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Reference Sources for South American Railways

Compiled by Paddy Farrell

Many entries in this bibliography include brief notes on the contents of the cited paper, article or report. This is particularly useful when the item is in Spanish or Portuguese. It includes the entries in the bibliography compiled by Paul Waters for BORHT in 1999.

The bibliography far from complete. Anyone with suggestions for additional entries is invited to send them to myself at for inclusion, with appropriate brief notes.if possible.

What follows is only the first section of of the bibliography. It will continue with entries for the main railways in Argentina, for Argentine railways which crossed borders into adjacent countries, and for entries featuring technical aspects of the railways in Argentina (lcomotives, rolling-stock, signalling, personnel, etc). This will be followed by parts relating to the railways in other South American countries.

The second section of this bibliography (separate page) covers Specific Railways in Argentina.

The third section of this bibliography (separate page) covers Argentine Railway Engineering - locomotives and rolling stock, infrastructure, and personnel.


Ferroclub Argentino. A railway preservation yard in a northern suburb of Buenos Aires on the standard-gauge Urquiza line.

Ferroclub Argentino. A railway preservation yard in a northern suburb of Buenos Aires on the standard-gauge Urquiza line
[Photo by Paddy Farrell]

Argentine Railways, General Books and Articles

Plaza Constitución Station, Buenos Aires Terminus of the Roca Line, after a recent refurbishment

Plaza Constitución Station, Buenos Aires Terminus of the Roca Line, after a recent refurbishment [Photo by Paddy Farrell]






AGUADO, Alejandro

Aventuras Sobre Rieles Patagonicos


Duendes del Sur

Descriptions and stories of various aspects of the broad-gauge railways in the Patagonian region of Argentina, with maps, and many illustrations by the author.

AGUADO, Alejandro

Cañadón Lagarto


Duendes del Sur

Descriptions and stories of various aspects of the broad-gauge railways in the Patagonian region of Argentina, with maps, and many illustrations by the author.


Los Ferrocarriles Británicos en la República Argentina; circa 1941-2.



The author and publisher of this slim booklet are unknown. Most of the British-Owned railways are briefly described, together with financial, traffic and other 1940-41 statistics, and a short bibliography.


Origen y Desarrollo de los Ferrocarriles Argentinos


El Ateneo, Buenos Aires

The origin and development of the railways in Argentina.

BRADY, George S

Railways of South America , Part 1, Argentina


US Department of Commerce, Trade Promotion Series No. 32, Washington

A Report on all the railways in Argentina, covering their history, development, statistics (mileage, finances, personnel, etc), motive power, rolling stock, repair shops and equipment.


Britain and the making of Argentina


WIT Press

The history of the British influence and investment in the commercial, farming, railway, shipping and sporting activities of Argentina.

BUNGE, Alejandro E

Ferrocarriles Argentinos – Contribución al Estudio del Patrimonio National


Imprenta Mercatali, Buenos Aires

An inventory of the railways in Argentina, embracing their capital value, development, exploitation, performance, charges, personnel and related government policies.

CASTRO, Juan José

Ferrocarriles Sud-Americanos


Ministerio de Fomento, República Oriental del Uruguay, Montevideo 1893

A study submitted to the 1893 Chicago International Exhibition, describing the railways of Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia, Perú and border crossings. It contains many details of railway structures, legal documents, individual railways, etc, but surprisingly no maps. These might have been in an annex which has got separated.

COCQUETEAUX, Armand & BRALY, C. Andrés

Ferrocarril Metropolitano de la Capital Federal de la República Argentina


La Nación

A document of 20 pages and a fold-out map describing a proposed railway linking most of the main railway termini in Buenos Aires, forming a circumference round the metropolitan area of the city.

COOMBS, Martin & SINCLAIR, David

Railways at the End of the World – In Patagonia and the South Atlantic Islands


The Araucaria Press, Cumbria, UK

This book describes all the railways in Patagonia, south of the River Negro, in both Argentina and Chile as well as the islands in the South Atlantic Ocean.

CUCCORESE, Horacio Juan

Historia de los Ferrocarriles en La Argentina


Ediciones Macchi, Buenos Aires


DAMUS, Sylvester

Argentine Railways – Seven Papers on their Economics and History


DIA Agency, Inc., 2nd edition

Productivity, innovations, rates and charges, the FCCA in Cordoba province, British exports to the Argentine, estancia lands, the Mitre Law, and several appendices.

DAMUS, Sylvester

Who was Who in Argentine Railways 1860-1960


DIA Agency, Inc, 3rd edition

800 short biographies of contractors, engineers, managers and other persons active in the construction and development of the railways in Argentina.

DAMUS, Sylvester

La Planeación Ferroviaria en la República Argentina


Desarrollo Económico, enero-marzo, Vol. 5, No. 120, pp511-522.

A discussion of the planning (or lack thereof) for the Argentine railway network.

DAMUS, Sylvester

Acerca de la Planeación Ferroviaria – Comentario de un Artículo de Manuel A. Solanet sobre Estimación de de la Demanda de Transporte Ferroviario


Desarrollo Económico, abril-junio, Vol. 7, No. 125, pp877-892.

Comments about the prediction of demand for railway transport.

DAMUS, Sylvester

Rail Transport Economics and Fallacies

September 12th, 1966

The Review of the River Plate

DAMUS, Sylvester

Railway Planning – Confused Economists

October 31st, 1966

The Review of the River Plate

DAMUS, Sylvester

Looking Realistically at Railway Economics

January 31st, 1967

The Review of the River Plate

DAMUS, Sylvester

Argentine Railways – How Inefficient Are They?

April 21st, 1967

The Review of the River Plate

DAMUS, Sylvester

An Evaluation of Alternative Transport Pricing Rules – Argentine Railways, ca. 1905


Transportation Research Forum, Proceedings 25th Annual Meeting, Vol. XXIV, No. 1

DAMUS, Sylvester

Ramsey-Pricing by railways in historical and international perspective


Lambert Academic Publishing

Ramsey was a Cambridge genius who wrote in 1927 about an ideal way of setting a sales tax on commodity transactions. His name crept into economist’s theories of transport prices, which are akin to a sales tax. “Ramsey-Price” became a technical term denoting a presumably optimal transport price.

Dirección General de Ferrocarriles

Estadística de los Ferrocarriles en Explotación, Tomo XXV, Año 1916 (con los resultados principales de la explotación hasta 1923)


Ministerio de Obras Públicas, Buenos Aires

Annual Part 15 of a comprehensive statistical study of the operation of the railways in Argentina in 1916, together with the main results of the following years up to and including 1923.

JOHNSON, Emerson R.

Railways of South America – Part 1: Argentina


U.S. Department of Commerce, Transportation Division of the Foreign and Domestic Bureau

A very detailed compilation of all aspects of railway operations in Argentina, including border-crossing lines to surrounding countries.


Los ferrocarriles argentinos vistos por ojos argentinos


Buenos Aires

Argentine railways seen through Argentine eyes.


Ferrocarriles en Rosario

2001, reprinted 2003

Asociación Rosarina Amigos del Riel

History and development of the various railways in the area around Rosario, in the Province of Santa Fe.

Ferrocarriles Argentinos

Publicación Official, Año 1 No. 4

Junio 1971

Departamento Relaciones Públicas, Buenos Aires

An official publicity magazine about recent railway developments in Argentina.

Ferrocarriles Argentinos

Ferrocarriles Argentinos

Early 1970s


Tri-lingual (Spanish, Portuguese, English) tourist booklet, with information about travel by express train in Argentina and across the borders of adjacent countries (Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay).

Ferroclub Argentino & Fundación Museo Ferroviario

2007 Calendar



Published to mark the 150th Anniversary of the first railway in Argentina, containing interesting photographs and the dates of seminal events in the history of the railways in Argentina.

GANCEDO (hijo), Alejandro

Ferrocarriles del Estado (Proyecto de ley orgánica)


Camara de Diputados

Bill presented in the House of Deputives of the Congress on 21st September 1922, concerning all aspects of new financial arrangements for the railways in Argentina. Includes much historical information about railway financial and legal arrangements in Argentina and other countries. Extensive tables and maps.


The Forgotten Colony – A History of the English-Speaking Communities in Argentina


L.O.L.A. (Literature of Latin America), revised edition, 1999 (first published by Hutchinson, London in 1981)

A history of British activities and influences in Argentina, including railway matters in Chapter 16. The author joined the Buenos Aires Herald newspaper in 1966, becoming Editor before leaving Argentina in 1976.


Goodbye Buenos Aires


Eland Publishing Ltd, London

A history of Buenos Aires (and Argentina), from 1918 to 1963, written as a biography of his Scottish father. First published in Spanish by Ediciones de la Flor, Buenos Aires, 1997. The first English edition was published by Shoestring Press, Nottingham, England, 1999. Chapter 30 is on the nationalisation of all the Argentine railways in 1948.

KILLIK, Stephen H.M. (later Sir Stephen)(Compiler)

Manual of Argentine Railways for 1908, 1912, 1921, 1928, 1929


London, Effingham Wilson

Reviews, brief histories, statistics and maps.

LAMAS, Dr Carlos Saavedra

Los Ferrocarriles ante la Legislación Positiva Argentina


Buenos Aires

An ex-Minister of Justice and Professor at the Universities of Buenos Aires and La Plata presents the text of several laws and regulations of the time, relating to the fixing of the capital and tariffs for the Western, Transandine and other railways.

LEWIS, Colin M.

Percival Farquhar and the Argentine Railways 1912-1914


Transport History Vol. No.3


LEWIS, Colin M.

British Railway Companies and the Argentine Government


In D.C.M. Platt (Ed.), Business Imperialism 1840-1930 – An Inquiry Based on British Experience in Latin America, Oxford University Press

Livinstone, Zambia

LEWIS, Colin M.

British Railways in Argentina 1857-1914



The development and contribution of the British-owned railways to the formation of the modern Republic of Argentina, featuring the interactions between Argentine and British interventions.

LEWIS, Colin M.

150th Anniversary of Railways in Argentina, “Anglo-Criollo” rather than British: Early Investments in Argentinian Railways and Utilities


London School of Economics and Political Science

Paper presented to the Anglo-Argentine Society at Canning on 19th June, 2007.

LOPEZ, Mario Justo

Historia de los Ferrocarriles de la Provincia de Buenos Aires 1857-1886



Early history of the railways in the province of Buenos Aires.

LÓPEZ, Mario Justo

Historia de los Ferrocarriles Nacionales 1866 – 1886



Continuation of his previous book, covering the rest of the country.

LÓPEZ, Mario Justo

Ferrocarriles Deuda y Crisis – Historia de los Ferrocarriles en la Argentina de 1887 a 1896


Editorial de Belgrano

A further continuation of his two previous books, extending the history of the railways through a difficult political and economic period in Argentina.

LÓPEZ, Mario Justo and WADDELL, Jorge E. (Compiler Editors)

Nueva Historia del Ferrocarril en la Argentina – 150 Años de Política Ferroviaria



A two-part volume celebrating 150 years of the railways in Argentina. The five chapters in the first part cover the history of the railways up to 2006; the six contributions in the second part cover a selection of specific Argentine railway topics.

LÓPEZ, Mario Justo

La llegada del tren – el progreso sobre ruedas

Diciembre, 2009

Paper in “Todo es Historia”, Año XLII, No. 509,

Describes the history of the private railway companies in Argentina and their relationship to the State. See also Fernandez 2009 and Waddell 2009.

LÓPEZ, Mario Justo

Yrigoyen, Alvear y los ferrocarriles Británicos



A more detailed study of the government’s railway policy in Argentina between 1916 and 1930.

LÓPEZ, Mario Justo, Jorge E. WADDELL, Jorge E. y MARTINEZ, Juan Pablo

Historia del Ferrocarril en Argentina


Lenguaje Claro Editora

Government railway policy between 1857 and 2015. A revised and updated version of their previous book, omitting the topics covered in the second part of that book. This was the first book to present a comprehensive history of all the railways in Argentina, emphasising their formation and development in terms of the railway policies of the Argentine Government.

LÓPEZ, Mario Justo

Trenes Ingleses en Argentina – Monopolio y control estatal (1897-1916)


Lenguaje Claro Editora

A revised and amplified version of the history of the Argentine railways over the period, dealing in particular with the Mitre Law and its effects on railway policies.

LÓPEZ, Mario Justo, Jorge E. WADDELL, Jorge E. y MARTINEZ, Juan Pablo

A History of the Railways in Argentina – Railway Policies between 1857 and 2015


Lenguaje Claro Editora

This is a translation, by Paddy Farrell, of their book published in 2016. The new translated edition provided an opportunity to revise and enhance its contents.

MÜLLER, Alberto E. G.

La cuestión ferroviaria en la Argentina


Editorial Biblios

A discussion of the lengthy and continuing debate about the role of the railways in Argentina since their nationalization in 1948. Aside from the reasonably effective passenger services in Greater Buenos Aires, the author shows that survival of railway servicies in the country depends on them capturing significantly more of the freight transport market than they have been able to gain up to 2015.

ORTIZ, Ricardo M.

El Ferrocarril en la Economía Argentina


Catedra Lisandro de la Torre, 2a Edición actualizada

The role of the railways, and of government railway policies, in the development of the Argentine economy.

PENDLE, George

History Today – Railways in Argentina





The Railways of the World



An introduction to railways and their technology; British, Irish, foreign and colonial railways, including Argentine railways in general and the Transandine.


Special numbers on South American Railways

1926 and 1949


Reviews of the present position and development programmes of the railways in Argentina and other countries in South America, with several maps and many photographs.


Los Ferrocarriles en la Argentina – Un Enfoque Geográfico


Editorial Universitaria de Buenos Aires

A study of the railways in Argentina from the point of view of its geographical features and population of the country.


Los Ferrocarriles Ante el Siglo XXI


Editorial de Belgrano

This book explores the ways in which modern developments in transport systems will lead to changes in the role of railway networks, with particular reference to the railways in Argentina.

ROWE, D. Trevor

The railways of South America


Paul Catchpole Ltd (Locomotives International)

The first comprehensive book on the development and operation of all the main railways in South America in the Twentieth Century.


Los Ferrocarriles deben ser Argentinos



Written between 1935 and 1946 and published posthumously. Tendentiously argues that the railways in Argentina should belong to the Argentines.


Historia de los Ferrocarriles Argentinos


Editorial Plus Ultra, 10th Edition

First published in 1935, now posthumously revised and including an appendix on the Mitre Law. Remains a tendentious and combative book.


Los Ferrocarriles en la Argentina 1857 – 1910


Fundación Museo Ferroviario

Makes available these early texts by two distinct authors, the first originally published in 1910 and the second in 1911. Also included is a set of previously unpublished photographs taken at the turn of the 19th century.

SCHVARZER, Jorge, REGALSKY, Andrés y GÓMEZ, Teresita (compiladores)

Estudios sobre la Historia de los Ferrocarriles Argentinos(1857-1940)


Universidad de Buenos Aires

A set of papers on various economic and social science aspects of the railways, in celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the first railway in Argentina.


Ferrocarriles Argentinos


Buenos Aires


STONES, Henry Richard

British Railways in Argentina 1860 – 1948


Published by P.E. Waters & Associates

One of the few books which concentrates on the equipment and operation of the railways, together with brief historical details. Henry Stones was a senior manager on the Central Argentine Railway. Contains many photographs from the archive of the British Overseas Railways Historical Trust (BORHT).

STONES, Henry Richard

International Railways over the Andes


P.E. Waters & Associates and Fundación Museo Ferroviario

Briefly describes the various railway routes over the Andes from Argentina, Bolivia and Peru, and then concentrates more fully on the lines between Bolivia-Argentina, Buenos Aires-Bolivia, Northern Transandine and Argentine-Chile via the Southern Lakes. Contains many photographs provided by BORHT and FMF.


Railways of Yesteryear – South America


Mainline & Maritime, Locomotives International Imprint

Describes his experiences of railway travel for business and pleasure in South America and how it has changed over the years.


Tren Rodante

1987-current, approximately monthly; Contact:

Magazine covering Argentine, South American, and international railway topics. Recent editions available online.


La Red Ferroviaria Argentina en la Actualidad


GEA Magazine, Issue 127

The current state of the Argentine railway network.


FerrocarrilesArgentinos – 60 Años de Decadencia

Diciembre, 2009

Paper in “Todo es Historia”, Año XLII, No. 509
University, Halifax.

Describes the decay of the system over the previous 60 years, owing to erratic and contradictory policies, lack of investment, and inability to modernize the service. See also López 2009, above.

WRIGHT, Winthrop R

British-Owned Railways in Argentina -- Their Effect on Economic Nationalism, 1854-1948


Institute of Latin American Studies, University of Texas Press

A study of the relations between the government and the mostly British railways in Argentina and the effect of the rise of economic nationalism in the country.

WRIGHT, Winthrop R.

Los Ferrocarriles Ingleses en la Argentina – Su Influencia en el Nacionalismo Economico


EMECÉ Editores

A Spanish translation of the previous book.


La Plata Station (terminus) on the broad-gauge Roca line

La Plata Station (terminus) on the broad-gauge Roca line, with an electric train arriving from Buenos Aires, and a wonderful set of aged but still in use semaphore signals manufactured in Britain. La Plata is the capital of the Province of Buenos Aires, about 50km south of Buenos Aires. [Photo by Paddy Farrell]


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