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Problem with this page: originally based upon Radford and since augmented by Cox (to some extent) and by Langridge and others.
Addison, F.T.
From Manchester joined Derby drawing office in 1875.
Anker, F.C.
Retired at end of June 1940 after 47 years service
(Locomotive Mag., 1940,
46, 160). Joined Derby Locomotive Works in 1893 as a pupil. After
experience in Derby Running Shed appointed Assistant District Locomotive
Superintendent at Bristol in 1902. Subsequently held similar position at
Leicester. Became District Locomotive Superintendent at Buxton in 1909, at
Skipton in 1919, at Wellingborough in 1921 and Nottingham in 1928 (from where
he retired) having been mentioned in success in Motive Power League in 1938
(Locomotive Mag., 1938,
Archbutt, Leonard
Appointed by S.W. Johnson to be Chief Chemist of the MR in 1881. In
association with R.M. Deeley developed testing apparatus for lubricants.
According to Hunt (LMS Journal
(17) 37) "did much to establish the reputation of railway
Water softening and purification by the Archbutt-Deeley process.
Proc. Instn mech. Engrs,
1898, 55, 404-54.
Armin, William Lawson [Willie]
Draughtsman who had started at Manning Wardle and went to Derby before
WW1 and worked on 0-6-4T and was involved in some of the work on the "Fowler"
2-6-4T. Langridge (also p. 187)
Bancroft, William
From Derby: in 1873? joined design staff
Banks, William
At Mather Dixon with John Grantham and later at Derby
(Sekon: Evolution of the steam
locomotive). Radford (p. 59) calls him a very stout, red-faced little
Bishop, Michael
Radford: There was Michael Bishop,
messenger porter, but previously a driver, who was removed from the footplate
for some indiscretion or other which he would never tell about. He deserves
to be mentioned because he left behind not only writings on the early
locomotives, but many "flamboyant" paintings of the earlier types, and which
at one time could be seen in many homes and public houses in the locality
of the station at Derby. Many of these were the only records of these locomotives
built in these palmy days, but unfortunately few of these are left today.
The author himself saw one at the former Midland Railway Institute, but this
has now disappeared.
Bloxham, Thomas Say
Radford. called him a fine
engineer and a most excellent draughtsman: part of Johnson's team, but became
Locomotive Superintendent at Hasland from June 1875.
Campbell, Jock A. (Buff)
Shared design work with Jock Henderson under
Herbert Chambers:
Radford. Mentioned
in both Cox's Locomotive panorama and
by Langridge as Jock Campbell:
latter notes that he came from Dumfries, was old fashioned and lived in Fritchley
where there was a religious settlement: probably a member of the Society
of Friends (Quaker). Notes that for a time left for BTH, Rugby, but returned
after the amalgamation..
Chambers, F.G.
Foreman of the Brass Foundry and brother of Herbert Chambers. Known
at Derby as 'Little Chambers'. Eventually promoted to Works Mangement staff
in the Premium Office: see Bond's
Clayton, Thomas Gething
Born in 1841: joined the Midland Railway from GWR
(Flann, Backtrack, 24,
646). Shortly before Kirtley's death in 1873, the Midland Directors decided
that the Carriage and Wagon Department should be' separated completely from
the locomotive side, and a new site on the other side of the London Road
was provided. Thomas Gething Clayton was appointed as the Carriage and Wagon
Superintendent at the instance of James Allport, the General Manager, who
had become disturbed by the poor facilities being offered generally on railways
at that time for the third-class passenger. Most of the existing carriages
were small four-wheelers, with archaic roof rails for luggage and other outdated
accoutrements. Allport had undertaken an extensive tour of North America
in 1872, and returned impressed by the comfort and luxury of George Pullman's
parlour and sleeping cars. Allport obtained the sanction of the Directors
to give Clayton full rein in the layout of his new Carriage and Wagon Works,
and further arranged with Pullman for the design, building and operation
of his cars on the Midland, but at Pullman's own risk. Clayton took up his
duties on July 1, 1873 at a salary of £700 per annum. Thus began a long
needed reform of coaching stock on the Midland which was to revolutionise
rail travel comfort throughout the company's system. With the gradual transfer
of this side of rolling stock construction and repair on the Midland to the
new works between the years 1873 and 1877, the Locomotive Department was
left on its own for the very first time. It was at this time that Kirtley
arranged for two trains to be fitted up in the works with the Westinghouse
Air Brake. Succeeded by Bain in 1901..
Ellis (Midland Railway) noted that Clayton designed the universal coupler for connecting brake
Doleman, Jimmy
I think to anyone who entered the doors for the first time Jimmy Doleman
would have been the most noticeable. He would not have been out of place
in a Dickens' novel with his old world charm and graceful manners, reinforced
by the wearing of suits cut in the Edwardian manner long years before this
became a cult of the' with-it' fraternity. A batchelor who lived alone, he
used to tell us that beer was his religion, and the pub was his second church,
and he averred that his first childhood memory was sipping a glass of beer
at his mother's knee. Although his capacity was great, his head was strong,
and he never succumbed to the slightest impropriety.
Cox Chronicles of steam:
Langridge adds that he and Woore
dealt with the "everlasting rebuilds of 4-4-0s and 0-6-0s details".
Ensor, W.H.
Left Derby Drawing Office for Running Department after WW1.
Langridge. Mentioned
in Motive Powe League winners as at Shrewsbury in 1938
(Locomotive Mag., 1938,
44,185). Moved from District Locomotive Superintendent Shrewsbury,
to be District Locomotive Superintendent. Derby
(Locomotive Mag., 1939,
45, 221). Assistant Superintendent Motive Power, Watford.
Mag., 1946, 52,
Evans, J.C.
From London: joined design staff in 1873?
Fenton, James
Born on 6 November 6 November 1838: brought by Johnson from
Great Eastern to Derby as an assitant draughtsman on 5 August 1873, but appointed
First Inspector of Engines on 14 October 1873. Resigned at end of 1876 and
died in Putney on 8 November 1893 aged just under 55.
Fernie, John
Born 24 February 1824 at Cupar, Fife; died Weybridge, Surrey, on 12
December, 1904. Served an apprenticeship to his father, James Fernie. In
1849, he obtained employment on the North Staffordshire Railway, and three
years later, was appointed Manager of the Britannia Foundry, Derby The first
Works Manager (General Foreman) at Derby Works, according to Radford, was
a dour Scot, John Fernie who was appointed on 17 April 1853 at a salary of
£350 per annum. He had come from Andrew Handyside & Co. of the Britannia
Works in Derby. Fernie was responsible during 1858 for setting up a system
of templates and gauges based on Whitworth's system. Contributor to discussions
at IMechE meetings.
Miller, George M. On a packing for pistons of steam engines and pumps.
Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs,
1862, 13, 321-2.
Fernie said they had tried some pistons on the Midland Railway on
principle described of packing by the pressure of the steam behind the rings;
they were wrought iron pistons forged solid on the piston rods, and the packing
rings were of brass inch square in section. A very long mileage was got out
of these rings, but it was found that with solid pistons there was a great
deal of trouble from the necessity of getting the crossheads off to draw
the piston out, whenever it was wanted to do anything to the piston to look
at the packing rings ; and they had therefore now gone back to the old fashioned
piston with a junk ring bolted on the face for getting at the packing rings.
The bearing surface was now reduced to 1 inch in the pistons; there were
two ½ inch packing rings, and these gave a longer mileage than used
to be got out of two 1¼ inch rings.
'Manufacture of Duplicate Machines and Engines,' which he communicated to
the Institution in 1862, and for which he was awarded a Watt medal and Manby
premium. In 1863, Mr. Fernie became part proprietor of the Clarence Ironworks,
Leeds, and had charge of the engineering work of that establishment until
he retired 6 years later. After his retirement, he travelled extensively
in Europe and America. In 1883 he contributed to the 'Proceedings [ICE]' (72-84)
a paper on the use of mild steel in the
fire-boxes of American locomotives, for which he received a Telford Premium.
He invented, among other mechanical devices, a hoist for foundry purposes,
a flanging-machine for boiler-plates, and, in 1863, a system of ventilation,
which was installed in Wanamakers stores in Philadelphia, and is "still
in use". Mr. Fernie served on the Mechanical Committee of the Exhibition
of 1862, and was a member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. He
was elected an Associate of the Institution on the 2nd December, 1862, and
was transferred to the class of Members on the 23rd February, 1869. Final
part is from Grace's Guide. See also
Locomotive Mag., 1935, 41, 166 for contribution to
Fisher, George
"George Fisher, was of unmistakeable motive power origin with his
neat, quick, tidy walk and precise, thorough reports: an invaluable member
of the staff. I was surprised to find under his quiet exterior a man with
a passIon for collecting clocks: a real connoisseur too. It was an education
to go with him when he was examining faulty valves at a running shed: for
thoroughness no one could beat George." One of CME's motive power inspectors.
Langridge Under ten CMEs
V. 2 p. 116 ; also p. 131.
Hall, Tommy
Worked on design for small 2-4-0 with a water-tube boiler.
Langridge p. 121.
Hedley, Henry
Assisted Johnston in classification of locomotive stock.
Henderson, J.E. (Jock)
See Atkins: Railways South
East 1, 122: draughted proposed Derby 2-6-4T in 1914 (similar
to S&DJR 2-8-0). and partly responsible for long lap, long travel valves
fitted to "Fowler" 2-6-4Ts. See LMS
Locomotive Profile No. 3 page 6. Mentioned in both
Cox's Locomotive panorama and by
Langridge. Latter notes that
he came from Aberdeen.
Holt, Francis
Born at Todmorden on 5 December 1825. Served apprenticeship with Sharp
Stewart and Go., Manchester, he remained with them for some time as foreman,
and went thence to Woolwich dockyard. Afterwards he was engaged in Italy
on the construction of a railway at Pisa ; but in consequence of the stoppage
of that undertaking he returned to England, and had charge for about a year
and a half of the locomotive department of the South Staffordshire Railway
at Walsall. He next went out to India, to erect and fit up a cotton mill
for the Oriental Spinning and Weaving Go., Bombay, and remained there three
years. Returning to this country he became manager for some years at Beyer
Peacock and Co.'s locomotive works, Gorton, Manchester; and then manager
to R. and W. Hawthorn, Newcastle-on-Tyne, In 1853 granted patent with Hiram
Barker (GB 1502/1853) Improvements in machinery and appartus for
grinding and turning metals which in 1856 became void (Grace's Guide)
In 1874 he left there to undertake the managership of the Midland Railway
locomotive works at Derby, following Kirtley's death, and William Kirtley
leaving to become Locomotive Superintendent of the LCDR in March, 1874.
Radford describes him as a tall, gaunt
man, somewhat peculiar in manner, having a mordant humour, but being on the
whole a very capable officer, by no means disliked by the men. His one fault
perhaps was that, coming from Beyer Peacock & Co's. Gorton Foundry,
Manchester, he was obsessed with the idea that everything they did was the
last word in engine construction and practice. In fact to him Beyers spelt
"perfection", which was somewhat irritating to the proud men of the Derby
Works! He took office in May, 1874 at a salary of £700 per annum, receiving
£100 more than his predecessor.
The introduction of compressed air sanding gear which delivered a
jet of air and sand directly at the space between tyre and rail instead of
by means of the former gravity fed system, the value of which was extremely
suspect and varied considerably with the prevailing conditions. This new
air-sanding owed its origin to Francis Holt, at that time the Works Manager
at Derby, and he had the system fitted to several engines, working on the
heavily graded Settle-Carlisle line in 1886, the air being supplied from
the Westinghouse braking system fitted to these locomotives.
The Westinghouse Company raised objections to this use of air from
their system, claiming rightly that it could upset the brake, so Holt modified
his device and used steam from the boiler instead of air . This system had
a marked effect on the whole of British locomotive policy, and was ultimately
commercially marketed by Messrs Gresham & Craven.
Ian R. Winship (Rly Mag.
1987, 133, 162) noted that Holt whilst on the South
Staffordshire Railway had experimented with using the cylinders on a steam
locomotive to act as the braking mechanism. The trials took place in 1855/6.
According to Balkwill & Marshall this differed from the Chatelier system
in using cold rather than hot water.
See also Holt's own account of these
trials in Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs., 1870, 21, 54-. and
Carling (Trans.
Newcomen Soc., 1983, 55, 1) F. Holt on the
South Staffordshire Railway in 1855 or 1856, before its absorption by the
London & North Western. Speaking in January 1870, Holt stated that some
fourteen years previously he had fitted up a new goods locomotive with a
pipe in the smoke box from a washout plug hole in the lower part of the tube
plate to a shut-off cock and then into the blast-pipe through the normal
orifice and nearly down to the steam chest. His idea was to provide a supply
of water to act as a lubricant when the engine was reversed and the usual
steam supply cut off. He made no mention either of steam keeping the hot
gas from being drawn down the blast-pipe or of the cooling effect due to
evaporation, though both would have occurred. The locomotive concerned was
most probably one of two 0-6-0s built by Vulcan Foundry in 1855 or one of
two 0-4-2s built by Beyer, Peacock in 1856. The device worked successfully
for a time but then the old type of reversing lever either broke or disengaged
its detent and went over into full forward gear with such violence that the
lever was broken and other damage done to the locomotive. That was the end
of the experiment and Carling's own impression is that Holt was prevented
from going any further by higher authority, though he did not actually say
so. This was most unfortunate as most of the elements of success were there,
but it was actually still a decade away. There does not seem to have been
any publicity at the time of the trial.
Francis Holt died on January 7, 1893, and John Lane, still Inspector
of Boilers, was promoted to fill the vacancy.
Iveson, Thomas G.
Radford: (p. 112) notes that Johnson
appointed Thomas G. Iveson in Billinton's place as chief Draughtsman. Iveson
was a fairly old, amiable gentleman who stuttered rather badly, and worse
than usual when trying to answer a question to which he did not know the
answer. A story is told of his earlier life in London when he daily passed
the Railway Clearing House. There being no outward sign of this building's
use, he one day plucked up courage and entered, saying to the attendant "If
you p-p-please, wh-what is this p-p-place". This seemed to annoy the servant
of the RCH who promptly ejected him with the words "Now out you go", and
Iveson was so confused he could not stutter out any reply to smooth over
the situation. He had served in his earlier years as a draughtsman at Messrs
E.B. Wilsons, and had produced a fine line drawing of Jenny Lind in
December, 1851. Iveson lasted in the,position of Chief Draughtsman for 10
years, being replaced, on his retirement, by the J.W. Smith. Iveson contributed
to the discussion of E. Worthington's
paper on compounding at the Instn Civil Engrs in 1889 (PICE 96-50). Awarded Bronze
Medal at Paris Exhibition.
Locomotive Mag., 1900,
5, 145.
James, Frederick Charles
Born 6 June 1926: died 2010 Apprenticed in the Power House within
Derby Works from 1941 to 1947. He worked on the LMS diesel elctric locomotives
Nos. 10000 and 10001 as an electrical engineer. He moved to Brush Electrical
and then in 1960 to Rolls Royce in Derby. He was an excellent railway modeller
and contributed to the LMS Profile series.
He died in summer 2010. LMS
Journal, 2010 (30), 80 includes Apprenticeship certificate and a
portrait. LMS Locomotive Profile No.
13 dedicated to him.
Lane, John
John Lane came with Johnson from Stratford to become Inspector of
Boilers: he started at Derby on 5 August 1873 on a salary of £250 per
annum. On the death of Francis Holt he also became Works Manager and his
salary was increased to £600 per annum. He was replaced in this last
by Deeley from 1902: he retired below the age limit on 31 December 1901 and
died on 16 January 1903. Radford (portrait
Plate 33). Awarded Silver Medal at Paris Exhibition.
Locomotive Mag., 1900,
5, 145.
Lucas, Percy
Draughtsman who who worked on outside motion on Stanier Princess Royal
Pacifics. Langridge
Marlow, William
The Head Foreman, and highly regarded by Kirtley. His service started
on the Birmingham & Derby Junction Railway, and by October 1871 was the
oldest serving foreman in the Works.
Monk, Denis
Apprenticed Derby Locomotive Works. Worked for a time worked in
Development Section at Derby and then worked with John Powell as a mechanical
inspector contributed to the LMS Profile
series. He died in summer 2010.
LMS Journal, 2010 (30),
80. Tester (study on 4F) notes that Monk developed a proposal to fit some of the 4F class with roller
Moulang, Francis Daniel
Frank Moulang was born in Clerkenwell, London in March 1874, the second
son of Daniel Moulang, a Dublin jeweller; Daniel and his family later returned
to his native Dublin where he was brought up. He was educated first at Merchant
Taylors School and later at the City of Dublin Technical School where,
in 1894, he was awarded the Mayors Prize. Moulang was also Premium
Apprentice and Draughtsman in the Locomotive and Carriage Works at the Inchicore
works of the Great Southern & Western Railway of Ireland. In 1898 he
was awarded a Whitworth Exhibition Scholarship then worth £50,
one of the earliest Irishmen to receive one. He was married to Sarah Fulcher
in 1899 and they removed to England where he joined the locomotive drawing
office of the Midland Railway at Derby. There he assisted MR Chief Mechanical
Engineer in the design, operation and development of Midland three-cylinder
compound locomotives; actually superintending the making of the patterns
for the cylinders of the first five engines of this class and of subsequent
MR superheated classes. There is evidence that some experimental work had
been carried out on compound engines at Inchicore and this experience may
have influenced the nature of his employment on the Midland and later the
In 1916, as a temporary wartime measure, he joined the motive power
section in the capacity of District Locomotive Superintendent at Toton, but
he never returned to the drawing office, becoming successively District
Locomotive Superintendent at York (1921) and later at Buxton. In January
1930 he succeeded Bolderston as DLS at Wellingborough which by that time
had both Bedford and Kettering as sub-depots.
Thorley (A Breath of Steam, 1975) paints a vivid picture of
Francis Daniel Moulang, by that time (1930) aged 55, of rubicund
complexion, rolling gait and southern Ireland ancestry. After more
than forty years Thorley still regarded the arrival of this man as the greatest
turning point in his life, This strange man with his delightful Irish
brogue provided the means whereby Thorley himself began to realise
the depth of his own ignorance on so many matters pertaining to locomotives.
Thorley wrote, Moulang was a Whitworth Exhibitioner and could bring
a quality of mind and attitude to bear on engineering fundamentals which
made everyone in the engineering world whom I had met so far appear rather
dull by comparison. This was not to belittle the great skill and knowledge
of people like Thorleys father and Gibson, who were both highly competent
mechanics; but they did not always know why they achieved success by doing
certain things in certain ways. Early in their relationship Moulang had asked
Thorley about his aims, work and progress, giving Thorley the opportunity
to confide fears of stagnation to someone who, it was felt, had a sympathetic
appreciation of the aspirations of a young man. His comment had been quite
brusque and brief: when told about taking the National Certificate examination
in the following April, he had said: Come and see me when you have
passed and I will see what I can do for you. Thorley did not speak
to him again until he received notification in the following August that
he had passed the NC examination. Moulang was as good as his word.
Thenceforward I had a training in motive power maintenance and running
which was always interesting, often exciting but always directed to the things
which mattered.
Francis Daniel Moulang retired from the LMS in 1935. He died in May
See also Joynt. Reminiscences of an Irish Locomotive Works.
Locomotive Mag., 1932, 38,
138: Frank by name and frank by nature, full of light humour and good-natured
pranks. I often envied him his buoyant spirits and imperturbable temper.
At the same time, beneath this merry and exuberant exterior he possessed
a very serious mind and a great fund of practical common sense. He was a
crack cyclist in those days when cycling was in its prime, and was regarded
by all in the works as the authority on everything connected with the pastime.
It he who taught me how to ride: and advised me m the purchase of my
first machine. He was very popular with the workmen. I remember paying him
a visit one day at his lathe. He and Bill Gaynor, the turner nearest to him,
were engaged on long traversing jobs, and while the cut was proceeding, they
were amusing themselves by calculating how long it would take the tool to
travel to Cork at the rate at which it was moving.
Newbould, James
James Newbould was the first Chief Draughtsman at Derby Works. Radford
states that he was "a kindly man who had married "well" by taking the daughter
of Kirtley's favourite foreman, William Marlow, as his wife. In these days
Mr Newbould had the design responsibility for almost everything, from locomotives
and turntables to hydraulic apparatus and water and gas
Mr Newbould is said to have been "microscopical and accurate in all
he did, punctilious to a fault", and he eventually became the first secretary
of the Midland Railway Institute at Derby. He lived to be 94 years old, and
never needed spectacles or an eyeglass, perhaps due to his habit of taking
"forty winks" as soon as he got home after the days work, seated in a straight
backed chair with his arms entwined round the uprights to prevent him from
falling off it. Newbould retired from the post of Chief Draughtsman in January,
1898 having held this position for over 40 years, and his retirement was
marked by the presentation of an illuminated address from members of his
Owens, A.E.
Deputy Chief Draughtsman at Derby who was probably responsible for
long lap, long travel valves fitted to "Fowler" 2-6-4Ts. Formerly of North
Staffordshire Railway at Stoke. See LMS
Locomotive Profile No. 3 page 6. Assistant Chief Locomotive Draughtsman,
C.M.E. Dept., Derby, to be Chief Locomotive Draughtsman C.M.E. Dept., Derby:
see Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev.,
1937, 43, 363 (trouble: journal quotes name as Owen without terminal
"s"). Probably involved in Stanier 4-4-0 design: see Rowland
Rly Wld., 1985, 46,
Rimmer, Alan
Author of Testing times at
Derby which relate his railway career from being a privileged apprentice
at Derby starting in 1943 through his career in locomotive testing
Sach, John Augustus
Appointed foreman of Derby running shed on 26 July 1875. Became engine
inspector on 1 January 1877 and foreman of templates and gauges on 9 July
1878, but resigned soon after. German in origin and spelt his name with a
"k". Radford.
Sanford, Dudley William
Dudley William Sanford was born 15 April 1890. Received early education
at Uppingham School from 1905 to 1909. Then went up to Cambridge University
where he gained B.A. (Honours) in Mechanical Science Tripos in 1912.
Entered Midland Railway Locomotive Department as a pupil at Derby, and
from September 1914 to December 1919 was on Active Service with the
Royal Engineers. On his return, he entered the drawing office at Derby and
was engaged mainly on experimental work. In 1923 he was put in charge
of experimental work in the C.M.E's. department, and four years later was
made Senior Technical Draughtsman. The following year he was assistant to
the technical assistant for dynamometer car tests. In 1934 he became Chief
Locomotive Draughtsman, Development Assistant in 1937, and in 1943
Senior Technical Assistant to the C.E.M. In 1946 he was appointed as
Mechanical Officer in charge of Rugby Testing Station
(Locomotive Mag., 1946,
52, 132), but owing to ill health was compelled to relinquish
this position at the end. of 1947. Bond (A
Lifetime with locomotives) noted that "he had a truly scientific,
yet intensely practical, approach to all engineering problems. He was an
accomplished mathematician; and had an unusual facility for making his
mathematics understandable to others less gifted than himself. He was an
excellent foil to Andrews, who had an equally scientific, but less practical
approach to locomotive testing a subject on which, however, he was
very well informed".Cox Locomotive panorama
1 p. 49 called him a "bluff and hearty Wiltshireman, as much respected
for his sense of humour as for his B.A. (Cantab)a very rare attainment
in railway drawing offices of that day." He contributed extensively to the
Institution proceedings, especially in discussions, and read the following
Papers: 'Development of the Piston Valve
to Improve Steam Distribution" in 1931 (Paper 273);
"The Effect of Commercial Efficiency
on Locomotive Design" in 1932 (Paper 289);
"The Relationship between Smokebox
and Boiler Proportions" in 1944 (Paper 451). Mr. Sanford
was recognised as an engineer of outstanding ability, and possessed a brilliant
mathematical brain. Langridge noted
his "remarkably clear, logical brain". He died on 28 August 1948, leaving
a widow and one daughter. Elected a member Instn. Loco. Engrs. in 1928.
In 1946 in response to Cox's paper on LMS
locomotive design he made his famous statement concerning Derby vs Crewe
vs Horwich methods of working. Discussion on
Ball's paper on inspection of locomotives
for repair (ILE Paper 401)
Langridge 2 p. 60: "When a
MTU meeting included Dr Andrews with his light voice and Tony Benn - like
delivery and D.W. Sanford with his deep bass, one could be sure of some good
humoured repartee. Sanford must have had one of the finest brains in the
business at the time. He had a very practical outlook, however, and the gift
- not common in some test engineers - of explaining in clear terms more
complicated concepts for the benefit of lesser mortals. His use of the Venturi
tube principle instead of the old screw-down adjusting valve on the carriage
warming reducing valve became standard; likewise he devised the
injector-controlled continuous blowdown valve. Also the guides that were
lowered in front of the tender water pick-up scoop when this was operated
were his idea, thus saving water otherwise lost in spray. He used physicists'
results to compile his boiler tube resistance theory and A/S ratios (tube
surface area/ gas flow cross section) - used by many afterwards - and so
compiled a list of possible comparative superheat ratios and temperatures.
Withall he was a modest, likeable character. After being appointed superintending
engineer of the infant Rugby testing station he had to resign due to ill
health in 1948, and died shortly after. He had earlier received a bad shock
by the death of his only son out East during the war. A good example of Sanford's
down to earth approach was his defence of the MR marking of the reversing
screw in the cab in notches - 1, 2, 3, etc., instead of in percentages, 10,
20, 30 per cent, etc. He maintained that the latter were incorrect, as of
course they were scientifically, and worrying to the enginemen. Interestingly
the same thoughts seem to have been carried over into the modern diesel and
electric locomotives where reference to 'working in notch so-and-so' is the
norm, without going into all the intricate detail of precisely what each
notch entails."
Simpson, T.F.B. [Freddie]
At the end of October, 1947, A.E. Robson was succeeded as Works
Superintendent at Derby by T.F.B. Simpson, undoubtedly one of the most popular
persons ever to fill that post, who arrived 1.November from being Assistant
for water supplies and water softening in the CME Department at Derby having
previously been with the CME Department at Manchester where he had been District
Outdoor Machinery Assistant from December, 1943. He had been a pupil
of D.L. Rutherford the Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Superintendent of the
Furness Railway in Barrow, and by 1925 had become Assistant Works Superintendent
of the Barrow shops, later moving to Horwich and Euston. He was a man with
a natural flair for organisation and an excellent manager of men, knowing
a large proportion by name. His conversation was always enlightening and
usually contained those quick flashes of perceptive wit that endeared him
to every member of his staff. Radford.
Langridge V.2 p. 83: T.F.B. Simpson was an unique character. I first
heard of him being at Horwich works but he may have come there from the Furness
or Maryport & Carlisle. He had various jobs before becoming chairman
of a water softening committee: what qualifications were required for such
a post I am afraid I cannot say. However, in due course he came to the notice
of Ivatt, who had a good nose for promising managers. Thus T.F.B. became
manager of Derby locomotive works and was soon on good terms with all and
sundry. He had a wonderful way of getting things done his way. He was supposed
to have influential connections in Lancaster, where he spent most weekends.
It was during his time that the big fire started in the Derby locomotives
stores, which was part of the office block at Derby 'under the clock'. The
fire commenced in the paint store, went up to the roof and so down to the
General drawing office, and the works manager's office below, but fortunately
did not get across the stairway and clock turret. Like so much in the locomotive
works the stores were placed in a hopeless position in old unsuitable buildings.
But it gave T.F.B. a wonderful chance to exercise his persuasive powers and
rebuild and decorate his office regardless of cost: Ivatt treated it as a
joke: he rather admired anyone who could beat some regulations. For there
was no doubt that the works were well run in Simpson's day. His assistant
got rather tired of waiting for him to retire, but took a good post in the
HQ stores later, so his patience was well rewarded.
Simpson, T.F.B. Diesel locomotive building and maintenance.
J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1957, 47,
131-62. Disc.: 163-94. (Paper No. 570)
Smith, William Joseph
Born 1871; died 30 May 1945. Throughout his career was identified
with the Midland Railway, both during its independent existence and after
its absorption into the LMS. He received his technical education at the Derby
Technical College. At the conclusion of a six years apprenticeship
in the carriage and wagon department at Derby in 1890, he entered the works
drawing office, where he was engaged for thirteen years as a draughtsman.
He was then promoted to be chief works draughtsman and held this position
until 1915, when he was made assistant works manager and subsequently manager.
His appointment as works superintendent dated from 1924, a position he retained
until his retirement in 1931 after forty-seven years service in the
carriage and wagon department of the company. IME obituary.
Sutherland, J. "Uncle"
Mentioned by Cox in Chronicles of
steam: batchelor, wounded during WW1; dry and searching humour: expert
on the locomotive during tests. Brief mention
by Langridge who notes that he was
the mathematician. Contribution to Spencer's
ILocoE Paper 465) on Gresley locomotive designs (Visitor to Manchester Centre
meeting: was this Uncle Sutherland?).
Tolley, William
After forty-eight years' service on the old Midland and L.M. &
S. Rys., Mr. William Tolley, of Derby, retired at the end of March. Mr. Tolley
was known throughout the Midland Division for his activities in connection
with the Locornotive Mutual Improvement classes as instructor. During his
railway service Mr. Tolley has graduated from engine cleaner, fireman, and
driver, to the rank of locornotive inspector, which he attained in 1904.
As a result of the lead set by Mr. Tolley, Locomotive Mutual Improvement
classes had been formed at nearly all the locomotive depots on the L.M. &
S. Ry.: see Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon
Rev., 1931, 37, 143.
Woore, W.
Langridge notes that
he and Woore dealt with the "everlasting rebuilds of 4-4-0s and 0-6-0s details".
Encountered by Alan Rimmer in dynamometer car.
Wright, Tom
Langridge notes p. 232
that "Tom Wright was the elder brother of Willred, who had come straight
from Horwich with others at the start of the amalgamated offices 'under the
clock'. Tom's idiosyncracy was the keeping of a diary (which if it had been
passed on to some library would have settled many queries) with a note of
every decision made, with a remark - 'Mr So and So said this'. This was not
done out of spite, it was just one of those things Tom had always
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