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Locomotive Magazine and Railway Carriage and Wagon Review
Volume 57 (1951)
Number 701 (15 January 1951)
Railway departmental organisation. 1-2.
Diesel-electric trains for Egypt. 3-4. illoustration
Major Robert Leonard Green.
2-6-2 type side tank locos Tanganyika Railways. 4-5. illustration,
diagram (side elevation)
Constructed by W.G. Bagnall Ltd
"Metcalfe" steram brake lubricator. 6. diagram
British Railways standard 4-6-2 locomotive. 22-3 + col. plate. f.p. 22. illus., diagr. (s. el.)
B.R. No. 70000 : an engineman's impressions. 44-6. illus., 2 diagrs.
(incl. s. el.), plan.
Includes sectionalized diagrams.
Fell locomotive. 96
Cited from Volume 61 p. 210
BRITISH Railways' standard class "4" 4-6-0. Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev., 1951, 57, 103. 4. illus.
The Inspecting Engineer. 165
J.S. Tritton delivered his Presidential
Address to the Institution of Locomotive Engineers in London, on 17 October.
It will be recollected that the President also occupied
this distinguished position during the 1947-1948 session and, as on that
occasion, his address was of great interest.
In the introductory remarks it was pointed out that it is usual for the author
of a Presidential Address to choose a subject on which he can speak from
long personal experience and in selecting Inspection accepted practice was
being followed. The President expanded the title to "The Inspecting Engineer's
Contribution to Railway Economy"; although inspection in its technical aspect
is of interest to all members of the Institution, he showed that it provides
a service which is of value to other Railway Departments.
It is a long time since the subject of Inspection figured in the Institution's
proceedings and no doubt many of the parties concerned with it have had an
imperfect grasp of the matter as a whore. This able exposition showed that
the services of the Inspecting Engineer, when rightly used, are a good investment
for all parties to an Engineering contract. The President examined the functions
of the Inspecting Engineer, the requirements which bring those functions
into being, and how they are fulfilled. It was explained "What manner of
men these are," what their training and experience gives them and some examples
of their work were described. Finally an estimate of the cost and value of
their services was given. The procedure built up during over half-a-century's
experience was explained and many of the tests, checks: analyses, etc.,
described. The excellent locomotive mspector's notebook evolved by W.A. Lelean,
a past President of the Institution, was outlined. This formed the subject
of a paper by J Lelean as far back as 1915, but it was commended by Tntton
as worthy of careful study. The President suggested that shop and shed inspectors
on Railways would find booklets of the form outlined of considerable assistance
in settling any points in dispute when engines received in shed after periodic
shopping do not come up to expectations.
The final step in the procedure of inspection is the signing or countersigning
of the inspection certificate. This most important document serves several
purposes, which were described.
The most oft quoted objection to inspection is that it "wastes time." Efficient
inspection obviously "takes" time, but should not "waste" it. One of the
most frequent difficulties the Inspecting Engineer encounters is that of
working to a loose specification. Sir Alexander Rendel, the eminent Consulting
Engineer, used to say, "a good specification saves money. What is the use
of starting on half-a-sheet of notepaper and ending in the law courts?" In
addition to the maintenance of standards the Inspecting Engineer is usually
called upon to perform a number of subsidiary duties. The most common of
these are:the submission of progress reports, providing forecasts of
delivery, advising the client on any unusual rejections and suggestmg
Improvements in his specification, and assisting both client and contractor
by "chasing" delayed sublet material.
The benefits resulting from Inspection to Client, Contractor and Consulting
Engineer were considered under their respective headings. The old argument
that a tenderer puts 10 per cent. on to his price if the contract is subject
to inspection is usually discredited. If taken seriously it is a compliment
to inspection. Naturally it implies that the Contractor will be working to
finer limits with a higher percentage of rejects and, consequently, the Purchaser
gets better value.
In the President's experience good inspection by a competent authority is
generally welcomed by Contractors, for reasons which he explained. All Designers
should be encouraged to visit the works where their contracts are under
inspection. Similarly Inspecting Engineers should pay frequent visits to
their Designer's Office so that when they have interpretations to make or
borderline cases to deal with they may be fully cognisant of the Designer's
The cost of inspection was considered and the possible methods of charging
explained. Theoretically, and from the professional point of view the time
basis is the correct method of charging for inspection work. In practice
it gives the Inspecting Engineer the free hand he should have in carrying
out his duties conscientiously and, in the long run, it is generally cheaper
for the client.
This excellent survey of a most important branch of mechanical engineering
was wittily concluded by the apposite remark that there is more in inspection
than meets the eye!
Tasmania. 165
Twelve English Electric diesel-electric locomotives of 660 h. p.,
built jointly with Vulcan Foundry,. Ltd., were running on the main lines
of Tasmania. A total of 32 of these was on order.
Main line diesel-electric locos South Australian Government Railways. 166-7
Western Region. 167.
New engines into service included Standard Class 4 4-6-0 Nos. 75005-7
and 0-6-0PT Nos. 9453-6 (ex-R. Stephenson & Hawthorns Ltd.)
4-8-2 Gold Coast locomotives. 167-8
3ft 6in gauge [not stated in article]: order for thirty from Vulcan Foundry
for Gold Coast Government Railway similar to 246 class of 1939.
500 h.p. diesel-mechanical locomotives. 169-70. illus., diagr. (s. &
f. elevations)
Hunslet Engine Co. supplied two eight-coupled locomotives for the
Paita-Piura Railway of the Peruvian Corporation which had severe gradients
and sharp curvature. It was tested on shunting at British Railways Stourton
and on the steeply graded lines to Yeadon and Guiseley where it was able
to cope with loads normally handled by an 8F 2-8-0. The locomotives had Paxman
diesel engines, a Bibby coupling and Hunslet clutch and gear box.
F.J.G. Haut. Swiss electric pilot-coaches. 177. illus.
What came to be known as a driving van trailer was called a pilot
coach in Switzerland. It included a driver's cab or compartment, a luggage
and postal compartment, and two compartments accommodating 32 thrird class
passengers. They were built by S.I.G.Neuhausen and Oerlikon.
British Railways standard wagons. 177-8. illus.
Designed at Swindon and built at Wolverton: 3000 12-ton covered goods
vans with riveted underframes and softwood bodies, but capable of being adapted
to welded iunderframes and steel or plywood bodies. 17ft 6in long over headstocks
with a 10ft wheelbase. Spindle type buffers were fitted, but could accept
either rubber or rubber and steel springs. Instanter couplings standardised
for almost all vacuum-fitted stock for future construction in place of screw
couplings, Brake gear consists of 18in. diameter vacuum brake cylinder for
fast freight working and the Morton type handbrake operated from either side
of the wagon, both hand and power brakes being applied through one brake
block per wheel. Solid rolled steel wheels 3ft. l in. diameter and axles
with 9in. by 4tin. journals were fitted with cast iron axleboxes of the spigot
type, or alternatively, open fronted axleboxes of fabricated design. The
bodies of these vehicles were sheeted in softwood.
Institute of Transport. 178
A.B.B. Valentine, member of the London Transport Executive, president
for 1951-2, gave his Presidential address on 15 October. It was a comprehensivc
survey of present-day conditions and difficulties. He emphasised how railways
in particular were starved. of new capital to make overdue improvements and
how without capital expenditure it was impossible to give at the same time
better facilities and lower fares he also mentioned how the acute shortage
of staff was not; helped by the tendency to emphasise the disadvantages of
irregular hours and suchlike, while disregarding the many advantages and
interests in the transport business.
Stephenson Locomotive Society. 178
An unusual 51 mile circular tour by rail around London was recently
performed on behalf of the Society by British Railways. The ten corridor
coach train was hauled by "Bl " type locomotive No. 61175 started from Kensington
(Olympia) and included the following en route: Willesden, Canonbury, Stratford,
South Tottenham, Cricklewood, Kew, Hounslow and Clapham Junction.
F.J.G. Haut. Swiss light-weight locos. 178
The first 26 locomotives of series Re 4/4 (wheel arrangement Bo-Bo)
were put into service be- tween 1946 and 1948, and since then the Swiss Federal
Railways have purchased a further 24 units of the type embodying some interesting
altera- tions. They have an increased weight and power- output mainly to
avoid double-heading and to cope with heavier trains, In the earlier series
the weight was 56.4 tonnes, now it is 58.4 tonnes. The new locomotives could
haul trains up to 450 tonnes (formerly 350 tonnes): the l-hour rating being
increased from 2240 h.p. to 2500 h.p. The body of the locomotive was slightly
longer but the wheelbase remains unaltered, Previously it was possible to
put the locomotive in the middle of push-and-pull trains. Doors being provided
at the ends as well as a gangway, so that passengers could pass through.
This had been changed and there were three large windows in front instead,
For the main dimensions of these locomotives see
"The Locomotive," page 136, vol. LV.
London Midland Region. 178
New locomotives in service included Class 7 4-6-2 mixed traffic tender
(B.R. design) No, 70024 (built at Crewe for Western Region); Class 5 4-6-0
mixed traffic tender (B.R. design) Nos, 73015-73018 (built at Derby); Class
4 2-6-0 mixed traffic tender (L.M,R. design) Nos. 43124, 43125 and 43126
(built at Horwich for North Eastern Region); Class 2 2-6-2 mixed traffic
tank (L.M.R. design) Nos. 41290-41296 (built at Crewe for Southern Region);
350 h.p. 0-6-0 diesel electric shunter No, 12094 (built at Derby); 1,600
h.p. main line diesel electric No, 10202 (built at Ashford for L.M. Region).
The "Jubilee" class 4-6-0 No. 45700 "Britannia" has been renamed
"Amethyst''' to commemorate the daring expioitof the frigate of that
name which, in 1949, ran the gauntlet of continuous bombardment from the
shore for over seven hours as she sailed down the Yangtse.
Dimensions of locomotives. Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev., 1951, 57, 179-80.
The author concluded that, with the exception of gas passages, dimensions
are not critical in steam locomotive design.
Correspondence. 182
Summers, Groves & Day. P C. Dewhurst
The letter from Mr. Pearce Higgins on page 84 establishes important
points regarding this firm.
In the hearing before the H. of C. Committee on Steam Carriages, 1831 a Mr.
W. Altoft Summers, Engineer, gave evidence, and is seen to be working with
Nathaniel Ogle on the construction of locomotive engines for common roads;
whilst the many references to Southampton made by both, indicate that they
were operating at that place. Further, in a letter of 19 March 1832
(Mechanics Magazine No. 450), W.A. Summers refers to his "partner
Mr. N. Ogle" and foots his letter "Milbrook Iron works." In the U.S.A. Congress
Return of 1838 (referred to by Mr. Pearce Higgins), the actual entry respecting
the locomotive Jefferson supplied to the Richmond, Fredericksburg
& Potomac R.R. in 1837 gives the builders as "Summers Graves [sic] &
Day, Southampton." These two contemporary sources provide conclusive evidence
of the association of the Summers' firm with Millbrook Foundry, Southampton,
and with locomotive building.
Respecting the locomotives built by the firm, a study of contemporary sources
throws fresh light on its probable productions.
Combining the information in the October, 1841, B. of T Returns, the Gauge
Report Returns, 1845, and Whishaw, 1840, together with two advertisements
of locomotives for sale, the following particulars emerge:
London & Greenwich Rly. No. 8 (or 7), maker Day, 1839, 2-2-2, 11 x 18
in. cylinders, driving wheels 5 feet, carrying wheels 3ft 9in.
North Union Rly. St. George Bourne, Bartley & Co., 1839, 2-2-2,
12 x 18 in. cylinders, double-frames. driving wheels 5 feet, carrying wheels.
3ft 8in. and 2ft. 10in.
Bolton & Leigh Rly. St. David Bourne, Bartley & Co., 1839,
2-2-2, 12 x 18 in. cylinders, double-frames. driving wheels 5 feet,
carrying wheels. 3ft 0in.
Whilst the advertisements are:
Railway Times 17 December, 1839: "A new six-wheeled passenger locomotive
for sale, 12 x 18 in. cylinders, 5 feet driving wheels, having Bourne, Bartley
& Cos Patent wrought iron wheelsto be seen at London and Birmingham
engine station, Camden Town. Apply J.F. Bourne, office of 'Railway Times'."
Railway Times 14 March, 1840: "Bourne, Bartley & Co., have
on sale the St. David. six-wheeled. passenger engine, quite new, with
12 inch cylinders and 5 feet driving wheels."
The advertisement of March, 1840, definitely names the St. David and
consequently identifies it with that engine on the Bolton & Leigh where
it duly appears in the October, 1841, Returns., Whether that of December,
1839, refers to the same engine or to St. George is immaterial, because
St., George is fully identified on the North Union by combining Whishaw
and the 1841 Returns. What is significant is the seeming close correspondence
of these two engines with that of the Day engine on the Greenwich Railway.
According to the list of Haigh Foundry Co's locomotives as published by C.E.
Stretton in 1899, their only engine to Bourne, Bartley was Haigh Fdy. No.
31 of 1839 and it is given as a 4-2-0 with unequal bogie wheels, intended
for America, but sold by B.B. & .Co. to. the North Union Railway. The
St. George on that railway, however, is seen definitely from the
Government Returns, etc., to have been an inside cylinder double-framed single,
but having, carrying wheels of 3 ft. 8 in. and 2 ft. 10 in., as stated by
Stretton, and this latter point at first sight appears to partly corroborate
Stretton's list. In the same list the "Day" engine for the London & Greenwich
is stated, to have been Haigh Fdy. No. 36, delivered to a Mr. Dav at London
in 1839. In A.R Bennetts First Railway in London, 1913. this locomotive
is shown as a 5 feet six-wheeled "single" having cylinders 11 x 18 and also
given as built by "Day" (thus agreeing with Whishaw and as adopted by Stretton).
Bennett, however, adds a footnote "also described as Summers & Grove,"
and as he had access to the early Greenwich Railway documents it may safely
be taken that the engine was actually built by Summers, Grove & Day,
and the mythical "Mr. Day of London" becomes eliminated. We are thus confronted
with two inexplicable errors in the Haigh Fdy. list andunless it be
assumed the No. 36 should be considered as representing the second of the
engines to Bourne, Bartley, which is too remarkable a supposed coincidence
for this writer to acceptconsequently that list falls from its supposed
authenticity and becomes merely a computed list with manifest errors.
It is, of course, possible to suppose that, having once discarded the
infallibility of the Haigh Fdy. list, St. George and St. David
were nevertheless in fact built by the Haigh Fdy.; this may have been so,
but in view of the remarkable resemblance and circumstances of these two
engines and that built by Summers, Groves & Day for the Greenwich Railway,
it seems legitimate to speculate as to whether all three were built by the
Southampton firm. .
The so far definitely known locomotive productions of the Southampton firm
are therefore:-
1837. 1 loco. to the Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac R.R., U.S.A.
1839. 1 loco. to the Greenwich Railway.
1840. 1 loco. to the L.S.W. Railway Southampton, a single, later No.
and the possible addition of:-
1839. 1 loco. to Bourne, Bartley & Co St. George, sold to North
1839. 1 loco. to Bourne, Bartley & Co St. David, sold to Bolton
& Leigh,
and that the Millbrook Foundry was of a fair capacity is evident from the
fact that the L.S.W. Railway sent locomotives there for work as extensive
as rebuilding, as late as 1852.
Locomotives by George England & Co. S.H.P. Higgins
Mr. Coles reference to a locomotive named Little England that
worked as a contractor's engine in Sweden calls to mind the small 2-2-2 well
tanks for which the firm of George England & Co. became so well known.
In itself the name is a very uncertain guide, but its appearance on an engine
in Sweden may revive speculation on the fate of the Little England
that was sent to the Great Exhibition of 1851. In the mid-1860s an engme
answenng its description seems to have turned up in Boultons siding at
Ashton-under-Lyne, and there the matter rests. (See "The Chronicles of Boulton's
Siding," A. R. Bennett.) The total output of locomotives of the Little England
type is probably greater than is generally recognised. In September, 1850,
an engine of this class was tried on the Liverpool, . Crosby. and Southport
line; it was probably acquired by the L.C. & S., and may laterabout
1855 have passed to the L.Y.R. Contemporary press accounts record
this engine as the sixth of the type to have been built.
At one time the L. & N.W.R. possessed an engine of the "Little England"
class, named Dwarf.. Its earliest recorded appearance is in 1862.
Perhaps this date is significant, for in 1862 the George England well tank
Shannon, which is now preserved at Wantage Road station, came into
L.N.W.R. stock. Could it be that Dwarf was acquired, together with
Shannon, from the Sandy and ·Potton Railway? [The LNWR also possessed
a second engine of this type named Carlisle.
see The Locomotive, p. 8,
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