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Kevin Jones' Steam Index

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (key to greater detail)

The citation of the early volumes is difficult as they lacked continuous pagination. Citation is now greatly assisted by the Proceedings being available at the undermentioned website: this has enabled prerviously seen items (held in the British Library) to be cited more accurately. It should be noted, however, that whilst the scanning has been excellently done, some of the associated indexing has been less than perfect which leads to titles like "midland railway" [sic]. This file is (1) now relocated within a specific Institution of Mechanical Engineers folder; (2) increased in the number of papers listed, whilst (3) the associated abstracts are located in web pages covering decades of papers. It should be noted that this file is concentrates on papers related to steam locomotives, although many papers only slightly related are also included as many of the key players (notably Ramsbottom and Aspinall) in the development of steam locomotives had very broad engineering interests. Papers relating to railway infrastructure and rolling stock are also included..

1847-1859 1860-1869 1870-1879 1880-1889 1890-1899 1900-1909
1910-1919 1920-1929 1930-1939 1940-

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1847/8 (Volume 1)

24 November 1847

Beyer, Charles
Description of the luggage engine "Atlas". 1-14.

13 June 1848

McConnell, J.E.
On the balancing of wheels. 1-9.

Samuel, James
On an express engine. 10-13

26 July 1848

Stephenson, G.
On the fallacies of the rotary engine. 1-3.
In the discussion Henry Robinson refers to Lord Dundonald's engine working in Portsmouth Dockyard, refers to Beale's rotary engine and the evaluation of Dundonald's locomotive on the Liverpool & Manchester Railway.

25 October 1848

Russell, J. Scott
Memoir of George Stephenson.
Refers to George Stephenson's many interests including electricity, but perhaps the obiturist's most thought provoking phrase was "Was there ever a bolder theorist than he was?"

Jones, John
On the adpation of the "Cambrian" engine to locomotive purpose. 16-21.
Messrs Thwaites & Co. of Bradford had built Albion to Jones' patented design. Crampton type mentioned on p. 18 and a rotary engine by R.P. Jackson on page 21.

Kinmond, W.L.
Description of a railway carriage elevator. 22-5.
Lift installed at the Glasgow terminus of the Glasgow & Ayr Railway.

Brockedon, Wicksteed
Vulcanized India-rubber pipe joints. 25-9.
Brockedon is credited by Thomas Hancock with the invention of the term vulcanization and introduced the process to Britain from the USA where he had met Charles Goodyear.

25 July 1849

Ramsbottom, J.
On an improved locomotive boiler. 1-11.
Observations on blast pipe size and on great increase in heating surface and a corresponding increase in flue area.  McConnell (pp. 8-9) noted the heat loss in the smokebox and Allan (p. 9) had experimented with rods in the tubes but this had no effect upon fuel consumption.

24 October 1849

Samuel, James
On the economy of railway transit. 1-13.
The employment of Enfield on the Eastern Counties Railway and on the Norfolk Railway.

McConnell, J.E.
On railway axles. Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs., 13-27
Torsional deformation

Volume 2 (1850)

January 1850

McConnell, J.E.
On the deterioration of railway axles, etc. 5-14: (April): 3-6.. Disc. 14-19 : (April), 6-14 + Plates 1-2.

October 1850

Buckle, W.
On the inventions and life of William Murdock. 16-25. Disc.: 25-6 + Plates 15-16.

Volume 2 1851)

Barrans, Josheph
On an improved axle box for railway engines and carriages. 3-8.

Henson, Henry H.
On improvements in the construction of railway wagons.3-20.

Adams, W.A.
On the improvement of the construction of railway carrying stock. 10-19

Peacock, R.
On the workshops for the locomotive carriage and waggon departments of the Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire railway. 22-7.

On an improved axle box for railway engines and carriages. 30-40

Cowper, E.A.
On an improved mode of moulding railway chairs. 42-5.

Volume 3 (1852)

Handley, W.
On an improved break for railway carriages. 19-23. Disc.: 23-7 + Plates 50-1.

Samuel, James
On a continuous expansion engine. 27-34; 41-7. Disc.: 34; 47-52 + Plates 52-3 and 55
Discussion: D.K. Clark (50)

Clark, Daniel K.
On the expansive working of steam in locomotives. 60-88; 109-131.

Siemens,  C.W.
On the expansion of isolated steam and the total heat of steam. 131-40. Disc.: 140-1 + Plates 63-4.

Adams, William A.
On improvements in the construction and materials of railway waggons. 206-13.

Hodge, Paul R.
On a new self-lubricating axle-box for railway engines and carriages, and a self-acting spring crossing point. 213-22.

Volume 4 (1853)

McConochie, John
On an improved railway chair. 9-19

Copper, Edward A.
Description of Cugnot's original invention of the locomotive steam engine for common roads. 33-7.

Allan, Alexander
Description of an oil axle-box for engines and tenders. 37-43

Craig, William G.
On improved India-rubber springs for railway engines, carriages, &c. 45-57.
Used Moultons Prepared India Rubber.

Adams, W. Bridges
On railway axle lubrication. 57-65.

McConnell, J.E.
On hollow railway axles. 87-101.

Norris, R.S.
Improved railway joint chair. 101-08

Ramsbottom, J.
Description of an improved coking crane for supplying locomotive engines. 122-6.

Lloyd, Samuel
On an improved turn table.126-34.

Rolinson, John
On an improved apparatus for preventing explosions of steam-boilers. 134-6.

Fairbairn, William
On the retardation and stoppage of railway trains. 156-65.

Volume 5 (1854)

Beattie, Joseph
On an improved locomotive engine. 24-33.

Marshall, William Prime
On Berdan's crushing and amalgamating machine. 33-48.

Payne, Edward J.
On a new railway train signal. 49-57.

Ramsbottom, J.  
An improved piston. 70-4.

McConnell, James E.
On an improved wrought-iron piston. 119-22.

Kitson, James
Description of an improved friction hammer. 133-8.

Volume 6 (1855)

Fenton, James
Description of an improved safety valve, for locomotive, marine, and stationary steam boilers. 24-9.

Beyer, Charles
Description of an improved tuyere and smiths' hearth. 125-9.  
Description of an improved water tuyere designed by John Nuttall. The tuyere was referred to in an earlier paper by Charles Beyer.

Miller, George M.
Description of a new expansive valve motion for steam engines. 146-54

Adams, W. Bridges
On an improved spring and axle box for railway carriages. 163-71.

Joy, David
Description of a spiral coil piston packing. 171-6.

Fairbairn, William
Description of a new construction of pumping engine. 177-82.

Craig, William G.
On an improved axle box and spring fittings for railway carriages. 182-91.

Ramsbottom, John
On the construction of packing rings for pistons. 206-08.

Volume 7 (1856)

Ramsbottom, J.
On an improved safety valve. 37-47.
The tamper-free duplex safety valve. It was not unknown for locomotive drivers to load their safety valves in order to obtain increased boiler pressure so that they could make up lost time. Such practice was dangerous and a number of boiler explosions were attributed to it. Ramsbottom's safety valve design prevented any loading which would result in an increase of boiler pressure, but did allow pressure to be released by means of a lever which had contact with both valves.

Allan, Alexander
On an improved construction of link motion for locomotive and other engines. 70-7.

Chattaway, E.D.
Description of a central buffing and drawing apparatus for railway carriages. 173-8.

Neilson, Walter
On an improved locomotive boiler. 236-8.

Voume 8 (1857)

Fenton, James
On a new water connexion between locomotive engines and tenders. 99-102.

Ramsbottom, John
Description of a safety escape pipe for steam boilers. 179-83.

Beyer, Charles
On balancing the valves of steam engines. 189-92. Disc.: 192-5.
D-pattern balanced slide valves for all types of engine developed by Robert Wilson of Patricroft, mainly stationary (especially for steam hammers, notably at Low Moor), but also including locomotive. Contributors to the discussion included [Robert] Wilson (it was his work which was being described, mainly in its application to steam hammers), Henry Maudslay, Pilkington, Morrison, [Joseph] Tomlinson who noted that in the case of the locomotive slide valve there did not appear to be any provision for keeping the back steam tight after wear had taken place. Wilson replied that he had found the wear was so slight that the elasticity of the plate was sufficient to compensate for it, by the deflection of the plate under the pressure between the supporting sides

Kitson, James
On lighting railway trains with gas, with description of Mr T.J. Thompson's system. 242-58.

1858 (Volume 9)

Froude, W.
Dynamometer and friction break [sic]. 92-117

Hunt, Thomas
On a new construction of railway springs. 160-5.

Fairbairn, William A.
On an improved construction of axleboxes and coupling rods for locomotive engines. 166-70.
Advocated India rubber linings for axleboxes as this made them last longer.

Haswell, John A.
Description of an improved railway switch. 171-6

Wood, Nicholas
On the improvements and progress in the working and ventilation of coal mines in the Newcastle-on-Tyne district within the last fifty years. 177-236.
As Wood is so important in the development of steam locomotives this paper is listed

Fletcher, E.
Description of the locomotive engine shed and turntables at Gateshead Station. 256-60.
Paper presented in association with a visit to Gateshead by the Institution.

Tomlinson, Joseph
On the burning of welsh steam coal in locomotive engines. 274-95.
B. Laybourn (287) noted the use of coal on the Monmouthshire Railway; B. Fothergill (288-90) noted the problem of the burning of firebars; W.G. Craig (290-1) made observations about coal burning on the MSLR; W. Smith (291) noted that channelled firebars were used by Gray; Tomlinson (293) noted the use of Gray's firebars on GWR Iron Duke

Volume 10 (1859)

Allan, Alexander
Description of a new steam pressure gauge. 179-85.

Naylor, William
Description of Haste's improved safety valve for steam boilers. 186-94

Penn, John
On the application of superheated steam in marine engines. 195-210.

Fenton, James
Description of Fryer's apparatus for filling locomotive tenders with water. 211-16.

Allan, Alexander
On increased brake power for stopping railway trains. 230-7.

Maudslay, Henry
General meeting [notice of the death of Robert Stephenson]. 245-8

Volume 11 (1860)

Ryder, John N.
On the application of superheated steam. 22-9. Disc.: 29-38.

Robinson, John
On Giffard's injector for feeding steam boilers. 39-47; 74-7 (Supplementary paper). Disc.: 48-51; 77-82.

Markham, Charles
On the burning of coal instead of coke in locomotive engines. 147-71. Disc.: 172-5 

Lloyd, Sampson
Description of Aert's water axlebox. 178-91. Disc.: 182-7.

Markham, Charles
Description of a new safety coupling for railway wagons. 277-82. Disc.: 282-3 + Plates 59-60. 6 diagrs.

Peacock, Richard
Description of a light steam hammer for light forgings. 284-7. Disc.: 287-92. Plates 61-5.

Volume 12 (1861)

Ramsbottom, John.
Description of a method of supplying water to locomotive tenders whilst running.X43-50. Disc.: 50-1 Plates 10-12.
Charles Markham contributed pp. 51-2.

Williamson, Alexander W. and Perkins, Loftus
On a boiler, engine, and surface condenser, for very high pressure steam with great expansion. 94-108

Kennedy, J.P.
On the construction and erection of iron piers and superstructures for railway bridges in alluvial districts. 171-82. Disc.: 182-92 + Plates 38-43. 29 diagrs.

Volume 13 (1861)

Allan, Alexander
Description of a feed-pipe connexion for locomotive engines. 88-91.

Miller, George M.
On a packing for pistons of steam engines and pumps. 315-27.

Volume 14 (1863)

Clark, D.K.
On the locomotive engines in the International Eexhibition of 1862. 78-111

Volume 15 (1864)

Ramsbottom, John
On the improved traversing cranes at Crewe Locomotive Works. 44-58.

Ramsbottom, John
On the distribution of weight on the axles of locomotives. 92-119

Volume 17 (1866)

Kirtley, William.
On the corrosion of locomotive boilers, and the means of prevention.

Ramsbottom, John
On an improved mode of manufacture of steel tyres. 186-98

Webb, Francis W.
Description of a curvilinear shaping machine. 280-7.

Volume 18 (1867)

Everitt, George A. 
On the composition and durability of locomotive boiler tubes in reference to coal-burning. 46-57.
Brass for the tubes, and ways to prevent the copper plates of the fireboxes being of hard or brittle quality. The method of testing.

Ramsbottom, John
Description of a 30-ton horizontal duplex hammer. 218-31.

Volume 19 (1868)

Armstrong, Sir William G.
On the transmission of power by water pressure, with the application to railway goods stations, forge and foundry cranes, and blast-furnace hoists. 21-30. Disc.: 30-41 + Plates 1-8. 14 diagrs.

Porter, Charles T.
On the Allen engine and governor. 50-66. Disc.: 66-80 + Plates 9-20. 20 diagrs.

Fernie, John
Description of a travelling crane worked by clip drum and wire rope. 164-8. Disc.: 168-75 + Plates 82-7.  11 disgrs.

Volume 20 (1869)

Armstrong, Sir William G.
Description of the hydraulic swing bridge for the North Eastern Railway over the River Ouse near Goole. 121-7. Disc.: 127-32 + Plates 17-24. 16 diagrs.

Daglish, John.
On the mechanical firing of steam boilers. 155-82.

Armstrong, Sir William G.
Address by the President. 183-200.

Volume 21 (1870)

Siemens, C. William
On Le Chatelier's plan of using counter-pressure steam as a break [sic] in locomotive engines. 21-59.

Marten, Edward B.
On the conclusions derived from the experience of recent steam boiler explosions. 179-218
Includes response to explosion in Yarmouth

1871 (Volume 22)

Ramsbottom, J.
On the mechanical ventilation of the Liverpool passenger tunnel on the London and North Western Railway. 22-35; 66-74; 184-99.

Haswell, John A.
Description of the break drums and the mode of working at the Ingleby incline on the Rosedale branch of the North Eastern Railway. 200-12.

Cochrane, Charles
On steam boilers with small water space, and roots' tube boiler. 229-59.

Spon, Ernest
On steam pressure gauges. 281-8, Disc.: 288-92 + Plates 80-7. 29 diagrs.

1872 (Volume 23)

Siemens, C.W.
On a steam jet for exhausting air. 97-117.
Includes a description of Pneumatic Despatch Tubes used in London by the Post Office (Ref: Backtrack, 1999, 13, 377)

Volume 24 (1873)

Baines, William
Description of an improved apparatus for working and interlocking railway signals and points. 31-44.

Kitson, Frederick W.
On the Allen governor and throttle valve for steam engines. 47-62 .

Sheriff, James D.
Description of the bracket chairs for suspending double-headed rails on the West Cornwall Railway. 252-9.

Volume 26 (1875)

Pole, William
Some notes on the early history of the railway gauge. 66-91.

Webb, Francis W.
Description of a direct-acting circular saw for cutting steel hot. 126-33.

Volume 28 (1877)

Perkins, Loftus
On steam boilers and engines for high pressures. 117-57.

Supplement to notes on the early history of railway gauge, respecting the origin of the 4ft 8 ½ inch gauge. 158-63.

Hawksley, Thomas
Address of the President. 167-75.

Wilson, John C.
On the construction of safety valves. 176-96.

Webb, Francis W.
On an improved form of slide valve for steam and hydraulic engines. 197-205.

Geach, John J.
On the mechanical appliances used in the construction of the heading under the Severn, for the Severn Tunnel Railway. 206-20.

Riches, T. Hurry
On the Tynewydd Colliery inundation, with particulars of the appliances used for rescuing the miners and recovering the workings. 221-36.

Fell, John C.
On the economy of variable automatic expansion in steam engines. 276-95.

Widmark, H.W.
Description of improved radial axleboxes and guides. 304-13.

Volume 29 (1878)

Sanders, D.
On continuous brakes for railway trains. 67-105.
Reference to Fay & Newall screw type brakes on LYR, also to experiments with vacuum and air barkes.

Robinson, John
Address of the President. 295-300.

Mallet, Anatole
On mechanical traction upon tramways. 395-439

Galton, Douglas
On the effect of brakes upon railway trains. 467-89.
On the effect of brakes upon railway trains (second paper). 590-632.

Volume 30 (1879)

Williams, R. Price
On the economy of railway working. 96-153.

Marie, George
On recent brake experiments upon the Lyons Railway. 157-69.
Trains and apparatus are described. The experimental van used in Captain Douglas Galton's British experiments was sent over by the London Brighton and South Railway.

Galton, Douglas
On the effect of brakes upon railway trains. 170-218.

Greig, David and Eyth, Max
Experiments referring to the use of iron and steel in high-pressure boilers. 268-327
Clark Steam engine p. 658-9 notes that Mr. F. W. Webb, in discussion of the paper of Messrs. Greig and Eyth, stated that after having tried various proportions of rivets and pitches, he had arrived at a single-riveted double-welt joint for 7/16-inch boiler plates of steel, possessing 71.6 per cent of the breaking strength of the whole plate, made with ¾-inch rivets at 2 inches of pitch. The covering plates are 3/8-inch thick and 5¼ inches wide, making a lap of 2 5/8 inches on each plate, and a width of 1½ inches from the centre line of the rivets to the edges of the plates. He believed this distance, 1½ inches, to be the best, and previously to the adoption of the given proportions he had found that the holes went oval long before the joint ought to have been destroyed

Mallet, Anatole
On the compounding of locomotive engines. 328-63.
Webb (probably pp. 349-51) contributed to discussion

Robinson, John
Address of the President: On cheap internal transport considered as a necessity for the prosperity of a country. 399-405

McLean, W.L.E.
On the forging of crank shafts. 461-71. Disc.: 471-83 + Plates 59-61. 33 diagrs.

Francq, Léon
On fireless locomotives for tramways. 610-26. Disc.: 626-41 + Plates 79-80.

Volume 31 (1880)

Francq, Léon
Reply on the discussion upon fireless locomotives. 37-43.

Browne, B.C.
On Brown's tramway locomotive. 44-56. Disc.: 57-81 + Plates 1-3

Riches, T. Hurry
Is automatic action necessary or desirable in a continuous railway brake? 100-51.

Larsen, J.D.
On permanent way for street tramways, with special reference to steam traction. 188-202. Disc.: 203-23 + Plates 15-18. 36 diagrs.

Joy, David
On a new reversing and expansive valve-gear. 418-54.

Volume 32 (1881)

Cowper, Edward A.
President's Address. 413-24.

Bell, I. Lowthian
On the Tyne as connected with the history of engineering. 425-47. V32

Crampton, Thomas Russell
On an automatic hydraulic system for excavating the Channel Tunnel. 440-50. V33

Volume 34 (1883)

Webb, Francis William
On compound locomotive engines. 438-62.

First report to the Council of the Committee on Friction at High Velocities; by Alexander Blackie William Kennedy and A. Morin. 660-7.
Various authorities, including Fleeming Jenkin, A.S. Kimball, R.H. Thurston, Douglas Galton, and George Westinghouse.

1884 (Volume 35)

Marie, George.
On the consumption of fuel in compound locomotives. 82-101. Disc.: 101-25.

Decauville, Paul
On portable railways. 126-49.

Longridge, Michael
On the Moscrop engine recorder, and the Knowles supplementary governor. 150-66.

Savill, A. Slater
Description of the automatic and exhaust-steam injector. 167-89.

Bell, Lowthian
Address of the President. 202-26

Riches, Charles H.
Description of the new locomotive running shed of the Taff Vale Railway at Cathays, Cardiff. 243-56.

Urquhart, Thomas
On the use of petroleum refuse as fuel in locomotive engines. 272-330.

Slater, Alfred
On the mineral wagons of South Wales. 415-43.

Timmis, Illius A.
On the application of electro-magnets to the working of railway signals and points. 444-71.

Volume 36 (1885)

Richardson, John
On recent adaptations of the Robey semi-portable engine. 371-5 + Plates 43-9 (15 diagrs.).

Volume 37 (1886)

Borodin, Alexander
Experiments on the steam-jacketing and compounding of locomotives in Russia. 297-354

Sandiford, Charles
On the working of compound locomotives in India. 355-409.

Volume 38 (1887)

Brown. Francis R.F.  
On the construction of Canadian locomotives. 186-273.

Volume 39 (1888)

Geoghegan, Samuel
Description of tramways and rolling stock at Guinness's Brewery. 327-62

Volume 40 (1889)

Urquhart, Thomas
Supplementary paper on the use of petroleum refuse as fuel in locomotive engines. 36-84.

Lapage, R. Herbert
On compound locomotives. 85-147.

English, Thomas
Further experiments on condensation and re-evaporation of steam in a jacketed cylinder. 641-702.

First Report of the Research Committee on the Value of the Steam-jacket: tabulated results of previous experiments; Alexander Blackie and William Kennedy. 703-45.

Volume 41 (1890)

Urquhart, Thomas
On the compounding of locomotives burning petroleum refuse in Russia. 47-111.

Tomlinson, Joseph
Address by the President. 181-202.
Some recollections of early locomotives.

Volume 44 (1893)

Dean, William
Tensile tests and chemical analyses of copper plates from fire-boxes of locomotives on the Great Western Railway. 139-98.

Aspinall, John Frederick Audley
Experiments on the draught produced in different parts of a locomotive boiler when running. 199-202.

Volume 46 (1894)

Kennedy, Alexander B.W.
Address by the President. 174-212 + Plates 41-3.

Anderson, Edward M.
Description of the Grafton high-speed steam-engine. 213-28. Disc.: 218-51 + Plates 44-55.

Joy, David
Description of a fluid-pressure reversing gear for locomotive engines. 252-75.

Volume 48 (1895)

Trevithick, Richard F.
Locomotive building in Japan. 298-307.

Volume 51 (1896)

Beare, Thomas Hudson, Bryan Donkin , Research Committee on the Value of the Steam Jacket.  Experiment on a locomotive engine. 466-500.

English and Bryan Donkin
Transmission of heat from surface condensation through metal cylinders. 501-35.

Volume 54 (1897)

Dawson, Philip
Mechanical features of electric traction. 43-123

Dalby, W.E.
Diagrams to facilitate the design of riveted joints for boiler work. 124-31.

Johnson, Samuel Waite
Address by the President. 149-208.
Includes a table of Midland Railway locomotive crank axles taken out during five years ending December 1896.

Volume 55 (1898)

Robertson, Leslie S.
Narrow-gauge railways, of two feet gauge and under. 376-403.

Archbutt, Leonard
Water softening and purification by the Archbutt-Deeley process. 404-54.

Langdon, W.E.
Electric installations for lighting and power on the Midland Railway, with notes on power absorbed by shafting and belting. 553-604.

Smith, Walter M.
Results of recent practical experience with express locomotive engines. 605-69.

Peet, W. Gadsby  
Mechanical testing of materials at the locomotive works of the Midland Railway, Derby. 670-95

Volume 58 (1900)

Hele-Shaw, H.S.
Road locomotion. 185-247. Disc. :248-331. Plates 29-38.

Volume 59 (1900)

Sauvage, Edouard
Recent locomotive practice in France. 375-433.

Donkin, Bryan
Observations on an improved glass revealer, for studying condensation in steam-engine cylinders, and rendering the effects visible. 509-53.

Twinberrow, J.D.
Capacity of railway wagons as affecting cost of transport. 557-616.

Volume 61 (1901)

Pettigrew, W.F.
History of the Furness Railway locomotives. 727-38.

Gould, R.
Some particulars of the results of the compound locomotive on the Buenos Aires Great Southern Railway. 817-22. Disc. 823-4 + Plates 159-161.

Lenke, R.
Some experiences and results derived from the use of highly superheated steam in engines. 847-64.

Dalby, W.E.
The balancing of locomotives. 1157-208.

1902 (Volume 63)

Smith, Walter M.
The application of cylindrical steam distributing valves to locomotives. 515-44.

Volume 65 (1903)

Stromeyer, C.E. and Baron, W.B.
An inquiry into the working of various water-softeners. 773-886.
Controlling chemical treatment; and detailed descriptions of water softening apparatus by Archbutt-Deeley, Atkins Company, Babcock and Wilcox, Bell Brothers, Body Water, Carrod, Desrumaux, Doulton...

1904 Volume 66

Sauvage, Edouard
Compound locomotives in France. 327-80. Disc.: 380-467.
Participants to the Discussion included John F. Robinson (pp. 398-400) and Churchward (400-04).

Volume 67 (1904)

Churchward, G.J.
Testing plant on the Great Western Railway at Swindon. 937-9.

Neilson, R.M.
A scientific investigation into the possibilities of gas-turbines. 1061-1106. Disc.: 1106-31.

Volume 68 (1905)

Wicksteed, Charles
Notes on the visit to America. 97-101.

Volume 69 (1905)

Flamme, M.J.B.
Superheaters applied to locomotives on the Belgian State Railways. 409-27

Volume 70 (1906)

Churchward, G.J.
Large locomotive boilers. 165-75. Discussion: 176-255.

Greaven, Louis
Petroleum fuel in locomotives on the Tehuantepec National Railroad of Mexico. 265-84. Disc.: 285-312 + Plates 35-9.

1906 (Volume 71)

Riches, T.H. and Heywood, Thomas E.
Mechanical appliances used in the shipping of coal at Penarth dock. 423-33.

Riches, T.H. and Haslam, Sidney B.
Railway motor-car traffic. 651-78. Disc.: 678-718.

Clarkson, Thomas
Steam as a motive power for public service vehicles. 753-860.

Fowler, Henry
Lighting of railway premises: indoor and outdoor. 865-906. Disc.: 906-41.
Includes arc lighting, oil lamps and gas lighting; the use of a portable photometer for assessing lighting in passenger stations; the cost of gas mantles; fuel consumption; the use of incandescent electric lamps; and the problems of lighting goods yards, locomotive sheds and workshops. Hughes contributed to the Discussion (pp 917-20)

1907 (Volume 72)

Riches, Tom Hurry
Address by the President. 495-507.

Ivatt, Henry A.
Notes on road trials of three express passenger-engines, carried out on the Great Northern Railway in 1906. 525-32.
With No. 1300 (a four-cylinder compound); No. 292 (combined 4-cylinder compound or simple) and No. 294 (2-cylinder simple). All were Atlantics. Nock considered these tests to be highly inconclusive, but they were reproduced in his book on the class.

1908 (Volume 74)

Dalby, W.E. and Hurry Riches, T.
Balancing of reciprocating engines. Lecture at the Graduates' meeting. 197-217.

Brislee, F.J.
Combustion processes in English locomotive fire-boxes. 237-68.
See LNWR Expperiment class: reserach at Liverpool Univeristy was funded by LNWR.

Fry, Lawford H.
Combustion and heat balances in locomotives. Based on experiments with the Pennsylvania Railroad Testing Plant. 269-375.

Volume 75 (1908)

Riches, T. Hurry and Reynolds, Bertie  
Forced lubrication for axle-boxes. 599-624.
Steam railcars.

Volume 76 (1908)

Aspinall, John A.F.
Address by the President. 423-91.

Volume 77 (1909)

Hughes, George
Locomotives designed and built at Horwich with some results. 561-653.
Presented at IME Meeting in Liverpool on 27 July 1909. Wintour, speaking on behalf of Ivatt noted, "As Mr. Churchward has stated, it is absolutely necessary there shall be some check on the lubrication which, if it once gets slack, will cause a great smash on the engine. In one case where the lubrication failed, the piston and the cylinder were quite broken up, and we find it very necessary to have a reliable lubricator and a good cylinder oil, with steam superheated to 650°F. If these precautions are not taken, more cost may be incurred in five minutes than will be saved in two years." Like many others, Ivatt patented an arrangement of steam pipes in the smokebox, to provide a low degree of superheat in older engines where new tubeplates were hard to justify: but their complication militated against their advantage-they were mounted on trunnions to permit swinging them clear for tube-cleaning.

Dalby, W.E.
Heat transmission.

Volume 78 (1910)

Hughes, George
Compounding and superheating in Horwich locomotives. 399-507.
Presented 17 March 1910.

Volume 79 (1910)

Paget, Cecil W.
English running-shed practice. 825-53.

Whyte, Frederic M.
Handling locomotives at terminals. 855-72.

Clark, F.H.
Engine-house practice, or the handling of locomotives at terminals to secure continuous operation. 873-84.

Forsyth, William
American locomotive terminals. 885-98.
Classification (marshalling) yards of the Pennsylvania Railroad at East Altoona, Pa. Here the traffic from three divisions was concentrated.

Vaughan, H.H.
Handling engines. 899-928.

Carter, F.W.
Electrification of suburban railways. 1073-1101.

Hobart, H.M.
The cost of electrically-propelled suburban trains. 1103-1135

Westinghouse, George
The electrification of railways: an imperative need for the selection of a system for universal use. 1137-76 .

Potter, William Bancroft
Economics of railway electrification. 1177-93

Pomeroy, L.B.
The electrification of trunk lines. 1195-297.

Hitchcock, Cyril
The standardization of locomotives in India, 1910. 1409-522.

Legros, L.A.
The development of road locomotion in recent years. 1535-92.

Volume 83 (1912)

Livesey, E.M.
Rolling-stock on the principal Irish narrow-gauge railways. 599-652.

Dalby, W.E.
Characteristic dynamical diagrams for the motion of a train during the accelerating and retarding periods. 877-945.
Bernard M. Jenkin in discussion introduced Figure 9 which showed performance of Holden/Russell Decapod .Quoted from Captain Douglas Galton's Paper on the Effect of railway brakes

Volume 84 (1913)

Henderson, James B.
Theory and experiment in the flow of steam through nozzles. 253-322.
In response to a circular issued by the council, asking for suggestions as to subjects for research, a large number were received, and the subject of “the action of steam passing through nozzles and steam-turbines” was selected amongst others for possible future research. Professor James B. Henderson was invited to write a preliminary paper upon the work hitherto done in this subject, and the present paper is offered for discussion before the details for carrying out the proposed research are settled.

Trevithick, F.H. and P.J. Cowan  
Some effects of superheating and feed-water heating on locomotive working. 345-482.
Relationship of smoke-box temperature and draught to rate of firing; values from Goss's Locomotive Performance

Volume 87 (1914)

Sauvage, Edouard
Recent development of express locomotives in France. 383-428.
Contributors to the discussion included H. Fowler (416-17), Ahrons (425-6) on Serve tubes, Poultnery (426-7) who commented on the Claughton type; W.M. Urie (427-8) on superheating on the Caledonian Railway;

Mallet, Anatole
Compound articulated locomotives. 429-62.
Contributors to the discussion included Edgar Worthington (456-8) who made observations on Fairlie locomotives and on Webb compounds..

Sartiaux, A.
Signalling on railway trains in motion. Northern Railway. 463-8.

Lancrenon, F.
Signalling on railway trains in motion. Eastern Railway. 469-78.

Herdner, A.
Signalling on railway trains in motion. Southern Railway. 478-83.

Marechal, L.
Signalling on railway trains in motion. Paris, Lyons and Mediterranean Railway. 488-90.

Solacroup, E.
Signalling on railway trains in motion. Orleans Railway. 491-505.

Acfield, W.C., Lewis, Leon P., Raven, Vincent L., Stanier, W.A. and Willox, W.
Audible and other cab signals on British Railways. 843-926.

Volume 89 (1915)

Dickinson, H.W.
Some unpublished letters of James Watt. 487-534.

Clerk, Dugald
The world's supplies of fuel and motive power: Thomas Hawksley Lecture. 591-625 + Plates 7 and 8.

Volume 90 (1916)

Fowler, Henry
Chisels. 141-5. Disc.: 145-82.

Volume 92 (1917)

Longridge, Michael
Address by the President. 305-32.

Volume 94 (1918)

Monkhouse, O.E.
The employment of women in munition factories.  213-21. Disc.: 221-38.

Volume 96 (1919)

Hopkinson, Edward
Address by the President. 631-58.

Volume 99 (1920)

Perry, T.B.
The uniflow steam-engine. 731-64.

Volume 101 (1921)

Nelson, Robert and John Dewrance
Waste-heat utilization. 643-7.

Fowler, Henry and John Dewrance
Superheating. 649-52.

Ormandy, W.R. and Loughnan St L Pendred
Liquid, powdered and colloidal fuels. 653-7

Dalby, W.E.  and Stanton, T.E.
The indicator as an aid to economy

Volume 102 (1922)

Fowler, Henry
The electrification of English main line railways. 317-30.

Fowler, Henry and H.S. Hele-Shaw
Metallurgy in relation to mechanical engineering. 331-5.

Dewhurst, P.C.
British and American locomotive design and practice: some comparative comments thereon from practical experience. 375-511.

Volume 103 (1922)

Sauvage, Edouard
Feed-water heaters for locomotives. 715-34.
Principal appliances in actual use were the Davies and Metcalfe injector, Weir heater, Caille-Potonie Heater, Worthington heater and Knorr heater.

Raven, Vincent L.
Electric locomotives. 735-81.

Volume 105 (1923)

Bond, Roland C.
The Walschaert locomotive valve-gear. 1137-41.
Author awarded a prize of £3 for this Paper, which was read in Manchester on 14th December 1922, and in London on 19th March 1923.

Volume 108 (1925)

Diamond, E.L.
Recent improvements in the efficiency of the steam-locomotive. 53-68.
Author awarded a prize of £5 for this paper, which was read in Manchester on 8th November 1923, and in London on 21st January 1924.

General meeting [the welcoming of President Sir Vincent Raven] by William Henry Patchell.. 607-10.

Volume 109 (1925)

Gresley, Herbert N.
The three-cylinder high-pressure locomotive. 927-67. Disc.: 968-86. 9 illus., 15 diagrs., 6 tables.

Raven, Vincent L.
Address by the President [of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers]. 1085-6.

Aspinall, John A.F..
Some railway notes old and new. (The 12th Thomas Hawksley Lecture). 1107-51.

Volume 112 (1927)

Guy, H.L.
The economic value of increased steam pressure. 99-213.

Kitson Clark, E.
An internal-combustion locomotive. 333-98.

Diamond, E.L.
An investigation into the cylinder losses on a compound locomotive. 465-79. Disc.: 480-517. 10 diagrs., 5 tables.

Volume 113 (1927)

Fowler, H.
[Presidential Address].

Fry, Lawford H.
Some experimental results from a three-cylinder compound locomotive. 923-54. Disc.: 955-1024. 5 illus., 22 diagrs. 17 tables.
Thorough series of tests on the Pennsylvania Railway locomotive testing plant at Altoona and trials in road service. On pp.955-61 Fowler gave details of compound locomotive performance on the LMS.

Volume 114 (1928)

Beames, H.P.M.
The reorganization of Crewe Works. 245-62. Discussion: 245-88. 5 illus., 5 diagrs., 2 plans.

Maunsell, R.E.L.
The trend of modern steam-locomotive design. 465-77.
Lecture delivered before the graduates' section in London on 26th March 1928, and repeated in Birmingham on 13th April 1928.

Stanier, W.A.
A pageant of railroad engineering. 495-8.
Address delivered at Western Branch in Bristol on 8th December 1927.

Volume 115 (1928)

Herbert, T.M.
Locomotive firebox conditions: gas compositions and temperatures close to copper plates. 985-1006
Metallurgist whom became in charge of research on LMS

Volume 117 (1929)

Meeting in Manchester, June 1929: excursions. 685 et seq

Stanier, W.A.
The heat treatment of locomotive parts. 1069-73. illus., 3 diagrs.

Johnson, W. Arnold
Alloy steels for locomotive construction. 1087-97.
Awarded a prize of £5 for this Paper, which was read before the Graduates' Section, North Western Branch, in Manchester on 11th October 1928.

Volume 119 (1930)

greater detail

Pendred, Loughnan St. L.
Random reflections: Address by the President. 943-54.

Volume 120 (1931)

Gresley, H.N.
High-pressure locomotives. 101-35. Disc.:135-206 + 3 folding plates. 8 illus., 14 diagrs., 2 tables, 2 plans.

Lomonossoff, G.V.
Problems of railway mechanics. 648-59.

1931 (Volume 121)

Gresley, H.N.
Locomotive experimental stations. 23-39 Disc.: 40-53. illus., 6 diagrs.
Contributors to the discussion included G.V. Lomonossoff (40-2); Stanier (42-3) who commented on the Churchward plant and improvements made to reproduce actual running conditions on the plant and to power absorption; C.H. [presumably O.H.] Bulleid (p. 43) spoke on the advantages; C.H. Kuhne (pp 43-5) spoke about the Froude water dynamometer used to test road vehicles; T.R. Cave-Browne-Cave (page 45) spoke about wind tunnels; F.C. Lea (46).

Kitson Clark, E.
Humanity under the hammer [Presidential Address]. 107-41.
History of the hammer and hammering.

Carpmael, Raymond.
The manufacture and use of steel railway sleepers, 315-77.
Included Round-hole loose-jaw type (Indian State Railways); Webb's Pattern: Rafarel's Patent Sleeper (1887)

Dymond, A.W.J.
Some factors affecting the riding of coaching stock. 465-504. Disc.: 505-21. 25 illus & diagrs.
D. Raymond Carpmeal (505-6) spoke about the GWR use of the Hallade recorder; R.F. McKay on latex foam seating; A.N. Moon (508-14) spoke about the riding qualities of six-wheel bogies, tyre wear, overhang and portable accelerometers supplied by the Cambridge Instrument Co.; S.R.M. Porter (514) on the transverse velocity of the bogie frame relative to the bolster; A.S. Quartermaine (GWR, 514-15) on newly laid rail. G.H. Sheffield (515-18): the Pullman bogie was introduced to England by Sir James Allport of the MR.

Volume 122 (1932)

Twinberrow, J.D.
The mechanism of electric locomotives. 51-106. Disc.: 106-54. 36 figs.

1933 (Volume 124)

Fell, L.F.R.   
The compression-ignition engine and its applicability to British railway traction. 3-61.

Schuster, L.W.
The investigation of the mechanical breakdown of prime movers and boiler plant. 337-479.

Volume 125 (1933)

Lomonossoff, G.V.
Diesel traction. 537-613.
Read before the North Western branch in Manchester on 5 October 1933, and before the North Eastern branch in Newcastle upon Tyne on 28 March 1934.

Volume 126 (1934)

Porter, S.R.M.
The mechanics of a locomotive on curved track. 457-61.
LMS Research Department

Volume 129 (1935)

Haslegrave. H.L. 
Relation between theory, experiment, and practice in journal bearing design. 435-475  

Volume 130 (April to October 1935)

Sinclair, Harold  
Recent developments in hydraulic couplings. 75-157. Disc.: 158-90.

Volume 133 (1936)

Gresley, H.N.
[Presidential address]. 251-65. 3 tables.
An account of the development of the A4, plus a testing plant appeal.

Thomson, A.S.T.
Investigations in film lubrication. 413-72.
...fluid friction conditions. The second short section deals with experiments on a Deeley friction machine and shows the effect on the boundary friction of the...

Volume 134 (1936)

Johansen, F.C.
The air resistance of passenger trains. 91-208.

Volume 136 (1937)

Proceedings, General Discussion on Lubrication and Lubricants, 13th-15th October. 119 et seq
Other reports covered intrnal combustion engines by Ricardo, turbines (Auld and Evans) and properties and testing (Gough).

Stanier, W.A.
General discussion on lubrication. Group II. Engine lubrication (reciprocating steam engines). 139-43.

Fairless, Thompson
The application of the locomotive to traffic working. 333-

Parsonage, W.R.
Short biography of George Stephenson. 373-91.

Volume 137 (1937)

Ambady, G.K.
Diesel traction on railways. 135-43. Disc.: 143-64.

Mowat, Magnus
British engineering societies and their aims. 333-44.

Volume 142 (July-December 1939)

Stanier, W.A.
Lightweight passenger rolling stock. 13-32 + 16 plates.

Ripley, C.T.
High-speed lightweight trains. 97-111.
Author was Chairman ASME Railroad Division.

Newberry, C.W.
An investigation into the occurrence and causes of locomotive tyre failures. 289-303 + 4 plates.

Volume 146 (1941)

Stanier, W.A.
The position of the locomotive in mechanical engineering. 50-61 + 4 plates. 13 illus., diagr., 3 tables. (Presidential Address).
A review of the efficiency of the steam locomotive, based on LMS testing plus a forecast of future development: makes reference to Goss and thr Altoona test plant

Cox, E.S. Balancing of locomotive reciprocating parts. 148-62.

Volume 149 (1943)

Turner, T. Henry
Corrosion of boiler tubes. 74-88

Volume 152 (1945)

Johansen, F.C.
High-speed cinematography. 224-5.
George Stephenson Address

Lomonossoff, G.V. and Lomonossoff, G. Condensing locomotives. 275-88. Disc.: 289-303.8 illus., 25 diagrs., 4 tables. Bibliog.
Covers both reciprocating and turbine type of locomotive. Discussion: H. Holcroft (292-4) Anderson system

Bulleid, O.V.S.
Locomotives I have known.
341-52 + 6 plates. 18 illus., 12 diagrs., 11 tables.
A select group of locomotives reviewed by the author.

Volume 153 (1945)

Newberry, C.W.
A study of the riding and wearing qualities of railway carriage tyres having various profiles. 25-40.

Johansen, F.C.
Locomotive practice. 351-79.

Volume 154 (1946)

Bulleid, O.V.S.
Some notes on the "Merchant Navy" class locomotives of the Southern Railway
. 316-33. Disc. 333-43 + 4 plates. 13 illus., 20 diagrs., 2 tables.
Very extensive account of the justification for the design and observations on its performance in service.

Volume 156 (1947)

Bulleid, O.V.S.
Presidential Address.
1-5 + 10 plates. 42 illus., diagr., 3 tables.
Included the reason for introducing the Leader design as follows:
1 To be able to run over the majority of the Company's lines.
2 To be capable of working all classes of trains up to a speed of 90 miles per hour.
3 To have its whole weight available for braking and the highest possible percentage thereof for adhesion.
4 To be equally suitable for running in both directions without turning, with unobstructed look-out.
5 To be ready for service at short notice.
6 To be almost continuously available.
7 To be suitable for 'common use.'
8 To run not less than 100,000 miles between general overhauls with little or no attention at the running sheds.
9 To cause minimum wear and tear to the track.
10 To use substantially less fuel and water per drawbar horse-power developed.

Diamond, E.L.
Development of locomotive power at speed. 404-43.

Volume 157 (1947)

Bulleid, O.V.S., Peppercorn, A.H., Hawksworth, F.W. and Ivatt, H.G.
Railway power plant in Great Britain. 235-9 + 4 plates. 12 illus., diagr. (s. & f. els.) 2 tables. (Centenary Lectures).
Includes an outline of the Leader design. Other contributions from Peppercorn, Hawksworth and H.G. Ivatt..

Volume 158 (1948)

Andrews, H.I.
The mobile testing plant of the London, Midland and Scottish Railway. 450-63. Disc. 463-76 + 6 plates. 22 illus., 14 diagrs., 2 plans, table. Bibliog.
A dynamometer car plus a set of coaches which were equipped with electric generators. These generators acted as a variable 'load" for the locomotive being tested.

Volume 160 (1949)

Bulleid, H.A.V.
Cinematography in engineering. 185-90. Disc.: 191-5.

Ljungström, Fredrik
The development of the Ljungström steam turbine and air preheater. 211-23.

Volume 166 (1952)

Graff-Baker, W.S.
Considerations on bogie design, with particular reference to electric railways. 217-36.

Volume 167 (1953)

Riddles, R.A.
Development of the engineer in railway practice. 141-5 + 6 plates. 24 illus., 3 diagrs., table.

Volume 173 (1959)

Gent, A.N. and Lindley, P.B.
The compression of bonded rubber blocks. 111-22.

Volume 175 (1961)

Brown, H.F.
Economic results of diesel electric motive power on the railways of the United States of America. 257-75. Discussion: 275-317.

Volume 176 (1962)

Barwell, F.T.
Some speculations on the future of railway mechanical engineering. 61-106.

Volume 179 (1964)

Morris, R.B.
The application of an analogue computer to a problem of pantograph and overhead line dynamics. 782-808

Andrews, H.I.
Calculating the behaviour of an overhead catenary system for railway electrification . 809-46.

Volume 189 (1975)

Bond. R.C. and Nock, O.S.
150 years of uninterrupted progress in railway engineering. 589-622.
Interesting juxtaposition of authors. Landmarks in mechanical engineering were judged to include Markham's innovation of the brick arch in association with the deflector plate. Typical express locomotives of "100 years ago" were the 2-4-0 designs introduced by Kirtley, Webb and Fletcher, and Stirling's 4-2-2. The use of steel was increasing, especially at Crewe where the Bessemer process was introduced in 1864 and the Siemens-Martin system followed in 1868. The quest for higher speeds is noted in the 1895 race from London to Aberdeen and in the exploits of City of Truro. The introdution of larger boilers was pursued by J.F. McIntosh, Ivatt in his Atlantics. The development of superheating was pursued by Hughes and by Bowen Cooke where the superheated King George V showed a fuel economy of 27%. Compounding is considered. Electrification; centralised signalling systems; stsationary locomotive testing; automatic train control.

Updated: 2009-04-29

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