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Transactions/Journal Institution of Locomotive Engineers
The Institution began by publishing individual papers. These do not appear to be in any of the British Library's collections, but are now clearly "visible" in the Institution of Mechanical Engineer's electronic archive and have been inspected in the Institution of Mechanical Engineers' excellent Library. The Institution of Locomotive Engineers eventually merged with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, but this was after steam locomotive operation had ceased. Some of the papers were included in Jones, but reinspection is making this source look far less than comprehensive. The main run of the Journal did not start until 1916 (that is with Issue Number 1, but in Volume No. 6). The earlier Transactions (noted as such on the title page) form part of the same Volume sequence. The vast majority of papers received Paper Numbers, even if some of the earliest papers lacked them. Most of the Addresses (Presidential or Inaugural) did not receive numbers, but sometimes there are gaps in the numerical sequence. In the early days of the Journal a repeat presentation of a Paper might receive an alphabetical suffix. Alphabetical suffixes were also allocated to a series of very brief presentations, either by ths same author of by different authors. Some papers have been cited retrospectively by their Issue Numbers which are clearly displayed on unbound copies, but members of the Institution tended to cite either the Journal Issue or the Paper Number. A few problems have been encountered: there are some gaps in the Paper Number sequences and in at least one case a Paper without a number might have been either one of two, and some duplicate Paper Numbers were given without any apparent subsequent editorial correction.
The Institution per se was the subject of historical papers by Holcroft and Cox, and following the body's amalgamation with the IMechE in the first Railway Division Journal by Cox (who covered both Institutions with a broad brush.). There has since been a further celebration: namely the Centenary rather too quietly celebrated by Allan C. Baker in a pamphlet published by IMechE in 2011. The centenary publication of the Stephenson Locomotive Society is also relevant.
Within the scope of the re-examination performed so far it is clear that some key figures, notably James Clayton, had received insufficient attention. Stanier became highly voluble in his retirement years. It is also quite obvious from a brief initial inspection of the first ten volumes that it was Collett, rather than Churchward, who regarded the Institution with contempt as both Stanier and Hawksworth were closely involved in the early years: the former noting that the mixed traffic locomotive (the 43XX was being discussed) was the engine of the future, and there was a typical Clayton confrontation with Hawksworth on the stability of the County outside-cylinder 4-4-0s!. Perhaps inevitably there is an LBSCR bias in the early papers. Garratt was very active at the early meetings..
The IMechE virtual library was accessible at KPJ has been granted temporary access to the full electronic archive and is greatly impressed by the high quality of the pdf files and their presentation as a series of pages on the screen. To an extent this marks the continuing improvement to the Adobe software, but it also reflects the very high quality of the scanning which is especially apparent in the figures and tables. .
Key to Volume numbers
10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | |||||||||
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 |
Key to Journal Numbers (in gaps of five)
15 |
25 |
100 | 105 | 110 | 115 | 120 | 125 | 130 | 135 | 140 | 145 | 150 | |||||||||||||||||
155 | 160 | 165 | 170 | 175 | 180 | 185 | 190 | 195 | 200 | 205 | 210 | 215 | 220 | 225 | 230 | 235 | 240 | 245 | 250 | 255 | 260 | 265 | 270 | 275 | 280 | 285 | 290 | 295 | 300 |
305 | 310 | 315 | 320 | 325 | 328 |
Maitland, J.P. (Paper No. 1)
French locomotive practice. 21pp.
Dearberg, Henry W. (Paper No. 2)
Locomotive fireboxes. 1-23.
Johnson, F.S. Lovick (Paper No. 3)
Liquid fuel. 1-33.
Bennett, W.J. (Paper No. 4)
Boiler shop equipment and management. 1-27
Volume 2 (1912)
Bray, H. Paine (Paper No. 5)
The application of highly superheated steam to locomotives. 1-36.
Anderson, T. Scott (Paper No. 6)
Electric welding. 5-24.
Fry, Lawson H. (Paper 7)
The development of American locomotive practice. 1-27.
Bassett, Frank Laurence (Paper No. 8)
Water softening. 1-36.
Long, Montague F. (Paper No. 9)
The electrification of the L.B. & S.C. Railway suburban system. 1-49
Wardlaw, Frank A. (Paper No. 10)
The application of composite valves in locomotive operation. 1-20.
Nethercott, W.H. (Paper No. 11)
The construction of the Wootton type of locomotive boiler. 1-27.
O'Callaghan (Paper No. 12)
The Lassen and Hjort system of water softening for locomotive use. 1-24.
Maitland, J. Pelham (Paper No. 13)
Coal as a factor in locomotive practice. 1-32.
Volume 3 (1913)
Fowler, Henry (Paper No. 14)
The maintenance and repair of locomotives. 1-15.
Address by the President,
Woolford, A. (Paper No. 15)
The manufacture of oil gas for the lighting of trains. 17-40.
Fry, Lawford H. (Paper No. 16)
Modern locomotive practice in Europe and America. 41-73.
Bennett, W.J. (Paper No. 17)
Locomotive boiler examination, defects and repairs. 75-115.
Gairns, J.F. (Paper No. 18)
Some debatable factors in locomotive design and practice. 119-58.
Burtt, G.F. (Paper No. 19)
Some French train services and locomotive performances. 164-97.
Bennett, W.J. (Paper No. 20)
Locomotive boiler examination, defects and repairs. 203-45.
Dearberg, H.W. (Paper No. 21)
The standardisation of large passenger locomotives. 247-77.
Bassett, F.L. (Paper No. 22)
Locomotive lubrication.
Volume 4 (1914)
Hill, A.J. (Paper No. 23)
Questions affecting the cost of repairs and renewals of rolling stock. 1-14.
Maitland, J. Pelham (Paper No. 24)
The design and equipment of the running shed. 5-26.
Rottenburg, L. (Paper No. 25)
Locomotive costs in relation to total cost of railway goods transport. 5-34.
Woolford, A. (Paper No. 26)
Pumps and injectors for feeding locomotive boilers. 5-31.
Durtnall, W.P. (Paper No. 27)
The evolution and development of the internal combustion railway locomotive.
Ward, A. Kingsley (Paper No. 28)
The application of the diesel engine to locomotives. 3-30. Disc.: 5-34
Ahrons, E.L. (Paper No. 29)
The internal disturbing forces in and balancing of locomotives (with special
reference to three- and four-cylinder engines). 3-51. Disc.: 53-77.
Nethercott, W.H. (Paper No. 30)
Locomotive boiler examination, defects and repairs in the running shed. 3-18.
Disc.: 19-32
Gairns, J.F. (Paper No. 31)
A comparison of British and foreign locomotive practice. 3-15.
Volume 5 (1915)
Hill, A.J. (Paper No. 32)
Engineering education . 1-12
Thomsen, T.C. (Paper No. 33)
Lubrication of locomotives and tenders. 1-48.
Fullagar, L.A. (Paper No. 34)
Comparison of slide bar pressures. 1-10.
Lelean, W.A. (Paper No. 35)
Inspection of locomotives under construction. 1-47
The locomotive inspector's record book was supplied with the
paper and is bound with it in the I.Mec.E. Library set.
Volume 6 (1916)
greater detail
Journal No. 1
Cumberland, Elliott
The electrolytic process for preventing corrosion and scale. 5-43
Journal No. 2
South, E.J.H. (Paper No. 38)
The cleansing of locomotive boilers. 53-84. Disc.: 108-22.
Journal No. 3
Some disappearing locomotive types. 104-7
A suggested improvement of wheel arrangement notation. 107-8
Maunsell, R.E.L. Presidential Address. [Paper No. 39]. 125-33.
See Maunsell page for extract
Bennett, A.R. Vice-Presidential Address. [Paper No.
40]. 131-8.
Better known as Rosling Bennett. Significant contribution to the history
of the locomotive on the South Eastern Railway, especially the contribution
made by Cudworth.
Burnett, Robert H. Vice-Presidential Address. [Paper
No. 41]. 133-52.
Coal combustion, including Cudworth and Beattie's contributions and
brakes: reproduced in full.
Howard, J.
The mechanic in India. 157-86.
Journal No. 6
Dendy Marshall, C.F. (Paper No. 42)
The Dendy Marshall 4-cylinder system of locomotives. 190-218
Some of the diagrams from this paper and some general comment is contained
in O.S. Nock's The LNWR Precursor family. (1966). pp.104-7.
Dearberg, Henry Woodgate (Paper No. 43)
The Garratt locomotive. 225-54. Disc. (Journal 8?): 261-97.
Includes Garratt articulated locomotive for Congo Railway.
According to Rutherford (Backtrack,
2007, 21, 437) this paper was originally requested from Garratt
by G.F. Burtt, The Institution's Secretary.
Ahrons, E.L. (Paper No. 44)
The classification of locomotive types. 302-6. J10?
Written communication on the classification of locomotive types pp.
333-6 J F Gairns
Heavy freight trains in the United States. 306-7.
Bennett, Alfred R
The Channel Island service of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway.
308-17; Journal 10?: 324.
Gairns, J.F. (Paper No. 45)
British Railways as a national asset. 318-22.
Journal No. 10
Fullagar, L.A. (Paper No. 46)
Locomotive cab arrangements. 327-32. Disc.: 387-8
R.P.C. Sanderson (387) correspondence
Dearberg, Henry Woodgate (Paper No. 47)
Some observations on industrial locomotives. 337-46; Disc.: 384-6: 1917,
7, 80-2.
J.W.H. Rea (7: 80) written communication.
Journal No. 11
Barnes, Victor T.E. (Paper No. 48)
Locomotive smokeboxes and fittings. 351-83; Journal No. 12: 442 R.H. Burnett
Journal No. 12
Houldcroft, A.T. (Paper No. 49)
The design and construction of steel railway coaches. 391-441.
Volume 7 (1917)
greater detail
Journal No. 13
Mannering, Smith (Paper No. 50)
Locomotive fireboxes. 10-30. Disc: 36-62; 102.
Journal No. 16
Jones, A.D. [Address by the President]
The locomotive running department. 87-95.
Variable blast pipe and exhaust gear, Paris, Lyons, and Mediterranean Railway. 96-7.
Kelway-Bamber, H. (Paper No. 51)
Thirty-five years' advance in Indian railway development. 107-55.
Journal No. 18
Sanderson, R.P.C. (Paper No. 52)
Steel as a material for locomotive fireboxes. 161-236.
Several speakers in discussion observed that British steel might not
be suitable in this application
Journal No. 20/1
Rodgers, J. (Paper No. 53)
The locomotive designer and design. 240-308.
Clayton, J. (Paper No. 54)
The bridge curve. 311-20
Journal No. 22/23
Dunn, J.M. (Paper No. 56)
Locomotive blast pipes and chimneys. 328-71
Journal No. 24
Clayton, J. (Paper No. 57)
Method and system in the locomotive drawing office. 375-437.
Journal No. 25/26
Rea, J.W.H. (Paper No. 55)
Some notes on the working of superheater locomotives, with special refernce
to lubrication. 3-80.
Journal No. 27/28
Jones, A.D. (Paper No. 58)
British railways and the War: Address by the President. 78-87.
Sanderson, R.P.C. (Paper No. 59)
American practice in the draught appliances of locomotives. 90-130
Journal No. 29/30
Kelway-Bamber, H. (Paper No. 60)
Coal and mineral traffic on the railways of the United Kingdom. 135-53.
Webster, H.C. (Paper No. 61)
The arrangement of enginemen's duties. 171-92.
Journal No. 31/32
Gresley, H.N. [Paper No. 62]
Inaugural address [Chairman of Committee of the Leeds Centre]. 199-214.
Journal No. 33/34
Carlier, S. (Paper No. 63)
Heating of trains and the problem of coal saving. 255-92.
Journal No. 35/36
Paterson, W. (Paper No. 64)
District supervision of the locomotive department of a British railway. 296-352.
Holcroft, H. (Paper No. 65)
Three-cylinder locomotives. 355-68. Disc.: 368-95; 476-91.
Journal Number 36
Riekie, J. (Paper No. 66)
Compound locomotives. 405-75.
Journal No. 37
Kidd, J.W. (Paper No. 67)
Firebox stays. 2-51.
Mercer, I.E. (Paper No. 68)
The training of the locomotive engineer. 55-106.
Ryan, M.F.
State control of railways during the War. Some of the after problems.
(Presidential address). 122-33.
Journal No. 38
Thompson, T. (Paper No. 70)
Locomotive building practice. 139-52; 175-89. Disc.: 155-74.
Based on NER practice at Darlington: boiler construction, flanging
of plates, machining and trimming, assembling, the firebox, boiler mountings,
tubing, testing, forge and smithy, springs.
Bazin, J.R. (Paper No. 71)
Suggestions for standardized wagon designs for British railways. 191-206.
Disc.: 206-40.
Journal No. 39
Groom, S.W. (Paper No. 72)
Tube failures. 249-54.
Mitchinson. H.W. (Paper No. 72a)
Broken crank pins. 255-8.
Hamers, J.P. (Paper No. 72b)
Overheated bearings. 259-73.
Gass, E.M. (Paper No. 73)
The relation of cylinder and boiler power to locomotive rating. 276-338.
Disc.: 505-13; 514-17: 1920, 10, 315-19.
Lawford H. Fry (505) commented on this paper: Brewer responded to
this (10 315)
Journal No. 40
Dewhurst, P.C. (Paper No. 72)
Steel fireboxes and tubes in locomotive boilers. their service, maintenance
and repair. 365-438.
Sanderson, R.P.C. (Paper No. 74)
Notes on recent American locomotive and wagon practice. 443-54.
Journal No. 41
Rowland, W. (Paper No. 75)
An approximate method of estimating superheat and boiler output and evapourative
efficiency. 459-504.
Volume 10 (1920)
greater detail
Journal No. 42
Jackson, G.H. (Paper No. 76)
Testing and treatment of material for the construction of railway rolling
stock. 3-34. Disc.: 35-59: 311-14.
Taylor, A.T. (Paper No. 77)
Some points for discussion in locomotive design. Tail spindles, or extended
piston rods. 61-3. Disc.: 63-8.
Taylor, A.T. (Paper No. 77a)
Some points for discussion in locomotive design. Tyre fastenings. 69-70.
Disc.: 70-7.
Taylor, A.T. (Paper No. 78)
Some points for discussion in locomotive design. Facilities for washing.out
boilers. 82-5. Disc.: 86-101.
Mannering, S. (Paper No. 79)
Fusible plugs. 102-5. Disc.: 105-9.
Journal No. 43
Holcroft, H. (Paper No.80).
Four-cylinder locomotives. 115-32; 139-64. Disc.: 132-8; 165-77; 186-206.
29 diagrs.
Theoretical treatise on crank settings.
Discussion on locomotive cylinders and valves. 207-14. (Paper 81)
Barnes, W.A. (Paper No. 82)
Electric traction for railways. 215-38.
Journal No. 44
Kelway-Bamber, H. (Paper No. 83)
The waste of locomotive power. 242-60. Disc.: 269-74; 275-9.
Dow, J.W. (Paper No. 84)
Lubrication. 261-8. Disc.: 281-95.
Journal No. 45
Pickersgill, W.
Presidential Address. 335-50.
O'Brien, H.E. (Paper No. 86)
The management of the locomotive repair shop. 371-403. Disc.: 463-82; 499-511;
Journal No. 46
Kitson Clark, E. (Paper No. 87)
Articulated locomotives. 413-58. Discussion: 1921, 11, 587-90.
Includes Kitson Meyer
Musgrave, G.A. (Paper No. 88)
Locomotive running shed practice. 512-36.
Rawlings, H.V. (Paper No. 89)
Brake efficiency. 537-64.
Includes Pennsylvania Railway Brake Tests of 1913, and Captain Douglas
Galton's earlier Newark Brake Trials. Considers brake apparatus and how to
determine performance.
Haigh , J.A. (Paper No. 90)
The locomotive as a vehicle. 574-88.
Journal No. 47
Thompson, F. (Paper No. 91)
Locomotive building practice. 3-22. Disc. : 22-30. .
Based on North Eastern (Darlington) practice: Discussion: Alcock,
E. (Hunslet) (pp. 22-3): wheel shrinkage during shrinking on of tyres. Phillips
(Manning Wardle) (pp. 23-5): marking off and jointing inside cylinders.
Tonkin, H.J. (Paper No. 92)
Notes on workshop accounting practice of British railways. 38-63. Disc.:
64-76; 98-116.
Discussion: F.J. Hookham (pp. 65-6) comment on mechanical calculating
machines; J. Clayton (pp. 68-9): estimating & costing.
Moore, F.G. (Paper No. 93)
Appliances used and methods adopted for clearing the line after derailments
and accidents.77-91. Disc.: 91-8; (Paper 93A): 331-42.
Discussion: (94-5): competition between groups could lead to
crane tipping over. E. Alcock (105-6) notes on costing.
Gairns, J.F. (Paper No. 94)
Traffic influences upon locomotive design and practice. 119-29; Disc.:
Journal No. 48
Gee, F. (Paper No. 95)
Some notes on oil fuel and its application to locomotives. 157-61; Disc.:
Argentinian practice.
Kimberley, R.E. (Paper No. 96)
Locomotive freight rating and train resistance. 212-38. Disc.: 239-52.
Journal No. 49
Kempt, Irvine (Paper No. 97)
Some points in connection with lubrication and lubricators. 255-97. Disc.:
CR practice.
McKay, T.C. (Paper No. 98)
Electric arc welding. 317-30. No discussion
Hookham, F.J. (Paper No. 99)
Standardisation of locomotive parts on a National basis. 346-58. Disc.:
J. Clayton (pp. 359-61) approved.
Blacklock, M. (Paper No. 100)
Notes on locomotive efficiency. 379-404. Disc.: 404-11.
Compares steam turbine electric; diesel electric; diesel hydraulic
and direct-drive diesel. W. Pickersgill (pp. 407-8) pondered lack of torque
in non-steam propulsion and preferred electrification, also commented on
exhaust feed injectors and feed-water heaters. In further comment on page
410 he was not altogether pessimistic about the internal combustion engine
for the locomotive.
Archbutt, L. (Paper No. 101)
Lubrication and lubricants. 412-36. Disc.: 436-40.
Journal No. 50
Weatherburn, J. (Paper No. 102)
The North Eastern Railway dynamometer car. 443-71. Discussion: 471-7. folding
diagrams, illus.
Tests on superheated T2 on 1 in 200 Simpasture branch, and of 3-cylinder
T3 between Hexham and Gillsland.
Gabb, C.R. (Paper No. 103)
Locomotive repair shop organisation. 479-88. Disc.: 489-512.
Argentinian practice.
Reid, R.W. (Paper No. 104)
Some comparisons between British and American railway rolling stock. 522-45.
Disc.: 546-9.
Written as result of visit to USA and Canada.
Thayer, Robert E. (Paper No. 105)
Standard locomotives in the U.S.A. 552-78. [Disc.: 566-72].
Gresley, H.N. (Paper No. 106)
Alloy steel for coupling and connecting rods. 579-80. Discussion: 580-3.
A.G. Stamer noted that the reduction of weight would be helpful in
the running shed.
Gresley, H.N. (Paper No. 107)
Valve gear for three-cylinder locomotives. 584-6. + folding diagram
Extremely concise.
Journal No. 51
Kyffin, Arthur Ellesmere (Paper No. 108).
Notes on axleboxes and axlebox guides. 603-24. Discussion 625-34: 1922; 12,
Contributors to discussion included E. Colclough (Cambrian Railways)
pp. 626-7 and E.W. Selby (L&YR) pp. 632-3: 1922, 12, 9-50. J.H.
Smeddle on pp. 16-17; E.L. Ahrons (25-7), Hookham (30-1), J.M. Dunn (31-3)
who noted the "great deal of trouble" with the Ministry of Muntions 2-8-0
Deakin, W.P. (Paper No. 109)
Behaviour of materials used in construction of locomotive fireboxes, etc.
on the Central Argentine Railway. 637-708. Disc.: 709-37.
Stamer, A.C.
Inaugural address. 738-50. Disc.: 750-1.
Advantages of oil firing.
Kitson Clark, E.
Presidential Address: The translation of the locomotive. 759-76.
Comment on the battle of the gauges: cites Coleburn's "admirable
book".Includes many extracts from literature: Dickens' Dombey &
Sons; Kemble; Edgar Allen Poe's The thousand and second, J,R.
Mozley; Birkbeck Hill; Oswald H. Dunn's Night Ridge; William
Cosmo Monkhouse and Robert Louis Stevenson's From a Railway
Whitelegg, R.H.
Inaugural Address for the Scottish Centre. 778-802.
Mentioned the Heilmann locomotive which he judged to be unsuccessful
as it did not run for long (called it a generating station on wheels) and
noted the improved form developed by North British Locomotive Co. (NBL) and
considered that might be more economical than railway electrification; the
diesel electric was considered to have possibilities and noted work by
Minneapolis & St Paul RR
Journal No. 52
Grassick, J.P. (Paper No. 114)
The locomotive from a footplate point of view. 51-67. Disc. 67-104.
Experience on NBR: spark arresters had to be removed. Problems with
steel fireboxes.
Journal No. 52A
Fowler, Sir Henry (Paper No. 115)
Steels for locomotive purposes. 106-27. Disc.: 127-33; 198-209; 259-64.
The first steel purchase made by the Midland Railway was for spring
steel in January 1861. This was followed in 1874 by purchases of steel for
tyres and for straight and crank axles. In 1884 steel was adopted for frame
plates, boiler plates and wheel centres. There were no specifications for
steel until 1887. Sir Henry describes how testing and analysis were introduced.
Turner, F. (Paper No. 116)
Management difficulties. 135-50. Disc. 150-70.
J. Clayton (pp 154-5): shop stewards should be eduacated men.
Journal No. 53
Allen, C.J. (Paper No.117)
Notes on the influence of design on express locomotive performance. 175-85.
Disc. 185-97; 248-58; 516-22 (Journal No. 55)
The Chairman (J.W. Smith) was hostile: "The author seems to have formed
the opinion that locomotive engineers do not possess data obtained from actual
tests to guide them on matters of design. They have quite a lot of
Kermack, W.L. (Paper No. 118)
The modern passenger locomotive. 210-22. Disc.: 223-7.
Quotes results of trials with GCRDirectors vs Atlantics; GER 1500
class vs Claud Hamilton 4-4-0s; and GWR Saints vs Stars. J.W. Tyler (225-6)
noted the effect of Joy valve gear on boiler pressure.
Beesley, F.W. (Paper No. 119)
The modern express passenger locomotive. 228-46.
Robson, T. (Paper No. 120)
The inspection and testing of materials used in the construction of locomotives
and rolling stock. 265-301. Disc.: 301-10.
Malcolm, P.L. (Paper No. 121)
Railway lubrication. 335-63. Disc. 364-401.
Argentinian practice
Chadwick, G.H. (Paper No. 122)
Electric welding in railway shops. 402-6.
Peruvian experience.
Journal No. 55
Howell, A.E. (Paper No. 123)
Modern production and costing methods as applied to locomotive engineering.
416-68. Disc.: 469-72; 532-43; 571-7
Clayton, J. (Paper No. 124)
The lubrication of a modern locomotive. 473-503. Disc.: 504-15.
Many diagrams
Mellanby, A.L. (Paper No. 125)
Some phenomena associated with the flow of steam through nozzles. 544-50.
Disc.: 550-70.
Hookham, J.A. (Paper No. 126)
Comparison between superheated and non-superheated tank engines. 578-603.
Disc. 578-603; 604-33.
Results from trials with an 0-6-2T.
Journal No. 56
Sedgfield, P. (Paper No. 127)
Continuous automatic brakes with special reference to their use on goods
trains. 649-76. Disc.: 677-95.
As used in Uruguay.
Simpson, L.S. (Paper No. 128)
Railway operating in France. 697-728.
Read in Argentina: Railway Operating Division during WW1. Notes on
train ferries.
Journal No. 57
Rodolfo Jaramillo (Paper No. 129)
Combustibles used in the industries especially in locomotives. 740-78. Disc.:
Goodall, C.N.
Inaugural Address. 828-45. Disc.: 845-9.
For the Leeds Centre. Comments on the appearance of older locomotives
and mentions Stroudley 0-4-2 and Gresley K3 2-6-0.
Renwick, H.P. (Paper No. 130)
The district supervision of the locomotive department of an Indian railway.
Chalmers, W.
Inaugural address. 876-88. Disc.: 888-90.
Mentions LSWR 4-6-0, GSWR 4-6-4T and electrification
Kyffin, A.E. (Paper No. 131)
Some features of boiler design and construction in relation to upkeep. 891-910.
Disc. 910-16.
Whitelegg, R.H.
Presidential Address. 925-65.
Includes A.J. Hill's pamphlet produced to educate footplate crews
to reduce fuel consumption.
Volume 13 (1923)
Greater detail
Journal No. 58
Eckhard, K.N. (Paper No. 132)
The maintenance of the electric rolling stock of the Central Argentine Railway.
Deacon, R.D. (Paper No. 133)
Oil fuel burning. 61-9.
Kelway-Bamber, H. (Paper No. 134)
South African railways and their rolling stock. 79-95
Robinson, C.H. (Paper No. 135)
The main base locomotive workshops of the British Expeditionary Force, St.
Etienne du Rouvray. 97-132.
Journal No. 59
Smith, J.W. (Paper No. 136)
Some details of locomotive practice. 135-50. Disc.: 151-60.
McColl, J. (Paper No. 137)
Impressions of modern locomotive design, with observations on their performance
on the road. 175-92. Disc.: 192-203.
This accentuates North British Railway policy. W. Chalmers chaired
the meeting. (Chief Mechanical Engineer)
Byrne, Basil (Paper No. 138)
The constitution of iron and steel. 208-52.
Lee, Wallace and Edwin Welch (Paper No. 139)
Development, description and application of locomotive applicances and fittings.
Fire doors; steam grate shakers; air bell ringers; electric headlights;
and air sanders. Presented in Argentina: North American practice).
Journal No. 60
Tritton, J.S. (Paper No. 140).
The internal combustion locomotive for railway use. 359-79. Disc. 379-405
+ 2 folding plates. 16 diagrs., 3 tables.
Includes an account of the Still system.
Gresham, J.N. (Paper No. 141)
The theory and practice of steam jet instruments. 407-43. Disc.: 568-78
Andrew, J.H. (Paper No. 142)
Special steels. 444-57.
Journal 61
Dalby, W.E. (Paper No. 143).
Mechanical transport and some of its problems. 466-72. Disc. : 472-8 + 2
folding plates. 8 diagrs., 4 maps.
Includes a plea for a testing station.
Edwards, W.S. (Paper No. 144)
Training of apprentices. 480-8. Disc.: 489-513.
Rowland, W. (Chairman's Address)
Engine loading for varying classes of traffic. 514-24. Disc.: 524-7.
Mercer, Ivor E. (Paper No. 145)
Locomotive running repairs. 528-47. Disc.: 548-59.
Hinds, C.N. (Paper No. 146).
Joints and jointing materials. 581-4. Disc.: 584-94.
Doncaster practice.
Hinds, C.N. (Paper No. 147)
Piston tail rods and their alternatives. 595-9. Disc.: 599-607.
Parker, L.P. (Paper No. 148)
The coaling of locomotives. 609-16. Disc.: 617-50.
G.W. Selby (623-4) commented upon LNWR practice.
Journal No. 62
Heaton, Walter. (Paper No. 149)
Carriage bogie design. 632-3. Disc: 1924, 14, 614-26
Rodolfo Jaramillo (Paper No. 150)
The railways of Chile. 633-716
Sanderson, R.P.C. (Paper No. 151)
Heavy tonnage handling on railways of the United States. 733-59. Disc.: 759-60.
Stamer, A.C.
Presidential address. 762-5.
Naval gazing
Byrne, Basil (Paper No. 152)
The fatigue of iron and steel. 766-808. Disc.: 808-18.
Volume 14 (1924)
greater detail
Journal No. 63
Smith, J.H. (Paper No. 153)
Some aspects of corrosion. 9-17. Disc.: 18-29.
Cranmer, H.D. (Paper No. 154)
Petroleum and the application of fuel oil to industry. 32-76. Disc.: 76-113.
Anderson, D.S. (Paper No. 155)
The problem of the locomotive condenser. 118-39. Disc.: 140-5.
Thanks W. Pickersgill and Ramsay Condensing Locomotive Company.
Attock, F.W. (Paper No. 156)
Locomotive shed lay-out. 147-74.
Dobbie, David. (Paper No. 157)
Some aspects of locomotive running and running shed repairs. 175-92. Disc.:
Journal No. 64
Smeddle, J.H.
Inaugural address. 206-16
Spencer, B. (Paper No. 158).
Some features of locomotive design. 216-21. Disc. :221-7.
Spencer outlined some design desideratta which included Belpaire fireoxes.
Musgrave presented a defence of the Doncaster traditions.
Wickham, R.G. (Paper No. 159?)
Drawing office organisation. 241-59
Journal No. 65
Poole, J. (Paper No. 160)
Argentine broad gauge locomotive design. 299-361. Disc.: 635-56.
Phillipson, E.A. (Paper No. 161)
Notes on locomotive running trials. 363-77. Disc.: 377-86 + 2 folding plates.
2 diagrs., table. 3 facsim.forms .
Footplate observations.
Gresham, J.N. (Paper No. 162)
The comparative utility of ejectors & pumps for working the vacuum automatic
brake. 387-92.
Compton, H. (Paper No. 163)
External piping in locomotive design. 393-4. Disc.: 395-7.
Lists advantages of external pipes, including: accessibility.
Haigh, J.H. (Paper No. 164)
Various points in the design of locomotive brakes. 398-9. Disc.: 399-401
Journal No. 66
Fawcett, C. (Paper No. 165)
Locomotive valve gears. 402-25. Disc.: 425-9.
Spencer, B. (Paper No. 166)
Piston valves. 430-3. Disc.: 433-44.
Williams, G.E.H. (Paper No. 167)
Factors concerning the location and lay-out of locomotive shops (contractors).
449-75. Disc: 476-86.
Selby, F.W. (Paper No. 168).
Some practical points in locomotive design. 488-514. Disc.: 514-21.
Guest, R. (Paper No. 169)
The express locomotive on the northern trunk lines of Great Britain from
1898 to 1923. 523-35.
Kelway-Bamber, H. (Paper No. 170).
Modern steam rail coaches. 537-48. Disc.: 548-54. 4 illus.
General comment on the type, plus a detailed analysis of operation
in Jersey.
Spencer, B. (Paper No. 171)
Walschaerts valve gear design. 555-72. Disc.: 572-6.
Maitland. J. Pelham (Paper No. 172)
Terminal station working. 587-608.
Falconer, P.L. (Paper No. 173)
A few notes on locomotive flue tubes and superheater elements. 658-81. Disc.:
Macalpine, T.W.
Concerning locomotive efficiency. 709-11.
Journal No. 68
Brown, E.C. (Paper No. 174)
Boiler feedwaters and preservation of boilers
O'Brien, E. (Paper No. 175)
Main line electrification. 66-9; 80-4. Disc.: 70-9. + folding plate. 8 tables
Includes comparative costs for steam.
Caprotti, A. (Paper No. 176)
Locomotive distributing gear using poppet valves. 86-110. Disc.: 110-19;
Fowler, Sir Henry (Paper No.177)
Solid crank axles. 130-43. Disc.: 143-55; 324-34. illus., 6.diagrs., 2 tables.
Results of metallurgical research carried out by H.A. Treadgold under
Sir Henry Fowler's supervision.
Anderson, J.R. Presidential Address. 125-9.
Journal No. 69
Haigh, J.H. (Paper No. 178)
Accurate measurements and workshop gauges. 156-71.
Adamson, W. (Paper No. 179)
Some attempts to improve boiler efficiency. 172-200.
Baldock. J.W. (Paper No. 180)
Locomotive valves and valve gears. 202-240.
Journal No. 70
Hookham, F.J. (Paper No. 181)
Automatic train control. 243-68. Disc.: 269-79.
Kelway-Bamber, H. (Paper No. 182)
Railway carriage bogie trucks in service. 292-8. Disc.: 298-310.
Tyler, J.W. (Paper No. 183)
Railway communications in Great Britain. 311-19. Disc.: 320-3.
Gresham, J.N. (Paper No. 184)
Vacuum brake ejectors. 335-48. Disc.: 349-63; 16, 295-8.
Fleming, G.E. (Paper No. 185)
Water gauges on boilers. 364-70. 370-3.
Journal No. 71
Lewis, Martin (Paper No. 186)
Special machine tools for locomotive work. 391-448. Disc.: 448-50.
Wickham, R.G. (Paper No. 187)
The vacuum automatic brake. 466-72. Disc.: 473-6: 26, 220-1.
Journal No. 72
Special Issue to mark Stockton & Darlington Railway Centenary
Celebrations: contains non numbered papers, but does include contributions
by A.R. Bennett (pp. 501-6) and a lecture by Warren.
Journal No. 73
Case, Robert C. (Paper No. 188)
Statistics and coal consumption. 4-41.
Cochrane, J. (Paper No. 189)
Water: its occurrence on the Central Argentine Railway. 47-111.
Kimberley, R.E. (Paper No. 190)
Notes on the organisation and working of a running department. 124-89.
Reid, R.W. (Presidential Address)
Developments in coaching stock construction. 192-220. Disc.: 277-94.
Journal No. 74
Haigh, J.H. (Paper No. 191)
Fractures of locomotive parts. 230-47.
Saunders, P.H. (Paper No. 192)
Principles and practice in the erecting shop. 248-75; 662-74.
Bartram, J.H. (Paper No. 193)
Locomotive frames (a comparison of types). 299-312.
Shields, T.H. (Paper No.194).
The steam locomotive and its future in relation to electric traction. 315-27.
Disc.: 327-52; 498-501.
Holcroft. H. (Paper No. 195)
Steam heating of trains 354-405.
Journal No. 75
Eborall, E.A.
Swiss railway electrification. 410-18.
Geer, H.E. (Paper No. 196)
Modern locomotive superheating. Part 1. 419-450.
Rowntree, E.D.H.
Pressed steel in railway rolling stock. 459-61.
Thorrowgood, W.J. (Paper No. 197)
Signalling from a driver's point of view. 463-97.
Noble, E.C. (Paper No. 198)
Ferry steamers and Garratt locomotives in use on the Entre Rios and North-Eastern
Argentine Railways. 503-32.
Bell, A.M. (Paper No. 199)
Automatic mechanical couplers for railway rolling stock. 540-86.
Grime, T. (Paper No.200)
Steam locomotive performance (theoretical and actual). 588-618. Disc.: 619-52.
Analysis of "Castle" tests.
Journal No. 76
Warden, Henry (Paper No. 201)
Physical testing of iron and steel for commercial purposes. 675-700.
Listed incorrectly on IMechE electronic database as "Urie" and Warden:
D.C. Urie chaired the meeting.
Robertson, James A. (Paper No. 202)
Spark prevention devices on locomotives. 703-26.
Description of an eight-coupled turbine locomotive (Ljungstrom system) for the Argentine State Railways. 727-37.
Handley, J.J.
Report upon trials of Ljungstrom locomotive. 738-40.
Tritton, Sir Seymour B. (Presidential Address)
Advice to your engineers. proposed subjects for papers. 743-59.
Sedgfield, P. and Forrest F.W.A. (Paper No. 203)
Illumination of railway rolling stock by electricity. 850-91.
Journal No. 77
Rowland, W. and Shawcross, G.N. (Paper No. 204)
Locomotive built-up cranks. 892-918.
Robinson, C.H. (Paper No. 205)
Debatable features in the design of some locomotive details. 919-35. Disc.:
935-43; 1927, 17, 346-54. illus., 10 diagrs.
Kelway Bamber, H. and Bond, R.C. (Paper No. 206)
Braking of trains on electrically-operated railways. 945-80.
Alcock, E.
Some boiler details. 981-1002.
Address by the Chairman of the Leeds Centre.
Kelway-Bamber, H. (Paper No.207)
Modern British railway express passenger engines. 1004-17. Disc.:1017-29.
Journal No. 78
Gass, E.M. (Paper No. 208)
The application of the compound principle to locomotives. 5-18. Disc.:
Based mainly on experience gained on LYR: remarkably for the date
an advocate of two-cylinder compounds.
Beaumont, J.W. (Paper No. 209)
The working of light traffic on railways and the "Sentinel" engine. 30-53.
Disc.: 53-9; 273-80 + folding plate. 2 illus., 3 diagrs.
Stamp, N.H. (Paper No. 210)
Locomotive Wheel Balancing. 60-71. Disc.: 71-7.
Geer, H.E. (Paper No. 211)
Modern locomotive superheating. Part 2. 79-100. Disc. 100-32.
Covers tangential steam driers
Journal No. 79
Rowland, W.
The most economical point of cut-off of locomotive valve gears. 134-42.
Discussion meeting: no Paper No.
Brunler, O. (Paper No. 212)
The internal combustion boiler and its application to the locomotive. 143-56.
Disc.: 156-70.
Poultney, E.C. (Paper No. 213)
Locomotive performance and its influence upon modern practice. 172-272.
Journal No. 80
Mass production as applied to the repairing of locomotives. Disc.: 286-300.
Discussion meeting
Sanders, T.H. (Paper No. 214)
Railvay Springs. 301-35. Disc.: 439-51
Metcalfe, J.C. (Paper No. 215)
The exhaust steam injector. 355-90. Disc.: 453-65.
Bell, A.M. (Paper No. 216)
Tare and load compared in modern locomotives and rolling stock. 398-422.
Disc.: 422-38. 13 illus., 2 diagrs., 2 tables.
Journal 81
Falconer, P.L. (Paper No. 217)
The cylinder performance of cross-compound locomotives. 496-524. Disc.: 525-36.
Smeddle, R.A.
Some Notes on Locomotive Fittings. 537-52
Gresley, H.N. Presidential Address
The present position of the locomotive building industry. 558-68.
Included an appeal for a locomotive testing station
Journal No. 82
Sedgfield, P.
Some notes on unexplained? derailments. 578-621
Shove, N.A. (Paper No. 220)
Grease lubrication, and notes on the working of locomotives in Canada and
the United States. 625-59
Latter: communication from C.R.P. Sanderson
Musgrave, G.A.
Address by the Chairman. Institution's welfare and progress. 664-86.
Volume 18 (1928)
Greater detail
Journal No. 83
NEW L.M. & S.R. locomotives. 2-6 + 5 folding plates. 2 illus., 2 diagrs.
(s. els.), 4 tables.
The results of dynamometer car tests on the new Royal Scot class were
compared with tests on the 4P compound and "Claughton" (both original and
modified) classes. Also new 2-6-4T.
Moon, A.N. (Paper No. 221)
Designing of carriages for comfort. 7-27. Disc.: 27-31.
The Meeting held in Glasgow on 16 December 1926 was chaired by D.C.
Urie. Both the paper and the discussion give some consideration to the six-wheel
Heaton, W. (Paper No. 222)
Carriage bogie design (Part II). Riding qualities and the effects of design
on wearing parts. 38-64. Disc.: 64-128. 1929, 19, 334-6.
Stephenson, H.J. (Paper No. 223).
Locomotive engine failures and their causessome hints for their prevention.
133-44. Disc.: 145-58.
Includes a descripton of failures in the union link and combination
lever, and attempts to eradicate them.
Adams, C.F. (Paper No. 224)
Piston gland packing. 159-70. Disc.: 170-5.
Adams, C.F. (Paper No. 225)
Connecting and coupling rod lubrication. 175-85. Disc.: 186-93; 344-51..
Journal No. 84
Carrick, Peter (Paper No. 226)
Train lightinng. 201-16. Disc.:217-22.
Tomlinson, Frederick (Paper No. 227)
The use and collapsing strength of copper flue tubes for locomotive boilers.
223-31. Disc.: 231-6.
Bulleid, O.V.S. (Paper No.228)
The booster. 239-74. Disc.: 274-91+ 13 folding plates. 5 illus., 29
diagrs, 8 tables. 2 plans.
Journal No. 85
Fry, Lawford H. (Paper No. 229)
Some constructional details of a high-pressure locomotive. 314-43
Gresham, J.N. (Paper No. 230)
Vacuum braked freight train trials (Companhia Paulista de Estradas de Ferro,
Brazil, 19261927). 353-88.
Bond, R.C. (Paper No.231)
Fundamental considerations in the design of locomotives. 389-401. Disc.:
Clayton, J. (Paper No. 232)
Engine failures. 409-24. Disc.: 424-31; 610-22 + 10 folding plates. 6 diagrs.,
table, 9 facsim. forms.
The paper notes the reduction in the number of locomotive failures
on the S.R., since 1923.
Journal No. 86
Whittle, R.W.
Manufacture of superheaters. 454-60.
Commentary on a film: no Paper No.
Parker, G.C.R. (Paper No. 233)
Are screwed smoke tubes worth while? 461-89
Case, Charles (Paper No. 234)
The organisation of a locomotive running department in the Argentine republic.
Hadfield, Robert, W B Pickering and S A Main (Paper No. 235)
Recent developments in alloy steels. 547-608.
Journal No. 87
Smith, W.G. (Paper No. 236)
Some features of the mechanical and electrical equipment of the Port of
Manchester. 624-44. Disc.: 644-7.
Brown, Herbert (Paper No. 237)
High pressure locomotives. 655-86. Disc.: 686-92.
Swiss Locomotive Company
Journal No. 88
Byrne, B.R.
Some notes of metallurgical importance in locomotive engineering. 10-50.
Armstrong, J. Clubley (Paper No. 239).
Pulverised fuel locomotives. 53-90. Disc. : 86-114; 492-9: 1930, 20,
146-55; 325-34 + 2 folding plates. 6 illus., 17 diagrs.
Journal No. 89
Kelway Bamber, H. (Paper No. 240)
Modern steam rail cars in service. 143-63. Disc.: 163-70; 314-33. 2 illus.,
6 diagrs., 12 tables.
Includes economic as well as technical aspects.
Windle, E. (Paper No. 241)
The locomotive smokebox. 171-87. Disc.: 187-91.
Anderson, D.S. (Paper No.242).
The future development of the locomotive. 193-212. Disc.: 212-21; 630-40:
1930, 20, 204-13.. 3diagrs.
Lawrence, L.
The Baker valve gear. 222-4.
Millar, W.A. (Paper No. 243)
Locomotive cab arrangements. 225-39. Disc.: 239-47.
Holcroft, H. (Paper No. 244)
Some points of common interest in rolling stock and permennent way. 249-84.
Disc.: 285-311. Disc.: 823-30.
Journal No. 90
Devlin, S.R. (Paper No. 245).
The Clayton steam rail car. 456-75. Disc.: 475.91. 3 illus., 11 diagrs.
Robson, T. (Paper No. 246)
Experiments on buffer springstheir shock-absorbing capacity. 500-32.
Disc.: 624-9.
Taylor, G.H. (Paper No. 247)
Reduction of weight in rolling stock. 533-68.
Bulleid, O.V.S. (Paper No. 248).
Poppet valves on locomotives. 569-605. Disc. 605-23 + 9 folding plates. 9
illus., 29 diagrs., 3 tables.
Discussed as applied to NER Atlantics and to D49 class
Journal No. 91
Southgate, F.D. (Paper No. 249)
Running and maintenance of Garratt locomotives. 681-703.
Law, W. (Paper No. 250)
Locomotive boiler defects and their repairs. 710-24.
Roosen, R. (Paper No. 251)
Pulverised fuel burning in locomotives. 725-63
Journal No. 92
Crook, G.H. (Paper No. 252)
Route and speed signalling. 770-822.
Journal No. 93
Wagner, R.P. (Paper No.
Some new developments of the Stephenson boiler. 5-21. Disc.: 21-47.
Shields, T.H. (Paper No.
Locomotive regulator valves. 49-103. Disc.: 103-24; 717-19.
Journal No. 94
Willans, K.W. (Paper No. 255).
Water-tube boilers suitable for locomotives. 157-79. Disc.: 179-96; 411-18;
688-92 + 6 folding plates.2 illus., 22 diagrs.
Based mainly on Kerr Stuart experimental work on a Perkins boiler,
but most of the other small water-tube boilers are mentioned, especially
in the discussions.
Bazin, J.R. Presidential Address. 215-28.
Surveys the Rainhill Trials of 1829 and notes the lack of educational
facilities available through the Institution. No information on Bazin's Irish
Journal No. 95
Gass, E.M.
Chairman's address. 262-6.
Gass, E.M. (Paper No. 256)
Undue compression in the cylinders of steam locomotives and means for combating
same. 267-86.
Selby, F.W. (Paper No. 257)
Compound locomotives. 287-316. Disc.: 317-24; 693-703: 1931, 21, 91-112;
113-19. 6 illus., 12 diagrs., 3 tables.
Gresham, J.N. (Paper No. 258)
Live steam injector practice. 336-8. Disc.: 358-65.
Grime, T. (Paper No. 259)
The development of the geared steam locomotive. 347-77. Disc.: 377-410.
Fowler, Henry (Paper No. 260)
Some notes on the production of iron and steel deatisl for carriage and wagon
manufacture. 420-34. Disc.: 434-48.
Journal No. 96
Ridge, Charles W. (Paper No. 261)
The testing of steel for railway purposes. 556-84. Disc.: 584-616.
Harvey, W.H.T. (Paper No. 262)
Extended locomotive runs. 617-53. Disc. 653-76.
In Argentina
Journal No. 97
Kelway-Bamber, H. (Presidential Addtress)
Activities and progress of the Institution and reference to modern locomotive
practices. 681-7.
Poultney, E.C.
Poppet valves as applied to locomotives. 704-6. Disc.: 706-15. (Abstract
of a lecture).
The lecture was associated with a visit to inspect D49 locomotives
(with Lentz OC and RC valve gear) and a Sentinel shunter at Neville Hill
Depot, Leeds
Kitson Clark, E. (Paper No. 263)
The diesel-steam locomotive: Kitson-Still type. 728-78. Disc.: 779-86 + 7
folding plates. 10 illus., 17 diagrs. (incl. s. el.). Bibliog.
This is the primary source as it includes an exhaustive analysis of
the design, plus details of the test runs.
Gysel, E. (Paper No. 264)
Mechanical gears used in the construction of electric locomotives. 789-848.
Journal No. 98
Clayton, T. (Paper No. 265)
Systems of paying for work. 852-79. Disc.: 879-87.
In Argentina
Dewhurst, P.C. (Paper No. 266)
Some practical considerations in locomotive design for Overseas service.
888-906. Disc.: 907-17.
Humphries, J. (Paper No. 267)
Locomotive valves. 923-8. Disc.: 928-30.
Presented in India
Beckwith, H.G. (Paper No. 268)
Locomotive repairs on the Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway. 934-1027. Disc.:
Dendy-Marshall, C.F. (Paper No. 269)
The Rainhill Locomotive Trials of 1829. 1063-93. Disc.: 1093-4; 1096-1106.
Journal No. 99
Smith, F. (Paper No. 270)
Smithy practices of an Argentine locomotive repair shop. 8-79
Journal No. 100
Sanders, T.H. (Paper No. 271)
Locomotive suspension, and its influence on derailiments. 133-55. Disc: 155-63;
205-15; 859-65.
Four un-nnamed accidents, but clearly including those at Sevenoaks
(Maunsell River class) and Buchlyvie (Gresley N2 class).
Windle, E. (Paper No. 272)
Some notes relating to cylinder performance. 178-97. Disc. :197-204.
7 diagrs., table.
This paper outlines the development of long lap valves on the
Sanford, D.W. (Paper No. 273)
Development of the piston valve to improve steam distribution. 217-49. Disc.:
Vallantin, R.G.E. (Paper No. 274)
Compound locomotives of the P.L.M. Rly. 252-303.
Journal No. 101
Andrews, H. Ivan (Paper No. 275)
The possibility of condensing on locomotives. 336-78.
Clayton, T. (Paper No. 276)
Wagon repairing by the Central Argentine Rly. 379-432.
Chambers, H. (Paper No. 277).
Improvements in water pick-up gear for locomotives. 450-64. Disc. : 464-72;
787-93 + 3 folding plates. 7 illus., 9 diagrs.
Improvements in the design to save water: invented by H.
Journal 102
Holmes, V.W. (Paper No. 278)
A new infinitely variable poppet valve gear. 481-90. Disc.: 490-524.
One of the very few lady members of the Institution.
Kay, Walter (Paper No. 279)
Mineral oils and lubrication. 540-61. Disc.: 561-6.
Ridge, C.W. (Paper No. 280)
The behaviour of railway material in the Argentine Republic. 528-619; 657-96.
Disc.: 765-9.
Journal 103
Agnew, W.A.
Presidential Address: railway electrification. 636-56. Disc.: 1932,
22, 83-8.
P. Liddell (22: 83-5) noted the difficulties involved in
electrifying from Newcastle to King's Cross and considered that the lines
to Sunderland and South Shields should be electrified. A.H.T. Head (87)
considered that the cost of repairs to electric locomotives would be
Powell-Brett, B. (Paper No. 281)
Modern drop-forging equipment and its services to the railway engineer. 697-730.
Gillvray, H.G. (Paper No. 282)
The design and equipment of a modern railway dynamometer car. 731- Disc.:
1932, 22, 249-55.
[Hydraulic type of dynamometer car for service in India]. E.W. Selby (250-2)
Journal No. 104
Hudd, A.E. (Paper No. 283)
A new system of automatic train control. 825-42. Disc.: 842-54.
Journal No. 105
Graham, E. (Paper No. 284)
Progressive methods applied to a modern overhaul shop for electric rolling
stock. 4-62. Disc.: 62-7.
Sanders, T.H.
Chairman's Address: rival traction systems. 91-103. Disc: 104-18.
Meeting North Eastern Centre, Leeds: 23 October 1931: Manchester 4
December 1931: H.I. Andrews (107-9):
Collins, F.R. (Paper No. 285)
The relationship of loading gauge to running gauge and the effect of both
on speeds round curves. 121-41. Disc.: 141-54.
C.E. Williams (141-3); W. Cyril Williams (144-6); H. Holcroft (149-50):
comment on Great Western broad gauge noting the disproportionate ration of
loading gauge to running gauge and the cost of transhipment. D.R. Carling
(150-2) noted the generous loading gauge in the USA which was much greater
than anywhere else other than in Russia. Also comment on loading gauge on
narrow gauge lines. J.G.H. Warren (written: 155-6).
NEW goods tank locomotives, class "W" on the Southern Railway. 155-6. illus., diagr. (s. & f. els.)
Journal No. 106
Blundell, J. (Paper No. 287)
Locomotive delays and their causes. 186-209, Disc.: 209-23. 1933, 33, 287-90.
Poole, A.J. (Paper No. 288)
Locomotive smokeboxes. 281-98. Disc.: 298-318.
Journal No. 107
Sanford, D.W. (Paper No. 289).
The effect of commercial efficiency on locomotive design. 325-32. Disc.:
332-40. table
Creighton, T.G. (Paper No. 290).
The training of apprentices on Indian State Railways. 344-57. Disc.: 358-78.
Journal No. 108
McDermid, W.F. (Paper No. 291)
The locomotive blastpipe and chimney. Part 1. 397-427. Disc. 428-46.
Brazener, W.F. (Paper No. 293)
The manufacture of copper firebox plates. 447-74. Disc.: 474-500: 1934,
24, 128-41.
Journal No. 109
Pudney, F.A. (Paper No. 292)
Notes on three diesel engine types; Some recent cam gear improvements. 512-33.
Disc.: 534-
Wade, L.H. and Short (Paper No. 294)
Some aspects of electric tractor design. 563-89. Disc.: 589-99.
Lewis-Dale, Percy (Paper No. 295)
The chemist in relation to railway engineering. 599-613. Discussion: 614-19.
Journal No. 110
Lelean, W.A.
Presidential Address 1932 (Standardisation). 640-63. Disc.: 663-75.
Baillie, N.L. (Paper No. 296)
Foundry working on railways. 676-736. Disc.: 737-56.
Journal No. 111
Jarvis, C.C. (Paper No. 297)
Dynamometer car working on the L.N.E.R. 2-33. Disc.: 34-46.
Tests included water pick-up at speed from water troughs and its effect
upon speed and power output, and tests over Waverley route.
Lee, A.J. (Paper No. 298)
Present-day designs of locomotives and rolling stock. 47-65. Disc.: 65-83.
Williams, W.C. (Paper No. 299)
Modern articulated steam locomotives. 85-132. Disc. 132-57. 51 illus., 7
diagrs., 4 tables.
Journal No. 112
McDermid, W.F. (Paper No. 300)
The locomotive blast-pipe and chimney. (Part 2). 162-204. Discussion: 204-24.
Byrne, B.R. (Paper No. 301)
Note on the possibilities of the electric furnace in the foundry. 227-62.
Disc.: 262-9.
Blundell, J.
Some notes on fractures. 270-85.
Journal No. 113
Atkinson, T.G. (Paper No. 302)
Feed-water heating on locomotives. 325-73. Disc: 273-402.
Squire, C.E. (Paper No. 303)
Some points in the design and application of carriage and wagon springs.
403-21. Disc.: 421-9.
Norrish, L.B. (Paper No. 304)
Locomotive repair policies. 430-41. Disc.: 441-9.
Windle, E. (Paper No. 305)
Locomotive valves and valve gears. 450-73. Disc,: 473-7.
Journal No. 114
Cardew, C.A. (Paper No. 306)
Some observations on the practice of providing lead with the piston or slide
valves of modern locomotives. 486-501. Disc.: 501-34.
Adams, C.F. (Paper No. 308)
Electrical equipment on steam trains for cooking and heating. 535-59. Disc.:
Loach, J.C. (Paper No. 309)
The locomotive and the track: aspects of their relationship. 567-85. Disc.
585-95. 13 diagrs.
Journal No. 115
Williams, Charles. (Presidential Address)
Colonial railways. 607-40.
Hanna, C.D. (Paper No. 307)
Oil electric traction. 642-84. Disc.: 684-713.
Belfiore, Pedro A. (Paper No. 311)
The condensing locomotive on the Argentine State Railways. 715-30. Disc.:
Beatty, J.W. (Paper No. 312)
The Manchester and Altringham electrification. 746-69. Disc.: 769-79.
Journal No. 116
Baker, John (Paper No. 310)
Railway breakdown cranes. 785-810. Disc.: 810-34.
Griffiths, S. (Paper No. 315)
Anti-vacuum or snifting valves. 835-56. Disc.: 856-77.
Hubbard, R.K. (Paper No. 314)
Standardisation from the point of view of the enginer and of the storekeeper.
880-904. Disc.: 904-21.
Macbeth, Colin. (Paper No. 313)
The application of rubber in railway engineering. 929-66. Disc.: 966-72.
Volume 24 (1934)
greater detail
Journal No. 117
Hyde, P.A. (Paper No. 317)
The roller bearing as applied to locomotives and rolling stock. 2-60. Disc.:
Sams, J.G.B. (Paper No. 316)
Some aspects of a colonial railway running department. 91-113, Disc.: 113-27;
Shields, T.H. (Paper No. 318)
Steam motive power operation (with special reference to engine loading. 158-229.
Disc.: 230-42.
Journal No. 118
Renwick, H.P. (Paper No. 320)
Some observations on locomotive design ln its relation to running shed
maintenance. 245-73. Disc.: 274-99. 865-83
Indian practice
Journal No. 119
Kirkland, R.I. (Paper No. 321)
Locomotive boiler repairs in headquarters shops. 306-37. Disc.: 337-63.
Tritton, J.S. (Paper No. 322)
Rail cars. 365-401, Disc.: 401-19. 12 illus., 11 diagrs.
Includes Leyland railbus and Micheline railcars with pneumatic
Journal No. 120
Owen, A.B. (Paper No. 324)
Methods of dealing with engine repairs. 482-91. Disc.: 491-501.
Arnold, Conway (Paper No. 325)
Special train braking problems (vacuum brake). 502-20. Disc: 521-5.
Compton, J.N. (Paper No. 326)
Servicing of pooled locomotives, Bhusawal Division, Great Indian Peninsula
Railway. 527-87. Disc.: 1936, 26, 276-302.
Bottomley, J.E. (Paper No. 327)
Welding. 588-610.
Journal No. 121
Gresley, H.N.
Presidential address. 617-23.
A further appeal for a testing station, plus a prediction of the high
speed trains.
Moon, A.N. (Paper No. 328)
One hundred years of railway coaches. 626-52. Disc. 652-75.
Mailer, J. (Paper No. 329)
Waste, its elimination, reclamation of scrap material and its influence on
design. 679-705. Disc.: 705-20.
South American paper
Griffiths, S.
Connecting rod ends. 721-34.
Discussion meeting held in Perth, Australia, introduced by S.
Blackwood, G.W.
Crank pins. 735-43.
Discussion meeting held in Perth, Australia, introduced by G.W.
Journal No. 122
Collins, G.H.H. (Paper No. 330)
The manufacture and repair of locomotive boiler tubes. 748-72. Disc.: 772-84.
Wells, G.M. (Paper No. 331)
Modern machine shop methods and equipment. 785-824. Disc.: 824-5.
Hoare, G.E. (Paper No. 332)
Tool room practice in the central locomotive works, Moghalpura. 826-64
Journal 123
Sedgfield, J.R. (Paper No. 333).
Machine tooling methods and machine shop re-organisation. 1-84. Disc. 84-110.
[Part 2] 112-60. Disc.: 160-72. 71 diagrs. incl. some folding & some
Presented in Pérez workshops Central Argentine Railway.
Presentation of the Alfred Roslin Bennett Award to C.A. Cardew. 169-72.
Letter from H.A. Harrison, Secretary of Institution to C.A. Cardew,
New South Wales Government Railway for paper The practice of provoding lead
with the piston or slide valves of modern locomotives
Journal No. 124
Sanders, T.H. (Paper No. 334)
The evolution of railway vehicle suspension. 183-211. Disc.: 211-17.
Larkin, E.J. (Paper No. 335).
The progressive system of workshop training. 219-32. The embryo locomotive
engineer. 233-44. Disc.: 245-52 + 4 folding plates. 11 diagrs.
Organization of apprentice training on the LMS at Derby.
Wagner, R.P. (Paper No. 336).
High speed and the steam locomotive. 254-69. Disc.: 269-85. 5 illus., 6 diagrs.
Gresley was critical of Wagner's large (7 ft 6 in) driving wheels,
the ratio of locomotive weight to that of the train (120 : 220 tons), low
degree of superheating and the lack of a double blast-pipe.
Journal No. 125
McDermid, W.F. (Paper No. 337).
Brakes for streamlined railway vehicles. 309-42. Disc.: 342-68. 4 diagrs.,
2 tables.
See A4 class.
Place, P. (Paper No. 338).
Locomotive testing plants (with special reference to the Testing Plant at
Vitry). 380-406. Disc.: 406-15. 14 illus., 2 diagrs.
Murray, G.L. (Paper No. 339)
A system of limit gauging controlled by colours, with special reference to
valve gear maintenance. 418-30. Disc.: 430-43.
Journal No. 126
Clarke, C.W. (Paper No. 340)
Notes on the design and equipment of a modern railway dynamometer car, from
an operating point of view. 447-76. Disc.: 477-96.
Partly a general review and partly the car used by GIP in India
Rudgard, H. (Paper No. 341).
Motive power matters. 497-519. Disc.: 519-36.7 illus., diagr.
Arnold, Conway (Paper No. 342)
Practical vacuum brake maintenance on goods vehicles. 537-51. Disc.: 551-6.
Journal No. 127
Carr, A.C. (Presidential Address)
[Indian railways]. 570-94.
Willcox, S.T. (Paper No. 343)
A method of forecasting engines for heavy repairs, with reference to stores
stock. 595-603. Disc.: 603-8.
Black, A.H. (Paper No. 344)
A review of tool room practice on an Argentine railway (yesterday, to-day
and to-morrow). 611-42. Disc.: 642-71.
Journal No. 128
Topham, W.L. (Paper No. 345)
The application of oil as a fuel for the modern locomotive. 684-730. Disc.:
Cox, E.S. (Paper No. 346)
Locomotive wheels, tyres and axles. 761-87. Disc.: 787-828: 1936, 26.
Later discussion took place in Buenos Aires
Journal No. 129
Allen, A. (Paper No. 347)
Rail cars in service in Northern Ireland. 2-36. Disc.: 36-44.
Harbord, V. (Paper No. 348)
Metals and alloys in locomotive construction. 46-62. Disc.: 62-77.
Morse, H.M.R. (Paper No. 349)
Workshop management in the North West Railway Central Works with Gantt charts.
78-104. Disc.: 104-13.
Journal No. 130
Poultney, E.C. (Paper No. 349)
A note on the railways of the Union of South Africa (referring specially
to recent locomotive practice). 135-86. Disc.: 186-207.
Glascodine, R.T. (Paper No. 350)
Impact of railway vehicles in relation to buffer resistance. 209-38. Disc.:
Forsyth, I.C. (Paper No. 351)
Dealing with heavy excursion traffic from the motive power point of view.
(abridged). 250-71. Disc.: 271-
Journal No. 131
Poole, A.J. (Paper No. 352)
Locomotive boiler proportions and design. 305-23. Disc.: 323-42.
Morris, P. (Paper No. 353)
The construction of welded steel bodies for diesel rail cars. 343-57.
Thom, J.H. (Paper No. 354)
Fabrication of highly stressed mobile railway structures. 357-91. Disc.:
Journal No. 132
Beaumont, J.W. (Paper No. 355)
Some suggestions on steam locomotive design. 417-24. Disc.: 424-37 .
Survey of current development. Includes details of an LMS Doble boiler
Sentinel locomotive.
Falconer, P.L. (Paper No. 356)
Locomotive pipe and pipe fittings. 438-85. Disc.: 485-509.
Blackwood, G.W. (Paper No. 357)
The behaviour and maintenance of boiler tubes and superheater elements on
the Western Australian Government Railway. 510-31. Disc.: 532-48.
Journal No. 133
Stanier, W.A. Recent developments in locomotive design. 533-94. 21
illus., 8 diagrs. (Presidential Address).
In this paper Stanier declared his debt to Churchward. In the subsequent
vote of thanks Gresley echoed Stanier's appreciation.
Collingwood, G. (Paper No. 358)
New 4-8-4 type locomotives for the Chinese National Railways. 595-626. Disc.:
Mills, F. (Paper No. 359)
Girder stays for locomotive fireboxes. 640-51. Disc.: 651-4.
Journal No. 134
Morse, H.M.R. (Paper No. 360)
Painting of North Western Railway coaching stock with particular reference
to "peeling" and other common faults on steel panels. 659-703. Disc.: 703-23.
Thompson, J.W. (Paper No. 361)
The taper boiler. 725-63. Disc.: 763-6.
Renwick, H.P. (Paper No. 362)
The most suitable passenger locomotive for intensive use and for long runs.
767-71. Disc: 771-806.
Mills, F. (Paper No. 363)
Some factors affecting locomotive design in Western Australia. 2-23. Disc.:
23-33; 458-9.
Clarke, C.W. and Bhote, M.D. (Paper No.
Reflections on the detail design of Indian Railway Standard Locomotives.
34-53. Disc.: 53-68.
Campbell, J. (Paper No. 365)
Rail cars notes on their introduction, design and operation (with
special reference to Argentine condition). 70- 35. Discussion. 135-84.
Page 131: notes that the GWR diesel railcars were based on the AEC
Q type of bus.
Hancock, J.S. (Paper No. 366)
Locomotive feed-water treatment. 198- 221. Disc: 221-49
Wilkins, J.H.A. (Paper No. 367)
The development of the locomotive turntable. 257-85. Disc,: 286-8.
Graff-Baker, W.S. (Paper No. 368).
The retardation of trains. 290-305. Disc: 305-17.
Whitcombe, H.A. (Paper No. 369)
The history of the steam tram. 327-79. Disc.: 380-400.
Shown in error as 367
Poole, A.J. (Paper No. 352)
Locomotive boiler proportions and design (with particular reference to Indian
practice). 403-9 (Summary). Disc.: 409-
This refers back to original presentation (Vol. 26 Journal 131).
Discussion is noteworthy in that the President was presnt in Delhi and opened
the discussion.
Rajangam, Sri (Paper No. 370).
Some factors contributing to derailments of railway rolling stock. 427-46.
Discussion. 446-8.
Shown in error as Paper No. 368
Noble, E.C. (Paper No. 371)
The economics of locomotive engineering. 478-99. Disc.: 499-514.
MacAulay, D. (Paper No. 372)
Some notes on the mechanical aspect of working steam-operated suburban services
with particular reference to the Eastern Bengal Railway locals around Calcutta.
517-40. Disc.: 540-51.
The Chairman (L.N. Flatt) referred to the opating practices adopted
at Liverpool Street station in London.
Scott, J.I. (Paper No. 373)
Roller bearings. 552-9. Disc.: 559-61.
Stewart-Fergusson, I.D. (Paper No. 374)
New methods of locomotive cylinder production. 562-70. Disc.: 570-2.
Turner, James (Paper No. 375)
The locomotive boiler. 573-9.
Collins, F.E.
Presidential Address. 586-625.
Wall, H. (Paper No. 376)
Iron and copper pipe working. 626-
Scott, J.S. (Paper No. 377)
The lining-up of locomotive frames, cylinders and axleboxes. 643-66. Disc.:
Journal No. 140
Webber, A.F. (Paper No. 378).
The proportions of locomotive boilers. 688-725. Disc.: 726-63. 8 diagrs.,
8 tables. Bibliog.
Analysis of boiler design on a comparative basis: includes SR V, N15X
class and LNER P2 class.
Critchley, R.P. (Paper No. 379)
Mechanical coaling plants. 780-808. Disc.: 808-13.
Appears to be based on overall British practice, with some emphasis
on LNER installations.
Journal No. 141
Saunders, H.H. (Paper No. 380)
A description of two experimental passenger locomotives built for the Indian
State Railways. 2-27. Disc.: 28-39.
Brown, D.C. (Paper No. 381).
Counterbalancing and its effects on the locomotives and the bridges. 52-111.
Disc.: 111-28 + folding plate. 11 diagrs., l2 tables. Bibliog.
Journal No. 142
McClean, H.G. (Paper No. 382)
The hammer-blow with axle-hung electric traction motors. 140-85. Disc.:
Experience in India
Nichols, H.J. (Paper No. 383)
The development of passenger rolling stock. 198-212. Disc.: 212-36.
Indian practice.
Journal No. 143
Case, C. (Paper No. 384)
Handling and consumption of coal. 249-92. Disc.: 293-312.
In Argentina
Appleyard, C.E. (Paper No. 385)
Locomotive drawing office practice. 313-51. Disc.: 351-6.
Boyle, W. (Paper No. 386)
General considerations of bearing metals. 357-62.
Hewitson, J.W. (Paper No. 387)
A summary of the development of valve gears. 365-70. Disc.: 370-2.
Journal No. 144
Loubser, M.M. and Cox, E.S. (Paper No. 388)
Locomotive boiler design: theory and practice. 377-409. Disc.: 409-41. +
7 folding plates. illus., 11 diagrs., 6 tables.
Cox's contribution consists of an analysis of the Stanier taper-boiler
with particular emphasis on the four types fitted to the Jubilee class.
Stanier (pp.410-11) adds some notes on the front-end.
Dumas, L. (Paper No. 389)
The development of rail motor car services in France. 443-58. Disc.: 458-70.
Keene, D.H. (Paper No. 390)
Machine tool equipment of locomotive wheel shop. 470-92. Disc. 492-501.
Journal No. 145
Wechmann (Paper No. 391)
Electrification of long-distance lines of the German State Rlys. 508-20.
Disc.: 508-35.
Pargiter, G.M. (Paper No. 392)
Economics of locomotive running-shed organisation and administration. 535-62.
Disc.: 563-8.
Journal No. 146
Cook, M. (Paper No. 393)
Copper and copper alloys for locomotive firebox construction. 609-42. Disc.:
Baldwin, T. (Paper No. 394)
The fatigue strength of machined tyre steels. 649-84. Disc.: 684-722.
Hart, W. (Paper No. 395)
Welding and cutting in a railway workshop for repairs and fabricated structures.
722-43. Disc.: 744-50.
Journal No. 147
Stanier, W.A.
Address by the President: Problems connected with locomotive design. 13-35.
Kastner, L.J. (Paper No. 396)
The exhaust steam injector. 38-105.
Pargiter, G.M. (Paper No. 397)
Economical locomotive running shed operation. 106-43.
West, W. and Hodgson, C.C. (Paper No. 398)
Wear resistance of ferrous materials. 145-85.
Journal No. 148
Page, A.H.C. (Paper No. 399)
The heat treatment of metals in connection with locomotive and carriage and
wagon building. 199-258.
Haworth, H.F. and Hornbuckle, T. (Paper No. 400)
A diesel train with multiple axle drives. 260-303.
Ball, R.D. (Paper No. 401)
The inspection of locomotives for repair. 304-39
Journal No. 149
Wilson, E.J. (Paper No. 402)
Railcars on the Entre Rios and Argentine North-Eastern Railways. 353-98.
Da Costa, G. (Paper No. 403)
The indicator diagram and the efficiency of the non-condensing simple expansion
steam locomotive. 399-475.
Pinchen, D.B.H. (Paper No. 404)
A treatment of locomotive feed-water. 476-520.
Journal No. 150
Chilton, A.H. (Paper No. 405)
Air conditioning of railway passenger stock. 524-51. Disc.: 551-70.
Saksena, S.L. (Paper No. 406)
Air conditioning of railway coaches (abridged). 574-99. Disc.: 599-614.
Indian conditions
Clarke, C.W. (Paper No. 407)
Locomotive hornblocks (with a note on frame stresses). 615-39. Disc.:
Journal No. 151
Agnew, W.A. (Paper No. 408)
Review of electric traction in England. Part 1. Statistical review.
Thompson, W.G.
Part II Power supply for railways. 681-7.
Voelcker, J.W.
Part III Electric traction motors. 687-93.
Cansdale, J.H.
Part IV Control equipment. 693-700. Disc.: 700-4.
Case, R.C. (Paper No. 409)
Notes on rolling stock bearings and lubrication problems (with special refernce
to Indian conditions). 708-66. Disc.: 766-803.
Journal No. 152
Topham, W.L. (Paper No. 410)
The solution of some after problems of water softening. 805-903.
Young, H. (Paper No. 411)
A brief survey of the motive power employed on railways today (transport
in the United States). 905-925
Journal No. 153
Bulleid, O.V.S. Presidential Address. 7-12.
Very dull: concerned arrangements made for mechanical and electrical
engineering during WW2: Committee chaired by Sir Nigel Gresley and membership
of Fairburn and Stanier from the LMS, Graff-Baker from the LPTB. Richards
from the LNER, Collett from the GWR and Raworth from the Southern. Sir Nigel
Gresley proposed the vote of thanks..
Mills, F. (Paper No. 412)
The fabrication of the locomotive frame by arc welding. 13-57. Disc.:
Practice in Western Australia.
Journal No. 154
Andrews, H.H. (Paper No. 413)
Electric motor coach trains. 96-130. Disc.: 131-40.
Fell, E.W. (Paper No. 414)
Modern locomotive boiler shop practice. 157-206. Disc.: 206-13.
Journal No. 155
Clayton, Thomas (Paper No. 415)
Notes on the design of wagons for broad gauge railways in Argentina. 219-49.
Disc.: 249-72.
Wall, H. (Paper No. 416)
Locomotive boiler lagging and sheet metal work. 273-85.
Practice in India.
Journal No. 156
Cardew, C.A. (Paper No. 417)
The making of comparative efficiency tests with locomotives on the road.
294-356. Disc.: 356-64.
New South Wales.
Journal No.157
Cochrane, R.C. (Paper No. 418)
Some remarks and observations regarding the introduction of diesel traction
on the Buenos Aires Midland Railway. 371-92. Disc.: 392-413.
Journal No. 158
Pargiter, G.M. (Paper No. 419)
Modern locomotive shed running practice. 431-65.
Morton, H. (Paper No. 420)
Progress in locomotive foundry practice with reference to locomotive castings.
466-96. Disc.: 496-501.
Journal No.159.
Watney, N.C. (Paper No. 421)
Application of Gantt Charts to running shed management. 9-42.
Woodbridge, E. (Paper No. 422)
Industrial standardisation with particular reference to the Argentine Republic.
Journal No. 160
Renwick, H.P. (Paper No. 423)
Some practical reflections on locomotive axlebox design. 99-137. Disc.: 138-46.
Journal No. 161
Fairburn, C.E. (Paper No. 424)
Diesel shunting locomotives. 175-225.
Malhotra, D.R. (Paper No. 425)
Cupola practice. 226-43.
Spalding, T.A. (Paper No. 426)
The ideal diesel unit for the Argentine. 244-7.
Journal No. 162.
Smith, H. (Paper No. 427)
Intensive usage and control of locomotive power. 250-87.
Sindhu, B.S. (Paper No. 428)
Some experiences with locomotive utilization and maintenance in an Indian
running shed. 288-339.
Journal No. 163.
Purdom, D.S. (Paper No. 429)
Argentine railway workshops in War-time. 344-458.
Journal No. 164
Holcroft, H. (Paper No. 430)
Smoke deflectors for locomotives. 462-89. Disc. : 490-509 + 3 folding plates.
31 illus., 8 diagrs.
Murphy, P.J. (Paper No. 431)
Notes on railway wagon maintenance. 510-63.
Volume 32 (1942)
Fuller version
Journal No. 165
Cox, E.S.( Paper No. 432)
Balancing of locomotive reciprocating parts. 2-37. Disc.:1943, 33,
218-36. 4 illus., 11 diagrs., 3 tables.
A class 5 locomotive was deliberately slipped on greased rails at
a speed equivalent to 100 mile/h to establish the effect of coupled wheel
lifting at speed.This paper was also published in Proc. Instn mech.
Engrs, 1941, 146 148-62 and J. Instn civ. Engrs, 1941/42,
17, 221-50. Pp. 222-3: Bulleid commented on how horizontal oscillations,
created by the short cylinder stroke and lack of counter-balances, were prevented
from being transmitted to the train by the use of rubber drawbar
Colam, H.N. and Watson, J.D. (Paper No. 433)
Hammer-blow in locomotives: can in not be abolished altogether? 38-45.
Abridged: main paper published
J. Instn Civ. Engrs (Paper No.
Journal No. 166
SOUTHERN Railway: new 0-6-0 freight locomotive. 59-63. illus., diagr. (s. el.), table.
Costa, G.D.A. (Paper No. 434)
Low grade fuel in Indian locomotive practice. 64-92
Journal No. 167
York, R.S. (Paper No. 435)
Locomotive superheating: with special reference to headers and elements in
use on modern locomotives and their arrangement. 99-135
Journal No. 168
Bhote, M.D. (Paper No. 436)
Modernisation of a B.E.S.A. 460 locomotive on the G.I.P. Railway.
Journal No. 169 (dated 1941 in IMechE electronic database)
Poole, J. (Paper No. 437)
Freight locomotive rating and the statistical control of fuel consumption.
185-204; 239-53.
Bradley, J.N. and O'Neill, Hugh
Railway bearing metals: their control and recovery. 205-29.
Journal No. 170
Turner, T. Henry (Paper No. 438)
Corrosion of boiler tubes. 254-85.
Same paper? published in Proc.
Instn Mech. Engrs, 149, 74-
Journal No. 171
Sillcox, L.K. and Julian S Tritton (Paper No.
Power to pull: a comparison of the operating charcteristics exhibited by
steam and diesel-electric locomotives. 4-30. Disc.: 30-76.
Clarke, C.W. (Paper No. 440)
Service tests to establish locomotive efficiency. 77-90.
Journal No. 172
Vittoné, Jose
Notes and observations on diesel electric railcars on the Buenos Aires Provincial
Railway. 94-158.
Journal No. 173
Robson, T. (Paper No. 441).
The counter pressure method of testing locomotives. 171-98. Disc.:198-217+
folding plate. 5 illus., 12 diagrs. (incl.. 2s. els.)
Pp. 206-7 : Comment on the Vitry tests with P2 class 2001 Cock
o' the North.
Journal No. 174
Parker, C.R. (Paper No. 442)
Some notes on experience with railcar oil engines in the Argentine (with
particular reference to repairs). 241-302; Journal No. 175: Disc.: 314-362:
34, 146-207.
Journal No. 175
as above
Journal No. 176
Shields, T.H. ( Paper No. 443)
The evolution of locomotive valve gears. 368-448. Disc.: 448-60.
1944, 34, 260. 2 illus., 100 diagrs., 2 tables.
Corrections and additions were publshed in Journal 179 (p. 260);
Journal No. 177
Alcock, G.W. (Paper No. 444)
Development of the locomotive poppet valve gear in America. 5-61.
Journal No. 178
Poultney, E.C. (Paper No. 445).
Locomotive power. 66-103. Disc.: 103-45. 23 diagrs., tables. Bibliog.
Comparative studies.
Journal No. 179
Fairburn, C.E. (Paper No. 446)
Maintenance of diesel electric locomotives on the L.M.S. Railway. 212-58.
Journal No.180
Cox, E.S. (Paper No. 447)
Locomotive axleboxes 1944, 34, 275-317. Discussion: 317-40:1945,
35, 221-38:1946, 36, 171-6+ 3 folding plates. 21 diagrs., 8
Bulleid (325-7): lubrication of Merchant Navy class.
Journal No. 181
Lynes, L. and Simmons, A.W. (Paper No.
Brake equipment and braking tests of Southern Railway C.C. electric locomotive.
Journal No. 182
Graff-Baker, W.S.
Address by the President. Looking forward. 403-13.
Young , Harold (Paper No. 449)
Some notes on the C.38 class 462 type locomotive in service on
the New South Wales Government Railways. 418-43. Disc.:443-50.
Journal No. 183
Clarke, C.W. (Paper No. 450)
Technology of the heat treatment of steel. 3-29. Disc.: 30-8.
Indian paper
Sanford, D.W. (Paper No.
The relationship between smokebox and boiler proportions. 40-53. Disc. :
53-76. 5 diagrs., 2 tables.
Journal 184
Collins, A.F. (Paper No. 452)
Power-operated doors for railway rolling stock. 84-104. Disc. 104-9.
White, J. (Paper No. 453)
Notes on braking of railway vehicles [with special reference to compressed
air equipment]. 110-130. Disc.: 130-8.
Journal 185
Turner, T. Henry (Paper No. 452)
Prevention of corrosion and corrosion fatigue. 159-204. Disc. 204-20.
Journal 186
Spencer, D.W. (Paper No. 453)
Notes on axle design and performance. 263-90. Disc.: 290-308.
Graff-Baker, W.S. (Presidential Address)
The tools for the job. 310-22.
Important rubber in engineering paper: mentions resilient wheels used
on PCC tramcars and the shear deformation bolster springs used on same vehicles.
Also mentioned adaption of fluorescent lighting for railway rolling
Journal No 187
McClean, H.G. (Paper No. 454)
The mechanical design of the latest class F high-speed electric locomotives
of the Swedish State Railways. 336-65. Disc. 365-77.
Journal No. 188
McIntyre, H.M. (Paper No. 455)
Diesel electric locomotive: running and maintenance on the Buenos Aires Great
Southern Railway. 396-487. Disc.: 487-528.
Journal No. 189
Topham, W.L. (Paper No. 456)
The running man's ideal locomotive. 3-29. Disc.: 29-91.
Journal No. 190
Cox, E.S. (Paper No.457)
A modern locomotive history: ten years' development on the L.M.S.
1923-1932. 100-41. Disc.: 141-70; 275-6. 9 illus., 14 diagrs. (incl. 9 s.
els.), 11 tables. .
Journal No. 191
Bond, R.C. (Paper No. 458)
Ten years' experience with the L.M.S. 4-6-2 non-condensing turbine
locomotive, No.6202. 182-230. Disc.: 231-65 + 10 folding plates. 4 illus.,
20 diagrs. (incl. 4 s.els.), 10 tables.
Tritton, Julian S. (First Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton
Locomotive limitations. 283-323.
Journal No. 192
Kelway-Bamber, Herbert (Paper No. 459)
Coal and its Post-war carriage on British Railways. 332-7. Disc.: 337-47.
Smith, K.A. (Paper No. 460)
Stages in the developoment of a railway dynamometer car. 348-80. Disc.: 360-89.
Journal No. 193
Whalley, F.S. (Presidential Address).
The work of their craft. 401-29. 28 illus., 8 diagrs., map.
Mainly an account of the "Liberation" type, but the 8F design is also
Nightingale, W.A. and Kamlani, M.V. (Paper No.
The use of experimental dfata in fixing the proportions of locomotive boilers.
430-69. Disc.: 469-86. Bibliog. 36 diagrs.
Based on Indian conditions. pp. 443-6: ashpan losses at low firing
rates lesser proportion of total fuel consumed than at high firing
Journal No. 194.
Eastwood, Frank. (Paper No. 462)
Workshop gadgets in railway shops. 491-577. Disc.: 577-88.
Journal No. 195
Walter, A.J.R. (Paper No. 463)
A brief history of the application of base-exchange water softeners to railways.
5-34. Disc.: 34-57.
Obituary. 58-9.
James Clayton; William Sydney Edwards and John Harold Ellison
Journal No. 196
Rudgard, H. (Paper No. 464)
Organisation and carrying-out of examinations and repairs of locomotives
at running sheds in relationship to locomotive performance and availability.
64-123. Disc.: 124-59.
Included material one might not expect to have found: diagram of the
self-weighing tenders introduced by LMS, the self-cleaning smokebox, rocking
grates and self-emptying ashpans. Incorporates the complete manual adopted
by LMS.
Journal No. 197
Spencer, B. (Paper No. 465).
The development of L.N.E.R. locomotive design, 1923-1941. 164-210. Disc.
210-43, 524-41. + 6 folding plates. 36 illus., 15 diagrs. (incl.
l0 s. els.), 5 tables.
Seminal paper: in the discussion Bulleid added further information
and Cox asked searching questions.
Bradley, W. (Paper No. 466)
What a running shed man looks for in a locomotive. 244-54. Disc.: 254-60.
Journal No. 198
Greenwood, T., Fett, R.H., Hancock, C.W. and Gudgin, D.E.
(Paper No. 467)
A general survey of the German locomotive industry during the War years,
1939-1945. 278-322. Disc.: 323-35; 541-7..
Section 1: Greenwood, T. The German industry's change to War production,
the develoopment of the "Kriegslokomotiv" and the training of apprentices.
Section 2: Fett, R.H, Locomotive development and design. pp.
Includes notes on the several exotic locomotives, notably the steam locomotive
fitted with V-type engines (removed to United States) and a turbine
Section 3. Hancock, C.W. The production of the "Kriegslokomotiv".
pp. 316-20.
Section 4. Gudgin, D.E. Short cuts to production. pp. 320-2
Discussion by Sir William Stanier (323) who had been "interested that
they also reverted to the round-top firebox; he thought they might have done
much better if they had retained the Belpaire firebox when they got over
the difficulty with transverse stays."..."Welding of coupling and connecting
rods might have been all right during the war, but he would hesitate to use
them unless they were heat-treated afterwards."
Hancock, J.S. (Paper No. 468).
Water softening for locomotive boilers. 336-41. Disc.: 341-51.
Although presented in Bombay, the paper reflected LMS policy. "The
LMS started serious water softening in 1931 when plants were ordered for
28 watering sations on the two main lines between London and Carlisle." Five
firms shared the contract for lime-soda ash process plants. Problems with
corrosion of steel boiler tubes and with priming led to the decision to fit
continuous blowdown to all locomotives, and to extend softening to the bulk
of water supplies. Copper corrosion was found in some shunting locomotives
and tannin was added to prevent this. (Mileages) between boiler wash outs
were increased from weekly to fortnightly, but had decreased from 2800 to
1500 miles when softening was introduced.
Journal No. 199
Moon, A.N. (Paper No. 469)
Welded carriage underframes on the L.M.S. Railway. 358-71. Disc.:
Presented by G. Foster. Folding diagrams of: underframes for 48 foot
bogie carriage (MR); 60 foot carriage (LMS); 57 foot composite vestibule
coach; new lightweight coach; 3-car diesel unit; Wirral electric stock; and
welded 57 foot corridor third brake. Cites paper by P.L. Henderson (J.
Instn civ. Engrs., 1935-6, 3, 231 and Dearden and O'Neill Trans Inst.
Welding, 1940, 3.
Fawcett, Brian (Paper No. 470)
The Westinghouse automatic empty and load brake with straight air control:
its installation, operation and maintenance. 395-432. Disc.: 432-54.
W.O. Skeat (438-9) noted that on the NER the reservoir had been located
below the rear buffer bar on the tender without causing any problems. At
Stratford on the GER the reservoir in effect formed an extension of the dragbox
and was a massive casting. Mud doors were provided for cleaning the main
Journal No. 200
Tritton. Julian S.
Presidential address: "the challenge to steam". 462-98.
Mainly diesel and traditional gas turbine, but also some observations
(inclung diagrams) of coal-fuelled gas turbine (abrasion by fuel was a major
problem). Table quotes costs for steam, diesel electric, oil and coal
Lawrence, F.R.M. (Paper No. 471)
Recent German locomotive practice. 498-513. Disc. 513-23.
Journal No. 201
Loach, J.C. (Paper No. 472)
Bogies and pony trucks: their behaviour on the locomotive and the track.
4-22. Disc.: 22-79.
Cox, E.S. and Johansen, F.C. (Paper No. 473)
Locomotive frames. 81-115. Disc. 115-96. 43 digrs. Bibliog.
Paper was mainly concerned with plate frames
Journal No. 202
Lynes, L. and Shephard, C.A. (Paper No. 474)
Southern Railway all-steel suburban electric stock. 205-38. Disc. 238-57.
24 diagrs.
Koffman, Jury. (Paper No. 475)
Some aspects of carriage bogie design. 259-307. Disc.: 307-43. Bibliog. 49
Journal No. 203
Carson Dodd, R.P. (Paper No. 476)
The start and progress of spring drives in electric locomotive road wheels.
357-416. Disc.: 416-18. 29 diagrs.
History of drives: rods were used by City & South London Railway.
Gearless systems were also used.
Newsome, N. (Paper No. 477)
The development of L.N.E.R. carriage and wagon design, 1923-1941. 420-73.
Disc.: 473-85 + 8 folding plates. 23 illus., 27 diagrs., 2 tables.
Journal No. 204
Rudgard, Harold (Presidential address)
The user of locomotives for revenue earning. 494-527. 32 diagrs.
Includes a chronology of locomotive development. Paper was critical
of mileage and availability of selected modern LMS locomotives.
Lambe, T.T. (Paper No. 478)
Notes on railway standards. 541-64. Disc.: 565-78.
Indian railway practice
Journal No. 205
Koffman, Jury (Paper No. 479)
Adhesion and friction in rail traction. 593-640. Disc.: 641-72. 47 diagrs.
Cardew, C.A. (Paper No. 480)
The blower, its origin and its functions on the locomotive: with some notes
on several different types used, the draught producing value of some of them,
and the steam which they consume. 673-728. Disc. 728-45. 32 diagrs.
Cocks, C.S. (Paper No. 481)
History of Southern Railway locomotives to 1938. 749-822. Disc.: 823-60
+ 4 folding plates. 30 illus., 34 diagrs.
Journal No. 207
Dymond, A.W.J. (Paper No. 482)
Forty years of automatic train control the Great Western system. 3-32.
Disc.: 33-51.
Patrick, D. (Paper No. 483)
Some notes on American locomotive practice 1948. 54-86. Disc.: 86-111.
Journal No. 208.
Borgeaud, Gaston (Paper No. 484)
The latest development of the electric locomotive in Switzerland - its mechanics
and some problems. 121-224.
Journal No. 209
Forsyth, I.C. (Paper No. 485)
Some developments in locomotive workshop practice, 1939-1948. 231-83. Disc.:
285-310. 58 diagrams.
Armand, Louis (Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton Lecture)
The influence of the treatment of boiler waters on the maintenance and
utilisation of steam locomotives. 328-51.
Brown, D.C.
Demonstration run with dynamometer car and mobile test units - Manchester
(Central) to Derby. 361-5. diagr., table.
Hirst, G.W.C. (Paper No. 486)
The detection of cracks and flaws in axles and crank pins by means of supersonic
waves. 367-79. Disc.: 379-85.
Presented in Sydney
Journal No. 211
Williams, W. Cyril
Address by the President. The changing scene: some reflections on overseas
railway progress and problems. 394-444.
York, R.S.
The early history, later application and development of superheating in
locomotive practice. 446-72.
Journal No. 212
Alcock, J.F. (Paper No. 487)
Locomotive limits and fits. 477-502. Disc.: 502-31. 11 diagrs. Bibliography.
Compton, J.N. (Paper No. 488)
Introduction and development of the pacific type locomotive for the broad
gauge in India. 532-56.
Woollatt, J.S. (Paper No. 489)
A criticism of some aspects of locomotive design. 557-71. Disc.: 572-83.
7 illus., 2 diagrs.
Issue No. 213
Kreissig (Paper No. 490)
The design of light-weight rolling stock. 4-49. Disc. 49-91. Bibliography.
46 diagrams.
Nock, O.S. (Paper No. 491)
The relationship between signalling and brake power in handling modern traffic.
Joint Meeting with Institution of Railway Signal Engineers. Numbered
separately.xvii pp.
R. Steadman (95-6) disputed Nock's claim that 80 mph was rarely exceeded
on Coronation between York and Darlington.
Issue No. 214
Cook, K.J. (Paper No.492)
The late G.J. Churchward's locomotive development on the Great Western Railway.
131-71. Disc.: 171-210. + folding plate. 33 illus., 20 diagrs., 4 tables.
This is the most complete professional source of assembled data on
Churchward design. In the discussion W.A. Stanier presented some anecdotal
material (pp. 171-2) whilst H. Holcroft (pp. 173-82) added a considerable
amount of extra detail.
Journal 215
Lund, G.H.K. (Paper No. 493)
Railway breakdown and rerailing equipment. 226-69. Disc. 269-303.
Kelbus ramps, jacks, packing, lighting, breakdown cranes (Cowans Sheldon,
Cravens and Ransomes & Rapier), Kelbus rail anchors, cooking, protective
clothing, French railways, electric locomotives.
Robertson, A.S. (Paper No. 494)
Trends in electric traction. 304-25. Disc.: 325-36.
Journal No. 216
Thompson, W.T. (Paper No. 495)
Rolling bearings their contribution to modern rolling stock design.
343-80. Disc.: 381-424. (Paper No. 495).
Discussion: J.J. Johnston (p. 387): Drumm battery electric railcar
introduced in 1929 had been a success: it had a 21 ton axle load and could
attain 55 mph. In 1939 the three Irish Queen class locomotives were
fitted and had a 21 ton axle load. K.R.M. Cameron (p. 398) noted that a
Royal Scot tender equipped with rolling bearings could be pushed by
two foremen in the erecting shop.
Gammon, C.A. (Paper No. 496)
Standardisation and design of goods and mineral wagons as applied to
British Railways. 425-65. Disc.: 466-85.
Discussion by Stanier (467-8): When he was on the Great Western Railway,
the late Churchward built a 40 ton bogie coal wagon, but he found that the
tare of the 40 ton-wagon was greater than the tare of two 20-ton wagons,
and it was very restricted in the places it could serve, and so naturally
he built 20-ton wagons. On the Cornish Riviera Limited they had measured
the quantity of oil placed into the axleboxes, and the sealed boxes were
run for eleven months - care was taken to examine the boxes adjacent to the
engine to ensure that water had not breached the dust shields. Queried the
change to oil-hardened plates from water-hardened: danger of mixing the two.
T. Hornbuckle (471-2) that Clayton, Carriage & Wagon Superintendent of
the MR had constructed 80,000 wagons to one design at a cost of £65
per wagon. These 8 ton wagons were mass produced at Derby Works.
Journal No. 217
Carling, D.R. (Paper No. 497)
Locomotive testing on British Railways. 496-530. Discussion 530-91.
Discussion: Bond (531-3) made reference to Rugby testing station.
T. Henry Turner (535-6); Cox (536-7) noted the accuracy of the LNER dynamometer
car, and A Reidinger (540-3) refered to D49/2 and class 5 45218 (the later
being equipped with special piston valves which gave five different values
of lead. The author's reply stated that in both cases the steaming rates
had been increased. Tuplin (555-6) proposed a circular test track with a
two mile diameter.
Journal No. 218
Shields, T.H. (Paper No. 498)
The Giffard centenary: a survey of locomotive injector development. 597-649.
Disc.: 649-73.
Discussion: Holcroft (653-5): In Maunsell's day on the Southern Railway
a special point had been made of the simplicity and reliability of injectors
and their accessories. The injectors were located behind the foodsteps to
the cab where the cones could be got at without having to uncouple pipes
to do so. He entirely disagreed with the Author about his views on the best
positions of clacks and injectors.
Riddles, R.A. (Presidential Address)
Nationalisation and the mechanical engineer. 675-94.
Main theme was standardization and some case was made for retaining
steam traction.
Volume 41 (1951)
greater detail
Journal No. 219
Warder, S.B. (Paper No.498).
Electric traction prospects for British Railways. 3-28. Disc.: 28-75
+ 2 folding plates. 2 illus., 6 diagrs., 10 tables, 2 maps.
Note: appears to be duplicate Paper number
Smith, S.G. (Paper No. 499)
Standardisation of coaching stock. 77-130. Disc.: 131-52.
Journal No. 220
Harvey, R.F. (Paper No. 500)
Modernisation of a large motive power depot, Polmadie, Scottish Region. 191-226.
Disc.: 226-61.
Mayne, J.D. (Paper No. 501)
The thermal insulation of the steam locomotive. 262-71.
Journal No. 221
Cox, E.S. (Paper No. 502)
British standard locomotives. 287-335. Disc.: 336-403 + 5 folding plates.
22 illus., 20 diagrs., 7 tables. .
Key paper: Ian Allan book with similar title is more widely available.
H.M. Dannatt (343-4): notes on steel fireboxes and chimney
Journal No. 222
Gudgin, D.S.E. and Birkinhead, G.H. (Paper No. 503)
Some impression of the American diesel locomotive industry. 408-25
Jendrassik, G. (Paper No. 504)
Practice and trend in development of diesel engines with particular reference
to traction. 426-66.
Newman, W.A.
The effect of changing economic conditions in Canada on railway operations
and equipment [Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton Lecture]. 467-80.
Journal No.223.
Koffman, J.L. (Paper No. 505)
Dynamic braking of steam, diesel and gas turbine locomotives. 490-557.
Tritton, J.S. [Presidential Address].
The inspecting engineer's contribution to railway economy. 559-92.
Journal No. 224
Peacock, D.W. (Paper No. 506)
Railway wind tunnel work. 606-31. Disc.: 631-61.
The wind tunnel installed by LMS at Derby. Describes work on the Stanier
streamlined Pacifics, the streamlined articulated railcar, smoke deflection,
the Britannia Pacifics, the Fell diesel and on platform awnings.
Journal No.225
New electric rolling stock for the Indian Governmnt Railways.
Lord, S.E. (Paper No. 507)
A quarter of a century of progress in Indian electric stock. 32-43.
Thring, J.F. (Paper No. 508)
Structural design of lightweight steel coaches for Indian Government Railways.
Barton, H.H.C. (Paper No. 509)
New multiple unit rolling stock for India, operational performance and the
electrical equipment. 58-68. Disc.: 69-79.
Journal No. 226
Marsh, G.C. (Paper No. 510)
Recent developments in vacuum brake equipment. 95-134. Disc.: 134-70.
Journal No. 227
Harrison, J.F. (Paper No. 511)
The application of welding to locomotive boiler copper fireboxes. 178-22.
Fell, L.F.R. (Paper No. 512)
The Fell diesel mechanical locomotive. 223-71.
Journal No. 228
Cock, C.M. [Presidential Address]
Motive power for railways. 281-305.
Graff-Baker, W.S. (Paper No. 513)
Considerations on bogie design with particular reference to electric railways.
Loosli, H. (Paper No. 514)
Railway electrification in Switzerland, with special reference to the Swiss
Federal Railways and their rolling stock. 362-82. Disc.: 382-7.
Journal No. 229
Jarvis, R.G. (Paper No. 515).
The railways and coal. 390-404. Disc.: 404-24: 1953, 43,724-9. Bibliog.
Ikeson, W.C. (Paper No. 516)
Development of the oil-fired locomotive. 425-515.
Andrews, H.I. (Paper No. 517)
Stresses in locomotive coupling and connecting rods. 533-603
Journal No. 231.
Den Hollander, F.Q. (Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton Lecture).
Efficiency in the choice and application of locomotives. 12-28
Marsh, S.W. (Paper No. 518)
Recent developments in the use of rubber in railway engineering. 30-83.
Robertson, A.S. (Paper No. 519)
Limitations of acceleration and braking with electric traction. 85-149.
Journal No. 232
Bond, R.C. (Paper No. 520)
Organisation and control of locomotive repairs on British Railways. 175-216.
Disc.: 217-65+5 folding plates. (incl. 2 col.). 6 iIlus., 4 diagrs., 11 tables.
Includes mileage/overhaul statistics for several classes.
Dymond, A.W.J. (Paper No. 521)
Operating experience with two gas turbine locomotives. 268-336.
Journal No. 233
Reed, Brian (Paper No. 522)
Running tests of a 500 h.p. diesel-mechanical locomotive. 366-411
Morgan, R.E. (Paper No.523)
The development of the Farnboro electric indicator and its application to
the steam locomotive. 412-21. Disc.: 421-5. 6 diagrs.
Also reviews locomotive indicator development in general.
Bond, Roland C. (Presidential Address)
Years of transition. 439-63 + 4 folding plates. 15 illus., 7 diagrs.
This address surveys the post 1923 period in broad economic/technological
terms. It reflects the policies of Bond's former chief (Stanier). On
page 447 Bond noted that "One of the great strengths of the steam locomotive
is its simplicity".
Micklethwaite, N. (Paper No. 524)
Distribution of fuel on British Railways with regard to coal and coke. 464-75.
Compton, J.N. (Paper No. 525)
The design and construction of steel fireboxes. 475-96.
Journal No. 235
Vandy, W. (Paper No. 526)
The production of steel wagons. 502-59.
Ell, S.O. (Paper No. 527)
Developments in locomotive testing. 561-91. Disc.: 591-633; 729-34 + 4 folding
plates. 2 illus., 19 diagrs. Bibliog. .
Based on tests with King class 6001.
Journal No. 236
Tuplin, W.A. (Paper No. 528).
Some questions about the steam locomotive. 637-65. Disc.: 665-714: 167-73.
illus., 10 diagrs. 3 tables.
An outsider's (but a professional engineering outsider) view of locomotive
De Sousa, C.H. (Paper No. 529)
The design of Indian Railways passenger coaching stock for greater comfort.
Journal No. 237
Manser, A.W. (Paper No. 530)
The wearing parts of electric rolling stock (a review of experience on the
London Transport System). 12-53. Disc.: 53-91.
Andrews, H.I. (Paper No.531)
The measurement of train resistance. 91-144. Disc.: 144-73. 9 illus., 40
diagrs., 5 tables. Bibliog.
Journal No. 238
Cox, E.S. (Paper No. 532)
Experiences with British Railways standard locomotives. 212-54. Disc.: 254-305.
+ folding plate. 4 illus., 31 diagrs., 7 tables.
Analysis of the performance of the locomotives in service and on
Simpson, C.E. (Paper No. 533)
Specially constructed railway wagons. 305-35. Disc.: 535-41.
Journal No. 239
Welborn, L.C. (Paper No. 534)
Locomotive diagramming and utilisation with special reference to British
Railways. 364-415. Disc.: 415-24.
Clapp, C.M. (Paper No. 535)
A designer's impressions on a motive power depot. 425-42. Disc.: 442-7.
Journal No 240.
Campbell, A. (Presidential Address)
"Growing up" Colonial railways past and present. 463-93.
Thring, J.F. (Paper No. 536)
The design of light alloy coaches for East African Railways. 495-521. Disc.:
Journal No. 241
Fett, R.H. (Paper No. 537)
A modern hydraulic drive for locomotives. 545-78. Disc.: 578-654.
Journal No. 242
Turner, A. (Paper No. 538)
Materials used in locomotive, carriage and wagon construction. 659-73. Disc.
: 674-709. 6 illus., 5 diagrs., table.
Blakeney-Britter, W.C. (Paper No. 539)
Thermodynamic road tests with steam locomotives on the Western Australia
Government Railways. 710-30. Disc.: 730-6.
Black, R.H. (Paper No. 540)
The locomotive mechanical stoker. 737-54. Disc.: 754-67.
Journal No 243.
Davy, G.V. (Paper No. 541)
Recent trends in electric locomotives. 18-62. Disc.: 62-97.
Includes bibliography.
Bruce, J.G. (Paper No. 542)
Overhaul and maintenance of direct-current traction motors. 98-135.
Journal No. 244
Foster, G. (Paper No. 543)
Welding of cast iron and steel components in locomotive manufacture and
maintenance. 159-73. Disc.: 173-203.
MacLeod, W.H. (Paper No. 544)
Some features of railway curving. 204-38. 26 diagrs., 3 tables. .
Relationship between locomotives and the track on curves.
Journal No. 245
Kreissig, E. (Paper No. 545)
The Uerdingen railbus. 265-317.
Fore, J. (Paper No 546).
Footplate impressions. 317-21.
Footplate observations: Stanier Pacifics; Royal Scot and class
Freitas, A. (Paper No. 547)
Axle bearings in rolling stock on Indian Railways - a review of design and
performance. 321-48.
Journal No. 246
Jaekel, F.H. (Paper No. 548)
Operation and running maintenance of locomotives on the Nigerian Railway.
Cook, K.J. (Presidential Address)
The steam locomotive: a machine of precision. 418-49+ 5 folding plates. 11
diagrs. 25 illus.
Journal No. 247
Cockcroft, Sir J.
Atomic energy and propulsion [Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton Lecture]. 458-74.
Smith, S.A.S. (Paper No. 549)
The British Railways Mechanised Iron Foundry, Horwich. 475-532
Bingham, G.S. (Paper No. 550)
Railway breakdown organisation in use on the London Transport system. 533-593.
Journal No. 248
Wordsworth, C. (Paper No. 551)
Locomotives for heavy industry. 609-72.
James. C.E. (Paper No. 552)
Simplified control of a main line diesel electric locomotive. 673-700
Journal No. 249
Brown, E.R. (Paper No. 553)
Limits and fits from the railway point of view. 16-82.
Gray, A.C. (Paper No. 554)
Control equipment on electric locomotives. 83-95
Jagota, S.S. (Paper No. 555)
Production control in Chittaranjan locomotive works. 96-102.
Journal No. 250
Byrne, B.R. (Paper No. 556)
Ultrasonic flaw detection. 114-70.
Nock, O.S. (Paper No. 557)
Signalling from the driver's point of view. 188-215.
Journal No. 251
Doherty, J.M. (Paper No. 558)
Evolution of the internal combustion locomotive. 235-68. Disc.: 269-91. 18
diagrs., table.
Kitson-Still locomotive is examined in the light of subsequent diesel
Vidal, J.F.B. (Presidential Address)
The Institution and its members. 296-306.
Journal No. 252
Rampala, B.D. (Paper No. 559)
Diesel electric traction in Ceylon. 314-81.
Draper, T.E. (Paper No. 560)
Design of rail traction diesel engines - consideration of some of the main
aspects with particular reference to crankshaft bearings. 382-411.
Journal No. 253
Devereux, M.J. (Paper No. 561)
Experiences with diesel railcars. 416-77.
Krishnaswamy, R. (Paper No. 562)
Certain aspects of goods train operation.
Journal No. 254
Nesbitt-Hawes, Ronald (Paper No. 563)
The training of a locomotive engineer. 496-501.
Parker, G.F. (Paper No. 564)
Engineering training in the main workshops of British Railways. 501-11.
Peyton, P.G.C. (Paper No. 565)
Recruitment and training of officers for the Mechanical Engineering and
Transportation (Power) Departments of Indian Government Railways. 511-17.
Discussion on three above papers: 517-40
Gosain, L.R. (Paper No. 566)
Impressions of American railway workshops. 541-67.
Sethi, R.K. (Paper No. 567)
Essentials of transmissions for diesel rail traction . 568-91.
Journal No. 255
Pepper, F.J. (Paper No. 568)
Some considerations on the problem of the heating of British Railways carriages.
60/100 lbs steam/h in Britain. Pressure not to exceed 50 psi due to
flexible hoses
Turner, D.L. (Paper No. 569)
Hydraulic buffersa new factor in wagon design. 75-100.
Journal No. 256
Simpson, T.F.B. (Paper No. 570)
Diesel locomotive building and maintenance. 131-62. Disc.: 163-94.
Van Dorp, S.D. and Graham, G.W. (Paper No. 571)
Modern methods of train performance calculation. 195-226.
Journal No. 257
Parsons, A.J. (Paper No. 572)
Some aspects of locomotive boiler feed water treatment. 229-250.
Hancock, J.S. (Paper No. 573)
A brief history of locomotive feed water treatment on the London Midland
Region of British Railways. 251-93.
Campbell, A. (Paper No. 574)
Unification of freight vehicles on oversea railways. 294-332
Fancutt, F. (Paper No. 575)
Painting and cleaning of rolling stock. 333-68
Cox, E.S. (Presidential Address)
Approach to modernization. 384-416. 14 illus., 3 diagrs. (incl. s. els.),
5 tables, plan, map. Bibliog.
Includes a short sketch of Ivatt's policy.
Wilke, Gerhard (Paper No. 577)
Modern battery railcars. 455-91.
Journal No. 259
Seddon, N. (Paper No. 578)
The elements of electric transmissions for diesel locomotivesa review
of the fundamental considerations. 492-520.
Glasspoole, W.F. (Paper No. 579)
Some thoughts on gas turbine locomotives. 521-43.
Koffman, J.L. (Paper No. 580)
Vibrational aspects of bogie design. 549-686
Rhead, T. (Paper No. 581)
Some notes on the performance of rolling stock axleboxes. 687-719.
Journal No. 261
Upmark, Erik
Development of electric traction in Sweden and its influence on rolling stock.
The Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton Lecture. 20-43
McClean, H.G. (Paper No. 582)
American experience as a guide to main-line diesel locomotive applications
overseas. 45-138
Loach, J.C. (Paper No. 583)
A new method of assessing the riding of vehicles and some results obtained.
Burrows, M.G. and Wallace, A.L. (Paper No.
Experience with the steel fireboxes of the Southern Region Pacific locomotives.
242-80. Disc. : 281-305. illus., 15 diagrs. Bibliog.
Journal No. 263
Gill, H.A. and Smith, J.M. (Paper No. 585)
Fuels and injection equipment for traction diesel engines. 312-55.
Dearden, J. and Roberts, J.E. (Paper No. 586)
Steel for railway purposes. 357-419.
Journal No. 264
Arbuthnott, Robert
The Presidential address. 441-74.
Swarup, K. (Paper No. 587)
The design and manufacture of light-weight coaches. 477-509.
Journal No. 265
Ell, S.O. (Paper No. 588).
The mechanics of the train in the service of railway operation. 528-61. Disc.:
561-90 + 5 plates. 25 diagrs., 6 tables.
Relatively little attention is given to steam.
Rich, F. (Paper No. 589).
Some details of steam-locomotive design affecting the footplate man. 590-613.
Disc.: 613-22. 17 illus., diagrs.
The work which led to this paper is described in
Steam Wld, 2005, (218) 36-43:
this includes the assistance he received from Carling.
Anwell, B.W. (Paper No. 590)
Developments in the detail design of diesel locomotives . 658-722
Cock, C.M. (Paper No. 591)
The Deltic locomotive. 723-57.
Journal No. 267
Scott, J S and J.K. Lord (Paper No. 592)
Maintenance and overhaul of electric locomotives and multiple-unit sets of
the Manchester-Sheffield-Wath electrification. 12-102.
Currey, J.H. (Paper No. 593)
Automatic train control the British Railway system. 104-65.
Journal No. 268
Tyler, K.D.S. and W. Allen (Paper No. 594)
Training in diesel traction at the British Railways Staff Training College,
Derby. 182-214.
Name of the College changed to British Railways School of Transport
on 1 March 1959
Huffinley, A. (Paper No. 595)
Machining and assembly of wheels and axles. 215-35.
Hill. T.H. (Paper No. 596)
Overhead contact systems for railway electrification. 236-68.
Journal No. 269
Schur. T. (Paper No. 597)
Some design considerations of main line diesel locomotives. 276-360.
Mahy, G.R. and Mear, H.W. (Paper No. 598)
The design and construction of the two Derby diesel electric locomotives.
Journal No. 270
Green, T.E. and Gessler, J.K. (Paper No. 599)
The Electrogyro locomotive. 396-455.
Hancock, R.M. (Paper No. 600)
Vehicle suspension and bogie design in relation to track conditions. 457-565.
Smeddle, R.A. (Presidential Address)
The North Eastern Railway and recent railway developments. 605-21. 7 illus.,
4 diagrs., table. .
Part of the address criticises the NER Raven Pacific
design.of railway service. Highlights the Stumpf uniflow engine;
Raven's Pacific; electrification; the Centenary of S. D. Railway; rail
cars-sentinel; diesel electric cars, coach design; new
Jounal No. 271?
Sethi, R.K. (Paper No. 601)
Introduction of diesel locomotives on the Indian Railways. 622-56. Disc.:
Journal No. 272
Brockway, K.P. (Paper No. 602)
Aluminium technology and railway rolling stock. 665-769
Topham, W.L. (Paper No. 603)
Methods of reducing flangewear on diesel and electric bogie locomotives.
Journal No. 273
Meeting in London 27th May 1960: Symposium on the Use of Aluminium in Railway Rolling Stock; held jointly by The Institution of Locomotive Engineers and the Aluminium Development Association. 6-10.
Scholes, G.E. (Paper No. 604)
The Swindon-built diesel hydraulic locomotive.12-91.
Low, R.C.S. (Paper No. 605)
Some aspects of railway braking. 93-173.
Journal No. 274
Wilson, A. Gordon (Paper No. 606)
Trends in transmission design for self-propelled diesel railcars. 193-241
Roosen, R. (Paper No.607)
Class 25 condensing locomotives on the South African Railways
design and operating experiences. 243-82.
James, R.F.L. (Paper No. 608)
An outline of the repair of wagon stock at the Bulawayo workshops of the
chief mechanical engineer, Rhodesia Railways. 283-98.
Journal No. 275
Ryan, C.F. and Hundy, B.B. (Paper No. 609)
Steel wheels and tyres. 304-63
Attock, M.O. and Fletcher, S. (Paper No. 610)
Some ideas on the maintenance of diesel electric locomotives. 364-94.
Journal No. 276
Sykes, W.J.A. (Paper No. 611)
Operating experience with the diesel electric train sets on the Hastings
service of the Southern Region. 434-85
Green, G.R. (Paper No. 612)
Fuel injection equipment for diesel engines. 486-516
Journal No. 277
Eames, T.A. (Paper No. 613)
Refrigerated transport on railways. 532-63. Disc.: 596-603.
Malcolm, A.C.D. (Paper No. 614)
The final inspection and testing of locomotives for overseas railways. 564-96.
Journal No. 278
Robertson, Brian
The locomotive of the future. The Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton Lecture. 617-26.
Brown, D.C.
Meeting in New Delhi, 20th February 1961. 659-62.
Holcroft, H.
The history of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers the first forty
years. 662-82. 2 illus., table
Cox, E.S.
The history of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers the ten years
to the Golden Jubilee. 682-6.
Volume 51 (1961/2)
greater detail
Journal No. 279
Cansdale, J.H. and Collins, G. (Paper No. 615)
Rheostatic braking for rapid transit multiple-unit trains. 8-48. Disc.: 48-75.
Barrett. G.M. (Paper No. 616)
Spectrographic analysis of crank-case lubricating oils as a guide to preventive
maintenance of locomotive diesel engines. 76-98.
Bairstow, S. (Paper No. 617)
Control of quality of crankcase lubricating oils of locomotive diesel engines
in service. 98-140.
Ritchie, Joan and Byrne, B.R. (Paper No. 618)
The collection and assessment of technical information, including the language
problem. 141-77.
Journal No. 280
Rudge, T.H. and Forbes, M.K. (Paper No. 619)
Cooling equipment for diesel locomotives. 202-55.
Thorley, W.G.F. and Clarke, G.O.B. (Paper No. 620)
Work study and its application to motive power activities. 256-327.
Journal No. 281
Harrison, J.F. (Presidential Address)
The gathering of the new crop. 336-56. + plate. 16 illus. 4 diagrs.
Includes an appreciation of the Gresley Pacifics.
Sharp. E. (Paper No. 621)
Diesel-electric locomotive testing with the British Railways L.M. Region
mobile test plant. 356-407.
Maskery, C. (Paper No. 622)
The use of instruments to record dynamic phenomena. 408-56.
Journal No. 282
Schlaepfer, O. (Paper No. 623)
Control of diesel-electric locomotives. 466-519.
Singh, A. (Paper No. 624)
Couplers and draft gears for Indian Railways. 519-54.
Journal No. 283
Cox, E.S. (Paper No. 625)
Some problems in vehicle riding. 574-659.
Raman, K. (Paper No. 626)
A basic study of mid-section derailments of metre gauge four-wheeled goods
stock. 660-82.
Journal No. 284
Symposium on the Engineering Aspect of Catering on Trains:
Simons, H. (Paper No. 627)
The vehicle from the catering manager's viewpoint. 692-704.
Wilcock, H. (Paper No. 628)
British Railways experience. 704-22.
Bulman, W.E. (Paper No. 629)
Overseas Experience (East African Railways and Harbours). 722-45.
Warder, S.B. (Paper No. 630)
Progress of 50 cycle traction on British Railways. 747-813.
Volume 52 (1962-63)
greater detail
Journal 285
Barton, H.H.C. (Paper No. 631)
Monorails. 8-59
Robson, A.E. (Paper No. 632)
Railcar development on British Railways. 60-145
Journal No. 286
Hughes, J.O.P. (Paper No. 633)
The design and development of a gas turbine locomotive. 180-239.
Coates, P. (Paper No. 634)
The use of computers in railway engineering. 239-62.
Journal No 287
Alcock, John F. (Presidential Address)
Narrow gauge light railways. 269-90.
Wood, F.H. (Paper No. 635)
Some features of design of diesel electric locomotives including the
Falcon locomotive. 291-316.
Journal No. 288
Macfarlane, I.B. (Paper No. 636)
Railcars in Australia with particular reference to the Budd Rail Diesel Car.
Ray, R.K. (Paper No. 637)
Towards greater productivity on the railways. 380-3.
Journal No 289
Maddison, T.B. (Paper No. 638)
Development of special wagons and containers for the bulk conveyance ot powdered
materials. 399-455.
Garratt, C.H. (Paper No. 639)
Main works repair of diesel multiple units. 456-96.
Journal No. 290
Fletcher, S. (Paper No. 640)
Recording and controlling faults on diesel electric locomotives. 511-80.
Hunter, I.P. (Paper No. 641)
Development of the vacuum brake during the years of transition. 581-655
Volume 53 (1963-64)
Greater detail
Journal No.291
Farquharson, Sir J.R.
The future of railways in Tropical Africa [Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton Lecture].
Sykes, W.J.A. (Paper No. 642)
The electro-diesel locomotive. 40-94.
Kumar, D. (Paper No. 643).
Plain or roller bearings? An economic survey with particular reference to
the broad gauge I.R.S. 4-wheel wagon. 95-133. Disc.: 364-71
Journal No.292
Ridgway, S. (Paper No. 644)
The effect of change in motive power on the railway workshop. 151-201.
Schur, T. (Paper No. 645)
Experience with diesel engines in railway traction. 203-82.
Journal No. 293
Warder, S.B.
Presidential Address; 313-42.
Corbyn, D.B. (Paper No. 646)
Electric traction development and effect of semiconductor rectifiers. 343-64.
Journal No 294
Henderson, J.C.
The Stanley Herbert Whitelegg Memorial Fund Travel Scholarship 1963
award. 378-90.
Fordham, P.J.S. (Paper No. 647)
Some aspects of electric and hydraulic drives in diesel locomotives; 390-412.
Henley, E.D. (Paper No. 648)
Some of the uses of plastics in railway rolling stock. 413-45. Disc.: 445-57.
Journal No. 295
Koffman, J.L. and Jarvis, R.G. (Paper No.
Air springs as applied to multiple-unit vehicles for heavy suburban services.
Miller, T.C.B. (Paper No. 650)
Maintenance of diesel electric locomotives in service. 577-661.
Journal No. 296.
Moore, I.G. (Paper No. 651)
Combined air and dynamic braking systems for railway vehicles, particularly
the new lightweight cars for the Toronto Transit Commission. 678-726
Emerson, A.H. (Paper No. 652)
Operational experience and maintenance of electric locomotives. 727-836
Volume 54 (1964-65)
greater detail
Journal No. 297
Arthurton, R.I.D. (Paper No. 653)
Auxiliary services on electric rolling stock. 15-71.
Awasty, H.D. (Paper No. 654)
Railway electrification in India. 72-97.
Journal No. 298
Wise, S. and E S Burdon (Paper No. 655)
The dual roles of design and surface treatment in combating fatigue failures.
Journal No. 299
Collingwood, G. [Presidential Address]
The advancement of the science and practice of locomotive engineering.
Sahai, P. (Paper No. 656)
Some aspects of diesel and electric traction on Indian Railways. 258-72.
Journal No. 300
Ware, J.C. (Paper No. 657)
Ventilation and heating of railway carriages. 298-327.
Mohan, Chandra (Paper No. 658)
Vacuum braking of heavy freight trains on the broad gauge, Indian Railways.
Journal No. 301
Koster, J.P.
Development of railway technique and operation [Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton
Lecture]. 379-404.
Ribbons, R.T. (Paper No. 659)
Recent developments in locomotives used by a heavy industry. 406-64.
Loach, J.C. (Paper No. 660)
A few permanent way matters of interest to rolling stock engineers. 465-90.
Journal No. 302
Perry, P. (Paper No. 661)
Southern Region electric multiple unit stock maintenance. 499-540.
Wilkes, E.G.M. (Paper No. 662)
The appearance and amenity design of rolling stock. 541-60. Disc.: 561-85.
Burley, W. (Paper No. 663)
Impressions on the new Tokaido Line, Japanese National Railways. 585-95.
Journal No. 303
Manser, A.W. (Paper No. 664)
Rheostatic braking without motoring all axles. 18-58
Barrow, T.A.W. and A.D. Smith (Paper No. 665)
Tank wagons for overseas railways - a critical examinations of technical
and economic considerations. 60-128.
Journal No 304
Sykes, W.J.A. (Paper No. 666)
High-speed propelling of trains on the Southern Region, British Railways.
Davidson. D. (Paper No. 667)
The significance of locomotive diesel exhaust temperatures.195-211.
White, H.G. and Lehel, V. (Paper No. 668)
Final drive gears and gear boxes for self-propelled rail vehicles. 212-46.
Journal No. 305
Cook, K.J.
An appreciation dedicated to Sir William and the Great Western Railway. 247-9.
Cox, E.S.
An appreciation dedicated to Sir William Stanier 1932 onwards. 249-53.
Manser, A.W. (Presidential Address)
Unique feature of London. 256-75.
Narasimhan, R.V. (Paper No. 669)
Rail-wheel adhesion on diesel and a.c. electric locomotives. 276-323.
Paper presented in Luknow
Ghani, F. (Paper No. 670)
Some aspects in the design of traction motors for diesel electric locomotive
application. 323-34
Journal No. 306
Bennett, E. (Paper No. 671)
Quality engineering applied to traction. 342-78.
Varma, M.G. (Paper No. 672)
Some aspects of diesel maintenance on Indian Railways. 379-95
Tandon, N.N. (Paper No. 673)
Neglected conventional bearings. 396-411
Journal No. 307
Parkes, G. Richard (Paper No. 674)
Railway snowfighting. 415-78.
Bingham, G.S. and J.G. Bruce (Paper No. 675)
Experience with the new rolling stock on London Transport Railways. 480-551.
Journal No. 308
Lyon, E.C. (Paper No. 676)
A.C. suburban electrificationBritish Railways, Eastern Region. 585-671.
Birch, P.C.H. (Paper No. 677)
The effect of weight transfer on locomotive design. 672-88.
Volume 56 (1966)
greater detail
Journal No. 309
Roberts, H.P. (Paper No. 678)
The changeover from vacuum to air brakes on British Railways. 8-72.
Jowett, W.G. (Paper No. 679)
Some design and service aspects of commutators and brush gear in traction
service. 74-134.
Journal No. 310
Barwell, F.T. (Paper No. 680)
Traction research. 158-96.
Sharp, E.
Engineering aspects of high-speed trains: motive power. 196-200.
Thring, J.F.
Engineering aspects of high-speed trains: passenger rolling stock. 200-2.
Paecock, D.W.
Engineering aspects of high-speed trains: braking and signalling. 202-6.
Loach, J.C.
Engineering aspects of high-speed trains: permanent way. 206-18.
Suresh Chandra (Paper No. 681)
Maintenance of diesel electric locomotives on the Eastern Railway, India.
Journal No. 311
Crane, M.A. (Presidential Address)
The wheel turns. 270-99.
Arthurton, R.I.M.
Electronics in railway traction. (The Stanley Herbert Whitelegg Memorial
Travel Scholarship 1966 award). 299-314
Journal No 312
Mckenna, David
Management of design. (Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton lecture). 318-29,
Koffman, J.L. and Fairweather, D.M.S. (Paper No.
Rubber as an aid to suspension design. 331-71. Disc.: 371-423.
Journal No 313
Lucas, H.W. and Wojtas, B. (Paper No. 683)
Automatic wheelslip control. 442-69. Disc.: 469-95.
Botham, G.J.M. (Paper No. 684)
Practical aspects of primary suspension design. 495-528. Disc.: 528-35.
Journal No 314
Ell, S.O. (Paper No. 685)
Some design problems of diesel locomotives. 543-92.
Maxwell, W.W. and Ware, D.K. (Paper No. 686)
Automatic train operation on London Transport Railways. 593-631.
Volume 57 (1967)
greater detail
Journal No 315
Keller, Rolf (Paper No. 687)
High power diesel hydraulics. 19-68.
Low, R.C.S. (Paper No. 688)
The reorganisation of British Railways workshops. 91-146.
Journal No. 316
Matthewson-Dick, T.
Address by the President. How they run. 155-96.
Radley, R. (Paper No. 689)
The application of rail stress to locomotive design. 196-208
Mathur, R.B. (Paper No. 690)
The setting up of a broad gauge diesel locomotive shed at Ratlam, India.
Journal No 317
Anoop Singh (Paper No. 691)
A method for estimating braking distances. 251-78.
Davidson, D. (Paper No. 692)
The influence of railway requirements on motive power selection. 279-89.
Jackson, J.A. (Paper No. 693)
Locomotive-hauled pullman trains. 289-300.
Journal No. 318
Wilcock, H. (Paper No. 694)
Container design. 303-67.
Beasant, F.H. (Paper No. 695)
Development of the Brush type 4 locomotives of British Railways.
Journal No. 319
Koffman, J.L (Paper No. 696)
Design for comfort. 428-507.
Dunkley, F.G. (Paper No. 697)
Painting of railway rolling stock. 509-53.
Journal No 320.
Scott, H.W. (Paper No. 698)
High-speed diesel engines of high power. 582-605. Disc.: 606-24.
Broughton, A.J. (Paper No. 699)
The maintenance of diesel locomotive starting batteries. 625-42. Disc.: 642-55.
Bonavia, P.C. (Paper No. 700)
The computation and analysis of locomotive performance. 645-56. Disc.: 656-7.
Volume 58 (1968)
greater detail
Journal No. 321
Fish, M E and T J Lowe (Paper No. 701)
Wiring and associated terminations on London transport railways rolling stock.
Wise, S. (Paper No. 702)
Ultrasonic testing of railway components. 77-110.
Jouran No. 322
Cooke, B.W.C. (Paper No. 703)
The technical journalist. 113-22. Disc.: 122-35.
Maxwell, W.W., J. Richards, J. Shaw, B.R. Dudley, and A.B. Cleary
(Paper No. 704)
Measures to counter fatigue failure in railway axles. 136-71.
Redhead, J.J.M. (Paper No. 705)
Some applications of solid-state devices on locomotives. 171-91
Journal No. 323.
Robson, A.E. [Presidential Address]
"All Change". 207-39.
Boocock, C.P. (Paper 706)
The application of network analysis to locomotive and carriage overhauls
at Eastleigh Carriage Works, British Railways. 239-73.
Devitt, W.R. (Paper 707).
The metrication of British Railways Workshops. 274-98.
Journal No. 324
Thorley, W.G.F. (Paper No. 708)
Traffic-oriented training for locomotive engineers. 305-84.
Wade, C.C.H. (Paper No. 709)
Some aspects of electric and diesel traction in railway modernisation. 387-407
Journal No. 325
Sykes, W.J.A. (Paper No. 710)
The Bournemouth electrification. 445-88.
Nelson of Stafford, Lord
Industry's contribution to locomotive development (The Sir Seymour Biscon
Tritton Lecture). 489-512.
Journal 326
Webster, E. (Paper No. 711)
Design considerations for new rolling stock for the Victoria Line, London
Transport railways. 516-63
Batchelor, G.H. and Stride, R C T (Paper 712)
Hydraulic dampers and damping. 563-628
Journal No 327
Stewart, W.A. (Paper 713)
Whither motive power? 16-84. Disc.: 256-9.
Tompkin, J.B. (Paper 714)
Development of the disc brake with particular reference to British Railways
application. 84-129
Journal No. 328
Dunn, K. (Paper No. 715)
The use made of spectrographic analysis of diesel engine sump oil by the
engineer. 138-42.
Watts, P.H. (Paper No. 716)
Weight transfer compensation in four-axle direct current locomotives. 143-53.
Holmes, S.C. (Paper No. 717)
The Sulzer 12LDA28 diesel engine as applied to rail traction: a discussion
of some of the structural failures encountered in B.R. service. 153-67
Hudson, C.J. (Paper No. 718)
The use of computers in the production of locomotive repair schedules. 167-81.
Scott, M. (Paper No. 719)
Modern developments in wheelslip control on electric locomotives. 182-90.
Rix, M.M. (Paper No. 720)
Diesel multiple-unit cooling systems. 191-202. Disc.: 202-4.
Porta, L.D. (Paper No. 721)
Steam locomotive development in Argentinaits contribution to the future
of railway technology in the under-developed countries. 205-33. Disc.: 233-56
Railway Division Journal
Emerson, A.H. (Chairmans Address: RDA/1)
"Maintenance on the move". 3-34.
Cox, E.S. (RDP 1/70)
The contribution to railway engineering made by two Institutions: I. Mech.
E. [and] I. Loco. E.: 184719111969. 35-61.
Cook, B.E. and R.J. Ward (RDP 2/70).
Evaluation of cleaning processes in railway vehicle repair activities. 60-91.
18 illus., 3 tables.
Silverlock, P.R. (RDP 3/70)
The problem of rolling stock cleaning in works and depots. 91-122. Disc.
Part 2
O'Farrell, M.A. (RDR 1/70)
Communication developments in the railway industry. 148-72. 9 illus., 13
Oaksford, R.C. (RDR 2/70)
Meeting in Cleckheaton, Yorkshire: visit to the Works of Messrs. Scandura
Ltd., Cleckheaton, 30th October 1969: report.
Sykes, W.H. (RDP 4/70)
Construction of new vehicles at York Carriage Works, British Railways. 179-209.
Disc.: 210-23 + folding plate. 21 illus., 9 diagrs.
Oldham, P.H. (RDP 5/70)
Electrical features of the "Kestrel" locomotive. 224-40. Disc.: 240-4. 13
illus., 6 diagrs.
Johnson, Sir Henry.(RDA 1/71)
The railway in transport (Sir Seymour Biscoe Tritton Lecture). 5-18.
Ribbons, R.T. (RDP 1/71)
The transmission of power by hydraulic means. 19-39. Disc.: 39-44. 2 illus.,
15 diagrs.
Wakefield, F.H.G. (RDP 2/71)
Twenty years experience with diesel railcars. 45-64. Disc.: 64-83. 6 diagrs.
Part 2
The Annual Luncheon, 5 March 1971. 86-93.
Jarvis, J.M. (RDP 3/71)
Fire precautions in locomotives and rolling stock. 94-126. Disc: 127-62.
9 illus., 6 diagrs.
Wise, S. (RDP 4/71)
Why metals break. 162-88. 9 illus., 6 diagrs.
Chisman, J.I. (RDP 5/71)
Gas turbine locomotives of the Union Pacific Railroad. 189-201. Disc.: 201-3.
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