obituary 149 page 164
Campbell, Alexander Claud Hamilton
Victoria State Railways, East Malvern
Canavezes, A.S.
Rolling Stock & Traction Diviision of the Portuguese Railways.
Reported on Francophone diesel miultiple units at International Railway Congress
Association. Locomotive Mag.,
1958, 64, 120
Cardew, Cornelius Ambrose
Born in Sydney, Australia on 15 October 1897: son of a civil engineer.
Recipient of ILocoE Alfred Roslin Bennett Award in 1935, Presenter of ILocoE
papers: No. 306 Some observations on
the practice of providing lead with the piston or slide valves of modern
locomotives; Paper No. 417 The making
of comparative efficiency tests with locomotives on the road ;
Paper No. 480 The blower, its origin
and its functions on the locomotive: with some notes on several different
types used, the draught producing value of some of them, and the steam which
they consume. Assistant Chief Mechanical Engineer. Overseas Advisory
Representative odf Institution of Locomotive Engineers in Ne;v South Wales.
At least two patents: Apparatus for testing the permanent way of railways,
tramways, or the like and Means for discharging water from steam engine
cylinders. Died 1973. Nock in Out the
line describes footplate journey with Con Cardew from Sydney to Gosford
on an electric locomotive which included a precipitous descent to the Hawkesbury
River and on to Gosford where a change was made to steam a C38 Pacific
which Con drove with great gusto.
Cardew, Cornelius Edward
Born at Belton, Leicestershire, on 18 July 1851; educated at Cheltenham
College. After a course of training in mechanical engineering in Glasgow,
he was employed in the works of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway,
and later obtained an appointment on the Indian State Railways, where he
served thirty years, attaining the rank of locomotive superintendent. The
latter part of his service was spent on the Burma State Railway, where, as
Lieut.-Colonel, he commanded the Burma Railway Volunteers. While on leave
in England in 1884-5 he was employed at the Gloucester Wagon Works as inspector
of rolling stock for the Indian State Railways. He retired in 1906 and settled
in Cornwall, where he acted as Justice of the Peace for the County. During
WW1 he was Recruiting Officer for the district of Wadebridge, where he resided.
He also commanded a Company of the National Reserve. In February 1918 he
suuffered a paralytic stroke which left him a confirmed invalid, and his
death took place at his residence on 18 May 1921, in his seventieth year.
He became a Member of IMechE in 1878. Photograph at Lahore Locomotive
Superintendent's Conference in Lahore in
1892: Locomotive Mag., 11925,
31, 133 (plate)..
Cardus, James
Born in Leeds in 1898, and educated at Cockburn High School. His technical
knowledge was obtained at Holbeck Mechanics Institute and Leeds University
(Evening Sessions). He joined Messrs. Job, Day & Sons as a junior draughtsman
in 1912, and a year later was apprenticed to Messrs. Manning, Wardle &
Co., spending two years in the various shops, and the remainder of his time
in the drawing office. For fifteen months of WW1 he was in the Royal Air
Force as a fitter and turner, before returning to Manning, Wardle as a locomotive
draughtsman, with whom he remained until 1924, when he migrated to Buenos
Ayres to become a locomotive draughtsman in the locomotive drawing office
of the chief mechanical engineer of the Central Argentine Railway. In 1934
he was in charge of the locomotive drawing office and in 1936 assistant chief
draughtsman of the locomotive carriage and wagon drawing office, subsequently
becoming chief in 1937. Died 26 October 26 1940. Obituary: J. Instn Loco.
Engrs., 1940, 30, 502.
Carmichael, Frank B.
First Chairman Institution of Locomotive Engineers, but left for China
in 1911. See Locomotive Mag.,
1911, 17, 216. May have been in Caribbean in 1920s.
Carr, Andrew Custance
Carr was born in 1867 and received his early education at Berwick-on-Tweed
Grammar School from 1876 to 1884. He served his engineering apprenticeship
on the North Eastern Railway at Gateshead Works. Whilst there he attended.
Durham College of Science. On completion of his time he was made an Inspector
of Material and for a short time was in charge of the mechanical test house
and District Inspector of Stationary Machinery. In 1892 he joined the locomotive
department of the East Indian Railway where he rose to become the Deputy
Locomotive Superintendent. In 1905 he joined the Bengal Nagpur Railway as
Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer. In 1909 he visited railway workshops in
the United States and Canada, and in 1912 he became Chief Mechanical Engineer
of the BNR. For the 1917-18 Session he was Chairman of the Locomotive, Carriage
and Wagon Superintendent's Committee of the Indian Railway Conference
Association. In 1918 he was loaned to the British Government and took over
the general managership of Coventry Ordnance Works, returning to India in
1920 as Agent and General Manager of the B.N. Rly. In 1922 he retired from
India and became a Partner in Sir John Wolfe Barry & Partners. He was
President of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers, Session 1935-36
(Address) brief biographr & portrait:
Locomotive Mag., 1935,
41, 179.. He was renowned for his sound judgment and rendered
valuable service to the Institution of Locomotive Engineers in many
directions. He died on 25 January 1945 at the age of 77. Obituary J. Instn
Loco. Engrs, 1945, 35, 77-8 (with portrait). Photograph as delegate
to Indian Railway Conference in 1908
Locomotive Mag., 1908,
14, 197...
Cary, S.B.
General manager and chief engineer of the Darjeeling Railway:
see Locomotive Mag., 1905,
11, 38.
Case, Robert C.
Joint author with H.H. Spalding on locomotive
fuel economy. Also author of report
on vacuum braking long frreight trains on Eastern Bengal Railway
Chalk, W.O.
Formerly superintendent mechanical workshops prommoted to chief mechanical
engineer North Western Railway at Lahore. :
Locomotive Mag., 1935,
41, 338.
Challoner, A.P.
Listed as being in Iraq as P.A. Challoner in ILocoE Topographical
List in 1926. Chief Mechanical Engineer during late 1930s: designed streamlined
oil-fired Pacific for Iraqi State Railways
Mag., 1941, 47,
Chalmers, J.
Died 18 April 1905 in New Zealand; born in Liverpool?; educated at
the Caledonian School and Mechanics Institure in Liverpool. Served apprenticeship
at Liverpool Dockyard and at works of Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire
Railway [obituary states "Lancashire"!]. Joined Yorkshire Engine Co. as foreman
in boiler-mounting shop and sent with locomotives exported to Russia and
following two years with the Poti-Tiflis Railway he was appointed Locomotive
Superintendent by the Russian Government. Returned to United Kingdom during
war between Russia and Turkey and emigrated to New Zealand. He was engineer
and then manager of the Canterbury Tramway Co. and this was preceded by,
and followed by service at the Addington workshops of New Zealand Railways.
He became involved in labour relations and was a Freemason. (New Zealand
newspaper online)
Chalmers, Robert James
Born in Brighton on 11 August 1874: son of
Robert and brother of
Walter (if
Marshall was correct this would appear
to imply that Robert Chalmers may have been working for the LBSCR: Marx's
Robert Billinton notes that Billinton became Stroudley's Chief Draughtsman
in late 1872: was Robert Chalmers former Chief Draughtsman?); died in Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia, on 31 July 1940 aged 66. At time of death was CME
Queensland Government Railways. Educated Allan Glen's Technical College in
Glasgow. From 1889 apprenticed at Cowlairs Works, NBR. In 1894 he entered
the drawing office. Between 1895 and 1901 he worked as a locomotive draughtsman
in various railway and private locomotive works. In 1901 he went to Australia
and, until 1904, worked on locomotive and rolling stock design at the Ipswich
works of Queensland Government Railways. He then went to India as assistant
locomotive superintendent North Western Railway and later C & W
superintendent, Lahore. He married Jean Aitcheson Mann, whom had been born
in Partick, in Bombay on 15 September 1909 (off Internet). He returned to
Queensland 1911 as leading draughtsman at Ipswich works. In 1920 he was appointed
assistant works manager and chief draughtsman. He was responsible for introdudng
the Cl7 class 4-8-0 loco on the 3ft 6in gauge Queensland Government Railways.
In 1925 he was appointed 1925 Chief Mechanical Engineer of Queensland Government
Railways (Locomotive Mag.,
1926, 31, 303) until he retired in February 1940 shortly before
his death. .
Charlton, H.J.
Carriage & Wagon Superintendent, North West State Railway (India):
appointment Locomotive Mag.,
1923, 29, 23. In group photograph (p. 153)
see Locomotive Mag., 1923,
29, 150-1.
Charlton, W.
In charge of locomotives, GIPR, from December 1867 until May 1869.
See Locomotive Mag., 1926,
32, 395
Chase, A.J.
Mentioned as being deputy locomotive superintendent in charge of North
Western State Railway of India whilst Biernacki was on leave of absence (see
Locomotive Mag., 1917,
23, 66). Also an author of report: Oil fuel trials on the North
Western Railway of India, 1913-1916 for India. Railway Board (appointment
thereto Locomotive Mag.,
1923, 29, 23). Technical paper No. 193 . Attended ILocoE
dinner in 1920s
Clapp, Harold Winthrop
Born in St Kilda, Melbourne on 7 May 1875; died in Melbourne on 21
September 1952. Educated at Brighton Grammar and Melbourne Church of England
Grammar Schools. Apprenticed 1893-5 at Austral Otis Co. and then superintendent
of motive power for Brisbane Tramway Co. In 1900 he moved to USA to
work for General Electric Co. in Schenectady, New York. He was in charge
of the West Jersey and Seashore division of the Pennsylvania Railroad and
in 1908 moved to the Southern Pacific Railroad to electrify lines in Oakland,
Almeda and Berkeley. He became vice-president of the Columbus Railway Power
and Light Co and of the East St Louis and Suburban Railway Co. In April 1920
he returned to Australia to become chairman of the Victorian Railway
Commissioners where he instigated suburban electrification and locomotive
standardisation. He was a member of the Australasian Railway Commissioners
(photograph at meeting in Melbourne in October 1926 online). He introduced
an air-conditioned train for the Melbourne to Albury service. On 30 June
1939 he left the railways to become general manager of the Aircraft Construction
Branch of theCommonwealth Department of Supply and Development. In March
1945 he reported on gauge standardisation for Australian railways. Patsy
Adam-Smith Australian Dictionary of Biography.
Clark, Juan
Born in 1840 in Valparaiso; died 18 June 1907: worked with his younger
brother to establish Transandine Railway
Clark, Mateo
Born on 26 March 1846 in Valparaiso; died in Santiago on 18 July 1929.
Son of James Clark, a Scot probably from near Glasgow, who arrived in Chile
in 1827. Married an Argentinian lady and had five sons. Associated with
telegraphic link to Buenos Aires and then with Transandine and other South
American railways. (Ernesto Vargas website)
Also Locomotive Mag., 1914,
20, 161
Clarke, Arthur Cecil
Born 10 January 1884 in Manchester; died in Caracas, Venezuela, on
8 August 1929, General Manager of the La Guaira and Caracas Railway. Clarke
died due to blood poisoning caused from an accident two years before when
he was thrown out of his rail motor car, which had collided with a large
boulder which had fallen on the railway. He was a brother of Sir Basil Clarke,
the well-known publicist. He commenced his engineering career with Mather
and Platt, at Salford Works, serving his apprenticeship from 1900 to 1905.
From 1905 to 1906 he served as a fitter in the Locomotive Works of the Manchester
Ship Canal Company. From 1906 to 1909 he acted as assistant to the Resident
Engineer of the Southern Railways of Peru. From 1909 to 1911 he acted as
assistant to the Locomotive Superintendent, and then was promoted to
Engineer-in-Charge of the La Pas Railway. From 1913 to 1916 he held the position
of Locomotive Superintendent of the Brazil North-Eastern Railway. He was
briefly associated with Helmes in Caxton Street
(Locomotive Mag, 1916,
22, 80). He then joined the Army as a private, and quickly rose
to commissioned rank, and was subsequently transferred to the Railway Operating
Division, and was concerned with railway rolling stock repairs in France.
Upon demobilisation he entered the service of the La Guaira and Caracas Railway.
He was elected a member of the ILocoE on the 26 February, 1916. ILoco
Clarke, Charles William
Chief Mechanical Engineer East Indian Railway then Asswistant Commissioner
Western Australian Government Railway 1949 (J. Instn Loco. Engrs.,
1049, 39, 313). Author of several ILocoE papers:
Locomotive hornblocks Paper 407;
Technology of the heat treatment of steel
Paper 450; Service tests to establish
locomotive efficiency Paper 440;
dynamometer cars Paper 340 Comment on Paper 461 by Nightingale
and Kamlani The use of experimental data in fixing the proportions of
locomotive boiler (page 472) and on
the application of roller bearings.
Letter about several ponts about GIPR and its motive power.
Locomotive Mag., 1939, 45,
126. Service tests to establish locomotive efficiency.
J. Instn Loco Engrs, 1943,
33, 77-90. Paper 440)
Cole, Harold Linter
Born in India iin about 1880; died in Auckland, New Zealand in 1953.
Captain in Royal Engineers during WW1. Chief Mechanical Engineer Bengal Nagpur
Railway in 1926. Early member ILocoE. Book: Rating locomotives. London:
W. Thacker, 1912. 80pp. Is this cited as "Cole's tables"?
Coggins, Charles Henry
Educated at Nottingharn High School from 1910 to 1917. He was at Queen's
College, Cambridge, from 1919 to 1922, where he obtained his M.A. in Mechanical
and Geological Sciences. After a short course in metallurgy at Sheffield
University, he became a pupil on the L.M.S. Rly., at Derby. In 1924 he joined
the Madras and Southern Mahratta Rly. as an assistant locomotive superintendent.
He itas first employed at Perambur and later at Waltair, Hibli and Madras.
Coggins was subsequently promoted to District Transportation Superintendent
(Power), Bangalore District. After leave in 1936 he was placed in charge
of the Bezwada District. He was an officer of considerable promise and was
popular with his fellow officers and the staff. His death occurred on 10
August 1938, at Perambur Railnay Hospital, after a short illness, at the
early age of 39.
Collins, Francis Richard
Lieutenant-Colonel Francis Richard Collins, D.S.O., Officier Legion
d'honneur, President for Instn Loco. Engrs. 1937-38, was son of Rev. Richard
Collins, and was born in 1873. He was educated at Almondbury Grammar School
and Huddersfield Technical School. On leaving school, in 1891, he became
a premium apprentice at the Crewe Works of the LNWR and, on completion of
his time, a pupil of F.W. Webb. In 1896, after a term in the Drawing Office,
he was appointed Locomotive Foreman at Ordsall Lane (Manchester), being
transferred later to Aston Shed at Birmingham and then to Camden.
In 1901-2 he was placed in command of a section of the 2nd Cheshire R.E.
(Railway Volunteers) in the South African War, attached to the 10th Company
of Royal Engineers, and later to the Imperial Military Railways. From 1902-4
he was District Locomotive Supt. at Bloemfontein, on the Central South African
Railways. He was appointed Works Manager at Pretoria in 1904 and Supt. Mech.
and Motive Power, South African Railways, at Johannesburg in 1908.
In 1914-15 he was Lieutenant-Colonel, commanding the South African Engineer
Corps, in the operations in South-West Africa, and was mentioned in despatches.
He came to France in 1916, in command of the South African Railway Troops,
and, later, was appointed Assistant Director of Light Railways, Fifth Army.
He was again mentioned in despatches and awarded the D.S.O. and made an Officier
Legion d'honneur.
Returning to the services of the South African Railways in 1919, he visited
Canada and the U.S.A. on inspection work and was appointed, in 1920, Advisory
Engineer to the High Commissioner for the Union of South Africa in London.
In 1922 he became Chief Mechanical Engineer of the South African Railways,
residing in Pretoria. He retired in 1929. Died 19 October 1957..
He was a delegate at the International Railway Conferences at Berne in 1910;
at Rome in 1922; and in London in 1925. He was elected a Member of the
Institution of Civil Engineers in 1917 and a Member of the Institution of
Locomotive Engineers in 1920 Presidential
Address in 1937. J. Instn Loco. Engrs, 1937, 27, 461 (obituary
J. Instn Loco. Engrs, 1957, 47, 544-5) and Loco. Rly
Carr. Wagon Rev., 1937, 43, 313-14. Designer of articulated coach
for Prince of Wales. Locomotive
Mag., 1925, 31, 194
Cooper, H.H.
Promoted from works manager to superintenddent mechanical worshops,
North Western Railway, Lahore:
Locomotive Mag., 1935,
41, 338.
Cossey, John Cecil George
Died 16 June 1962 aged seventy-nine, retired from the boards of ABC
Coupler and Engineering Co. Ltd., Wota Ltd. and Meboe Ltd. in 1948. Began
career as a premium apprentice in 1900 at Stratford Works of Great Eastern
Railway, later becoming a draughtsman. He subsequently gained experience
in the shops of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, and afterwards became Shop
Superintendent, Canadian National Railways, Winnipeg. He joined the ABC Coupler
and Engineering Co. Ltd. as Engineer and Secretary in 1920, becoming a Director
and Chief Engineer in 1933. Obituary: J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1962,
52, 316-17. Holder of many Patents notably Improvements relating to
piston valves (GB 325644 Applied 31 December 1928; published 27 February
1930). Many of the others on buffing and drawgear.
Cotching, H.A.
CME Palestine Railways in 1935: see
Locomotive Mag., 1935, 41, 270
Craig, Hugh Alexander
Locomotive Superintendent Burma Railway during early 1020s. Member
ILocoE. Responsible for introducing 2-8-8-2 Garratts into Burma.
Locomotive Mag., 1924, 30,
364-6 and Locomotive Mag.,
1926, 32, 286-7.
Creighton, T.G.
Died 1964. Apprenticed at Derby. Encountered again in 1930 by
Roland Bond whilst in India and he was production
manager at Moghalpura Locomotive Works
The training of apprentices on Indian State Railways.
J. Instn Loco. Engrs, 1932,
22, 344-57. Paper No. 290
Crighton, Charles Edwin
Born 6 July 1840, died at Hove, Sussex, on 1 February, 1912. He served
his pupilage with Robert Stephenson and Company, of Newcastle-on-Tyne, and
subsequently went to India as Resident Engineer and Locomotive Superintendent
on the Great Southern Railway of India, a post which he held until 1867.
In 1880 he was appointed Locomotive and Carriage Superintendent, the name
of the system being changed to the South Indian Railway. He retired in 1903.
Photographed at Lahore Locomotive Superintendent's Conference in Lahore in
1892: Locomotive Mag., 1925,
31, 133 (plate). Eelected Member of IMechE on the 6 March,
Cunningham, G.
Sometime chief mechanical enginner of Bengal Nagpur Railway: responsible
for 4-8-0+0-8-4 Beyer Garrat in 1931 (see
Loaomotive Mag., 1931, 37, 256-7): one of which may be
preserved in India. Also de Glehn four-cy;inder compound Pacifics:
Locomotive Mag., 1929, 35,
Da Costa, Gerson Da Cunha
Lively contributor to the working of the Indian Section of the ILocoE.
See Paper No. 403 on indicator
Dalzell, Harold Edward
Born in London in 1881; died 18 May 1930. Bound apprentice to H. Pontifex
and Sons of Shoe Lane. He also attended classes at Battersea Polytechnic.
After a short period as outdoor superintendent for Pontifex, he joined Mather
and Platt as a draughtsman in 1902, while in 1905 he was appointed works
manager at Clarke's Motor Works, Manchester. In he joined the Peruvian
Corporation as a draughtsman and engineer on the Southern Railway of Peru.
and in 1907 became resident engineer on the Bajada Electric Mountain Railway
at La Paz, Bolivia. In 1909 he was appointed chief mechanical and electrical
engineer for the Guaqui to La Paz Railway and the Lake Titicaca Navigation,
Bolivia, the latter employing six steamers. In 1912 he was appointed in the
same capacity for the whole of the southern system of the Peruvian Corporation,
in whose service he continued until 1922. In 1923 he was employed by the
La Guaira and Caracas Railway Company to make a preliminary report for the
electrification of the line. In 1924 he took the position of chief mechanical
and electrical engineer to the San Paulo (Brazilian) Railway Company, but
was forced to retire in 1929 owing to ill-health. Dalzell became an Associate
Member of the IMechE in 1910 and a Member in 1915. He was the inventor of
the D.L. oil-fuel burner in use on one or two of the Argentine
Danby, Charles George Henry
Carriage and Wagon Superintendent, East Indian Railway, Lillooah,
Bengal, India. Member Instn Mechanical Engineers. Graces Guide. In group
photograph (p. 153) see Locomotive
Mag., 1923, 29, 150-1. Photograph as delegate to Indian Railway
Conference in 1908 Locomotive
Mag., 1908, 14, 197.. Royal train
Locomotive Mag., 1911,
17, 258-60.
Darbyshire, George Christian
Darbyshire was born at sea in 1820 and spent his early life in Derby,
England. His father, George was a civil engineer who worked for George
Stephenson. Later the son worked under Robert Stephenson. He married Maria
Wragg in 1846: Maria was the daughter of Samuel Wragg, an engineer who also
worked for George Stephenson, and the widow of a man called Stafford who
was killed in an accident. Darbyshire in evidence to the Select Committee
on the Chewton Railway Station given on 12 June 1863 related that his whole
railway experience in Britain had been on the Midland Railway. Robert Stephenson
was engineer for the Midland Railway on which construction began in February
1837. Darbyshire's brother, John Darbyshire who also went out to Victoria,
became Mining surveyor and later Inspector of Mines with the Victorian government
Mines department. However, Darbyshire may also have trained as a surveyor
in England, being initially employed by his father in the firm of George
Darbyshire and Sons, then with his brother in the partnership John and George
C Darbyshire and were responsible for a number of surveys for Tithe maps
in around 1839-41. Darbyshire travelled to Australia with his wife Maria
on the Pemambuco arriving in Melbourne on 7 July 1853 and became Engineer
of Construction, and District Surveyor under the Victorian Government at
Williamstown in 1854. He was also appointed deputy surveyor general of Victoria
on 9 April 1857, to the Board of Science on 4 June 1858, and Territorial
Magistrate for Wyndham on 7 April 1865. Darbyshire's migration to Victoria
coincided with the end of the railway mania. He took up a post as Engineer
of the Melbourne and Mount Alexander Railway in 1855. He was then appointed
as Engineer in Engineer-in-Chief of the Victorian Railways from 1 April 1856
to 17 May 1860 when he was replaced by Thomas Higginbotham. Among Darbyshire's
first responsibilities was supervising the design and construction of the
Melbourne, Mount Alexander and Murray River Railway Company line to Bendigo
and Echuca.Darbyshire accepted the appointment as Chief Engineer of the Railways
on the condition that he retained his substantive appointment as District
Surveyor Williamstown and could return to that at any time. He acted as Deputy
Surveyor General from May to July 1857 while holding the position of Chief
engineer. He returned to his position as District Surveyor on resigning his
position as Chief Engineer Railways. Darbyshire remained in the Survey Department
and became Surveyor General. He was one of the 137 officials removed from
office on "Black Wednesday" on 8 January 1878 when the Government was denied
supply. He, like a number of other senior officers, was not reappointed.
Darbyshire returned to the railway department in 1881 as Engineer for
Construction and Surveys, laying out many new lines. On the unexpected death
of Robert Watson in 1891 he again became Chief Engineer a position he held
until his near his death. In his last years he moved to Power Street Hawthorn,
where he lived out his life as a Pensioner of the Victorian Government (Railways)
and where he died on 5 March 1898. He was buried at Werribee Cemetery. Wikipedia
2014-06-01: not very satisfactory.
Dauibeny, E.C.
Locomotive Superintendent, Baroda State Railway. In group photograph
(p. 153) see Locomotive Mag.,
1923, 29, 150-1.
Davidson, W.
In Group photograph when Deputy Locomotive. Superintendent, .Rajputana
Malwa Ry. as delegate to Indian Railway Conference in 1908
Locomotive Mag., 1908,
14, 197..
Day, W.A.J.
W.A.J. Day appointed Chief Mechanical Engineer of the South African
Railways and Harbours in succession to A.G. Watson in 1936, who had retired
from that position. Day was formerly on the London & North Western Railway,
and went to South Africa as an assistant on the Transvaal Railways in 1902.
In 1918 he became assistant mechanical engineer at Durban, and became mechanical
engineer at Maritzburg in 1927. In the fol1owing year he took up a similar
position at Uitenhage, and in 1930 was appointed Advisory Engineer to the
High Commissioner in London. Listed as A.W. Day in
Locomotive Mag. paragraph
noting appointment. At the end of 1932 Day returned to Pretoria as Mechanical
Engineer on the staff of the Chief Mechanical Engineer, and in 1935 became
Assistant Chief Mechanical Engineer. He was Chief Mechanical Engineer South
African Railways 1936-9 and retired in 1942. Mainly
Locomotive Mag., 1936,
42, 132. Designed 15F 4-8-2 built in large numbers, and widely
preserved including one in Glasgow Transport Museum.
Deacon, A.S.
Succeeded Robert James Chalmers as
CME Queensland Government Railways in 1940
(Locomotive Mag., 1940,
46, 145) but resigned to ill-health in 1943 and eventually replaced
by Vincent Hall. Joined Queensland Government Railways
in 1930 having come from Victoria. Trained at North British Locomotice Co.
in Glasgow, the worked for Glasgow Corporation Tramways, followed by the
Metropolitan Railway in London. Moved to Australia following service in WW1..
Deeble, William Rufus
Born near Plymouth, England, in 1856, but in 1857 was taken by his
parents to Victoria, Australia: died New Town, Hobart, on 25 July 1936. From
1868 to 1875 he served an articled apprenticeship at the Phoenix Foundry,
Ballarat, and he received his technical education at the Ballarat School
of Mines. He accepted an appointment on the Tasmanian Main Line Railway in
1876, and held positions in the locomotive workshops. In 1890, when he was
assistant locomotive foreman the railway was purchased by the Tasmanian
Government. He was appointed superintendent of the locomotive, carriage,
and wagon departments of the Tasmanian Government Railways in 1898, and in
1904 (or earlier?) he became chief mechanical engineer, a position which
he held until his retirement in 1923. Powerful 2-6-4T for 2-ft gauge see
Locomotive Mag., 1903, 8,
386. Deeble pioneered Garratt locomotives; the first locomotive of this
type ever built was constructed in 1909 to his designs and worked on a 2-foot
gauge tramway in the mining districts of Tasmania. Larger Garratt locomotives
were then ordered and in 1912 he adopted the 4-4-2+2-4-4 type for express
passenger work on the 3 ft. 6 in. gauge. Tests with these engines established
that a Garratt locomotive has the running characteristics of the wheel
arrangement of its motor bogies. Deeble also designed special cross-seat
carriages with sleeping accommodation, and initiated steel seats with
reversible backs which became general in Tasmania. Shortly before WW1 he
prepared plans for the expansion of the fitting shops at Launceston, and
he was responsible for the erection of a large block of the new workshops.
In addition he introduced coal- and ash- handling plants. Deeble was elected
a Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineeers in 1900. He rendered
valuable services as a Member of the Australian Advisory Committee from 1922
until his death. Grace's Guide.
Devon, A.
Locomotive Superintendent East Indian Railway. Conversion of 0-6-0
to 0-8-0T see Locomotive Mag.,
1924, 30, 44. Attended ILocoE dinners in late 1920s/early 30s. Contributed
to discussions: on Bulleid paper on poppet
valves and paper by Holcroft on interaction
of vehicles and track. and comments
on bar frames following Lelean's Presidential Address in 1932.
Lelean's obituary (Locomotive
Mag., 1934, 40, 17) states that Devon assisted with design
of Indian Standard Locomotives.
Retired Chief Civil Engineer, Indian North Western Railway: member
of the Indian Pacific Locomotive Committee. See
Cox Locomotive panorama Volume 2
Dorabji, Jamsetji
Parsee contractor for constructing railways near Bombay, nntably Grreat
Indian Peninsula Railway and Sind, Punjab and Delhi Railway.
Christian Wolmar Railways & the
Drayson, Donald
Locomotive Dept., Nigerian Railway. ILocoE membership record
Dunbar, J.H.
Chief mechanical engineer Sudan Government Railways.
Locomotive Mag., 1937, 43,
Dunstan, E.J.
Died in 1915 aged 51. Locomotive Superintendent of the Shanghai Nanking
Railway. Formerly with the locomotive department of the London & South
Western Railway at Exeter and Nine Elms.
Locomotive Mag., 1915,
21, 123.
Dyer, Terence Armston Stewart
Born on 2 November 1874 in Lucknow, India, and began his engineering
career at the Crystal Palace School of Engineering, Sydenham. He received
his practical training in the works of the Glenfield Engineering Co. and
Andrew Barclay & Co., Kilmarnock and at Dubs & Co., Glasgow . From
May 1899 to early 1902 he undertook inspection of locomotives and rolling
stock ordered in America for Egypt, and in Glasgow for the South Africa Field
Force. In 1902 he joined the inspection staff of Messrs Rendel, Palmer &
Tritton (Messrs Rendel & Robertson as it was then called) and carried
out insprction duties for that firm until 1907 when he set up his own inspection
business in France, Belgium and Germany. From 1915 to 1919 he acted as
representative of the Consulting Engineers to the War Ofice and Messrs Rendel,
Palmer & Tritton, in U.S.A. After the first World War ended he re-opened
his business in Europe and for some time represented leading London Consulting
Engineers on the Continent until his retirement. He was awarded the M.B.E.
for his war services in the first World War. Mr. Stewart Dyer, who had been
a Member since 1922, bequeathed at his death, which occurred on 14 June 1951,
the sum of £500 to the Institution. The Council have decided to set
this money aside to support awards for Papers originating in the Local Centres;
such awards to be entitled The Stewart Dyrr Awards.
Dykes, A.J.
Former pupil of Tannett & Walker of Leeds, and assistant to C.H.
Liverick, district locomotive superintendent Colwick (GNR) appointed locomotive
superintendent Mauritius Railway.
Loco. Mag., 1904, 10,
38. Kitson 2-8-2T introduced during Dykes' tenure:
Locomotive Mag., 1911,
17, 261.
Edgcombe, William Edward
Edgcombe was returning to India, accompanied by his wife, being passengers
on the ill-fated R.M.S. Persia, which was torpedoed in the Mediterranean
Sea on 29 December 1915. Born in 1874, educated at Kelby College, Tavistock,
and at Farmah Hall, Derby. Subsequently he attended Classes in Engineering
and Metallurgy at Owens College, Manchester and was apprenticed to
F.W. Webb, Chief Mechanical. Engineer, L. & N.W. Ry., Crewe, from 1891
to 1893, and later as a pupil, and then two and half years was an assistant
draughtsman at Crewe. During his apprenticeship and pupilage Edgcombe gained
experience in all the various departments at Crewe. From 1899 to 1902 he
was Assistant Foreman at Rugby Running Shed; from 1902-1903 he was employed
as an Inspector of Locomotives under Construction, by Sir A. M. Rendel &
Co. In 1903 he was appointed Assistant Locomotive Superintendent on the East
Indian Railway. where he remained until 1914, when he was appointed Locomotive
Carriage and Wagon Superintendent of the Barsi Railway, Deccan, India.
ILocoE obituary.
Eyers, Cyril
Elected Member ILocoE in 1934 when Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer,
East African Railways. (Locomotive
Mag., 1934, 40,
Eyre, R.C.
Locomotive superintendent of the Mount Lyell Ry. in Tasmania: office
located at Queenstown. Locomotive
Mag., 1922, 28,
Falconer, Peter Lamond
Born in Kirriemuir in 1893; died in 1983 in Rosario, Argentina. Retired
in 1949. Extremely active in South American branch of ILocoE. Papers should
be listed here.
Ferguson, Archibald
Born Glasgow 22 September 1903; died on 8 August 1962. Educated
Whitehill Senior Secondary School and Glasgow Royal Technical College. In
1918 apprenticed with Messrs. Barr and Stroud, joining their staff as a
draughtsman in 1925. In August 1927 he transferred to the LMS Railway as
a draughtsman at St. Rollox Works, where he was in charge of design for jigs,
fixtures, tools, shop layout, etc. In 1930 he took up an appointment with
the Burma Railways, being progressively Draughtsman, Chief Draughtsman, Personal
Assistant to the CME and Assistant Works Manager. During the Japanese occupation
of Burma, he was employed in India and in London as a planning officer on
the preparation of locomotive and machinery requirements for the rehabilitation
of the Burma Railways. On the re-occupation of Burma he became Works Manager
at Insein Locomotive Works, where his powers of improvisation and his devotion
to his beloved workshops ensured that they were back into useful production
long before the expected planned date. For this work he received an MBE.
In 1948 when Burma achieved independence Archie Ferguson returned to the
United Kingdom and joined the staff of Rendel Palmer and Tritton as an Inspecting
Engineer. He remained with this firm in charge of Inspection in the London
Area until his death. Obituary: J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1962,
52, 317.
Ferguson, Thomas Gordon
Educated in Glasgow; served engineering apprenticeship at J. Copeland
& Co. and then became a draughtsman at Sharp Stewart & Co, the Airdrie
Iron Co. and Babcock & Wilcox. In 1904 he was appointed an assistant
locomotive superintendent at Rosario. In 1913 he became Works Manager at
Cordoba and in 1921 became Works Manager of the whole system. In 1929 he
became Chief Mechanical Engineer before retiring and returning to Glasgow
where he died on 1 February 1933. Obituary ILocoE.
Flatt, Leslie Neeve
Born on 26 March 1889; died at his home at Aylesbury on 16 August
1957. He was 68. Technical consultant to the United Steel Company and Chief
Mechanical Engineer of Eastern Bengal and North Western Railways from 1934
to 1940. Educated at Forest School and London University. He was trained
at Stratford, where he was a premium apprentice with the Great Eastern Railway
between 1906 and 1911. He was Material and Running Inspector for a short
period and then went to India in 1913 to join the East Indian Railway. His
career was interrupted by war service in the Royal Engineers with whom he
served in Mesopotamia, reached the rank of captain and was mentioned in
despatches. He transferred to the Great Indian Peninsula Railway in 1920,
seven years later moved to the Eastern Bengal Railway and in 1936 took up
an appointment with the North Western Railway. At the end of his time as
C.M.E. of the East Bengal. and of the North Western Railway, but was appointed
Deputy Chief Controller of the Indian Stores Dept in 1939
(Locomotive Mag., 1939,
45, 299). In 1940 he was aqointed Director of Mechanical Engineering
and Chief Controller of the Standardisation Railway Board at New Delhi. At
the same time he was Chairman of the Delhi Central Electric Power Authority.
He occupied both positions until 1945. He was made C.I.E. in 1943. He had
been a Member ILocoE since 1923. Obituary Journal, 1957, 47,
Forbes, G.C.
Locomotive Superintendent Federated Malay States Railways. Employed
Pacific locomotives and developed Sentul.
See Le Fleming. Locomotive Mag.,
1955, 61, 98.
Ford, P.C.
Appointed Works Manager Nairobi, Kenya:
Locomotive Mag., 1925,
31, 45. Chief mechanical engineer, Sao Paulo Railway in Brazil
in 1936 (Locomotive
Mag., 1936, 42,
Fraser, Stafford Robert Charles
Died :it San Esteban on 5th September, 1927, antl was buried at La
Cumbre. Educated at Dulwich and London University College. In 1901 he entered
the London and North Western Railway Locomotive Workshops at Crewe and served
an apprenticeship, and on completing this he returned to the London University
College. Subsequently he entered the service of Willans and Robinson, of
Rugby. In 1907 he joined the Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway at Junin,
Argentina, as a draughtsrnan, and afterwards became a Technical Assistant
in the Carriage and Wagon Department. Fraser went home to join WW1 in November,
1914, and served in France as Captain in the Royal Engineers. On returning
to duty with the Pacific Railway in May, 1919, to his former post, he was
transferred a month later to the position of Works Manager of the Carriage
and Wagon Department at Mendoza, and afterwards, in December of the same
year, he returned to Junin as Assistant Carriage and Wagon Works Manager,
butr was taken ill with tuberculosis in December, 1926, and went to the Cordoba
Hills for the benefit of his health, and died there. He was an Associate
Member of the IlocoE and the Institutions of Civil Engineers and Mechanical
Fraser, William Stuart
Premium apprentice at Horwich during 1895-8; then pupil of Sir John
Aspinall from 1898 to 1900; then a locomotive foreman until moving to India
in 1902 where from 1911 until 1931 he was Locomotive Superintendent on the
Bombay, Baroda & Central India Railway. In 1926 when he went on home
leave he was Locomotive Superintendent of the Metre Gauge Section
(Locomotive Mag., 1924,
30, 166). He was instrumental in designing and building locomotives
at Ajmer. He served in the Indian Defence Force during WW1 and retired to
Shippon, Abingdon. He was an OBE. 4-6-0 with wide firebox
Locomotive Mag., 1924, 30,
107..and Locomotive Mag., 1920,
26, 94-5.
Freeland, Henry Francis Edward
Born 29 December 1870; died 29 March 1946. Who's Who lists muilitary
career, but item in Locomotive Mag.,
1923, 29, 369 suggests may have been involved in adoption of automatic
couplers on Indian railways.
Furley, H.D.
District locomotive superintendent North Western Ry. appointed deputy
locomotive superintendent.
Locomotive Mag., 1920,
26, 212.
Gardner, T.S.
In charge of Perak State Realiways locomotives at Ipoh until
1903 See Le Fleming. Locomotive Mag.,
1955, 61, 98
Garrow, Robert G.
Born Helmsdale, Sutherland, 10 December. 1876; son of
William Garrow (presumably Superintendent
of the Line, Highland Railway) and Annie Urquhart; died 2 October 1932
Educated High School and Royal Academy, Inverness. Trained on Highland Railway,
afterwards Caledonian Railway; Worked in Egypt, 1906-11, then Irrigation
Service; Argentine Republic, Irrigation Rio Negro Valley, 1911-15; served
WW1 1916-19 in Mesopotamia., From 1919-30; Engineer-in-Chief, Buenos Aires
Great Southern Railway Company. CBE 1919.
George, C.P.
Locomotive Superintendent., Nizaru's Guaranteed State Rys. Photograph
as delegate to Indian Railway Conference in 1908
Locomotive Mag., 1908,
14, 197.
Gibbons, William Coulthurst
Second son of the William Barton Gibbons of the island of Barbados,
was born on 12 December 1852, at Farley Hill, the seat of his uncle, Sir
T. Graham Briggs, Bart., in the island of Barbados. He was educated at the
Codrington Grammar school, and in February 1870 was placed by his uncle John
Frederick Bourne, superintendent of Public Works in the island, with whom
he remained till June 1871. In the following August he entered on a course
of practical instruction in the works of G. Fletcher & Co., of Derby,
and leaving them in September 1872, he became a pupil of William Martley,
locomotive superintendent of the London, Chatham & Dover Railway, and
there went through the various departments at that companys works at
Battersea. At the expiration of his pupilage he was employed as an assistant
draughtsman by William Kirtley, who had succeeded Martley. In April 1876
Gibbons was made an inspector in the running department, and was engaged
in various experiments on the line. In January 1877 he received further
advancement, being promoted District Locomotive Superintendent, residing
at Chatham, and having supervision over the Sheerness, Faversham, and Margate
locomotive stations. After holding this post for three years, and while still
in the companys employment, he became a candidate for the appointment
of Assistant Locomotive Superintendent in the Public Works department of
India. That he was thought well fitted for the post he sought by his employers,
is clearly proved from the high testimonials in his favour forwarded to the
India Office, and he was selected for the appointment out of four hundred
competitors. He left England in the spring of 1880, and was first stationed
at Khandwa, in the northwest province, as third class locomotive superintendent.
Here he met with an accident while riding, which deprived him of the use
of his right elbow. Notwithstanding the severe shock to the system, he was
able to resume his duties, and so efficiently as to obtain speedy promotion
by a transfer to Cawnpore. But the climate now began to tell on him, and
he died of fever and congestion of the brain on the 3 July 1881. Gibbons
was elected an Associate Member of IMechE on the 4 March 1879. Grace's
Gibbons, William Frederick
Served a pupilage at the Longhedge works of the London, Chatham &
Dover Railway, from 1887 to 1891, and during the next two years was employed
in the drawing office and as locomotive inspector. He was then made locomotive
foreman and held this position until 1900 when he went to South Africa and
joined the staff of the Beira & Mashonaland Railway (see
Locomotive Mag., 1903, 9,
252). On the completion of five years' service as locomotive, carriage,
and wagon superintendent he was engaged on inspection of locomotive building
at Baldwin's works in the United States. This was followed by another brief
appointment as assistant chief mechanical engineer to the Buenos Aires Great
Southern Railway, Argentina, before going to India in 1912 to take up the
appointment of works superintendent to the Bengal-Nagpur Railway. Subsequently
he became chief mechanical engineer, a position he retained until his retirement
in 1925. Gibbons died on 16 June 1951 at the age of eighty-one. He was elected
a Member of the IMechE in 1904. Grace's Guide"
Glover, S.
In charge of locomotives, GIPR, from February 1866 until December1867.
See Locomotive Mag., 1926,
32, 395
Godley, R.W.
Acting Works Manager at Ajmer Works of BBCIR in 1924.
Locomotive Mag., 1924,
30, 166
Goring, G.I.
G.I. Goring had been appointed Chief Mechanical Engineer of the British
Guiana Government Railways and A. H. July was Assistant Mechanical
Engineer. Loco. Mag., 1933,
39, 269,
Graeme, A.W. Sutherland
Manager of Inverurie Shops of the Great North of Scotland Railway
appoited Deputy Locomotive Carriage & Wagon Superintendent Federated
Malay States Railways. Locomotive
Mag., 1915, 21, 194. Appointed
Locomotive Carriage & Wagon Superintendent Federated Malay States Railways:
see Locomotive Mag., 1924,
30, 380. Crewe apprentice 1898-1903
(one of Webb's last pupils). Air conditioned carriages
Locomotive Mag., 1936, 42,
386. Interned by Japanese.
Gray, Edward Hodson
Born on 22 April 1875; educated at Drogheda Grammar School in County
Louth; died 12 February 1971. Chief Mechanical Engineer of Rhodesian
Railways in 1930. Elected Member ILocoE 1934
Mag., 1934, 40,
Griggs, William James
Born at Romford, Essex, on 20 June 1876. Died Jamaica on 20 May 1917.
His early education was received at the Grocers' Company's School, London,
and in 1895 he began an apprenticeship of four years in the locomotive works
of the North London Railway. During that period he also studied at the Finsbury
Technical College and City of London College. On the completion of his
apprenticeship in 1899 he remained three years as draughtsman and another
three years as inspector and tester of materials. From there he went in March
1905 to the Sudan Government Railways as district locomotive superintendent,
and in 1907 was appointed Locomotive, Carriage, and Wagon Superintendent
of the Western Railway of Havana, Cuba. He next became, in 1910, Inspector
for the Crown Agents for the Colonies in the Birmingham District, and
subsequently Locomotive, Carriage, and Wagon Superintendent of the Jamaica
Government Railway, where he had just completed his three years' agreement
and had been put on the Civil Establishment of the Colony, when he died.
He was elected a MIMechE in 1907. (IMech obituary) see also
Locomotive Mag., 1914,
20, 49
Gruyer, P. de
Chief mechanical engineer Netherlands East Indies Railway presented
a paper at the World Power Engineering Conference in Tokyo on fitting the
Mallet locomotives with double chimneys and how this improved coal and water
consumption, reduced cylinder back pressure and reduced the ejection of cinders.
Locomotive Mag., 1931, 37,
Gutersloh, S.N.
Locomotive Superintendent Rajputana Malwa Railway. Photographed at
Lahore Locomotive Superintendent's Conference in Lahore in
1892: Locomotive Mag., 1925,
31, 133 (plate).
Hall, Vincent
CME Queensland Government Railways in succession to Deacon. At time
of appointment had been 35 years since joining the railway as an engineering
cadet 35 years before. Still in appointment in early 1950s.
Harnett, W.S.
W.F. Harnett, Locomotive Superintendent, East Bengak Railway absent
on special duty (Locomotive
Mag.,1915, 21. 283).
Harris, Norman Charles
Born on 10 April 1887 at Moonee Ponds, Melbourne, second child of
Victorian-born parents Charles Joseph Harris, civil servant, and his wife
Isabella, née McKay. Charles rose to be chief clerk of the rolling-stock
branch and superintendent (1920-25) of the refreshment services branch of
the Victorian Railways. At Scotch College, East Melbourne, Norman was head
prefect, dux in science, mathematics and modern languages, a member of the
firsts in rowing, cricket, football and athletics, and a witty contributor
to the Scotch Collegian. In 1906-10 he studied engineering at McGill University,
Montreal, Canada, where he graduated M.Sc. During his holidays he earned
ten cents an hour with the Canadian Pacific Railway Co. On leaving McGill,
Harris joined C.P.R.'s technical staff and learned about rolling-stock
construction, on which he was to become a world authority. In 1911 he returned
to Australia to take up a post as an assistant-engineer with the Hydro-Electric
Power Co. in Tasmania. On 10 April 1912 he married Rita May Wilson Moss.
His career in the Victorian Railways commenced in 1913 when he entered its
way and works branch as a draftsman; one year later he joined his father
in the rolling-stock branch.
In 1912 Harris had been commissioned in the Militia. Appointed captain in
the Australian Imperial Force on 18 October 1915, he served on the Western
Front with the 2nd Divisional Engineers and was promoted major in July 1917.
At Pozières, France, in July-August that year, while often under heavy
shell-fire, he organized trench improvements and the consolidation of captured
works, and was awarded the Military Cross. He won the Distinguished Service
Order for his actions on 19 May 1918, near Albert, when again under enemy
shelling he supervised the construction of four bridges over the River Ancre,
enabling a successful attack to be launched. Twice mentioned in dispatches,
he was granted leave after the Armistice to study railway and engineering
practices in Britain. He returned to Melbourne in 1919, was promoted lieutenant
colonel (1921) in the Militia and held engineering and staff posts until
Harris had rejoined the rolling-stock branch in 1919; he was promoted assistant
chief mechanical engineer (1922) and chief mechanical engineer (1928). Appointed
a commissioner of the Victorian Railways in 1933, seven years later he succeeded
(Sir) Harold Clapp as chairman of commissioners. In his first report (1940)
Harris suggested that Melbourne should have an underground railway and urged
further electrification. During WW2 he chaired the transport sub-committee
of the Emergency Council for Civil Defence. His greatest peacetime triumph
was 'Operation Phoenix', begun in 1950, which saw the refurbishment and
replacement of rolling-stock. Thirty new seven-carriage suburban trains came
into use from 1956 and were named 'Harris trains'. Maintaining that 'railroading
is a team job', Harris was well known for shovelling with the fireman, for
his meticulous care of royal trains and for his denunciation of competition
from road haulage.
Appointed C.M.G. in 1949, Harris retired in 1950, but remained chairman (1949-51)
of the Victorian branch of the Institute of Transport of Australia. A subsequent
chairman of commissioners, E. H. Brownbill, said that 'Harris was one of
the great railway men of all times'. He died on 3 May 1963 at Brighton. Sebastian
Clark Australian Dictionary of Biography
Harrison, Frank Hugh
CME South Australian Railways during WW2.
Hart, Edward Herbert
Died 19 August 1934 at Bitterne, Hants, aged 78 years: formerly a
district locomotive uperintendent on the Great Indian Peninsula Railway and
on many occasions officiated as head of the locomotive department. Hart served
on the Great Northern Railway in his early days.
Locomotive Mag., 1934,
40, 287.
Hartnell, G.F.W.
Appointed Locomotive Superintendent Uganda Railway.
Locomotive Mag., 1925, 31,
Hawkins, C.C.
Locomotive Superintendent of the Demerara Railway in New
Guinea. Locomotive Mag., 1915
, 21, 22
Hawkins, Charles William
Son of Rev. H.A. Hawkins, Vicar of Topcliffe, Thirsk, born on 8 July
1839; died 3 August 1875. He received his education first from a private
tutor at Sharow, near Ripon, and subsequently at Ripon Grammar School; Served
apprenticeship in the locomotive works of R. Stephenson and Co.,
Newcastle-on-Tyne from 8 July 1853., in whose employment he afterwards continued
as draughtsman until 1861; and then went to Doncaster under Archibald Sturrock,
locomotive superintendent of the Great Northern Railway, serving as a fitter
in the running shed and also as fireman on goods and passenger trains. In
1865 he became District Locomotive Superintendent at Leeds, where he remained
until 1869, when he was appointed Locomotive and Carriage Superintendent
of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway, embracing 1275 miles of opened line.
In India, Mr. Hawkins he was characterised by the same energy and ability
as at home; and that his services were thoroughly appreciated is illustrated
by the fact that, in October 1871, the directors increased his salary to
the maximum pay of the appointment. When in England, absent from his work
due to illness, he was found dead in his bed from heart-disease. He was elected
a Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers on 5 May 1874. Obituary from
ICE via Graces Guide; also
Locomotive Mag., 1926, 32, 142
Hawkins, Rupert Skelton
Charteredc Mechanical Engineer 1892 list when District Locomotive
Superintendent, Indian Midland Railway, Jhansi, India. In Group photograph
when Loco. Supt., Assam Bengal Ry. as delegate to Indian Railway Conference
in 1908 Locomotive Mag., 1908,
14, 197..
Head, E.W.
Appointed Locomotive, Carriage & Wagon Superintendent Ceylon
Government Railways (formerly Assistant Locomotive Superintendent).
Locomotive Mag., 1917,
23, 76
Helliwell, James W.
Born in Yorkshire in 1881. He trained as an engineer with the Lancashire
and Yorkshire Railway at Horwich, Newton Heath and Somerley [Sowerby?] Bridge.
In 1902 he was employed by the Central South African Railways as a fitter
and draughtsman, with whom he remained for six years, proceeding from there
to India where he was employed by the Indian State Railways. In 1916 he received
a commission in the R.O.D. of the Royal Engineers, retiring with the rank
of Major in 1919 to join the North-Western Railway of India as a District
Locomotive Supt. In 1925 he became Works Manager of the Locomotive, Carriage
and Wagon Shops at Karachi, and from 1927 to 1931 held a similar post at
Lahore. From January, 1931, he was appointed Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon
Supt. of the Bikaner State Railways, retiring in 1933. On his return to England
he went to live in Bournemouth. He died on 9 April 1934. Obit. J. Instn
Loco. Engrs, 1934, 24, 611-12.
Henderson, William
Served a six years apprenticeship, beginning in 1901, with Messrs.
Andrew Barclay, Sons and Company, Ltd., Kilmamock, and received his technical
education with the Kilmarnock School of Science and Art, and the Royal Technical
College, Glasgow. He was appointed to the Great Indian Peninsula Railway,
Bombay, in 1913 as Assistant Locomotive Superintendent and promoted to District
Loco Superintendent in 1917. During his period of service with that railway
he was responsible for the design of a four-cylinder ten-wheeled-coupled
locomotive ; and also for the equipment of locomotives for burning pulverized
fuel, the design and layout of proposed new locomotive shops, of hydraulic
presses for 18-pounder and 45-inch shells. From 1917 to 1919 his services
were lent to the Government of India where he occupied the position of Deputy
Controller (Manufactures) Indian Munition Board, acting as Government Consultant
to limns engaged in the manufacture of munitions, as well as the handling
and inspection of all outgoing munition contracts for the Armies in Mesopotamia.
Latterly he was appointed to the staff of the Chief Inspector of Armaments
at the Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, being attached to the Fuze Division. In this
capacity he went to Canada and the United States in 1940 as a member of the
British Inspection Board of the United Kingdom Technical Mission.
Heywood, William Henry
Died early 1921 when serving on South Indian Rly. at Madura. Born
on 17 July 1584. After serving his apprenticeship at the Midland Railway
Works, at Derby, passing through all departments, he was employed as a
draughtsman at the Yorkshire Engine Co., Sheffield. In 1907 he was appointed
Assistant to the Locomotive Superintendent of the East Indian Railway, and
was promoted to the position of District Locomotive and Carriage Superintendent
in 1911. He was elected a member of the ILocoE in 1916.
Higginbotham, Thomas
Born in Dublin in about 1820; died in Victoria, Australia, on 5 September
1880. Left Ireland in 1840 and entered the office of Sir William Cubitt later
became assistant engineer on the Ashford-Canterbury line of the South Eastern
Railway. He was then appointed resident engineer on the Huntingdon section
of the GNR of which Cubitt was chief engineer . After practising in London
he emigrated to Australia and at Melbourne was appointed chief engineer of
roads and bridges of Victoria In 1860 he was appointed chief engineer of
the Victorian Railways where he remained until January 1878. In 1879--80
he worked in South Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. In March 1880 he
returned to Victoria as chief railway engineer remaining in this position
until his sudden death, by which time the railways of Victoria totalled
l,182 miles, mostly built under Higginbotham to the Irish standard gauge
of 5ft 3in, but he was not responsible for introducing the 5ft 3in gauge
to Victoria; the Melbourne & Hobson's Bay Railway, the first steam railway
in Australia, was opened to this gauge on 12 September 1854.
Hill, A.R.
Acting Chief Mechanical Engineer, Bengal Nagpur Railway in 1923. In
group photograph (p. 153) see Locomotive
Mag., 1923, 29, 150-1.
Hill, Charles Harold
Formerly Chief Mechanical Engineer Sudan Railways had retired an joined
Dolphin Industrial Developments. J Instn Loco Engrs, 1949, 39,
Hindley, [Sir] Clement Daniel Maggs
Born in Dulwich, London, on 19 December 1874; died Hampton, Middlesex,
on 3 May 1944. Educated at Dulwich College and entered Trinity College,
Cambridge, in 1893, where he graduated BA in mechanical sciences in 1896.
In the following year he was appointed assistant engineer on the East Indian
Railway. After a visit in 1904 to America and Canada as member of an official
delegation from the Institution of Civil Engineers, he returned to India
to become in 1905 personal assistant to the chief engineer of the East Indian
Railway. He took charge in 1906 of the technical section of the agent's office,
with responsibility for the scrutiny of all plans and estimates for engineering
works. Later he assumed charge of the Delhi district and the completion of
other sections of the region. He became secretary of the East Indian Railway
in 1914, deputy general manager in 1918, and general manager in 1920.
In 1921 Hindley was appointed chairman of the commissioners of the Port of
Calcutta, and in the following year became the first chief commissioner of
railways for India, with responsibility for decisions on technical matters.
He was the sole adviser to the government of India on railway policy and
oversaw many important changes, including the reorganization of the railway
department, the separation of railway finance from the general budget, the
transfer of the East Indian and Great Indian Peninsula Railways to state
management, and the opening of the first railway staff college. He did much
to restore the Indian railways to a state of efficiency after the effects
of the WW1 and initiated a programme of new construction which added 4000
miles to the railways. He was knighted in 1925 and, retiring in 1928, was
appointed KCIE in 1929. He was also a commander of the Belgian order of
On return to England, Hindley was appointed first chairman of the Racecourse
Betting Control Board. Hindley was a man of imposing personality and great
charm of manner, and he was much in demand for committee work, for he was
a master of procedure and his memoranda were remarkable for their clarity:
his attention was thus turned to matters which included the Channel Tunnel,
forest products, inland water, building research, and fuel efficiency. He
was a member of the Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research,
of the board of the National Physical Laboratory, and chairman of the steel
structures research committee. From 1939 to 1942 he was regional works adviser
for the London civil defence region. At the time of his death he was chairman
of the codes of practice committee for civil engineering and building under
the minister of works, and of the building and civil engineering industries
holidays with pay scheme. He was a valued member of the Institution of Civil
Engineers of which he was president, 193940, and had much to do with
the initiation of its journal and its research committee.
ODNB entry by W.T. Halcrow, revised by Anita
McConnell. Contributor to discussion on Pierre Place's paper on the Vitry
Test Plant. J. Instn Loco. Engrs,
1935, 25, 380-406. Paper 338
Hindmarsh, Thomas Andrew
Born in 1862, joined the Indian Railways in 1884 and who was a Locomotive
Superintendent on the Eastern Bengal State Railway. Collection of photographs
in India Office. Group photograph when delegate to Indian Railway Conference
in 1908 Locomotive Mag., 1908,
14, 197.
Hodgson, C.G.
Death recorded Locomotive
Mag., 1945, 51, 19. Formerly chief mechanical engineer Sudan
Government Railways (appointed 1 January 1904)
Locomotive Mag.,, 1937, 43,
101 states consulting engineer.. Member ILocoE.: attended dinners. O.B.E.
2-6-4T design: Locomotive Mag.,
1931, 37, 221, 2-8-2 design
Locomotive Mag., 1926, 32,
375. ILocoE Paper No. 398 (1939)
work on wear resistance in ferrous metals for Leyland Motors.
Homan, A.K.
District locomotive superintendent appointed deputy locomotive &
carriage superintendent Oude & Rohilkund Ry.
Locomotive Mag., 1920,
26, 212.
Hornett, William George
In group photograph (p. 153) see
Locomotive Mag., 1923, 29, 150-1. and became Chief Tech.
Asst.; appointed Director of Company in 1934. M.I. Mech.Eng., M.I.Loco.E.,
Member of Council. Asst. Managing Director, Sentinel Waggon Works (1936)
Ltd., 10 Haymarket, London, S.W.1. (Works, Shrewsbury). Private Address:
"Toynton," Devas Road, Wimbledon, S.W.20. Career: 10 years on Great North
of Scotland Rly.; then some 20 years Bengal Nagpur Rly., India, as Asst.
Works Manager, Supt. of Tech. Branch and Carriage and Wagon Supt.; Selected
by Rly. Board India to report on Automatic Couplers for use on Indian Rlys;
Seconded by Rly. Board for Standardisation of Rolling Stock for Indian Rlys.
for 5-ft. 6-ins., 3-ft. 31 ins. and 2-ft. 6ins. Gauges
Hough, Frank Edward
Chief Mechanical Engineer Rhodesia Railways. 4-8-2+2-8-4 Beyer Garratts
see Locomotive Mag., 1955,
61, 31.
Howard, John
Presented paper on the mechanic in
Howell, Alfred Edward
Presented ILocoE Paper No. 123
in 1922, presumably when he was with Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth &
Co. Also contributed to Turner's Paper on
management see page 153 of Volume 12. He probably worked for the North
Western Railway of India; in 1946 he resigned from the post of Agent and
General Manager of the Barsi Light Railway, returned to Britain, but in 1948
became Assistant General Manager of the Bengal Ingot Co. Ltd.
Howsin, C.G.
Appointed locomotive superintendent of the Brazil North Eastern Ry.
Howsin served in the locomotive shops and drawing office at Crewe, and went
to China in 1897 as assistant locomotive superintendent of the Imperial Rys.
of North China .. He was afterwards assistant locomotive superintendent of
the Rajputana Malwa metre gauge line of the B.B. & C.I. Ry., and was
then transferred to Bombay as works manager at Parel and divisional loco.
supt. See Locomotive Mag., 1914,
20, 49.
Hulme, William
Worked on Great Western of Brazil Railway as chief constructional
engineer. Produced train rating diagrams (Ribeiro’s train-rating diagrams [with “Train resistance charts.”] London: Locomotive Publishing Co. , [1932]) assisting George
Ribeiro. Outlined in Locomotive
Mag., 1932, 38, 291-2.
Hunt, Edward
Born at Heaton Norris on 18 February 1875; died at Trowbridge on 8
June 1949.. He was educated at St. Bede's College, Manchester, the Technical
School, Manchester and served .his engineering apprenticeship on the Manchester,
Sheffield and Lincolnshire (later Great Central) Railway at Gorton Tauk from
1891 to 1897. In 1898 he joined W. H. Bailey & Co., Salford, and was
engaged on testing machines. In 1900 he went to India for Messrs. Heatly
& Gresham, but left them in 1903 to join the Burma Railway as an assistant
locomotive and carriage superintendent. In 1904 he joined the Eastern Bengal
Railway, becoming a distnct locomotive supermtendent. In 1911. he went to
the Oudh & Rohilkund Railway holding a similar appointment and four years
later joined the North Western ailway of India. In 1919 he was appointed
deputy locomotive superintendent and was subsequently superin:tendent of
equipment, deputy chief mechamcal engineer, divisional supermtendent and
superintendent mechanical workshops, retiring on 18 February 1930. On 1 April
1930 he joined the Krupp Indian Trading Co. as manager of the railway department
and in 1939 was specially appointed to wind up all Krupp's Indian interests.
The following year he returned to railway work, being appointed locomotive
and carriage superintendent of the Jaipur State Railway which he held until
1944. He was a Lieut.-Col. (R.E.) in the Indian Volunteers and ceived the
V.D. decoration. Obit J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1949, 39,
387. .
Hutton, Charles Inglis
Born c1879; died 30 April 1946, Entered the works of the North London
Railway at Bow as a pupil under H.J. Pryce in 1896, and on the conclusion
of his pupilage three years later, gained further experience in the drawing
office. After training as a fireman at the Exeter depot of the London and
South Western Railway he was employed as draughtsman in the carriage and
wagon department of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway at Newton Heath
until 1903, when he was appointed assistant locomotive superintendent with
the Burma Railways Company, being promoted to the post of district superintendent
seven years later. Subsequently he was made deputy superintendent of the
carriage and wagon department, and from 1927 to 1934 served as locomotive
superintendent. He then left Burma for Hyderabad to take up the appointment
of locomotive carriage and wagon superintendent of the Nizam's State Railways,
having been specially selected to carry out an extensive reorganization of
his department. On the termination of this engagement three years later he
retired. Elected an Associate Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
in 1908. He was also an Associate Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers.
Locomotive Mag., 1935,
41, 338 states probabli incorrectly that had retired in 1935 from
Burma Railways (remainder Graces Guide)
Ing, Z.Z.
Mechanical engineer, Ministry of Railways, China. In group photograph
at handing over of first three Class 5 to LMS at Scotswood in April
1935. Locomotive Mag., 1935,
41, 151.
Iron, H.J.
Chief Mechanical Engineer Malaysian State Railways.
Locomotive Mag., 1955,
61, 12.
Jaekel, Francis Hartley
Also known as Patrick. Served an apprenticeship with the LMS; then
spent 27 years with the Nigerian Railways, going back to 1938 when it was
still a Government Department and he thus a Colonial Service Officer. Career
on Nigerian Rail;ways eventually becoming Chief Superintendent (Power). See
ILocoE Paper 548 Operation and running
maintenance of locomotives on the Nigerian Railways. The History of the
Nigerian Railway: Opening the Nation to Sea, Air and Road Transportation
(3 volumes published in 1905?). Railway museum in Lagos named after him.
Jackson, Samuel
Born in Attercliffe (Yorks) on 21 August 1845; died Tunbridge Wells
23 October 1911. Joined Great Northern Railway and was for six years an assistant
locomotive superintendent. In 1871 joined Great Indian Peninsular railway
and from 1875 until his retirement in 1891 he was Chief Locomotive and Carriage
Superintendent. He was a colonel of the Engineetr and Railway Volunteer Staff
Corps; and elected a Member of the IMechE in
1882. Locomotive Mag., 1926,
32, 142
Jameson, Arthur Sampson
Locomotive Superintendent Eastern Bengal State Railway from 1890:
retired in 1901. Photograph at Lahore Locomotive Superintendent's Conference
in Lahore in 1892: Locomotive Mag.,
1925, 31, 133 (plate). 4-4-3T designed by him.
Locomotive Mag., 1902, 7,
Jamieson, Frederick Alexander
Born 1869; died 1944). Studied at Finsbury Technical College from
1887. His early railway experience was with the London & South Western
Railway and the District Railway before his move to Shanghai. Here,
he was employed as a marine engineer for various companies before joining
the staff of the Chinese Government Railways in 1899. Became locomotive
superintendent Pekin-Mukden Railway. Rolling stock
see Locomotive Mag., 1916,
22, 211
Jefferson, Tom
Born 10 April 1885; died 2 April 1948: his early education was obtained
at Driffield National & Grammar School and Commercial College, York.
Whilst serving his engineering apprenticeship at Kitson & Co. Airedale
Foundry, Leeds, between 1900 and 1906, he attended Leeds University where
he obtained certificates and diplomas in engineering and construction and
design. After a few years in the drawing office he was appointed in 1910
chief draughtsman of the Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Department of the
Antofagasta & Bolivia Railway, Chile, leaving there in 1918 to become
mechanical foreman with the Chili Exploration Co. at Chuquicamata. The following
year he was appointed Assistant Locomotive Superintendent on the Anglo-Chilian
Nitrate & Railway Co., Ltd., Tocopilla. Three years later he was made
Locomotive Supterintendent, Nitrate Railways, Iquique, under his old chief,
David Buttle, and in 1926 Locomotive, Carriage & Wagon Superintendent.
In 1932 he joined the Peruvian Corporation as Locomotive Superintendent on
the Central Railway of Peru where he introduced oil-fired Sentinel-Cammell
railcars with automtic control of steam production
(Locomotive Mag, 1935, 41,
110-11). Elected ILocoE member in 1926 (ILocoE obituary). Responsible
for use of Beyer Garratt 2-8-2+2-8-2 on Nitrate Railways: see
Locomotive Mag., 1926, 32,
Jerrarn, Wilfrid Jenner
Born in November 1895, son of Canon Jerram, of Worcester Cathedral.
Died in Rhodesia on 17 February 1938 aged 42 when killed in a road accident
between Bulawayo and Salisbury. Educated Malvern College, and as an engineering
pupil at Kitson and Co., Leeds from August 1913 until the outbreak
of WW1 when he joined up, until released later for munition work, where he
was employed as an inspector, subsequently beiug transferred to Rendel, Palrner
and Tritton as assistant locomotive inspector in their London office. In
1919 he was made assistant locomotive inspector for the same firm in the
Manchester district, becoming resident district inspector for a part of the
Manchester district in 1927, For a time he also inspected at Essen/Ruhe.
In 1933 he joined Messrs. C.C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd., as their representative
in India, residing in Bombay, Later he returned to England whence he carried
out extensive tours on their behalf in other countries also. It was when
visiting Rhodesia he was killed leaving a widow and two children. Elected
Associate ILocoE in 1917 and transferred to Member in 1930.
Johnson, H.A.
Former Chief Mechanical Engineer Gold Coast Railways appointed Technical
Representative Railway Division of British Timken in Australia and New Zealand.
Locomotive Mag., 1951,
57, 32
Johnson, W.P.
Photograph as delegate when Locomotive Superintendent, Bombay, Baroda
& Central India Ry. at Indian Railway Conference in 1908
Locomotive Mag., 1908,
14, 197..
Jolliffe, Charles Alexander
Died 27 June 1926; born in Octoher, 1878, of English parents, was
educated at the English High School, Rosario, Santa Fe. He served his
apprenticeship in the works of the Central .Argcnticie Railway. He was
subsequently in charge of the crane and grain elevators of the Central Argeutine
Railway Port Works. He also had experience as I,ocomotive Shed Foreman
and Inspector, afterwards becoming foreman o f the Erecting Sheds at Bahiablanca
of the Buenos Aires Paciific Railway. From 1915 to 1917 he served with the
Royal Euginerra, gaining a commission . He then returned to civil life and
held the position of Ways and Works Plant Inspector until March 1921. From
that datc he held the position of Assistant Locomotive Works Manager of the
Pacific Railway Works at Junin.
Jones, H.L.
Appointed Acting Deputy Locomotive Superintendent at Parel of BBCIR
in absence of W.S. Fraser.
Locomotive Mag., 1924,
30, 166.
Jones, Hugh
Son of David Jones of Highland Railway and apprenticed at Lochgorm
Works. Went to South Africa. see
Sinclair, Neil T. Beyond the Highland
Railway - Part Two. Backtrack, 2010, 24, 348-51.
Jones William Richard Sumption
Born at Newport, Mon., in 1840, and was educated at a private school;
died at Folkestone on 12 April 1908. Served his apprenticeship as a mechanical
engineer, he entered in 1860 employment of Joseph Wright and Co., railway-coach
builders of Birmingham, and remained with them till 1866, when he became
works manager of the Lancaster Railway-Carriage and Wagon Co. After a few
months, in 1867 he was selected by the Secretary of State for India to fill
the appointment of deputy superintendent of the government workshops at Rurki
in the United Province of Agra and Oudh (then known as the North West Provinces).
At about that time it had been intended to start building rolling-stock in
those workshops for provincial light railways then projected, but not carried
out until several years later; and this was the reason for his appointment.
When, six years later, the term of his agreement expired, he was retained
and was graded as an executive engineer of the Indian Public Works Department.
He was stationed at Narora in the same province, and the site of the great
dam and headworks of the Lower Ganges Canal, then under construction, where
he was put in charge of the Workshops division, and carried out the construction
of all the heavy ironwork used in the regulating machinery there installed.
He remained in this appointment until the completion of the headworks, when,
in April 1879, he was transferred to the Indian State Railways establishment,
and posted to the Rajputana State Railway, as Deputy Locomotive and Carriage
Superintendent, especially to take charge of the completion and equipment
of the Central Workshops at Ajmir. In 1880 he was promoted to the post of
Carriage and Wagon Superintendent of the same railway, which by absorption
of other lines in 1883 became the Rajputana-Malwa State Railway, and he remained
in the same appointment until his retirement in 1893. Photograph at Lahore
Locomotive Superintendent's Conference in Lahore in
1892: Locomotive Mag., 1925,
31, 133 (plate). During his time there the railway increased in
length from about 500 miles to 1,500 miles, for which increase he built all
the rolling-stock, reducing the tare and increasing the load of the wagons
employed. He invented and introduced a system of flexible central buffers
and screw-couplers, which was adopted by the Indian Government and made
compulsory on all the railways of metre gauge. He was a clever mechanical
engineer, strong administrator, able financier, and scientific accountant
in workshop expenditure. At the request of the Public Works Department, he
revised and recast the whole of the regulations in the P.D.W. code relating
to railway expenditure and accounts; and with minor improvements these
regulations are still in force. In 1893 he returned to England and
settled down in London, where he occupied himself in designing, experimenting,
and patenting further improvements in his flexible buffers and automatic
couplers, including one for the application to the ordinary hook-and-link
system in use in the United Kingdom. He however had not perfected this last
invention before his health began to fail in 1904, when he was obliged to
give up all work, and to leave London for residence at various health resorts
in the hope of obtaining benefit from them. He became a Member of IMechE
in 1872, but his only contribution to its Proceedings were some valuable
remarks and statistics on J.D.
Twinberrow's Paper on The Capacity of Railway Wagons as affecting cost of
Patents (only some?)
GB 13378/1898 Improvements in central buffer and draw gear apparatus for
railway and like vehicles. Applied 15 June 1898
GB 2492/1898 Improvements in and relating tocentral buffer and draw gear
apparatus for railway and like vehicles. Applied 31 January 1898
GB 217/1897 Improvements in and relating tocentral buffer and draw gear
apparatus for railway and like vehicles. Applied 13 November 1897
July, A.H.
When G.I. Goring was appointed Chief Mechanical Engineer of the British
Guiana Government Railways: A. H. July was Assistant Mechanical Engineer.
Loco. Mag., 1933, 39,
Kelly, Arthur Clifton
Born 1876; died 1956. In 1921 was Chief Electrical Engineer Buenos
Aires and Pacific Railway. Had began on Great Eastern Railway, Discussion
on paper by Gabb see J, Instn Loco.
Engrs., 1921, 11, 492
Kendrick, S.J.
Acting Carriage & Wagon Superintendent East Indian Railway: Royal
train Locomotive Mag., 1911,
17, 258-60.
Kerbey, H.T.
Died in India on 13 June 1926
(Locomotive Mag, 32,
264): had been in charge of the locomotive depot at Moharneh Jn., East
Indian Ry. Kerbey was formerly a driver on the Great Eastern Ry, at Stratford,
and took part in the trials of Holden's Decapod..
Keyworth, Thomas Egerton
Died in Estoril, Portugal, on 8 December 1946, at the age of eighty-two,
was one of the oldest members of the IMeehE, his long association dating
back to 1885 when he was elected a Graduate. He was transferred to Membership
in 1888. He was educated at Oundle and served a four-years apprenticeship
in the boiler making and machine shops of Clayton and Shuttleworth, agricultural
engineers, of Lincoln, with whom he continued until 1887 when he went on
the firm's behalf to the Argentine, thus beginning a connection, with South
America and the West Indies, which lasted to the end of his long professional
career. Subsequently he entered the service of the Buenos Ayres and Rosario
Railway Co, for whom he was engaged as a fitter, and later as draughtsman.
He remained in the Argentine until 1900, during part of which period he was
employed by the Buenos Ayres and Pacific Railway Company. He then received
the appointment of chief mechanical engineer to the Cuban Central Railways,
and held this position until 1917. On the concern's acquisition in that year
by the United Railways of Havana, Ltd., he continued to hold office, but
in 1921 the complete fusion of the two systems was effected and Keyworth
became chief mechanical engineer of the combined railway companies. On his
retirement in 1930, after over forty years' service in Argentine and Cuban
railways, the title of "Hijo Adoptero" of Sagua, was conferred upon him;
he was probably the first Englishman to receive this honour and token of
universal regard. Graces Guide and
Locomotive Mag., 1923,
29, 115.
Kimberley, Rupert Ernest
Retired chief mechanical engineer of the Buenos Aires and Pacific
Railway, died in Argentina on December 1954. He was 74 years of age at the
time of his death and had retired in 1945 after almost 38 years railway service.
He commenced his engineering career with Messrs Joseph Evans & Sons,
of Culwell Foundry, Wolverhampton and later joined the Chief Mechanical
Engineers department of the Midland Railway. In 1907, he joined the
Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway, and after a period of service in the running
deparment, became works manager at Alianza. In 1921 he was appointed divisional
locomotive superintendent at Mendoza which included the workshops at that
point and the Argentine section of the Transandine Railway. Six years later,
he was appointed chief mechanical engineer, which a few years later was to
include the traction and electrical departments. A founder member of the
South American Centre of the Institution, he was chairman during the 1929
and 1930 sessions, and he served as Honorary Treasurer for four years. He
was elected as a Member in 1921 but resigned his membership in 1945 when
he retired from railway service. ILocoE obituary. Three-cylinder 4-6-4T see
Locomotive Mag., 1931, 37,
Kinder, Claude William
Born in Ireland on 10 August 1852; died Churt 9 August 1936. Tutored
by his father, later studied railway engineering in St. Petersburg. In 1873
he obtained his first professional appointment as an assistant engineer with
Imperial Japanese Railways. In 1878 he was forced to leave Japan because
of civil war, he moved to Shanghai where he met Tong King-sing who appointed
him as an engineer with the Chinese Engineering and Mining Company at Tangshan
near to the ancient walled city of Kaiping. Kinders initial brief was
to help with the sinking of coal mine shafts at the new colliery and to construct
a railway from the mines to the nearest navigable river. Chinese politics
initially prevented the building of this railway and in consequence Kinder
surveyed and built a canal for coal barges to operate between the river at
Lutai and Hsukochuang (Xugezhuang) from where a short tramway was constructed
to Tangshan. The government authority for the tramway had intended that only
mules were to be used for hauling coal wagons but Kinder (with Tong King
Sing's connivance) secretly constructed a home-built steam locomotive which
was christened The Rocket of China, the first steam locomotive
ever made in China. From these early beginnings the Kaiping Tramway
evolved into Chinas first major railway line and administration known
as Imperial Railways of North China and later, after the overthrow of the
Qing Dynasty, the Peking-Mukden Railway. Kinder served this railway as
Engineer-in-Chief for some thirty years until retirement in 1909. In 1900
Kinder was made a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George by the
British Government in recognition of his services to the development of railways
(and British financial interests) in China. Graces Guide. Who Was
Kirkhope, K.M.
District Locomotive Superintendent, to act as a Deputy Locomotive
Superintendent. East Bengal Railway.
(Locomotive Mag.,1915, 21.
Kirby, Robert Ramsay
Locomotive department, Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. ILocoE membership
records (Member from 1928)
Knight, Walter Dingle
Pupil of Drummond at Nine Elms and Eastleigh. In 1904 went to Sudan
Government Railways,. in 1907 became Assistant Locomotive Superintendent
Egyptian Government Railways and appointed Chief Mechanical Engineer in June
1933. See Locomotive Mag.,
1933, 39, 251. Retired
Locomotive Mag., 1934,
40, 166. Loco.
RIy Carr. Wagon Rev., 1934, 40, 287. and succeeded by Abdel?
Rahman Hamada Bey
Kyte, Gordon William
Born September 1901, received early education at Wimborne and, later,
at Cardiff Technical College. In 1918 he became an articled pupil of
J. Cameron, Chief Mechanical Erigineer of the Taff Vale Railway. At the
termination of his pupilage, he remained for a short period as an improver
until called into the drawing office of W. Kyte in 1922. In 1925 he was appointed
Draughtsman and Assistant to the Locomotive Works Managerof the Antofagasta
and Bolivia Railway at Mejellones, Chile. He left in 1927, and was appointed
Assistant Transportation Superintendent (Power) on the Madras and Southern
Mahratta Railway Co. in 1928. He held this appointment up to the time of
his decease, which occurred in 1936 at the early age of 35. Obituary J.
Instn Loco. Engrs., 1936, 26, 655.
Lamb, George Hamish
Born 15 March 1887. Educated Loughborough Grammar School and Nottingham
University College. Engineering apprenticeship with Brush Electrical, then
served in several electrical concerns. Following military service in WW1
where he saw service on the Mesopotanian Railways untl 1921 he joined the
GIPR where he retired as deputy chief mechanical engineer in 1947 and retired
to Australia where he died on 24 September 1948. Obituary: J. Instn Loco
Engrs, 1948, 38, 862
Langton, John Montague Ellis
Son of John Langton, surgeon at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London,
was born in 1873 and educated at Westminster from 1887 to 1892 and Trinity
College, Cambridge. After studying medicine for a short period he abandoned
the medical profession for an engineering career and went to Swindon in 1897
where he received his training under William Dean. After gaining experience
in the works and the drawing office at Swindon he left in May 1901 to join
the Traffic Department of the North Eastern Railway. Five years later he
went to Egypt and was appointed Divisional Locomotive Superintendent, Egyptian
State Railways, Sohag, Upper Egypt, where he remained for three years. After
holding a similar appointment at Tanta, Lower Egypt, he was appointed Chief
Mechanical Engineer of the system, Bulak, Cairo, which position he held for
some time. On retirement in 1930 he resided at Liphook, Hants until his wife's
death when he moved to London. His death occurred on 4 December 1957. He
had been a Member since 1917. Obituary: J. Instn Loco Engrs, 1958,
48, 305. £ft 6in gauge 4-6-0 built Maffei.
Mag., 1929, 35,
Leigh-Bennett, P.R.
Former LSWR district locomotive superintendent at Salisbury, appointed
assistant locomotive superintendent Bengal Nagpur
Ry. Locomotive Mag., 1912,
18, 249
Lloyd, George Wilmot
Born in 1885. Died from cholera at Lucknow on 26 June 1932. Had spent
many years in India as locomotive superintendent on various sections of the
North Western and East Indian Railways. He was educated at Merchant Taylors'
School and Finsbury Technical College, and commenced his apprenticeship in
1904 at Hyde Park Works of North British Locomotive Company, Glasgow. In
1907 joined Blackstone and Company of Stamford as general draughtsman and
remained with them until 1908. He then went to Canada for about four months
on construction work which was being carried out by the New Canadian Company
of Port Daniel in connexion with the Atlantic Quebec and Western Railway,
Gaspé Canada. On return to England in 1909 became personal assistant
to E. Bailey-Denton of Westminster for a period of six months. He then joined,
in 1910, the GNR at King's Cross as charge-hand fitter in the running sheds.
In 1911 Lloyd went to Chile as draughtsman on the Antofagasta and Bolivia
Railway. Obitauary Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs., 1932, 122,
London, Cyril Stanford
Born in 1887; died in London on 22 December 1830. Educated at Glasgow
High School and Dulwich College, and his technical education at the City
and Guild of London Institute and Finsbury Technical College. In 1905 he
became a premium apprentice on the North Eastern Railway and was stationed
at Darlington Works until 1907, when he was transferred to Gateshead. In
1910 he joined the Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway as a draughtsman, but
later in that year he was appointed an Assistant Shed Foreman, and a Locomotive
Inspector in 1912. He then rose to become Acting Divisional Locomotive
Superintendent. He returned to Europe on the outbreak of WW1 and was commissioned
in the South Staffs. Regiment. After his return to South America in
1919, he was appointed Works Manager of the Antifagasta and Bolivia Railway
at Mejiilones in Chile. Obituary J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1931,
21, 5..
Loubser, Matthys Michiel
Born in Mooreesburg in Western Cape, South Africa on 24 July 1892;
died 1957. Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer South African Railways from 1937;
Chief between 1939 and 1949. Cited as Dr. Loubser. Reponsible for 0-10-0
shunting locomotive. Aware of work by
Zeuner and Goss Cox did not meet Loubser until 1961 (Locomotive
Panorama Volume 2). Royal Train.
Locomotive Mag., 1947, 53, 2.
Locomotive boiler design: theory and practice, with E.S. Cox.
J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1938,
28, 377-409. Disc.: 409-41. (Paper No. 388)
3ft. 6in. gauge Beyer-Garratt locomotives, South African
Railways. Locomotive Mag., 1946,
52, 56-8. First locomotive in
Natal. Locomotive Mag., 1946,
52, 194.
Loveridge, A.R.
Appointed assistant locomotive superintendent Tanganyika Railways.
Locomotive Mag,, 1937,
43, 267
Luard, Edward Sydney.
Bombay Baroda & Central India Railway: present. Interst in Consolidate
Brake & Engineering Co. and tookout patents for vacuum brake.: In 1919
appointed London Representtive of Beyer Peacock & Co.
(Locomotive Mag, 1919,
23, 31). Photograph at Lahore Locomotive Superintendent's Conference
in Lahore in 1892: Locomotive Mag.,
1925, 31, 133 (plate).
Lucy, Brian
Born Wolverhampton 2 March 1898; educated at Sydney Grammar School
and St. Stanislaus College, Bathurst, and had his early engineering training
in New South Wales. Lucy came of an engineering family and. it was through
his father's appointment as Assistant Chief
Mechanical Engineer of the New South Wales Railways that he made hIs first
acquaintance with Australia in 1905. In 1916 he entered the Civil Engineering
Department of the New South Wales Railways as a Cadet Draughtsman but the
following year joined the Government Flying School at Richmond, New South
Wales, and later that year was granted the Australian Aero Club's Pilot's
Certificate No. 56. In 1918 he came to England and became a cadet in the
R.F.C. and obtained his "Wings" a few days before the Armistice. In 1919
he returned to Australia and was appointed draughtsman in the C.M.E. Department
of the New South Wales Railways and was engaged on steam locomotives and
rolling stock. He became interested in railcars and in 1922 was placed in
charge of railcar design. A further two years were spent on design and production
of railcars before returning to England to become Senior Draughtsman at Leyland
Motors. He spent 1927 to 1929 in a similar position with General Motors Trust
Corporation, Michigan, USA. In 1929 he returned to Leyland Motors and held
various positions during his ten years with the firm. He resigned in 1939,
at which time he held the position of Assistant Chief Engineer. Leyland Motors
sent Mr. Lucy to New Zealand in 1936, to act in an advisory capacity to the
Government Railways in the design of railcars. He became a member of the
Mechanisation Board in September 1939 and left to take up an appointment
with Dennis Brothers .as Chief Engineer. in January 1940. He was closely
in touch wIth Fighting Vehicle Mechanical Development and was later requested
to return to the Ministry in the capacity of Deputy Director F.V.D.D. in
August 1943. He occupied this post until April 1944, during which he he was
responsible for the design and development of the vanous carriers. He then
returned to Dermis Brothers and had business trips to South Africa and America
for the firm. Lucy died on 30 September 1949. He was elected an Associate
Member of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers in 1939. J. Instn Loco.
Engrs., 1949, 39, 584.
MacAulay, Donald
Member Institution of Locomotive Engineers: Paper: Some notes on the
mechanical aspect of working steam-operated suburban services with particular
reference to the Eastern Bengal Railway locals around Calcutta.
J. Instn Loco. Engrs, 1937,
27, 517-40. (Paper No. 372). Photograph by him of "second-hand"
suburban motive power: Locomotive
Mag., 1935, 41, 46. C.
Hamilton Ellis in Four main lines acknowledged MacAulay for informing
him that North British Railway painted its Crampton locomotive in tartan
livery. He was CME of the Eastern Bengal Railway. Comment on Cartazzi slides
see J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1953,
43, 708 Probably sapper officer who sent details of the Cologne
to Calais leave express trains to
Locomotive Mag., 1919,
25, 117-18. 4-6-0 H.P.S. loocomotives see
Locomotive Mag., 1949,
55, 71.
McBeth, Alexander
Died whilst on leave in England during summer of 1921. He was born
on 11 September 1884. He served his apprenticeship at the works of Sharp,
Stewart and Co., Glasgow, and passed through all departments. After completing
his training he took up an appointment with Kerr, Stuart and Co., Stoke-on-Trent.
At a subsequent period he was a draughtsman in the Locomotive Dept. of the
Midland Rly. at Derby. In 1910 he was appointed a draughtsman on the G.I.P.
Rly. at Parel, subsequently being appointed Assistant Locomotive Superintendent.
He was elected a member of the Institution on the 18 May 1912.
McIntosh, T.D.
Secretary, Locomotive and Carriage Superintendents' Committee. District
Locomotive Superintendent, Bombay Baroda & Central India Railway: in
group photograph (p. 153) see Locomotive
Mag., 1923, 29, 150-1.
McKay, P.M.
Locomotive Carriage & Wagon Superintendent Jamaica Government
Railways in 1931 when 0-8-0T imported from Nasmyth Wilson: see
Locomotive Mag., 1931, 37,
364; 2-8-2T see Locomotive Mag.,
1935, 41, 33 and 4-8-0 also from Nasmyth Wilson: see
Locomotive Mag., 1936, 42,
Mackley, F.J.
Appointment of F. J. Mackley, until recently Locomotive Engineer for
the North Island Railways, New Zealnd to position with the Atlantic Union
Oil Company. Mr. Mackley was born at Port Chalmers in 1873, and received
his early education at the Port Chalmers District High School, afterwards
becoming a student at Canterbury College, Christchurch. He joined the railway
service at Invercargill in 1889, and two years later transferred to the Addington
Workshops to complete his apprenticeship, and, at the same time, take advantage
of the training offered to young engineers at the School of Engineering at
Canterbury College, under Professor Robert Julian Scott, who trained many
of New Zealand's most prominent engineers. Later Mackley began to obtain
experience in other parts of the Dominion, and in 1897 he was transferred
to Greymouth, where the railways were being extended rapidly. In 1905, Mackley
was moved to Westport and twelve months later he returned to Addington, where
the Class A and Class X compound locomotives, designed by A.L. Beattie, Chief
Mechanical Engineer, were under construction. Mackley was, in 1913, appointed
inspector of Westinghouse brakes for the South Island and a year later received
a similar appointment and was attached to the Chief Mechanical Engineer's
office for the North Island. A further appointment and promotion came in
1918 when he was made workshops manager at Napier, and, in 1921, was appointed
assistant locomotive engineer for the Wellington section. In the same year
he became engineer for Westland, with headquarters at Greymouth, but after
only a few months there he received further promotion to the position of
locomotive engineer at Auckland. With the reorganisation of the Dominion's
railways, Mackley was appointed locomotive engineer for the North Island
with headquarters at Auckland. When the South African War broke out Mackley
left the New Zealand with the Fourth Contingent, and remained with the forces
during their stay in the field. On his return to New Zealand he was selected
as one of the members of the New Zealand contingent which attended the coronation
of King Edward in London. Mackley invented several important devices, which
have been patented. One automatically applying the Westinghouse brakes on
trains on which derailments occur. His most important experiments, however,
have been concerned with the use of coal gas under pressure, for lighting
railway cars. Internet. Photograph:
Locomotive Mag., 1927, 33,
McNeill, J.R.[J.S.?]
J.S. McNeill was Deputy Locomotive Jhanal when Bonner
was Superintendent, Locomotive Superintendent. of the Great Indian Peninsula
Railway, apponted end of September 1919 to succeed Bonner Locomotive Mag., 1919, 25,
Madnani, L.P.
Technical Superintendent, Indian Railway Locomotive Building Works
at Chitteranjan. Locomotive Mag.,
1949, 55, 165
Malthus, Robert
Born 3 June 1881 at Godalming; died 1972 on Isle of Wight. Educated
at Winchester and Trinity College, Cambridge. Apprenticed London and South
Western Railway locomotive works, 1904-7. Locomotive engineer, Ceylon Government
Railway, 1913-19; Locomotive and Steamer Superintendent, Trinidad Government
Railway, 1919-23; Chief Mechanical Engineer (and manager, 1930-3), Sierra
Leone Government Railway, 1923-33; retired. Mainly off Internet, but based
on printed sources
Manico, Edward Leslie
Formerly Deputy Chief Operating Supt., North Western Rly., Lahore,
had retired in 1945 after 32 years. Appointed Deputy Chief Mechanical
Engineer in 1934 (Locomotive
Mag., 1934, 40,
287). Died 13 February 1967 at Towersey, Oxfordshire
Mao, Easin
Chief Mechanical Engineer, Canton Hankow Railway, China.
Locomotive Mag., 1949. 55,
Marryat, Nevil
Educated at Haileybury College and Folkestone Technical College, and,
after going through the shops of Palmers Shipbuilding Works and R.W.
Hawthorn, Leslie & Co., Ltd., became an Inspector with Rendel, Palmer
& Tritton. In December, 1901, he went to India as Assistant Locomotive
Superintendent on the Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway, and was promoted
to the position of Deputy Locomotive Superintendent of that Railway in 1920
(Locomotive Mag., 1924,
30, 166) states was acting locomotive superintendent at Ajmer
during absence of Fraser on home leave during 1924, He held the Deputy Post
until his retirement on 3 October 1930. Aged 52, he died on the 9 November
1930. ILocoE obituary. .In group photograph (p. 153)
see Locomotive Mag., 1923,
29, 150-1.
Marshall, Arthur G.
Acted on behalf of asbestos suppliers on corrosion of locomotive boiler barrels
due to impurities in the asbestos.
Locomotive Mag., 1918, 24, 32
Masters, E.R.
Assistant locomotive superintendent appointed assistant (terchnical)
locomotive department Tanganyika Railways.
Locomotive Mag,, 1937,
43, 267
Mayne, James George
Born 29 July 1880; died 3 February 1949. His early education was received
at Rainings School, Inverness, and then at Edinburgh Royal High School, and
Heriot Watt Technical College. His engineering apprenticeship was served
with the Rose St. Foundry and Engineering Co., Inverness, who did work for
the Highland Railway Co. On completion of his apprenticeship he joined Andrew
Barclay, Sons and Co., Kilrnarnock, as an improver , but left three years
later on the appointment of assistant mechanical engineer with the Lautaro
Nitrate Co., of Taltal, Chili. The next three years he spent as assistant
locomotive superintendent of the Cuban Central Railways and from 1909 to
1912 was locomotive superintendent of the Western Railway of Havana. For
one year he was manager of Havana Dry Dock and Repair Co. before being appointed
locomotive superintendent of the Bolivian section of the Antofagasta and
Bolivia Railway Co. in November 1913. On the departure of H. A. Harrison,
C.M.E. of the Chilian Section, to join H.M. Forces at the end of 1915, Mayne
became C.M.E. of both sections until 1919 when he joined Percy Grant and
Co., of Buenos Ayres, becoming managing director of the local branch in 1925.
In 1920 he co-operated with M.F. Ryan, in inaugurating the South American
Centre of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers. He was its first hon.
secretary and was greatly responsible for its success. He served as chairman
for the year 1931/32 and again for 1933/34. For his services to the local
centre extending over many years he was made an honorary life member in 1945.
He came to England in April 1948 and resided with his son in Yorkshire. J.
Instn Loco. Engrs., 1949, 39, 111.
Mayo, John Wintle
Born 6 February 1904 in Charleton in Devon; died 1959. Educated at
Kingsbridge Grammar School and Manchester College of Technology. Between
1925 and 1927 he was a College apprentice with Metropolitan Vickers Electrical
Co. in Manchester, and continued with that company until 1929 when he joined
the B.B. & C.I. Railway in India. In 1950 when Deputy, Chief Mechanical
Engineer (Workshops) he transferred to the Western Railway, Bombay as Regional
Mechanical Engineer. Following retirement in 1955 he joined the staff of
the Crown Agents for Oversea Governments & Administrations. He was an
Associate of the ILocoE from 1931 and Member from 1939. J.
Instn Loco. Engrs., 1959, 49, 662.
Mills, Frederick
Born in England in 1898; died 22 June 1949. He served for six years
as an apprentice fitter-and-turner with R & W. Hawthorn Leslie &
Co at Newcastle-upon-Tyne and was admitted to the company's
drawing office during his apprenticeship. He served in the Royal Air
Force and on de-mobilisation became a draughtsman with Sir W.G.
Armstrong-Whitworth & Co. In 1926, on the recommendation of Sir W.G.
Armstrong-Whitworth, he was appointed Designing Draughtsman for the Western
Australian Government Railways (WAGR) and emigrated to Western Australia.
He was promoted to Chief Draughtsman in 1931. During 1928 Mills was handed
the responsibility for designing the first Garratt type of locomotive
built in Australia. The design was similar to the M class supplied
by Beyer, Peacock & Co, but the lengthening of
the firebox required work to be done on the re-distribution of
weight and the pivots. During the 1930s, Mills submitted plans for a
new 4-8-2 locomotive class to assist in Western Australia's failing
railway system. They would become the WAGR S Class, the only locomotive
to be completely conceived, designed and built at the Midland Railway
Workshops.. Despite his insistence that their construction constituted
essential war work, production of the S Class was postponed, and it wasn't
until 1943 that the first three of an eventual total of ten were placed into
service. The S class was to prove one of the more controversial of Western
Australia's locomotives; suffering from a variety of early problems due to
Mills' implementation of some bold new ideas. However, despite numerous
complaints from various railway unions they eventually became solid performers.
Mills was just as well-educated in engineering theory as railway locomotive
design practice. In 1939 he relieved the Associate Professor of Mechanical
Engineering at the University of Western Australia. He was a Member
of the Institution of Engineers Australia, the North East Coast
Institution of Engineers & Shipbuilders, the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Locomotive Engineers. Mills
won special prizes for his papers on locomotive boilers and steam locomotive
design and construction. He published in the engineering press several articles
on locomotive and rollingstock design and read papers before the Institution
of Engineers. Also in 1939, the James F Lincoln Arc Welding Foundation of
the United States conducted a worldwide competition for papers on new
applications of electric welding. Mills won the £1,000 first prize in
the Railway Locomotive section for his design of a welded engine frame. In
1940 he was appointed Chief Mechanical Engineer. During World War
II the WAGR, like other Australian railway systems, was facing severe
economic crisis. The problems in Western Australia, however, were exaggerated
by a succession of State Governments having provided little for
the railways, meaning that they had not yet recovered from the effects of
the Great Depression. Approximately half of the WAGR's locomotive
fleet dated back before the turn of the century, and by 1943 a quarter were
out of service pending overhaul Wartime service with the Commonwealth Land
Transport BoardIn 1942, Mills was seconded to the Federal Government to lead
a team tasked with providing a design for a new standard-class narrow-gauge
locomotive; the result being the Australian Standard Garratt of
which 25 were used by the WAGR from a total of 57 locomotives built.The class
were all withdrawn within fifteen years.
The War in the Pacific had turned Australia into a military base,
with no state more affected than Queensland due to its strategic
location vis á vis the Pacific theatre. The Australian and American
military machines required of the Queensland Railways (QR) a logistical
task that they were hard-pressed to accommodate; in fact a worse situation
could scarcely be imagined. When the military forces needed machinery, people,
and supplies moved in vast quantities as a matter of priority they had at
their disposal the modest infrastructure of QR; light-weight track and
structures, a tortuous geographic profile, unpretentious locomotives with
low axle-loads, and train lengths limited by these factors. Added to that
was the proportion of current QR motive-power that was rotating through overhaul
and repair. Against this background, the requirement for extra, effective
motive-power in Queensland (and to a slightly lesser-extent, the rest of
the nation) was identified as a critical requirement. Mills was an eminent
locomotive engineer and had considerable experience in locomotive design
but he lacked one quality that was to increase the friction that was later
to develop between his new employer (the Commonwealth Ministry of Munitions)
and QR in the design and introduction of the ASG. Mills was not overly-tolerant
or possessed of an excess of humility; in fact he was arrogant, authoritarian
and obstinate. Given the hostility that later developed between QR and those
in wartime control of the nations railways over the design and introduction
of the ASG, the personalities of Mills and Victorian Railways'
Commissioner Harold Clapp were to have significance in some absurd
circumstances that were to follow. George Lawson, Federal Minister for
Transport in 1942, was responsible for the administration of the National
Security Act (1942) and Regulations. These gave the Commonwealth full power
and authority to control rail and road transport and do all things necessary
to give effect to the regulations. This included provision for setting up
the Commonwealth Land Transport Board (CLTB) which was charged with giving
effect to the regulations and directing what rail and road transport services
should be maintained and the terms and conditions of operation. The CLTB
was also responsible for the acquisition, by purchase or manufacture, of
any required vehicles and accessories and to operate and use them and determine
routes and priorities of transport. Wikipedia 04-02-2018
Milne, W.
Locomotive Superintendent Natal Government Railway. Introduced 4-8-2Ts,
built by Dübs in 1888.
Backtrack, 2008, 22,
Moffat, J.H.
Locomotive Superintendent of the Tao Ching Rly for the fifteen years
previous to 1936 and had retired. He had joined the North British Railway
in March 1877 and left for China in 1893. He intended to remain in China
at Shan-Han Kwan. Locomotive
Mag., 1936, 42, 144
Mollett, John Donald
Joined Institution of Locomotive Engineers 1919 (obituary
Journal 1936, 26, 656), was a Member of the Committee of the
Indian and Eastern Centre. Born in July, 1886, and educated at Congleton
and Wesley College, Sheffield, he received his engineering training in the
locomotive workshops of the North Eastern Railway, at Darlington, from 1904
to 1907 and for three years afterwards was in the outside machinery department.
On appointment to the Indian State Railways, in January, 1911, as an Assistant
Locomotive Superintendent, he was posted to the North-Western Railway. He
was working as District Locomotive Superintendent at the outbreak of WW1
and in 1915 he went to East Africa with the Indian Expeditionary Force with
the rank of Lieutenant, being promoted later to Captain, in the Corps of
Royal Engineers; he was in charge of various railway work, including the
Voi Military Railway and the German Railway Workshops at Dar-es-Salaam. His
military services were acknowledged by the award of the Military Cross. Returning
to the North-Western Railway after demobilisation, he was employed as District
Locomotive Superintendent, being promoted later to Divisional Superintendent,
Quetta. Subsequently he held the posts of Superintendent of Mechanical Workshops,
Moghalpura; Deputy Agent, Organisation, under the Pope Committee, and for
a short period as Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer. He was promoted to Chief
Mechanical Engineer of the North-Western Railway in March, 1936, and held
that post until his death in September, 1936.
Mullick, Ajit Kumar
Died 7 December 1962; born 1907: educated at St. Xavier’s
College, Calcutta and the Leys School, Cambridge. Served pupilage under R.E.L.
Maunsell, Chief Mechanical Engineer of the Southern Railway, joined the former
Eastern Bengal Railway as an Assistant Locomotive Superintendent. During
WW2 was commissioned in the Indian Engineers’ Corps and served
as an Assistant Technical Recruiting Officer in Calcutta. On the formation
of the Defence of India Corps, he was seconded to that establishment as
second-in-command of the Bengal Assam Railway Group in which formation he
attained the rank of Major. At time of Indian partition, he was serving as
Works Manager, Saidpur on the Bengal-Assam Railway and was transferred as
Works Manager (C. & W.) to Kanchrapara. After serving in various capacities
as a Deputy CME on the Bengal Assam and East Indian Railways, he was appointed
CME of the Northern Railway in 1952 and in 1956 transferred in the same capacity
to the Eastern Railway. In 1960 Mullick was appointed Senior Deputy General
Manager, S.E. Railway. Obituary: J. Instn Loco Engrs, 1963, 53,
Nightingale, Wilfrid Andrew
Probably Doncaster trained then moved to India
Noble, Ernest Charles
Death on 14 September 1952 in Argentina; born in India in 1874 and
went to England at early age. He was educated in Swindon and received his
engineering training at the Swindon Works of the GWR from 1884 to 1891 and
in 1900 joined the North Western Uruguay Railway Co. as Foreman Boilermaker.
In 1905 he joined the Entre Rios Railway Co. and served in various capacities
until 1916 when he acted as Chief Mechanical Engineer. He later became Chief
Mechanical Engineer of the Entre Rios and Argentine North Eastern Railways
and at the time of his retirement he occupied the position of Assistant General
Manager. Retirement from railway service did not, however, mean the end of
his active career, as on taking up residence in Buenos Aires he undertook
the duties bf assessor to Lloyds. During WW2 he was employed on duties
in shipping circles for the British Government and it is probable that the
exacting work this entailed undermined his health and resulted in his final
illness. He was at all times a kind and considerate man, liked and respected
by all who knew him and his loss will be keenly felt by a large section of
the British Community and by many Argentine friends. He had been a semi-invalid
for some time before his death. He was one of the original members of the
late South. American Centre Committee in 1920 and was Chairman of the Centre
in 1926. Patented system for pneumatic tyred railcars:
Locomotive Mag., 1935, 41,
262. He read three papers before the Institution:-
1926-Garratt locomotives in use on the
Entre Rios and N.E.
1926-Ferry steamers in use on the Entre Rios and N. E. Argentine
1936-The economics of locomotive engineering.
He had been a Member since 1917. ILocoE obituary
Nollins, L.N.
Born 23 March 1901. Eastleigh trained. Chief draughtsman East Indian
Railway. See letter Locomomtive
Mag., 1906, 12, 180
Norman, Charles Edward
Born at Southampton, England on 31 December 1854 the third son of
Captain William Norman (1812-69) commander of HMS Victoria who died
whilst visiting England for the purpose of bringing out HMS Cerberus.
Arriving in Victoria in May 1855, Charles was educated at Williamstown Grammar
School and later Scotch College (1864); after his father’s death
he was appointed in the railways as an engineering pupil on 21 February 1870
under Thomas Higinbotham then engineer-in-chief. Working his way up through
the ranks of the engineering department during a time of rapid development
of the railway network, Norman became chief engineer of existing lines
(1893-1909) and was closely involved in the construction of Flinders Street
Station (1905-10). In 1909 he was appointed a Railway Commissioner (1909-20)
later serving as chairman (1915-20) succeeding W.F. Fitzpatrick in April
1915 where he oversaw the first stages of electrifying the suburban lines,
notably the Sandringham-Essendon passenger line (May 1919) being the first
in Australia; and had the difficult task of administering the department
through the strain and stress of the war years in the face of rising costs
and transportation troubles caused by maritime strikes. A member of the Victorian
Institute of Civil Engineers, after his retirement in September 1920 he accepted
the position of director of the Silverton Tramway Co., succeeding Duncan
McBryde on his death in November. At the time of his death on 28 March 1922
aged 67, the president of the Australian Railways Union (Vic. Branch) not
always inclined to single out praise was moved to pay tribute saying
“he earned the deep respect of everyone in the service. While he
was in office he always gave the men a fair deal. Though one of his
characteristics was his bluntness we recognised him as honest and sincere,
and his aim was always to reach finality in any outstanding matter as quickly
as possible…his name will always be revered by the men of the
railways service”. Fellow railway commissioner C. Miscamble said
"he was beloved by all who knew him. His record of fair dealing was one of
which any man might be proud. He was a fine administrator, and a born leader
of men, inspiring everyone by his example to do their utmost in public service".
Google search
Norrish, Leslie Barnett
Former chief mechanical engineer of the Central Uruguay Railway. Active
in affairs of ILocoE in both South America and on return to Britain. In 1950s
joined Self Priming Pump & Engineering
Ltd. Searching question on British Railways
locomotive performance
North, John Thomas
Born in Leeds on 30 January 1842; died on 5 May 1896 in his London
office. He was educated at a local school jn Leeds, and was apprenticed to
a machine manufacturer. After serving his time, he obtained a situation as
journeyman at the steam-plough works of John Fowler & Co., Leeds, by
whom in 1869 he was sent out to Peru to superintend the erection and working
of machinery. Remaining in South America, he undertook the distilling of
sea-water for domestic purposes at a place on the coast north of Valparaiso,
where rain never falls; and patching up an old iron steamer that had been
wrecked on a reef, he converted her into a floating water-tank. The venture
was a financial success, enabling him to purchase a quantity of land in the
province of Tarapaca, where he found vast sodium nitrate deposits, and quickly
realised their commercial valise; the transference of Tarapaca to Chili in
1879 gave a further impetus to the trade, which flourished increasingly as
the value of the fertiliser became recognised in Europe. Other enterprises
also succeeded, notably the working of the large guano deposits. Having been
in South America for about thirteen years, he returned to England in 1882,
and established numerous undertakings connected with the nitrate and other
industries. In 1889 he presented Kirkstall Abbey and grounds to Leeds. He
became honorary colonel of the Tower Hamlets Volunteer engineers.Mainly Grace's
Guide. See also his selection of John Fowler & Co for locamotives for
the Nitrate Ralways. Locomotive
Mag., 1932, 38,
Oakes, Francis Edward
Appointed Chief Mechanical Engineer Sudan Railways in 1933; (had served
there since at least 1925: ILocoE rercords).
See Locomotive Mag., 1933,
39, 251.
Otway-Ruthven, Thomas Ormonde Bermingham
Born 12 February 1872; died in Worthing on 11 March 1931. Early member
ILocoE formerly chief mechanical engineer of the Nigerian Ry (appointment
Locomotive Mag., 1919,
25, 107). Otway-Ruthven commenced his railway career on the L.B.
& S.C. Ry. See Loco. Rly Carr.
Wagon Rev., 1931, 37, 143. Brian Reed listed
T.O'B Otway-Ruthven as a Crewe apprentice from
1889-93. He designed a powerful 2-8-2 for the Nigerian Railways
(see J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1926,
16, 658) and Locomotive
Mag., 1925, 31, 374.
Page, Frederick James
Born in 1877. He died on 20 December, 1932, as a result of a motor
accident. He served his apprenticeship with the Great Northern Railway
at Peterborough, on the completion of which he entered the Works of Kitson
and Co., of Leeds, as a mechanic, but returned very shortly to the Great
Northern Railway as a Chargeman and Relieving Foreman in the Running Shed
at Grantham. In 1902 he was appointed Locomotive Carriage and Wagon Works
Manager of the South Indian Railway at Negapatam, which post he held until
1906 when he was appointed District Locomotive and Carriage Superintendent
of the Bombay Baroda and Central India Railway, subsequently being made Deputy
Locomotive and Carriage Superintendent. In 1910 he became Locomotive Carriage
and Wagon Superintendent of the Broad Gauge section at Bombay, and in 1929
Director of Mechanical Engineering to the Railway Board of India. In 1932
he returned to England on leave prior to his retirement, and at the same
time was appointed a Director of H.E.H. Nizam's State Railway. He was actively
interested in the affairs of the Institute in India, and was Chairman of
the Centre in 1930. I Loco E obituary (23, 159-60).
Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev.,
1933, 39, 29.
Pearce, A.E.
Carriage & Wagon Superintendent, North Western State Railway appointed
Locomotivet, Carriage & Wagon Superintendent, Oude & Rohilkhand Railway
Locomotive Mag., 1923,
29, 23. Also in group photograph (p. 153)
see Locomotive Mag., 1923,
29, 150-1. Acknowledgement
for assistance in preparing series on locomotives of Oudh & Rohilkhand
Railway Locomotive Mag., 1925, 31, 149. According to
Locomotive Mag., 1924, 30,
171 he managed the Indian railways stand of models and model railway
at the Empire Exhibition at Wembley.
Pearce, Richard
Born in Birmingham in 1843; educated at King Edward's Grammar School,
Birmingham. After serving his time 1850-60 in the railway carriage and wagon
works of Brown Marshalls and Co. at Saltley, he was sent out to India in
1861 to assist his elder brother Robert Webb Pearce (below) in the carriage
and wagon department of the East Indian Railway at Howrah, Calcutta. In 1867
he was appointed assistant carriage superintendent; and on his brother's
death in 1889 he succeeded him as carriage and wagon superintendent of the
railway. Failing eye-sight resulting from kidney disease led to him being
invalided home in 1898; and whilst on a visit to his younger sons in Glasgow
he died from apoplexy on 5 August 1898 at the age of fifty-five. He became
a Member of IMechE in 1873. Photographed at Lahore Locomotive Superintendent's
Conference in Lahore in 1892:
Locomotive Mag.,1925, 31, 133 (plate). .
Pearce, Robert Webb
Born Macclesfield on 11 November 1831, educated at the local grammar
school. Apprenticed to Brown Marshalls & Co., in New Canal Street,
Birmingham, and afterwards at their new Britannia Carriage Works, Saltley.
Passing through the shops he became confidential assistant and chief of the
drawing office. In 1855 he was offered and accepted the post of carriage
and wagon superintendent of the East Indian Railway, and left England in
December 1855; but finding his position not what he expected, he would have
left the railway and started wagon-building works in India. He was persuaded
however to remain, and afterwards had independent charge of the carriage
and wagon department from Howrah to Delhi and Jubbulpore, about 1,500 miles
of line. The large works at Howrah were designed and built under his
superintendence, employing at the busiest time from three to four thousand
local workmen, all trained under him. The whole of the East Indian Railway
stock has been built or erected at the Howrah works, together with a great
portion of the stock in use by the metre-gauge railways. His designs were
copied throughout India, and he was the first to introduce iron instead of
wood for the panels and framing of carriages and wagons. He was also the
first to recognise the value of oil as a lubricant for railway vehicles,
instead of grease; and his design of an axle-box for oil and cotton waste
became almost universally adopted in India. He nearly doubled the carrying
power of the old wagon stock, by increasing the size of axle and journal
; and, had he lived, would shortly have completed his design of 18 feet by
9 feet iron covered goods wagon, weighing 7 tons and carrying 15 tons, a
gross load of 22 tons on two axles with 43 inch journals ; paying load more
than 2 to 1. The improvements he introduced into railway carriages and wagons
were so numerous and so important that he has been called the father of carriage
and wagon building in India, and is looked upon in this light by the natives.
His long residence in the tropical climate of Bengal, and his disinclination
to take leave of absence during thirteen years with scarcely a day's holiday,
and his constant application to work, eventually told on a fine constitution.
A few years ago he was attacked with malarious fever, from which he never
quite recovered ; and in April 1888 he took furlough to England, but too
late to shake off the effects of climate ; and he died at West Kensington,
London, on 26 July 1889.
Pearson, G.A.
Chief Draftsman of the New Zealand Railways had become interested
in valve gears. In 1885 he had invented a valve gear of his own, and it was
tried out on a V engine. Pearson, however, recognised the defects
of his gear and did not persevere with it. He had, however, the satisfaction,
years after, of seeing this gear re-invented and patented, about 1913, in
America, where for some years it had a considerable vogue under the name
of the Southern gear. NZ Patent 6826/1896 fire grate
Peckitt, Reginald Godfrey
Born on 4 April 1868 at Carlton Husthwaite, Yorkshire; died on 19
January 1934 and buried in Darlington. . Educated at King William's College
and Oxford University. Presumably pupil on North Eastern Railway, then South
Mahratta Railway in India, then Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer Egyptian
State Railways and eventually CME. Attended ILocoE dinners and contributed
to discussions at meetings. Patents:
GB 17444/1907 Improvements in and connected with railway and other
trucks or vehicles for the transport of timber and similar goods. with
Walter Reuben Preston
GB 177,893 Impriovements in or relating to railway vehicles.
13 April 1922
2-6-2T heavy tank locomotive for shunting.
Mag., 1919, 25,
Perrin, B.S.
Locomotive, Carriage, and Wagon Superintendent, Ottoman Aidan Railway.
Locomotive Mag, 1933,
39, 316
Phipps, Christopher Edward
Born at Devizes on 17 October, 1847; died at Ealing on 22 May 1914.
Educated at Uppingham and apprenticed to Sharp, Stewart and Co., he
afterwards obtained an appointment on the Madras Railway and left for
India in 1871. He obtained rapid promotion in the Companys service,
until he was appointed Locomotive Superintendent, a position which he held
until his retirement in 1902. (Grace's Guide). He attended ARLE meeting in
Killarney as a guest of Ivatt in 1893
Pilkington, Arthur
Madras Railway. Photographed at Lahore Locomotive Superintendent's
Conference in Lahore in 1892:
Locomotive Mag., 11925, 31, 133 (plate). .
Pinchen, Denis Bowen Hase
Water softening expert see Paper 404
Plummer, Stephen Norton
Elected a Member of ILocoE in 1926. Born at Tunbridge Wells on 25
November 1890. Educated at Tunbridge Wells Grammar School (Skinners' Company)
from 1900 to 1907, when he commenced his engineering apprenticeship in the
locomotive shops of the L.B. and S.C. Rly., at Brighton. On completing his
time in 1912 he joined the North East Argentine Rly. Co. at Monte Casceos
Works, becoming successively Assistant Running Shed Superintendent at Corrientes,
Running Shed Superintendent at Avear. In July 1915, he joined the Buenos
A\ires Western as Assistant District Locomotive Superintendent at Mechita
and later was made District Locomotive Superintendent. In July 1937, under
the re-organising scheme arising from the joint working of the B.A\. Southern
and B.A. Western Rlys., he became chiet of the Technical Traction Office
at Plaza Constitucion Station. He died in Buenos Aires at the British Hospital
on 25 November 1940, after a long and painful illness.
Poole, Arthur John
In 1921 was Assistant Chief Draughtsman Buenos Aires Western Railway:
extensive literary output including papers on locomotive smokeboxes
(ILocoE Paper 288) and boiler proportions
(ILocoE Paper 352)
Puttick, H.W.
Author of Diesel traction on the North Western Railway (India)
Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs, 1945.
151, 87- and contributor to discussion on Lomonossoff, G.V. and Lomonossoff,
G. Condensing locomotives.
Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs,
1945, 152, 292
Raynes, William
Born in Albany, Western Australia, in 1892, the son of a railwayman,
and took an interest in railway matters from an early age. He began his
engineering training as a junior machinist at Geraldton in 1908 and in 1909
was indentured to the fitting trade at the Midland Junction Shops to complete
his apprenticeship. During WW1 joined Vickers Ltd., and gained wide experience
at Barrow-in-Furness, not only in the manufacture of munitions but also in
the fields of hydraulic press and marine engineering, including submarine
construction for the Royal Navy. Afterwards Raynes travelled in America gaining
much experience with the Studebaker Motor Co., the United Broach & Machine
Co., and the Kelsey Wheel Co. He returned to Australia in 1920 and immediately
introduced improved methods into the Western Australian Railway workshops,
notably a special machine for screwing roof stays out of Belpaire fireboxes
which earned him a special bonus. He occupied various positions in the works
until R.N. Johnston retired in 1940 when he was appointed to succeed him
as Workshops Manager, which position he held until his death on 17 May 1949.
Raynes was elected an Associate Member ILocoE in 1937 . Obituary J. Instn
Loco. Engrs., 1949, 39, 585.
Rea, J.W.H.
District Locomotive Superintendent, Western Railway of Buenos Ayres,
Mechita..See J. Instn Loco,
Engrs., 1917, 7, 80
Rennie, Charles
Died 23 October 1926 at Bridgtown, Barbados. Born Jamestown, Scotland
in 1869. Early education at Renton and Bonhill Public Schools. From 1884-88
was apprentice boiler maker at Dalmonach Works, Bonhill, Scotland. Then joined
New York Central Railroad in locomotive department from 1889-1901. He then
went to the machine shops of the Delaware and Hudson RR at Green Island for
two years, and then for three years was master mechanic at the Central Vermont
RR shops, Brattleboro. In 1906 appointed locomotive superintendent of the
Northern Railroad of Costa Rica, but relinquished position to serve with
British Army in France, 1918-19. Next appointment was Divisional Locomotive
Superintendent, Cuban Central Railway, from 1920-21, after which he became
the Railway Lubrication Service Engineer of the Galena Signal Oil in the
Argentine. In 1924 he resigned to resume old post with Northern RR of Costa
Rica, but serious illness on voyage there caused him to retire from active
work and return to Bonhill. On regaining strength he rejoined the Galena
Signal Oil., but in a few months his illness re-occurred and forced him to
give up work: he died in Barbados whilst en route to Costa Rica.
Renwick, Henry Percival
Born London in 1889. Died 24 October 1958. Educated St Olave's
Grammar School. Apprenticed on SECR at Longhedge. Went to India in 1912 to
work on Nizam's State Railway. See ILocoE
papers 130 and
320.. Obit. J. Instn Loco.
Engrs, 1958, 48, 420
Reynolds, W.B.
Photograph as delegate when Locomotive Superintendent, South Indian
Ry. at Indian Railway Conference in 1908
Locomotive Mag., 1908,
14, 197..
Ribeiro, George
Worked on Great Western of Brazil Railway.
Produced train rating diagrams published by
the Locomotive Publishing Co. Outlined
in Locomotive Mag., 1932,
38, 291-2.
Richardson, A.
The Emu Bay Railway chief mechanical engineer was A. Richardson with
headquarters at Burnie, . Locomotive
Mag., 1922, 28,
Roberts, Ian
Apprentice at Lochgorm Works from 1909. Served with the Lovat Scouts
during WW1; following which he moved to St. Rollox on the Caledonian Railway.
In 1921 he became assistant locomotive superintendent on the Mesopotanian
Railway, and became works manager at the Stalchiyah Works in Baghdad. In
1939 he left to work for the British Ministry of Supply in Canada. He retired
to Ireland. see Sinclair, Neil T.
Beyond the Highland Railway - Part Two. Backtrack, 2010, 24,
Robinson, J.E.
Noted that he was succeeded by R.J. Chalmers as CME Queensland Government
Railways. Locomotive Mag.,
1925, 31, 303
Rolston, J.
Locomotive Superintendent, Rohilkund-Kumaon Ry. See group photograph
as delegate to Indian Railway Conference in 1908
Locomotive Mag., 1908,
14, 197.
Rushton, B.R.
Many years in locomotive department of South Australian Railways.
Criticised in public (newspaper) for failure to adopt superheating: resigned
when Webb put in charge: Locomotive
Mag., 1923, 29, 138
Ruthven, Otway
Born 12 February 1872; died in Worthing on 11 March 1931. Early member
ILocoE. Chief Mechanical Engineer of Nigerian Railway. Designer of three-cylinder
4-8-2 built by Vulcan Foundry (See
Locomotive Mag., 1925, 31, 374)
Saksena, Shyam L. (Saxsena)
GIPR; active in Bombay section. Cited by
Tester on p. 38 and refers to
discussion on Paper on hornblocks and
this led to paper on air conditioning.
Commented on Whittle presentation of film
on superheaters
Salamanca, Marquis
Obtained concession tto build railway from Madrid to Aranjuez in 1845,
but line fid not open until 1851.
Locomotive Mag., 1949, 55,
Sanderson, H. St. J.
Locomotive Mag.,
1924, 30, 166 noted that Locomotive Superintendent of Messrs.
Martin & Co.'s Light Railways, Hourah Amta, Arakan, etc., was in England
on leave.
Sarjant, Samuel John
Died at Penmaenmawr on 18 February 1938 aged 81,
(Locomotive Mag., 1938,
44, 97). He had commenced his career in the locomotive drawing
office of the Midland Railway at Derby in 1872 under Matthew Kirtley, at
the age of sixteen, and spent seven years in the works. He then served with
the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway in the drawing office at Newton Heath
and as assistant locomotive. foreman under W.. Barton Wright. In 1885, he
became distriot loco. superintendent of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway
at Lonaula, and subsequently at Igatpuri, both depots being at the top of
the Ghats. He was then appointed assistant locomotive superintendent at Parel
Locomotive Works, Bombay, and on the retirement of R.L. Trevithick, took
charge- of the locomotive, carriage and wagon departments. The carriage and
wagon sections were separated later. Sarjant retired from the position of
Locomotive Superintendent of the G.LP. Rly. in 1915. He was responsible for
many improvements in the locomotive practice of the G.LP. Rly., including
the introduction of superheating. Under his charge the locomotive stock was
kept in the highest state of efficiency. He was a member of the Institution
of Civil Engineers and acted as chairman of the Locomotive and Carriage
Superintendents' Committee of the Indian Railways from 1908 to 1912, Sarjant
was a keen locomotive historian and gave us considerable assistance in preparing
the Locomotive Magazine serial articles on Great Indian Peninsula
Railway locomotives..Locomotive superintendent, GIPR from 1901? to 1915
see Locomotive Mag., 1913,
19, 3 and long contribution
to Hitchcock's IMechE paper on Indian standard locomotives. Photograph
as Conference Chairman with delegates to Indian Railway Conference in 1908
Locomotive Mag., 1908,
14, 197.
Locomotive Mag., 1926, 32, 142
Sandiford, Charles Thomas
Locomotive Superintendent of Scinde, Punjab, and Delhi Railway: in
1883; North Western State Railway from 1886. Retired in 1899. CB in
1903. Developed two cylinder and four-cylinder compound locomotives
(described in I. Mech E paper).
Gairns. Photographed at
Lahore Locomotive Superintendent's Conference in Lahore in
1892: Locomotive Mag., 1925,
31, 133 (plate). A.C. Carr also described his contribution to
compound locomotives in discussion on Selby Paper
J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1931, 21,
Sedgfield, Percy
Born on 26 April 1869; died in Montevideo on 12 November 1939. Chief
Mechanical Engineer of the Central Uruguay Railway for 32 years and lived
in Montevideo. Educated in Parkstone, Dorset, and entered the Great Western
Railway Locomotive Works at Swindon in 1885 as a premium apprentice under
William Dean. On completion of his experience with the GWR in 1890, he obtained
an appointment with the Central Uruguay Railway, supervising equipment of
locomotives and rolling stock, subsequently being made Assistant to, the
Locomotive Superintendent. Eight years later he was appointed Chief Mechanical
Engineer, which post he retained until his retirement in 1930. Sedgfield
was elected a member of the ILocoE in 1920 and for some years served on the
local council of the South American Centre, being elected Chairman in 1924.
He was a generous contributor to. the South American discussions and read
two papers before the centre as follow, both of which received awards :-
In 1922, Paper 127 Continuous Brakes
with reference to use on Goods Trains," published in Journal 56; and
In 1927 Paper 219 Some Notes on Unexplained
Derailments, published in Journal 82. Holder of Patent GB 24310/1909
Improvements in or connected with fall-over stanchions for doors of
railway wagons and like vehicles.with Walter Reubens Preston. Published
20 October 1910
Charles de Segundo, Frederick.
Born London in 1900. Died 9 October 1931. Joined Royal Air Force as
cadet pilot in October 1918, but demobilized in January 1919, and after a
few months study became an assistant master at a preparatory school. In July
1920 he became a pupil of Gresley in the locomotive department of the
Great Northern Railway at Doncaster. After further experience in the running
department of the company he went to South America in 1926 as assistant district
locomotive superintendent on the Buenos Ayres Great Southern Railway. He
was eventually obliged to return to England on sick leave, and owing to continued
ill-health was unable to return to Buenos Ayres. . Obitauary Proc. Instn
Mech. Engrs., 1932, 122, 735.
Sells, Martin Perronet
Died on 25 April 1955, was trained in the works of the North British
Locomotive Co. Ltd. from 1907 to 1912 and gained experience on the London
and South Western and Lancashire and Yorkshire Railways. He served on military
railways in the first World War, being twice mentioned in dispatches, and
was commissioned in the Regular Army Reserve of Officers in 1919: he used
the title Major Sells. After some years of service with the Tanganyika and
Gold Coast Government Railways he was appointed in 1926 as Chief Mechanical
Engineer, Nigerian Railway, becoming General Manager in 1937, being shortly
afterwards appointed as Chief Mechanical Engineer of the Rhodesia Railways.
He retired in 1946 and returned to Britain and resided in Reigate until his
death. He was the author of what became a large
book on locomotives. He had been a Member of ILocoE since 1921 (ILocoE
obituary). See also 4-6-2+2-6-4 Beyer
Garratt: Locomotive Mag., 1936,
42, 32. and Lcmotive Mag.,
1942, 48, 84-5 and ambitious rebuilding of locomotives
see Locomotive Mag., 1935,
41, 140-3 Article about Sierra Leone Government Railway.
Locomotive Mag., 1952, 58,
Shannon, W.M.
Chief Mechanical Engineer Victorian Railways (Australia), formerly
Assistant to and succeeded Woodroffe in 1912.
See Locomotive Mag.,
1912, 18, 230, 4-6-0 design constructed in Neport worshops.
Locomotive Mag., 1916, 22,
Shaw, J.
Locomotive, Carriage & Wagon Supt.; Darjeeling-Himlayan Ry.
Loco. Mag., 1940, 46,
Shea, Frederick James
Frederick James Shea was born on 6 July 1891 at Moonee Ponds, Melbourne,
third of nine children of Victorian (State)-born parents Frederick Shea,
compositor, and his wife Ellen, née Crofts. Fred won a scholarship
to the Melbourne Continuation School where he developed his technical abilities
and skill in mathematics and physics. In 1907 he was apprenticed as
a fitter and turner in the Victorian Railways' workshops in Newport. After
obtaining a diploma in mechanical engineering (1914) at the Working Men's
College, he moved to head office as an engineering-assistant and worked under
(Sir) Harold Clapp and A.E. Smith. During his sixteen years with the Victorian
Railways he contributed to electrification, modern workshop methods and the
railway engineering-defence connection. On 21 October 1916 at St Mary's Catholic
Church, Hawthorn, he married Eileen Marjorie Smythe (d.1951). In 1923 Clapp
recommended Shea to the chief commissioner of South Australian Railways,
W.A. Webb, who was planning to modernize the State's rail system. As chief
mechanical engineer (1923-39), Shea oversaw the transformation of the S.A.R.
Initially, he overhauled the Islington workshops and tool-room. He then designed
three types of locomotivesthe 4-8-2 Mountain 500 class, the 4-6-2 Pacific
600 class and the 2-8-2 Mikado 700 class and supervised their construction
(overseas and later at Islington) and adapted them to local conditions. These
designs earned him a reputation as a big power man. See
Locomotive Mag., 1925, 31,
70. For nearly thirty years (from 1924) he was an honorary lieutenant
colonel in the Engineer and Railway Staff Corps, Citizen Military Forces.
He also served (1932) on a committee of inquiry into the Adelaide Electric
Supply Co. Ltd. World War II extended Shea's career. His mentor, Clapp, general
manager (from 1939) of Commonwealth aircraft production, asked him to help
with the Bristol Beaufort bomber project. Following the formation of the
Aircraft Production Commission under Essington Lewis, Shea managed
(1940-41)from his base at Fishermens Bend, Melbournethe vast
network of government and commercial workshops that comprised the Beaufort
division. He was responsible for converting much of Australian industry to
a war footing. From January 1942 he was director of aircraft maintenance,
Department of Aircraft Production. Augmenting his professional roles with
a number of honorary consultancies in government and semi-government service,
he published (in 1934) 'The Modern Dynamometer Car' in the Journal of the
Institution of Engineers, Australia, and (in 1946) 'The Case for the Iron
Horse' in the Journal of the Institute of Transport. Towards the end of the
war Clapp, by then director-general of land transport, again called on Shea.
He needed a chief mechanical engineer to implement the Commonwealth government's
proposal to standardize Australia's railway gauges. Shea joined the venture
as director of mechanical engineering in the railway standardization division.
Once back in railway work, however, he attracted the attention of the Clyde
Engineering Co. Pty Ltd which, in association with General Motors Corporation,
was manufacturing locomotives at Granville, Sydney. He worked for that company
as director of engineering from 1946 until his retirement in 1958, after
which he continued as a consultant to the firm. A Clyde-Maybach diesel hydraulic
locomotive was named the F.J. Shea in his honour. Shea's life was
driven by his energy. A slim youth of middle height who filled out in later
life, he was known as a fast mover, talker and thinker. He loved Gilbert
and Sullivan, and relaxed by listening to records of their operettas and
by copious reading, especially about the engineering feats of ancient
civilizations. His daughter Betty remembered him as a generous and kind man
'with an unquenchable sense of humour' and as one who was so 'totally absorbed
in his work' that he 'did not have much time for sport or hobbies'. On the
job he was a rigorous perfectionist and a stickler for detail. As a manager
these attributes sometimes made him a hard taskmaster and a grim, rather
awesome colleague. In retirement Shea lived at Clareville Beach. He died
on 6 September 1970 at Mona Vale and was buried in Northern Suburbs cemetery.
Carol Fort in Australian Dictionary of Biography,
Shima, Hideo
Born in Osaka on 20 May 1901; died 18 March 1998. Educated at Tokyo
Imperial University, where he studied engineering. Shima joined the Japanese
Government Railways in 1925, where, as a rolling-stock engineer, he designed
steam locomotives; adopting new techniques for balancing the driving wheels
and new valve gear, he helped design Japan's first 3-cylinder locomotive
Class C53 based on the Class C52 imported from USA. The Hachiko Line
derailment on 25 February 1947 which led to a 184 deaths and 495 injuries
was due to excessive speed and fire in the derailed wooden coaches. The JGR
used this to obtain permission from the American Occupying Regime to replace
them with steel vehicles within a few years. Shima was involved in the design
and development of the Class C62 and Class D62 steam locomotives for express
passenger and heavy-duty freight trains, respectively. In 1955 became involved
in the first Shinkansen line and its rolling stock capable of routine high
speed operation. In 1969, Shima began a second career, becoming the head
of the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA), where he pushed
the development of hydrogen engines to power rockets. He retired in 1977.
Hideo Shima was honored by the Government of Japan when the Emperor presented
him with the Order of Cultural Merit. As one of the most prominent engineers
in post-war Japan, he has also been awarded numerous international prizes
and honors, including the Elmer A. Sperry Award by the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, and the James Watt International Medal (Gold) by the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Mainly Wikipedia: 2014-05.
Shortt, Henry Gregson
Member ILocoE. Joint author with H.H. Spalding
on locomotive fuel economy
Shove, Norman Arthur
Elected member ILocoE in 1923, received early education at Coife Grammar
School, Blackheath, after which he served a five-year pupilage in the St.
Rollox Locomotive Works of the Caledonian Railway in Glasgow, and remained
with the Caledonian Railway for a further three years in order to gain running
shed and extended drawing office experience. Early in 1910 he proceeded to
India upon appointment as Assistant Locomotive Superintendent on the East
Indian Railway, and soon after the outbreak of WW1 obtained a commission
in the Indian Army Reserve of Officers, proceeding upon military duty attached
to the 32nd Sikh Pioneers. After return to railway duty in 1919, Shove held
various appointments on the East Indian Railway and latterly officiated both
as Deputy Chief Mechanical Engineer responsible for the running maintenance
of locomotives and rolling stock, and as Deputy Chief Operating Superintendent
in control of power and rolling stock. His contribution to the proceedings
of the Institution was Paper 220 read
in London in 1927 when home on leave, entitled Grease Lubrication and Notes
on the Working of Locomotives in Canada and the United States.. Shove
saw service in France, Mesopotamia, Palestine and Waziristan, being wounded
twice, once in France and again in Palestine, the first of these wounds being
ultimately responsible for his death on 16 June, 1935, at the early age of
49 years. At the time of his death he was in command of the 2nd Battalion
East Indian Railway Regiment, A.F.(I.), with the rank of Major, Honorary
Lieutenant-Colonel. He was awarded the Volunteer Officers' Decoration in
1924, and was a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and of
the Institute of Transport.
Sim, W.S.
Advisory engineer to South African Railways. report on cattle trucks.
Locomotive Mag, 1918,
24, 172
Simmons, George Stanley
Chief mechanical engineer Gold Coast Railway: see mention
Locomotive Mag., 1936, 42,
217 and Locomotive Mag., 1936,
42, 343 for 4-8-2 locomotives
Sketch, F. G.
Age: 63. Career: South African Rlys.; S. American Rlys.; Chief Engr.,
Entre Rios Rlys., 1914-20; Chief Engr., United Rlys. of Havana, 1920-25;
Asst. General Manager, United Rlys. of Havana, 1925-30.
Smith, Alfred E.
Introduced the S class three-cylinder 4-6-2 on the Victorial Railways
(see Locomotive Mag., 1928,
34, 178) Chief Mechanical Engineer of Victorian Railways
in 1920s and 1930s. S class were streamlined in 1937 and hauled the Spirit
of Progress between Melbourne and Albury at high speed (by Australian
Smith, Allison D.
Locomotive superintendent at Christchurch, New Zealand, in 1877
Smith, David and William
Originated in Manchester. Brought Jamaica Railway into existence
between 1844 and 1845 and sold it to the Government in 1879. David acted
as manager and his brother William was the engineer.
See P.C. Dewhurst. Locomotive Mag.,
1919, 25, 21 (David shown on footplate of Sharp 2-2-2 in
Smith, Joseph George
Elected ILocoE Member in 1921, when he was a District Locomotive
Superintendent on the Ceylon Government Railways. Born London in 1885; served
his apprenticeship at Nine Elms, the Locomotive Works of the LSWR under Dugald
Drummond. At the same time attended the Battersea Polytechnic, studying Machine
Construction and Drawing and Mathematics. Two years after finishing his time
he was made chargeman of the valve setters and four years later, that was
in 1912, accepted an appointment as Locomotive Foreman with the Ceylon Government
Railways. He very soon gained promotion, being made District Locomotive
Superintendent in 1916, at Colombo, and in 1924 became Assistant Divisional
Transportation Superintendent. He was Acting Assistant General Manager
(Operating) in 1927 and confirmed in the appointment in 1928. He was appointed
Divisional Transportation Superintendent in 1931 and from November, 1933,
to July, 1934, was Acting Deputy General Manager (Operating). He retired
in 1940 and returned to England, becoming an active member of the Home Guard.
He died suddenly on 3 July 1941. Obit: J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1934,
44, 341-2.
Smithers, W.M.
Appointed Locomotive Superintendent Cyprus Government Railways in
succession to Day. Locomotive Mag.,
1925, 31, 45
Smyth, William Addison
Born in Dublin in 1902. Pupil of W.H. Morton at Broadstone from 1920.
Moved to Ceylon in 1929 where he became Deputy Mechanical Engineer in 1931
and Mechanical Engineer in 1935. Implemented a diesel traction policy.
Shepherd, Ernie. The
Atock/Attock family: a worldwide railway engineering dynasty. 2009. 264pp.
(Oakwood Library of Railway History No. 150). NB Patent found on
Spalding, H.H.
Locomotive and Carriage Superintendent, Eastern Bengal Railway at
Kanchrapara. In 1915 appointed to officiate as locomotive superintendent
during the employment of W.F. Harnett, Locomotive Superintendent, on special
duty (Locomotive Mag.,1915,
21. 283). Author of Fuel economy in connection with the working and
management of locomotives (Eastern Bengal Railway Fuel Manual) with R.C.
Case and N.R. Shortt, Published by Eastern Bengal Railway Press, 1928. Photograph
albums held by India Office Library. Governor of Bengal's
salons. Locomotive Mag., 1926,
32, 199
Spurgeon, Christopher Edward
Born in 1879 and educated at Aldenham School and University College,
London. Served apprenticeship at Swindon works of the Great Western Railway,
from 1895 to 1902. His services were retained in the drawing office. He went
to India in 1904 and began his long connexion with the North Western Railway
with the post of assistant locomotive superintendent. He was appointed district
locomotive superintendent in 1909 and subsequently acted as workshop
superintendent. After holding the appointment of chief mechanical engineer
for eight years he relinquished this position in 1934 When Deputy Locomotive
Superintendent,in group photograph (p. 153)
see Locomotive Mag., 1923,
29, 150-1. He mooved to Egypt to take up a similar appointment
with the State Railways. See Locomotive
Mag., 1936, 42, 66 for advanced 2-6-0 type supplied by North
British Locomotive Co. In 1937 he became deputy general manager, and retired
from the service ten years later. On returning to England he became consulting
engineer to the Egyptian State Railways. Spurgeon, who was appointed C.B.E.
for his services to the British Forces during the 1939-45 war, was elected
a Member of the IMechE in 1920. Died on 5 October 1951
Stoyle, Herbert Bliss [or Blin?]
Assitant Chief Mechanical Engineer of the Kenya & Uganda Railway
during 1930s : later Chief Mechanical Engineer. 4-8-4+4-8-4 Beyer Garratt
introduced by him and by Strahan
Locomotive Mag., 1939, 45, 272 and Locomotive Mag., 1942,
48, 84-5.
Strahan, Kenneth Cyprian
Chief Mechanical Engineer of the Kenya & Uganda Railway from 1930
(Locomotive Mag., 1930,
36, 388) and responsible for introducing large Beyer Garratts.
In 1920s had been chief mechanical engineer Tanganyika Raikways
Mag., 1929, 35, 140).
4-8-4+4-8-4 Beyer Garratt introduced by him and by Stoyle
Locomotive Mag., 1939, 45,
Sturgeon, William Ambrose
Born in Gillingham, Kent, in 1868. His father took him to Buenos Aires
when a small child, and he was educated at a "Scotch" school, situated at
that time in Calle Peru. He served his Engineering Apprenticeship on the
B.A. & Great Southern Railway from 1883 to 1889, finishing up in the
Drawing Office. For a time he was Assistant Inspector of Vacuum Brakes, Water
& Gas, and left in 1890 to take up a similar post on the B.A. Western
Railway. In 1894 he was made Superintendent of all outside Locomotive Depots
with Headquarters at Bragado. At the end of 1908 he was transferred to Haedo
as Assistant Chief Mecanico y Traccion and in 1923 was made Assistant Mechanical
Engineer-in-Chief at Liniers, which post he held until his retirement in
1927 after 45 years’ continuous railway service. He died in Buenos
Aires on 28 December 1936. Obituary: J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1937,
27, 581.
Sunpar, Sih
Locomotive Department, Pekin-Mukden Railway. ILocoE membership
Tarleton, Robert Alexander
Born 20 October 1893, elected an Associate Member of Institution of
Locomotive Engineers in 1921 (obituary Journal, 1936, 26, 834), received
his early education at Grove Academy, and his technical education at Dundee
Technical College, and Herriot Watt College. His engineering apprenticeship
was served with the Lilybank Foundry, Dundee, from 1909 to 1913, on completion
of which he entered the drawing office. At the outbreak of WW1 he joined
up, being commissioned in the R.G.A. from which he later transferred to the
R.F.C. On being dernobilised in 1920 he entered the drawing office of the
North British Railway. In 1921 he was appointed Assistant Locomotive
Superintendent on the Jodhpur-Bikaner Rly., and on the separation of the
line under two States he remained in Jodhpur. At the time of his death which
occurred on 16 November 1936, in a flying accident, he was acting Locomotive
Thorpe, W.A.C.
Acting Locomotive & Carriage Superintendent, Madras & S.M.
Ry.: In group photograph (p. 153) see
Locomotive Mag., 1923, 29, 150-1.
Tomes, William Jameson
Born in 1866, and on the completion of a two years' training in the
London drawing office of Head, Wrightson and Company, Ltd., from 1881 to
1883, he entered the works of the London and South Western Railway at Nine
Elms, where he gained further experience in the shops and test room. He received
his first appointment in 1892 when he was made assistant works manager of
the locomotive department. After holding this position for five years, he
was for a few months an inspector on the staff of Sir A. M. Rendel, consulting
engineer. In 1897 he began his long connection with the East Indian Railways
with his appointment as district locomotive superintendent, and two years
later was made works manager. In 1910 he became deputy locomotive superintendent
and (appointment as Locomotive Superintendent in 1919:
Locomotive Mag., 1919,
25, 46) subsequently was appointed chief mechanical engineer,
a position he retained until his retirement in 1923. Tomes had a long association
with the Volunteer Force; he was a recipient of the Volunteer Officers'
Decoration, and commanded a battalion of the East Indian Railways Regiment,
Indian Defence Force, retiring in 1923 with the rank of lieutenant-colonel.
He had been a Corporate Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers
for over fifty years, having been elected an Associate Member in 1893, and
transferred to Membership in 1911. He died on 8 July 1944. Joined
George Turton, Platts &
Co. Ltd. as joint London Manager of Sheffield supplier of spring steels
and forgings; formerly Locomotive Superintendent East Indian Railway.
See Locomotive Mag., 1924,
30, 380 In group photograph (p. 153)
see Locomotive Mag., 1923,
29, 150-1.
Traill, W.H.
Second locomotive superintendent of Indian Midland Railway (from 1900).
See Locomotive Mag., 1928,
34, 355-7. Acting Locomotive Superintendent GIPR 1915-1916
Locomotive Mag., 1926,
32, 142..
Turner, C.R.
Chief mechanical engineer, Gold Coast Railway. 4-6-2 design see
Locomotive Mag., 1939, 45,
Venner, William Sydney
Appointed CME Sierra Leone Government Railways in 1940
(Loco. Mag., 1940, 46,
294). Elected Member IMechE in 1929. Awarded CMG in 1956 probably died
in same year. Wrote report on railways in Sierra Leone.
Vogel, H.E.T.
Chief mechanical engineer of Leopoldina Railway in Brazil. Responsible
for Beyer Garrett type and for metre gauge 4-6-2T for latter
see Locomotive Mag. 1938, 44,
Wardale, David
Wardale joined British Rail in 1967 as a mechanical engineering sandwich
course student, graduating from Portsmouth Polytechnic with First Class Honours
in 1971. He then worked for BR until leaving in 1973 for the South African
Railways to follow his vocation of steam locomotive engineering. Working
in the steam locomotive section of the SAR's CME's department from 1974 to
1983, he constantly promoted proposals for making improvements to the existing
steam fleet to enhance its performance and efficiency. The Oil Crisis of
1978 provided impetus to put these proposals into practice, and for the next
five years he worked almost exclusively on all aspects of steam locomotive
development, including design, inspection, tuning-up, testing, and putting
modified locomotives into regular service. A number of projects involving
a variety of classes, from branch line engines to large mainline 4-8-4's
and 4-8-2 + 2-8-4 Garratts, was completed, the most notable being the extensive
rebuilding of 25NC Class 4-8-4 No. 3450, the famous The Red Devil,
so named because of its bright red livery after rebuilding. This locomotive
demonstrated significant advances in performance and efficiency compared
to standard SAR steam practice, but the work came at a time when the phasing
out of steam traction had already reached an advanced stage, and was too
late to stop it continuing. Wardale therefore left the SAR to join the American
Coal Enterprises' (ACE) team in the USA in 1984, charged with developing
classical Stephensonian steam traction for export to developing railways.
Unfortunately ACE failed to secure its start-up capital, but in 1985 Wardale
was part of a small delegation from the UK invited to China by the Chinese
National Railways to discuss improving its QJ Class heavy freight 2-10-2's,
which were then still being manufactured. As a result of this he became the
Technical Consultant to the Datong Locomotive Factory in 1986, and produced
the full design for the necessary modifications to this class. However this
work also came too late, for during the course of the 3-year contract at
Datong the Chinese Railways' policy changed from one of continued reliance
on steam traction to one of phasing it out as quickly as possible. Although
the design work was completed it was therefore not possible to put it into
practice, practical work being limited to a certain amount of component testing.
Wardale left Datong in 1989 and has since, amongst other pursuits, written
a critically acclaimed book, The Red Devil and Other Tales from the Age
of Steam, describing his work on steam locomotives in South Africa, America
and China. David completed the Fundamental Design Calculations for the 5AT
in 2005 and continues to support the project with technical advice. He lives
in semi-retirement in Scotland. Off Internet 2013-08-13.
See also Rly Wld, 1990, 51,
Watson, Allan Griffiths
Born Hopetown, Cape Province in 1876. Died in Cape Town on 13 November
1945. Chief Mechanical Engineer, South African Railways & Harbours. Educated
South Africa College and began apprenticeship at Beaufort Works in 1894,
but in 1895 went to Hyde Park Works in Glasgow and Glasgow Technical College.
Returned to Southern Africa in 1900 rejoining the Cape Government Railways
at Springfontein. In 1901 he was appointed temporary acting district locomotive
superintendent at Naauwpoort. Between 1902 and 1910 was chief draughtsman
at Uitenhage. In 1910, when the railways were united to form South African
Railways & Harbours Watson was appointed assistant superintendent
(mechanical) at Kimberley. In 1914-15 he was on active service in South West
Africa in the S African Engineering Corps, returning to Kimberley until 1922
when he was appointed mechanical engineer at Uitenhage works. In 1926 he
was appointed to the same position at Durban works where he designed and
built some low-cost double-englned railcars for branch-line work. On 1 April
1928 he was appointed assistant CME at Pretoria and on 1 April 1929 succeeded
Lt Col L. Collins as CME of the entire South African Rs & Harbours
(see Locomotive, 1929, 35,
186). He introduced water-softening plants for the Karoo Cape Midlands
and SW African systems, modernized works with improved layouts, machinery
and buildings, and established the construction of rolling stock in the
Administration's own works. He introduced three standard locomotive boilers
and developed several large locomotive types including the 15E class 4-8-2
(see Locomotive Mag., 1936,
42, 133) and the 16E class 4-6-2 for main line work, and the 19B
and 19C 4-8-2, 20 class 2-8-2 and 21 class 2-10-4 for branch line service
on 45 and 60lb/yd rails. He retired in 1936.
Wedderburn, D. St. C.
Deputy Locomotive Superintendent., East Indian Ry. Photograph as delegate
to Indian Railway Conference in 1908
Locomotive Mag., 1908,
14, 197. Appointed Locomotive Superintendent. in 1909 see
Locomotive Mag., 1909,
15, 22. Retired 1919 see
Locomotive Mag., 1919, 25, 46.
Wegener, William Frederick
Chief Mechanical Engineer Federated Malay States Railway from late
1937 (promoted from Assistant CME to CME
Locomotive Mag., 1937, 43, 267) until about 1950: appears
to have avoided internment as in Army in Ceylon in 1943. General Manager
Union Carriage & Wagon Co. in Transvaal in mid-1950s. Interesting 4-6-4T
with rotary cam poppet valves.
Locomotive Mag., 1939,
45, 302
Werry, William Charles
Born in 1862 possibly in Bendigo in Australia. Died 11 June 1948
(Macnair, Backtrack, 2019,
33, 460). Possibly an engine driver who invented a locomotive
with bevel gear drive; possible interest by Armstrong Whitworth:
see Locomotive Mag., 1936,
42, 208.and Miles Macnair
Backtrack, 2019, 33, 146-9.
White, H.G. Norman
see Locomotive Mag.,
1923, 29, 245
Whitehouse, D.H.G.D.
Locomotive Superintendent of the Demerara Railway in New
Guinea. Locomotive Mag., 1915
, 21, 22
Whiteside, Herbert
Born in British Colombia; received his education at Christ's
Hospital, West Horsham, from 1906 to 1910, and his engineering experience
at Crewe, where he commenced his premium apprenticeship in June, 1913. On
the outbreak of war he joined the King's Liverpool Regiment and, later, received
a commission. He was a prisoner of war for two years and, on being released,
returned to complete his apprenticeship at the L.M.S. Works, Crewe. From
1920 to 1923 he was probationary foreman at Preston Shed when he left to
join the Standard Vacuum Oil Co., Calcutta, as a railway lubrication officer,
and, in this capacity, became a popular figure amongst the railway officers.
He visited England several times on leave and, in November, 1937, arrived
on sick leave. On consulting a Harley Street specialist, was forbidden to
return to India. He retired to Cornwall, where he bore a very trying illness
with the utmost patience and courage. He died peacefully in February, [938,
at the early ag-e of 43. Eected a Member in 1925. Journal ILocoE 1938
Whittaker, T.A.
Appointed Assistant Locomotive Ceylon Government Railways,formerly
with Midland Railway. Locomotive
Mag., 1917, 23, 76
Whitton, John
Born at Foulby near Wakefield on 21 December 1819 and died in Sydney,
Australia on 20 February 1898. He was articled to his cousin William Billinton
(note Marshall, probably incorrectly
stated "Billington") who was involved in waterworks for Wakefield. In 1846
he went to work for Hawkshaw on the Leeds
& Manchester Railway and in 1848 he became an assistant engineer to
John Fowler on the eastern section of the
Manchester Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway. In 1852 he was appointed
engineer of the Oxford, Worcester & Wolverhampton Railway. In March 1856
he was appointed Engineer-in-chief of the New South Wales Government Railways.
He was responsible for engineering the great trunk routes to coonect Sydney
with Albury to connect with the railways in Victoria (Whitton would have
chosen a common 5ft 3in gauge, but was defeated on this; a route towards
Queensland. The Great Zig Zag was one of his many achievements.
Michael R. Bailey in
Whitty, Irwine John
Born in Kilrush, Co. Clare on 18 June 1839; died in Bristol on 22
February 1913. Engineer of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. Educated Queen's
College, Cork. Served pupilage with P.R. Roddy on construction of Cork and
Limerick lines. 1863 joined staff of East India Railway and served for 16
years in its development. In 1879 appointed chief engineer for construction
of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway on completion of which he joined the
staff of the Bengal-Nagpur Railway. Retired 1889 as executive engineer.
Williams, A.E.
Became CME Great India Peninsular Railway in 1932; formerly Deputy
CME: Loco Rly Carr. Wagon Rev.,
1932, 38, 103.
Williams, A.J.
Photograph as Conference Secretary with delegates to Indian Railway
Conference in 1908 Locomotive
Mag., 1908, 14, 197...
Williams, George Francis
Born in August, 1880, received his early education at Colchester.
At the age of 16 he entered the service of the GER at Colchester locomotive
running shed, and remained there until 1903, when he was engaged as a driver
on the Madras Rly. Soon after 1908, when the railway became the Madras and
Southern Mahratta, he was made a locomotive foreman and, later, a locomotive
inspector. In 1929 he was appointed Acting Assistant Locomotive Superintendent,
and, in 1932, Assistant Transportation Superintendent (Power), which post
he held up to the time of his decease, which took place in Madras at the
age of 55.
Wilson, C.
Locomotive Superintendent of Selangor Government Railways in 1899.
See Locomotive Mag., 1899,
4, 120-1 until Forbes tookover
See Le Fleming. Locomotive Mag.,
1955, 61, 98
Wilson, W.G.
Appointed chief mechanical engineer, Nigerian Rys.
(Locomotive Mag., 1937,
43, 401). After serving as an apprentice with A. Barclay, Sons
& Co. Ltd. of Kilmarnock, for five years, spending the last year in the
drawing office, Mr Wilson was appointed assistant works manager. After serving
in the Army, he returned to Barclays until 1920, when he was placed in the
expenditure control department of Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co.
Ltd. In November 1923 he was appointed assistant locomotive officer of the
Nigerian Rys., as assistant works manager of the shops at Ebute Metta. In
1925 he became works manager and in 1929 assistant chief mechanical
Woodroffe, Thomas T.
Chief Mechanical Engineer Victorian Railways (Australia): retired
1912. See Locomotive
Mag., 1912, 18, 230,
Wrench, John Mervyn Dallas
Born in April 1883; died on 31 August 1961. Trained in locomotive
engineering at the Swindon Works of the Great Western Railway. In 1906 he
entered the service of the Indian State Railways and after being in charge
of various districts he became Deputy Locomotive Superintendent and ultimately
Locomotive Superintendent. During the WW1 he was in Military Service in
Mesopotamia with the rank of Major in the Indian Army Reserve of Officers,
after which he returned to India in 1923 as Chief Mechanical Engineer of
the Great Indian Peninsular Railway with headquarters in Bombay. After occupying
this position for several years he was appointed in 1929 to the position
of Chief Controller of Standards of the Railway Board and was also, for a
time, the Member Engineering of the Board. His most noteworthy work was
undertaken during his tenure of office as Chief Controller of Standards and
he was responsible for coordinating the designs of locomotives, carriages
and wagons for all the railways in India. These designs were also adopted
by the Burma Railways. A number of new designs were prepared to meet the
requirements for greater power which the rapid development of the Indian
Railways then called for. He was the first Chairman of the Indian &
Eastern Centre of the ILocoE: opening Address.
He was made a Companion of the Indian Empire in 1929 and retired from
India in 1940 and for some time acted in a consultative capacity on locomotive
matters to the Ministry of Supply. He had been a Member since 1923. Mentioned
on page 159 of Cox's Locomotive panorama Volume
1. ILocoE obituary. In group photograph (p. 153)
see Locomotive Mag., 1923,
29, 150-1.
Wrench, Thomas William
Born on 13 September 1881; died 6 April, 1922 shot in his office
at Lahore by a fanatic. He was mechanically trained on the Great Western
Railway at Swindon and Wolverhampton. Probably brother of above. From May
1903 until April 1911, he was acting as an Assistant Locomotive Superintendent,
North-Western Railway, India. In April 1911 he was appointed a District
Superintendent on the Indian State Railways. From May 1911 to August 1911
he was Officiating Deputy Locomotive Superintendent at Lucknow. From then
to 1918 he was acting as a Works Manager and officiating as Deputy Locomotive
Superintendent on the North-Western Railway. He mas elected a Member of.
the ILocoE on 14 October 1919.
Wylie, R.
Bhavnagar Gondal Railway. Photographed at Lahore Locomotive
Superintendent's Conference in Lahore in
1892: Locomotive Mag., 1925,
31, 133 (plate).
Yates, Louis Edmund Hasselts
In 1896 IMechE membership list as Member since 1881 and then District
Locomotive and Carriage Superintendent, Eastern Bengal State Railway, Saidpore,
Bengal, India:. Photograph as delegate when Locomotive Superintendent., North
Western Ry at Indian Railway Conference in 1908
Locomotive Mag., 1908,
14, 197... .
York, F. Colin
Chief Mecanical Engineer Buenos Ayres Pacific Ry.
Locomotive Mag., 1915,
21, 20-1. for 45 ton bogie wagon
York, R.S.
Retired after 39 years' service. on 31 December 1949, from the position
of Managing Director of The Superheater Company (Australia) Pty. Ltd., but
occupied the position of Deputy Chairman thereafter.
Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev.,
1949, 55, 191.
Young, Harold
Chief Mechanical Engineer responsible for attractive steamlined C38
Pacific class on New South Wales Government Railways (retired when aged 66
at end of 1950 Sydney newspaper archive) and was presumably involved in acquiring
AD60 Beyer Garratts: see Loco. Rly
Carr. Wagon Rev., 1952, 58, 137..
Zachariae, H.A.K.
Retired from the position of Chief Mechanical Engineer of the Royal
State Railways of Siam in 1933, went out to the East in 1909 as Superintendent
of the Bangkok Tramways, and joined the Siamese State Railways in 1912, as
personal assistant to the' C.M.E. Appointed Chief Mechanical Engineer in
1924, Mr. Zachariae was responsible for the introduction into Siam of
three-cylinder engines, Caprotti valve gear, Garratt locomotives, and finally
Diesel traction, while the reconstruction and extension of the Makasan shops
to serve a system of 3,000 krn., in place of the 750 km. for which it was
originally built, was also carried out under his direction.
See Locomotive Mag., 1933,
39, 269.
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