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Locomotive Magazine and Railway Carriage
and Wagon Review
Volume 32 (1926)
No. 401 (15 January 1926)
Southern Railway: three-cylinder tank locomotive. 1-2. illustration,
diagram. (side & front elevations)
No. 890 River Frome illustrated: K1 class with three 16 by
28-inch cylinders and outside Walschaerts valve gear with inside cylinder
actiivated by extension rods.
New 2-6-0 locomotive, London, Midland and Scottish Ry.
2. diagram (side elevation)
Fowler credited with design of Hughes "Horwich" 2-6-0: neither of
which are mentioned
4-6-2 locomomtive, Leopoldina Railway. 3. illustration
Beyer Peacock: metre gauge: Belpaire boiler/ bogie American equualised
bar frame type with disc wheels
Munich Exhibition. 3.
43 steam, 18 electric, 5 diesel, 5 air, 2 accumulator, 1 fireless locomotives
Next cold season trains. 3
Bombay to Calcutta P&O Mail cold season "buff and blue"
New locomotives for the South Australian Railways. 4-7. 2 illustrations.,
3 diagrams (side & front elevations)
Sir W.G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co. Ltd.. had shipped 4-6-2, 2-8-2
and 4-8-2 types. Mechanical stoker fitted to Mountain type
Narrow gauge, superheater locomotive, North Western State Ry. of India.
7. illustration
2-8-2: 2ft 6in gauge supplied NBL to specification of Rendel, Palmer
& Tritton.
Obituary. 7
J.B.N. Ashford of Plymouth. died 5 December aged 62. author of Locomotives
of the South Devon Ry published in Moore's
Monthly in 1896. Notes his quest for acccuracy
Stephenson Locomotive Society. 7
Speakers: R.A.H. Weight on 4 February on Descriptive runs and records
and on 7 January W.J. Reynolds on Mixed traffic locomotives
The "Sentinel" Patent steam locomotive. 8-10. 3.
illustration, diagram
Illustrations: works photograph weight 17 tons (trial on Derwent Valley
Light Railway with train of 365 tons; sectional elevation diagram; NCC [No.91]
with one six-wheel and one bogie passenger coach; Sentinel locomotive at
LNER Lowestoft sleeper depot.
A link with Brunel and Stephenson. 10-12. 2 illustrations.
North Star: reconstruction exhibited at Stockton & Darling
Centenary and at Wembley Exhibition. Original constructed by Robert Stephenson
for broad gauge.
Veteran locomotives on the Spanish railways. 12. 5 illustrations.
Outside cylinder 0-6-0 supplied by Sharp Stewart (WN 2826/1879) for
Madrid Saragosa Alicante line; inside cylinder 0-6-0 built Neilson c1865;
0-4-4T rebuilt from Sharp Stewart 0-4-2 WN 2684/1877; 2-4-0 on Andalusian
Railway built Haine, St..Pierre WN 54/1874; Sharp Stewart 2-4-0 WN 3418/1888
acting as assisting engine on Toledo express.
Questions and answers.13-14.
No. 66. Which was a the first contionuous brake in use in this country?
Fay, Newall and Clark chain brakes introduced in 1860s. Fay &
Newall on L&YR and B&MR. Wilkin & John Clark on Metropolitan
Railway and LNWR: in case of latter as modified by Webb. Steel & McInnes
c1871 introduced a compressed air brake on two Caledonian Railway trains.
The system was heavier and more cumbersome than the Westinghouse system.
An American John V. Smith took out a British Patent for a simple vacuum brake
in 1874. It was improved by Hardy, an Englishman, working in Austria. Sanders
and Bolitho invented an automatic vacuum brake in about 1877. Aspinall patented
a form in 1878 whilst on the Great Southern & Western
No. 67. Does notching up a locomotive "very high" cause axleboxes to knock?
Suggested that cut-offs should not be shortened to lessw than
Correspondence. 14
[Timothy Hackworth]. J.G.H. Warren
The article on Timothy Hackworth in your issue of December 15th contains
statements in regard to the loco- motives and working of the Stockton and
Darlington Ry., 1825-1827, and in particular in regard to the "Royal George,"
which are not correct.
These statements are merely a repetition of the fabulous history of that
period published many years ago, after his father's death, by John W. Hackworth,
who, at the critical time of which he wrote afterwards so assuredly, was
about six or seven years old.
Many of these statements have been completely disproved by the official records
of the railway company, now pre- served at York, and by the reports of
independent engineers who visited the line.
The most important of theseall of which are now available to students
(1) The exhaustive report by Von Dechen and Von Oeynhausen, published in
Archiv für Bergbau und Hüttenwesen, Berlin, 1829.
(2) The notes by Rastrick, 1829, preserved at the Goldsmiths' Economic Library,
University of London. These reports show, inter alia, that the four
engines which preceded the Royal George performed duties more than
in proportion to their capacity and weight, as compared with the heavier
engine Royal George. The normal loads were not as given in your article,
(3) The minute book of the committee of the railway company, which recorded
on 10 July 1827, the superior economy of steam to horse traction, as ascertained
on the working of the first four engines not less than four months before
the Royal George was put to work.
(4) (a) The article by John Farey on Steam engines (in Rees Cyclopredia)
1819. (b) Bulletin de la Societe d'Encouragement d'Industrie, 1815. (c) Woods'
Treatise on Rail-Roads, 1825 (first edition). (d) Coste and Perdonnet's report
on the Bolton Railway, Annales des Mines, 1829. (e) Woods' Treatise on
Rail-Roads, 1831 (second edition).
These authorities show that, so far from the Royal George or Hackworth's
later engines having been the first locomotives to embody certain features
claimed, the facts are; A six-wheeled engine had been at work before 1819;
a spring safety valve was in use on the Blenkinsop-Murray engine in 1815;
an exhaust steam feed heater had been applied by Robert Stephenson &
Co. early in 1827; wrought iron tyres for locomotives were probably first
tried by Nicholas Wood at Killingworth.
As for the "Blast Pipe" controversy, so much has already been written that
one is almost afraid to refer to it. The use of the exhaust steam, carried
in a single pipe to the chimney, is shown on the earliest known drawings
of the Killingworth (or Hetton) type of engine long before 1827; it is shown
on a drawing published in 1823, and is definitely recorded in 1825. There
is, however, no evidence of a contracted nozzle, which indeed would not have
been required with the large straight single flue.
This contraction appears to have been carried out first by Hackworth on the
Royal George, which had a return flue, about 2½ times as long
as the single flue of the Locomotion type, but a fire grate area by
no means in propor- tion to the increased heating surface.
The contraction of the nozzle to meet these conditions was less an "invention
than the accentuating of a principle, and moreover, it cut both ways, for
it could only stimulate combustion at the expense of increased back pressure.
The contracted nozzle was, in fact, an easy remedy obtained by introducing
a new disease. If we reflect that locomotive engineers have ever since been
struggling to free the exhaust and enlarge the nozzle. we may realise how
all sense of perspective and proportion has been lost in this controversy.
There are, I think, few locomoti ve men to-day who would consider the contraction
of the nozzle as anything but an evil, or who, in their sober moments, would
wish to hang a laurel wreath round it as an idol. Timothy Hackworth indeed
deserves his statue, as a railway pioneer who accomplished a task of great
difficulty with honour to himself and profit to his company; as a designer
who added a definite link in the chain of locomotive improvement, and as
a man who has left an enduring memory and tradition for personal worth and
piety. It is doing ill service to such a man to repeat as history the extravagant
statements and claims made for him by John W. Hackworth, no doubt in good
faith, but with great bitterness, and since found to be unsupported, or to
be definitely contradicted by the evidence of engineers who were responsible
men when he was a child.
I would add that I have neither hope nor intention of converting any of your
readers who belong to the Shildon school of locomotive history. I observe
that they continue to believe the Sans Pareil to have been a better
engine than the "Rocket." As the whole subsequent history of locomotive
development contradicts such a view, one can only conclude that in questions
concerning Timothy Hackworth's work as a designer their critical faculties
are in abeyance.
Side stays for locomotive fireboxes. 15-16. 3 illustrations
Previous part in Volume 31 page 319.
Electric blower for raising steam. 16-17. diagram System adopted by Baltimore & Ohio RR.
Some interesting Palatinate Railway locomotives. 17-19. 6 illustrations.
Four Cramptons supplied in 1853: No. 28 had been recobsructed for
the Nuremberg Museum.
General Electric Company Traction Department. 19.
Orders received included rolling stock for Euston to Watford swervice
and for Undergriund Railway extensions.
Closure of the Wantage Tramway for passenger traffic. 20. illustration
Ceased 31 July 1925,
The Dover Boat Train - Southern Railway, 21-3 + plate. 2 illustrations. Plate
(sepia photograph by A.L.P. Reavil)
Depicts N15 No. E771 Sir Sagramore??. Other photograph of L? class
near Sevenoaks. Text refers to new rolling stock rather than motive
Railway Centenary Celebrations, Shildon, Statue of Timothy Hackworth. 23-4. illustration.
Jacquet, A. German locomotives of the Belgian State Railways. 24-5. 2 diagrams (s. els.)
Next part see page 47.
London & North Eastern Ry. problem. 25.
Tanfield branch required rolling stock to be fitted with hanging buffers
to enable coupling to chaldron wagons and to act as a timber dog for cable
due to the sharp curvature. To avoid straightening the sharper curves the
LNER was offering a reward for a solution.
Travelling cranes for railway service. 25-7. illustration, 4 diagrams
Previous mentioned 31, 360. Exhibited in Munich. Max Ostoff of Cottbus.
Gebruder Dickertman. Intended to assist with wagon repairs by lifting wagon.
Also description of plough steel rope (high tensile strength) supplied by
George Cradock & Co, Wakefield.
London & North Eastern Ry. 27.
Thirty five J38 class 0-6-0 under construction for Scotland. Five
X class 4-8-0Ts being delivered to Hull. New A1 class 2568, 2571, 2572, 2574,
2575, 2576 and 2580 Shotover.
Ahrons, E.L.. The early Great Western standard gauge
engines. 28-30. 6 illustrations
Previous: 31, 351.
Novel oil tank wagons, Iraq Railways. 30-1. illustrations, diagram (s. el.) Hurst Nelson metre gauge.
Articulated diesel-electric rail cars, Canadian National Rys. 31. 2 illustrations Fitted with Beardmore engines.
40-ton well wagon, London Midland & Scottish Railway. 32. illustrations
Rolling stock built during 1925: Cammell Laird & Co.'s report. 32-3.
Included Sentinel-Cammell steam railcars built for LNER, LMS (NCC)
and for overseas.
Centenary of Matthew Murray. 33.
Appeal for memorial plaque to be placed in City Square, Leeds.
Serious accident involving Owen J.P. Wray. 33
Lubrication expert involved in motoring accident on Lynton Hill.
Southern Ry. 33.
John B. Elliot brought in to merge publicity and advertising activities.
F.V. Milton to become assistant advertising manager and continue to edit
SWouthern Railway Magazine.
Reviews. 33-4.
Building the Pacific railway. Edwin L. Sabin. Lippincott.
Union Pacific RR.
No. 402 (15 February 1926)
New 0-6-2 tank engines, London and North Eastern Ry. 35; 37. illustration.
N7 type as per GER with cab modified and condensing apparatus for
working into Moorgate: No. 952 illustrated.
Standard locomotives for the Government Railways of Colombia. 36-41.
2 illustrations, 4 diagrs (incl. 2 s. els.)
P.C. Dewhurst was Chief Mechanical Engineer. 1 in 30 (even 1 in 23.5)
gradients and sharp curvature. Kitson 4-8-0 for 3ft gauge and Baldwin 4-8-0
for metre gauge.
London & North Eastern Railway. 40.
Reorganisation of Locomotive Running Department. J.H. Smeddle remained
in charge at York. Assistants C.H. Stedman and H.J. Stephenson, formerly
at Gateshead which had closed.
North Western State Ry. India. 40.
J.H. Smellie CME at Lahore: successor to T. Gregson who had
Benguela Ry. 41.
Order placed with Beyer Peacock for six Beyer Garratts: 4-8-2+2-8-4:
3ft 6in gauge: Lentz poppet valves
Great Western Ry. 41.
Order for six 0-4-0Ts placed with Avonside.
Isle of Man Ry. 41.
Decision to fit automatic vacuum brake to all rolling stock.
Crown Agents. 41.
Orders placed: with Vulcan Foundry: eight 4-6-0 passenger locomotives
for Ceylon Government Railways; fifteen 2-6-2 for Uganda Railway. With NBL
three 4-6-0 for Nigerian Railway. With Kerr Stuart two narrow gauge 4-6-2
for the Mysore State Railways. Kitson-Meyer 2-6-6-2 were being supplied to
the Colombian Northern Railway Girardot & Fachtativa line with 1 in 25
A link with Brunel and Stephenson. 42-4. illustrations, 4 diagrams
Correspondence between Robert Stephenson and Brunel
Alexander Allan. 44.
When in charge of Scottish Central Railway locomotives at Perth he
introduced a cylindrical firebox which formed an extension to the boiler
barrel and was wholly ssurrounded by water.
New tank engines for passenger traffic, London, Midland &
Scottish Ry., Northern Division. 45. illustrations
Caledonian Railway 439 Class constructed at Barr 's behest Supplied
Nasmyth Wilson for G&SWR Section, No. 15267 illustrated..
London and North Eastern Ry. 45.
R. & W. Hawthorn Leslie Supplied thirteen 4-6-2Ts: No. 1712 sent
to York; remainder to |Newcastle. K3 Nos. 202 and 203 formerly at Faverdale
moved to Neasden. No. 200 exhibited at Wembley moved to Eastfield. J38 Nos.
1400-7 had been completed at Darlington Works..
Wantage Tramway. 45.
J. Bullock was the manager. An old South Devon Railway and No. 4 hsad
been scrapped. No. 6 had been constructed to the patented design of James
Matthews of Bristol and was tried on Liverpool tramways in 1881 and was acquired
by the Wantage Tramway in 1885.
Garratt locomotives for the Bengal Nagpur Ry. 46. illustration..
Beyer Peacock 2-8-0+0-8-2.
Metropolitan Ry. electrification of Widened Lines between King's Cross and
Moorgate. 47 + plate
Plate shows No. 0-4-4T No. 316 leaving Aldersgate & Barbican (sepia
photograph by A.L.P. Reavil)
Jacquet, A. German locomotives of the Belgian State
Railways. 47. diagram (s. el.)
Previous part ended page 25.
Goods locomotive with poppet valves, London & North Eastern
Railway. 48-51. 4 illustrations. 3 diagrams.
J20 (Great Esatern Railway D81 Class) modified with Lentz poppet valve
Ahrons, E.L.. The early Great Western standard gauge engines. 52-4.
5 illustrations
2-4-0T with condensing apparatus for working over Metropolitan Railway.
2-4-0 tender locomotives (481? class)
Questions and answers. 54-5.
No. 68. What are meant by "Cole's Ratios" in estimating
locomotive horse-power.
Five references given
No. 69. Why are some locomotives arranged with the horizontal outside cylinders
about 2½in above the level of the centre line passing through the driving
We do not know.
Poultney, E.C. Locomotive dimensions and proportions of the Pennsylvania R.R. 55-8. 6 diagrams.
Matthew Murray and the locomotive. 58-60.
Written to commemorate the centenary of the death of
Matthew Murray on 20 February in
Closing of the Portush & Giant's Causeway Electric Tramway. 60.
Precise date not given: "about two months ago"
London Midland & Scottish Ry. (L.& N.W. Section). 60.
Delivery of standard compounds: order completed with Nos. 1110-1114
(from Derby Works) and 1128-1134 (from Horwich). All 75 standard 4-4-0s in
service formed from: 20 ex-Derby (1051-6; 1076-84; 1110-14); 20 ex-Horwich
(1115-34); 10 NBL (1150-9) and 25 from Vulcan Foundry (1160-84). Ten Experiment
class being rebuilt with Belpaire boilers including No. 2630 Buffalo.
Two 0-6-2T Nos. 692 and 2355 fitted with motor train apparatus. Knott
End Railway Jubilee Queen in Crewe Works for scrapping?
The Lambert patent wet sanding apparatus for locomotives.
61-2. 2 diagrams.
Fitted to latest series of Somerset & Dorset Joint 2-8-0s.
An electric works locomotive. 62. illustration
Trolley and battery electric locomotive used at the Westwood Works
of Baker Perkins
Remodelled cars, Central London Ry. 62-3. illustration.
More comfortable seats, pneumatic doors, better lighting and ventilation
and faster running
Number 403 15 March 1926
The "Poultney" locomotive. 70-3. diagram
Steam tender combined with limited cut off and more even torque: Proposed
La Guaia and Caracas Ry., Venezuela. 74
3ft gauge: electric traction supplied via double diesel power
New South Wales Govt. Rys. 74.
2-8-0 locomotive No. 5363 ran away for 7 miles down bank at
1,000 h.p. diesel oil-electric locomotive. 75. illustration.
Baldwin shunter with two bogies
Locomotives for South African mines. 76. illustration.
Andrew Barclay 4-6-0T (3ft 6in gguage) for Simmer & Jack Ltd
The Corcovado Rack Railway, Brazil. 76-8. 3 illustrations, diagram
Includes gradient profile.
Modern locomotive superheating. 78-80.
Report on ILocoE paper by Geer
The Khyber Railway, India. 80-1. 2 illustrations
Southern Heights Light Ry. 81.
Ministry of Transport Enquiry held in Orpington on 3 March 1926.
[Great Western Railway]. 81
Wireless reception experiment on down Cornish Riviera on 2
March 1926 with five loudspeaakers in dining saloon.
Jacquet, A. German locomotives of the Belgian State
Railways. 81-3. 2 diagrams (s. els.)
2-8-2T and 0-10-0T
Worthington feed check valve. 83. diagram
London Midland & Scottish Ry. 83.
Widening of Acton Bridge to Weaver Junction section.
Southern Ry. 83.
New engine shed at Exmouth Junction.
Metropolitan Ry. 83.
Electrification of Widened Lines
Evolution of passenger travel on the L.M.S.R. (Midland Section). 84-7. 3
Contribution made by T.G. Clayton and later by R.W. Reid.
A link with Brunel and Stephenson. 88-92. 4 illustrations, 2 diagrams
Order from South African Railways for Beyer Garratts. 92.
Order placed with Beyer Peacock for 3ft 6in gauge locomotves.
Inness, R.H. (unattributed): Locomotive history
of the Stockton & Darlington Railway, 1825-1876. 93-4. 3
Link motion. Nos. 38 Rokeby and 39 Ruby were 2-4-0 passenger
engines introduced in 1847.
London Midland and Scottish Ry. (L and N.W. Section). 94.
Crewe built 20 superheated 0-6-0 (4F) for Midland Division (Nos. 4157-66).
B class compound 0-8-0 No. 405 converted to G1 class and superheated. No.
2624 Saracen fitted with Belpaire boiler and superheated.
"We understand" that a further series of George the Fifth class to be built
at Crewe with Stephenson link motion; also further G2 class.
Locomotives broken up at Crewe included No. 193 Rocket; No. 1518
Countess; NLR Nos. 2841 and 2869; 4ft 6in tanks Nos. 521, 1440 and
1448 and Special DX No. 3127.
0-6-2T No. 3119 equipped with motor gear (push & pull). Sentinel Cammell
railcar working between Bletchley and Oxford
Ahrons, E.L.. The early Great Western standard gauge
engines. 95-6. 4 illustrations
Dewhurst, P.C. The modern counter-pressure brake as used on steep-gradient
railways. 96-7.
Terms it the repression brake. Fitted to Kitson-Meyer. Seals blast
pipe from smokebox fumes and ashes.
London and North Eastern Ry. 97.
Corrects statement in previous Issue that Pacifics were working through
from London to Newcastle.
Great Western Ry. 97.
0-6-2T class: series built to 5656
Questions and answers. 98.
No. 70. Can you explain how the Midand compound works as a semi-compound.
See Volume 18 page 36.
No. 71. Does a slide valve fall off its face when coasting?
The rattle indicates when the change takes place.
No. 72. Whaen a locomotive — such as the heavy 2-8-4 has an external
pipe to the superheater header.
Underground locomotives. 97-9. 2 illustrations
Refers back to August Issue. Metropolitan District Railway purchased
Metropolitan Railway No. 22 (4-4-0T Beyer Peacock WN 709/1866, rebuilt Yorkshire
Engine Co. in 1916): became MDR No. 35 painted a deeper chocolate colour.
MDR No. 34 (Beyer Peacock WN 2056/1881) painted black (formerly olive green).
The 20-ton wagon. 99. illustrations
Inducements by GWR to switch to higher capacity wagons in South Wales;
also by North Eastern Railway.
Bogle's Bridge. 99.
Over Perth to Dunkeld road crossed at angle of 45°:
A miniature railway for the Sultan of Morocco. 99.
Present from King of Belgians with locomotive called
Matthew Murray Centenary Commemoration Service.101.
Held on 21 February 1926 at St. Matthew's Church in Holbeck, Leeds.
Conducted by the Vicar Rev. R.J. Wood with Lord Mayor of Leeds, John Arnott;
Deputy Lord Mayor, Harry Briggs; Lieut Colonel E. Kitson Clark (representing
the Newcomen Society) and Mr E. Kilburn Scott and Frederick Smith representing
the Boyne Engine Works.
Model Railway Club. 102.
From index
According to the statistical charts of the D,R,G"
which were shown at the recent Munich Exhibition, the rolling stock of the
German system in 1924 was as follows:- Locos. (steam and electric) 29,700
Passenger vehicles .. 67,900 Other coaching stock 22,900 Freight vehicles
678,000 In comparing the latter item with British figures it must be remembered
that the present standard German open wagon is of 20 tons capacity, and very
few wagons are running of less than 15 tons. The locomotive stock includes
2,000 of the " S" (Schnellzug) or express class, and no less than 12,000
goods tender locos. can be worked by the driver from either side of the engine.
Four positions arc provided by the reversing lever - two forward, and two
backward. By mani- pulation of a foot-pedal, direct connection from the steam
pipe to the atmosphere is effected, completely isolating the boiler. By reversing
the engine this device acts as an air-compressor for braking purposes. One
man can easily attend to the running and driving, and this, coupled with
the low main- tenance charges and economical fuel consumption when working,
offer obvious advantages not only for shunting duties but for short distance
passenger and goods traffic. These locomotives are built in three sizes of
10, 15 and 20 tons, with maximum speeds of 40, 25 and 18 miles per hour
respectively. The engine is the same in each type, with the gear ratio altered
to suit the work.
On the L.M. & S.R., Northern Counties Committee section, one of these locomotives is used to work a train of two main line coaches. By gi ving a frequent and convenient service at a low cost of operation, it offers promising possibilities of an increase of revenue by inducing traffic.
Nos, 1125-7 are the latest 4-4-0 compounds ex Horwich to be delivered to
Crewe for service on this section. The Crewe-built 0-6-0 now run up to No.
4154, while Messrs. Kerr, Stuart &Co. have completed their order for
twenty-five similar engines, the last, No. 4106, being noted at Crewe during
the Xmas holidays. Engines recently turned out at Crewe rebuilt with Belpaire
boilers include" Prince of Wales" class Nos. 433 and 974; also 18-in. class
goods Nos. 1030 and 2326. The old 6-ft. curved link type engine, " Engineer
Bangor," has been withdrawn for scrap. This engine, which is the last of
its class, will in due course be replaced by one of newer 6-ft. type with
straight link motion. Other withdrawals include the following :-0-6-0 special
tank shunters Nos. 3185, 3222, 3238 and 3611; 0-6-0 special D.X. goods Nos.
3242 and 3262 and 0-4-0 tank shunter No. 3103. The following additional 0-6-2
side tank coal engines are now running adapted for working motor trains :-Nos.
582, 771,928 and 7794. Image
supplied to the
Great Western Railway by Robert Stephenson & Company in 1837, was one
of the most celebrated locomotives in the world, and has perhaps been as
frequently described and illustrated as the famous No. I loco- motive of
the Stockton & Darlington Ry. But the "North Star" (Fig. I), as she was
to be seen at -Swindon in the last days of her retirement, differed in many
important respects from the original engine, having been altered in various
ways during her work- ing life. The re-constructed engine (Fig. 2) which
was ex- hibited at Darlington and afterwards at Wembley, has been built by
the Great Western Ry. Company at their Swindon Works as an essential exhibit
for the railway centenary celebrations in 1925, and has been made as nearly
as possible to represent the original engine ordered from Robert Stephenson
by his friend Isambard Kingdom Brunei, who wrote on 4th July, 1837 :- " My
dear Stephenson, If you are satisfied with the verbal order of course I am;
however, this will confirm it, that I expect you will furnish us with an
engine of the best con- struction in as short a time as you can .... And
I look forward to having such an engine as never was before. Yours very
sincerely, 1. K. BRUNEL." In 1836, Brunei had issued an enquiry to various
manufacturers. inviting them to undertake the supply of locomotive engines"
best adapted to the objects of the Great Western Ry." These objects, he says,
"must principally relate to the speed and to the T
No. 404 (15 April 1926)
Tank locomotives for India, Eastern Bengal and Madras & Southern Mahratta
Rys. 103-5. 2 illustrations, 2 diagrs (s. els.)
Kerr Stuart 2-6-4T for 5ft 6in gauge designed under supervision of
Rendell Palmer & Tritton with inside cylinders (20 x 26in) and Belpaire
Oil burning locomotives for Jamaica. 105-6. illustrations
2ft 6in gauge 2-6-0T for Jamaican Sugar Estates.
Southern Railway: new 4-4-0 type engines. 106. illustrations
L1 No. A759 illustrated.
Single driver locomotive, Netherlands State Railways. 106. illustrations
Preserved Beyer Peacock 2-2-2 of 1863.
The late Mr. E.L. Ahrons. 107.
"Mountain" type express locomotive, Northern Ry. of Spain. 107-9. diagram
(s. & f. sections and plan)
London, Midland & Scottish Ry. (L and N.W. Section).
New 4F 0-6-0 type Nos. 4167-71 built at Crewe for Midland Section:
Nos. 4172-6 to follow. Nos. 1994 Scottish Chief and 2630 Buffalo fitted with
Belpaire non-superheater boilers. D class No. 1873 and G class No. 2656 converted
to G1 type and superheated. No. 675 Adjutant converted from Precursor to
George the Fifth. Nos. 1264, 1743 and 2623 fitted with Belpaire boilers.
19 inch goods No. 1645 fitted with bogie brakes. Following broken up: Nos.
766 Shap, 1045 Whitworth, 2180 Perserverence and Renown
No. 1962 Aurora.
Broken Hill. 109.
Severe water shortage at Broken Hill in Australia. Water having to
be transportred by railway 73 miles from Darling River
Welded locomotive tenders. 109.
Boston & Albany RR.
Vulcan Foundry. 109.
Contract to supply fifty 4-4-0 type to LMS
[Visit of American hotel proprietors to Britain]. 109
300 hotel proprietors from the USA were met at Plymouth by the GWR
Superintendent of the Line, R.H. Nicholls, and conveyed to Paddington in
two special trains hauled by No. 4085 Berkeley Castle and 4083
Abbotsbury Castle which performed the journey in 3 hours 53 minutes
and 3 hours 54 minutes respectively: dinner was served en route.
The locomotive history of the Great Indian Peninsular
Railway. 110-14. 6 illustrations, map.
A.G. Herbert, William Panel, Cyril Hitchcock and S.J. Sarjant (Locomotive
Superintendent) assisted with writing the series.
James J. Berkley was resident
engineer from 1849. J. Stuart Wortley
was the chairman.
Rubber for rolling stock — its use, application and development. 114-16.
2 diagrams
Load deflection diagram. Use in auxiliary bearing sprins.
4-8-0 locomotive for the Government Railways of Colombia. 116-17. illustrations
diagram (s/f and section)
3ft gauge. To work on gradients as steep as 1 in 23½. Ordered
by Dewhurst from Berlin Locomotive Works.
Dynamometer car, New York, Chicago & St. Louis RR. 118-19. 2 illustrations, plan
Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 119-20.
A.M. Bell's Automatic mechanical
couplers for railway rolling stock (Paper No.
Vacuum operated application valve for air brake on the locomotive. 120.
Locomotive with pay carriage Great Southern Railways of
Ireland.121-2. illustrations, diagram (s. el.)
0-4-2T: originated as 0-4-4T with combined pay carriage in 1873, but
separate vehicles from 1889. Sprite had run 1,221,257 miles. Also
gives dimensions of Fairy.
L.B. Billinton. 122.
Appointed general manager of R.Y. Pickering of Wishaw (not mentioned
in Marx biography)
A.E. Williams. 122
Appointed manager of GIPR carriage & wagon works at Matunga.
LNER orders. 122.
Twenty 0-6-2T from Beardmore and steam railcar from Clayton
Some recent Spanish locomotives. 122-4. illustrations, 4 diagrams (s. els.)
Babcock & Willcox 0-8-0T, 0-6-0T for Santandar-Mediteraneo and
Langrio Railway. 2-8-0 for mining company in South of Spain.
An experimental cut-testing apparatus. 124-5. 2 diagrams
New South Wales Government Rys. 125.
Western section of City Railway in Sydney.
SS Induna. 125
Purchased by Railway Commissioners to cross Clarence River at
Ahrons, E.L. The early Great Western standard gauge engines. 126-7.
0-6-0T of 1077 type; 2-4-0T of 627 class and 455 class.
Steam deflector. 127. illustrations
No. 450 Sir Kay with "wings" alongside chimney.
65 ft. engine turn-table Bengal Nagpur Railway. 128-9. 2 diagrams
Spelling of turntable with hyphen is unusual. Supplied by Patent Shaft
& Axle Tree. Consultants: Sir John Wolfe Barry & Partners.
York Railway Museum. 129.
Preparations for Queen Street museum; including installation of Hetton
Colliery 0-4-0, etc.
Bristol Port and Pier Ry. 129.
See also November & December issues. Locomotives Nos. 1 and 2
were Bury type 0-4-0s and had come from the South Yorkshire Railway after
its takeover by the MSLR and included No. 1 Vampire. The MSLR had purchasedd
six Beyer Peacock goods engines with South Yorkshire Railway number
Large coloured chart 4F 0-6-0 LMS. 129
To be published with a price of 1s 6d.
Japanese passenger stock. 130-1. 6 illustrations
A new locknut. 131. diagram
Cordoba Central Ry. 131.
Fifteen narrow gauge 4-6-4 supplied NBL and five 4-6-2 by
Narrow gauge cane and sisal wagons. 132. 2 illustrations
Supplied John Fowler of Leeds to tropical plantations.
A new lifting jack. 132. 2 diagrams
Duff governor controlled. Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co.
Smith's patent unloading hopper. 133. illustrations
Demonstartion at Uxbridge High Street station.
Correspondence. 134
John W. Hackworth and locomotive history. J.G.H.
After reading Young's letter in February issue, I feel worthy to be
counted among the victims of J. W. Hackworth's dialectical umbrella, as depicted
in S. T. Richardsons' witty caricature of 1876, and reproduced by Young in
his own book, (Timothy Hackworth and the
Locomotive," face p. 212.) although it is an obvious satire on certain
violent methods of argument.
But the sense of humour which led Young to publish this caricature seems
to have deserted him, and he is now very angry with me, though some years
agoin spite of my previously published opinion of John Hackworth's
historyhe expressed a wish to meet me. I would like to ignore the angry
expressions of his letter to you and recollect Mr. Young as the pleasant
companion of an hour's discussion when, though I confirmed and emphasised
my published opinions of his uncle as a historian, we parted friends.
I am sorry that Mr. Young has brought his family relationship into the present
public discussion, for I have been more considerate of it than he thinks,
and it has no real bearing on the historical questions raised.
In regard to these, I have nothing to add to my last letter except answers
to two questionsor challengeswhich Young puts to me:
1. Referring to early six-wheeled locomotives, there is a strong implication
from the drawings of Dodds & Stephenson's 1815, and Losh & Stephensons
1816 Patent Specifications, that Stephensorr's early six-wheeled locomotive
was coupled throughout, and Farey 's description, published in 1819, states
distinctly that the six wheels were applied "to relieve the weight upon the
rails and obtain a greater reaction to advance the carriage;" in other words,
to obtain greater adhesion (A Century
of Locomotive Building, pp. 23, 24.).
2. Referring to feed-heating by exhaust steam, Van Dechen and Van Oeynhausen's
report shows that this apparatus had been fitted to a locomotive which was
completed before the Royal George was built. This engine was subsequently
sent to the Stockton & Darlington Ry., and was called Experiment.
John W. Hackworth's account makes out that it was constructed after
the Royal George and as a counterblast to that engine
(Timothy Hackworth and tbe Locomotive,
p. 163)a very good instance of his unreliability.
But those of your readers who are interested and so far unbiassed, must study
the evidence for themselvesthat is all I ask.
To the majority, who are interested only in the "modern side" of locomotive
history, John W. Hackworth's merits may well appear as irrelevant as King
Charles' Head; but those who, whether for duty or pleasure, commence to study
the early history of the locomotives, and working of the S. & D. Ry.,
will soon find themselves faced with the utterly confiicting opinions of
later historians. To them the question of Mr. Hackworths credibility as a
witness becomes of the first importance.
My own attempts to resolve this question involved a great deal of work, but
they led directly to the discovery of detailed contemporary evidence which
seems to have been unknown to previous writers, and is still ignored, or
brushed aside by the Shildon school.
To me, and to most of my critics, these evidences have seemed conclusive
on the fundamental question we are now discussing. Those who wish for a third,
and presumably unbiassed, opinion of Mr. Hackworth as a historian, will find
it in The Engineer, 28 September 1923, in an article on "Timothy Hackworth
and the Locomotive."
Early locomotives of the G.W. Ry. J. N.
With reference to the delightful articles by E. L. Ahrons, on the
above subject, and particularly with regard to the 481 Class, I am enclosing
a photograph of Engine No. 487, which may be of interest. The photograph
was taken at Reading in January, 1920, at which time No. 487 was the last
survivor of her class, and was usually employed as shunting-pilot at Reading
station. A study of the photograph reveals some modifications which must
have been made at a later date than those mentioned by Ahrons, and I think
that several other engines of this class were. similarly modified, especially
Nos. 489, and 588 both of which were well known to me.
The most conspicuous, apparent alterations, are the Belpaire firebox and
the somewhat extended smokebox, as well as the shortened chimney. The tender,
also, although of an.old pattern, differs considerably from that originally
supplied, and has had a raised coping added to the sides of the coal-space.
No. 487 had disappeared from Reading in April, 1921 .: and was scrapped at
Swindon in July of that year, some two years after all the other engines
of her class had been scrapped.
Three-cylinder locomotives. William T.
Hoecker. 134-5
In view of the remarks made at the meeting of the Institution of
Mechanical Engineers in Newcastle, last July, it is rather surprising to
read, on page I of your January issue, that the new 2-6-4 tank engine No.
A890 River Frorne, of the Southern Ry., is equipped with the same
design of valve gear that was applied to the 2-6-0 engine, which was built
for the same railway several years ago.
The writer had hoped that the matter of " combined valve gears for three-cylinder
engines" would be thoroughly discussed at the meeting referred to above,
when a paper was read on" Three-Cylinder High Pressure Locomotives," but,
beyond a few slight criticisms ,the subject was passed over very lightly,
the author of the paper contenting himself with saying that the gear is "giving
entire satisfaction." It is, however, significant that he did not see fit
to publish any indicator diagrams taken from three-cylinder engines.
There is ample evidence from America and Germany to prove that these combination
valve-gears do not give a satisfactory steam distribution in the central
cylinder, when the engines are run at a cut-off of less than 50 per cent.
It seems to make no difference what kind of combination is used,whether vertical
or horizontal levers, whether 8 or 28 pin-joints, the result is always the
same, namely: As the speed is increased and the cut-off shortened, the power
developed in the central cylinder increases out of all proportion to that
developed in the other two cylinders.
There are nearly 2,000 three-cylinder locomotives of 2-10-0, 2-8-0, and 4-6-0
types in Germany, equipped with two different arrangements of combination
valve-gear, for the inside cylinder. Some of these engines have been in service
since 1914, so that ample opportunity has been provided to observe the
performance of the valve-gear, and to make possible improvements. Nevertheless,
several hundred of the new Mikado (2-8-2) passenger engines have been built
with three separate gears (as illustrated in the LOCOMOTIVE MAGAZINE for
September, 1922, pp. 253), because it was found utterly impossible to secure
proper steam distribution at high speed with the combined lever gears. Some
of the foremost Continental engineers, among them Robert Garbe, and Hans
Steffan, have condemned the combination gears used on the Prussian engines
in no uncertain terms. These facts are, certainly, well known to you, but
apparently, English locomotive engineers are not generally acquainted with
them. While on this subject, it may also be noted that after three years'
experience with two heavy 4-8-2 type, 3-cylinder goods locomotives, equipped
with the combined valve-gear, the New York Central Railroad is now placing
in service 100 locomotives of the same type, similar in many respects to
the 3-cylinder engines, but having two cylinders only, and using steam at
225 pounds pressure, an increase of 25 pounds over that used in the 3-cylinder
This seems to demonstrate that, although the piston loads of a two-cylinder
locomotive may be 30 per cent. greater than those of a similar 3-cylinder
engine, and the two-cylinder locomotive may be inferior in torque and balance,
yet the net results measured in terms of reliability, and cost of maintenance
and operation, may be favourable to the two-cylinder type.
See also E. Joslin page 306
Recent Spanish Locomotives. K.
Warne. 135
Re article in the December 1925 issue, it is stated a belief that Spain was
at present the only country in which 4-8-4 tank locomotives were in service
on the standard gauge. May I be allowed to correct this statement. Within
recent years the Yorkshire Engine Co. have constructed six locomotives of
this type for the standard gauge lines of the Chilian Nitrate Rys. As
these engines were designed by the makers and in view of the knowledge, skill
and organisation necessary to pro- duce such an advanced type of locomotive,
I think it only fair to point out in these days of self-depreciation the
energetic way English locomotive manufacturers have attacked and solved difficult
haulage problems by introducing powerful locomotives of such rare design
to such distant countries.
Reviews. 135
The development of the
We have received from the Central Steel Co., of Massillon, Ohio, U.S.A.,
a copy of a nicely finished book they have recently published with the above
title. As may be expected, the general tendency of the record is to show
that the evolution of the modern locomotive has taken place in America, and,
whilst ready to admit that great credit must be attributed to our 'cousins'
across the Atlantic for the wonderful stndes made dunng the last ten years
in developing the huge power units we now see in service, we cannot accept
all they say as being Gospel. We are somewhat surprised such an authority
as J. Snowden Bell, who is responsible
for literary matter in the book, should say, when referring to the improvements
effected in America :-" The first, and doubtless the most radical and universally
approved one, was the swivelling truck, in the absence of which high-speed
service would be impossible "-(the italics are ours). Surely, Mr. Bell
cannot be ignorant of the fact that nearly all the high-speed trains this
country became famed for were hauled by locomotives built without
bogies, so that it is not logical to say such would be impossible.
We fear that Mr. Bell cannot read his LOCOMOTIVE carefully. The illustrations
are good, and give attractive represen- tations of the different historical
locomotives put on the various pioneer American railroads. Vve regret to
note a similar fault as that which seriously discounted the effect of the
pictures given in Major Pangborne's book, viz.:-" Engines depicted as running
without tenders or trains." The Stourbridge Lion is. shown thus, with
the engineman standing on a naked foot-board outside what appears to be intended
to represent the Baltimore Station of the day.
Among the other early locomotives shown careering along without tenders or
trains are the" Atlantic" of 1832, " Sandusky" of 1837, and the first American
4-4-0 type. Over 50 locomotives are shown, from Cugnot's, of 1769, to the"
Horatio Alien," of 1924; but perhaps one of the most interesting illustrations
is the frontispiece showing the interior of the erecting shop of the Norris
Works, at Philadelphia, about 1855. See leter from C.B.
Chanet on page 204
Lokomotivversuche in Russland.. G. Lornonossoff. Translated
from the Russian into German by H. Mrongovius-Berlin:-V.D.I. Verlag, G.M.B.H.,
330 pages, 647 illustrations arid diagrams, 3 plates, etc. 136
The author records numerous experiments with the working of locomotives
over the extensive railway systems of Russia, affording theoretical and practical
information of considerable value. The trials, which are carried out under
the personal supervision of Prof. Lomonossoff; with superheated and non-
superheated locomotives, help to elucidate many problems connected with steam
distribution. Graphs are liberally used to assist the reader.
Other matters concerning traffic control,and fuel consumption are treated
upon. The book is neatly printed and strongly bound in cloth.
Essai sur les remarques maxima du trains de marchandises;
Essai sur les proportlonelles dee freinage a main des trains de
marchandises, L.E. Creplet. London: Locomotive Publishing Co.
The two essays, compiled by L. E. Creplet, Technical Inspector, Belgian
State Rys., are of considerable value to those having to provide for satisfactory
and sufficient brake power on heavy goods trains. The author gives forrnulee
and data compiled from numerous practical tests on trains of various lengths
and weights, 'over lines of different grades, etc.; he also gives definite
figures of value for vehicles with brake arrangements of varying types in
a form which must appeal to transportation officers and others actively engaged
in traffic operation.
The Cader country. Published by the Great Western Ry.,
Paddington, and obtainable free at the principal G.W.R. stations and
offices. 136
This well written guide to the district round Cader Idris is beautifully
illustrated with 44 views of the unequalled scenery of Merionethshire. Commencing
at Bala, which is reached by the G.W.R. by way of Ruabon and Llangollen,
the sections are arranged under the following headings, Mawddwy, Dolgelley
and Cymrner Abbey, the Ganllwyd valley, the coast and mountains of Ardudwy,
Barmouth, Dolgelley and Cader Idris, Aberdovey, Pennal and Corris, and finally,
the coast of Merioneth. An excellent map of the Cader Idris district (three
miles to an inch) is included, as well as the usual large folding map of
the G.W.R. system.
[The romance of a railway]. 136
An illustrated booklet, nicely printed, has just been issued by the
Albion Publishing Co. Ltd. Opening with a section on the genesis of railways,
the remainder of the book is practically a condensed history of the Great
Western Railway, with chapters on the battle of the gauges, and the development
of the line and its rolling stock. There are many illustrations and a map
of the G.W.R. system. Ottley 5952 gives Great Western Railway as author and
does not mention Albion
Sentinel Wagon Works Ltd. 136
Orders for one double articulated type Sentinel-Cammell rail coach
for the Buenos Aires & Pacific Ry., one rail coach for the Irak Rys.
of Mesopotamia, one for the Salvador Ry. and two for the London & North
Eastern Ry. The Great Western Ry. ordered a 20-ton Sentinel locomotive.
Hythe, Dyrnchurch and New Romney Light Ry. 136
Work commenced on the construction at the New Romney end of the line.
We understand it will be a double line, of 15-in. gauge.
Southern Ry. 136
Between Holborn, St. Paul's and Elephant and Castle stations, the
four-aspect colour light signalling installation was brought into use on
the 21 March. Electric power operated the signals, enabling five signal boxes
to be dispensed with.
[Electric trains, Sydney]. 136
On 2 February the first electric train made its trial run on the Illawarra
line from Central station, Sydney, N.S.W., to Hurstville and back. The trials
were very satisfactory, but it would be a few weeks before electric trains
were in service. Later, the service will extend to Waterfall, fifteen miles
further out. Tenders are now being called for the overhead work on the Bankstown
line from its junction with the Illawarra line at Sydenham to
Loetschberg Ry. 136
To put into service this spring two powerful electric locomotives
built by the S. A. des Ateliers de Secheron, at Geneva, in conjunction with
the Ufficine Mechaniche Ernesto Breda, of Milan. These engines of the 2-6-6-2
wheel arrangement; their equipment to include six twin motors of 700 H.P.
each. They will be able to take 560-ton trains (exclusive of engine) up grades
of 1 in 37 at a speed of 50 km. per hour.
No. 405 (15 May 1926)
New tank locomotive, Isle of Man Ry.. 137-8.
No. 16 Mannin: supplied Beyer Peacock: 30% more powerful than
existing motive power. J. Bradshaw was the locomotive, carriage & wagon
The Royal Gorge Denver & Rio Grande Western RR. 138 + plate (sepia photograph) facing page
New South Wales Government Rys. 138.
Electric trains introduced on Illawara line between Mortdale and
Rebuilt 4-coupled express engine, London & North Eastern Ry., G.E.
Section. 138. illustrations
D16/2: No. 8813 illustrated
Locomotives for the Madras Harbour Board. 139. illustrations
Hunslet 0-6-0ST: 5ft 6in gauge, but capable of shunting metre gauge
Rebuilding and reorganisation of Crewe Works. 139.
Including steelworks.
Narrow gauge locomotives for the Polish State Railways.
140-2. 2 illustrations, diagram (s. el. & plan)
Flexible 0-10-0T manufactured Berlin Machine for 785mm gauge railway
in Upper Silesia: used Professor Czezcott (Czeczott) system
Stephenson Locomotive Society visit to Bacton works of Gas Light &
Coke Co, 142.
Led by J.N. Maskelyne.
Tank locomotive for South Africa. 142. illustrations
Hudswell Clarke 0-8-0T: 3ft 6in gauge: Komati
The locomotive history of the Great Indian Peninsular
Railway. 142-5. 3 illustrations
Locomotive Superintendents and Chief Mechanical Engineer listed:
C.W. Hawkins 1869-1875
S. Jackson 1875-1889
R.I. Trevithick 1889-1901
S.J. Sarjant 1901-1915*
W.H. Traill 1915-1916: Acting
T.W. Bonner 1916-1919
T.S. McNeill 1919-1920 Acting
J.M.D. Wrench 1920- Chief Mechanical Engineer
Erecting shop at Parel illustrated
DSP. Some Argentine locomotives. 145-8. 6 illustrations
Rubber for rolling stock its use, application and development.
148-9. 2 diagrams
Hose. Dumbbell test pieces.
New hooping press for laminated springs. 149-51. illustrations, 3
Leeds Engineering and Hydraulic Co. Woodheads.
Babbacombe Cliff Railway. 152. 2 illustrations
Electrical operation.
Technical essays. 152-3.
Lubrication. Objections to trimmings: prefered mechanical lubrication.
Evidently written by E.A. Phillipson.
A sectional locomotive for demostration purposes. 154-5. 3 illustrations
Smokebox and portion of oval boiler of locomotive No. 1 of the Palatinate
A.R. Bennett. New notes on the early locomotives of
the L.B. & S.C.R. —1. 155-6.
In July 1918 the Author had several conversations with G. Aylwin of
Brighton who spent the whole of his working life in the service of the London,
Brighton and South Coast Ry., first as mechanic in the Brighton works and
on the Brighton Company's steamers, and afterwards successively as fireman,
driver and locomotive inspector. He laboured in turn under Messrs. Craven,
Stroudley and Billinton, senior, and there is evidence to show that with
the last two his position was one of trust and confidence.
Mr. Aylwin, not always quite content with his subordinate position in the
stirring railway world, was ambitious to embody the fruits of his matured
experience in locomotive design, and produced two well-executed drawings
of engines such as he would have liked to have seen tried on his line. The
drawings were commended by Mr. Stroudley, but the ideas, except in one small
detail, were not adopted. At the time Mr. Aylwin made his communications
to me objections existed to their publication, but these obstacles having
recently been removed, they are now given to the readers of THE LOCOMOTIVE
with his consent and authority.
Mr. Aylwin entered the erecting-shop of the Brighton works on 8 March 1858,
at the age of eighteen. In this shop, when he joined, there was one of the
early Sharp Roberts engines, No. 25, built m 1839, mounted on a frame, the
wheels being removed, engaged in pumping water and in driving the machinery
of both the erecting and boiler-shops by means of a pulley fixed on the driving
shaft, work she continued to perform for a good many years. This remembrance
throws some light on the little outside-cylinder 2-2-2 saddle-tank No. 25
which worked on the Littlehampton branch in the 1860s. In the very well-known
History of the Locomotiues of the L.B. and S.C. Ry. (Locomotive Publishing
Co.), at page 91, it says that this tank engine was "built out of parts of
a single engine made by Sharps in 1839" (this could only have been No. 25,
since no other bore that date). "How much of the original locomotive went
into the new one we cannot say, but probably only the wheels and framing."
Mr. Aylwin's recollection settles this point, since the original engine,
minus the wheels only, was located in the erecting-shop. This accords entirely
with the probabilities, for the Littlehampton tank which I knew well (see
my Supplement to the Brighton Railway History, THE LOCOMOTIVE, October,
1909), bore no sort of resemblance to a Sharp, Roberts single. No doubt,
when the Sharp was well-established in her stationary job, Mr. Craven built
the new 25 on her wheels, honouring the ancient motto, "Waste not, want not."
Old 25 was the oldest engine but one that fell to the share of the L.B. &
S.C. Ry.· on the dissolution of the Joint Committee in 1846, and it
is gratifying to be able to trace her to her last employment.
It is to Mr. Aylwin that I owe an interesting fact about the early history
of the original Crystal Palace Company. The Palace at Sydenham was opened
on 10 June 1854, but at first there existed no proper railway access to it
for visitors arriving by the Brighton main line. A spur to the Palace from
Norwood Junction had been made for the conveyance of material during
construction, but for some reason the railway company did not utilize it
for passengers after the opening. These accordingly had to tramp up to the
Palace from Penge or Anerley stations. There was good access to the Palace
from London Bridge (Victoria did not then exist) by the special spur line
from Sydenham, but as there were no main-line platforms at that station,
passengers could not change there. The Crystal Palace Company endeavoured
to better this state of affairs by running a train of their own from Norwood
Junction. To this end they purchased an old Sharp Roberts single and three
coaches from the L.B. and S.C. Ry., and with that company's approval, started
a shuttle service that continued for several years. They repainted the engine
blue, polished her up and put her in charge of a competent driver. Unfortunately,
Mr. Aylwin does not recollect her Brighton numberon the C.P. .&
N.]. Ry. she was undoubtedly No. 1but he knew her engineman, and is
able to say that the Palace train was still running in 1859, for, in October
that year, the engine of a goods train exploded between Lewes and Falmer,
killing her driver. This man was a brother of the captain of the "C.P. Sharp,"
and Mr. Aylwin recollects that he was granted leave to attend the inquest.
However, the L.B. & S.C. Ry. eventually condescended to work the Palace
spur. The engine was then laid aside, and after a time either sold or broken
up. It is a pity that the idea of preserving her amongst the antediluvian
relics by the lake did not occur to the C.P. directors; she would be an asset
Of these early Sharp Roberts engines Mr. Aylwin speaks quite favourably,
saying they were very good for their weight, and specially mentions Nos.
20 and 24. They had ceased main-line work when he joined the company, and
in the 1860s were mostly performing on the various branches. Several had
been turned into frame-tank engines19 and 77 were two suchand
both tenders and tanks worked a good deal between Croydon and Wimbledon,
making occasional trips to London (Supplement to the Brighton History,
THE LOCOMOTIVE, May 1907). In addition to the duties enumerated in this Supple-
ment, Mr. Aylwin says that No. 19 also worked at one time between Polegate
and Eastbourne. Another exercising ground for the tender Sharps was be- tween
Brighton and Lewes, a duty they shared for max:y years with the smaller type
of Jenny Lind engines.
I state in my Supplement to the Brighton History, (March 1908, and
May 1908) that in the late 1850's the principal Brighton engines working
on the Bricklayers' Arms branch were 112 and 113, built by Longridge, and
44 and 46, built at the Brighton Works; also that a goods train left Willow
Walk every evening about 7 o'clock. Mr. Aylwin confirms all this, and says
that the exact time was 7-45. A few years later, in the 1860s, he himself
drove goods engines to Willow Walk, and frequently worked the 7-45. He also
confirms my recollection that it was a heavy train, and agrees that the engines
were powerful and did take forty loaded trucks, and more on occasion, up
the exacting gradients. He especially commends the Longridges, which had
all the wheels in front of the firebox, for pulling.
He often drove the big Sharp, Stewart engines, 117 Orestes and 121
Europa, and agrees, as stated in the Brighton History, page
66, that they were at the time the most powerful in England. With one of
them he once took 83 trucks up the New Cross-Forest Hill bank unassisted.
The firebox was recessed to allow the trailing axle to pass under it. This
caused a horizontal water-bridge, which divided the box into two compartments,
and it was customary to keep the forward one fed with coke and the rear one
with coal, which had the effect of burning the smoke before it reached the
tubes; so smoke was prevented without a brick arch. The orders were very
strict about keeping the top of the bridge uncovered by fuel, and whenever
the engine was cooled down, to have it carefully examined and swept. There
was a wash-out plug in each of the corners of the firebox, and to undo these-wash
out with a flexible pipe and nozzle of hot water passed in through the damper,
and screw them up again-ensured to the operator the enjoyment of a Turkish
bath for which the company charged nothing, but which rendered a good rub
down of the temper afterwards, a very necessary procedure. With the water
in the horizontal bridge kept away from the top surface by the steam generated,
as it probably was, the danger of burning would not appear remote, but no
accident of moment was recorded or is remembered. The attention required
by the water-bridge was probably found embarrassing as time went on, for
Mr. G. F. Burtt informs me that Mr. Craven later on fitted a firebox with
a mid-feather and a sloping grate that passed over the trailing axle. This
looks like a Cudworth firebox.
It does not seem to have been thoroughly recognised that the admitted and
admired superiority of these two engines was attributable to their large
boilers and heating-surface (1,572½ sq. ft.), for Mr. Craven continued
to build his own goods engines with about 1,000 sq. ft. only, and
Orestes and Europa ultimately had theirs cut down to about
the same figure, after which there was no more boasting about their exceptional
Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 156
Paper read at the meeting on 29 April, by T. Grime, member, on Steam
Locomotive Performance (theoretical and actual). The author not only gave
his investigations as to why certain economies, etc., were to be expected
from superheating compounding, etc., but also quoted results from practice
which confirmed his deductions. The benefits of "long" travel for the valves,
higher steam pressures, etc., were fully discussed, and there is little doubt
Grime's paper will figure amongst the most valuable the Institution have
so far secured. An animated discussion followed the reading of the paper,
after opening remarks by Kelway Bamber, who occupied the chair. Messrs. Clayton,
Tritton, Dendy Marshall,. Rogers, Saunders, Poultney, Tomes and Holcroft,
took part, .and whilst the speakers appeared to be generally in favour of
the attitude taken by the author as regards future development of the steam
locomotive, some interesting criticisms were raised.
E.L. Ahrons. Early Great Western standard gauge engines. 156-9. 5
Twelve 0-6-0T built at Wolverhampton for freight working: Nos. 633-637
in 1871 and Nos. 638-644 in 1872. Had inside frames and 4ft 6½in wheels
and 16 x 24in cylinders, later increased to 17in x 24in at Swindon. Built
with weather-boards, later replaced by cabs and these removed for working
over Metropolitan Railway to Smithfield. In 1871 No. 56, a 2-4-0 was built
at Swindon and this was follwed by Nos. 717 to 726 in 1872: "they were notable
for their length". By the time they were withdrawn thhere were marked differnces
between those allocaterd to the Southern Division (mainly at Weymouth) and
those on the Northern which were "rarely seen south of Bordesley".
Great Western Ry. 159
During 1925, seventy-eight new engines were added to the stock, all
of which were built at Swindon. These comprised ten 4-6-0 four-cylinder express
engines. of the Castle class, Nos. 4083 to 4092; ten 2-6-0 tender engines
Nos. 7320-1, and 6362-69; eleven 2-8-0 tanks, Nos. 5245-55; and forty seven
0-6-2 tanks, Nos. 5603-49. Among noteworthy withdrawals were the three
motor-fitted 4-4-0 tank engines taken over from the Taff Vale Ry., and numbered
999, 1133 and 1184 and the 4-4-2 tank No. 4600 built at Swindon in 1913.
Several of the ex-T.V.R. older pattern 0-6-2 tank engines have also been
taken out of service. During the present year the series of thirty 2-8-0
tank engines, commenced in the latter part of 1925 had been completed, and
further 0-6-2 tanks of the 5600 class were now in hand. These to be followed
by ten more 4-6-0 of the Castle class, the first of which No. 4093, would
shortly be out. Several of the forn:er Midland and South Western Junction
Railway locomotives, both goods and passenger, had been rebuilt with Swindon
standard taper pattern boilers and superheaters. The tender fuel capacity
had also been increased.
Narrow-gauge (2 ft. 6 in.) lines of the Victorian Government Railways.
159-61. 3 illustrations
Though many broad-gauge (5 ft. 3 in.) branch and even main lines run
through hilly country and.with.l in 50 and even 1 in 30 grades, there are
four lines mto country so mountainous as to warrant the setting up of branches
of special narrow gauge, even though the transhipment costs are a senous
contra to the plan. These feeder. lines ran from Wangaratta on the main Sydney
line to Whitfield (30 miles); from Colac on the Western District lines to
Crowes in the coastal forests (43¾ miles).; from Ferntree Gully to Gembrook
at no great distance from the capital (18 mles); and from Moe, on the main
Gippsland line into Walhalla (26 miles). Except in the case of the first,
these lines follow routes that no broad gauge line could penetrate. Locomotives
included 2-6-2 narrow gauge Vauclain compound tank locomotive No, 2a and
two 2-6-0+0-6-2 Beyer Garratts to work timber traffic
New sleeping cars, New Zealand Government Rys. 161-2. diagram (side
elevation, plan)
Nine two berth compartments. Doors into compartments angled to enable
passengers to pass each other. LMS crimson livery. G.S. Lynde CME
A.V. Pawlowski. Locomotive fire grates—the removal of clinker,
etc. 162-3.
Polish State Railways: contribution to International Railway Conference
in London in 1925
Royal saloon for Siamese State Railways. 163-5. 3 illustrations,
Built by Craven's Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. Ltd. of Sheffield.
Metre gauge. Sleeping saloon with a central entrance; teak body and steel
underframe. Swing link bolster bogie. Built for Prince Purachatra. C.P. Sandberg
consulting engineer.
Wheel turning and its machinery. 165-7.
Photograph shows a Joshua Buuckton of Leeds wheel lathe. Article describes
operation in general terms
York Railway Museum. 167
The Aire and Calder Navigation management presented to the museum
some early tramway rails and chairs from the Silkstone Ry, of 1809. These
were unearthed during work in the neighbourhood of the Barnsley Canal. The
Silkstone Ry., of which these rails and chairs formed a part, connected the
Silkstone colliery with the Barnsley Canal. The rails are made of cast iron
and of the channel type; they are made to accommodate wagon wheels which
had no flanges, the rims of the wheels being held by the sides of the channel.
The chairs rested on stone sleepers.
Methods for investigating failures of locomotive components.
The science which enables us definitely to ascertain the causes of
failure of any metallic component of a locomotive or, indeed, of any other
mechanical structure is comparatively new, and is also a science of extreme
importance. In all branches of engineering failures occur, and in many cases,
especially when no serious accident or stoppage of traffic happens it is
thought sufficient merely to replace the offending part without going to
the trouble of finding the exact reason for the breakage. Sometimes the metallic
fracture is casually examined by eye or by the aid of a pocket lens, and
from the appearance of this fracture a haphazard guess, which is deemed
sufficient, is made about the probable cause of failure. Such crude,
unscientific, and very unsatisfactory methods are obviously of little value
and do not tend to progress either in metallurgy or engineering, which two
branches of science are very closely allied. It is now an accepted fact that
the exact reasons for failure can generally be discovered, and so it will
perhaps be of interest to know how these troubles are diagnosed. In railway
engineering in particular such methods are of great importance, not because
failures are more prolific in this branch of engineering than in others,
but for the reason that locomotive or general rolling stock failures are
liable to be attended with more serious consequences than in most other cases.
It will be well to consider the fact that most failures are generally attributed
either to fatigue or to crystallization of the metal. Every engineer is familiar
with these terms, and possibly because there exists a certain amount of mystery
about them, when failure is said to be due to either of these causes it is
frequently accepted without question. In point of fact, failures are rarely
due to fatigue, and indeed fatigue has been aptly compared with the medical
practitioner's influenza, meaning that when causes of failure or illness
are not known, fatigue and influenza are very convenient terms to apply to
the trouble. Crystallization, on the other hand, is never the cause of failure
at normal temperatures because metals do not crystallize at such temperatures.
The habitual mistake of suggesting that steel failures are due to crystallization
of the metal has probably come about owing to the fact that a considerable
number of fractured steel parts exhibit very crystalline structures, and
it is sometimes thought that this coarseness has been developed whilst the
steel was in use. Steel does not crystallize at normal temperatures; and
so, unless the faulty part has been considerably heated whilst in use, one
can unhesitatingly say that crystallization is not the cause of failure,
and any coarse-grained fracture must have been in the steel when the article
was manufactured.
Failures may be due to one or several of the following causes :-(1) Wrong
material, (2) Faulty design, (3) Faulty machining, (4) Faulty stamping, forging
or heattreatment and (5) bad steel. then proceeds to test methods: microscopy
and physical test for hardness
Japanese Government Rys. 168
Introduction of automatic couplers and the Westinghouse brake to all
rolling stock, both freight and passenger.
Obituary. 168.
M.W. Mook, Locomotive instructor of the Dutch Railways and author
of de locomotief (6th edition). Member ofb Theosophicalm Society of
Rain fell at Broken Hill. 168
Ample supply for twelve months
Tank locomotive for the Engineers' Dept., Cockermouth, Keswick and Penrith
Railway. 169. illustration
Bought from contractor for doubling Penrith to Kendal Section: A.T.
& E. Crow in November 1901: Manning Wardle 0-6-0T WN 1064/1888 Strachan
No. 7; sold to Isaac Miller of Carlisle in 1913
Questions and answers, No. 73. 169
Relative values of effective firebox heating surafces using Holden
oil fuel system of bare copper plates and with 4 or 9 inch layers of firebricks
and the effect of additional coal burning or extra nozzles.
Egyptian State Rlys. 169
Order for forty 2-6-2T locomotives placed with North British Locomotive
Egyptian Delta Light Rlys. 169
Order for 24 CE type Sentinel 10 ton locomotives.
Sir W.G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co. 169
Order received from Nigerian Rlys for eight 4-8-2 locomotives to be
fitted with MLS superheaters.
Sao Paulo Rly., Brazil. 169
Order for ssix 2-8-4T locomotives placed with North British Locomotive
Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co. Ltd. 169
Order received for 100 covered goods wagons for Rhodesia Rys.
T.N. Brocklebank. 169
Had been Managing Director of Kitson & Co. of Leeds for fifty
Locomotive superheating and feedwater heating. 170
A supplement to The Lomotive Mag.bearing the above title, had
been published by the Locomotive Publishing Co, we venture to think will
be much appreciated by railway officials, locomotive engineers, builders,
designers and others interested in the steam locomotive. We have endeavoured
to incorporate in a convenient volume some account of the early attempts
to secure benefits from superheating and economy from heating the feed water.
Com- bined with this we have recorded some of the best known modern developments
in apparatus; many of these have reached a very practical and efficient stage.
Among the pioneers in these efforts to obtain more satisfactory utilisation
of the heat units generated in a steam locomotive must be mentioned such
prominent names as Cudworth, Beattie, McDonnell, etc., etc. Several illus-
trations of the arrangements adopted by these capable designers are included
in the book, and form interesting records in the gradual progress of the
work of improving the locomotive.
The advent of the Schmidt "fire tube" superheater, of course, represents
a notable milestone in the gradual adop- tion of superheating; the recent
rapid development is remarkable, for it is more the exception than the rule
to-day to chronicle in our pages the construction of a new locomotive utilising
saturated steam in its cylinders. In the feed water heating section similar
attention is given to the progress of this important means of securing economy
in locomotive operation. Details of early apparatus is illustrated and described,
whilst many of the latest developments in Europe and America form the subject
matter of careful enquiry and study.
Reviews. 170
Pyrometers, Ezer Griffiths, London: Sir Isaac Pitman &
Sons, Ltd.
Dealing with recent pyrometric appliances and methods of measuring
temperature, rather than with the design of the instruments, this book should
have a wide interest amongst engineers and scientific workers. It may be
described as an intermediary between the text-books on heat on the one hand
and the advanced treatises on pyro- metry on the other. Special mention is
made of outfits designed to meet novel requirements as suggestions for solving
problems that may arise in practical experience. Commencing with a short
account of temperature scales, the succeeding sections describe expansion
thermometers and their calibration, thermoelectric pyrometers, resistance
thermometers, optical pyrometry-dealing with the dis- appearing filament
type only-and total radiation pyrometers. Notes on electric furnaces are
given in the concluding chapter. There are forty-nine illustrations, a good
index and a useful bibliography of the subject.
The Railway Year Book, 1926. London: Railway Publishing Co.
The re-organisation due to the grouping of the British Railways having
been completed, as well as the amalgama- tion of the Irish lines, there are
not so many changes in the new volume of this useful annual as in the last
editions. An article on the Great Southern Rys. (Ireland) gives the statistical
and historical information in a form that will cover the situation for some
time ahead. New maps for the Southern, London Underground, Australian and
Canadian Rys, are included. In the case of all railways dealt with, the
particulars as to the staff, organisation, and general information, have
been revised practically up to date, and everything has been done to make
the book useful in railway offices and trading and manufacturing firms, as
well as among general readers.
Recent accidents. 170.
Major Hall's report on the level crossing accident at Fenny Stratford,
L.M. & S.R., on 7 December 1925, showed that the responsibility rested
entirely on the driver of the road coach, who, together with eight of the
passengers, lost his life as a result of crashing through the gates and being
run into by the 18.30 passenger train from Cambridge to Bletchley, six other
passengers being also injured. Major Hall finds that there was nothing amiss
with the equipment of the road vehicle or in the arrangements at the level
crossing, but suggests that the presence of a passenger on the driver's seat
may have had some bearing on the tragic sequel. He attaches no blame whatever
to any of the railway staff. The passenger train was drawn by engine No.
117of the 2-4-0 type and weighing 60 tons 12 cwt., and consistfd of
three eight-wheeled coaches and a six-wheeled van weighing 93 tons in all.
The road motor coach was demolished and the crossing gates badly damaged,
whilst the leading bogie of the second vehicle in the train was derailed
and slight damage inflicted on the engine and other vehicles, but none of
the company's servants or passengers sustained any injury.
The first accident of 1925 inquired into by the Ministry of Transport took
place at Clevedon, G.W.R., on 23 January. The 13.02 motor train from Yatton
on this date failed to stop at the proper place and came into collision with
the stop blocks, causing injuries of a minor character to five passengers
and more serious injuries to five others. The motor train consisted of steam
motor coach No. 75 and.a trailer coach, both on eight wheels. The former
had a length of 59 ft. 6 in. over mouldings and weighed 38 tons 16 cwt.,
of which 25 tons 4 cwt. was carried on the engine bogie and 13 tons 12 cwt.
on the trailing bogie. The trailer car had a length of 70 ft. and a weight
of 30 tons 13 cwt., equally distributed over the two bogies. The seating
accommodation of the two cars was 45 and 70 respectively. Major Hall is of
opinion that the mishap was due to the driver approaching the terminus at
too high a speed and failing to apply his brake sufficiently early, and that
he was misled as to his position by the singularly heavy rain which started
as they passed the distant signal. The stop blocks were badly bent and broken
and the station wall shaken, whilst the steam motor suffered broken buffer
castings and beam and other minor damage.
London, Midland & Scottish Ry. (L. & N.W. Section). 170.
The first of the new series of 0-6-0 superheater
goods engines, referred to on page 109 was hand
at Crewe, No. 4302. These engines were intended for service on this section,
and not the Midland division, as previously stated. The preceding series,
Nos. 4107-76, were all in traffic, as follows:-Western "A" division, Nos.
4107-56; Midland division, Nos. 4157-75; Northern division, No. 4176.
Latest conversions to class Gl (superheater) were class B compound No. 1226
and class G simple No. 2104. Experiment class 4-6-0 No. 1405 City of
Manchester rebuilt with a standard Belpaire boiler (non- superheater).
Two further 18-in. goods had also been similarly treated, viz., Nos. 1235
and 1269. Since rebuilding, these engines had been re-numbered 8323 and 8319
Engines recently withdrawn for scrapping included 6 ft. 6 in. S.L.
class, No. 1521 Gladstone; 4 ft. 6 in. 2-4-2T. No. 1446; 4 ft. 3 in.
0-6-0 T Nos. 3261, 3513, 3587 and 3616; also the ex-Knott End 0-6-0 T
Jubilee Queen (L.M.S. No. 11300).
L.N.W.R. pattern signals. 170
With flat top posts and metal grooved arms were appearing on the Midland
suburban lines of the L.M.S.R.
No. 406 (15 June 1926)
Garratt locomotives for the Nitrate Railways of
Chili. 171-2. illustration
Three 2-8-2+2-8-2 supplied by Beyer, Peacock & Co. Ltd to requirements
of T. Jefferson, locomotive superintendent in Chile. Locomotives had bar
New six-coupled goods engines, London & North Eastern Railway.
172. 2 illustrations
Thirty five Darlington-built 0-6-0 for Fife and Edinburgh Districts
coal traffic, J38 class with 4ft 8in coupl;ed wheels. No. 1400 illustrated.
One photograph shows cab controls
Large non-articulated locomotive for the Union Pacific
Railroad. 173-4. illustration
4-12-2 supplied by American Locomotive Co. with 108.25ft2
grate area and three cylinders.
Rebuilt six-coupled goods engine for the M. & S.W. Jn.
Section of the Great Western Ry. 174-5. illustration, diagram (side
Ex-Midland & South Western Junction Railway Beyer Peacock 0-6-0
rebuilt as GWR No. 1005 with taper boiler, right hand drive and tender with
increased capacity by fitting side sheets.
0-6-0 side tank locomotive for India. 175.
John Fowler & Co. (Leeds) Ltd. for Forestry Department, Gorakhpur
The locomotive history of the Great Indian Peninsular
Railway. 182-5
Tayleur WN 324-331 were supplied by the Vulcan Foundry as the original
locomotive stock. There was also Falkland supplied for construcing the line
possibly also supplied by Tayleur and probably taken into GIPR stock. The
cylinders were 13 by 20 in, the coupled wheels 5 ft, the grate area 13.5
ft2, heating surface 777.25
ft2 and 120 psi boiler pressure. The tendeers
carried 600 gallons of water. Nos. 1, 2 and 8 were sold to the Bombay, Baroda
& Central India Ry and converted into tank engines for construction work,
whilst Nos. 3, 4, 6 and 9 were used as stationary engines in workshops. No.
5 was sold to the Viegas Slip Co. who hade a contract in Mormugao in Portuguese
India. No. 7 was sold to Ebrahim Dadur for contracting. No. 3 was said to
be still driving a rolling mill in the Parel Locomotive shops in 1916. No.
5 was at Vasca-de-Gama driving the sawmill at the cdepot of the Portuguese
West India Ry. Engines Nos. 10 and 11 were said to have been built by Dodds
of the Holmes Works in Rotherham and may have been sent to Poona to work
the Khandala branch and were sold to the BB&CI in 1862 for construction
work and numbered 31 and 32. The first carriages were shipped out from
A further eight 2-4-0 weree supplied by Kitson and numbered 12 to 19 and
was part of an order for 43 and bore numbers up to 54, but the WN are not
known but wer between 494 and 576. They had 15 by 21 inch inside cylinders
and 5 ft 6 in coupled wheels. Some were reboilered between 1872.and 1878
with boilers built at Byculla: these had a 1075
ft2 total heating surface, 12.75
ft2 gratee area and operated at 120 psi. They had
both water pumps and Giffard injectors. Tenders carried 3 tons of coal
and 1200 gallons of water. A few were fitted with 16 inch diameter cylinders.
After damage in a collision near Lonvala in 1867 No. 39 was rebuilt at
Byculla in 1873 and latterly named Dadur. Nos. 18, 22, 25, 27.
44 and 46 were sold to the Indian Midland Ry in 1886. No. 44 was named Sindh
and workd at the shops in Jhansi
Illustrations: Byculla running shed s in Bombay about 1875; 2-4-0 built by
Tayleur & Co. in 1851-2 Nos. 2 to 9 (diagram: sside elevation);
Kitson passenger 2-4-0 No. 44 built in 1860 as reboilered and as preserved
in front of locomotive offices at Parel; Diksal station with Kitson 2-4-0
on passenger train in "early days".
London Midland & Scotttish Ry. 185
Locomotive Nos. 1059, 765 and 527 had been fitted with oil burners
and used experimentally between Derby and Manchester and Derby and
[Cramlington deliberate derailment]. 185
On 10 May during the General Strike an up East Coast train from Edinburgh
was deliberately derailed by the removal of a rail near Cramlington. The
locomotive was 2565 Merry Hampton and several criminal miners were
arrested and sent to penal servitude. There were about 500 passengers on
the train, but few were hurt as the train was running slowly
[Romney, Hythe & Dymchurch Ry.] 185
Ministry of Transport issued a light railway order on 26 May
Operation of steam locomotives during an emergency. No. 1. 185-6.
Clearly aimed at the General Strike and the volunteer workers and
the deficiencies in the railway hardware. Lack of mechanized signalling.
Lack of continuous brakes on freight vehicles. Lack of powerful headlights.
Lack of mechanical firing and modern maintenance facilities, including coaling,
ash disposal and modern lighting..
New South Wales Govt. Rys. 186
State controlled tramway between Kogarah and Sandringham on Botany
Bay experienced an accident on 1 April when a three-car train hauled by engine
No. 83A left the rails at a street intersection and collided with a large
pole carrying electricity and spun the locomotive round and fell on its side
trapping the driver. The locomotive had been built in the 1880s or 1890s
and was totally enclosed. Few passengers were on the train and none were
injured. The driver was killed and the conductor was badly injured
Three cylinder mineral locomotive, London and North
Eastern Ry.. 186-7 + folding plate f.p. 172. 3 diagrams., plan.
Detailed working drawings of O2 class.2-8-0
E.L. Ahrons. Early Great Western standard gauge
engines. 191-2. 2 illustrations
645 class 0-6-0ST built at Wolverhampton in 1872 and 1873. They had
4 ft 6½ in wheels; 16 x 24 inch cylinders and the tanks held 1000 gallons.
Between 1880 and 1890 "a number" were fitted with 17 x 24 inch cylinders.
Four were sold to a liine connected with the Glyncorrwg Colliery and three
went to the Carmarthen & Cardigan Ry when it was converted to standard
gauge. Cabs were added a few years afteer they were built. From 1879 most
were based either at Birkenhead or Chester. No. 769 based in South Wales
was rebuilt at Swindon in 1887; and the remainder at Wolverhampton from 1889.They
received 17 inch cylinders if not already so fitted and larger saddle tanks.
At the same time Swindon was building fifty 727 class engines. These were
0-6-0ST, but with double frames and outside cranks, The dimensions were very
similar. For many years they worked coal trains from Aberdare to Swindon.
The boilers had a total heating surface of 1314.5 ft2 and
grate area 16.85 ft2. Several were stationed at Brimscombe to
bank trains to Sapperton. From 1888 they were rebuilt with larger (1455.3
ft2 and 17.2 ft2 grate area) boilers.
Flexible metallic joints for railway work, 193-5. 3 illustrations,
2 diagrams
Flexstel joints developed and manufactured by W.H. Dorman & Co.
of Stafford. Used on steam heating pipe between engine and tender on Central
Uruguay Ry., waater pipe connections betweeb engine and tender on Nitrate
Rys in Chile, feed water connections for Garratt locomotives; for loading
oil tank wagons, and by LMS to convey lubricating oil to locomotive axleboxes.
Joints are used by Kerr, Stuart, & Co., Ltd., on the flexible pipe lines
for testing boilers;
Cockermouth, Keswick & Penrith Ry.
Engine Strachan was originally built for and supplied to the
Manchester Ship Canal, and was then named Oldham. Two others of same
date and dimensions were 1065 Rochdale and 1066 Bolton, both
by Manning, Wardle & Co., 1888.
Great Indian Peninsula Ry, electrification. 195
Contract placed with Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co. Ltd., of
Trafford Park, Manchester, for forty-one electric freight locomotives for
the main line electrification from Bombay to Igatpuri and to Poona. Both
lines pass over the Ghats, where gradients of 1 in 40 and 1 in 38 are regularly
encountered. The locomotives were mounted on two six-wheeled trucks, coupled
together with an articulated joint, a single body being mounted on the pair
of trucks, and the motors located above the deck. Each truck has a twin motor
of 1,300 H.P. rigidly mounted on it, and driving a jack shaft through single
reduction gearing on each side of the motor. The pinions are of the flexible
spring type, in order to transmit the power resiliently to the jack shaft.
The jack shaft transmits its power to the rear axle of the truck, through
long connecting rods, and to the other two axles from the rear axle by means
of coupling rods. Each truck has the same electrical equipment. The motors
are provided with forced draught to enable a high continuous rating to be
obtained. The total horse-power of each locomotive was 2,600 H.P. on the
one hour rating. The centre of gravity of the locomotive is comparatively
high and the main axle boxes are inside the wheels, which gave a very good
combination for smooth running. The locomotive speed is about twenty miles
per hour on the gradient, with a maximum speed of forty-five miles per hour.
Regenerative braking is provided to enable heavy trains to be safely handled
on the hilly section of the line.
Wolverton and Stony Stratford Tramway. 195
Operated by the London, Midland & Scottish Ry., had closed down.
Originally the line, built on the 3 ft. 6 in. gauge, extended from Wolverton
to Deanshanger, about four miles; opened in 1886. Subsequently the portion
from Stony Stratford to Deanshanger was abandoned reducing the length to
2½ miles. The L&N.W.R. acquired the line in 1919. An illustrated
article on the tramway appeared in Vol 30 page 48
Alfred R. Bennett. New notes on the early locomotives of the L.B.
& S.C.R. 195-7. 2 illustrations
Continued from page 156. Part 2.
In connection with the Bricklayers' Arms traffic Aylwin refers to the 0-4-0
Bury tender engine, No. 999 (Brighton History, Fig. 18,
Locomotive Mag., 1908, 14, 45. He agrees with me that it worked to Deptford Wharf, but says that it was
a nocturnal bird also, and at nightswhen good little boys like myself
were necessarily in bedwas in the habit of banking heavy good trains
up the 1 in 100 grade from New Cross to Forest Hill, and that, on several
occasions in his experience, when the load was such as to require help at
places further on, she came on in front and piloted all the way to Brighton.
He was fond of this Bury engine, and describes her as "a wonder" for her
weight (about 20 or 22 tons), and steam pressure of 100 lb. Mr. Aylwin likewise
says that in her early days (she was one of the engines ordered by the Joint
Committee, and delivered only a few months before its dissolution) she was
painted blue.
When I knew her in the 1860's she was of the standard Brighton green, with
vermilion buffer-beams and polished brass dome and splashers, but survived
well into the 1870s to wear the Stroudley yellow livery. She had the small
9 added to her old number (she had been 99 both of the Joint Committee and
Brighton Company) when the new 2-4-0 No. 99 (Brighton History, Fig. 54,
.Locomotive Mag, 1909, 15, 190 came out in 1862. The new boiler mentioned in the History as having been
supplied to 999 was a characteristic Bury one, since even in her later days
she bore a strong resemblance to Old Copper Nob, the original No. 3 of the
Furness Ry., except that the latter had a longer boiler and a smaller dome
which was sheathed in copper instead of brass, and lower wheels. The History
suggests that 999 probably had a pair of trailing wheels added at some stage
in her career. Asked about this Mr. Aylwin said, "Not in my time." Neither
did he know of her having run the boat express to Newhaven for a period.
That she had had a new boiler was indicated by the working pres- sure of
100 lb., since when a sister engine which had been allotted to the S.E.R.
at the dissolution of the Joint Committee, blew up with fatal consequences
at Blue Anchor Road bridge in the 1850's, it was given in evidence that she
carried only 50 lb. In connection with the banking of trains on the New
Cross-Forest Hill incline, Mr. Aylwin says that once when he had
Orestes, the old Stothert and Slaughter 2-2-2, No. 95 (History, Fig.
17, Locomotive Mag, 1908, 14, 45 and Locomotive Mag, 1909, 15, 190 )
hooked on behind with. the view of lending a friendly shove, but on reaching
the top of the hill failed for some reason, probably slipping or loss of
pressure, to slacken the coupling sufficiently to enable her to hook off
and was dragged willy-nilly as far as Stoat's Nest by the train engine before
she could secure release.
Another of the Bury engines taken over from the Joint Committee was the
four-wheeled, single driver, No. 4, dating from 1842 (History, Fig. 2,
Locomotive Mag, March 1908: KPJ cannot verify) which Mr. Craven had
re-boilered in the Bury style and turned into a 2-4-0 frame tank engine.
I have remarked of her that she was in evidence at New Cross in the 1860s
after the new 2-2-2 saddle-tank No. 4 (History, Fig. 51,
.Locomotive Mag, 1909, 15, 190 ) came out in 1862, and that without having her number altered. She, too,
was a staunch little engine. When she did finally disappear I thought she
had been scrapped, but Mr. Aylwin tells me that, like 999, she was sold.
Mr. Aylwin was well acquainted with Mr. John Gray's 2-2-2 engines built by
Timothy Hackworth and converted by Craven into so many different forms. He
seems to particularly well remember the three 0-6-0 frame tank engines, 49,
50 and 51 (History, page 41,Locomotive Mag,
1907, 13, 131), which he justly describes as powerful machines.
In the early 1860s the site of the present Brighton running-shed was a huge
chalk hill lying between the London and the Shoreham lines which the Company
determined to remove. A force of navvies was set to work and No. 49 commissioned
to convey the resulting spoil to Steyning and the West Sussex lines for the
purpose of building embankments. In the course of time she carted away the
whole of the hill and left the site clear for building. Brighton Station,
works and approaches are peculiarly situated, since they are dug into the
high slope of a hill .on the west side and built up from the lower slope
on the east. It has not proved the happiest location for a large station,
but, of course, the scale of modern developments could not be accurately
foreseen by the pioneers of the 1840s. No. 49 was broken up in 1868. For
the views of the old chalk hill (rreproduced in original) the writer is indebted
to F.G.S. Bramwell, of Brighton.
No. 50 was also stationed at Brighton and did the shunting at the goods depot
which, during the 1860s and 70s, consisted of the Upper Goods Yard (Lovers'
Walk), where the loaded trains arrived, and the Lower Goods (Trafalgar Street),
where they were discharged. The connecting link was a single line on a very
steep gradient up which No. 50 used to bring long strings of empties with
little fuss and apparent ease. When withdrawn from service in the mid-1870s
she was succeeded by Stroudley's E class 97 Harfleur, 98
Marseilles, and 99 Bordeaux. These were superseded in their
turn by Billinton goods tanks. No. 51, as stated in the Supplement, was stationed
at West Croydon, took the first train up to London Bridge every week-day
morning, shunted there all day, and brought the 11-15 train down at night
for years and years, having only her Sundays off. Mr. Aylwin knew her driver
who I described in the Supplement as wearing yellow oilskins in wet
weather and it is curious that after the lapse of more than
fifty years we should both recollect and agree as to this man's appearance
and characteristics. No. 51 does not, however, seem to have lasted so long
as the other two. She was at her old job when I went to India in 1869, but
in 1873, when I returned, there was a new 51, a 2-4-0 side-tank (History,
Fig. 115), although it is true that the old one may still have been working
somewhere as a duplicate.
Of the Gray-Hackworths turned into 2-4-0 tender engines Mr. Aylwin remarks
that they were "very useful." That used to be my impression too, particularly
as to No. 53. I saw her run a Royal train into Bricklayers' Arms terminus
in 1858 or 1859. I speak of this engine, together with Nos. 55 and 60 (THE
,Locomotive Mag, 1907, 13, 150
, as doing good work about London. No. 53 was used as a pilot in Battersea
Yard at the end of her career and had previously, together with No. 55, been
employed in bringing chalk from Stoat's Nest to Pimlico when the line was
being made across the river to Victoria. She was seen no more after about
1866. Mr. Aylwin adds that No. 60 ran the goods service between New Cross,
Croydon and Wimbledon for years in the 1860s and finished up in 1867 as pilot
and shunter at Brighton station, having seen all the other Gray-Hackworth
tender engines out. No. 50, tank, which ontinued some eight years longer,
was the last of that famous lot.
In my Supplement ( Locomotive Mag, 1907,
13, 183 and 1910, 16, 177)
Bennett described the Gray-Hackworths Nos. 56 and 58 which were turned into
nside-cylinder dummy-shaft Cramptons after the 3.E.R. "Folkestone" style
and had Mansell pattern hiving wheels or wheels packed with varnished wood,
Mr. Aylwin is the only man I have met for nany years who recollects them.
The fact that they only ran as Cramptons for some two years has probably
contributed not a little to the oblivion in which they have fallen. I enquired
of Mr. Aylwin whether he could throw any light on the construction of the
driving-wheels. He thinks they were Mansell's but without having any special
reason to be sure. I still doubt it. At that time Mansell wheels had never
been employed for drivers (the S.E.R. 0-6-0 goods engines which sported them
came years later), and for a line with which Mr. Mansell's was in a not too
friendly rivalry to build 6-ft. drivers straight away seems at least unlikely,
especially as in converting from 2-2-2s the old 6-ft. driving-wheels would
be at hand and ready for use. So I continue to imagine that the wheels were
the old ones with the interstices between the spokes filled in with wood,
possibly with the idea of making them heavier and contributing somewhat to
the adhesion which these engines certainly lacked. Mr. Aylwin remembers Nos.
56 and 58 best in their subsequent form of 2-4-0s with low wheels (
Locomotive Mag, 1907, 13, 183),
which he tells me were of cast-iron, a fact I had not previously realized.
I recollect them chiefly shunting about New Cross, occasionally taking a
passenger train, but he says they also sometimes worked goods trains to Brighton
and latterly were placed on ballast duty. The excellent record of these
Gray-Hackworth engines testifies eloquently to the soundness of their original
construction by the famous Stockton and Darlington engineer.
My chief recollection, and a vivid one, of the two temporary Cramptons goes
back to 1858 or 1859. I had then an elder brother staying at Brighton who,
having been up for the week-end to the paternal mansion was returning southwards
on the Sunday evening from London Bridge, whither our father and I accompanied
him. On getting to the station we found a notice that the main-line platform
(now Nos. 3 and 4) being blocked the Brighton train would leave from the
left-hand, or Crystal Palace, platform (now Nos. 1 and 2). There we found
a crowd but no train, and during the ensuing wait) which was a prolonged
one, I wandered away to the extreme end of the platform with the idea, I
think, of trying to find out what was wrong with the other one. I forgot
all about that, however, for, at the platform end, on an adjacent track,
was standing a .big wheel in a position which, though not common, did not
astonish me, as I was familiar with the S.E.R. Cramptons both with inside
and outside cylinders, but by the gleam of the platform lamps I saw that
it was made of light-coloured varnished wood! Hurriedly I made my way back
to the family group and hastily ejaculated, "Father, along there is an engine
with a wooden wheel!" They both laughed) and then Papa, putting on a serious
look, solemnly reproved me for well, romancing. I re-affirmed my surprising
assertion emphatically, and just then there was a stir amongst the crowd
and cries of "Here she comes"; and with her twin brass domes shining under
the lamps, an engine came slowly alongside No. 2, followed by what seemed
a long train, and stopped just beyond us. Wonder of wonders! she too had
a wooden driving-wheel! Triumph of contemned virtue and stupefaction of
unbelieving relatives! We had to hold back to let the incoming passengers
clear away, and I saw the elderly, red- faced driver in his white jacketin
those days all self-respecting enginemen wore clean white jackets on
Sundaysclimb to the back of the tender, remove the water-tank cover,
take up one of the fire-irons, dip it into the tank) pull it out again and
look at the water mark upon it. Probably he had been kept waiting about on
account of the accident and wanted to know how much of the indispensable
H20 he had left. The train was no doubt taken away by the other
Crampton, but I had no opportunity to verify the fact.
Mr. Aylwin recollects that the tyres of the re- builds Nos. 56 to 60 gave
a deal of trouble at one time by working loose) and that ultimately resort
was made to rivets to counteract this tendency.
Recent accident. Southern Ry. 197
When the 15.00. train from Lewes to Brighton was running into No.
10 platform road at the latter station on Sunday, 7 March, it came into slight
collision with five vehicles standing against the buffer stops. The train
consisted of four eight-wheeled vehicles and 4-6-4 type tank engine, No.
329, weighing about 98 tons and running chimney first. Very slight damage
was done to the train, but the stationary vehicles suffered more extensively
and the last one mounted the platform, the cross beam of the buffer stops
and two of the centre back rail struts being broken. Three passengers and
the guard suffered slight injury. Major Hall, who investigated the case,
found that there was nothing irregular in the signalling, equipment or working,
and makes no recommendation as the result. He considers the driver was misled
by his fireman, who did not warn him sufficiently early of his inability
to see the standing vehicles owing to steam blowing across from an engine
on the adjoining road, whilst owing to the curvature of the line he was unable
to see them from his side of the engine. Some degree of responsibility must
therefore attach to both.
Improved windows for locomotive cabs. 198. diagram
Beclawat sliding windows supplied by Beckett, Laycock and Watkinson
L. & N.E.R. G.N. Section. 198
Last of Pullman cars acquired in 1870s and 1880s had been withdrawn:
No. 2992 built in 1880 had been working between Nottingham and Skegness as
a buffet car [strangely KPJ read this item after reading that East Midlands
HST which had been used on Nottingham to Skegness summer servives would not
be available in 2021]
New side-tipping wagon. 198. illustration
Manufactured Robert Hudson Ltd., Gildersome Foundry, Leeds
Saloons for H.E. The Governor of Bengal. 199-201.
5 illustrations, diagrams (side & end elevations & plans)
Built at the Kanchrapara carriage & wagon shops of the East Bengal
Ry to the design of H.H. Spalding: much use of teak. Illustrations include
both interior and exterior views. Full length baths were provided for the
governor and his lady and Calbonite (imitation marble) was installed to protect
the teak.
New carriages & wagons, Isle of Man Railway. 201-2. 3
Bogie third class and third brake composites fittede with electric
lighting and four-wheel ballast wagon supplied by Metropolitan Carriage,
Wagon & Finance Co. Ltd from its Saltley Works to the requirements of
J. Bradshaw, locomotive, carriage and wagon superintendent.
Reviews. 203
Correspondence. 204
[Development of the Locomotive,
published by Central Steel Co.]. C.B. Chaney
Re Issue of April 1926, there is a review of the book Development
of the Locomotive, published by the Central Steel Co., in which appear
several adverse comments.
Though the writer has no authority to speak for the Central Steel Co., permit
me to make the following reply. The subject matter of this book was originally
prepared by laymen, not conversant with the details of locomotive history,
who used cuts of early and important locomotives, adding thereto artistic
embellishments to catch the eye, in a series of advertisements placed by
the Steel Co. in the American technical press. The series was nearing completion
when the Steel Co. decided to publish the series in the more substantial
book form, and about this time the well-known locomotive historian, J. Snowden
Bell, and the writer, were among those whose services were enlisted in an
advisory capacity. Many of the cuts were already made and the artist, located
upwards of 1,000 miles from New York, was not in a position to consult Bell
or the writer as to the very minor details of surroundings of the subject
of illustrations-the locomotive engine itself. These minor details were,
of course, recognized, but the work was too far advanced to re-make many
of the illustrations-hence the discrepancies mentioned in your criticism,
such as the "Stourbridge Lion" shown without tender and in front of a building
suggesting a depot at Baltimore-when, as a matter of fact, the "Lion" was
tried on a line of road several hundred miles from the city mentioned.
The efforts of Mr. Bell and the writer were therefore confined to seeing
that accurate representations of the engines themselves were made (in several
instances where incorrect locomotives had originally been depicted, the cuts
were discarded and new ones made) and that the descrip- tive data contained
in the text was accurate. In these endeavours the results were quite successful,
inasmuch as but one real error crept in-a very commonly made error, stating
that Hinckley's "Lion" (page 30) was the first by that builder, whereas Hinckley
built several engines before the "Lion" was constructed.
It was not the intention of Mr. Bell in his foreword to slight foreign practice
or accomplishments, nor ignore the existence of the very fine British express
engines, many of which made their records as built without truck or bogie.
His statement concerning the necessity of a bogie applied solely to American
practice-on the average road in this country, with its "banks" and curves,
no exceedingly high speeds could be safely negotiated with a locomotive having
no leading truck, and no competent railroad man would attempt such an experiment.
As to the engines shown without tenders. The original engine Atlantic
did not have a tender when first operated; its supply of water was contained
in a cask, and, with the coal supply, both were carried on the footplate
of the engine. The Atlantic, now restored by the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad. still runs under its own steam at exhibi- tions, without tender,
the coal and water being stowed as above. As to Campbell's engine, the first
4-4-0 (page 27), all that has ever been unearthed concerning this pioneer
design is the outline drawing and patent specifications. The type of tender
remains unknown. Referring to type designs, it is a fact that practically
all of the designs of wheel arrangement of tender locomotives have been evolved
in America, whilst of tank engines, the reverse seems true; nearly all tank
designs being the product of our British cousins.
No comparison of the Steel Company's publication with Pangborn's "World's
Railway" should be made. In the latter case, the compiler was a railway man,
with a great railroad backing his efforts to make a complete and accurate
history. That some of the illustrations and text of his book were erroneous
was due only to the compiler himself in not being a mechanical man and not
obtaining proper and competent authority to advise and correct the work.
In the case of the Steel Company's book, the original aim was to get out
a series of catchy advertisements calling attention to the products of the
company. In this they succeeded admirably.
The resultant publication by the Central Steel Co. is without doubt superior
in many respects to, and more nearly accurate than any similar brief treatise
tracing the evolution of the locomotive through its early days abroad, thence
through its American development of the last 96 years; and the little brochure
is one of which its publishers, the Steel Co., as well as its makers, may
well be proud.
Oil not too plentiful in Stores Department. Malcolm M.
The essay on lubrication is very good; it is exhaustive in fact, but
one thing I would ask locomotive men who pride themselves on designing engines
and turn out magnificent work. Oil to-day is stinted on a great degree
drivers do not get enough oil to syphon their engines to save them from extensive
cutting of journals and brasses, not to speak of valve and piston disturbances.
I heard of a recent case on a famous line where the trimming on a journal
consisted of about two strands of worsted to feed a very important part.
The company will not give out oil oil hunters are on to gauge oil;
some of these men were firemen at one time, but not technical men who could
see that to stint oil is false economy. Oil inspectors should be technical
In 1897, when I was on a Scottish railway, the Scottish-English engines then
were supplied with Gallipoli olive oil, and I believe S.W. Johnson, of the
Midland, used olive oil on his famous Midland 4-4-0s all the period of his
While olive oil in these times may be out of the question, the oil supplied
might be greater in quantity, and the quality could be improved, there would
then be less heating engines, and if your technical essays were acted on,
life in the round- house and on the footplate would be less anxious than
it is to-day.
Beckett, Laycock & Watkinson, Ltd., 204
Acton Lane, N.W.10, have just issued a well illustrated catalogue
comprising all their Beclawat specialities for railway rolling stock,
ships and road vehicles. The publication has been very carefully designed,
and should be of great interest and value to all railway officers and rolling
stock builders, as it is probably the only one of its kind illus- trating
actual modern fittings. The excellent reproductions of the numerous fittings
and appliances manufactured by this firm are accompanied by good descriptive
matter and prices. The section headings are :-Sliding door equipment with
balanced frameless windows, steel jalousies for ships' windows; Frictionless
ball race runners for sliding doors; Grid roof ventilators for ships; Locks
and catches; Hat and coat hooks; Silent window channels; Corrugated dove-
tail section steel flooring; Window tightening devices; Ash trays; Elastic
axle journal packing; Spring clips for wagon labels; Window balances; Sliding
windows for locomotive cabs; Vestibule gangways (Pullman type), and sliding
ventilators for railway carriages.
No. 407 (15 July 1926)
Freight locomotive, South Australian Railways. 205-7. illustration
2-8-2 designed F.J. Shea; bulit Sir William Armstrong Whitworth &
Oil-burning locomotives on the London, Midland & Scottish
and Southern Railways. 207-8.
LMS 4P compound No. 1059 and SR E1 4-4-0 No. A163 illustrated; latteer
with Mexican trough system: other classes modified on both railways are
4-6-0 locomotives for mail trains, Eastern Bengal Railway. 208.
Supplied by William Beardmore & Co. Ltd and similar to other 4-6-0
type supplied to Indian railways to requirements of H.H. Spalding, locomotive
superintendent and to specificatuion of Rendel, Palmer & Tritton
Tandem compound locomotive, South Western Ry. of Russia. 209-10. illustration, diagram (side elevation)
Rail-roading in the Philippines. 210-13. 5 illustrations
Sugar cane transport was primary purpose, but the Manila Railroad
also operated a slaeeping car service to Damortis known as the Baguio Special.
The Philippine Railway operated on the islands of Panay and Cebu.
Rubber for rolling stock its use, application and development.
213-14. 4 diagrams
Spencer Moulton & Co. blocks for mounting carriage bodies. Beckett,
Laycock & Watkinson rubber window channelling
Operation of steam locomotives during an emergency. No. 2. 214
Mechanical stokers used in United States; rocking grates; clinker
4-8-0 type locomotive for Colombia. 215. illustration
Supplied Berlin Locomotive Works to specification of P.C. Dewhurst,
chief mechanical engineer
Unification of railway gauge in Australia. 215.
The first sod had been cut of the Grafton-Kyogle-South Brisbane standard
gauge line on 23 June 1926.
Setting locomotive piston valves. 216-18. 5 diagrams, table
F.W. Brewer. The last of the N.E.R. two-cylinder compounds.
The historic "Aerolite". 219-21. 2 illustrations, 2 diagrams (side
2-2-2 constructed by Kitson, Thompson & Hewitson exhibited at
the Great Exhibition of 1851. In 1869 a replacement 2-2-2 Aerolite was
constructed under Fletcher; this was converted into a 2-2-2T in 1886
and finally as a 4-2-2T in 1892 and was subsequently reboilered.
See also letter on p. 407 from R.E. Bleasdale.
A novel double-deck railway carriage. 221
South African Railways for Capetown suburban services: seated 120
LNER. 221
To paint locomotive headlamps white.
Gauge transfer trucks. 221-3. 2 illustrations, 2 diagrams
German Railways Dresden Division
Ahrons, E.L. Early Great Western standard gauge engines. 223-4. 3
An out-of-gauge load on the L.N.E.R. 225. illustration
Bedplate for marine engine transported from Taylor's Foundry at Hilda
Hole near Tyne Dock to Doxford's Siding at Pallion.
T.W. MacAlpine. Locomotive building for overseas markets. 225-6.
Liquid fuel for locomotives. 226
The locomotive history of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway. 227-9. 3 illustrations, 3 diagrams
Alfred R. Bennett. Some notes on the early locomotives of the L.B. & S.C. Ry. 230-2. illustration
Southern Heights Light Railway. 234.
Ministry of Transport had approved a light railway from Orpington
to Sanderstead to be worked by electric traction with stations at Farnborough,
Downe, Cudham for Biggin Hill, Westerham, Tatsfield, Chelsham, and Warlingham,
Hamsey Green and Mitchley Wood. The line was to be sigle track with passing
loops. A summit of 448ft was reached near Tatsfield. The engineer was Colonel
Canadian Pacific Ry. 234
Running hospital cars in the Laurentian to provide medical fascilitiess
in remote locations
Blackfriars Station District Ry. 234.
Subway access to main line station
[Panther class for Stockton & Darlington Railway]. page?
Built R. & W. Hawthorn. Cited MacNair
Backtrack, 2021, 35,
No. 408 (14 August 1926)
New Mogul type locomotive, London, Midland & Scottish
Ry.. 239. illustration
No. 13000 illustrated. 2-6-0 design credited to Fowler: H.G. Burgess,
General Manager, received initial acknowledgement for locomotive built at
Horwich Works.
Three-cylinder 4-6-2 express locomotives, Buenos Aires Great
Southern Ry. 240-1. illustration, diagram (side, front & rear
Supplied by Vulcan Foundry to requirements of P.C. Saccaggio, Cheif
Mechanical Engineer abd Livesey, Son & Henderson, Consulting Engineers.
19 x 26 in. cylinders.
Freight locomotive with poppet valves, Bengal Nagpur Railway. 241-4.
illustration, 4 diagrams (including side elevation)
2-8-0 constructed Sir W.G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co. Ltd, . to
requirements of H.I. Cole, Chief Mechanical Engineer and Sir John Wolfe Barry
& Partners. Fitted with Lentz reciprocating poppet valve gear.
Diesel freight locomotive. Russian State Railways. 244-5. diagram
(elevation & plan)
George Lomonosoff design built Hohenzollern Works at Dusseldorf: diesel
mechanical 1200 BHP
H.G.W. Household. The Corris Raailway: a Mid-Wales light railway. 246-8. 6 illustratiions.
Ahrons, E.L.. Early Great Western standard gauge engtines. 248-9. 2 illustrations
Technical essays. 3. On boiler feeding and
superheating. 249-50.
Boiler feed water heating and problems of maintenance with superheaters,
including increassed risk of priming. Hull & Barnsley Railway located
superheater between boiler and the regulator. Evidently by E.A.
Wheel turning and its machinery. 251-5. 4 illustrations, 4 diagrams
Smoke ducts for locomotive sheds. 255. illustration.
At Greensfield locomotive shed in Gateshead. Asbestos ducts supplied
by Turner Bros. Asbestos Co, Ltd.
Inness, R.H. (unattributed): Locomotive history
of the Stockton & Darlington Railway, 1825-1876. 256-7.
2 diagrams
Rokeby and Bouch feedwater heater which
gave a water space of about 3 in. around the chimney proper. The products
of combustion from the tubes and the exhaust steam from the blast pipe passing
through the chimney heated the water in the chamber to a considerable degree.
At the foot of the chamber a pipe passed the heated feed water to the left-hand
pump and thence to the left-hand clackbox into the boiler. By closing the
cocks "A" and "C" the heater could be put out of commission and cold water
fed direct from the pumps into the boiler. The results obtained by the use
of this device are said to have been of a very satisfactory nature, so much
so that orders were given for six large mineral engines Nos. 145-150 of the
Panther class, then under construction at R. & W. Hawthorn's works at
Newcastle, to be fitted with an improved form of this feed heating apparatus.
We regret that we are unable to give any data as to the economies effected
by this appliance. Amongst the older school of enginemen the device was somewhat
irreverently nick-named " Bouch's Coffee Can."
Operation of steam locomotives during an emergency. No. III. 257
Clean tubes are essential if free steaming is to be secured
with a locomotive boiler. Once the tubes become partially choked with soot
it is hopeless to expect good results, no matter what attempts are made with
the firing, the gases are impeded in their passage to the smokebox, the
conduction of heat to the water is impaired and indifferent combustion of
the fuel on the firegrate imposed. The orthodox method of cleaning tubes
on British locomotives is, as is well known, by means of a piece of waste
or strand of spun yarn attached to a long thin rod which is pushed down each
tube from the open smoke box end. The operation is a dirty one at all times,
but when performed with the boiler under steam despite the fact that the
blower may be kept on "full" during the time, the worker is sure to get full
benefit from the stray soot blown about.
In answer to the query, Can this be obviated? we are inclined to say it can,
provided the direction of cleaning is reversed, that is, the work undertaken
from the firebox instead of the smokebox end. In America it has been the
practice for many years past to permanently fasten up the smokebox or front
end, as it is called, and clean all tubes, etc., from the firebox.
Many attempts have been made to meet the British conditions but apparently
the readiness of the staff to do such low-grade work (it would not be tolerated
in some more advanced countries) has prevented appliances being adopted.
The most successful arrangements rely on a steam jet or jets introduced through
suitable openings in the firebox being so manipulated, either automatically
or by hand, that they will successively clean all the tubes of the tubeplate,
blowing the soot through into the smokebox. Such appliances can be used during
the run and can be put into operation at any time foulness of the tubes is
anticipated, although it would appear desirable to select the locality for
the operation, or complaints from the public who happen to be adjacent to
railway property are to be expected.
A rough and ready means of cleaning tubes often adopted with oil burners
is to first introduce a few pieces of wood into the fire, presumably to make
sparks, and tend to ignite the soot, then drop the engine into full gear
and throw into the firebox a bucket or two of clean, sharp sand-what passes
the brick arch goes through the tubes like a sand blast- and a cloud of smoke,
soot and dirt is usually thrown into the air from the chimney. Where labour
is expensive and difficult to obtain, locomotives are running fitted not
only with tube cleaning appliances but with self dumping arrange- ments for
cleaning the smokebox.
Lubrication of the locomotive, although now almost entirely controlled from
the footplate or cab, is still an interesting detail to study if more facile
operation is to be secured. The lubrication of a motor car can be manipulated
by its lady driver without moving from her seat, and there is no reason why
the requirements of a locomotive cannot be similarly arranged for. The use
of grease for all the motion parts, axleboxes, etc., of the large locomotives
in the U.s.A. has contributed largely to their easy working and automatic
lubrication, its benefits are loudly proclaimed by those who use it and are
so satisfied with it. Grease must be more easy to apply and manage and, further,
it must require far less attention than oil. We believe axleboxes of rolling
stock have been sealed up for periods of six months with suitable grease
as the lubricating medium, requiring no attention or renewal. How often do
the main axle bearings of motor cars require inspection? Doubtless the ball
bearings used have their influence on this, but it certainly seems as if
there is room for advancement in providing our steam locomotives with more
facile means of automatic lubrication and so reduce the necessity for so
much manual attention.
New Zealand. 257
The announcements that have been made from time to time of the extensive
railway workshop undertakings in New Zealand, have excited very considerable
interest amongst British manufacturers. A number of contracts have already
been let in this country, and it is hoped by the New Zealand Government that
virtually the whole of the necessary material will be obtained here. Four
workshops, fare included in the scheme, and at present tenders are being
invited by the High Commissioner for New Zealand for a new carriage and wagon
works at Otahuhu, Auckland. Plans and specifications are on exhibition at
the Chambers of Commerce at Glasgow, Manchester, and Birmingham, at the Offices
of the British Engineers' Association, the Board of Trade, London, and the
Offices of the High Commissioner for New Zealand, 415, Strand, London, W.C.2.
A sum of about one-and-a-half million sterling is involved in the general
scheme. Tenders are similarly being invited for re-modelling undertakings
at the workshops at Addington (Christchurch). and Hillside (Dunedin).
Swedish locomotives for light traffic. 258. 2 illustrations
2-2-0T for Bergslagermas Railway to power light passenger trains and
slightlly more powerful 0-4-0WT for Swedish State Railways. Both were built
by Nydquist & Holm of Trollhattan.
Rubber for rolling stockits use, application and development.
258-60. diagram, table
Tensile strength and elongation at break and the effect of heat and
moist heat.
Alfred R. Bennett. New notes on the early locomotives of the L.B. & S.C. Ry. 260-2
Queensland Government Rys. 262
Order for 25 heavy goods locomotives placed with Sir W.G. Armstrong,
Whitworth & Co. to be built at the Scotswood Works,
Cast steel cylinders. 262
Reduction in dead weight if cast steel replaces cast iron on heavy
American locomotives.
New bridge near Perth, L.M.S. Ry. 263. illustration
Bowstring lattice girder bridge about 2 miles north of Perth station
across main road to replace Bogles Bridge erected by Aloexander Findlay &
Co. of Mothrewell.
Tank locomotive, East Kent Ry. 263. illustration
0-6-0ST No. 7 former LSWR Beyer Peacock built in 1862
London & North Eastern Railway. 263
New passenger stations at Brookmans Park and at South Harrow &
Roxeth opened on 19 July 1926.
"D" class locomotives on the East Indian Ry. 264-7.
6 diagrams (side elevations)
Their original numbers were 473, 475 and 514, but were renumbered
1473, 1475 and 1514 in 1902, and in 1919 had an A fixed behind their numbers
in consequence of other engines arriving bearing the same numbers. They have
recently been renumbered again, and are now running with Nos. 1458, 1459
and 1460 respectively. These engines will probably be replaced in the near
future, and with them will go for ever one of the connecting links with the
infancy of the East Indian Ry.
We regret to learn from India that the writer of the above article, H.T.
Kerbey, in charge of the locomotive depot at Moharneh Jn., East Indian Ry.,
passed away on June 13 as the result of a heat stroke. Kerbey was formerly
a driver on the Great Eastern Ry, at Stratford, and took part in the trials
of Holden's Decapod.
Automatic mechanical couplers in India. 267
Advocacy for adoption of the M.C.B. type of coupler in preference
to any newer device has been largely dependent on being the accepted standard
of America and is in general service on a most extensive scale there. I aturally,
when such an adoption is quoted, it has its effect on those held responsible
for an adjudication on the selection of a coupler for India.
It appears' to us, however, that the value of such a recommendation may be
considerably discounted when it is known that the alternative coupler is
the outcome of years of experience with the M.C.B., and its design has been
undertaken by the same experts who are largely responsible for the most approved
development of the latter.
The report of the Coupler Committee of the A.RA. at the recent Convention
held at Atlantic City, substantiates our view that the standard D coupler
cannot be accepted as a perfect coupling device devoid of all troubles. Of
a total of 1,534 standard D couplers with small (5 in. x 7 in.) shanks removed
from service during six months on the eight railways represented on the
Committee, 466 were condemned for failures in the head and 1,106 from defects
in the shank, whilst of 906 couplers having large (6 in. X 8 in.) shanks
removed during the same period, 805 suffered in the head and only 141 in
the shank, showing that the increased strength in the shank throws more strain
on the head and this consequently suffers more.
For the 1,271 couplers which failed in the head a total of 1,453 detailed
defects were recorded, made up as follows: Guard arm or outer wing 247 approx.
17% Face of coupler 696 48% Side of cavity for knuckle tail. 370 25% All
other defects 140 10% Experience in this country, too, with the M.C.B. coupler
confirms the impression an improved device is worth trying.
The Willison is a vertical plane coupler, functioning in very similar manner
to the M.C.B. but devoid of a revolving knuckle, able to operate with far
less slack and so arranged that all strains are equally distributed on both
sides. Claims can therefore be urged that it possesses advantages over the
M.C.B. as a mechanical coupler. Further, and of immense importance to India,
it possesses means for transition whereby inter-coupling with the ordinary
stock is assured without any rearrangement, addition of parts, etc. This
is amply confirmed by the large number of vehicles fitted and in regular
By the kindness of a corresponden t on the spot, we are enabled to illustrate
a recent application to the carriages forming the Madras- Bangalore mail
train of the M.S.M. Ry. Other trains equipped with Willison couplers are
the Lahore-Kalka express of the N.W.R, a passenger train of the B.N.R, and
finally, the Bombay-Poona mail train of the G.I.P.R. This last we may say
was the first train in India to be fitted with automatic mechanical couplers
of the M.C.B. type, and these have now been replaced with Willison
Vickers Ltd. 267
Indian Ry. officials will read with interest of the recent appointment
of George G. Sim as secretary of this world-famed undertaking. Sim has had
a long and varied career in the Finance Dept. of the Government of India
and until recently held the post of Financial Commissioner to the Railway
Board, in which capacity he earned the good wishes of all by his common-sense
handling of the intricate financial conundrums he often had to deal with.
We are also notified that A. Cartwright had been appointed a director of
Vickers Ltd.
Convertible sheep and cattle wagon, Buenos Aires Great Southern Ry. 268-9. 4 illustrations
Mass production of steel wagons in France. 270. diagram
Trials of Sentinel-Cammell rail auto-car. 270
Electrification of the G.LP. Ry. 270
Electric lighting of trains and stations—Indian State Railways. 271
The cars of the Calcutta-Darjeeling mail train of the Eastern Bengal Railway
have been equipped with external electric lights, so arranged that when the
train stops at a station the lamps automatically light up and illuminate
the platforms; they continue alight until the train has started and reaches
a speed of 8 miles per hour. A similar arrangement is in use on the Postal
trains in this country and was proposed on the G.I.P.R. some years ago for
suburban trains to improve matters at the smaller and badly lighted stations
between Bombay and Kalyan. As, however, only a portion of the trains employed
had electric light, and with the electrification then proposed, power would
be available throughout, the scheme was dropped.
A disadvantage of this temporary illumination of the platforms is that often
(in the intense dark night of India) when the "train has left, the whole
of the station offices, buildings, etc., are plunged into what appears to
be a deeper gloom, pro tem, than that which prevailed prior to the
arrival of the train, and this affords the opportunity for thieves, etc.,
prowling about the premises.
The satisfactory and economical lighting of railway stations in India is
a live problem and offers a most promising field for manufacturers of such
In our opinion an automatic electric installation similar to those used for
country houses and good for 30 to 50 lights, would meet the case, provided
a well organised -.System of supervision, stock of duplicate parts and spares
for repair was installed at the same time. Independent and isolated equipments
have no friends and soon become un- reliable and unworkable.
A whole section or division should have its stations equipped with one make
of apparatus and regular inspection instituted. If the plant included a water
pump for station needs it would, in many cases, be acceptable, and there
is no reason why at locomotive watering stations the plant should not include
the pumping for the water tanks: it would all tend to economical
New South Wales Government Rys. 271
The Railway Department is disposing of eleven 2-8-0 goods engines,
class Z 29 (late J class). These engines, which had been more or less idle
for some time, were imported in 1891 from the Baldwin Loco. Works, and were
typically American with bar frames and other features and had cylinders 21
in. by 26 in. and 4 ft. 3 in. diameter driving wheels. They were in their
day the most powerful engines on the system, and lately six of them were
rebuilt and superheated, the cylinders being increased 1 in. in diameter
and the pressure reduced to 140 lb.
It is many years since a serious accident happened to a mail train in N.S.W.,
but on the 10 June, just after the Brisbane Limited had passed through Aberdeen,
a small village 187 miles north of Sydney, and was approaching a viaduct
that connects with the steel bridge over the Hunter River, a wheel of either
an engine or tender or coach left the rails while the train was travelling
fast, the result being the collapse of the viaduct and the precipitating
of the train engine, brake van "and five coaches on to the river fiats below.
The drawbar connecting the two engines snapped leaving the leading engine
on the track, though its tender was partially derailed. The three last coaches
also kept the rails. Fortunately the coaches were of the latest modern type
and withstood the severe strain remarkably well, though the second coach
was split in two, one of the ends being smashed to pieces. Four passengers
were killed, and thirty-nine injured including the fireman of second engine,
the driver being unhurt. The sufferings of the injured were rendered more
acute by the cold night and the remoteness of the locality. The train engine,
which lay half buried in the earth, was No. 3504, NN type cylinders 22½'
in. by 26 in., 5 ft. 9 in. drivers, 170 lb. pressure (recently illustrated
in the LOCOMOTIVE magazine), while the pilot engine was a 4-4-0 express,
18 in. by 26 in. cylinders, 6 ft. 0½ in. drivers, 3 ft. 6 in. bogie
wheels, 140 lb. pressure and weighing 65 tons. The cause of the derailment
was difficult to locate as everything was apparently in first-class
Retirement of Inspector Flewellen, G.W.R. 271.
illustration (portrait)
Chief Locomotive Inspector George Henry Flewellen, a well-known official
in the railway world, had retired from the service of the Great Western Ry.
Born at Wiveliscombe in August 1861, he joined the G.W.R. at Bristol in June,
1878. Starting as a cleaner and fireman at Bristol and Birmingham, he went
to Taunton as a driver and was afterwards transferred to Plymouth. In June,
1901, he was appointed District Inspector for the Newton Abbot Division,
and in February, 1908, he went to the head office at Swindon. He has received
diamond tie pins from H.M. King George and H.R.H. King Albert of the Belgians.
The late Maharajah of Cooch Behar, India, presented him with a silver cigarette
case. He has had charge of many notable trains including about 100 Royal
specials, Princess Marys honeymoon special, the Prince of Wales' special
from Plymouth on his return from India, June 21st, 1922. On May 19th, 1904,
he ran an ocean mail special train from Plymouth to Paddington in record
time on the City of Truro when a speed of 102·3 M.P.H. down
Wellington Bank was attained. He took an active part in the trials between
the L.N.W.R. and L.N.E.R. tests against G.W.R. engines. He was in charge
of the engine Windsor Castle when H.M. the King drove it from Swindon
Works to the Station in 1924. In July, 1925, he was made a Member of the
British Empire in connection with the Centenary of British Railways. He retired
on 4 August having spent 48 years in the Company's service.
Personal. 271
E.S. Tiddeman, Chief Draughtsman at Stratford, L.N .E.R., retired
at the end of June, and is succeeded by Mr. W. F. McDermid, who has been
in charge of the Works Drawing Office. Mr. Tiddeman started as a pupil under
Mr. T. W. Worsdell at Stratford in 1882. In November, 1890, he was placed
on the Drawing Office Staff, and in July, 1907, was appointed Chief Draughtsman
on the retirement of Mr. W. D. Craig.
[Reviews]. 272
Through the window, No. 3. Paddington to Killarney, via Fishguard and'
London: G.W. Ry. Co. Office of the Superintendent of the Line. Uniform
with Paddington to Penzance and Paddington to Birkenhead ,
this book of 135 pages describes in detail the points of interest seen through
the carriage window on the journey of 415¾ miles from Paddington to
Killarney, and the 54 miles by G.W.R. steamer from Fishguard to Rosslare,
across St. George's Channel. Each page of the letterpress covers about six
miles of the line, faced by a map of the same section on which points of
interest are identified by reference numbers corresponding with those used
in the text. Passengers who make the journey from Paddington to Killarney
represent only a portion of the much larger number who will travel this route
by shorter stages, and the book therefore serves a much wider purpose than
that of reaching a single destination in the south-west of Ireland. Incidentally
the glimpse afforded of the works at Swindon and the experience of passing
through the Severn Tunnel, are suggestive of the engineering achievements
of the G.W. Railway.
Correspondence 272
Reversing gears. Malcolm M. Niven.
Re technical essay on Footplate arrangements, the reversing gear comes
in for analysis, and I would like to point out that James Stirling's reversing
gear of 1875 applied to the Glasgow & South Western Ry. 240 class 0-4-2
engines by Neilson & Co. of that date, was a very efficient gear and
capable of adjustment equal to the balance wheel hair-spring of a chronometer.
I need not describe it, better experts than I know it very well; it is still
used on all the engines attributed to Mr. Hugh Smellie, both goods and passenger,
and was adopted by Manson on every engine he built. Prior to 1875 Stirling's
screw gear was used, from about 1873, a horizontal wheel, vertical column
and, of course, a trunnion block and screw to a bell-crank below the footplate.
A brass plate indicated "Fore" or " Back" gear positions and the percentage
of cut-off. No lever and sector was fitted to any G. & S.W. locomotive
after the 2-4-0 No. 8 class, and I can say that there never was a "surge"
throughout the train when a driver notched up either with the screw or Stirling
steam gear.
After a driver had had an engine for perhaps some months on the work allotted
to him, he took a file and put a little mark at the running position where
the engine worked best, and in the dark he could feel the place with his
forefinger on the plate. The screw gear was used on the Caledonian 4-4-0
engines of the 83 to 90 class of Drummond, and an exactly similar gear was
employed by Matthew Holmes on the 4-4-0 classes he turned out for the Waverley
route to Carlisle; however, these engines now have a lever and sector after
rebuilding, about 1922.
The Caledonian-Oban 4-4-0 bogies of Brittain, i.e., the 181 class now 1181,
etc. (or, of course, 14,000 odd in L.M.S.) had direct Stirling steam gear,
the only ones fitted on this railway.
The screw seems to be coming in again, as I see that the Stirling gear is
not being perpetuated any longer on the L.M.S. engines, in fact the 15,260
series of suburban engines have the Caledonian lever as used in Drummond's
old Cathcart engines of the 'eighties.
Cammell Laird and Company Limited, Nottingham. 272
Received an order from the London and North-Eastern Railway Company
for two additional Sentinel-Cammell Coaches and thirty-four all-steel luggage
brake vans. Cammell Laird's associated Company, the Midland Railway-Carriage
and Wagon Company, Limited, Birmingham, have also received an order from
the L. and N.E. Ry. for four articulated trains comprising thirty-two coaches
in all.
Stablex. 272
A treatise on the structure and uses of stabilized bitumen has been
published by D. Anderson & Son, Ltd., of 63, Fenchurch Street, London,
E.C.3. This patented protective coating- Stablex-has the following
qualities. By the addition of a protective colloid the latent gases of ordinary
bitumen are dispersed; its structure be- comes consolidated, and a higher
degree of ductility is attained. This means greater durability, computed
to give at least double the life of ordinary bitumen. It is also acid-resisting
and as it is claimed that a full coat of Stablex is equal to three coats
of paint it should be of value for coating the roofs of railway vehicles,
and for the protection of metal work in engine sheds, bridges, viaducts,
etc. .
Steels for general purposes. 272
Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., issued a book printed in
excellent style with well chosen illustrations very clearly reproduced. It
contains a number of technical articles, which deal with modern views on
steel and its properties and especially with the value of mechanical testing
to engineers. Data on results of the various tests together with information
on the inspection of ingots and forgings for internal defects will acquaint
engineers with the characteristics of the steels manufactured at the Armstrong
plants. The properties of the new Vibrac steel, claimed to be the
super steel of the age, and its softening for machining by heat treatment,
are dealt with in detail, as well as other steel products made by the firm.
The book is substantially bound in imitation leather.
Electric cranes. 272
Herbert Morris, Ltd., of Loughborough, issued Book 109 descriptive
of the Morris Electric Overhead Cranes, designed for use in various industries
as shown. Dimensions of standard patterns are included and in the middle
page of the book is a coloured diagram sbowing some useful signals for
instructing the operator of an overhead crane.
The Clayton Forge 272
Clayton Wagons, Ltd., Abbey Works, Lincoln, in a 20-page artistic
booklet give a description of the heavy and light drop forge plants, heat
treatment plant, press shop and tool room at the Lincoln works. A few facts
and illustrations of the productions of the Forge are also given. Another
booklet issued by this firm, illustrates and describes the" Dewandre Vacuum
Servo " for motor vehicle braking.
Fabrikoid seat covering for railway carriages, etc. 272
The Welin-Higgins Co., Ltd., of Morley House, 314-322, Regent Street,
W.1\., booklet, with cover Fabrikoid leather cloth, and describing
the uses and advantages of this material as a seat covering for railway carriages
and public conveyances. A closely woven cloth base of great tensile strength,
is coated with no less than twenty-seven applications of Pyroxylin, one of
the toughest wear-resisting substances known. This Pyroxylin, in ad- dition
to its long wearing properties, is pliable, sunproof, heatproof and waterproof,
and is impervious to grease, dust or dirt. It can be washed easily with soap
and water and without any fear of becoming threadbare or shabby.
Fabrikoid can be supplied to match any colour desired. Insects and
vermin will not attack it; mould and mildew will not harm it. In spite of
these advantages, this material costs no more than inferior artificial leather
and less than leather itself. The sample sent us appears to fulfil all the
claims made by the manufacturers.
No. 409 (15 September 1926)
Express passenger locomotive. New South Wales Government Rys. 273-4.
2 illustrations.
E.E. Lucy Class C36 4-6-0 with round-top conical boiler and bogie
Goods locomotives for the Eastern Bengal Ry. 274-5.
illustration, diagram (side, front and rear elevations).
Four 0-6-0 supplied by Kerr, Stuart & Co. Ltd of Stoke-on-Trent
with tender cabs and Belpaire fireboxes to specification and inspection of
Rendel, Palmer & Tritton. Further information (heating
surfaces) p. 403
In memory of John Ericsson. 275.
Postage stamp issued by United States to commemorate his work; also
short biography.
Tank locomotives for Swansea Docks, G.W. Ry., 276.
Avonside standard products modified for G.W.R. conditions.
New locomotives for the Rhodesian Railways. 276-9. 2 illustrations,
2 diagrams (side elevations).
Twenty 4-8-2 supplied by North British Locomotive Co. Ltd at Queen's
Park Works, Glasgow to specification and inspection of Sir Douglas Fox &
Partners and 12 Beyer Garratt 2-6-2+2-6-2 supplied by Beyer Paeacock &
Co. Ltd
New turbine locomotive, Bavarian SectionGerman State Rys. 279-81.
2 illustrations, table.
Turbine located at front of locomotive. Had a condensing tender.
The Howard petrol locomotive. 281-3. 2 illustrations, diagram, table
J, & F. Howard Ltd. of Bedford, Locomotive supplied to Leicester
Corporation to work on sewage farm at Beaumont Keys. Shown with Ruston steam
[Contracts]. 283
Two 2-6-2T engines ordered by Crown Estate Agents for the Colonies
for Tanganyika Railway from Vulcan Foundry.
Five 2-6-0+0-6-2 ordered for Entre Rios Railway from Beyer Peacock in
Sixteen metre gauge 4-6-0 ordered from Robert Stephenson Ltd for South Indian
Eight Class K 0-6-0 (broad gauge) ordered from Nasmyth Wilson for South Indian
Berlin Locomotive Works. 283
High pressure locomotive being built
W.G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co. 283
Twenty five 4-8-0 locomotives with bogie tenders being shipped complete
to Brisbane for the Queensland Government Railways.
Rolling stock for the Brazzaville Railway, French Congo. 284-5. illustration,
diagram (side & front elevations, plan)
General arrangement drawing of 3ft 6in gauge 0-6-0 and illustration
of a goods wagon
Locomotive tests on the Burma Railways. 286-7. 4
Tests of a 2-8-8-2 Beyer Garrett versus an 0-6-6-0 Mallet on the Ghat
incline of the Lasio branch organised by H.A. Craig, Locomotve Superintendent.
Photographs by E.V.M. Powell, Assistant Locomotve Superintendent.
Recent Italian locomotives (electric). 288-9. 3 illustrations
Triple-phase asynchronous induction motors supplied by Westinghouse
of Italy in Vado-Ligure and Brown-Boveri.
The locomotive history of the Great Indian Peninsula
Railway. 289-90. illustration, 2 diagrams (side elevations)
Neilson & Co. supplied 20 0-6-0: running numbers 78-94; WN 746-765
in 1882-84, These had 16 by 24-inch inside cylinders inckined at 1 in 10;
5-ft diameter driving wheels; 1079 ft2 total heating
surface, 14.5 ft2 grate area and 120 psi boiler
pressure. They were fitted with both feed water pumps and Giffard injectors.
Eight were rebuilt with Z type boilers, 17-inch cylinders and stronger valve
rods. In about 1885 there was a shortage of passenger engines and one was
running with its front couling rod removed. No. 82 was sold to the East Coast
Railway, subsequently the Bengal & Nagpur Railway. All the others had
been broken up by 1901. Twenty passenger engines were built by Robert Stephenson
& Co. of Newcastle: 2-4-0 running numbers
120-139; works numbers 1341-1360. They were similar to the Kitson 2-4-0s
and had 15 by 22-inch cylinders; 5-ft 6-in coupled wheels, 1096
ft2 total heating surface, 15ft2
grate area and 120 psi boiler pressure. They were fitted with
both feed water pumps and Giffard injectors. The last were broken up in 1888..
No. 138 was named Thanna and shunted at the Parel works.
Electric stock for Sydney suburban lines, New South Wales Govt. Rys.
291-4. 9 illustrations
Mixture of new new all-steel power cars with quest for fire resistance
and reconstruction of former steam stock to act as trailer cars
Technical essays. 4. On tractive force and its attainment.
Evidently by E.A. Phillipson.
considerable benefit has been derived from the adoption of the long stroke
engine, in which the diameter of the cylinder may be only 3/5
of the stroke. Piston speeds have in consequence increased enormously in
recent years, with a reduction of cylinder condensation. The only danger
to be averted lies in the possibility of the piston speed tending to exceed
that of the steam admitted to the cylinder. It is quite a simple calculation
to determine the velocity of steam at a given pressure passing, say, a nozzle,
but the actual speed of flow of steam into the cylinder of a locomotive,
subsequent to passing the regulator, superheater elements and valves, and
overcoming the frictional resistances offered by more or less tortuous ports,
is largely a matter of conjecture. That the velocity does suffer a large
reduction is amply proved by the existence of wire drawing, and in laying
down the normal maximum piston speed to be attained, a reasonable factor
of safety must be allowed to counteract this. Incidentally this difficulty
may be largely obviated in engines working with superheated steam which,
at a given pressure, possesses a higher velocity than saturated steam.
Considering the two-cylinder engine, the following advantages may be claimed
when the cylinders are placed between the frames:-
(a) The engine may ride more steadily, owing to the arm of the couple which
gives rise to lateral disturbance being less.
(b) The cylinders are more protected, and the losses by condensation are
therefore minimised, and
(c) The motion is not so exposed to dirt, grit, etc., flung up from the ballast
whilst running.
On the other hand, the outside cylindered engine
(a) Is more accessible, and therefore easier to examine, lubricate and repair.
(b) Is not so severely restricted as regards diameter and other dimensions
in the transverse plane, and
(c) Does not involve the use of crank axles.
Engines with three and four cylinders can show appreciable advantages over
the two-cylinder design, such as
(a) More even torque, giving improved acceleration and at the same time
increasing the life of crank axles, motion, tyres and permanent way.
(b) Smaller dimensions of the individual cylinders, permitting greater freedom
in design.
(c) Softer and more regular blast on the fire, reducing the rate of combustion
and thereby ameliorating the thermal efficiency.
(d) Split drive is easily arranged, reduces stresses set up in the crank
axles and enables a satisfactorily long connecting rod to be employed.
(e) Reduced weight of reciprocating parts in the valve gear if two motions
are arranged to control three or four cylinders, and
(f) More favourable disposition of the reciprocating masses from the point
of view of balancing.
Whilst an efficient and eminently successful design of four-cylinder engine
has its adherents, the devotees of the three-cylinder cult appear to be
increasing in number at the present time. In his recent paper before the
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Mr. Gresley dealt very fully with the
subject of the three-cylinder engine, and it is therefore unnecessary here
to expand this theme. One advantage which it possesses over the four-cylinder
engine, however, cannot be over-emphasised; there is one less piston valve
to maintain. Even when inside admission is employed, the amount of lubricant
lost by blowing through at the glands is surprisingly high, and its continuance
is liable ultimately to cause seizure. On the other hand, the correctness
of the steam distribution in the inside cylinder, when effected by connections
to the outside valve gears, is a debatable point.
As regards working boiler pressures, it is interesting to note that they
now exhibit a rising tendency again. At one time, a pressure of 200 lb. psi.
was by no means uncommon; with the advent of superheating, this figure dropped
rapidly to 180 or even 160 lb. psi. At the present time, however, the S.R.
King Arthurs are working at 200 psi, while the Castles maintain the G.W.
225 psi tradition. There is no doubt that a high initial pressure in
conjunction with an early cut-off, permitting the steam to be completely
expanded before release, is the nearest practical approach to Carnot's ideal
cycle. At the same time, from the purely mechanical standpoint, for a given
tractive effort, the higher the pressure the smaller will be the requisite
cylinder dimensions. Nevertheless, the maintenance costs of a high pressure
boiler are disproportionately heavy. It is well known that the small boilers
pressed to 160 psi or less, in spite of the fact that they were designed
to work at a higher rate of combustion, are, pro rata, much lighter on repairs
than the large modern boilers working at a higher pressure.
While boiler pressures are on the upward grade, coupled wheel diameters are
shrinking. This is due in part to the tolerance of higher piston speeds,
previously mentioned, but chiefly to the change in opinion which has taken
place during the last forty years regarding the suitable speed of revolution
at which a locomotive should run. In the days of the 7 ft. 6 in. and 8 ft.
singles, 250 r.p.m. was regarded as the maximum. This figure has, however,
been gradually increased in the interim, and in modern design is assumed
to be, for purposes of calculation, as much as 340.
It is now generally recognised that wheel diameter is no criterion of the
maximum peak speed attainable. The 0-6-0 suburban tanks on the G.E. section,
L.N.E.R., with drivers only 4 ft. in diameter, have been timed by that eminent
authority, Rous-Marten, at 60 m.p.h., while the 3 ft. 6 in. gauge South African
Rys. engines have achieved wonderful performances; although the diameter
of their coupled wheels is only in the region of 5 ft. The attainment of
high piston speeds by adopting long stroke cylinders together with small
coupled wheels has, like other details of locomotive practice, its limitations;
in this case the limiting factor is very obvious, and so, on occasion, has
been overlooked- ground clearance.
John Riekie. A new valve gear. 296-8. 2 diagrams,
Article presumably shares much in common with the Patent (GB 222,257
Improvements in and relating to valve gear for steam and other fluid pressure
engines. Applied 27 July 1923. Published 2 October 1924) although not
actually cited. Table based on model data: travel, lead, port opening, cut
off, release as percentage and as an anglle, compression and lead.
E.L. Ahrons. The early Great Western standard gauge engines. Llanelly
Railway & Dock Company. 298-300. 3 illustrations, diagram (side
Llanelly Railway & Dock Company absorbed into Great Western on
1 July 1873, when the locomotive stock was 21: the four-coupled engines became
Nos. 894-901 and the goods engines 902-914.
RCTS Locomtives of the Great Western
Railway Part 3 page C44 et seq claims to be more accurate
than this article: this section was written by P.J.T. Reed. Thus only the
illustrations will be described: tender engine No. 899 formerly
Victoria (drawing); 2-4-0 No. 900 formerly Amman; 2-4-0
Napoleon III; No. 894 formerly Napoleon III.
An echo of the Railway Centenary Celebrations. 300-3. 3
Locomotive of early Stphenson type illustrated in John Brewster's
The parochial history & antiquities of Stockton-on-Tees. 2nd edition
1829; also refers to Report on railways in England in 1826-27 by Carl
von Oeynhausen and Heinrich von Dechen giving its German title Archive
fü Bergbau und Hüttenwessen (later translated by E.A. Forward
in Trsns. Newcomen Soc., Tomlinson's The North Eastern Railway and
Rastrick's Notebooks and Wood's Treatise on rail roads. Mainly interested
in wheel construction and how the early locomotives performed
London, Midland and Scottish Railway. 303
Contract placed with the Sentinel Waggon Ltd., for thirteen
Sentinel-Cammell rail coaches with all-steel bodies to be steam-heated and
lighted by electricity. It was proposed to use these cars on the following
services: Red Wharf Bay; Llandudno and Colwyn Bay; Llandudno and Llanfairfechan;
Oxford and Bicester; Wakefield and Edlington ; New Brighton and Heswall;
Llandilo and Carmarthen; Halifax and Stainland; Southport and Downland ;
and on one of the Scotch branches.
Operation of steam locomotives during an emergenncyNo. 4. 304.
Argues that primitive torch oil lamps used in Britain should be replaced
by electric lighting supplied by a turbo gennerator as used in America: in
Canada on oil burning locomotives the exhaust is illuminated to show whether
the controls are set correctly. Filling the water tank is greatly asssisted
if the location of the filler cap on tenders and tanks is standardised. In
Austria filling is greatly assisted by the ability of the water crane to
extend to the locomotive. In Britain time is wasted positioning the
The Stroudley engines of the L.M.S.R. 304-5.
No. 16118 (originally No. 56, Highland Ry.) was working ballast trains
on the Dingwall and Skye section. It differs somewhat from the other two,
having been reboilered with a steel firebox at Lochgorm, and fitted with
both larger tanks and bunkers as well as the vacuum brake for service on
the Dornoch Light Ry., in 1895. Cylinders were 14 in. by 20 in. and driving
wheels 3 ft. 7 in. Heating surface: tubes, 578 ft2.; firebox,
63·6 ft2; grate area, 12.5 ft2; tank capacity,
750 gallons; weight in working order, 26 tons. Of the other two engines of
the class, No. 16, H.R St. Martins,was L.M.S. No. 16119, but No. 57
Lochgorrn, was still at work, named and in the familiar Highland
Gwalior Light Ry. 305
It is proposed to mount the locomotive and tender used for his private
train on a suitable pedestal to be erected in front of the Palace at Laskhar
as a monument to His late Highness the Maharajah Scindia, who often acted
as driver of this engine. It was illustrated in the Locomotive for October
1905, and is a small 2-4-0, with outside cylinders, and a six-wheeled tender.
Further extensions to this system of light railways amounting to some 200
miles are proposed in the immediate future.
London, Midland & Scottish Ry. (L. & N.W. Section). 305
New 0-6-0 superheater goods engines Nos. 4302-11 had been completed
at Crewe, but none were yet in traffic. Work was proceeding with the order
for 2-6-0 mixed traffic engines several frame plates had already been laid
down. A series of forty 0-6-0 shunting tanks of the 7100 class was being
delivered to Crewe by the North British Locomotive Co. Those already received
and put into traffic bear Nos. 16420-4 (Hyde Park Works) and 16430-51 (Queen's
Park Works).
The following engines were running fitted to burn oil fuel: Claughton class,
Nos. 968, 1345, 2046, 5900, 5911, 5912, 5926, 5931, 5939, 5950, 5960, 5964,
5980, 5984, 5986, 5992, 6003, 6012, 6015, and 6028; Prince of Wales class
Nos. 86, 142. 146, 241, 242, 246, 362, 388, 433, 1620, 1679, 2075, 2175,
2198, 2213, 2249, 2359, 5600, 5607, 5628, 5630, 5638, 5651, 56:15, 5671,
5696, 5750, 5791, 5829 and 5841; Standard Compound, Nos. 1054, 1055, 1080,
1120. 1121, 1123-8, 1131, 1164, 1168 and 1179; L. & Y. class 8, Nos.
10450, 10452, 10458, 10459, 10462 and 10474.
No. 675 Adjutant (now LMS 5246) had been converted from Precursor
class to George V class (superheater). Latest conversions to class G1
(superheater) were class C simple No. 1855 and class D simple No. 1871, these
engines being now L.M.S. Nos. 8964 and 9030.
Recent withdrawals included the 4-4-0 Renown class engine No. 1907 Black
Watch, others being as follow:- 6 ft. 6in. straight link class No. 619
Mabel: 4 ft. 6 in. 2-4-2 passenger tank Nos. 1073 and 2523; special
Dx goods class Nos. 3128 and 3278; special tank class Nos. 3190, 3316 and
South Shields, Marsden and Whitburn Colliery Ry. 305
The train of old four-wheeled carriages off the Great North of Scotland
Ry. which took part in the Railway Centenary procession fram Stockton to
Darlington in July 1925 was in service on the South Shields, Marsden and
Whitburn Colliery Ry.
Belgian State Rys. 305
One of the latest 4-6-2 locomotives was being equipped with a mechanical
stoker and experiments wer to be made to ascertain the adaptability of such
a device to the large locomotives in service.
Southern Ry. 305
Maunsell's four-cylinder express locomotive, No. E850 Lord
Nelson had been completed at Eastleigh, and was running trial
Metal fittings for restaurant cars. 305
The attractive alloy known as Monel metal has recently been introduced
for the cooking utensils and other fittings of the kitchens of restaurant
cars. It consists approximately of 67 per cent. nickel, 28 per cent. copper
and 5 per cent. other metals, made directly from the ores; it contains no
tin, zinc or antimony. In appearance it is very similar to pure nickel, but
possesses a more silvery lustre. Monel metal can be rolled, drawn, cast,
forged or welded and is consequently applicable to numerous uses where a
strong and non-corrodable alloy is required. At a temperature of 750°F.
a forged rod of this metal has seven times the strength of a similar one
of brass or bronze. Messrs. G. & J. Weir, Ltd., of Cathcart, Glasgow,
are responsible for its introduction in this country.
Great Western Ry. 305
Further engines of the 5600 class completed at Swindon, the last being
No. 5671. Six coupled tank engines, Nos. 2194 Kidwelly and 2195 Cwrn
Mawr (ex Barry Port & G. V. Ry) and No. 359 Hilda (ex Llanelly
& M.M. Ry) had been rebuilt at Swindon. Kidwelly was stationed
at Wey mouth. Of the new series of Castles 4-6-0 express engines, built at
Swindon, No. 5002 Ludloll' Castle was running.
New South Wales Government Rys. 305
Though scheme after scheme has been discussed for the last thirty
or more years the first practical step towards the unification of Australian
railway gauges has been taken by the New South Wales and Queensland Governments,
assisted by the Commonwealth Government, in commencing the building of the
Kyogle- Brisbane Ry, to the standard (N.S.W.) gauge. Kyogle is on a spur
line off the main North Coast Ry. and 27 miles from the border. From the
point where the railway enters Queensland territory to Brisbane is 70 miles,
and the line is being con- structed through country not served by present
railways. When completed the distance between the two cities, Sydney and
Brisbane, will be shortened by roughly 117 miles. This North Coast line is
at present connected by a train ferry at Grafton with the rest of the State
system, and under the agreement, N.S.W. has to bridge this gap over the Clarence
river. A double deck bridge is proposed, and it will also be necessary to
strengthen the track from Grafton to Kyogle, 83 miles, to carry heavy main
line traffic.
At the enquiry into the Aberdeen smash which occurred on 10 June, it was
found to have been caused by the heavy rains weakening the embankment, the
deflection causing a wheel of one of the vehicles to leave the track 200
feet before entering on to the viaduct. The application by the driver of
the brake seems to have caused the wheel to cut into the viaduct causing
the collapse of the structure.
Excavation for the Town Hall Station of the City Ry. section has just been
The introduction by statute of the forty-four hour week has cost the railways
£51,387 in additional expenditure, according to figures published by
the department for the quarter ending March 31st. The extra expenditure on
the State Tramways was £33,279 for the same period. In connection with
the Sydney Suburban Railways Exten- sion, The Westinghouse Brake & Saxby
Signal Co., Ltd., have received an order from the Metropolitan Vickers Electrical
Co. Ltd .. for 101 Motor Driven Air Compressors, Type DH.
An unusual mishap. 305
On Saturday, 6 February 1864, a locomotive belonging to the North
British Ry., which had been repaired at the North Eastern Ry. shops, at Newcastle
(Central section), had its coke fire lighted to raise steam preparatory to
being sent back into Scotland. As the morning was stormy, the shed doors
were shut; the fire in the locomotive raised steam too fast, and a damper
was put on the chimney, with the result that the fumes and noxious gasesl
from.the coke fire, having no egress, filled the shed. The men at work appeared
oblivious of the state of affairs, until the fumes affected one of them
sufficiently to cause him to feel sick and giddy. On reaching the open air
he fell, four others became insensible, one was considered dead for a time;
in all six men suffered severely.
Reviews. 306
Diesel enginesmarine, locomotive, and stationary, D.L.
Jones, New York: The Norman W. Henley Publishing Co. London: The Locomotive
Publishing Co., Ltd.
Without going deeply into thermo-dynamics, the writer presents' a
practical manual for the operating engineer, giving the principles, care
and operation of the Diesel oil engine, as well as information likely to
be useful in everyday work. It should also be interesting to the advanced
engineer and designer. No engine is more susceptible to bad attention and
handling than the Diesel. There are a number of somewhat intricate units
in the machinery, each of which is vital to the working of the whole plant,
and anyone of these, if allowed to operate at less than a fair percentage
of full efficiency, can cause consider- able trouble. It is only fair to
say that the necessary adjust- ments of these parts are as readily remedied
as they are liable to require attention, provided the engineers are as well
trained in expert observance as they are versed in the means of making correct
adjustments and repairs. To obtain best results a thorough understanding
of the principles of operation of the engine is essential; afterwards constant
attention to every detail on the part of the engineer in charge.
Although the main portion of the 558 pages is devoted to the construction,
operation and maintenance of the Diesel engine for marine and power house
work, a lengthy chapter describes the latest developments in Diesel locomotives
in America. The book is particularly well printed and contains 241 illustrations,
principally very clear line drawings.
The locomotive in servicedriving, light repairs, management;
London: The Locomotive Publishing Co., Ltd.
Written by practical men for the guidance of all engaged in the work
of running locomotives, this book should also prove a valuable manual to
those who need information in preparing for higher positions in railway
locomotive departments. The 187 pages are divided into 31 chapters, copiously
illustrated by means of 87 illustrations with a large folded sectional chart
of a 4-6-0 express locomotive and tender for the Great Indian Penin- sula
Ry., clearly figured to correspond with a table of the vario~s details. There
are very few half-tone illustrations but this is not to be wondered at in
a practical work. Among the subjects to be dealt with are locomotive driving
and firing, the care of boilers, bad steaming engines, and engine failures
and remedies, while consideration is also given to protecting boiler plates,
fire grates, brick arches, superheating, lubrication, brake rigging, connecting
rod big-ends, etc. Information is also given on such important matters as
testing valves and pistons in steam, re-metalling and fitting eccentric strap
liners, re-grinding steam cocks, wheeldrops for runnmg sheds, and all important
subjects connected with locomotive running, shed management, breakdown work
and repair organisation, while smaller details have also received
The Highlands of Donegal via the Londonderry And Lough Swilly
A nicely prepared guide book has been issued from the General Manager's office
of the L. & L.S. Ry. at Londonderry, describing the attractions offered
to the sportsman and holiday visitor in the district serv:ed by the railway
and its extension to Burtonport. It IS well Illustrated, with a folded map
of the line, and includes particulars of all excursion and reduced fare
arrangements as well as list of hotels, etc.
Correspondence. 306
[Three-cylinder locomotives]. E. Joslin.
Hceckers letter is very interesting, but makes no mention of the fact
that the Southern Pacific and the Union Pacific have between them some forty
engines of the 4-10-2 type, all three cylindered. Granted, the outside cylinders
have 32 in. stroke, while the inside one has only 28 m., but the engines
must be satisfactory or they would not have so many in service. Hcecker has
also overlooked the fact that the Southern Ry. cannot run much more than
20½ in. cylinders (outside) over the S.E. section, so multi-cylinders
must be used. Again the work of the two 4-6-2 types (L.N.E.R.) seems to be
equal; they have both done their 80 rn.p.h., both have worked 530 tons out
of King's Cross, and kept time.
The Gresley gear used may have refinements that, the German and American
gears lack. Again, the new 4-8-2 s for the Central may be limited cut-off,
which, I believe, has great advantages for a freight engine with two large
cylinders, but loading gauge restrictions prevent their use m England. .
I was very interested in the Spanish 4-8-2 m the Apnl number, but would like
to ask His Grace of Saragossa, If a two-cylinder or three-cylinder simple,
with booster would not be as effective, and cheaper? The new 4-8-2li of the
S.A.R. I have in view, but, of course, smaller, say with 23 in.:x 28 in
cylinders, 200 lb. steam and 66 in. wheels, and 10,000 lb. or so in the booster.
European designers appear to hesitate in adopting this very useful device.
I hope it will come into more general use.
Just about the time you published the Apnl number the rainfall occurred at
Broken HIll, and put about 20 feet in one day into the reservoirs, so that
the extra rolling stock was unnecessary. No tears were shed, needless to
say. The line from Port Augusta to Redhill wIll be under construction very
soon, and we shall then have the 5 ft .3 m. and the 4 ft. 8½ in. gauge
from here to Adelaide. They intend to lay the 4 ft. 8½ in. gauge inside
the 5 ft. 3 m. on the third rail system and to broaden the gauge from Brinkworth
to Gladstone.
The United Kingdom Metallic Packing Syndicate Ltd.,
14, Cook Street, Liverpool, inform us that. in addition to the other
specialities mentioned, Umted Kingdom Metallic Packing was also fitted to
the new Mogul type loco- motive of the L.M. & S. Ry., the 4-6-2 express
locomotives of the Buenos Aires Great Southern Ry. and the 2-8-0 Freight
locomotive of the Bengal Nagpur Ry. described on pages 240, 1, 2 and.3, of
our last issue.
The Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway Co. 306
Contracted with G. D. Peters & Co., Ltd., for the supply of their
steam-heating apparatus and fittings for the eqUIpment. of a further 105
carriages. ThIS IS the third order placed WIth them by the B.A.P. Railway
during the past 10 months. An illustrated pamphlet issued by G. & J.
Weir, Ltd., of Cathcart, Glasgow, entitled" How to mcrease the capacity of
new and existing locomotives," graphically Illustrates the savings of fuel
by the adoption of the Weir system of Feed heating by exhaust steam. The
Weir feed pump IS built specially to handle hot feed and to cope with sudden
fluctua- tions of load, its construction IS strong and SImple, WIth facilities
for easy inspection and IS designed to use the least possible amount of
No. 410 (15 October 1926)
Recent Italian locomotives (steam). 307-9. 2 illustrations
Four-cylinder 2-6-2 designs with Caprotti Valve gear built by Breda
for the Italian State Railways..
Suburban trainEastern Beangal Railway. 309; 308. illustration
Built at Kanchrapara Carriage & Wagon Works under direction of
H.H. Spalding, Locomotive & Carriage Superintendent. Well seasoned teak
2-6-0 type locomotive for the Colombia Railway & Navigation Co.
309. illustration
Built by Hunslet Engine Co. for 3ft gauge line. 3ft 9in coupled wheels.
15 x 22in cylinders. 880ft2 total heating surface. Belpaire boiler.
13.5 ft2 grate area. 170 psi boiler pressure
Southern Railwaynew express locomotive, "Lord Nelson"
class. 310-11. illustration
Main dimensions and future names. Noted that had been used on
Atlantic Coast Express on 12 October between Waterloo and
Garratt locomotive, Sierra Leone Railway. 311. illustration.
2ft 6in gauge 2-6-2+2-6-2 built to Crown Agents for the Colonies
inspection by Beyer Peacock & Co,
Mixed traffic locomotives, Chilian Northern Ry. 312.
Two 2-8-0 locomotives built by Nortyh British Locomotive Co. at Queen's
Park Works under supervision of Livesey, Son & Henderson. 3ft 8in coupled
wheels, 19 x 24in cylinders. 1704ft2 total evaporative heating
surface plus 371ft2 superheater. 29.6 ft2 grate area.
Oil burning.
Goods locomotive, Romney Hythe & Dymchurch
Railway. 312-13. diagram (side elevation)
The Bug: 0-4-0T: designed by Henry Greenly and Roland Martens
formerly of Krauss & Co.
Tank locomotives for the Admiralty. 313-14. illustration
Two Avonmouth Engine Co. 0-4-0ST engines for use in Portsmouth Dockyard
and Royal Naval Cordite Factory,
Heavy metre gauge locomotive for Bolivia. 314. illustration
Borsig 2-8-2 for Villazon-Atocha section of the Bolivian State Rys
with long 1 in 34 gradients. Wood burning with large grate.
Technical essays. 5. On small boiler tubes.
Evidently by E.A. Phillipson.
The Institution of Locomotive Engineers. 316
See J. Instn Loco. Engrs.,
1926, 16, 743. A very full attendance marked the inaugural meeting
of the winter session held on Thursday evening, 30 September, at the Engineers'
Club, Coventry Street, W.l. The President was supported by R W. Reid, C.B.E.,
the retiring chief officer; H. Kelway- Bamber, H.N. Gresley and J.C. Sykes
(secretary of the Institution). The retiring President, R. W. Reid, (L.M.
& S. Ry.), after reading letters of apology from Sir Henry Fowler, ((L.M.
& S. Ry), and A.C. Stamer. (L. & N.E. Ry'.), welcomed the new President,
Sir Seyrnour B. Tritton, on behalf of the Institution, and stated that he
was sure that an engineer of his standing in the profession would give impetus
to the work of the Institution. Although the Institution of Locomotive Engineers
was not so old as some others, it formed an important part in the Information
Bureau of Locomotive Engineers, and from the expressions of opinion he had
received, not only from British but foreign and colonial railwavs, he was
sure that it was much valued.
Sir Seymour then gave his address. After commenting on the wonderful work
done bv the pioneer locomotive builders with most elernentarv and crude material,
Sir Seyrnour gave a word of advice to those intending to follow the profession
of locomotive engineering. He particularlv emphasised the necessity for students
to follow carefully the best methods of manufacture and also the behaviour
of details and material under test. He expressed his disappointment at so
many of the candidates for India and colonial appointments, who had passed
high qualifying examinations, being unable to describe intelligently how
such a thing as a locomotivc tyre was manufactured.
He also touched upon the question of heat treatment. showing the great importance
which it held in the manufacture of modern steel, and how want of, or improper,
heat treatment, might be the cause of failure of the very best steel being
used, and even become dangerous. He illustrated this point by alluding to
the method of manufacture of screw couplings, amongst other parts, and suggested
that a Paper on the properties of materials and their relation to locomotive
design would be of interest. Sir Seymour expressed the opinion that the British
railways might profitably utilise some of the time spent by apprentices in
the mechanical department, for inspection and test work, so that they might
be better qualified for responsible positions on colonial and foreign railwavs.
Without making any historical retrospect, the President said it was somewhat
difficult to bring forward a subject of fresh interest in connection with
locomotive and carriage and wagon work. It is often said that the steam
locomotive has reached its zenith, that it will before long be replaced most
probably by the electric locomotive, and engineers should concentrate their
energies on the latter. In countries where water power is abundant (such
as Switzerland) and coal and oil are dear, there is little doubt that the
steam locomotive will gradually die a natural death. During a recent visit
to Switzerland, as one who had all his life been connected with the steam
locomotive, he was rather startled to see a large and central railway station
without any signs of any steam propulsion whatever, whilst the "Orient" express
by which he was ahout to travel towards England, came in to the minute, hauled
by a magnificent electric locomotive. These are signs of the times. But in
spite of coal and other troubles it would appear in this country the
steam-propelled locomotive will be used for long distance express and goods
traffic for many years to come, and it would be interesting to enquire what
arc the chief causes which stand in the way of its still further
A very important subject next engaged Sir Seymour's attention, namely the
loading gauge of railways, and some verv interesting notes were given on
the different composite gauges now being worked to in Great Britain and on
the American continent, with some comparisons made with the new outline adopted
for the 5 ft. 6 in. gauge in Injdia. The loading gauge restriction, although
a serious drawback to the development of larger and more powerful locomotives,
has perhaps brought out certain developments, because the designer, being
unable to get the cylinders of his locomotive within the space required,
has been driven to turn his attention more closelv to three and four-cylinder
engines. Although, no doubt, the permissible axle load has been the principal
factor in the development of the articulated engines, such as the Garratt,
the Mallet and other tvpes, the restriction of the loading gauge has no doubt
also affected the development of their design.
When called upon for advice for new rolling stock for the metre gauge railways
in Iraq, Sir Seymour, in discussing the matter with the General in authority,
asked as to the limits of the loading gauge prevailing, and was informed
that it was represented by "the sky above and all round you." A very satisfactory
Referring to the efforts made by the Ministry of Transport to secure some
improvement in the British load limits to permit of more liberal interchange
of rolling stock with the Continent, Sir Seymour said it was found that the
improvements required on the single route from Dover to London would incur
expense of such magnitude that it could not be proceeded with.
For war service on the continent vehicles built to the French dimensions
were adopted, as the capacity of the wagons was increased by 10 per cent.
over tbe British. As some 3,400 locomotives and 73,796 wagons were built,
the question of dimensions was of importance. Apart from the limitations
of load gauge the progress of the steam locomotive in this country appeared
to be somewhat handicapped by the type of boiler used. Much higher pressures.
were being experimented with in Germany and elsewhere. He pointed out that
developments were now being pressed forward for steam locomotives, in the
form of Poppet valves and much higher pressures, and that the Diesel engine
had passed the experimental stage, and the combined steam and internal-combustion
engine on the "Still" system was being developed, and that new methods of
transmitting the power generated in the engine to the road wheels were engaging
the attention of the engineers of to-day. He asked that members who had studied
these subjects from various points of view would contribute papers to the
Institution upon them.
At the conclusion of the address, a vote of thanks was proposed by C.N. Goodall
(R. Stephenson & Co.), who congratulated the new President in thinking
out a new line in his address, adding his testimony to the value of the
Insitituton. This was seconded by Major S. E. Williams, (Crown Agents for
the Colonies) who stated that the success of the Institution has been greatly
due to the zeal and ability of its Presidents. He had known Sir Seymour Tritton
for many years and had co-operated with him in railway matters concerned
with the Crown Colonies, and his advice had inevitably led to success.
H. N. Gresley, (L. & N.E. Ry.) touched upon several points in the address,
confirming the great value he had derived when a pupil by a term in the testing
and inspection department where he learnt not only about the strength of
materials but methods of-manufacture and stating that, following on a suggestion
by Sir Seymour Tritton, his pupils were given the opportunity of going through
those departments. Gresley also alluded to the loading gauge, pointing out
the British loading gauges took into account the lengths of the vehicles
and the "throw over" on a curve, and fixed structures are set back to allow
for this, but in the Continental loading gauge this was not so and great
care had to be taken on this account. He was a member of the comrnittee which
had to consider a possible increase in the loading gauge on British railways,
when the "Berne" gauge was considered, and he confirmed Sir Seymour's note
that the cost proved prohibitive. He concluded by saying that he was glad
to note that the President was of opinion that the steam locomotive was not
yet dead as regards this country, and although experiments were being made
in much higher pressures, in his opinion this alone would not affect economy
unless special consideration was given to improved steam distribution.
E.C. Poultney and J. Kupka. Czecho-Slovakian
State Rlys. Prairie type locomotives. 318-21. illustration, 3 diagrams
(including side elevation)
2-6-2 fitted with Krauss-Helmholz bogie versus a 4-6-0
Electric headlights. 321
Lack of headlights on the mnetre gauge Bombay, Baroda & Central
India led to the derailment of a train in darkness at Abu Road when a train
ran into a washout throwing the locomotive and train into the river. Fortunately
all the crew on the freight train survived
L.M.&S.R. Scottish Section. 321
Pickersgill 4-6-0 Nos. 14630-6 completed at St. Rollox Works and stationed
at Carlisle Kingmoor. Ex GSWR Nos. 16400-27 renumbered 14900-27 and ex-CR
14500-6 renumbered 16950-6.
E.L. Ahrons. The early Great Western standard gauge engines. Llanelly
Railway & Dock Company. 322-4. 2 illustrations, diagram (side
0-8-0 banking engine GWR No. 902 Leo had 20 x 24in outside
cylinders, 4ft 9in wheels and was built by the Llanelly Railway in 1865.
It had been scrapped by 1881. Arthur and Louisa were "fearsome
looking engines" with outside cylinders buil;t by Fossick & Hackworth
in 1858 and 1860. They had 4ft 9in wheels. They became GWR Nos 903 and 904,
A similar engine Victor was photographed at Swindon: it had come there
via the Carmarthen & Cardigan Railway (it had been sold by the Llanelly
Railway in about 1883. In 1865-6 the Llanelly Railway placed four inside
cylinder 0-6-0 locomotives into traffic. Two were built by the Llanelly Railway
and may have been designed by the locomotive superintendent. They were
Alexandra and Wales built in 1865: they became GWR Nos. 907
and 908. Ernest and Edinburgh were built by Fossick & Hackworth
in 1866 and were similar to Beyer Peacock products: they became GWR Nos.
905 and 906. The next engines were actual Beyer Peacock products WN 828/1868
Dunvant (GWR No. 913) and WN 829/1868 Towy (GWR No. 914). Four
marginally larger Beyer Peacock products WN 889-92 were supplied in 1870:
they became GWR Nos. 911-12 and 909: they had carried the names Grongar,
Stradey, Teilo and Royal.
New "Mitropa" sleeping car. 324-5. 2 illustrations, diagram (side
elevation and plan)
Designed to be capable of being conveyed on train ferries and capable
of carrying twenty passengers and an attendant with his own compartment with
small stove, refrigerator and bedding.
Cleaning locomotives and rolling stock. 325-6
Tasmanian Government Railways 75 h.p. bogie rail motor. 326-7. illustration, diagram (side elevation & plan)
Snailbeach District Railway. 328-9. 5
Very small photographs of narrow gauge which served quarriess/mines.
Locomotives illustrated: No. 4 Baldwin 4-6-0T ex-WW1 (one of two) and Kerr
Stuart & Co. 0-4-2T WN 802/1911.
The locomotive history of the Great Indian Peninsular
Railway. 329-30. 2 illustrations
Refers to five Kershaw designed 4-6-0Ts built by Sharp Stewart and
put into service in 1863.
Buckton's spring tester. 330-1. illustratiion
Manufactured by Joshua Buckton & Co. of Leeds for Southern Railway
Ashford Works
M.M. Niven. A Royal Glasgow & South Western Railway
engine. 331-2
Hugh Smellie 4-4-0 No. 70 was used to work Royal Train carrying Queen
Victoria from Renfrew where she stayed with Lord Blythswood to International
Exhibition staged in Kelvingrove Park. Driver Adair drove the
Sydney suburban railway electrification. 332-5. 3 illustrations, map
1500 volts DC system with Metropolitan Vickers electrical equipment
following recommendation of J.J.C. Bradfield, chief engineer of the
Sydney Metropolitan Railway Commission.
Correspondence. 335
Messrs. Stirling and Stroudley. Malcolm M. Niven.
Re account of Inspector Aylwin's experiences there is no allusion
to the Grosvenor, No. 151, 2·2-2, which was sent to the Railway
Jubilee celebrations, 1875. In his account of the 0-4-2 engine Edward
Blounit; at Paris, mention is made of the James Stirling 4-4-0 being
temporarily converted into a 4-2-2. .I think that was perhaps the reason
that she may not have given a good account of herself. I do not think the
7-ft. Stirlings could be depended on uncoupled: even as coupled engines they
were inrlined to slip on greasy metals at the start.
When Grosvenor went to Darlington in 1875 a Glasgow and South Western
engine was sent there also: it was one of the famous 7 ft. 1½ in. class,
No. 106 of the No. 6 series. So that Stroudley and Stirling seemed in those
days to be it in locomotive design.
It is interesting to relate that No. 6, the first Stirling bogie, ran for
a time with a pair of her bogie wheels removed. I was speaking to a gentleman
who can be relied upon. that this was the case, and it may have been sometime
in 1873 when she came out. The rear wheels of the bogie were removed and
the bogie frame suitably supported so that she ran as a 2-4-0 engine.
It must be remembered that Stirling developed the No. 6 class from the 6
ft. 7½ in. No. 8 class of 1868 or 1870. which were 2-4-0 engines.
There was a class with 6 ft. 1½ in. wheels built for the Greenock section,
known as the 59 series. I think one is still in existence; if not, only recently
removed ; she had her original perforated splashers and motion of the Stirling
swing link pattern. No. 71a was her old (G. & S.W. number, built in 1870.
This class came out simultaneouslv with Patrick Stirling's No. 1 8-ft. singles
on the G.N. Now that all these Stirlings are disappearing I think the LM.S.
ought to preserve one Stirling bogie, the precursor of the dorneless Stirlings
of the S.E. Railway.
French-polishing machine for railway carriage work. 335
Distributors in the United Kingdom E. Quitmann, Ltd.
Early locomotives Dublin and Kingstown Ry. 336-7.
2 diagrams (side elevations)
Original locomotives supplied in 1834: three from Sharp, Roberts &
Co. named Britannia, Hibernia and Manchester and three from
George Forrester: Dublin, Kingstown and Vauxhall. The Sharp
engines had vertical cylinders and drove via a bell crank motion. The Forrester
locomotives were the first to have horizontal motion. These 2-2-0 had 5ft
driving wheels. Two further Forrester locomotves were obtained in 1836 named
Victoria and Comet: these were similar to the other Forrester products, but
conveyed the coke and water on the locomotive. The other Forrester products
were similarly modified, but the Sharp engines retained their tenders. In
1839 two locomotives were constructed at the company's own workshops in
Serpentine Avenue, Ballsbridge, Dublin and were the first locomotives to
be constructed by a railway company in the British Isles. These were Star
and Jupiter and had 5ft 3in coupled wheels and 11 x 18in cylinders
and had a 2-2-2T arrangement. Three further engines followed:
Princess, Shamrock and Erin. Both Hibernia and
Princess are illustrated: the latter based on the original drawing
sent us some time back by the courtesy of George H. Wild, locomotive
superintendent of the former Dublin and South Eastern Railway. The wheels
of the Princess were of cast iron with spokes of I section, and were
made at the Dublin works. The valves were driven by a rocking shaft, with
gab motion. The boiler carried a working pressure of 90 psi. The cylinders
were 11 in. diameter by 16 in. stroke and the driving wheels 5 ft. 6 in.
diameter. The front carrying wheels were 4 ft. diameter and the rear 3 ft.
diameter; the wheelbase was 6 ft. 1 in. leading to driving and 4 ft. 11½
in. driving to trailing. It is said the original iron fireboxes of these
engines were welded up, that is, the front and back plates, crown and sides
at the joints. Other engines built at Ballsbridge of the same type, and soon
after the Princess, were named as follows: Bellisle, Albert, Burgoyne,
Cyclops and Vulcan. At this period the Dublin and Kingstown was
4 ft. 8½ in. gauge, but the gauge was converted to 5 ft. 3 in. in 1854-5,
when the line was leased to the Dublin, Wicklow and Wexford Ry. The alteration
of the engines entailed three new straight, longer axles, and lengthening
the frame stays only. See also letter from C.F.
Dendy Marshall in Volume 40 page 165
New South Wales Government Rys. 337
The bridge across the Clarence River in connection with the new main
line between Sydney and Brisbane is to be of the double decked type and built
jointly by the Railway Department and the Public Works Department, the upper
deck forming a roadway 22 ft. 6 in. wide and 27 ft. above rail level, which
is 33 ft.above high water, though floods may reduce this level to about 5
ft. at times.
"The Model Engineer" Exhibition. 337
An exhibition of model engines, boats, etc., was held at the Horticultural
Hall, Westminster, from the 18 to 25 September. There was a fine display
of exhibits and a great attraction was the Wireless control of trains by
Major Raymond Phillips, the inventor. Demonstrations were given and were
well attended. One very fine 1½in. scale model was that of L. &
S.W.R. 4-6-0 express engine, No. 486. It is stated that this model took 30,000
hours to build and the material cost £200. It is now worth £2,000,
and is to be on view at the Science Museum, South Kensington. Another exhibit
worthy of mention was an engine named Stanley Baldwin, built by Bassett
Lowke, Ltd.,, for H.F.R. Franklin's Garden Railway, at Radwell, Bedfordshire.
This is to run on a 10¼ in. gauge track and weighed about one ton. On
the working model track J.C. Crebbin gave exhibitions in 'steam of his
four-cylinder compound model locomotives, Aldington (4-6-2) and Sir
Felix Pole (4-8-0). An excellent 4-4-2 type L.M.S.R. (Tilbury Section)
tank engine model was also in steam.
London Midland & Scottish Ry. (L.& N.W. Section). 337
Several of the new Crewe-built 0-6-0s (series 4302-11) had been put
into traffic unpainted, including Nos. 4308 and 4310. The first ten of a
new series of 25 similar engines had been delivered to Crewe by the North
British Loco. Co. bearing Nos. 4382-91 (ex Queen's Park Works). All the new
0-6-0 shunting tanks from the same firm were now in traffic, Nos. 16420-9
(ex Hyde Park Works) and Nos. 16430-59 (ex Queen's Park Works). The preceding
twenty, Nos. 16400-19 (ex Hyde Park Works) were in service on the Northern
Division. A further series of fifty engines was being supplied by the Vulcan
Foundry Co. as follows: Forty to LNWR section, Nos. 16460-99-the first of
which has recently arrived, and ten to the Midland Division, Nos. 16500-9.
Claughton class engine No. 1327 Alfred Fletcher (L.M.S. No. 5917)
had been fitted with Caprotti valve gear as shown on the Italian State Railway
locomotive described on p. 308, and is to. be tried against another Claughton,
No. 1567 Charles J. Cropper (L.M.S. No. 5908), the latter being similar
to the former as before conversion, excepting that it had been provided with
new cylinders. In its preliminary trials, the converted engine appeared to
have come fully up to expectations.
The following additional engines were running fitted to burn oil fuel: Claughton
class, Nos. 63, 119, 163, 208, 1334, 1335, 1726, 2239, 2426, 5901, 5907,
5943, 5983, 5989 and 5994; Prince of Wales class, Nos. 56, 252, 1732, 2392,
5602, 5641, 5645, 5661, 5666, 5702, 5703, 5712, 5731, 5741 and 5774; Standard
Compound, Nos. 1112, 1115, 1117, 1118, 1122, 1151, 1155, 1165, 1173 and 1182.
Nos. 1821 and 1848, formerly class D simples, and No. 1842, formerly class
C simple, had been converted to class " G1 " (superheater). These engines
were L.M.S. Nos. 9064, 9022 and 8966 in the order given. Latest withdrawals
from service were as follows: Renown class, Nos. 1921 John o' Gaunt and
1973 Hood; Precedent class, No. 514 Puck ; 4 ft. 6 in. 2-4-2T,
No. 946 ; 4 ft. 6 in. 2-4-0 , No. 1443 ; N.L.R. 4-4-0T, Nos. 2803, 2813,
2819, 2838, 2847 and 2864 ; Special DX class, Nos. 3006, 3036, 3082, 3132,
3145, 3270 and 3358 ; 17 in. coal class, Nos. 881, 2419, 3318, 3330, 3357
and 3573 ; Special Tank Shunters, Nos. 3340, 3409, 3536, 3538 and 3588 ;
and 2 ft. 6 in. shunter, No. 3017.
G. Benoit-Levy. Instruction cars, Paris-Orleans Ry. 338-40. 3 illustrations
No. 411 (15 November 1926)
Great Western Ry.: "Castle" class locomotive with new pattern tender.
341-2. 3 illustrations, diagram (side & front elevations.)
No. 5000 Launceston Castle illustrated as well as 4000 gallon
self-trimming tender. Also note on work by locomotive between Euston and
Crewe and Crewe and Carlisle.
Ljungström turbine condensing locomotive built by Beyer,
Peacock & Co. Ltd. 342-4. illustration
2000 hp turbine with quill drive, large air-cooled condenser. Tests
on LNER from Gorton to Woodhead; announcement of move to LMS at Derby.
An oil-burning shunting locomotive. 344. illustration
Yorkshire Engine Co. 0-4-2T for 2ft 6in gauge with Holden system
Superheater goods locomotives, London and North Eastern Ry. 345.
illustration, diagram (side & front elevations).
Gresley J39 0-6-0: had 5 ft 2 in driving wheels and a boiler 6 in
longer than that of the J38 type.
Southern Ry. four-cylinder "Nelson" class express locomotive. 346.
diagram (side & front elevations)
Official Maunsell diagram of No. E850 Lord Nelson
Rebuilt passenger tank engines, L.M. & S.R. 347-8. illustration
Reboilering of the Johnson 1881 0-4-4Ts with Belpaire boilers. Noted
that although many Midland designs as different as 0-6-4T and 2-4-0, the
0-4-4Ts had not been so-modified until recently. No. 1383 illustrated. Noted
that Nos. 1371, 1373, 1283 and 1416 had been noted so-fitted in London suburban
area. Notes indebtness to Sir Heny Fowler.
0-6-0 tank locomotive for hauling potatoes. 348. illustration
60 cm gauge 0-6-0T built by John Fowler & Co. (Leds) Ltd for
J.H.Dennis to use on Nocton Estate near Lincoln.
F.W. Brewer. The introduction of modern locomotive
superheating in Great Britain. Pioneer work on the G.W.R. 352-4.
Asserts that Churchward took the lead in fitting a Schmidt superheater
to No. 2901 Lady Superior in May 1906 over George Hughes who followed
in November 1906 by fitting 0-6-0 goods engine No. 898 (and in December No.
900). In 1907 fitted a Cole type superheater to four-cylinder 4-6-0 No. 4010
Western Star. In 1907 Churchward in association with G.H. Burrows
and G.C. Champeney of Swindon patented a superheater which became known as
the No. 1 type. It was fitted to No. 111 The Great Bear. In December
1908 what was termed the No.2 type (but covered by the 1907 Patent was applied
to the two-cylinder 4-6-0 No. 2922 Saint Gabriel. The Number 3 Paptent
was first fitted to No. 4021 King Edward in June 1909. Details of
the 1909 Patent appeared in Locomotive Mag.,
1910, 16, 240. Part 2 see Vol. 33 page
A tube cleaning blast pipe. 354-5. diagram
Kylala arrangement as used on Paris Orleans Railway and other French
Questions and answers. 355-6. 3 diagrams
No. 74: Point of cut-off with Stephenson link motion when running
forward and backward
Equal lead and cut-off cannot be obtained with Stephenson link motion
when running in both directions: suggests should seek equal leads and cites
Valve gears and valve
No. 75: Walscharts valve gear arranged for outside admission
Geometry of inside and outside admisssion Walschaerts valve gear:
locomotives working mainly in forward direction should have the die block
at the bottom of the link for the sake of more direct action.
No. 76: Baker valve gear diagram
Questioner confused Baker valve gear with Young gear as used on Union Pacific
Mountain type. Early Baker valve gear was known as the Baker-Pilliod gear,
but this was obsolete by then.
No. 77: Tender filling on Austrian State Railways
Diagrams shows hinged lids, rather like desk tops on sides of tender
which made filling simpler as was less dependent on position.
Technical essays. 6. On running shed equipment. 356-7.
Manual locomotive cleaning; boiler tube cleaning (disadvantages of
both steam and compressed air), boiler washing out (mainly hot water); mechanical
coaling plants; issue of engine oil (difficulty of cylinder oil due to high
viscosity); loading sand (more advanced in America) and cross vanes used
on American watering in round houses. Evidently by E.A.
Wireless on trains. 357
Radio communication between conductor and driver on long freight trains
on New York Central Railway; an through loudspeakers in yard at St.
New boat train for Nigerian Rys. 358-61. 6 illustrations, plan
For 705 mile journey between Lagos and Kano. First class compartments
with sleeping berths and day accomodation, for 3ft 6in gauge built by Gloucester
Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. Ltd.
Horse boxEastern Bengal Railway. 361. illustration
Inness, R.H. (unattributed): Locomotive history
of the Stockton & Darlington Railway, 1825-1876. 362-3. 2
2-4-0 No. 66 ex Priam and NER No. 1068
Woodlands. See also Volume 45 page
Swedish railway relics. 363-4. 2 illustrations
0-6-0 tank engine Frykstad narrow gauge Frysta-Kralalvens branch
line; built by T.H. Munktell of Eskilstuna
A novel shunting tractor. 364. illustration
Chase Side Motror Co. of Enfield
The transport of milk. 364. illustration
Scammell Lorries Ltd six-wheel truck for transport of bulk milk from
West of England to London.
Foreign coal on British locomotives. 364
Leading to delays, breakdowns, etc. Also Southern Railway fitted a
Titan tilting grate to 4-4-0 No. 504A at Battersea.
The locomotive history of the Great Indian Peninsular Railway.
365-6. illustration, diagram
E.B. Wilson back-to-back 0-4-0+0-4-0 and Sharp Stewart 0-6-4ST for
working Ghat inclines: both types with sledge brakes. Continued
page 395
Mallet type logging locomotives. 367-70. 11 illustrations
Great variety of locomotive types: both 2-6-6-2 and 2-8-8-2 with side
tanks or saddle tanks or tenders. They were built by the Baldwin Locomotive
Works. The last illustration is of a Mallet dwarfed by its train of huge
logs crossing a tressle viaduct on the Clemons Logging Company's road.
Recent accidents. 371
Mostly minor: most serious was at Bishops Stortford on 10 May when
a goods train driven by a volunteer from Cambridge (as in University) ran
into the rear of a passenger train killing a passenger alighting from the
train and seriously injuring another. Colonel Mount was relatively gentle
in his criticism of all concerned
Reviews. 371-2
The iron road. Cecil J. Allen. London:
John F. Shaw & Co.
Divided into two sections: railway buildind and Locomotives and their
work.. Feature of the book is the 15 colour platres and 255 excellent half-tone
Correspondence. 372-4
Old Engerth locomotives on French and Belgian railways. R.
Re articles by Albert Jacquet the following may be of interest. In
the issue of April, 1922, those built for the C. de F. du Midi are described
on p. 104, and a diagram given p. 105. There is at least one of these locomotives
still at work, or at any rate she was on 17 September 1926. This is No. 334,
a 0-6-4 engaged on shunting work at Montauban, on the Bordeaux-Toulouse main
Further notes on the early locomotives of the L.B. & S.C. Ry. Fredk.
Wm. Holliday. diagram
Re Mr. Bennett's "Further Notes on the Early Locomotives of the L.B.
& S.C. Ry." (May 15, 1926, issue of THE LOCOMOTIVE). I well remember
the L.B.S.C. tank engine No. 25. I came in contact with her every day, I
think, in the year 1867. I enclose a rough sketch. She had a Sharp's moulded
bright brass dome cover; a saddle tank with rounded corners; was a four-wheeled
coupled engine; the coupling rods were square cottered, not bush rods; the
weather board was curved over at the top. The motion was distinctly Mr. Craven's
design, but the wheels appeared to me to much resemble "Bury's" designthey
were cer-tainly not like any of Mr. Craven'sthey always looked odd
ones. I should say the coupled wheels were 5 ft. The boiler was pressed to
120 lb.
Further notes on the early locomotives of the L.B. & S.C. Ry. A.R
I have read with interest F.W. Holliday's recollections of old No.
25, but these must be ascribed to 1869 not 1867, as she was not rebuilt as
a coupled engine till May in that year. The 5-ft. coupled wheels would not
improbably be those from a Bury engine, since the 5 ft. 6 in. Sharp Roberts'
wheels which she had as a 2-2-2 would naturally not serve, and Craven would
continue to use up suitable old stuff. Holliday's sketch is accurate except
as regards the moulded brass dome cover; this was not of the Sharp design
but had a round curved instead of a square base. Other engines with this
form of dome were No. 51, 55, 60 and 145. The curved base was invariably
painted red by Craven, the top part of the dome being polished bright. The
illustration of No. 25 in THE LOCOMOTIVE of October, 1909, is from a sketch
I made in 1865. These. domes had belonged originally to some of the
Gray-Hackworth engines, part of which had two small square-based domes, like
Nos. 53, 56, 58, and part one of these larger curved-based domes on the boiler
barrel and a safety-valve pillar on the firebox. No. 25 tank, in its original
state, was one of the four outside-cylinder engines (all tanks) designed
and built by Craven. These were the 2-2-2 No. 4 (rebuilt as a 2-4-0); the
2-2-2 No. 25 (rebuilt as a 0-4-2); the 4-4-0 No. 144 (rebuilt as a 2-4-0,
and the 4-4-0 No. 136 which was never rebuilt.
It would be interesting to learn from Holliday where No. 25 was working when
he knew her so well in 1869. As a single tank she worked the Littlehampton
branch but as a coupled engine may have 'been assigned other duties. Her
career must have extended well into Stroudley's time can Holliday say when
she was scrapped? I take this opportunity to correct a mistake which crept
into Aylwin's recollections. The statement that the Crystal Palace Company
purchased an engine and train and ran a railway service from Norwood Junction
was questioned by A.C.W. Lowe, who opined that it was really the West of
London and Crystal Palace Railway Company, which had to do with the early
stages of Victoria Station. This company's lines were worked by the L.B.
and S.C. Ry., but it is on record that they did purchase an engine and coaches
in May, 1858, with which a service to the Crystal Palace was inaugurated.
On putting this to Aylwin, he agreed to its correctness. Lowe also doubted
whether the engine purchased was a Sharp, but on this point Aylwin is quite
firm. That being so, Lowe considers that No. 42, built in 1841, was in all
probability the engine.
Three-cylinder locomotives. William T. Hoecker
In reply to E. Joslin's letter in your September
issue, the writer wishes to point out that his criticism of the 2-6-4
tank engine No. A890 of the Southern Ry. was confined entirely to the type
of valve gear employed for the central cylinder. I am quite familiar with
the clearance limitations on the Southern Ry., and feel thoroughly conversant
with the theoretical and practical advantages of multi-cylinder engines,
but until confronted with indisputable evidence to the contrary, from indicator
cards taken in actual running, I cannot admit that any com-bination valve
gear will give a satisfactory steam distribu-tion in the central cylinder
of a three-cylinder locomotive at all percentages of cut-off, regardless
of the "refinements" which the gear may possess. The adoption of a shorter
stroke for the inside cylinder will certainly tend to equalise the horse-power
developed in the various cylinders at short cut-offs with a combination gear,
but this does not eliminate the valve gear defect. In regard to the L.N.E.R.
locomotives, Joslin may be interested in the statement of Sir Vincent Raven,
to the effect that "he used the three sets of valve gear, and if he went
back to rail work to-day he would do the same again." If the Gresley gear
is entirely satisfactory, why is it not used on any of the engines sent out
from England to the Argentine? And why has the Baldwin Works used Borsig's
arrangement of three separate gears on the largest 4-8-2 locomotives yet
constructed, which were recently delivered to the Denver and Rio Grande Western
Ry.? The fact that there are 74 three-cylinder locomotives of the 4-10-2
and 4-12-2 types in service, or on order for the Southern Pacific and Union
Pacific Rys., is no secret. Three cylinders were used on these engines for
the simple reason that it was impossible to develop the necessary power with
two cylinders within the prescribed clearance and axle-load limitations.
The writer hopes that he will not be accused of prejudice against the
three-cylinder locomotive, but he believes that if the required power is
within the capacity of a properly designed two-cylinder engine, that type
of machine will prove more satisfactory and economical, when all factors
are considered. Several American railways, in addition to the New York Central,
have experimented with three-cylinder locomotives in comparison with two-cylinder
engines of equal capacity, but have reverted to the latter type in their
most recent orders. The Missouri Pacific, Louisville and Nashville, and Chicago,
Rock Island and Pacific may be mentioned in the above connection, and I know
of at least one very large American system that would not accept any type
of multi-cylinder locomotive as a gift.
The new 4-8-2 locomotives of the New York Central are equipped with the Baker
valve gear, giving a maximum cut-off of 82 to 84 per cent. in full gear..
In view of the speeds at which these engines will run, it was not deemed
advisable to adopt the "limited cut-off" arrangement. While there are others
far better qualified to answer Mr. Joslin's question regarding the "Mountain"
type engines of the Northern Ry. of Spain, I may be permitted to say that
the primary object in designing these locomotives was to obtain maximum power
with minimum weight. The perfeirmarice of the De Glehn compounds in this
regard is too well known to require elaboration. If there are any two or
three-cylinder simple locomotives in existence, capable of indicating one
horse-power for each 87i lb. of total engine weight, the engineering world
is still waiting to hear of them.
L.B. & S.C. R. history. William E.
Response to: letter from F.W. Holliday
on page 33 of Volume 33: and fpom
Malcolm Niven A.R. Bennett's contribution to the above subject by the
publication of his interviews with G. Aylwin. The locomotives of the L.B.
& S.C.R. seem always to have enjoyed a goodly measure of popularity,
and there are one or two points of interest connected therewith which to
my knowledge have never appeared in print, and so I pass them on in case
they are of interest to other readers. The first locomotive to be built at
the Brighton works was a 2-2-2 tank engine, numbered 14 and turned out in
May, 1852. The last locomotive to be built at the same establishment, under
exclusive L.B. and S.C.R. ownership, was the 4-6-4T No. 333
Remembrance so that both first and last were tank engines having a
symmetrical wheelbase in each case. But what a wonderful chapter of locomotive
development lies betwixt the two, and I have often thought how instructive
and interesting it would be to build models of each of above named engines
in order to realize more fully the extent of such development, and would
like to ask if Bennett, or any other reader, could supply a sketch showing
a front elevation of the old 2-2-2 tank of 1852. The illustration on page
59 of your book on "Brighton Loco. History" clearly sets forth the broadside
appearance of this engine and would serve a model-maker's purpose very well,
but of course a front view is also indispensable for modelling purposes.
I should be very grateful if any reader could help in this matter. Another
point of interest to students of Brighton locomotive design is that Mr.
Stroudley's standard express type was the 0-4-2 type, while his successor
R.J. Billinton, adopted the 4-4-0 type as his standard, but Mr. Marsh combined
the two in his 4-4-2 or Atlantic type. In Mr. Bennett's articles I had hoped
to have seen some reference to the old rebuilt Craven engine Sussex,
a noted 2-2-2 in her day, also famous on account of the type of Joy's gear
with which she was fitted towards the close of her career.
The late Mr. E. L. Ahrons. M.M. Niven
It is very sad and pathetic to read the "History of the Great Western
Locomotives," and to know that the writer of them will never again entertain
any of us to share his recollections. In more than one technical paper have
I read his historical papers, and can say that although I never knew him
in the flesh I had great intimacy with him through correspondence, and I
for one feel I have lost a great friend. The late Mr. Ahrons had a style
in dealing with engines that never became dry or uninteresting, and humour
came into his descriptions from the most unexpected situations. For example,
he tells us that the cylinders of an engine placed high on the smoke box
were "ensconsed like cats up a tree," and the connecting rods " were like
a clothes prop."
In another time he once wrote to me and asked if a certain engine which had
a feed heating apparatus on the top of the boiler "still carried the distillery."
This engine had just the appearance Mr. Ahrons suggested, for it. looked
as if a small vacuum pan like those used on a sugar estate was fitted above
the boiler. Many situations claimed humorous allusions, and like Dickens
Mr. Ahrons' description of engine drivers, fitters and foremen, made them
all seem to become real living creatures, not only to him but to those who
read his works. He must have had a good memory, for he described his engines
so that even photos or drawings were superfluous.
We can say with the poet :
"A tale like Waverley we yet may scan,
But shall we read a lay like Marmion."
We certainly owe Mr. Ahrons a great debt ; on whom shall his mantle
Trade notes and catalogues. 374
London & North Eastern Ry.
Novel booklet of illustrations which have to be viewed through the
red and green spectacles tucked in the cover: the pictures then present a
pleasing stereoscopic effect. Edinburgh, Harrogate and Scarborough are among
the views, and the. illustrations of the dining and sleeping cars represent
the efforts made by the L. & N.E. Ry. to ensure the comfort of its
No. 412 (15 December 1926)
"Mikado" type engines for the Sudan Government
Railways. 375. illustration
Robert Stephenson 2-8-2 for 3ft 6in gauge to dseign of C.G. Hodgson,
Advisory Engineer to Sudan Government.
L. & N.E. Ry. Great North of Scotland Section. 375.
Great Eastern Section 1500 class (B12) sent north to test capacity
of four span bridge across River Spey at Craigellachie for deflection. Rumour
that some of class to be transferred north.
Palestine Railways. Re-building and conversion of 4-6-0 Baldwin tender engines
to 4-6-2 tank engines. 376-7. 3 illustrations
Work performed at Sir W.G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co, Ltd. at
Scotswood Works, Newcastle.
The "Imperial Mail" train. G.I.P. and E.I. Rys. 377
Started 5 November 1926 from Ballard Pier, Bombay to Calcutta
Recent non-standard German locomotives. 378-9. illustration, diagram
(side elevation and plan)
2-8-2 four-cylinder compound with Krauss-Helmholtz bogie built by
Richard Hartmann of Chemmnitz in 1918
The Leeds, Bradford & Halifax Junction Railway and its
engines. 390-3. illustration, 2 diagrams (side elevations)
Leeds Central station came into being in 1849 to serve the LNWR,
L&YR, Leeds & Thirsk and Great Northern Railways. The Leeds, Bradford
& Halifax Junction Railway was worked by the GNR, but in 1858 it decided
to worh the Gildsersome branch with its own locomotives. There were two small
batches of Kitson & Hewitson tank engines: three 2-4-0 tank engines:
Nos. 1-3 (WN 790-1 of 1859). These had side tanks. Two furthrt 0-6-0 tank
engines became Nos. 4-5 (WN 794-5/1859) snd are described as pannier tanks.
No. 6 was a tender 0-6-0 supllied by Hudswell & Clarke (WN 14/1863).
They were all absorbed into the GNR stock in 1863.
See also erratum in Volume 33 p.
Technical essays. VIIWorks lay-out. 393-4.
The accompanying figure shows diagrammatically a hypothetical lay-out
of locomotive shops which, it is suggested, would give a relatively short
path for all components, irrespective of whether they comprise new or repair
work. It will be seen that the machine shop is divided into bays dealing
with heavy work (cylinders), wheels and axles, medium work (e.g., connecting
and side rods, axleboxes, eccentrics, piston heads and rods, crossheads,
valves and buckles, etc.), small work (including plain turning of brake and
motion pins and similar details, and also a battery of automatic machines),
and "brass" (using the term in a generic sense to include bronze, gun metal
and all non-ferrous metals respectively). Annexes are provided for grinding,
toolmakers (including plant for the heat treatment of steel), whitemetallers
and millwrights. Incidentally, in equipping the shop, the proportion of grinding
and milling machines may be increased with advantage, replacing to a certain
extent shapers, planing and slotting machines. All components pass direct
from the fitters to the erecting shop, the frames and subsequently the boiler
being delivered from the boiler shop. Boiler mountings (stays are not here
included in this term) proceed direct from the machine shop to the boiler
testing annexe, where they are mounted; having passed the hydraulic and steam
tests, the completed boiler is then lagged and goes to the erecting shop.
Tender wheels, axles and boxes are sent direct from the machine shop to the
tender section of the boiler shop. There the tender is completed, the frames
having been marked off, cut out and drilled in an adjacent part of the boiler
shop, and the finished unit is then coupled to its engine in the paint
It is most important that the erection of the motion and all undergear should
be completed before the boiler is placed on the frames. This facilitates
the work of the erector. Further, the boiler should be delivered as a complete
unit before erection, so that, having been bolted down and secured in the
expansion brackets, only the erection of the ashpan and making of pipe joints
remains to be done in the erecting shop.
Turning now to repair work, we would suggest that for the purposes of stripping,
the engine be assumed to consist of two units only, viz., boiler and
undercarriage. On receipt of the engine from the running department, the
boiler is immediately taken out of the frames bodily, and subjected to a
protracted steaming with dilute hydrochloric acid. At the same time the frames,
cylinders, motion, wheels, etc., are" boshed " piecemeal in a large tank.
After this it is possible to make an accurate examination and to estimate
fairly closely the extent of the repairs required. The tubes, stays and mountings
are removed from the boiler, and also, if necessary, the firebox, and the
shell goes direct to the boiler shop. The rest of the engine is stripped
and all details, together with the boiler mountings, sent to the fitters,
the only exceptions being the springs, which are dealt with in a special
section of the smithy, and the cylinders and frames, which proceed to the
erecting shop, or if not acceptable there, to the yard temporarily. After
re-conditioning, the motion, incidentally, is " tried out" by the fitters
on a skeleton frame before being passed on to the erectors. It will be noticed
that the erecting shop building includes a finished details stores. This
should be stocked with completed details, e.g., piston heads and rods, axleboxes
and crossheads, etc., ready for im- mediate use, and so reduce both the time
spent in shops by the individual engine, and delay in satis- fying outstation
requirements. The same stores may also be conveniently used for pumps,
lubricators and other proprietary articles purchased as complete units.
Transport of details between shops can be greatly accelerated by the provision
of runways and conveyors, which may of course also be employed in the shops
themselves in preference to the more usual runners with their limited range
of action. These appliances- should be considered as auxiliary to the travelling
cranes, which are essential for the heaviest lifting in the foundry, machine,
boiler and erecting shops, and in the lay-out here suggested they would also
be necessary in the stripping shop. The more general appointment of engineers
as progress men in the shops, who would investigate and analyse delays, and
prevent their recurrence, would undoubtedly expedite the manufacture and
repair of locomotives in railway works. Under present conditions, the percentage
of its life spent either awaiting or undergoing repairs is exorbitant for
the average engine, and represents a large sum on the capital involved.
[Southern Ry. of the United States]. 394
The Pacific type engines of the US Southern Ry. used for express work
on the main line between Atlanta and Washington, and for hauling the famous
Crescent Limited and Queen and Crescent Limited fast trains
were decorated in an attractive colour scheme. The tenders, cabs, chimneys,
and other projections above the boiler,' as well as the wheels, were painted
green, while the whole of the lettering and striping was carried out in gold
leaf. The cylinder covers, brass fittings, coupling and connecting rods were
highly polished, adding to the smart appearance of the locomotives. In adopting
this bright colour scheme the Southern Ry, had reverted to a practice followed
in the early days of American railways, when all locomotives were elaborately
decorated. It is said the drivers of the Southern line take a personal pride
in keeping their engines clean, even on freight service. The engines allocated
for working the Crescent Limited had their tenders lettered with the
name of the train in gilt, with gold crescents on the sides of the cabs and
cylinder covers and on the front number plates.
Southern Ry.Isle of Wight Section. 394
The line between St. John's Road, Ryde and Smallbrooke Junction had
been doubled, and the section between Brading and Sandown was to be doubled
and the work completed by next summer[1927]. The allocation of the locomotive
stock on the island was as follows :-Nos. 1 to 12 were former Freshwater,
Yarmouth and Newport Ry., and IW. Central Ry. engines Nos. 13 Ryde, 14 Shanklin,
16 Wroxall, and 18 Bonchurch. were ex-Isle of Wight Ry. locomotives, whilst
Nos. 19 to 29 were 0-4-4 Adams' side tanks off the L. & S.W.
The locomotive history of the Great Indian Peninsula Ry.
395-8. 5 illustrations, diagram (side elevation & plan)
Previous part see page 365. Difficulties
with inferior quality of Indian coal; limited imports of coal and fuel oil,
problem of timber being attacked by insects, use of old rails for structural
work, heavy rainfall especially on the Ghats inclines, much of the passenger
rolling stock very primitive without adequate bracing. Uniform colour scheme
to indicate class: first class white. Lists the following as being in charge
of locomotives on the GIPR: S. Glover from February 1866 to December 1867;
then W. Charlton until May 1869 and Hawkins fom thence [another source notes
that Sarjant in charge from 1901 until 1915].
New South Wales Government Rys. 398
The report of the Railway Commissioners shows a loss on the railways
of £830,671 for the year closed 30 June, 1926, compared with a profit
of £32,937 for the previous year. This deficit on the railways coincides
with the coming into power of a Labour Government and the reduction of working
hours from 48 to 44 per week and no reduction in pay, although possibly a
dry spell in the country was a contributory cause.
Two new platforms have been brought into use at the Central Station, Sydney.
These are for use by electric trains and will later be used in conjunction
with the City railway. Electric trains have commenced to run on the Bankstown
line. This line serves a suburban residential district and is nearly 12 miles
Goods engine, East Kent Railway. 398.
Beattie Ilfracombe Goods 0-6-0 No. 3
Pure iron for rolling stock requirements. 309-402
Armco ingot iron
Bullock v. locomotive. 402. 2 illustrations.
John Fowler & Co. (Leeds) Ltd 0-6-0 hit a bullock on the Balinda,
North Coast Line in Queensland when hauling a load of timber to the Balinda
Central Mill.
Cleaning rolling stock. 402-3
Perfectol supplied by Henry W. Peabody & Co.
Goods locomotives for the Eastern Bengal Ry.
See pages 274-5: details of heating
surfaces, including grate area (25.3 ft2) and superheat, also
weight available for adhesion
Inness, R.H. (unattributed): Locomotive history
of the Stockton & Darlington Railway, 1825-1876. 403-4.
No. 63 Birkbeck: drawing (s. el.), Bouch 0-6-0; diagram of
Hackworth plug wheel Next Part Volume 33 page
Bilbao River and Cantabrian Ry. 405-6. 3 illustrations
Narrow gauge railway (3ft 9in) built to convey iron ore to port for
Bogie petrol tank wagon, Assam-Bengal Ry. 407. illustration
Built by Hurst, Nelson & Co. Ltd of Motherwell. Noteworthy for
its corrugated iron hood to protect it from heat and for being catalogued
by KPJ in his youth
Correspondence. 407
Three-cylinder locomotives. Diamond.
Two letters have recently appeared in your columns from which it would
appear that W. T. Hcecker (response p. 65 Vol.
33) does not approve of combination valve gears for the inside cylinder
of three-cylinder locomotives. Since Hoecker.writes from Texas it is probable
he has had little opportunity of observing the work of the various classes
of three-cylinder engines on the L.N.E.R. fitted with the Gresley gear. To
those who are acquainted with the running of these locomotives under all
conditions of load and at revolutions per minute equal to any obtained in
normal practice no doubts as to their thorough success remain, but the letters
referred to do not give a complete picture of the use of the Gresley gear
elsewhere. It should therefore be mentioned that the largest non-articulated
locomotive in thc world, the three-cylinder 4-12-2 built for the Union Pacific
R.R. by the American Locomotive Co., employs. the Gresley gear, and Its builders'
advertisements in the technical press are now especially devoted to the
three-cylinder engine.
Although Hcecker professes to distrust refinements in gear design and
construction, it is generally held that the successful service of valve gears
having numerous pin joints is largely dependent upon elimination of wear
at the joints and the lightening of all moving masses to the greatest possible
extent. In this direction the Great Northern designs would seem to be in
advance of general practice, this applying to all motion parts, though it
is gratifying to observe apparently similar care has been devoted to the
motion of the Southern Ry's Lord Nelson class.
Besides a general antipathy Hoecker mentions only one definite point against
the Gresley gear, which he states gives rise at high speeds to the inside
cylinder doing above its fair share of the work. No proof is adduced for
this statement, but were it true it is surely difficult to devise a more
desirable form of varied loading at high revolutions.
To refer for a moment to a different subject, the note on foreign coal on
page 364 of your current issue, the adequate boiler and grate dimensions
of their locomotives, including especially the three-cylinder classes, appears
to have enabled the G.N. section engines of the L.N.E.R. to keep time with
all loads to a degree which, as far as my not inconsiderable travel- ling
experience goes, has been unique during the past six months, when the fuel
has frequently consisted of an incombustible looking slack.
The last of the N.E.R. two-cylinder compounds.
R.E. Bleasdale.
The historic "Aerolite".
Re N.E.R. compound Aerolite article by F.W. Brewer it may be
noticed that the early 2-2-2 engine, as constructed by Kitson, Thompson and
Hewitson, was of the type first developed in 1846 by John Gray, on the Hull
& Selby and Brighton railways, and brought into prominence in 1847 by
the well-known firm of E.B. Wilson and Co., whose famous Jenny Linds competed
with Sharp Bros.' singles for a number of years. The Jenny Linds differed
from Aerolite, however, in having their cylinders inside. Although
a small engine, Aerolite must have been an attractive exhibit at the
1851 Exhibition; resplendent in a brilliant blue uniform, it vied for popularity
with the Lord of the Isles, Cornwall, Folkestone,
Little England, The Hawthorn, and Ariel's Girdle.
Of these famous locomotives the only other survivor is the metamorphosed
Cornwall, which does similar duty on the L.M. & S. Ry. as the
L. & N.E. Ry. Aerolite. In regard to the Worsdell-von-Borries
system of compounding, the writer is given to understand that the H.P. and
L.P. cylinders were cast together and placed between the frames at different
angles, so that the smaller H.P. cylinder overlapped the other. By means
of Joy radial valve motion, high pressure steam was admitted to the smaller
cylinder, after which it was conveyed by a receiver pipe provided with a
flap valve and at a lower pressure to the larger one. In starting 'the engine,
the driver could by the action of a hand operated valve, admit steam
simultaneously to both cylinders. See also letter
drom F. Brewer in Volume 33 p. 202.
Modern locomotive superheating. J.S. Gillespie.
See also F.W. Brewer in Volume 33 page
In his interesting article in your issue of 1 ovember 15th on the"
Introduction of Modern Locomotive Superheating in Great Britain," I notice
that Mr. F. W. Brewer states that the G.W.R. Co. must be regarded as the
actual pioneers of latter-day locomotive superheating in this country, the
L. & Y. Ry. coming next, and he refers to both experiments as taking
place in 1906. It may be of interest to point out that on page 80 of Charles
S. Lake's The World's Locomotives, published in 1905, is given a diagram
and description of a superheater fitted to one of J. F. Aspinall's inside
cylinder Atlantic locomotives of the 1400 class. It would appear, therefore,
that the L. & Y. Ry. were the first in the field as regards modern locomotive
superheating in Great Britain.
Reviews. 408
The railways of Great Britain, Lord Monkswell.
London: Geoffrey Bles
A large part of the contents of this book were embodied in the first
edition published in 1913, but so many changes affectmg British Railways
have taken place since then, that it has had to be very much revised and
largely re-written, and with new matter added.
It presents a general study of most of the leading departments of railway
activity in this country, suitable for the lay reader. Although the author
gives credit for the high efficiency of our railway organisation, he severely
criticises some features of the administration, especially the tendency to
allow political considerations to influence matters that are essentially
economic, and the extremely slow progress made in some directions. It is
certainly deplorable how some questions have been treated by the railway
administrations. Railway officers, individually, are as progressive as other
people, but the elaborate officialdom that controls the administration
effectually throttles all attempts at initiative. As instances in which
requirements have been held up, he mentions the unwillingness to adopt block
signals and continuous brakes, the use of superheated steam, the need for
acceleration of express trains and making up lost time, improved rail joints,
and the introduction of third-class sleeping carriages.
In addition to the many interesting illustrations, there are four gradient
profiles of the main lines between Victoria and Brighton, Paddington and
Plymouth, via Westbury, Marylebone and Manchester, and Carlisle and Glasgow,
via Beattock.
The world's railways. G.G. Jackson, Raphael Tuck & Sons,
An entertaining book for boys, the greater part is devoted to the
story of the steam locomotive and its work. The author writes in an agreeable
style, and although probably most of the information is gathered from other
writers, he tells his narrative well, and the younger generation will find
it neither tedious or dull. Several of the old yarns about early railway
days are of course included. The illustrations include six coloured plates
and another six printed in two colours only. The primary colour chosen for
the latter is a bright amber, and the result in the case of one of Stirling's"
eight-footers " is theStroudley livery and somewhat vivid. The colour of
the G.I.P.R. express engine at the head of the Viceregal tram is much too
bright, whilst the permanent way should be supported by chairs or pot-sleepers,
and not spiked to the sleepers as shown. There are also a number of striking
pen and ink sketches of engines and trains. It will make a capital gift-book
for boys.
Railway Club. 408
At the new headquarters of the club, 25 Tothill Street, Wesrrninster,
on 13 December, a paper was read by W.H.R. Dawson on the "Underground Railways."
The premises of the Railway Club are now very conveniently located within
one minute's walk of St. James' Park station, and onlv a few doors from Victoria
Street. The excellent library of railway books is always accessible to members,
and current railway literature available for reference in the reading room.
Full particulars as to membership wiIl he furnished on application to the
Hon. Secretary,
Railway carriage fittings.
Laycock Engineering Co. Ltd., of Victoria Works, Millhouscs, Sheffield,
new general catalogue of specialities for rolling stock and steamships. It
illustrates and describes the Laycoek vapour system of steam heating for
railway carriages, the Laycock-Buckeye automatic coupler, spring window blind!',
window lifts, torpedo ventilators, etc. Half-tone reproductions are given
of a variety of railway seats, also net rod brackets, parcel racks movable
arm-rests, destination indicators, etc.
New signalling on the Southern Ry. 408
A nicely prepared and well illustrated booklet describing the Resignailing
of the Southern Railway-Charing Cross to Cannon Street, has been published
by the Westinghouse Brake and Saxby Signal Co. of York Road, King's Cross.
The system of signalling adopted by the Southern Ry. is the"three block"
or "four aspect .. system, using long range colour light signals, with the
object of giving adequate braking distance to the main line trams without
imposing undue speed restrictions on the electric suburban trains; and this
is the first occasion on which the four aspect system of colour light signalling,
as recommended by the Committee of the Institution of Railway Signal Engineers,
has been employed. The diagrammatic plan of the area which has been resignalled
which accompanies the booklet, shows the magnitude of the work involved.
Besides the building of new signal cabins at Charing Cross and Cannon Street,
and the conversion of two others at Borough Market and Metropolitan Junction
to electro-mechanical operation, the new signalling system called for the
demolition of the large cabin on Cannon Street railway bridge, the closing
of three cabins at Belvedere Road, Waterloo East and Union Street, and as
the daylight colour light system has been selectedthe removal of all
semaphore signals in the area.
Horseley Bridge and Engineering Co. Ltd., of Tipton, Staffs. 408
Interesting illustrated brochure entitled A Century of Progress,
In this historical account of the firm's activities in general engineering
and bridge-building in particular, it is noted that: " In 1837 we have a
record that steam locomotives were con- structed at the works, and tested
on temporary rails in neigh- bouring fields, to the natural excitement of
the local populace, for it should be noted that the first railroad in the
country-m fact, in the world, had only been laid seven short years before,
in 1830. These engines were among the first used on the railway from Birmingham
to Manchester and Liverpool. Un- fortunately the details of that achievement
are lackmg; we can simply accept the item as it is-brief and isolated---:but
how fascinating a story of those early achievements might have been left
us had the men of those days only realised the lively part they were taking
in the making of history! .. . It is to be regretted that so far we have
been unable to obtain details of these engines, although their service on
the Grand Junction Railway has been referred to at times.
Balata belting. 408
A very attractive and well-produced booklet of 64 pages has been issued
by E. & J. Dick Ltd., of Greenhead , Glasgow, as a catalogue of their
famous Balata belting and driving;; rope. Balata is a vegetable gum of a
nature somewhat similar to gutta percha. It exudes as sap from trees Jound
principally in the forests of Venezuela and the Guianas. The properties which
distinguish it from other gums and make it specially valuable for belting
are its great toughness and cornparati ve lack of elasticity. These
characteristics in connection with a specially woven fabric ensure a very
strong and practically stretchless belt. Also Balata belting will take no
harm by being exposed to the weather, to water, or to steam. In addition
to full particulars of prices, information is given on the important factors
of conveyor practice, methods of splicing, fastening, etc., as well as useful
rules for belting calculations.
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