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Kevin Jones' Steam Index

Paul Coulthard Dewhurst

Coming across a letter from him in Locomotive Magazine (!942, 48, 216) on William Chuch's locomotive written from Montevidro it was decided that a Dewhurst webpage is a must. Died on 20 January 1964 following a fall at his home in Cambridge when aged 80.. Trained in Locomotive Department of Midland Railway: worked as an engineer in South America (appointed CME Central Uruguay Railway in 1930: see Locomotive Mag., 1930, 36, 363) and West Indies. Joined Newcomen Society in 1928 where he presented papers on Norris, Crampton and Fairlie locomotives (in note on posthumus paper on Fairlie locomotives Holcroft observed that Dewhurst had made a life-long study of unusual locomotives. .Notable paper to Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1922 when in charge locomotives of Jamaican State Railways which compared British and American locomotice practice (Sir Henry Fowler presented the paper in Manchester for him): also Paper on steel fireboxes . From Trans Newcomen Soc. obituary. His extensive contribution to the discussion on Bulleid's IMechE paper on Merchant Navy class is significant. Author of many pieces (some under PCD) in Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev. including a lengthy contribution on locomotives of the Somerset & Dorset Railway Contributed to discussion of Paper 418 on diesel traction: J. Instn Loco. Engrs, 1940, 30, p. 403. Had a son Peter K. Dewhurst (below). Notable contribution on Summers, Groves & Day of Southampton and questions on veracity of a locomotive list relating to Haigh Foundry in Locomotive..., 1951, 57, 182..
His design criteria were set out when he was in Colombia: in Paper 266: Some practical considerations in locomotive design for Overseas service. J. Instn Loco. Engrs, 1930, 20, 888-906 .
Hamilton Ellis in his Preface to his History of the Midland Railway states that Dewhurst was working on a comprehensive history of Midland Railway locomotives. Parts are available in the Locomotive Magazine

Contributions to discussion

L.B. Norrish. Locomotive repair policies. J, Instn Loco. Engrs., 1933, 23, 444-5.
Meeting in Montevideo and reflected South American conditions

W.L, Topham. The running man's ideal locomotive. J, Instn Loco. Engrs., 1946, 36, 43-5.
Topham's concepts at variance with those of Dewhurst, both on major (bar frames prefered) and minor (cowcathcher design)

Dewhurst, Peter K.
Worked for Langridge (Under ten CMEs 2 p. 31) on No. 10000, diesel electric bogies: son of above.

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