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Kevin Jones' Steam Index

Internal Combustion Locomotive Engineers

Abbott, John
The Motor Rail & Tramcar Co. Ltd. was formed in 1911 and the first meeting of the directors, Mr. John Abbott (chairman) and accountant Mr. George Gale, took place at the registered office at 79 Lombard St., London. At this meeting George Gale was appointed company secretary at a salary of £100 per annum. John Abbott took one thousand shares in the new company, with George Gale taking one hundred. The intention of the new company was to manufacture and sell railcars and tramcars utilising petrol engines and the Simplex gearbox. The first vehicles were built at the Phoenix Ironworks at Lewes, Sussex. The arrangements for the use of these works cannot have been ideal because by 1914 the company was looking for new premises and several enquiries were made and sites visited. However, at a board meeting of October 1914 it was agreed that in view of the uncertainty of matters generally created by the war, the idea of a new works was to be abandoned for the present. However, the matter became urgent in 1916 after a meeting with the consulting engineers of the War Office, Messrs. Rendall, Palmer & Tritton. The War Office required “Petrol Trench Tractors” of 600-mm gauge that were capable of drawing 10 to 15 Tons at 5 miles per hour and the MRTC tendered for and was successful in gaining a contract to build the Tractors.
John Abbott had visited Germany in about 1911 and was alarmed at the stockpiles of light railway equipment for army use, including internal combustion locomotives. Worried that there was no British equivalent for use on temporary military supply railways, he set about designing such a machine. The first tractor was produced in 1915. John’s sons, Tom Dixon Abbott and John Dixon Abbott were also involved in the design of the so-called Simplex Tractor, and indeed they jointly submitted a patent application for the Tractor (No. 127399) in 1918.
Early in 1916 the MRTC entered into an agreement with the Bedford Engineering Company to use its premises at Houghton Road, Bedford and by May of that year had also opened its own office at 33 Houghton Road. John Abbott died on the 23rd of August 1916 and his eldest son, John Dixon Abbott was elected to the office of Chairman. The younger son, Tom Dixon Abbott had joined the board only a month before the death of his father. John remained as Chairman until 1957 and Tom would be actively involved until 1963.
Most of the workforce at Bedford was shared between locomotive and crane manufacture and the first Simplex Tractor produced at Bedford took 3 months to produce, but by the end of the year they could produce 20-25 per week using a workforce of less than 20. Tractors could be produced at this rate primarily due to the subcontracting of major parts manufacture. All major parts except the frame were bought in and final assembly took place at Bedford Engineering. Deliveries continued through 1917 and 1918, with over 700 tractors of 20 Horsepower and 40 Horsepower types delivered in 1918. At the start of 1918, a new site was purchased in Bedford, this being a former laundry in Elstow Road. Later that year, it was also possible to purchase further land at the front of the works, including the access road, and land at the rear including a rear access point. The company office moved to 16 Elstow Road in January. The first full batch of locos to be produced at the new works comprised works number 1642 onwards.
The following year John Dixon Abbott resigned from his post of General Manager, becoming Consulting Engineer to the company, a post that he retained during all his remaining years as Chairman. The post of General Manager was subsequently shared between Tom Dixon Abbott and a new appointee to the board, Alexander Harris-Brown.

Akroyd, Herbert Stuart
Born in Halifax, Yorkshire on 28 January 1864; died Claremont, Western Australia, 19 February 1927. Inventor of compression-ignition oil engine later developed by Diesel. Educated St Bartholemew's Grammar School in and City & Guilds of London Technical College, Finsbury. Received early practical training in engineering works of his father, Charles Stuart Akroyd at Fenny Stratford. On death of his father became manager of the works. Began experimental work on oil engines in 1886 at Bletchley Iron Works which led to his discovery of automatic ignition by hot compressed air, or compression ignition. This was patented (7146) on 8.May.1890 and (15994) on 8.October.1890. In 1891 the sole right to manufacture and develop Akroyd oil engines was acquired by Richard Hornsby & Sons of Lincoln and Grantham. With the introduction of the engine in Germany the idea was taken up by Diesel who came to an agreement with Maschinenfabrik Augsburg, Nürnberg (MAN) in 1893 for Germany and with Krupp, Essen, for outside Germany. The diesel engine as evolved by MAN in 1897 differed from the Akroyd engine in using highly compressed air to inject and spray the charge of fuel oil while the Akroyd engine had a fuel oil pump and spraying nozzle. John Marshall. Obituary (Proc.. Instn Mech. Engrs, 1927, 112, 577) lists him as Akroyd Stuart. Rutherford Backtrack, 2008, 22, 52 notes application to narrow gauge locomotives for the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich and for the Chattenden & Upnor Railway. Died a disappointed man in Western Australia according to Ronald M. Birse (ODNB) on 19 February 1927. Body brought back to Halifax for burial.

Allen, Albert
Born Preston on 1 June, 1903; died 8 September, 1943. Author of Institution of Locomotive Engineers Paper 362: Rail cars in service in Northern Ireland: mainly concerned with Great Northern Railway and County Donegal Joint Railway elected an Associate in 1934, was He received his early education at St. Matthew's Boys' School, Preston, and whilst serving his engineering apprenticeship with Atkinson & Co., and Atkinson-Walker Wagons Ltd., Preston, attended the Harris Technical College, Preston. From 1924 to 1930 he was technical and sales representative for Atkinson-Walker Wagons, Ltd., Preston, and from 1930 to 1939 held a similar appointment with Walker Bros. (Wigan), Ltd. A keen and capable I.C. Engineer,Before the outbreak of war in 1939 he joined His Majesty's Forces and was gazetted Lieut. O.M.E. He was in France September, 1939, attached to the 88th Field Regiment, R.A., to the evacuation from Dunkirk in 1940. After 12 months at a home station, during which time he was given his Captaincy, he sailed for India for service wilth mobile workshops. He was promoted to Major in April, 1942.

Ambady, G.K.
Presented IMechE paper on the economics of diesel versus steam traction on the North Western Railway of India where he was an Assistant Electric Traction Engineer. Later he was involved in developing an electrical business in Kerala

Attock, Martin Oldacres
Born in Lutterworth on 25 March 1909: son of George Henry Attock. Educated at Rugby School then apprentice at the Willans Works of English Electric between 1922 and 1930. Enjoyed a career commissioning English Electric traction products on British railways, notably the LMS and overseas, notably in Ceylon before WW2, and in several Commonwealth countries following it. Products included the LMS standard diesel electric shunting locomotive, the Bluebird diesel electric railcar tested on the LMS: on 26 January 1934 the car was run from Euston to Watford and back with Stanier at the controls on the return and Fairburn and Gresley as passengers. The diesel shunter was tested widely on the LMS including on the Glasgow Central underground line. Interesting diesel electric articulated train sets were introduced on both the Egyptian State Railways and Ceylon State Railways. Following WW2 he was involved in the LMS diesel electric locomotives Nos. 10000 and 10001, single unit railcars for Ceylon, and Co-Co diesel electric locomotives for the Malayan Railways and for Egypt. He retired in 1972 and died on 10 July 1982.
Patent (note patent information verified via Espacenet: excludes Patent application included by Shepherd)
803,945 Improvements in engine-driven electric generating plant, with Paul Alistair Angus. and English Electric. Applied 15 December 1954; published 5 November 1958.
Papers (note: the English Electric Journal citation came via Shepherd: Shepherd's reference to J. Instn Loco. Engrs, 1962, 62,  Paper No. 640  is a problem as the author did not list Attock as a co-author yet Attock js mentioned in rge discussion as the inventor of the techniques used in the tests!).
The diagnosis of faults in roller bearings in traction service, English Electric J., 1968, 23, (1).
Some ideas on the maintenance of diesel electric locomotives, with S. Fletcher, J. Instn Loco. Engrs, 1960, 50 Paper No. 610

Shepherd, Ernie. The Atock/Attock family: a worldwide railway engineering dynasty. 2009. 264pp. (Oakwood Library of Railway History No. 150)

Baker, J.W.
Traction Erection at English Electric Preston Pictured at Deltic roll-out Loco. Mag., 1955, 61, 190

Batchelder, Asa F.
See Hennessey. Backtrack, 2015, 29, 519.

Batho, William Temperley
Died on 26 March 1934 of bronchial pneumonia in his sixty-eighth year at Rio de Janeiro. He was educated in England and in Bonn, Germany, and then entered his father's office, the late W.F. Batho. His apprenticeship was served with Dubs & Co. of Glasgow and afterwards he was associated for a period with Gaulcher & Co. Batho then joined the East Indian Railway as a civil engineer and remained in India for several years. Upon his return to England he took an active part in the formation of the Diesel Engine Co. and was its managing director until merged with the firm of Carels Freres of Ghent into The Consolidated Diesel Engine Manufacturers Ltd. with whom he occupied a similar position. Batho was thus largely responsible for the early commercial development of the Diesel engine in this country in which work he was closely associated with the late Dr. Rudolph Diesel. In 1914 he joined Sulzer Bros., London, and has been in charge of the Diesel Department there since. Upon the formation of Sulzer Bros. (London) Ltd. he was elected to the board of directors, a position he occupied until his death. He was a man of firm character, integrity and strong personality. Locomotive Mag., 1934, 40, 125

Benz, Karl
Born in Mühlburg on 25 November 1844; died Ladenburg 4 April 19289. Educated University of Karlsruhe. Inventor of motor car. Locomotive Mag., 1929, 35, 135 makes clear that although  considered as major innovator of automobile engineering was also interested in railways.

Binney, E.A.
Chief Engineer Traction Development Department at English Electric Bradford Pictured at Deltic roll-out Loco. Mag., 1955, 61, 190

Bush. H.D.
Worked for William Bearmore & Co. lectured at Crewe Technical Engineering Society on advantages of electric transmission: see Loco. Mag., 1933, 39, 73.

Chorlton, Alan Ernest Leofric
Born Audenshaw, near Manchester on 24 February 1874; died 6 October 1946 (Wikipedia 13012012). Crewe trained engineer (no mention of Crewe in obituary: Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs., 1947, 156, 245 which mentions Mather & Platt and Manchester Univsersity) who contributed to the development of the internal combustion engine and its application to railway motive power. At the age of 24 he became a consulting engineer to Hubbard Textile Printing Works in St Petersburg, Russia. He returned to England and the Salford Iron Works where he rose to become general works manager and was largely responsible for redesigning the Mather-Reynolds pump manufactured at the plant. In 1913 he moved to Ruston and Hornsby in Lincoln. During WW1 he was appointed Deputy Controller of Aero Engines at the Ministry of Munitions In 1917 he was awarded a Telford Premium medal by the Institute of Civil Engineers, and was made a CBE for his wartime services. From 1918 to 1928 he worked for William Beardmore and Company designing high speed diesel engines. These engines had various applications ranging from use in railcars to the R101 airship. In 1929 he was nominated as Conservative candidate for the parliamentary constituency of Manchester Platting. Although unsuccessful on this occasion, two years later he was elected as Platting's Member of Parliament, unseating the sitting Labour member, John Clynes. He was elected President of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers in 1933. At the 1935 election, Chorlton was elected MP for Bury. In 1939 he announced he would not be standing for parliament again, but remained Bury's member of parliament until he stood down at the next election in 1945. Author of Oil engine traction published by the Royal Society of Arts in 1932 and based on the Howard Lectures. Contributed to discussion on Bulleid's paper on Merchant Navy Class.

President of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1933 (Presidential Address, Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs., 1933, 125, 127-40) and author of many papers including:
The heavy-oil engine on road and rail. Proc. Instn Automobile Engrs., 1929, 23, 502-40.
Examines the difficulty of combustion at high speeds; the Ackroyd Stuart and diesel engines; the Lincoln engine; and the Beardmore engine;
See also Rutherford Backtrack, 2008, 22, 52  and J.M. Doherty in Ransome-Wallis 

Clayton, T.F.  
Technical Inspector (Diesel), Motive Power Department, to be Assistant Development Engineer, (Diesel Power Units), Locomotive Development Unit. Appointment. Locomotive Mag., 1957, 63, 20

Cleaver, Charles F.
Managing director of FWD in Slough which produced an early form of railway road/rail truck tried on Derwent Valley Railway. see Locomotive Mag., 1923, 29, 362

Collins, John
Commercial Manager at English Electric Liverpool. Pictured at Deltic roll-out Loco. Mag., 1955, 61, 190

Constantinesco, George
Romanian inventor of synchronizing mechanism for machine gun mounted on propeller driven aircraft and torque converter for automobiles and "locomotive": see Locomotive Mag., 1925, 31, 310-11.

Courtenay, James
Engineer on the Ulster Transport Authority: innovated transmission and control systems for the multi-engined railcars used mainly between Belfast and Bangor. see Backtrack, 2013, 27, 550. and for dual-purpose ddiesel-hydraulic railcars for Belfast to Derry/Londonderry service see Locomotive Mag., 1958, 64, 22.

Cousins, R.J.
Worked for Ricardo: worked out mechenicalm controls from cab to engine and gearbox in Fell locomotive. Had worked for Barnes Wallis on engines for R100 airship. .  Langridge Under ten CMEs V. 2.

Cummins, Clessie Lyle
Born 27 December 27 1888; died 17 August 17 1968) was an entrepreneur who improved existing diesel engines, created new diesel engine designs, was awarded 33 United States patents for his inventions, and set five world records for endurance and speed for trucks, buses and race cars. Cummins began his career as a rural Indiana farm boy, and had no formal higher education beyond the eighth grade. In the 1920s Cummins went to work for a banker named William Irwin in Columbus, Indiana, as a chauffeur and mechanic.In 1919, Clessie Cummins founded the Cummins Engine Co, Inc (now Cummins, Inc). At the time of its founding, Cummins developed the first engine as licensee of R.M. Hvid Co. This engine was a 6 horsepower (4.5 kW) model designed for use on the farm. Cummins' former employer, Irwin, invested a great deal of money in Cummins' company. However, Irwin was not satisfied with the company's profits and threatened to cease investing. Sales of diesel engines to farmers through the Sears-Roebuck catalog were not generating significant profits, partially because farmers would purchase and use the engines during the harvest period and then return them to Sears. Clessie Cummins secured a Packard limousine (a vehicle with a large engine compartment) and fitted one of his best engines into it. He and an assistant drove the vehicle to the 1929 auto show in New York City, but were banned from any presentation. Cummins rented space across the street from the Auto Show, and the "$1.39 for fuel, Indy to NYC" auto become a popular feature of the show (despite not technically being included in it). At that time, his employer and patron, Will Irwin, owned a controlling interest in the Purity Supreme supermarket chain, in California. Cummins convinced Irwin to install diesel engines in the fleet of trucks used to deliver food and staples to the stores. The diesel trucks were far better at managing the California mountains than the gasoline engines of that time, and were much more durable and economical to run. The success at Purity Supreme attracted considerable attention, and the over-the-road diesel truck industry thus came into being. Thereafter, the growth of Cummins Engine came mainly from supplying high-speed, high-torque engines, which buyers specified for installation in semi-trailer tractors from most of the major manufacturers. Wikipedia (13-2-2017) and Locomotive Mag., 1932, 38, 261.-

Diesel, Rudolph Christian Karl
Born in Pans 18 March 1858 when his parents were exiles from Bavaria; died during passage of North Sea on 29/30 September 1913. Educated in Paris. When war broke out in 1870 his parents moved to England, sending Rudolph to school in Augsburg, He then entered Munich Technical College where he graduated in 1879 and became assistant to Prof von Linde. After a short period doing practical work at Sulzer Bros works in Winterthur, he was appointed manager of the Paris works making von Linde refrigerating machinery. From his student days he was engrossed with the idea of a prime mover with a much higher thermal efficiency than the steam engine. He desigrled an engine which he described in 1893 in his book Theorie und Konstruktion eines rationellen Wärmemotors. An English translation followed in 1894. He was financed by Krupp and the Augsburg-Nuremberg Co for the construction of an engine to his design. The first diesel engine, a vertical stationary type, was built in 1893. It was not a success. His second, built immediately afterwards, while still not successful, proved his theories. His third, the first reliable diesel, was built by the Augsburg Co in 1897. It was a 4-stroke engine developing 18hp. Other engines followed, each embodying improvements. A large number of British, Continental and American firms took up the patents and many were built and used all over the world before Diesel died. By 1912 Diesel had established a successful 2-stroke engine, but it was not as economical as the 4-stroke. The first marine diesel engine was built\in France in 1903. Its first application to rail traction was in a Sulzer-Diesel loco completed at Winterthur in 1913 and supplied to the Central Railway Department of the Prussian-Hessian State Railway in March 1913. On trials it ran at speeds up to 60mph. Diesel is believed to have refused to allow his engine to be used for war purposes. On the night of 29 March 1913 he was on a steamer to Harwich to visit works at Ipswich. He was last seen about 22.00, but at Harwich the following morning he had disappeared. Marshall

Dilworth, Richard McLean
Born in Seattle on 6 March 6 1885. He was discharged from the Navy in May 1909, as a chief electrician. Gradually, without knowing it, he was fitting himself to become the leading locomotive designer of his time. Att the General Electric Company at Schenectady he worked as a machinist attached to the outside construction force. In July of 1910 General Electric began searching its records for men with special skills who might be useful in handling gasoline-electric rail cars, and found Dilworth part machinist and part electrician; a man who knew something about the Ward-Leonard control, a bachelor who could be sent anywhere. Dilworth was called to Schenectady for development work on a passenger and baggage car powered by an eight-cylinder V-type petrol engine driving a generator, which in turn drove traction motors on the axles. The railcars were aimed at the interurban lines which were common throughout the USA.
Dilworth then "swore a horrible oath that he was going to stay with that kind of motive power until it was pulling the Twentieth Century Limited, which was at that time a new but well-known train running through Schenectady."  As it turned out, his dream was to come true. He stayed with it through the years, as long as anybody would pay wages. Working on rail cars, in the busy years from 1910 to 1914, General Electric built and sold 85 railcars. Dilworth's first job was to help develop an engine for the cars, Later Dilworth helped to shape the design of the first diesel engines for the first streamliners, in  association with Herman Lemp, an electrical genius in the class of Steinmetz and Pupin, a man who had worked earlier in the laboratory of Thomas Edison. Lemp was one of the senior engineers in charge of Diesel development for G.E. Early in 1950 Dil worth retired from Electro-Motive and for the next two years served the division as independent consultant Biography bty XXX available as free e-book and see also Hennessey. Backtrack, 2015, 29, 519..

Durtnall, William Peter
Born in Herne Bay in 1873; died Luton in 1947. Apprenticed to Willans at Rugby, he was a junior helper on the Heilmann steam electric locomotives of the 1890s. His early work as an electrical engineer was in London, including installing the first electrical system in the Cannon Street Hotel. The "Paragon" thermo-electric engine was developed and patented by Durtnall in the early years of the 20th century. He proposed a number of applications, including road, rail, marine and air transport. In 1906, Durtnall designed and constructed the first vehicle to be propelled by polyphase alternating current, generated on the vehicle itself. It took the form of a motor-omnibus that could travel at three different speeds. During WW1 Durtnall transferred from the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve to a temporary commission as a Captain in the Royal Air Force in April 1918. Post-WW1 he continued work on 'hybrid' drives, namely coupling a high speed internal combustion engine to generators or alternators that produced electricity for variable speed electric traction motors that drove ship's propellors or wheels on automobiles and locomotives. During 1920-3 Hawthorn Leslie built a twin bogie Paragon locomotive. He spent his later years in Luton, where died in 1947.See also Duffy. and Rutherford Backtrack, 2008, 22, 52 and Brian Reed British achievements in diesel traction. Rly Mag., 1976, 122, 16; paper on Paragon design mentioned in Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev., 1927, 33, 100.

The evolution and development of the internal combustion railway locomotive. Trans. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1914, 4, 5-51. (Paper No. 27)

244,137 Improvements in closed circuit electrical regenerative motor systems. Applied 12 June 1924. Published 14 December 1925.
5394/1912 Improvements in and relating to internal combustion prime-movers, with Geoffrey Tatton Bowles. Applied 4 March 1912. Published 13 February 1913.
6758/1909 Improvements in and connected with electrical transmission of power, and speed regulation, for automobiles, road or rail trams, locomotives, hauling, hoisting, winding gear, and the like. Applied 20 March 1909. Published 12 May 1910
23396/1908 Improvements in the generation of electrical power, and means of speed regulation in electrical propulsion of ships, railway, tramway, or other road or similar vehicles, locomotives, trains, and the like. Applied  2 November 1908. Published 28 October 1909.
27096/1905 Improvements in motor systems with electric transmission for the propulsion of railway, tramway, road or similar vehicles, boats and the like. with Ernest William Hart. Applied 28 December 1905. Published 28 March 1907.
17248/1905 Improvements in and connected with the propulsion of railway, tramway, road or similar vehicles, boats and the like, with Ernest William Hart. Applied 25 August 1905. Published 5 July 1906

Evanson, H.
Accompanied Royal Scot non-stop London to Glasgow run on 1 June 1949: LMR diesel inspector: see Locomotive Mag., 1949, 55, 98-9.

Fell, L.F.R.
"The Colonel, as we affectionately came to know him, was a charming character, a fine engineer, very knowledgeable about railway operation, and had, until his death on 27 November, 1977, a lively inventive brain. He was always enthusiastic and never got downhearted when bad luck intervened and things went wrong. I believe he had been a cathedral chorister, and he had received his engineering training at Doncaster Plant works. By the time I knew him he had retired from the air force and was traction engineer in the diesel section of Rolls-Royce at Derby." He had been a Doncaster Works appreantice and a cathedral chorister.  Langridge Under ten CMEs V. 2.

Ford, Adrian
Senior electrical inspector (locomotives) at Derby. Involved with LMS Nos. 10000 and 10001: see Hunt, LMS Journal, 2011, (33) 41=2.

Frankham, Harry
Diesel fitter at Willesden who became Mechanical Foreman in 1949 and later moved to Camden. In 1954 he became District Diesel Instructor and in 1965 was Divisional Rolling Stock Inspector. Keith Miles LMS Journal Issue 30 p. 13 who cites Ahead 1965 May

Gaebler, G.A.
German Federal Railways: reported on diesel multiple units on na global basis at the International Railway Congress in Madrid in 1958. See Locomotive Mag., 1958, 64, 81

Haworth, Harold Firth
Born in 1882, and received his technical education at Liverpool University under Prof. Hele-Shaw, and subsequently at Zurich University. He obtained the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at Basle University, Master of Science at Victoria University and Bachelor of Engineering at Liverpool University. He was appointed Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at the City and Guilds Engineering College until 1914, when he joined the London Electrical Engineers Branch of the Royal Engineers. At the end of WW1 he returned for a short time to the City and Guilds Engineering College, and in 1920 was appointed to take charge of Technical Instruction of Engineer Apprentices at Leyland Motors, including much experimental and research work. He was subsequently appointed Chief Technical Officer, and retained this post until his death on 18 June 1939. Developed LMS articulated streamlined railcar with Hornbuckle: J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1939, 29, 260-84. Disc.: 284-303. (Paper No. 400)  which had to be presented by Ron Jarvis due to illness of both authors, Chacksfield's Ron Jarvis p. 39 mis-transcribes name as Hayworth..

Hornbuckle, Thomas [Tommy]
Born in 1880. Served apprenticeship with Richard Horsby & Sons of Grantham, developers and manufacturers of Ackroyd Stuart oil engine used in narrow gauge railway locomotives in Woolwich Arsenal and in Chatham Dockyard. Joined MR at Derby in 1901 as a draughtsman and was involved in the MR's project to use electricity at the Company's new harbour at Heysham: this included a power station, cranes and the railway to Lancaster at 6,600 volts alternating current. Hornbuckle gained an external BSc from Nottingham Univseristy. During the 1930s Hornbuckle was involved in assessing external purchases of diesel shunting locomotives and railcars. Backtrack, 18, 84. Chacksfield's excellent biography of Ron Jarvis (pp. 37-45 and also 95) mentions his subject's involvement in the diesel railcar project and makes it clear that Stanier was closely involved to ensure that it was lightweight. Terry Jenkins notes that Hornbuckle was Sir Ernest Lemon's brother-in-law and discusses the relationship between Fairburn and Hornbuckle and the probably false interpretation of this by Cox.. Contributed to discusssion on Graff Baker ILocoE Paper 368 on maximum rretardation methods to prevent accidents. Created Member ILocoE in 1934 (Locomotive Mag., 1934, 40, 166).

with Haworth, H.F.  A diesel train with multiple axle drives. J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1939, 29, 260-84. Disc.: 284-303. (Paper No. 400)
Discussion on Simpson, T.F.B.  Diesel locomotive building and maintenance. J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1957, 47, 131-62. Page 170-1. (Paper No. 570)
At Derby Works, where speaker was Works Manager.Discussion: T. Hornbuckle (170-1) gave a brief historical description of how the LMS developed diesel shunting locomotives in the early 1930s, and the key influence of the Hunslet demonstrator locomotive working on the LMS.

Participated in the discussion at an IMechE meeting on torque converters in response to a paper by Haworth of Leyland on the Lysholm-Smith torque converter. Proc. Instn Mech Engrs., 1935, 130, 261-2
Also contributed to discussion of A. Allen's (Paper 347) Rail cars in service in Northern Ireland. J. Instn Loco Engrs, 1936, 26, 38-40.

Rutherford, Backtrack, 2002, 16, 515: skeletal diagram p. 516. notes that Hornbuckle, Clayton, Bulleid (then of LNER) and Hall of Sweindon were involved in proposals for one-man coal-fired shunting locomotive of Sentinel type..

In a subsequent article Rutherford (Backtrack, 18, 172) notes that the result of the struggle between Tommy Hornbuckle and Charles Fairburn was a foregone conclusion; Fairburn was another of Sir Harold's proteges (as William Stanier had been) and was earmarked for higher office. When Hornbuckle died in 1958, the editor of Diesel Railway Traction wrote of him,"Almost inknown, even in name, to those of the present generation engaged in diesel traction in England, Tommy Hornbuckle, who died at the age of 77 on February 1st, was probably the first vital force in time in the diesel conversion of British railways. He had claims to be considered as the father of diesel locomotives on British public railways, for though he was inconnected with the first two isolated trials of diesel units on the old Group railways, he came into the picture with the third, and fathered and forwarded the new units and their possibilities, despite fresh and ruthless pressures on him, until his retirement eight years later, when diesels for shunting were firmly established, and much consideration had been given to railcars and even to line-service locomotives."
"[His] contribution ... far exceeded his work with pre-war shunters ... a man with altogether exceptional engineering judgment, he had a breadth of railway knowledge and appreciation that brought his own ... daily work ... quietly into line with the general railway picture. ... Moreover, he was able to train others ... several of Hornbuckle's young men ... now hold high positions on British Railways."

Coming into contact ... with the pioneers of the British diesel locomotive building industry, Hornbuckle also had a not inconsiderable influence in this sphere among those who had ears to hear ... Indeed it is among the dwindling band of men who were in this field before 1939 that the memory of Tommy Hombuckle is likely to be maintained fresh and green; for, as untouched by railway internal frictions and jockeying for position as was Hornbuckle himself, these men could appreciate him more at his true worth. Largely because of his selflessness and his rejection of personal power as a thing to be striven after, Hornbuckle was greater than his physical works; and his undoubted technical ability, judgment and moral influence passed into men more than into things."

That was written by Brian Reed who himself had been involved in pioneer diesel traction at Hawthorn, Leslie & Co. in the 1920s. Stewart Cox related, "[There was] a personal contest between Hombuckle, the true originator, [of the diesel shunter development programme] and Fairburn, who developed these ideas far away from the intentions of their initiator. As a matter of fact, Tommy Hornbuckle was no match, either in position or capacity, for his formidable chief, and before long he retired from the fray, a somewhat embittered man..

Hughes, John O.P.
Designer of Vulcan Foundry English Electric 4-6-0 gas turbine locomotive with drive via a gearbox rather than through electric transmission. Locomotive described in Tufnell's Prototype locomotives. Connection with Hughes mentioned in Johnson and Long. and in Bond's Lifetime with locomotives (p. 261). See also Edward Talbot Backtrack, 2012, 26, 185.

Kettering, Charles Franklin
Born near Loudonville, Ohio, on 29 August 1876; died Dayton, Ohio, 25 November 1958. Pioneer of railway diesel traction in the USA. Graduated in mechanical engineering at Ohio State University in 1904, Began with Star Telephone Co, Ashland: later with National Cash Register Co, Dayton, Ohio. Served 27 yrs as vice president of General Motors Corpn and as general manager of research laboratories division. Responsible for GM diesel engines. Developed high-speed two-stroke types up to 3,000bhp. His engines were specially developed for rail traction. In 1935 he predicted that in twenty years no more steam locosmotives would be built in the USA. In 1927 he formed the Charles F Kettering Foundation for research into diseases including cancer. Le Fleming in P Ransome Wallis (ed.), The concise encyclopaedia of world railway locomotives and probably elsewhere therein, but tome lacks an index and John Marshall.

Kewney, Harold
GB 645080 Improvements in or relating to controlling diesel locomotives. with Andrew Barclay Sons & Company, Published 25 October 1950:., Applied 23 February 1948,
A device for preventing attempted reversal of a diesel locomotive, before the locomotive comes to rest, incorporates a stop which is automatically held in position in the path of ...
GB 813975 Control apparatus for internal combustion locomotives. with Andrew Barclay Sons & Company, and Robert Ellis, Published 27 May 1959: -Applied 28 September 1957,
Control apparatus for an internal combustion locomotive having oil pressure lubrication comprises a pressure sensitive switch 2 in the lubricating system 1 which operates el ...
GB 140022 An improved flexible coupling for rotary shafts. William Beardmore & Company, Published  18 March 1920 Applied 21 October 1919.
In a universal coupling for the shafts of turbines &c., trunnions H on one shaft F engage a ring or the like J, which may be in two parts bolted together and is provided with two trunnions L seated in blocks M. The bloc ...
GB 392219 Improvements in or relating to the heating of feed water for steam boilers utilizing the heat of hot waste gases. with Sir W.G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co, and Thomas Humphrey Matthews Published 15 May 1933: Applied 14 November 1931.
Feedwater heated in jackets 19 around the exhaust ...

Lemp, Heinrich Joseph Hermann
Born 8 August 1862 in Swizerland; died in Ridgewood, New Jersey on 31 March 31, 1954). Swiss-American electrical engineer; he is credited as the inventor of the modern system of diesel electric traction co-ordination and control. Born and educated in Switzerland, he emigrated to America aged 19, hoping to work with T.A. Edison. He joined Edison General Electric and worked with Edison on electrical projects, including one of Edison's first electric locomotives. A short while later he joined Elihu Thomson, of the Thomson-Houston Company. That company became part of General Electric (GE), to which Edison acted as consultant. He met Rudolf Diesel on his visit to the USA in 1911, and was an invited observer at the trials of Diesel's direct-drive 1,000 hp (750 kW) locomotive in 1912. The diesel engine was too powerful for the mechanical gears. Lemp, with his colleagues, persuaded GE that diesel traction had a future, but that a non-mechanical transmission system was required. The proposed transmission was electrical, using the diesel engine to power a generator that supplied current to the traction motors. However, such a system would need a device to coordinate engine and generator output. He invented one, patented in 1914. This patent provided the basis for the systems used by many other locomotive and diesel makers. GE did not enter the locomotive field then, but did authorize the purchase of Junker's patent for high speed diesel engines,and the manufacture of some small experimental locomotives. However, GE's later, successful locomotives used Lemp's improved system, patented after World War I. The first GE diesel electric locomotive was a demonstrator, made to Lemp's specifications by a trio of GE, ALCO and Ingersoll-Rand, who made, respectively, the electrical equipment, the body and the engine. This machine started trials around New York City in 1924, sales of similar locomotives starting from 1925. His system of control is also used in other applications apart from railways, such as on giant earth-moving equipment. Wikipedia 2015-08-21. . See also Hennessey. Backtrack, 2015, 29, 519..

Lyon, S.C.
Chief designer Rolling Stock Design at English Electric Preston Pictured at Deltic roll-out Loco. Mag., 1955, 61, 190

McClean, Herbert George
Probably born on 29 March 1902. Worked for Crompton Parkinson, but switched to General Motors in 1946 and eventually moved to USA. Read several to Institution of Locomotive Engineers and contributed to discussions, dinners, etc. See Paper 382 The hammer-blow with axle-hung electric traction motors. Paper 454 The mechanical design of the latest class F high-speed electric locomotives of the Swedish State Railways. and Paper 582 American experience as a guide to main-line diesel locomotive applications overseas. Patents inn conjunction with General Electric and Cropton Parkinson.

McKeen, William R.
Former Supetrintendent of Motive Power on the Union Pacific Railroad wher he developed his petrol (gasoline) railcar with an advanced looking streamlined body, but a heavy engine and difficult clutch. Later he was set up by Edward Harriman to manufacture these cars win what was a successful financial business, but the cars were unreliable and some were converted to electric drive. Cars were sold to the Victorian and Queensland Railways in Australia. See Hennessey. Backtrack, 2015, 29, 519.

Margetson, Oliver
Co-inventor with Percy Grierson Robinson of Still diesel/steam locomotives: Patennt GB 200,586 Improvements relating to locomotives. Applied 13 April 1922; Published 13 July 1923: see Locomotive Mag., 1923, 29, 355.

Mathews, Dennis Cyril Hubert
Born on 9 October 1898; died 12 September 1964. Studied at London University and City and Guilds, London. Subsequently he worked as a traction engineer with Metropolitan Vickers Electrical Co. Ltd. and Crompton Parkinson Ltd. During WW2 he was a major in the Royal Engineer’s Transportation Branch (Railways), and served in France and the Middle East. After the war he joined Merz and McLellan as a consulting engineer on traction and from 1951 until his retirement at the end of 1963, was with the Traction Division of The English Electric Co, Ltd., where he was primarily concerned with the development of diesel electric locomotives. He was a Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers and a Member of the Institution of Locomotive Engineers from 1944 ILocoE obituary. Pictured at Deltic roll-out Loco. Mag., 1955, 61, 190

Mensforth, Sir Holberry
Born near Bradford (Yorks.) on 1 May 1871. Died Hazlemere on 5 September 1951. Humble origins and educated via mechanics institutes. Briefly ran his own gear cutting business, but joined B.H. Thwaite manufacturer of gas engines. In 1903 he joined Westinghouse at Trafford Park in Manchester and became General Manager thereat in 1917. He was recruited by Geddes to assist with the smooth transition from munitions manufacture to peacetime work. Received KCB in 1923. Briefly Chairman of English Electric, before being replaced by his General Manager, George Nelson. Retired in 1943. ODNB entry by Geoffrey Tweedale and Rutherford article in Bactrack, 2008, 22, 100.

Nyberg, Henry
Director of FWD in Slough which produced an early form of railway road/rail truck tried on Derwent Valley Railway. see Locomotive Mag., 1923, 29, 362

Passey, G.H.
Of AEC and involved with GWR diesel railcars and early British Railways development: see Langridge Under ten CMEs 2 pp. 162-3

Patton, William H.
Resided in Pueblo, Colarado. Patented in association with Pullman a design for a petrol battery electric raiilcar in 1889. See Hennessey. Backtrack, 2015, 29, 519.

Paxman, Edward

Penney, Brian
Apprentice at Worcester depot from October 1950 and  from 1954 at Swindon, then moved to drawing office. Worked on GWR diesel railcars and subsequently on various diesel locomotives and railcars. Photographer.

Picard, Fernand L.
Director of Research at Renault. Paper on experimental gas turbine locomotive. Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs., 1954, 169, 820

Pieper, Henri
See Loco. Mag... 1918, 24, 118-19. for diesel electrtic system with electricity storage (dynamotor)

Power, S.R.D.
Associated with diesel traction on CIE; became Works Manager Doncaster in 1960s. See discussion on  Paper 684

Priestman, William Dent
Born in Sutton near Hull on 23 August 1847. Quaker educated at Bootham School. Apprenticed at Humber Iron Works, thence at Gateshead Works of NER, Worked for Sir William Armstrong & Sons. Offered a Partnership in R.&W. Hawthorn, but his father acquired Holderness Factory in Hull on his behalf. Here hevay oil internal combustion engines were developed. These were used in barges, and according to Rutherford Backtrack, 2008, 22, 52 in a single locomotive used on the Hull & Barnsley Railway. Died in Hull on 7 September 1936. ODNB entry by James Dent Priestman.
Cummins, C. Lyle and Priestman, J.D. William Dent Priestman, oil engine pioneer and inventor—his engine patents 1885-1901. Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs, Part A: Power Process Engg, 1986, 200 A2, 69-80.

Raw, O.S.M.
Pupil at Armstrong-Whitworth in 1927-8. Subsequently worked on diesel traction in Ceylon. Name makes searching difficult via Google, but contributed to two papers on diesel traction: one by Fairburn on diesel shunters (see 1941, 31, 217) and the other by Brian Reed (see ILoco E Volume 43 p. 405). Letter in Rly Wld, 1969, 30, 368 on ROD Army surplus locomotives reconditioned at Armstrong Whitworth for export to China: at that time resided in Budleigh Salterton..

Ricardo, Sir Harry
Born in London on 26 January 1885; died 18 May 1974. Ricardo was one of the foremost engine designers and researchers in the early years of the development of the internal combustion engine. He improved on the engines that were used in the first tanks, oversaw the research into the physics of internal combustion that led to the use of octane ratings, was instrumental in development of the sleeve valve engine design, and invented the diesel pre-combustion chamber that made high-speed diesel engines possible. Educated at Rugby School and at Trinity College, Cambridge as a civil engineering student. In 1904, he entere the University Automobile Club's event, which was a competition to design a machine that could travel the furthest on a quart of petrol. His engine was a single cylinder one and the heaviest entered, but his motorcycle design nevertheless won the competition, having covered a distance of forty miles. He was then persuaded to join the Professor of Mechanism and Applied Mechanics, Bertram Hopkinson, working on research into engine performance. He graduated with a degree in 1906 and spent a further year researching at Cambridge.
Before graduation, Ricardo had designed a two-stroke motorcycle engine to study the effect of mixture strength upon the combustion process. When he graduated, a small firm, Messrs Lloyd and Plaister, showed an interest in making the engine. Ricardo produced designs for two different sizes, and the smaller one sold about 50 engines until 1914, when the war halted production. In 1909 he designed a two-stroke 3.3 litre engine, for his cousin Ralph Ricardo, who had started up a small car manufacturing company, Two Stroke Engine Company, at Shoreham-by-Sea. The engine was used in a car called the Dolphin. The cars were well made but it became apparent that they were costing more to make than the selling price. The company had better luck making two-stroke engines for fishing boats. However, in 1911 the firm folded and Ralph left for India. Ricardo continued to design engines for small electric lighting sets, that were produced by two companies up to 1914.
In 1915 Ricardo set up a new company, Engine Patents Ltd. to develop the engine that would eventually be used in the first successful tank design, the British Mark V. The Daimler engine used in the Mark I created excessive smoke, which gave away its position. Ricardo was asked to look at the problem of reducing exhaust gases and decided that a new engine was needed. Existing companies were able to undertake construction of such an engine but not the design, so Ricardo designed it himself. As well as having reduced smoke emissions, the new engine was much more powerful than the existing ones. The new six-cylinder engine produced 150 h.p., compared with 105 h.p., and later modifications produced 225 h.p. and 260 h.p.
In 1917 his old mentor, Bertram Hopkinson, who was now Technical Director at the Air Ministry, invited him to join the new engine research facility at the Department of Military Aeronautics, later to become the RAE. In 1918 Hopkinson was killed while flying a Bristol Fighter, and Ricardo took over his position. From that point on the department produced a string of experimental engines and research reports that constantly drove the British, and world, engine industry.
One of his first major research projects was on the problems of pre-ignition, known as knocking or pinging. To study the problem he built a variable-compression test engine: this led to the development of an octane rating system for fuels, and considerable investment into octane improving additives and refining systems. The great reduction in fuel use as a result of higher-octane fuel was directly responsible for allowing Alcock and Brown to fly the Atlantic in their Vickers Vimy bombers adapted with his modifications.
In 1919 Ricardo was studying the phenomena affecting the combustion within the petrol engine and the diesel engine. He realised that turbulence within the combustion chamber increased flame speed, and that he could achieve this by offsetting the cylinder head. He also realised that making the chamber as compact as possible would reduce the distance that the flame had to travel and would reduce the likelihood of detonation. He later developed the induction swirl chamber, which was an attempt to achieve orderly air motion in a diesel engine, the swirl being initiated by inclined ports and accentuated by forcing the air into a small cylindrical volume. Finally he developed the compression swirl chamber for diesel engines. This design embodied intense swirl with a reasonable rate of pressure rise and good fuel consumption. The compression swirl chamber design was called a Comet design and was subsequently licensed to several companies for use in trucks, buses, tractors and cranes, as well as private cars and taxis. A Comet combustion chamber was used in the first AEC diesel buses operated in 1931 by London Transport. In 1922 and 1923 Ricardo published a two-volume work The Internal Combustion Engine
In 1927 he formed Ricardo Consulting Engineers in Shoreham-by-Sea. Although Ricardo did not invent the sleeve valve, in 1927, he produced a seminal research paper that outlined the advantages of the sleeve valve, and suggested that poppet valve engines would not be able to offer power outputs much beyond 1500 hp (1,100 kW). A number of sleeve valve aircraft engines were developed following this paper, notably by Napier, Bristol and Rolls-Royce. Bristol produced the Perseus, Hercules, Taurus and the Centaurus, Napier produced the Napier Sabre and Rolls-Royce produced the Eagle and Crecy, all using sleeve valves. In 1929 Ricardo was elected Fellow of the Royal Society. Ricardo’s work on the sleeve valve affected the development of British aircraft engines in the 1930s and during WW2. He even enhanced the famous Rolls-Royce Merlin engine in the Mosquito by giving it an oxygen enrichment system to improve its performance. Ricardo assisted in the design of the combustion chambers and fuel control system of Sir Frank Whittle’s jet engine. In 1944 Ricardo was elected president of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. In 1948 Ricardo was knighted in recognition for his work in the field of internal combustion engineering. Wikipedia.
Bulleid sought advice from Ricardo for the Leader class which used sleeve valves and for the CIE turf burner on the design of compact steam engines.  See H.A.V. Bulleid;'s biography of his father.

Saccaggio, Pedro Celestino
Born in Italy at San Giorgio Canavese on 2 January 2 1876. Taken to Argentina when six and died there on 2 August 2 1959. When twelve he began work in the workshops of the Central Argentine Railway. CMS Buenos Aires Great Southern Ry in 1926 when introduced three-cylinder Pacifics: Locomotive Mag., 1926, 32, 240. Associated with the mobile power house method of diesel electric traction and many patents associated with this and a system for inter-vehicle couplings. His mobile power house system was described in Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev., 1933, 39, 18:
GB 442,162 Improvements relating to diesel-electric generating sets. Applied 3 August 1934. Published 3 February 1936:
GB 441,138 Improvements relating to the body or frame structures of engines, particularly internal combustion engines. Applied 13 July 1934: published 13 January 1936:
GB 440,039 Improvements relating to the control of mixed power installations. Applied 19 June 1934: published 19 December 1935:
GB 403,680 Improvements in and relating to the control of mixed power installations. Applied 22 June 1932.: published 22 December 1933.
GB 403,636 Improvements relating to the body or frame structures of engines, particularly internal combustion engines. Applied 22 June 1932.: published 22 December 1933.
GB 403,635 Improvements in and connected with power transmission gearing for the running axles of vehicles. Applied 22 June 1932.: published 22 December 1933.
GB 359,980 Improvements in and relating to the regulation of electric generators. Applied 30 July 1930: published 30 October 1931.
GB 359,030 Improvements in and relating to the regulation of electric generators. Applied 17 July 1930: published 19 October 1931.
GB 316,351 Improvements in and connected with coupling devices for rail vehicles. Applied 27 April 1928: published 29 July 1929.
GB 305,156 Improvements in electric power transmission controllers for locomotive and other vehicles. Applied 1 November 1927: published 1 February 1929.
GB 301,339 Improvements in and connected with the propulsion of railway trains or the like by electricity. Applied 27 July 1927: published 27 November 1928:
GB 301,004 Improvements in or connected with control mechanism for hydraulic power transmission gearing. Applied 23 August 1927: published 23 November 1928:
GB 300,977 Improvements in or relating to fluid pressure transmission mechanism for locomotives and other purposes. Applied 20 August 1927: published 20 November 1928:
GB 299,830 Improvements in or connected with toothed gearing. Applied 2 August 1927: published 2 November 1928:
GB 299,352 Improvements in or relating to the cooling of liquids in locomotive vehicles. Applied 23 July 1927: published October 1928:
GB 297,868 Improvements in and connected with transmission gearing. Applied  29 June 1927: published October 1928:
GB 297,141 Improvements in and connected with transmission gearing for the axles of railway vehicles. Applied 15 June 1927. Published 17 September 1929.
GB 173,991 Improved apparatus for operating the brakes of railway and other vehicles and for other purposes. Applied 12 March 1921: published January 1922:
Late work by him: Locomotive Mag., 1958, 64, 17.

Robinson, Percy Grierson
Co-inventor with Oliver Margetson of Still diesel/steam locomotives: Patent GB 200,586 Improvements relating to locomotives. Applied 13 April 1922; Published 13 July 1923: see Locomotive Mag., 1923, 29, 355.

Schur, Thomas
Some design considerations of main line diesel locomotives. ILocoE Paprt 597

Spanner, E.F.
See ILocoE Paper 521 by Dymond on gas turbine locomotives where criteria for successful train heating boilers were set out by E.F. Spanner on page 305. Also A1A Locomotive Society website.

Stead, J.H.
Managing director Drewry Car Co. Ltd. had been associated with Company for thirty years prior to daeth from pneumonis following influenza. Obituary Loco. Rly Carr. Wagon Rev., 1933, 39, 93.

Still, William Joseph
GB 17177/1913 Improvements in or relating to internal combustion engines. Published 26 August 1914

Sulzer,  Carl
Born in 1865, died at Winterthur on 30 October 1934. He was the eldest son of the distinguished engineer, Henry Sulzer, and after training in the Winterthur works studied at Lausanne and Dresden under Zeuner and Lewicki. A short period in the Sulzer designing office was followed by a visit to America, where he was employed by the Brown & Sharpe Co. Upon his return in 1891 he undertook the design of workshop equipment and tools in the Sulzer works, the developrnent of which demanded specialised tool equipment. In 1895 when he became a partner in the business, the Sulzer steam engine was approaching its zenith, and her had a considerable share in the management of this branch and in the evolution of large units for direct coupling to electric generators. He was responsible for several installations in Britain, notably those for the Metropolitan Electric Supply Co., Willesden, Harland & Wolff Belfast, Singer Manufacturing Co., Clydebank, and the Charing Cross Electrical Supply Co., Bow. Under his lead a complete change took place in the steam engine era in 1909 by the successful evolution of the "Uniflow" engine with its considerably increased revolution speed, forked frame and simplified valve gear, the first engines of which type were supplied to the Hafod Copper Works of Messrs. Vivian at Swansea. The experience with this design proved of great value in the modernisation of the ammonia compressor with which Dr. Sulzer was intimately connected, in collaboration with Professor Linde. He took a prominent part in the design and manufacture of steam boilers and high pressure pipe lines for hydraulic power stations, pressure vessels, gas holders, etc., in this respect closely following in the footsteps of his father. The introduction of the valve-type water level indicator was due to him. He was largely responsible for the adoption of the corrugated "Fox" flue" for Cornish and Lancashire boilers and the efficient arrangement of superheaters. Increasing steam pressure led to the manufacture of the vertical single and double bank straight tube boiler which was taken upon Dr. Sulzer's advice after exhaustive tests in 1890, and later, under his guidance, a boiler of 1,500 lb. per square inch pressure was designed, from which the Sulzer Monotube steam generator was evolved. Dr. Sulzer also took a keen interest in the development of the centrifugal pump for irrigation purposes, Pumps for de-watering became equally prominent, and as an example of Dr. Sulzer's perseverance the big installation at Codigoro should be mentioned, where stringent guarantees had to be given, which experts at that time considered unobtainable; but, in co-operation with Professor Prasil of Zurich, irnpellers were designed which enabled the guarantees to be complied with. The turbine pump was also developed, and the first high-lift mine pumps for Horcajo and the Victor Rauxel pit in Westphalia are of interest. When the Sulzer organisation was converted into a limited company in 1914 Dr. Sulzer became chairman and, leaving the technical side on the business more in younger hand, devoted much of his time to social and political duties for his country. Locomotive Mag., 1934, 40, 394

Tayler, Arthur T.H.
Tayler had been on Southern Railway Chief Electrical Engineer's staff since 1942 and was sent on an exchange course to English Electric Company to study diesel engines, and on  return to the Southern Region was put in charge of the maintenance of the Region's diesel-electric shunters. Author of Newcomen Society paper: 600/750V DC electric and electro-diesel locomotives of the Southern Railway and its successors and long letter in Backtrack (12-688, 1998) on British Railways traction policy. Also wrote a book on North American railways..
Class 47 diesels. with W.G.F. Thorley and T.J. Hill. London: Ian Allan, 1979. 96pp.
This was Thorley's book, but he died before it could be completed: Tayler completed the task.
Sulzer types 2 and 3. London: Ian Allan, 1984. 96pp.

Trutch, Charles Joseph Hyde
Of the Sir W.G. Armstrong  & Co. Diesel-electric Traction Dept awarded gold medal by the Institute of Transport for paper: The oil engine and the railways. See Locomotive Mag., 1931, 37, 356 and discussion on ILocoE paper.

Tufnell, R.M.
Author of several books on diesel traction and on locomotives in general. Letter in Backtrack, 1998, 12, 637 notes that he was on the LMS during the ten years up to 1939, in the Electrical Engineers Department. There we felt the same frustrations with the management and the only electrification we managed to get done during that period was the miniscule line from Manchester to Altrincham, now part of the 'Metrolink'. We electrified the main line many times on paper at 750 volts, at 1,500 volts and at 3,000 volts, all de but it was not until the advent of the mercury are rectifier that it became at all possible. The Weir report of 1931 gave us great hopes, but it was only realised on the Southern and how we envied its progressive General Manager. On the LMS we were still living under the shock of the O'Brien episode and everyone kept a very low profile.
It was Ivatt's design of bogie that made the Brush Class 31s so successful as he was our consultant and full of interesting tales about the early days of No. 10000: it was such a shame that it was scrapped, but perhaps one day a replica may be made. Incidentally, the English Electric diesels were not made at Rugby, but at Preston. Rugby built the larger 15in bore engines for marine and industrial use, though it was there that the high speed (l,500rpm) 'U' engine was developed. That was originally intended for the HST and I had many discussions with Terry Miller about that. Unfortunately lack of development money caused the cancellation of that engine - typically British. The German engines on the Western Region were also considered, but perhaps fortunately not chosen. Some twenty years later I wrote a paper entitled 'The Engine that never ran a Mile' and, basing it on Kettering's famous paper on the development of the GM 567 engine, it was awarded the Institution's silver medal for the best paper of the year.

Vandervell, Charles Anthony
Born Paddington in 1871; died 30 August 1955. Technical education at University College, London. In 1892 he established a business at Willesden Green, for the manufacture of accumulators. In 1908 he transferred the business of C. A. Vandervell and Co. to Acton, and there rapid development was made in the production of the constant current dynamo. Just priior to WW1 Vandervell began work on the production of self-starters, the first push-button silent starter being fitted to his own car. Subsequently, similar starters were fitted to tanks and other fighting vehicles. The development of ignition equipment for commercial vehicles followed, and in 1926, the business of C. A. Vandervell and Co. was merged into the Joseph Lucas organisation, in which Mr. Vandervell continued to serve as a director until his retirement in 1946. Throughout his long career, he commanded the respect of all who knew him, for his vast technical knowledge and also for his practical application of it. He was energetic in the affairs not only of his own business but also in that of the Norton Motor Cycle Company, in which he had an interest. In his later years he became also a director of Vandervell Products, Ltd., the bearing company founded by his son, Graces Guide. Commentators in Langridge Under ten CMEs notes connection with ACV railcars

Wakley, William Jefferson
Man behind the Drewry Car business. Eager member of Institution of Locomotive Enginners: great attender at dinners and similar social events Discussion on ILocoE Paper 292 by Pudney.

Wilkin, Anthony Vivian
Born in 1901; died suddenly on 11 January 1963. General Manager of English Electric Company’s Diesel Engine Division. Educated at Huish School, Taunton, received his early training at Taunton and Chester Technical Colleges followed by four years pupilage from 1919 to 1923 at the Works of Sandycroft Limited, Chester. In 1923 appointed Technical Representative, Ruston and Hornsby Ltd. and in 1932 he left to take charge of the Diesel Engine Department of Belliss and Morcom Ltd. Joined The English Electric Company in 1943 as Manager of the Diesel Engine Sales Department, becoming General Manager of the Diesel Engine Division six years later. He was a member of the Boards of the English Electric Export and Trading Co. Ltd. and of W. H. Dorman and Son. Ltd. For twelve years he served on the Council of the British Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturers’ Association, for two as Chairman of the Council and for eight as Chairman of the Finance and General Purposes Committee. Obituary: J. Instn Loco. Engrs., 1962, 52, 657.

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